The Signal, 1900-12-27, Page 4Ire- ..,.... i rn. • -Tire death of e'l cos" ltYYil. 1o• _a moves one ottM best-known figura akar Confederation dye. Had be been in the is House when the DATUM, P0WUUI, R BnwuLis and. TAYwta ran riots their is oombe would have been cut in short order, --1111-for he was the beet hand at trimming a ninny that ever aloud on the floor ot the Hobse. 4 Tit7■aDAY, Deo. 27, 1900 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO M!i v,, tW ttmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmr�l POLITICS IN PARABLES. The Old Bluenose HlN ?POW i. ew Year's Presents E CLEARING SALE OF MUSIC the Shoulder E MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS We have decided to go nut of Music and Ismail Qoode in order to devote all our time to Pianos, (1, /,cine and Bicycles, and °tier our stuck at it SACRIFICE PRICES TO CLEAR AT ONCE t- All 10c. Music for 5c. " 50c. " _ --/ 1 10c., lbc. -20c and 25c, tt 75c. Folios " 50c. 25c. Mouth Organs, 20c.q l • 1 " $3 50 Autoharps,$2 20 =l i t 1t E Two 5 50 Banjos, 3 25 ' ` ° , �,. " 12 00 Guitars, K 50 3 50 Violins, 1 40 20 00 " 9 00 6 50 Mandolins 3 90 E li ▪ Dander .I•ee ever a Letter -Paellas the r a The above are only a few of the wary snaps we E have to offer until all is clears! out. EMERSON'S t,i ' 7-2 Bicycle and Music House. Tht 1�gnax, u rartuanan EVERY THURSDAY MOANING} s. IlealL1110111.6111 OODlg)UGH. TI*UR■DAT, DSO. Ile, ue0. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WE are at tho clone of another year, and the time for renewing suletcrip tions to TMs SION•L has arrived. Look at your Ibbel, and tf your name as not marked in advance be good enough to do it at mace, and begin the new year with • clean sheet. Outside newspapers are always laid for in advance, and there is no reason why the local newspaper should nut he treated with equal barna' Wear* pleased to see that may of our readers have taken this view of the cane and have tome forward with their subecrip•. tions They have our beat thanks. if you deeire see your local paper keep In the trout rank, do your part mei success is smeared. The ounlplimente of the seam] to one sod all. THE BIG MILL BYLAW THE vote on the Big Mill bylmw will be taken on the 7th of Jonuary, and it will be well for the electors who .I9sire to see the town progress to give their best at- tention to the facts that have heen place.) before them. In another column we present an inter- view with r. X11 (law, the manager of the new milling enterprise, which speaks fur itself, and in the light of the advantages that will accrue to the town we believe it will be in the interest of the electors W vote for the granting of the pr;.lieges that are inked for by the new company. The new enterprise will differ from the old mill, not only in the extent of the busi- ness that will be done, but in the feet that iia trade and quotations on local grain will be entirely regulated from the Goderich dhoti, and not from Montreal, aa was fors merly the case. With the establishment of a first-class ex- port mill iu Goderich, and the business to be done by the new elevator, there is no reason why Goderich should not be the great grain emporium on this side of Lake Huron. SNAP SHOTS. -"SLIM" SAM BARIUM, tlss- creed candidate for Hamilton, is still cock of.the-walk in the Tory caucus -Ws are credibly informtxi that if KSTtst'Lttn doesn't strike a winning gait Bax HL•.,IL'i will go hock to South Afnra and put him out of business. IS YOUI( NAME HERE 7 The Nye and allele wa. Poe.ird sae 0.b - Ile echoed !'amleatlow•. The following aro the memos of the pup::• who have peeved the promolton alamtua Mons held In the Godenloh ',abbe schools, Deo.mber, 1900. Kramtnatioo Ir Senior IV. for teat only, Names arranged .0 order ot merit. L-etellort IV Moy Blesets, Alli• :1.. arson, Maggie Sutherland, Robert Cralgle and Chester Bissett, .sass, Emma Young, Lottie Rob lesion, Harry Babb, ,John Walker, Herbert Smith, May Duff, Irene Sault". Gertrude Morrow, Onsets Rhyne, Dolly MoLeen, Ethel Sutherland. Mande Tilt, Magee Preudfoot, Pearl Trothew.y. 11.