HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO.
THUIUDAY, Feb. 7, 1901.
W. Acheson & Son
February Selling
• • • NEW DRESS GOODS • • •
We believe this to be the best value in desirable and new plata Goode we
have ever offered at • popular prioe. REAL) :
40 pieces of good weight all wool French Dress or Suiting
Serges, 36 to 40 inches wide, in every desirable 1C„
color and black, at per yard special J •
900 yards of American Chinchilli Flannels or French
Cotton Flannels, suitable for dressing jackets, waists
or dresses, in all new patterns of dots and neat patterns.
Colors warranted fast. Regular value 20c. a lard. 111
Special 2v
50 pairs large American Double Cotton Blankets, good
weight and full size, in grey and white, at per 85c
pair 'J •
Men's Fur Goats, Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes at Clearing
W. Acheson & Son
B rutal. • Dr. F. K. Kubfletmsh, formerly
of Brussels, has looted at Ballo, Oa.
Sestorth r Tb• South Huron egr Dopar
.I Soombty spent $1 255 last year, and hate
a balsa°, of $573.
Robot . Caris. Eokmlar has a colt mat
and • half months old that tips the scale.
at 800 Ia, W bo can boat It t
S.•forth : W hill work log 1a Hdl's
foundry last week Mr. Oliver bad the mos
forma" to vs-. his had badly orseb.d.
S .•hey : J, B K. Hof/mall h., been
Moan clock of Stanley, and Thomas Mt:Cash
has trio appointed to the Vara p).tot o.
Theob•Id, wile of tae Iamb George Thsobald.
formerly of Clistoo, was brna0h► hen for
ioNrmeot, bestd• those of her basbaui. on
Wedo.dy of last vesk, aoeompaul•d by
rNstiy's. Sh• had died at Mount Fires•
o• Monday at the age of 6f. y ...a peers,
•Iter adoring a loon rami Maoy .111 r••
m•mtwr Mr. Theotold s s former hotel
keeper hers who died while • ros.dsot, cad
Cha 1a,• Mrs. Theobsld was his ih‘rd cads.
formerly a Mia He9,r•o, of Blyth.
Blwsels : Oo Moody night of last week
the spirit of Carotins Desoe, repot of th
Int. Ramada Howe, took IM flight. The
geed lady had passed her slghty 61th birth
day and was wed ready for th•,eh•og• from
this t• • brighter world. Mrs. Howe was
Orgy : Tree. 17'r•O\an will be the Dom- born In Yorkshire, Eoglaod, whole she war
also m
ml•slo0er for ohs K.st Rldioq of Her, n
V art ed. H•r hustoud died fatty -icer
ooaeatloa with irking the 1)•mlolc,o cense& years ego.
Rrau'a : fro Parker, who 1• in two Brussels : Word was roolved here 1.ee,l-
(iadph heswul, bas got oi,m, from 'ki ly giving the gad news that Mr.. A. F
typhoid frust but . site Mod ep .,t• Elliott, of Alez.ad•r, Mao., formerly More
Glare Miry Fatzpstrlele, of Brussels, had dratted
Colborne . The Cohorts* Aencultorai tip, thl• lite. Mb* gave b'rth to Twin sore at
sissyhas a enwmbenh'p of 225 Ths rsrupte •ooe that day sod died a1 •s r M, Oos
of the babies also passed away. Mr Ell•.ott
wore $1,134.56. ad there is r tnlsoos of
$56 49
%%'Ingham : S.zbus Kat, Fred Melvl•
sod Albert tang applied for tooth. ell ,0 les
Isla Bads• Powsll's South -Atnoao polls
Ezster . Rea & Taylor have bM bgMis
Iva band for thole now 'iterates moil. te be
built Obis •prlag._
L.sdbury : A.
blacksmith, who 1. alio a sktII.d Trap.
per and buster, has got 1■ • bomber •f
vs'oabls skins recently.
L.•dbary Mist Mamis MoSws par -
posse .brooding the Ce as tory ot Muuo,
1• Termite, for the spring t.rm. and will
probably b..wy for ►far.. months.
now : Arthur Kamp has boon pro•
mooed from the Motion's Rosh hos to the
positron of tell.r a1 Owen Sound Mr.
Marlin, of Montreal. takes bis t,l.oe h.re.
Hallett Ga Y.tard•y morning, 26th
all , tan posed .way, as • result of
paralysis, one of the pioneers of Hallett
township. In ►hs arson of John M.'lu, a1
the gem of sixty Iwo roars.
was away at Hr&udoo on business mid did
ooe gas home until him wits bad gone to the
op ret world. Two doavhur. and • son are
left to bas ars. Tho funeral took place o0
Friday, Jon. 25th. Mr.'Elliott will bs 'c•
srded Mooers sympathy in bis unlocked
for b•r,svm•sa.
