HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-27, Page 8,e-e14:,rwe.e.•• tenoned w,aea„e,xv, 8 T1011eDAT, Deo. 97, 1900 ew Year's ifts New Year Novelties are here in great variety. Books, dames, Dolls, Toys, Silver Ornaments, and going at greatly reduced prices. Come and look them over. Toy shop at rear of our store. DRESS GOODS and SILKS its tJ JACKETS snake useful and acceptable presents. A nice silk waist or plaid skirt would be just right. We are offering exceptional values in these lines for the next two weeks. HANDKERCHIEFS and TIES [Handsome, inexpensive, useful presents in Handker- chiefs from 5c to $1.00. Splendid rause &teat_-li 25c and 50c. ObbMil and FURS Lovely warm wraps in Fur Capes, Fur Lined ('apes, Fur Trim- med Capes aiid Plaid Shawls. Jackets cleat- ing at reduced prices, New Fur Caperines i and Jackets. GLOVES and PUR3ES Best Kid Glove- in, the -market, blaek--and- eolers, at $1.00. Extra value in purses from 5c each to $ 1.00 at clearing prices. CLOTHING and , GENTS' FURNISHINGS Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys' 'Suits, Boys' Pants, Men's SuitsandOver- coats. New Shirts} . N 43 w Caps. and Ties. CAPE AND JACKET CLOTHS Wide, double -fold cloths suitable for child's ulster or1 ' cape, clearing at 78cc. --SPRY £SD UNDERWEAR. -For men or ladies and children. All sizes. All prices. Extra values: -_Dome and look over onr.stock. Never better prepared serve you with such good values to Smith Bro's & Co. DUNGANNON. Nonce.- The local agency In Dungannon for The SIoNaL Is at the wilco of .1. 0. W•, . J.P., oo0veywooer, to.. who will receive or der* for subscriptions. •dvertlerog and Job week, and 1. authorised to Ore reeeeple for Sensate paid for the same (`I A. NEWTON, DENTIST; O- F LUCK - now will resume hie tripe to Dungan- non in April. -let and 3rd rridav each month. '1'(YISDAY, Ileo. 25, 9061. All persons to this neighborhood wishing to renew their eubs.trlpilone to Tns SIOrAL should ooll on J. G. Ward, J.P., who V authorized fa give reoetpts for the same. CARLOW. W b.DNOADAY, Dia 26th. 1. Hetherington spent Sunday in Carlow. Wedding bells will soon be °binder again. • Mlso Lena Johnston, of %6 IJTC. 1., le Deme for holidays. MIs. A Henderson, of Oodertoh, was • visitor b: re lost week. Frank.JiaPhee to 'pending Christmas with his uncle George at Loyal. Mlee Mary Robertson, of Winghem, 1. ependleg her vacation at home. John Johnston, of the Model F.rm, Guelph, le opendtne his holiday. at home. Miss Maud Sallow., of God.rioh, attend- ed the Christmas tree here on Friday evro• Ips last. Mr. and Mn. Jame. McPhee, of Gode. rioh, .past Christmas with Mr McPhee'' parents. Moth intereet was &ekes to the Farmers' laltllote meeting. held here on Wednesday of lase week Then was a lull house both afternoon and evening to listen to very •bio addressee given ',y Joe. Snell. the prtatdent, Mir L Rose, of Guelph, and Mr Ftoh•, of Wooderook,and many points were very Mill' dteouesod duringthe mood in the (arm- ies ng. m Isg and delrying 11.. Ai tae dime of the afternoon meeting • Lade..' Instatete was organize! ant Miss Mary L. Green, of ('ul borne, I••e of the Dairy College, Guelph, was appointed president ; Mrs. Colin Can,p hell, of Goderlo6, vice president, and Meet McPhail, of Porter'' Hill, secretary. I1 le hoped thelr Inetruotton to the dairy hoe, w well ast° domestic work,will be a betiefit lo those who have not had the privilege of ateeodieg the dairy school, I1' Step" are Ming taken for the formatton .f • ooa0ty bookey league. LANES. TuosDAT, 11... 