The Signal, 1901-1-31, Page 2the Signal
us rusessataa GLANCE AT LIFE OF
TSetteDAT 1,101040.10
inteirtier. When the mei wad vcitli•
drawn and the crown nue *word
were Ittel on the criment oaths. the
l'ouet. placed upon it a bouquet. of
meets and it white mueslis in the
the Questn'e own bane* and sent
front Oeborue the night before.
- *mar id the Iloly Laud.
Her Majesty; with, a faithful deeire
to ',Novato every wish el the daces -we
I K hig Edwere VII., who out -coeds and lielleveie lute to ilie nbaimionea. in the anat. In neourdanue With 1112
1 Queen Victorie on the throne of the owing tio'the exertenee of some Or- fatheret Outfit. Areordingly tee Feb.
It had been taken for grouted that i
, Empire, for nenrly text, years listo litli, 180.2, tits Primo took leave tit
..pon the death of Queen Victoria and tinge *rime liming the eecoratione.
Who Now Rule.s tireat Britain.
• At (ohourg Hid Royal Highteent wets his sorrowing mother and set forth,
tweu known to us MI „the reince "1
the throne, his eldest surviving 11011.
4:porgy, Duke of York. would become
of Wales to hold that title.
Prince el Wattle But au Order -in -I
i The Prime of Wales wits awn at
council published yexterdey's ear
vuukinghem Palitce on November 9th,
tette describes Prince eeorge as
Duke of Cornwall and York, titer TOW.
tug the question whether it is the
intention of the new King to abolish
the position of Prince of Wales, which
lie 'emelt occupied for ei umuy
sears. King kelward may have ren-
amed that it would be appropriate
for the seventh' Edvrard to mule the
work.of the first Edward, which was
r inter tt tricky transaction. te neetibrencer And the Blirritte, were
the eleventh century, W hue been ushered up the grand etaircare at
tin bidependent principality, but just Iliwkinglinin The 14,r,i chum,
pri, ions to the Nortnili l'unqui•st, burInIn conducted Owns to the Royal
Weigh were compellee to Ray tributi.
epertinent, where, after the pnrty
t" Ki"; 'rub'. ThtlY rer'd `1". , lied wear:Oulu feel Preens Albertethr
tribute to William the Cenquerer, and
Prince of Waled was brought In. Ile
the Englieli denied Wales as
I.:et of their &mittens, hut the . Lein
was constantly reverted. teti7
tented the Englissit in battle, wad tar-
, knowledge,' gm Prime of Waled by
Ileury III.. and si treaty war oar
eluded. In 1273 Edwird 1. tounnotire
eniusiter. 114. refuse.' to., ...Attlee, ;eel
wer was renewed. In lebe Llewellyn
ea* slain. and his brether easel, who
.1m:weeded-him. was captured awl este
Dutra ne a traitor, Wider beteg thee
united to Eneleal be' the ruitute of
Edward. as the chroniclers bate it,
. lied ,promisted to appoint as Prince -te
'Wales n stepson bore in the prineipal-
ity. and who could nut gweite Eng-
nervore the English King 11111intalw.,1
thalehil_11011. fulfilled the rontlition*.
and decieredl 11119 01 -Wil 109 a
tete which has eser Alice been borne Cembridge (proxy for I rinee
tot and Prince Farina/eel Of
1811, suit the birth of an heir to tie
throne wee announced to the Prime
Minister, Slr Hobert Peel. and the
Lord Chancellor, Lore Lyiell.urei nt
10.48 o'clock lu the meruing. When
only tiro (flys 4.1.1 the Prince of
WO. wns visited in ideate by the
Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of Lou-
don end Middimex. His Lordiship and
the Lady Mayoress, with Ole City He-
Sies.carried rimed in turn to each of
the visitors, the Leidy eleyuress being
alloWed twdaudle use keel him. And
lefore lie wag a mouth old the quote
testi ef His Royal Higtnieste, armorial
'I' he clirldleillng.
St; Gourge'd Chapel, Wiude0r, hav-
ing boon weeeteil ler the :baptism,
Propel-rites/or were 111:1419 to surround
it with eirepnatancee of *peculiar
etate dpiender. The King of
en being askott to become
en.. of the /sponsors, held beet ;. but
.the Queen had stet low heart 111.91 his
ueming. utile he yielded on the re -
gorgeous, wean was presented en the
meruiug df Tuesday. January
leeie, when the babe Wail christened
be the l'ricaate, with water brought
from the River Jordan In 1823, re-
ceiving the name of Albert Edward.
mie, the Duchess of Kent tproxy for
the Ditches. of Kale -Cebu to. the
Delco ef Cntnbriidge, the lee hem Of
Cambridge (preey for the 1M am of
Paisetiethee Peewees * --al
(119.4,190111t YOU of the rotereign. 1 ,
Coburg. Subeequently a ruiner. et
14"..."ar t".". Kin" "1"91(ler •11"" into eireuietioa that it was intend
Oto title of l`rince of %Valets, torn iii te heed. added the name William t
win and eeneeived in thee.. giver' to the Prieee,\but it was
'eine* et Walser, who because Kim: The robe of hum worn by the babe
telwaril II., 'vow tie eredit te the
•• in the same maguiticent style, the
wan tallied at £70). and all els.. was
IC'n1Cdum' tit x"wr-c bud eumildul""' tete' civet of the. christening aromint
smelt am leers 60 Gnieulott ,•--he' dile trig to Le00,000.