Brussels : Another Beeth has 000arnd in
Cho muob bereaved Pelts family, of Ioosr.
ip. Mn. Poitou died at the hospital, ot
Woodstoca, Sunday of last week. of typhoid
favor. A coupler of months agA the father,
Goan Pelmo. died from it. Not lour
aftsrwerds, Mr.. bonds, of Galt, a married
daughter of the deaued, succumbed to the
Isms dlAeas•. S. had ban nursing her
father. Maaotlme the mother and alothst
d•uebter and • son wore sent to the hoop'.
t.l •offering from typboid fewer. Ila
daughter died Oros wools ago. 1 h.
mother was then very weak, and it was
known by the doctor/ that she could not re
Dover. Th. boy is getting alone wooly He
will racoon. 8. R. Pelto 1, of The Atwood
oast Is a too olilbo doowed lady His old
fronds to Brutal. sympathise with bona lo
his heavy affllotls.
Brumfield : Joho McAndrew, of Fargo,
torlb Dakota, an of Mr. MoAodrow, who
Is rhe srly days wielded the trod in aoheol
mottos No. 10, Stanley, Is now vlsitiog
Moods oa Mos Ra,Eald road.
Easter : Mn Jas, Holl bad the misfor
lase to fall no the toy dd•walk reoortly
earthing a very serious shaking up. It Ix
sobpo•ed no bona wen broken, but she
may be load up for isms tomo.
Sealor►h : A mac named Milos, • paters
maker at 1a foaedry, mel with a painful
aooldst os Saturday. Jae. 26tb Whole
workleg at a laths, ha, 1■ some mincer, got
big loft band oaeght In 1b• m•ohlooy sod
had a couple of Engen taken off. •
SW,forth : 1bmi many friends of Wu
Margar.t Keboe, formerly of this tone,
will M plasaui to loans that she bra ra
neatly pawed a Tory oredlb.Ms *stemmata
at SI. Vloo•et hoep'ral, Toledo, bolsi
awarded honors and 'tattoo 100 par osnt.ta
all eohnots
Hallett : Mn. Hiroo, of Winnipeg, a
Motor of John T.mblym, of moonshot'
thi"teen, died a few days "Ina at She pg.
of movs.ty-two masts.
(Ionia John Edgar, 5f Toronto, tor -
weedy of Godrioh, 1. snood town r.o.w•
Ing old aegoaintanoo. John looks as If
Toronto agreed with hien.
W iogham : Thera died ab her rsldons
Oalberleo street. the wife of John Camp-
bell, on the *treetop of January the 250,
Mrs Campbell hat boon • mo••r.'offeror of
that dreadful dle•as•, consumption, for the
past Norma. mouths.
The ■les'es Express Meal Laid
Bees Leen 1n ('11a .5.
F. Gunk• of Platteville, brother of Harry
flat zkatho Adams Express
press mwosnger between G.,dsrich and But-
•lo.who di.sppsrel enysterteady from Bol.
filo onto day last.amts.r,jost after being .see
i.lking to ► strobes men. thougbb he bad •
Mtn to his brother's whorish -mile the ether
day. A man from New H•tinborg, who
Its«w Harty Gs'rka, met Mr. Omsk.' on Mos
■tn.t .nr1 .,til he had sats ohs missing
flirty Ostika walking is a suss le Obl•
oego only both groom. afore.
Mr. G►tzk• quo/Moond the man closely
.mod be bold bon that be had leen ilvteg to
l'blosgo cad bo•rdpd in a attain bonding
Inas on • certain street.
G.tzk• wrote to the mvagir of the
boarding boon le .10Mtl.0. and yesterday
rsoolved • latter 1n t*t.ly, stating thee the
mac from Now Hamburg a (wards,'
there, Y. bat his roams ware for wubin,
to Livs the fanny of the muster man •
(alai oleo, du not appear
Harry G.tzk• had 8300 on him when he
left Platoeville to go book to Buffalo, •ter
visiting his bonze has There 15 $250 to
his credit in • Woodstock book. Audrew
(int ka, father of Harry, dial rorsntly,
leaving osodderabls property.
se Bove
oem*tary, wars the casket ooutalnlog hie
romans eau dspoelted test 1L• tout. , ���
lnvru won n.d by Kos F.ther Wrst. Reid's O/(%
Requ':ecst In p.o. ..,Stand
Oath cal Wilmot A.der•ee.
We are now delivering (when requested by our subscribers) all Another of Cho s4.tdy p•unse.• of This
daily papers, periodicals and mU
agezilt-o. Is your name amongst .os.i ! •robIou passed .easy to the great beyond .o
sJ.turday, Jen 26 la the arson of Wlllurn
Auderm,o. after •ever•1 months of loteo•e
suffenng from solaria. D•oea•ed was bo• •
to lwa•rkobire, Suotlad, seventy•elrl:
]M -a ago, and owns to Canada about 1848
He spent • few years iu Pudlnoh t,wo.h4 ,
and finally mottled oo lot 16 lu tbs 13'1.
osoo•w, n of West Wawanoeb, to Septa,
her, 1850. Hs was among the Tory (fret
settlers of the 1.01100 and tug•tbra. with
the tow others who cam• into the uubroke.,
forest endured all the hardship• Inoidrot, 1
So plans r life In the Queen's hush. He
woo • man ot pr. frescos sprit, end wee
One of thea drat to this part et tho ProY,O°r
to vo sato thoroughbred stook, and for many
years sea. • prominent and.uoosrful breed
rr of Durham oattl• sod hlah grad• Laos.
mor sheen He eau ass ezoeh•ot Jolie
the qualitlwe of these animals and for moo)
years ably offiolsta' 0, judge of cattle and
ahesp at the fall .b0..a to the surr»uodloi
district. H. was •u ardent worker and
supporter of ear fall show, and was the first
president of tbo KWWloos Branoh Agrloultur
al Society orarly forty years ago, and at
she bite• of his death was mood viae press
dent of the Sooiety, a position h• had Doan
pied for many yea•. Sans eighteen roars
ago he goys up farming sod ams into tbe
tillage, and for moms time was a member of
the •..lags oounoll. d• was twice married,
but bad no family, and him widow ha the
aroma •ymparby of all in her hetes', west.