961h. • Wedddog bells are r Rev. R. Henderson, of Alaimo, 000spl.d the palet t hen oa Headily Met. TUE SIGNAL : GODERICH _ONTARIO. to a o,rmprekenelve and as thorough u the of any newspaper In Canada ; Its ooutme Mal page oovern every lmportent olty a &..suss to the world, tad glees to la iee',re all the market report, fifteen hours n atyaoos of their appearaoue la the mure- og papers. The 'Toronto Star raoks with our foremost papers, white, beueuee of the bright whtoh ab•rsoterlaee a from the Id at prase to the last, It m the most read- able of shun all. Such • paper le worth Lowe, i••s war bscription'r•I of 11.b0 a you. t I lir (lsorg. Monition, Elgin &Yasuo. r Day will remain 1& Ohl. Prowler'., u 11 ti r.1 1, rhumson's luteutioa to enrage to Ns eawmtlllug hooka**. COMING AND GOING Jasper Ntchuleon 1. home 1r0mCfb:ego. - El. Campaigns 1s home tar the winter. Lt .11 1 w.edte spent 1'nrl,tmae to ('llato0. Jamas Clark lett for Toronto this murn• ; M. K. Dulmwge *peat Chrbtatw le Lon- don. t.nu Smith, of Hensel' as In town thle week. W. t:leuu Campbell le vldttng bar home at Aylmer. Mien Megan spent Christmas at her Boma le Stretford. Julie Complete, of Galt, is spending holi- day* et home. Wm. Bean is home from Culruee for the who„ i vaoatlou. Mss Frisks oet,brated Christmas at her tonne at biopic Waller Bauhanan, of 'reroute, was In .aan this week. Albert Dlokson, of Stratford, was home Lt lb. holiday. Martha* Johuston is home from Berl fur the holidays. MhesJeset. Robertson 1. home from Ere fur the holidays. Percy A. Malconeon, of Luoknow, sp. tehrutu,aa to town. Graham Williams, of Toronto, spent Christina' In town. Harr) McKenzie, of Toronto, ,pone Citrmlmu at bona.. Mum Florence Clark, of Blyth, 1. Meting Miss Rote Salkeld. Couduotor Aaubrooke and family spent Christmas at earls. David Hyslop her returned borne atter a ..aeon tee Wee lakes L. W. Judd, of the College of Pbarmay, Toroaeo, he op..11er the holidays with bb ure*ber-ln-law, R. E. Smith. Mrs Jas. Br.cle ldge, A M. Brookes. ridge and Mn. Edward .pent Christina" with Bloods to (Trey toweahlp. Mr. and Mie J. C. Kober soo tad M.. ter Great lichenous', 01'1'oronW, so. tag the Christmas holidays In towu. lire. Dyer and Min Jennie Wilson ar- rived rrived from Brampton to mood Cbralwos with their motber, Mr.. Joe. Wilson. Mr. and Mn. (Melo and Miss Evelyn, of Salorth, .pent Christmas with Mrs. Greig'. pare.&, Mr. and Mre. W. Aoho.on. Mae Edieh Falooner, 01 Bayheld, who has been amending the Collegiate Institute hen, 1. .pending the holidays at her home. A. J. uwkaon arrived home from MoGill University, Moolr.al, for tee holiday., and N oised at *b. posh oftiue In the dharibution o f the Christman maim. Bani.min Bean, of ileo Moises, Iowa, hu been spending the put week with hle par• ants, Mr. and Mr. Isaao Been. It 1. df teen yarn Maw Mr. Bean was home ; be now holds a good position a humane ottioer In the Iowan city. 'foe Stu NAL Ma 0e4101 to rwnv• a oall from Peter Stuart, of Ern, North Dakota, who ha been vatting hie old home at Lee - burn. Mr. Stuart in to the general mer• pantile buemee. at Erie, and 1s dutttg well. 1t le .levee years Moos he has been nom.. in �J. Ure Stewart, of MuUlll College, Mont- le, real, has boon wader mwloal aid for uvea • week with a avers •ttwk of ohloken ; �z DI and inou0sequ*uos was unable to write us DUI ezamia0Uosa Dr. Helmet It.. reo.tv.d a sample of the sew .loth wblob ba been adopted for the British army uniform. 