HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-7, Page 88 TIIUMDAT, Feb. 7, 1$01. THE SIGNAL : '(3ODERICH ONTARIO. The GreatestXillt Sews \"k Mark-down We Ever Had We mean to make our FEBRUARY SALE the best we ever had. A mild Fall and Winter has left us with quite a few Winter lines still on hand, and to clear out and make room for our new Spring stock we are prepared to make a sacrifice, starting MON- DAY, FEBRUARY THE 4th. Don't miss it. No Old Shop-worn Goods All Clean New Stock CLOTHING. Nice heavy Frieze Overcoats, r.•. nlar $b 00, for'; Special Boys' Frieze Overcoats, sizes 30 to 34, to clear $2 :'I) Extra value Men's Tweed Work ing Pants, worth $1 25, t 3 clear at S5c Boys' Underwear and Merl s, as sorted sizes. Boys' wool Shirts and Drawer,, worth 35c and 40c, to clear at .... • 25e Men's Underwear, regular 50c, for 35c Special line Men's Shirts and Drawer,, at e . , .. - 25e Special heavy Cottona'Ie, regular 25c, for 17c Best heavy Shirting, worth l ic, for 1'3i; Big range Men's and Boys' Suits, • minced. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S JACKETS. One lot, good sizes and color., worth $4 to $6, to clear, $1 5t1 Some 'very nice black beat ::loth Beaver Jackets, worth i$8 to $10; t3 clear at $5 00 Ladies' fine block wool Mitt •,•reg- ular 50c for, f' Full size white Blankets, worth $1 00, for ..75c Extra talus heavy grey Flannel, regular 25c, for.. 20c Balance of our Furs at cost. Goal stock heavy Shawls, and fancy plaid Shawls, at reduce 1 prices. Ladles' and children's Under wear all at reduced prioes. See our Factory Cotton, worth 7c, for 50 Big stock of new and right styles:1ln Dress; Goods and Silks, all reduced. It will be to your interest to buy now. Smith Bro's &Co. Doyou want the news? YOU WILL FIND IT IN "THE SIGNAL." TIE BOOT AMD SHOE WORKERS' UNION STAMP IS ..a y THE J. D. KING CO.,Limited. w� •�� Mr. manufacture of Boot and Sham. s�.w.s. wrtwn IS tired by THE J. D. KING CO.� Limited, upon Ill tl adr manufacture Boot.+ and Shoes. Ne strikes„ cessation of work or labor difficulties promote the highest p . Ible pro- dadMn of perfect workmanship. le thug consulting ties latasests of tine consumer we urge that you DEMAND These SAWS.... are in We sell nothing but the best -made goods. AXES.... Leader, Racer, Buffalo Hill, Premi_r, Rapid Easy, Challenge. We sell our Saws and Axes Black Diamond "•° Mad. Monarch, Clipper, SpeJal, Triumph, other lines. on small margins. We have a fine assortment of BELLS, which we are running oft. McKenzieEioWell THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. A Household Necessity because of the unary uses it can be put to. In sickness it's better than 1 hot cloths or compresses. It makes a hot application a pleasure because it does away with the disagreeable and uncomfortable wet clothe and the like, A guaranteed dot Water Butile iitiarauteed not to leak for one year. If by any mishap they should, bring them back and we'll replace them free of charge. Cold weather is at hand -the time to buy those com- forts is DOW To relieve the effects ' of grip, take our Laxative Quinine Tablets and Brown's Balsaul of Wild Cherry Bark. Those remedies are guaranteed or your money back. Ask your doctlr about our new way of testing drugs. JAS. WILSON, 1'reecription Drug Store. ' Terme Gash. No Credit. The J. D. KING CO.'S UNION MADE SHOES Ye Old Valentines Ye Old Bookstore. LANES: Tt'6eoAy, Feb. 5.b. Quite a number + t ibis vic by e -e la•d op with the grip.`. Mies Natl.: Id, of Donee thou, to r'tlt is at Sid. The storm of last rock beg bre akad up the road. soiderablj. eo- F. Jebo.too has tossup from Drayton for the past week or so transacting neatness in oouneotloa with hie farm here. Rey. Mr. McNamara, of Ripley, oecupled the pulpit here Sande), very soo.ptably,lo the absence of Mr. Whaley, w ho was at Bed gray! _ BELL TELEPHONE CO. Don't close your telephone door to your business by allow ing non -subscribers to use your telephone. When customer, call you they have been told nth Writ Is IN Oen. OEO PORTER, L. al Manager. 