Mr Anderson wee wtdely known and great
iv raer•ro'od 1-y ell, and In hos death the
oon,n.nnity boa lar • good citation, and the
1...by'orlon chareh • lifelong member and
.•roost ahn oonabteot worker. '1'hsesr•
t taw. e' h• trots. esu condoms(' by Rey.
A, v. K v. sod the funeral on Mnodey to
c K ,. . ' e.uetrry wee I,rgely •rteoA•d
r Ir as aloes otoi •ympttb:zmg fnwode.
;.0 '.,. •w Steadied
who do not take • daily paper 1 If so, cast your eye over the toaow-
ing, and then, atter reading, we trust we will receive • personal call
re your subscription. -
HERE 18 OUR OFFER :-Ws will deliver to your home or place
of business, one of Toronto's leading daily papers for only 20 Dents •
month, which means leas than one Dent per issue. Can you get such
value snywhere sleet We fire satisfied you cannot, and are fully alive
to the fact that the public will appreciate a good thing when they s.'o
it by handing their sub.oriptious to
Tho following a the r darlyed and
postmaster's salary (•zoludiag oomau10too,
rect.l of bozos, oto.) to tho rwpaob•• ao
coatis' offioee of Oa caa0ty :
Otlioo. Revenue. !Salary.
/suburb $ 349 67 $ 176
Hayfield 497 96 252
llelgrays 556 96 290
Heamill•r 111 34 60
369 09 170
I I l y tb .. ... ....... 1327 04 500
Broomfield ,_.. 369 66 180
Brutal' .... 1977 30 700
I'satrs'la 270 72 120
Clinton 4225 79 1300
Dashwood 374 93 200
Danranns 620 43 270
Euler 2143 57 700
Fordwiob 778 09 310
Ooderlch 6555 86 1986
Gerrie 858 38 380
Hooson 1177 84 430
K,nbu,u 336 75 156
1.•.nd,t'•'tr. 356 57 164
8 alortb.... .. 3992 31 1364
Va ea, 343 25 170
Aisgb•m 3855 98 1200
tVruzeter - 826 83 340
Zu o:b . 637 97 330
rhe revruuc hum 'ne not•obo.,m.. top
°Store in Huron oou0ty. the s.lary of the
uu.tmeater being based on nysou• of
W.'V.uUe peri :
Office R- Sal.'y.
fi It•5t.... ..823848 $ 67 50
Blake. ... 97 39 60 00
Carlow 90'(0 60 00
Chic huret. 58 92 40 00
('nnelanoa 151 88 90 00
Crewe . 14 00 12 00
I), yid s'e.... .. .. 1C8 84 60 00
Dunlop 102 00 40 00
SgmonAvllle260 00 110 CO
F .rdyoe 24 98' 20 00
(ileoannan .i. 76 00 36 00
tilos Farrow 43 00 28 00
Harlook 29 18 24 00
Hoof,yo - 41 78 28 00
1411 's Ganes 87 00 34 00
K'n,ebridgs111 00` 44 OQ
Kraut' .... 185 71 90 00
Laos ..... ... .. 63 20 30 00
Laurier M 97 28 00
Load try Ill 74 50 00
Loohal.h 133 CO 60 00
I...y.l.... 18 00 250
Mafsking .... . 6 00 42
id *noel] 31 18 20 00
Montorheff 50 87 16 00
Nile 99 64 52 00
.'ort Albert. . 102 00 56 00
P-,rtsr's Hill 120 00 40 00
Prosperity 6 00 250
R Ag•a, 69 94 24 00
St. Joseph..... 216 49 50 00
o.Itford. . . 104 76 56 00
~.repo ... 85 00 38 00
\% estfie,4 72 96 24 00
('redlboe • Os W.de.eday .1 out weak
• happy took alao• at this roslAenne
of V•heatlne Rat., Khios, when his eldest
daughter. Miss Emma. was joist/ 1n wed
leek with Obsrls Keleher, • prosper•
tee yeas/ a robseb.f Credlton.
Wisghom : Rattail .las., wile of .1•.he
McLted, dist end.anly at her home. nn
!Motor s'►O.s. on W.lnwday oaring of
las' weak. Mn_ MoLr'A had ant boo,
fooling ..II done the S•tarAay prove us hot
en W .Aneed•1 moro5ges
mad much h
Blyth : Hath MoQaarris has r•tstved
another loiter from his cos, Arobis, In
Ronin Afros, In which he stoop. that h• has
Ms promoted from • privet« to a •*reesnt,
and la now known as Sergi Ankle McQosr
rte, M 14ow•rd'. Gonad as to and .tut
f /M
3oAemloh twwn.h le : 'Phan di a►
horn, of Iter .tater, Mn. Thomas Cbwrohill,
on ?rodeo, 25'h Tole , Miss ,lnnn.• 8,,,.., •'
the •g• of 5rrty tour yours send ret fe"n'he
She had vnutty Noon affllot•A *Ph par
Mt•I., sod this hetp•d to brine en 00.
