The Signal, 1901-1-31, Page 7THE QUEEN'S FUNFIRAI. UN SATURDAY. Will Be Attended by Great Pomp and Circumstance. LIKE A SOLDIER'S DAUGIiTER. Congratulate the Kaiser --Where. thr Queen's Doily Lies in Osborn: House -- The Bishop of Winchester preaches Before the King, Queen, Emperor William and Other High Uignitariei --The King's Messegeto the Navy --He Will Remain Masonic UranJ .Master --Duke of Con• bridge 111.. Loudon. Jail. 215.-(:ris•f and joy wort tsocer au claecly puled as lu the official eulogies cot the dea.1 monarch end Use congratulation to the new .ate. Tht.w w'tr1 premium -eel l iu both 1IwIM•r cot Parliament tu-.lny by the, respective leader. ID rerpmes, to the fleet users/tip Iron tau King to the pelipiei r:prerentotl%e4. 1t NUN .alto greatest 1'.rllameutary terms In remelt tlnn e, and the orations 'pate Honoree' coy 1.o•r 1 salwhury and JLr. Balfour. while unpretending. wee' aik•quik' ttppnr'iatluni of the great null good Soterelgu nose dead. 111ey wcr' worthy 'et the u,:easloa, which, es tine of tho speaker,' rend. tu:arkc,l tho class of an epoch in the world's history. it will nut Is 'counted -to theta cow :.:auk of loyalty W the saw' Suver• coign if the harr.k,n of their words 'vas sorrow fur the tort more than of joy for Who calmed. All allot they .444.141, all that. the nntiou feels. le per- haps beet skimmed up in these liner, p.biltdie i today - Itrltannla-'l nru broken-henrted." I)r•atUI-' :award VII. it Idol as - tilers bun: elreitt aedlrnl•P., sombre nail ellent in their utieruieg garments. Lung col-. neon breathier" upon the word's of 'the nation's l.ak'rs. all they led thein thr.rugh <vonflietiug emotion., front - grief to e,iusolatloll. from hope to u .Mw ,Llkarinnee, .'ready there is a suggestlm that the style laud title of the Sovereign +hotel be austral'. to include a fuller. eons of the great donehtio ee o%er Id relgtu.. It le notie4Nl that the King Minitel( lets p1u(•e.l a t•tga:fl- i:int restrectioti In this regard. The late Queen. ewe she teakettle; lbm- i'r(v'r of Ilene. always" ruul+crltled 14,1.41( "Victoria, Jt. '1." The King Onus fax Iona eiguel ilhun'l( •'};.iward, 'It•'(,' not "Rev }:t Inperutor." IP" nsxlenty Ir not usutp4reclatr,i, but probably newt Englisiew•re will en .;erose au uttt•runce In 't he Times to- dny, which says -"Ile is lane -1 Klieg a4 Gaunt Britain :►wbl ireiand. and Emperor of Idella, 'tut .then. hnie beim great anti recent 1.1tniges in the imitator's of the. Empire. which it would seem proper to r.e•ig:eze. The federation of the .tuetralnstnn tol- on;em, following inion the earthy, fe 1- 41:(t,lm of ('nlwdki', eiseut0 to suggest Int• niterntkrt In the Itoyal style and title. There Is more mass' for •nnal.leri:tg tib• mat ter. lentos; the King le personally aegu,e1t13e.•:1. west n - far larger portion. of the I:admire than II was oI4Nthlo for green -eitet.rta t k yistt.' • TIIE SPFF:CTtf.: TC let'Y % IL. 'the Ifemnrke ut Lord erilalrury and )Ir. Arthur Italfuur. 1444010n, Jan. 23. -In the Howie of ( omelets, Me. A. J. Llnlfntr, ;Fleet Luta of the Tremolos and (hoard:nen% k•a )'r, to moving the notarise in reply • to the ree•unge, sell the House In nil its long history heel two,: met under 'wider circumstances or with n clear- er dirty to expr.eie the un/reesel sor- row ertt,alding feat net to end cf melt not �vns f tie.• E111pr1rr. The serene "oily Re a nntkn:a1, hitt also kir nn lrreptrnbble p. rf4.44a1 I,•«t•. Never bo tore had been the aattanal grief .a deeply seated. The end of n great epoch had tame, au.l•tn. cu:nu 11YV'' result o[ a great L•IepL • f the great exercise('of Queen Mwets t1►rateria, we greaterrt the World haat ever self► ___--teensoin .