HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-6, Page 88 TuUR$DAT, Dec. 8, 1800
DiOl! Ne uress LIOOE1s
Our ,stock is right up-to-date with the newest shades
in Ifomea uns, Jwels, Cheviot and, heavy Serges,
with new Trinlulings, Buttons and Lining to match,
and our prices are right lows
NEW HEAVY -CORD SILKS in all ashatle i, worth
$1.00, for 75e. Lame selection of Cheeks, New
Brocades and Plaid Silks. No trouble to show goods.
A Special lot in
different colon rang-
ing from $4.00. to
Clearing at $2 50.
large range of
best velum in new-
est style Jackets.
Prices, away down.
Special lot Fancy W rapperettet,
Prints and Gingham,
Clearing at bc.
Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe
Flannelettes, regular 8c quality.
You know now these goods have
Clearing at 50 a ) and .
ibee, regular
ia4. ••.,ti`.�.. Qgarjsg .t 4pc,
:�a ist xspr.+,ilj� __l -`
Now is the time to get a jeul.ty,
ready-to•weer Hat to gave your
[[Doti trimmed hat ; goods worth
$1.00 to $1.35.
.• -wing at 7
Special Let nicely trimmed Hat- for
Ladies and Girls, really worth
double the money.
Cleariu_ at $1.00 and $1 25
some Special li.ergaiue in [Men's
Suitt and l )verc, ets. Como anti
look over our large stock.
Specis,I Line Alen's Fancy Strip.-)
Underwear, goads worth 40 Dents
each. Clearing.at 25e each.
See our extra value 1 Socks,
pairs for 25c.
Special Line stes's and Boy- Pettit
Caps, clearing at 160,
1' i ince .so ase
S4thBros Co.
Argument trt.re the Court at e.ga.de
Mall -Judgment te•erved.
Toronto Btar. Friday
Argument In the appeal in the West
Huron oa.e comm.oued at 11 o'olock this
morning before the Court of Appeal C
Juetloe Armour preetded, and Mr. Justice
MecM&boa replaced Mr. Junior, Oder, who,
with Mr. Justice Rose. tried the ow. The
appellant is Hon. J. T. Darrow, who was
unseated for alleged bribery by agents.
The petitioner le Joseph Beek, the del..twl
oandtdat. Meer.. A. B Ayl.eorth, lt.
C., and George H Wateoo, Q. C.. appeared
for Mr. Gurow and Mr. W. D. McPherson
for Mr. hook.
OR. w'AT0on'l AK t MINT.
The reasons for the appeal were out-
lined by lir. Wanton. Bribery was preyed
against Walter Venetooe, "Cep' 9olbvan,
.ed Jobo Llnkistr, bat only the int ream•
ed was held to he an agent, end Mr. Wat-
son hoped to make it obese that Mr. Gar
row was not responsible. Mr. Darrow had
made an appeal at the nominating .00uveo
tion for • pure election, and told those
present that no Irieod of his would be guilty
of any saoh t•otlos. Counsel wee 0000dent
of showing that the election in quest'on
was re.scoably honest, and that Mr. liar
row's election was due to a fair polliog of
1h• votes of the electorate.
Mr. W•ton ed'arged upon the unique
methods employed by tboee found gouty of
bribery H. referred to the extraordinary
oonduot ot "Cap" Sullivan, who was not en
agent, bet who, while on a drunken d..
beuoh, distributed money to differ eat vot ere.
His acts were wanton folly, and the moat
extraordinary ever heard of Two dn11u
bills were his limit
This roused a reminement spirit among
the judges. Th. Corsi .lustloe recalled an
incident where • briber waiksn up to •
voter who was hyping potatoes In • field and
slipped 55Into hi• pocket No.hms at all
was .aid, but the Chief Justice held that
Ode was bribery. Mr. Jostles kpaoMahon
meotlon.d a happening in Simone. where
eh* bribers went around at mldnught, knock
ed at the door, of elector., and slipped en•
v.lopes oontalaing 5.5 bills underawth the
doors, the perms anewering 1. 1.115 posses
roe o1 the money.
