HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-13, Page 1THREE "A's" A o v • rs AR! ACTIVE /A GENTS WHEN PLACID /N THE SIGNAL. he • I 1011at: THD OFFIOIAL+ NI7WBPAP EI OF HURON OOVNTY. FIFTY-THIRD YE%R. -•2808 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : DECEMBER 13, 1900. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MANR&T REPORT. O~tsttus• Dec 071 NS. I 81 71�hd17. per owl.. t 10 70 Y 10 7'or,�ls0t, oar 16010050 50 !thorn, tsn•- �' 16 00 40018 (p Shorts, . too :immobile', per seat tat to 1 00 Stye. per bush. 0 W to 0 .50 Buckwheat. per both 0 431o820 Oita, . bush 60 t. 0 55 1'w. p both .._ .. Btrler. nor bush 0 3) to 035 Hay, new. w ton. T 60 to 6 W Potatoes. new, V bush..._.....« 000 25 0 17 10 05 Muter. �-mama••• Cheer. per 11,.......... 0 10 to 0 11 Btge, fresh eaptektd. O deo0 l6 to 0 18 W _•. - t t0 to s 0D Hire. .... 30 to 6 00 Lantb-11los 0 60 to 0 Ito Live Hon -. 5 S0 to 550 Crossed Hoax 6 fS to 650 /Moon.. 0 10 to 0 17 Ham. per 6.. 0 11jto 0 15 Lard, pe: I1. 0 I84:o 13 Drawled Inset fore quarter 000 to 000 Dressed Roof. hind u 00 to 000 Cottle, pest .. t 75 to f 50 Drawl 300to160 /tr4tild Animals. ASTRAY. -0411E ON SOUTH PART lot t, fourth omission. Aehfeld (rev Port Albert). o0 or about the 20th of August, two ahem. The oviner is requested to prove prope�Lr • p07OZp�1 .oaf take thea away. . 6 it bituatiOOS Vaeant. A000D, PLAIN IIOOK WANTED, with referencia. Wags SI week, No w.sh one. Address MRH. DR. WILLIAMI. 277 Alez oder.? . Rochester. N.Y. 7 2t For Bale. FOR SALK.- THAT DESIRABLE house and lot he the villein of Uongau- non, the propart7 of the late Ittehard Tr. lemon. The house is brick veneered and corr- elate u main pan. 00.00 kitchen, 16z22 Hard at d soft water la emnectlo0 Mme woodshed attached. (food frame oteble, . on the property The Iota comprise 000-b.11 are of land , beautiful lawn, with 6s shade trees surrounding. P010000000 cis be h.4 at any time. Apply to thin omos. or to 060. H1OTR6RH,00 the Moore or to W. LANE„ Oo• oriole FUR SALE. -THE GALE FARM, ONE of IA. best 100aore f•ema In Ooderfoh uwn.hip. Huron county. Lot 17 and part 18, stn ooaoesslon, 64 miles from Ooderlch, 7 miss from C11aWn The farm mouthing go id build Ingo ted good !moss. Is well watered and well image -desisted. There is a large bearing or- obard t.4 gsram of email fruits Term. to suit purchaser. Apply to WM. GOULI), on premier. es 0.4.rtch r. U. 91 tf I,'OR SALE. -LATS 96, 96, 117. 118. 119 r and Ing 7. Hutobiwa's survey. and moth half of 876 running ppppum sere. all la Uodench. For psrtlaul•.F oppit }IULT. Barrister, ta. Ooderich. Monti 140+, 1900. 0011 FARM FOR SALE -THAT FIRST i class form known as the "Caseaday ✓ aren,' being E. halt :ca 0000erloo 1. Kase W'.w►nob. ICO acre., Nacres cleared and to a good state of oultivtion. 1 acre bush. There la on the Maori •rood two storey frame dwelling house 1811.1 with wing 16z00. and • good stops oell•r. • frame barn 32458 with stone stables ander. t acres of goon orchard. 2 good raver failing spring wells. The soil Is • good clay loam. about 70 acne to aro Bares of fall wheat, and some fell pooghing. The tenor are good It Is on • lading gravel road oop•eniest to "horohes, school eta., 1 mile from the village of Anborn, 5 miles from Myth, Hallos from the tows of Oodrieh and (lathe. This 1s • •ry desirable plate- n ° poor or ware land. one toll p•rtloOlen apply to l'iII1.IP H LLT, e^lea ,5°r for the estate of the late Mrs. ('eaiea Lay. Musts. W • GLENN CAMPHKLL. lhwonit and musical dlr,otor of Northat. Mithodtet cburoh, and teacher of 61.0p02ote. pipe organ.ed theory. will be pleased to r3 naive pupils. Inetruotion duan either at N udio or at pupil's home, as dodred. Studio .t Emerson's Musts More. Wester. Tial POLI'T'ICS IN PARABLES. An Inetruotive Bit of Elostion History. ,A irate Far lark for the Soup" - The Daiwa of 1041 •ad 11447 411111rbec Nev. .d 4-eefederetue - a•rher Funeral tarn. DARrwut•Tu, N. S„ Deo. 1, 1900. `.fay, Mr. Editor, I go... I'll have to mums that oh•p Berry who wroth you ask• log me to Owes explain about "Canada being ruled by the French for • rotator of • ee0tury, and no 'l'ory raised • squeal" Now that isn't quite str•Ight of Mr. Berry, for 1 didn't ppb the matt., that way at all. It you will look •t my letter you will sre that the Toronto Yreooh-h•ter ob•p he say. M 0e on eleotloo night after this manner ._. "But we ain't • Rohs to be ruled by the French Canadians," be prowled. - "Well, my guileless oompaoriot," 1 ems, "we Urtls were In your Iia for nearly a quarter of • century, and none of you Toronto Tory Orangemen ever raised • squeal." Theme my •ery word,. The Toronto °hap b. talked •bout the Frenoh "ruling," mod not me. And the Tries they are In the fit we were to for • gearter of •0.000ry ted more -wtt0 moat of the Fnooh against u.. A01 I'll prove that that its our 6a. But Wore 1 get to them dry figures, 1 woody if Mr. Ben is • .on of my friend Harry who married ors old flame of mine named Marla Huokle! I was young mod soft, and ■h• was young, and pretty, too My, a bran mash wasn't 1• the game oom- p.red to us at that time. I went off on a schooner for • year, s I thought, When 1 got back home It was three years, and this( told m. that Marla Hooka was marrl.d to Berry, had • boy who wok his mother's mald.n Dam., as the habit :a s moon down Item sad that Mr. and Mn. !terry and the Hltl. }footle Berry had poo. to Upper Cao• pia, as we called you th.o W.II, my dna, Heckle Berry, your mow tics sods my mind back to an early ela- tion 000ventian that the ('.o..rystivee had down to our old oounty bore In Nava Soo Na. 7* was hold In the county town and they tell me that one of the deleg.tee be was iron away back, and bad never beau at • real that bort before. The waits he gays to this prtloolar deleg.te. "Witt yon haw. some soup 7" "What ktud of soup,' says the Lll.w, "Oltatl