HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-7, Page 1THREE ' A•811
00011tOst. Feb 6, (901.
Fall W neat 0 62 to 63
Flour. to alit per owt 3 10 to 2 10
lour. I•atont, per owt 9 50 to 2 50
Bran, 11 t . . .. ... . .,....� 13 M to14 00
Shorts, w to «. M 00 told 00
Screening., par cwt l 00 to 1 00
Rye per bush - .. 0 40 to 050
Buckwheat, per usb 0 40 to 0 50
Oats. Vbnab ....... 57 to628
Pew p bash. ., .............. 56 to 0 57
Barley, our busk .,,
May. new, w ton.
Petetose. near. 0 Raab..,
Sutter. ..... -.
()hawse. oar Ib.,..
■ser• fresh anpaskel..0 4416,..
Woo. ..
Iamb-dklne ....
Uva hoes
Dreamed Hots
lord. per Ib.
Dressed tl.ef, tore quarter
Dressed Heol brad
Cattle, Rzpert ....
S\ to 0 37
60 to 800
17 to 0 18
10 to 0 11
16 to 0 19
(O to s 00
01 to 5 .'J
50 to 0 (N)
50 to 5 75
10 to 0 17
Utto 0 15
121 0 13
00 to 0 00
00 to 01)
75 to 4 50
00 to 350
Oai'd 01 Thank ■
1 take this opportunity of tendering my
thank. to the Roon.m eel Mutual Vire Inoue
once +!ompaoy for iko prompt war In which
tb., paid the 0'I 1,f Sloss for ineuranne, which
I had oo the •pp!e evaporator at I)ungannoo.
which was destroyed b• gra on October Ord.
1000. MATNRW RI.9y15LL,
I)ongane,D, January fit le If 11.
Charles ifv new. stoat Oo4erlah.
8altford Tannery
b oatbt the tannery by n .loasph
Book. 1 m prepared In par the higher- • ,eti
prioe for hides hors hitter, .been Alin. wool,
tallow and fun. Ala, tannt-1t o' fur. and
robe. and making fur wounds 0 •od
lag tore of alt kinds. WILI.I''All MAILD[L
For data
_ - _
C story brick shop, corner Vtnlorla and
Trate' tar .trusts, Ooderioh Apple to W. J.
L"OR SALE. -LOTS 95, 96, 117, 118. 119
r and 141 in Hutohl•oo's survey, all In
Ood•rich. For partloulus •ppl. to
Berretter, to., Oodarlch.
March 11th, 1900. t19 -et
[`L 16, WIAder rr r liutoble-0i earn',
the prnnerty of the Ivo Ars. Clyne Apnly at
Ibis °Mee or to THUS. LACKY. Ooderlch
P.O lett
Lot 21. onaorsloo 11- re,A.'loh Town
ship, situated le male. from linlmrv,lle. 3j
miles from Clinton. Good henchme., fences,
orchard. wells. and option creek A good held
of fa'l wheat. Terme r.a.ona le For p.rtio-
unto .gist, to THUS. (1t•NIRY, anetIoaeer,
Ooder,ob. let f
clime farm known as the "('aaesd•y
Farm," being 1 half :rat 10, oonne.elon 1. Fast
W•wanosh, 100 scree. Warren cleesed and in
• good suite of enetiv.ttno. 1 acre b tib.
There is on the p1... • good two storey frame
dwelling house 56x30 with wing leen, end •
g od stone callar. • retype barn Me5d with
atone stables ender. 4 seers of grad orehord. 2
Knott never Minnie spring wells, The .0,l is •
good olay loam, ahou, 70 acres In R. ow. N nem
of f.11 wheat, and some fall ploughing. The
tenor are good- It 1. on • leading gravel road
Convenient to ^hurohes, school, eta., 1 mile
from the villas. of Auburn. 5 miles from
Mite, 12 miles from the towns of Iloierloh
and Clinton. This la a very desirable pleas -
co poor or waste lead.
For tnll particulars apply to P,IILIP HALT,
solicitor for the estate of the late Mrs. Caws
The Day ot Mourning. Oh
served In Oodetrieh.
S ervice' at St. 6eerge's and knee Cleereb
e.-TrIbatea t• tete e;eedaeas awl
alreas.ese of t e Monarch Wk...
Neat.. We Years.
Setarday-the earlier part of tine day
espeoully-win almost like Sandie/la Gods-
✓ ioh. To. stores were aimed sod bushier ,
suspended. and Ibe d.5' was fitsisgly ob-
served as an matinee of mourning. Before
the hour of the memorial servioes l0 the
oburohse the bells tolled solemnly for the
death of the good Qu....
The 0, C. 1.Cadets and Marines paraded.
with Capt. Grant and Lieut. trait and Yarr-
ows representing the 33rd Regiment, and
Col, Verooe in oemmand. With the Marline
Band at their bead, they marobsd round
the Square and Masao" to Knox oburoh, In
front of which t5e bend played the Dead
Maroh. They then entered the oharoh,
w here • epee. had b..o reserved for them,
Each red cost or khaki tank, displayed a
mourning band oo the sl..v
There was a lareo oo0gr.gation In Knox
oburoh, comprising persons from all the
churches ,n town. 'fh• services was core
deeded by the pastor, Rev. Jas. A. Aod.r-
eon, the pesters of the two Methodist
oharoh.., Rev. J. Wilson and Rey. J. W
Robinson, and Re.. Jas. Hamilton, of U•
too and Leeburo ohm -Mies. The pulpit was
dnpet lo black and pimple, with several
fi tyre,
Rev. Mr. Anderson opened the solemn
..rote. by prous0souig some aperopn•t.
vers from Sculpture, oommenot•g with
the words from Job it,., 1, 2 :
" Man that is born of • woman 1e of few
days, and fall of trouble. H• oome'h forth
like • flower, aod to out down . he death
•Iso as • shadow, and ooshnaelh not "
And .losing with the verses from 2 T,m•
Otey, Iv.:
" I have fought • good fight, I have fin
lotted my course, 1. have kept tae 1•ith
beoo.forth there is laid up for a crown of
rlght000eoow, whioh the Lord, tee rlthtes01
Judge, shall gin me at that day ; .od not
to me only. Let unto all them also that love
Ids .ppoutag.'
