HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-13, Page 2-�- �Ulilril� - - '---T-�- upan unanlnarrly. owing W sura W• --- Boo. Ueo'Vu A. bruuawuud, 7l, C. IS ISLAMISM A 1101' limk u(1� A M��D� cal dl(fer"ncew. was m uwu, nod the MumIW-al. 11U II 1111 y y SENR h E' S i g na I r s etkt uw uca tauten fit prereutlug we Ilio n. 14 anluel 1'rowal, n3, C.. Mur }tr a {warty that was :waters out with the 1"Wesetloa fur tie Cum- ray 11Aartor, P. E. 1. drew Cres r rvsusaau of bight in tte rccant ell- •Mune, the urs*. I \vas out then prepared Lu Hon. Jsa Alexautwr 1.uuYh;,td. 46, ('., Itrittrit JAheralr made cite 1► show- Trio more for Laurier. Brit" Co- 0 p sour public+ life. I war bold W say Calgary. N. W. T. ■vast idt'trrn.t.110ft1Tg1� q lumDln Is Liberal. Presented With a Cheque "" '1'Iw! wunL down 4, the vunvrn SOON BE IIB�fl l lluat. i� �R. >tlq to 87. ,.. rx u. s.••rr.sJCUSM lf. J ilia ht b)t4 houses u,i l•arllnuleut tion unit elected the urau wino was lxxnue, }. C' ..---- . ive ,r: They rerrutt• I tlw kir"- The other dry a seat on New York (� trtned. I um bound W way 1 had It Hoon. Peter McLaren• 67. C., Pe - fmm• of Ala+ Queert's speech. which ,ion- Stock Exchange was sold for $46.5W. ane Siler Setr wory heavy exertion L1 Order W pair pas ( echo.. TI„e rxporltkn of Yards war tl THURBDAT, DEC. 18, 1000. taitkrl nothing raLwo than a dewuud and later to tis day au offer of by the Iallor which they Inteared to Hox1. Hlppulyto Mu otplatAr, tW C.. )wtr tit+t�Mkx1 ”( 'a Ifulu•r+l Kuth fes nuonlr;v. Lard Klmtx•rley Rave $47,110U war reRsrAtt. confer upon, file. In Lha rprlfig I was Clip do In lido lisle, Y. of „( scientists and nrtlstm wit ISON. A. N. HA141)\'. f offered the tu,mhiatluu fur South Probable Changes of the Next I". Jubra B. Swilvitall, (13, C.. kv 1R { tie Taxies a wigging tut• aa•urhlg TH1� PRI �IIyh J SP��CH! Brant for the Lxwl. 1 was [rot then C'hathum, N. B. \rruatr cutfKr'+w 'r excltat e'.I 1le III ThP presentat{oo of A cheque fur its.c Liberalm o! dlNluyalt) dmirsg the Tke ]fail and Empire. apgcars t) be prepared W enter public life. I w•ax lion. Andrew A. Ma'dwutld, 71, C• Many IntenwtiwK ttutwth,tw of how 117.000 and a set of silver to Hon •lection camlutigrb and_ he deudunled tt!MMStirtl(vl with the result tit c;,ue- In the full swing b op sed Ujw. I Chrrlutte101" L 1'. I. 1. sCtivlty, ur(uteiloc the+ Bus. city a ktew wy wife W lw upp,awd w wy Five Years, }lou. Je,hu DOhwu. T8. C., LitltJeka A & Hardy, by IIYa friends through- 'rum Lord Salisbury a dc•Lnite Wii(•y bei•, A , Ikxw of 67 Liberals to 'T Row Be Was Induced to Enter ,fostering lxrlltlew. I hardly liked to re• Out. y' rxatuPle of luWtit.) Bo on raim u out Sidi }'roniiloe e t Ovltarlq gave 'cx spePAlly ccdtcludbtg the tests. Lorr1 l'aarorxntiver 1r not just wblt,to llkely- fuse, a second time. I kxhk Wu tiny* Huts. A. C. 1'. 1.awlr 51. c., 1lanli"r+y• Saye the IIurWn Trrnw r! the ex-Yremter an or rtunity W re- Jlurteti, t W ItOretwry rrttLlrtal the Guvprnmrut'r w gladdgcl th' ergfut s basset. PQ;jt��,4, W ccxwhler. I abut myself In rte h01uP P. l,Z Y• It Net hm+ fast a wall-kiwwt>r .Arco \'INR' t+fY Il1en1 carper, and to say xxldurt with RIO after the rw,coad f y I raw what �( Hua. Thou,, A. Bernier, 58, U., lit, Lan juurmalirt (l Russia, Mr. Ilampa pal regard to K,uth .Africa ,Buffalo swindlers have been run• illy duty wits and had roff"ved to d" AL/LS OF THE MEMBERS. &XIII":e• Mau. muoy things fit Interest to the pub- ted China, he ruastgl lord Salic ,hug a dlaoow mill, and it w mal•( p errsn p i �p my boort to bring my wife anwnd to Hon. Clarence Primtxrbe. 70. C.. Pk• sacra .AraizeUs) co the course of Ile. Sotos people lave felt aunuyet oury for having sq wauy ,•f Illy fan that a great wsny coupled suave been P1,11 118 Oi PQBL10 1►L[a my vlewSt. At Shutt time, perhaps for __-__ Wu• N. I ayslunr'of l k r'wyead fit cher 1 that n rose with Ihir. Hatdy'B quail- ,ly oolutea3lsws lfi the CALfuet, and Uw kart tins+ fn my life. I had my lion, H -r M. Dowell, KI C. M. Ga. 77. ' fury "f rellQ4xtx• swot a Vapor ,1aidered b)' the bogus decrees, ibi Yegt r'aay � fricuda uttd aalmtlterr own way -slaughter) -arid soon my C., Llelle\Ille. Out. ^1LIbt',aI, wh 11 uLLrnottxl Ruch R flentfuns and record of service was ,w referred to the charye that the results far from pleasant In wsny of lion. Arthur S. ll:arly. ex -Presider wife became an Ima1 fir a better Ilow the Kapeetatlon of Lite Tables H-1. Juan Nesbitt QClrchuffer, _ ornI attention as to merit an extwlu not given a more importaut ntd lue• 'hamberlmas were haterr.,ted In son tYtsris. 5 of Uutarlo, prnteuts,d him and Mrs. lullticlan Lhnzt I tees. ADPIy In the ('ase -A lioud Tbirr C., liruudou, Mau. (yitort. rative position Lineal the One whlch tracts. ----- 1lardy with a Bet of sll\erwarse +and a Canadian Politicians. Hun. i a, 1'. b'ergaaruu, Ail, C'., Char- Th aurtLfreBs diad expreBsad the tel Le ta)k upon his retirement from lit the Boase, of Coban nim the Lib Rev. Dr. Warden says tie ljr eably- c.h-rine. The pre s tatlon took plum "I would tike to speak of the tuler- to Cut Uut rod KeeD-1'urler )I r) lvtteWwu, 1'. l . !. los Ice V _,old sp a that woe o(tlta mr office. Mr. Hari)' explalopd yester• .sal feistier, it library Cawptxll aln- > - tistlnmiwatfasa wood& $:116,11JO at Mr. Hardye. rr•ria4wtrl• Nu 116 1i mere west fair Piny (A Canattlans In be Sorry'Vbey Did Not Cussent to Hun. George T• Balyd, 53, C,. Peril, Ixro blrxtld speak W Lhe nu•w n wdny that film friends at Ottawa had [or the various s.hrrsw of the church .Alban street, Tomato. at '1.80 ht the public life• am compared with those of Centre, N. H iso, 11ug lit e►hl'h tens Bo akelt n I .wrivan, gave Mr. ChamberluW a lad other cuuntrlsr. In the Vatted State■ Nmarte Itefurm+• Hun,. stir AA'm. 11. 111u rt rradlug los 1'ermlt. Mr. Arakrllnn 1 IatLrruOun. Awuug ih,tue pnwwls euro g un,. 71, C., M' otfereA him oftlt>es fit greater dlgnit) luarter u[ tau lour, bebig ebpe:iully -his ye.