HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-6, Page 4THE SIGNAL; (ODERIUH ONTARIO i �yyyynpvtr"Jr t 'a *.tti4ltr'sac ..�... e ^n. a.r s••F ease •, �.�.. -.-.{.., . LON re %I4eaktIT A Nordbeimer Piano for a Christiania pressen for your wife or dauehwr. We .eeurolttiu they would *ppm. elate it, or if not a hallo, theta some eatable music or small mueio•l instrument. Drop lis at any time and loo .f we cannot suit you. !late Your Croke Early and we tan put it away for you. We are reducing our stock of sheet music by selliug 40e, 50c end 60u music for 10 oto. Emerson's Bicycle and Music House, West street, (ioderll'h. !fit ^ oil, =al= a Mutes WIRY' THURSDAY MORNING mr N asiiimagnist tore the middle el February, thou* nest People would like to etre it meet sea early In t he new year as possible, Ireogot its bust 11.1.11 rod adl"uro With the mammy of the loo* -weeded M 1'•'s defeated In the Its el«mL ,.u, :hie ehoulJ t, •n easier 0.1. Indeed, It is esPw.ted that the del at of Mr Davie *lune will out one month off the length of the eeeatou. Fur title eaoeomi,.I ('•uadiaos.hnuld thane the sturdy North- west se: there, who have preferred the prau thiol man el affair., Walter Suett, to tat• Ims*loative Nwhole. Fleet D.vis, • Tile M9UUNANT TORY ORGAN. Toronto (Ibbs : The Mall has a yala that Hoe. O•u. W. Rees will resign the Premterehlp of Ontario, take a seat Ie the Serrate and j.,lo the F.detel_ Cabinet. Of course there a not a •yll►41e el ltnikJi lbs story. The Mall knew wheat It put the yens loco print trot it wan without fou•da. Poo. The story wag manufactured to do duty in the by.electiuo to Welland. Every day fa r Iwo yarn before the 1)omitluo (•.Iso thin The Mall told some grow and maltoiose falsehood at the expense of the Liberal party end the Liberal Ministers at Ottawa. For the next two years ttie same polloy *111 be pursued with respect to the Liberal Mlutman at Toronto and the Liberal patty of Cataract. The policy of "stabbing • Gttt under the fifth rib every morning" is the settled and deliberate policy of the Tory press and tie Tory p dilatant.. It will to entirely safe to disbelieve any and emir statement that appears in The Mail touch log the act' or iota Wipes e) the Roar 1; .v ern neo t. A !'LCA iron 1' .i rennin" Toronto (,lobe : lo the election just held there are namereue oasis of hallow Leto" melted within the ep•o. for the °emelt• ueoey :u.tead of within the space ter the *awhile,* if .11 these case. cal a before a 1 one tribunal It would be e•.y to discover what the elector meant and how he came to make the mistake. fire on the ballot seethe the name et the constituency, then the mimes of t he candidates to alphabetical order. It the ores' appears to the gam for the constituency it is highly prohable that the vote u intended for the first candidate sew - on the list. Take 'the cage of North Itroce OODDIRICH. THURSDAY, D C. , If i3. 111. clear tbst ,f • n.ark is found nem the top of the ballot It is not intended for Mc Neill, whoa name Is at the bottom It is, therefore, in .11 probability, • v,te for Campbell. Hut thew bellow were not al lowed, and to Chu Mr. McNeill awes his •p, parent majority of one. In North Lulu' • similar decision was given, and Mr. Rosa mond wee elected for no other reason than that the initial of hie Dame oomee after that of Mr Caldwell in the •Iph.bet. W'• are not redacting on the oounty judge., but 1t *ems to us Cunt in oommoo justice their rulings should be made uniform. In the Cole of Selkirk, Manitoba, the first tame wee that • f Mr. Haelim, l'oneervPve- TtaJudgs .counted for him the hallow marked within the constituency space, and kir. McCreary, the Liberal, war nearly de teased. le ;oath I'ertb Judge Barron counted out mine similar ballots apparently out lot Mr. Erb, Liberal, and In the West Huron remount the County Judge, following the same Interpretation, refused to count such, b•,Ilota out for Mr. Holmes, It the two !Mtn, urea' the decision d'art mot egoist the result of the election. 