HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-20, Page 2T lgnat . ell rURILarp Y TBU Wel'At IIURt/lli9 h �. r✓•Itr-tcuuvt. _ . �--._� _ - -_ --- THURSDAY, DE . _'u, IBM I%DI'CF:MKN*rs ON LAND AND 011 SSA. The Promise that Nova Scotia will enter ties field ns a builder of ocean stauemshdw nr soon as the naw Iron held steel works In that Provipce get well under way to iuterertlntf tis tgr ening a new field fur Canadian eu- terprlse, capital and labor, Bat it wuukI be unsafe to assume that Can- ada will become A great ship -own- ing nation, or that ra large propor- thnl of the Canadian peoplo will take to it sea -faring Ufe. It has been uustuntary to ray thut the UniteA Status merchant marine was de- stroyed by Coufederctte cruisers ofur- iug the cltll war, Mr. Julur 1'irkp, In Itis addrene at the 250th anniversary of the foundlug of Middletown, Cun- nocticut, recalUng that in hie buy- hool the in,tritlme interests tof that city were prominent, said that A nrt- Lion's merchant warine could u-) m ,re dao deatroyed by cruisers than a lawn could be destr000d by cuttlug the grams ; If the grams didn't grow again it was evident that suinething land attacked the• root@. With Mr. Fiske's addres@ as Its text, the New York Journal of Cum- meroe )pints out that the regiater0d tonnage of the United States In- creased till per cent. between 1850 anti 1855, anti .04 per cent. between 1855 and 180(1. This shows when ties decadence ut the .Auricle m -r - chant marine begun. "What event happened about 1855 to expla in-Itdr change J Twp thugs, hal happened, the full effect of which t)Pgag--to t* -(bit_ about- fhia ._.date_ Trip Mexican war had given us the whole continent to trip Pacific• Ocean, and Lite demonstrated eue- cess of railroads lend given us the means of developing our vast do- maln. On the other halal, tore sec- cens of iron steamers given Eng- land an ndvantaee .whic we find PoPsessed so lung tie the wooden ellpper wax the beet ocrnu reeler We n-tlrfol front the sen bees a we lend a more profltablo flald,uf ;ewa- bt order to secure favorable terms for exported Caloatilau articlee, or tiny t►ction Nmding to extend to Ueruittay &BY Prio ilegat ur (h • pr, R•n•pti tl theft b Britain. Ouish%it ut the'aa1110 as"u, clatkn lin Prevented aliuthor nwu'ution Pxpnrmhlg the lu;P) thtt taw (;oteru- Wont world tike aut•b amosunw as might be de emed nd%Wubk) to atssist Int rrurhtg th • enac tommliat by tho .tur- traltau Comenuaw.,ldth of a pr•tereuco id .goods coming from Groat Britain or oth-vr portae 0f tla> Emp're to Aus- tralia. Sir Wilfrid Laurlur pa+ttteel out twit CanAlkt'A uctlun In obtaining th) de- nwooriation by Brttatu of tho (ierttan and W IgLtn treaties war not prumpte d by tiny spirit of hostility to Ger- many, eel till present knew. Germany, ioinvever, was now boycotthig cnna- diltn proda-ta He hop -A. ho wtlit, that tit• new BrltW1-German tn,etty now tow)tLithog would eOUtrAin A cantle.' gL%hi g Canada and tial other colonies tie �'optbn of inrpting or rejecting Ile provisions. as was tb) cans with th • Japanese treaty. Even tet that excnt the treaty tu'ght, of course, be u 11 that it would after no great advantages to Canada. although ad- tnntAgtoos to Brltalu. Ha would like to ue,o Canrufa trading with Germany. Fr:uwe and fully ; wh a w.as big oa)ugh to do trade wits all. Ile approved elf th' utfi.•r remulutkxa, and tie) Govern- ment would' do whet they could Lt the nutter. _ LAURIE'H ON a1FfON. hood Debates &oil Better a Ad- minlalratlon. Ny friend Mr. tllfttu tfrday uccu- prleas the must prominaut Position In Canada. Let the tell you thin, ladies :.ad gentlemen-tho People of Canada have toot yet realised what sort of a m.ua clulord Di(tou W. Har friends rtluw film. 1 odd out know hkan •a a8L6. Noma l rwecteo film 0a tau ut toy- cul- ,e—,neva up I 'knoo him UQW.-au the ye.,r IUW, utter tour yeurs' daily in- .ercturre, nut he WWII be known be - "V Sweeny years are Ater us one Of.. ala; abtcet uud tuott ubumed man of "I�a' a. tchteera.) 'Lite pxx>Pie w Cann ..du commence to realize bis power .,a at netouter. Sir Clatarles Hibbert a'uppet knows something of It. d...ughter.) Tau people of Cunadu oummt.uce to re..11ae has puwer us ala u:g.audter, bis power hm eta adminir- tratar, out the DeuWe ut Canada flu where are •urea there in the ronstitu- Soucy' who Mute been hid neighbors aur w.tu P e n un.l uu th.w y Y a a m. Y 6( would bel Here If they could to test,ty th-it he had in the rmstaLueucy of Ilrandoa inert win v4ourd Ru throtteli _ iale3'ment-der 1a THE WEIIAN D find, sad baacarie the development jinn has literliug worth, hu getwertna tot ocean carrying hood taken the po- howl, anti they sire ready for Wool to sitiun of advantage from u■ un! woke soy sacrifice: He has the power elf making friends, that great wer given it to England. Seafaring in r, or tit mun of having devoted friends. life of hardship and small pay. The lout it Is chiefly lel an ,dmiulatrattr American sallur had nearly d1sapr Lu.tt I would speak of him titin evoie- Lite, His administration of the Yuk'.0 peered before the CA,oil War opened• it -a leen much crltimzetl. I leave _) fur lin could get better pay for light- hilmltation In making tlllm statement, er work rebore, and tier drvrlopmnnt 'nil I have nu hesitation that tau of our great Westabaurbed the capi- statement should go forth through cite length anti breadth of the land, till and onergy which had expended Waat wueu the cobwebs