HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-27, Page 2•' '�-�nv,p.s T` -ter' 1 v - ,,.-
,.. .., .,... a . , .. ", ._- .n:. ,., & +..: -: " . « A" ,. ., - ,..., :.a,»,,.::..m. ,, )K':^emaa-% ,..-e.,.-.ww. u1,. ,. W.,., w,,;o •+.&;,Rosin+. h' , r+l.ti...nm.n r q^ `1 `3� . a).N,3f,,r:"a c r woo». y. ;
n „o-, .,yn...u:a x.. ;.,n. a P ael ,a.s., & ..rt+..,,&'+1,W-x.+.•-Y'>✓, mw. eam.+s Awl .us x,as „9,a.¢r y*rxer.xn, a..,-.... . ,.. �.oe•..+, .'rnw"fa; . z.. N "►1J9%5"` +ON„¢ .,`A., .Ltttt•. , n *uw,ir«Af. ». :. Lpt dJ 1J,.,.,:.•(v4°1"""�•... s%C"1" . .- ..,, �.
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QtIvalo(:'ePOPt11,ATION. �__ -- NOBLE TRIBUTE THIS ICHIM1NAl COOP CH�N6ESj "''• w��"..R..r1
��� `.���f ground" -when nae wmemberr thio[[ CNICA60 l�D (
J/ La Petrie having advised taw � that new spltper was a eonsrnting � 1
m rumimao cle4gy and business and proleslonal Wary to putting the NurlhweNt -- The Marko,
5V=T T6UIwNba! Y(►R1fDIR omen of /Quebec to exlritin W the rural under the malopuly. it supilorteJ k"J
In a ■o -am lO�t. , puiw.itbsa the' nature and Import- the Macdonald lluvernmeut wh8n Me, Text of Lord Roberts' Fafewell Effect of Amendments to Come
anti• fel the census to bs uken in C'lttriele Topper, am Minister of lIgll SHOOTS FRTN t to His Trnoflsr Into Force on Jan, t, Lrall,ola tlaeaa• vtarkrt..
-- ---=: = ''==---------•-•- PLUM, In orderr that taw statement ut ways, was lettlag Hee t•anadlan I'aci P f•'olk ve"119 are %did a1.,rbJg ycututl,•fyc
THURitDAY, DEC, IN), IOW. Irgrulation in that Province [tray he 114- syndicate Lake everything in Plght �-' at hau"taut wheat adwires to dry,
acsugrlelf, tied exact, the sugtletestia of I -halal grants, exemption from taxer, A GREAT WORK WELL DONE, SOME OF THEM ARE IMPORTANT. chief,gu C� jai
PUl.11 ICS IN Itl'NICIPA1. tie Toronto Vi'urW are arlstlmed. Are Iltuttulr,ly el lunit, dlr,Nluwuner of loser c`^�I The (nibs rues the rtfeot of Npw Ytrk
P...CTIONS. "the ehudren to be-tJatisd hor.e"7or' vTnern Parkway rhalotenr-rteaYa"- ow. 111x11U4-- Statemetlt by a uurWw Gibiu.-g1w totbwlag W ing g NiewaTurit • -- 07J:1y
— - -- - _ th xt of lAwd ltoberw' furrow+,ll the varllstw c mash+ ll, the ..... ... O Ti 1 _'
the ennnr'rnttawl ? rtrfer Ohre \\'veld: "W eels[. But nitre that the RbrW's leash), pe �t. 77asils .«.... ......
\V11rn the Tory Iw4rty wxs routed army arrtkr uo the truul•>- Criminal Cartkt, to wens lulu force flu Tot edu .. OT1 07:1:18
in the nonunion elptttl,bom of 18Tt, t11e• everyone who had left the Vroctnre W to opposition It wauta to sew the Goebel Case Witness. ik•ln1(t obra t, W give u o th• tutu, Doitrt{t, rod "' 070 U7;► 1 4
of due{tec to gu Into the United tulschlef-its own nod Its loarty''s mis- rr4•n•J of Ilw tumy to Beth A(1•Let Jun. 1, 1x1. Vetruit. wIdte .'" 077 U 4 --
hall reroamendied the rapture fel the shutes, or even Into the other forte- II chief -undone, such thlttgr take ,•rise. --_.^ 'uta th • ll, uuir 411 Lr:d ►QL• b,ner, I br+ctluu 171) uiakos Use manufuctur- 1,ulutli, Nu. 1 O ti J 4
vltlrnlF.ura Uw' W be galled kids l;J ILLLtaalt Il1"I"i - ���� HE �� Leel th,t Itimum" part wlthi wy tvau• er sail lww whin atiruu""" uiwoeaa
ttatn4-lpa! (7tr�elbt rr tka Hrri +►top y K�tltcr'n ......... ... 0 71 1�� 0 7:, 1
(hue- Aud wh by the wil S BRIBED radeb with Wl"11 I htv,+ been lira,)• V q y i 8
toward tthng hack to office. Oa 'Ind rowaxalsxl us inhnbitau4 of 3'• J', is -1,1 reductluu luturuo, Dcxrks, gto., a ts►Ily guilt ' Uuluth. Nu 1 lutrd'...0701 -_
6ec:'--if they are the I: 1 • eluted 1,w u,strl u au. u!t_e,I olid, r 4gllbllµb � allfer f(:r -Xioll Na attlfU Igo, A
AgtidD'rppAklag alt ria L'1iJtidslaN t.rltt dWt of tile. coati very trying vin•ua►+t:uievor. w( ti:,iit alt]i t Roo- Nortlteru .
Noc. �Oth, 190J, Fkulaeur tot the 3,ti element must the the s Imp, if they i tion ? The pr.%rot tlovernie ent h❑m - - Iliv Ilia exion'erdua to lay pru,use I'l hok+• ." ""' 074 1
anti Empire, ha%IILK'the results of the i1•slre to m alntain their just and legal feud fieubtudly seemed rte tariff burden > .. "I'lereviatiou of tb+ noble Worst wLl'h lulu makes !t an offence W pont l'urunlu M areas# rat Market.
Plectdon of Nov. Ufa ht kiln mind, wrote repretseutntlon In Parliament. 11 Imjeanimad by Tilley, Tupper flood Foster, 1'u Prieve 1 uw•er.' Gulit - ),hater til •y have Iterforisi d fur th •Lr `u x•n "-its, ne.wrpaperr, etc., of a rourrl- Wheat-AUO buhels of whLtr
as follows: "1 1"foo orur nu niolioe! yluhder fare Arrest Keealle OI,J •w l ruu.tury', and for nW p+rectiJally her clwra ner. 1116AOy to 1 -Yo lower at (lTu t, 67.