11 appears to us that what i• required e • melee of .rrivtsg .t euiformuy by a summary prooeu of ap- peal. Suppose that • court were ooastitut• ed with authority to sit. say, • month af- ter the election and hear appeals Irom the rulings of returning otIioen and deoi•ious of the county judges. All such questions as Irregularities to the making of deposits, in the nomination papers, in the ballots, to the returns, etc., could be decided there in • speedt and Inexpensive way, and the same judge. having a number of thew oases be fore them, could calamity them and make similar decisions m asmllar olroomst&oce.• It could also be made plea*, ' it Is not plain: already, that technio•u:te.. should not prevail agunet the clearly exprweed will of ebb eleotors. s• SNAP SHOTE• -Tits Montreal Witham publishes a letter from its Ottawa wrretiiondeut striae A eompilaPou of the total vote cast in this Province in the Dominion electiogg last mouth. The returns show a total Liberal Tow of 187,133 and a total Conservative rote of 190,419, a Coneercative majority throughout the Province of otily- 3,286 The return. fur Algoma, which were (tut at band whet' this calculation was made, would reduce this majority The Coneeiratiyes have 55 members and the Liberals Si,. a majority of 19, a number altogether dispro- portionate to their majority of the popular. vow. While the Conservatives . have not 41%66)51 per cent. of the total vote, they have 60 per oeuL of the reprowitatiou iu the House. These figures show bows the gerrymander operated iu thwarting themill of the people of this Proem, e. -Tun Toronto Star last week publishes) a list of the twurtituencies of the 1'roviuce of Ontario se oouetituted for the Previte -lel Legislature, with their politttal complexion, based on the vow cot at the recent Domin- ion elections, the figwort having been com- piled from the official returns. The result is a total of fifty Littorals and f..rty•four Conservative,. The Ontario Opponttion are welcome to all the comfort they ern take from these figure.. The Star alae gives a list of constituencies which on the basis of the vote east in the ',coot etec' Won would go Conservatito, but which aro now represented in the Legislature by Lib- erals *ho are strong enough to hold their seats in the next Provincial contest. There are fourteen of these, so that, on The St r'. culation the Liberals will ll bavnsixt -four y Members, or • majority of thirty four, at the neat election tor the Provincial Legis- lature. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. NOW la Hls 811. Lente Pest.Deapatoh : The China- man a said bo learn languages easily, His upporla.lty just now to learn W the principal languages of Europe Ie re tlletkably good. T BRR/'S A Piton/hi. Omaha World -Herald : The world to pWu►ly welting the advent of the a who oma explain wby • baby never waste to pia; in the ooel scuttle until alter It few been dressed for oompeoy, A POINTRD APPLICATION. Hobosygeoo Independents Some of 16• gentlemen who have been 10 the hands of their friends for the last few •*eke ars satisfied now that the Land. of Heats friends were mot is 10 with the feet of their enemies, \ DON'T NVIte1 !Be Car. \ Medical Journal : The holding of • pet animal on your lap takes from you quite an amount of vlt*11ty. It 1e only • strong per soo woo Oen do this for any leogth of time. A small pet dog, a tit, or rabbit, sem that Is always ea your lap when you are i�ltIIog dome, takes your strength; even though you are not aware of U. BUT IRUUiR U1T9 ALL THE Tilt/AAN, Hamdte. Herald ; As between Again - •Mo and K we think the little brown Falpmo Is • wools greater hero than the big Dutobmen. While th• later deserted his post to tour E,rup• and reoely• boners and sold medals, A"ulnaldo bravely stinks to Wshsess, shoring •II the dengue and hard- ship el a hopel.es anise with his followers. BUOKS AND PERIODICALS._ - Tan l*yluut,-A romaooe of .he days of Wesley sod Whtt•Mld, is the best of many able works by Mies Brad 'on. The heroine, Antonia0 Thornton, after v s rd Lady HJI rush, is e strong, nobl, et • niter, though the daughter