!Our the singing of the bymo, "0 (,od,
our help i• ease pant," Re.. Mr Hamilton
road from 1 Corlothises xy., from the 20th
ver... Rev, Mr. Robinson led in prayer,
and the hymn, " Asleep In )..us I blessed
d eep,' wee followed by an address from
Rev. Mr A ilaoo.
Mr. VY deo in hie opeeing remarks
e lated that he would not dwell °poet the
very impatient tbiege that belonged to the
reign of our lees Wenn' Queen the anise
n usn of territory, the glory of her reign.
the programs in .uleno., art and literature,.
sod these other things whioh read" the era,
the moat Illustrious of history 'lite prove
was taking up fbes• things and in the, years
to oome we ooald belay them to remem
Mimeos. 11 was rather to the character of
our late beloved Queen that he would direct
attention There was living, and there wee
Ityfog It was reed by nos of the apostle' :
'•1 am crucified with Christ : nevertheless I
Iles ; yet net 1, but Christ livstb In me :
and the life whioh I now live In the flash 1
11.. by the faith of the Soo of God, who
loved me, and gave blmeell for me " The
apostle r"oognlred that there was • life
which he had hoed whioh was lacking ; 1010
former life, this Ids of self, had now been
oroolfisd. Tears were many 11•ss to ht.ury
whioh exemplified this td.., The Karl of
Shaftsbury lived not as • noble earl but as
a ('hrletlao',otlemao, amine the • ivanta4ra
whioh bio position ga.. him for (:brise .od
the benefit of youoe manhood. Lady Som
did not Irv. • ht• of •elr.ho..., bat
de•eted her glee and fortunes Io behalf
of womankind. Lady Aberdeen was not
contest to live merely a venal life as the
wife of tits Governor-General. hat used her
loflaeno' In the furtherance of many gond
designs. There was tioward, the pillion
thropl•1, who Pout oat among men for the
betterment of the downfalls° and by his of
forte brought about prison reform Alex-
andre, our preeeet Queen, bas thought of
other Wogs than moral, her high position
to the state ; during her life ah. has collect
eel sod distributed $250,000,000 to charities.
and other helpful ways for the baoert of
mankind. This di,tteottoo between liviog
and living 1■ to be seen in the I - f• of our late
Queen. Mb. might have bee° a mere figure.
head, might have occupied herself solely
with the Goole% detlss of her position ; hat
ib.liyed not for.rlf, but for the amellora•
Mon of her people and the uplifting of Mr
empire. W. neon! now many effort. ,he
put forth, 001 beoanse she was Qaoeo, bus
out rel the goodoese nl her heart, tor the
benefit of her people. Though she le dead
she still eves ; her high end Christine wom-
anhood will Ilya in history and ,n the tr8u-
omce whioh her 1St" has wrought Datil the
sun .Rall mass to shine upon the empire of
which she was the heed.
Uses of Brest man all remind as
We can mak* our lives sublime,
mantra el, ck st-,1 ser. And, departing, lesy• behind os
M.roontbe a^d manof•com:ng risks 011 Footprinw oo the sande ot tit
were rate.. Call et Otsee. JI It t. not ...,.....rs alias tea
Organist and musical director of North et.
Methodist church. and teacher of pianoforte.
pipe orWan and theory. will be pleased to r•
celve pupil.. Instruction given either at
studio or at pupil's home, as desired. Studio
at Zwereon's Malo Ston, West et.
Physician". surgeon.. etc.
Office. Hemilton sir:•er,
Night .alb answered (rem omcx
Telephone 1t :.
I IR -4 SHANNON ft ..1,1,04. PHY
t SIC'ANS.nl 9.irgeoea. Mee in Bank
of ('on.,nnra. hu Mina, toot side of %Visor.
1' • /ht rally •t residencies iM.Osllow,
I'r, Shan on.
old ,ew,denee, Napier Mt.. 11840 et. w.
''hone 11. 'Menne 6`+.
s0 y nus .hMtlsg ca otheteel.. treatises
ing anon any part of wt/ premerty wilt M ar
rested f of oromuSMd. R. C. ATT7 tfLL,
Itldgewoo.l Park. ,
Imuran.., eta
Ai: E. MRAW; u119196 fit-fli' t1R-
AN('T8 and real rotate agent. OMOee, to"
door east of P. O., °nderlch. Agent for the
leading mutual fin In.nr.•oe oom lanes, aa4
Igreat ard nobl• in the sense in whiob wespeak of lords end eerie. Queen Victoriawas • high, worthy Christie° woman, faithfel to the trust imposed in her, faithful inthe sphere lo whioh she was plened ; andevery women is a queen, every man, l• this*ease • kluge who te faithful to the tenet re.posted in her or in him. The woman isIrritator than the queen ; the man it greaterthan the king. Queen Viotoria's life weemoulded by the training of her early childhood. Her father, the Duke of Kent, rr.quested hie friend, the Risher, of Salisbury.to pray, not that hue child should escapeanxieties and responsibilities, hut that tinemight direct end gaid• her. She wits holeap to Ood in the prayers of her fatherand mother. and she oommentod her reign
by asking for prayers to her behalf. There'
are prayers wh uh are more form, snob a■
have sometime' been offered tor kings in the
PUG ; but the prayer that went out from
millions of hearts, "tiod Sav• the Queen,"
In very few oases win of this kind -thee
wee something In Queen Vioiotia's life that
brougbt out that prayer from the hearts of
her people. The prayers oa her behalf were
*Gomel, in bier Iib and for the benefit of
the Empire and tower's the establishm-ot
of right prtaolples, and they will bay's(' tb•
time when cbis empire, greater than ever
empire was beton, will ben bad • greet In
thence in bringing to past the uni I
empire of which the ruler shall he the Ktug
of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Mr. Wllsos then epok• of the tolerance
u matters of creed whiub was shows by
Queen Victoria, and nested some touldeei�
of her life to Illustration. It was Oct thei\
she woe oerelei 1 •r lenorant in regard to
tbeelegloal matters ; but her sympathy with
goodoeoe went out everywhere and passed
tit. bounds of oreed. She Ilved the better
lite, and the nation was called upon to reooe•
oixe those .Magi 1a her life whioh made it
nos of the greatest In history Ube ser
rows whioh she was called upon to endure
bad served to broaden her love for her
people and to make even more 000stant her
fidelity to her work. Tbe.* leonine should
1» loomed from her Itfe ; sad e•eryone of
her subjede, young or old, ought to be bet•
ter for the grand, the beautiful, tb. roysl
life whioh Queen Vtoterta lived.
fbe hymn. "The seeds of time are "ink
tog," woe sang, sod was fellewed by Mr.
