HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-20, Page 1TNRss "A's"
ADv'ra Awe
�1U�11111111111N111111111i1111 IlC
FIFTY -THIRD YE 1 iia '2809
yell W bort
faeeimea` Dee. 11, NW.
S le 03
F oar. family. ger cwt.,,, 60 to t 10
r aura pales{, per ot.t.,,,... ,
Hnt., V ba., .... - Qp
Shorts, P too ... ......
-..•.••.0 00 too16 00
t1„rawole, D•• • W to 060
Kyr, per bath 0 40 to 0 i)
Kuokwbest, per btM 0 to 096
Hato P bosh 67 N 0 67
Pass, P bush -
3.1 to 0 u
Notes, per bub 601.600
Hy, new, U ton.
Potatoes, new, 11ba.b.. 17 t 1
too 0 466
blotter. """•=. 10 to 0 11
(throw. or 1b
ms�tgse,, fresh imposts& ♦ ttls�ew b 400
111 SS ...........- .. 50 b 6 00
Lamb- "" 60 to 0
i vee H.
= �' 40 to 650
Wee Hare 15 to 660
Booms.lameHSM •••••••••=••••• 10 10 0 17
Booms. Ib -0191 to 0 15
Lard. per lb.
Ha1D' rsr ••••,••••
...0 l to 19
Drama flee!,
fftorr' 000$
Dewed Herr. 0 W b O W
II 75 to I 50
Cattle. Export 300 to 760
(hal 1 usr7 ..
Boarders Wanted.
I)thea Marko 7 wo boaters. atheists r pre
farted Apply to MHP. WEIR, West ot.. or at
this 01. or.
Strayed Animals.
it iota. fourth 0000eesloa. AebMld tumor
Port Alberti,
Ts.. sl
eep. Tb. 0*S lit request d to prover
7expensesd ate those It way.
.to iTYZNt0O$. an
rap N ,
l' -hoose and lot to the 0' sage of Gun
non, the property of the Ivte Klob•rd Tr.
e...,. Tito hoarse 1s brick veneered and oo0
sista O' main port. 1003: kitchen. IUD
Hard sed soft *stet In sonnection. Frame
woodshed attached. Good from, stable,
on the proton/, Tbe Iota oompris oneh,lt
acre of load . beautifat laws, with floe e8•de
trees surroundtaoPtnsessloa 010 be hod
e t any lone. Apply to this office. or to 0160.
NTU M SKP, on the plao1. or oto l W. LANK,
- C of the beet Ramiro farms In Oodrlch
township. Hurtle county. Lot, 17 and part 18.
u--tk8 eoeosseloa. OS miles from aodrlcb.7 miles
Fl from Clatoo The farm contains foot, build
- - IDP sed good teaos. Is well festered sad well
usderdrelsed. There la • lame bearing or
EI chard mid preen of email fruiter Terms to
suit puroboer. Apply to WM. GOULID, on
premise., or Goderlob P. O. 91 t
VOR SALK.-LATS 96. 96, 117, 118, 119
X' Seo 1/e In Malo8lew'e earvoy. and
math half or fn. roaming ppDpumotan, all 1,
5oderlch. For particulate apply HOLT.
R.rrletar, to.. Oodorlch.
harsh lath, 1000. (R(f
class form knows as the "0•e.wdey
Farm." being i. half lot ti owoSesioo 1, Kest
WewasoSh. 100 sores. I.J•creo cleared sod to
• good state of oulllv•tloa. 1 acre bosh.
Thar son theplates a wood two stony frame
dwelling house 18..'I with wag 16.90. and •
trod tame collar. • trams tun 96..1 with
ctcn• elable under, 1 acres of good orohard. 1
good sevr-I$lllog sprinw wells. The toil /s •
good clay term. shout 70 three la gram.. scree
of fall wheat, and some fall enol The
fence. are good. It is on • leaning grovel road
convenient to • horehea, sekool etc.. 1 mile
from the village of Aabma, 5 miles from
Myth, 19 mile. from the towns of Oodo'ch
and ll0ton. This s • very desirable place -
n0 polar or *mote land.
Vr fpll pr.lculan apply to PHILIP Il >LT.
. olhcitrfor the estate of tae late Mrs. Ca.ea-
11'htpin:et and musical - director of North et.
Methodist church. and teacbr of planoforte.
pipe otos, and theory. w111 be pleased to re
..it pupils. Iwtraotlon then either at
studs or at pupil's hoot.. M desired. Studio
at Lmsreo.'s Moate Start. Wgatot. 72 t
The Old Bluenose Ins Social
Ins Ipifa.
tCRAW iantlHA ,
roil estate agent, Ma. some
good form and tows property for sale ortr•d•
nod wants more. Once. one door est of P.O..
Wearies a Owallew-lall lent -A e*p 7
Utile Warily -a Okeeter "Miry
-"Lard, Ile Was Thin."
DAkruuuTE, N. B., Din. 1418, 1900.
Bay, Mr. Editor, tare ars three great
•menta in • man's life when he is born,
wan he gob married, and when he puts on
• dress wit for Mit Bret tame I've had •
flies a1 •11 throe, and I'm • sinner If 1
haven't hod • harder time of It over the
Wt than any of the others, although they
say that whoa I Bret appeared amount a
human oo0•Uta000y 1 made • louder pro-
test than any defeated oandldate up to date
In the moths election
1 oath mods • the • w l
• t I would • d p• w
wear • .wallow -tailed coat. "It really
woke. • fellow look Otto • crow," says I.
Aad U orsably doe. It • man baus't • good
figure. 1101, really, if I do my 11 myself,
when 1 broke my vow lost shooing, sod got
into a bath up drew Bulb let me by our
laadlady-.h• 1, • widow whose husband
woe • May fellow when to lived -when 1
put my silk bandk•rob.r Toto my ye.1, and
threw out my them before the mirror, 1
says softly and with tome UMW satlafsttlon,
"Colooko, yon U do."
Of oour,e, a. 1 have said, a Malt must
boat wmeti,iog of a figure to tarry • drew
toot well.
1boa was oleo upoo • sable 600 of u a1
the bog banquet to our gifted leader Fielding
over In the city -that's Halifax -last
n ight. Say, Is was • great orowd. Eyery
had • Uoiop J
fellow sok .11 to himself, and
w hen the bag guns •bol off th.r •Icque000.
and aerated the Methrl•ad and our ewe,
we stood up o0 our hind lege and we waved
tine* Sys uo►11 it looked as if the est8usi•
.Is. would fetch dews the roof. If ooe el
year Ontario Tonga had come to last night,
and ea. the Bogs, auf heard the orations
Owning/oath devotion to West Britain and
love and •mbigoa for . Cso•da, blame
me if it would's% bays put bias to shame
01 coarse I eat dawn with the 500 and
odd, but Bea Rowell he had • geed prow
ext to Hon. Mr. Sdtoo, that you Ootarle
moa did the dement %hleg to • few etybt.