Mr. Wet.on nolo., the sots of bribery
proved against Vanetooe. Van/done direo
ted two moo where to go to get money, and
also paid some himself. but did not •Ilk the
person• to whom he gave eht mosey to vote
for either of the oa•dtdites. Peter M
Dene wee geld to be the yodng man who
steered “Cap“ Sullivan through the oon•
tttltuenoy, and who admitted hayloft .hewn
Sullivan around 111. eiideooe wont to
.how that Sullivan and others In the ninety
were drgsk and irresponsible. SeWttam
iistrib.tad 516 sad dlsapseer d in she
Mr Watson satd-tbe whole appeal rested
epos use quesokin of agency, and to arrive
at • prefer o•aelueion each charge would
ha • t • . ken up ►Pd 000sidersd bs . it..
v. harrow's evidence was them re-
tailed - He denied having any oonoeotion
whatever with Walter Vanstone. Hts
election expense. were 5551. Mr. (Narrow
knew Van.'.•ne's brother, • W -?ham law.
yer, but h,d never had soytbtag to do with
Walter. As to the bribery in tt Ingham,
Mr. W•teen referred to the rota ta that
part of the oonsUtuenoy. Mr. Garrow bad
been Isar times • candidate. to 1890 he
had .o adverse majority of 18 ; In '96 1t was
42 ; in March, 1898. 1t was 12 ; In Iteoem-
ber, 1898, It wet 72. Mr. Watson then
took up the evidence of Me. Or•o•y, p-esi
dent of the Wingbam L beret Association
"Apparently a very deed orreatntioo,"
oomm.nted Mr. Jointoe i.Ieter.
Ur. 1:rac.y's ev'donee was to the effect that
Walter Veneto°. was not allowed even to
w t as • aortal loot because of his bad habits.
At Doe time, though. Van.ton. was • prom-
inent workor to the party.
Toronto Stu. 8•turdaJ'.
At the afternoon memos yesterday Mr•
George Watson elaborated on his •roumeot
that Walter Vanetooe was not guilty of
the bribery committed by "Cap" Sullivan,
and that there was not enf8etent evidence
to show that Veneto°, was •a agent of the
candidate. Mr. Watson quoted the air
cum,taooes under which Mr Leven, In the
East Elgin Dace, was held.00t to h.ye been
an agent for the Conservative oendidate,
Mr. Brower, and argued that evldenoe of
agency was much stronger In that case than
In West Huron
Chief Justice Armour -1 would have
held that Luton was an .gent.
Mr. Watson pointed nut that the Court
of Appeal had upheld the decision of the
trial judges that he wan not. ,
Chief JusM.s-if V.nstone'e ease Is
parallel to Lu{ws than we will follow the
Mr. Wattles Mid be relied epos (tale •os•
[codon and upon the saving planes udder
which the corrupt practloin proven were at
. unh trifling ohmmeter a. not to affect the
Mr, A. 11. Aylesworth, t1.C., foltowedy
also in behalf of Mr. (:arrow. He pointed
mu that in F:.et Elgin Luton was held not
10 be en agent, though he had attended
private meetings of the oommtttee held In
he own home, while Vawtoe bad only at.
tendo, meetings In e public hall a' whfoh
snyooe might be present. With respect to
Mr. Hugh l;uteri's cue, that gentleman
had not been reported to the Hese as guilty
of a oorrapt preattoe The matter was dis-
ou...d to the newspspere by people who did
no/ know the olrcasletasoes, and the Im-
Christmas Books
A'ek.•-.,.c •., Jif; kr k Iya@Piteks.
Christmas Goods
All the newest Books, shown in beautiful Christmas Editions, Poetry,
Prose, History, Etc. Guide to Wild Flower., $2.50 not. The Biography of
a Grizzly, by Ernest Seaton Thompson, :1]1.50. Moomwa, by W. A. Framer,
$1.50 net. Dr. North and His Friends, by S. Weir Mitchell, 51.25. Tommy
and Grizel, by Barrie, 51.25.
Juvenile Bookg by the hundreds to select from, Father Goose, Mother
Wild Ocoee, Tommy Atkins, Soldiers of the Quenn, South African A B C,
Child's Own, Prize, Chatterbox, Chumm, Boys' Own Annual, Girl. Own An-
nual, I.ouure Hour, Sunday et Home, Etc. As usual we will sell these
Books at reduced prices. Watch Show Window for prides.
