HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-27, Page 5a. -
wractitancarkstiNgtort‘mcitv-- ATTIC"
W.Acheson& Son
We wish all our friends
and customers the com-
pliments of the season.
cheson & Son
Tha season" Libber Sysimos N be superseded
Oa Mk. Near pis
1• view of the tut that seems or 1.10
the oonstraotloo of read work under that
etatale labor system most go, the following
outline In brief, of a system of road eentrol,
advoo•ted by A W. Campbell, Provincial
road 0ommlw1°n/tr, might be considered
wait profit
Do away with the .Mtate labor roll es.
To rales the money required, levy • rate
on the a•ossemecl e1 the township.
For road purposes, dlvld• the township
late • oosyanlese comber of divisions,
usually four.
Apportion the money equal y •moos ►h•
road divisions, keeping to view all olroam-
canoss, yta : lmportenoe of roads, works
needed 00 them. benefit resettles to the
greatest somber of people, amount of traf.
bo, assessment, eta.
Appoint use township road oommlssft ser
to advise and 000ult with. and carry sat
the direction of the eminent.
Counolllors should nut ant as commis
stoners, as they are subject to undue In
teem* from the ratepayers, and their term
s1 oeioe is aoeertale.
Ag 1 plan for road tmprovem•nte
should be laid dewm,by 11e wanctl for the
oommteston•r to follow
This plan should blowfly the width to be
graded. width and depth of rood metal,
character o1 drainage, oto , of all roods
Roads of Importom should not be lees
then Sweaty -lour feel between the beide
edges o1 epee ditches No reads should be
et lees width than eighteen feet.
,\.. Early la the year the oouadl and the
"sheltie/ olgo over •h the r
atsrsiderths wsoot k k to M soder ikon.
Work of 00nstruoteon, anah u hauling
ffi t gravel, dhohlag, and drawee., building of
bridges and oul,erta should be does by co -
tram, and supervised by the road commis-
No •0000•t for labor or material should
be paid by the treasurer sloops oo the cer-
tificate of Ibe road oommleslooer.
Minor work and repairing should be don*
by day labor, only the toad commissioner
being authorized 1t should be In the ears of
the road oommtosloner.
ri Only the rood commlselooer •boafd em-
ploy, direct or dtsobarge the men or teams
n ee led te operate the maohmety.
Should the waooll desire to Interfere Is
soy of thee matters they ban do so through
the commissioner.
This memo man and Mame should be hired
le operate the maobinery for the entire
season, or longer If possible, as they b•o•me
profioloai and do bettor work. This tip
plies parttoulerly to the operation of a read
The oommireioaer should keep • psi roll
to return quarterly be tb• oouooll showing
who have bees mild and the amonst paid,
the roll to be then filed for auditors
Th. roll will act as a check on favoritism
on the part of the oemmudon.r. Wort
should be divided as muoh ea possible
among the realdeot• of bb• 'township desir-
eslring 1t.
Work should be oommaneed with a
definite end in view and oon►fneed syetw
otiosity from year M year If ne,toe.ary, 00•
MI the ntfre read mileage hu been broughe
to • proper standard.
subdieielon No. 1, Banmiller, Tempersnu.
h•11, A. Heddle, 1) R.O. ; No. 2. Saleford,
Temperance hail, A. Sands, D.R.O.; No 3,
Carlow, township hall, F. W. MoI)ooagb,
D.R.O. ; No. 4, Leeburn, Temperas- ball,
Baby Williams, D.R.O. A large number of
01110ale wereed w
pass hlon will appear to
Ili! Measurer's statement oo nomination
day.aaThe eoaootl then adjourned. F. W.
YODonAuu, Clerk.
ti0Dinlen Townies,.
(booed met on Ueoember 16th, 1900, so•
cording to.tstale. Minutes of last meeting
were rend and paved. Moved by James
Johnitoo, seoanded by John Middleton.
that Mrs. U. Wtleoo receive the sum of $3
e s shanty, being In destituteoiroameance.