• go. 1 dolt's rood t• deeolbe the proved
Ingo further. I guts the Toronto pipers
win De tall of is all, for the affair was the
biagose t8isg la the way of a too party 1
1' • Accountant and Insurance Agent
Hooka and .000unt made up.
tidings rooted and rants oollsoted,
Fare Isurono• In British and (:.nail
wgi00Hyl office. North
stree, O
F3.-1. HATTKI.. (ih.NERAL IN•
gURANCE and Ileal Rotate agent.
Pare, We, Aoold..Land Plate Glom Insurance
eRecte9 on mato*/ or sash Plan 111 lowest
roto. possible.
Ifeet 'English .od Canadian companies rep
re 'anted.
t mos Dalt door to 0a. ow it narrow, Har
rioters. nonillion Street.
Iwo -sr ?blotching, 80r6eo0., eco.
i?I0AA (Maes. Hamilton street.
-"Mao oats aoewsred from o00..
Telephone 109,
dlre' s / SIC' A N8 and surgeon.. ()Moe In Hank
Of tammeroo building. wed side of Square.
Sight �eoats at residencies. Ott, Dy.0.Uow,
ofd retddemkt, Napier p1. Elgin N, w,
y � Plan It. 'Pone flet
larger he grinned and said, 'No, soh. Is
the anoints the Umeral, soh, Is .o drunk
that he don't mind the skaters ; and l0 the
morning, soh. the elootus la so drank
that [bey dont mind the 0 1."'
lay, if than three chaps dldu'l lough like
ala. 1 got se modest with so many oyes
burred our way, and me In • swallow -tall
ler the first time, that I bdbv 1 blushed --
the first time is forty rare.
Boo Kossuth be says, "gay, Unlink*, Irby
did you leave out Foster in the roll of pot•
able Conservative leaden la your last let-
ter '"
"Weil, Taal was as Ira, to be sun,"
says I, "bat whtlo he is • good debater he
looks th•t.omethtng whlub will shut him
out of •otud lood•nhlp ter •I1 time. H• Is
• good soloist, or second fiddle, but be ono
not kip • whole orchestra in tune He la
loan In body, like myself, but he 1. thinner
still In his views, and he is too msoh of •o
labile tor the Toles, who must be d►ber
ooddlod or bullied to keep them bappy la
line. We • tool. Sir Riohard 0001 011154
him • 'lean and hungry Uaes200 '
"Whop I,firat saw the Hon. Usorge Kolas
Festa 10 mode me think of • yarn 1 heard
of a Mato. widow who had tZurled her hu•
band She p06 up • mlghhood.om•
mooumo,l to his memory, and •d at the
bottom a big lino with the letter standing
t d "Lord, be was Thi ." Io
out, tea or ,
Dating the monument to the osmetery 18.
lel latter of that saotlmeat got chipped off,
and whim rho monument was put up it
horrt0ed the widow and her friends to find It
rood, 'Loo", oar WAa THIN,'
Slfton he looked at me atter 8• gal
through laughing, and said, "Mr, Peeob,
when you tome to Ottawa. call and See no.
The offi:to work is • Itttlo enacting at times,
and we bay. to keep to It had end long.
All 1 will expect from you Is 40st one more
story e.ob tame you drop In."
By that tone there was snob • orowd
ter• and "training their nooks to boar th•
talk hat 1 slunk Oway • kind of half soared
for fear some follow might reoogolze the
widow's iron wit, tor they say she had
alt to e11 able widow
oftoa heat that ems tR
en, 1a toot the prees.d her suit upoo some
of us many • tame andIt.
OT. R. A. PEacu.
WARS CHANu1D -Tbe .0th for the
*lata initiative of the Huro Poultry and
Pot Stook Association 8.v• bee ohanR ed to
February 5, 6 and 7, J. (1. Jarvis, of
Montreal, he. been appolated ler e.
('t'ILILN, Arr.NTto' 1-A most of the
I;odorlcb curing olob will be bel in W.
iwoe'e uthoo, to th. mutt boas., on ',Islay
evening, at 8 o'clock, to organize to tho
0141011; swum. All Interested la she
r01ro' game are Invited.
•ver naw
DarIng no evwlag I was skr.Oehlar my
logo • standing off • little from the tab'
whoa i got • tap on the shoulder, and 1
wood around and saw Ransil, Fraser and
'lama. The two Nov. Sootlan. Introduced
me to Mr. Safto's, and Ken Rumen, oonsrn
bum, he .ay., "We've been tolling Mr. Stf-
too how you hay• Moon tattling 18. Tory
le•daeiiip through Tne Ira:Jo toh Sui0*t.
"No, Girth," ea,. 1 ' 1 haven's tried to
do It, sod I greet 1 won't try It, oration
Why, they can't earl!• that little matter
Obemwlves. "
"D..'. you Wok they are • happy tem•
(2, : soya Mr. Sitcom, with that gust, aft
voice of his.
' Say, dr," say. I, "18,,. ore two or
three families in that party just now, and
they are mos •reseed, and they are not
happy. There's the •x -Premier Bowel! and
Hagg•r1. Look •t them. there's Clarke
Wallace and Montagu*. Behold them.
Ten'. Moak Sod the Uotarlo Orono"
Tyles. 80• tb.m. There's-''
"Rut It reminds me of • story," 1 soya
"oath I'm • sinner If the two Neve Soon*
dope dltio'6 Doke the Minster et the In
tenor In the side of his loterlor department
and say, "W s told you that t'ei.ok•
oouldo't talk five mloutes without spinning
• pimp,'.
"Well," gays 1 "this little story is about
• widower who married • widow. Each of
them hal . little one at the time, and la
due mourn • third same to bless the family.
Al the youngsters grew no there used to be
• little falling out among them. as the man
nor of ohlldron le. Hat one day then was
•. awful rumpus. 1► was a sort of free
tight amongst them tads, ju4gi0g by the
ay. ; but It was just • 11n1• more system
• tlo than that abets all. Th. wife she o•me
running out of breath to the old man, and
yelled, '01, hatband, der, stop the oblld&
ren. Stop 'sot, deari.. Why, vor' .611d
and tar child •r• pounding the life out e1
ot: R stand '' "
Toe head of that hoppy family brushed
his whiskers book nom the mitre, • la
M•okeoz a Rowell, and be says, ''Blame
them little ones anyhow. Twiy'aa A R6n-
Then I says to Mr, 611 ,., "The moral et
that story le--"
`'Very epparenl," 8. says, laughing.