1t to a tweed of mated brown and grey, of submaottal and yet sot too Davy texture, and should make foormserviceableanvery serviceable d rasher pr.ety uul• W. 1'. Potter, of Colborne, bad the m a• fortune • few day. ago to hive ha arm broken by the k.uk of a horse. He wee taking the home nue ui the *table to Dome to town when the oelmal kicked bin, with Copt. Parlous hoe returned home alter the weemm'. wiling. Will. Hayden is ht:m. from Toronto for the Christmas season.- N B. Smith •ttendtid a seem gathering at Semitone lute night. • Reuben Snell it home from llegereville for a week's holidays. Miss Mary Stamen, of Ridgeway, le n.me for be holidays, Mite Bertha Husk 1. home from s ,ler for the school vacation. Mlle Linke Andrews u hop Zerlub for the holidays. 111WBrosk Mitchell, of Toronto, eW tloa Ing vatioo at home. Allan Sperling, of Toronto, ie the holids,. s at bone. - Mus Ra ertaon. of Windsor. 1. M.o for tee Cnn.thou holidays. the result thee he will be IooapaolMNd for some week.. The l'hrl.Usu Guardian of a recent date °untaiued the fullowiog .apreedos of thanks from the widow of Ib. lab. Rev. J.I. Morse, son of 1). Mores, et lawn : "Mrs. Motu, widow o1 the late K.v. J. X Moran, of C.Oertten, wishes through Th. Guardian to express her gratitui. W 1he quarterly board of the Amrltsaburg olroult, and many other kind friends, whose °serer Mors of ay mpatby have been a great mom• fort to her Is bier hour. of wee become - moot." What Could Be Nicer Money Saved by baying your GHOCKHIKS at P. T. DEAN'S • Heat Corn eiaroh 4 ',mikados',mikados tor March. Laundry Mab. 4 lbs. for valenola !alalia, per poured Mired Candi, 31 $ i t0. .. tager 17 lbs. granulated Redpath sfor 1.01 It Ibe. Cottee anger ter 2.M Package Toe, worth 60r per pound, f r.16 S 104.1114,0a tea, wealth 430lo., for 101 Mein,. D Ibe J.pau Tea, worth fur .. . 1.W Ground d Beptoe, C lovee.h..ela etc. per ab .30 Lemon, 0 auto, and Citron Peel. par Ib 20 Good Laundry Moan. 7 Dere for sees .25 Sweet BI cud* and dodos. per Ib sees .lie Extract* Vanilla, lowon. Pep'reake Ifel .25 Pickles, Ler Quart .IS ramp ler of Qee lsws . far .10 Coffee worth loo lb., gro-tFaren ordered . .35 Bee our Coffee at per Ib.. ,... .10 Large Stag Lamp filar .O6 Medium .. 46 Oatmeal, Castile Toilet Scapa, per bar. . .06 byrup, per gallon . .50 Kimmel° 011, per bottle .. . . ,16 4 pounds Currants for........ .. ,f6 Just arrived -0 Quantiy sf bud Dem. sed Wo Cooking end Leper nue. to be sold at right prime. se A ole reduot ion on ')motor/ aOtaa.. wer .1 .25 .Y5 .10 .t0 sanest P. T. DEAN, on - Harts. Y KNo wools 'Mimed at thee, 1.4101111.1.4101111. SEs DATES BELOW. Than a pair of oar famous for a New Year's Gift W • lady' Emmy pair a e work of .re. Aa a special luduoemoot, we et ill glee a bautt al Itthuvreph of Queen Louise with every pa.r of Queen Quality Show sold during she omit two weeks. See Our Pange of Men's Slippersi, In Ie, ;A.A. and fumy velvets, pekoes *0.575. Mbias), ag•wr ,1,76 per p lr 1 fml(t only 96s; boot oarpete at 25c. r Our LADILS' FRIT DLIPPICRS a16o per pair are SPECIAL VALUES, Miter qualities from 26o to Situ per pair. We have a great variety of fancy ellpters to °boom iron,, 111.11111111111oo for .I1 oaeluns. Men's Felt Boots, leather half up Oho leg, regular i2.00 line, only j1SIMpair. Lovely silk velvet Santa Claus Slipper. fee children, cooly ly 26o ppair, We carry • full line of snag proof and other good lumbermen's rubbers at lowest prices. We believe satisfied customers are our very best