of mrerepre- itsplf upon the sea for want of sortation have been removed it will .a better fipid." u• found that his administration of - _T akon low been marited lay -wine, The InternatiaW Seamen's Volop, loan and signal ability. If Mr. SiftoD's mPPtUS In Bcat6p, - recently' -�-: hinds hum been realised .we would • No One disputes the fact that Am-- have tela_, had railway cwtAoctiuu erlean boys din rant seek the mea for In Canudlnn territory to the Yukon. Cheers.) He had prepared a plan, and a llving, now Is It disputed that in Lho scheme wea submitted to the loan- the early hhrtary (Yf the cmrntry It eUnn rnrllame•nt, was approved by wen othprwlne." Any old mA of tier n the liuuso QQf commune and wits re- jecte.l by t•TIe,Sen:ate, which dellb+r- United flutes will &flow the• reason; ,tel)._ romrnittel a crime against l'an- In the early part of the taetytary Ida Ire throwing out that bill. there was DO ttOLted JtatN except -Ch�n'� `ur ttilfrid Laurter•at8lf- a narrow strl aloe the Atlantic P g con s ionary M10sionary .servloes wPrP, heM 1�1 coast ; there were few factories and ^afem Church pw Hunday, the spent - Do rallroluie to absorb lairs• ; the Am- eT being Itev. Mr. Morrow, of Bertun- ericau boy went W sea on account of im. the dlffLeWty of gottln em lel g P y- JdL+noh.srmpathlr la --Salt --1,. *he., tent on land. In Lill@ eLatemeaq netghb>rhoo,l for lir". Mayhew, wit,) haul the mixfortunn a few day■ ago there- Is A lesruu fur Canaria. We to fall ami break her leg. - have now the great fertile fields of Mr. Stevenson, who has been very the Ijozrthwest to be settled apd lxorly for some months, in now nn tilled. We have mines of copper, lead, lhp road to recovery. gold and silver in Bridals ()ulasibla, Mira 4. Donovan, of the Governor'" road, Is now, visiting dans chose, ]Era. iald oioM a1 Igoq� a.id ricket lr - --- itirn a Ontarlo to be Works ; vast forest* Mr. O. T. Smith, of FNlilter's Green, taf>spruoe to len coTertaf Into pulp died very suddenly on Saturday night. Mr. Hnilth was M the city on AMd- paper• ; factories of all kinds la :-)uturdsy, and In film usual good the oldcv Provinces, With w maaby henith. openings for employment, coir- (:an- Thr auction male held on the farm Adida . boys will not ga, tO sea to oft Mr. Thomas Ipovett, on Wedavn- work hand t1r1�' wan n sncresm; almost every- . for Jinn wages. Ever thtng bringing -full vatne.-----,_ • _----- taw British merchant vessels are `"inr otila+lreeplenf thiepiacwat- ----= largely manatxl by Notewegtaau: teaftIll the silver wedding of lir. anti Swedes said Italians, them born Brl- .Mrs. Snn(uel Jerome, on Friday night. . tod-1 a e • ge more money farm to Mr. E..\'analckle. lir. Lovett for less work on shove. The Inferebce and fa mily Intend moving to Hnmil- In that though the Nova No(AinDs Lott, where they will enjoy- tier htxar- Way build Mips, men from same other Its of city life._ Rev. U'. E. Belt. of Stoney Creek. country will have to wall them. avupled the pmlpit at Chri-A -_ _-__ __ � Church on Sunday Inst. Al'n'1'ItA1.lA ANI) /:F:etylAN1 Mr. and Mem, McE oy •have re- turned, after epen•lng a week At Mo Lite deputations front the Mann Nlagath• Fafla. - Fel. Tfxpmlmmxl, of York, V visiting facturers' Aspoclation, and Tornio Erie+rifts In the neighburbrool. Ikxvrd (Yf Trade, which reddrem"ed him Thom. Edwards returned to his on the representation of Canada tit ho mo at Bracebrledge, after apendlni __. tin Igmettite at tails xtlinrittnrr rn - �tmanar -lt h hl. ....til- ♦ ) EdwnnM. It .i t met PSe cedar fllr \1'llfrld L ur n ler ;\rteh. .fnrvlm homed Ula@ $I(pnle ---- said that he had been invited ort an Wright were• crattrtty-' Tint - Inateguratlal ceremony which was flmm�iltol on Wertnoadny; the -lith ' -laxed Gar January let, but had beep heat., bey the Rev. Ili•. rletcher. Ulm watllrapg hits rkurnedtoYork. obliged to decline the Invitation. If Edward Swayze ar'riveed home on - see should be recelved fon MAX lsfe . . fiatuntny. fight. Tv%:L -tl'ae 9gone as was probable, fir would ask Parlia- nen.. to went to s,md proper representativem, auPlp►lo Gir honest. of whom hr might Ile me. Two sag• fN'O M;LICCTION PR(ITRlT11, gAtutnx, n anfllcting churnrte•r, .— - were pren�ted with regard totrude One I& South Ontario. and One,le bretween Canada and Germany. Il. Ottawa. N. ltaird nuked that montethiiyr ml,odd Torv)ntn, Dec, 1G. -The floret two ori dorm to ennhlo Canada to send Plaetion peWtlonit of the crop of 1900 a iWn. 11Cov. grain to Oorne may tender Nie favored Ing genith, the t defeated nation clau*P. lire, stated that prior servative eandidiLte M Swath Ontario, _ _ to the abnega"en of ties Germau titoxw against the return of %'m tireaty. him firm shipped from Mont• .