December 101 eat Art Calendars, Ise Ener -47 rreee Books
will ilia displayed,'
Watch our ne:b advertisement foe Oat Glass, Fine Obflsay Art Ornamental
Goods and Sterling Silver, also Bran and Onyx Goode
Olgg Teapiese• Na is 100 A.
Court House Square, Ooderich.
pisSslon war given that ho had bees guilty
of .a Illegal sot. This was not the Deed
Tne etpsudltere had bow made not by 1Lr
....ditto.. but by Mr. Alex. Smith, who,
hevlug asked Mr. Guthrt• to go to the rid•
ung, reuouped ht personal expanses, e
tt•rleotly proper thing to du. The trial
Judges might therelore have omitted this
reler.00e in their report without oagleutluo
their du.y, The Leanne'ure bed distinctly
provld.d that even the candidate might
make su,•!t • payment. Had Mr. Barrow
made the pavn.eot It would have been in-
cumbent upon nlrr. to Include tt to hie re-
tain of espi.:rae., but there was uo oblige.
tion upuu Mr. Ftuitb t a report the peymeut.
Mr ,Justice VlacMahon emulated that if
• person Laving perecnal' Interests In a rid
tug wbluh would 1.0 advanced by the •leo.
Lion of a oerten cauJtdate paid the capon•
w of a speaker to secure that election, the
o.ndidate uoul t not be held responsible.
Before the Court of Appetit today ergo
went In this appeal an the Weal Huron wase
.vac continued, Mr. W. D. McPherson.
who appeared for Mr Joseph Beek, the de.
Irate) capdtdite, upon whose petition Hun.
1. '1'. harrow was unseated, replied t.t the
arguments ratted by Messrs \Vaison and
A) teaworib .1 the Friday &melon of the
o.,art. He sited the court to eliminate the
eteI,uteota es 1' previous majoritws in the
riding, as they had no bearing on the ease.
Ilie mit oeidencn was t!. et i0 the tint '98
,lecttuu the mali.rlty for Burow was 1, and
•t the Lyra election 1t hadtrown to 45 Mr.
McPherson laid It down that the questions
of fact, as feund by the trial judges, could
n ot be deputed, unless thane conclusions
were so erroneous as to ase wholly wrong.
Certain deadouc Its .1 ellaod and H.!dl-
mend were .11.44d to in support of this
oonten tion.
Mr. McPherson took up the question of
Van/toms agency. tie said thae the trial
judges had, mad. their deduotion from 16
otrcumetanous brought to their nolloe.
CommeaLlog Mt this Mr, McPherson raid
that • resume of Cioallao and English oases
failed to show • stronger osis. The only
one of the 16 int'identn that had been seri-
ously ouotrocorted was as to whether or not
V•netone was present at Mr Garrows
nominating convention. Mr. McPherson
quoted the evldeaoe to prove that V.nstooe
went from 111ogh•m to Dungannon with
three other mem, and that he did not go
there to the nomination of Mr Holmes for
the Dominion House, as Wlmgbam was not
in the constituency.
"The whole car turns aper Venotoude
agency °" remarked Mr. Justice Lister.
"1 think w, My Lord," Bald Mr Mo.
Pherson, "but other gentlemeu bate been
found to be agents.'
Mr. McPherson read the named of Alex•
soder Smith. James Vance, William Proud•
foot, Witham Roberton, and Samuel
Grade!. He argued that Mr. Garrow'e
speech In ecoeptaace of the nomination was
en levitation to the d.legetes present, and
made them all agents. Veu.toae was in
the room at the time, and was, therefore, a'
duly qualified agent. Van,tone drove a rig
on election day, and the Item was In Mn---
Osrrowu ezpenee .000001.-Venetoaft'
n ame was also on the rolls of the West
Huron Lrber•I Aeoclatlon, and that, in It.
mit, Mr. McPiereon ooatended, made him
an agent.
Io response to• question by Mr. Justice
Lister, Mr. Mol'h.r.on referred to the
West Smoot, sod Parry Sound cases to
prove Vanetooe an •ocredired agent. He
detailed diff -rent olroumst•noes to show
that Mr. Darrow was nominated by the
West Huron Labral Assooletloa. Van -
stone* absence from the trill was also oom-
meated upon,
Mr MoPners a meutiooed the name of
•'Oap'' Sullivan, end alluded to him as an
U.ilario Government employe at Sault Ste.