11/Phone Nn. 100. • It is unnecessary to repeat that Valentines are all the rage again, and as usual this store has all the newest and most artistic ones, selected from English, French and Yankee manufacturers. Children's Valentines from lc. to 20c. • Others range from Sc. to SOc. cherieof the 4th folio 1a the school, ttls being her sixth y.ar as assistant. There i- • very large attendance requiring wives. or sight teachers la the lostituti.a Mr. Mus- grove, prinoipal, hu held the poeitton for • camber of years, wbloh speaks well for his *fitment ,ervioe° The WInghamltes de• serve credit for their .rcellent eobool house. We wish to make a Test AND Alit Milling to Pay for it. In order to test The Signal as an ativortietng medium and at the same time intro- duce to the people of (lode - rich our White Pine Com- pound with Tar for ooughe. etc s we wake tate tultuwtug offer: To everyone presenting this all aol 20( on tiaturiay we will give our regular 2&: bottle of this Cough Syrup This is oue of the beet mix - turn on the loaf het F. M. DUNHAIM, Phm. B., DRUGGIST. =of of Wtet lit and Square. Frank, A Elliott womb to Loodoa and pared the ueoe.ealy •x•wleat ton before the board of esan.iu.r. of the Assimilation ol R' •- 'ooary linau.o..e, receiving • second oleo oenina,ts snub qua &tet h m eo ke full Arai... of any steam p1 at. OrylclAL VISIT - On Tuesday of last week J. E. Tom, P. 5 I , otEolally visited 1)o•gannon .oheol, and after having ex- amined the pupils in both departments •r pressed himself well pleased with the order, n.•' we and thoroughness of the work and Ileo with the promptness i, enswerlop the goestloos, which reflects great credit oo the ryltem of tuition by the tewhere, Mr. 'tiger,, prtnolpal, acid Miss Millwood, as slstaot The awbtaot has been but a short time to charge but ie rlv'ng g I estufao- tloo e-tdtwill make au imminent teacher. The loop``-otor, owing to his thorough mods of lasteotioo and examination of the pupils, and to keeping hlmselt well posted in the most reoeot model ot teaching, ie the right person in the right oleos. Exrasssios or Moeasit'u -On Sstur•' day, god, being at W Inch im visiting relit. Hem ani former aoluamtancee, we were privileged to attend tbs union memorial service of the citizens of t' Ingham and others of K Wawanoab, and Turoherry, held in the town hall, to memory of Her late Majesty, Queen Vtotoria. Rev. Masers, R Hobbs, 1). Perris, W. Lowe, A R Prior and W. J. Freed took part to the no, emn and imoreeslve servo). • and Re.. W . Bo -- wash primal int. Excellent and appropriate movie was 1nrntabed by members of the various oharches to Wrotham. A short addrrn relative to the life, relt,u and de - owe of Qaeeo Victoria was given by slob of the l.rrymeo sad they were att ontively Ilsteced to by the large audience A large number oould not gain an entrance and were obliged to leave for home. The most tog. which listed for about two bou-., was closed by the choir and aullenoe storing the national anthem, "God bate the K'og." PORT ALBERT. TUrsnAy, Feb 5th las. McConnell is visiting relatives In Her prier. .1. R. Hawk , . left for Rnohester &Neter. day motnlot.. Mies Orabam 1s visiting with Mr..od Mn. Randal Graham. The ame fever that has been rag'1g at Nile lately has struck our burgh, and the wedding belle e -e raw tg, Grip is quits prevalent to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. ,las. Olver sod Mr. sod Mee, A. Smola be lg among those suffer .g from the malady. Mr.Tom, 1.1' 4.,paid our.ohcol a visit on Wednesday alter000 last He brourbl Mln (fray from Sheppardtoo along with him for the visit. rRbprons No. is 100 R. Store clones at 6;30 p m. Porter's Book Store Court House Square, Cloderlch. i BLUIkVALE. MONDAY, Feb. 5th Mrs. Si.w. el (loderleb, Is y'at",g Meade fa this village. MM halite Porter visited Mottles In W iegbam last week. Jobs Brewut, of Listowel, spot fie Id/ y with bindle la the village.. Mtn Aerie Ste rt. et Turaberry, is visiting Mese Asst. A'chia,a. Mies Aldus D.