- ju sioR IV. To sterna IV. Jean Tom, Rita Jordan, Willie frond foot, Isobel Proadfnot, Lydia Rook, Katie Steelton, Owen Mo(illlloaddyy, i.illlen Mo Donald, Rees Carey, ivy N.wtoo, Nona Craig, Annie Stoddart, May Wysta, Bella Wylie, Roby Sallow., Willie l:anlalon, Cyril Carrie, John Galt, Lorne Todd, Nellie Marwlok, Arthur Mole.., Maggie Doak, Caswell Rnmbell, III.-sictoR Ill. To JUNIOR IT. Samoa Been. Blanche Eno', Pre.toa Sarum, Least Sohl, Mvrtls Rowell, 11.1 tee McIntyre, ,lohn Woreil, Este gaol.• and Melchior! Dunn, equal, Meggt. Hewrl., A•dr.w Meir. Hort Doff. Anson Horton, Lewis Elllett ant Harty Belabor, equal, Harry W•sblagtoe, Mary Polley and J.. ale Proudtoot, equal, Evan Allan. Lillie M.Vleas, iAla Tweedy, John Trethew.y, Clara Statham. Remy Mclean, Lorne Al ▪ IV --mond' 111. m amnia 111. (Well Farr, Edith Lennard. Della Hoare. D•.ald McKay,Norman Remball, ('heater MoD..ald sad Sueam Noble, equal, /laths ri.e Lam, Rearm Anderson. RM.I Platt, P1. M.D4.old, Vest. Hewell, R..trfe. Harries., Reba Res", ()race Martis, Ade- laide Nein e.d D•tphl.. Naas. Maes. 01- evo Heft.. Herbert Andrews, Roddy Mo. Desald. Sara MoKtnnoa, Berl MuCreatn a.d Mloa Card, equal, Bella Blss•tt Lod Otho Robert000, equal, Willie Elliott, Ar• -les Dunlop, Ida Thomas, Katie McGlllicud dy and Charlet Muir and Fred Walloon, equal, Ethel Hogg.rlh. V. -n Nion Ill. ToMIDD1d 111. Maud Blseett, Irene Bisset/, Ella Robin• toe, John ()arrow, Delooa Rooves, Tromso - neer Thomas. Willie Wyatt. Frank Cuff, Chas, Turnbull, Harry R•Id, Clarence Young, May Stoddart, Willie Wootton, Adam Walker, James MoVloar, Winmis It :ck, Melville Rhyoas, Evelyn ;MoDooald, It,nj Cornell. E irl. Tye, Grace Hoggarth, Yam Andrews, Frances Dietrich. V1,-nit'te1°N A To DIVISION B or JCgloR 111. Laura Carey, Frank Doty, Vera Elliott, L bu•bs Besoom, Florenos McDonald, 13111{. Smith, Arthur Rnooiman, Maggi. l.aw.on, Lrslr Kei-, 'ltloolm McDonald, Hugh Mc- l:uuo and Hugh ltoyldwo, equal, Harry Craig, Norman McDonald, Harvey Beattie, S:anly Masson, Ernest Ho.k.n. Boddie Mel/tumid and Ai their Motittllonddy, equal. A1b•rt Kmeoohaw, John Proudloot, Charles Vales, Dan McDonald, 1 elma Douglas. VII,-Sa. 11. to Div. AorJR 111. Ora Bates, Cbest•r Elliott, Pearl Koos. Martha McClymoat, John Salsbury, Bella Roselle, John McNevins and Maty Thome sen, equal, Reggie Platt and Robert Carey, equal, Elmer 1Vei111, Abl,a11 Urlmkwat.r, Olive Smith, Botta Clerk, Adele Robinson, John Marwtok, Harold Brophy, John %lsoonloy, Willie Craig, fired lmi is, May Willem, Damen MaoLan, Neil Mao. •slay and Mabel MoDooald and Et'a David. .on, equal, !toddle Leonard, Pearl ('lark. R. 'TtwAaT, Prleoip•l. HOW THE TOWN STANDS. To the lydltor of Ton OtaleAL. • S1R,-I have easefully tr'.-1ned the "Finanolal Statement, Deoet. "er 15tb, 1900," just issued, and ask the privilege through Tion SI.:>tAt. of comparing Sam• with the auditors' report for 1199, an that the ratepayers can easily see the present position of the finances as to the available ...seta and liabilities presently seeable. There te usually sot sufficient time siren to myons at the nomination to give an In• t.lhgible explanation of tdc finances, and, besides, many ratepayer" are ,t pre an'. 