soup," gays ',bewails. Orrall stoop," says the Coasen•tive del. - gate, a Mod of doe "Oxtail soup," Wye Ye again. And thea he op. and says : "S.y, waiter, MMN'S. TRAY GOING JIFF A LARVA r*a SACK FOR TRE tort!' And 1 Rues. 1 wVl have to go "just a tootle far hook" for my proofs ; but I'll get therm Upper and !,ower Cao•4a were united for [wgulal•s purposes in 1841-otgh sixty years ago Fa the first low years the NA- lorm're they had rather the bre' of tt. but the Governments they chang.d galokr than g oat la them day., owls% to so easy 00..r ser (lenrale dying, add the "double major- ity" clause doing the little work. That dedble ammo y business requ'rei net only • m.iortty of the H..uee but • majority also from oath ot the two Province.. The first Guveremeul wt. • mixed up .flair, mod• of b,th sides. Robert Baldwin woo le It, and he loud that most of the other fellows was O o good. se they were afraid of tb. Gover- n er General, Lord Sydenham, Baldwin pot out. and ort year be halp.0 to up..t their apple Dart, and he and Lafontaine gate a o tos bit of Go•eremsol for a onaple of years. Meantime Lwd M.to.i0 h.1 sum. In from governing th. West Indies, Ineuranee, eta (111A•1 R SHAW, GKNKRAI. INSUR• V ANUEand real estate agent. hat sour good farm and town propertyfor sale miraclemve and wants o. Oros. au oor wt of P.O., Ooderiob. W R. ROBERTSON. • . A000u0tant and [monnga&KOK 'looks and •000a0ta made up. liulldf0ra rented and rents collected. Fire inanrono. In British and Canadian Comppr.none In. Uffloi- I'roudfoot R Hays' pence, North street, Ooderioh. 4172 F1. 1. NM, EL, GENERAL IN. . 9t'H.1N E and Real Estate agent. Fire, 1.Ife, Accident and Plate Olsr Insurance efferotel on mutual or orb plan at lowed rates nosed itis. Beet English and Canadian companies rep rewnted, O18os nest done to °arr,.v & Oarrow, Bar History. Hamilton rarest. IKedloal• DES. TURNBULL & TURNBULL, Ph stc(ans. Simmons ern. Office. Hamilton strwet. Night palls answered from >716 0 Telephone 102, J. L, TUHNHULL. F. D. TURNBULL. nRS. SHANNON & ()ALLOW, t'HY• 111rrAN0 and Fnrgener. 011(01 In Rant of Commerce building. sweet side of Square. !Bight calla at r..ldenoes Dr. Shallow), Ur. °allow, _ . aid resides.., heater sit. Elgin S. W' 'Phase 4t. 'Phos.. Warning. N OTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT anyone Nn0ml0R or Otherwise 4. peen Ingo any part of m) grenerty w111 be ar- rested and prosecuted. R t7. ATTR1LL, Ridgewood Park. 47.1 Public NotIN. and I guess he took you for a lot of bleaob• ed niggers up there lo the Canada.. He started to mak' a lot of pet appointments of Torts. to fat Oboe. without the •dvlo. of his ministate and Robert Baldwlo and bis French Canadian °burn th.y gave the bold buuoaurr • bio of their minds and shook off from him. Draper he got the job of play - log wound fiddle to Hl. Ezoolle0oy, and from 1844 to 1848 he was In power, kept there by Fnooh vote mainly. 11 was to 1644 that John A. Macdonald, only 29 years old, was first eleoted In Kingston Lord K11;ta he succeeded Mstmlfe In 1847. In '48 the 'Wormers they got • good majority, and urea enure Baldwin Lafontaine were called to menage the Government. lo 1849 the'I'ores they rotten egad the Goveroor General, burned the P.rll•ment buildings, and kept at the business of throwing Shires at Her Mej'sty's representative for some days, off ted oo. But for Sir Allan Mo - Nab personally hauling It •way they would have burned the Oaten'. picture, too, It'. • foot. '1 hen Sir Francis Hinoks he took Baldwin'e place as a Reform Premier, and tan the Government for s few y . Alter that they had three or four years when the Lord only knew who was ronnlog the show; then sus ell sorts of oombivatIon. until 1856 or 1857, when the sitars. of yogi.' Joho A. began to be seen. Then the Frenoh were ranged on the Tory mid., and Crow and Macdonald bored thieve for four Mars straight. Cart'. or he got the Frenoh Cana roans pretty molld, and John A. he got the Unngemeo from 0018170, and they did oo- alma. like the ountmnta In • milk punch t%ho squealed then 1 From 1862 to 1864 John S.ndlield Macdonald and Dorton were leading the Goveromeut, and then Str Rtl• ens Tootle mad John A. Maodoosld they ran Wogs with the Frenoh major.ty for the salt Iwo or three years ; and who squealed Dion ! The Prowler (Teats) he died to 1866, after getting .1l ready for Confedera top, and John A he took oharg• of the of fair. '1 hie brings s up to Ilse union of the four Provioor. lo 1867 Ontario, Q.ebeo, Novo SooIla, end N'w Bran.wlok joined together, mod went to the oountry on the question of Coo- federstlon, John A Maodun•ld bolding the rely. Tbe result showed the tollowlog little gathering of figures : Prottoo', Min. Opp. MAITLAND CEMETERY. - NMIo. is hereby given to nartlee holding lots In Maitland Cemetery whioh are not void tor. that tf the game be not paid for notion January 1N, 1011, the will be 1014 to anyone e teedesiring them. my order of the e0nne 1. Wil. MITCHELL lioderloh, Deo. 13, 1900• 641 Town Clerk Notioe to Ore(fitoro• NOTI(I1 TO i,RKDD11ORS. /a the Matter e%f*t betel' of Rieltard 7o - teares, Iale of the Village of Dun pnanow. in tAe County of Huron, Ueatlerrwn, .leeease 1. Ontario Quebec Nov Soutit Now Bronewlok Mottos le hereby given pursuant to the Re vtsed Statutes Of Ontario. 1807. oh•pter 129. that all creditors and others hayloft claims }gale.( the esus of the mild Richard Tre- leaven, who died o0 or about the 5th day of 0o - tabor. A. D. 190n, aro requirrd on or before the I.( day of January. A. 1,, 1901. to send by poet prepaid or deliver to M.esro, Proudl'oot IL Hay. of the town of t)oderloh, ie the coun- ty of Huron. OodeMoh poet -office. Solicitors for William James Treleaven and Richard Johnston Treleaven. the evocators of the last w111 and testament of the said dcceaeed, their Christian and surnames. .Adres.es and de ,orlptione. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their •000nnta. and the nature of the seonrltlw (tf any) held by them. And further take notice that after said men tloned date be sold executors will rrooeed to distribute the awe of the 4.00.104 amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard 0011 t0 the claim. of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said a1eeta, or any part thereof, to any person or pinions of whose rlslm, 0otloe shall not have been received by them at the time of moil distribution. Doted at Ooderioh the 23rd day of Novato Mr, A. U. 1900. PRO DUPOOT tc 11A18, Solicitor, for the aid Executors. • NTOTICE ---AI'PLICAT ON WiLL RR made by th• tinelph Junction Railway Company to the Parliament of Canada at Its text wanton for an Act mrteinding the limo for the ronstru-tion of 71. railway from Onelph tea point on like Huron at or near the town of Aoderlch, or to snob other peInt eels described to the Ant 00 51 V Intortor Chap ter M. entitled "An Aot roopec11eg too Onelph lunation Railway Comnpany";and for ether Demons* A ft M ACU')N ALI), Neo rotary Guelph Junction Ration, ('o. 7 Pt COUNTY COUNCIL BLRCTION -- COUNTY OF HURON. Pnbile entitle le mirth, given that • 'mating of the samara of flaunty Division No 1 nom =ppoessee(d1 of the mnnlorpslltis. of Ashish{. (lot and (5eMerinh Town. will he held In the Agr10altaral Hal1 Dungannon, on Monday, D'oomb r Nth. l66. at rhe hour of one o'clock 8m., for the pnrpo,o of n1rrntneileg condi :015 nrelpresent the sold eotisty 44015600 to ab. 5enaotl of the county of Heron. for the yeas 1661 anA Ina, an4 in rasa a poll le de - mended, polo will hen (p. nod o0 rho 7th day of Ji..ry, 11101.1n robreolllsg soh 4lvlsioe at tba time one plan. bred by rola.. of the mue/dN(Ll.fl.ha rid fennty 16.1,106 DuM a Mistaking this 1st de of loosenIles. 1100. W M. NTMI ERN. Owned OW; a , . 6 Kt Legal Sales. 47 36 45 20 3 16 7 8 102 80 The Eoghsh-speakior Provinces In that drat Dominion election gays John A. Mac- donald only 57 and went 60 against him. There he tau linked, if It had not beep for Ms big French majority of over two to one. which gave him . oat majority of 22. And who .quested than! Nobody. Th. 0• formers didn't, Bleared Tag Fa.NCH MAP 0AV ED CON,i.,soATION That big Fnooh msjerlty kept John A. to power until the next election la 1872. and than he got • not majority 61 6, with Qu'beo 38 Tory and Poly 27 Grit They saved him ono. mora. From 1872 to 1873 when be threw up the sponge, Sir John wt. N tea minority of 5 outside of the Quetwe mots. • Who tgeealed then' to the oleo. lions of Janaory 22, 1874, Quebec broke about eve, 33 Grit, 32 Tory, but M•o- krozu had • majority of 60 all over. In 9wMmbr of 1878 Juba A. won by 68 ever M.oksnste, and he got Q.eb.o on05 more ty 45 to 20 In the election of 1882. when the lionodery Award matter woe up, and Outanewt. fighting for her hand, John A. pot a big majority egon,witb the aid of the gerrymander. and • Qaeb•o yate of 48 to only 17 In 1887 Qaebs° broke .boat even .gals. and the Coneervottre majority wt. only 29. but It rose to t6' buy slealons In 1891 Queb.c went Reform by 35 to 30, In 1896 it went for leerier within one of whet it wept for Jobo A. 1. 1882, sod Ws yen the rsoe ory hoe made it almost slid tor us Friends and countrymen, ween you get flung down is • fight of your owo choosing, don't squeal. Theris en old sailer here, a one legged °hap chit look. like John SII•er, and 614 was &spooking of the Loberal-Cosrv•ti•e party for the Dominion. and s big tear s111:pad down his for and threatened to warp hie wooden leg, when he raid that th.t there ono' mighty party reminded him of • political (Orphan's Home. 1 h' oold oomfort some of the would -bo leaders 1e getting from their followers re- mind' me of jus • little story that i beard of about • mon that was awfully'i°k and eau given ap by Oho doctors. The sink man he tet ap In bed one even - i07, and he sniffed and sold : "9.y, wife, Is smell's as If you had something tasty 70 the house to eat. I'd like a little of It, dears " Tho wife eh' say., quite derided like is her tones. "No, Jobe, )You're not to bays it ITS NOT Fox TOO. T'. FOR 7175 1VN• O RAL I " The point of that story le In Its tail, like • tree's. U. R. A. Psu:H. Jas. Strong ; P. 0., J. Klgto Tom ; V. C., Tb... Polly ; chap., P. Blots ; r000rding- eeorel•ry, Mies Wyatt ; *70anolalee001407, Thos. N•ftel ; w , Miss McCreath ; treas- urer. Mrs. Colin Campbell ; herald, Thos. Burrow. ; 11.014nel, J MoNl►so ; guard, Miss Jimmie Sprung ; organist, Mir 81od- dart ; auditors, J. E. Tum, Thos. Naftali ; trustee, G. M. K111070, J. E. Tom. The omit regular mooting oo Ur. 17th. Two I:OUETY COUNCIL -The 7000 ooas• ml of Win/bans showed thou •ppreolarloo of the honor bestowed upon their town In the meeting of the county °ounolt three lost wet byy giving the oo0.87 r.pr.ota thr Lives and o wn a .upper at the Donley Hous oo Tbured.y ulghl. Tbl. was • feature ot the ..wlon whioh woo moot inanity enjoyed. Ou Friday Warden Rollins bode Boswell to his fellow -members of the oouesli, s be dor not Intend to sok re•eleosion. Co00mllors B. S. Cook, 1) McInnis and Ur. MoEwen, M. P„ also delivered •alodioterles. They boys all bees prominent members of th• ooucal', but for ons reason or another w111 0o0 bo oandl dates at the oomtnp election. 8. 