HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-13, Page 88' 'IEUOA
Christmas Novelties are here
in great variety. Books, (lames,
Dolls, Toys, Silver Ornaments, and
going at greatly reduced prices.
Come and look them over. Toy
shop at rear of our store.
make useful and acceptable
presents. A nice silk 'waist
or plaid skirt would be
just right. We are offering
exceptional values in these
lines for the next two
and TIES
Handsome, inexpensive,
useful presents in 1 f andker-
chiefs from 5c to $1.00.
Splendid range blest -tips,
25c and 50c.
.�._...- fie,...:.w
Lovely Warne
wraps in Fur
Capes, Fur Lined
Cares, Fur Trim-
med Capes and
Plaid Shawls,
Jackets clear-
ing at reduced
('aperines anti
New Fur
Best Kid Glove in the
market; black and colors,
at $11.00. Extra value in
pulses from 5c -each to $1.00
at clearing prices.
• Boys' Pea
Jackets, - Boys'
Suits, Boys'
Pants, Men's
Suits : i s • ver -
coats. New
Shirts, `N e w
Caps and Ties.
Wide, double -fold cloths
suitable for child's ulster or
cape, clearing at 75c.
HOSIERY TAND UHDEBWEAR.-For men or ladies and
children. All sizes. All prices. x ra va nes.
Come and look over our stock. Never better prepared to
serve Jou with such good Wiles.
'Itzr.DAy, Deo. 11
Cuttu a Nora.. -The meetings bold due-
ing the past fortnight aimed on Friday
eveotau, Roy Speuo Allan taking pare le
this msoUug. Oo Monday erenmz of this
week • ntimeou•ry meeting was to be held,
au.I ou the last Suud.y of the year *Wel
oulleutluns will be taken up fur mlrioosry
purposes fur the Presbyterian uburuh of
a.Ueld and' tYawa.esb Meaueh earleel-
aural swirly meet.
Tbete was a fair gathering et McCor
wick's betel, Duog•nnon,Thureday evenlog,
when the minuet dinner of the Ashfield and
ttrawanosh Agricultural Society was b• Id.
The ub•Ir was uucupled by President Bettie
and the vto.-oh►Ir by ylc••prestdeae, Harry
Morrie. The society Is • no of the most
prosperous lu Oat•rto. 1 nes been In elle•
team for aI•out forty two years and is in a
capital financial portion. Its rmuu•I tall
fair is the event of the nutted townships,
end the summit oontloues unabated as the
years roll by.
Lotion of apology were read from Hon.
J. 1'. Gurrow and M, G. Cameron, who
were unavoidably kept from the gathering.
but both of whom expressed s keen desire
for the success of the dinner.
Atter s tory tine spread had been done
justice to the following loyal. patriotic and
general touts were ably responded to. The
responses to the toasts wet• of en snoop
tionadly good order, and tech speaker per-
formed his allotted,tuk to the sadist/teflon
of the audience .
The Queen -"Cod Save the Queen."
The Prellsment of Canada -R. Helmets,
M. P,
Reoltetloh (ortytnsl)- "Toaslt new sad
old." -A. C. Stewart.
The British Empire- D. McGillicuddy.
Trade and Commerce -A. L. Molatyre,
'r. Clark, J. Young.
Learned Professions- .lima Tigert.
Yaniotpal institutluns-James Johnston.
HMV -H. MoCrostie
The Lad;ts-H, Morrie, J. ()Irvin
Agricultural Interests - Messrs. Balite,
1)urhto end Burrows.
Army and Navy - Sergeant Morgan
Jones, who was present in nit khaki not
for, fresh from the African Best of war. ,
The Host end Hostess -IJ. McCormick
replied in one of hie post prandial •ddre ees.
He was asked to Ica • atury, but said be
would leave that for anotber time.
The gathering broke up et a wucnabl•
boar, all well pleased with the evening's
- i
Ail parties getting their tole bills printed at
this oeloe will have a free notloe inserted
in this list up to the time of sales.
SATrRD.IT, Der 15111 -Auetloh We of
horse', harden, outter., bells, blankets,
robes, halter', fresh mile h cows and young
cattle, at Gnndry's suction hurt. H•wdton
street, ocmmenolor at 2 o'clock. T. GC N•
DRi, auctioneer.