1 regret to say the comparison is not very favorable to tn. council of 1900, and unless some curtailment of expenditure Is made In 1901 the town may become seriously em• barraged. There must sot be •ay more floatlo, indebtedness. Twloe our evened have jons to the Iiirlslaturit to obtain power to issue debentures for their over ex- penditures, and 1t Is not likely the Login. later" will • third time grant them the power. The available assets on the 31.t of !b- omber, 1899, were 416,452 84 over 110)111. they This year there 1. • liability over wets of $3,969 32, making an overexpendi- ture In 1970 of $20,423,16 as per statements below aNSZTN. - 1899 Oasb $ 7463 49 Oranolltbla walks1529 20 Taxes uncollected4985 80 " non resident 1010 48 Intorgt on loan4!i 00 Water rates 1800 00 Electric light rates350 00 lot. elevator notes2879 87 - i900-- $ 1081 32 16375 66 5823 31 1085 14 489 70 3285 00 610 80 61.,8 90 $20452 84 $3a889 72 T.r1-sures s. -18 -1900- Note in Rink ....4 4000 00' 423600 00 Remie.Ion of taxes.,.,,._. 30 00 Firemen's grant...... Salaries Sinking fund County rete ., Sundry &coouots 330 00 209 56 2027 41 984 70 2500 00 $ 4000 00 429531 66 Halmos 416452 84 $ 4308 06 Then should be deducted from the emote of 1900 as given above the town's share of the grenollthlc waik.,vir., 48,277 38, as It is • lI.b1114j Th" amount must be paid out of the revenue of the town or debentures issued thetefnr-•Rhes we, It le a liability. Theretor.,d.duottng this 48,277 38 from the. wets of 1900, It shows, as tit aced •bete, a deficit of $3,969 32 In 1900, and with the surplus of 1899 all gone melees an over ex- penditure of 420,423 16. It is to be hoped that the Myer and chairmen of the large epeodinr oommlttees will he able at the nomination to giv. some explanation. Wm. CAMrRILL. saw Meath No... "it often' makes my heart ache," writes L, C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "to hear my wife aongh until It seemed her weak and sore longs would oollapes. Good doo ton sold she was so far gone with 000eumo Hon that no medtelne or earthly help retold save her, but • friend reoommended Dr. Klee'. New Dlsonvsry and persistent use of fhb eoo.11eet medlmne saved her life." It's •beolately gneranteed for ooughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and San, diseases. 50e and 41.00 at .las. Wlison't drag .bre. Trial bottles free. heRD's DAT ALI.ue.'.,-At • meeting of the exeennve of the ()Merton branch of the (Marin lord'. Toy Allison". hold last week, 1 oommnnloatloos were resolved from the general .eerstary ; among other., one relating to Saturday early closing. As • result our m.rehante and shopkeepers will a asked to mon petitions, askieg the L.gie later* to Ax 9 o'ol.ok se the nemnabery °teeing hoer on Satur.loy nights. Further, one Intel ol.rgymen will he asked to remote ens night during the week of prayer for the discussion .f the Aahhath noontime in formation has hewn reordered by the branch of violation of the Lord's Day sot by nee teln barbers In tows, anti unless wroth e. that Aft,/ I. Al.enatis.od lepl aetlas will be laken against skew. Name la the Middle - t:.as.lsa a "Seel" --0rle.d. IS Setts dare, Cauda drat. Uairitocis, N. S., Doo. 21ss, 1900. Say, Mr. Editor, 1 guises you may be able to locate this individual, but he hasn't Civ• •o me his peatuttioe Idyll 1 arm, Turaberry, Des. 17, 1900. Str,-A friend of mine has been kind •sough to loan ine e ' ccples of 1 he Huron Signal oonuiot..,, several letters by you bearing oa the political situatloo. 1f you will remember, We, that 1 have boon u rea years us this oountry, you must ad- mit that 1 tran lay • strong olalm to being • representative Canadtao. 