advertisement, and we .strive to do everything in our power to wake customers satisfied. _P.T. HALLS Sole Agent for Queen Quality, 1j PARSONS' a FA 1 R New Year, 1901 i --1s- Coming- And It is now time 13 buy your Holiday Gifts, 1 and here is the place I to buy Manicure and Toilet Oa.e combined, for e2:48Celluloid Toilet Cases, from 50c to $3.75 Collar and Cuff Boxes, for 95c Picture Frames, 35c Hand made' and Tie Oases, $1.35 and upwards Stony Hair Brushes, 60c, 90c and $1.00 i! Fancy Mirrors, from 5c to 59c We have a large assortment of Fancy China and Lamps. Vole i u ► oTt? T 11 trikl Established 1886. Over 80 Years of Sueee'r In Toronto. Ont. J. Y. EOAN, Rupture Speci:Lt.o n S` Mr. an Mn. C. Seager were viettieltiw 1 urootn over Christmas. \ata McLellan le epending the holidays a✓ her home trnStratford. I'aul 1 urubutl, of Chatham, .pent Christ - U1311 Day •.t the rectory. Mhos Harris, of Toronto, m visiting her meter, MNNellie Harris. M -is Jennie Holmes epees Christmas at her home at Wblteohurce. D. Donaldson, of Smola, spent Christmas L his motho, er& home her Mn. Fulda has toioed her hosbaod al Milwaukee ler the "rioter. Chee: 1llsOk, of-Dundas.a - -,among the e-iLIsriatmas Matters in tows. ltd. Tilt 1. home from Ms0111 University, Montreal, for the holiday.. Munioipal matters are begiaclog to take the attention of the people Rumor may'. there are to be quite a Dumber of oandl• dates In the Bed. Cha. Rouse, who has carried on • .ac• woeful butine. In the line of bl•ok.mitbing for the put ten rear., disposed of his prop- erty last week to Jos. Sm.' '.r, of Look• now, who takes possession IC ono,. Mr. Rouse, we believe, Intends to .spays to farming. UPWARD TENDENCY OF SUB- SCRIPTION RATES. !'here has been an upward tendency in newspaper subscription rates during the put year throughout the Province of On- torto. The tnonaeed Dost of paper, coupled with postage, which, for two or three years, newspapers have had to pay, ba brought •boot this result There are now no "dollar dailies" in Ontario. • The 21 dolly may oome In the future. but Its time 1. not yet. The rates of some paper' hive been inoraeed within the put few months from 81 to 82 a year. The Toronto News and The Toronto Star, however, which did sell for $1, have mads a half way advano., and are now sold to subscriber* who timely. ,hem Weevil the post otfioe at '1,500 year, This change, small though It Is, le to rho right direction. While a dally metr000l lean paper wait eta The Toronto Star dues toe compete with the provloolal press, their rn.pective fields being different, sod the one • complement of the other, vet at the earns time the foot that • daily paper -ten pages e very other day and sixteen or twenty o0 S.turdaye-enoh as The Toronto Star, lar example, mould he bought for a year for 81 bye an taevitable sReot upon the smbecrip- ttnn prime of the pro. metal prem. And w hen the fact 5 known that $1 • year will not pay for the whits paper and postage Moroi of a pater like The Toronto Star, sob• earthier. themselves should have no Malec thio to paying an advance sufioleot to ooyer Cues: initial ooste. At $1.50 • year The Toronto Daily Star is the hest newspaper value in this t'rovloos. Tb. Star non&eIn, Hunter'. oartoono daily ; It h.. ' tree women' writer. of its own ; It h a. its own (pedal cables and special tele- graph despatches t Iss sporting dep•rtmsel Holidqy Books AND Holiday Goods All the newest Books, shown in beautiful Holiday Editions, Poetry, Prose, History, Etc. Guide to Wild