Musoay, Deo, IT -Clearing suoti•e eels
of farm steak at lot 1, non. 9, eolharne,(1
m1le north ot Smith's Hill at eines* f&MINN
um), etmmwgfua at 1 1) i'. r., sharp.
Wm. Joao. peopr*t.r. ,Tse. GeIDav,
Wa salt coaled at 900. s tysn•o- at i h•
Maple Twat s1t.Sssy. O. M. Ennis
Smith Bro's & Co.
Norma - The local agency In Dungahuou
for Tse SIGNAL le at the oMoe of J. O. W t0,
J.P., ooave anoer, ta. who will receive or
class efor sorlptions. sdvertb'ng and Job
work, and Is authorised to give rooeipte for
& menet& paid for the same
lJf now. will resume his tripe to Daneare
nos sr' April. -1st and 3rd erldav each month.
Ti-anoAT. Deo. 11, 1900.
Statutory meeting of W. 1Vawanosh
oomoil on satorday.
With three or four Inches of meow sleigh•
hut would be ezoelleal.
Our merchants are preparinr for the
heliday by makio* operate) deploy'
of their goods,
ANwtaL T.A•MasrtNu.-The anuual tea•
meeting of the Presbyterian 000gregatten
will be bold (D. V.), in the besement of
Erskine oheron, on the evening of Decem•
ter 27th. An ezoelleut program of music,
addresses, eto.,approprtste for the 000aston
is being prepared by the oommlttee o1
management, oompoeed of young i.dis •
f•o►lemen. Weather and roads permittiog
• good time Is antlolpated.
Devace floras. -Rev. R. Fairbairn..
8. A., eel Ree. R. Henderson, of
Smith's Hill, uobenged pulpits last Sat•
bath. Rev. Ur. Henderson preached as
ezoellent sermon from (;el. VI.14, wbfoh
was appreciated by ell present. Tao day
being very stormy, there were not many at-
tended ohuroh services. The reverend
gentlemen bad to Noe the storm and travel
long distances ; not iso with the people who
do not attend ohuroh on storm, Sabbaths
but oan attend market and other pleats on
stormy week day.,
Oconee ARD (IMIN° -Dayld (1. Kerr, oto
l)ordo.e, last week passed through hen on
his way to Chicago, and put ap at the
Meilougb House, where he met with a for•
mer friend, Mrs Aon Johnston. Mr. Kerr
was loud In hie praiser of our neat and
prosperous village and ot this section of the
cannery. He is manager for the Cordova
Exploration Co.. England, and has a Nona
Hee position. Deme Rumor has It test, ere
his return homewards he will cell et Dee-
ga•not to arrange other Important bust
nese. '''me end event. will report. ....
Richard M.Ilnugh, of Linden. rowed), ase
rived hen to spend Christmas and New
Years with his parents Mr. and Mrd
Andrew i9tloeon, of the teemed', of Heir
ea peeing through our village on a visiting •
tear eo relatives and friends at Clinton and •
le Bosley teweleblp, age Mime petals, were
the everts of dr. eud-Mit Rose, and •Ido
passing • oaing oil! on your humble scribe.
We were pleased to see them looking so
well, and hope that they will ..j .y their
TrsoDAy, 1)00. 11
Tuesday of Inst week Mr: Worrell, with
hie staff of workmen from l,oderlcb, put In
the new furo•oe at Lorneeide which had
been bought from him this mason by Mr.
W. F. Young lest weee bl ' the t',wnship
grader, under the direotlou of John H.
Harker, grading and making a new road
through his farm on the south side of the
main road limiting to ooderloh Mr. Young
le to be congratulated on he provrenlve
effort to push forward this road, which will
now be the beet laid out farm In the towo-
e hlp
The snow fenoe, which we mentioned
some months ago was to be built on Mac-
donald Hill on the road to Ooderlch, was
erected last week on A. Allen's line of fence,
the west side, The coming winter will test
Its usefulness in preventing pttoh hole., oto.
S.mgel Potter and Al.. foo eed, of leer•
wont row, end John Clark, of Loyal, were
the builders of the tense.
A few days ago when a tb he drain was
being completed tbo man engaged In the
work received quite a surprise lu finding a
large skunk *lohad evidently mewled
from the lake about three quarters of a mile
to make • raid on the poultry, The nar-
row road the poor animal bad taken came
to a short stop where • board was planed
upright to mark the photo for s coon*o
Henn in the drain, and it came to a sad and
enmourn.d end.
