The Signal, 1900-12-20, Page 514 W. Acheson & Son ow We Shall Close Oecember We shall close this month of December with most exceptional bargain offerings. Prices beyond comparison -we believe -with any ever before quoted in Goderich. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DEC. 21 and 22. Two Days' Selling. 10 dozen Ladies' and Boys' extra heavy all pure wool black ribbed j SLOOklEge, sizes 9, 91 and 10. ' our regular 30c line. Spec 19C. I itd, per pair 18 dozen Ladies' Vests and Drawers, heavy mid all pure, fine soft wool, warranted. All sizes moil in different makes. Cana- pyr Back Mountain Bear 'Ladies. Oapes, full size anti sweep, hand- sowely heed with heavy Farmer's Sati,,, black coney collars. A cape sold in teeny places at from $9 to li$,Ii/4.50. Two daye' sell- $6.36 120o yArdi a 38 to 42 inches wide Dress Goods, ill heavy Tweeds and plain Habit Cloths or Suitings, in browns, greens, greys, blacks. Regular selliug prices were from 30c at per yard 10 dozen Men's Extra Heavy, all wool and union shirts and Drawers, full einem and well fiuislied. Our regular 50c and 60c. lines lam at per garment Mon's fine, lined Kid Gloves, gusseted cuffs and heavy dome fasteners, tans and dark browns, rues 71 to 10. Regular value 11.25, sale id a price Ladies' Black Astrachan Ooats, in No. 1 qualities and wear guaran- teed by um. Sizes 32 to 44, lengths 27 to 36 inches. Regular values ranging from 128 to 135. t28 Wier' French Kid Gloves. New Christmas stock in most desirable shades, tans, browns and greys. Every pair guaranteed. $125 Special, 81.00 to • 36 -inch all wool Comets at 60c. per yard Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Curtains in Lace, Damask and Chenille, at prices from 20 to 50 per cent. diecount. Men's Coon Coats, Calf Cats, Wolloby Coats, Saskatchewan Robes in choice vary large. _ _ W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY. fi,eforth : All the members ef the public ▪ 4 stall of tesechers hare thea re engaged for text pier at Hsi mem salaries •4 f ormer• Goats Sam Caldblek, V, ri , of MM. leen, is vetting his pareete, brothers sad coal at present. He Is attending • med• Itroessle : 1)r. B. H. Kelltia„ who has • n under' surgeoe Om New York Hos toi.sl, is visiting bis sister, Yrs (ROL) Abey •t St. Joba's reeteey. J.11111eteara : A wild oat Was Sea ores the road in poet of Jae. Streehan'e, Cbsee was era, beg lb dllepaleted 100 elli011y be be stabbed. been • resident ef Sealorth for many years ha. removed his (mil, bo Toreeto, where they will la future reside. Olsten : Harry Holden, formerly of It. Coats k Sea, but late of hilaistelm's dry goods pslaoe la Kuicardiae, la now bead clerk at Elinor • 'rho funeral of George st. Har- e em, oe Sunday, 9.h inst. wan attended by Ezmer company of the 33rd battalion, of litho he wag drill swilieeta. Coolies : Mies Mabel Kerr, who leas brea la at updates es Mr. Stagy. rit burst, who had the misfortune to lose Me urn remmily, hag emerald to tows. W Ingham • Annie k•rgoson, wife el H. Mcqtrarrie, a former pastor of the enanse, Queen Hill, on Friday, 7th lath. Ethel : Death sailed slay Base. Winciet: 01 Banilar elrliss west. et tee, e st:y aged rear% 7 menthe end 10 C:Inten : Although her many freed. keel, its. Mrs. it alter Coale had leen io poor eh,' they learned of her death, whieb Go. carved on Tuesday evening of last week. 1; reit,: The remains of the late Mr,. It.1;111 Wide interred here oe Thursday. She mid her husband formerly rived here Mr. of late years have heat residinr in Cll.. ten with their daughter, Mrs. Y. W. • Crinton : Samuel Townsend, brother of -.Me* Rube Moore, at taws, who hoe betre In the Provincial lead effioe at Brandon for ▪ ral years, has been dIsedienel by the Manitoba Government, began,* he Wel • Winghem T. C. Graham has taken isseeesion of the Sear photo gallery, which he paralleled. from G. F' Robbing. Mr. tirehem'e son, Million. who kith had ethers' year,' experience la the business, will hays charge of it. filth Giles Jeaktne, of F oat Wigwam in tth bush, to out hie right foes at the in- step, orreries two large arteries and Gutting the -nigh pm of the long beams of the Ith and into the stake joint. Stanley Joshua Calloway ha* entered anion sealed% Tee