W,nghtnt . Let week Somonl Toohlll
r•n.i..l .at neon from hie Aeneh's'. Mn.
n .7. MnP ears, who rag let 'n Tomos,•
Two of her nh•IA•.n ww•s s,Mn 111 with thea
Ai Dh th *Oa sell 'star Mr Maroons,' sod it'll.
arm wars elm taken with Oro sant trnnM°-
Ah'ut a wash era the death of Mr. end Mrs
Moroggon's eily daughter rotor, 54
M'rrl.; N-•. Rlbaheth Voile• wife, of
Filbert Yoaer, died on Nnsiey, 20th olt ,
from tn8nwns, and hoer', Inflate, after se 111
nese of only tight dome In bol. n«nwtes4
had ra•ohsd Ma good Old •e. o1 anemia
three 7500s IN, eye, ten Nan otic .51
ne.hls to unlit witheat '05 4',1 -, •rn'r bee,
tin malt M a sprain to her heft loot.
Guelph Herald. Jao. 250, 1901: The
drift of our Illustrious Sovereign w111 nat-
urally he followed by the poblioaio■ of
may " Lines of the Qoeao " • well writ
Ma and arli•tioally produced book on Her
Majesty's life and reign, will uoqussttsnihly
command an tattooer, gals. An old book
with • few pigs" a440, a rehash of news
papa articles throws together le • day, or
&t artan books by Amrloo author., will
not 8l1 the hill. This Herald 1• read to ab-
°ounns that the World Podiatrist Com
,toy of Guelph, who hays been foremost In
t.hwl out in inn p.odnnelen .1 high Glass
'Itrra'or., hove had for mono that In pro
w etter' ,h. Lite and Reign of Qnrso Vlo-
toria, why„h will he a .tandard work of
groat • toellsoee, and to befog prsp•r.d with
groat care It Is written by John Coulter.
the oetehrat•d Motorise and j•,errallet from
London, Knelend, uel.ted by John A.
Corp.". 'direr M thea l'anation Magazto•,
loroa n. Mr. Groper will viva'srnols' 10
eottnn to lead. under Cho Qn•ob'a reign,
t als'tmg rhe mutt of 'Ts Prover of Wales to
Camila. and it, regal and •ios-regol 000-
n atinn of Hsr Milroy with the o metro.
From sd•enood shim's and prospectus's
that hays b.es.zamited, Ths H.rsld takes
plea'are io noting that the wmktsanshlp
will M mon th.n •toeilmt' Tare will be
tit numherof Dot' sad •agravier,
•il-of which are g•oulos works of v►, and
•q to the Mae weft to ho foetid to any
prim p• 0,1 ' M day. 'r►s paper w✓, mann
!moats will M to honing with ',hs high
nhar•ctet of Cha puhliatt u, .as, . he wheals
n in 00ty 5151.' ".‘1101,941'.. • , „pp,.ltloe
work lithium has 611.5 aghast. .d to no for
1'h.Hdrai.Ipr,dtelesw I. 1•h•sfAAotthe
Quoin wore than hoe ,,
'..„' ,owed by any
other hook ;n (:.nada. . it ...ono t. 00,
,•nary Inysl sobj•°%' ,1:1 151r5 •ropy. Th.
w..k 1. to 0 0014 st s Inw price inhrleg Ib
within ' M too,* o1 111
Thor •Avarua► ,.ea rel "Tho Wnitd Pah
bishops t `nqt/ .y.'. Ball ng for was, w111 he
:771,":3,d 15 V ether alma of near Inas of
Blyth A pleasing •peal eau M. mar.
roar• of floss Harpist Howard, Aaneht.r 0l
Mr and Mrs. Roher% Howard, of R'yth, re
.lames O. Csrl.wrlshe, of R011ol, soli^:, w.•
selanwlasl In Trinity Moonlit. R.vfby es
W.Anor4av,23r4 elt.,.t 4 n'nlook s w. 'Ti..
Arid. looked well to • f•Iler.m+A' snit of
bin• oams'•k•I, slang with wh1le atlk roe'
se4 .arryl•g • aswrlesb of wan room.
Matto 1 The natal= of Mw, lithalpttli
can. Crawford, et Oremaete. K R. boo •
happy Way 51 Oerertbtag Mor sz-
Oromoou, N R , Fob. 4 -This one
-unity has retdvm seen surh • remarkable
an of pain and 4 stress so promptly and
as that of Mr.. W m Cr•wford,ef Ornmooto.
The gnod lady chum rotates the history of
her came : "Fur a long time 1 hays nese
i11 with kidney .nd 11•er complaint wh000
clawed a tog„ Cul pun in my b.ok extend
log up eebwsn my shoulders.