--_-. __ r3... anti ranked man� allPgntlonn of correptin. lie sida-_)or_Une diegmall- TR-i�io (IPrmarUv to LMt nPfairltbiirltoo,l fL•ntloe Of :alt. RDt! toT alleged per , of front cue to two million bushels of tvoninl eorreptlnn. , grain poor year. Than trade hannow p•tltf(n hal 'beFn fudged nlmo ,m 1 oeaeeol. Ir4r. Mumsey felt tlist If Dolt- twhnif of leolore Porter, nn 0l -Mr of Ottawa, against Thoma" llrkett, United dila diarriminAtkn was likel i Llan mnreawnfal rb-M^rvatlt'p cnmli,L-tr• to extend to trautufacturos, In that city. in thla cram 11100 per ' (bl. pimou dal Iwld U, the opinlon Nonni ehnrgfw are made, tend the di,,. that Canada should enntnue. In her rlllallfieatlon of Mr. Rlrkett In naked ptewaput (onirwp Md 0t.irk to the pti for. euciemler to the former seat of W. icy of prefernnt-P too Britain. lWitumP (sae or more poertieular boos of trade The bast collection of ('hinpeeeWre I land suffered by the denaurtntion of to la' founrd oitalde of Chinn lana been to, troatem thin wam not n gdxxl reA- Riven to trip ArehnPologirnl \fn ern for ,t chniWo. England wens ole arum of the Unlvorwity of Penn"yl- goolmat market Gtr CAnadlan Panda' tri. wanfn by Rev. F. \Y. Twang. a Hon- -, asld any counter stroke tier (jr ray' nolght Peart against ti non mlmslnnnry. Tho collerthill tfoP's tr {as il,ominlrn world help till" back to a time over 2,500 year* 4 , eamentry In Brltnln. T)r Un.rkin al")k1 ^� and Ineludav thome aid, enrly a- aYmg oke an nap lines. Mr. P. \Y. Ellis - fox tie• Mnnufnetrrera' ls0m•bltl,xl, Chinnow eoinm whlrh were mottle In pr(erottodl A ev'rnlutfon oppo-iat; nay tMp foam or equities, rnuirs, keva, t eoat'esrbna to own&n manafacturen shirts and to refs. f IN AUSTRALIA, Sir �Pilfrid Laurier Filled the Duke of York. OUR PIftLIIMEIN'II XN ETA' Much Earlier Than the New Aus• traliin tilluse .DOU'N-- Till? -- 18 - -8 111111 Ottawa, Dec, 10. -Thi Imperial uu tburitley have expressed a stroug de, 'Are that Sir Wilfrid Laurier shuull atteitd tb) 0rn•utauios In WIlReCtluu with the opt-ulupg of the Collfetheratet' Australian 1'Mrliutnatti anti It is thin n'gurknd nr Almost certain that the Premier of CiWiuja will %Wt the An• t'poef(n,, Tb) Australl:tu Parliament mat bti op tt ed on AL-ty lot -by tie, Duke of lork, Itu.t It Slr Wilfrid goon b) will probably leave baro early In Apel, whh•h would give him ample Case Ur retch Sydney by •tau+ deodr d data% Thi Caamodfi -a Premier will probe ably return to Calwdu Ip coulpaaiy with tha Duk•, anti Duebeeel of Turk, and will them be the first to welcome th •Ir Royal lilghntslses to CattadLan abort, although tla. officbtt wcicunu' will be toudored by the Gorertwr-Geer oral. IL Is ext-rettlely tik•ly that the'. Pronaler will lx) accompanied by n military (vokert. t� •re beWg u genoral wish throw,bout Cculn.la th'tt tine offi chill representative of this co0utttry Should travel lel n'style befitting bar Proud posithp. Tho original Intention wan tri htvu the Duke of Ywk pa•r- form the ceremony of InntWuruting tie• Uolvatonwoulth, which tuke, ])Ince ire January, In wht-.h evtntt It would h ivp btxen lulpuar,lbie fur Sir Wilfrid Laurler to be present. With the gen- cratl elvetltrns Just euded and it House fresh froln tl u people It would jiave been •.tut of tae question fur the 1'r.,- mter b) 1euve thio country during the winter ta)uths- but It fn now settled that tiro Duke -it York will nut start frim F,ngluAnt1d until February, itnd that he wt open the WatederAted 1•airllanaent uu May lilt, when all the pinup alai Pageantry "#tinily evukpd by the viirtt of it Prince of the royal blood will take lattice. Tills makes it 4 Aerably convenient for Sir Wil- frid t•) go to Australia. The Do- minF)a House will mutat early in Feb- ruary or perhaps even in January. grad rhe ....a -.n -111 )..i. ..�_--e. any rate very nearly ended. when the time c,amtw for hila t cross the Pacific. It f@ an ofxrn et that the Imperial (overnment w n o br greatly dlsagi.)int.•d If the Ca uttlian Preutiar, wit') her been sty1 the• hinted that royalty Itself -ha■ unit. ed with the Nome (N)vernmcut in url;a Ing 8fr Wllfrid bel grace the Anit= trallan eeremunies with lair presence. THC (j!CrCtsr vuTr. Nam Given lel Favor of I'refers"llal. Tariff. • It we haad appealed to the jaeople of Quelrw: upon grow ds which pppenle l to Quebec alone„ then inolee:b there would be cause far alarm. Bat when We ttav6 pp y t o Quebec. Int to %be whole people of Canada, up. txt grounds which find aau a ultu-latLe- hstrt of every Ca.teadiat4,. I leave M, ta. use fur atlarm. ti.uaa uu d onalt.nrdeo "Plot use.) What cause fur alarm can Lhere be upon the quert(uu, Of the Uataaltul+u scluxils, w-heu the Cunrerta- tive party threatened to settle that el4batwrt Gy coercion, the people of taue• 1*!L &lmnat toa uuut reje.,ted that IRA. TtyT- (Applause.) What cause of alarm could there rte when, ups the ttade-policY of the t+uuutry we .pat seated the Policy of the preferent411 tariff to Britain, nand our Op(on e:nts ran the contrary prevented the policy cif an, rya :fare an eye, a tooth for u tooth. the people of Quebec chomp to a(Tept our policy' (Applause.) What amuse for alarm cute there bre„ I may. when the people of Quebec chose to ItcOPPt the policy cif preferential trade without asking for a qubf pro quo :' What cause for (alarm cull there be u All those questions berno*e the people of Quebec st(xml by the pol)cy which le the true pollc y for C'atwela :' Tatar in no rause for alarm ; then) Is, ierhaps, a 900,1 example ghen to other• parts of Canada. (Applause.) 1*lwre might be cruse for alarm If In the campaign we had appealed to the Imple (Yf Quebec up,n Lite policy which could n(nt hot defended in the Nravinee of (%atatrta> or Plaev$eTat bat wbPa we Pttrenoe(d to the people of ('sands n policy which could lie lie- fPnde l in Ontaerio aril Pverywhere, cer- talniv. ti— ter is ,.,,t 't- ... e -.