HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-6, Page 7_..__ ��_- ,.,.,rr a� l"�5,':tprt�.mrc ��.ld.> J- •�g ku mf.'kl� �'s°r1 .,W
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--_--`-`,M+vM1%Yr. ^;..:,>tetw"'+M.tlrma..,! ,Am,uNa. Yvry ,rU,fa..: YT'Y•ia�: AAM., . 4W"*It±'!INA.l"y"7 4' 41Vxtl&, *4,t•Y�+LL•b�U&" •,-W, . ,r ..
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Ya.4�.',iiYUl.'tt,rl. (;tlis.:- . .. db5dix
Information had several conversations ish troops nod two tuns, which were British army bass beau demonstrated .d over 4U a)►pllcack,itr from C+an OSCAR WIlOE OEAD IN PARIS 1 NE BRITIS
M11CNENER AFTER withClrxrll Itbuodes durlrtg Ws stay In not, even dlwabled, tnuruai•- pr the adluns teeslruur of ronrul under os- - -
tk,uth Africa. tae Kaye that its. Boom were able to am them against Duerr stay cuate 10 V- N• dem-Powell W Lhe '1`raurvuul ours- ?"
Ithottee bur Kira, formulatorl awhome th, British relief tomos. New fork, Dee. ''_.-Third A■rimtaut stabulary. The matter ham leen R I �NT
fur tiro so litlup of the future rnwdl• Th'e ubq{ultour Do Wet seems agaist .4m,retury of Stale Tlto,s. \V. Crigler rubmltted W Lhe \Vas Office. PAt 1 L �'.1
hem rent to this cit u c ut a Ceieb�dted Aesthete anti I✓on-
6EN DEiNET tlrxf 00,00 lu Lho 'the can. th bilis notne away; mad, dxo fur, y 007 ----
Tlwv ars 9,(100 larmr lu tha ttuun- there it uu stows that Lbu c+uptunsl olsrrputch from Uultaf floater Consul \ � VICt Diel Ili Obscure HUUSe.
, try lately presided over by Mr. Britt -h have been IllxeraWl. Taking Hollis, at I.ureaso Mur'lues, South DO�TOfl KIIIED BY TflAiN'
. Kruger, and Lhe average value of In G, cuwrlderatlwt the crulpmutleal mW- Afrien, which ruyr that (i00 rn,a.
eaolu Ie !{,10,000; the stuck Ir worth tary altuntbu north of ala Orange 150 women Unit children cuntQ�ttPbate RECEIY�D IN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
another ,10.000. lLr. Ithodes pro River. th, amorlls-rt•tg retro.-MOn in rmlgrutilfg tet the United titn:es, I --- - Assembled To-dayand Elected
p,oaer that i,tJp(t or these 9,000 (Komi Lupe Colony, the rutn,rm that Frank And alio f the offer is still Won' Jum ed Off and Fell Under Dublin, Nov. 80.-A deepntch to
rlwuld be bought ami stocked by h:us proadw 1 Krugi,r w press arlratrn• The off were of western railways Lite Evenhtg Mall, from )'pr1e, rays
His First Object it a to elite authorities. This would Involve toll oil England, If h+ b abloi,G, 9b• have offered to tru+wlxut over their I) a Speaker.
the expenditure of $40,000,000. The tail, the+ support of Germany, and that Itnes. free of charge, the Beer im• Wheels of'an Engine. Oscar Wilde in dead. Tho desput,•h
►arms purchased would be those )Aird Kithrner after all tr not to Ire mi rHgtr and their famlitos, and wads that he esptred In an obscure
Run the oar Uown. oven th, chief curum'tud to Buuth l
tint the war had loft without nn K Iwurelwld goals.
actual uwuor, or with a ptroprlotor :lfrlca, the• Brltd4h 0overnmtnt will __ Ixuso W Lhe LIILhI yuartsr, from A DUKEDOM FOR ROBERTS.
incapable of carrying on the estate. meet the new Parliumwlt next week Kitchener Atter DO Wet. FRIEND ..HAT!_ _ SENTIMENT. meuingAtle. bud received Inb, the
These farms would then ate granted ft , au exceedingly inoppo rtune tun• �ftia4 �, 2•, 00a K1ul"r'/ n _
DEfEAT3 YIIJDEN. on advatttA u■ terms to n lish "'lint• ng. a le Dar. o g n A. Hof►- i athotta C' lde. up him deathbed.