of • cor a who ev ritually he comes sr* infidel. The book Real* with the labors of Wesley and W htte6sld and will he Toned of alworbing Isbereet. George N Morang h Oompeny, Toronto, publishers. ('„MMIrTED TO H1. (;IIAIO.g,-A Canadi- n chronicle, by R. & R. M. L:zxrs, is the latest produotioo of thew Meyer writers, whose former oortrlbutloes to Canadian literature have already made them a name among Canadian authors. It is • bright and humorous bit of work though not un mired with sorrow, end u • parochial sketch is a decided emcees,. Thegherwters. ale well drawn, and the reader will readily reoogolre many aoquatatanose with net . name.. i'ublished by George N. Morass, & Go., Ltd., Toronto. Tu. LANS TIIAT HAP n0 Tu*iu to. -BIT Gilbert Parker, le • story or seatless saltm of stories of breech Canadian lite.The seigneur and his wife are the central figures. and symp.vtby goes out at once be the deformed husband and admiration to the devoted wife-thegraciousM•delinotte, "who never seemed to remember that she was the daughter of old .1oe Lejeunea.., the bleekatth, yet abs sumer .eemsil to forget It.'' The story has bank ground, and le the wor Mod. (,serge N. Morena and Company, Limited, Publishers, Toronto m a pwture,que k of • master TIIR CANADIAN MA.;A/INC:• (^'IIRI•TMAs NCMhLR -From the It midpoint of 'littera. time, The C.nsdl•o Memories enflames It self to its Cbrletmee number. This la an age of pictures, and the quality of those presented in this Issue is sufficient to en- gender enthusiasm in the most sluggish of patriots'. The reproductions of char.cter- Istlo bite of "Vanda'• Smola Splendore" are done In adore most effectively. The list of contents le jaet as oommendabl.. There are eoeoial poems by YAW/Irmo Wetherald, Eve Brodlf,ue, William Wil- fred Campbell, Franklin Gadsby and Eliza- beth Roberts Macdonald, •II well-known TBE SITUATION 1N VIRAL. ,Cogen. Then ars ,bort stories by Vim" Pirtle Cormier : Sheard, Arthur Stringer and .hue Fevre, For grans lone tem when Sara John Bye, Taylor, all brfghe and characteristic. J. 'The Frenchman he vote T e.: Macdonald Oxley writes a most Interesting I)ey olap him on de beak.o say : article on The Bank of Montreal, giving You holly boy, you gl . ! eonelderable attention to the ulrcumetaoasa of Its foundation and It early history. Al - the Mm the Frenohm•us be Tote Grit- had Edmonds writes of •'The Young Idea DU •m a dlfferea' stores ; la Japan," while John A. Ewan takes us to Ne pat him on the Frenehm&t's back, the other end of the world to see "Mrs. No bailee boy, no please. Kruger •t Home.' The oolored cover 9A.6R To RE A SOLDIER. represents "Johnny ('anook's Christmas.' Gall Reporter ; Joe Powell went through As a wuvenir to Wind abroad &oiliest ooeld several hard-fought battles In South Africa, murpaes the speofal issue of Canada's na when bullet. fell round him nee hail ; even tfooal publlostdon. at Paard.Mre he was in the thick of the en • CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN ('iihi,TMA$ Ni'm 1 g emement-and escaped without • sor.toh. RRR.-Tbe Chrlstmea number of The ('has Bat h• 'meted to work at McDOeull h flan Guardian, which will he issued on Ile. Co 'e foundry yesterday and it wasn't very oember 12, w111 offer many literary end beg before he had the sod of the index artistic feaeey.s. Among Its many cot - anger on Ms rigbt band, the uoe that pull. ke butore are W. E. H. Clammy, the m• '•- • d the trigger, taken off in a drill. Joe ger of the Massey Harris Company, whn, was evidently horn to be a soldier. !Ica from his great bn.toese experience, writes been sent home Invalided. . 1 the "Dangers Which Beset Forum Meo"; TRII STANDARD TALKS .ACE TO TBR STAR. Mrs Jean itlewett, one of the most popular of our lady writers, who tell. "The Girl In Love" tome things which she ought to kaew, and Mime Made Pettit, • popular atory•wrlter, who oontrlbutee • beautiful me,, entitled, "in the Free of • Chltl " These with • more of other artinles, poemo and stories .pproprtate to the seaman nI the year, will make the Chrl.tm•a (Trletian t h (aardl•n • very readable member. The fl y Instratlnn• will alto be numerous and at• T Mutative. 