Moved by C. W. t% Moans, seconded by
Jame. Jobusto0, that Mr.. Hlok resolve the
sum of 115 as obarltJ and that H Elford
receive the aum of $3 per week for •taod•
anon to Mr Hick's duties oommeooing on
the 1011 day of Deo. to 000010.. to text
meeting o' 0000011 If 05oessary. Moved by
Jamie Johnston, s.00nded by J. C. Wood.,
that the tollow10g 'macerate be paid, vlr
For gravel -J. Connell, 72o.; W. Job
$5.34 ; H. Hibbs, $12.42 ; Jr, Main. 15.76 ;
J. MCBrlee. 15 70 ; J. Connolly, $3.90; W,
J. Currie, $8 04 ; S Walters, $1 fid ; W.
Marsh, $22 62 ; E. J. Elliott, $5.22 ; W .
Wise, $7.68 ; .1. McDonald $2 40 ; F Ma•
Carto.y, $13 14 ; A J Connie., $4 32 ; W.
Ell oft, $15 06 ; W. Rutledge, $8.16 ; Mr
U Wilson, charity, $3; Hallett township,
u share of ezpeoditurs on H. lice, $11.06 ;
J. Batter, stationery, $2 30 ; N. Sturdy,
plank, 11 751 Mr.. Hick, Clarity, $5; A-
Wilwuse o, Dof hall for oouoctl, $30
Cession adie.rsed te meet per .Mteu.-
Nlzos iletdon. elaL,
The oonaoll mot os Deoember 15th.
Members all present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. Cheques were
Issued for • large amount of money. The
sohool, alas are oleos on 17,000. All thew
• connote will appear In the fleaoclel State
meat, which will be posed •9 Is twelve
oo0splououo places in the township and will
also M oo hand at the nominations, Mon
,lay, Deo 31.., is Finley's school house -
W. Sermonise.
,'OLe00N E.
The statutory meeting of Colborne oouo-
oll was held In the township hall on I)eosm•
ber 15th. All the members were present.
The minutes of the peerless meeting were
read. Alex. Robertson moved to hays th•
minutes amended by striking out Gs mo-
ttos to rewind the mottles eallisg for new
bends for the..11iigles sod treasurer. N.
further astiom Wee tarn. reeve an
olerk then signed the minutes Or. Otte
presented an amount for getting fru:ore of
Thos. Hornby', ler A00000e laid over.
Thoma Saltowi made application for wire
for from on eide road. Oa motion of Capt.
Yonog and James Taylor, he was graoud
$14. Mr. Moon made • similar request,
and, on moth of Riohard Jewell and Alex
Robert os, he, •Ing with John Allen, was
granted 25 ate. per rod wbta they would
erect their Moose en the proper line.
Charles Slmmnnd• applied for • rebate lo
his axes no hotel, same baring Inst the
license. The Maned decided to allow a re
6.i. of $1.80 memoir of th• hotels In Salt
ford, ('apt. Yensg moved, •sanded by
Alex Reberrson, that the nomination be
held at the township hall on Monday, the
31st day of i)ecember, .1 1 e'olock P.m , and
if • poll is demanded, that the *Motion be
held at the following plass, tlx.: Polling
MONDAY, Dan. 24.
Wm. Jewel attended his 000.10's wed
ding near Bnmiller me Wednesday last.
Mrs. (i, H. Clacton and daughter, of
Stratford, are spending Cin,tmaa with rel-
The prize tor repdar attendance, given by
one of the scum of the sohool, was woe
by liertle Quaid. She did not miss a day
to the school year.
In the •rteslan well dug at ,Chas. Mo.
Niel's water was struck at a depth of 120
fest. For the present the firm will nos do
any more digging 1111 better weather comes.
James L. Tobin, of The Loudon Free
Press, is up for his manual Cbrlstm•s .1.11
His •isit hen Is deeply saddened by the
death of his sista, Nellie here oo the 20i1
PtssaxrartoN r, Miss CocrrN -A► the
•lose of the school term on Friday •fter000n
in the presents of several of the parents and
one of the trustees, Wee Cootie, the retir•
toy teacher, was presented with a dreselog-
owe and hower rase by her scholars, with
an address, as a dight reooyottlon of ber
We services to the section. Miss Hattie
Barter read the following in a olear voice :
To Min Coots,
Dot TSAI Hebb, -W•, h. .ohda,e of
S. S. No. 9, beg you to accept this slight
Mks' of our esteem to show our appreola-
tion of your efforts' In our behalf during the
year and • half that you bays been amongst
W• know that you have always been a
kind friend, eopeolally to the little ones,
and they will not moon forget you. Whee-
lies your future lot may be out, we hope
you will most with the kindness and happ4
saes you deserve, and may Hs whom you
prefse' to serve watob over you 1111 hits'.
end. Signed o0 behalf of your scholars.