tin• population of lluebee lm muds s but the taxes ca coluyt13ptlun ore anti to my prlde In th • reavaltr will h 18a trutecte is In stos'es anti 1-'• A7
Plma:tfoiw Will b+ run on strict party I lege nue, If tete Mlhlrsn are all to still tlrtry. The principle of n revenue ( rise-Morenuu Sits -lents Seek lel 1,h y le.4vu uch!ovr l by 1,h •ir p.0 k, dduvir,'w w�•fl wi Uu Gicturlor, mills, 1 -go lower 1,l 8T utl'LoroturtesJy to
litre. We shall then ktiuw bettor what 1,a- stilled bnek, if Lhe ikletors, the tariff hnving been approved by the 'Prates ut the \rpkatto IN Juuu, el,, 11runev. &hwipllae wad de,00tloa U) etc., a841II& t realtA-&" by employer bushels of 88c• 1,t10p
we are k(tpr oath where we stun.( ,.o.y dooms f Iia bwto 11 Alc,
sures and the basins -s roes nrP Lo ! lletryle« it b in oak+r to reduce (our- Aeneriru au,l Fled 1'n hLLund too• :roti to wlwso o.altrul rho Ir rub- aaJ 1W burueW cif r rt
I intend to vote fate CdA w+rvativs, .1 greatly n'gtet thit tlty tit* wh!.'It k -c t. ut Alk. t tug uuchaugrJ
Instruct the rural population what trains taxation whenever the state of Ituider• bee bound as togr;lwr are sv reu.N, IN7 ra4ses the to 18 years of Burley -1,800 bushels '
candidaw till the tlnN', and +wk lily the rpal meinln of the census is'to the treasury will fellow that to be u) be rcvcnvl.• fur I.h alld I ke to m. saki[ rather
('hien girls w-ikr few ak•filud by Indtteemeut curiae at i00 to a 1.80,
readers to (to the settle. We "lull. ,,,Ir Province anti our natiooallty; flute. There are a good many Items �A 111., lkw. L'1. -'Pu rhiebl lits uL4!u wl,h til • army u 1.1, it Lr gtau of Ik,tut;•hA,i+rs, etc. kyo-flue kmd sold In to
have better .roes carmP vett. BJtrl tis p that lar a .,viler prom abuty u,a L.) s.c.d h:1u Neta ly' b,ukeu up , but I b Ic.' c.ru,.1 to
R population, dhided by i .,u 1,110 'li-t that WORM NLaad it ro, .•II (roll, a b,•atu,g %still a ix*, -r, ,. YU7, bio \'agrsslcy lot W amend- par bush, ser at Blc
party will boo o:l Its nettle. The ' ry ;txty--five, will g.ce the unit of repro- duet'on a it!t rut ilia), d.tng.,r to e. t::b •ll,•: t M,,ert+w u. a,1, l 17 yearn, biro. baa asn - ulb xl hue took, veer Ith IPolu t %la r y tieclariu6 to bu a vagrant Oats-OOU Ime,h els sold steady to
of 'w Polities hu munirllaill affairs i, hent:lt.,n for the (other 1'rovinoes. if li,liwl Induatrics, halt with• a v,•ry 'll,d kiluxl laid tattier aL talrlr hum' uauul, wy' rr+il•n:a• w flu Lr n 3 ik'rrm,n, wl►:), tial hnving uuy 1-'c'etc it tit E90 tp SOe;
a hollow- er It lour Dart b"PU fairy' -I U61ILwortJ1 ivacuuv. Yuuulf A 1 d8 't vtrlb;e uwarir of (lutwbttluae, b,tuuu.l Hay aa1 straw-Ha,r war plentiful
Y the (1 1,r 1 err flu vP+N urrenoa.t ureal ll, S,u.b \(situ, trait that duty wan,ler41g abroad, aK h.lging In uuy and the market wan stead Twpnt •.
Iagrul urian u1, urtleo, ns La 1'at- txruPffchll eftucl u ria the run.huscrs
Acted up to by either party. Ll- � .ails m: hr iwo.b,r thr diel. bares ur uutlwus.•, +e ll,'an • deserttrl flvu loaats ru1J wlohnaged et jla to
lie thinks, runs Into two millions, the unit e4mhuult-rN A jpxadw. Wil Cher the I t I, e, oil ,Irllir. "I eh ell never (u y y per toe. ODs baa( g
us cease shamml:lg ano play hair. Le' rgeL th:r cs(M-err ,K alnavcupl.Id building, tar ll, an cart jai loose straw
nl,lt of orepr.xcent.itiun will be :)1,Ut1), Intercolunial Railway iS evt• nA-,1 to Wilke-harre, Pa., Ilea. _I. -Tun hu:,- :Jud m.•u of tWs fur.,, lw tbuy w Lb
re Coeervnt►ver xgrso'W rate Duly M w,ljeM. rultwny uilwfug+ dT roll for jT
:ig11t ttltwsuul [aerrP than It V ter htarrgi,ut Itey ur nut, the principle (oT ,,1va1 fel duly' Ie.rla rtupluynd li.vl ,uyfll tint 1. ,b r'1,,a1 1a. flu• r.t;ul,rs, (rrlglrt c r• 1,.r in u11Y rttllwuY buil,(- 1►reued H -Offer
for CaweservaLlves un,l h.1,-Uw uthra f ly, nwd unless Ontario rows in the at the tfy.oni.;I v :haey La, r wJt .h • nit+itl t, 1,h • ye+oln lnry (fr til • %u,. inti an t nut Ivan . �s 1,iac ore •mato
g lush(( fluullty c:uulut be adnu1,le,l, , g g LL g„1 +1ca,uut sal tine sarin[ Isn�oot acture. heelers
fellowe (1l, what they like." a.l n:u1, -Isar[ „': war► to -day. 'I 110,1' urate l,i Tb dr I iwnwte wi 1 naw ays of Wnsojel(. Bat rte ed a,r Ln(Irm Baer- are s1, tttlihtaDged at
ti. W. Dalw,a,n, til,- Liberal orgll, v' proloortiw� ihnt soca hes -.. nut it hyniisa�Iy wird too.• wIvt,. b, very dear oto ll,.•, unit Ihbtllt cull• per std K to
gr(rwn or has Ireeu counted( Iwo n. , s u; Lh, ul,,l, w oil ha+r Ir-eo ill« uuu . to wan fe 1,w tl) fumy Jia inti • dA,u . rh°ell b+ snack tt�J ender tole ' iT.4U per cwt.
Izer in Eastern Ontarha untiring till, I ounted.her a EDf iORIAE NOTES. wa Jr o, t uiau wuuA.v Their it. as 1 tit soak uL ad• k Avtt,.n, In that+ carulty d4 which he Butter -Pound roll■ of dnLry an•
Keseutation met l liar► fow the two }'ears lmmwllatel elm freely,
fervent appeal in 1,h'• Mail and F.tm :erUne. And so of the other Provinces. ..,oa a-:e.�, 1,+•'d it"nai "a.p.-II.,-.1. "Tek•• service which the kitaith At- pr.aa.ti Y tag forward a Ilttle moire
Piro, sent orut a circular stating that ♦.e ricua force find p•rftxuue.l 1,a, ! tun- aC° n r(+r4dPnt. aD.1 the Pelee V soler. There U nut a
the munirt I Couneiis in lair Wistria, Where there were three members in Now we rare told that the preen' act' e1 u"r'' Luc to iUluk, uniqu'• ll, the an on- W`'78 makesd4 etear that every .ole• greet demand« Twenty cent• to L'2c
Intodo,or In the Mtaritime 1 rwlucea, demand that "the eeyerent lrunirll. v,ath Llor%vi , \ll,., Iii.c. L1I. kA- of e t itsuw,ab aW !t guilty of , ala Lualie-taW,t a,;f4 'r. was thea ran" to -day«
,r:: I1. hu uL w.IX a rrV,r,l La, datA- to impriesseament for f(veyvary Kao -The scarcity of fans
►torp long b(ru larger), in the banal b_t w a
here will be two. nk•nt that ('hart con inflict" U er .va.r,•ly dome t sed for t fur n wh.,ie 7 is ll-
sh the Tories, anti nridlntg ery 'til;.-,n/wlt uv ua aa,• Ju u.fi L'ei• y.'ttr, fa erne tenser fur m.+re town » 'end to +t floe u: i:eW, wIW live,, 1,D` stock amounts tq a tumkue, nn,t
!t weld regtlirr n large fund to meted out to seven high utflelal .,i'e .ruactkxJ, cu - d,dutbits or a f
should not ix allowed. haver), sitar b•'•I wuu dud your. '1`lu•rr tut. been no esti, 1,w tCna�+. ur Lu:J"untr to a Pw ■stiff bts were rola( tit Ilk u
NlNretld be made tar seven[ Tort( ,arry the natives of Quebec from for thein treatment of foreigavr.. oa:der nest .+Ley u. Mr". F`all"" ,'W,,. )U to recruit, u, going Tutu •I%-- or cohabit, ill any kat'! ce; cue. dumrn (fail fresh eggs Could be had
P p.a,.tp.tu ut nuel.h' Itarui k. ru, ,+.6141 ani -m. with a p+ -exon who Is Rt 2.So to SOD, and
.urkc►w parts of flu: C"Otluent back Does that mean allow imlrelenleu), ur winter quarter", ar In oilivr ons- im,rriexl t(o anulher, ur with It ser• P packed e 4 utt117 t, were
(uvea contrtilling ChP Cuunril.." Ii ,wrier •vete o,,-• fel t e u, .6. uurr,uh henry u1,
ll, their birth -places to be numbered. dol,th by the• ••thonw•tnJ slicri' ., U1e lur-u: 1,w 1,, a,wti IM1911. wlucu have extended over a l gK 1',.•
,,noted Flaneur'r advice to Turlcd a' Y y Iwrg periw`t. Fur nlkH:tlts U ether, in u.1, els/ llve.c or ruhaltitd with nn. Tlakoyr-T'hers was Ilttle (K to,
ittl't it Is nut Impossible .Umt there net 1 s odors or Where ll, nnY Itiful u' cure activity GO the market
gfceve above, and w4W thn6 shut wn butt d.era., rr. ry. firer heat, ll, blticg ccrl.l, in War- [onlay, the ,
(low this pub141y ucged turd brPn will be a large repatriation move- lAkli Ville l�•X lit, - -.-.1:.d 't :lith[.-lltln._yLLL, dry •alutraJ.r -- , 1a: 1,1 un14 demand betas comPar!tlerel7 Ilgh/.