•ar. Th:e Pr wbyterians will halos thN tullOwhtg ge•utles.ieu- Huu. Ueo. several of their most eminent men In fill human probablllty the L►b Jduutrsal. tarn (un, the hast taw years ant anti greater etoolusment, but he eloomr ieaere Wt the Cohsnal tk•cretary for to (to bums hiktlks.g I( th:y get it this W. hots. Pr01a!ur of Ontario; 11011. J. h:ivp been mobbed, Assaulted and re- Huu. JuriAlt Wcxrti, 57, C'., Snckrllh:, u Mxrth , fur y Into cisco re•ligl the place ho Gane occupied At Os- (,entury, M. Oltaas+, Attorusoy-General; Hutt. J• fused n hearing. In England It occurs brei runty to the 5e twe wUl have N. ,esnducthts] lar that l n thIl exam {wbllsLing prl\'Ate letters led heist _ __ lwcu rucrultetl by twtweeu riztsen Hun. James O'$rlsu• 8l, C„ MUIIt- rtkNlr acid rerearcgw "11 L11n shoot, c code Hnll twcause tits health did not .•al r rubaw. Tlw latter tx• *un Illy R. SLrusWst. You\lttclNl t3eu rNtarY : (raiucntly, and n rlomextic nrticlP g put f, t-nate• claw hap a surplus of about lion. F. R. Lautiford. CummaadOaor osh)erf u cat plape a part. (Laughter.) and eighteen members before the rail. a(lianK t, Is s kirgn ly It , wh permit fit great phymical or saestal reply in u teml Nr, nrld hntl out cue• $8O0OU,Ot)lt for tts.e yeor, a little over of 1'ul&t: Works; Ytpi Guldwin 13uil.h. I h•!ve opver n refused a hearinK. Hun. Josuph O. Villeneuve, 64. t., a1f\wIW(fn IrarttCUiarly lb lust( ut:e f tilers the r. tua had owe \a, Mebsrr. H h ltluin, Rubs. Jaffray, E. rlusu u[ the next five years. Momtrrxal. u+il and original Ch aracWr. This w, Lxerttoo. He has no complaint to 1 ' gl a head of his io ulutluo. Tile re- 11g •Rwir, hear.) it speaks voluines fur The chs of thirteen seats would „ oval, or! ion ly intended for th,+ Grlt f V T. Malone, U., J. S. Avillblou, Jurelrh � H u. 1A'llllam Owr)taat, ep C» Mout- l( rake ate Scutt heeal. He spoke tlndl} put Iw guc fur ecuugU fol le called ai froG wWrtey, icer trod tobnecO �' the goal nature, fair play, the belief Pis Tult. Apatfilrs •Ir\tug, foci• C., J. 8 In frewdrwi of speech which prevails Rlve Slue Goverotnent n wn�orlty Io re.)J. alwtr orf }t.ruir. n1 thdr merLhtg L of the spirit of fair play which had W crdvr by the Speaker fur culling yielded W-.333.`-35 snore than In the M,-Mabsou, W. B. Rotes. Dr. J. E• In Citnada. We have Clad ho; debates, the Upper Hese. Huu. Jamas lox ,Alkene, 77, ('•, year, l,uL wwbla W (rOoaod W Ru been displayed by his political uPPu11 a nwwtra fit the Op{xritltw n sad. prnceding• year. EIWtt. IL P. E,tanrt, D. E. Therm- warm •perking. I have found my Con- Tie deds lea Is ns nearly Itlxur- MuutrenJ. . , Ot, ,,,,Iaemm,et scholar lmsentod ents In the Legislature, and he tea" Tlw• Imlxrtant rtAtPHIPat h1 the "I. Ay C., Jar. Massie, H. M. Muwat. servative friends always extending Hoo• George B Q3uker, 86, C., Tu the ewlRretst sl►, folluwhng acctaut 16 it likely that ohm the first dhl- (,i,• C.. Wm. 1141,6110In, A. F. ltuttar, fair play In matters of that kind. me fir mathemattus ash statlstlos ruaw. bs iutrnwtlt+(f rtsly- satisfied with the memiter In which appeeltes of Doth Losd Sralirbury atui Y. It (A llvuse.) I consider that to a great which represent ra huvdred years of Tlr 1'errinrs, l.nlerrhlg t11n d 31uu Lakem pLacr In th3 new Commons Henry Tuct.+t4 l(. ii. H. Lintlae l'., � Bon. David Mackeeu, 81, C.,,llutl- hta trlcnAe cut the press hind clefeoolYd Brilicxtr war Chas the aalwxatkeu Juke lUchtrlLaws.. AI. 1'. 1'., U. 1'. Jda- tribute to Cntadu, and shows that traltiartl obwrratlon can conte It. (,�, tnndw cat Masalem Ghee. believe L hint against the sometimes Jnarsh ol the Tra+urysaal and Orkage Free •hL-•m will be, a Liberal majority frOM ,g„tau. J. Bitrett M �J ter, foster Rptit, they believe In free discussion under Every Itwwnnce atop cot L isle what Bun. AIr Osorge lCarling, li. L'. M. 1;,, after at, twelve i wL- (high deka crlticfswr of Ills adversaries. From irate Lo the ltrltish Ewpire was a every Province but Ontario. And the it T. Bastclo>, th•raf A1'I.difletd, E. L. It calls "Expeotatiuo fid Life” tables, 7r, C., Ltntloo. th^ ftn+, \titxr; fit ,e::Lrw ctrl tr any pad all al In mitamoer. R- lion. Lout J. 'dr et, 47, C., Mont- h or I"en ckned. Molt•unme tan!*nt } lnda obbcrvatlun, a conal Ir Impruvefi ;lost tact, Tmm Nhlch there NuuW itry vsaJorlLy fit Shu total volt• In 1'a4gh. Elias 1tuK ro, J. K. Urburae. .A. A Rcoi1 atenl M eltld Iagatust the which, tm tie ro ninny u[ f1 R uutariu tr not worth mcxltl(xll ng. F.- rle. of Dundwo. twollticl•ur• and perhaps they deserve ewes, show the probabllltp of death steal. d r gut:ttld »ashy sec to In Prrsla, xa ' b}' tlw responsibilities of public life. oe allowed tui n"i fhatioa in the dl- From Brantford th,ro were Messrs. criticism. They will ted n o worse for Overtaking the lodivldual fit ivory Hon. Alfred A. p hlbaadean, 40, I.. her nuxGunce. as for l,AI the Da\ instead of having ids moral sense reifies ut Inde W.Ience, aWf that the Thoults Waodyatt. 1'011co Magistrate. being watched And being fairly critt- ate IwtweeD tone std use hundred. Montreal. dl,vR, thd• Dal, ham ew -to A opult. Pe Sir Charles Tupper and Clarke Wal- T. H. Preston. M. P. P., l HPU Jura•PD los cuwpllln there [+abler, Btatlrtics ❑e,m• o,f [Awe huts be n sl Is,pulnr blunted or obliterated, as tr•popalar• people d those countries would not dial. I t rove Deers n thelo erfthand, R Hoo. David A.4' i89, L Ottawa. tv 1. Eur. Hardy's greatest fare went Out W Brltbh l:ulumbia t3antford. Judge tl ani)•, E. 1i. (kxoW. (,v the prem! Bot, on the other hand, cullectwl sWce life Inruramce first lieu. George A.l'o:, 8O, I,., 'hruntu. fon,pr,•lu •nrlre ate the ext which 1 supposed (Pt reppexulble government until :and eonductcd n campnlgn on rho Judge. Junes• N. D. Neill, 1 G. Il. the other side of the came into existence are artfllsed, the Hon. George Gerald e:fug, 64, 1.., Las« I4ablem. Thi, nnmbPr of its prk}e le that he retired tram Vubllc they proved by thele