HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-13, Page 4...m.:��.ier+reue»,�vwn.,,.. .nu+.N. w...�•.,,a,.ewnr»*^k^;'.°" �ANw ..wr...w.r.n., ,p..u,..:.w..o.u.W. n•mmra..wn aca�errwi.. tN9► 3Mla:YNL6.tiYri+swwrn:a«os�.uwl;+?W',.sww+'ttati fur a Christrute present for your wife or daughter. Wu assure you they wouki &pyre- ciate it, ur if not • Piano, , then mune suitable music or small musical instrument. Drop iu at any time end see if we cannot suit you. Rake Tsar ClIlliCC Early and we can put it away for you. We are reducing our Auk of sheet music by sitliug 40c. 50c and 60c music for 10 cts. Emerson's Bicycle and Music Howw, West street, Ocelerich. 11 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY 1.4 alleGILLIOWINIM RODZIUGH. THUBHDAT. DEC. l& 11)3. SNAP SHO TS. - Remember Rode. - THE tail now wags the Tory dog. -Tine remembered amuse lut week. - Tat age average of the lienators keeps alarmingly high. .-"St.lit" Sufi BAKKER, of Hamilton, holds the Tory reine at present. -Tits Ottawa Citizen isn't quite so chirpy as it was before the elections -le isn't eingular that the cusps who raised the rue cry didn't win the race. -Tas "blink Tsm.sv" of Canadian poli - can deny -Tat result of, the 4Dominion election proves that the Tupper dynasty, politically, is as extinct as the dodo. - A majority of 60 for the Nasser Gov- ernment in Quebec would almost make one look upon it as • paternal government. Till Canadian soldiers have been getting the glad hand from everybody in England, from royalty down, aed they deserve MAUL -Tat Irish-Oanadian has another grieo- anoe-the French have captured Quebec and "turned down" FLYNN for • *vowel --threes WALLActx's come-all.ye cam- paign In British Columbia wae not a nut. ores. The Fraser river is not the Boyne, by • large majority. -Wa should like to see the mire of The Mail reporter who invented the ghost story that Hon. G. W. Roes was going out of businese as Liberal leader in Ontario. -Tax Montreal Star has the good sense to recoguise thetas:1 that. it is out of laisinees as a political factor. The Toronto Mail continues to be the political loon that it al. ways was. -Iz would seem that the French Canadian Liberals are likely to come within an ace of • owning the Quebec' Legislature -body and bones. And what are oUX esteemed con- bemporariee, The Torouto Mail and The Hamilton Spectator going to do about it 1 -Toe Toronto Telegram ulainis that Quebec had as much right to vote in favor 01 LAURIER MI Ontario had to vote against him and very properly condemns the crowd of harpies who try to raise the fanatic cry, eayingthat • "great province must be 1105410 - what tired of being curse!! as a fanatic by n lot of whipper -snapper politicians who ere not et to black its Wout." POWs WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. ieNalLL'14 ISAJoHITY OF ONE. Toronto Sear : appears that Mr. Aler• ander lioNeill's nuilerIty Is now in jail for Sound has been identified aa a salt water Wince. It la reported that several years ago some ult water salmon fry were plued la Lake Herne, aad Use theory Is Wet We fish is • null. THE EILOPIIKOT AND THE KIBULT. Stratford %mem A few weeks ago the Cuservative leaders were bust's,' that net monatieneney west of Lake Superior. What la the record now that the Wee are all over ! Here it is : Brit! o Celumbla -4 Territories -4 Liberals, 0 Conservatives ; dependealis-a total et 10 Liberals, 5 Cen• sweeties* mid 2 indepeadents. ANOTHIR 111-71toN BOT To THE Stratford Bosons : Matthew Htdobbles, the Liberal sleeted in St. Antelee diviaton of Montreal for the Qeieboo Legislature, is as old Huron boy. kW wa• born and raised on • farm within half a mile !if Innovate. In the alleles he taught wheel in Kest Wawo bosh, after which he studied Weiland bursa what hen @Woe developed Into • very large prude* In Moureel. Mr. klutishison EISA • few yews ago offored a judgeship but de - filmed to scup. He be a brother of Dr. known .1 adge itrohlbeld. both el Montreal. aver Als TSB PION weir"' DOWN. Melilla Progress : Eingide and Clifford awoke ow day, Just at the break of Dawn ; At !eventide nos of the two felt gay. And one et the two was *ono One thought of Tupper at home aloes, Who'd hoped for the •Ietor's arum. Many • della, was lest that day, Jest es the len went down. Ono after nee ae they seek to rest, Fester and Tepper & Oe.. These who had lived in the "Waiter's" rimed that their mk• was dough. Out le the west on elm prairie wide, Not far from Brandon *owe. MainAitarelts heed thae was sore beet day, tie Sea went dews. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. P rograms ter nettles. se hs meld Naas li•Id special meetings so Clietea, Meade?, into, 17,13, Wiegoem, Dee 18th, eliflOS, ISMS Lith, sad Goderioh, Deo. 20th, The 2 00-Addrese.. ...K. Moll( rail, Kipping Crop falturee aad how to avoid them, 2.30 -Discussion 2.45-Adctress Was KW", (.101110 EVININo SESSION. ' Doors mien at 7.30, meeting to orlanneele al 8 sharp, whets addressee will be deliver. al by Mimi Rue, Mayor Jacksou, P.. Me. Heyde, li. Holmes, fol. p„ st. McLean aud ethers. le atteadanee. WINOHAIII, TUESDAY, DEO. 18 2.00 -Address R. Cerrito, Sr 2.45 -Address MIN item ZVI/NINO 813111011. Addresses wUl be delivered by Miss Rose, CARLOW, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 19 2.00 -Address Ft. C. Motiowen Cement, when and hew to use lt. 2.45-Addrees imitate nvietten snesion. 7.30 p.m Addressee will be delivered by Mlinaoss, • MoD. Allan, B. D. Grant aad others. GODER1CH, THURSDAY, DEO. 20 • Township vs. minty fairs. 2,45 -Address. Mies Roes EvENINONI150105 8 p. m. Addresue will be delivered by Mlle Rose, Moll. Allee and °there. The Blackstone orchestra win be In at - Appropriate musical program will be pro• Tided for every seulon. Ladles especially invite to both after- noon and evening sessions. it le the inten- tion to or, ' a Woman's Institute. All are welcome. Come prepared to tak• part in the cilsoussitins. Hestia • eues01011100 sheep on time. (WOKS AND PERIODICALS. 144• 40 SIDOUla of interesting oe,r in its e- mus of Nov. 29, bust to band. (Yu lio front page of the °ober is au to.ailtut 1.1alus• of itor, There is also au illoorseed article on the work of Key. Wm. Meikle, who *AS mien stated pastor of Oookieschureh, Tarots- eo, during the Yummy ; aho on Rev. A 132 Toronto ; on Key. A J. McLeod; lei* Pr.0 mud of th• Regina Industrial Sable!. Toe number untenas en excellent reproduc• don of the central figuree of thou about tae Moderator's desk at the historical =outset when the covetwat 01.1./IISELY was slued uniting the two Soottieh churches. The news of the churches is 4. i.-..eptionally well arranged, and of the advertising P•2•11 the most intermingle is the foil -pus dinette. USD IIDOWIDE the mills sod Tortrour wart - hone°. of The Consolidated Pulp & Paper Company, Limited. SHEPPARDTON. Mrs. Thomas (imbue, of ioderich, spent Sunday with her eon, n 111rs. Nathaniel Cunningham, of Port Al. tem woe the guest of tire. Burrows on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Thompeon sad fdrs. Campbell sod children arrived here on Saturday from Manitoba to spend Christmas relatives Messrs. Campbell and Grant sauk an ar tutu well for John Graham. l'hev struck • good spring sk the depth of 97 feet The% then moved to Nelson Graham's and te t water Monday at the depth of 113 ft. CARLOW. MoNDAT, Deg 10th. Rev. Mr. Henderson, we regret to say, is in very poor health. Rey. John t ours'. ot Hamilton, has been •Isiting tile BOGUS of his boyhood days here. ReT. Mr. Hamilton, of Lowleboro, will prowls here on Sunday, 16th inst., and will preaoh the °huge vacant The Sableth school intend having a Christmas tree and entortainment es Fritts), evening. Deo. 21. Aimiesion 10 meta. All ohildren in the neighborhood tree. fie literary sooletv has re organized for the winter months and held their first meet log last Fridsy. The subject ot debate was the question of granting the franchise to women. C. Robertson advoosted the ladies' muse, and A Johnston upheld the neg. PORT ALSER1. Tr 114DAY, Deo. 11 James Hayden is putting up a windmill on Ms barn tide weeek. MI re. Thos.