8. Coons* IN VIZ YIs1.D Speak mg of the oounty oeuootl d.otlon pro.. recto to No. 2 division, The °llotoe News- Reoord says : From prima indications the three o.ndldotes who want over the county oounoll wire* two years .go will ham the tl•ok all to themselves again tbu year, tbough other names boys been men - (toned Mr. Connolly wilt be • .tarter without fail, and so will Mr. 8. S. Cooper, while Mr Snell ls s goods entered. Me. Cooper has surveyed the field carefully end as • 000..quenos °oouders his proopwta brlgbter than when he mals bin previous effort. if there is • more perststeot and .11oter 050voassr in the district than S. 8 we would like to learn his name and place of rsidroo.. Yot'No Mrs's DEBATING CLC R. -The meetings ot the Young Men's Literary sod Debatiog C.ub •re proving very Interesting, sod new mambas are joining soh weak Last Thursday 1050106 the oratorio.' ()ou- tset was as to the relative merits of the people of England, Sooti•od and Delano. Maloolm M.odoo&ld ■pok. Tor Scotland, E. II. McKenxle for England and H. B. Giem Lor Ireland. A oumtrer of others also took part Io the dtsturioo, Muer; Hackett, and MoA•oy for the Dish, Memory. Salkold mod l...e for the Enol .h and Moura. Mae see, Frew MoDoo.id and Matheson for the Boots. H I Strang, B. A , God U.S. Bal., B. A., were p out made brief ad drease.. The sobjeot to be duoure d this evening is tho annexation of Canada to the [Jotted .'states. Nt(ORTOAOit SALE OF TOWN PROP. VL ERTY. Under and pnnnant to the power of toile fir d1Ateed to a certain mortgage% bearing date the lith day of May. A. 1). Orloff, which will be fermi e bby pn011oemotion. by at time of ' ' of lforsaleJohn Knox. auctioneer, st Buxton'. hotel In the town of (iodench• on Saturday, the 22nd day of IkxMmbr. A. 1). 7600, 0t If o'olock noon. the following 000POtt7, merely : lot number 9th; In the town of Ooderloh, in the county of Huron. and better known and described In s deed thereof bearing date the 25th day of June. A. D. 1%6. I h 1 lot to situated ot Britannia road, .lose Io in, An lrew's ward school, Terms Ton per cent. of pnrehue money on the dist of gale and the balance within one month thereafter. In all other reopens the terms an 1 nondltlons of sale will be the sand - Ins rondIt ons of tee High Court of Justloe. /For further partlenlOri apply to the ono- tloneer or to the unlenlgned. Dated 19th November, A. i). ION. JOHN KNOX. PHILIP HOLT, Auctioneer Vends s 8oliettor, Oed.Noh. AUCTION YALE OF VALUABLE HOT WI, PROPERTY. Under and p-.nhantlto • power of sale non lathed Ina oertsin mortgage dated the 28th day of May, A.U. 1807, which will be ermineed at the limo of gale (hon will he sold by pnMle &notion by John Knox Auctioneer. at Flux - ton'e hotel In the town of (imitation. on Bator day, rho 22nd day of UeOember, A. U IO30, at 11 o'dloet noon. IM following •+liable prop arty. namely All and singular Imt number 1048 running number In the town of (iedorloh. In the county of Heron. containing one quar- tet of an are of land, mon or Tres On the .hove property there la • first -alar two-story frame hotel, 66165, known as the Omen House. containing bar room. large din Ing nom, sitting tonin, t7 other room. and la •&tory The hotel 1s troll *mated and la Mono to lh0 harbor so O xlerlch. and hs • Meat oleo. And noes. Terms : Ten p0, reset. of 18. piroAro mosey at the Inline of gateane the Mtonce within one month timroefter, In all other resorts the terms and t0On47 Clone of sale will be the standing conditions M (h. Rah Oonrt of Jutles. ser further oertlnnlare apply (0 the A ttO- (1001.r or to the Vendor's Solicitor. IIa(.4 16(11 November. A.D. 790). JOHN KNOX. I'Rt1.IP BOLT. A.otleoeee. Vendor'stiotit sia AROUND TOWN. BURNS ye. Cions. -In the Divisional Court at Oegonde Hall last week judgment w•a glyvo by Cb•ooellor Boyd and Justloes Ferpueoo and Robartson uo • motion by plaintiff to set side Dun suit soured by Armour, C. J., at th' trial at lioderloh of an motion for emlielou. prossoutto0 mod or - rest, and for r new trial. Toe Wooden* had the plaintiff a noted on • charge of fraudulently dupe, 1 g of her property 10 defeat the dsfeud•nt's o1•Im for money due. The plaintiff was acquitted. 7301 was a married woman carrying on business for h.rslf, her husband driving • livery wag- gon tor bor. She denied that sbe owed the defendant anything. The (1.fend.ot supplied gouda for the pI•intlll • business to 1fie husband, who, &000rding to the plain- tiff's atony, was given the ooh for soh purobue. Appsr.otly he did not pay it over, s the defendant °barged the prlo. of the goods to the plaintiff. Shir said she told defendant not to glue her husband any good. for her unless for ooh. The defendant told the 000atable not to arrest the pl.in- tiff 1l she would pay the putouts') ds, but she retard to do so. The trial judge rul- ed that there sus rssonable and pro- bable oouse tor the arrest. Counsel for plaintiff contended that when the plaintiff makes out • rauon•ble 000 sbowlog sh• woos of moonset. and probable mum', the judge must take the opinion of the jury ; the oredibility of the plaintiff's evidence being for the jury. Held, that the plot° tiff', .videoce, 11 believed, would go to show the •beanos of reasonable and probable Nose on the part of defendant. The orsdl- bdtty and silent of that .vldenae was for the jury. The trial should h•.• proo..ded in the ordinary way, and the ore should roe hove been withdrawn at the aloes of the plaintiff's oar. Order made tor new trial. Coate to plaintiff In Omar. Shepley, Q. C., for plaintiff. No nos for defendant. MR HAIs'5 RExI0N0TION.-Th• Collor/ tate Institute tutees, met on Thursday last for their regul.r meetlsg, all this mem berm loops present W. )(,Ip.tNel, who was in attendance at the lutitete for only a .herr time this term was granted • re fund of hu tee, and Out a000uote of A. Mol. All.., sundries, $3 61. and Buohanon & ei to, repots. $2.20, were pawed. The hoard thea i dioarnod until Moody, whoa . 11 the members *moot 1)r. Taylor ensu preset. A letter from Mr. Bale rwigol.g hu position on the teaching .1.ff was rad, mod the resignation one anoepted. It woo deeded to adv.rtim for • male 1.•Ob.r with public school exp.rleoae. The ao- oouble of N. U. Rtugvte, Sundries $7.37. and Jamieson Reid. repairs, $11 10, w passed, sod the beard adjeuroed. Rev. Do. TAYLOR'S AtiRricgs.-Tb' ✓ iles of temporaries addr•.