1 would de mood, sir, wby you, • rank outsider, should pre•pme to interfere In the polities of this section of Canada. Do you out think, air, that the noble old Province of Ontario oan tare teare of hereon without Nov• Sootians and Queueokers eudsavor• tog to eaoh u• ` 1 emotes* my oard. Yours for a Unit.d Empire, A. UhL N -Gana, Did you ever notioe, Mr. Editor, that most of the coons who ktuk against • piece in the paper are usually borrowers and not subsorlben ? It's a tout. 11 the no', gen- u no paid-up aubsurlbere of your journal, or ycurself, wish me te quit writing about things in general, say the word, and 1 II get pan paralysis right off. This hen l: Gage °bap, outworn bis picture, appears to be a reciter sour klod of plum As he hasn't sent his postottioe ad- dress 1 shell hers to answer him and his straight through your columns My landlady la • great judge of human nature ; folks like her has got to be. if the good Lord does not give a widow • geoona husband he gives bar a sort of s•000d-sight to detesting dead beet• When 1 told her how fhb fellow spilt hie name she rays . "It's always 'board in advance' with teem fellows that pars their names In the middle. Them chaps is lung on nam• and p.dl• gees, bat usually abort on oasb.' "It's • fast," says 1, "and the{ tell me that • good man ought to fight shy of any woman who puts • hyphen an her name,for (Alonso." The widow she looked at me sou says, a kind of sweet Lk.: "1 might possibly change my name. but. no hypb•os for me. No, Cc-. Mr. Pooch,"she says,"1hope you are not afraid of me ' Now, just what the landtady meant 1 could not make out right off, and I've ban puzslieg omit ever slags, _Sat 1 pat o0 the brakes right there sad said nothing. Hut to return to my Dhoti. I oannot put all In baro (hat I would Ilk• to say- to Mr. Greene 1;age ; but it 1 was near him for tan minutes I would make him feel llk• a dried prune. Slams those fellows who shout themselves over a united Empire, and at the sem. time try to drive In a wedge to separate the provinces of our own Do - mimeo. A little 1'rovinotalis' oito't Le • Greater Britain man. He's two email for the job, It makes me think of a chap who had • religious dl.onesboh on the train rooe, Hs pit, hod into the ohurui.es and the preachers hard, but claimed that he was thoroughly orthodox, though no ohuroh was good enough for him. "There's sotbl0g of soot about me," h. says. Yes, there is," says • red bearded man, with • 111.6t en upper hp "Judging by the e ine of your .views yeu're ante-:,rA-r." And the mss shoots!'" • fellow Canadian discussing Dominion polities • "rank out. midst" do.ea'1 o..d to say that he has been sheet "even year. In the country, 1 would like to ask lir. Greene liege where he would hays had his laden tf it was not for Nova Scotia and Quebec! to your local affairs I don't put In my oar; but there Is no Pro- vincial fence to shut out • ohap from talk - lug on Federal politics. See bene, Mr. Greene -Gays : Te. Cena• dlan who dose not concentrate bis effort In making and preeerving • united Canada, knowleg nothing of raoe, or oresd, or tire- some, or Darty even, but eodeavorin, to show • solid and united front to the ani vers, -that man is no patriot to either 'hie or the Motherland, for he hasn't 1 the AB(' of either Nattooallam or Imports' lam. A wooed Canada first, say 1 ; other wise it is • divided house, as the Scripture says, or a house built on •an•t, as n, says l0 anther place. Bat I am no outsider. I Cao tied friends Oa soy provino. el ih. ll,mlolon; Yes, ev.n to Turnbsrry township. So lar as Nova Scotia and Ontario Is a.00.rn.d, 1 guess 1 am in the pesitton of the fellow that w .Iok and was vlmted bj the, minister. Tb. preacher tried to get him to say he was go - Ing to heaven, but the sick man he said be oouldn'I say so yet. Then the minister he a kind nI so .red him about the Satanist region. The sick man he hede.d for • while, and said, "15 ell pantos it won't be so bad in any event for I nava ramps IN h.rtil rt.A. x0 " And .n so lar se these two glorlcut provinces of Paned' are nonose whether east