•`le that to evidence '" aeke'1 Mr. Jus
t ice NI eoIlahon
"No, My Lnrd.'
"It's newspaper talk," loterieoted Mr
Ay leswort h.
"He Dame appears oe the publlo •c•
count,' replied MT. MoPhereon
"So dose yours," retorted Mr, Ayiw
"Not as a crown timber agent," said kir.
McPherson. ''and so does yours, 11 the re-
tort I. fair.'
Mr. McPherson dropped the suijsct, and
took up the case if John L'okleter, who ab
stinted himself from the trial and on whose
account the trial was .o prolonged Mr.
MoPherena said be could prove the . case
without 1.oklater, so the coact .sugkest.d
he pen on to someone else Mr McPhee -
am returned to V-an.tone, and odd that
i here never was any repudtet-on of Van -
.tone by tht, promtoeot Liberal workers of
the riding. He gave the oourt a long list of
authorities to support the ddlereat-toper
menta he had need. •
In regard to Mr. Hugh llothrle, Mr Mc•
Pherson said that the 115 pall to him by
Alex. Smith for expenses while speaking et
three meetings in Mr. Garrote's Interest, did
not appear In the candidate's election ei-
porting. Mr. Guthrie . onld not legally hers
spoken In the riding and secured his sx•
pensee unless he had accompanied the candi-
date typo the riding and spoken from the
frame platform. Mr. Guthrie was brought
twee thIe ase .imply es • type and net
through any •nimus or dealt* to dieoredit
t.bat gentleman.
Judgment was reserved. ,,,....._
Tn.,i,oY, I)^C, 4
Mrs Joteph Warder Is on the sink list.
Mies Elie. N mser vatted la Brunel, lest
Mow Annie Rnthertnee-_ 'Io Hamtl-
too on Monday morels'.
Mir Msg Rw
le nherte of reveler, Is
visiting in liluevale and vicinity. •
Mier Luolnda Coup, of Buff•'o, returned
to her home to Bluevsle on Fr,Jsy last.
George Leckie, of Wrosster, visited at
Joseph Pugh's et the b•gianlog of the week.
Mr. and Mr. Eugene MsoDoneld, of
VVtogham, visited et Andrew Holmes', this
Miss Mary'fnornton, of 8'ingham, visit
ed her grandfather, John lierdloer, last
MIs. Mary King spent a few d.ye last
week visiting Miss Annie Fraser In Toro•
ben v
Mrs, Joseph Pugh and Mire Mary Collie
vbltedet. John Rnl.erton', in Wroxeter on
Mises Maggie and 1t,11a Robertson, of
i'nrobrry, visited at Walter i'•tterson's 6a
The Presbyterian Sunday school Intend
holding an entertainment on Friday the
YA'h of 1)0o
Anniversary services w111 be held In the
Methodist ohuroh oe Snoday, the 16'h of
Deoember Rm. Mr. Holm.., of Brussels,
will occupy the pulpit morning and evening
and Rey. Rtah•rd Hobbs, of WLogham will
preach In the •fternooa.
Treen.v, Deo. 4.
Wm. Hackett is the proud pasesror el ea
Mees Thurlow, of (loderiah township, fevisiting at Thee. Rioh•rd.nn'e.
Mn. Gen. Barrow. I. spindleµ • few day,
with her mother at Port Albert.
Mies Hattie Therlow, of God.rloh, 1.
,pending a short time with relatives here.
Harry Maw left lest Thursday for Wlnd•
ter, where he hes weaned • situation In the
(4, T. R. office.
C. :Naag.r removed his sew hones, onr.
ser of Male and WakAw stews, 1he lata
ter panic Ino[ week. ,
Moaner, Das 3.
Arrna'ursu --Sam Lee end item Iwo,
formerly lu lioderluh, Ilene by their fellow
countrymen, Mu WLug, at preeeut • eget
dent of the Wwa, a grateful remembraooe
to (heir former [washer for mme time la
Knox ohuroh Sunday guttural, Mir J. B.