PALET �° l first bd,j" lv b t, D -Mill pad feria.
Gentlemen rru•wers, who would fur- No attempt Is made W conceal the kUs, a Icadhtg young ltuutrowl pliy Oscar \1'llde, wlfo Is rtwut v15
Wall a leaven of British !dear In the extreme irritation felt at the adup- Io n wi.hd frux !so`mfuntutu, and T� age Jug/estluu That Parllamant Vots
country. tiou of a vote of eynipathy with Mr. ep ns wl.h U alld ury of of Il ■ reser Ing b, wile killed Wt Ha Bro evil' rr u( war ill. if Dublin, and
--- Tike scheme of 111x, Rhrxles Is re- Kruger by the French Chamber of ,,all ttle,di dad pu Ix.)a ttf 1)e \. t. Ing by at Grand 'neons B1Tile Re war Uw cion ur Wm. Mille Waldo, ad Hun ri-ed,uuu -Parte Prul leers
Urp utlres Tlne mcrnhig pxap,erm use up- vied BrtLle'r uttu:k u{lost llurisug. It exi.rers ut Sluulrenl \Vest. The ac- eccenlrlc rurKeUn-Jeutirt, who bud tyurprl-rd nt K,.Irar•r auuh to
Carded by Dome ass fantastic ant Alto. leaver Kuox in touch with De W9t Kruger Kurrla Riad* over r
Tbr Nrvv 7 erlrmders Dlsplry l:rr4t gather lwpracLicablo. Other passim"', +,utIll In sleclnrinq that ao Inter- Cldeat txuurroxl b a etrai miss bean trrmeg too "Crazy U otos," r.
twwcver, .welvb miler north of Ue0ulk, and y \\ title war knighted p,r curing it de- RAIlvv a
point out that Mr, Ith,xles veption of any kind will be allow- rutlfirtax the imptwstdon that Klt,ah• tulw on the part of the doctor• He )'
l'uun/('- 1;oen Attack a l'uuvoy txl to chart Blltleh Ilc toot im the eyesight u[ u tuembsr of
has worked with the burghers a Good le W y ease will hunt down oho most d:fugor- toad enxra with Dr. Campbell to Mm- ate ,of tis Viceroys famlilom. Ludy London, Dec.:t.-Tie opening of the
Kebertn rt Irdysmltb-Knox to deal, amt thus may understaud their More I(ru jers.m. uuy Ikuu' leader ty cegayo ut m 111Wd t,s,al west in the afteruox,a, and booth Wilde, Oscar Wilde's mother, wrote Initial iiesuton of the rift) -eighth Par-
feelhtgs. Parts, Nov. Sa-The Senate to-do* ul"l' vutitbrually r>hUun'ed ,ander • boprleti the local tract for Wxitreal ix,strY over tie sl nature of "Sper-
Tourh Wlth DeWet-Queen•Wept --_ l atL1 o' of (jueeu Vict oon ocIt roR
uaaalmuwlly ,adopted a resolution of IoYtxt. Thr capture uP. Uv Rut •and ulxut 5 u'cluk, cuchgctthyl up IIL dig• ansa•' at i u'eluek this afternoon. It Ir a
Whe■ She Spoke to C,nurdirns• THE CANADIANS WVIXOMED, wyn t* c{atrly the ffrtot-gewat tKnolNa ferent its ut the trait, Dr•l:amp- Oscar wee ed%eated at Trluity W-
mympathy with Mr. Kruger, In the pt tnrmpl Affair and of hole public In-
wh ch hA hits to Lis "'Leel, apd the lm 11 on elle erul cur, and Dr. Hluyltifu logs, Dublin, cool at Oxfoxg. He oD tPrtnt. A nnall crow) usmembled to
1,oluku. Nov. L'9• -Th+ uwat aurtlhig an me terms ass tin resohrtton yes- fg two or hate carr u Dr. top tamed Life Greek nlugml W 1874• and, see, the Beetentera, who carried out
Hrrrtll l:reeted rt SoulDrmpltuu .antis tactor of s.uuth nue mu.olle kWr.