, Danerreklmen. Edward' the Week Boma Perk ott Feb. 4th the pabile hae
le, ince, mon Etiwiitil Ill, will!. 11 beet • the 'Wine. or Wawa. e babe
folles first- tigne .01/ Of
was up y • aim a
tinting Crecy en.' Poitierd hid ern wind or of the queen'S boudoir.
••redit. ile.die.1 before Iiia father, AO tbs.. heartiesibeheers.
ildiexsi great ears,
wins.-r‘taken ;to shoe! the Prime every- 1
'leery V. was a :pretty Imre cite. thing that reed owlet in hie educe -
ohm he wee l'riuee, of Wales. lising tem etel training, and he when but
Mg with eighwaymete.but that essay
--lie 4i groom exne,geratien. lough. Early Itecolleetliond.
The elenth of tbe Duke of ,Welleme,
.tru. wheel, ucetwred In 185e, deep y
WAN a mere hoY• Were the thelihs tbe youeg Pence, wile haii
of the Iluae. et Cumulous, f•sr 'ter ix -ea on eves:lent terms with tbe great
swot against the Seoteii, It soeher. More stieriter memories of
tele perlod of his buyisoosl were the
noe tweeted the t, elinkspeare's
retiew of Ore Guares prior to thetr
CrIxest lint -vow' lett the historical es -partneri ter the Cr'wen, the parade
Henry of.eletuninith. eluirles 1. 'nigh. of tie, invalided eoldiero returued front
have beetles...1 hilt caropeign. the first Victoria cro.s
theinflumwe of 'hie foolish father'.
tit wiacatonat tour, which ea.,
in verlte, the Duke 4. ItUckinfriinill, Mail, tit 187,7. Weal through (Pentane
awl Switzerland. With the Emperor
with wheel lee tresellee t
-1st Ore Prete*. wee collet -wee 'e
, visit to Walter teal Irelend
feet 44 there*. whet., eareer." ih marked by greet enthusiasm.
'Prin:',4 of Walter lie had 19.4111 rel.:ark, On the Prinee's seventeenth birth -
ales, for little. ease ter lie, quarrel. ea, •he- woe appeinted Colonel In the
the tocandete ; n neandal. ed by the Qtreen __with the Order of
by the wore repents.1 In the next the Garter 'The Ern ror of the
F'rench sent 'him a large canton Awl'
two reigns, ,He inberlted the tee Queen of eptin. who bad pre-
-epeterniti itieg...t 'for- -104 'Mete dowdy coeferred the Order of the
fondness for neiney nal rat Mtn to he invested an a Knight 44 the
mitt resew. The IIA Ire.' wItI4,11 George Order by the Prince tligemet. On th.•
I. anti he: nen -f,et sew+ .oteer..noine .lay Me. Gibbs, who ter eight
sow to a trifle conipartel Ise!' the Years line filled the poet .4 tutor,
Mitred Which tessrge 11. awl lad retired, receiving the badge of Com
queen. l'arolinP .texpitelt, lore mender of Vet Beth as token of
lone, Wal.N. 'nuttier the Ilea R. Reeves was npp Anted.
deeceibed hint' to lewd ileriey be• governor of the Prince, tine the dire
els ee„ gNeto,,,e „8„. etiel the milieu of 11G atones wns entrusted
awl groateet beast in the (legman awl Italian toure followed.
whole world; nal both elis• .inil her the Pee, being visited by the Prince
de tight er were mut Meow. In the course of hie sojourn In Rom,.
ing for him death. This OS elit, twee', A stay kelinbmgh follewed, devot-
wo „et Ione, 1859, the Prince entered Oxford Un -
pole wit tily the catty point t.'"e"Witle 1"4"."4 tut4)e' Mt' TarTet
1114. 111141 In comineri with his prs•tendol
notice, the ..111ack.__lerilenteJ111 Ise to t'veinda.
before Ilia tether." "eft --Wes or -- In 1869 the Prince's Oittore fittelte.
Prince of Witten that the .14orobit..• were erterrupted by lee vislt to Can -
effete Hee Fred. •
Who wait alive and 1.. 'eyed;
Ilind it 'been his father.