-. lent next year, for reeamns not at. Mattitotrt-itwo--rlgaln TtEr ,,1t11tP't +.,errs, w hu u.,oi u n .L,.1, (:.1c1 wx JALU and fist -ht withuu: halt nod � a' • u e-secTTo. rri.IW--L•Zlu19 There was a Fair @apply of CoW stork
6 theft d,1, .lkilhse ua'der Selsun+ tit• aoJ proms were steady.
Hese t eaw icwt fn ile C( mn13tripah- ,11 connected with the tetras -Lakin Niniwtera. Ono f)f the plank. (ou ,v.,c,yw l,1 fiir trl.0 ;or 1,:u mur,H•r ,,, bi-Itack-xI without shel,er fr nn the
rite the policy c>< tis Cd rwerrutives x Montre id tete to the Btlffab which file d4naneltull to :;Wetivaa: -',.auK tk,etoel, had made confew• leliffeats. You fregwently !leve hla l lw of. "ir Jolly IN+:ire oil:er aK put} Serd..
lip to tho present tics work i+n, (1eJmprt _ g,k fulls jipw.r we" the recio•tion ,,).1, u1, wilwn It,• cJe.e,a w to IAHy.r, io corettnw nuirtdultlg w•1,11 tour. t I;lulrer in baa �>tflci►1 ; Ip , Ity." There is duiliiew in the wilt" an r•
tiThe p ,says'. aayuo:, with d•u.ru , ..n • ll, ,. IL g. 1 rovuhx. rttler aruleCliun
&.ell aisle in sr;ret, blit LIJe Final of ie nannhe•r (or C'ubiuet yliuirt,•n 11 t clotlkw 14 rd a unit y.wu tNols whh- .,g,11wt theft ,of Puttee, b uec is feet ;,t present, and ttig ono more -
Thr ptrpulatbw arf tarp ties bngland 1ys Uutt, he war k,•pt ,tri:l :fee„ .mkt ruler, tinge being to engin aside- Y g Y
sur comes tet ho.fly and calls fur u ,tubs, but more from 1, tui res. Thp Lam,Aul \.w h.lt eu.vl hr wtrlt un [fie Niu ,1 h, qu'ltte that IL wear hulsruiblr fur It nn indtctab;r artfelss. fax env 1:'r' merit U ID reit ebier. .a few wmplw
fartle13lnrly elf trf whish ors brit ullrre 1. It Is'
firm -ria mfiemmlrtg-line arf nit tical. ►1 ),helot+, thrpetens to be reduced by- luny t glv_e as 11 )ra wainvxNo to •a- lwatmidly lrrteponerble fro in- you to remain I,vi enough In one su:l, witbuul tits owner's arue•en t, >Y
urgni the Turles to vote• tle lmii t: ' .50,000 or 200,000, spa that (rf the lht-o ort n : ux.•aelta. Hr Nat, t Etl4r v;a 1. , pante to refit. il'hevu not engaged 1n ;raudulently dr,tilfog with cattle gquote.d tit j,i.5u to J6.5u True belch, 1,
this[ rand JwupporL C'axuren'athP "Jen Province elf Quebec cer )n'I'l ly 'k to C r enw+tv'm px.iicy. 1 1 ;nand astray I* oblitrntGng .le
actew blitile, y0tt Jlaave b•ero coutla- 1,r a trifis mora offered foe henry-
rwrlx g r.i '1-. ('. i Mewl iloij , of \ea \d k, Iota. There b nu�4lrikc fee llmothy on
tlereamed early nett spring by t,tne �� uraishtJ him w1Lta nsr;a- unit it ,:ally shut at form t►•Iu1Pd k , s b faaulg (x waking [also bramL( 1,K
dWates LLII thio tine throsllilimt tlh A few wo�(ks n tbP \loll arr1 Y 1 Y sari[~ tlu•ru.)u, 1,K, who witlN)nt ruse- til.• tgarCpt, anti prise" are ia)mlual.
"Iterre to Ubeir native Province i.1, , „flu• 111,;eot viferx vv-ere,ti11tQe f.,r i,t•r nvlNiNe eneml,w to wlartn every- inch
whole Province of Ontario. Are you.' thirst ma=y French-suindiapr who I Empires "Flntstllr" c fed (wt for u( the cotLatry was familiar, anti who, 'sable vitvie refused to delrv'Pr ilia If tie cu.l weather (lontiuues nntll
�ISlo king mutly. to the owner uu such cattle. •after New =s11r's receipts will
' Mr. Iktwron asked[. ..our 1)< 1,h tt,y(• otatvins the peat thirty ),rens TOrh+tr all over OnUarfo k ceaNd• -haus sIr•.,ku+g of t'umpb•11, hP rey-r- rr,w Wkr prruiL•tr [attar.+ or[ the Ooun- y pru1J-•
�. } 7_ the lnriler__wlth_the-drape {.,r,e}� li. 1�++.uJa�4a,n.L�/tf-ra rle,eri,kr y. wiYe.uLlr to 1DLl1JoL wart/sa;tire- �i:J_ mnkJ. il•_un tohctak ..vlftttc-V ably De larger. ---T
s'tteriag dlelr aatrlltlolo. a.l ,o.,ka,l tit me unit rJuJ-'IS,b. 1 f" nt.•nt whlJr perfectly safe theca- Toa 'le biM, lxeasl 1,r other
UQ def This attempt u1, tato Tuppt Tory catelilattsr for Hneni•ip l.e,iLdr Toronto Wer Mto>uk rrk.t.
