HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-7, Page 44 Twenst•Ar, Vsb Z, 1901 THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARI'► Staves the chaps who ruu the Toronto Tory machine. 1f you are looking for the best goal Heating Stoves, you will find the "Art Am- herst" Heater will till the ball. As for a Mange, we can guarantee the Pearl. Every stove we sell is sold under the absolute guarantee that if stove is not satisfac.ory, the pur- chase price will be refunded. A number of good sec- ond hand stoves for sale very cheap, as we want the room for new stoves. You are always welcome to call and inspect our big stock of Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware, Etc. J. H. Worsell, The Cheap Stove Man, OODERICH. iht $zguaz, N VV8Lmatm $VERY THURSDAY MORNING • •. g,.•gggooesi•T -- - QODit'RiCR. THURSDAY. FIR. 7. Uel. , —It is announced in some ot the Tory newspapers that the Provincial elections' will be held in the leafy month of June. It will be the old, old story for the opposition, "Nothing but leaves."' —Mrs. SBiRIVT, tTacoma, is rutt- ing Mrs. CARRI1 NAA ON close for the saloon closing championship. A num- ber of the Tacoma saloons have 'gone out of trade because :lire. Smuttier axed them. —The elevation of WILL M LOONT, K. C. to the Superior Coat Bench will be well received by the many friends of that clever lawyer rill over Ontario. Men of the calibre \ f Mr. JUeTrc■ Loner are an acquisitio to the Beach, and their preferment al- ways pleases their brethren and t e public. —Notwithstanding our mild re marks to the judiciary tr, get a gait on, the West Huron election cane ie still on the judicial tirydock, and this constituency will be unrepre- sented daring the present sitting of the House of Assembly. The Tich- bourne trial and the Dred -Scott case will soon lose their laurels as the slow- est on court record. HE WOULD'NT HOLDUP HIS HANDS. THE chief organization of the Con- servative party in Ontario must be down in the heel, indeed, when they are compelled to deal out such shabby treatment to their defeated candidates as they did to RORRRT MCLEAN, who fought tbeir.battle in West Huron at the last elf tion. From Mr. MCLRAN'e evidence, given at the Division Court on Friday, he was in Toronto immediately after the campaign and went to the organiza- tion rooms to while away s short time with the organizer*. There he met "Slim" HAM BAR[RK, W. H. LIIAVITT and others, and e a recount had beep asked for in West Huron, the iotai.a- bility of having a good legal repre- sentative at the recount was spoken of. BAKRRR, according to McLsAte, suggested that this should he done, and when the day for the recount arrived, a lawyer named MCDONALD was sent up by the Toronto represent atives of the Tory machine. The recount did not pan out. ac =- cording to the plans and specifications of the Conservative machinists, and they declined to pay the lawyer for his services, claiming that "AAA's should settle the bill. Titin, Mo- LItAN declined to do, ars- i, result. was a Division Court suit on Friday last brought ai against. him by the law- yer, who, however, failed in the case. We congratulate Mr. MoLKAN in his socoessful rer,tance t, the at tempt made by the Tory machine to bleed him. If the members of that organization sent a lawyer to attend to the recount in West Huron they should pay their agent for his services. Mr. MCLRAN has run three election contest,' in this constituency in the interest of the Conservative party and, we understand, has paid the expenses of all three out of his own pocket. Such being the case what right has the Toronto creed to assess him further, unless they believed he was a lemon that would stand further squeezing t it was time for him to turn antler such treatment, and it is a groat satisfaction to his friends in West Huron, of all shades of polities, know that he has been successful in balking this latest attempt to slake hips shell out to the jollying tactics of SNAP $HU i tie -Wenn W. P. Ilmxio N, M P., take the great