-, yen by Rs.. K. 0. Taylor. of Bosun, during the past week attracted good andienoes and oaunot but hams an effect in furth.rine i the temperaoos movement. Dr. Taylor le • Thinking man and a logical smoker, and possesses • luoid style whioh Irmo oe doubt to tea mind of his hearers of the tourney whioh he wishes to oo0vey. His addressee on S.turd.y and Monday evenings were of • solentt6o suture, and threw •u Interesting ..d leitmotivs light upon the ch•rmoNt of some of the boal•u whioh ars oosumed to this country. On `Sunday afternoon he drewattention to the doter of oltiz.oshlp, polotmg out that Christianity 'minded part olp•tlon In poll - tical and governmental affairs as much as octendanoe upon what are oommooly coo• tethered religious duties. On Sunday e•en- Ing he spoke upon home life, with partlou• lar reference to the boys and the cigarette h.blt. He dwelt very forotbly upon th' to Buenos of home training In the develop- ment of character and In oo uoo.rtain way pointed out how the youthful mind at • v..y early perlod is often turned to • wrong direction by the 0.17.01 or lack .l fore- sight of th' parent. (.ET Yut'a SKATES OR. -David Thomp• son has honed the skating rink for the pro - ant reason. He took advantage of the cold snap this week and opened the rink on Tuesday evening, whon quite a number took advantage of the first ice of the earth. HORTICULTURAL SoeIET' -- A meeting of the Horticultural Soolety will be held in Mr. Lane's office in the ewe home tea morrow (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of arranging a program for the usual eerir of winter m..tmgo for the die mission of matters oono.rning hortloultora Everybody interested in horticulture will be w'eloome tomorrow evening. 8 &H(N)1. 51111r10N ARBITRATION, -The ar- bitrators who were appoloted last week by the empty ooaaoll In the matter of the for- mation of a new anion school stool ion o0m- prising portions of the townships of Morrie and Hallett will moot at BI th re oo Tba- day, Uwember 2010, &t 10:30 e'olook A M The arbitrators are His Honor .fudge Mares, Wm. Clegg, of Wingham, and Wm. hosts, of Clioeon. TOWN COUNCIL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DEC 13• As Isoperlant Nettles L.I Friday -Ape- Pg. etal Me.Ueg •• Tae.da7 Arcade Locals -O. W. Andrews 1 A good deal of Import• it buei0ese wasChristmas Goode -Kidd & Co 4 Do You 110ow Why !-The Wm. Sutton Compound Co., Toronto 6 Skate. ! Skates ! Skates l -N. D. Root vt. 4 Natio. to Quit-MolilWvray, Jeal & Co 6 Uouember Bargain.- W. Acheson A Son 6 Christmas PreowH-A. MoD. Allan4 Merry Chrletm..-W. C. Geode 4 Christina. Presents-SMIth Brae. & Co8 Canadian Jubilee Stagers --G. M. Elliott 8 Aonouooeme.t-O. M. Elliott 1 Malt laud Comets - W m. he/Mohan 1 Christmas Greedoes-Smith'. Rawer and Art Depot 8 1'he Beet Yet fumes -Jas. Wilaoo 8 Announaemeot-R. K. Smith & Co 1 Announoement-Geo. Stewart 1 A000unoemeota-MaKeagle & Howell, 1 Aonounoemeet.-O W. Thomson & Son 1 Money Saved -P. T Doe 8 Annonooemente--S, K. Huth 1 transomed at the wrong of the town oeuooll on Friday evening All the mem• ben wore present, and outside the railmv were an unusually Targe number of citizens, mostly repreeeOt•tive• either of the Board of Trade or of the Huron Poultry drools. Bon The tresursr's statement woe sr follows Balance from ()Mohler $390 00 Receipts - Ters $ 8,426 35 Non resident lands 18 00 W.ter ratty 288 30 Kleotrla light rates. 366 52 School grant 150 00 Furniture Co, de- bentures 10,000 00 Loan. 13,000 00 Waterworks o.pt. (for brick) 3 20 Maltle.d oem.ury 29 50 $ 32,371 81 $ 32.661 87 G. L. I. OOMMRN,'gMENT.-Last 1Prkfay r yenloa woe eomme000ment night at the (Cllegate lnsOltat.. The oert1600111, dip lom•. and Drizes woo a• the midsummer ez• •mtnsticns we, c distributed and • short mastoid and lit.rary program was rendered. Toe G. C. 1. and Model School Joarobis, edited by Mir Queen'. Robertson mod Mr. M.thesoo, reep.otively, possued 000stder obis merit. A very interesting letter from F. R Mauro, •o ,z .704e°t at pre0eot at- tending 'Vanity, •speared In the oolumps of the Collegiate Journal John ('arrle and Mr. Arnie sang • duet in eroalleol style and were recalled. Miss Onus Tye acted as •ocompaniat. Ur•oa Dyke gave • piano seic very creditably. Mises Flo Connolly and Ince Acheson played a duel, whioh was moth •ppreol•ud A recital ion by Mae Nellie Jamieson, "The Battle of Mag er.fnoteln" was given with good ezprerlon. Mr Strang presented the oort!6oates and uwhers' prune, the winners of the latter helps as follows • Mises Charles' price :- Form I. junior division, literature, Grana inks ; French, ('brletabel Anderson, May Rotbwell. Foto> 1. senior division, Ilton• tore, Ethel Mosly ; Frenoh, Jennie Canto - ion, AI'ea Nalte). Form Ii, French. Olive Toro.r. Form III, literature, Geoffrey of t, I)•I.y Moray, Hattie Downlop. MIs McLellao's prises ;-Form I, girls, Ir•oe Acheson and Goias Dyke (•qual), elven for reading. Form I, janlrr chewiest, eleebra, Biotite Brimloombe. Rev. Jasper Wtlann presented hie prize ret books, given tor :,,neral pro6olenoy in Form 1i, te the r, t'node. Newton, and gays a short h: res Rev J. A. Andaman, J. E. Tom, and H '.X'. 73.71 were also palled upuo and mad„ • low remarks The senior and junior ci amplooshtp medals, woo .t aha an mai games, were presented by Mr. (:rant re the winner., Lin Konz and Howard Robertson. The senior championship medal, we might mention, was the gift of R. S. William. and the junior one woo pro- vided by the oommlttes. Mr. Strang In his onnotuding remarks mentioned that neat year would he the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the school, and bethought hest possibly something special in the way o1 a jubilee oil. broWon might be attempted et the nrzt oommeno•msot. Mus Elise Tye brought the stomata's entertainment to o close with • very ol.v'rly performed In attuments1 selsotlon, followed by the National Anthem. 