1a Not, tide paper has Mery anted o for th• artistic covers of if special num• 11 bars, the Thanksgiving issue being one of o the most •tt.rantive pieties of week done In la Canada This high-water mark will, how- • ever, be eorp•efed by the Christmas nom- F her, whloh w111 reprodnoe iternard I'lnok• in horses besodfnl reeneptl.e of "The Anode and the Shepherds." Plonk bore, bemuse e1 the ab•rooter of his p.l.Mep, has been t Blyth Standard : The llodarlob Star Mleke bat vase The Standard is an Indepen- dent newspaper It rhoold never peen an opiates or make any comment upon the pebllo ooeda.t of the Grits and Tori•e. The Star le wrong en principle. W• purpose slaying what we lake when we know it to be tea the public' toed, let ft hit (1r11 or Tory, and far the be•efit of our water -frost non temporary we reiterate our remarks of two weeks age : "The result et the •leettene 1• • most armada, rsbake of the campaign of falesleed, terser, Sad doehes-treed rue sod religious appeals whlnh has Mao w eitamelasely and persistently tarried on," .w01Tem SWION• NOR *11,191.1. Leedom Advertber : There le ep.nel•- lrsle as le tin treat .•ales el Parllamest. 1* M •st probable Nat N will imam Me be. •i. thetwistbreamRalai of fleetamttsMpaint - I 111111 m/iIiIit Tf1(ii1iI11III►►i►/►►/►ff►►im or. H•ImrlRb 11ehM•o. Tbe Obrletl... Gordian is one of the beet all-round farm.' - journals 1u ('ani.*, and also the cheapen. A three menthe' tubeoriptlou, ante only twenty five cents, while the remeiulog issues of this year, loolu!log the ('hr:stmas number, w li be vent frog to any one feud lug one dollar, the elibwrlptiou for 1901 Publisher, William Briggs, Toronto. MErlitneem ileums/ Anti REV !KW run UiettneIR -Thiauioe oelsbatw rthe elwl01 usenber or m.gthe watery l.y .ppearlug is a sew laadfeme Iliuetr•ted cover, to be uhseired ie design every month, with other marks of improvement prunuaed for the new vat Medi 'prnnunenue la given to the World's I'rogr.ea, rut 1 urr.ot Eveota, re lipsw el,' secular. 'I he ste.re of (.e.rge Dowkoaatt, atitl.d. "Truth stranger Than lotion," sad the remarkable "'1'rIale and Triumphs' of Doo tysar, the inventor, w time osntenery occur* this t r, and other ase Pule., will he read sett. ..uuh iotereet. A new serial Is beess, au.l Iwo l'ai.li.0 Christmas literati are given Among the siruuuuwmeets for the new year rte several iliwsrat*i and other papers on U•uadtsu itbjeut.. by Sir Joh. ilourinot, l'rufeesor Colombo, Ur. Stops, and other well-known writers. Canadian short stories will be sum The progress of so.eow, oherao- te, itudles, social and religious toplon, the romauuu tat nus- 'one, paper. oar art, uchi. Pentam, muss), and edueatlon find kindred wb)euto ere asoo•moed for the Doming year. November. and I tecembsrnumbers given free to tae. subscribers. Toronto, it dilate 8:1, g. ; Montreal. 1'. W. Coates ; Halifax, S. F. limed". 12.00 • year; $1,00 lose efx months. THE CinU.T1eA. SollrNilt .. -The Christ mu number of Soribuer's M•.•zfu• ahows three different kinds of oolor•prlotlog. The cover Wen elaborate destgi, by Max- field Parrish, whloh 1t has taken nine print- ings to produce The frontispiece is • deli• ale reerodsetion in color of • painting of a mother and child by Jesse Willcox Smith, and, in the body of the magazine, in a yery illuminating article Lv the dletiegui,bed tat critic, John L. barge, on "Puyis de l'havannes,•' are six full page pictures of some famous decorative paintings by Pavia These have been moot faithfully reprodooed in the colors of the originals. Fight illus- trated short stone*, showtog great variety In subject, are included In the number, the authors toeludiog such. capital story tellers as Kink R. Stockton, Henry van Dyke, Thome Haley Aldrich, Emmet Seton Thompson and Octave 'theist. Taff las. Whet) Mary sang to him 1 wonder if Hie baby hand stole softly to her lips, And, smiling dome, Woe needs must stop her song '1'o kiss and kiss Men his finger-tips 1 wonder