nmenct that Dres h•u been simmber of cases recoraded running los- .bipmaa, N. B+ h •n nt., nvtrlmw :3,000,000 ttrday Ilnos thuL'finve mrufr them w well +f�i�f moxa than kirsch to coli Band hew been to the mllllow, a[d the results Are Ilte, lenting" no personal enemies in ttwy were entitled W It. • In Juni Among the Indies present were mra m. great power ; Indeed• it has ter: Hun. Jo bn Levitt, 68, L., Yarmwth, 1'vrbin, whish boa ha' fill 7.000,(100 the• rnnlrs of Ills lltical o eats. known In tlle'Dohtiv:•1 world. Anl the Geo. AY, ltowt, Mrs Stratton, Mrs. t•,lned me, as every public man• under Ylmply the rlgW east unchangeable N, S hsbltww, rind 2,0(1(►.Orq los thio W pWn +ellmbury's words• "ft might beyearsllieltirh ('olumblana he rd them, rad Bddwin, Mre. J. B. Morrlron, Ml�s ndvetw and hlortlle and fierce crltl- ezpresalun of recorded facts. Hon. Raoul Daodurand, 89, L., ,lt.a«, in- crwlntrie* Ixgcxul the Tfie token Ot n(rPtociutlm that war ;u1d is might be genlerntlxsm." T!w la:,dys Hardy, Mbra (:Indy* Buchtaman cirm. it Is slid also that llticlans t4rtch IIRBres, err, of course, omly Montreal. pfmn, Itfwnthara. Crultrfil Abla• proffered t" Mr. Hnrdv y Liberals play not (ourlt very strung wefit two men to rLreugLLen the Goo'- Dt) Hun. J. B. R. Flet, 57, L„ R►mou- M nor. Th,re le tri fkubt that I yesterda Ont \Ire. lJudgc) JUat`e. are tart rellnble. I alo not quite onpable fit n gcoeral Appllcatlon; wets well disseraed. At the ate kALa erumeat agulurt Tupperhem. U the atherin coming to order they sleet in probabilities, not pro- mil, Y. Q Isla. whi, h b o �ly res"ttly pude lttt11 R R see with that, tlioG ft may tet n. divir+tek Its[, let they [lace sit pped lisp in certain Bassa. I ever found, phscies. tA'hpq applied to Indlrltivat p x.0 ht ossein, will tri sane day tion of Ills lrolit)cail irfeedr he abs• ',Ort their icor their •ieiratini ileo. Eur. 3lrtlock !r twtllkely-Sn fl xr' I3ugh B1:itn ate torwarct acct Hoe. w'llllam Tem letraau, 66, L, age -last g as "raw to Mr. Hardy, and cater they profess w show only the A'IMorka. K..iwral To I gkxl „f th csuntry. okxsed a rlrlendtd poeitlan In file oro e,tther nR4Mrtpra* fay nenh fir perp• mdch difficulty in dealing with regi*- h.ande(1 the cheque. remarking that my Mends• I mess*+ found them f)zpethe br of Ilfe to each hetuuce, Hon. J. W. Grmloheel, L SNw ,,tong it a ilia- orallyen a 1 feeaslon to go Into polities in early tered letter Insurance. The sole fine* It represented some $17,000, which hre•ek their pleolged faith. I never an`1 the broader the field the tares Glarguw, N. (� text against the aurally enrlaf relation ,and hr gave the best years CHL: .l'Nt I N D STA1'M8 t'KNtSI'`d. tiOII-to be copbiclerd Ir that of sac- N•euld lir incre:,Bed to 8.'0,00(1 ere found them to violate con(Idencew accBratoly will the estimate colo- Host. Jobn Yeo, L., Port Hill, P. pressure. of irlawism, which has t cif her life to the sen'ice of hi, won as thus subscrtptlous were fill ►q h p edit In them, never fomd them cldr with the actrasllty. E. (, am.l Ir so gravely I hit ►ted Dura R e hnve rerpntly 1wblirheJ file o nue. If It can be •mAJe to cover cost i,Appiatuse ) galltp M trataehery ; alwniu ftxtnd The tables (red by the British eom- HOG. Joespb Arthur YagWt, L., ,+t thin rpt ,orf lutdllgartt .l uatl%p Province, finally retiring with And probably yield a profit he will Mr. Thomas Woodyatt, fit Brant- they were honorable then In, thin( pnnles more nearly cover C+aaasllan Qtlebrc, eros Im1amlllm Ir t" binro• fur ret- -- fit the (Wiled States Census inti -human Ideas fit the Perslani broken heatth and per los - - -- - - - Iw jurtltJPtt ora-1Mltalatlag 1L; notnilrr- font, then read rn address W Mea Iotbe. honorable meat In every sense. thealllffer thaw any ochre, thtxrnd Boo., eter m Kerr, L., ., Mone- af 1890 and those of 1fJW ns uifect- Hirdy. Ile aucoveretl a magnificent tho dtuted by between them rad Hoo. peter Mofet►swrtev, L., 1[aruc- to tMnt religion of late whlot+ than he was at the beginning u( him wise. And thero fire data on lahlch a i believe they are better *nen fur :ng the population of 130 cities and sliver tc a service and trap, and an there wed by other sly wolf Is en, cos N. B mak• them to lrelir\r that rclr bpJlig In Public IUs. I Uelleve that political career. He looted well at- computation c:tn be made to deter- oak cabinet containing one hundred rltgbt aB to be scarcely south ono- Hon. (leo. T. Fdfi erJ. L., Bruckrllle. :ems truth are funver cluw•d be towuR. A glance at the general and nine men out M ten am better by own , Hutt it 1« nevi,iosrra is, at ter tits• public Interests commuted mine with reasonable accuracy what pieces ol real stivor table eutlerp. On lrasrxi of that responsibility which rlderatlop. Hoq. (Yfnrler Barrpee, L., 13hefttet t, to Ilia chn e, was faithful to his 'tate returns will be interertlug. the result would be. it the early ndup• the tray Was the following Inscrip- public lite exacts• and by reason or Tito Senate of Canada is composed N, B, life f„reign oatl„n.+. The decennial results since 1860 lase tion- of 81 members, 2W Liberals and 5a HOG. J. P. B. L'AAWSla L., Mont On the contrary, the two) r leader' While he ex'cuptetl a second- tloG,of tech a system meesnr likely W "Invented to -the Bon. Arthur their having t0 mmend themselves Conxercatltos. The trnGster of 13 real. priorfplPs o Iiablsm err IhUh,aA _ _--- _. _-;ettewa; _ _ _ _- ---- Lo tbs Deib11--'I belie 11alrahtwr my pait)oe in the Csbfttei -wtii ----- —_- tgli_ =:iis_�1d::Y. P.: Conservative scats to appointees of Hoe. Robt. Watsolr, L., M Ittlfaa ( -.. ympalow 91 commanded tie esteem n d to all Per eeat.o delayed and Woe insured delivery left Attorney-(iener�i on his resigns >>Ptter m+qr therm t a t ey n04 a� r h y y nfi had remalrted as *hate ottlsstur the prerrut Uuvtromrnt would ooa• Prairie, Mat> 4nmuu rieij Tear. Po oulat'n. Increase. " Increase. the Premien 1 M the Province q b p Itabnxm war Gat«I