Conservative party int) — Now that good queen Wu—rola( is hue. sed, let us pay a little attuuti in to King Enwasn VII. lot's get out of the gloum. Tits thorax irrigators of Kisumu tl•im that Mrs. ()PANIC NATION, to be true to same, shuuld be milled Cumuli A. HAT- CHET, They say it's the hatchet that talks. -Witte Dote. SrK0I'L1, M. 1'., .tad the huuurable KLTMULI TA',Lug undertake to put the ring iu the now of the Tory party in the ensuing Parliamentary session, you will hear quite • bellow from the afore. said Conservative party, -Wus.ttMrs. CARRIE NATION was a ked how the aqua in Wichita were put out of business, ,lid said, "1 oauuot tell a lie ; I did it with my little hatchet." This phraew has been erroneously attributed to the late Groans Wmuuso?ON,but as CAaat■still has the hatchet and Gsoat(s hasu't,the evideuco at hand favors the Kansas ulaimaut. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. 001 TAX nun'. Toronto Star : Under our system of ut- ak m we say to the me. who owns • ram• . te,1le building on KIng or Queen streets ; "Teat is •11 right se 1t •s ; don't you build anything better or we'll multiply your tax •5. 000) °sudors I Chloago Monet -Harald. The barber sweeps the whiskers up chat grew Upon your •image -lo, some maiden who Neer board your name may stuff • ouahloo end lumorrow sit o0 whit was put of you. neat -Lieu. Cheese Journal : 11 5s no wonder spell. :ug 1s a dlhoult art for the smell boy to mast tri Tills la the way the spelling of simple words is a000mplisbed Whloh - Uouble•you-aitoh-cry..sseattcL. Troth -Tee -ars y ou-Cee-dtob• Ought-Ob-you•gee-enoh•lee. Tara eTANDASD DIP IT. Blyth Standard : Two weeks are The Standard pre•.oeed Mr. Philip Holt, of Uoderlch, for es:deo, and when the mem• term of the ooanty coanal met last week they unealmously elected him The Str,- dud was the only paper ' t the county to prepoes Mr. Holt and the oounty council vary graciously did es we proposed. reeiLic OWNlkjHlr or RA!LWAre. Toronto Star : The Idea of publio or .sr. ship of railways le gaining ground Canada at • remarkable rete. The P resident .f the Lumbermen'. Aosoola- tlom, in making an address to the member* on Tuesday, deolsred for the principle that the people should build and 000trol all railroads. The president ot tae Dominion Grahgs in his address yes rday declared for the same prloolple, saying that the Government should aosume control o: the railways, mod 11 thia oould not be done at once, •oommlealon should bs appointed protect the people. The Idea is paining ground, and will no doubt °outline to de ro until It beosmes Irresistible. The thing do now 1e to push the national railway, ti • oteroolonlal, on up to the Wt. 'tern wheat ids. If eo arrangement oaa Le mode for ndlog the Ioleroolonlel et ono* as -far rt Parry Sound, over '.1r. Booth's Ito., It ' bossed be done. Toe sooner 11 1s done the bettet; the galoker It is dens otos *trier It will b ex DEATROF THOS. GIBSON, EX•M.P.P. tae Fermi faet•ker far Gel Huron rotas 1 Away Lail Week. The "fath of the Legislature, or the member who to his retirement In 1898, just previous t the elections of that veer, w i , so reeled passed away oo W ednes day, January 30; , In the person of Themis Gibson. His lova le nature and line terse Scottish mode of rpreuing himself oe publio gueetior, m him at .11 times pop- ular, and in his later artier he ootapled e seat to the M'-tt.teri row. He eat for Beet Huron. Mr Gibson r11ed std Wroret.r, aged Bret sleeted to b, 1871, and ro- oeoersl oleo• e evesty-etx years. He the Legidature 21st Me tallied his seat until the 1 Bon 1n 1898, • period o twenty-seven years. At the time of his etiremeo►he Ind 000upied • place In the ones o00 - tenuously longer than any otb member. Born in Ureenlaw, Berwickshire, (land, and emigrating In 1883, first to th United States, and shortly afterwards Upper Cuticle, Mr. l;ib•on settled with se cal of his brothers at Wroxeter, In the coo y of Huron, to 1857, when that part of he Provinoe, now • fine farming district, da' almost unbroken