Winaipere Free Press for 85.000 fee selling him • "fouimenthed elan• defer" le the Misfit olsotiso cempaign. Jnehth is an old flealeyite, hut has resided ln Winnipth for tweet, years. Gee. Brom moved Into the 0,4 fra hone. be recently purchased from Mrs. Heys, gi•int poetheacto of the Albion Hotel osi Monday to Mr. ilalossim, former proprietor of the Brunswick House, Wingbam. Mr. Brown ba• kept hotel here for six years. (Jerrie : The funeral of the late Mr. L, SG:Way the 9th intl. They were former residents of Gerrie, simple, the Albion Hotel for *seers! years and removing to Teeswater about seven or eight year* aro Ethel : Another of the pioneer retainer of /libel, in the pergola et Mr. P.achael Spenoo. rellat of the late Jame Spenoe, departed this life ore Friday, 7th !net , alter a long and painful dismiss, whooli eh* bore with marked p•tionos •1 the &sleuthed age of 81 years Clinton : Harry Israel, formerly of town, who hae °barge of the band saws in had the misfortume to have one of the middle fingers of his left hand mit. by • saw, the limb wise ellogel off one side close to the bone abased the litnald fire engine, together with hook and leader applianoms and 500 feet of new hoes. from J. D. Humid. of Brussels, for $2,500 and the old Waterous series. The new engine was touch admir- ed during the teeth Clinton : Jae. Howe has returned from British Columbia, where he bee been for the last twn years He was all through the inlitiog °entree, and did • little pro/mooting on bre own behalf, but with iodifferent sue sees. He says tbar preepeote are very na• certale out there, and is quite oentent to re- main here. for the winter at any rat• *bile engaged In cutting wood. Gime. itid wet son of Mr. IN tillam Karl, met" with a painful actoident. baying the mislortune to lege the firoit and sertoc.1 toes and a portico of Ms rieht tipoi., by striktog, II with an ate while cutting sold. I he wound te IllbutIll 7 teethes long. At last amounts the miler - lessee young man wee improving Seeforth : Cello liethune passed away at ble residence, on Goderloh street, at mie e'oleek on Saturday. 802 inst. Mr. Be ease Sa4 oat been enjoying good health tor * bomb a year, and for the pest three months bad bocs oeadasid to hie residenoe most of ehe time. Disease of tee liver was the ty•fcu r Teen of the. He had been in the employ of the Grand Trunk Rodney moat a his lifts. Seaforth : 11 Livens. grocer, met with se unfoiinnate and painful seeitient recent ly. He wart taking • barrel of auger out of h is delivery wagon, whioh was banked op los the pavement, when hie foot ahem,' and be fell, the barrel catching hie leg easiest ehe leek of the warren box, with the result that • small bone just above his ankle was broken He was assisted Into hie store and ma afterwards driven home. He is getting on 'Lowell as Gent/ be exported, but It will be some time before be Is -Mile to get around PH YSICIANS' SUPPLY HOUSE. The New company re Which esioielfWed• rich 111rdiroe are Iatemslird. At • meeting of the Huron Medical Ans- daelea held some Hose age, Dr. Shaw. of Chats°, read an able paper on the 'dram. THE SIGNAL GODERICH loses ts she [mimes sad pulite et hoviall • esoply house, whorl, might be parahesed drugs, ow., of the highest quality, pure ond edi a ream/noble pries 'to into on anelytto test will be atheethry ler all drugs used by the neediest protegee. This is very amosesery, druggist• have betel timed by competition to out prim, aud Leath to reduce quality. Alter mreful uonaldrustion and Loopy commendatory opinions from wedleal throughout the Provinug, it wes decided to apply for • charter and orgaulse with the following previsional director, :-Dre. W Shaw, Clinton ;J. L. Turubuli.Gederioh; A. Robert's°. Stratford ; Jas Henry, Toronto, and R. R. MoCailuse, Londesberse. On November 23 letters patent were granted under the name of the Physicians' and Surgeons' Supply Go.. Limited. The drat meeting of the provisional directorate was held le the Windsor hotel. Stratford, last week. Preliminary business was trans anted and from the amount of stook sub- sortued the gumtree el the enterprise lg ea• o ared It le not meant as • combine in any way, as tb• druggists will no longer be orim• polled to keep brands