- awl for the people of Ontario to Tote Against tide policy simply beenume It Ir supported by tad- psgdP of (luehee. (CtbOgn.) I hope that we ;fent] hear•no mate of this. Let me say here anti now that I havel ro resentment against anybody, though cur' policy has not latim supported. -Por Wllfrhl Laurier tit the Bitten banquet. GOOD tiONrll!amr,YT Alded by a Kind, ha%orlux Provl- drnce. allow thA M rRll Jpg to imi►1vr0rG pn 1"t .I.clalm. Lie, menit_pl ,the slsatloa !u ti) wast e. anythlow at All Lu the nature of a personal selumpk. I nm very far from making•any Pv hrinlnum. We wont to tie, ctxpary them as a tba amaetlobbhw•Llla- er' party, ami w.' hod two snake( GvI• farm which rcmtrlbtlt••+1 to the mnceeas of Alai election. We had font of all, war, oho proflw;id toed tits unwavering �onfidietn•e of "the, peoplie d all cbtalww r>J UaWvfa'in tour graft rind gifted GauMr. B r Wilfrid Imurirr. (Great It_'crs.) Ano we had (text 'the fneo :hit dur'ntr• tie' law'' four vtiaAe, nl,W a our friend Illr Wilfrid Laurier lilt very well pm. •t, by n flavoring Pro, v ilk uec•, we h ave been Able to bring aWilt R AU►Ue ut prspmrlty tMgawlt out _that, Dom'uloct ell Gayralwdw wblefe bid not existed for m•tny yfv►rm P-ist, Jill t h +re It m beivt ala ell w-}lrew,th-br rill, btwinewm and expansion of our oulmerve ne we hive nevor known ),•fore. -Hou. Clifford Sifton tit Toa nn Ur. -_ Nrty 1'meltlr Halfway. Roe hire Upnt till' Prairies of Meant ..h.1 tinI th,Nonhweet T.rrito;G•to In' h • I ,mt three yont-a p,Ia-.,d oiler UK),. (NH) Iona fGM agri• altural_,..pat:tlers, wet h t-fi' Ttryg`n tinct iln&r otic logia. atlon then• haw bran carrk,rl nimcwt U) completion a mPtrond Ione of roll• war for the parp:vry of tnl-p'ng thl minernl sued agrkult"rnl sections of hit coeafrT from t'ctrt Arthur and h' Raley River, In thtt dlntrlct whl,•h w.• calf III- ItF.il' ChlClflo, n )iortirn O( CtaLar'o, air, the naterpl w.velth orf whleh, I fnney, rat few rafters of h'.N Prrn lnrp 17 APproci owl and hit. Ilse of molnar v w •l1 on Ire any u tie, valHy of thi dttskAtchi\wan.- lan. Clifford Ofton. • a1P ,, .. ;: y a , w �Wa, �I "a + t4airp'%j' �r pas +4. - �.'an,,y„et iy%,"•p f4;; 9 'Y M' l! i J)': 'k t.. ',y o—, , Y s . N{': •, i ' ���q tarot , a air d. ren +,,. ,. . v�.. n rt v s,+.•4W' - tie. ¢ f ' I a t .or..mrew y' f , „t 1 7; Yre,t iM5atr�: 1*•k,ai +:&. . A,;a�`s%.i, f« w r ...6 wtews'1 :ror,jt, A -mr: :s» - ,. c —_. 's.,•.+•..w• m.e..-�^c: ew.m -1 errlEiml.r'F�, n•`we 7t•M!fl:'7'.MF^TNl'TTB!'t::+w *,"r -Not.^ ar �rrrc. <vra^ rv, ,.., ,....,_ �TARTM.114 HICITI%11. That Is the Neasuu lfurbre nuppurlrol THE WEIIAN D JERlOUSY IED but makes a stylish apDaarano.• 81ur (hitt hit.l �� ��uer left t,e bto Nlsa Hurriok wept Out to .hut rue what had buwuie Illaet, of her, She had dielllr ' Tlary Seely wu ralexe the racial cr7 1n "'`y wa matt �t `he r `� l �` EIECTI O N TO M U H D ER peared ouwpletely. Iiartnre Wlba lcruptl had eo demi, nide, strength unto sur uvldeutly lltte+bow. l.et 1tw •feu u rtrtrtg marl r k, but cuWJ out. If" awl -Alu,re lei Sul uxre, ,kauenable word --_ lied hluurelf p uy the rtulrway Irnd- Ing lulu the hospital, sat three mia• under Um run. %%'a did tetter this uter litter, while the okuturs year than we ,11d la 18Ud, but In 18Ut1 we licked them oat W tnelr bouts as Mr. Gross Has 325 Ma1ority Both Parties to the Crime were alwlnbmtering a rtlwulaut, ire ,110(1. The Acid had seared him ince fruit, the der Tbey I exlgu of Ids butt tar lids ohln, had dem_ great dllfluulticw lndend. • truyef late right eyye aa,ttd buCtead Iris raWed this race and rellgiour cry With Were Canadians, Deck And breast. Eldr lips and tup aeakdrt us in 181111. This year Que- ue won, white ("it taw burn. lith, ,,t- bee ruteal IAberal I,Laurie It terlor effects of t11ae Ackl were a„t d giv- e.1 that E>fr N"Ufrld l.uurler bud giv- ^•_ +- sufficient to came death. In his pocket wan a Dote wrlttr es ()oasts as honest rad prugrewtve aoverbraent. (Applause.) I road Ip taw aloha tin hey FOUR POLIS TO HEAR FROM LL 1 OH I VE FIXED GEORGE I f1 n tart Ftildar by Mrr. (Atop oto Harmon It said_ Oalaor tf ty cif a wha, mus iso distorted hu war ready 1 "Como over au l see me. You need for seaexatfor to tiro Unitai floater. '-� put fear me. I will bot eat That, the police say, will b, rnlu- I%, va When we defeat the Tory party once I Hoose !t wUl becomo dlrlt>yal, and will Hradruwo "ludlartlou pf the RYss able evldencu la case the wuuluu Is go tow annexation even. "It Is toad tau kind Guveremrut -- The Installed The Cry of the Woman After Ile, 'tried. report -wiry, Maggie ('alp, I very of you, of Sour to extend W me to-Diq A DV Iteturus-Prentler /toss Well Ilat- Diabolical Act-Vlctlul above• to it IN s waw La rurpucWrt by the puller u( lust curial and generous a welconio. My Jelled With the Result. 15prak bare lie Died, Hut I lould lug +u1mlJi re -I A dew ,d varlk�iw Acid to (:001`90 Hartrnm Into, yemter- w►tlw lase been uaol to u vast large . 11'ellautl, Ise. 1J.=Pies y'•eluctlait Nut-N'here Ilan the \%.matt etfU•rit0xo, o•aetrinR lade okwtl,, oxtent against tau• Liberal party." A voice -You're all right. (U7teers.) ht Welland County tm over, and the Gone'Y sur r+ask•red at txxrn today. i "Yes, I know Fru all rtglut. I feel nm all right brwtuic I nw n t�rlpr I county lint again raid very plaiWy Hutt It it In furour, Mud that strongly - Bilfflalo dealchtelt-.,lel a fit of rip• After big c•luwly queuWcned 1„r roar. twee, Mr#. ('utp [ii a sG(te. CitpacdGan, Daouuee I feel I am n true so the RrG,rw Uovernuleut, 110. p)sad k•uhury tote yarterolny after- Dx,nt to,tulx rintPtwlent tof k4,hee Bi,;l, Britlat,er. (Great al)plate@e.) It 'fliwlem i J. I•'. (:eta,, the Liberal cawlld:ate. i.e• 109 elpeti'd by tho hau,tw>iDa IflujUr• noon, Mrs. Muggie Culp le DI c red to have Administered u,. 