-aelou le:..reelantee ()i ('011- .lolrnee and nuegratulnt"m, Mr. gal: leer 4etld they all diad uufalling oonfl- • t fu tisreet a the I ,:''nCe thatgrla etenmltted to tow nevi- ten:reign were safe In hie keeping, .skid they metered ham of the ungrudging pup - pert of his key& «4441)' •t4. r0 a kip -t. assn fla m tw'llly Henry stirP •- . ( d the m _the Liberal Lader, arc. n le tun, which wan adiilttt'd, the mem- 4). rx tetand1ng. The Home thou atlj.irned until F ebr,i ry 14th. In bath Homes the wallet -lee were filled fwItet notable gathering4 < f pecrea4ea and dlptolufet41. Lord Wlliebee)••. "1'rlbule. In the House of Lords, lord Sells bury mooed the reply to the King." tue.sage to it ep'eelt full of erre)tl.m'. Tie xnld that in performing the Sad - Bret duty that 'Ilea ever .le•fnlleno him, ho WAS only enuring their ',r- r,w, deeper titan he lied ever seen. 141 thin nation. which had leen call - eel forth b), the «Ingule.r Mee which. ,inner tho diepeneatitm• of Privet - ibexes they had .nIffered, end their admiration of We glorious, reign and 'splendid character of the S<ocr.l,rn they tin,i lent. Honing n conrtitie (1o11a1 monarch, with r(•etrh•tat pow - err, ale haat reigned by sheer furee of character, by the lovableness of her dispotitluu, and by her hula ou the hart« of her subjects. The ex- ample which slat set of guvernluIc by urte ew and love weld- never be forgotteu, Dor bow much elm am - tatted In the elevutiou of her 1*(.ple by their simple contemplation of her-brlllient qualities 114 wife. .tor they; and women. Her-wwuteeful ix Wend of observing with ub.i0iuie 'alleluias the lignite of her prrrr- :r_s at constitutional tit/versify bin 1 cot the reline time uutlnte niug steady uud penile tent influence ou the etc - (lone of her Ministers, itemised the gtralert udwlr:ition. She a:waye maintained u rigorous; eupwrvisiu•: user pub:10 affrtira. giving her iiia• Stern the benefit of her aatvlce and wttrn!ng them of dosages+). No \iglu• Lane reou!d disre+getrd her view-, ter pr,*s her to disregard than without feeling he. haat incurred a (;rest .edger. ohm had brought .tlie coun- try peacefully through a gen ,t change. Irom old to new Engine -I. !;Joe }aata4-erled-Lett raortlinstry klease edge of what )scope would think. Hr had always said that when It+• knew what the Queen thought h•' kutw toe a to rtaluty what 110e sub - Jere. wooed think, e.pe'ia:ly. Ole. nnl.ldlo • classes. The Klee acute to the throne with the. one peat advantage of having before hint tbeerreuteet examptp pole sable. lin had leketie funubtr for a tren- orat414, with polltl.•:11 and 'social non. He e:,J.yc.4 enormous' )opulent}, :one W144 insert nu much beloved in,for- clgn court 4 and couatrloe., Cungrattu Intlon. reedit b• tendered him with earrest • stueerlty, cud in, the belief tic►t Ito will edam the throe. and b.• 510 er.wort)ty se''c.swrr .4 the Queen. Lord Kimberley, the Llhetnl Irndvc In 111n IJ,nre b! Lor44. Hud tiM trrh- jd4l.p of 1'rtntt+rbsry,• toecotuird the aci d n,r:es. Lori Kimberley seal hr dr'"ir(••1. 4.• pmi) Ptcrr word of the robe. wee - milk 1Ili metes to the Sort, e dated lore to :cot e.4w perlte'r'p. . • then the kiln oink. He had lar.:: struck with t►tn et.tr:tordi:, .r. 5+euddereti.N) tine! kindness will. 1. nufrk.d He Majesty's ereelnet town r.i n I tear r• ten • in contact with hose fl• w:u '41np'y sinnznl at •tier wined, testi kx•w4rl,ge she pnsiesstd of all Im- portant :affairs. The >rrTTJ.he']l .7 f aiittitailtr'r •.;t f tie.. term::'e lufluenco. nut a trot, re Ihriessn woman 'tree far greater 1ha•. nnyth4ng exercise -I by the is , a statesman or c'evereet adored laid to \ letorla. Hie, with the King uua Peewee, will be oD board t be 1 Alberta beside the (softie as the yacht s teams riewly through the fleets allied In ar,urulug. The climbs of the Emperor's staff are now ea route here. They lu- elude. besides Adelirul v,u Scholl. Cupt. yon Brunner, and Dr. von L01th•)Idt. Bet were 12 anti 2"'clock to -sorrow Preen o"rreep ondeuts will view the ohms) where the Queen's body is ly- ing Ther. will be no further that - ors until the funeral, 0[oept ustfornu- 4el effioers of the army and navy, who will be allowed to visit the ohapel next week. 171 F: M4bI'F.AItV l ItOt'f•..blll%. The I'IIR.