Anderson -s address :
"To observe a period of general mourning
en the death of snood and greaten* soya-
retgu, and to spend • ;xenon of that period
le devout aad holy assembly, is tb• hoses)
•ugpe.uuo ol the oilman heart. It 1B both
natural and right to bewail the lose of the
great and good. Moreover,tbts is but follow -
tog Soriptor• preoedeot." Here Mr Aneer-
soo referred to the public mourolog occa
wooed by the death of Jamie, Arran, M•
nes, Josiah and Stepb•o, sod 000uoumg
..Id : "And today, when all that is mortal
of our good and beloved Queen ta bemg
borne to Its last r..tme plain, the whole
world bears testimony to tea sorrow, and
the hearts ot millions of her loyal, devoted
sabj,uw, oompnsiog one fourth at the
wend'• population, are pierced with deep
and poignant grief. This universal sorrow
has not mesa simply because the most tl-
Iustrlouo monarch of modern times that
ever gr.oed ea earthly throne 1. deed That
event wee sure to come. W• were to •
me suss prepared L.r it, because of her ad-
vancing -sen sod growing infirmities, but,
as I take it, this world-wide sorrow Is • to
buts to her goodoess rather than to her
ireataees. 11 is fbe world's benediction
upon • pun, lofty, 0oosteteet, Christian
har•oter. The saiatly % totorta was a
mighty morel and tptrltual force in the
Mod. '1'h. peerless features of her char.°
ter radiated to countless directions, A,Hus
tee blame/ to millions beyond her own
realm, fluidteg, inspiring, confirming, trans
lormtng tnem. By the wl.dom of her
oouose'•, by the saroe.toese of her efforts,
bf her personal kindn..s and oheerlul, ober
noble gifts, all prompted by . • sense of
righteousness toward God and toward man,
she exerted an influence which made Medi
felt ,n s•ery uhaonel when thought sod
feeling find expression -In penile word and
loving deed, to the hallowed privacy of the
home, In the wider range of the emus' oir-
ole, in the seared domain of the ahurob, in
Inc secular realm of business, and in the
mon •rteod•d policy of the state. The
goodness of our late Queen was not that of
• m,re moralist. Her strong nature re0og
Meed • personal Uod and personal Saviour,
Isidore whom sae bowed In humble sutmis
sion sad joyful service. Her courage end
resoled= in doing her duty, to facing d;lfi-
oulties, in giving reprools and Impro•lor
opportmetiee, were prompted and strength
sod by au element of p sty that dominated
bar nature. 'She did that which was right
to the sight of the Lord.' ISotwlthetand,ng
the oppostuoa that at timer arrayed Swell
agales', her she proved to hor Ministers and
to the world that she was possas.od of •
•uftiolent force ot personality and will to
enaeleher, when her heart was set on well
doing, ro reels. the oomb!ned throe . 1 0A1
std. olroamstan0ee, and t0 crown her efforw
with sono.... It was Victoria's true reli•
alone feeling 'hit Inspired her to sasb actio
lty. Whether as a daughter, a wits, a
mother, • widow or • Qaeeo Mee was al -
way. queenly and womanly, sod that be
Doose of her true and deep Christian to
attn.tt,whtch adorned her char -sow with •h
onameet and grans ter ahoye all that earth
affords of the beautiful and the rare. The
ezosllenoe of bet personal worth le today
bates recognized throughout the unison...,
and that worth will be more greatly valued
as the years roll by. She were • precious
treasure not everywhere to be found, scand-
ium forth as a unique personality, not only
beoanse of the length of her reign among the
sovereigns of the earth, bat bemuse of the
wide domain over which her Influence was
exerted, Hy her pennies wisdom and taor,
whloh wee largely governs -4i by her loo• for
her sabjeew, roe frequently held In check
th• belligerent element In the nation She
w ee • woman who studied 'the things whioh
make for poste,' end when wise dlplo
many and p.aoetal overtures failed and the
nation was brought Into 000g,aw and wan,
she was earnest to her sapptloatlons at the
throne of grace Ihst the King of King. sod
Uo,.roor of nations might take under H1s
fatherly oars the men who were sewing her
e mpire on land and Ise, and mercifully favor
the cause of the country, and speedily bring
to an sod all war and bloodshed. Doubt -
tee' the trials of her latter days were to•
oreued Ey the cosines she beheld, In the re-
turned crippled soldiers, to the grief striek
eo, heart -broken, sad bereaved homes of
dear old England. and by the harrowing
tales she herd of suffering and distress and
death in the battlefields on the African veldt.
lest her lova to her soldiers, instead el
waning, as her physical strength was ebbing
•way, waxed stroueer le evidenced by
M. despatoh whioh King Edward sent
the other day to Lord Methane : ' On* of
the Queen's lase enquiries woe after your•
.If and the 4Ill
nti army under your oom
mend.' Her Most Gracious MajorityIs
no mere. Bat `It Is not all of death to die.'
`To be absent from the body Is to be present
with the Lord.' Shit 11,.., enthroned In the
singdom abnve,wearlog a crown of more tilt.
tering splendor than that. which she ha. jest
laid mitts. Her memory shell lees with as,
and not die. The kind words which she has
spnkoo, and the kind floods which •hn hoe
does, will oome ap as • memorial of her In
the ages to Dome May we oatoh Sha inspir-
ation of her gaol and noble life, for the Al
mighty says to as, as truly as he said to her:
' H• thou faithful unto death, and f will
give thee • ornwo 0t lite ' "
t% hen this pawing world is done " was
the olosiog hymn. rhe congregation stood
while the nepotist. Mr. Jordan. played the
Devi Marnh In 9oel, and when the e/online*
end majestic) music of the requiem hail
em•eeA Ray. Mr. Miens proseaoeed the
honed lotion.
Attar the mogr•gatleo had moved one,
Accountant and lnennnee Agent
Rooks and accounts made ape
Hnlldlners rented and rents o"Ileoted.
Fire loeurane° In Rrltlt'1 and (Canadian
010Ios- In from 1foot k Hari office
street Ooderlrh.
jd". J. T. NAFTEL, G1:NERA1, IN.