Horne BAWL
1. her reply Mie Conte thanked Ibe
e okelare tor their kindness and hoped
one and all would in the future succeed 1n
keeplog to the right always, and that ey.ry
w ooer would attend them.
Net.i.ie Leavitt Us -A deep and clime
"snow pervades the homes of this platy and
our sister hors, Lisburn, since the tidings
oame that Ellen Don, mooed daughter of
our late respected townsman, James Tobin,
had passed away from this transient world
to another rest at the age of metes years
and ten months, after an Illoees of &boob six
months. Friends and t60.e near and dear,
with medical assistance, dtd all that mold
done, bo1ie oeaviif. TILT wIthT'"i ro"
days ot the end her voice was good sod
strong The mimicries, of her disposition is
her .offerings showed • true Christian for
blade to be forgo'ten by those who
were with her to the hour of trial. Little
414 her former schoolmate on the roll of
1899 think that they, who had ohoeeo her to
✓ ead the pertlog address In the pretty
woodland. on Dominion Dy of that year to
their then retiring teacher, Miss Leslie
Andrews, of Zurloh, would me her eighteen
months later laid In death'. In 0 slumber.
In h.r folded hand was placed a cella 11',,
and Miss Coates, on behalf of the scholars,
laid a floral ernes of remembrance
on Nally's ossket, ere she was borne to her
last rest to the R. C. cemetery of Colborne
Through her long Memo she was earned
and faithful In her religious douse and
from the good pastor of 8 . Peter's, (lode
✓ ich, received the last rites of the oburoh.
At thio season of the year we
make a Special mark-down on Low
Showa. We want to show the peo-
ple what cool and comfortable
Shoea they can buy here for IeNa
money than they would have to
pay elsewhere. Brand new stock,
and every Shoe perfectly made.
SCHOOL SH()&S for the Hoye
and Gide have arrived. Call and
examine our stock and prices,
whether you buy or not.
yang: *o: lydrl
'I)"tara lr ,•elf a *4 .,p. .-ha*+.,.w�s cx: y..s , .,..
T.UMD.T, Deo. 27, 19001
Tram her childhood up we, with others, had
erowo w leve and reopen her, sad, now
that *he Is gone we sympathise deeply with
the meths and others of ber family 10 the
lvesuf a dutiful dao,bir and loving ester
and true Irteod. On ifuuday afternoon the
'metal took plaoe, and was largely attend-
ed, the Ker. Father West oouduotieg the
last sad riles at the grave. 'those who bore
Ise to her last rest In the oemebery were
Rluh•rd Foley, Wm Chisholm, of Leebura,
Frank and Willis Young, .1 Loyal, Her-
bert Morris and Rebate Qoald, jr., of this
Report of Ole aeries .f Meetings Meld Last
The meetings of the Farmers' Insulate,
held to the town bail on Monday were well
attended and the addresses of a preotlo•l,
*deceive eaters.
President Snell, In his opeolne address,
reviewed One work of the loseitute for the
put year, and also gooks In a highly batter -
tog manner of the Fat Shot Snow held in
Guelph last week.
Mims Rose took for hes subject is the
afternoon, '•Dithoultle.In the dairy and
how to overoome them." Hite old the
great difficulty was to make the dairy pay.
Too man of the oows did net pay for their
keep Their oows milk should be weigbed and
tested 'seasonally. He kind W the oow
sod mak• her feel easy and oomfort•ble.
Irritate her and she will retaliate by glylog
lea milk. Sb• is grateful tor music, whloh
has long been rsoognized in Switzerland,
w here the milkmaid who oan sing sweetly
oon.maods • higher salary than her less
fortuuat• Sailer, Mir Rose was not to
favor of the use of shallow pane. es at lett
too muoh suttee* •xpaled. Draughts should
also M avoided over pans, whether deep or
abaIlow. 1w► the milk stand 24 hours in
S ommer aud from 36 to 48 to winter. The
separator is the host method of skimming,
and every p•rsoo who bis eight or more
oows should hove ooe. In answer to •
question to Id .
y r Tyndall as to her splint of
the silos el silage for arum, Miss Rose
said she was in favor of It, but i0 should b.
led 1n moderation. Ther• is no •beeper or
better food for dairy purpose*, as It Comm
n earest summer renditions. Though ibe s1
lege oo0talns sold she did not think It was
too muoh for butter. Mr. Weir Liked 11
separator cream was Moaner than other
Dream, to which MW Rose said "decidedly
R. Currie, of Rost Wawanceh, spoke on
"Crop failures and how toavoid them.'