•,Ilit to be Most Elaborate est Iteeesa, Lokukei, ,tan. a8. -Although the 'of- ficial announcement it still wtthi,, d, prub'ley because the arraugemeutr ,.re incomplete, here senor to he 11e doubt ut tote a uraoy cot Wu state- ment rattled regar.liug w.litary ore claulu11 III London. littoral .tion (raw well-informed wurcea Melee tp, lode, d. that ler pageant its likely to be e.n- ald4'rably more elaborate than. war at fleet supposed. The 'Telegraph nrsertr that We King, accowptnled by rue )esus Willeem, will elle on horuebn'k ne chief mourners, attender by a alis tingulnhed stat(, and Halides -that there will be a great •wllltnry and civic display similar to"tleise that occur on the o00'sione of the fan- or+14. of great continental E4,verelgne. Presumably, therefore, it will include altar war the Hector of Whipplughass, who read u pardon of the funeral soviets 1n the preaeuce of the Ruyel '-fatuity, Emperor Wll:law covered Air faun with hid heady. 'l'tw grief of i'rineese it sttrle"e .was pitiful. .after the btuul.tictltxt each platteda wreath upas the ,rdflu and then all retired. 1)AY tie 5.F:As:RA1. `tllll'ItNIN4J. 1'roelaut«tlon Imbued Fixing bet entry Next at. Ute (late. Ottuwu, Jan. ., -The following of - heed ureere rdetlnyp to Period of mourning for Her Majesty were W- etted tout I "Heruldr' t'ul:ugo. Loudon. January 24th. 11401. The Earl Marrhul'r order fol' a general mounting fur her late 1 Majesty Queen Victoria. lu puree eel.* of an order of 1110 Wig jetty (twnell, dntc l the eelth day of Jana- i►ry, 1901, there aro to give pubhe notate that it ha expete.l that all )rrnsour meat the present oto arlwn of the death of Tier tate naivety, of thew el rani gbrio.s memory, do put teleinse'14e++ foto de.pat ttearniug.the sold )mourning to begin upon the _Sth hwtnnt. - (Slgneoll "Norfolk, "Earl Marehnl." (kivermnent Hoare, Ottawa, Jan. 24, 1001. "Pur.tuent to tits above corder 'tro+truing will aininlence In this Pro-, eIms M.,nday next,the 28th Inst., by otmunnu..1 of Hie fcellency. (.'ignfd) "Harry (4['ration, A. D. C. "Acting Govcr or-(dnew/tie Sec- retary.' . clots' telegram. gl.Ing hue the, )ty'ful tidings that Ills Majesty Glug Ed- ward has oun(twrod epee your 1Me)- ebty the rank of field warrltal. 1 would beg. sir, trot, 1 may be aLrer• W1 to uf(er, ou behalf ul Inyeell kind the army 1 have the honor to cone netnd. our neat heartfelt anti re• epee( fel ouugratulatlour ou this mark of our tiovereigu'r affection and appreciation td your ela$rtyei groat and soldierly qualltler. ":VI rauke will be proud to think that your \lak'aty will eeu1'8frtl Ie• 04011 more elurely awns,atelwith them thou 4lthtutu awl will fuel that the army a highly honored by your Moh:styes panto Wittyg enrolled among the field merslals of tiruat Britain. " ffulxwtr." At 11 o'clock to -morrow morning, 111 ,tee pretence of I:wperor William kind tuutulx+re of the L'ritiell royal fukuily, King }hoard will confer upru Crown L'riucm Frederick Wil- liam tho Omar of the tinrter. 'rite teat 4.4 these almost funnel eons rat Mathew !11411 the greatest slguffietowe in leiel "tlwbury''r par- ticipation. whieh is hent taken' to tiioel.seo political ns w.•'1 as f11Dhy clots: friemlliuora between the Eng- lish and German rulers. It el ter- tnin that the Emperor war ueier higher 4ate(mel and respected In 1 Euglan.1 time today. The Knl".r'a F:+t Pi n1. 