"My phys.uet .nd nervous yitem was so
ffected that I hecams very week. My
h nod u.med to lack vitality. Two hnxe.
of Dodd's Kidney Pill. and me. I Not
bh•lr haling power from the very tin. sad
I know that n• other medicine was [Detre
mots' to tattier tin ours, for I took no
ether. Dodd's Kidney Pills aro wonder
thole well ratty for the windmill they hays
Ordered, and our •rohits a, whose wtonuull
• few dy. ago suffered from the wind,
hs repaired it, twisted by three o1 too rim
Ing yuaav maohtolsts of Dor section.
On Frldwy of last wait Iu.psoto: Tom
paid his first of iolal tilt to our school hero
moos It has been under obs oar's of the new
beaober, MWM Cooper, and was pleas.d with
the progress the oohed/ors were making. H•
o leo onnflrmsd the reoent promotions my:*
in the different grades by the Iib prec.pt-
✓ oes on tbe give of her resignation .t the (don
of 1900. The lospeotur goys tbs ,ohool •
h alf holiday and went on in the afternoon
to No 5, 111 Lisburn, oar twober going with
Quite a Damb•r of our ys001 peals and
of Leeburn teem at the eoolal Aanofcg any
and oyster sipper glean 'by Mr. and Mrs.
Hackett, of Sb.ppardoon, on Friday o•,;ht
of last week
Was IT An Eaaoa!-Th•iaaW'Nb writer
f ta. L nlsrb„ro' . U• in heOliat.••, N.,
Er. of to.. work ones erre tl..• gond Pone
g..r'aw rf ,1..' . n• i. sed ',Woos q••'
emit pest or • ciao it sr of tat. Toe • pi nom'.
3- ,• no: on fut..1w„ m'n 'hi - w for batten
t.uht,re to mak. ap • (e.• ase 'o a Lag It,
Cll. p kt soman• a• ,Ise'• don, s• s fros eft,
bur bar tho rood poopte .' 1.•'77'• b•..: , ibat
• cloaat/s& 1•e•• writhe..0 '
140 DiY Fib 4'h
The washer •f Nabs, doth• • and marrl•
ago. r•gNered to 'he tour. .hip of A•tt6dd
'•• 1900 ,s as follows : Botta, fib ; doodle;
40 ; marrlavos, 26. '
Aehlrlloenoail nee •on Saturday, Ftb-
roar, 23.1. Instead of Fol.. 16th, as pro
v.oady a0noaeo d on arlmsant of Divis,i.n
Court b•tog bold in lionisation on tbet day
The dir.oton of lbs Mist 91onano.b
Mutual Fire Insurance Co meet on the Inst
Tuesday In February, instead of the 6rs'
'naeday las March.
FRIDAY, Tis. 1.
The (ollowleg Is tbs rolatrve standing t,1
'Imo pupils 1s S. 8. No. 2, West W awai,osh,
for fin meth of January ; .tsodlni h.•ed
on atuodans and gserol proiot.o.iy
Fifth ole -Ida E. Wilson
Fourth olas-trees Malloogh, Mabel
t% limon.
Third clam-WtlIis Wilson, h:.rl M•'
lough. Mary Pollard. Riob.rd Welsh, Von
one Welsh (nws'd Pollard
a.000d Moss- Frank Jones. Harold Mal
lough, Annie Nyasa, Moy ,Joon, M.r'h•
Nixon, Willie Medd, Marshall leftist,
Joseph Ferran.
Part 1L -Kat Willow, Trey Welsh.
NORMAN F, C'Loscu, teacher.
(iil•I.ow Jon. 30th 1901.
Colboros ooaooll met la the 'owsahtp holl.
All the members wore pre .ant 1tie
minnows of the previous meeting were road
and oo motion of Robinson and Young
was •doped. Th. following aocounu were
poid • s: J 1'. Brown, repair. to pl' nob,
$4 60; SIOIAL, printing. 56; 'Moo,ntral
World, blanks, 851 Michael Holahan
•pplisi to the •.sectl for slid to sn.blw h:or
to /o to the hoap,t•1. Toronto, to bean to
operation on hi. •T%,he beta[ blind Mewed
by M.jnr Young, Mooudsd by Richard
Jewell. that the reeve sod .Mr. Hill be •
.',mml'tee to inquire •e to hoe olruom
.ta0ees, oto And rant to tho •moa01 of $99
11 seosss•ry. Carried with Hill and Rob-
.rts .n voting nay. Alter sz.m101010s of J.
T Goldnorp•'s bonds. it was mowed by
Ale.. Koartsno, seconded by Major Young.
that ss•d bonds a sooepled and that Mr,
Gntdtnorpe.tgr the-o.osanry d.clsrr•.n-
nt office as treasurer Cerrl'd. A tom
mootoettoo from A H Campbell, P. P...1 ,
was hooded In by J W. Kernlghan otor-
log to eddrwee • meeting in Colborne no rhe
stature labor question. It was moved by
LJsi. Roh.ruon,51onedo,' by MajorYninv
abet tb• clerk write Mr. Campbell when Toe
could f.•or the township with • me•tlog or
two too' dried, S,rty eight pa'bmasleu,
six pon'dkwepers sed wiz f.no.vlswyn were
appointed and will be duly ho't's, 'f. 'rhe
• udltun' terort was road and on motion of
Robertson sod H'L was aoo•pt•d, e.ch
• ndltor to Tomlin 53 for his ••tyles Ad
j meat, to moot •stir •n Marsh 4b11 at 2
:.'oovck r B 1 . W MrpoNAGn. Cloth,
MownuY, Fen 4 h
Rev, (', (1. Young, youogr.t son of the
lat. Alsz. Young, bas soot toed • call from
the Presbyterian onngregation at Prince
Albort,N. W. T. Tho salary is $1.000, with
fro* manse.