1r� Sl7RAN E an
A Real IC.tale .gent,
Fire, left*, Accident and Plate Mose !neurone.
eReote'l on mutual or rash p'an at lowest
rates coed ble,
Host Neenah and Centidlan oompenio rep-
(Mice next door to °arrow it Garrote, Har
listen, Hamilton etre it.
Pubks Nodes.
Raving dlep„sed of my implement hminem,
1 take this opportunity of informing oer mo
debtor, that all .conis and past
mast be settled for at one 1' BROWN
Goderleh. Jan. hied, 1M1.
AYOt10111 Bales.
working heroes •a I ton Dow. In calf u •
pees bred sh Orth ,ret bn11. on
Fe n'olesb, P M., at Gumtree Auction Mart
.trtetrfr(lode.wh 1 alen 1 5.t of tarsi
rese, I et of .Ingle h veers, 1 een110 not
Mr. 1 derle mutter. Terme - Nine months-
nnthirredlt as furnishing aper'ved trent noir.,
It f 10//geI OUNDNY. anntios"er.
Ammo Wanted.
ars =woo owe,wanted •t owe,
to SMITH BROS. k (m
the Cadet., led by the choir, sang "Duo
Save the -King."
At fit reserves.
The memorial seine. In St. George'.
oburoh ou Saturday mero,og was very large
ly attended and the Sons of England were
present in a body. The draping@ of the
oburoh were ul royal purple with • little
black intermixed, and the frontal and pulpit
hangings were very neatly ornamented with
eoolnteeUoal d..iges embroidered iu white.
the church bell wits tolled during the whole
of the impree'tve servo*.
Chopio'e funeral march, played by lb.
ofg•0i•t, Mr. Cuff, assured by Harold
lilaokewoe on the flute, termed • Attlee
prelude to the solemn service, which opened
with the hymn, "Forever otitis the Lord."
Toe ninetieth psalm and the hymns,
"Rook ot Agin, Cleft for Me," and, '•Now
the Laborer's Task to O'er," were feelingly
The rector, Rey. M. Turnbull, delivered
on oddr.es ua the Irl. of the late Queen.
He spoke of her as having discharge I all
the duties moldeut to her .tatted position
to a mintier to grin the respect and esteem
of the world, At a very Duly 1..e she was
called to her exalted position and all through
her long r•lgo ahu had been divinely sur
tainted in the di.ob.rge of her officio! duties.
But le was 00' only as, queen that we loved
and honored her, but es • woman, one .0
whom were found all the nest qualities of
bar sex. Sbe had been a f•Ithlui wile and
mother mid bad not protested her home
duties in bringing up • urge family. Her
quiet, womanly disposition, her reguiar at•
tandem,. on the motion 01 grace and 1h•
Cenntan fortitude with which abs bore her
bereavem,o s,of whioh she had her toll ,bare,
woo the respect and love ot atI, and the great
oeremenle io conneahon with her funeral
were the world's way ot shooting its love
sod respect for her who had gone to the bless
sed 1000117 where es hoped owe day to meet
At the 0000lusioo of the urvlos the whole
oongregatloo stood durlow the playilet 0f
Mendelssoho'e funeral march and then de.
parted while the Dead March iu S.meea
was played by the organist.
tween Mr, °a. Porter's Ronk Ntors and
his re.idenne or between his resilience and his
mother*" on RayO.11 Read, a •ma'l blank
finger prime, containing • sum of money lalen
• few Postale etsmpel The Roder will he well
rewarded by ,seving at PORTRR'S BOOK
%Wh :, 'f Weed
lepers ear the rreeeedI.g. of the Last Sega.
oar Meeting.
The regular meeting of the town council
was held on Friday ••eo,0g last. All the
memberr were present
Toe treasurer's st.tsm.at for the mouth
January woe as follows
Helenas from IHuember, 1900 $743 74
Reosi on-
teeter rates
{ 689 25
25 01
641 93
Electric raves.......,. 422
Bel1.tay•ble (reeew.le). 7,000 00
M,nkma toad 'merest.. 63 60
M.itlaod cemetery,... 29 00
Model school t.ee .. b 00 8,776 62
:irlrriee.... . , ......9 209 55
Priming and advertising 44 BO
Sp•olol grants , 60 OC
Fire department 7 39
EI..Noa .0000st (bylaw) 37 ('0
Publ.o work• 16 LU
Charity 9 56
Public library 100 00
Debsatan meerest..... 125 00
tittle payable (renewals). 4,500 00
Book interest 89 20
%%wetworks malut 349 41
Electric ligbt 123 38
}'u b11c schools... 407 42
Electric light capital1,369 11
liranohth,o walk,; 252 80
Sink:ng fund 63 60
l'levator Joiners' . . 232 90 - C.C. and 0. ezpeoses,24 65
8 075 70
Ralanoe 91,444 66
,}.met Reid, tax collector, was sullen ire
to osotin0, the levy aad collection of tate.
.till unpaid
The J. E. Ellie Lny of Toronto. agalb
wrote in regard In Illu1loaung dale for lbs
court h. use Mont The matter was bun
over for future oonnd.ration.
A notice of the adjourned anodal meet
ing of the .nerehold.rs of the titdericr
Eiry•tor sod Tr•nstt Company, to be hal
at. the Rosin House, Toronto, oo February
btb, was read. and on motion o1 Memr..
Homb.r and Martin it w.o resolved th.-
Mr. Darrow be asked to repreeeet the tow.
.t the maet,ng, and that he be furnished
with a proxy t.,1 that. purpose.
A W. Hepburn, general m 1 ,h
Lsae O.,t.rle N.ngrtloa Co , Proton, Om.,
wrote staling Mot th• oompa0y were talk
mg 0f operating a feet steamer bio the Cleve-
land, Toledo and Sault Ste. Marie roue,
via God«etch and eteor,tan Ilay, and asking
for information. The oomn,unloattoo was
recaived and bled.
A eommanlo•tino from the Canadian Fire
Underwriter'. Association, drawing the
coaomt's attention to the lase report of Moir
teep.oter oe the tow's fire appliances, was
referred to the fin committee.