( rehear', and Clarenee Orshem were In Ihe village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trembley visited tor • few day. at Wm. McConnell's lest week. Mrs. Wm. Rieherdson in spending few days with her daugheer In Dongannon. Mrs. H. Hayden end Evelyn spent Sat• urday sad Sunday with relatives in (lode. Rev. Mr. Goldberg is bolding weed! I% meettage on Thursday evenings in the F.ng F.natneer Brough, of (lederich SW in the village Tharsday lust on business In oonnso• non with the harbor. Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Auburn, on• pled th• pulpit in the Presbyterian church here Wet Suuday afternoon. lees Laura Jackal!, of Ilederloh. attest! led the parey given by Mr and Mrs. James B. Hawkins cm Friday @yeah), last. Eliza McMillen, Orem Cravrford and M. Cunningham, of the Cioderich Oellegiat• leseltute,visited their homes here last week. TUESDAY, DK, 11. Miss Joao Gray is visiting relatives st Mr. Owens, of Moabite's, was in the village se Monday. Henry Manuely is home from Oederieh, where he has been employed. Mrs. 1'111119 Thomaa le visiting her sister. Mee Week et Greed Valley. Mises Idabel Oliver and 1Reila bargees visited Blonde le Browse on Friday Rebut King sad Iltte danehter at Mr. MOE'S mother's in Ins village till' The date for the Presbyterian Samtley Frld•v. the 28th of Deo., te Thursday, eb• Ushers* • While deseeedleg a oat of eeteide steps se Me home le listens tie Thursday, Noy. Nth, Jells Fleakis slapped wad. Ionise. frectured two of ribs THE SIGNAL: GODER,ICH ONTARIO MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. isumnuos TOWNSHIP. 000. 3rd, 1900. Couiell met pursuant eis adjournment. Members all rimiest Illautes el Imo meet- ntad aad passed. Moved by John ditties, socionded by J. C. Weeds, that by - taw Np. 8 Dow read be passed. Moved by James Johnston, !wended by O. W. Will tams, Wit the feliewtag aeoeuats be paid : Wm. Crooks, 510.86. A petition of O. H. Cox sad Meat etbere,to have a rail tense be- longing to W J. Wilson -eleved from the publics highway, wee rea ' . The clerk wet to notify M r Wilson to remove said teem before the 20.11 day of Deoember, 1900. A bylew was weed appointing • Maori for holding the nomination for the °thee of reeve and four oonnoillors, said aomination to be held in WIlson'e Hall. Heimeeyille, at the hour of 12 °Week on the list day ef Dumber. Polling plumi and deputy re. Orange Hall, 4th wa. Char. • Johnston, R.O. ; No. house eiNlion Sturdy, ore. 7, John Sturdy, JIRO. • No. 3, bones of Thos. Harrison, out, 4:Thu. Harrison, 1), R.G. ; Nis. 4, house of 11. W. Elliott, Bey - No. 6. house of Hart Hicks, oon. 12, Hare Rieke, 1).R.0. Arlan/read to meet on tie 15th day of December. NIXON STURDY. Putrefying food in the int utiles rodeos, New Lite Pills expel the ighoosts from deg - tied bowels, gently, easily but surely, mu- les oonstipation, biliousness, sick head - IMAM. fevers, all hese, kidney sad bewel troubles.- Only 254 al Jas. 'Wilson's drug • TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of chiuiges must be left at this Otfice not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertieenients aocepted UD tO 1100D Wednesday of 'There is ealy one °beau to wive you .i.e and that is through an operstion" were the startling word, heard by Mee. 1 B. tor biter be tied vainly tried W our* her ol • frieetful ease of stotnaob trouble sad lel. low laundloe. Dail stones had formed and she oeustently grew worse. Tree else be- gan to nee Eleutrie timers whiole wholly cured her. It's • woaderful stomsob, liver e nd kidney remedy. Cures dyepepsia, lose of appetite. Try h. Ooly Wats. Cluaran• teed. For sale by Jim. Wilgus. Court Ooderlob, Ne 32, C. 0. F meets wet luesday 18th wet , for elude. of Stoves If you are looking for the best Coal Heating