or west, I feel at home, for have friends in both places. I never saw Mr, Sour Plum yoleptOr•.oe• Hage, bui I bet 1 des describe his farm. The folks esll i1 the ' Idle Ranch." Th., mustard trop In aemmer masa 11 leek like one long Twelf-h of July ler s month straight. My Irked t •reed the farm pup'1 trick for • year or two and got nipped, but didn't know 0. Hs h.lanoes ht. farm eo- ooant by old country remltt•nos He write, for some of the l:.ndon pa0ete ender the name of "An 1)14 ('aned:an." ile to a sort of setter r.ght of things in general In hie neighborhood. H. thinks we blooming C,lonists hove much to Iearo yet. And 1 g apes we have. And the ohl•f thing we must learn V 1e t)gay tad yibiir -; -Cruel-Wiftial our T.1Tiiit eau. deans of •yry creed and ran. ; not to charge disloyalty against others unless we oan jail them for their atteranoes or their doings ; and to t.wh our ohlldren that the grandma ooaotrt el the ooming century, and the happiest land at the present time, le this Canada of ours. CS R. A. Plumb &„015 ARE NOW IN ORDER. °'' We have a great many things in our store that make handsome, useful presents, and everyone is purchasing gifts for New Year's. Remember it is the FIRST CHANCE you have ever had to give a friend a gift to mark the opening of a NEW CENTURY. Call and see our lines of Silverware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carving Sets, Napkin Rings, Ladies' and (cents' Hockey Skates and Spring Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Carpet Sweepers, etc., etc. We sell Silverware, Cutlery and Skates 25 per cent. cheaper than they are sold else- where. A. McD. ALLAN General Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Cross -cut Saws and Axes. 41000 ; J. H. l,betlew, toes on building sad stock, 44000. Insurance on slot', 41500, ea bulldtng, $800 ; J. M. Hamlltos, loss o0 building and stook, 43000, tnsurauoe $1500; 11 C. Smith, loss on stook, 42100, insur- ance, 41200 ; Aodar.00 & Eider, lose not known, covered by Insurance ; lie ergs Pow ell, lues, 4200, oovared by Inasreaes ; T. W. Soots had 4100 on his plate glass ; J. O. Moeer s lose was oovered Ly lr. rano• ; Joseph Stother■ bad no insurance on his plate glass ; Thomas W •eon's loss was/ covered by Iwurenoe ; McKinnon & Co, bad no iwuranoe on their plate glass ; Was Chamberlain, who owned tn. store occupied by Mr. Smith, had 41000 insurance. The Standard asks : "Who le the Blyth firebug t " A 'Woman's Awf.l Peril. "There ie only one cheroot to save your life and that is through an operation" were the startling words heard by Mre. 1 B. Hoot, of Lime Ridge, Wb., from her dos tor after he had vainly tried to oars her of a frightful oasts of stomach trouble and yes low jaun•iloe. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she be - gen to use Electric' Bitten whloh wholly cured her. It's • wonderful stomach, liver and kidney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, loss of appetite. Try 1t, Only 50uu. Guaran- teed For sale by Jas. ,15'il.00. AUCTION SALES. Ail portico getting their sale bills printed al this omos .111 have • fr.e'notice inserted to this Wt up to the time of soles. utiL.t,tr, Deo. 27th.-Anotlon ale of bosh In one sore lots at lot 16, Goa. 7, West Wawsnoeh. Also a quantity of cede poets and 1 team of working horses, 8 and 9 yrs. old, 1 lumber waggon, 1 set of team har- ness, 2 sou of single harness, 2 sum of Celine, 1 cutter, 1 now baggy, 1 road out, Ao , Ac. Terms : 45 and soder, carp ; over that amount 10 months' oradii. loot. GryDav, Luotloaeer, W.t. STewaRT, pro. prletor. - - TO -ADVBiHTERRHEL -- Notice Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. Tl -e Copy for changes mast be left not later ther 'don .lay noon. Casual Adver...ements aooepted no to noel.