"1 dldo't see you opaline soy bottler to•
night," gays I.
t'N.,"Nrhat "I 70ver take toy my.
"The same here," says I. "But If •II I
hoar I. tree," says I, "yea haat some of the
jaloleet prohibitionists In that Prairie
Province 1 ever board oo, Of onarn ethos
eeedo't be meetieoed, hat I beard of one
pohtlool prehIbltloolat chap you met .D
there that wasn't troubled with mi.keetsri
or bl.ok 816 this summer and fail."
"Why, what do you mean ! wt's Mr.
Slfteo, ro envious like u • o611d.
"Well," says t, "there WID-117j1sfey
Moot an U 1 Io I8• war whit bad •
amp In • low lying spot where there were
• lot of miskeeters, The sksten nearly
chewed op 08. men, the off otos •o4 the
. 0.ff. 0.. of the otsoen he says to the
black servant of the Gonial, 'Doew'0 the
(leoral suffer from O8o mlakett re r Tb.
Lettal Baloi.
OR1TiAtiIt 9A LF. tiir 1T1►lrP DP-
i'i 1RTY.
['oder and pursuant to the power of sale
entainrd In • certain 0400(0550.• boning date
he 14th day of May, A. G. ler 'high will be
traduced at ale Maloof sale, then will be of-
fered for solo by on. lin an,tloo, by John
Koos, 0uctloreer, at Ramona hotel to the
town of OMerich. o,• Saturday. the 72nd day
of Ileoember, A. D. 1900, at 10 o'nlork noon,
the following property, namely • lot number
107n the town of l)o,.rinh. In the county of
Huron. and hotter known and described In •
deo&th•reof hearing dote the 95th day of June,
A U 4076.
1 h • lot 1s situated on Britannia road, '40..
1084, Andrew's ward school,
Terms Ten per oenl. of poecha•e money
on thrifts, of sale and the balance within ooe
moon thereafter 1n ail other nrpente the
terms ant nmellIIons of sole *111 be the stand-
ing wnd mons of the )(Igls Court of Justin
Dor further p•rticn.ars eod
ap ly w the sue -
Dated 19th November. A. D. 1111).
Anotlosser. Tender's aolle.ar, 0odorjeh.
Pr'mn•ar to the power of sal• oontal nM In a
Oestrin mongew.I arise date the (10 day of
-11a•.. 1PM, snot which "Hilt a predigest at the
tame of wile, there w111 het Rend for sale M
ton auction, by John Keno, Anntlonrse, at
ton's Noted, n the town of ( 0
lad.12.0. 0
tnrdy, the fnd din of Iroh.r. led, at
1 o'nlenk, p, m .t8. following
owing property. name
1y :
Pared No. 1. 1 et No. S and t8, Northerly
pert of les No, 1 1e (SoMom'e enrvory, startle*
er1) deerfbsd In • nowt tner.of from Jobe
Rtwrtn WIi(' m Hwtr of the said lands and
ters...4 In M • Retstt r (Here of the rtou'tty
of Huron on the 95•h day of Marsh Il' I.
On the property there Is a t.SIUS (tortes with
kitchen. a frame store and Gotha.
Tenser Teo par ant. at the time of sale
and the balanes within eat month (8srtrfter.
For toolbar prtbpl.rs apply to too ♦tee
(loath r to the Vendor. 8.11leitcr
s5rttug 1DIOX.~ami ~PRIIAP p( LT.
1Otli N,
140111 ARCH MASONS. -A0 • email
bad 1a the Masonic Hall •o T06d.y, De-
mob*, 18, 18. following were elecud to
offios to the Royal Arob Chapter • Z , A.
[owner : H., 7. J T. Nattel ; J., Jame.
Robinson ; eolith E., Wm. Tye ; scribe N.,
A Pother ; P. 8 , H. A. Mooers ; treas.
orer, A. Saunders ; 'anitor, J. Tamen.
Corwin' Cor son. Nu*INATION..-Nem•
Lahore for the oouo(y commit will take
placid on Mooday nest. Though we have
beer,' • number of names mentioned In ooe•
Electlnn with tho represeut•tloo of this div-
ision, none ot tee men Ramo! has ..... i c-
ert himself 1n the field, and 10 will not 8•
wrprisifg 11 Metiers. Holt and l'hamben are
r.-sleoted by aoolamatlon.
A 0. U. W Orrlcwwa.--Maple Leaf
I. date, No. 27, A.0 U.W., bee elected of•
beera as follows for 1901 --1'. M. W.,
Josepo Horton ; M. W., D. Ferguson ; fere
man, A 1g•o.r ; treasurer, R. R. Watson;
boulder, W. Iwo" ; reoordr, W.. Woods ;
oversee, J. Story ; gold., R. E. Smith ;
L W., Peter Wylts; 0. W., Thee. Hew -
k11*; repreee0tatlVS so Grand Lodge, E.
Grano ; amnion, Maier Joseph Beck,
lila thiamin eaagbl, dr0wtsg him under the
wheels. Moo found • oar had p•eead
over him Ito entire Irglh, splitting b4
body, and horribly mangling him. 1)r. F.
J. Clippers, the rallrood o0mpany'1 smiths,
said that the unfortunate man was all out
to pions. He was • widower, about 181rs7•
six yin el age and loaves • family of five
ohlldrea. Hs was very panto, among big
fsllow•workman, and was on of cur of the
Switchmen's Union. The remains wen
brought to Uoderlob sod were interred ys•
today after000. b Maitland oem•ter7,
the Mural befog private. Minh sy•np•tby
is felt for rho relatives of the deoeued In
their bereavement and the psoull.rly rd
olroumelaaou *blob aorrood 11.
ON Till way Hors, -Austin Chisholm is
with tb• men returning from Bogg land with
Col. Otter on the steamer Late Champlain,
',blob le expected to •trios s1 lit. Joho, N.
H„ tomorrow. The •rrang.m•ots for his
reeption eboold be oompleted se quickly as
poed ble.
Baroi i TUX MAIu14TaATL-A. • molt et
• bor-room row on Thursday, lour men
were hailed batons Polio" Mwtetnte Seger
for using abodes and obscene Ian/nate.
The eooused at first fought the uses, but o0
Saturday all partials'oouoer••d got together
and burled 18• hatchet, and the defeo•
duos woe allowed to go on suspended 500•
teo01 alta paying costs.
W . 0. T. U. -There will be • spoon'
mooting of tali Union on Monday, 31st
Deo.mbrr, in the Temperan2e Hall. at 3
o'clock. A. th a will be the last moetipg of
this 0.01017, It is booths very special effort
w111 n mad. by the members and friends
to be pressor on this 000asioo. No business
w111 n diamond, as It is iotmded to make
it especially • prayer and praise meeting.