Ilene thipont, a,.,niaati(m agrnt for m gowg to Lr.ak .Tiro Huwar.fb 'N• Yuu h.tvr• ft►cetl ),nets way nniia-LI. ordivar,ly kept, camfluwl• or p
\\'jitney perry to brink pnrL,v pN)11 lh• Qttebre an Luke St..(dln regk,n, '+ Llllernlr hating t^k a w ps (p nrrk, :In t I tired tar Pct hence I mleuk, the 1gh d"' , Jurtl(Idr, aver pretlph- (.x any ebunr,tk-pwrlxxer, wloeu the 6 snort artuacbnia.,purewl 1,t a. 1A r/;.),
tiers into every municipal Cuuucil 1. •-tufraedi t"Y'fnrw a prokidered exp�n` the oryrut',u waay. it 41--w tsar imus. thew unto[, arf st"Ll s►ce o4d 6-10. Niums c,ttte.l+Yic, souc)rL.. 1 L: w e.h
:u vicea atxmt to ll, rt with. 1. lung ski and .ner 11u'l'Lsn..c..ul.. .
> R mak► hp which with InfMitp fnwuual lntr.r We:As till ro 1', --
1 rovince-of Ontariotoru+il4 a Ane( .thtlt auxin told follow comettrymen. w'hinedt_ Oa._.tia•-.irl.N -of-the" Mnvi' ro to p:'c f„r that rcl,honve )on 410 Yrolithw, in A,klJtiln to iii unit-hrni ,vtttM.dAuhr .. / Ys l0 1 „
b un uta actiuul on the, (wart u1, til H+• JstnUlw theft the ntmuet /uwcaxn- rllcall Councils the iknrronr`nt, , rgan-
tfr Cut .1, L. •t.,aes fur •*;il).►; an1 if L.dv<• h 1 Urdrag heavy gusts:Ind oI- Pnts,tiuN•nt, ffitt it cuticlet'141 b•ir rlulchrr.'••wltle.mood .. .. .. T:i% Jo n:.,
�: L••nt prevallY Amonslog them In Maine, flu sari it rfgllt.yun u.1a 1,h cure II111 tn'1,g,rn-. lou h(tae 11.verv,l with til- glair allay iF• vvh'pyat, If. wheal nr- ifaLLNd:ani . , Ys, Iq .:a
n. ted. ho. hal u L IN. 3 k'a 1,e n` t)'eln^'r
f and Independent eitlsetts-till •Inv that hp fins been asked to make zpr in Flrtprn OnG4ri.r wnntln t., In fraru•ta fur the s,mp Jun:,ant an,, nNs,t int' dible speed enormi-ts allot- I.wa tliN r" nu Ic.f..rtD„rJ.h,•atr.t»ire .. x- j:..
other eauw,+. The Flanpur wants n •,roT.stvl fur tbrlr.rrceatlon at the serki>„ the legend• ••bio ('(mmPrcatirr u,u'if h,erp .s, -w left to }nils err fit :" t11nc"+, a 1 thnt ,often 1,m very short "U" Loolve weap n. 11u;I,. extr,rt. h".% . pereL... s Y3 to a :;.
Tory ulell ecrrywfiere, for oh til+ rife► elf winter, b the Lake Rt. Jahn inn d'tttrr here exeppt to I>ly the l'rrhlsturec Hilus h'uuud, dupplk s , GsS. T'mu heave rnJ13rpJ 14J umrloie 1,b r. Vaxt relntin; (d. ►cadur...hnn-k«•p .-.... I :3 ria I
t,•rr!tsw,v, where hon•lrPde tri thous- - lit.• suffer N inevitable in war to vglstcri I tried.- warkod. seeking It all Kraxla•e+, hwerl ... I /r to .1;I
munMlptt lints of 1tei the next Pru LnxfW Imp(ite•d by the mitt- nnp." 1'lieenix, Ariz nit ,, bec. _ 1. -Three• ,, ar I,m 11dhl. x W is - 1 sit
n(lis of acres of land Ile Idle fox the .lck aa -1 wuund.•d ewes far from the ladlc"W" adf-one's- to wilfully ,I.4n(.• -to. ten. leato7Sa Hoo' "'•'•'-. > ;. 10,
vhtrfal 'g. era( elections wdl is want of men to work H. Cheeky, Isn't itT m(outlue ag„ 1,t p:,sty' of \ll,: ulna Ntn- base, witluwt murmur, tuna even with .a l r, inw., tr'u.• m.trkr and sea one dr, olr.ulor..nJbolfrrs. 1 ;c to -
fooght. ]•'la Ler wants the Council ''Of th- 200,000 French Canadians t tee 1,x• 1,l
to he Tupper- \'bitney, eo that til, In the State of Ma1ne," eniti Mr. 1hl-
DOW. "I believe 180,000 of them will
A.Imeamove, Clerk and Courts of Ite nom,, bnek early- In the spring. The
vlsion may be of be right materia town of BLkleford Alane counts 12,- I
• and lot the other fellow' do w•lrtt 1,!(N) of my countr -mon
,\ . u careful study of , , le mituatlo:
from the ground up nn 'ills advice
to tux party 4� to get td of lice
Municipal Cpainsi This IN hat 1,h
Tory (arty IO doing. It is thein
yR r
policy. alt along the. flat ulttict -..- 1'
tea Ropes. '\ole only fur ci,n+er.
vath•Jes' In the whisper, and 'let the
other ,1"W.s do as they 11ke.' "
There in abundant evidence til:rt
Flaneur's plan of campaign has [neer"
adopted by the C'onst•rvaticis � of
Hamilton. 'Who err+ Putting a fill.
Aldermaule ticket Into the fie41 in
every ward of the city the loev,
men being melte d fix the wards
where Liberals b ve uauaRq 11e+!f;
elected. Their chat" of getting r
Tory Mayor also In improved Ivy a,,
unfortunate OPAL in thgLlbpnvl vot,
bs�tweeu two candldutt•e.' The men
who cotlwpire to use the 'tounicipa,
machinery to further their party
. . anti, do not deserve _the ylli-VO t of
rslepeyers who are chiefly Inter-
ilted in 'the govt governTpumt of
the city. but kin their present fJ,r-
lorn condition the Toriew can hardly
be blamed for seizing and using nl;
The weapas W eight. SO linlg n •
Liberals understand the game•• tw.,
na0 play at it.
- -ARO "r-Wfti:A1' YItIf3I5 .-----
- Bpt this rxptanntion florr- ttt+t rx-
l4 eln wily 58 -Bound wheat should he
weld tit -7.: cents ll, Chicago, while 8'_=
pound wheat In Ontario should only'
fetch 6; cents n bushel, loan the md•nt-
feel, of the ant trio /tnverntnrttt ra-fer-'I
red to m Ike this latter loll,% As vicar
t4r Mr. '1'. B. sr•ott as n I his hr ,til, -r
farmers of Afl,hilese•x, na lie toes the
meat ill.estion ? Both the meat and
wheat rn"prs are handleapped In the
m lrket prices for their prices In rom-
pririson with the meat nn't whent
. rnkwrm of the Western Stntee.-Lon-
don� Frio fres. `'-
o, ny of them
Imvp Inot heavily oaf late yPArm, an.t
thin oaapbstl with the fact that the
factories In winch thowtsnrrlm oxf
th-•m were employed, are nulmireg
rally hntf throe, haw atueerd them us
turn thrdr eyps homlewnnf."
Tb.^rp Is nD(nher rw4.vin why flap
F' P
r -(•an s
nosh n.ii+►-1,w. i1r 4e 1,c/ .leave•.
\kilns. Talc rlomftn Catholic Chorehe•J.
!al swpral places (d the Statp have
t•nle l them the privilege of leaving ':
pr pots -of tlwir lsmvn t -ligvr. Thr r}m-
Pute hame eafai a bitter fpelltgf be-
tween the
tw r races e
, and til matte
hem flnnlly been referred to )tome fix
fid jirt mesa.