--odne.day of each weak. ' Staves. DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Dont a Jrugs and Medicines of que-dtourb1 quality. (let the beat there is at the same price. that are charge.) for inferior goals. At our Urug Store the stock is si- ways fr., 1,, and tech article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has a reputation for promptness and accuracy. F. JORDAN Medical Hall. ALBERP W. WISE 0501.11* t\ 1 Farm Implements and Machinery. 'Owing Hinder., Nowere, Itako. a ,d Twine. Also J. W. Mann good. 1100105. 1'ulpon.. to Walkervll e Wagons a specialty, gverything made of the very best material. Repairs of all kinde kept on hand. Would belessed to have you eel and I-.- epeot goods before purchaalag .IeswN.re, l:L0u8 ('.1111 PitIC1'. Will open op 1e the Nd .%nuns McKl.ee. tied about October,lyd. If you are looking for the beat Coal Heating Stoves, you will find the "Art Am- herst" Heater will fill the UNFORTUNATF BLYTH. A..ther .Ig else to she tillage-laeetll ted ts..rorre. Another disaster u• cnonagratton took place In Myth saris on Wednesday mor.. irg of last week. Thle time it was the west •1d. of Queen street between Dingley and Klug streets. The fiery element made a elan swoop, oompletely demolishing the (Lotrel hotel, ('hellew'e furniture store, Hamilton's drug store, Smith's jewelry store, Watson's barber shop, and doing more er lees damage M Anderson & Elder's store, MoKinnon A ('o'e store, and the flukes stores In the Pretoria block. The Are was dlsoover.d about midnight la the resets} Hamilton's dreg store. rhe Are alarm we. sounded and the fire brigade was goon nn the spot doing gon.i work, hat se the fire had a gond •tort before being db covered, and all the buildings on Bre were wooden 01 rr, It wao woo apparent that then wase (Mance of saving an of them. One after another they fell a prey to the d ieg fire. Andirons A Elder's brlok store alone stood tho teat nobly and beat oat the Are. TMs firm's warshnnes in th• roar nt the store was bern.d to the groand. Ms/Deers A ('o., George Powell. T W. Roots, .1 O Metter and ln"eph Stothors all suffered by having their pleb glass ?reale destroyed by the heat. The 1n.•ee anA tn5Oranae are u fnllnw. -Central betel. loss, 47000, Ia"nrenne on bundling. 4.1000, en .sok sad treet ns, As for a Range, We can guarantee the Pearl. Every stove we sell is sola under `fie absolute guarantee that if stove is not satisfactory, the �ur- A. --W�,� ree Sa�lltoa t l;. � BBOPIIEY It saa - Tin LaApt!tu - V%Mera\;D'vreetoY5 o.5‘6.J. lh moakmer t1. Men earthily •rte ailed � Ie tl' bean, night .r day. More e. West street. Reside"re, M44.044.o- .. e Goderich Bargain Centre -tial-Ji:'Y tt .. � YLI,1 Bargains i n Ladies' Jackets li$tt4 . � °:, rti:'Mk.aritit•'�.ii�K:t•?•Ix.w'+�ffi�i''t _ " • !lints ' Bargains in Ladies' Fur -44,410Z0 Coats 4-4,:n Bargains in Ladies' Fur --- Capes 1 Bargains in Ladies' Fur Caps JACIES ROBINSON'S happy New Year=1901.... 5, 1µ':L (tomes again, and again we present the season's compli- ments and invite attention to our Holiday Goods, sl'l;l 8S LEY'S PERFUMES. EBONY GOODS. This is the only place in town where We have some beautiful articles you can find the latest productions in this popular line. Warranted of this popular maker. genuine ebony. Hat Bruahea, Hair Brushes, Mil- itary Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Mirrors, eto. There 1s no line more useful, pop. chief or ewes cases, each with lock afar, and up-to-date. and key and containing a lovely Prices from 65c up. See them before you buy. PURSES AND WALLETS. - Some nice gift linea. All prises. THE LATEST IDEA. Beautiful satin -lined worroeco' leather I caste, designed for glove, handker- bottle .of perfume. The prices of these are very moderate, value con- sidered, $1 75 up. Supply limited. We also have cut glass perfume. in au endless variety of beautiful package., baskets, etc. --- Priers from 10c. up to $400. Some great values at 23, 35 and 50 cents Beauties at 11 to 12. We also have productions of all other leading makers, French and American. �l 0 Fos GENTLEMEN. Gift Pipes from $l upto$4. gar end Cigarette Caries. Gift Packages of Cigars, in 'fe■a- and twenty -fives. Cuff and Collar Boxes, Dressing Cue. and other lines. You are invited to call and see, whether ready to buy or not, :x.