He said there were two tindi of land whish
did not pay -too poor and too wet. The
farm.r should understand his land and
who produced beet results just es thorough-
ly as dose the business man know the ins
and our of his business. Hs believed they
should plow deeper as it would morew the
yield. Speaking of the failure of the early
turolp orop Mr. Currie said he remembered
a similar talars tweoly•tors years •eo bat
was not able to rive a remedy. to answer
to Mr. Nesbitt, who Liked how deep they
should plow, be said seven or eight inches
swept es sandy land whish he would plow
shallower. President Snell said there wee
too muoh copping and oo; enough oultiva-
tloo. H. bell.yed to ganging right after
harvest with a good plowing later in the
W. Kerolhan gave results of experiments
meds at Uaelpb oo sewing peas. He did
n"1 Oh ak ►hs1 'owls' elms pose would
jwsrsalee • Medea orop or that 11 would do
say good N sow a strip of early peas to save
She late orop. The 1 opinion was that
lata sowing was about the only thing Whelp
except perhaps the doctoring with ooal oil.
1.1011.0 S100lON.
There was • large attendanoe at the even -
Inv melon which was presided ever by
President Snell.
Mr. Baskerville spoke •boat the Dalry
Sobool whieh he sold *cotters experience as
doss the Institute, The School gives •
koowledgs of feed for dairy oows and is
praottcally within the reach of everybody,
The nouns lute from January 2nd to April
sad students may enter or leave a1 any time.
Oirle register free ; tor boys there is • one
dollar tee.
Mise Rose took for her topic' "Dlflereooss
of level mate Niagara." A difference of
level has made NI gar• famous the
world over, and It 1e • difference of
level In .11 walks of life that bis mads men
sand out as Niagara. Great men ars
land marks. Few men have potatoes.
thrust upon them. it is only aogeirod by
hard work and the ability gimp ioppor-
D Dpo
tunities. We should train ourselves for
g reatness Edison says that suoosss is woo
by two per cot. genius and the baianoe
bard work. The keys to saooese are hard
work. Plan out • definite oourse and then
pat every energy into that channel. Ooe
of the greatest Influence to success le our
manners, To do the right thing at the
right time constituted manners. We car-
n et all be great. There Is only one Niagara
but then are thousands of rills and rivulets
that .re of muoh more importance to the
world than Niagara. We are perhaps one
of the rills but I1 we fill our sphere we are
doing just as moots for our ooansry as
Mr. Carrie traced the growth of fail
fairs from their institution to the present
and sensured the manasepent of today
whloh paid soot attention 10 the ran• horse
and fakir side of the fair. H. knew of
young men who had been rained by haven
a fast hone and did not think the faire
should encourage roving proclivities.
The Lug quartette rendered reveal Woo
tions during the evening for whloh they
were warmly applauded and e00ores isnot•
. d upon.
lotersettog eeselons of the West Huron
Farmers' Institute were held la th• town
hall at. W Ingham on Tuesday, 18th iost.
The president, las. Snell, 000upied the
chair. The afternoon session was well at-
tended, and the addressee were Int log
and °staticl Mr. Fioht, of Woodstock,
spoke on "Special vs (1 I Farming."
Mise Rose, tnetruotren in dairying, Agri•
ooTT-mraTTTollege, UueTpF, delivered a very
Ibberesting address on the "Melting of
Bread and hatter." Mies Rose Is a meet
pleating speaker, and her all ea0oot
fail to be of value to the members I'. Mo-
Kentla, of South Krum, spot• on "Weeds
and Their Remedy." In the eyeing th•
attendance was •mall. Mayor Clegg *a-
toned a sordid weloome to th• Institut,
and referred M the mutual relations .11s1
Mg between the town and country. H,' al
so dealt with the transportation gasstion,
n ow of such Importance ro grain prices.