of drugs to gait Ivory deeter's whim and will thus reap • Weak The next meeting. a general one, will be held in Toronto at the oall of the President, Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, for the purpose of electing directors. WORST ON RECORD. A. N. Wieestaa's Cato •tersietith Great at- tention NI ansdie's Meier rills. Mile lite been atiraoting a greet deal of at • Gentlest lately. Mr. Wiseman is a rest dent of this plthe and cloosequeotly well koown hens His thee eat truly remark able. For five months he lay in bed, boat. twisted, (Keened by rheumatism. He mil aoleally in agony, sometime screaming with pato. lied sores came out on hls body, Ose of whir* was poultice/a five hun- dred times beret, it healed. Until Mr. Wideman started to take Goad's Kidney PON it was thought that death was the only way out of his misery Mr. Wideman was treated by doctors to oo avail. They gave him medicine oontaining nier• oury, which made his teeth break off, but which aleolotaly failed to Hire kola. Mr. Wideman wee cured by Dodd's Kidoey Pills. His thee is regarded as the most severe oci record, arid bN cure by Dmid's Kidney Palle is the most swims, - lei owe of rheumatism known. bdr. Wide- man geM letters from all over the country enqu.ring about Dodd's Kidney Pills. • Semi 'erasers NB C111111,117. The tollowing story is tits- round et some of the leading masseur's. I seamed it greatly, and by the editor's persalisioa will give my readers the benefit of D. Ltke •nost other peopte I suffer from !axiom tem week, and the inserting of this will save me • little erPing and will be applioable at this seamen of the year . -"The oongregation will Doe be seated aad gie their undi•ided attention to the follow• In' intimations 9ome o' theca ar• moist as important aa the sermon," said the Rey. Tarnmae MacPherson, as be finished "ad - dement' the throne o' graoe.'' H6 wet In Ms trehtieth year, and during big fifty ti•e years bed worn out five Bibles in beating the dust out of the pulpit desk of Auchterbirnie kirk. His parishioners worshipped the grothd on whioh he walked, and though he was practically penniless - for he gave most of ins Income to the pese- they saw to it that the mistletoe. hefted for nothing Their oid-ridelitair read the an- n ouncements, and then said "I hear that Wieldy Tamura is in deeti- tube alrcumet tome. This mattes be, tans o' God's heritage mous stiffer in the midst e' the geld felk of Auebterhinile. Think so' this on the way to Ter Mimes. W• have lb in holy writ that ntyver tails, that 'he that givetti to the pule lendeth to the Lord.' 1here is a blessed pri•iNge. 'Chink c' the farmers o' Authisrbtrnie being lender., and heron' the Lord for a oustomer And Intone noel to foreclose to get back p•yrnent. for GA be returned twenty, thirty, fifty end • hundred fold. Noe, ye ciao s' raise toe can well testify, for the Lord has moved pre bowets o' ompauton, and ye hoe beep anco generous to me Then the if ye canna raise clic! maps o' britherly oompassion. and brirg the first fruits o' the harvest to pair "fthnders Gracit'll send her • toed o' fire- wood. Floe dee I ken that. I see't In San - too. as I weed ken ; for I'm burrito, *omit o't erg, . tilos in his pew, the observed of ell observers, was oompletely won ever, 'DC would fierily hav• given Widdy 'Lamson the e arth and 'he folooes thereof, had be owned it, a' that moment. "Peer id sen&her a peke tha. 0, but it'11 no be eau missed oat o' Petite abundant store Peeer le beounhen to the Lord for moey things, and is a Beteg er• ampl• of th• Meyer Who' truth o' the holy writ. 'Toe hen' the diligent mateth r.ch.' testify." Peer, toe, immediately Tell Into "Jimmy Want woo tellin' me lihe ither day." thatlested the Raw. Temple., "that Le was millio' some fine meal the noo, I quite believe h• is. Hs to th• only miller In Amileerbtrnie, and th,•ri.i. un miller from Maidenk tit to John (Plicate min compare wi' hint B. tier tend • pickle to the wilily, Jimmy, and keep up yer amount wi' Meteor ' .1.mmy registered a full peck of oatmeal hi his own mind. "Beaton Scottli send the widdv tom* o' he toe tattles I saw In his barn lest Tumi- dity. 1 nenina ask Beaton, for I ken fu well he couldna be beekward in damn' a "And