1 do not With to be too ierWNlal, but It 10 no oweret tle.t the Urrmart Emperor'. affection '854.1 esteem for L 'tib. grulrlmothtr amountiel Almost to worship. tike was the (rely haluan be - 1 the knee. 11'll-. be- ing tspwheel ht bo bowed C I'NC MAUSOLEUM ATRROOMO$ E. DOW1E'S BANK TELI4ER PROBABLY KIDNAPPED. Police Think Ile May Have Been the Victim of Robbers. VESSEL AND SIR la N `'WEN LOSE. • Revenue Office thieves Made a Big tlau1 at Peoria, (letting $31,9760 • (io IJ,'Peratittcd to Pay Countess de Castellan: isua,0)0 a Year for Sup• • l of Iter CnllJren Pending Trial el alit -Missouri Score, a . Pettit Ds Suit to Preventkke of Chicago's Drainage Canal -- Demurrer ferruled. •. .lel Bittn tr(I teller nate fin:octal lrivt: I1 set by John Ak•xande yetere ,ago. 'lute di«r5pls ratite C. J. Tarn trod /'141414 4,.nk, •purtvl hi« distipe'nrn 1 the Eng froth. Pollee R441t101* yd lbs 114. haJ been k mustn't, :t 111• Mr. Dottie hLI church. Th. 'dapping theory 1v roti e•uLd'rtnirxld w strongly by the Wires. They think 'nrwa--prohat) I' than-7uung- Ilaruartl ns Ix4•tl 'held n), by robbers; and p i. hiy injured. Maar a Hdlg lis Peoria, 111., .1aa5. L'tl.-The net lose stetajnt"h Iry_tIe reve•nne offs •e freek 2S. -.tether lr. City Beek, the ut:oy estate 16,N'1.' red. Ito of the ro kit ter• of til' Iellef that hie an napped and ie held f. cf 0.1114.11 is "harc.l by /s'veral members .f 'IH}: b.MI'KUUIt'K Ft 1•.I :. Fo 1'„y • 1. art Ilouor'. 1 . 4>e ,.4 . Soverelxii. 1::et ('r.verr, .inn. "5. --Nene rt the leehel (ani ly left the grout. .+ • f '<s- ttorm, Howse 10•44a7. nn:t the king-' :1'1 no other r-cupwatlon than Dint •,: per- forming. reverent, °fficie far the !Ie el. N hen the holy w:u mnve<I iu the keit 1401 0014411.4404.14444.4 414:4-}4,4144a.ra-1 chapel, the family, bonded by th<' King an d emperor amr Willa m sus tl .1 inr ca i.r44 a••rnrr. Then they m Del :Resit the b•agtiftllly rt•p reed r non, 4•c•:fnlnimr the wreathe wuirTl t1 ne Us: Ides been scent only by re Inners i. ireeetteolerinf eratereiriabo-- lobe• kaa- p•ror's tribute hureson Its Nuehes the tnitt at_ "W " Tion aileringe f _tie 4'• r min Fart:ream Horn the lnitiele ".4. 1'.." standing for Augnntn Victoria. ._'IinramFf ten, bine tete,r was fri+s! tier• f•: may of Dowager Lady Ampthill, o the e• (noel t e xt fr w 4e: t aP ie ar who w I k .gtrl•n alarm the dent.: -of Dowager I.edy Chnr•hlll. The wreath was In- ecritxal. "In reverent kind profennd- est grief. kind with deep devotion, from Her Slr.jeety'e sorrowing subject elle er•a,t TmhAm Pthlt." The w're nth Diet perhaps touched the. family more than any was. ".4 em 111 token of loytilty end deep re- gret from atlas Norman and the nurs- ing sinters of the Loyal Victoria Hes pit if 1' - pital nt y:rtley." Tau• 1,pepttnl Iyi on the m':Inlend ol)p,eite (,Metra". Th•• npsortmrnte where the 'hnel- nrwn "1 the leiling Sovereign le 110w e''ndnrted ere inferib•-d: "1114. imp'r- Inl Mn).nty." a title which line neyer ieret.f0r" been assumed by any Eng- Ilxh Ring. • . Emperor Wllllnm kind the King walked together for n time In tlw ground« in the morning. Tile Em- fe•rra« amiss. to take more than a formal punct In the final ceremonies tate herrn 4 reter idly reewicael, .anti the. Np*'ctnel..4 part of hls'flghting fleet ne,nntitie gide by side with shtp of England 1%111 )N rhapa, he the most menlorabl" among lie petite. honere the, visit of robber. Friday ni t tut" been .leterulined to b.: $11,1)7.1. ails Bund r taken troltlel1 of reten e 1111114 of . 4:triaun denomination's ,aero rig. off by We r.hIN'ra In the origi- nal work:lga•. 0.1x. y Lt..* .1..044*. .... Rot • - , •4nwr-yte-1{%r taseetter 14'4)4.nd. from Landon. was wet•rkrd the northern pier ' -kit h 1 thi ;her int. �I 1 while role ing Neetwevoitl•rne <4. The .•eft("la 1114' f4lt w1•14 Ner!