if, his eyelid( being shut, And Mary bending utptely over him, She felt her eyes es mutters do today, For very � depth of love grow wet and Thshdid • suddi n presage come to her 01 bitter looks and words and thorn• "eirew. street • And did lithOldob her breath and hide hat UM Aud shins ,amnthcr,d kisses on lila feet -BERTHA Glf>EAUN WOOD*, In the ('hriet• man Scribner'.. FARMFRS INSTITUTE MEETINGS. Ranieri. Walels will k Stanek' rived - strati,. Berne Agriculturists. G. C Creelm• 1, superin'endent of Fumes' Institutes, nes just completed ars ✓ angemeo's for the bolding of over 700 meeting. during the coming months of 1)e - camber, January and February. All the delegates who have been appointed to ad dram the yarions institute meetings are practical men who have studied closely the subject. they are advertised to d scuwi. !Iodides the regular toples there are three special subjects that will receive attention ;his 910',.a anal the follow'og instructions h.ve beau 'issued to the delegates by the superinteudent:- "Last winter, at the request of the Pro- v mesal Manistee of Agriculture, 1 erica tare the 'bacon hug' was discuseed at all of our meetings. The wisdom of the course is already manl- feistiest itself. A better ole of bogs is being offered (or sale this fell than ever he. fors. 'I'ne registrar of live stock for the Province states that for the first time the Lacon breeds lead In the numbers of thoroughbred animals regul creel and we are ✓ eadying enquiries' from all parte of the Prevlece in referonoe to the breedieg,feed- ing and finishing of this class of animals It le likely, therefore, the this subject wH1 owns up ter discussion again at many of our meetings this whiter. Our duty dom not he along the line of advising farmers to take no hng.raretng es a baetoess, hat rather to utast those who are already pork pro deicers to raise and put no the market a lentil Articl. than they have done hereto fore. We have not • home market now for think fa pork and we cannot muocessful• ly compete with the Amerlcsoe 1, their market so long as they hem oh rap Dorn with which to feed their hogs. Haoon;. therefore, must be our principal pork pro. duos rnd the kindly rereption which cur Canadian 'Wiltshire side• have hems ac- corded on the British market is scffiiolent to justify us In recommending the farmers tatr10ttu-the- boon type. Much bag already been done by our progressive swine - breeders to Improve the bacon chums and ft are • noticeable fe.ture at our (all fairs this year that In •II classes of hoes there were longer individual animals and the judges gave the highest premiums to those animal. that showed the least indication of carryingmuperfluoas fat. "The subjeot of cold ewrage tor firm products w111 be dlsruseed We winter at our meetings. Von mune be prepared to themes this question New laws have been passed la Ontario relating to this subject 9D1 tb-se you ■hould famIllarire you've" `Iwftb. I tows already eskt you the Weir published Information on, the subjeot and you w111 pima. study the prinolplee loyoly ed and the method mod poet of oowtraotfoo of snob a phut as would be praotlsabls-for The Aymer. ir6,. Canidtan farW6sa we Wieembl. in Guelph at the time of the Es- perlmeotal Union and the Provin•,a1 Win- ter Fair, It is expected that an expert will be there to address y ,u on this toplo, and atos&g. fleet there at that time for practical demonstro• tine. "Another tedavtry that is deserving til mere attention than it receivem, and which the Ilt.n. Minister 61 A :rioulture is amici to promote, la that 01 poultry r•bieg and fattoaeeg-fon the home a wHersigte written. I am arranging fir • sorbs of rivets' poultry meative. le cmsae,llos will our reviler end supplenicat.rr mestluge,._69• the Dumber of (*reeve win. will ,head these district meeting* sins' of neauuty fe Itmlle& and I request th,1 you "epeeist yeturelf Wit*Fwttfl itas h..tl t10as if11I1d being dose in this occultly 'n promote ehle Indastry. Spools' it.et. ictinn on paltry mu, pus will also be furnished at the W'n ter Fsir •ad you