Thr• Toronto World says; "There
+s httto 40"bt 'that the- farmi'r bt
the• we.t are doing an well under the
present tariff ns they would tis were
is submttnted by n genuine free
trade one. It Is the duty of the (tov-
ermnent, however, t.) help Mnnit,ibit
#kept thrrTerritorlei in every way pon-
•:hh! consistent with -the. gewral
•otic),' of the ramratry and the rightie
(if the other prelvireepm. It A re,l,te.
tion ht the tariff Is ,.rut of the i)ucm-
ti(in, relief In other direction. ,s
luite possible. Iteldnoted freight rates
is a more important factor to the
wPhtprn former than a lower tnrlf!.
F"en though .eceral eplendld.uplx,r-
tgn;tlem for emancipating Western
f'rrmnlrrirtmr rnttw•n,T m("volioty have
4!fefa-�v-glested by +iWr-Wilfrid Later.
ter, much IP et111 possible in this e]ir-
ivition. The extension of flat- intpr-
colonial to then grunt Inky. will nfilcp
the ttarlp(ibrtntion .problem nm her
west as fort Arthur, and, rnep lherp,
Lite system will he within stroking
distance• of Winnipeg. if Cnnada
only had n Government Independent
of the nubtle Influences of the rail-
u-ny torp3ratonm, every opportanity
would be seised to recover Inst
oring under a ahlsapprehe-nslon. It vends to obtain fair rallway trent-
weal to be the cry til t& but for the ment for Western Canada.,'
- N. 1'. mer market woul,l lw ar resr•d
P How many days have •passptl slurp
by the etenp wheat froom the T'nit•ed .the World asureed Its renders that
� eta tea. That friend ham been thor- nnothpr of the Wothrs planks kind
oughly explolpd, rend certainly fr hopes adopted, because "Hon. A. 1).
wheat In the Staten to dearer than Blair, 1lfhlleter of itailways, alwak-
I � here no tariff duty is needed to px- Ing tit tis Hays banquet In �lont-
elaife it. We are of,the opinion, how- rent, came out' in fasof of the ex-
t 'tar fl" this- r
�4 IF, lilt Dt ptfil s t7rr1011fe Of TetF efllolilat`"Tinto'
ada our farmers are not at the tits- Montreal to the Georgian Ilay - a
adv(ihtage stated. We find that ,•es- project ndroseated by the Wurld fur
Uwdny In Toronto white wheat sold years and rather dlaa/uraged by Mr.
tit A7 to 681 � cents on the farmers' lUnlr whee first proposed In i'nrlla-
market, white No. I ManttobA hard went by Mr. Maclean, of F.tut York?"
was worth 91 cents. Illtnoll formPre Therp are Already a good many rnli-
- du not gat the prices quoted un wily lines from Montreal to Georgian
'C'hnnge, although owing to recent Daly, The Intoorrolonlal got Into
speculative rasps prices ore higher Montreal without such trouble by
titan legitimate. A C'hlengo paper hiring a right of way over the (:rad
dealltrf with this liellgse of the que♦ Trunk track, and it can reach it
tion ways: . • Ot•orglan Day port by either r)vi
Wheat Is worrth what It will luring Trwnit, Vanadlaa Pacific, or Canada
for "TIT mont and axpurt, and As It Atlantic. As the World Itself said
will not raring 1wJsent prices, tit Proof- a few daym ngrr, when ormmpnting
out, tit i -Alt. it must gu to a print
where, It will sell, whether th-A price upon Han. ]fur. Dialr's speech+ "There
- _--.be only a Ilttle or much lower than Is n elwlCe, acrd. therefore no rens,m
wow Awkiri. Many for pt Anieidli•if - " Por._.S ex ag p. _ _.
A for In exMnv ant rho@s either
always nus a Int of wheat to w•11 aid for me road outright or for running
generally at Lite price buyers ore
willing to till. T?r weekly ahlpments prlvilegr!n. Bet the. IOteroolonial
b oasprting conntrlP" tell few vert' *J11 he at the Oeorela. Day axon,
e111ty OP have aSiomfli } fromptItltton waren If It has to build Its awn 11 . I-.
h,in un year, while the visible fig-
�ir� wins tela us we have more wheat to Titre M'sDmPtbing oltelcal In the
sell. There inn bass beat one rational Wurld'7a anxiety br ttwaaolpats the
eormlasion from thew f Lets-thp ; 111- iI.- s1 from the bard.. of rail• 1 d must not Jnndgm a mon w mer
"` modpt certalnw kDoino what that is,
Ila" It M eltoewdle�ty plate• Way 0000poly= to recover loot by hill great �uAlltims, but by the 1
•' ►• - be flaks of Tsar-nwbtto*asa
11, Y {!; p V, t d
1,t, `">rr. 7 ." '' , f , I: lei , 9 ° ..� r^ s (, 1'« , t 1 ..y, • _1 , >
o ,
I, .,,,;s!, .."-.a."4.�,-..,.._ - .wan., ,«�,-w'N„ ' ,4^ :.1 ,,,. r,� a-wt..,at--... ,
The revolt In Cape C11ony in x, m -
lathy with the Ik)0r invrawwn is not :.
uualter to be treated ligillly, til•
thou h it is r.,bable t
prutuptly Phe, k(a1. Spvere. mea+ur^s
fare roquir+••I_ batt it b not easy to
earreisc wevrrfty without Iwocuking
Nyullmthy fur those fittingly" puuish-
p.i. It seems, tit this'-TvTinc Ao
1,u• rogreltfrl that wr ninny me -n nn•
being sent put of the country I,r-
Gire, fit( for h utterly crushed. Ili,:
temlenxy to ronderestimate turtieul-
tles e0ste the hrltun much.
Tire in 1
u r hlto the 11Jasi u -
q Y ag m r
11Pn1 tit West Point, N. T., had gone
far clmough to rllnn• that file u 1d--
emy Int the reerrr, at A lot of low-
bre,l, cowardly bullies, whoop Amuse•
reN'tit, whited lit by the (4fiCot ll,
e hafpre, ides keen thrr nn Inermir nova
abusingof ked ruggedjullit . West
Point is not tile pinen fear gentle-
mnnly tum. need the Confereeslonn!
Committees will probably sew to it
that tux• .tcn,irmy is either abotimbod
.r Unit it is put_ in rha itel o! as of-
liverr whome limb fare nnorp those
+1,f tltt� shims aiiJT tTle prize ring._ -
"in a rvar4mt repress .over .Kir Wil
frail Leiurk-r I.n Pairlp, lir. Trrrte's
Own newspaper, say's," etc. That Ja
talo way the Lr•oc•kville Times intro.
dum- Jlfle Of the rare Tenragrarawk
whlrh It Is still ,$) Indumtrinamly' turn-
ing cont. It lam)wm as lvt l' nr !t k1.ou N
J:nything that In Pntrh• Is not Ikon.
TorWV' s", paper -_-But wlutl.dot's
it tittle bit of fahshdNrl matter to
it who i it hellos It ninrtg in its tore
enmpatgn :' Wily clormn't .Jrtgp e!p
oe nt Tory, took« the fellow aside and
Gell hi,n that the race etuuplign is
:t Inst yeor'N burl's 'Jest ?