A deputation appeared before the cooncll
asking fora grant of $25 for the Heron
Poultry and Pot Stook A.sooiatloo. The
matter was lett to the hands of the spacial
The following ammonia were referred to
the tinanoe committee : Marine Band, .ear
•,r011 at Trnnp.r Weetb.rald'. reception,
$11 ; Garin,k Pack mg ('n„ H.milton,
tacking for power house, $187 60 ; Wm
Kirkbride, drying fin hose, 98 ; Th. Start
pour mg and advertising, $35 62; N. V. A.
Dymeot, cedar pole and posts, 03 30 ; A.
Mol) Allan, $61.39.
The report of the finance committee,
recnmmeedfng the payment of • large cam-
ber of aosoDntt was adopud.
The speotal onmmttu" asked for further
time to consider the offer of the Matimid
River Power Co. ; recommended that no
sotios be taken In tis" mat•sr of David
Reld's olaim for damages for injury to his
horse ; and reverted that they had Instruct
ed the clerk to writ. Long Brno., of Coiling
wood, In reference to haying ;heir line of
hosts •3401 a
t OOd.rtoh and tint • sub com-
mittee, consisting of Mr. Humber. the
Mayer sad Mr Martin. had boon appointed
to consult with Mr. (l.rrow to regard to
rhe prno..dlnis taken •tomer the elevator
oomp•ny, with power aro sot. The report
was adopted.
An amount of Mr. Kaaren (Stratford) for
street ts,pectlen woe erd.rd to b. paid,
Bylaw No 3 of 1901. to •mead bylaw
No. 6 of 1880 by °hanging the number of
members of the water and Ilrht committee
from three to fin, was read three times and
The spool eemmit.tee was empowered to
appoint • sub-onmmittee to cooler with the
Maitland )Lyer Co to swam further infra
mattes la regard in the aeheme to supply
the town with power.
On motion of Mestere Marlin and Ifun1-
bet, It was resolved that a "message on tee
half of the Melees of Oderlch in ramose.
ee the death of Queen Vlotatle, be .sot
for external nm only, le a positive 00110 for
spinal dls'aase hip disease, Inflammatory rhea
matlsm, lame honk, lumbago. sere thrnat
weak and *ram longs, braises, moraine .tiff
bine', roptnre and all kit/rod AI•-ases.
1l has algin hone toned sonrs for throat al
footnote In hotfoot Nose senatee withnnt
having the trade meek en Isnot. and wrap
per* and R. A. Molennens IAnIm.hL Gods
✓ loh, oat.. stamped on was .sal on neon bottle.
Mannt•otnres Only ho tl'PFICMIA A. Mn
1.EHMAN, role mono. and prep. New
g ate sliest. Oodoelob. Oat,
reline tv len 4 ,r'.... eseeww....-
to Hu Ezostteaey the G timers! to
be conveyed to His Imperial Malsaty' the
It was r..olved , .t the band be engaged
fur the pais-. un .ieturday In connection
w itis the ohDarv. nos of the day of mourning
for our late Qa.eo.
S ewer's ler loos -Tete institution of tete
Possess 1. Kvldeatly a es.
B.laooe from 1899 $ 27 00
Sale of reeding card. 48 15
Legislative grant 1. readlag room ,. 35 10
Town grant 400 00
County gran 15 00
Back intermit oo deposits 75
t. 'i,`rfi 1 526 50
Rent .... . $ 48 00
Hormuz.. .. ..... 6 45
Mr. Duffs salary 150 00
Books bought 148 70
Maget,nes and newep.pero.,, 68 40
Printing rules and reading Dards16 75
lnouranoc. 6 00
St imp en•I screen ' ' 6 60
leaidentals ..............6
Baleares o° band ., 68 91 69
1526 50
The absye bo•nutal statement was audit
.1 by M . iRetortion and B.11, town
auditors. 140. receipts from readers' cerdr'
ton iu reality an 152, l0.tead of 948 15
as above, the difference befog received tun
lets for the report. 1). J NArTSL, tress
No. of volumes (.pproximat.) in the li
brary : History, 431 ; bieeraply, 273
v .yavise and travels, 322 ; soon°. and .rt,
486 ; 111), ,'ter", 130 ; poetry, 114 ;
rellivuu • Itterature, 165 ; fiotion, 1,105
miacell•o•ous, 713 ; reference, 75, Total,
3 814.
Hooks bought in 1900 : History, 51 ;
heigraphy, 3 ; soyas., 22 ; *oieoe. and •rt,
26 ; 'oboe, 4 ; reltvious literature, 5 ;
totton, 105 ; moon !Renew', 63 ; reference, 5.
Total, 290
*1e Volumes iwued during 1900: Hlerory,
00 : blogr•pey, 128 ; vnt:•g•! and travel,
1237 ; velem* sat art, 145 ; poetry, 72 ;
rel:gtoie•IltentUrr, 83 ; fiction, 8844 ; ince•
cell .neon., 1424 ; 'Merano., 43 ; m•g,zm..,
117. Tut•1, 14.090
Daily newspapera, 3 ; megaztoes and per•
todto.le, 13 ; weekly papers, 10
As recutred by the Government, the
library is lammed to the sum of 1800.
'1ho institution of t0• tree library moms
to have been • decided .0ooes.. We have
now 60U readers eel an Issue of 14,090
v,.lum.c, whereas before the Dumber of vol
um.. woe .bout 8000er 9000 on the average
It will be seen that the (ward hoe kept well
wittio the •pproprtat,ow of $4011 from the
tows, begiontog witb 127.50 and ending
with $6$.69 oh hand Next year v.e shall
reoe,ve • much 1 Uovernmenl grant.
Ties will to offset to • greet event by the
sew catalogue, the absence of whioh has
been much complained of by the public.
wTh« bbrartso, Mr Dar, has, we think,
ti 1 .1,e position very setl.tactorlly, keep-
', _ he room .zos•diogly clean and tidy
auu heel: at the same time 000rten05 and
hell fel 0 :he ruder* end frequenters.