bush His strong common sense and intelligent grasp of public affair' brought him early to the front. He was one of the tires reeves of the township of ilowtok, and at Conf.lnetIon be was se luted as the Reform oa.dedate for thr n orth riding of Huron, but w.' beaten by e n arrow majority by the late W. T. Hats. In 1871 he was returned to the House, M. Hue again being his opponent, and after one or two •ubtalaee% elections 1.i• bald o0 the riding was never seriously nl,allenp.d. Mr. Uih•on was in many remount e 5701 oal border Sootokman. Logical and gaga clone. his advice on queetlone ot policy and •dmonletr.tloe was highly eiteeme,l by the su••oeselve Liberal Government, whom h• supported, and no one received grea-•r el- Mntion when addressing the i egleleture, especially on questions of finance, In *he di. ensalnn of whloh 111s long and Intlm.te a quantum* with the tours* of 1'roviaolai politico gave him unusual •dv•etager. He was • great reader, eupeotally of books oe soonomto and social questions, and kept well abreast of current affairs, both in the old and to the new 80,14, befog •pect•Ily well posted In British politico. Ifs was • member of the Presbyterian oburcb, and e lifelong total abstainer, hulor attached himself to the teetotal merriment at an early ye. H. leaves • widow and one daughter, Mr. Gibson'. health we. nnsatlodantory tor several years before hie death, hut • e.ris e" stuck of grippe was the Immediate outs of his removal. C t + Lad not. At the °lose of the POLITI(,� IN PARABLES ria. ed . , t.,. the,. war a mets.s for ata• suit, which was rear..., et the close of the evldenn.. The trial Judy held that the 8atulldiy Last a Bad' Day In pi, •4;411 had no mutecf •ULtuu for the HOW TO AVOID THE GRIP. Our readers may be divided into two olaeses thou who bete had the rete, anti those whn have not -.and probably hate Masses will be interested In the following tali, given by Dr. Cyrus Edson. for the eroldanos of the onmplalnt : the latter that they may secure Immunity, serf the fernier that they may see wherein they have failed to gnarl bhemul•es from the commie enemy. 1)r. Rdson's roles are as follows Keep dry, warm and well fed; wear warm oetlerolothlsg. 1)nn't be afraid 50 wear rubbers. U le mere Important to keep the foot Ary and warm than env other put of the body. (jet • roll eight hours' sleep and sake • held bath en libitum, 11 yen oar* stead it. - 11 yon oast stand the hall, hlr. • mu, seer. if yen nag's afford massage, have the betty rubbed down. Avoid femme, of all kind., eepanially In eating sed drinking, but don t go tea lesg without fool. Reefnrth - At Seafertii the other day • farmer was hued tib and meets fie sIllag lumpy meat. Halttax. ram whole Beene Gee err Funereal eils.ss- Glllas Down • Wow -An Indian t sr mow -"Toe fan', Pelisa • •rick." UAureouru, h. 9., Feb. 2, 1901. S.y, Mr. Editor, did you ever put o snob a 'alum Saturday. 1 Joel .e lonesome• like today, with the ships and the streets eo funeral like, and the people going sadly to the churches, end the n +sing of the women, au the black ties amu amp beiges of the men, and all that, tbet 1 eau hardly describe it. The eery Dabs that looked so dashing • couple of weeks ago, with their breghtibuuklee and bite of bright oolor about the robes, now seem 40 sails and t olet that 1 redly feel that entering into one of them ti like 'ponce into • beers.-osrtarnly like going to • funeral. les • hoot. It just shows bow lids day ot natio sal mourning affect. ns, even though se think we are not *slily moved that way, and eep.ol•Ily when Me real tune:al Is many thousands of miler to a far off ouaetry. And 11 we who bays been relief on this side et the water feel to lonesome, haw deep the grief and Burrow of those who have beet in the old 000ptry and have seen the dear old Qu.on herself j Say, I thought I was • rather hard/toed tinter so far as royal wot:mut and all that Moon - earned, but blame it. it 1 haven't been talking like a woman about this quiet Sat- urdey, when the beet of our British mon- archs has been laid away la .that place whither old and yuuog, rich and poor, prince and peasant aro beating day by day. 1 die us% woo any crape. myself. 