1 terday of the Chamber of 1)eputlea. p'
PpOf tbdt fife war qt tiouth Afrh t l+ *ad Lundou. o:unws ut a tlwsrsaufl tort rad V the Newdlgnt, prlsr, boss u poem Im the usual search for possible con-
Mir. Kruger remnlned uutrxors. ,•u- it Ir tlwugut, wlshetl to Ju1uDaCum
SUII full of vigor 1s cwutAtu.•1 in (li.a• R+age,1 In corteultnUoua with iia ad. kcehotg them In mNOLlot' uu Lhe troll bell, uqd thinkip the train wad not 1878. In 1879 Ile went t,, London• aplrators In the vaults Daneath the
Loudon, Nov. , 9. -In most wretch- of til, a,mm uuo,s will le uduptotsf toff the steps,
ptalerts' de"Nitchm announcing tl"t ed and depressing weather, Cul. Ot- %boss and receiving callers, until nwdirtg rapidly, umped and root) w(Wewunir orize." l the Douse of Yurllament, w'fth the cus-
d;Wwbere. This Is ludlcat d b hb IN. to regain Lhe train uL yhe rine ro•callaod "Asathetic Craze," which
100 BritLb trcxgae and two Kurt+ lave ter, with threeeompaniesof CauadiB mlNortly ,after 1 o'clak fila after• , PI++Y tumary ce sults M and with the ouv-
nrwn, wisest. accomplish, by- -Dr ith V of luAuld, reliant tot Dial our, lib wow struck bythooutgoittg was burlergtuxl by W. S Gtlbert re
nrrrentk•wd to the Isuwets ut Ueweb• first atntingeut, landed at Knuth- Leyott unit tie usual military Pweort, with VllJxwt , +ort Ernssmue and qtr rah the C -i rosutt• Mr. J. r Mor til ,
cru oton this mornlult• Itractville Lruil►, whtcU wtiss pm tb ••paLiettce." Wilde virite,t the the Cnnnercative "'umber, toss the
, ,, isuuthwort ui Bloctafattpi0• It Ir 1 ha culled ext 11. F'allltm. President of _tomtment tbtt Lyttlettm I, co-uperut_ nod Instantly killed. I united States later on aftI locturel Rotherhithe division of Southwest,
Pi's rults:l4atoxa th'LL the Brltl4q bete Ar the Huwurden ('nstle nepred the ut olid the Brlt4,h tl)'htg colufmt. Meanwhile Dr. Cam bell had gone al "The L�releasneas of tits Gasful,"
ort m the f enate. The Interview hated tee cosily reeured tiie choice of mentor, Ar-
elltre n«cuplr f tit Gown ufwr oho (t Y Ids, life crovva cheered vuclfer- "'inulase. Mfr. Kruger will leave I,nrls ?69 , se`` of Ute Bair 1.•adarr int tllr ugh the train In sopa ch of bis cam• ••T1s+ Soulfulmesr ref the Soul," send riving In the House at uddnlght.
Auer, bud withdrawn. Thi•. ot-AkIng vuely. The cheers were redoubled tomorrow by rpeclai train for Col• k,tep,ng their forces In tha t�uld wharf p fin"t, and haunted, ad If by a pre- "Tile Worthlematmrs of Worth." Whop Th Aro wits no opopor'tlon W the rs-
,WC.,rr clltllbot ftil to enowurage in when the Canadians were recognized, ogne .h ry have 4oru cut ofQ from evory Ilium t,,ntiment. asked In each cur It the Ile returned W Europe his rtua•ers election of lir. win. Court Gully as
the ('ape Colony a revolt• whish Is with anofrlcer wavingthe.regiment- A Garrloon Relieved. of rupplles b explained by vuterau bntketman hadumi�Dr. Hopkinu, and was eycou greater thea before, anti
tow a urxrc Immgnsrrt dRleg r. Tha ui colors. \'ullcys of yuertiuns were oldlerr on tit thtx,ry th,e theta arse y Ile marrleA a Deautltul woman, who tytortkrr toss n third term.
crordli to the ntoet rell• shouted ashore. Vryburg, Dips Colony, Nov. FSO-- +ncrvL storage placAm for Prov Wous finally war told b ate Lhat in had Tuervote and swearing will tie nuaht-
LrateI f a tg The garrison of 8chweiser-Rourke Ito dui ammuuiWat.. to whL•h they return seen n elan Juwp from Lite train. nd how him Loo spar. ilio had 41. Five 1v reald to lnwpartpg lu members.