Flowers, $2.50 riot. The Biography of m Grizzly, by Ernest Heaton Thompson, 61.50. Mooswa, by W. A. Fraser, 11.60 net Dr. North and His Fnends, by 1i. Weir Mitchell, $1.25. Tommy and Grizel, by Barrie, 11.25. Juvenile Books by the hundreds to select from. Father Harsh', Mother Wild Go20e, Tommy Atkins, Soldiers of the Queen, youth African A B C, Child's Own, Prize, Chatterbox, Chums, Boys' Own A nnual, Girls' Own An- -Mil, Leisure Hour, Sunday at Home, I110. As osnsl we will sell these Books at reduced primes. Watch Show Window for prices. Art Calendars, New Year Cards and Presentation Books Co Fine China, Art Ornamental Goods and Sterling Silver, also R Onyx Goods. Get ,dig 110. is 100 ii. MIN Mlle Johnston arrived home from Orilla to spend Christmas. Mtn Bruce, of Stratford, 1. visiting are the home of J. H. Colborne. Maitland A. Humber, of Stratford, spent Christmas at the old home. Wasiak* Edward N home Item Chester- field for the sohool vaoatlon. J. M. Turnbull is spendiog'the Christmas season at fate home at Milton. Will Dtelrioh arrived from lirovsuhunl te spend t ilrutmaa at home. C. Moffat, of Minneapolis, was the par► week vtnttnp friends in town. Geo. B. Morro, of Uuelpb, was among tht l'hrulwae victors 10 tow°. Walter Bookman. of Toronto, is •. r nog the Chnetma visitor' in towo Harry Rumen left en Saturday for De. !roil, where he ha a situation. A. T. Harland, of Clinton, spent Christ- mas with hu relatives la town Miss Nydo Raison hu returned from De- troit, where oho bad been visaing. Mlle Annie Campbell war home from Sea - forth for the Christman feetivaies. Mies Just, Thomson, of Berlin, is spend• log the Chrit�as holiday. at home. Koss RsaLall arrived home from Brantford to 'pend Chretmas with his family. Mat Hattie Thomson left this morning to visit I.er brother" at Lion. Head. 611.. M. Faluoner, of Gederich, ie spend- ing her Christmas holidays in Itayfehf. Mn. fluent and sou Ernest, of Lpo•a, spent Christmas with relative' In town. Mies Clara Bean, who teaches at nock, N epeedtog the holiday. at home. J. M. }aid, B. A., and family left las week for Toronto W spend the holiday., Miss Coosanoe Le Towel, of Hensel!, le spending the holiday. at her home here. Mien Mackenzie, of Aalon, 1. tha gum% of her suet, Mn. Geo. Morris, Cambria read. Mlle Grams Strang, of Towage Univer- sity, is ergedlmg her holidays at her hem. her.. lire. A. M. Kay and son, of MSraiford, aelebratd Christmas with their relatives here. Mr. and Mn. E. C Coleman, of Sea forth, were among the Christmas visitors la town. Peroy 11. Tom, of the Western Uelv.r• sity, Londoe. Is spending the holidays at home. Chas, de Pendry has returned home after *poncho(' several month to the Unified State.. F. K. Munro, of Toronto University, Is vetting in this neighborhood during the Fred. N. Beattie, of the Bank of C.m• Izmir,, vatted bm home at Satorth en Christmas I fay. Muse Jessie Miller, of Woodstock, .pent Cn,l.tmas at the residence e1 her tastier, Bober. Miller. ,lar. Burke, of the Hlntford Clothing Co., and Mn. Burke, .pane Christina. here with Mr. Hark.. mother, A B Potter, of Montgomery, N. W. T.. 1. vIM%1ag friend. in two. H1s last prev- ious visit was in 1896. Mn. Howell and ten Wilfred, of ()son- less, were visiting friends In town and le Hnlmssyllle this week. t Glace, Mir McCaughan, who 1. tranhing at U,.hwod, I. spending( the Christmas vas roes 011(1 &Hon ab her hem. here. Mem. and Will. Maltase, arrived from Wawan.a, Man., tie .pend ('Art.ietasat their home at 