A (lout) PIlOOaAM,-The Jioior Royal
Templar, held their regular meeting on
Monday a1 4 P. r. The following "ioellwt
proper= we. given by the member : Duet,
io.trumwtal, Miss M.ggle Sutbrland and
Mester goggle Elliott ; reoltatloo, Samuel
Bean •colo Maw Vesta Howell r"oltatloo
Mts. Lillian Froths.; violin solo, Man Mag.
glee Howrle ; reottatloo, Miss Marlon Fraser ;
solo, Mies Pearl Trothewsy ; rso,tatloo,
Bruce Rad ; Highland dance, Miss Bella
Howrle ; rwttslloo, Ms. Violet Johnson ;
solo, Mus Mabel Trethewoy ; rooltation,
Mt.. Purl Mao6Wivroy. Refreshments
were smith and the last regular muting ot
this society for 1900 we. mirth ISjoLd by
.11 present
To' B■ Issuer, SATORDAT.-The book
of "Quotations" which the Epworth League
of the North Street Methodist church
is publishing 1. On be oompl•ted
a0d thud oo Ssturdey pert. '1'8e project
has met with muoh encouragement from the
townspeople, of all denomination*, and the
book w211 be oonaider.bly larger than was
at first ezpwted. As Ww prevlowly •n-
pouo01d, it w111 be sold st 25 0108 • copy.
number of ooplo, however, will be bound
th ribbon, and these will be sold at 35
to. Tea sheets already printed have •
Irmo typograpbiost •ppearsa0, and
to tltit the volume will be any at-
e and highly loterstlog. The book
e • 001004 and pretty Christmas
many are ordring oopte. for this
Good to inside Wends. Copies
oour•d, whoa publLhed, at
•nzie ,od Howell's. W. C.
HE S(UNAL oHloe, from Mies
or Mie. Nellie Harris. 2'er•
town wishing copies may
by Gooding N. -Ir orders
th price o: 1 „k sod 2
0. 0. F. OrricoLN -At a very largely at•
tended meeting of the C. 0. F., held o0
Tas.day, ot2on were attend fir the year
w. Tait • V.
1901wfolIo • C
R., John Carrell ; fie sso., Alex Saunders ;
roe. nes, Thee. Barrows; atop., Jeho
Newell ;'t treasurer, Wm. Iwo"; B. W ,
Joh. McDonald ; J. W., B. H. Evans ; J.
B , .John Cleadeotog ; S. B., Chas. !Mutt
atone ; C. M. D., I)r. Alex. Taylor ; C. D ,
Mayor Wilson ; trustee., Jos. Bbw.rt and
Wm. (dor rutin.
ihww SrpDu4LT,-0D Tue.d.y, December
11th, the death of John H. MoHordy, of
Clinton, brothr-ls Isw of R. W. MoK•ozis,
of town, 000arrsd suddenly at Nelson, B C.
Mr MaHardy, in company with his wife,
heel lof: Cliotoo for the West only shoot
two weeks beton with the expectation of
bene0ttlog bit health. Do01ared was torm-
arly o resident of Teeswater and Wingbam.
He booth two sone, one at Nelson and one
at Toronto, and • daughter, Mn. 8. H
Smith, of Clinton.
Por IIOH$.
truss To LEI 011 IIALsesA
MOW- APN7 te cows CAMP.
anyone shooting or othrwlae trwptlo-
Ing noon any pan of property
rtoothsaA proeeontemr� R. ll• ATTR[LL.
R1d(Own0A Perk. 67.41
Publle NOUN.
Mottos I. hereby given to mottles holding Iota
In Maltl.nd Cemetery *Melt are not paid
for. that if the same be not veld for balms
Jann•ry I*,1911, they will he sold to anyone
..th desiring them. Itv Wx of w!oounoiMiTCHRLL.I
Oodrieb, Deo. It, 490n. 8-34 Town ('loft.
will m
gitt, 00
may In
Mean. Mo
Podhsm'. or
Lizzie Aobeso
soon outside of
8.v• them mall
to bites Harris.
coots additional fo
ANnazATtoN uto-raszi,. -At then mut.
lug lost Thursday evening the members of
the Iona/ Men's Literary and Debating
Club debated thegueotion of the annexation
of Canada to The Unlwd Stan. H. R
(Most load the side favoring annexation and
W. Brython was the opposing Iadr. A
number of iotereatinp eoeeches were made
oo both .Ides, On account of t8. Forman'
l.•tltute meeting in the T•mperanse Hall
this evening the olub will meet on Saturday
night this week. rhe subject for discussion
*111 be "Goveromwt ownership of railway
tslegr.pbe and tel•phooes.
horses were brought to Uoderloh from WIII-
Lm Hendrfe'e sale .t Toronto reovotly E,
C Attril bought the brood mare Dream, b.
m , 12. by Blas Ern -Reba, 10 foal to Der-
wenbwiter, for OM0 ; and John Dixon bought
the ."dd4. for
Fad•ma, oh. 1 , 2. by Der-
wentw•ter-Omen, for 660...... James
Hawkins, of fort Albert, be. pornhued B.
J. Moults' pony and outfit..... .Jonathan
Miller hs traded his Mom of thoroughbreds,
Latina' and Mount Stephen, which he
bought .t the reoeot Mssgram sale, to Gun•
dry Brost for their trotting stallion Wood.
lawn . . A. J. Cooper hes p0rahsed a
handsome driver from A. M. Polley.
II mate by the 10oelph Jnnoticn Railway
company an the Parliament of (sea4s at Its
nett 5.1.1nn for an Act esten4ing the time
for the rnntiru,ttr of Its railway from
(laeloh to • point 0e lake Homo 05 r neat
the town of Boderieh, or to snob other print
e a is Athoriad In lh. Ant 60 .51 Victoria ('hap
ter 50. entitled "An AM nw9e011eg rho
eoolph donator R.uw0y Compaq and for
nine purpose"A. Ft MA009NALD, 8e
start e.elp8 Joanna Midway Oa. 7 M
A D.ccrsxa W
WIU0 C. Potter,
the these of • very loosing and happy
e• 0t en Tuesday morel , D•e. 11th, being
the marrla a of Ms daagh r, Ann• Etta, to
Samuel l'. Peel, elwtrieal gineer, of Sault
Ste. Mario, Mich Sharp • 10 o'olook the
bride entered the porter en t arm of her
Other to the strain" of Wyss, 's Wedding
Marsh. payed by her aster, Miss Carrie.