1 never have worn any. But 1 oaa understand the fellow who does, and it, he wants to show bar arrow that way. I wouldn't hinder him or deride him, Tuere is an ingllsh• mm at our bwrdlor-house who ham been al. broken up about the Quito's death. He has been wearing • bl•ok bow aro, and • oreped button tor the ocoasion. A bit red- eemed shins: eat opposite him yesterday et table and routed him • bit about going in• to mourning for • woman he neyer sow, and all that. The other chap be bit his 11,, sod kept in, as modest u you plus.. After • ablle the coarse obsp be rubbed ll to •Rata about royal mourning and .o on, and 1 got just • l.ttle hot oo a000unt of oar tellow- 4rder, as I thought, and I says to the roil noted chap that he himself was In mooruiug also for the Queen, but that he wee going It cheaper than our friend the Eogluhman "What do you mean!" says be, soloker• log "Tbere aie'L toy signs of mouroing ab•,ut me." "Say, Mister,' 1 eayd, "isn't your °olisr In half-mooroiog," and it wt r .y, you bet -"and dont I see your Boger nails le court mourning, •Ino. And that nose of yours, why, It's royel purple.' 1 thought the pie that he lifted up with bits bolfe would choke him. He looked around, mad I guest he um* to the eon• clad°° that he was plume • lone hood, and he says, "Personal remarks U nngestle• manly," and dug out without excusing him self, and the boarders laughed until she °rockery denoted. I says to the oompany, "1 beg the pardon et yon all for melieg a wens, but I hag to do somothfr-r to prick tier bumptio ' bubble. 11 • man has any feeling be w• n ever onset on. abut hie sorrow.' I knew 1 we. so cheeky, and I'm blamed it I oaa tell yet whether 41 war on account of the Englishmen or the deed Queen that I celled that boor down.. It's a tact. 1 was thlnkinr fn oonneotlon owl h this day of • story a New York Stare friend once told me of old Cornelius, • Oneida Indian, when 1 war talking to blot •bout our Nova Soot's Mlomece. My frteed he said that Cornelius like many Indian. was e born orator, end I guess you will belie,e it when you hear what the old redskin raid. They were sitting to the wood* at the time of • oamp meettog, and my Irieni we. then • young ohap. Old Cornelius gave to him, pointing to :he trees, sad reading from th• grand old book of nature : "Bee all the trees -maple, beech, be.,wood, t , hemlock, elm. Ali different kind of tree No tree like other tree. No tree want to be. Every tree ifk• himeelt. All trees gr iw o0 same grottod. All point up ! No tree my to other tree 'Why you no like 01st' Hemieok tree never gay to fi' tree ' Wbet Toe 4.811 winter with your summer clothes on t' Every tree mind his ow° business. Why not man same way t All men grow on tome ground. All men should po;01 up. But men no like trees." And then potation to • monarch of the forest that had Wien, and hart swap' branches from many • neighboring tree in Its path, the old Indian imputatively said ; "You see big tree. When big tree oomr down make all other trees weep. Aud when great man comes down 1t make heap of sorrow. Treed end men most happy when they eland up " Say, that there is a sermon worthy of a Spurgeon, • Busher or • F And my e olith( ulna le that when the grandest monarch tbet modern humor,' has known has gone bark to the dust (tom whloh she sprang many humble Irene In the forest of our uaticn have been caused Dein and sorrow. Bat enough of this "Gloomy S,turdey" task. Cornelus, the Indian, he had a son. .fly friend says to the old man, "Why dost you give Peter an eduoetlont" Old Cornelius he ,bunk hie heed and he gays "No use. ' Can't polish a brick. Heap tub; by eiFit by brink all tone." Our Conservative friends are looking around for a man to train and polloh for leadership. I bevy hien oom.Olug heads, end every fellow so far seems to look the stamina to ruhst the attrition ot polish that will be nem miry foo