In 1��4 of his colle ues while he teas Pre• r • ` 1 a time to ,tile private roncern& h p A venprn le old friend of mine, a Boliurntly be plexielent to change the y.I Flrrllay M. Young, L, K)Il,r ++R 18Tit 38,3.o8,:i71 T,115,OSU 8a Ontario, ov fib cunetltrtents of 8uuth q,llttcal cumplexloG of the b011y. Gey. Man. LNtn.ler tens Mlrsa..All-Mohamf mire. Ae a loafs clttten,`.cue re• iK8C1 50,15'1,783 '11,593,41" 1SQ.f)E1 eogagnl in, i•arr)1Wg mune3 stud Brant and his friends and nfitild warm friend. ,personal .and pulltical, ) flown in Shires in 1x10, and dem 1fi who had knoviva the from m(y boy• Of the 53 Conservatives• 4L are HOG• Joeaph Ahehyn, L., Qu••t« tnte•f In 18:,0 by ttu• order of taim the•sympathy and t,M ISin0 6:3,08'9,750 12,913.97:1 ^3.7:, cal pis. -- __-_ hl the 1'rotlnce of Ont,ri-,, Nu n over 6(1 ears of ate, 24 are over 7U, Hue. Arthur Gilmour, L., 8t. Ga rge, ' tunm(1—fie was Pen older that I aro y Stec Mem3s he male dttri� 1 i7te 19M 76._Ju;=_O 13,38Si84_ 1r). r y� npn m'IrY of recognitlun Ot 28 pears of and 5 are over 80. BJ olwltying N. B-Mootrwal Herald. , Int,• Nnx:.ldln shah. They RnvP Pminent public service and patriotic myself-(lnnWiiter)-eald to me atter floe nnrne „f Bak, 04Il vr) twewwP • rte a pubic man. all of whom \Philo the Aggregate IGereaye hoe Liberals yeatertlay-Mr. Maxwell ,and I retired- ' I can wa this to you, the names In 5 year perlods and ap aces• dap the tbelsM of RIIPa, __ derotlon to Lhe latcreats of Ills coon- y 1 I percentages found la the that ho may long enjoy the sleet. been greaser durlGg 1hi5 ')((tat" Safi j�� (;a�ilDer-tO swell Sir t\ Ilfrhl try" lrthur• I rtmer knew y.wt to do n D Y nR thio Ctmerc�fel Matters mean act or torte a dishonorable actuaries' tables, the problemwortm ti•)Irn nodi e 4 1w offs erre Im which ho I9 entitled. years than ever before, the, per- Laurler's tollow•iag in Lire Huuae of Mr.1(ardly's Reply., mg Hutt thio efts. tf( Bpping cents a of Increase IB the smallrrt ` lifp.' 1. oeerv. p I sim o Or In private out ax tallows: tenth was d -No., the yort(A k _ _ R C'ummune. Ttw «"est has not woos eo With vlriWe emotiao Hoa. Mr. fife.' (('hwetw.) I ofeemeii the word« At SU pear• 14.04 par oast. of the MAKING 'ruRY AMMUNITION. ecorded. Tilts Is principally due to badly after all. Fite or mix weeks ago, Hardy began his reply. He enfd-"Mr 1„ beyond AI, rxctnlmed-No, thio door a wc1 Blaln, Mr. txcxxlyatt, Indies and 'gen- PrxP, ref rnmtng frnan nue tying will probably df■ before the Hradrsreet•B o■ Trade. nal truth Is always open, and t fallin off of Imml ration which 'To lx firmer, I have Dees often put about who hast known me, n'I cop IIfP year ix out, while at 83 the parcent- a, R R ter rend In sums rY p+a r that Thew Y fbrldderable act,itp w u.xt dine, that Bwb. Tieas day. The Montreal Tarry headquarters "I look over the varoiw Marlin- age has risen t.e 2(1.5. Within thi• wholesale trade circler at Montreal. 12. 1414, wM the day of the r ham toren sending out to Canadian w+a�coasiderably Jess between 181)0 no Liberal wooll led elected between anti puzzled to know precisely what mPntw of the peat anti r'ec nize the ne•ct five ,yearn, therefore, it may be a,arge Puler M Ilufblay goods hale motion u( the birth (s4wilkntr) • ( and United States papers pfetur- and 900 than it war between 1890 Late Superior anJ tice Pacific Ocean. i should may to reply to addremses up- earn(" (,( cminent ken an b0 mlolprh s-.xlwctpdf tfutt 88 percent. oI the beeu made this week. As jubtx•rs :itrb , thin end the- Rablsts. Thr adher rot many and carted occasions. bet of tho HatPe—Matthew Came n, Sir men between SO anti 83 will tan•.• and ] 1)0. The natural "IncrParP fs AIr t7rerlem tllmiselt had Bald it ; fir seta Ucrr find preparedl fur the slut, r, d Std new faith celebrate It e• usque reports of a speech by 11oa. I am broom( to way I have never William Meredith• Mr. Mc Dr ggnl Mr. puasw,d away. Applying this to the untie the are anxitf,"l - - -- ypear. - -- also leis,' ns shown by the state re• wet it $lr ]i)1b9l;t, or Hast Tohlt; Or been laced In, a position where I Morray. Mr. McMaster. Mr. dcott. ,Jr. Senate, only one of the octogenar- afrward to 6UWr Weather. _Ju. �rrl _` Ft(an that Mr. Tarte la which he b reps_• -_._ . �. _ -- - _ P tun turnm of Lirths And dentlt/,. It Ir- Iraslo--_. uW ills r '-----are-+l7lTq FuavP keit q,tlte rii Ilei{rTeNe am at t b � htou-these were In the t ianr wuold eurs(vw. rig vented tas Itttacking the EniaYh. - --p,.��- - ii - pp . g P+h' -. --- t w BLisoiaLtte raise u( rewr.ra.rW �- war kttsrww M tM (lrxu hp w rather r nrka:ble that Nevaikt, [Pest art Lake F)trperl firs tosser- Prement mounent. I thank jou, Mr. Mnriinmenta. Thep ar•e men a" able, Between Ti and 80tIN eat eFn /ere aiM Bttew. A'nlur* are geuer:•Ly funu Lrc r;of tern rrveahrg to men the spcaling L'nnndinrs and urging the Blwls, and those for whom yoB spent, French-Canadian population to eom• which la hn�gdly more than a minlnp anther lave been elects(, �ga�nvt t M•Ilere• as li the Gu ellitill. bide. are unturrtlly much smaller, belgg staph gouxls. ign-wri so f teeth which had fir fire wt:,IdneNs which you warn Lind � blue against them. The reports were camp, contin es to lose ground, ItR twd a Liberals an] Independent Li+r. emnigh to present W me. I am not yrs 0niter's �ueugrh. (1.55 and 1:1011 rrspectively. if tb 1SuetlnrYs fit ToXoutu this work 6:m IgMorrvt ten far. Ftab was _:. )Par popnlatloG hang fallen from 45,7s1 erals. That (s gaol enough. •Slr Wit- so vain as to assume that all the "3'r Oliver Mowat, apart from him logical 56 per gent. die, the 12 Rees- been (air considering the udt. rte• then. All those who, opprpased c tkoubtlose prepared Dy the rulue od thin ■ ou have anfd could be rtronpr Personal and moral cualltbm, tor« coming within thew limits will d;onditions. Thee wholownle trailp cot 11 the yakP of the l4d►arnmpdan scoundrels who operated during the to 42,334 during the part ten years. friti Laurier doer nut want title earth. 