MONDAY, Fet y 4 r.
Gioia Cogcssy,-A high ohms onoert
Toesheagee•d00tioug tots
nMozbood.iskt , hthae oh do0
lost, by tba acne .ot tbs oturub. Th.
ohntr has beta making good prrvr... 1.1o1y
midst the salaam' of W. Olen Campbell.
of liodoricho and the c000ert program will
to given ander his direction to addition
Mir Meted M. Goodwin, slooutloal,t, of
Clinton. and Miss Brown. Oodorloh's well-
known •oo•liet, will take part. Adana.
•loo, 25o ; obildrs, 16o Program to oom-
meoca at 8 o'clock. Let everybody at
TAMPER:.: -: -
with your health.
Don't use 1rugs su l-Msdicin*s
of questionable quality. Get the brei
there is at the same prices that aro
char:' ,1 for inferior goods.
A. our Drug Store thea stock is al-
ways•fr.• I., Itf11i each artitl.' pure, Po-
tent ail satisfactor).
Our Prescription Department
It.5 a reputation for prollIPt11.•00 aid
Mryannl•r MAGA INN AND Rae1Lw -
"M IL, . and ' :5 Work," the lint f s amiss
of watt tlluorr%t•d art papers, •ppea•s -1s
the February camber Tho Ntn•taiotl
Coast) r•'r'epeot Is oonttoa.A sods toe
miler, "A Cotter, .t Aohisysment," t y J_
11, Goya. Et. A.: "Nsete eth G.uJt.S_t
T»oo:ngy." Iy Ch•so•Ilor Burwash. .r.,
"Theology .Tod R'bloal 4oholwrsb'p r - ' ht
Ntnsaa'h Century," toy Rev. J^sph R t'
sore. ' Tb. Mlsolonary Outlook for rt..
TwenHe'b't"scary" is described by Dr
A•thur Pierson ; on rllu•tratod woolen. I•
g'ven of •yrs,. nu. English primo, the Obi
littler, with to m.oy frog's msm.rl.s ; a.
article on "Teooysoi's Ministers,' by T R
k1 A., and 00 •cannot of "Fero n
and Fred:gnth,' by Poeta Feltz Dturtfh
&soar" •'Itelg'um : 1'• History, Art ono
`too .I LA.," illn•trots& An .pprwlartoo
of Charts Garrett, the best beloved man
uf Bn.isb tlethodi'm, with portrait, is
given. "A Pseaha( People," by I),
Robert Wilson ; "Dahl Hill : Mlaslonary
and Smut,' "The Real Dinah ll:Jang,"
Prngrres of Air Navigation," with four
engr••mgs, a •k•t.oh, with portrait, of 111 -
lots Bishop N'nde, and other articles, to
Bother w ii 1. t brae short stories, make up •
noteworthy Dumber. Now is tho elm• to
subserlbw Toronto : Wm Briggs. Moot
nal: C W. Coats H•li(,1: 5 F.
Hoenig. $2 00 a year ; $1 00 for 5111
run ..ATI Ma No.TUO•AVL', - Th•
Covina R•oord had Ib• following rrlsrenee
to the late William Jarom* Northgravts,
of Oodariob : Oo Tusd•y, Jan. 15, at
noes, died, Mr. W lllwm Jsrom• North
gram at Ib* residents of He son In low
.lodes B. L Doyle, and his daaghler, Mrs. ■
w e
tho rip.v
•t h
I• of
Caroline l r
.•f eighty -nae yaws and four month', To.
d.c•as*d was well known and highly it
'pentad In she o'y Tot Rell•vllls and rho
aunty of Hstklg•, as ha carried on the
watchmaking and jewelry bummer loth.'
oily for forty two years He eau lifter
ward■ wm,ag.d In the same human In To
roes• and 1lealorth, hat retired from •oily
work about un years No, and for the last
throe years resided with .fudge Doyle in
3odwrtnh. I In doctoral was a brother of
the Rev. (largo R North'
Diana of London, the editor of Theof ''nththe
silo R000r&. He leaves four daughters,
Mrs. Doyle singly moot cowl, Mr..
There's WaIsh, of Vancouyar, Mn. ADM.
Hastings, wife of Mr William Hastings.
reoeotly appointed Rrglotrat of the foot
amnia of Manitoba of which Bni..dn 1.
th• o•ewo, and MIM AlIoe Nnrthgra•oe, of
W mnlpsi. He I.•vs alms two sons,Oenri^
awl Hoary Norrhir•vs. R. was • ter
vont and prse•teal Catholic, and Aled piano
folly sed resignedly, fortified with tho
eaor•rr.soe of the oharoh. TM funeral
took pia* on Thursday. .Tan 17, ppreosal
(ng to Ht. Peter's ehereh rel (Soder lob, where
alma high meas .rl r.dnlsm was oelehrat
std by the Roo. limo R. Non hgr•v.1,
broths of the ds.wasssi Ths last shank.