the °°ming five years strain of opposition. They have e few bricks among them. The rest ars wooden It's • feet. U R. A. Paucu, rt..o0 Ibet the buoy wee two to ate proper plate, beu•uee. hieing regard to Tompkins v. Broolvdle, 31 It. R., 12e, the obltgatteo imposed by Leo. 26 was for the bear. 0t o1 the public ,ensiel y •ad hot for any tertluu ler oleos ; but the there wee evodeocs to go to oho jury, end It was for them to de termine whether the dstooduts wear aeyd- gat lar not teeing tomo supervene .ser Meed so es to see that euob • handle was placed upon the box as would resist the foroe used la draggutg it. It nes ooct.ml ed for appelleote that there was no proper evidence ot negligenw o0 the part of the dol•ulenIe; that 1t b uut Blear oar tato find - logs of the jury the' they found the de feodents •t fault aa to the hen ole art the box ; that the doeouoswh betsteu the judge and the jury when the ',idiot war retuned was distloutly Irregular and uofatr ro de fondants, and resulted in muoh doubt in to whether the jury really Intended fit sort buts the Wary to the negligeooe of de- fendants in not ioepeotlog the handl , or partly, and partly to the tact that oho de reamed, es the foreman of the jury nod "jumped at that beadle" thereby breaking It; to other worde the deoweed careleeely °yet• strained the ba-tdle; that there is no clear Boding of negllgenoe, because the jury •t - tribute the aootdent, In part at least, to *lack of inspection of the boat, • question with which they hal nothlee to do ; that the boxes beteg almost new eo reasonable Ins000lloa would hem• diwlosed the de two, or, 0 It would, deceased could also hays discovered it ; Kiddie ,. Lovett, 16 Q B. D„ et p. 610: that as to the hooks the utmost to be said is that • fellow -ser- vant saw deceased use them ter the porno's of dragging the boxes o1 the kind In gump- tion, umtion, for which they were not ptuvided, without otjsotlo. ; that handling the boxes demised did was to Ms knowledge danger - au, mad the muscle' voteati coo lit Injuria applied ; that lo any event It le oleos obs as deceased was guilty of contributory ugh r*0os ; and tint the plaintiff at the trial wbolly relied upon the right of ao►ion 00• der the Workmen's Aot, which oe000t rte .stslsed ; Walsh v. tt lately, 21 Q. B. D., 371 ; R901111. Groes, 17 A. K , 29 ; Smith v. Baker (1894 A. C , •t p. 338. Lynob- Stauoteo, K. 0., for plaintiff, opposed ep pull. Judgment rowrved. AT OSGOODE HALL. Sim t. Dominion Fish Co. -Darrow, K. C., for defendants, appealed from • judg anent entered for $1.500 for plaintiff. °poo the answers to greet Ions snhtnitted to the jury. The plaintiff is the ad ministratre and widow of Edward Sim, de• oeassd, and seeks to roomer damages on he half ot herself and her Intent ohild. Ed- ward Sim we. employed on the steam tog Seagull In oetohiog and pecking fish nth Provide.oe bey, Manitoullo. The boxes In which the fleh were.paoked had handles •t oohed to either end, and deoe•eed on 7th d.y of October, 1899, inserted In a handle to a hoz, use nt the Iron hooks prevtAed for nee by the Company, and was dragging the box to the other end of the vowel to be stored, when the handle Dime onl, and to, unable to recover hie balance, tell overboard, and was drowned. The plaintiff alleges that, owing to the defer dente netrHgsec., • rotten handle was to eoarely attached 10 the bee; seri that oentary to their ditty °oder tee. 26 of ►he Steamboat inspection Ant, they meg Isoied to carry on the venal. al • oonvenl- ant plane, at least one life bnoy, with • proper heaving line attuhed, and deou•esd, elan was a goof swimmer, mime to hie death by reason M a &afoot in the oondltlne nt the ways, oto„ within the Workmen's Cromer elation for lnjorlee Ael. After thejoryretnn- ed tato court with their answers they were furtherinterrng•ted by the jades anti In the result found that the eo 4.