4)ro ut oarbollc In this rho reeks to traprturtu what tbo pollcro regard Ar n murder lilt„ mobtaakl die today the would Invent another Tarte. (Great laugh- fly of nlxrut :'75. The contest haW acid to Uix,rge Harmon ltel her room A ease of nuteldu. "At 2 o'clock remta•r ter.) But Wrey will nut be tit that 1>twa fought out earnestly by both purtled. idle ('a>)wervutivrr tpuking an at Nu. LO South Division street. Huriuun died ut Lilo Flteh' Hospital tiny afte•nxxae (k'orgr llurnxm ,•n,,,,. to my room,' she sail. "I notAced rev. trouble. I trill out die now. My em- anent anti elutlwut friend, Woe Prem- ewpeclully stroxng effort to sleet a few urnneulm later. .Ida. Culp ha■ •trill slgur whin Ir, char) in t,at ler of Outarlu, has toJd you the Von- their euudidate, Anti ahoy of talent dirappenrel, and too Police are kok• showed Ike land been drlaking, Taal h(- was root badly httoxlrated. pel truth. There le no reaeun why Canada cannot be a nation ; but we thought they would do so. Follow- hg ter(, the latest returns from lite Ing fur bur ua a charge of murder. The-tratgLAY occurred shortly atter After s while lel, went cut of the fr.alt du.,r mart make up•our mlude to be Brltlrh p llm, giving Mr. (:err u majority tof 32.1, but 4 „'chock, uD the second poor u( the and got a quart Ot ieer. lie al.., Rot aux+ Apple pie Atxi applem. cltizcpc. (Applutsu.) 'lona fixer t'Wmm,rvuLive pu1W_tiut Gerard from are expecUxl U) reduce bMkllag tit- ZtM and ttxath Division streets, the w fluury ut which are P- IP drnnk tin b•Pr steal I ►md surra•. „( Abu.cd �Ilulsterr.. ” It Is n p)kvesunr far mu to nae h'r at shout fifty. The ci►catxy war caume,t by the resignation of Mr. W. titled its it bp)ardiug house by Mrs. the eon aal n elver. Ian i Pt Rrnw nxpslf) next rPa®. Last spring I gut lir L`bAnil workrro, but fur tie., rake tof L'Wr l tet octty b1tfur I t, to Of M. the co , who wt a lion li oxttrpe- rel tier ooant lot the Romanian rice- Elim Herrick. The p)110e at fleet were Ipclloodl to 000td worth of aarballc neld tit n drug start+, Wb"u i wan ewer PbR tat my cstemod frt•nd and r0!hi(twa•, Mr. honer. Mr. roster, tbo newly-pipeted think that Harmon had committed suicide, but after making a brluf in- rn,ra tie+ other tiny I broike. the Ik i- too Blitwi. stir W'llfrW Laurfi'r *old h_•dld not know which' of ui h ul Lo ai the owidtdatP, is u barrisU r rrmlding Jp r thix town, V well kiwwn and highly vPstigutiure they said that they were milli tow brp)m, umxd to wive ,b t nth! I pouted tit Into u L gnaw,. .tftnr moat aimed. I am sur., we hive Ixwn snowed, flood I thank w,) but's nUoa the reterpx.ted, and will make a mark In the pulitival world. He is rpeelvluig e)tetitice(t the rare was one of inter. der, and th-1. the woman, while IO a Itnrmouu haul "I growing rough h.• went over to till table nail pd •ked up e•'d k -•t pr,•tty we 1. cl,nuth:.e: iue�11'p- tie:+ t,angrntulatiuus' at_, hurts of paust)u of jealousy, poured the acid ht glesw (tf eerbol!e acid. I ",1111 w poses-.) Qt)ebk k ow.( m, h ttr.mi frlPtuM to-uight. � int) ties mouth and over the face of 11`111, "You better kook out with tie it. 1. std tet gel ng-tl:wt �u If I h:td All glut Four fulls Reported• llar"in, woo, they Assume. wits You don't kt&oxv what you have foOl. been d!odoyal they would have voted ad iep uu the ted iu the wuuuua's veld beftm I could prevent b m ngnhtst sue. No 1'roaLx,e ban a deeper Wellan, Del,. nil -The election of a rx)m. They nay further, that mile ,h- swallowed it. Th • arld from lain fn •P' !Jitenrt to maintnhdng British tale euciemler to the former seat of W. IoW made threuts to kill Harmz,u end cbtlaw burned rite her.•, to yoW ..than Quebtec hats. 1f It were not loyatl M. (kTDutu bP telae LocAI IAVimlature w•bv, rhe knew• w ted to marry stet" lire• Culp pointed to a ae'treq to thlie country our fate would be far this aunty today giver• Mr. Ar3ther woman. glia" on hr face and one on her [pick tiop-OP4 for tits En.;t'sh-1'tottbceswould cottubine agalirt tw. tiroeee,. lAberat a-Jmm oxill � u0E which will likely be reduteof toabex --- r-Il.,ta t'mnrA rSe �— - erkkrxe of the truth ot.8st*7RriCn trait nod mnthm d- 'fie LPN ut«r " flet t le asi. ' it ty ,n hty M. kt 80 wines the returns are la, Ha. and ylrs. Cujp,yi hose maid- m i e h alta [�ettgot tip palmi mond ub)a6 Mr. 8!itan. I hnvp known ove Ftrlk>twing are Lite rotates by mualci• ill r a niI nu• wads McMurray, were Guru bnwght up In the mama towel, d,ed , h.r hit nnJ went ant. [pat ria soy out t good Donny politica l mea ht my lift'. You se) I had -a gtxx) chance, for palitism- I M44,leary's majwitlee- . C agwoud, Out., and there they h ot, text, nn f I wren cwt tit ) back wry „u ns U) nvolld hien I Uxak a car fpr bAonV,gI to both parties. (L•eaghtvrJ ilridgeburg ......... ...... „.......... ...... Td llrsi .ante ucyu#SIuteJ. Aaxut eight N'agurn F'a1Lv. I stsayaf there Inst Bat, I 14mot bekeag to uu)• tni>re. tMore laughter.) I gufwa I would lance bs+dal chiplx•we, ....,. , , Niagara Palle .......55 �u L'eitre ago, whuu Jibe wale :.a sonars u,d, ULM McAlurr.,y canna to Buttals• nodi uigbL with a friend. This noon of for I ,raw by tbi Into ire that Ifaru"n wits it-k14__Ia:tWr__jL.T Iti.,1_.uut - wtSetld not h1TP been dislo •al then gra- ' els TIx)ndJ Ifo it Year lar r mauled Chariest Culp, a b.orber, w II ed in Lockprurt, Gnt _lead. wadihxt I wars 004p,ieted-tit-•1a. mnnleP.' &t I up -u.1 you know tbA. (Shuts of Inughlor . ..,„ ......... ..... ...».... ......... In N gara Falls. The couple Apti my m t0 face and upplanr'.1 But, without flatNerY, _ __.