(, o Mola,worth, spent iuod.y at bee bone is lsevale. Mr.'esd Mrs. R. 0 ('ya.emerr, of New. bridge, videtd re'etivee itt the v.11•ge last Sunday. Mien Aisle • 4 Be11 Risherdo,n.ot Brea - 2.1., td..t•d tivlr su .t, Mrs Jelin Hurst&', :1,,s wt.b. DU'4LOP. 1'Ot'DAy, Feb 5'h Chu McN•il and Chs.. H•ug',ttn were method, visitors at Myth Tuesday of last n eek. Robert and R.'bard Ok., at one time deet. bete, have returned from the iom• .er woods seer Warton to the.r home se tlnderie', after • three months' may Ther., end give:it'd fel gds here a transient call lett wee.. nun, a1• moon of last week D, Law- son received tldlors t y wlr.' .1 the deatb of his brnther•I.•l..w, Andrew Thompson, at %%L .t_Idsy_ .City.. Wahine. John Les- son loft l.y the early train on Mrtorday to attend. tie funeral, dor many years Mr. 1 hompeon wrs nee of the leading builders and narpenter, 11 Ondertoh, with Chas. Miller, now of Breeden, Manitoba, se his partner. Shortly aft it dlaeolving their partnership Mr. Thompson went with his family to Iles .t Ray City, and worked there ass butMer; 'l'bree wens survive him, Andrew, William and Frederick. Mr., Tbompea died two vest.) .go Some Bargains In shoes... Having completed our annual stock taking, we find a uuwl,er of odd Tines in Men'r, Wouren'a and Children's Boot. and Shen -- These will loo put on our Bargain Counters at the venue price regardless of the fonuer pricell. You may have your choice at 75c. per pair. Tht se must get out of the house, and in order to mt. ve then out we put a move -out price on each one. Thune Shoes are all right in every way, but it is our system of cleaning Inc the stock after a season's business. We are simply giving you dwarf prices on giant Values. Men's Felt Boots, best quality, $1.48 per pair. Best quality of Carpet and Felt Slippers, 15e. per pair. Rubbers, very best quality at lowest prices. We are reedy to compete with any kind of sale except an auction .ale. P. T. HALLS, Repat.ting, Sole Agent for Queen Quality Second Week's Selling \ ...of the... Rowson Stock. We've prepared a big HS of specials for the second week at the Robinson Store. Any one of them would be well worth coming after, but when you get an array of values like these it is worth while making a special effort to visit this store. G i goods, reliable qualities, selling for wholesale prices and less. THE ROBINSON HOSIERY. A chance to buy good hosiery, the kink that gives satisfactory wear -- most of it the famous " Goderich " make - for less money than merchants can buy it for by the dozen at the mill- We want the stock cleared quickly or we -would not sell at these prices. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wasted- Roll tt.tter, 220. o, ruin., W ingbam. St. George Pyla, 1e th• agent to Ooderlob the J. 1). King Co. 'm unlou-made shoes. Oyster,. Get them at the Victoria Rea. Laurent, West street. They receive them regularly --always fresh, Ice cream. oou• lectionary, fruits and ofgars. C. Bt.Acg- SToke, proprietor. Telephone 70. Roy your grsoerlss from 1'. T. !'.ac,, Hamilton et , where you can get a ••.,,,plat. 'took of choir's groceries at -tett .,rioes and a disoounbfor wish. Just s• 'ol 500 Dana ef.00rn, peas and tomatoes to oo geld .t re- duced rata,. The Ladles' Ald of North 'trot Methodist ohurch will hold • social on Monday evening ora In the basement of the ohoroh. A Tight tea will be d from 7 to B. 