Cruz no would 000fer • great favor If tbey
would from time to tin,• hand In Ilse of
deeir•ble ►woke to the librarian or newel y
-not that every book so indicated one be
[ought, but that from such • omissions of
opinion the board may jar Ire as to t hs best
JAMG' WILSON, Chairmen ;
A. J. Moons, Secretary.
1a 1853 doomed married Mus Barbera
Hamilton, slater of the late Thome' Hamtl-
tun, who lived so the tame township. Alter
. few years be moved with his family to the
oouuty of Bruce. After remaining there
for • number of yarn hs and his family
moved to the free grant dl.trlot of Parry
Sound and from there they emigrated to
Forgo, North Dakota. ltsoeased was the
uoole of U. M. and The, Elliott, of Uude-
ONx Hi•NUR•D YKAM OLD -The pub-
lishers of The Dundee (Suotland) Advertiser
have reproduced to Ian•simtle tn. first
Dumber of the paper, wbtob appeared Janu-
ary 16, 1801 (sue hundred yeses ter), as
The Dundee Weekly Advertiser. R • nave
race wed by the kmdoe.. of George Sdv-
wrlght, of Cullen, Sootlaod, a copy et this
fro simile, and also aoopy of The Advertiser
of January 16, 1901. A comparison of the
two °umbers u 50.truotlys in demonalrating
the program of • oentury In the art of
newspaper publishing and Is mtereting in
many other ways.
( HiI.DRIN n AID SOC1111y.-The annual
me eine of the Children's All Moolety was
h eld y..urday afternoon, and officers wen
e lected as follows : President, James
MBohell ; otos president, R. S Williams ;
secretary•trsuurer, W. Lane. Anuotber
of oases to which the Snooty is taktog an
Intermit were dl.cuuod sod further steps
will be taken as otruamstaooee may warrant.
The Sooisty w111 be glad to resin, as many
new members es possible, wren • view to In
d efficiency to the wort for whioh the
Society exists. The membership fee u 50
neo ce
Valesetl5.. -Porter's Book Swore
A Test -F. M. Dunham 8
Abous Prescriptions W. 0. Goode 4
Luolmeot-Rapbemla A. MoL.noan 1
Free De iviery of Newspapers -Kidd d; Co. 5
SecondVeek'e Selling-Hogens Bros8
February Selling --W. Aohe.00 & Soo,,, a
A ouowmeot-Ladles' AIIN. se. Meeh.
Uhurab. 1
Aoonueoement-1'. T. Dean 1
Appreotlo.. Wanted -Smith Bros, & Co1
Purse Lost -Dau. Porter 1
A000uowmeot-(l. K. Klee, Wlogh.m1
House .0d Lot Fur S.le-Thos. Lewy1
A Household N.oeeslty-.1. Nilson....,. 8
Auotlon Sale -T. Gundry ... ... 1
Farm for Sale -T. Gundry 1
Pe rack Hiokey, 000vloted .t au usual'
upon Police M•trlstrete Knott' of Seaforth,
was brought before His Honor Judge Doyle
un Thursday last, and was further rem.odsd
until Muod.y the lltb Inst. Albert Evans,
of Colborne. the same day was tried to roe
obare. of stealing a sheep from Albert Muir
ford. Crown Attorney Lewis prosecuted
and Wm. 1'roudloot defeod.d the prisoner.
His Honor reserved jar-vmeut until Feb
rusty 11,h. There is alio • charge against
Kv.r. rat stealing • Dumber of article' from
Nail Mbl:orvls At the request of Mr
Proudtooe trial of this °barge woe uo.tpoo.d
to Maroh 1.t
B B. Oct.or,' 1)UATH.-R B. 0.1er, K l'.,
the gnat ..,tubal lawyer, dual suddenly o0
1 woodsy morning at Atlantic City, New
Jersey. where he bad goo. for the benefit' of
his heeltb, which had broken down from
overwork. Mr. Osler was engaged sever.)
times 10 oases belors the courts in liod.rlcb,
and a writer In The Globe recalls the time
when, nearly twenty years ago, before Sir
Adam R Ilion, he fought .o bard to the
oourt house here for the life of poor old
Reamish and his two son., whom he f.It
were befog unjustly ch.trgnd. " Day after
day, and away Into the night," 'toys this
writer, ".5.u°i•ted with the Hoo. Mr
l eirr„w, he foucht just al faithfully as if the
porn prlsonen wore his beet friend., and at
lel sucoeed.d In saving the life of • man
whom those who know have always felt was
morally tn0oosot
N'. MacViear, who was one et the putt
otpante In ibe life saving episode at the
Black Hole lost Bummer, has rotund rs-
0010ttloo for his part ,0 the affair, the
RJyal Canedlaa Humane Association b.ving
awarded him a medal "for onnspi00us5
bravery in saving H. Miller Irom drowning
10 MattIoid River.
GOATS or MIMS NwiYD,-Miss Margaret
L. Sueyd, 01 Brantlerd, a former resident ol
Uoderieb, died os Monday atter • long 151-
,611. of eaarf. T60 deco.ed was • sister
of Mrs. John Aobeeoo, of town. The ro
mains will be in,erred to Maltlanl nemetery
the funeral taking piece this (Time/at)
altsr000n troth the reoidenco of John Ache-
son. a riser Cambria road and Brook sires-.
Jl'nns LOrwT'M FIIt'T Corer -One of
the first to onnoratula,e \\ m. L•1oot, the
well known Termite barrister, on his eleva-
tion to the High Court beech was County
Crown At, ore. y Lewis, who to return re.
delved • veiny pl letter to course of
which His Lordship staled that We first
court work wool I be In Goderuoh, on the
occasion el 'lie •..izee r• r' a 26'0 lett.
The 1ets.lardy• Rom w•. I . 1 • !hi. work.
641.):n or tlolt400 AND I,ATTtt.. - ' hough
Uuodry lt'ou. did not v.00aod lin ••1 leg
their Clydesdale stallions at their sale les'
week, o her hor.•' .ohl fairly well, driving
cults going at from $70 to $110 "soh . and
work horses brim/tee very fur prime. On
Tuesday of thin week Thos. Gundry con•
ducted • Dale of 011111. for Jam.. Feagao, of
the fifth onnoessioo of Colborne. 'rhe
stormy weather kept many buyers away,
bet the stook sold at tate prices.
reottatloo, Mla. Nellie Jamieson. Mr.
Bisset and severed others •.lst.d to
toe musioel part of the program,
at the clue. of which relreshmeow were
d and a plea..ot tooled time woe spent.
The second eyeolog of this series w111 beheld
about the middle of February, and all
friends of the W.C'(.13. are matted. The
aim ie not only thee these meetings ah.11
give eotert.loment, bat that they ab.11 be
eduoatioo.l along their lines of work.