-_a__-.___ ,_. Tgta� -' ......... ............... ...... ...... C80 ,worked lived ha) 1 h for a while. IPJ } Abort three they to Kite myself up #Slid lt." t [ 0 1 turwoo.l. Ikec•. 1 t.-Ia. N. \\•. 1'r.w Il rn• tore t,•r •. vcu y y'•few Its able sir::tl•ht.. Pn -rgetir, strong, politVally and mentally, as Mr. S:Lton._ It 1@ OnMr mnJorttlon- weRnud Town...... ..... . ......... 177 Fent Erlr 59 foes ago moved New York, wher Culp gut u good Job. According to t,'te st„rice which r kw(stUh.l - Mn. CM'p'r wa.k,w.l r)a,(i •r Ih'ow her•. and is ora of d.ur .,W,at and unwt ne)aected elt)me•nr. 11,r -lmottg moot or -i tt kind thdt _ d tis+ ilJ ' • brnfa _ » Wifkwghbv 41 hid wile told, fie open lila motley glee* WrIef a eluln tx>nue. nn,t two ur 6hrwe futh-r died a few yon►N a' o'ry” Liarmrri'e barnh-r wim t vow here.__nw t, J ll u)t." 1.\ppl,Drs �at dors:) , .......... ..... .... Pertle ... 170 " .' . en ago ails left him aqnd went to r ch1'I r"gt,aoiir on tha I!( t3- Atlnati•. Tarnhtg hs .niteulltoa to Olninriu an -1 T,>rrnto. 'Mr. Tarte coxntLrta •d- Clowlnnd .......... ...... ............ ...:. 88 Humberdtone ".."..' G0 the home of her folks In Ud arro. 8000 u(tcrrw,tr l eNe carie to tN elty, to .,f the No rth -rn haze ronM gatloq ('i n). Mrs• Tulp w,as born b i%-. un•] was ,d .•live hair lxxk d. bel. you ...." ... ,,,•, ,,; 28 storiuld ....,.....ip tending to earn her own Ilvi Us a ways th.m;lat highly Or. Shy has how 7111x, )µvis not lrpn k111ef.�Tb•ere w.rcxpae .......•:.,. ,.,...... Thorold Tawanlitp ......„ cook. She worked stendlly u t to three J away Iraq here fur sumo yearn. Th'o life in that old dog yc•t, tf you will 1*,r• _. . . -= � werkm ago• For eight months she wan murdered mile', fatk-'r Ihvw at w' y_ ails, me Ui way tae. ILasgbt-r:) I _Total •--•-' _ _ 7 employed In a boarding louse at ,nae, 13mce, County, yua�•,are well orgatt'xed. but that+) 1.Our polo oat tnttddng. North Division and Oak strests, n Buffalo, Ilier. 12I. -Mtn. Maggie (-nip, not aapy harm ht orgnadzing better tb to urn. In QU.•be+ we Aro locos y� 7 Thr I'rronler I'Iratted. for sevPr•tl weelw worked In n re► tenrant at Oak and Guth Division dao upas keanulayg mho wn" wnntf«l b t y -ptllioe on the charge of taarde'r• wdl v (ata!z Nl. (Lnu.btrr.l \toe have fieri. abo. W< il+)ew sitid of the rewilL Inst SetrPete.' f lirr)rgp Huntacp b} Adminlstrrin a etroiig central orgnn!aathxl. yea night -'1 want greatly pleamod H'renon, wfa eau 32 yearn old, fpr kis acid, surrenlerel tL tie. ,. e.hoa!d o Seize ut th^ tnaJcrn, ex•lett. with the result of the election. for etre to Buffalo ir0m collhngwo,xt ill•, a la Inst rlei In the women's Lille banefm.' Mr. Tote, tier Ca,nmPrvootiven had Initiated that thtiy WPfP g0!ng to carry the cuxtltu• about ten yearn ago an,l secured work nI an toner oa tier Inkrn. e11g ,,, rt t at pol: headyuart:•r", on retam!ti lily t g the wham tight and lieerfnl this was dgatn- f loudly. -Hon. .f .I Prey. noel. tie un leratnni, made dopa• ikton after lits urrirnl here lin mar- nxrnirlg a iiolitxly (wad en r) »e Tarte aft ftott=6anllue,t in To- Ix-r,ttP effrwtm to der so. it Is elulte lied, err] lw 1811::, while the family from I14'r ,ere err tient ata ww: ii' sanded. evident that the current Of public wAs living .At No. 1-)9 Lester Greet, clamed of 6elag foe a- trn- ---- - - oretnim In with til. Cine the House film wife ntld 'only child ili ed. __ _ PMJZ*" Attl',aL':- • fir Outy N'rmpoa the "Gentle- tnpse we Nave-av►wrlt«I Nnrth Rpnfrf.w stn 1 the.apat in waterloo by nociamn. tie and now, yre leave rnrried Wel• wind, A ('awe or :rratnn►}'• In 11occember, 1pt11), the old' tic• gnalntaneo ' of Harimxi and tin. 011ef Ot fliotretir . cooswck Capt. .10in Taylor had a p talk Ith Is•r this forenfytl, lint n the oro asion ..)rule Pen ., mf► that over mnjr,rity has irP1Y ID by oitroee mince the Icor, � U1dP ens renewed. They And not -open each other tar ill th•Ir inta•rt'lpw, thrj .enid sh h,ol rothl t had rather a aerioie•,tnmt before - _ several years. aR tww to say. mP In r egard to the dtwelopment of AI>t'1('r TO ONTARIO. - The were mierel friends In their y y Onlarb borne. HnrmDOD-mss b)aMip(t The ltollox hate placed r c -ha ala ,t mmdPr Jn the fleet ,le'greP; again, file wort. After hoeing to6e best lobe Roan Govrrsment Q'c rlh3 of with )Ins F:laza Herrick, who rent• Nan. ('alp. of my ability dlsuluarged th dsty during four years, and after had - _ }iear(y Nuppurt. _ Shu tea_ -upper O«aa of one hall of the wo- a pe brick belldi 7 ng at tk.uth Division. Elm Its. Fbyet TrerGrrnted an aw )pore cin the piety rA lfhrm.nl yeatenla, of tertwm. been the eubjoct of Woe kla.1 oft at- i want to any just ane worst In and streets. when lUa: Culp inmef there. tlhke did uud fie fdmind .le•ath was due enrbolic acid. btraugoly mK21gh wet. ment I luive referred to, avis frie,ds rvgunl � tel• n matter affecting trip krarw (of his pr+wearce In the Ito,rw n Yrntr of prlarst was found to nth the eatemy were pleased to nay that• 1'rol is-cn of Oultnrkx i huvu heard and did toot Irani of It for two -toranarh. . so far as the wetateroo vAhlon _01. t)" ens c.ncernPd, tow Liberal aha_ steek"eea-Llwi.wer-Lrirn.Jy the worked, when lite twa-met In the -1m11wnr"A1t-('P--that airy--I1(lt!"l.. Buftel o reiprt-A c(inrgr 44 inur- ,ter to th♦ -nm ; vias forfa•iITP- Par party foul gtobte trot of exla.enee.: , (•taw It"ntAve party, not f+•et• vary friendly. ,They went to the , Moored by the lio lroycstPntny ngnan.