Mr. richt then gave an *dire to yoeeg
men, basing hie remarks on his own expert -
, no. The speaker h.gan his estivate with
Ills'. tells ander groat dtfonities, hot hie
and energy have been reward-
ed Mess Rose then gave. most excellent
address no "One Rya In the Field, the Other
In the Town.' Mine Rose was listened to
with groat interest. This address was
worthy of a large stultifies. Dr. Meriden -
aid, M. P., Rave • short het appropriate al.
dress. Prof. (:line and Mr. Fyfe e0terals•
ed the •udlenoo with •nine, Mir Carrie
Foster presiding at the organ. The veer -
elate Mooed with the singing of "Cod Save
the ()noon
AT ,'AkIA(W nn" w1DNECDAT.
Ile muting{ here opened by a short ad•
dries by the president., followed by Mr.
Violet, of Woodstock, who gave anm* good
talk oo ' Farming, speol•I and I."
Every farmer should have sem. .pwlalty,
A• had mad• more money o0► of sheep
than anything else. H. advised .11 to keep
so►hleg but the beet, The market eannnt
be overloaded with the batt kind' of seek.
ie was set right for • dairyman to depend
en pasture ; flee mews properly kept will
pectins' more than toe obh.rwl. Me
address was atteetively listened M.
Min Rom then gave • talk on "DIE9nl
ties to the Dairy" and after an 1.Mrmtseles
Seek. es the hneaa of • wemaa's1ReMlsn",
Oa *Neste and sine.. Al1rlle• /Maki M
paid be improve the health of the oblides*
to bsytageoosomto sad hyglnlo slemouts
of feed ; is Improves their morel condition.
N. Kerslgban •poke oo "Lemeeos from ►h.
Fat heook Sbuw," bringing forth pointe to
m•oy lines.
The preehleal mewed the ereatng meet -
log with • few remarks and Mr. Flout also
spoke u. the necessity of young mos re-
m•tatng on the farm and advised them eo
gni forme of their ewe. Mr. Grant, (lode -
Mob, spoke oo "Insist pests." Ontario loses
ons Moth of the frult orop year by
them. There are Iwo kinds of laesate--
beuedolal and detrimental. Destroy the
latter. Mies Roes spoke, ber subjeus being
"Difleresoes of level maks Mayers' ; " so
the Maisrenues of ides, make men.
W. W•r000kelse gays • short •'lees
advising thorough organization. Them et'
lag was •good one and the attendauw about
TOR 000/01011 MUirlhu.
'the Thursday atler000a meeting here
opeosd with president Snell to the ohalr.
Oar. Ksrsigb•n spoke on "Township v.
County Fairs. ' Hs said township (airs may
hays outlived their usefelases ; •IIr•ottous
are taking Erol place to lairs of today, and
U le bemuse Gs farmers w111 nob noes out.
Mr. Salkeld ted to • dtuuseen wbloh was
very spirited.
Miss Roes thee addressed Obs meeting on
"The Properties and Cars of Milk," and ex-
plained by samples. Jersey mws give the
moot and Ayrshiree the loam. Rowmm•ad
• grads as • family new. A large pan
should M used, and milk should seed to
deep setting mos •t least 24 hours.
Mr. Ftoht gave • abort talk 0o "Speolai
Farming " The attendance was about 8f1y.
to the evemee Mr. iternighao gave an
address on "Half motury of Farmlog." No
half watery bas sono snob changes as the
latter part of the 19th. A change bas been
that Shore is a tendency to sst tan high •
value on the put and farmers are not to st-
ogies all the credit et the advance In farm
log. Thom who labor with the heed should
have to be more select booms* they need •
special business. A farmer le the moat in-
dependent, net booauos they are any better
men, hot of bite nature of their m1110g.
Some of the sound' of the past which have
goose are the oowbell, the flail, the axe aid
rte soythe sharpening.
Miss Rise spoke on "Deese, IU influence,
Health and Beauty." Have refinement and
comfort rather than el•vanos and show. It
is a duly to bis reepeobfally drwad, but first
000aider heel,h and oomlurt ; gree all the
space nualred to the different organ.. Our
mental and ph eioal 000(10looa ars affected
by dress, and sloths the body as well as the
B. D. Grant gave an instructive address
00 "Planta and Their Foss." It wag band
died in an interesting maoner.
Mr. Ftoht also gave an address of instruc-
tion. Tim attendeew wee •boot 150 •od
the meeting was • splendid nae for thought
and reflection.
nays IRs Was Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from oorne 1 world
hardly walk," writes H. Kebinsoo, Hale
borough, 111e., "but Buukleo'. Arotoa Salle
oompletely cured them." Aots Lk• magi•
on sprains, brume, oats, sores, soald.,
turns, boils, saloon. Perfect heeler of skip
disease and plies. Core guaranteed by
Jae. Wilson. 25o.