I hoer much rather:
'fee It her.n hio brother.
'Lite it beeu his oli.ter,
No ene *011141 have mitirie‘i her
nri it been the whole generntion;
Still better for the mitten :
lett tenets 'tin only Free.
VS120 was. neve 11I
Tite-re'a ne more to be maid.'
Tile ear •r Gerrie, IV., am
of Walee, egi wen -known Mint it
by hire In him unreel with ido wife.
Ile W144 a Wel pecimen. hirt lie left
00 turn tie keep the traditiose .tie
(bele/tree with a 'ref hie prederem-
nors'i.t. the office. th Prinee .4 Wales
Who./ 1111411 tills week ome King }A -
not been effete' 4.1 w.wk, mei
greatly lightened the burl no of hie
reynl mother. If be in es popular no
King ae he Mut been na l'rince
Woke', *A mete este he required. Of
t1.011 of this Duke .4 Cernwall
York ea Prince of Write. in merely de-
ferred ter A few ilnyt. I' weeks. bet
if oneh procia.motem above I neat le
leveed et MI, tome of tee reno.,',ro.
why Albert Fewer." decided o. lie the
Walt Triers. 4.f Welles esti' he extract-
ed from what le written naive.
At Toronto, after nous. further behig direeteu to deteine the hoepitnl-
withent a hitch. 'I foreign ceurte. After Jour -
the Nile as far tei Thebee,
trouble similar to that at Kingeton, wee of a
the entertellinwate went forward ' neying op
At Toronto lee Bovril ilighnios tho. Mae Witt to the *Holy Land.
spending five day. in Jerusalem, and
eineee at a 'splendid pas item erected it i
....oriel. the Case or Macpellill Na/AV
was marked by the planting of n tree Bb7.1velt;e0, tbeeolatifioillso4litlek.v1.!..HeThr,rtiu.rritnietvil
in the Horticultural garden* tie.
elanting of a silver ell just east of remelt:el at CousUentleesp'e a week.
al,. Ate of Se. John Maleionneee mime met on eel eomoy,„1 jeuenee eeepnee
meet In the perk. the turning' er the at Malta.. landed at Mitellellee 6nd
fillet sal of the Toronto,. iircy &
Pioni Toronto the royal party went , blow, reaching Weeleor woe more on
Freprem 44 the French est Fontaine
on an 4.xpi•dition up the Northern i Jums
Railway. After returning from hie -
trn veld up Mirth the peeve attended , Vitriol's; Inelitentw.
it buil at the exhibition ,bnil'llitg. Hav• The wedding .1( lee teeter.
Int; 11,44041 I.011.1011. Wotelato -k.. Vales, A lico te .Prineii, Louie of 1 hal 41., 111
lirent ford nee other thieves, the party the .hetwieg esom of 044eirtio Ilimeo
t . k In \Legere Valle, nal then re. teak place on July 1,t. eit.1 in reel-
turnee to Ile initton. Hie visit here tember the Priem, startee on li
t., the Belgian court. lies Itoyel
tine A 111,4013. broil descries...1.
nat he there tow loth Faille nee ; thi• Crowe Prince , and Prineees of
netted In honor of the 'Prince's. visit. ,
,. 1 Prioada. tu Taint.. Remo and other
hitch above the river thnt ensiles I trio 1 . e i d th , 0 ee)r.„, iiit
Riowen. A little way 'seem ehe lord+. It being totted that after vign-
ettes the river le perfectly mine and The the rell he walkoi tu hie elute.
here the Prince was 1.0W0.1 aIllitailsi : bell1k "I° thritie. On February 19
1 (100 a year to the Prince, in addition
Toer in the l'ulont State.. ! to On C60.000 which-. Lord Palmer.
nroPiring his PrincelY title for Oil . el .11 daid.he would derive, from the
of Berm Renfrew, the royal tleitor 1 Duchy 4,C:erne-ail.
,iteiettrue,tit. Ffe wail. everywhere welt re- I
. 'A Popular Ilrl.te.
twit the Prie e
mitered the enite.1 Stites by wa:r of i
own to the melee and whelpme. Ane ‘et.a--eee leo -Reirefee.ey- re -veto -tee
The unneeineement
Wales lute choler] Alexandre of
the grime et tied Klug of the United
Kingdom of Oreat Britten and Ire-
land, defender of the faith, to whom
are due all faith aud constant. obedi-
ence, with all hearty aud humble af-
fection. end 1 do hereby require
and tenninand all permute. whomso-
ever to yield obedionou and *govern
itemise yes accerdingly, beseeching
God, by whom Kluge do reign, to
levee the itoystl 'trine.. Edward the
to reign over us. tliven teeter m)'
hauil and beat, etc. (Signed) Mete."