'Thera will be • program sod • sociable time. All weloome. Admission 10 oaota. DUNGANNON. Notice.- The local .genoy 1n 1Mngannon for Toll Bros A,. la at the oleos of J. 0. Wane, J,1'., oonve ander, to.. who will erosive or , den for subscriptions. advertising and job - work, and is authorised to give reoelpte for amounts Mid for the Mme TAR. G. A. NEWTON, iH'NTIST, HAM l dlannntinned h'e ti pe to Dungannon. Will be pleased to meet env from that neigh horhood who rimy require h's servloes at the home ofllre. I,noknow, where he will be fonnd every day India week exempt Thnrsdav, when he v.slte Ripley. 4peolal attention f aid t0 preservation of Natural teeth. crown and Midge work, etc. Rimy methods of et ract- leg '1'cteoav, Feb. 5th. Come AT L*'nTN - We are hewing at pre.at an experience of Canadian whiter, with John Frest as k'ng and . •t •bandana. of the beautiful. Brstist's CHAxor. -Henry Erwin, who has for ammo tlms earrled on business as barber r id hadrdrneo, heeler t e view a better poeitlro, reoently *old not to Jobe Bemlord, who has been harrying on bosiness Inc mime years In this village vary 5cooi w folly. We w them both oomtleo.d e n oozes. Wls.it M Menton.. - Daring a recent vl.It with relativr...4 friends a1 Wlag►am and ether pots year conte had the plate ore of visiting Win/ham pub a o*'.sel, aid w as agr•eeh�l•, eurplsed be meet with • for. mer oapll, Mlse Rob.rtem, who hot the HOCKEY NOTES. 25 pain woollen ever hose. gut bee'. Knee amds•r,ta,- able, small sizes, odd pat a of lines that sen ilDe sad 25.•. Our ..I. price ... .. ....: .. . 20 pairs over hoer. •ame a. above only tarter *kw Ts. Rebleeee pelmet were 36.. 0.. sale peleeo . Hoye' ribbed woollen hose, dt.de from taro"! rat d, odd wear well. 'rhe Robtnsou promo were 'Lfia sad 30s• Ose e k 1 pyla, Sp.otal facilities are beteg provided for those who wish to go to Meaforth with the hookey teem mist Monday, and It 1e prob able that a large number will go down to se. what ebno14 be one of the beet evilest of Inc •cries. The 3 ; 15 P. r train will be held over until 6 o'clock, and the return trip will be made by the 1.1., train. The fa.c will ilk, ly be 900. The booke, match beet night wars not of the oleo* variety, the home tom defeating Wmghtm by a wore of 23 to 4. Th. (lode- rioh seven was slightly d.ff from that j wales played 8 r.iford, the forward hoe. betn t composed of Mclver, McCarthy. Mc- Gaw ant Fred ...Shannon. Thle war. the last home grime of the enmity latrine sere., bet 'here will proh.b'y be some roc I game, yet oo the G Assn in flak Wore the ole. of the eeasor. Tams reprseesilsg aim Harmony olob and the Kilts club. respectively, 0,0.5.4 stink. is a hookev match at Ohs rick o0 Monday evening, The Elites sustained •hrlr pr.eidge, the there beiog 1 to01t their lav, r. re, teal• were :_-Rates-reel. D. `Stratton : t o 0', 0 Keleher : Dever point, 1.. Parsons ; to -wads, W. (live', H. Me- llow, N. Mo(law, H Sturdy. HsrmoeJ - gnU. 8 Belcher ; phis., (J. Almk ; esi.r- polat, ('. Vidian : fnrwarde, J. Craig, I.. AIeIA+ H. Robertson. Reg. Harrison Friday n'ght'a hockey game with Strut - ford walth. most Interesting of the awns. Toe reputation of the Chula City team wee current here, and though tloderloh penal' have great oonfidemee In their own player' they were prepared to sea them defeated by the ol.ver peak-ohasera from down the lies. The teams were as follows • Strat- ford-float,W. Woods ;point, E. Forbes, wverpolot, G. 1S. Gordon : forwards, (' I.ddhtlnnt, L. Frear, R. Edmonds, W. Herm Goderioh-Goal, J. Campbell ; poral, 0. Allan ; cover point, 1). '1 bompsea ; for. wards, .1. Wiggins, C. MoG•w, W. Mo- Oarthv, A. MoDonald. When McCarthy. alter a mleute sod a half of play, wired the flet goal for Gederiob the applause was up- rnsrinns, awl ft was renewed about two minutes liter when the deed was repeated. The visitors were cheered - Aatursliy not with so much he.rttnest when th.y tnok the third goal The flr.t half ended with the sones 5 t . 