• 4.a tc•l. 1 •,ter It b'r:. nee Lie et Ihet t!e• Menlo. lI l hn•I : 4-t 1 nam! 'ia„ 11„ . QUEEN'S WISH FOR RESTING -PLACE "Dere at last 1 S:laII Rest With Thee: With Thee In Christ Shall Rke Again." • l t ti WITHIN right. of Winrteerf :true-, in the green& of Frogniorte" Hoaar, elands the royal man"dlc5mt built by (even Victoria for the Prince Consort's burini place. in the house close by her another, the D1rhe.4 of Kent, IIverl tilt her death, n few months before lint of Prince Albert. She, too, ,rets in Si tnau'•n11'nna l,4 Fragtnuro. The beiTtiiiig eiVeT7'<tt+1"-tilet4tlerit for her bn.twnd a tomb iN one of the most beautiful 41f its kind. 11s interior in decorated in the Italian stele, wish exceeding richness, enamel nmrbk', white enemy marble, borne" erne - mentation and mrnwice, ail being of the cositiie)t (lrperiprinn. The (ante" Shrank Dr&m 11)1'ttU441 }it - • beloved Albert, who, wile he natant bright and joyous, reefing in the dark crypt beneath St. George'. Chitral, Which Denies 111. had 41e14n0•l for the tombs of his I .roily. -_._SevcrAh_-te(ut1hofs: -i Quit1;11ineialwratinglh•• l •t,tileof IIle Pplendid Innueoleten. it 111115 been guarded wi:h nire)late pi-ivnrr. • oil the nnnivcrsaty ,tf the Primo. 1'on- 4I.3'e death pear I•y !Tyr 111' tillers of 11,4' royal (atnily roll.,, -'.•1 in 'e,•'w• nliuu ata i id 1111' meseive 'are„phaeue, ander 111n :•Ingona! Iameru crT.1110d. u t' . The lore :.ng 1110r 1 .?I tnti.alt t 11 Q11('r11•1! nigh f. 11` 41111 1114814f to rust in OP 111 111110101M The royel 1,10431 plrir f•r 11,4' po441•r1•ign•' f llritnin 14 illi. (i•'•Tge's ('l apt -I, 11'iudtnr, ale re elle original 11'•.isc,Y ('IWI151 or Tomb Dome Ia.leen eertor., end pnpkeldv d••cereted pnii Ie Vow kn'twat ars rih :Aitken. !ltemori1l I hope]. Thi. ao,:nin' a p:n' • •phnylt' ,•1 the i'rince. awl late 11.0 l'rincb of Wale.' roe, I'l 11' • Alert !Kier, nap buried In lore, ...w.ore w...i..is+,. s that 'sixteen of there (.0 board of her bad been drowned. 1 • 314 Pay *24)0,4400 a Veer.' New York. ,hon. _t4. -.future ache in the supreme toilet too -(key, halide(' .loon ttechrime oeuthlutng the lrta- I.or.Ire inunction rstrnliitig George .I..Iionht Edwin 44(1111.1. 110wnr,) tiouyl and Helen Venda. its 1ruetees of the .ntntc of their father, from peeing over the meanie of tike portion. of the 1„tatl• belonging . to their enter, .tonna rioted, counters de ('n«teAI/into • 'b•ting the trial td en action .gilt by Asher Wertheimer, a 1.4.111- Irlr-a-hrne defiler, 'against the not counties de Cftstrllnnr, jar 'p.lHttnge .amL.hrite - _ a -bras' elegise.) them. ,1n«tt.n' sant permits. the pay - emit of 4::t ,01)4) it year to the Count- ew' f.4.• the dl.ireais rup)xort, Ilett!- ing els) trial o the action. - 1• h tit Ittiunt ter Mls./a,r'. Witeleterttei, Jan. ed. -.The 1 jetted Sonora 4lgnvnte Con t to-dny ren- 'k•r•••1 as r,irittart In t) vane of tier (asleep; 1)rnbeige ('811 , 111'1tru110e the .kmutates filed In the ,ase by the tate of Illiuul•t and the lhlcngu I alasiee• ('anal U)"tHct Boa I. Thr pmt r'1•<ling wall brought by the Stnt0 of Damn against the Stats• ..f ilivt-Tttn trrntnegn ilnrtert. he PIP' FON ht pl•htg to )'•event the n of the r nnl lorvia ton .d Its stipp,at41 IG,llntlon d the drinking wet"r of Kt. Lowe, h'1 effect 44 the k 1 411 t•. «nslnw the e..ntentl.nl ..f tl.. 'tet. .Q cheeses 1. .,, '.1'r•c•Inrnnt..n - (':4111.:1-Edw•artl'.1141,5 im the p;n•ate�.4 bo%t•reiga to- wan,• or ler in elieli.ite family ting 1. f ,1. p!n rr orls•nta 4.14'. rte ng wit t IL, by the' grace of (i.,,),.44 the Unit- , t y on 101,4 throne. Liu will be great dwelt there. But he Ohl trainee will Kung of I tnynd t1n11of I'oas, ,I••' c , KI t+tm. of Great Britain and • cc •cot the historical stere a the rllwny:l remain not file ns the birth - Klug of 4.reere, the King of 1 ort ig •I. I genius hi place end Durt)ry .f England's amt. possibly,)1r.the l'1 reeeit,4t, nn.l ih.