"Ily cuntiunitel, It. W. Scott, Secre-
Ube Altt'Ill• 111 the Proelentation
Tee proolensatIou of the aecesteutt
tit Ills Majesty war 'ignite be the
Princes preterit. the Duke of Ywk
first. then tho (hike of Connaught,
the Puke tie Cambridge. l'rinee
thrietittn, tins Archbishop of Van-
terbury, the Lord Chancellor, the
tetiste of the City of London.
At 4.30 p. m. artillery negati
wilittee in St. .7antre Park to
to theo throne.
The kinees ',toe Journey.
The mow from Demme to Trin-
ity 1107 WI1 deserted. except for a
few grope of barelteade.1 persona.
three opeu carriages.. drawn by- white
herses,•gtillopeig down tie,
the first esirriage was the King. tilt
Duke of Coluittugett, tee Duke of York
tort Urince Chrietinn. The Kling
'who! well. mei bowed repeettedly
acknowledgment of the greetinge
lea subjects..
The royal personages tuituedletels
iteliiiilrieleith thee Albert*. The Torii
etaniard was hoisted am tho King
touched the deck. .te the Alberta
Aortal off signals were shown order-
ing that, lo deletes. shoule be (tree.,
The 441 the creme Australitt
and the other loyal earhte were mes-
tere i ,ad the .khberta item:nod 'by.
• The conimerweinent of the King's§ fiat
sestore. was an einsreasiVe event.
, The King erase to St. emotes' Pel-
(rem Marlbormigli Meese to .pre•
lowleg hitu cattle the Duke of VOA,
tho Duke of Connitught mud others,
eoth this King end the Duke td York
Falsest t bey pamed, and itch nowt -
edged the salute of the guard of WW1*
drawn up inside the palate grounds.
MI tho officers had crepe ou Ilene
Klaig'• Oath.
ly one oath le required of the
oath siweare to maintain In S....t-
ie/hi Reformed elitirchewitit Prete
byterlan governmi.nt. Title oath,
which us of the reign of ,tune, is
known' as the until for the sourity
of the Church of eleutland, All either
°item inclelling that relating to the
Churchur of Englaud. Wales and Ber-
wick, are coronution oaths sand are
not nectesearily taken till that evret,
The procedure followed at the imme-
rsion of Victoria wrie-Sho entereil
eloite Into the chamber where the
Privy Councillors were waltine,
her weenie ileviarutIon, took the oath
for the security of the Church 44
eid, niter raids thn Privy Council-
lor; were sworn and the Council con-
stituted. Prole i ley the same procedure
tete been followed In the care of Ed-
evaril .VII.„ nitliouell the preset re -
porta speak of els hating taken the
oat, In refuted to the Church et Eng -
lend. lifter tbat looter ling elle
the first oath takete"
The Markets
Memetkee U174
et. Louie 078 07e
teeeeet, red 0714.1.2 OW
Detroit, white Q7d --
Northern e -S1 0 7e.
Duluth, No. 1
hard ... 0117e 544 wo
Nort horn -so 074 li
Wheat -1W bUstielo of whit. rind
100 hueheli id rod wee It!ghui!
et 1119c.„ and 800 bushel,. pf
iowor at 85 to 05 leee.
Barley -800 teediels wee 1-ev. high
ir, at 47 to 47 leee.
thile-400 bushels sold lc. higher et
flay and Struw.-11.ty wits peeitifie
Lee Ow prise wee metier. Twenty
Wink. wed 50e. know at $18 to els
per toa. Two Londe of 'straw told eoe,
Dreseel flows -Market rather iiu et
with pried* uechange.l. sit fee tiete4.50
p.r ewe' The priesp.ectis are for !otter
prime. ewitig to the further dew
the stem. ef live feign.
lege mall. Prices artentesely ad,i en.
aloe t'unfer Upou film -1111r .7.1 elijilige,1
Pri.leim Or '1% 1111.71.
Piles* art. tees idie
The Dulte tif tork will tot nevestear- 1Seeery --Market dull, with r.
ily twoone. the Prince ef Wake now retail. nn.1 little 1141 deemed. Pr.,"
that hie father halt witeetteed the „re, „1„,unflee.o.
The principality wee great- wheat_...;";,:j bo‘hoi, whito
e.I by Edward I. to him wen, after- LOU bushels 44 red sold le higher, ut
wart eelwaril 11. nal hie lifer* Kluge 7(k...tind 100 bushels' of goose }weigh
el' England. Coneequently when the yr. ot t""e.
el•ledit don id atilt the Duke of York, Berko --GOO bushele sold ee to t..
but 114. 01.001114.0 the liuke of Chen- lower at .46.. -17ee.
wail. thid title, descending to Wm „who, .44 se kmrt.r ,
from hie father. It la generally as- 4.17" ""'" '"
mime.' that. the King will 'remote:1144y }lox mod 8trow_11.3,
Mai et/load's sold unchattge.1 1st eir.