0 ARM SRI' INSTITUT' MEcn*r:N --Follow• log is the bet of regular and supplementary tutoring, of the Forman' Institutes In Huron oounty and the defog.'.. 590040104 10 Sidra,* the meotinyi : West Haron- Auburn, Jan. 25th, In 1. 0. O. T H.7), A. U. Willman, of New Donde., and Js. Tol too, of W.Ikerbon ; Dunvannon, .loo. 26th, la AtGaniton' Hall, same *peaking ; Kin - tail, Mar. 1st, In Yoones Hall ; 8t. Helene, Mar. 204 ; B yah, Mar 4th, in the Temp. mance Hall ; Holmrvllle, Mar. 5th, In Willson'. Hall ; A. MoNslll. of Walker - 0110, and Mita B.°►f•ldoak, of Guelph Est Huron-Wroretrr, .Ian. 23rd, In Town Hall, A. C. Hallman and .1.0 Tolton; Bruise's. Jan. 241h, in Town Hilt. same roosters ; F.rdwlob, Fab. lltb, to Douai. boy's Hail; Blames* Feb 1241, in Fore. Mire' Hall; EOM, Feb. 13th, Is Town Hall; Wilton, Feb. 14th ; Mardis. Sohool Hon.., Feb. • 15th ; D. C. Anderson, Rugby. South Huron -Bromfield, Jan. ilth, le Diaon'e Hall, John I. Hob.00, of Guelph. and W. N Hutt, of Southend ; Broiler, Jae. 12.h, In Towo Hall, same speakers : Heaforth, Feb. 5th, In Town Hall ; Varna, Feb. 6th, le Fore8terl' Hall ; Mensal', Feb. 70h, Ie Cenworth'e Hall ; hllmvlll., Feb 8th, In Township H.17 ; Dashwood, Fah. 9th, In Mn.r'. Hall ; Shipke, Feb. 1110, In Hanna's Hall ; H. Glendinning, of Man- illa, and Ju. Ewing, of Drayton. A BIO 11 ALLING Orr. -David Uontelon re turned on Tu..day from Toronto, where h. olee.d up his someone apple operations, says The Clinton News-Reoord. 1900 has been • fairly gond year for the haven, though It did not by any means recoup them for their heavy loser lost season. The average priers Paid per barrel was fifty twat.; In 189* It wt. $1.75 This year's output from Huron will not erased 20,000 barrel., Mr. Usots• Inn estimates, whlla last year le was In the nelghborhoo4 of 200,000. Ir RrNS 1N THe FAMILY. -Chortle Holmes has bre appointed •rl.tant 0, T. R. agent .t T•vutook,a position that he la well quite fl.d for. Hs i. • see of Harry 0. Holmes, G. T. R. agent se Anton, who got his early training In railroad dentes at Clinton Walton, Harry is • see of tn. veteran Dan Holmes, formerly n1 Goderteh, sow living revved .t Leswiterte•, bee ler trey Teen • well known O. 1. R. nnndootor, who had 0he honer of baking the first paoeng.r train in• is Ged.rinh. The railroad brinier alive,. witty recta in this family. --New Era. Rovar, T.MpLAIu Drowses. -At the regular misting .t iterate Cocsell. No. 103, R. T. of. T., the hollowly; ol8..re were oleeeed for W molly terms : S. a. M». Ihrbur..ments- ialarles 1.89 55 I'rtutleg and •dvtg6 60 ('. C. and 0. .k •:pens..... 9 45 Public works' . 199 33 Furniture Co. de bent urea 10,000 00 D.baoturs Interest. 1,625 00 Bills payable 12,500 00 Book Interest . 137 92 Waterworks main• Mioanoe. 930 07 Rleolrto Ilght 01.10• teeaoce 130 72 Sobool grants 436 43 Eieotrlc l.gbt o.pt. 76 01 Elevator Interest226 06 Mleoeltansous 10 00 Public library 100 00 Granolithla walks4,904 86 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The county council mot ie Wingham last week instead of In the county town, but Pridham. the tailor, is still at tIe old 'stand in the old town. /It ad style guaranteed. Dela your stockings. Christmas is oom- $ 31,481 49 5 1,180 38 SVni Campbell, who has boon engaged at the request of the coanotl to 000eolidatiog the bylaws of the town, submitted a re- port In the matter. He hail examined and compiled a 11.1 of all bylaw..so tars written up on the bylaw reoord books, from Nu. 1 of 1855 to No 17 of 1900, Dearly four haodr.d In all. The list showed by distinctive marks who' her • bylaw had been repealed, bad become obsolete, or was still In force. He had also made a separate last of bylaws still to form and had revised •11 the b laws as amended by •meoling bylaws. 13• stated that some bylaws had leen amended by mere resolution of the oouncil and show- ed the irregularity of this prooedare. Mr. Lampbell •leo pointed out many other matters In °causation with the bylaws re golrinv attention from the oouuoll,.howlrg that he had made • very thorough and r•rching e.•minatton of them. Mr. Camp- bell's report was relerred to the special committee. Street inspector Reid repotted that h• had mode • measurement of the sewer re. (paired es Palmerston street to pooped Wm. lwa ffald'e property with the present sewer on Raglan street. The dlstanoe was 770 feat, and CM c- .t ,.t laving 6 Inch tis Lor this distance v rtid Le shout $130. Refer- red to pub':o woe Li oommtttee. A petition from Wm Sander, and a largo number of others, complaining that the dump where the refuse of the town is de- poe1ted is • great noban:e and an eyesore, and ukinp that it, be removed to son's more eultable lomllty, sorra to the pub- lic work, committee with power to sot. A petition from Rev. Mark Turnbull and others, asking for • granollthlo sidewalk no the north aide of Nelson street, to front of lots 796. 323, 824, 825. 1126, 827 and 828, was referred to the publlo works committee. The papers In oonoeotloa with the lo.o agreement with the furniture factory oo01p' any were sot to the finance oommltl.e. A communlosllon from Loftus E. 1)aocey asking that an aro light be pl.o.d at the 1n• terseotton of St, %'looent and "truce streets, was gent to the waiter and light oommtttee. A letter from Mr. Lorrow to regard its the olalm for demurral. upon the peal moo• go of the Bohr, W. H. Rounds advising that the town pay $50 In esotlem.nt, was referred to the water and light committee. The remaining 4100 of the appropriation for the publlo library for 1900 was panted at the request of the ..oretary of the board. A oommunlmblon from the Huron foul- Oyster.. lite them at the Victoria Reg• try Association asked tor the use taurant, Wont street. They reosive them of the town hall for the holding of their r.Rul•rl}-olw.ye fresh, Ice °ream, eon. winter exhibition, to be bold to J foot Mosey, fruits and cigars. ('. H1.ACE• next. The request was granted, 570118, proprietor. Telephone 70. The deputation from the Board of Trade was then heard. A. Saunders rake first. The Board of Trade, he said, thought It very desirable that there should be an es- tabll.hed market day In llodorlob, and they asked that s sum of money be •xpouded 1n puffin, the moroet place in each • condi- tion a would make It suited for such • '0R Hay. y oo read MaKenzle & Howell's •d., It icon the 8th pore. Stade hair brushes Irom 15o to 43 00 at Hick's drug store. Soo them. 250 cane of fresh pink oilman to sell at 10 cents s en- all the Maple i IM grocery. McKenzie & Howell boys a fall Ito. of skate, inoludmg • ladies' skate that meets • Snot felt want The Blacks'one orchestra will play at th evening session of the 7Veet Huron Farmers' ln,tttute In Goderlch on th' ^('h lest. Campbell and Grant, . Celts, have bought opt the heeln.es r 1. . -•A Mo Collate, and are oinking a ono„ ., • f ar- tesian wells in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin are making their home at the resldeoo of Jamieson Reid, Proton street Mn. Martin will re• oelve her friends on Tuesday and Waldo... day pert. Mitchell Recorder: Mise Acheson, of God.rich, the violinist, h.. been .Poured for the New Y'ear's morn, oleo Mies Elizabeth Wilson, who delighted the audience • year ago, will appear again In two moat •tors• five cumbers. BanUaltt 708 HOCOR Cres Howes.. -The 0. C. 1. football team went to Ssforth on Saturday and played the remaining reven- ran minutes o1 the match for the Hough ono, and when the game was over they brought the asp home with rejoicing. Dor• log the eaventeen mlontes, although the Heaforth team had the advantage of • strong wind, neither sole made • Rost, and the suit remained as It was at lin olse of pplry• Ins the week before, 1 to 0 le favor o1 Gode- rich. The pop stands ever twenty looter In halgho and Is probably the hand. xomest trophy ever nro.gh► te Underloh. it was cosseted te the Western Football Association to 17384 and ha4 Men in the peo.dos of the Heaforth (Collegiate Io• nitrite Blah for eine years in e000eeslon. 1h. 10mini for the oup swill now he played hen an long as (0.4erleh held. it. The boys deter.. (,oils for Ih• pereeveranoo whleh they h... displayed In their attempts to gain possession of the mooted trophy. Th. players on th t Inst. were • (foal, Stoat Prttnhrd ; ., Moo. Smith, Bert r.omnr. ; holf.lraoks, (clean Mol)ooal4, W Hrydgel, 1. Yoe ; forwards, Jas Thomson, H Wlohtman, Howard Snell, .1. P Brown, Rd. Bryan.. In last Saturday's game Waiter Hackett took thee plane of nen o1 the other players. The roles. was Jo.. Stgp.n, of Seat..*. The so N o..17lbl• IJP Is A. M.D. ma's wisdew, CHURCH NOTES. 17e nuts per foot, bis tander being the lowest. The report was adopted. The court of rev1lon reoommeoded no •o - ►loo to the oases of las. S. Tait and Mr.. Brown, who applied for remission of dog tag. They reoommeoded the remission of 8.reh Moss' taxes for two years ; that Mn. Young's taxer, half of his. Jaw Struthers' sod half of thin Moo(itlllyr•y's taxes be r. - mitred. The 1.port wt. adopted The toaoce oommtttee reoommeoded the payment of • large number of .000000., and reported that the clerk had been leotruoted to write the town solicitor requesting him to have the elevator matter oloeed op with th• last possible debj.. TI. report wt. adopted. Roginser Kelly wee galled In to @tate whether or not the street lights oould M lighted from 6 to 7 o'clock In the morning. Mr. ',Cody raid 1t wet impossible without having the t>•rbong renewed during the mgh0. (:oudotllor Holmee stated that rho Militia Deportment had .00epted the towna offer ot a budding for • temporary regimental .rmory. The permanent armory, when• ever It was built, also world be located here, and (iodench would be the military contra of the county, All the othoon and men of th. regiment would have to spend two days here before and two days atter the annul comp, and 11 was possible that the dlatriot camp might bo h.74 here. The temporary armory w111 be 10- mted In the Dunlop building on Wage 'tract, and Mayor Wilson was empowered to make the neoesa.ry arrangements for ow year. The ooa0a11 then adjourned. A special meeting of the oouoail was held Tuesday sunning Mayor Wilson found that the Deportment required the whole three 6.1. of the Dunlop building for the armory, lo.tesd of two 6.1., as were at first ►bought sufficient, and • now arrangement for the lease of the building ear. necessary. The •momii asked wee *250, .od the Mayor woe authorized to leas the building at this rate for one year. His Worship r.port.d In d to • num- ber of relief curie, one of these Ming the •ending of the baby whioh wt. loft at Mn. Lotion's a few weeks ago to the Mount Hope Orphaosge at London. The mono!' endorsed the Mayor's action In these cases. There was also some discussion u to p civic w.loom. to Austin Chlabolm when he anima home from the war, and 1► eau deoided that he should b. Elven • reo.p- tloo, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Cholas Xmse groceries and pinch• at bargain rat.. at STEwA7T'R. Faooy Xmu perfumes from 100 at Hick's l7sotral drug store. Love your orders early for Xmas roan and oarnulone at STwwseT'e. ('ow FOR SALE -Comes lit about May 23• rd. Ggo. W . THOM.o*. toderioh. Fine oigare In fanoy boxes of of 10. and los for Xmas at Central drag store What a fine present an Elderldgs swing machine would maks, sold by MoKoozl. R Howell. F. M. Uuobam, Druggist, hu removed t. histaw rand •t the corner of West Street and the Square, whioh hs beta refitted In • very handsome m . to $6.00 Rev T R. McNair, of Dungannon, will praoh mintooary *emote nest Hond•y In North street Methodist ohuroh. Rev. Mr. Wilson wilt miodaol similar servtoes at