+t. (Laughter) And they declared, Sir 'dg reltogether satisfied with. the theatre trlrether anti during tit• Urv. MnAwlr ('D'p, the young woau!u Cherie" Tapper particularly, tie yon ell, know, n,eu s 1,f that election, .rtr,nge to summer went w•heel,ng a point •teal Alttxwgh lits. yelp uratPnt(xpl tient, wh► U nU,yr•1 to hive killed 0 -:'rya• Uarrtxxi br ium,v►tu of earbolb nr'd. upon every platform "Pon which he "peke, th•tt the coustltu may. ve-determtued that the rel• hailr4f a htwband. living, Select amid Mra Colp mecur•-id tVnlnsel retrtenl iy easy of Brutdlun was so hOpelemsly Lire forces of the Conservative party not marry Harmon. she became very 'n th' p-iman of Attorney Philip 1'. against me that it was doubtful if I caro to ba levelled ng(tirnet our gtxnl jmlom when she heard that !e vis• Fr'Sermldv. r would be a candidate, and that ftf - r - lr r ate usd otbeer wfrateal - lfwHega mwkl• lee ifna-.taalp l* w scare ftnla:i •aMtLhP+ waw I would b1 defeated, and that tout 'a, xiDgle Liberal would be elected Minister of tario, Now, air, th•lre � fram.l tile, w.,mnn wo.Jld mh,n)t hila H(+ told art'ernl ppPrraxls, lir police, 'h oval lwlwmwr. She doesn't map' or iniac (xi" or m loo nay tn,able. h til of slurp the time art• only two e.eeer•i for having au any. that he• feared he would lx, kit; Th^ police Cheam they can find nei - of esti cameos c>f the rlectG,n come tm. ((2ieers.) We e;e•c•110n; One is a poor pwlk•y, uud fd by lice durilyg .keno of her fates uL -r::1 went u In th' stntonarmt Nfra a aim' ('u went to work. You will not fled In the. other ur poor work. (' Ile:ar, jenok)�' Hann"m intmafed to marry )p made to th'm ton TneoLty. For tar, records of any of our meetings hour," anti appdnnew.) What 1 want a young woman will) llvrsr on Hadi. InAtance, tb,y einlm that Mrs. Pulp anything At all approaching the to spy Is thin- That in file pend sou street, and dad nut attempt to wl't flood it rnth,r diffl nit to expf•dn e de nal vllio which was leo- nwrel w•hcch lam Liberal party leas •nfnct'ai the fact from Mrm. I, ill how• linroryou (-roll] know th'tt th••re ie then riled ngulnet ,ir then, .sad whbh has in taw lkxnlnion elf U'unncla, ns Lot week "he took thin evoman to w'i't ,•Rrlx,lk• nrl,1 In the• gJnme whloh bpPa IPveltal rigs nket os ditrGl tfie i ..% ut.•antieie? ails-f-purty there Is it the, theatrb and Mora ('ell inhere l P h^ p'kdt•ml rrP feint tho w aatprtrnrt - campaign throiygh whtoh•we have I, K to wfiith I hmok natal greater of tt. _._ _ _-.. Th' pdkr liner InTPemttg+ttart ftnv.' dant pasted. K) far ns that ppr.Im of pri,h• than the -reons4 of the Ll. lewterrlay Mrs. Oulp kid_IDn(-h w - mirrt•a reptaLratlane. Tb^y have "nol,- b -C �' thu country wake crmcwaw where I haLtta li " t emato Nanta: party in for Guivernment of the lora Hi-rrh'k' W-1 r'°m a' t • (- -.huaw) uu-8w+ut-ateeetr--Mrs . u h• & , drink -r. and- nttl 1. - _ Ul=fmltee, or intelligent attempt ntadd by trite canny thiagg Or Which wee nwy Is) h ill not- work d for thrtee weeks and --- �--------`- - friptxb oh the Oppoviton to criticize tilt, actual result or the (lovernment's Proud hl the udnigtry of sur party Ill (+nada, but lel Low ,m(reetNeftil It.t. dlu^Ing that Linde hof taken several rntksis with Mrs. flerrlrk. . tie. B D B S HIT policy. It wits a citmpalgn of yes- minwtrntinn tit thM great 1'ro Lablo yesterday Mn. Iierrick and tonal attack, (termnnnl abase And vol- ulr►somt seer slnco (kxuferlerntfwe, in , all UDI r together and Mn. ('til aw ,p p 'st P end Ificatlon of the, different members of lite, giviAg to this great procinc•p slrw•L• She put lair handkorn•1 44 to tho (tocernment. My hon. friend Ur. an bnnmt and clealn Ilap.fed. a rapes• h,r eyes; anti Mn. Herrick wtld- Tarte-(cheers)-Mr. Blair rued my- hip nisi a progressive Uoirrnm•nit. PI � �EflY NARD teff were those who shared m(tre r- Pa the LJtwrnl Irtrty has performed a I could cry Io " I cold cry B I treed " tri" , a Nearlarly In that abva, int yrm wtlT find that there was no systematic or gent stenion tai ttii Domiritoi of ('11[1114111. IapphttlmP and chrerv.) Now Mrs. (kelp, :' - .- - - N'fth that rhe atvmiP sbrbpitir, went - - _-_- thorough atterppt to meet the case it Teeny uftrn hnppotw that when a ata hoer nmoat and srtnrLed t6 t'eid which the Ooveraiment presented to the country for Its ootnkleratlon.- IknPrnment ham, )leen a long time in ofik•P, film friends ttecome ,hmnatisfte-d 1""e anm4d "Thrown on the Worl-1." . At .)1. o'clock eh) wits In later roxxn. DeWet Himself Had a Narrow Hon. Cllffured PAtGiw at-, born WAA docs..,, � _ nlfrit" CAUGHT IT _ ��.._ Fnr Oaring to Lrlticlze One of the Tulp p etra. i (ko rant follow that I urn lacking la that ordinary amtdnit of ernarage r'rttrarflltn>s panPMlty ttrlsrpst;' but still I think I might have had lotto 11"Itatkxe nbtut n0reptitug itif I had known what wits ahead of me. tApplan.,m) i flail oxo Iden, nor I flete•y haul tiny pen(nt any 111ea at that tondo, that the leader of the OUtnerttttl.e-party, that thepresm of taw Conmer%athe party, practically the whole Conservative party, would single out tame member of the Govern• meat, todevute about me -half of Its saergy . _tel .Rose- dellbesate- purpmo, of driving mat tett of public life. 1 (1141 trot aetlelpate anything o f that kind, nod when to the debate Upon thele Yukon