It Lii within lits royal preregativerto
A Deadly Du(
Among T
...tater .principality upun iiime as
to ft l4 per hue.. Straw W94I
with ',rime Inwhitagel at $8 to eleee
per ewt. Lower price* for wait week
ere hettenteil.
Ilutter--Pceind mile, were offerer
facie. an.1 the best grades eoht
I.:erge- Quetathow.are lower. Potting
stock ere worth 30e, fresh ets•
to Lee.. and peeked 14c to lee tee
ferings are_ large _and demand. mei
leoltrs -Th.* demob" 'Mowed sor,e.
improl. meet. und ow market VAR
firm. 'Terkeyw void well at 0.1 tot
Geese Were higher ttt 441 141 6O. 991
thickeius twerp iitrady at 40c to 70...
itturuene cm; I! pi. tird
nuorr.1,0111, per OWl. St re
rtapollets,' 4112 t911141 II. 1.1 alL, 4. .1:
Feedied nand
trues. ea. esi cei
Some Clial'iges
to be Made.
- The peening of Velorin awl the
neceesitate tunny ehaigtee. The
teuvernor•Goneral and the members
et the fetbinet will. of course. have
to take the oath of ailegienue to
Witt dot -save upon perry patsies late
eial In Cannes whole; virtue -of hie
office Is reeeired (a (114..4 11(P Ilia fidel-
ity th.• Crowe,
grivit stone of her uncle, leing Wli'
lit in IV., for 911110 11100 leasnonths
after Ms denth.
he the wirly subelltution for the
ucer,colus not iniute.1._the pre
file et tee King will be snletiteted
fer Oust of Queen' Vletoria.
ed. The (iosernment wel tie guided
in this reepset he the Imperiel nu -
not! effect the ',teeth's__ te_eletti•
terit .be'en _going Da at UM On terla
•Pftrliament building/1 -tow thee eit-
cesetry changes in °Bleed filiation -
toy. This irel prob .bly be the most
1tst 04. wasil by the defortmente and
whieh for ti lifetime. ease begen,
-Oletorle, by the gr.a.o. 14 thee". eto
Thee* Inettele the largo lettere pat-
. -et perehmentr. rjr*I1 120`.1.4,
end thee nerve 'corm* brettee
the courta.
'I he king to the leresetent. .
tee text of tho reisly which the
l'reiteleht receive.' (rem ging 1 -A -
Ant :mei geneeful for -your
Remptethy It. the irrs.paraele loot
which the nation and I have nue-
tattled. \I felt convinces", that it
Would bo Marti by P111 91111 the
' Embarking on board the ilero at
Plynetittit on July 10th, the l'rince
tweeted St. John's. New:mm.11feet,
fourteen dare later. lie Was elightly
seasick for the fiat two or thre.•
the voyage. despite its Wang stormy
weenier. His reception wna ',nth.'
airestie in the extreme, and when it
Lig dolt.' W•to preeentel to hini 110
on II it Cabot , at ter tlm dieroverer
the Prince forme the elly
like a huge nosegay. After e Mist
day of Canada tie dined rm boartt
wirer toi bei up at eight bells it the next morning. It Was a
Moe, Obese, bet after a very hur-
ried toilet the Prince resited on deck
Mat Os the bell esundeil. One gift
tio.,rIng the iturriptIon-"les the Ca.
thedral of (ember,. nwillerY et
enneey. Aug. tith, 1800." In Quebec
the Prince for the find time con-
feree.' the honor of Knightleol, SIT
Narcissi° Belleau and ter Beefy
!smith being the. recipient,' A .14.,
cl4it wee mgele to ties, 'heights
Of Ahrrtham ft being A41.11' 21•40.
Mottresil was renchal, Jokes were
made. _eanterning " the raining
Ponce," bet nothing eltecker the AO
thuoinatie melee of the poop!, to wee
ifia royal visitor. Ho Ingetwuretel
exhibition, opened tlw two mile tube.
tar brie Aerate tbe 1St. Lewance,
It it as gray dau a, eky
Mil monde° est a fine winter tiny'
ISM our bellow% sled up froin'ameist
sherd and citizen.. who beile 11'4 11,,d•
weed hi our etopersite venture to
carry to (lenity titling./ of (le' e011
1111110111 44 beleatioered Parle 11,11.1 to
aletrelleatiol from it ithOlit.