sof 'MA freed- Obeepathe, by the looks o' him, eau hardly keep his goat. sae aolions to be to dee something to fill the widdy's pat. "Nth fear of the widdy's starvin' when the Lord has put the sant o' the earth in the parish kirk o' Auchterbirnle. Th. Lerdihas promeed to no • Misbrand to the 'WO, and Re want. all yri to be brithers law. and I'm glad ye rupond so nobly, Ye're a gal - lent lookto' lot so' Christian/4 aad vet hearts are as g as yer bridles. The Lord'il re ward yer work o' love. Noo let's prates His name for raisin' up in AuebterbInti• sae Illinitseav, Deo. 20, 1900. mew, who kenos tits Wilt." There was • tall all ehrough the kirk, mad then the min. aster's emcees* tweed in prayer. law Mesabi Near. "11 oleos makes my heart ache," writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin. Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sure kluge would oollapre. flood doe tors said she VI go ter gene with Dearman, - 1.10I1 that no mediate. or earthly help multi save her, hub a friend reoomonended King's N•w Disoovery and persistent use el this reicellent mediorne saved her life '' •bsolutely guaranteed for coughs, wide, broaohnis, asthma and all throat stud luny diseases. 50e and $1.00 et Jae Wilasta's drug store. Trial bottles free. Christmas advertising has eorosched very oonsiderably upon our news °Mouths, but Christ/nth °ems just once a weer, and, be- sides, everybody is spa:dell lacers, Lod la ad• vertisomenta at this mows Sootily, held on -Friday sysoIng, • prof/rem tor the usual mines of winter meetings was partially arranged. Th. meatless will ex- tend Over •boue throe months commencing the second week in Jaouyry. The program wilt be published woes completed. McKenzie & Howell. hare riot forgot the bush men tor if you saw all too varieties of style rand make of sees and cross.cut saws they give their customers to ohoose from one would thick there wag still an abundauce of Uncut timber. They tell the well known !duffel° Bill. Leader and Racier saws. Blyth : and Mrs. Lindsay have moved to town and have take I tap Hie bowie lately imoupled by Dr. Tait. hits ow \Iv A M I M Gederha Slut Ls Rheumatism of'the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, aod across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause is the sante aa in all Rheumatism-- diaordered Kid,. .!,s. The cumin like- wise the name - Dodd's Pills DID YOU FORGET ? Holikione perhaps poor and in want of something ; whom you can mitke happy aye you not forgotteu someone this last Christmas of the oentury when all the world should be happy, and increase your own good [ceiling by knowing you have done a good act. We have some Boyle Overcoat.' to clear at half price, some Jackets, worth 14.00, for 12 00 and $2.50. Special value in wool hose of all kinds. Real --Irish- Hemdkerchiefs, lovely lace sad suihroidered, triinwed, at 5c up to 50c ; special at 1210 and 26c. Wool Blankets, at 12.00, $2.50 and up to 14.10. Quilts or tie -downs, 61c to $3.00, and anything Mee you may think of to cheer the hears of old or young, doh or poor. ..A SKIRT EVENT.. ladise"Lailer Made Frieze Homespun and Beaver cloths, were", 00, for 113.190 1 min oo, for $5 00. Ite Just this way : A manutacturer bad • 01 these skirts left. aad for spot crash we ()leered the lot •t juin half perm. The in 00 skirts IAD brews sat green friezes, the goods you pay $1 25 a yard for ; they are the Isbell style, taller Sale, 7 roes of *ilk stitching. velvet' bindins. large hoeke and dome fasteners, ridged at frt. 00, for juit half that priae, $3.60 The $10 00 ousts are Just Mrs sams make, only the sahib erial ,s fine Beaver, black aud brown, valued at $10 00, for lest halt likab, WOO. eier only Ladle.' Tweed Suit. ryas $10 00, for $5.00, Another Leib of liberal *syllabi seem its • JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Nuinbets of People Cinada Who are Being Cured of Consumption Is Positive Evidence Of tin "keratosis &MCCAW et Obi Moans 5 stem tor eN Lang NO MORE 1110 DOCTORS FRES NO MORE LONG SUPPER/NG 1 Dr. Slocum% sumer la omens an dieser.. er the Isom aad bronchia Whet Is blamed guerilla S cores of mem ad wean am bad beim ed thsdr realties hopeless lestme lea notered to \sea throat. the Menem gala tresiment Barb of the three preparation* omartaa Lb* mom= Sweetmeat er..1 together ale perfect talth rasa If you safer from aoy form et lua 4 trouble trate • Tsr, yea ettould noel lose • masa I.