Monday of last week our townsman,
Michael Tobin, took • business trip to Sea -
forth. He examined some of the windmills
pot ap in that neighborhood. David Cor
beth was also away on a ;dolt, but his lour -
my was not to see Seaforth, but was to
soother village on very interesting torr.
tem whioh may bring another resident to
Goderioh township. Both had the pleasure
of meeting Walter Carpenter, formerly of
Taylor's corner ot the Huron road In bode•
rich township and popularly known here,
He is now a resident near Dublin. Wel.
Nr was a. cheerful as ever In olden time
,nr-Sad had many wotda of minify attu his
6e4 comrades.
McKenzie & Howell bays ,rsdueed their
-Xeresy hers* bleeko . be 81.23 ee dear out.
Christmas Books '_-__-
Money Saved
by buying your URUCKRIKS at
Best Corn 8terch 1 packages tor..........3 ,23
Laundry Starch, 1 lbs, for .25
Valencia Ralsine, per pound ,t0
Mixed Candy, 3111bs:.. .25
17 lbs. granulated itedp&th Buser for 100
191be. Coffee Sugar for . .... 1.00
Package Teo, worth 500 per pound, for.... .15
5 Ina. Black tea, worth 25o Ib.. for 1 0)
5 Ib. J•; an Tea, worth 25o lb,. for 1.00
Ground Allepte', Cloves,Caesla etc. per Ib .20
lemon, Orange. and Citron Peel, per Ib.20
Good Laundry Hoon, 7 bars for ,25
Sweet Hiwutt* and Sodas, per Ib .... .08
Rx'racte Vsnllta, lemon, Pep'rmint, 3 ter .23
I'.. klea, ter quart .15
Fancy `et of Glassware for .99
Coffee worth loo lb., groundNI 4111411111111..... -Ji.
Nee our Care. at per lb ,
Lento size Lamp Glass .
Oatmeal, r lastlle Toilet Soaps, per bar, .91
Syrup, per gallon
Electric 011, p.r bottle 19
2 pounds Currents for .18
Just arrived -a gnentity of beat Date', and
also Cooking and layer Mies, to be sold at
right prlcee.
A nig rod action on Crockery snd 01 aveware,
Hamilton Street.
gr No goods obsessed at thaw i,rioe'.
Wel forget to ask te sea Mum ilea•
.peelals la ked eluves, wortb $1.26 for Nis
and $1 00 for 65J et the Arcade.
Another lot of those ladiei heavy weed
blauk bee*, all doss at 16u a pair.
Miss Duffey claims that there ars la lot
department about 18 hate and bonnets That
Moos dons splendid emeloe as 'wishes. Sat
u rday and Saturday eight will be the time
bo prim this stook. They will be marked
to ober and no mistake.
Gundry will enliven the scene ea BMW -
day evening. Sale will committee at 7130
sharp. The Arcade. C. W. ANDRaw9
Kee tee lovely ebony brushes, mirror' ono
W s at Hick's drug store.
Useful Xmas promote are sold •t McKim
tie it Howell's.
13 DY LAW NO. 18 OF 1900. OF TRH
A Byla,e to esewepf from municipal taxation
certainfande in the Town o/ (Joder(ch
known as the Ogilvie awl !leechl-
sow Mill.
Vl Ilana•a there is upon the following lauds.
n amely, town Iota numbers 1038. 1019 and 1013
in the said town, a 111111 erected about twenty-
five yeoman%s1large expense. for the pur-
utpose of grinding wheat and oonvertlog the
seine Into flour, together with an elevator and
• salt manufactory, all used, and employed as
one eooreen, which said several works have
stood Idle for some years past, except an 00-
casional nee of the elevator, to the greet det-
riment of the said town ;
AND wDan.•a It has been satisfactorily
made to appear to the municipal oounoil of
the said town that it the said lands are ex.