• Ireland, Bing, Defender of the Goth, +,N BILI lot Iunlll to iurlttwnt1011s which Queen. Many roygl rlenthN had ',c- ermet' tUetT..'. 4.10. etc. e Germ n :, r .( trr fleeces to-• big ' vol I r1 r 1 ndud0 � Pd in the rain t l r 1willingly oars i n .n I would 1 Swe,ten, Greece, lint 1 k 1i n I "TJ ail w,..m the+.• prev« ntft shall ' he profprt,t h ,v ng Y !+ 1 t, t,51kn l".'rge. iTlnec r■ the Duke of Auat,, the (:rand Duke 1/ IMP ?unman, greeting: of Ilesee, nal many other r members Where. eekturdky, the «lconiIdea ref t•er-preen li••y:tip Memo's, 1t :a_ ,tai-. of Febeunry ins_ Ileen Deal ter the w the P flood Mellow •a Iran else• UI/ ( q [r' blear'»I ailed gl.iriouti tuenuua'J and.. whertnr, weI knowing that our deep grief L, "hared by otn' loving subjects' Sr: Can:td:t, W. nth d.e'1r,cia to affront them an_ opportunity .d toadying • their• d* 4.'p wlrr,nv 34444 their «,4mpnthy w'.th u'1 ht the p rlrtutts atftletien which bow befallen UV and the in. Near. th' refere, we helm thought fit, by and with the advice of oar Privy Connell, to I,p- p..htt ant met apart, end not du here - b,5' llpp.,tnt an 4 rot apart, Saturday, the tc('hn., day of Frhrnnry next, am a day- of general mourning to be ob- served by all motion; thraughortt our Unminla of Cana•ln. • (Signed) 'Batista." .sower ra rare .f pr moo come kir whom the arm•.• may In any 'tiny. Lhw[as tltetl.thnt•Qlt'mt Vic- birth until that u[ L Ir. assn. 1,1 tie of in' meatier' to the menl).ore of hookIl041*11 of P4nr1i:•meat afr81, 4.18- puocosion will hannee the Ler 1 Mayor owl the cnrp,rntion .f 1,010 don. 1 11 El It 1,.tsi 1' l'ON It 1.411114: It,a>vtI Fondly IMO 1•nreveell 10 111P Q<tc,5,. • Cowls, tee of 11'tght, Jen.:a1.-With a patbne and solemnity such no 4,4.1e 'ken mark the roping front daylight bito endows' 04 the coffin, 111e 5''y tl family y.eterdny tee* their last 1.40 Ing look nt the fettles -ea the dead Nilsen- .1bwt 10 ticeeek 1.1 tine morn- ing the shell was brought into Ow bedroom -where-were weielser --•f: ng- Edwnrd, Emperor William, the thnit• of ('onnnnght, Sir .1:,m, a Reid, 111111 411:' royal loots". The Hatter having Emperor 141:Iuana's unfniling r•n:•ree retired, Sir James Reid With 'reverent art'I--peon tlfeekl'-4ewe-avldeaced Jae hare14, n,-s101t d by tllr:e fru"t41d!wove- night by his n( kn, s.Ir•1gm,•nt Or the '1 lir h,1l41•P'4 Energy. 111'11 kervante.:1nn 111 the pR�t"tine or -norm-(T the King, Etup'ror,awl the Luke, re.- -Llnl to -day. A bllx•J+.:ket form the 11148491 the INNIy front tie'' hell to the Trinity pier,, whl•'h -L. cnnnectel by e.ffta. •14, tenth It wap Ire -eller than tckphone with Gob keno House, memo In the eloping days of life. Not n 4;5 tele ham! where the erre+p m - trace of the ravages; of dlsrame was dente are residing and asked the re - veil t:u,_'.Lli' a k:tvino ,+lrc4L _ e ewtatjv(,'e,,,,t,•l, the preps to gar to tlu.•e:t lexandra, the peewee-es::nig (Mbtrne lfctwr o w'eive t1111 otfl'- th • (1111drrn ' were rirallt•d to tiro ri'ep•nlenr•n between the Kaiser, ehnmb•r, and with Iiegerlr'g steps Lord Srtllebury, and Earl ' li•rh.rtt. :t11ol'ntlflrvl 411101 alley 4.141"0. etas'. Afterward' the King'm pinnece wap before that whllte-roi,od and pe54rrfd placed kit the teep.94,1 of the e..rree- figure. At, the foot, hovnn treeing, pendent' to take deep►tmhrn aerosol; etntl the Ring, 444 r ,1 when the twit- the storm -(netted waters, which the mitring cmwd ba T p.144441 them re- ferryman hail' nhnndenrd, to the emitted M1lY-.41h;- aw 1 •._n'1_ grAm1•orl_ l4 _telegraph office. 