Cootie, at present twuher of our school •1
Dunlop 0.1 Friday ••wing last at her
home to lioderluh • pleasant eorprlm
•waited her from her one-time wholan,
three uurloua peruels with Chinese post-
marks. Doe contained six boxes of tea,
soother • basket of butt sed nuts, sad the
last one wase miniature greets hour in •
pretty glass roes bowl, 000slsttag of tare
lilies and other pleat. The flowere are
growing rapidly end will be covered with
fragrant bloesoms for the oomtog Christman
fesilvitlw. The recipient is much pleased
with her present and expressed bet deepest
thanks to the donors, whom she found
e•rns.t and painstaking in their Bible
e t udlsa.
The Catbolio Almanac, recently mused,
ionising a portrait of the late Rev. N J.
Dixon, parish priest of Aehfleld.
Rev. }t:. h. Baker, of Stretford, has been
assisting In the spcolal services in Nottb-st
Methodist church this week. The meetings
will oontlous for the remainder of this
The sugesatlon has bawl made, and Is
being favorably reoslved, that all the Chr s
[iso chutohes in the ouuotry should bold
eaurameot the Met Sunday of the twentieth
Rev. J. W . Robinson, pastor of V lotorla
street church, will preaob next Sabbath
Morning subjoin : "The power of the Ged
of Elijah." Evening subjrt : "The only
way." All us welcome. Swat 1tea.
Te. Sabbath sobool of Victoria -11. Meth•
odist church is preparing for the annual
Christmas tree eatertatomeot, whish will
be held on Chrtetmas night. The program
willouodal ul reoltatlons, song., drills,
etc , sod the distribution of pte.enta to
the scholia,.
On Suede', at the •nuiysrsary amebae
of the Hamilton road Methodist church to
Loodon,of whiob Rey. 5. J. Allis, formerly
of Goderloh, le pastor, the oboir was as
e lated by Mt.. Vida Ball, of Goderlcb, who
is visiting her aunt, Mn Clunes, In that
city, and by J. W. Brodrlut. The tier -
eons were vary ,uoowful.
Knox obnroh V. P, 8. 0. E. be. dented
the following officers and ooarsmen of com-
mitter for the next ell months :-011io.rs •
President, Rev. Jas. A Anderson ; let vice
president, Nanny Nairn ; 2ed 71m president,
Reginald Black ; recording secretary, Maud
Murray ; oorr..peadiog saoretary, Louisa
Gibson ; tr.+asurr, Minnie Molitor ; mis
sionary treasurer, Margret Skelton. Com
mit teem : Lookout, J. Henry Merlin ;
prayer -meeting, Helen Stewart ; social,
Lnzie Cootie ; music, Maggie Murray
flwer, Maud Murray ; miulooary, Edith
Wiggins ; vielting, David Stoddart ; liters.
tun, Tillie Stilling.
no anniversary servieu of Victoria
aeeea► Methodist (therob were held en Son•
day last under most •sapient's olroum•
' tans... Rev. W. Godwin, of St. Thomas,
• former ;Astor of the church, 000upled the
pulpit both moraine and evening, and
there were large congregations at loth Bar•
elms. to the evening • statement was
read regarding the finances of the obsroh,
which showed that the Victoria street eon-
gregatlon have been diligent to very good
purpose In tib regard Within the past
month the sum of $446 10, oomprielng the
debt on church and parsonage property, has
been paid. and th• debt be. been oomplete-
ly wiped out. This appetite all the more
or.dlt•bl• when it 1. remembered that the
parsonage was built only last year. This
result has not been achieved without eelf-
denial on the pert ot members of the con-
gregation, end the zest and persistent ef-
tort which have been m ssooeufully ea,.
;Bevel are worthy of blah praise. Al-
though the congregation are sow free of
debt encumbrance, they do not Intend to
fold their hands ; but on the contrary we
expert to ase thele enemy erose led In
other directions. Oa Sunday- e • i &Coluo
of 162 wee received, being the u.,ault of e
year', oontrtbattoes to tr"e.b zee About
twenty boxes had not ,en Dome In, and
the 1.1.1 amount will be about 575.