able Infursantkon that the dtattkm in The contingpnt lopttd remnrtnbdy Cnmpbcll saw a tragedy ac aloe, and cox senith of qtr mute sp LA94. Fire Tb^ rent wort o[ the meseon 0111
Cape Gokay is Iran more dangerous fit and well, their general physique been relieved by +t column of troops from time to time. Ii this ae trot. asked Life train to be stopped. (silty of his lu •r new beiny,[acted In Lon -
*Ilk at any time mina the outbnat being the rub t soot meat from here, the belligerent Were ,peratlors will gradually tie+ narrowed y g a011 tluutres at ono time, anti his f ill on Thurspoe with tk t debated
Jed general come W rind ills )cuing frleng 1 in Aend ur til• Qu^en'■ ePch nna til, debates
of tho war. I , l4 not Ilkeiy that Lite meat, Clough assn side by side with resLted, but were Arleen oft. bun to a fuse dtrLrt::Gs where stilts between the tracks. Deceased was 84 M
Byes wUl atGtulot to h -)k1 the rbaon. Milue.'s litair• hoo teen buried. Kitch ner's work where and lmim where rend every on the reply W tqo ngcitew frorn the
p some, of the flower of the British years of age, and only p elort time wbw. Then rauve the stnrtlhtg db- th•vont, bt t,utlt Ilousow
see "akin at 1Aewetwlurpo, IIs this Is will bx rtmPIUlea by tha dlvlslrw of hlomur•em, which resulted in Itis bei
army. Cape Town• Nov. 80, -In the Course h, Dutch territory into dlstrieto. mnrrlea. H'u had n lucrative prwa- The )icon Pcentudlly najourpoxl tUl
� kstger their lelle•y. Lott the morel ) found (*,I. Otter almost buried in of boss address to the refugees' cont tkro. and wits a social favorite. He seat W prlson. •,•45 , m. toawwruw. • .
Dot of the blow to Britl4h priAtl,(w wIs m, culumfs of mOu/Itaxi met' call 1
Ieltrrr and congratulatory tete- Dolton d hat her Str Allred Milner wits a member o[ varouK ftaterna}
will Is. noxut ihs lets srrloms. Gen. int t up lh • Lnt<•rlllu Kis tit nod wo:tr ular. o Itukrdum fur' hobs.
Rcd4•rtb' full dotspstG�q tolowr-- Rramm. (bl. Otter srdd the behavior ulmltted that there had been a lin- out tq�rir wwo,ra of ntrintanc•e. Fresh orlanlsatons, and very pop
of (tin Canadians had been exceibmt enol miscalculation as to the time T Lenon, Dec- 8. -The Manchester
It is repiwtwt from Dewetrkarp ,luring thR twelve Donath"' elm nl a when ce would qe restored. Goer- `elcdyr of baser, U Ile can get thoun, THE HIRSCH ESTATE TAX. Guards orf tido) rays tt umderstaudr
that the garrl■on. co n fisting of two P t era will ing t oil, mnrokeoor ryort u( lux E01TOR SHOUTS HIMSELF'_ Quron Victoria bass decided to con -
ns ,I( Lha At1t Fkehi Battery nut Ing, espoeper c t. of h mg the feet slip Operatf I lutes up Lo l e vic Lhe �� LO p close, -
ilNrta, huN•tttm of tie Gk,lurrtershlw ]te� tint !N) per cont. of them hnd�neves enYtmnm of 4njurlaw upon the v►cW[s-_.-_.. --- - � - . �__-___ _ - � far a dukeofum on Lord Rdbertsamd •--
before Ixeen under fire. were canting delay, and he finally It Js Said to Amount to Over that Pnrltatnent w[Jl % tln:ita to
gllnrnt, tb, Highlnluf Light Infantry The hardsat fighting was at Pane- pointed out Lott those fit and willing Tu .\t task Isluemfuutrin. vets. him C1W.OU0.