T114. .triel-thatt WilM the 1111
oar taste -WAN equipped for a
10012 veynge, awl we hoped that liy
able to deliver the important tle•
switch.% marmite.' to us
the Pipet iliffieulty as te the
retain trip we is on1.1 seek ite high
11 HI 11119 UV Wilt 001111119911
model and. If the females prosiel
owni, ie. the north shore of the Brit-
idli 1111.74.. Ili 10109. WOUld
WI! 114. hate fr401r1 t he 111;11'Illetillit,
1111101. ubiquitous In Franee, quill fa v
tiring witele woitle return
We were freighted -wet %Pry Ito -
for their inotant it...arm-lien by pow.
or the fortunes' of war playing its
s rung leginin 11. 41,101 all Off ief'r
'tamed 'Pewee, 911;1 We 111111 11 11 -to
weal of went/0114. 1111111111it dy•
111411 With C‘11.9111.11( fiehl glawies.
tile quiet morning', le:it inn'
leatitlfel city nee its clivineta, with
eterretrathai .4 triumph.' of
'teethe.. Ile (medallist nue columns. it.
44 Veretillea In 1111. dist:ince. It iota
roltrilreitiorf Of the leseit Hot. le, thee
, however., it W/12 fell of eltterners.
The twenty wrie hist rem. Ilia keen
military instinct affeetol his thaw.
Who, Succeeds to tlw. Throne
elle on Oct. '20tii, owl then, ;Imola. leo nt the tint Privy Colluell,
ei•tenerk for hie brile aroes ..1 tee '-
prolonged cheering, the !elk fleet lai It441111120t1 11i111 OUP. The eeremony
*dire forth from l'ortlan.1 harbor. mentions etitlitininsm throughout the was Intereeting awl 0.12:4)nling te
Hood winds, heavy fog* mei gener- , meintry, and Engliehmen of every
, precedent The King waeg In a ....per -
:My had (centime delayed the return, 1 grille prepare.) to give the .6re ato aparttuent from the Prisy cowl
reusing deep anxiety to the oueefi. King's daughter' a right reset' web- ,..
o ....leo. To tint latter the Duke, of
It wits not until NO2. pith that tle• come. 'MVO:Willa formally cumnsuitivatent
Prince wale Medea at Plyttiontle tlie, The Princeers landed at Gravesend the denth of (Owen lie -Lorin. and the
being the fleet °relation en wheel lie eiallareh 7th, 1863, ere' neainipanied reeves/410n of her wire the Prinee of
was gement from home on lee Miele ' by the Prime Of Waite, eame to Lon- weleo te the throne.
ilein, the greateet interwit being tnk- Tho Royal Duke nal attain lords of
on an I the grenteat jey ehewn be the Open .11 were Own directee to re.
the pulite.. Ste Georgeht Cha el, which pair to the Wetzel prinniine to ae•
Again In Whale.
line net been tire scene 4, a Royal quaint him with the term, of the
As nt Oxford MCI Edinburgh, tho
mirkol by strict attention to 1.1s
studies nal to an the owlet.% whieh toik peter cm March 10th. An enteree the room ie wheel the Coen.
nate• ellletie and /timely 61 1 It" the pretiond obeisance made by the them In a Meer stweoli. The Lord
uLthat O1If tf wnikr t -
nronnr nfrit-kW nnT flnr a r..r
110,14 without herfilf rereI/nit t.
The Meth of the I'rinre'e great -
Mettler, the IMrhre of Fent. en
March Inth, called him own}- from
C'rmhrldge for a little door.
eroeer,l til Ireland, and took lip hie
yn-.rtere at the ('urraith camp, being
nttnchal for the Purposes of drI11
e<errlern to the let Rottener' of the
(iretreller Genres, then brignded with
the antli, flee popneirity both with
enellrro noel rrffir're woe greet.
111• t-onrt.hip.
In September the Prince went tOneo
the Premien military manoeuvre.' on
the 'thine. flet thin watt not the tell} -
object In view, for the Prinee Con-
tort n riteR-••it hod leen nrrauge•i
that Fortis, wad to make the aganint•
nnrr of the Preteens' Alrxnatrn of
Iritmurk; who woe then oti n visit
to Germany, with n clew t(1 n mete
tinge. el,oald the meeting rreolt In
n mutual attnchrtirnt." Everything
fe11 out an watt wiehol, an the Prime
proposes", noel wee iseeelrted by the
/Anew Alexandra.
I/teeth of Prince 1'..nsert.
When hie father dial, nt the re-
tirees wish of the phtelelano, the
Queen wad Roy -el Famnily, with the
exception of the Prince of Waleteent
pniml to /shorn. the Prince remein-
Ing at Window to rllerhnree the pain-
ful ditties that fell np,n h1m at this
trying time. The funeral of the
,..Li....aeit_to the Queen soul ea Dri feree, illnlehery, then ad.
evately :tn.' alone In the 'Royal cense . m nbitered le oath -to the Xing end
refire In the golemn leach weede -tie et thci r,,Iinoit. rortiton-mne: wit?, nu,
whetwliond. tifterwnots to the' sateen.' member).