Mr. Clarke Wullace's profoadfo 1. d.••
fps,•c ur S-flaitor Fulfvr,l's reit
Jignttwt titan fon libel is a Pei-1111ar one
He ple•atim (11 Tait• ,wordy lined were
not 111r'11(r,s, not containing tiny in -
(Y) If he dna 13hr tient tihey were true,
stet the Innuemb wILA jn)Nti-I'ed be
cAnsn of "the low of)lnion the cause•
try hpil or tris- tlut•rrnment." Thin
(IMer" rPcalh ta) mini tint of the
1IPfrnlhnllt in the celebrated pnt:lrrh
kettle VamV, in which daningm wprr
I'hlhitnl fox a kettle nllegr+l to haves
fsoon 1011`6,1 by n borrower. The de.
fr>tftl:rlttll iAInyrr _..plr,:U1p l-41 Tier
ns (`
1 whet P
e w br•
rownt It; (_) It ens w.nn.l when wc'
rrtnrts it it ; (R) we never had It.
i'nllke the Tory high priests arf the
N. P' WIN) Adv.•wl people to clap on
alt Nall, nmrnring them that fwrrier•
fly w:too soda * tariff• Mr. Fisllpr
lent year In the Ootttmtlns ndvlmed
rnntitwl, tellurg the rneentry that
nntbnal Veomplorlly phim And flaws.
tie line ngnln raised his voce ngalhwt
overapleowlatif�, And wisely not.,
vtedsl care In extending bu.lness.
Iw't 'w get fill the bnminemm frit plan,
Mut let It be gest on mind filminess
prinrlplwr. }:xcmelve startling up is
_til ba-. depetpat" wwA--p{Hag}�- Ix,
'always unwWo. The man who regal.
Inttw Ida iwsrinow by his Iegltlmat.
trade will Rlwetiys he the brstt rare.
pared - fur,- the- - tebllf elfRg a trlr ikithf 11
Of Ilse rawlrtron'lal wtrrld.
Frnnk (inn er. a ljerllenn, mlxtern
yPn r. of ng^, WAR kuhd bV fallin�Itt rhey
wk'le wo:•king act Od1'lls Drirtynnl,
Ottawa Gat,
.e 1 g,n a fee•• years trip auto clr•erfufne«s. ;,,err h,d,h•roa Fuld p•„feag.s yr Ubvtlt Fr lied ben• • I.Ir to
�outlt Am -:riot to nearch fur traVf.N h ,,wn,r'n dorlr,.,lit. Iain with lin,"" I.i1, kid-tuckloull.perrwl I.W ,,t I
Tun hate. 111 fort. este t up L, Mi. o now., d.t:•b. • 1,p ar to ::,,p
of the I,wt survivors of the arlrllito"- the highest rtandanl of patrlotisw. 'c, Iefr.,ad, un.vsi ru h Iru•kalfe I+rsw-Nr;J,.expun ewe:.yerewt... I;1 to .(,o
uelipce f by- the \loss ens to h , yr alt,( by your coeispowiwaam kiu,irla.: s nu . Mrn Pur h ,s,• 1. .Uel if. b •Ittl a maU1a. do. Ite..k.. .... .
opera the first .+dr de of t.hir ruin- -h," I .Y t.
�. n..,h .-i..•,'•- (•'p'lurrr, da•alcr, / t..iwtoho %rN,k.... . Set, w •n
lel i tra(h•r (ar betttl ,r,
I'rgh,m Young Academy in 1'r,i%,,,
, t ,ll,. who is In charge of this• exp•ar
tion. In a letter- to qtr! , I -_hyrn
.yips that maty prehi.tortr ruin.
ll,%P been evlm.np I by the party.
—11A-eyideur-es uar:cr Uled. wk.(.- t "'I
to aplluld the \[arson tr:,.liti.nJs.
�OIO ��I
)f th = Coming M Ilenium
A'hen Anarchy Will Rule.
Now York. Tape•. :51.-l:nona t;.,.d-
MalY, �. LIw .trarehislt it -tr, -maks ,r
tour „f the country anti plre.lk oil
anarchism ski,• lots just' retalrthed
fr.,m I'nri+. w;Mere slip alt.•n.lf'l n
oaif, mute u' tnarrhsts front till
+,ver the w,,rl,l. 1Lsry tied Iu1tl1 tu:.l
t ri i.,rtei- "The k:.l og of o::ng
Huliltvtt wit+ loot d+vle lh,'slgh the
11-.49nt(ttrl of the Ala:ara'11imt. tiN fi
trely'. It was alto in,livido tl :u•t of
t/nrKnT't' ltrn-tot ltFeu•I lnn:isineiTtiiai
King llanitxrt te.J�.1 not .treat the
1L•: i:•.nv a..` b+• i ,3611, ituJ tuid til.•
matter Into jus uw_t hall&- We ilia
nut jlwtify tim- kidwg anti :k) I:ot
u.)it lill,Nl it fees nn act tel boo nP-
P'a 11 b•d-
�thtirhy wtrrn it tNa@a roto*;- wt 1
IN• n porMy v,.,lnntfary operntive-y.e
tell,• I mean that everyone w.il twip
1f+;• niher, ' ill rhAt 14;1 Wit [µrte
.1111Wity. .
--'.li>c-1JN•-noa-t--+w-r+n--"re" Montle+
I w;!1 Ircture ..t the ,Gfi.•n•m rit-
fe,ii ca 11v t•lto-,If Now hunk: In
\lf,rrl, nett 1 WJI, mike n torr o;
the a.tintry to ,grread ,olnrchiath
yliw uoidtnln sa"I that tit th•- tn-
arvhlh•t Ponventio,- fn Pari; it wart
d.rl led that than• wrl'd b. no more
killing of king+ ,r coo,wual Mentis, It
h.,A ..roe the c itme nn food. ..
P t
Efl15NE0 ,
I� HOUSE F fl r
est Beck to Get Something
From Bedroom. -
Toronto, flet•, 24, -Hear), •[ashram
lafthco, age.( 2S, min of Robert l.lth-
co, 1,t butcher, w•homs• store 18 ne•+4r
the r o l
.oro r f open ani acid y
e 1n i N
1. u
13ffceute•1 tit' n fl a In tl c
r a
store this morning tit four di deck,
anti h" mother, while eacaldng from
u aecon.l story winpbw, sustnined sl,
severe Injnrlps to her spine that her
life kin despaired of. .
The family cone sited of five persons,
and ell hall to jump for their llvea.
When the f.lthpr disrovered the lire
It b)d made- great headway. uhnl be
ruxhe,I b ark to tfor bedroom anti droll
lied \frm. lAthro ont on the mtrei-t.
Then he threw out a mmnli b,,y, after
her n Ilttle girl rlimbe,t along the
later to the next house fend escaped.
Thr elder sun Il lit itsmlmte-I In get.
ting the others out, sin1 went bnek to
him 1rt'fronfn to get something. ifs
vv a Pvl !ently overrom- by the mmolte,
for after the hither jum;rd it wars
dir`ovprpd that Henry woos still In
the heardng hoissp. The f!rrm:'n found
the holy roverpl ui► with clothes'
'"it ttinhR T.lthriJ 'hill wrpA,ed,
• Poland him to keep tIM mmnitr nwnv.
The money Intim was reheat sti,CttN).
----liaale%oo- lo" -top TIN; 1.
Tox(ai ilv. •'1.-.1csor h ifaxlptm
wfls aasnmlttnl for trinl tit th•P„II,r
Vtiirt th'a mownln; (m n chirRn of
mnrdler. 1M fee n!IJstd to) hive faille•!
Mem. MRrthl,Mllnn hr alt III('ftial (eplet•n.
var•forto"as•ul•'• Ili)I-g,.)1 Lh„•,
in tau• towns WeLlPiet:, y(N1 have
eaured the army of threat Iiritnin U,
' '-n:r (%Gd` --1X31 E- iunst
1-meforth be greatly fearr:l ll,
liuuth ,,Lie”.