• applyat tor • trial of the Slocum maws troasswol Too sr. sot asked is pay • oma. 110.0 Lit to wir114 the T. •. atactrie issivc• ea.. Lturrin, ITS Cling itt. /la Toronto, giving boas In full. era post stem sad express slew* walsoos. sod FREE TREATMENT Planing Mill and Factory, Caw brie Road, Goderich, A complete stook of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Lath, Shingles, Etc., Sash and Doors on hand and made to order on ' short notice. As 1 M. Notice to Quit Estimates furnished. Terms moderste. JOHN MORRIS, Before the 1st of January, 1901, aa the store has been rented to another party (believed 6a be Mr. Col- borne). We have received the above notice from our Landlord, and in order that we may be out by the first of the year we close our business here on Xmas Eve, Dec. 24th, 1900. As we have yet a large stock of staple Dry Goods, etc., on hand, we have decided for the few remaining days that we do business in Goderich that they will.be Great Sweeping Bargain Day Sales. Net\ bargains in two or three lines, but everything in the store, shop furniture included. Enough said, we' dre leaving Goderich (sorry for it), and all who desire first- class goods at 'slaughtering. prices, see to it that you get _ here early and have your pick,-ar -we- aloes December_ -- qtrirgar 14111 be sent yoa yeomen, ea recant et poems/ guest. This la the meet remora oder ever sada by any iltedtfAll man In thee caotry. Dr. Mesa Is ere goatee of rat ea treatment will de ths.4 So males 1.814 mere...dated am, fully mrsamt what the mesa wIU be to 8U tam waat ▪ Whoa writing for them always Irma. this Porters to Cooed*. waft Elsoesat twie Wee ki Amerkaa papers *01 gala MA tgle 11111111.10 119 Tomato aborsioriell. ELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. PRILLIVRAY, GRANT & CO., DOLMANS'S OLD STAND. ALL KINDS OF DUNLOP 31 soon - RUBBER COAL I ALWAYS ON HAND unas Tire ! A new carriage tire that makes ridise on all roads • pleaeurit-eoenomioal, boo ler it does away with the vibration th shakes and breaks the carriages. AV -Gimped ewe between the rub- ber tire and the steel !lenge pre- vents the creeping and cutting which other tires are subject to. See the orb oit at the big fairs. Send at cnoe for Ire* Tire Catalogue, e tyma prices of all sizes. IEUNLOP TIRE COMPANY, TORONTO. LIMITED EIT. .10 It 1110teritItAl. Scrliltoll ifarT El Coal THE IN THE MARICILT All Coal weighed on the Market &ales, where you get MOo ibe. for a ton. Store promptly attended to. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. 4 2. KENDALL'S SPANN The akove is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as Orders received by telephone or left at rveldence, 128 Cambria street, _ will receive prompt attention. DO YOU KNOW WHY Yon can't get any heat through your house or factory? You will probably find your Boiler, Furnace Pipes or Stove Front choked up with Neale. A few gallons of our celebrated SCALE SOLVENT will remove all this and reetore to you the entire heating capacity of your plant A postal card will bring you fulrinformation. Write at once. IT'S YOUR NERVES It's the Condition of Your Nerves That Either Makers Your t..Ife a Round of Pleasure or a Use - lees Burden. To many women life is one round of sick- ness+, weakness and ill health. To &tempt even the slightest houeshold duties fitigues them. Msny of the symptoms aecompany. ing this state of decline are : • feeling al tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness. sinking foeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loes of appetite, oold hands and feet, headache, dark ',it les under the eyes, pain in the beck and side and an and weakened constitution. AU these symptoms and conditions are simply the reault of a poor quality and defective circulation of the blood, with II wasting away of the nerve foram By feeding the system with Tic Wm. Sutton Comoonod Co.. L't'd 181 Queen St. East, Tannic, Oat. incEwAN.IFall Suits &Overcoats {without • blemish berm,. It dom not blister cless ill me plane sive met • tenthly feeltoetee