hallway hill oar go ml friend Sir Charles Tupper mtultiNed himself In Patting his own w(rrdx b� votlUg aagnluut and axslentnlni that. bill which Irv+ had advised me U. hritg( In, i attacked him ural the, floor tit tad• Income of Common in regard do nae - posltfon nlutl that_ Question. Anti tiled andl then, from that tort i 1MIt, far. Chairman. It appears to have teepee de, htroI that, InAJillllll• 1 as Iliad sPeu ht to erlth Ifn n gentleman vfhuPore the mild red unite of Tatelmr, 1 meant be driven front pohlie Ilfe. (Ctteers.l F -nun that tame tw the pre 041t, carat least tothel(h ofNmem boor, I waa mn1p the. rerlpient of prae. tleally all the abase, the vlllfir-etthon, whirb UP Tapper f11mlly #anti the Tup per pmom were nbin Mr poor rpm rap. 11,btt1, Clifford SltUon's Spowh at Tn Imeb btwglmta of tb- benefit* derived from that (kn 1' rnanent they nrP very rpt to /rxirrt' ton' toot ._Ity 77f tftk'f1fiL'- 0611 caro that tho tkwernmpnt U test defente•l. Ant, air, if you will p'•r. mit mp to .fey a hurt word In tP- 91!rt lei th.tt..It will ba thirst -.List, Imer.y or 1,1141 1'ITlwlneP ,N Ontarto will start now and prepare itmelf for lade contf,et which will take Plnct• when (Year friend Mr. R(tem goR!q to list, Pndtie, and take good ear•e- (chrrr)-that the r alit. (if that cnntoRt. Int *flat It ou>lghl �to he -a triumphant vindication oN Ihw prof. It •y which he will pre0ent to you upn than 6eramlon. •Prolonged chant• ItWI-Hon. Cliffped Affton. mwr DifeAD IN Di'F:1'. ' Vorilin, (•oust Josef ,lt0krzew, Vk'nna, Der. 10.-A dipel took pbeor today nt Snlztnwg b tw•ppn Gent -hoof Znlermewmki Atd1 0)ant orl„ff, :,Mach•' of Woe Ruwwiam Lo-gation In Miinich. 'Illo mtuvp In Unknown. TM' wenporem unnd *(,re plmtola. At lir wrerrtyl exrhango tit hilletn Ct,ttat 7.nkrtalwstl, ill spite of the, fart that 1p! was trot the eleallenRar, fired to taw' tar. Count Orloff, om UIP .other hrtnd, toot atm, rend mtneck file ndver- miery to tion ablrxrwn. ZakrzPwwkl wan nt rnen taken to tie,• tktlehmrg SmIlitnrinm. where an opernthn wnA perh,rated. It fnllpd. however, to nave his IUo. He died ono afterward. (nigh Orinff wne f1mirterly attanhe of the, itumml'tn F.mhawmy In Paris. wliere he abort ha,f a duel, to which he killed his ndrprmary. Thla wait the Pioneer of M" tranaferennin to the Mun. Ich I.pgAtlon. Prr r went ant shortly before L O'r (rp-t M vl n n t h., g Isoume In c r ' h 1 R, 9f . her grnt"I.I.0 lit a'. via" , tier• rick. Thin young woman wru ewPcIl tag obt the hallway, witch is narrow, dark land kng. ahaat 4.30 o'clmk. when elle hestrd a fumblinrigg on the In• 014" of Lk^ floor that 10ROW froate Mrs.' -M► 1 air: TIM Arose Indicated lhlt acta•, arm, was In great hist(' to g,rt (mi. Moan lid'rrick turned •troland sad was Joan is Mae to eo, Hartmut lush from the r0uln, st'eglter niong the hell ami mGnrt down th- lung stairway that Iwufos tui th. 0hle- walk. At tb:) same time else notlood a strong odor of calrb)lie reeld. She+ cn- tonot the lilt I legritur al nJid tricot t r q" the 4aor lending from, that apart. ment t) Urn. Cnlp's tom. The dolor minkf frit np•n, Ito she tried to work the lowk wl'th n key of her own. Juot they tiIS`4')r was I)Pr-nett from the IDmkle, Mn; ('u1P.eald "Ooma.la".anti flTeplard :'T. r t" tier looking Illasn to plot ..n tier hot and veli. One millp of her filer w•1ax highly flushed. The r,)"m wan filled with the famee of crort)Nie neld. "What's the trnnhlp f" linked C'Inrn Herrick. "Oh, i've fixed Orsorge," said Mrs. Culp. pinalnw hor veil. • 'What have you done i" staked Miss Hsrrlok. "I'vm fixed him this time." Rhe parked up tier psrrkelhok w-hlch Int ,n the dross -r nail left ttie mom. she ran,it finer iponr out trip black wry, nllh nigh two one (....Jill by ro,en,l whey saw her laara the haildinmr ghP ewt)rr n shirt plash 110;11. :t black Aklrt, A telnek satin waint rind a blank veivpf lint. Thr pAinot dr- merilto, her as teeing flvn fret P,ar nr firm Inches toil, hnvlaw n atrntier flw- lire and brown hair allithlly atr,•,k^,I with Croy. She Is mot good looking, Escape. _ _, { - ___ BIC, FIGHT ON -CAI! � About 2,O(N) Horrs `iurnnut,led mrd 1'nt to Tierra - Hamsfirurk'♦ f oa)- tit"ted(r at Npringlir►nl'. ILnlly hemorn'tzed moil 40 of 1"hem Killed --De Wells .4terPa t'mlora. Maseru, race. 17. -It appears that i)eWet's force wan twice repulse.) be turd tt b kke through the Britlalt .11an11_lb. the neighbortux- of Thaban- (:hen. Ito the third atetaTk 1)n Wet Ie•.1 R In person. With a fan determined men he etmrged and broke the Brltimh ilneet, the ,•Pmt of the o urmm�rx►r fol- Inwing. He waw G)a•ord, lupwrver. to leave do the han.M Of the British n fifteen p urmlier and fifteen wegno0 watt, Ammunitlon and artorom. Commn.w1mint ITa,tslropk, with a Pe"mm�neA, ami two ((nwa,m tripod te> Rat thrOugh Aprintrkantm Note. best whoa driven bark wLt11 a lima ..f G ray erten. Aunlher Npavy flattle. foetthn, Oe•e. 17.-'i 4, rep•rrt nr tin- r.thrr arvere battle, rmwttltl.nx In a Ilritioli victory, 10 enrewrrt, here. Ac- cordinlr to the of wy Lhp fighting leo- - Iran at daybr.'nk tar -day end IAmtPd mprernl boxers. The Brwrs who num- Im-red from I,G(X) to 2,(100 men were nlrmaraled nt the Oran(gr Rlvrr And tolnlly dlefeated, with very IIPAr} loss s, In klitml ami wn)rn(Imd. A nom hor of Reerve worm ca fit owed. , t ' .. 1 Ala .. � I'll_I � . . v t . .. ,. _.,m4;'v a . ,... a' ♦ m ' 4'•Yi ,1., ., '' ti , Yi n, -. x, .:f 3 .- x.,; t„; f, .a 4 wFa ` Y" . ' , ___ _ .. ,. x'