•'1s it any' Wtdl'UW duet T `aurfe in
u+w•ly proud of the nrm,w I hue\r c,da
nuutd(,1, (w trait 1 n%ar,l ytsi;, nay
-:11111 t + v
3 n-. nn 1 1,r nt�s1 annlrot►es. q1th
-tfGrNori flea well ns with admirat"i
'41"1 that I feel t"eply the lartirtg
from yew? Many- of 3ca, colonials u -
well its British i hope• to) lilr•et alealrl
but, three I may' netA Pep move ell:
'ivn v
hum sea v
NK JYId will 1 +
k. Ilpl l
in high regrard ar my, life's pod. '
"I have learned much during the
war, and tlNc eXperfenro i have• grain
til will greatly help me iA the work
'hilt ties Ieddd(yl me, w•hiell In. 1 vast
rlv(•, ut awake the urnec'of the I mtp•!
'vll?".tm ns po-meet A.It T, ��!L.@nh!e
The any arms to be. Tiili I rTisll .trlvp
to d.) with all my might.
".and flow, fa swell. May ((til blewP
cx-ery tltpluber of tile, IL(Pltt .[fries
•.tmi•, nrrl that ),(r1 ma,P Jill ter rpri itof
G) return ur your homre And nn,1
t1wok, dear to yo ft well an i happy is
Liao r:,rlarrt 1►' pe of your as)mmalNlRr.
' Itobr•t•ts,”
Yours$ Englishman Found
hot Through the Lung,
- - -. - _ _ _
Halifaxa_ N. l Dec. 21. --Re lna.l
TF,'Wye; who arrive.tiapre three wep _
:ago fron1,K-frt, Eng., waw Grund this
evening mehot shrough the lung anal
In n dylttg condition. R! became h1-
fataate 1, It b alloged, with Miss Norn
O'Ilrien, Irhding lithely of tree Valen-
tin • 'Stuck asmpany tier New York,
t(trforming here, nn, spent ainmider-
nh)r mrinoy on heir, ant In n fit of
lovesick- (lespwklpnry, it I+ ttkAwht,
wlJot hlmsa,lf. Ife claims to tlnve been
n Join-linrterwtnt In the Bsltisb navy.
it Is kn(rwn tdlitt he vL"Itp•l Miss
O'Brien tit her private apartments
nn! frequently sent letters and bnu-
WyP alliPS"w that he (tld not shorn
hirtax-A . IIP nsmortm that he was wnv•
Intl by three colored men In the ahs.
burbm r..n 1 rohbld, (mP of whrdle shoo.
him. Thkt mtifory Is nest hrllprpti by
ilia oetpetiven, win are of the opla-
lob that Wye, u well-mnnectrd and
cnncoli ilia, st,xry fo roM1er lip )ilia
own crime. Phyretelnns may he ran-
not recover. Teerter,lay Wye Intl-
mated to thee pretprleu)r of Lhe Istel
t tat. e w v
1 b auil lea a fa a.Aw.
New You•t, stmt fawn U1rre he woitld
gf) to (deaf") to visit I.. Alrnin, 158
ilPaphnlnps mtrept, CJliengn.
A Irttpr wan fneartl written by Wye
nn,t addremewd to R W. Foster, Om -
borne Chambers, Lltrigate, regnpost-
Ing him not to dlarl,we his where-
aboistw, whleb ton•M to show that
ho loft Enl(Irtied tinder a el(std.
homprraimrd Air for Voin.tl Lnrkm,
On the F,rie cranial tit IAackport, N.
Y.,• n proumntic hnlanen lock Im be-
ing mnbntlt,utpd for n flight of old-
inrhlnnPd mtonr locks, says the
Vouth'm Companion. Tho new hock
consist. of ten ntefol rhnmb^ra. one
for atcen(ting and the other for do-
•rr•nding hrenli. F,nch-hnmttem IS
dlvOI'd Into two partm, nn rapper one
eontrllning water to rer.pivn the
Tannin, nn•1 n lower One_containhng.
F.ntnpreafaed Mar on-wIITA thn upp.r
chamber flnnts. +then n bent Tell■
fevers ruse into the rapper chnmipr It
Is either lowered or Till" As easy
aolLredl.-by -filum[- 11haoatlag
t nor chamber IrPnenth it.
Thp h"W1Ing oec13plAt1 Ay this Can-
mtrurtlon Dppartm"nt At the Norfolk,
Vn.. Nnvy Yard wax lain tply Ae-
strnpredl h,v flop. A b1, of eaodels and
pour were bal'eed.
.ra, .w ,r urn cm u1,• itav
•`I h ,i loofirl"x th , re•glate•nxl trait,•
nails ur irtmr of ano.b •r, w U!la th.•
i into humin 1Nr:rimil-w milt ur ItATIki
W •N'ut, swh other pervist'a writte..
:.:5(► is itearrtr-M•d-by exrmlrttryt from
,1,N ,ar•raat:on ,h l u� agala.: rnnlb:n .
,L.:h, ala rwtr.iint (of trt,l'► .ruatblun-
w 1,.L w
.rkw •a ur .'mP{►Yd?fdr Ifyr
b rr awn re/uwxlable prourtkrrl nm
u b wa,rkm• to o• ♦muptuyws.
ia► i- nmrMrll by Ile,'re ;.l:l: i la
�u,gstrate's ir+wi•r tit exr u.• .b
burr flasu tb• rt.trt rumen dur.u,;
.Ila orf .ruff:_-w'ed uRaiilat tw.r,•hty '
n hr ell ras•vl wb•re h• may b• of
a,. 1,l l YY b excl W+imt wilt -b3 Ill ell,•
11 -
1,f .IltltJr. -
e1Ul. nil an eta kA Wkrwe a aorm!t
ng Jatth't• u. b,4 fu: •,;p-trt.•r 8..
'troll, id certain Path%. rlUtleeltbAtan,11J1„
,rw x,• 0.ti: t J11terera is.
fi tf,-.ner-stn( ,I,�'",T-jaiiiilTei.-Gir nun -
,nal lag ,b' uttrltJlnura+ Jut nut unwWin;;
wa NI,11A u,a A trlvt w: a lk/l>•rl rr t'o,trt
ti , rhuin el iurkruethwl.
67" ), w; :flu it A make's ,h • ".art.
-I ab• tart.un pr.lvblcdw. 11111 till•
+u :K,.6 of ,b • raid , Vaso, auviiifiry
.) .mI • aia'.b r fu: tbh•'pu Pats .4
Is • erluatu Jt 11w.
:OJ un•1 70:1 Its nmeudp.l mike till.
'In.Itnlr v1, M1',p-iuhT-t1ip olrltructi„n
n offi:•Pr. when seriK,hilyt fur
,t:mhlprs 13n1er n warrant, prima
'cit rvofeccr. only as regur.le
the offenre of keeling a g,uuing
house. but Jilva as regar to the offence
o: Isdng ro kerne,( els oalooters,
714 .,s at mended gives a right, with-
oot tho prpvlous sih,•tlon of the
tturrnry-Grnerd, to mainly to Court
I: Aply- A _for_ 1,•Itve to b ace a cat-
at .te I un n olmstlon of law, where
('-art S,-fune-( to rii$e the_atuuth-n,
78.'i um nmended mtakes It Hear that
the time i•hmptrt tool 1111-WfPllre tripir
by Ph•r.tlon h,fore a 1'ol ce ylagimtratp
by virtup orf this n"tion,• is not Ihn-
lUxl by section 787 stood 788,
790 limits Link Jurisdlctloa of ]G•g's
tratP4 (other than tiloso In cities lend
town.), to rh'Irgfw of Leel%, or with
hiving obtc,lnpd money under false
lrrptpures. or wit!! h'Iring nnlnwfally
rnpelve•l stolen property, where the
v:,lar of the property ntnlson.I,htalnPd
nr rerelve,l, exc.•„elm `f10.1►U, to nnlch
••h argew Only te' *fetch the+ licensed
ple oke g lllty .