MONDAY, Deo 24th.
The anteralomont and Christmas tree
held ander the auspices of eke Preabyserfas
Sunday school here was a deeded eaooses.
Th. amount realised was over $20, the town
hall befog paoked until there was not stand
ing room. A Young, the •uperloboodsnt,
very ably disoharg•d the duties of obair
man, and the Christmas tree was loaded
until It would not bear op all the presents
intended to go on it. A very long regrew
was rives, after which Sana Claus tele-
graphed he was near Carlow. Quite an ;t-
enement prevailed among the oblldreo whoa
he arrived sod found It bard work to reach
toe platform. He had also an •asteaot
from Ireland to help him strip the loaded
tree, and that was not all. At the close
Mie May L. Green presented her clam of
twelve girls with a neat Bible each, ani, eh
they prize very highly, and all departed to
their several homes well p'r+„ with tbe
evening's amusement,
1sed Charged te rslsea.
Putrefying food in the Intestine prodnoee
MQsow like thorn of arsnlo, bee Dr. Ktng'e
L f< Pills expel the pe potents from slog-
ged bowels, gently, easily but surely, oar•
tog oonstipatloo, bllloueoese, Sok bead•
ache, f all livor, kidney and bowel
troubles. Only 25o It Jas Wilson'. dreg
MONDAY, Deo. 24.
After an absenoe of iso years from here,
our former well-known winsome. Peter
Stuart, an expreceptor of No. 5 sohool, 1s
back from Erte, Dakota, on a vielt to his
puna, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart. Dnr•
ing Peter's sojourn of a fortnight be hopes
to meet as many of his old friend, as
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mlnce
Pies and Lady Fluters, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranges,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are as good as the best side it ung_
city in Canada.
Cantelon levels the trade le
in fancy designing anti ornament
ing and almond icing.
hive him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be assured. _-___-_.
ant Time I
A new est -lams tire that mskee riding
on all roads a pleaauPe-eon0nmicel, trio
for le dose away with tl• sheet -en tit
shakes and break. the carriage..
A V -shaped spam, h.twean the rnh
her tire and the stool flange pre
vena the nreepinm and nettle"
hlnh et her tire. are en ens to. Else
the exhl sit 111116 big fairs.
S.ed at nem for Mre. Tire Catalogue,
Osiris preen o1 all stem.
a0R1 wtslnt'aa IONTIIAL
roll"'. tl
. ci,'k.'aM
If you have Backache you harts
Kidney Disease. If yogi neglect
Backache it will develop tato
something worse -Bright • Dis-
ease or Diabetes. The
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys. Then
le Coady ono kidney medicine bud
it curves 1: a.b.'-he every time...
Pills f1
H E L LO ! Lz1;5140,11
Scranton Bard Coal
All Coal welshed on the Market Scales,
where you get MOO lbs. for a ton.
Orden left at LEi: ■ 8LBPUAZD'8
Store promptly attends• to
The above is cut into stove wood
Ien,zth and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
orders& ---------
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompb attention.
!Phone 98.
Codedichl November 21st, 1899. 68.3m
Boiler Repairing.
The Goderich steam boiler works
having been removed from Uodench,
I have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing and 0110 the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, etc.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly .attended
Machinist, Goderich.
Work* on Victoria 8tree'
Fall Soils & Oercots
The man dressed In • suit made at
our store el ways looks trim, as It le the
ambition of every man of taste to look.
A large range of sloths to choose
RStaid.1e w
a A. MKIM"
Have you not forgotten someone this last Christmas of the century f
Some one perhaps poor and in want of something ; whom you can make ►sappy
when all the world should be happy, and increase your own good feeling by
knowing you have done a good act. We have some Boys' Overcoat, to clear
at half price, some furls' Jackets, worth 14 00, for 12 00 and $2.50. Special
value in wool hose of all kinds. (teal Irish Handkerchiefs, lovely lace and
embroidered, trimmed, at 5c up to b0c ; special at 12ic and 21c. Wool
Blankets, at 12.00, 12.50 and up to 14.50. Quilts or tie-aowns, fisc to 13.00.
and anything else you may think of to cheer the heart of old or young, rich
or poor.