and Irl,h ItIfley, a WtILI „r about 400 ,lebcrK. "Ik,bs" h+s given ileal Jud _ to render milltnry service could Iuudon, Dec. _.-A ddwpAtCh fruw sur rims French • t'ro-Moors•
plea, surrendered at 5.20 p•m.. N„v. l h+utea their own retain amd that o! PdormfwiFeiu suyr that cAtra guardB bad Suicide of Arthur Weir,' I1f250 Q0O. P A'tlelagi
ment as to the behavior of the Cann- ► Paris. Uec: 8.-£tasperor
".9nt. dinnP to netbn their. -" tithes refugees by Joining the vol- bulla been ported. as an attack by _ I . � , refusal to receive lir. Kruger hes
•'Our lasses were 1S killed and 42 Unseen In tilt field. the Boers. wbo are muting from the Journalist and Poet. -_
wowiuknt. The latter irtcludcA Ma}r RrferrlRR W the charge■ of bar- A I I e..rt and north, is expected. A large 7 calix, l general Kurprlme hefts. host
\tteltp,,.tof the 111 hlanders; Ca stain bariem against British officers, Cbf. ' THE CZAR _,lS. DOING WELL. of tho morning p;apxerr make no ex-
B ) Itas Dutch Goven.meec Tak" Hint2 uumbel of -•neutrals" have been tie
Itgby, pt the 01tiueowtershlres. and Otter evasively declared that Lhe ported, a sed ni ht pad opo fur sympouthizing with the ikoer
I.feut. (lolhr. of \the Irish Rlrlar British officers were lenient In the New York, Nov, 80• -The Boer mym- turd Kitchener crtbiet.the Wur Of- BROO[ ED OVER FATHER'S FALL. Tim,Csar passed g S stnteKman ur condemning the Kai-
extreme. tie Is looking eagerly for- pnthizers ut Tife Hague are goner- A Ottawa, Nov. _.-A mud care of But• .b itapreTlr��
__frliltbtty) The etsenly ase said to fico: from oo tie footsie; uncle[ dote ut About E,C00 FU pincv+ yesterday R Y
Isvr Dern 1.500 strong. A uduma of ward to being home in Canada �ilsapvpeolnieol end dlesatle[ted ,� t)fWb, ns tolowre - cine (teamed -aero yesterday sfirr 7wbre alfe�� to She united St•nles.
_ Hrndlu Ovrr a its Iway.
1.400 mon was despatched from K- bippy l b+n, and ono which ple ane I that lir. Kruger hoe changed hb hnox e/g.+ged De Wet's mar TtsseTsln, Dec. 2. -It b b tits Im-
F.denl.urg to relse[t• D,wet lorti, but th' men greatly. was tltu pwemrtatlon plum, iuyn a Herald despatch from guard on Nov. 17th for two hours. moon. -when Arthur Weir, night editor Henry Mosher. 28 year+ old, A `(v- Partitive order of the Csar that the
did not aruceltod in reaching there ht of maple leaver, forwarded thr,agh. Antwerp. Some persona think th-it ,•ho enemy retreated. We glad one or the ett lieu, killed Illowelt at Ilia rpe•mw teamster. died this morning 6uesl into are handing over the Shan -
time to effect the roller. tier. 111:,4. Capt. Vnux Ly Calt"Lil ladlo■, to lr• the Uutch Government Itself hie teen killed and six wounded. According to tote by a revolver shut through the by lumber tailing upon hit'' lint Knau railroad to the Germans.
Knox )opted this force. oa No- _8th, worn :to rnfdmirs. Irotrumentnl in keeping him away the latest repuStr Knox b in touch Thu necessary documents were signer!
Atnxi t the• hon me of to n with ate R'et sit Dufelerg. twelve ttuad. lk•utll sear artautaneous. A The raft to rsetrplu (iouldr from
W entered Dewet.mlorp. which was Rx 1 fags ms wu from Hollnud until the tnthushusm rad feature of 'Lite affair, was the Paying mrx'ey W the Camtell ,a hag this mbrnfng. ".
folk ooll. to hpce been evacuated,- 7:, one reading, "Loving welcome grtet_ alt:ills Balm. The Boer headquarters in ,miles north of Bethulia. been poetpowd till Dec. 17th.
sick ami wuimtlel bring left is lit.• Ings+ Go every Canadian Ott hxwrd,Firvta The H,g ue announce that the Imme- Tide Wer office announcers that the odea of tote madelde -calling bks wits Zile Britlsh Government wilt get LI; Short or Rations.