Sloe was Toad by Row. 1'. Wirt. P P , of Tow mob drsred is • 'alt mare •1
(loderlah. 1 ho •v. Ether M,Msnamin, Tont sten always lot k' trim, a IS i• t •
1' 1' , of ('11aton, praeh0A a tooehi•v A1. ambition n/ oar), man of tar to In.,ks
aura e• the n•rtalnty of flails awl the A lar w of Moths to chnn•*
slimmedty of our Mang wall °repar•! for r
our lost sl. 14e saing17.A tho Aeneesd from.
for heeler hot • greed (;nrUthe■ Ills and yon %re contemplating ratting:a
having resr0d a family of good Christiane.
Hs .....le4OA by *shorting thew who had light overcoat for fall wear, give es •
Miaow to regia yea. Pries right
Rev, M. McKay, 4t (i•darlob, pr.aohe1
last Sabbath In the l'ro.•bytertaa oboreh and
will oorapy the pulpit oath next Sabbath.
Tae tellowing 4.bholh, the 17th inst., Rey
John Tan., of Hamiltt,s, is szpsoud to be
At • joie► mania .1 Smith'. Hill aid
Auburn Presbyterian ool'oreiltions, 1b was
ded4ed to loin with two burn is one Edd.
wits of Yor
k t.oe.
Rea. Ramona and
fin t.
t home of A
N, W. T., ars visiting at h•
Young. They are'pendls -g I wake
visiting friends and moistly** In this mention.
Work's.' •emir•.
Rr4ha /.nor laws ars 'morel by thee*
etre 1see. Milo werkrs-Dr. Klsg's Now
t,.t. I';tls. Millin•• ars always ab work,
night moll day, erring indIgssnM, blltear
• o,., rnsetio•'Inn, look headset• sod all
. Inmdnb, liver aid bowel tre•b110. Rosy,
plswat, tale, ears. Only 25.' at .11s, Wh-
o se' dre/ owro.
11!'11' ns, Ilnll.
�x r , 111
- 1- ;yam
NOTICE.-rIeNOTICE.- The s 055, ID Dnng•enoa
too Tres HmNAI. Is at tho cot ooe of J. (0. A'ano.
J,t•., nonvey)anoer, to.. •'Ito will rnodvw or
den for sabeerlpttsns. ad o..e� •mol 101.
work, and is authorised to
ammwte paid for ter isms
jet tto mor 107 front te to hat neyth.
11 far D meed his servitor as the
homhood who may Metre
home oleos. boohoos!. whale Toe w111 be found
ehery Aay Tot sgy we5Hk
sp teatoa %wih to
preservation of atom' teeth. drown and
brlig, wore. sio.
Lasy reotho is of enraot-
Tr.SDAY, Jon. 29.
T. 1.. Alts has sold out al. 5rno.ry bad -
now hen to Charb w Elllobt. Mr. AIIon'e
present intentions are, We alleys. to take
np toms form of •5soy. Ws wish both
Mr. Alton and Mr Elliott 'nooses In ehelr
,1 O. Ward, .1. P.,. woe Ohs gnat of J. E.
Tom, pahho 'nheol isep.ntor, (iodsrinb,
over Sunday, anti • rMM in Ond•rinh was
agrseabiy ,orerlssd se eat as old popll of
h'. bank In the sit Mos. 1150. Fnrre.', a
Prose agent s• the( 3. T. R , by whom h.
was hospitably onto rtsls*d.
1'101an07, .late. 29.
lest week Chor. Masholl hod Ile new
windmill pot on 5' Tor tho wall h• man\ osv•
end arks can. D laweon has pet hI5 1 ...
pomp Is his wall, sed norrnsebA with shaft- the As•1, sod .epoel•Ily tear the ropes" of
lei Itworks noel y with hie wlodmlll. Tt• the Mal of the Aees•.d Mr. Nort eM
Tobin grosses Ir sirs so tens Warne pat u TM fuss. oeslegs the pr.d•dd the
"Stook on Isle ionise"
1f 705 wee Pogo pent yos will IRs It, hal
will set b• town t{ti• r1• g.eoewu• In ebr plc-
10-ton. Th• rage rest• fe we•ew le oar ewe
factory. from collet, wire made byourselves, sed
twice as strong es dost ...Sim ether fences. Get
tine year'. prove, they an 1.w•r Otos last year.
Feb. 4th, 1901
We will begin • big Clearing Chale of REMNANTS, ODD-
We have lots of Shorts in everything which we will not write
up in Stock -taking, and they are yours at trete one-third to
three quarters their regular price. Remnants of Drees Goods,
Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Linings, Tweeds, Ribbons,
Linens, etc.
Oddments of Gloves, Hose, Hoods, Mitts, Scarf., Corsets,
Underwear, eto.