Ilene e saes that It *MAN. that phloem be eladtte %bat I have eared • earb of Omer Imre' Masa.. ItIth yew Isodebb Spa ,te Om Itiredall'e MOW le toy Pelee kl, Mt age. •• • linemen{ for family hoe It the henk free, or addra DR II. J. KENDALL CO.. ENOSILMO PALLS. vT. .11ealli Ponairliog. having been temoyed from Godench, aye arrangetnente to carry on boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, entrinee and other machinery promptly attended D. K. STRACHAN, Works on Victoria Stree* The man armed in suit made at our store always looks trim, its 11 is the ambition of every men of taste to look. A large range of cloths to choose If you are contemplating getting • light overcoat for fall wear, give us • nhanee to serve you. Prices rieht. H. DUNLOP DR, WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS _You etrike at the toot of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and firs toned bunts fill out, the eyee get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates' through the eystem. tretel Anne ime 421 maim 60 oente por box at all liruggletle. or "7 Toronto, Oot. Morrie: h lie playing at Harris's Iteheel Priscilla. dauehter *1 Jae, Meaning, fell and broke tor tient aria near the wrist. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M MacLEOD, Goderich, Oat SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONS Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending December Ilth, 1900, pursuant to the Revuied Statutes of Ontario, chapter 76, section 1. Name of ProthenteriNeme of Defendant Nature et Charge. LOW SHOES AT LOW PRICES..... At this season of the year we make a special mark-down on Low Shoes. We want t4) show the peo- ple what cool and comfortable Shoes they can buy here for less money than they would have to pay elsewhere Brand new stock, end every Shoe perfectly made. SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys and Oith, have arrived. Call and examine oar stock and prices, /Whit you buy or not.. 2 W. Paisley 4 1. R Miller 5 Tho I A. Hartle 7 I. it Millir 8 1. It Miller 9 I. ft Miller 0 Thos. A. Harris 1 ft, mere, Conible 2 Charlet Worts 5 Robert firma! Jam Massa John McCaughey Reuben Graham George Burke 0. McTaggart Geo. McKim Oen. MeK Oen. 114E1m leo MoKiee John Weir Wm. Borrows Joseph O'Connor John Macgregor Edward Gormley easel J. Massa Date of Ooeviotio• Namur ot Ctiavictioe Justice or Justices. 1900 Selling liquor der n4 prohibited bourn Nov. Sillies 'Mem do. tog prohibited hove Nev. Assault and I'.t e4 Nov. Sale of dinner to prohibited hours Aug. f. f f• r .earoh wet. for Iiq roeoeeled'U.t. Selo of ligan wit hoot Ilo.n.e Oat. 'Sale of liquor without Iinenee Oat. Sale et linen: without harems. O61. Keeping lig. for rale without lie/Inge Oot. Keeping ilq for sale wit hoot !Meese Oot. V Nth. Peddlln• good. wit.too► license Sept. Puddling goods wlrhent Iloenes Assault Oot. Assault Oat. lnoufty Nev. 14 John Medlar's and R. Stem J. P.'s. Climb.= 16 Johe bloGarva and H. Beep, .1.P.'s, Olathe 10 94 6 A. Hunter, O. Thompson. J P,'s, Brussels 1 A. Hunter, W. FL Kerr, J. P.'s, Brussels 10 A. Hunter, W . H. Kerr, J. P.'s. Brothels 26.1. Garter, Win 26 Wm. Mallongh Wm. Malioneth 27 Wm Melerrie 27 Wm. MeLerse 1 birth, twit • the Owe es betray est oerreege etlereeled from the Rawl. tiled la rev ethers Dole, .1 P Tnekersmith Solar, J P.'s. Uremia Ametiat, wheal Penalty, ire be paid !Tim• whew rise or to said I paid. Damage. insides. I W. J. Paisley. 'Armee Inethoter 120 00 Porthwieh 20 00 Forthwith W. J. l'afeley, Liana Ineeseter 00 Forthwith Treasurer of WI Mains ed. with °ode &nein et prothentor No re thra made te warrant 60 00 'Forthwith aad ooste, or 3 months In jail SO 00 Forthwith and thee, or 3 months ft) jail 50 00 Forthwith and eoets. or 3 Mouths in 16(1 20 00 Forthwith and thee, or 11, days In jail 20 00 Forthwith and coosio. or lb days In bail Forthwith fondant te jail for 21 days The proper parties an noodle, bylaw •nisessd for want of evi demo*, plaintiff go pay Oat. 27th (lark of the Pesos Oot. 27th (loderioti MI Clink of bite l'esee said Justice, anti general observations. it ear. when 21 clays Sas ,Is 20 00 Cows dig 10 00 10 00 Sens to seem IRA LEWIS, CLERK OP' rma pswoir AND °MOWN ATIPORNIFY. RUMOR.