The prince wrip now committed to forte In Connell, they took their re-
tie. rouree ef life which haw remnin- frenetic° ortthe of elleglaner, end thee
e.I I is f so new ears, that of a then ,prinewl In tern before III. Mnj.
In • place tif his W14099491 mother. A ing of heals. before prwelne tint of the
king c.nwert Of (onetime; filiel in Chnmher. Tile brought ths• ceremony
-- . Assailing the King.
TOE NeAli MONARCH. Denise (Tried'', beginning :it, f4t.
.____. 'Temp' stove lined tie. Orate to
In remade. The eine nn.1 the front ef fleck,
Asemmine tent ids Mnknie wiill thronged. All eleng the fernier,
take the,titie of }Award the Seventh, free , the Paine., to MnrIborotigit
the tenor of the proclamation will Ilona, (erring -Pe fele.' With
men, the twit men reel the occupant.;
Wen dredded In mreirntng. The pre
111'0 preentatlorw Were nnesunl. Men
on foot end reoluitei genet -lee almost
every reel' of the Wir. All wnleel
wi tient ly for Metro to greet t heir
Di the high and mighty Prince Albert II* .trrItetl.
Keened, Prince ot Waleirel, tee solid ..
Sir Gilbert Jelin Eliot. Eirl of Mini s. "e:littelle. IL'eeedcd 111 11 lif 0 detell
iioverooi.ofoo,Toi of canton. etc.. me metantrel weeenten, a pi lin brougham
pleased Almighty thell to cell in His
Victoria of bloomed end gloriotto mem-
ory. by whole decree* the Imperiel
Crown of the Unite.' King'dom
(trent Britain and !relate' iindl nli
ether of her into Matoesel domite
W inne by hIR MajeRty'm Privy Connell
rine 'oniony eencerrence, .1o, there-
fore. hereby publitth nal procielm
that the hitch reel mighty Prime Al -
review* the volunteers and teok part Prince CA1111Pert cook phiee „e nee, ni!sr by theeleath of our tete **secr-
et numberless few.. On the way to Aire in lit Georges (Nape', . Wind. MOM rif happy rine glorionts Meiners
ottawa the tweeptione at gingstet epe, the prince of wale.' being ohlef Weenie one only lawful end rigetee
driven very repelly, with the retell-
eliale.lUld footman in their usual grey
liveries. wearing mourning bend.. im
deer norm, bronght into view the
lent. Ile wen dame' the eeppemt
ruse most moitrning, ,etre-
(nee meted he, h it In neknowleettment
of the pewit enrovering tle9.114. The
King looked tired end owe Wid. Fol -
KfIr's Case Heard Ile Awaits
His S-ritence,
.1. Kerr, who tom jeintly Ineteed stith
slitter* of rape nal meriler in (111.
thee. Asepses est 441144.14901409 wiles-44w-
exttotedly betight. Mtn court (teeny
telt to the charge ef rape an I was
gentenewl for stenterhe lie may re.
leimehment neaten Yearn.
It is expo -test that nn early (Into
el new be ore for the weitemen of
Metleter, Decal' end Ctimphs•11.
Campbell's; oletor 144 eireulating
petition, which will tic• presented te
her brother.
reroute 111141en and Wool.
Ileket, No. 1 green, 63.4 to tele.
, •Lesioette. dairies. each 56 to on,
lambskins nal pelt., fresh. 90c to s;
escielereil, 5 1-4 .4o e311-1,
tie- witeceerrtene-tet .tri Ole.
-I Ise tints, i.• lirain %larkets.
t'oritatuod moderate. 1.1 Walesa 1'. •
marketing.. have not been limit
lieelere .4 wheel appear to haw
tamileen e in tint
ket, weer. ,etpurters nee e,
elided to hold off. wears aro 'n
diopoosed to iteitko ,o
price.. to atinitilate tessinote.
mareete low trilluenoet the pre"
of Ilehitoisa wheat to tem same •i
les1.1.e. are unwiliIng to Hell at tee
MIRK Al' ItEtteles
*441,1)00 Ilunoi.
Heflin, Ont., San. 26.-A direetroue
fire etarteel here nee morning aloe%
7,.3f) the -reoltemieal Block, corner
building 49/114 completely gutted. The
fire etarte.1 in the ware -rooms of J.
and owing to the torinbnatible lettere
el the material therein, *AM 'Tread
from the bottom of the Melding te
teir At tele hoar, 9.13 reckx.k, the
firemen nee wtill battling witb the
flamer'. The lose pmelhly will run up
to $40,000, Rootlets the Economical
attics* sal J. Fennell & Ann lawyer*
Miller • fame, anti C. Ritser heti
their offices in the block, and the
1Intwenie Hall occupied the third
ante oh their property.