All parties getting their sale Mlle printed at
this omoe will have • tree notice Inserted
In this 11.1 uo to the time of salsa
SATi-RGAy, Deo 8th. -Important 'notion
•ale of dry goods, 1 bays received iostruo•
tions from C. W. Anpk,we town by public
auction at ,ho Arcade, the stork and store
effeme of the R B. Smith Dry Goods Co.
Sale commences at 2 r. M. For particulars
,t4 smell bills. THOS. Geypnv.
Aiustion Salsa.
Pursuant to the power of sale oonteioed to
• certain mnrte•ge bearing date the 4'h day
of June, 1898, and whioh will be produced
at the time ot •ale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction by John Knox, Ane
tiooeer, at Buxton's Hotel, In the town of
(ioderleh, on Saturday, the 22nd day of
December, 1900, at ore o'olook P. M., the
following property, namely :
Parini 8•., 1, --Lot number dye awl kiss
Northerly part of lo• number fen M Or.
,lob's mrvey, particularly deeoribed In a
deed thereof from John Herr to William
Herr ot the said lands and reentered In
the Registry Office of the oone'y of Heron
on the 25th day of March, 1396.
On this properly there 1. • frame house
with kitchen, a frame .tore and stable.
Penni No. 2 -Part of lot number three
to the MeiUeed C,,nee.e'on of the town-
ship of lioderioh, containing one half so
acre et land, more or lees ; more particular
ly described in the paid deed from John
Heir to William Herr.
Oo this there le • frame cottage, also a
large bten.
Terms :-Ten per Dent. at the time of
male sad the belanoe within me month
For hunter perticulere apply to the
auctioneer or to the vendor'seolucltor.
Dated 24th November, A 1). 1900
Aoo•lnaiir, Vendor'. Milloltor,0od1Adh.
Opera Douse
M05041, Ileo, 3.
J. 11 Gardner sold bis term on the tenth
concession to J. Ferguson.
The nvlyel ..rausee ou the Ashfield elr•
utile are befog uooltaued. hi 'sob good is be-
ing done.
10 pairs of
two pain of
Urduui y l: umuion Rubbers.
Search the World and you will
find nothing skilleie
better than
. mItatod by Every Rubber
Manufacturer and Dealer, but no
imitation has our specially Manufac-
tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the
only fabric which can be thoroughly
impregnated with the Para Gana
VVAI a worn out have leather sole
put on and we for a Plow Boot.
The). D. KingCo., Limited, have
the only
genuine Rubber.
Don't buy under the words
are stamped upon
the sok of each
Rubber ; all others are frauds upon
the Public.
We OLE`.. c&upkM.L.-_
Organist 1 mashed dlrenter of North et.
Methodist t bomb, and teacher of pianoforte,
pipe erase and theory, will be pleased to r •
Delve pupils. Instruction given either at
studio or at pupil's home, w desired. Studio
at Rmenea's Mudd Stole, West.., 71 41
Now is the Time
You need good leather in your Boots and Shoes. Shoddy and paper
may do in warm, dry weather, but it ie of no use for November wet
and mud.
Our constant endeavor has been to supply our customers with the very
best Shoes we oould buy. (Quality first is our motto at all times.
For the Fall trade we have been fortunate iu getting some extra goal
Our Men's Hand Made Long Boots, leather lined, would be good value
et $3.25 ; we introduce thein at 52.50 for short time.
FELT BOOTS, with leather half up the leg,
best quality, only 51.50 per pair.
A General
ribo Kid.
Low Heel.
(*ACT ea.aO•uenow O Twae eTTas 5tee•.
See our Boys' Waterproof Shoes,
hand made. They wear like iron, wily
$1.00 and $1.25 per pair.
Nice warm Felt and Carpet Slip-
pers, only 150 per pair.
Rubbers, beat quality at lowest
Remember we aro Sole Agents for the fam-
oue (cram Qr*l.rry SMoss.