• ' would n et hays been fatal It • buoy hal hoes In Its proper plane, and that by lnspsetlon the defective bandle whloh ousel the en- codes/ might have hoes discovered, and teat the defendants Irl bum negligent and ••d 10 l'e$aerr or Dlr. '1 was just about None," wrstw mn. Rosa Richardson, of Lintel Sprier', N. C , "1 bad consumption so led that the best doctors mild I could not 11., more then • month, taut 1 began to use Dr. King's New Uucovery and was wholly cured by uvea bottles and am now .tout end well." It's an unrivaled lifesaver in consumption, poeumonia, le grippe end bronchitis ; lo fallible for coughs, adds, atthme, hay fever, .roup or whooping cough. guaranteed bottles 50J and $1.00 Trial betties free at Jen. W oleos'. dtag sere. DEVELOP NATURAL RESOUR"= OUR INTENESTINQ BOVINES BUTTES LATS Tool NSVaa huserdine Repel tr : Uoderloh has peed • byew problbuiog crows Irma mak- ing • patter. gut td of the streets u1 the tows Th. county town of Huron has bee slow to moveuept eoug that line. SLYTa'e UUUU axi1‘11.2. Blyth Standard : liedetioh bt i lollowed the maniple of progrosaive 111yLb, and w mid • hylar to primal mire rosining tee streets. The toasty norm will now be a deuut, clue place t go to a the summa time. Title is WW-A311/LT. U•I R.perter : UJdeeleh by • nejel uy vote cru • byelaw hes demoted to cep cows off tl.• streets. They say that one of the Mgt. a.f the town e:.5 to ate Y,ditur Daniel Mobi l! eddy closet hle row aroued the wee until be didn't kuow whether he 810 es his dredge lu the harbor or writing AIN art Ltd easotum. Duutel'e Dow will now bra vee on the dredge -on the best that life e f! 1. A ennOTSTION raoM SSrtiSSId Womb. Post : The slow -pole town of Uod.rloh really gave a majority oo January 7th for en •nthruo-•t large cow bylaw. Boma of the people of that town are already) wondering It the bylaw oat, e,srlbm eiforoed, as 5 many peot'1e love "the moor 0100'5 O 08." It they have 1t redly bad • small ooctrlburio0 of cold oath would goon pro- •Ide paelorage for these poverty striokee one ow0ere. w0AT Tal OOONOIL RAS TO Do. 5 aft rth Lrpoenor : It is passing Oro Igs the'. au .mterprieing, p:ogrt rive town, each u (,ed•rloh has been of meat yeti, heold, until now, bare motioned Om peti- te. ramtoo. of •Ilowtag tows to make a pasture Bel I of their street,. A rots of the rata payers was taken last week .• to waetber or ,.ot this privilege should be continued to the satiable boogie. And the ratepeyere da sided by • majority of 73 that 111. remnant 'abarum be wiped oat, and the oosooll w I: now have to put • bylaw prohibiters time aurin animals the use of the streets far orating purpose'. One Way is Whirls lam 1n- treats or a Town May be Advanced. t'1 Ira..., Star) I have sewn [owlet that are ready to bonus any 1i111e Isd•INy ilial prum.ees to give •mptoymesl M i kW Ons, bat where very little mantles M paid Si the os.tbllittes of iscreuiog the value of the .-ads of the sr -• rounding 000stry. Teie ie, we believe, one of the most Im• portant tips ever rives to he towns of Os. tart°. Mr. C. C. James, Deputy MInlst.r of Agrloelturs for the Proyinoe, sued thee* word. an • recent speech. " I have oiwo thought," he added, "there are many tuwm which could do muoh more to increase their prosperity by emitting •1 dev.lopin• seri. cultural prosperity t° the.- oeghberheel than by bemusing maaafaotarlog enterprises tear are opt to prove, so tar a the town* particularly lnterett*d are c000erned, of a somewhat ephemeral nature." 1f the men le any given town v err trying to devise ways and m. a maki.g the place a manufacturing _ors would unladen the matter, they would see that no greater benefit could be conferred Opo■ the tows than to make it the Mainers ethos. factory and warehouse for a wide mod pros- perous agricultural area. 1V by 1s it Ihat it m• towns tike 00 lutenist In shoot. fee torlss and er.•marle', while they will hosts • man who proposes to make nhairs •foe , bring:art In all his material by rail and ..11p -sg his manofeotores out again, in oompt Li too with bigger firms in better I icatio0s. 