1t" R ) a expected to be taken literally, b,rt tt tralding the, ptsaitk,a which Ito dial so be lessened by either 6 or T, within Iraq+ that o smart drop In th•, to , word , were hu r yin to hear c election cam I n, and the u \o.r %ebraska liar increased but 1 per ---- -- w1ra1:1 be enou(th f +r Any man, how- k«ug, Was able U) a,•,•owld'sh th^ guul the next free years, peratare will resrtlt los IArgel) wnnlw, teem htrrrctng to thio po R P >h -Tb-v- Conserrastves put tap W light eter t whatever macrinces he which he accomplished for this Pro- A.iplking the name calculations to creased sates fit hea\y winter dull MPlufi (prophet► from ail parl of their sends out ds ton obvious cent., Kansas 3 per cent., V•etm(mt R ed The trade In various holiday line•♦ ,m I'ersix. Thio tooyement wed• ad worthy of the name in the ((webs rolglit ba enllel upon to make, what- \trice by reason largely of the spirit of the 7 Vonservativo Senators hr - Rr to be mistaken. It Is worth while Per a.ent., Maine 5 per cent • and New Proviuctil e1wtions, allowing 35 seats ever labors he ritirrrwl. It nt the end unity wbhlt precullM In Ills Cabinet. [ween 7b and T4, the d betwppn 4. lulu active. Payments this we••k_ enlarging afrl extending. Undef to coruparef the reports of Mr. Hampshire 9 per cent. (O to the L'berals b; acclanut. of those lnb,Ire he should Ire thus Thit tuns the foundat!ot upon whkh and 70, and the 10 between 60 and have been fair. -- lnflopnce of thio clergy of [.hew ger Wholrvttlo trails- nt Ottawa bar. Shah Mehmed reecrted firs Tnrte'e speech ser toted' Irt iho Idaho lends In percentage .Of In. remembered. I have no words with b, ecotP•1. Tie had a united Cabinet 65, we may.kmt fur a farther dimfnn- W Sinn nod nommating no candLlatcw of been fairly active this week. There w pracehel measures ; he sent to S i a 10h adegwttrlp ►o rzpreng the nlwnyca Durfiag the rldrt Llmp I war clan of thelr'nnrober by 5 during the Star, the Tuppprite organ, azul La crease. Its population as grown . tr fit 5 OLh�r ecxst►tuenrhw. Yrpm'er I h id n united Cabitapt Iw weal. an active movement in holiday the great MoumhdPyld of Teh ! t't•t+sse, Site Totter aK wh1Ch lion. eom-94,891) in 1990 is iTF fur R D y Rr Shirai I feel for tee tter ktgdl,t peeled (or which the r"tirontes err frith much n beginning, it Is no ser- v►39fch ybB bare tittered, stud I bad always tdtldevpd M the lxioriplP cords. gcxxJs. the had of tAhee'r hierarchy, w Mr. Tarte mays Is a oorrect report IVW. Montana shows an nereme ray _ tbtt the Parent Guaenusaat to . R'oodyatt on behalf of the •,f Acting with my friecrM and through Thr results In tabular form give the CMe1cr weather fists find ea apprw- company of dUthagWshPd thelni of Whnt toot place. Here are the of 84 per cent., Its presontopata- P people r1( Brantfxd, mS sewn r>tktl- mS trirfi,le N'e were dl\i,leol lu th• pn)buble percentage u[ deaths as fol- c►nbla effect in wovloR sr:ts".nnble ,erdkr to Prtgngw In a rellgivoa na u1a aTlnx+t n eknn swrep nL iha pulls tueney, on b brit of Mrs. HarAy, Ikxsw by party. Onr qunrrrle were gcxods wt IuncL)n the prcw•int week. tamers)' with Bab. 1PeIIaR sure lsoints in dispute: tion being -'43,289; North D kota ,ui•et k'w"' Its is front country ret,ilers ore In the first meetin A v(wter. , The next Ircwlm0 01(11 eon- who (*elm It na keenly nus I ria No t y q,litlCnl. Bhnrp taw Nnm the Between 80 and 85- Por g Star Reptxt-fi+lee. hnn (crown from 18.3,719 to 319,910, kaln 67 Llb^rads aaad 7 conservatives. ane wit,) ever left Brnntf+rrd lett it warfare, tern eta wife tlr: debates, A8 im-r cent. of 5, equal 4.31 more cheerful. isim, ith t rb , i:rr P\- would be able to i with more rr et than Mrs. Hardy wrtrm Ito were" the sp ieci is, they car• d """"' bood s W increase with Sloe ntry. of M tlr t decei that Deb waw n • "It find br•pn often etuted that nn Increlame of 75 per cent. � Things brae cbnnKedl mince the Stow•, � r4.f with them no blttenleaw, and it IIetwren T3 nod 79- roo,l rnAw sonde In the counts)'• bMn11, n dlecrlcrr, a perflAkum , tha schools In and myself. We left a hnmr, we felt led Re to of hadmes at Vf uir.c rsoaat_ Quebec waw Inferior New Tark mtAte leAf(et Mr !i8 r cAa7 of 1_, 4- 8.73 def Nlt lts,l t,>r ttuene of Ontntlo. ifs could tell +re 11ut t'arf tdl)g a{tu, which GWebec i►ua warm feletaals, thaw wlWtr-I. Di7ti a oar of th) Proo'1r:t thirsts t am DBr y do egrler of 1«tip the I'reruh people that. they had tion, with 7.268.009. Fo11ow1oR It are y Tory, ilea meq h rffarL L1aP. known from bophxrxf, and. she [eom aLlp tO say un netfrl (arm Between TO nod 7d- fnN►Oa !k, not discLrsm a Kn•.nt 71r it that he• tally tl merv.. to ted w1 dolldl rug Vubllc 88 per cent. of 7. equal .. 2.87 ,)( Activit fries of various hurs,l rxothl t.o rgty ,the 'e of (3n- Pennm Ivanin with 6,301,863; Illi- thc- time of our marriage. an.l It wait lit" thtt I IpAVP foo enerGtexe In the y• pho Imrw greatly was eveid AT rtR 7 Vtt"P• Y Fraficophubp pewY•plprora 0( Umtnro Bc•twerm Liv and 89- cestuis hour ■tlf(enest, ire«h rgt9n Sarco In this atter. The Qneb.•c w trent wrench to leave or home to ra nks of lay Olrponealts polltknlly. " D trrirsf when the Mwsh(levld of R) no{s with 1,821,5,x0; Ohio with 4,737, halve had in R that c•han r; !. 26 per cent. of & equal ......... _.(18 hnvl edveeoed reese to 8t) csuta few mrcti atw0lr erre Pu ecce W ,there In product° �' come even to this hos itable and ►u- tl)p'ttlw,.) regw ohcdnml that Nal P Between W anA 84- There len rcnrclL M hxr.l c>aal in, Ontario. � 343, Ellas(eurl with 3,1O7,1i7: Telae wluocan Lr117 tereeting city. � "I th.afit yrxt for your prearnre Its•re _ )� uw rnnl Islchdh sent purpxeply La Press Report�txcarect. with 3,0.18,8_8; Massachusetts with The very- handsr)mP, the mnRnifl• today, fur your kh+dnwst In coming 17 per cent. of 10, equal .. . 