Mr. Hebert !elven fingen, B.0.1, -
n n 1 he Wet Pr el tette-. of Toronto.
died Friday. at West Prince Al -
violin to 11111 fientli he line been sof
broiler (rem an meet% detente* of the
hard and ureter ate le IONA WO 1.490to
northetne 63 leec in store Foe
William. Oriel No. 3 hart, 68 1.4e*
'Wed No. 3 northern. fel 1-1.1e. In store
hinges elevator, Port Arthur. There
thie weck been it revisal in tie
at 644. nal tough -No. nerthern '.1
Witaiipett Commercial, Jan. 23.
lintilmtr. et'. en l'ende.
rent() the, week. -The ihatellidting
business the coining twason at T.
FIttle Wet -Tee to let niece eterco-
stock. to meet It. The trneeller•
new worklne In the country rep .0
`24ry favorably on the outliok 11.1
trete indiente thee lame orders nee
1.121.1(14-1/9.1111(111 1/00.5) LIIJP
thin seism. A good many orders for
the spring have been phenol. Velma
are firm ter mold lintel of steel*
mitring heroines.' le very prenii•int.
At the Cenet cities the outiook,fer
The reverts. from the mining ewe
be pieced ter the teeming seteron
At ilenditen there lute been a Wool
eany 01•11019/ reported by trarellore
!or epring. The 1014)1ex:tie firm -
Mos nmele lance preparntions for
.ndlentiene are that they will not tiv
IVinnitteg W110199919 trrule Imo not
!nen pertimenrly act's.. the pas,
tether le entp107',4
eitern is a tool demon.' for mon*:
and raters are firmly meintained.
Wheiermie triule at Ottawa W -
week. A very fele number of orders
fee the mewing and summer areeeme-
In whelp...Ile trwle n1 Mont r!,01
thin WOWit. 'The boot nnd shoe roann•
feet lllll are 'may. There le het -
Melee le stead:.
as I
nue to hits the 111 .1 le•tru Writ fee
three et the panorama irlueh enrol,
titrod Page end lin Werli Hi, triple
Fee. et tit • bosieging ;may and th
Irownlig battori.d wit' 11, like Wail,
eentinold. at sit wt inter% ale. etterkeo
We were (Pastime oa tit !.a...tautembeii
e Thee are feeling our teingoe
'' Limp cot tone. telleet," wed Piece
whe wee our engineer. " We lire toe
low for meety. Thur. intermit meek'
1.49111.1.,1 th • rifles et the Geed- merit.
ewe The wtsmositeseets-
threw 'woe belleot
Bring! TIP. wii• ininiipertert
the she. of the lienriot stew re
turning (11-* fire. Ming! -emit!' went
hie rifle grnswee me (tele ghee taw
adiusteel tit. we. I glegiosi to. the,
roe. Ile was alining at a group, et
itere trent bright knoll.
Bang WOO/ the lieniy rifle twilit'
1411. of the group tumbled
Oa borne and the,nionini renre1 nue
"Your einem," excitedle cried lien
riot, and In lees than it trikeo
tell it we were: all three firing at
the force below no, with what ef
feet, I Could not dIstingulmle
There wn. a continuous (execute
Flom the Infentry nnil holy of
1 tennis rode along firing Rt. us tie
the rim. .tt one 110111t oix-p.seteler
ono trained ou tee hilt rpm. inerensing
'llet wind wee freihening awl lea rug
wee atpidly reading tfw *reit.
NV.. 'rm. ihtlfing along' At the height.
I Mout tt 111110, and 11941 11111 begmi
terung-ratulete este another eit
ilistancel the penitent Ilene-. nal
palmed tire rorikni welch encircle., the
fated repeal 21 It'll IA 0411.2 Puente
greet, which the (Iceman,' need No
It sena another balloon !
Thin wee tt serious matter. !nth..
iert nature of things) it wee ..1•44r
that n battle of no ordinary charm. -
ter moot be fought beratien, attain-
ing our altitude -withei i.lIdently
the enemy's ohjeet--we would drift ht
clorte proximity to welt other itt the
Immo air current. and n rifle
enel would follow, ending In the etettit
or disabling of either crew. Theee
t hought. Ten rapidly through my
mine as I took et the sit en non., 1
ginner! at Page. Wetly Nene
ler trete .4 tinniglit lind been
thInking and WOO we eneg ifit the
e otoek of offenses,. Iv p 414 ec et which
wes were Popplied, basin evidently
teetered a plait .4 eetil
we're loot," meet lie. ont effete
to lower .
"Yee," odd Peg., . eiel he heti nearer,.
ly spoken when I felt the Afire sink
"'That will eime Retie 'townie "Thee
got within range. We will try nor
rifles' first. ante retitle, 110 111111It
erre) reit !menet en I g.e. 00 .se then'
Over hombs will 4e, the tr df, in-
deed. rontaet with the light sitrne•
tete of the balloon will prettiest eon -