Lonelies of Men's and Boy's Overcoats, Reefers, Trousers,
Suits, etc. -
There are new, fresh Goods, all bought for this season and
moot of them bought in January at a discount of '25 to 33} per
cent. tor cash. We ma% Kaye just the length or quantity you
want and we know the price will be just what you want to pay.
Remember the date, MONDAY, FEB 4, 1901.
Remember the place,
ar iage
Men and boys
(young men) work-
knocking about,
Deed good strong boots to stal�d the racket.
We've got the very kind you want -stout, thick
soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps,
put together with the knowledge that they must be
strong to stand the strain.
,These hoots are not
wear like
expensive, though they do
FROM $1.25 UP.
Is a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well -knows
doctor has said, "I aver
yes made a post • riortsm •s
amination in • case of death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding tae kidneys
wereatfault." The Kidney
motto -into which was Int on
the market, most aoe.0 15-
ful for Heart Diseaee and
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely Imitated Is
Wtitfttn DtetetoYt. and!
T%AtItA130XUS. eS.
carefully anemia! to 51
b. ern, sleet or day.
Store on nee.. MIr1.1. wooide•re, 1 -
hoc Monet.
The a, ove is cut into stove wood
len.(th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Onions received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria,steest,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Oalrrich, Novornlr•r 21st, 1899. 53.3m
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
A new owrnsgo Lire that make. rod os
no all roads a pleasure -monomial, In.'
tear it door away with rte vibration th
shakes and brake the orrieges.
AV shaped spiv* between the rn •
her lire and he steel Mango pro -
vents the weeping and cot ng
which other t re5are .utaat to. 8*e
the exblolt at the big fain.
Send at ono for fres Tire C•baloias,
riving prior of all .toss.
qT. .IntIN WINNIrl,,
Fad Sails & Overcoats
feted et the fan•ral •srlios to pray for
•sIuM•'op•t 105.0.1 551
.n,A,Ow 101 pee. 5e5 00 Ill"...lett ...Stew?
,.t "me 55a1*•11.31/11 OWNS *050.3 al
Its the Condition of Your wet voila= .loafs rest .01 Shoe• am
Nerves That Esther Makes
n•• w
el v'teo nee .."77 U5 el en mo moot, rel etre
Your t.lfe a Round of r' . ••vu"o• in.; 'air. ssios,soiie"e twin wits
a 1 tell ov trio le..,nlesno moon na• to ••mood Mel
Plesut'e or a Use- . amine st An5ee. seal 51 .•as ,wllp5w 15, 05
less Burdon O'Stea Jatn 1000 •nat5a1 t«.t0 •tot it /AL '15•^11
•s rice p5 pe5..st so rndmwl not 1055 ee Imo+
To many women lite is un. round of al.l:• iNa11j-hdazil aaiia
wrwkn° . anti 111 health.
To Attomtit
rr•nthe Might nthousehold 1utiea (stigma m0, I Oesrolenn
w em
them. Many of the symptoms accompany- I `e i 1:071!rs3 wase be • 't .m 51t •t n •e w
1 amv -.sae • 15s yi pyw w• 51• net
ing 0111 ,t+tto of 1101111111) aro : a fooling of tan. nye 30 r.aea wsaeio rel r' to ii •
tirwtlnMIR 011 *0 king, 10111 1 000 dtrzine,m,
sinking fooling I0Ipitatium of the heart,
ohnrtnnw• of hn••,Ih, Inn+ of appl ire, •v.ld
Motto and foot, hnwda"he, dark rtrolne under
t.M' ars, loon in the hack 'tool silo and all
the other accompaniments Tot a not down
and wakened t(a,otitUtlon.
All thaw eymptnme wool r,m.htion• ars
amply Ilea moult of w poor quwltty and
,efertiro rir'ulstl•fl rd the blood, with s
wasting away of the nerve forret'.
Ity feeding the system with
Yon rot vitro at 0.n tont of the anomie and
lay a *olid foundation on which to build.
Moon the weight increaiei, the sunken
ehweko and Battened hums 611 out, the oyes,
get bright awl the thrill of r.newod health
anti strength vibrates through the syetnm,
Wow arrest
toy 00/00105 el sos•fm • 5•q /On ptnotrw no[ 'n,•
logo wenn/lion( to mat tea ascot. los. not 11
111(•1.1 '10.01 1a1m4 titan
me0'•;.; 051 erste ',Mos 111110nyr•na.. moral 551
M n *1 -1'+."111e15 *5w� eT1 eonm
gaol ot peewees es wastos000log
rte's, D,• • 1105 rig M+ semen D"e 1505 1e 5.0555
nominee, Issearee • mA 151r1o00M p.5 Only
.41 t •5•••eg It• g,ws0 5.5000•• gmatted! '5B
60 rata per hoz at all dint IgG', or
Toronto, Ont.
1 DWI)laHans Odor. now ON
I t5d t:llO 1 "Oo Ulfi 9i0141 014
Joel no fag '=it =wpm
tr, 3o rbr073m61 reopa sup M1 10
4,111t►(NArj BApIBOd t 1
noisdulnsuo;) jo pont,
l a.rw o4M 'mum*
al aldoad JO Sluttuni j
The Signal," $1.00 $ ysst.