The Cash Shoe Dealer, ---
The Geverem.ut hapeetor of marine
boilers and engines made au mepeotIon of
the Hayfield reoeotly at Owen Sound, The
geatlemes would mase no statemwt se to
the report he would hand to the Depart.
meet. Next year 1t 1a quite poesefble that
the marine survey will be prinolpelly oon-
bned to Lsk. Superior and the teapoolloe
was 'probably wade te ascertain whether
He bow of ebe bull, ebloh was renewed
Eva years ago, the Umbers are rid to be In
good 000ditIoo, but la other portions of the
Motel there ars queett.wble plaaks which
would h■vo /o be rw.w.d. The engines and
bollen have .eon their best days, es the
yowl be over thirty meters old. Th. Owen
Sound Times says she o.rtalaly is not Bt for
service on Lake Superior and • new boot
the old boat was fit for woos were. 1. shield be bout.
are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is
The only Wars Air Generator on the Market,
and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than any
-fuuraace ori The ml ken. ' - -
We have the largest assortment of coal and wood stoves this
side of Toronto. ' Also have a number of second-hand
stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in. part payment for
new ones.
/n the Mutter of the Estate o/ 10tteaee,• slew,
leaven, tate o/ tlw Village of Dees.
pennon, in HNC -owes/ of Heron,
Oenllernan, deceased.
Notice la hereby given penitent to the Re-
vised ti-etutes of Ontario. 1S7, obapir lig,
that all creditors and other* 05010. edema
against the estate of the 5.1d Mallard Tre-
leaven. who died on or about the 5th day of U.,
sober. A. D. 1900, are required on pr before
the 1st day of January, A. L. 1911. to send by
post prepaid or deliver 10 Meagre. Proud'o.tt
t Hays. of the town of,Joierlch, la rhe comi-
ty of Huron. Goderich po.t•omce. &I Dimas
for William James Treleaveu and Richard
Johnston Treleaven. the eaec•I'orr of the la.t
will and testament •f the said drowsed, their
Christian and 'urea nee, addresses and de
acriptlons, the full oerUoulrs of their claim'•
&statement of their accountend the nature
of the .eterittallf acyl held by them
And further take notice that after mid men
Honed date the said executors will trooeed to
distribute the assets of the deceased amongst
the parties entl led thereto, hevin, n'ard
only to the claim' of which they shall then
have nolloe. and that the said executors will
not be Gable for the said asset, or any part
thereof, to any person or persons of who,.
claims notice &ball not have bees re-xlvad by
them at the time of such diettibuioe.
Dated at Ooderloh the lard d.y of No,en,
bar. 4.. D. 1920.
tlollclton for the ill
{ M ixeonters,
IT u to attendIlBnsitSlit'
mc. trgl
College, Londona Forest.. Oot PCityractical inetruneeasti d oo in prat•
WILL l L PAY yoti(il cab For over fifteen ears we have been in
1� Y
1, uuh with young people :sod their needs, .d the businew world and H. requirement,.
Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and dor graduation. We
are doing wuperior work ; rosette prove it. Soret for our Catalogue and College Journal. -
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
52 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
$2.00 I Second Edition $2.00
reg TRAM. cit TZAR.
At Your Post Office
LAMM Sales.
111 ERT
Under and purruant to the power of pale
contained In a certainhosing del.,.the nth day of May. A. U. 1 .hieh will he
prod,eed at the Unmet Bale. there will he of
fared for sate by on' Ile auetien. by John
Knox, euatloneer, at Huxton'e halal to the
town of Ooderich. on Saturday, the Pied .ley
of December. A 1). ((id. ar if o'clock noon,
th.feltawieg property. namely: to' Dumber
sr in the town of Ooderloh. in the county of
Heron. and better known and Ane- 11.d In •
deed thereof bearing dale the Z511 day of Julie.
A. D. 1871.
TVs lot 1e Waite! on Britannia rood, close
to tit, Andrews ward ',hoot.
Terms- Ten per cent. of pnrchaae money
on the day of sale sod the balance within one
month thereafter. In all other reepeota the
terms and conditions oreale will be the stand-
ing conditions of the High Conn of JnalOe.
for further particulars apply t the sec
Delmar or to the un(entgn.d
Dated 1918 November, A. U. IMO.
Aucuonrer. Vendor's Solicitor. aodeeieh.
Under and p renantho a power n! sale con -
boned In • certain mortgage Acted the Mb
day of May. A.D. 15.7, which will be prod need
at the time of sale there will he sold by public
auction by John Knox Auctioneer, at Hnx-
lon's hotel In the town of Ooderlch on Same
day, the 22nd deg of December, A D 19)n, at
12 n'aloot noon, the following v luaMe peer-
erry. namely ' All and singular hot number
1018 running Dumber in the town of Ooderlch,
in the county of Iluron, containing one wilt.
ter of an sere of land. more or lees.