1.77 file I'roalnce. (itch'" side to pp la the truth. sent, enof"wmnnt with which vmn bve• fur t►s.e kind thhytm vogt have RaN - Jobbers nL IInmllton IlncP mn,le lfFNlslideyl l frsl ed Ills a,dtlf Mr. Tarte dwelt at ler th u n ^_,805,346; Indiana with 2,518,48:3au1 The Ontario Conservatives propose fir me, and for tip more than khnd ('icing a total of ......... ...... 17.,6 corset lernble ahipmenta Lids we,•k, began to tra%el fill through I' g Do have prementegl me, And thin very ap The followin list R" nod they report Sha condltlon of r the gsetlon of edlaeat 1 reform. Michigan with 2,418,782. The growth t) offer a farewell banquet to Sir pre histive te"tinkot►Int, any one of Wings which It has beau my good for- R Rhes the n Pm pro ichbag the sm-w religions. d thio various Seenatorir- tends very poo«1 exrrpt in henT, war tilt• lfgt"ntkrn anw)r the 1 erpercially of the ele»lent mchuol ct Texne ham horn remarkutn3e, Its C'hnrlaw Tupper In re(ognftlxl cif them• either o[ them, woalct Have t°ac' to mr.•trr nt yore boob durhng +K tan twrec five flews. Pavlof Brinswor, ageil 77. L., winter M. Country remitt• t and tilt system• which he Raid w s moth tits Arviexs t0 the party., That Is Dern an r1(n de rreo niti,rrl y yf+are which brave gn0 peerseclitk"t tregan, ,t mento a of inrrenge reachin; 17 I K "f any' Y(xtville, Ont. Ilt'•' Rt,end u( rte dr the new moo navirer PerfL'911fut .lq QWlprlo than M' K e _ p: sacci and hnve bran quite nus Rc■r 1 T 1 tr I __---iA'tt3r - writ fit* int(ltm. Bir sPrviees wliksl► aGv nae erf ate enMal ' gcxu, crown In Qnelxc ---: ppm cent. It now stnneTm•mTxfhTT6P tiny by chit set of m them to-. Ti(rl. Oeorge W►t11Am Allan, T8, C., ander the Nrcnemntances. T11e taa);;+fa) tt a.Aty lee+ DI N ex ml It. have rendered to the counts M '1Rnlficerioq and pPn Dnr L'harlce huB hrteu a sirwtar fighter, Y• � Tbeoato. trn(le IB Roo(1. i As t» bsf schoolm,.tete find I1Pt of States iG po1Gt of papaTattl)n. tfia� sire PB TATT-'Tne too 1111ime gwrwraalty:' ((arwrs.l H(o. Tose h F. Rrwate(!t wessio which trua(le n nothi to env our oom tell) of ani mwiPr any usher leader now P•o Y p Armynd, 80, C., BlrAnww 1n Mnnitohn and the \esti' (,Nmol fin ako In, 1'Pr«La, ten y The total ulation of th,t Re ub_ wh ) hnve hardened thpm elven, with Letters of Itegret, Rlviere dem llrairips. Quos. went Ilia been rtrklng a anomewl, t 1�e1r (h,tarx); ori thio contrary, ourrWe Pf)P P aanllabie the Conservative" would 1 P tilt• grant titp fo Kne in, the superior. Ili on, Jnne 1, was very wear the fIK- thele other vnrinue dntfre, Shpts A aumtor of letterxt or roKret wire Hen, itobert B. Dickey, 81i. C., Am- the peat west with p;exxl, wbarp, aur tevykxn of Sias Mrwahoteyld'a f herr teen jumL ne tlumughly whlppeil other buelnesa, in undertntlnR the recrhed from gentlemen nsubletost• tnerst, N. 5. C ter wPatltwr. RGrcta of beau) Rgm,IN ter. Tlr yq>,t 6tar -Report-fair. see which ('nnndinnm find fruovrrrl' manngcmpnt •,f nn enterprime such as tend. Senator Cox greatly regretted Hoe.. William Miller. 6G, » ,orf• Are, ettin more broken into. Tim{ nR hProinw. eA)ed "At tine prement, more timn at any np United 8tatee eo ds-, howev,•r, I1w they were alder Sir Chnrle". Tlw that a bu+,hiesie a e R R net girpt ILfght 0f file state P P that t" which tea tfPtnr.' Ttieq icer- rstK g meat at Ncw *het, �. 8. ` grain fnocerGPnt Is anther nightie. Mut tilt• flrmt woman w•ho resists 0111 gtetttemlul can dive some del:ghnt- York revented Ilia bei resent. lion. David Wark• 86. L., Frederic. the farmers hnve r,,nmtelerande other Other time. 16 was eseatlal W the bac looked torn return Nhuwing tninlr brie bprlenPd themmelvee wltb V !R P yoke .,f 1RInmism. Afie threw French race that Quebec should go rut lolitleat reminlacefieea In an atter• n task --Sha gathering or monpy - Senator Fulford maid- It is a xoun•e ton, N. B. produce which It ,a teen coming for- INT \ell , blip n r "•arp'l with ecce ,000,000. of nt ensure to me U,knuw Stat Hon. Jamas Ofever. 73. I,., Rt. .tubo, word rettp frr•ply. ('ollPctlarus or„ 11 Witt. Ottawa and support the 1 re- dinner speee•li. and If he refrains from which In n very thankless one. For fmm' pl P fnfr before till• ubllc, and. micro whlo was a French Canadian. -- — Irophetfying rd)1)gdy will laugh. Mr. my"elf, however, and )Ire. Hardy, I true perwsml and q)iitical friends of N. B. for, tint Jobbers rwtllze that they 1 Mr. Ftlardy have aniieot 1n ehowin fn FFrxl. Rir Front Rmlth. 78, C., Tor• wilt h tcP to everrlae ttertcr ha.tb._ _ _ Ing 14alnmm, punched Lhe egnn They had threw mllltout F'renchtena- t•A 11 5 tY TIAs no", fr. inn Only Pxpreme our profoundemt nn•1 R Pro man dlane onI the tx>fltlnent, tea million in Barker.,,GL_iiautiltan. preRWe,l over some tangible forty the estepto fn to matter of coltectlons. nlul woman. Her versa T11. b•la d elections In Dritl"h Co- deelw6st thnnkr. It is ♦cry difflcnit "!1 admgw, which brie n real Ii Canada and ata million in the t wilted tine gathering of Tories in Toronto t•) know precisely what td any upon which they told both Diamelf and Skss. William John Macdonald, 88, At Quebec navigation has o.one i I"ally, new haul and ascot 8tatee. "We should unite," Bald Mr. hlmbl t hnvl tarn held, It fie now yeloterday, but It Is explained that an ocenston of thl■ kind, for the pre- Mre. Fhirdy." C'., Victoria, B. C. Pontewhnt Inter than nininl. The inll l with admiration. icer eloquem Tarte• "we should extend the haul Mr. Wallace Nebltt, Q. C., wrote- lion. Matthew liens Cochrane 77, weather of the went hag Isn�i :f ptxsLDle to ser uV the gen,er;s.l nesyly" LLnt..fua:L hiss nu heatluR nWn.. file.crSl�Cdlf„i_accJm.,,ta=.._W.bena.mua-:s.,. » y. , -.._ lutmeyse sash hal tlrwaanda of 1 of Erotdlerhood to our Mends across throe hout the ,rotnl„n. Thr• House tires term ATthrIlIgh itm wL11 atwaye a11A%%Tiii7: Cusn tun, ue. dpprwefslnil affpc con tit((' the line fwd form one compact, united R qurstiexs. of ttte eelect'u4t of n 1pAder public a er rptid. tt by Inheritance T was a Tor I ever Hon, Alexao er Vida. 81, C., Sar- In the city. Tn whnleoli CIrCIPs tlk" 1Al tf) tie raw Mliglf I Tint , M Commons Cons of 21:1 nnrmhero. for the lxtrty-. Wh,y not ? With A Int- forRotteb. to b overleokd•A. It fo nd him most rvurteonn and Im• eia. Chit. dpmnrld frrr holldn goods M at"O"t Alyn w rte afterwards Imprlwrsl people." ) wag very remarkable that this ten- -----. - . res "Iowa. Ole ►p.f(ie{ ...e Mr. Seeker pwrtlAl, tend kava shwa s t y Teheran. and In 1852 durfn tilt La Ptwse Report-Cwmit. 