�..• .sa.=f iw W. C. GOODE, - ,;. Chemist BEDFORD BLOBLOOM SKATES ! ; SKATES! SKATES! Hockey Skates, from 60c to $2.25 per pair. Acme Skates, from 45c to $2.00 per pair. A full range of all sizes. 'w7Mt4/tzrty ock�ey Sticks, all this year's goods, from .--- The best stick made for 3Sc. A full lialeof Sundries, including Straps, Skate Parts, Ankle Supports, Etc. ,Cow" semen -r et em+^� 1i tT"Y!Y ,... N. D. ROUGVIE. chase places will tiefuned. 2i aumbec - of -good sec ond- hand stoves Tor ellevery cheap, is we want the - rOOln - for now stoves. You are always welcome to call and inspect our big stock of Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware, Etc. A Great Snap J. H. Worsell, The Cheap Stov-lRan, OODERICH. Is our Ole • , r Snap, at 50. • pound, of which we 115116 barrel • week. This Isn't our only soap, as op carry syrythieg 'bat can be found In an ao• to -date grooery store, and our prices are right. 7'h. farmers know that they can always get from us • map for their produoe. W• drew this line at 00 legitimate trade - everything goes ulaseware or potatoes', garden .LO Y or oheloet table Chlor. We dal las all of thew, T. G. TIMING & CO., Bedford bleak, (iederloh Turd h L • Wear --- Shoe. Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, need go.)d strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the, very kind you want --stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, pilt together with the 'knowledge that they' must be strong to stand thazttliii. These boots are not expensive, though the, do Wear lik!' ;rein FROM $1.25 UP. WI1. SHARMAN, Jr. CASH- HARDWARE STORE. -" " < -da • k!' CoMp1ieu1s oi lile Season- 0 ab x"ylla�il4,'"rl 1,�E$,. p to all our customers and friends. STURDY & COC, THE OROOER6. M1 ITyou to attend the Forest City 13n•lrtesa and - RhorthaM a: WILL PAY Collage, London, Ont. Prscbloa' tetruotlon in pram• 3s tial ,ubje :ta. For over Afteen y . n we have bean iR k'uch with young I,mpin and their need,, and the Muittent world turd its yegniromente. Every f•r•ility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We ' i are doing superior work ; n.aultal prose it. Send for our Catalogue and College Journal, atr6--- J. W. WEBTZIRVELT, Principal. New Holiday Goods lh,n't wait for the rush, make your purchases early and have the hest seleetfegr Oar Holiday gond, all in. We have some speolsl line. in Ribl.a--Iwther hound ants gilt edge, 50tt 76e, 90e. (A epeeist bargain in a larger Bible, leather, at 613, 1 Also a line of pretty Englieh church Prayer Reeks, leather covered, gIl .Odged. 3/w, 60e and 75e. Catholic Prayer Hooke from 26e up to 43 60 ry4 Phots Frames- all kinds and .haps•, from 90c to 41 00. yr Beautiful .Tapanate Cep. and Ronrerw, from 90e 0p to 75.' Swiss Windmills, Puff awl Pomodes, 2. earth Starling Rilver" afar Knivesr Reale, File., Mantrums 60e each. Military Brnehe. 49.50 Pur'ess, 360 -to 49.00, ite•I Leather Finger Purest, 66.- Cigar and Cigarette Holden, 60n to 75e We know the pnhlie have en many prwaents to give at Christmas, and we have erNleavonvl to sust are a nomher of pretty Oita, ret the best quality, and within your mean.. See Isar anode hefnre yon Any. KIDD'S BOOK STORE. Ctarrte ":a4t r::t":ar