1 h' deed. 1•.m .'rnr N d JLnu wept..'4i'13 D Gard 5ntl.lre►y ('un nelulatlon R terin 1Rutit us his 'friend and Pa- In the northwest- rnr r Of tie. gently caluKd or rebuked tele head- ,trueture there le n room Ith thee.. _ . strung wnlleete4 1 when he turned w'n.t.w:', overlooking the enrolees - ngal:irt Tier; ()*fl e.xintry. to,vitrd 1414' Hannay read.- rite i+• I , I Melnoteecialdle hniser. for near- - notloiternotableabd t_llw_tite men' GOVef llllle141 W101 to 011 (1 Cowes, ' sit1r N weekIM. r 1 twtil u Nr whish 1 t • U• years. 1 N out 14 ki tN Ir , s n :a r p Meal 1 •Natl umnuNl'4t the ehnit(te in Inscription: ciliate the Dutch I . 11, 1JULUIVIUi CAPE OYISERI taw lrwtineti4Rly recognize." true Rrt•a tiumI, and it IN In him face today. It was not thdro :i decade ago, or ie•rhnpm it. ons .elle I by a seggrxtion 4d arrogant*. ane) prole. Ile wan with the King when 1 saw hint, 1 ran <a4l7 say that It_t4 Ins feasible to believe that title etym. rtr.Hag, 4'vcry•htrh-nn-}:mp•rrr, Will he In any sense under (,lir inflnenri•, meet kern the etmtrol, 0444121 Of tum tactful nal popular monarch Who non Mt. 441 the Ilrltlell throne. This re- lations of Emperor William nna Ring F.lwan1 \'Ii. are of the last, but there n.. n, the .tttor5tey-ti4nrrnl of tb• It-aJwtr persoual latlmacy Outworn 1Vheit President Garfield wee d,4 iHK• late S •hreit.%t MfuletrjL hn' been th(' K:+iter nal the 1),,k.' of York then -,wrong tie all Ntnrrt hT 'Nattcnti: the , .,pig minWnl leptitT nT. w •r ur )344 I`t*pn there is Ielevepn the King eat h14 hoe. Queea,Victorta sunt many me.:,' owl l'aou1' A.a,T.u.trtt". 11, till/ Im Nrinl n4 Bear. ('urioialy remail,, wIi;.•$ .1 I'.tylulen141 to Mot. linrhrhl..S,I.II '.41 io r•iltumeu<k4t as drmun• I t Just before 1' 11041411 rhe 144•nt t111g the mine 1tf-attt4�f the Nike of fork i etr,,t,u, t' this tk:.1µ•u of the lnlf►t'rinl 1111 ! t IRrTr 1 �Mr. tiny 14, 144114 In )Ella 1t00onl •111F:RN VIPTOI4I1 \\'mr 11A0-11 THREAT FROM THE HACUE. •, + I4., -r, 1. F1nht At%uy- I:unldpch11141 'r 'LAE QUEE'N'S •r -4,514•41tual1 Ilnnorrd - not Wel) +44rike In furl. --'I'0 IV 01 1rr) 111. •i• + •• flank t.4 1.Ig111da1e . German .} t sYMPA rriv .1-1-1-1-1•44+++++.+4-H•+++++ 4':,,e• '1'1,,1 n, .Inn. :'p. Hun. R. sena- h. ('Gtr. wlxom he so el"+r Tl' "^ 1111/1 •w"('- ' '• •A, 1 f:n5o ..fit arms•. mnrrr.r+; ... . � "! psoet t}II iouN to know bury mote bitterly then the royni• ladies. I'In+t;ly h,' olio retired, flat tint King the 1.411111`11t, N rdny abut io -- tt'l1I Itetnaln l:r«cod Slater. Hoer. re, IKht On. p e Bernie Jen. _1t4 -'t t*•h to the Lowden, .1an. :'7. -Tin King has in• built" \ie,knl .Vlz.•1 r from ti Datum snort will remain the lasrnde astetln that hp After• the end the Q'ieori e. kit br �' will mm 1It t4;i end Master. The !hike iditeimtt•r 1uw4'11, who was in Leedom. ait Mr. Kir some uiln It 4r the • of (/mr•nnght ie nixo :4 lemon, 1114, 4.441« .messag,•; which w:•ur trnllemtttnl .,t ,t ►ni,•N',Ihnr .ontrnet.ien ,•of tie, ew' Trt.tneul Tmk(t701tYR ititeit. 'Fhi.4*nkn t asel:arx ll uXlMs.-.lUI:i.1.45 .inial 1'r lint, .0'1111.1, ti„, r•1'ene slightaila•ration the President's mother-- rintr- __ 11'0.1.1 yon e444F01p1 w,v eiurcrr ran- Th. d ttrh n•ddh that rimed ng tk elo14m<e' to the lute President'" mother 'w(1' nail langnitn after 1,410 hrnith'4 T IrIxx1I1 I b4..,lrle t passu eit1' til 4 .1141 , kiwi IN• thnikerz if yeni wuul.4 )r<x'nn. m• int•ud nt'prrr:e',, to take dlp!o :14 -le n g...1 photograph 1.1 1irlWrnl star- steps,11,'Inst w1:I aniline:, fighting 'u it ftie. geuerel situated in Smith \frit ret ('Idreree was n Masse. Dols of 41 ,0.hr1.lt(1 111. Landoi, ,run. 27. -Thr health of the Deck of ('nmlrridge, now kit OslNrrnr, Ly 1111r`t Infirm, Road the Qacen'edrnth greatly rliepirlted film. ?feeelveii Tito sword: - Emperor Willis)n tclegrnphe'I to (•ave'"'• Isle ref 11'ight, •Ian. e7. - was loft ,,Eras. S.r .rooms •heti, Lard ettlfabury that he wart rej)Icr(1 Thin morning tantteror William ree- leekoning to the t,rvent4 with the to think that he watt numbered ('"Iral••Irorn Il,p hen'1 of the Duke of eorftn list, ayikrvt tin King's in"(nl� among threw bighted In snot In Hlft (•onnnitght lir sword on hal npprtnt .t1,':. ktn}•aty"14 gallant army. Th,. Rm., mend. ne n Fine Mar"11n1 for th4 For a few sweats the King stern .J1�s(''r-i- •• hie m_-_..