empted front municipal taxation lusher than
school taxes) for • period of ten years It
proposed by the owners to greatly remodel eo-
arge, modernize and Improvep the said mill at
au estlmeted expenditure of ;100,00403. •o' to
thereby make It capable of turning out • lure -
or output than heretofore and to thereby put
it upon • mying bub, so that It shall be of
continuous and permanent benefit to the said
town :
AND wl(RRi•n the municipal council afore -
o dd has duly considered the application (001
ewpt 11,. said land from the said taros for
the said period of ten years. an 1 have deter-
etermined that the same should be granted sub
)not to vote of the ratepayers as required by
the Statwe in that behalf and as hereinafter
provided :
Now TI.Rzvoax be it enacted and 1t is
hereby enacted by the said the municipal
council of the town of Godertch that the said
lands. namely. town lot. numbers li3e. 1042
and 1013 In the said town of God•rIch, shall be
and they are hereby declared to be exempt
from all municipal tax.i,on whatsoever, ex•
cept taxation for school purp Ares, /or the
period of ten successive yeas beginning with
the year 1901 but upon the following condi-
Hons. asmely
1 The mid mill upon the said lands shell
be on or before the 1st day of September, 1901
remodelled and converted Into a modern mill
equipped with the newest and most approved
machinery and appliances, so as to enable at
least 10(0 barrels of flour to be manufactured
In the said mill in each 21 hours, such changes
and Improvements to coat not lees than
2. --During the said period of ten years after
the flet of such years, the output of the mid
mill *ball not be less than 200.000 berrob of
flour /early.
3, -If during any year if the mid term of
ten year* after the Bret year the said mill
shall. ezoept fur neoessary repairs. stand idly
for • oontlmuous period of three months the
told rentiselo• of taxes for each Jeer hereby
granted shall mass. and the teres epos 11*
said lands shall be payable for euoh 7e•; as if
1hk*Dylaw had not been pared.
Awn IT t0 hereby further declared dad ss
acted. that the votes of the ratepayers entitled
to vote upon this bylaw shall be taken on th
7th day of .tannery. in the year 19.11, from nine
o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the
afternoon• rt the several usual polling plebes
lathe said town. as follow*
Polling subdivision number one, at W, Mo
Clement's wagon shop, with Jas Bre kenrldge
a. returelrg officer;
Polling, ubdivision number two at Thomas
Vtdean'e reed store, with Chas. Bates as dep.
uty returning offlotr•
Tolling.ubdiviatoa number three at town
hall. with Rd. Ven $very as deputy returning
I'ell!ng subdivision number four at J. H.
Ituociman's shop with John P. littera as dep-
returning otMeer.
i'. (ling subdivision number five at John
Phitiip.'s ore. with David Marwick as deputy
001eer ;
Polling enbdivteloo 'comber six at John
Brophe)'e shop, with Oeo. Sheppard as dep-
uty retnrn105om.et.
Poll'tur subdivision number seven at Mrs.
Jas,Jfaye' boo. with John Hain es deputy
retarotog otacer.m
AND IT 1e berebr further enacted that the
municipal teeth of the said oorporatfon shall
attend at the clerk's once in the town hal! on
the 3rd day of January. 1901, at the a -•.r of
eleven of the olook In the foreseen, r he ap-
pointment of pervons to attend •' ,orfone
Polling places and at the Rad ennimtng up of
the vote. by the said oler: ,-1 b,hatf of the
peewee Interested in and ; - 'Ring or eppos
booths passing ot the mid tome respectively.
AND IT 14 hereby further enacted that the
mid clerk shall attend at the said clerk's omoe
In the town hall In the said town on the ,th
q of January, 1791, 1t eleven of the door In
the fOteDOtn, for theurpose of summing tip
the number of votes given for and against this
by le w.
bot. 19:0. Provlelonwlly passel the 23rd der of Nevem
Town Clerk, Mayor
What Could Be Nicer
WURBERg 61111 IN •
Thep • pair of our famous
for • Christina, pre•eut to • lady;,
Every pair is a wort of art. As
• special tuduormoot, we will
lee a beeutital lithovrsph of
aeon Louise with every pair of
emu Quality Shoes sold during
the oast two weeks.
sweevail will, outwear
two pair. of
O'.l„ury t'ouunun Rubbers.
Search the World and you will
find nothing• skijecil
better that.
7m/fct d by Every Rubber
Manufacturer and Dealer, but no
imitation has our specially Manufac-
tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the
only fabric which can be thoroughly
impregnated with the Para Gum.
When worn out have leather sole
put on and use for a Plow Boot.