8enmiller, Capt. Alex, (Cratgt. and Mr. Crotch", et Detroit, spent lihrt.Mmu with the former'. mother, Mn. Ales. Cretgie. Mr. teed Mn. Lew Thomann and ohlldres arrived Mile week from Gladstone, Man ,and are vtstgeg Mr. Thames's parots,Mr. mid PORTER'S BOOK STOR Court House Square, Ooderich. E Rupture CURES E •FECTED- WITHOUT AN 'OPERATION. -T i H- ra f fi:: LL, BL .sod hurce,aful Authority in the treatment or Rapture without an uher5'oa. . X11 ,k. , .,.rl, ,J one delartalent must rerWnly to :uorrim.erienrrd and capable than. hr•no. tai,tee ir, ,j2thftflits'-2ttop waMbtgdinesM a.t ssist.5.w...wteaer -T- ,e+,telt-v e - Tib• 1 ,ta, y t., taught him what to do Have you not h.,d •.terltwte. nth IoY•t.lift ),.l 1„ :ul, tog awns ihaugt farthe better', 1f ,,•ua_yer l,dwtal Iuiec otos riuw • ten•.. 1 .n,- - 0,10 w,.•k rev to too late." LET NO ONE Dlf4PrlND• Dr. not be deterred from •1 p my .dv. y,, le.'on.e ter having beast treated by many who failed to ens, /Au. you have ..tee d! w.ar,r, d. Tie- 1• t' • eery time you should make oat mem filial- When I tete a raae, ...rt fns •hole ndu1, r ,eerie anti .011 b. perfect s cure, irreg erti•.. of any money rnn.ideratlou t.: i re: to 1r.• it m, . it all tb:d r - ,r.. honesty knowledge and tai. n.104..1111 emote 'dish. knowing ••Mtr."trttonrst_tbree"ever fa toVans their just reward ludue inn, THE FACT, THAT200 . t.. 1.• A r 11140'1 l In a 11.1. el way able 0. hav-1 !ourself pre. erly attended tar-etl.,uld not n•. r...rr (nun ror••rgiI •1pnrt.tiX, AD7Trt 1.t FRIG,soft- tine Mont may trove very valuable .0 tutu. tee, --3I . r`,T.h reln11y a '. I your friends of leis vet --send two meet Amp for a !u • llu-''n ,a,r wt-hf .Aformatt ventcoCkLR f.1-rrwq,ur he annum) men of alleges suffer from this terrible alslie• b. +.,tat way -IL•. re is ,robe• inti (onto which man 1. heir that en completely unfi• hoe fen „r 111- • t..rletry e uulveral teudeiwy of there condithnw 1s to grow tt.u,I • t,,h• t••,nl,Utrpt.d. r • V1115�Qa!£._ i i'1tr,mtur runt;enled v nod the IIml. male ,.f female: 11ou suite, consult • ,11 ire,. .le..ur+..rfidiv treated. All 1e ere of enquiry ,renamingW onp will have prompt b.. , 1.-..� r. - ,.d tee eddresad J. T. , aTex onto P.0 &,s %le.,nto (let.' EXETER, January 10th' and I Ith. CODER/CH, British xchange Hotel, Satur- day and Sunday (all da -and evening), two days only, January 12th and �1 th. WINOHAM, January I4th and 15th. KINCARDINE, January 16th a1 d 17th. CONSULT SPECIALIST EARLY. THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TH E THE .THE THE THE 111E THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE t'HS THE THE THE THE rHE THE THE THE BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST HEST BEST BEST RtSRT -- HEST BEST BEST BEST BF,BT BEST BEST BENT BEST BEST SIFT BEST BEST BEST BEST IIEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BENT BUT BEST BEST 5E81' iS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SI( AL 18 THE BEST I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiO L 1S THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SI'iiN 18 THE BEST I3 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNA 18 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL. IB THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE BEST THE BEST Wet E BEST HE IIEST THE SIGNAL THE K EST TH BEST ONLY �_.�::.�.___.. E 11 $$$$$$# 111 !RE 3 21 1111 fa 1 as 11111 SS 8 9 111111 *1 8 11 1111 f! 8 ti 1111 ' eM'n7" 81! 