On the above property there la a fleet clam
two story frame hotel, 65x1;• known an the
Ocean Rouge, containing bar room• large din-
ing room, sitting room. 99 other room, and
The hotel 1e well situated and le close to the
harbor at U xlerich, and has a flet clan' Ansi
Terme t Ten per Beet of the
money at the time of sale, ant the halhinncce
within one month thereafter.
In all other reapeent the term, and condi
Sons of sale will be the standing oonditions of
the high Court Of Jostles.
Forfnrther particulars •ppplc to the Aoc-
11....r or to the Vendee'& tteli.lter,
Dated 1911 November. A.D. 19)).
Auctioneer. Vendor.' Solicitor.
1 4 r Week rel Solid Fan, commenrtng
MONDAY, DEC. 18th. Paan, Oyster Palties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mi ce
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Marangnes,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
The Famous Jolly Pulls
Hypnotic Vaudeville Co.
Entire change in our entertainment thin
n.'e.nn Better end .trnnger than ever.
The only allow of ism kind in the world.
Popular Priors ---Mc, Ik lad 31c.
Reserved Seats at Porter's Book Store.
ere as good as the beat made in any
Sty In (?•nada,
Cnantelon leads the trade in
in fenny demtcntng ane ornament
ing and almond icing.
Give him an order and your sate
isfeetion will his scoured.
The London Free Press *2
ESSENTIALLi' A NEWSPAPER -The Free Prose it now in It fifty-first
veer it is eseentiilly a newspaper for the home circle. While di.
;.oguiabed for enterprise, care hail been taken from the beginning of
its caeeer to admit nothing t•-. iia columns that would offend the morel
sins of wlf•r,apecting people,
TAE-MAR111ET T: ;PRETB-Are full and up-to-date, containing all the
latMt Canadians, Amer- a}-iti ibd English live stock and grain merketa.
with the teat apt -date new,.
VFTTERINARY COLUMN -A new and special feature, conducted by
J. E Hedging, V. 8, Honor Graduate 0 V. C. Articles appear e.ery
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and answer daily relative to all rhae•aes of animal,, Rc. Contains
valuable home instruction for the farmer and .tock owner.
FOREIGN NEW'S-A complete hi.lory of the doing,' all over the known
' world in the latest and up to date .lespet he..
52 COMPLETE CANADIAN NEWS -By telegraph and mails treenail parte 52
of Canada, particular attention being paid to Western Ontario.
SPORTING NEWS -la full and court tete with Amateur and Profession al
Spann -Bane Ba11,Cricket,Lacroame, Golf,Bowling, Foot Ball, Hockey,
52 Skating, Horse Racing, Trotting and Running, Hand Ball, etc. $2
IN POLITICS -In Politica it 1. Conservative, but iia Conservatism hag
never presented it from doing justice to or upholding men of both
parties who do right. It ill the organ of the people. irrespective of
52 party, and makee the public well-being ite fir.[ conaiderat.ion 52
In fact The Free Tread is the moat oompkte and up -[•date paper west of
• Toronto ; from 8 to 12 pagels through the week, and 16 pager on Setur-
-- _ '*y_ ft its bright and readable ; news for old and young.
Osoond Millen at your poet office for 52 00 per year. Now in the time W
The London Free Press P't'j, Co., L't'd, London, Ont.
$2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
Xmas Presents
Give the average person thought and consideration just now.
You always want to give a present that will be appreciated.
What will win appreciation more than giving something
useful, such as may he selected from this (itepartment of our
hardware stock
You have a wide raga to choose from. Leet us suggest •
few lies :
CARTING Sera, with or without cases, LADIIA' COMPANION&'
TRA and Dii.iRT SPOON., FoRiR AND Kalil. la all grades to
fill every watt.
Al.. $[a117S, 13et,ta, and even a Ramos /pie IN 1$1ssr Did
Purchaser. of 55.00 or over get one of oar large 20th Oen
tory Souver.ir Calendars, while they kat.
We shall be pleased to show yon our goods.°.,
McKenzie& Howell