Stoves, you will find the "Art Am- herst" Heater will fill the bill. As for a Range, we can guarantee the Pearl. Every stove we sell is sold under the absolute guarantee that if stove is not satisfactory, the pur- chase price will be refunded. A number of good sec- ond hand stoves for sale very cheap, as we want the room for new stoves. You are always welcome to call and inspect our big btock of Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware, Etc. J. H. Worsell, The Cheap Stove Man, Sox and Rubbers. No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag-, proof rubbers -that's a combination that can't be bast for out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They sal priced down to rock bottom, too. • _This is how we sell them :- F*740M $1.25 UP. W11. SHARMAN, Jr. oderich Bargain Centre Bargains in Ladies Jackets with your health. Don't use Drugs end Medicines of questionable quality. Get the best there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stook is al- ways fresh, and each artiole pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department F. JORDAN Medical Hall. ALBERT W. WISE, DIGAI.EX IN Fart Inlements and Machinery. Deering Binders, Mowers. HUSS sod Twine AISO J, W. Maas goods Ploughs. Pullers. eta. liverything made of the very best material. Repairs of an kinds kept on hand. Would be pleased to have you mil and le - moot goods before purchasing elsewhere. Will open op In the old Angus licHlonOn stand about October log A. W. WISE, Hamilton Street. BIZET* & SON - TER LEADING - IOW+ en seem Urge. Pentanes. e- 1 bee Street. A Great Snap__. *Sound. of whir* we sell a barrel • week. This isn't our only soap. ea we carry everything that oan be found in an uti- le date groury store, aad our prises are right. The tanners know thettbey out alwaye get from us • seep for their produce. W• draw the line at no (11 mowers or pot•toes, Rude° stuff or ohniout table China. We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Bedford block. Gederieh. dos- dr- Ow- Oa- saw- AP - hristmas resents WHERE TO BUY THEM. We have just opened out a large'Import Order of Silverware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, bought direct from the best manufacturers. These goods were bought for the Holiday Trade in large quantities at a Cash price, and we must sell a large -quantity of them during this holiday season or be at the expense of carrying them over till next. In order to do this we are going to sell them at "Bargain Pricee.for the balance of the year. We have some of the very best Silverware, Razors, Table and Pocket Cut- lery, Carpet Sweepers and Skates that have ever been for sale in Goderich, and we will give you a printed guarantee that our Rodgers', and Wallace's Silverware and Cutlery is the very best. OMP9' SEEING IS BELIEVING. wiejsiom OAL.L AND SEE. Let us give you list of a few of the things that would make handsome and Silver Plated Tea Spo( es Rodgers' Table Knives - \ Silver Plated Dessert Spoon. Weetingholm's Table Knives Silver Plated Table Spoons Children'. Knife, Fork and Spoon Set. Silver Plated Tea Forks Children's Silver Mugs Aft Silver Plated Dinner Fork. Children's KIliV011 and Fork. - 0",_-_ Silver Plated Dinner Knives • Silver Napkin Rings Silver Plated Tea Knives Silver Pepper and Salt Seta Silver Plated Tea Knives and Forks in sets . . Nut Pick Seta Silver Plated Dinner Knives and Forks in sets Rodgers' Pen Knives Silver Plated Tea Spoons ii. seta Rodgers' Jack Knives L-- -"d*"*.- ' ffenallothe Mane Cartel" in ciiili$Thveti!rFo' ,I X I.., Non X 1.,.Weettnighotin's Butter Knives and Suglr Shells Handsome Carving Seta in case. 