Dungannon. The ga.rterly °Molal hoard of the 7.br- wet Methodist church has unanimously In •It.d Rev. H. Irvine to remain for • third year u putor of the ohureh. Mr. Irvine has seoepted, subject to the tuition of the stationing oommtttee. purpose. U MnGI111oodAy G. M. Rlliott, Wm. Campbell and N. B. Smith also spoke. Mr. Campbell awed that the present market by• law, espeolally In regard to he ,ale of oord• wood, he enforced In the meantime. In reply to • question trims His Worship, Mr, Smith stated that the omit of putting the market In proper shape would be about UOpon motion of Mr, Humber, the market oommitte of the ounooll was Instructed to Dot in oonlunotlon with a committee from bite Board of Trade in formulating .'chem. for the e.t.bllahment of n market day, sod to 1. port to the *mail, A large onmber of soounts wen tdotred to the fleann. oommittee. The •oceonb of Martin (Donnell for two cords of atone. $8, was ordered to be paid. Applloailnnsfrom 1).8.Stoddort and Allan Sperling for romlesiw of dos tat were re• ferried to the mart of revision. A request tor th• passing of the amount doe the fire brigade woo granted. A letter from Messes l'rnndloot A Hays demanded that rhe dumping of refuse at the present pima be dlsoontlnued, that the re• lase at present strewn along the top of i he bank end on the etrests be removed, and another plane provided Me • dumping ground. The radio works was given power to set. An applun•tion from Mrs. Lotion for re- muneration for the teeming of the ohlld that ono Solt with her for several writs was referred to the relief committee. A petition from residen1. ot the south- west portion of Ht. Andrew's ward for an eleotrl0 ltgh► was referred to the water and Ifoht oommtttee. Owing to the re.Iguotlon of Rev. Mr. 0111, rooter of St. Arne. ehoroh, Carberry, Man Oahe, m meeting of the oongrog•tlon ease held on the 15th Inst., at which • unani- mous call was oxteoded to Ks,. E. B Smith, of (Tiptoe. Mr. Smith had oharge of this perish for three months lot eommer, so that he le both known of and beown, and the font of this imitation b.ipg sent him s soon as • v0aen0y manned le the best of midmost that he did good and faithful ntr- Tim. 'I he parish of Oorherry b. nes o1 the most important in Manitoba and growing, plvinr at pneent 0 salary rgolvalent 10 twelve hundred dollars • year. The 0511 Is rrtslnly 0 umptin7 one and no one nerd be surprised to hear that Mn. Smith may s rpt. if he do.. th. Carberry Anglicans are to be 000grotoleted.-hews-Reoord. DIEO. MORRINON - in Ooderlch, on T..eday. December 11th Rells, youngest daughter of captain and ate IW Mn. J. N. Morel - eon. aged 3 months aril 3 sweetie The funeral w111 true place from the roan lio reald.nts, Olounest.r Tonne., on Tb',. erI=lair.a 214 pan., to Matt. Mina Choi°. table apples, by bushel or barrel. Spotted apple. for Immediate use. 5o peak. Xmas goods of all kinds and prior very low. Good t/ble Nutter always obtainable at our store. R. R SMITH & Co Want.d.-One ton of choice roll better, 20o, weekly. Also dried apples and fowl. Oar stook of drew good., fun, and ready• mode olotbing ,to. le tree and not varpor- sd, We have • few odd mantles to tiler, $10 ones for $5 and $.5 ones for $2,60. 0, K. Kano, VY Ingham. Fon SAL.- oar. piano •Imoet as good as naw, price 8160. his snap. Apply quick. Beautiful XmM presents In pianos. .red sewing raohlnes. it will pay you 8 oell, see out goods and mske purobse Oar prier. pew ,Ogbt, sed goods are all high gt.ue. O. W. THOMNON & SON. Meier'. Morrow & Cooper, Hamilton street. are selling off their grocery stook. Mr. Marrow roll 000hne himself to the pro- fits*. trade and Mr. (Jeoper's time to taken up In •tteoding to hu grain business ; so they are going one of toe rotary business and are trying to diepore of their • toe k boo• ton Uhristmos. Goon Nsws ,on TEACRssa.-Prtseipal Merobant, of the London Normal Sohool, sees strong evidenae tbs. the (more than ample sufflolenoy of teachers for the pobllo sohnole le r.pidit .',ming • thing of the past, gays The London Free Press. Ot the Mose upon one hundred rtnden', now In at- tendanoe at the Normal School, almost all have engagements upon the end of the term, provided, of nears, they .re •oeowfol a1 th• examinations, whioh begin within • few days. lisle Iso rather remarkehle state of affairs. The prleotwl has renelyed o. ,nets from puhlio school boards 10 differ - rot parts of this district and from distant parts of the Provinoe ukleg for twitters. Mr Merchant believes the result w111 be to Arles • larger number o1 men Into the pro- fession than hitherto. At the school this A report of the r1)oo of Maitland 0em0 term the proportion of mai. to famed. eau• Wry of now lots added to the map and of dents Is twenty tour to ninety odd, whir& hi Int.rmeou for amoral months put woe said to be groour than of male tgaoh.re to gent to the smeary oommlter„ female le the country. Salaries may be or - "''Th. speolal oommtttee reoommod.d the rooted to go op oorreepondingly. Then adoption of the repot% of the atone of the some M be argon% noted for this. The oemeury bonhe,and that the potions holding salaries paid by Som. mehool hoards Ie the .-emebr•y IoM unpaid for he notified that nonntry districts. among the rleh farms, all lots on held and net settled for before are swayingly small, and a esu 1. rotated the lot of January, 1401, will M sold to whore the onmp.tltlon for Men else .f dans any persons wishing M purchase them. schools, at starvation wages, eau so kens The report eau adopted. an •ppll05nt taught three months fee esu Th. mobile work. Nominate. reported dolly Th. annulling of 1ho right of M. Nat they had awarded the oennnot tor 6h• third-ol.sa o..tl00•t• hold.. te leash is laying of to• sewer oesseotlens en North ►he whsle of the Provisos r .r.dlts1 end Lighthouse dregs to W. J. Ramsay at with lee same shims,