3 In favor Flt Gnd.rtoh. The opposing team' made a0 even division of the gnats In the mermaid half, eaoh taking throe, the tutors at the close standing M to 6. Of the visitor. the nimble Lightfoot was par haps the most Interesting player, while Mathew, who appeared for the fleet time with the flolerloh teem, name In ter • goer! ' hue of attention. There was good nem- binatlns work on both side., sod the epee• retort were delighted with the splendid peeving of the home team. ('has. Rankin, o1 Stratford, mads a very .5tlehnory re terse, and the umpires were H '1 reser., of Stratford, and Ale.. Mnivnr. Tb. Msl e lite were again need and proved themselves sttrernely useful Leet Moeda Peter's thumb tee young ladles Fit 1 Ts er eh were rsorived Into the Indleet Sodality. They were white coils and were invested with a blue sash or rlbbnn with a medal pendant. The oetemmv Mob plaits at vespers. Haney rbhed woollen ho.., made Iron rrawly worsted y•rn., wide rib. Just the thing for school vies. Our ale prices are 1, m 7c, to 10) • pair lets thio the RoMoeoo pewee. All sizes ep to 6i, sale pintoes 221 all swat over bi, Nle pries. .. .... . Plain woollen hose tor ladles or alrb weer, 'loft fl -lige, w►11 wear well, •very pair at • saving. All ores up t . 7: 'ale pease a I razes over 7, gels prices A few piing of love' ribbed bots. heavy make, m.'. from °trent) worsted yarns. medium ant large • ri•. 1'h. Robtntoo pries was 370. Our gels pries. IOc 20c 19c 35c ISc 19c 25c THE ROBINSON UNDERWEAR. We are going to make short work of the 'Robinson underwear, if prices will do it. Underwear for ladies and gentle- tneu, boys and girls, at p es that will make it pay you to buy our next winter's supply now. You : i't make y muck easier than by bas . . , any o these : C.0 'a ribbed vests, tet all wool, also flews heed, small sisee Tb. Robinson pros was 25o. Our sale pmol.. Chtldree s ribbed nod gesos lined vests, Targe dear. Tbo Robiusod.prro-s were 36. and 40o. Our wale prirer-..,. L.d,ri bink 'queen in Vila. . Tno Rob,oeat roe was 60Our Dale price Laden' ribbed •este and drawee, vests epee freak. Special sale pi ice .. 19C THREE '',4"a" • ADV'rs ACTIVE AGENTS WHIN PLACID IN THE SIGN 4Ii11NiN11N11illiiiel FIFTY-FOURTH IS Y' THE WEEKLY MA"rtt r I 0ooaatoH, Feb Fall Wheat /lour. family. per cwt.... -_...- Flour, patent. per cwt Brae • eon ._..._ 1 6horia •ton .............. Screen age, per cwt It,, per bush Buckwheat. per berth Oat.. • bush .......... ....... r_ I'eas. • Muth. -....-........- Barley. per Muth ��y,� sew, • ton. pofsYm. sew. •.bush•. -• Mire* ealanial. Sea- Hides. �.._.._- Lamb-611ns - Live Hon ' I tressed Roils Hawn. Ham. per Ib..........-......- Lard, per lb. Dews Beef remwinner Dressed Beef. bind Ca!tle, leper& Apprenttesa Waal APPRENTICES WANTED making apprentices wanted 1 18t1 Apply le sorra BI Model Tallowing B WIPE 70 ANNOUNCI /ramal public, that wo 1 MA a tailoring eslabll. ' fla'a Fair. corner of N est sir Square. We goarents. all our wt the best city trade. 8trlotly) was pros only. WM. BTAPI February Itch. 1101. Horse t4hoetng, )B HAVING ENOAGRD N I toaster hone 'hoer.' 1 will o Inchop in oonoeotioo alb my and maoblae bad0,,.. Bp.cla elven to Interfering and bad 1 trade solicited, estistaetl ,n gimes D. B sTRAC 17 71 t'lotorl Gard ot Thank CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity of u Wanke to the Loon.,m'oal Mutual anon Company to- the prompt wi they pard the $I0M.00 Io.. for luau I heel oo the apple ersp•wat0- at which was destroyed byfire oa C 1900. MA11RW 11 Dwane on, January 5th. 1901 Charles L 8]°w. agent. Go 39c An Extra Special. Indies ribbed vests and drawer., nearly all ws.I. enough oeN. ,n them to keep them from shrinkine, also tine :quality fleece heed von and dravrs. Tn. R.btssen prices wen 50o and 75e. Our este pr.oe, chola, of lot 43c Mea'. h.a.y demos lined eh'rt• and drawers, alio all wool. ('` -toe of over 200 garments for sole. 37c men's extra .