'rene-,.... Boker's Jack Knives Baker'. Pen Knives Pocket Cutlery E 4 SKATES AND HOCKEY - STICKS E RAZORS E We have jest opened oat a lot of the very bent makes of Razors, which make • handsome E ireful present. Something Handsome for Your Mother or Your Sister E Bissell's Cyco-Bearing Carpet Sweepers make very handsome and useful presents. Thiry E delight to • mother or a sister. They save labor, save health and NAYS the carpets. N.' McD. ALLAN, We have a large stook of Hockey Skates and Spring Skates in all sites and at all price.. Be sure and see our BOYS' /JOCKEYS at 35c per pair. Ladies' and Gent.' best plated Hockey and Spray* Mate' in -ell eleest- Boy.' and Men's Hockey Sticks, 15c up. Itre E Headquarters for Skaters' Outfits, Silverware, Cutlery and Genefal Hardware. Compliments of the season to all. .a Bargains in Ladies' Fur Coats 1,,t,e4. Bargains in Ladiesfur Capes Bargains in Ladies' Fur Caps JAMES ROBINSON'S Merry, Merry Christmas Comes again, and again we present the season's compli- ments and invite attention to our Christmas Goods. SEELEY'S PERFUMES. This is the only place in town where you Cell find the latest productions of this popular maker THE LATEST IDEA. Beautiful satin -lined niorr000d.:leather cases, designed for glove, bandker- chief or jewel cases, each with lock and key and coutaiuing a lovely bottle et perfume., The prices of these are very moderate, value con ordered, $1 75 up. Supply limited We also have cut glass perfumes in an endless variety of beautiful Prices from 10c. up to $4 00. Some !vest value' at 25, 35 and 50 orate. Beauties at 51 to $2. We also have production. of all other leading makers, French surd IEBONY GOODS. We have some beautif ul articles in this popular line. Warranted genuine ebony. Hat Brushes, Hair Brushes, Mil- itary Brushes, Clothes Bruthee, Mirrors, etc. There is no line more useful, pop. uls.r, and up-to-date. b,fPriorecesToufrobmuy.65c up. See them PURbES AND WALLETS. S01111* MCC gift linos AI: prices FOB GENTLYMEN. Gift Pipes from 11 up to $4 Ci gar mud Cigarette Oases. Gift Packages of Urgers, in it -us and twenty -fives. Cue and Collar Boxes, Dressing Cases and other lines. .iron are invited to call and auk whether ready to buy or not. MEDFORD BLOCK. SKATES ! SKATES! SKATES 1 Hockey Skates, from 60c to $2.25 per pair. - Acme Skates, from 45c to $2.00 per pair. A full range of all sizes. Hocicey Sticks, all this year's goods, from 10c up. The best stidc made for 35c. A full line of Sundries, including Straps, Skate Parts, Ankle Supports, Etc. N. D. ROUGVIE. tlig THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. Rea‘, The Old Firm, The Old Business, But a New Stand. To THE PUBLIC : We have removed to the store lately occupied by Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked with a com- plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be able better than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. upon us in our new stand will please us. Yours respectfully, STURDY ci CO THE GROOENS. iteiaer ITWILL PAY cll. titenlotnh.e Entree. tpCityiBein, '-tessigtruazIoInthionrtphand tench with young people SW1 their needs, and the business world and its requirement*. Every fanility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are doing Overige work ; results prove it. Rend for our Catalogue end Oollege Journal. J. W. WESTERVELT. Prinolpal. Christmas Goods Don't wait for the rush, make your purchase.' early and have the best *election Our Obrfetmnsitiods aft In. WA hAnis tome epeeist lines in Bibles -leather hound and gilt edge. Mc. 75e. 900 (A special bargain in a larger Bible, leather, at fiik Aboo • line of pretty English chureh Prayer Books, leather oovered, 36e Me and 75e. Catholic] Prayer Books. from Se up to $3 50. Photo Frarnee -all kinds and shapes, from 1110e to 51 00. Beautiful Japanese Cups and Banners, from SlOr up to 75e. Swim Windmills, Puff and Pomades, 25c each Sterling Silver Poor . !Nall, Piles. Manicures. 80c each. Military amebae, $9.60 Mo to 5100. Seel leather Finger Purges. 66e Cigar and Cigarette Hoklere 30o to 7fie We know the public have en many pimiento to give at Christmas-, and we have gede*Torerl Us ware • number of pretty gift., M the beet quality, and within your raisin. Sae ear roods before you hay. KIDD'S BOOK STORE.