Thai. D. KIngeo. , Limited, have
the one
genuine Rubber.
Don't buy unless the words
grinvil aro stamped upon
the sole of each
Rubber; all others are frauds upon
the Public.
The Best Perfumes !
A strong word to nee about Perfumes
when one stops to thiuk that p•rfutoe.iu•
eludes everything made and sold under
that name.
Nothing but the must careful selection
of the twat slur of tele bust perfumes
could make • stock of which it could Is,
truthfully Raid they were the BEST.
That s Just . 'fat we've done. We're go ----
mg to kcu' , :to standard right up there
all the tea , too.
This applies, also to our Mauic•ures,
Toilet Cases, Shaving Caere, Cuff and
Collar Molder, sad- Ili our new Christ.
alb stock. - _ .
See Our Range of Men's Slippers.... e: r
Is teas, blanks and ta•oy velvets, prior from 750 to 81.76 per waist feaoy slllg•tor,
ooly 96o ; beet uerp.es at 25o.
better qualities from 26i to 950 per pair. We ba.e • *rest variety of tasoy slippers
to oboogie from, viutable ler all 000aslons.
Men's Felt Root*, leather half up the leg, regular 31.00 Ileo, only 31.50 pa,
pelt. Lovely silk velvet Senta Cities Slippers tor oblldren, only 26e per pair.
We carry s full line of snag proof and other good lumbermen's rubbers
at lowest prices.
We believe satisfied custownrs are our very beet advertisement, and we
strive to do everything in our power to make customers satisfied.
Sole Agent for Queen Quality,
line donated this apace to the ladies of Victoria Street Methodist Church, to
let the public know that they have the opportunity of hearing the
FulluSANP.01 J.1111111.011105
by he !mueslis-1i
law which kg Iiba oris emir taken lof a co
Hon, and tach will be finally passed by the
council in the event of the assent of the else.
tors being obtained thereto after one month
from the Rut publication thereof In TH. 810.
N•1. newspaper on the 8th and The Star news-
paper on the 7th days of December, 1900. and
at the hoar, day and plsoe. therein fixed for
taking the votes of the eleotors the polls will
beheld. WM. MITCHELL.
Town Clerk,
2t Town of God*noh
are the agent, for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which IS
The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market,
and will heat your place with one-third It;s. fuel than any
furnaceon the market. '
W`eve the largest assortment ofcoal and wood stoves this
side of Toronto. Also have a number o econd-haul
stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part (ltit for
new ones.
Christmas Goods
All the newest Books, shown in beautiful Christmas Editiona, Poetry,
Prose, History, Etc. Guide to Wild Flowers, $3.50 net. The Biography of
a Grizzly, by Ernest Seaton Thompson, $1.50. Mooewa, by W. A. Fraser,
$1.50 net. Dr. North and His Friends, by S. Weir Mitchell, $1.25. 'Ibnuny
and Grizel, by Barrie, $1.25.
Juvenile Books by the hundreds to select from, Father Goose, Mother
Wild (loose, Tommy Atkins, Soldiers of the Queen, South African A 13 C,
Child's Own, Prize, Chatterbox, Chums, Boys' Own Annual, Girls' Own An-
nual, leisure Hour, Sunday at ilome, Etc. As usual we will sell these
Books at reduced prices. Watch Show Window for 'prices.
December lit our Art Calendars, Xmas Cards and Presentation Books
will be displayed.
Watch our next advertisement for Cut Glass, Fine China, Art Ornamental
Goods and Sterling Bilver, also Bram and Onyx (foods.
OSP Telephone No. i. 100 B.
Court House Square, Ooderrch.
Ch ris tmits--
s geipnessa.
Pre.ciiptiuo Drag Store.
Terms scab. No aedit,
Opera house
• hr• R'crk .1 Solid Fun, , umun•n, v'g
On Wednesday Evening, Dec. 19th, 190b.
This is the only Cvua(linn Company that h.e toured in Europe and the U, 8.
' Admission, 25c., Children under 12, 1Sc.
This Store is up-to-date with everything in our line.
Go and hoar then I Como and see us '
12--$2__ 12__$2 $2 $2
Second Edition $2.00
rte IfRaa.
At Your Post °Moe
The Famous Jolly Pulls
Hypnotic Vaudeville Co.