1+ ttfMf .T i6Ari rr Tiffin of nnfi mpntionrd Y MwRht he -lion. ltichatt) WHiiam 8enth. T5. the nvernRP. Wgrrk to thio .wouxL+ is-_. __ r f� Ontarii+- I,itwernL, 38; (`unser,,._ find but rate Iden In the transietim L.. Ottawa, aOmPwh_at bnrlcward owing V) Sher to( S iftkrraof the . wa:m n tl "tt'e are three mill.On FrenchCnua- cvx11c1 gine Mr. Foster print" nrxf nftPr the abnnrkrnment on my part "f Shah NxwmlAht. team deco tives, 56. McEwen ( h Huronn ne I of stat ma efo the pub aero ., 11 }ill. Laurence Geoffrey I'oWer, G9, w hoole i of arra. Colleotlnrrr ,on [lir and her body thnnvn into a s dlnns ; tWo m111ionw In Canada and one bent film. .And tract Mr. itnrker hue w•nrm frlethfe, there whcxn I had McCarthy stio Ro roan nee cl Elgin; fro )wer, no influence or shut made fes Lhe publfo goat. r. I,., lin. Ki v, whcco are fair• ik,•nur the us,trmont waw u mlllbvt M thP• t°niteeF ALAtem. Let nr as I,I►rPrnlm. itoblrison t 'pat Faghri n seri. p Vntmnnge I,rtters wire rime rrwived fmm Dr. ]hxi. 81r A. Pellet{er, K. C. ELL Ga, r•otd vtnn.ae Kraft PhbPraRnr. n,wh then unite; let u* extend the hast at my commnnd. it Rplteakx all the ,rt g M Md taking n danger and TtoorntoG (West lrurhnm) is hors- - -- Joan fkxfkln, Mir. FL (J. Clete. Q. C.. G I,., Quetrer. 8wm on An, h,sbn, rep - of Moarried)ocl tO oar the rettwho mars .loudly cos this kiwdwass of cop W i�R rrL, tfil (knit to, hnrf it eerhtivrmn. "We mast remember that iSnr lfrient nnA Mr. F. Vi; 1�rfbrn, Ik)naloton Llve Ikon. .los. kcw,nlre Thlbndrau, 83, Int errs thio CaoaAlwn troll rrcrntl� 1 have, carried with them the hx,ollec- many frlPndN. tN nwtpd nmfl welt Lo Tnnris nn Quebec-Libernla, 57; Conservatives. t )rte front our c•olunlna are raw Stock Commlamk,ar. L., Mosntreal. shipped) per R.S. Ustachester, an. pow"Ietl ire a fort, where the Shoat 0f F'rminh Canada. hat tin form 7 ; Inde ndent, 1 (J3lrounrd, of CM- rrKn »I chore advleedly and tielltrarately Hm. C. P,. Boucher Ae iionc•hervflte,-Tttkpn all around. the prices rrnl- a mmpnrt gmnp, and wed ntnnll Ix 110,terinl find foal, and to euppone that the place I now exrupy nt Osgfxmle nn,i tdw nml ttre giinnWina were «alt cotutLIMI). Yie.'rERAN 31FURFR8. C. M. G-. 7Ci C., lkuchervillp, 1'. Q. lowfl were most Ratfmfactory, \ertsml to Bahlmne. "IPn Rn k1 a lfnelth)n to mritend agnhnmt there Nova Scotia -Liberals, 13; Corker- after fifty years' experience (.t what Halt. i dk,I so for the reasons. that _ IRAI. Wllllnm .i. Allmon, 81, l'., Hall- prove unmistakably that In the near who seek our ruin." no mplltal or physlral Pxervise wam nd•nt G, Mnkotl, fmm where hr _ vntivesa U. the frer�knn of Laxat4sn un Iwgrrta Frthrrx of 1'nrllwmrntwnA Dates of fax. fntnre the (snit ezpnrt trade of the i�la•n�s fvrrreP ndl with Ilio I1Qat flluRtratas well the methods Prince Fdwnrd island-I.ibr.rals, 1: required at my hameL. Bud it happen- nnd raw mnterlul we'd (cool mean« Klrst Contests. ltrxl. Thomas McKay, f)1, ('., Tru- colony will Awvel Into w yr.r,v Cc ix' rrR by which tine Tory machine aeekr Corlreryntiven, 2. e(I otherwlmce i Rluruld hnve been un- ro, N. 8. trnnlvo business, or !Bch fruit wail )i'• wrot In the prlsat his file country will AdihPrntrly rr,tbrt able to take It. My friends at Otter- The followin are the dates of the b"•.k". New Brunawlek-Liberals, 9; Con- R Hox1. :Uoznnder W. Ilvle, 7l. C., alwAvs mart no InsAilahln drmnn t The Im rlaews.mPtrt nt TMib to Injure Mr. Tlnrte. Meat wtln de• w n my"Lena of taxing the Imporlr of wn h orf MMAt rho jj 0n,e nuggeNtrcl first election to Parliament M some Eltsttrw1. 1n the EngllRh markets and nt f,n' the lndi p servntivew, 5. Ilt>aately qursue such work would Manitoba -Liberals, 2; Conmerva- ro•xl amt raw' nutterlal from fore{ n R vi! h roof t one a( the Shr Riw of the new Honx- R Ikon. Iksrnld Mncinnem, ?8, C., Hnm- Ing prinea. C.xotraatrd with tin• gnntkwf of him Ower not hesitate at throat-entting, but for tives, 8; Independents, 2 (Puttee Anti re ptemdum ak i hnve had Mit In r LenRir Richard Cartwrl ht Rat from all ' rruntrforr la, W my mind• an nheulutee spiels to make, that it wnm not ht for Lennon IG '6,'d, anH wfterptCorlfeA- Iltoxu. penes went from FianrP, rvtnJch Ie the warts of iphfln wen itlehards0n). lion. John Olkxi hue, 76, L., To pear roducl country fnlm W11101 r,f the Prison Ln tees him. Ther (cele of thio law's vengeance. Impcsutiblllty. (llrar, hear.) I do•not my pow•rr, having roannt to my Prallxn till '78. }lean '79-82 for st P � ea hn,e tr,Niblea everywhere; blood h h0rthwrmt TPrrltorter LltrPrnls, 4 ; hrrlth now (r in the. future, to Pn• (ae(ttrr flacon ; fmm 'BS -RT• Rrnut h SDI" the bulk of our pear Rupplt i", "had ; thprP wpw Andy psi Conservxtivrs, O. Artane the gnemtion further,' i wish, it 1 tertaln their auggpoiticws. i did not, Homo. and from '87.1900 for Reath re- � ,b Tho 1W,w Murk Telegraph M yam! lnserva (ves, 0. n-f.RreralR, !t ; Corn- nm i hnve maid, for m ePlf aim Nem. Itronald McMittan. 65, C., AMex- hitherto beets drawn, the•* Pre ° I" tw,Pn the n0lAtrrw enol the y p1Y S" however, fail to aw."I to their 0%to-rd. nnArla C11t. size anA color far Brupprlor; sag ,erta, And thotanilda wem kill PtronRly opponoci to compulsory vac- servxttyps, 2; Independhnt, 1 (Ralph state my own optelon that tiny pPr• klndrdsa, nn 1 1 talon tknw tunic lion. Geos C. McKindse TL C., Rnrde flavor the French fri t err,• OTMxrr y 1887• -Nun. Join Caatl an has mat y' nnfl) the Orivernreent order clnnti0n. IL ilPclaeaa that "more roll Rmlth). won ht cmir colonies or In title counts M acknowled It. R Milton. On L, broug t with them. Thn foig,% rain' The total showing m therefore ns y R1rrR for Vletorfa, N. Ii., coatfnttously, and }iron, Wllllnm Mclkxonld, 69. LfttM hrexr M over In rvstd Ptnrngr. *esu &' tlt kI11PA, reel ntronlhs.gl; . dresf dle In one year' of blood follows: Llisernloo. 