-.. .,. c...t n,.t._ British army. Vote here, stricken with emotion kit e�rtw, paid he rejdent t, bre tone of , the Last farewell: 'fleet he yield quirk• 114 roranr:tMg leer S1111r1111 1'ilitPunl. r.. -i ;�►r•.F��tt.islnlFv �trt'tmrorl--t -eat _...from, imams ir•rn 1panr•e}--t.r k41, I" rtr41:1g enoegh 41, trmkr' ll"' Imcr441 After els' death .d 1'rrNaknt T.In- /•tin t1' 14„141.1.1' rU uwelt adapted "f dqo 0nuttit slept l r•rtein. nn inline s on the asenesainlaNI, which 1•nrnd+e IuidifTelik ii t'10+e. w':Iw 44054 (. Qlwe' t keine in tier re- 1;e ruin, inn. _'.)� .lt, a arevtlng of ply. vlo, Paid- ' tie" shnreholit•re of the pentnehe "I entirely meth-fp/1Ln in the sent!• lir,Inlweluti,l 1111,k tole: tt,s ie ,utrd nett' you hate nalreesell to m• is till; 1!• In4t1111ti .i go 44:1.' li'luhln- the 4104nxelnati.o of the President of ti..,,. the Unite! t StnteS, 541.1 1 hate given Iii n 4Ialr.rmen Ilnnore.1. dit4eti.nn to my' MInleter kit 1Yneh- Merlin, init. 20. ---The honor" le. ntgt,rl to renke known to the Itooern- � „towed in C11nllertioll Nilh tie. mirth. -_.. ... " 4y9r.LItY21i• loL_tllat_ttnylt[1'.__thr_ f1� I i_1g_ _dt�a_ul. im)wlntr- V'ulfaw include the "('lse it finally. it meet mot he e..mvfitced that your Imp•rtni Mal- r•hnnni'I t,nndron nal all other mall• whisk eon entertain. In (eminent. w tie ,appentm'•nt of Baron ton Itiehtlee °penal again." reyty« acceptance of Lin office will Hee nape to n"es•inbin kit Kplthrnd myepell (uta my whole motel., with re. skid SPemGI►y of Foreign .lffwlrn, kip Thus the rnmninyi of F:nglnn!'41 Rhe the liveliest tv►tl,fnetl:tsl to &1 „n Feb. ext, elm tint„ of the removal pant to thi't ilriN<rrnbl sepal." n Privy (;non/Mer wile tie. title .4 greatest rater were forever rig.. e. ebawwee of the n4tirtb, who have been a Qeoen Virtnrin'v lardy from On- N.M., E ,',Meavy, from human 4tew•. )tevorently the tonehe•I by the 41,.netderatkm kind borne. It le on.1nretex.t that the war• It:ulway aarlkr In least.. coffin was home Into the dining r' 11 kindly feelings exhibited In your IM- r'irlpft will form n noble liar. thmalgh Awing t0 Qnr•en 1'Ictcltl l'e death • ` 0(144844 And meet from the Rees el eerie] 11inO sty's graeiorokvlelt on thle thiel the royftl, yacht lensing the there has been n temporary death Pane, .Inn. ' 0.- 1 general yitrlkP of ageltW_t .the)r xtaal.aroutld the 1 sRlemn o'rmwatrm." bxty will paw• lion of the Chimer negotl,tlon•. The t1e employes of the Underground coffin. over which the King, almond Lord It ,berts' 1(Ind 4%.,r41., Wlrrd 111,• uern env itorn, v'rrhrrts entire* 4o,.tlty fired Ieiwete - rnlln,nde haft been declared. The nmol KAioer gently 1811 the meek of i Q Rune kit Orkin In honor of Her Mn- tion. nM or4np)0) by tro'p.. Thera n Knight of the (Tarter, piecing nt 1 Lord Robert, responded le the fol. • On Jolly 11. three w'nnku efter her jolty. Inn general rongrptlon of pnsa.ngsr the heal n dinnood rrotvn. Heinen tit lowing terrnn- nceeereen. the Queen Denny lett Ken- l;ritain'« flew Qw/en ix n Indy well traffic. r5p4elIlly enemy nloppers lay the Royal ensign, while' banging I "i hat. the honer to neknowte•Ign Ringlet' for Buetlnghnni Palace, and fittol by nettles and training toil nn•1 people totvrllilg to and from above was the felon Jack. At the the 0 -e 0.. et o.tr Majesty . gra- has reakktl there slime, though grace her high poeMUnn. t b1>w)nees,