LW les' 'faller Made Frieze Homespun and heaver clothe, were $7.00, for $3.50 ; were
$10.00, for $5 00. It's just this way : A manufacturer bad a number of them skirts lett,
and for spot cash we •leered the lot at just half price. The $7 00 skirts arse brows and
green Irma*, the goods you pay 11 25 a yard for ; they are the late, style, tailor made,
7 rows of silk stitching, velvet Wading, large books and deme fasteners, valued at IR.0%,
for just half that prtoe, $3.50. The $10 00 one, are just the memo make, ooly she oat~
oriel is flee Beaver, black sad browu, valued •1 $10 00. for join ball that, 16.00. Oar
n:y Ladies' Tweed Suit, was 1l0 00, for $5.00, Another los of those stylish apes te
head at $5,00, 17 60 and $10,00.
If you are oontemplattog getting a
light overcoat for fall wear, glee us • .�
•hence to s. rte yen. Prloes rlyhe.
West Street
-iso -the Condition of Your
Nerves That Either Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleaaut'e or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women life Is one round of *ick
ness, weakness and ill health. To attempt
even the slight•et household duties fatigul•n
them. Many of the symptoms aucompauy-
ing this sate of decline are : a feeling of
tiredness on waking, fallltnesa, diraineas,
sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart,
shortn,'e, of breath, 'ow ot appetite, cold
hands and font, headache dark circles under
the eyes, pain in the lack and side and all
the other accompaniments of a ran down
and weakened cont.'tut ion.
All thee. symptoms and eondities, are
I *imply the result of a poor quality and
defective circulation of the blond, with a
wasting away of the nerve fortes.
Ry feeling the ey*tent with
Notice to Quit
Before the lat of January, 1901, as the store has
been rented to another party (believed to be Mr. Col.'
borne). We have received the above notice from our
Landlord, and in order that we may be out by the first
of the year we close our business here on Xmas Eve,
Dec. 24th, 1900. As we have yet a large stock of staple
Dry Goods, etc., on hand, we have decided for the few
remaining days that we do business in Goderich that
they will be Great Sweeping Bargain Day Sales. Not
bargains in two or three lines, but everything in the
store, shop furniture included. Enough said, we are
leaving Goderich (sorry for it), and all who desire first-
class goods at slaughtering prices, see to it that you get
early and have your pick ,see
mea t * Lit 04 ,(0S* `terra-�'se„mxea=w+
IF you want the news of the
world written and pictured,
the finest arty and the best
literature, then yo must read
Osae1 j',s SOl miflAWott, ,'R£ ,'1■Fa'm'
America's Foremost
Illustrated Journal
Hall Caine's latest and greatest novel,
"The Eternal City," begins soon. Send
for free copy of the opening chapters
• 7. rte; �A�
Sou strike at rte toot of the limns,. And
lay • enlist foundation on which t., build.
Moon the weight increase, the sunken
cheeke and flat toned INute fill out, the eyes
get bright and the thrill of renewal health
and strength vibrate. through the system.
60 amts per box at all drugoista', or
Toronto, Ont.
1 .w Cwt.tan/ ail'�nrrins otr Onoilma
without . blemish benao.a 1t does sot 111at.,,
I R 0. 0 i.il r'w� �w•M at' M. t..'1L
nee sea -R 11 cn ypt r rMeedy Barham.I t.... snare that N .covet rut. plasmas Yrs' saunas this
I tan em.. • t>•rb M ser year" *maw welt ,ver
xm.l.11'. Meer. by .0 It may d Ohm .ep1 f
ran. ae.•r Curb As f ....l ha.. ►.,.,y 1 wltl s w
.saw(1_ Ir• eemla cnn and Rwe.ii', 51YYr Is my
V" �w'r0�
"i0M1Lr7T1-. e* T17rP,
Prim 111. ale art. As a I1abm•as for family a.. It
W no 0.1. Ret your d for ,.Nall'.
P0. a J. LERDAU. CO., ■ PAW, vr.
Y'om Can't )4.1 any heat through
yonr house or factory l You will
probably find your Boiler, Furnace
Pipes or &eve Front choked up with
teals- \A -few t±•,llonl of our celebrated
will remove all this and restore to you
the entire heating capacity of your
plant. A p0,ta1 card will bring you
full information- Write at once.
-The Wm. Sutton Comp000d Co., L't'd
IM Queen St. East, Tomato, at.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy fir WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.