129; Conwprvntives, who founds Ills views as to the future »/t la esttrtptltrsPs malrl that pnhlle years before w member R 1 pc)taorling tea■ fix six GI rn Bay, N. 8. IntP(1 by Sha Ixwe crf elretrlrnl vent[• TpA��),rin Twerlsdern dtnteti, .T' emdortxl b vArrlratbn than tem A0; Tndr ndentm, 4: tnt�l. "1 a. The on the waihilit of env solution of tire Iw Lhankleep, pn'Itical friends are of thio meal House. r/y� t 7 Ilt TK y tatRrntefnl. i hair found them ) Ilan. TOreph Bolder, Gist, (I., A4 Pic. Intlrlg fans• a method whlrh wnR em Hix strath 1 y i.lhernlw hhvP mnJrnitlew In Mx of the q p Rlig fitful and n 187,-fiixt. Wm. Paterson• .Toho tahllshM by the Ron. Sydne,l Flakier stay* n new" In, f kIlei by ommall x In twent• ye,ano. thiP rrPstlon ecce t (m the finale nl R pit�littive. ThPrpIs tar n. an.I Y. Q. I,Is octrine. Then McRnn -t rNRht T'mvinrew, the rvePPtlnnm Iw Ing (1uaNtcon, Hen. J. 11nRRnrt. Alan) rp, k. lllarn. •law. It Gowan. C. M. (i„ B i, C., In 1897, By the n.Nrptldxn "( t Ilia sya- ngd mrtrlltaw n f More crllykw and ronatitutlorznl In Plight nand ln. the ha. frrr trade, Is f(nunding hit \lawn apwrn n fascination In public life which few (appy, Dr. Lnndnrlcln and Col. tom- itnrrip, Ont. tpm the, fruit pts nen n pervert eph)r, pr- w riles \Alice ern tottering up aM oown the n fan«dation of mend, And i world neer+ ('nn rrRl■t. There In nn Absorbing ville, who hnve tut been dptpatr,d, , the knhv, tint] Shlh Nnareddf ThrrP of the Mar Indppw ndrntm will Interest In ft which Is root rrrhn 1 earth tnebey with hrakh forever cot for the world-hwvlair "rens• Px- Dm y J,g, Mirharl Rulllvan, 8,, (:., krpp. pang y tMrttK1 and wlthnnt".' t„ dlmwn the Movement it, f f lett [newt Onwad In Shim Par, tip Kt tTtt. llny1r11t any of uta gnaNtj•-is--ani lint. htll•A. Abmll. life Pn l Rlvr n Rrnernl wnp)leort t0 the i.11«,rn1 to is, fomd h other Wnikw of II w. latter M a (kxtmervntivP. ��' wrarked by vncrinatksu than thorn t;overnmrnt, henrP ft Is mbnblr• that prrrlrnep In irx►tte•rn of thin kimt I Thin event will always be remember. awn. Francis Cletnow, 70, C., Ot- way fmpAlt A w wnA K"nod. r"1911. According ter the :rt, D 1873-A{r Adol a Caron, )fiat le tl«, nn+ perwonn Itted h arnnll x," Thieve woosI 1 not hold out to our frllow mai al by mya,lf, Ma•x. Handy an 1 the Hon. Pascal POlrler. 48. C., Rhadl- T3f-)em, raven. p r Ib 7 1 to 4 ° RnesNlnn nml Rrit irl, of D y Po the Government's maJprlty on n diol- fmteA, flr�t wntPrPd Pnrltnmen(, . .,ice; atrmr to hme little doubt thtt vmeeinA eta in the colonies that we ,-an ,teal members of our family! R P NO. lie stopped thd. lrr•r"pc,flbet ' wMn I i n fnld H nt%l will e110ehi lift}. 1 "i entered puhlir• life in 187.1, 1A74 -Air W'llfrld I,arlrlPr, Iina hr. nr, N. R. hlNYr, rnraid, per Ib. 90 ; enlist w, dual Shah does, not folkrw h inn hum w pmlrhvlactc taloa hat M That M grits Prl(Ir1Rh to sirs Mlalnam with It on any nthrr bnwiw coin frrr nl>nn Air. F,. R. Woo-A'n rptlremrntfrom t "fin Anmnel Mnrnlr, 77. C., New 1, p•r Ib• Soo dnaaom ,tairi`c• Pnrh erb r\nm)br, And Itnblrnf, n carrex much of (err immunity fmm trade "-Rir Michell Iliekm lte eeh, the lural lTcwkP La nsn for Wpwt Dnr 1875 -Dr. Christie, ifhmhur Ont. 80r ; Inmtnkirn turd pelta. ennh (1lM'' "I"a P n porfililden, Im mile with• AnA as thin tendency In fa• the R• Iovtllpnoz mrora fmm moM casefal hywr'teetkxit to ) In the enviers- (lhancellor of the Brltlsh Fxetirrynrr. ham :n the•I)htnlnl'm. In 1872. before 1A78 -Dr. RproulP, N. ('lArkP Wnl Mi„p, Chaos. F,. Caagrnln, 75, C., trxwP hides, each ;'3 io to i•1; deer ;Barnnttne nrrnn4gfmnstw lsolatkrn of - -- lana C. R. ILarthl7Arh. thnr t<.ees sal rlgiegjprty, M T Ram acct- Wlndn(r. skirls, pfreeeet. pPr lb. 10 t1T ., c t �M• Atter thio drAth of the i4 mon V* favor, the majority may is Int In my MfhtM•dn Ithantfcx 1, i waw 1R11'". H. O. Tiergvrvel. hent dos- Tion Lachlan Mnr('ndlunx, 77, C_ mtlnw, Ar r Ib 1T t(► ' belk1ev' tctMpertw, ltrtter wnnitatinn And n May (in to Merle". fMte(l. y' t#IMw. r(•fenRnl+ad nus film anrrrrsnr h' Lnerpnard before the end of the Per- waltrd rtpm nnoxppr•te,lly by Rot(. Rtromnars, Ont.. r"nollPred, par lb. 5 1.4 to 1110 ; RrhA, nithot h some othoroi Mtter avatewn of trentnvent. voi,einn lion DAvl,l Mllln, MlniAtrr of .Ten r Brown. Barld Clo in Aud IBRO -firm. .Taman Rnthprland. ILM. J. J. St.rw, 87, C, At. .Anne rip aban liter, to ser Iln,mrht. O(()rR ) R per Ib. E 1.4 to Ao : wWt fila volnpg bmf her F. Lkwo ouzht nlwnyx tar b) crarrlxl twit ter.- - - tire, rAllcmi op,)n Final. Gr". W. itaw Finch rinlwyanrt. They had cousin 1AA,-fb)n Wm. Molonk. Hon. Ryd• M Parade, P. q. polled, super, pPr Ib. 17 1.2 W ' their leader. Reeee�e, howet vrotenlAy afternoon. Mr. Mlllw hnlvw frtlmn the Refnnn ronvwntion At North nny FMher. lion. M. F.. Bernier, AIr TTrxl. W. b. pwrtpy, 62, C., Wobbiloy. wool. Palled, w1trA, foor Ih. In t-2 1n n with greet parr and den rownrd slym)d The Mnli is tan, trio nnrlol to poet Londa Davin. F.. Cochrane, (len. TAv• N. W. T. 2'^e ; wool, flow". nnwnaMeA. per Ib. red BH1a, ere dtr>~e ,V Alt I to pry a vMt to E(nxtro B♦(rrtly, and Arent. TMy raprlon ted to rete that be bed too tlw prsrlty of thio Tape, l Ron. Mr. Rose Into the 8pnntr. ito W Ipdars, Or Wilfrid 'LAnrifir to dc• After two or thrtfe or four btillote kx, •f. W. Bell (Addington), .Alex. Me- 1Rain. Jotwa RoM, 61, C., Qppsnollp, 91-2 to life' Wool. Wetting"- p >f b. �' PAtwrneen betrays its Purpose, company ala bs pdy game Nat nowd be screed Neill. a C. A 1-& ; I m - L—, lean, pP y , r ,. ,4 " _. Adiaiietsf%Ir :i.. R., y _ _ '""= r W . L.._,I#.37 "jam '"rte : m C" a . , -- &" N fir- t i:: Wt*