{+oaliby wool, $sloe lined sklrte sod drawers, .so Il o wool-o•k.s. The Rob n...o IoLar germ's'.. Year 68c obotw of over 300.1 thaw ler este A Clean Sweep of the Robinson Mantles. Not a mantle to he left in stock when we wind up this great sale\ prices that will make a clean sweep of e'.-ery garment. How are these flantles at 39c. There are about 35 tweed misstate to the Robinson stook, they are made .,f good material but are about 32 isobar long and have large elsevse. With a little alteration they would make good school coat.* for girls rhe oolor 1s grey. The Robinson prices were $4 00 and $4 50 Your 'holes for sale 39c 7 ooly oblldreo's reefers. nobby gatmest., dark oolors. T... Robin. enc prices were 83.90 awl $4 26. Chores for ale $2.25 5 only girls' tweed Meters with (apse, small °'zit res Robinson prices were $4.60 sad 85.00 Our ale prior each $ 1.75 We are makin.; values ? A few only ladle.\'blaok meatiest, velvet Dollar, Dation' lined, stylish .cid serviceable garment". The Rnbia• son primes were $4 50 and.$6 50. Our Dale prion ... .... $2.9 8 Ladies black cloth oapse, rough finish full sweep, satin fsoing, 515b oollar. The Rob.neon pries was $6.75. Our Dale pries .... . 52.50 The Robinson Furs. As with the mantles so with the furs. We want to make a clean sweep of the entire Robinson stock. No furs to he left when the sale is over. This is the way we aro selling thein : I, ,r1 astraohnn jacket, bright. ,rloe.y for, farmers' satin Imine. 5re us] for ale. , $17.50 Lathes' •e'rsohae Pickets, nice, even glossy earl, well and carefully made, good satin Ilnlog 26 inch.. long. 4.1. prroe .... .. .524.50 1 only elootrio seal lecke&, very • • h thuk fur, fancy stilt ttning. A very nobby garment. R-gular $3.5.00. Our sale prloe . .. - • • .. 526.75 2 only ladles' astrachan isakete, M•o'e assorted fur caw, seaweed he. 1 quality. thickly furred, bright kind• wedge shape, meetly small our!, bot of lining., lugs sizes. Rego rices that are left. sale priest 51.35 ler $45 00. Oor sate prim. ....$34. M 0---- ---- ladies' .eale0ta gmantlets, Few quality, Mather palm. Regular a Ilei Sale prix 90c Ladle.' bleak astrachan eaperlses, bright glooy fur. newest styles, trim. mod with talo. Special for ab..54.75 Meo'a beat,• rased oppoe.um rape, a rich tar, light weight, wedge sierra The Robinson prise was $4.50. Uar------- ale price 52.98 A BARN IN LADIES' HATS. Every hat in die store, walking hats, outing hats, sailors; also trimmed tam crowned hats, The Robinson prices were 65c, 75c, $1.00 and 81.25. Your choice of entire stock for 15c These are but a few - a very few - of the many lines of thoroughly dependable and reliable dry goods that are selling under value for this great, sale. ON» PRIM - 0A.1333 OR PRODVO/D_ HODGENS BROS. Robinson'. Old Stand, Uodertoh. LOCAL NEWS Ffe BRIEF. - There Is no oocaslon to suffer from the cold when you can get • good oar •m stilt and win- ter overcoat at 1'redh am's for prines as low es the tempwtn -6. The residence of the late Mrs Snuthoo* on Mt. David's street was parohased by Win Anhesee for $650. The Holmes oval ease tau aryl. 1 hiders the ('port of Appeal at Toronto on E day an 1 lodgment was reserved. Th• Collegiate institute Il ersty Society will oommeaes Its m.5l/ege for the term with a °rammed* tomorrow evening. 