Satire change in our rntertautnient lh.s
--!neon Better and stronger than ever.
The only ,how „1 it• kind in the world
Millar Prices ---11c, 21c sad*.
Reserved Seats a1 Porter',, Duck Stora,
Auction Malec.
Pursuant to the power of dale centaleed In
a certain mortgage bearing date the 4th day
of Jetts. 1898. sod which w11) be produced
at the time of ole, there w111 be offered for
eels by public attrition by John Knox, Auo
rrooeer, at Buxton's Hotel, in the town of
(,oderlch, on Saturday, the 2204 day of
Deoember, 1900, at one o otook r, w., the
following property, namely
Parcel No, 1, -lent number five and the
Northerly part of lot number four in (3or.
don's survey, particularly dsoriben to o
deed thereof from John Herr to William
Herr of the said laud, and rn•.lsters(' In
the Registry Office of the county of Heron
on the 25th day of March, 1896.
(lo this properly there 1e a frame house
with kitchen, • triune store and stable
Parcel .5o. 2. - d'art of lot number three
in the M•lrland Conception of the town•
ahlp of (lodsrioh, oontalnlog one half an
Sot's of land, more or lass ; more ;Articular-
!" described In the said deed from John
Hear to William Herr.
On this there Is a frame cottage, also a
large Bert.
Terme :-Ten per clot. at the time of
sale dad the Imitate)* within owe etewtb
For farther particulars apply to the
auctioneer or to tbe,vendor'.sellolter.
Dated 214:6 November, A. I). 1900.
AsioNeessn Vendee, S.11Mk.,O.delisk.
We extend to one and all a cordial invitation to visit our
display of new and beautiful Holiday Goods, especially selected
to meet the requirements of the gift makers of this locality.
-Ourlftcelc•Insladea Innumerable attractioee perfectly adapted
to meet the requirements of people who are in search of gifts
for old or young, expensive or inexpensive. In fact, now is the
time, and this is the place, to get just what you want, and just
what will please the person you desire to remember. The
prices are right on every'single article in the entire stock, and
we will satisfy you in this respect as you were never satisfied
before. We have not apace to enumerate half the attractions
we have. Come and see for yourself. You will not be dis-
Smith's Bazaar and Art Depot,
EAST STREET. Also Depository of the ilpper Canada
Bible Society. Bibles from 1bc up ; Testaments from Sc up.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Miace
Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranines,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
ndon-Free Press $2
F.me :::TIALLY NEWSPAPER -The Free Prete 10 now 1n its fiftyAnt
-rear It ie Luffy a new.papnr for the • home circle. Whildie.
Mfor a farprl-, pare has been taken from the beginning of
00e fo a' --,;t nothing 1 its columna that would offend tho moral
settee of welt i 4.. t.,is people.
THE M.ARKE'I' REPORTS -Are full and up-to-date, containing all the
latest Canadian. Amerisen and English lave stock and grain markets,
with the newt up.to-date uowa,
1'ETERINARI' (v)LUUN-A new anal epeeist feature conducted ly
.1 E Halggint, V. 8, Honor (;raduate (1 V. C. Articles appear every
Saturilay .foaling with all (lames of Veterinary Science ; ai.o uq osteons
and answer, darty relative to all diseases ot anima*, &a. UOtot•tne
valuable home inetrl.etirn for the farmer and 'took owner.' ' -
FOREIGN NEW/4-1 complete Meter), a the doings all owe-iTiE'kiewo
world in the laieet an 1 up to date despatches.
COUPLETS CANADIAN NEWS -41y telegraph aorimalls bona pets 52
of Canada, particular attention being paid to Western Ontario.
52 '.
SPORTING NEWS -I. full and corm lete with Amateur and Professional
Sports -Base Balrcricket,Lacronee. 11olf,llowling Font Ball. Hockey,
Skating, Horse Racing, Trotting and Running, Hand Ball, etc.
IN POLITICS -In Politics it i. Couiservative, but it. Conservatism has
never prevented it from doing Juitiee to or upholding men of both
parties who do right. it in the organ of the people. irrespective of
party, en(fioakes tete public well-being ite filet consideration.
In fact The Free Press is the most complete and up-to•date paper west of
Toronto: from 8 to 12 pagan through the week, and 16 pager o06atar-
day. It in bright and readable ; news for old and young.
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