The (2rctt,iri LIN■ -At • meeting in
rnrnoto oo T'u.eday of the let. and Rall
Association the summer rat.. for 1901 were
arranged. Some uolmportent change,
mostly to the way of dight horses.., were,
mode, It is stated, from the rates in foto"
last year,the Iwrs orinoipally affected Wag
Undenuh, Y,o,itrdme, Southampton aod
Spanish Mull., The..alon, Bros Mines and
Mat -knolls. Collmgwood. Me.lord, Owen
Sound, Parry Sound, to Blued Riv.r and
Iiard.n River ; Windsor or Detroit. return
to The.•aloe and Brae. Mine". The Al-
goma Central Ratlw•y Steamship Company
(,be Clergue enterprise) was admitted to
membership In the Association, and 16 wee
announced by the representatives of the nom•
paoy that they would run do steamer',
three below and two above the Soo. Abe, '
they will ran from the Son to Port Arthur
and Duluth. Wooer In the north shore
ports. Below the Soo three beats will
operate between Toledo. Windsor, Sarnia,
(iod.rloh, Southampton, tb.00e to Little
Current and the Soo, when they will emi-
nent with the l,k. Superior lin.. The Al-
goma Central will alto hov• boats on the
route Detwee0 Owen Sound, Midland and
Perry Sound.
Preen; N'I'no, BOARD, - rhe regular
meeting of the ,•ubl,o school board wee 0.1d
oo Monday evening, with all the member',
to attendance. Joto F. Bete',cant.kr• of
the Centre! Bohool, eppbet fee •0 ID,:e•le
rat salary ; en Morelos of 425 per annum was
granted. Applloat tone from 1 of the
trechera for Inc of salary wen reed.
Tee board went loco oommlttes, with Mr,
Aoltesoo to the obalr, when It wee moved by
Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr Ntiholsoo,
that Mos Sharman reoetve an Worries. of
115 and that the other teachers, exoepting
the junior teaohete of the ward schools, also
reoetvs an increase el $15. Mr Bail motel
m amondmeot, s.00nded by Mr Colborne,
that the matter Ile over until Ootober. Thee
amendment wee ,oerrled, Moors. McKim,
Raid, 1}al1, ('olbo a and Cragle young for
it, and Mews. N7aholeoo and MoLewn
• galp.r It, Aonnunrs' n1 Jas. Buohanan &
Mon, $3.24 and 12 65; J. H. Worsell, 860 :
R. ij• Cett, 11 25, and R. '1 ichhourae, 94.26,
were ordered to be paid.
Tilt POULTRY SHOW. -The ears°a{ winter
e shtb'tlon of the Heron Poultry and Pat
Stook Association is being h.14 this work at
the towel ball. The show is a times" ■o far
as the number of eotrles and th• merits of
the exhibition are ooneerosd, bat 11 is re
grottahte that the public to not dlspbylnv
any greet amount of Interest. No doubt
the etnrmy weather has been against a large
•tt•ndanoe. Then are about six hundred
thirds on exhibition. The fudging was not
completed when this was written, and we
are therefore not able to publish the prize
het thio week. Among the exhibitors are
S"uthoott & Bartlett, London ; Armstrong
Bros,. John Thomson. Alpaogh Bro. and
(len, C. Hamilton. Fergus ; Wm. Carter,
Con.tanos ; Allred hiker and 1). A Low-
ery, Brussels ; 1;. MoMahoo, 1'. Aetzel end
Dr, Sohit, Secforth ; Ueorge Swallow, Clio•
too ; Jos, A. Gray and Thos. Rowers,
Wiegham; Mrs. Ferguson, Stratford ; J
A. Howls, C. A. Wells, ('olio Campbell,
Jar, Munro., of town. The exhibition
closes thl. afternoon.
tuns of minimal oases jest made by Cre•io
Attorney fowls for the last hall year c f
1900 show that ten estee were tried at the
Uonoty Jades s Criminal Court and two in
th• General Sessions with a jury. The
off..oeis charged were ahop•break leg, theft,
assault and personation. Convictions were
moored In eleven out of the twelve asses,
the 'muteness ranging from one week in the
oornm0n ja•I to seven years to the Ki08.
elan Penitentiary.
A Mrae.'At. EVENT,--Oo Wednesday sl
lest week • violin sod piono recital was
given by the pupils of the Misses Laura and
Ethel Aoheson, sod proved • very .uoo..s-
tul and eojnyable affair. "1 he recite' was
given to the parlors of the Misses Aobesoo'e
home, about fifty friends of the pupils being
present, The muelolans In Iralolor perform.
.d their parte very oredttably. Miss Pros
also assl.ted with • vocal salectlen, wOlob
was glrea with much sweetness. The pro.
gram was as follows
Dorn "A Little Minstrel" Sartori..
Misses Whitely and Lewitt.
VIOLt't "Melody In F" Rar*nstelo.
Min. I.,ly Mo...
PIANO. " V•Ise Petite Neldltoger.
Mus Vera Whitely.
VIOLIN. "6'h Air V.rle,' Danal•.
Mr rise. F.
PusO.ha I'gel«," B.ohmaon
Mi.. Florenoe Connolly,
"Blue Bella of Soo, lend'
Mise Nelle M,-l,.reu. ,•armor.
I'IA ve. "1,• ('oquette" i)orow.ki.
• Mse
Miss Irene Aobeo.
VOCAL.. "A Dream" Bertlete.
Mie' Mary Prloe.
VIOLIN. "Blumenlied" Lange.
Miss Irene Jaoksoo,
Derr. , "Dorothy" Smith.
Moss Connolly and Acheson.
Vn1Lto. "Ls Strainers' Denali".
Mise Jennie McLaren.
PIANO. "1... Sylvelos" ('bsminade.
Mise E'hel Acheson.
V toiiv "Heroeuse" from Jooelyo
Miss L.urs Acheeoo. (Godard.
Gnu Save THs KING.
Mies I:v• Acheson Is visiting in Toronto.
W. L. Horton was lin Toronto this week,
John Nairn, of Seaforth, was in lows over
Mies Mildred Campbell b visiting friends
Yre Holt lett yesterday on • visit to To.
rooto and Niagara Fall..
i)avid 1te11 was .t Palermo last week et -
tending Die funeral of • brother.