The knot sou tied by Rey. E. A. Fehr, tf
Atwood, formerly of Nile, in the presence
of at out twenty-five relatives sod friends of
the bide and groom. The bride wen very
noomingly •hind in • gown of white or
Randle over whim silk. Her nem, Min
Myrtle Howell, of Goderloh, who was miry
prettily Ravened in • drew of dotted Soli.
muslin over pink satin, anted "0 maid of
honor, and o•rrled • loosing of throatier..
and hy•oloth*. I tie bridal bouquet was
composed of white rose., tied with white
nbboo, A large number of beautiful and
ootitly pro50n4 testified to the esteem in
*blob the hippy couple are held. Mr. sod
Mr.. Peel loft on the 2:30 train for a short
bridal tour previous to returning to *h. Soo,
where they will mato 18.1r future home.
Tits Stovot. joins with their many friends
In wlehlr1 than long life and happiness.
moo. -1 to home et
borne townehlp, was
dolt. Judgment for plaintiff by 000sot for
$371.85, with coots of Notion. 'Phe grood
jury'. prsoor' mat remarked on the de-
acons of ori,.." In the oouuty, reported the
oourt house In • eallatwtor) oouditloo, also
the jell and promises, wbloh are exemplary
as regards ole.oltne.s and a000Qmodotion
for prisoners. Bight prisoner" are to jail,
aid male.; even t.eing oommoted for rag.
r•14oy, and the .'• Insanity. On of the
vagrants, it is claimed, *soaped from the
Bruin booth ot Wags, and the jury
reoommend that if true he be
moved to that tostltutlo0, and If the report
is not true he be moved to the Huron hours
of refuge. They also rwoommondod that
more suitable 0000mmodatlon be provided
for the letter.nd 1.04117, spools' care niog
taken for proper isolation from the jell.
mooting on'S•tnrdsy easing and Isabesot• I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - DEC. 20.
ed the treasurer to pripers the atonal
Bo•.0ol etatomeat. The regular meatus
of ►ho oounoll will be held tomorrow even -
The examination' of the Model whool class
were completed on Saturday. and • oumnr
of the .1udeote who hv• out of town lets the
same day for their homes, Iwpwtor Tom
and 1'rloolp.' Boyd, of Exeter, wore the
Remember the mewling, of the West
Huron Farmers' Institute at the T.mp•ran1.
H.44 today. The afternoon meeting will
oommeoue .0 1:34J o'clock, and the evening
mstlog at 8 i oloek. The public; 1. (044144
to attend.
A l'itao IJaL JoaL.-0110 of tbo moa •m
ployed in an Industrial •"tablisbment not
more than fifty miles Irom Ooderlob hr •
habit, we uuder•tand,of makiog a pilgrimage
to the shrine •f Hamann on pay-days, and
Isis devotiou sometimes keep ham from
worklog tor days at • etretoh. Not long
ago he was absent for several daysfollowing
the regular pay day. and Ohs "boys" In the
f•otory rind the opportunity to give him
• practical object lesson -and tnoldeo:ally
to thus • little fun. When their work was
completed on the Saturday 'Toning. In
the department ot the faotury where
the foil -wet of Bsoohus speeds his
worklog days was • figure Lad out, with
ret 14050 and bleary eyes, and at the other
• id a pair of boots about two feet long from
toe to heel. On lila breast was • wrooth of
oily wast• 000tributed ty eom• of 61* fol-
low employees and burin" the tuserlptloo,
"Gone, but toe forgotten.' Chi either side
ot the body stood • whiskey bottle. From
the osiling depended • eard with the motto,
"Died in purse," and the date of th• last
p.y•day ; and about the room other signs
of mourning were displayed. On Monday
morning the erring one returned -and per-
haps the ruder oan Moreno better than we
car de1.rib• the 10ene th•0 followed.
Whether the pr gloat joke will bays any
good afoot or not remains to be sen.
Dom tx W tnxirw.-Tbe death 000arred
on Nov 30, in S0. Bonifa0 ho.piOo1, Win.
nips., of Mies Sarah J. I. Armstrong, for-
merly In the employ of Moons. Douglas &
Co., furriers, of that alty. The remains
wore removed to Obi uoderrklog establbh•
mist of Clark Bros t Hughes, and lair
were accompanied by her sister to Brandon,
shoe the faintly reads. Ikoeawd leaves •
lather, mother, four Dro08.n, Robert, of
Dakota, William, Irwin and Andrew, of
Brandon ; also two sisters, Amite, of Strati
ford, and Minnie, who roads,' at home.
Deoered was a m•mosr of the Baptist
church, Brandon, and a general favorite.
From seven until stereo 8r many Winnipeg
Moods went to the uodertaking parlors to
tams $ tut farewell. They p:aood Woos of
love on her onkel, until i0 woo oovered
with beautiful welts flowers. Tbe romaine
a-rlyred to Brandon, Saturday. Dao. 1, and
were taken to her father's home o1 1'tto►h
street, when her Brandon friends added as
many mon whits flowers The funeral
took pl.01 on lam. 3 to Brandon o•mdtery
and was very largely attended. Dimond
will be well remembered In Stratford, ►he
family having removed from Stratford to
Manitoba about three yeses ago She ins
.iso • member of the Stratford Baptist
obi .h -Stratford Herald. The d•01aaed
we. ,t daughter of Robert Armstrong, tor-
n ., ly of Ooderloh, and a ,r•nddaught.r of
Mos. ('s:rick, Newest* strut.
Mies 11'Whams, •yangells►, will peach In
Victoria street Mel8odla0 ohuroh next Sun•
day at both er,loes,
There will be pl•oty of Chrlslms maw -
ottomans note week. 7lotor10 et, Moth-
odiet Sabbath sohool wall have thein Tues-
day mooing, North st. Methodist soloist
thein oq the following evening, Koos
ohuroh on Thursday mooing and St. U•orgis
on Friday •vestng. '1'bla arrangemen0 will
allow Sana Claus to visit than all.
The Bayfield oorrupondwt •f The Newn-
R•oord says :-Kar. Mr. McKay, of Uode- Order your roue and o•roatlwe early at
rloh, 000upled tb•pulpia of 80. Andrew's STawART's for Christmas.
oharob here and Bethany again Wt Sunday.
rt. people of both appointments would be
passed to have Mr. MoKay fill In the to.
tooth till the Presbytery meets, as his able
di.0oaram are very soceptable and muoh
appreciated by the people.
The Woman's Foreign Mlslanary 800t•ty
of Knox ohuroh held their annual meting
on Tuesday afternoon In the lecture room
of the churoh and dented their officers for
1901, as follows : President, Mn. (Key.)
Anderson ; let vie president, Mn. War.
nook ; 2nd vie oreadeot, Mrs. Gibson ;
•..retery, Miss Sterling ; treasurer, Mr.,
Collo Campbell ; leaflet secretary, Miss
Murry, Mn. ('oleo Campbell and Mlw A Chrutme• tree entertainment of 8t.