14r.. and the Misses Merton haversmov• WI to taws from 0.yMld earl hays aide R. W. MoRseelse house es Rrnek etre Seances 1n behalf of the edseatlonal fund Will be preached In Northet. Methodist ohoroh nest Monday by Rev. W. O. Howson, of Clinton. .1ehn Mackie, of Toronto, addressed the Epworth I..aeve of North st. Methodist ohoroh no Ta.eday evasion on the work of the Fred Tinter Walnut to Termite. The swamis. In V tn5erla .5 ohne* will be c ontloned dialog this week, Perth w an- 00enesment. nett Monday, Rohjent for nest Sabbath evening, "W hat all sneered per - sone are dein/ ler themselves." (h semolina of the 0.d condition et 1 to reed, the Epworth Iwagners n/ (11Inteat who were to he the attests to the Inease M North at. Methodist ohoroh en 'lereday evening, postponed their vitt Inc a week. (1.o. Roston, proprietor of the Oedemas Hesse, hu traded hie lame.. trotter, Allan Line, to John Newcombe for • tholes of four ant of seventeen bead of well bred Jersey cattle. The deal was ee°olad.d Wednesday. The C.O. F. will held a sp•olsl meetlag oti Tuesday sett, February 190i, few the per - pea. e1 eoaepleNeg arrategaea'e for so oyster, sip's, to be held this month. Rrery reewiMr t• requested to attend. THns. Br,aenws, S.oe. vy, Darine Mnseay stent the meanies drapery ever the entranne to the Rank of Oemmeree was removed by •Health M•a.Rer Wnl- iamm M'earth aseeyM, and I, world he well ter the peepewstee et the deed to rewire the Soles goads istesdlately, For dale. FOR SALK OR TO RR story brick shop. career Trafa1Pgar streets. Goderloh Ain PASMORR F�SALE . -LOTS 95, 96. 1 and 14.4 In Hutnhlsoo''ssp 0ederioh. For parttaulas ap 1.11 Barrister. to Marsh 14th. 1900. HOUSN. AND LOT FOR 1 et. Wldder Prot, Hotaht the property of the late hie. Girl this °Moe or to T1104. LAC P. 0. 1e-tt AGOOD80 ACRE FARM Lot 71, concession 11. 0* Ships situated 11 miles from 11 miles from Clinton Good ball orchard. wells. and tiering creek of fall wheat. Terme reason 1. lars apply to TH.)4. 0CNDRI ertcb. 161f FARM NOR SALE -TH Piss. farm known as Fern." Defog E. half :cit P cont Wawaobeh. 100 acres. Warne el a good 1tete of oulttvatian. There la oe)be plane a good two dwelling ho 19.17 with wing g-od Pone oe ar. a frame b. stone Pablo u er, 4 acres of g good never 'sill spring wells. good clay loam, a Flt 70.ores 1 of fall whest• a.d •om. fall pphi fences are good_ 1t I. o a resell& convenient to 'huroh Schon from the village of burn. Blyth LI miler from tb tow&'. °nd ('limen. Tbls is aver . del ■o poor or want, lead. �1' 1 "r toll r tbe ul to aoply n eolicltor for the .555(6 of 10. It day. MuatO. W GLENN CAMPBKLI Organist and musical dtreoti Methodist church, and teacher alp" organ and theory. will be r.tve pupil'. Instruction sI studio or at pupil's home. as de at Rieman'. Music More. Wes Modloal D08. TURNRULL & Pb elclana, Burgeon.. et Office. Homllton street. ht calla answered from o eppbone 109, j, rUitNBULL. F. 1 1 R8. BBANNON A GA t 8 and Sorgeooe. building. weet al reeldenoes rtes. 1 . Napier sR Ix. 11 asuranees I CHAS. R. tilAW, GRN( ANCR and real estate as door east of P. 0., 0aderfoh. leading mntital ire lemeranoe leading stock oomtanles. Mercantile and manpofect lowest rates. Call at colo.. w• R. RORRRTRO Accountant and (nem. Books and °ewnnts made 11n1141°p rented and Tana Fire Ittmnnos to British Companies. (Mho.- In Prondfoot t Ha street Goderloh. F. J. T. NAFfEI., G BURAN..I and He Fire. 141.., Aoolde dead Plate effected on mntaal or trash rates pomlble. Hest English and (tnadlan resented. (Mloe nest doer 10 (*arrow rimer, Hamilton Street. Ell oula A. NGI.ESaai For .t'ernel nee only. to a spinal disease. hip die aa.. I. madam, lame back, Tomas weak and Powe longs, brnlr 10ure end aol 11 his •also been foli etid aM Notice* le horeee. Nose having the trade mark o peril and a A. McLennan • flee. 0at.. .tamp d en wet we Masufeetnr.4 only by RIG i.gMNAN, mole pateatee and gate ease +t, Godorieli. Oat. May Gndertoh poop,' bride, ere Interested in the the mutts e( Mies Bahr of Weedese,te iso (1.0r.b William. tee &letla l' bel nor se No 5 q4 elk.