'lout town may have only one thins to roc amend it as a a oleos fur the manutedtur. of Chain, vi. , the bozos It is willing to grant. For Ibe meaufeolure of cheese and butter, however, it may be well suited, aur. rounded e. It is by a dutrlot that Is, might be mode, • fine dairy 000stry. People ruddy r.co,o;z. the Talo* to • town of s lautory that will employ twenty or fifty hands, but they ars not eo quiet 1.. see the y.l°e of • creamery whieh employ. low hand., but which distnb,tee ooh among the farmers and thus stimulate. trade of every kind. There are township. -there are whole counties -no which there Is oat a single cheese factory' or creamery, while there are other townships la whioh there are as many ae el: or eight such factories dole/ • flourish Ing Widnes.. that some of the towns in Out, to'e att. . r hays been so slow to tb1 matter l .srprlder. Reoently some firms; oo the retry trade wore putli.hed in Th. Weekly Silo, and some iostruoti,a ideas ccs be dr tire trom • 000dderetioo of them, l0 1570 Canada e1 - ported only 1674,486 worth of ch.*eo, b°/ by Introducing the feotury .ys'em this country soon distanced ell oompetltors. until In 1090 we expected 819,750,000 worth. In the .ame year, 1870, we export ed four times as muoh butter as we did oheese-valued et 12,353,570, bat 11 was Denmark that perfected the °roamer' syr tem, and .o nor butter trade ti i1 away to 1340,131 to 1890 Then this country braced op, until in 1900 we extorted 15,222,000 worth of butt.,. We .ell to Great Britain about two-thirds of the oheeee .he Import., gel only about 7 per out. of the butter she Imports. The possibilities of the butter trade In Canada are almost unlimited, yes what are the towns delete to encourage this loins.ry or rather to orgenize it -which might grow emelt year by millions of dollar. t In that put five years our poultry export. Inerea.ed from 165,000 to 8239 000• and our bartoo •:porta from $3,806,000 to $12,800,- 000, and th• possibilities in the direetion of organize, the dairy, meal, fruit and ether Interests of • district are, we think, actually treater, on the avenge, than in ay line of mannlsoture. Toronto net only has • Hurd of Trade looking alter the Interests of the oily, but • yigilaet civic olAoial, who keeps posted on *yerythlog that is going forward here or eleewh.re. The .mall towel ehnuld have mayor* or clerk., nharged with the duty of either visiting there* that are fleurl.hing, or of confuting Irom all soirees information as to how " to maks the surrounding loon - try prosperous._ A Fireman'. I'1eee ne11. "i stook to my engine, aI►bough •very joint aohad and every was rook eel with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a Moo motivefireman, of Harlington, lows , "1 war weak and pale, without any appetite sad all run down. A. I wee about to giro up, 1 mit a bottle of Klontrio Bitten and, after taking It, I felt as wall se 1 ever did le my life." Weak. ., tile, rue &awe people always Rale taw ht., ***setts sad vlgrt from their nee. Try them. fiatlefa Nes guaranteed. Hold by Jas. Whose. Pries 50 mate. aec0)..'s Arntea Wye H 8r*. 1 . a ode lame for marvelloae cruse. It Corp..... any other ware, lotto., cin mens or balm for outs, rorus, burse, b" ,e, torn, blow/. uloere, tetter, salt . rum, fever urea, Jhapp.d Gude, skis options ; infallible for Mies, Cure fa rasteed. Only 25u al Jas. Wilson's d: ug store. TO ADVEHTIBERB. N tttdoe of changes must be left at this Ace not I r than Saturday 'loon. T', Jopy for charges mast be lett not later than Mon day noon. Oasaal AdverNeomufots aoorpted au to noon Wwdneadasf each week HELLO ! THE OLD -- RELIABLE. We Have it Now We have just received a shipment of the oelebrated " LEMON OIL" for polishing Piano', Organs, Furniture and all varnished and oiled surfaces. Lemon Polishing 011 l; positively not. injurious and will make your old furniture look itku new. TItY 1•P. We are SOLE AGENTS for Uoderieb. Granitine Floor Finish 1s the best huioh for all hardwood floor*, oil cloth, linoleum, cork matting, etc., eto. Now is the time to brigbteu up that oil oloth of yours. Try (}RANITINE Floor Finish on it. Big Cut in