Starling were appointed to attend t8. Paul's Sunday school will be held In
Huron Preebybrlal meeting, to be 8.1d et Ur.ore Hall, Dunv.000., on Wednesday
evening following Christ
d• D•o•mber
forth. • g
the i Lh o1 Jammu to 9r a 1.
the 78111, 1900.
For Friday and Saturday only W.
AI•uznov & SoN pima on sale 950 yards et
42 boobs. wide handsome blink wool dress
goods-rsgnlor y.iue, boa and 60• per yard
-at one price, 25o.
Oysters. Got themwNrho Victoria Roe.
Mutant, West street. Tiny reo.1ve theft
regularly -always fresh, lee ocean, ono
leotlonery, fruits' and cigar•. C. Baro[.
/TON', proprietor. Telephone 70.
1,Vm. Moeda, formerly of B•nmlllr, ban
bcagbl out the saanry 1)0.20es. In Saltfo d,
hitherto conducted by Joseph Beck, and
will take possession on January 1.1, He
will be prepared to pay the highest puloe
for bider, tallow, skins and fun, and wall
tarry oo the tannery business as at Ben.
A.non.oemwIs-MoKeszie & Howell..
Anoouooemeat-Uel. Stew•r0 1
Announoemeot- W. Actaeon & gel,1
Schedule •f Coovlo0looa-ln Lewis6
An.ount.meat- W w. Maedel, Saltford1
Did You Fogetl-W. A. MOKIm h
Christmas la Comlog-P•nens' Tar.. , , 22
Cutlery -MoK•nzl. & Howell 8
Noao• of Applleatton bo Par11.a. 4-L,
E. Downy 8
Bonder. Wanted -Mr.. Weir 1
A000unwmrt-U. E. Klug, Wlogb•m1
House to lint -Cello Campbell .. 1
Anoouooemenb-0. A. Humber & Sea.. 1v
A000uooemon0-0, M. Elliott 1
Anotion Sole -1'. timidity 1
Ho11day novelties at 0 A. Humber &
Christmas candles and grooerles as bar•
gain rotes N' STENAI4T'e.
Storting silver and gold goods, the latest
at 0, A. Humber & Son's,
Palms, primaW, bsaools, holly wreathe,
mistletoe and pine roping for Cbr stma. a0
Chaos roll batter, 20o. Dried apples and
towl wanted. Raw fore wanted, No 1 mink
or fox, 43.00. 0. E. Kuno, W togham.
At th. Maple Leaf grooery is to. plaoe 00
buy orange.. We have Ohou"ands of them
from 20 its. up, and not • .our orange 1n eke
store. G. M. ELI.IOTr, Hamilton .t,
& HOwil.L'a skate department
Is receiving considerable attention thou
days by those raqulriog skate.. The boys
say prows .ro ago. . They know.
fellowiog article Irom The Port Elgin Times
of last week has some lutenist for residents
of Ooderloh • On Friday afternoon Mr.
Brown, manager of Ihrd S. 8. Pittsburg,
met • (ow of the oillrs05 of Port Elgin 10
the °ouooll chamber to t.lk over matters In
snneotloo with the ethane of running •
Iloe of boats on this shore. H• would Ilk"
to start tee vessel snout the first of May
sod ruo stolidity till November 1.t, devot-
ing epeeist st'eotlon during July and
August to the •xourslon and passenger boa
nem Mr, Brown says he would give the
citizen. of Port Elgin free transportation
bar an agent to vial the Sault and all pointe
alnnh the North Shore with • chew M *stab -
11.8100 • trade and dtyrtlog some small
port of new Ontario's enormous tr.ffio to
this point. Ti. rates of freight on the
Pittsburg w111 be Iheoom• as on the Coiling
wood steamers. Mr. Brown thinks that
within • very few towns Sault Ste. Marie
will be a or v with 50.000 inhabitants, that
these is wffiateot plant of various kinds
:here now to goo employment to 10,000
men. The timber optr•itons on this dM• of
the Sault are amply enormous, and the de-
mand for bey, eats, Hour, pork and supplies
of •11 kind. 10 quite beyond the supply.
Much of this trade to the hands of anter
prising men oould be done more profitably
from Port Elgin than Irom Collingswood.
While New Ontario Is .o rich In lumber,
pulp wood, tan bark, mtoerde, eta , vet its
supplies of food prodoo0 will bays to he
drown from olds Ontario, at least for many
t rare. (lulllog*oad is • town of 6,000
people, but it lives I.y tt... ' t ' tr•ffio, bay-
ing maniacally no fano t . mid only
.mall manufacturing our...,.. ' 11 Its
people are prosperous and well . ' If
oar business men had • little more ' o''
prise and fortnight to raze upon • share 01
this toast, wbloh is really at oar any doom
we would Noon tee not one boat, bat a line
of steamer., busily plying between Port 0I•
gin sod Sault Ste. Merle. At the same
time, apart from the worklog up of .11 the
trade possible for Mr. Brown's One, we do
not think that l'ort Klein tan give him any
assistance by way of bonus.
Mdl)tt.Ltrrnny's Menet_ - Toronto
Neave : 1 hoots' Mo011llouddv, of the de-
partment of •grloultur•, today reoelved
from the militia deportment bis medal as •
atleran of '66. Mr. M.).11looddy was the
youngest Conation In the service during the
Fallen raids, being only twel•• yen of age
. t the time. He sane4 as Lugler In the
14th Prowess of W •les replrneot at Kari.
ton, and has vivid reoolleotioos of life In
the rook., Mr. McGillicuddy tells on*
mousing *plaid* of t8. tire. The °Wan
o f the guard at Fort Henry, *bile going
the founts one moonlight winter night, fan-
cied 8o ear out en tbo les In the harbor •
large bitty of men, presumably Penlsno,
drawn up in regular formation. Hastily
e ummo tang the guard, he ordered thorn to
load .t once lath bell oartrldre, bidding
them "atm low and let every shot tell."
.Just at that moment, however, • sentry
• braptly checked the o•ptaio'e Murderous
intentions to remarking. "Beg pardon, err,
hot those Fenian" are only the oity garbage
barrels, tilled up on the loo, preparatory to
being dumped Into the Bt. Lawrenoe." Tbe
ors.t (ellen oeptaln, after earnestly entreat-
ing his moo not to glee him away, Moiled
them .11 into the mese room, whore he
furnished a plentiful "apply of liquor for
the orowd.
Won HAs TES Ht"nnwT FNrtr To r' -II
appears there In • dispute on as to who hen
the bigge.i apple tree In town. That is
something outside the perylew of the fall
show,•nd we don't know jest how It le to be
mated ualessa 01mmltte• of attains boatm-
o tm-
1 to maks measurements of the different
trees thou which the (Mims of the disputant"
ars founded. One of the troth to 1060100 he
lugs to ,lams. Hrsokenrldgl of the Hayfield
road, wbo has handed us the following
bootee of 10s dimensions : The trunk Is 5 f1.