-•13fM. _whleh ivrovipkd for the (llsrs'mf-
undhrr -the pr+rt :a:,, Peli4tirrg sur snore
mtlry trial Of Indictable offences, je
rep• sled.
of fines generally 13n11pr the net .nw
amended, direct” the Mngistrnlr or
offiepr err-1vintt the meant- to Isay
aneh fln0m (with few exrpptfons►ovor
to the Trea.urcr of tiff, Pntviii ll,
be by him hold over to the municipal
(or local authority which wholly ur
In. _...,
a.eL -boAsa
D tits e
kppllm!r, +lC.
ns nmend•'J1, mak^s Lhr (ipmcrlp-
tlon or tiny offence In the wnr,1•( of
tier, net, nr any by -.1w, etc., or any
similar words, mpfnelpnt In, law to
nnmtnln tile, Inforwention, warrantor
861, relating to mmnsrn nsnlnitm,
as amended, doprlvem the nggriev(•d
noel ncrdmed (/Prson of -the_ right . to
(�q•t•'�JV to TIP mtimmhrily trial.
9.04. an nmendod, makpm it unlaw foil
to I1"Po'de n fine. In hat of other pnn-
IshrnOnt, where the lPrm of Imprison-
ment extends five years, As a l)un.
Imbnlpnt for An offenr tommlttn1.
971, Pxlendm the power of trrpat-
Ing first offendarn with leniency by
nllowinq n snap nded mpntpnoe In the
came of An offence pltnlnhntlle with
more than two ),Puss' Imprlrinerlent,
with the concurrence of the Crown
Connssl. _ - . - ,
' Is To III V." #Rift th•' hr'elor, "every
mall lines h!P PvkveP.," "Yes,'• I•(.p:lpdthp'
informer : "and some Rrot "barked
shown TWO* ror0."
"It's nlrelptlar," rommfmtW thea Ilt•
erary h1ek, "that 1 never got tip In
thea world though I'm rotletttntly a•
rhsnging Inr" for hire,"
' Its
nru .+. ea. A ..... ... I lr to ' n
u per ..I ,n
..ire., per fired • ,d to I f >,
liar,~. rb,Nre. ti r,wt... 3.,) to ).
arses-+ hut. -der owt -,— „ s :o a-- i err
Jhor•••ndhf. Pur owe.. S sN to ,e .
%,w-,p.•rrwt .. .. ..... 3:.i to I,.•
Manitoba Erwin Mark •N.
In the lu-•nl UNtrke4 tnufi, her 1* -ft
,Iuiut. Thorugh the river t" drpen ut
Yost -WHI -
lam aatlsatluw k► pmeN- -
"illy Plor.,l. the Imtlt I frge Ira,at ha, -
Ing r.�eresl on the fifth Inst. Tlu•r.•
hast be•eu a difficulty In Ruttlutt Lott__
li ient htko space towards the en,l , f
the menstain. whih aur uperate,f
trgahest the value or wheat in tilt.
nsirlteL The prh•e of No. 8 ham
haw rnnl;al bertweenai.aa,I "• 1,I...
Hewer price hAng "track (Nrt Thur. -
•lay, when there set" n drop (rf a "rut•
;n Amerlcaan marltJ'4. Yesterday the
pr.•e was ti: l -I to ,Oti l ."c. write
lnnunly dellyery buLvL=-.. .at_�.--
ainil May Tor. 'Il),gh wheat Is not
much wnntiod. In fact at tlmea nu
b13yers ran be roared for it. The On
taro milling trndo dimes n"t sewn t;,
,ware for err No. 1 hard ur low, r
,CrA+les, Ilpsldee that m,ark-% Is easily
filled tip tit any time. Whethrr PmOt
w•h"A& can he exp rtorIl nt present
prices will flop,lnd an freight ran•,
and tk'i c(lutso /rf fate uuteLle DrarkeL - -
Mayors Rt prtw-nt nrp Inrllnpt to goo
,low 131311 they have further lnfur
rnvA!on Us go by. Prunes At P. meas of
haAlrwtr are as Tdlrnrs-Nn. 1 hnnl -
77r, No. 2 hard 771.2c, Nn, a latent
R - 1.2r, N . 2 northern Ate, uslgh
Na 2 heel S7•', tonin[ No. A hard
1511-2c, anil uwrgh No. 7 northern
-9r, all In store at Fort Wittinm. Tb•
'(xml mark^t W is very weak nal the
livonk at. otleer Ppnt-rps. 111.) :t -",,I -
was offer(el at A:r-, but at the e.w.
1t would ba bard to My,. tnu"el tiny- -
pus tit over AI 1.2c, whirls jerk- ppm
fw-rFRt-tiY w,prement Ain, mnrit� til
the clasp.-Winnip0g C ammrrelnl.
11riff,b Apple Markets.
tt'rwv.ktll k Ci., LlverlN.4, report iie-
crmllo r 8th, that the quality nn 1
con,4tion (of nrrlvala or(• genrrallr
rattlsfactory, not the trade are Able
to alltiellsttet tho holLlny d^"mal l -.---
with rdmnfl lrnce. Aw ndtvlrria fire that
arrh'nl.+ wl:l b• r13dxerate during Wal
(•i'•mfug week there is every pr0mlill-
Ity that rer'•arnt priest; will h. tnnia-
tnined, with even a trwrlblo lm=
rd . t - -
1 tow to
191, 4d f r (hepta ani
to I:.s'. rnr mpr')n,tm ; grepreinelA,
-er•s-...�w-�..r- -- -r.-
Bradatreet's on Ur.de.
Tho condition (ot trade tit Montrr:d
h Jatbfactory. Valises of staple gooNl+
ore firm. Wholesale trade tit.
Toronto this week ham Bern greatly
dtfrn13lntedl by the cold winter wes-
titer. An Increased domntiq for wlnu•r
Krsskr An a result of Vie (slid ,V _-_
thio IJ1
r fi+ t11P
f"atu m
re at arS}lito•t t
week. There have been inose tmvrrs '
in the mwurkot, aml they hlvp tnkttn
eotstl•1Prabla hots of goo lm f')r the pre .
ar-nt venrtwu, lneluding large quanti-
ties elf hollflAy litres, ell(• trade in
whlrh they export to be Active this
yelRr. Tlnmintme emiltlnne at Winn!lv.•g
ore Improving on the apprtulch of
till holiday Lradne. Tbp holiday trade '
•it the lame Covent cltlns Is rarenp}- t
Ing tbo attenticwa M th+ wlr)Iemnle
boasts. Ties Impm.aT WeathPr has
At lAoiradon. fl nemsanitlot,tawn rhos
htr'n,sen efuitm Retire. At Qn-hpe•tia.1-
er wrather #knit neer" (mow hnrP
called a stir In retail circles. The
wholesale trade report a demand
for heavy winter g(rtlda.
- ApeewrMng try R A: I1rm- !_M,ii- ill --- .
inulnalon fn Thereto In V.1nadR for the.
week ended DPe. IAth totalled 2A,
ngAirstt 2:1, the prwvkwam week and '
31 the rnrrwttriondinrtgs week of 189!1.
ply Phoresies thio fwdlwtle errs= tits--_-_ .
tarlo A, Qneheee IL', Nevvn smllA 'S
New Bnlrtwwlrk 4. Manitorh), and
British (tNnmhlot each I, anti Pria•'x
Edward Islnml nil. .
Th" Provincial onv"rnmant's rp
turl" show ffrr 1900 a wheat crop►
of abirwt half that of 1W9.