Mies Coosbooe Holt lelt yyesurday to
vlelt mends at Guelph and Oollingwood,
John Hepburn, of Stratford, was the
goeet of Mr, and Mt.. J. W. Vermeer this
Captain Baker, Mrs. Baker and ehlldreo
lett nn Monday on their return Io Regina,
N. W T,
1'.. G. Van 5 lest. representative of The
Canadian Implement Trade, was In town
last week.
-- Joan (;roots., who was employed Imre
505.0 year• ago, is agate In town, In Rede-
em' Itros.' store.
Mre. Troy. of Whleeohurch, Ie netting
her daughter, who Is attending fbe ('olfeg•
late Institute, aod other friends in town.
.1 M. Field, of the Oolle.lau institute
star. on Tu..dav rsmived chased and nese.
pseud int citizen le of the death of hie mister
at i eimlltnn, and telt for that place the
nett morning.
The friends of Mies hate MoCrll, former-
ly organist to North-sa. Methodist and Knee
ohnroh.B, are much pleased to see her again
alter her .njnurn 54 two yeses In Germany.
She 1s upending • short time In tows, the
guest of Mise Marlon Parsecs.
"- 17tetltrrCorircii., R. T. to T. -Th•
semi-annual meeting of the Huron district
ooanail, Royal Templar M '1'emperaaoa,
was held at Exeter on Friday, January 25
There was a good attendaom of repreeen a•
lune and m.wbfrj... Repotf!•Qf 5hs vr,ti•.nr
nftioere were real and dlma,•ed, sea' 17
seemed to realise folly thee a great work
W1111 before therm at elm ttoglaslar, of Min
nn.• century aod thet great efforts would be
neear•057 for lie a000mpli.bment of the
aims of the order. Ways and means were
devised for the *aunties of the work to
thie &eerie►.-..'-41...•al.erttia. el-aa...s ler
1901 resulted as follows : 1)I.tMot Council.
lor, Mir. Colin Cmpbell,(lodetioh (melees,
red) ; distrlot vim ooaeodlor, Mime R. Lewis,
Crediton ; districteeeretaty, DavidJ•rnam,
Etter (ro.elested) ; chaplets, Wm. Lewis,
Crediton ; treasurer, J. W. Johnston, Ver.
na ; H , J. T. Wrtentt, Eviler ; 1), H.,
ittss M+ud An,frew., Verne ; fi., W. Vt..
soot, Rueter • 8., J. Walters, (lodetlou ;
repreeent•tdves to Grand Connell, 'M. Via.
oent, Exeter, and Thr. 0. Naft'l, Garde.
rich. The next distrlot meet lig PRI M
reh at V .ret
• In
Rion M go -TW W.
W. C. T. C. 1'A RI It awrl
1', T. U is to b, om,gratelatsd oa e5N
.ne0ss of th. tlret, of a ererl.s bf parer .".5-
1000, whioh was L.11 Fnday .,Ming, elan.
25, at the trldenoe of W J. Marrow, The
eerier. were nrowAed to their utmost
osp.olty, and the welcome accorded by the
tenial heel and boars.e note a k•ynnte M
the entire evening'. enjoyment. At 230
n'olnnk the president of the teflon, Mre.
Watenn, took (401 chair and atter • few re
marks Ina following etrllent prosram was
Pandered i eet.rem.neal, 111.. Ethel Dse-
tew, of Nilo; solo, Mina Harland, scram
ponied by Mies Thomson ; • prepared dim
canine no the nee el "the baneful edger
Atte" was then glom by members of the
llnlen ; duet, John I)n.tow and dwrhtor
with getter annnmpanlmnt ; In.tromental,
Mise Destroy, with violin •noempanlment
by Mr Cooper ; quartette, Misses Harland
sed I1,t.tow, Messrs. Adair sed Rrydgr ;
A FORM IR Rc,IDONT Or (:OLnogyi-On the
22„d of January Game" K'J,otr,a former re-
sident of Colborne township, died at his re
.Idenoe In Fargo. North Dakota, of heart
failure brought about by 1a grippe Mr.
Elliott was a 11151• over seventy-three )sue
of age, was born in Ireland anti had resided
His wife one eon aod
err o *nos 1882. H I F t
Four of his dwyhean survive Rim. F nr
ohlld's° were present at the time of his
death : George Elliott, jr., Leonard
Snean Mymmgton, Noche ; Mrs. LII. Pal
Goner and Mn. Emma Platt, of Farrn.
The Fargo Foram, In recording his death,
syr : "Mr. Rilintt was • member of the
Free Methodist oharoh, and so for as hie
means and strength would allow was inter,
..rod In •11 Christian work, eepenl•Ily In
the meeting, of the Salvation Army, where
hi•well known patrlarohal Moire wee seldom
ab.ent. H. was • most eoe.,siaat l :hriotian
end death had no terrors for Mm, but leaned
him ready and antlon* to go. Though the
life wee humble and gnlet, 1t has been a
hle..tnt 10 those who have known him well,
and he will be missed he many." The d.••
roamed sad hie brother William Iliad fnr •
nnmher of years en the eighth nenees.lon nl
Colborne, and both will he remembered as
premle.erl workers In the Methodist Memel).
lnrooto Mall sod b,mplre : W. Frank
Addison, who for ..vent years pmt hu
been connected with The Moonier, Time
Printing /;o , left It -fronto yesterday for the
West. Pr•vinus to his departure Ira. em-
ployees of the company gathered In his .f-
ree and presented hint with a headmen"
clock. Mrs. Addition was elan the recipient
of a mounted carving mo. Mr. Addison has
%canoed an Important position with Mr.
Sanford Evans on The Winslow Telegram.
HARRISON (1(1RRIt On Friday Pehruary
let, at the newton,* of the tehese father.
Sanford. by Rey. Jasper Wilson, M. A.,
Nettie, only daughter of Hobert rear, 10
John A. Harrison. of OodeNoh.
1)fl'RKON At Neeforth, os Sunday. February
3rd, Mary .loan, retire of the late John
TornArall Dickson of "Oladswood,"ager) N
y oars
NSW, I) In Reentrnrt. en Mona PellP.500,
!AmniaMles Margaret ImulHnay)d, eiitwds-MW
50 John Acheson. Ooderleh.
aft:. htt,.uli+a,..Ali