6 In. In olroamferenoe and the width of the
Ors" -I. •., the ellam.tsr of the spar over
*bleb the bough" synod -Is 47 1►. The
fruit Y of the Blenheim pippin variety, and
the tree was planted thirty five years ago.
1► Is ortaluly • noble tree. Who Dan that
CRUSHED TO DEATH, Andrew Molnt01b,
aonewd est of Mn W m. McIntosh, Albert
street. had his life oraahe.4 out on Saturday
**ming at the Lima Northam Rsllread
yard" s1 Detrol►. A Ite•poOeh from D•-
Wit..01. that Mr. Mniot .h, who was
foreman of the yard+, wen eawa4ed between
Iwo height wan, an.4, though sone of hIs
°ammonite nasally saw the solidest, the
.nppe.11ten le that he was busy 43011111111.
W one, 0804 ere treat .tartMd .p, a./ that
StgeloN' or THR Pearl --The (I
Marlon" were 8.14 last weak before Judge
Meson There wen only one orlmloal coin
before the Court, that of Chariot MoGregor,
of Detroit, who w.* ►doused of *souring the
sum of 14.25 under false pretonoe. The
jury brought to • verdlot of gullty with •
reoommend.tion to mercy, and His Honer,
In tNOwldor.tlnn of the lent that he had al-
ready been In jell to two months and •
half, dealt leniently with the prisoner, een•
Wooing him to one week 4n jail •t hard
lobo'. Crews attorney bowls prs.sonted
and Philip Holt, 9 C., appeared for the
palooapr. There were three oivll asses es
0be list, whloh were disposed of In short
order s (•:lows: Twltohell vs. A'kwtth. --
Aotlen as • promissory note. R. C. Hys
(or p11f. ; (1. Garrnw for deft. Verdlot by
00athnt for 6150 against deft. William Ask -
with without theta 1f paid In one month,
and Oats/moot for 623116 against dish.
Mrs. (Dr.) (Sallow is visiting In Toronto.
Fred Sh.pbard has retorsed hoot* for the
U..Qr y Holt la home freta Trinity 7.1-
verelty nd the holidays.
Chas. Ball has taken a position 1. the
Doberty organ factory of Clines.
Mie. Wloolfrede Ball le home from Nor.
mal College, Hamlltoo, for the holidays.
Thos. Bridget, id C•dlllw, M1oh., 1.
spending the Christmas holidays In town.
Rev. Egerton Armstrong la home from
Victoria University, Toronto, for the boli-
Rev. A. E. M. Thomson, ot Victoria
University, Toronto, is home for the boll -
days ,
1)r. J. R. lin Touul arrayed on 8atrrd•y
from tt.rmud• to 'pond Christmas 11 t8.
old home. -
F. MoPhe, of Detroit, we the guest of
Mr. and Mn. McPhee, Cambria road, the
past week.
Mre. and the Misses Hutchison loft o.
Moodoy 1. r Montreal, where they w111
spend i6. winter.
Mn. gumboil, Cambria reed, 1s spending
the Christmas /outs with her son, Mayor
Rumba'', of London.
Chester Morrish has rammed from De-
troit in poor health and la staying •1 his
br..ther'e home here.
A. MoD. Allan sailed for Canada per
moaner Vancouver no the 13th Inst., and la
expected home en Christman
Mrs. J. McPhee, of town, and Miss A.
Henderson, of Soltford, spent Sunday at
Carlow, the Rosen of Mtn Maod 8.111*..
Lionel 1. K. Nolte', ot Trinity l/nlysr•
alto, Toronto, returned o. W.doeedy to
stood the holidays at hi. home, Byfield
Pat. Lynn arrived home last week from
Soul* Ste. Marie, Mloh., on • volt to 8la
p•reata and w111 .pend • taw mouths In
J. C. Sloane, travelling repr.esntative of
the Dufferin Collis and Casket Work.,
Orangeville, .pent • iew days the 9011 wthk
with his noole, Samuel Sloane.
To the Editor of Tug Ston AL.
Sts -So
for as 1 bays observed, the town
oouooil baa made no provision for the taking
of • vote toe the oow bylaw at the zooming
e lection' You will remember that • year
ago • vote was taken, but the ooa,oil did
not ane upon It, sod the people of the town
hove teen riven to understand that another
toot of the question would be made as the
• leotione now approaching. It is to be hop-
ed that the gentlemen of the ooanoll will
n ot overlook this matter at their ooze moot
log, mid will give lsOiaotlous to have • bel.
lot .ubmlttad. 01Tlaax.
Thiatotv, Doc. 18th.
A. Coteries, et Chisa4., swot Sunday at
Wm. MoVlttle's.
Mr. and Moss MoCar0n•y, ot Holmeavllle,
spent Sunday at K. bilaterale.
Mrs. Wm. Warton entertained • number
of our young people Wedoeeday evening.
On 'Tuesday plait, 1n plane of ►8. regular
Inague msstloo, a0) address was given by
Mite ilsskerville on Indian missions.
The servlo6 In toe Methodist ohnroh here
on Sabbath were oond.otsd by Inv. Mr.
Shaw, o1 Ilwmiller. The •onlvereaty 1.r•
•Ioos of the Sabbath school are to bo held
n ext Sabbath, when Rey. Mr. K..sody, of
A61itti, wtt1 Dreads. -
Lent Friday night on •zoelleot oonoert
was given In the Orange Hall. The pro-
f r.m wen. In two parts, port 1, beton pro-
vided by the sohool ob2ldren, wbo did credit
to their teachers by the manner In which
they rendered their imago, reoltatlooa sod
dialogues, and the wooed part Ly the
ennne people of N11•, some from H..millr
and Carlow sssttng.
Chnstmsoomes but once a year. but Prld
ham. the tailor, turns out first -clam .alts all
the year round.
Foran up to -dots Cbrietmos present call
at (;. A. Humber It Sone.
Man Elizohsth Wilson has bean appoint-
ed to the staff of the Ure.11on publlo sohool.
ratromre home Inters.[ where you see
what you are purchasing se •t ('.A. Humber
The meow hu almost disappeared, sept
in A. Mol). Allan's @torn window, where •
steady snowstorm Is preo/odium
J. C. Walsh, who reoently 00014 Prem 8t.
Lnals, hs been engaged I)y the public
school hoard of Amherstburg,Fau county,
at 6400.
We notloo that Bruce Watson, of town,
was snooee.fol In the 1)voember examination
of the Ontario College of Pharmooy, the
results of *huh were published • few days
H. M. Tait, of the Hoek of Montrool, has
both removed to Winnipeg, and Philip Hot,
too, ens et Ilor•oe Horton, has arrived from
Winnipeg to Mks Ms plans as teller In the
Uoderioh branch.