Prices ALL KINDS OF 0 COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THR RBHT Scralltoil Bard Coal Jay THK MARK1gT A, Coat weitggh ad on the Market Ncele., where you get VP the. for too. WM• LIEE. Orden left et LZZ & 88JPEARD'S Stere promptly attended Lo CANTELON'S Pastry, Osier Palties,Tarts, Sort Bread and Cream Rolls,lrllnce Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Snaps, Etc. . ()f Sketes, Hockey Sticks, Ash Sifters, Crosreut Saws, Axes Axe Handles, Mitts, etc., etc. A. MoD. Allan, General. She.f and Heavy Hardware. are as good ea the beet made 10 any city in (%nada. Cantelon lends the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy designing and Ornament inq and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat infection will be ensured. D OANTELON, WEST -ST. About Prescriptions We have just • few word. to say -nasi here they :ire : It you need medicine you aro looking tor a .euro. 1t you want a euro you rust have the het inedicjnes that science can provide Then you should patronize • store where the purest tested anti °rayed drugs are used We hick we can give you jurt such • eervite, end claim to have the beet pro- .isiou for testing and tufty m the County. Better give us a trial, no matter what physician you have W. C. GOODE, BEDFORD BLOCK. Bear In diad then guaranteed ours of nun for LA GRIPPE, COLDS. etc., Laxative Bromo Quin Tablets. • constitutional treatment, awl Syr White Pins & Tar for the tough. There is nothing else "just Le good." Use the beet Chemist. SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! Hockey Skates, from 60c to $2.25 per pair. Acme Skates, from 45c to $2.00 per pair. A full range of all sizes. Hockey Sticks—,I jeaTs goods, from lOc up. The best stick made for 35c. k f1>Ilf lllieof $ilMiles, including Straps. S a—te Mitts, kle Supports, Etc. N. D. ROUGVIE. THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. LEE & SHEPHARD are the agc.lt.i for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market, and will heat your place with one-third Tess fu'e� than any furnace on the market. We have the largest assortment of coal and wood st res this side of Toronto. Also have a number of second-hand stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for new ones. LEL[ & SHEPHARD. CoMpli�eols of the Season ALBERT W. ¶ISE, 1,111.06 IN Farm Implements and liachinery. Deering Binder., Mowers, Hakes and Twine. Also J. W. Mann good. Ploughs, ,wipers, etc. Walker, {Le Wagons a epeotalty, everything made of the very hest material. Repairs of .all kinds kept on hand. Would 1 pleased to have you call and e etoot goods before purchasing elsewhere. ('IA9R CASH PRTCZN. Will open oo In ',he old Ani., Meg n son t -and about Octet, tr 1t A. A. W. WISE, Hamilton S tett, A Great Snap le our (linger Snap, at be e pound, of which we sell a barrel • week. Thio Isn't esr only neap, as we miry everything that ea he found In an un to -date grocery eters, and our priee are right. The farmers knew that they nen always Ret from no • seep for their prodoos. Ws draw the Ilea al nes legitimate brad. - everything goes : Glassware or potatoes, mdse stuff or nboloe't bible (Mina. Ws deel In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Rdf..d Web. GI•isrisb to all our customers and friends. M RDY & 00., THE GROCERS. CLEARING SALE LUNG BOOTS Before stock taking we find we have too many LONG BOOTS, e.i I hsv. I tci ded to run them off at VERY Ll)W PRICER, to Bait everyone, We invite you to oome in and oompare our $jig QUALITY 8HOE8, for Ladles and Gents, with other makes, and you will decide that they are more ap to -date in 'tyle, comfort and (iambi] ity than other makes which cost you more money. When buying rubbers why not buy the beab; they are cheap: est in the end. STJB PB,007 are the best, and nothing is Stub Proof unless it is stamped on every sole. You should cell and see OW LADIES' BARGAIN TABL'i AT 980. 1 hey are genuine snipe. Trunks and Grips. w ST. GEORGE PRICE iTlisptring Datly Done Sole ARest for J. 1). Mos Or►s Goods