1111 1 .. - 918 1332 - THE THE EST THE REST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE HEST TIIE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST BES1, 1111 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE ISENr THE BEST THE BEST THE BEAT TIt? BEST THE BENT •---- THR HENT TUE HEST THE BEST TIIE RES1 THE BE87 i8 TIIE ('iHEAl'EST AND TUE SIGNAL IN THE BERT 114 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL LS THE REST IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 1K THE BEST IN TIIE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 15 THE BEST iS TiHE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE 13E51' iS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE REST A YEAR IN ADVANCE LEE di SHEPHARD are the agent♦-S@t se1ebrated Kelsey generator, which is The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market, and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than any furnace on the market. We have the largest assortment of coal and woad stoves this 1 side of Toronto. Also have a numher of second-hand stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for new ones. Se LEE & IEPIIARD. t, 1400 POUNDS CHOICE CANDY Royal Mixed, So Ib. ; Gum Drops, 8c ; Best Creams, 14c ; Chocolate Drop., 14c ; Creamed Dater lbc ; Watson'. Cough Drops, 150 ; Humbug., 12o. Do seal 'nets. the Doll& trent lc to $&7n. \' Sighs, '2k 30., .36.;61x, 7§. red all IS. THE CHILDREN'S TOYLAND UPS [AIRS. is will out wear le o raof Ordhn..ry Common Rutibsrs. Search the World and you will find nothing sionie better than .7mlterted by Every Rubber Manufacturer and Dealer, but no imitation has our specially Manufac- tured Rope Canvas or (luck, the only fabric which can bo thoroughly n impregnated with the PaGum. When worn out have leather sole put on and ore for • Plow Boat The'. D. KingCo. , Limited, have the only genuine suitivel Rubber. Don't buy unless the words are stamped upon the sole of each ro Robber; all others afrauds upon the Public, 1Mublle )toles. NOTI' E IS HEREBY uIVIV THAT an implication w111 t,. mad ` t 'be I-arlisment of Csoadama: the Oft aloe �1 thereof for an aot to .mead the act 1J afloat the born Mama 0,1 Ptp. Line as ` -teaa• - lecturing d :ompany, 30-61 ViotMo ',&pier Iii, le the following partlooiare, 10 . .t 1. -To reduce the capital stook of c.c .a1d Company and to change the name thereof. L an -To °Mge the provisional board o' di- I rectors7 1 - To authorize sail upiny to deal In coal and Its products. or any oomblaatlon of need and oil, th..ir prod,.-te end by.produn'a and toprovlde Lirthe dr:leery oft the same by in aid compeaanny, and to re•. ire well eel Dated Geoember 13th, ;a 9 furl UM Z. f1LNC&Y. 0.71 solidtor for Applicants. NEWS aid OPINIONS NATIONALIYP06T1806 THE SUN CONTAINS E3Tt1, Daily and Sua ay, by rail, 18 a year Daily, by rail, • • - it a year THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world. Price, 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year TME $ Address UN, ,Naw Yak. 1 New Year's Gifts For begat values in CUTLERY and NEW YEAR'S GIFT WARE you are sure to get them at McKenzie & Howell's We are known the country ever for selling good goals at small profits. We sell what we know ie the best and we do not hesitate to tell our customers the relative merits of what we sell. Our Stock is complete. See our window and you will be convinced we have the stock. No trouble to show goods Have you got one of our beautiful calendars! McKenzie Howell THE PLAOE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE OHEAP. Alet 1 1