THE CANADIAN ALMANA, roll 1:)01. -Th•
Canadian Alman.o for 1901 has toothed us
from the publl.hen, the Copp. Clark Co.,
LO.2 , Toronto, It L the fifty-fourth of the
series, and Is partloalarly valuable, an It
gives many lista wblah are not found else-
where, and to no other volume eau se
muoh valuable toformotlon to found In too
"mall a .p•01. The entwine In refranoo
to t8. Sontb African war, and the lotiols
on the BrItlab navy and the United Mateo
o•v7 are particularly loser .Uig. Other
matters of Importance are : Raman of
eleotlos In 0.011• anti Britain : Canadian
customs tariff reused to date; the him
Iorioal diary and other Important mord.
A walk round the Square and • leek Into
the •ttmmive window. tall M Christmas
(leers. Askwlth, wtfh oeeta of action. 1 goods is colts a plo•sast commotion Meth
WI1I'om. vs Rabb.---AotIo. on • prnmlo- days. Onr merohante are mattee very
redlMMlo displays.
Dory note. Philip Holt, 9. (1 , for puff ; 1..
R. laneey for deft. Judgment by minions
ler puff. /or {369, watt outs of onion, In-
elndleg onto of •i•min•tlon of awaits for
.44.007007. Dont. v.. (tootle.--Aeblon on
•remnant, mote. Philip Hell, 4.0., for
Na1sMR. E. Lenpw. 9. 0., ter
TaoSTI'.IT 4111N19T.li+ WOOING -Tho••
who have read " The 8tloklt Minimax.," and
also (hos, who hays not, 'Mould read "The
8tiokit Minster's Wooing," the new book
by 8. R. Crockett. Durlog the pest dote{
jean 07 althea" hes been no more strtklal "�
development in IlWralure than that Showa _I
In the tales of Barrie, Molaren and
Crookett, which h.v• been such • revela-
tion of Scottish life and obarooter as was
never before pre1.ntod to the reading world.
Mr. Crockett's sow work, betides 8.100 d•-
oldodly wtertaislo0' adds something to the
analysis of the Soot, and we (mono( say sap
thing better ot it than that It le worthy of •
plane held" hie own earlier works and thee
of his 000tempor•neous Moottleh author".
The book 1s published by George N. Montag
& Co., Limited, Toronto.
Christmas Dumber of The Presbyterian Re•
610*, 4614ll1a4d, It • Sploudtd tithe art
filty.two passe and mover. It, is beautifully
tllustrand and full of Interest from oovef to
Dover; well-known writers, .nah an Prin-
olpal';ran0, of Kingston ; Rev. I). 1). Mo -
Laud, of Barrie, J. W. Bongough, of Toe-
ooto, It. Margaret Fairlie, of Kingston,
Rey. J. Mal' Scott, of Toronto, with others
egwally ws41 8eew., have ee.,,4b.* d to He
pare. Many of our readers will (lid Is
Mr. Soott's •rtlol• upon "The Forward
Spiritual Movement" just *bat lis 5..n
desired, • attract resume of • work that la
d6tlnal to be one of the mighty swamies
for good In the immediate fntare. Mr.
Roil urgh writes most eot•rtoinlnwl of his
trip "Over the Alpe i whsl," and bee illus-
tratlons from photographs taken by himself
give added Interest to le, But all 08.
articles aro good and 11maly The Poole
Publishing ('om(.ry teem determined M
mike The Presbyterian Review • paper
without • poor Is Cas•da.
On Monday night a number .l the friends
and classmates ot Mss Rtt• L. Mollwotn
met •t the home of her Snod•y school
teacher, Wm. Bailie, u • farewell party.
in the course of the evening Miss Mol'Iw•lo
was presented with a purse and the follow -
Ing address
To Miss Rho Mcllw•In.
1)641. FRIEND, - We, your (risotto and
memnn of your Sunday school close, have
met tonight on Ibe los of your departure
from oar midst to show In • measure our
rupsot and kind r.grtla toward you We
will mite you In th. olw, In ohorah, In
Leone, and In our soon' circle. Ws have
Warned 0. love you as • member of our clam
and s an earnest (lbr(stlon mother wbo has
always bath wltllnp 00 &est in the Msat.,'•
service. We hop, and pray ehst your
fatting years may be even more happy and
proeperoae than the past hoe teen. Plano
anoept this parses • slight mementt, of oar
•pprer;i•fi0n 0t your many sots of loos and
kl0Aness among tee, res on •0eewot s1 IM L-
teledn Taloa. but for th• motive that
prompted the donors.
The harbor mill 1. shot doom for tbe
therm. it hen rot 'boat three million fulled
lumbar this year, and about see million fest
is stall nen hoed, *blah will probably be div.
posed el before erring.
May your future year', of 111e
Gently flow, unmoved by strife,
MoIooed by strut love'. canoes,
Hulth and every bopplarse..
Maimed In behalf of the elan and friends.
(Mono" Conroe.
N11.1.rg MT•WART,
nt'95N'r:ear r 7 r`N'b5
y $t,J&ti
All patlee getting their sale Mils printed •t
this oMloe wilt have • free notice inserted
In thts list 0o M the time of sales.
SAT00DAY, ileo. 22,d.-Aoetloa sole of
horses, oow5. Dotter", horoae, blank's*,
robes, whlpe,ete , a1 (Inedry'a siltation mart,
Hamilton at , oemm'soleg at 1 o'olook.
No reserve. 'THrvs. GnNORY, anoll.ser.
'fHt'tunAy. Deo. 2746.-Aaoeloe sola of
bath In ono •or' lots at. lot 16, eon. 7, West
Wawanesb. Also • quantity of cedar peon
and 1 team of working hone., 8 and 9 ym-
old, 1 lumber waggon, 1 et of team hag -
nue, 2 este of single harness, 2 sob M
.laths, 1 nutter, 1 new bingo, 1 road eat%
tee , &o. ''"rme 65 soader, eons ; ever
that amonnb 10 mea/let errata. Tiro.
Orono', anoN.ner, WK. STzwa6T, pre.
ANSON UIRv1N, 012.446: Although her loamy filen&e know
.log M. W111.T. that Mn. Pinter Coats had Mon In patty
M, Rollie replied ter Mtn Mef1w•Ia and health fee saws Maw, 10 1•1111111410•41 • AO*
1n • Mellor manner [basked tos Glom and %then they is.*.d e1 her death, *blab ea
The tows .mein Lok 08. .Mtutery tries& is bbl Weal. owed e. Weelky otily el loot weak.
ear ."..y ,•,a