,,•.rn .Linux purrtueal the esfemt/. road (cnnnd:nn awt>ofr And da htera Well -dins plow l)( Mr.-ICruter are.. vo- rp gl ,pro nero at DeweLs- _ __.. m. ggil..-tl►eh ikAin yi,._aml1�,••CP■a> ..da'i101. �i{w, Aso. a. -Four wmltenles ---
}'ilclnPr reports from Nmlthrleld lint (base Cahn,li. - b: corp himrelr iu her preremice. £rrllee n LuwA from the Baron fllrsch o>atat+. of German troops are rapnrteA to bs
Caul Ott --r and tip otbsr officers Ate --- l _-r futertuotru lir. Wear had been uut4colil
Kmc kxtRht n aua,mafut rtlgaKr- P gratlti- Slormfonteln. Dec• :•-Further ole The eG+ples 5t. Mrsei es,thas be- merluusly menaced li "'ilea seers of
mpnt yeateriny, near Va•tlh.u,k, pmfare o 'til lr ex msakps cot Is low Wltb Dec. 2. -GuaIu l' .{wrtrhw d receiver in the rice Aty
with Steyn and DeWet. who retirel CAti(mn nt tit warm welvomtextetukxi ti BP kavo ►teen received regrwexoig taw Klm tom, OuL., Dec. "-(iunuer T. g Lwcen \Hales 5 sseng rsa barbas"' Frencfng-Fo. light see days' of
to till loo P,,o( the mother county ight near' Rtetfouteln.. Ix•LwRw(t >� of tat. Andrew's Church. 'Phut the uc;• wrea'ted, and 4+", a beeng os and a part French troops. with three Aayr' ra-
west and soutgw•o',t, Knorr tpessnn., Y ,P Y' ' til^ H. I)r..n:tili, late of "�A" lfitLeiy, ttOw- Tipp war plwsnetYwUed was erkleaL t5Y :tions, here left to go to Lhetr relbp.
ger (n nti ou get through, i Ian. Tb • be;artont weleonso awaited the Britt -h unrk•r Gell. Paget and taw ill South Africa with "D" Field Hut- tax, fact that, oa FrWay evening he of bw crew ince been loot.
aryu llarw this afteruxxt on resehing Box's+ un, -r Cbmm,intinnts Viljoen and ---- I
withwit dptalt■ nil YAL." .__ .-- ,,Ojim u R,wd etAtiM, fto11[--ifdotRL Erasmus Nov. `213th and 29th �[Y. h'/ lmiued Lisa. Budeu 1'owell'n otiose f cue low dwk In Uts Citlsep Fer W to wee over the remnlna FLIES.
Gen. )alerts also reportf s rkl[• Gcyt, pa t, GowanW ovenfng of tb' coustabulury, and will remain iu ,trice• Thu eight beton ho ind oris- Omar Wlkfe were held taus nA. (;(qt THE BRITISH FlA6
G.,n• lc' Korth Africa for a few years At least, nl entitled "Farewell,'• and aft 9 dcloek In Use Church of Vit. ti -r-
mieh ,,it Nov. "7th, at Bultfonteiu. 111nP +urond day. ekxaed In upon th'.Boers' Len u per main def Preece, o:te Of the oldest
Thar• hundred Hoerr were disloJ ed Gan' Trotter, re'mmup of taf Ipmp ed t Ind it Put h r. type.
t army, h,m,f•d UIP /-roup of staff[ offi- prs.Itlon with thw Int•ntton d ntt•u•k- Desoupced ebe N -r►. The IaUe Mr. Weir wear dal years la posh. The cerrnwouf•ee were of the
and pursued. losing several mon. sass fthd oth,ro present, qu ludin Lord Ing next day at dawn. Th+ Boers. flow-- 'txowu, Uuc. '2.-lteplyillg at
Itr,e" llamllton h,os cleared thR to,un- OnAi.w rr fesewitlrtg the ll,skorttal ever, with rehiforraam+nta, lneluatrtg pe of age, and a run of Sir. Win. Weir, moat Modes hnracter, and txi17 a Brltl8 plates Annexing.
Iry between tit. Wil and Vnn1 P •iteiieuboscb. Cu{o,Colony, .,u un lid• former 1'rruldent of the Batty Villi few irtend@, nxstly literay pseBmstf.
Rr Office. and lend Aad Lady Btratb inn, 'hre+ Rums, made a okv.p,rate attack drsrs presented to him •by the lead• Marie, wise le now in fife Strxttrenl attended
ktverA, fnpturing 1 L Bosh dad a CIM, ,Lake, rind Col. M'tcKinrtorl, or tb cool +sPvrre (ig ltig em,ad.
very large number of cattle nod sen,) Cha alt► Tha Boers, who were relubect with ver o[ tge'Afrlkar r mad Sir. J. pe Jan for rompltflty in til^ bsrtk frauds. (r {p� Solomondl$lan• $, a R
tr imPPrlrM pl LIeYA, int Slerri