w,f! !herr obtain practical hint. act ialorm.tlnn that should be netful to re In your winter meel'og.." A ureal lewapN 'r ealedlas. The Motored n.wep•pers are paying high onmplhmente to Tbe Famlly Herald end Weekly Star on the °eoaeten of the Iv ter paper moving Into ita megolhOet new eliding, joist completed, after being two ears In ,•nmtraotion. The new building til be Family Herald and Weekly Star a one f the eight. of Moofre&l Arobiteete say Is one of the finest, If not the very fln«t, ewsp.per bnlldi•g In the world, there Ing nothing In New York or London or try o1 the great cities M equal 1/. The welly Herald's new bnlldiag cost half • Illb,n dollars. (Clinton 1 Contains fires "hipped ever *o eb.nea.d pounds e1 MOW Int week. Cutlery, Silverware, Cutlery • The "!Big Clearing Sale" of Table Cutlery, Silverware and Pocket Cutlery will be over on Dec. 15th, so all thorn wishing to take advantage of the big discounts ought to call early. MITT& AND GLOVES We have a large stock of lined and unlined gloves and mitts at reasonable priers CROIBM CUT SAWS Otll and dee the big snaps we offer in 'ernes cut Wawa. We are selling below laitt year's prices. XMAS Iii COMING Lo not buy your Xmas preterits before you roe the big bar. gains *e offer in !'able Cutlery, Silverware, Pocket Cutlery, Car- pe:! Sweepers, Razors, Scissors, Hocko) Skater, Spring Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, etc., etc IMPORTED CUTLERY A large import order of table and pocket cutlery has just arriood, and we are going to offer it at very low prints during the holiday season.. Uood shot guns for sale or to rent. All kinds of ammuni- tion always in at telt at AMcD. AIIan's QHEAP HARDWARE AMORE. �llll�iilillu titre eictmealea ■ 1 Ll oderlch Bargain Centre : Bargains in Ladies' r.4IP Ai JacketsP .tit..14 Bargains in Ladies' Fur -" Akdt f 1111 C Oats 105.t;,,' �i• Y . es , s, „�� � ti r �w� ^' -w-e.. 1 Bargains in L wu•rx,rJ"lame ....t, Capes "a .Trill '• ,m, r+,i ' L ^'!. f.wi. tee ' Y'a' '+. a 1;rxtn,satrriw sit l':. else .r- r.. 19 ve*w M.l BargainsinLadjes' Fur Mathes BYLAW NO.18 II 1900, OF TEN StOVOS If you are looking for the TOWN Olt GOODRICH. A Itytaw, to exempt /row mraieisal Pastan. rerfa(a!aidstft tat Town of rum/retch known as tar Oyil sit nab! lluteki -. soft Mill. W111nzAa there Is upon the following lead nantely, town lots numbor. 10911. 1012 and 1 1 best Coal Heating Stoves, a; you will find the "Art Am - In the said town. • mill erected &to.,ut twenty eve years ago. at large expense. tor the per, pose of grinding wheat and converting the same Into (lour. together with an elevator and • salt manufactory, all used and employed ea one concern. which sold several works have stood Idle fora me years put• coapt an oc- oaalonal use of the elevator, to the great det- riment of the wild town Ase *11iRRAe it has been satisfactorily made to appear to the municipal council of tbesaid town that 11 the said lands aro ex- empted from municipal taxation totter than school taxes) for a period of ten years It 1. proposed by the owners to greatly remodel, en• huge. modernize and improve the said mill at an estimated expenditure of $100.000.00, and to thereby make it capable of turning out a larg- er output than heretofore and to therebyput ft (upon • paying basis- eo that 1t snail e of continuous and permanent benefit to the eatd town ; AND WHEItOAs the municipal council afore. said hu duly considered the application to e9. empt the dale lands from the said taxes for the said period of ten years and lave deter- mined eter mined that the same should be granted sub- ject to vote of the ratepayers as required by the Statute In That behalf and ea hereinafter Prov14e4 ; Now T1liatFoete be It enacted and 1t le hereby enacted by the sold the municipal commit of the town of Goderloh that lh6 said lands, namely town lots numtere 1038, loft and 1013 In the wild town of Goderloh, shell be and they are hereby declared to be exempt from all municipal taxation whatsoever, ex- cept taxation for school purposes, for the period of ten suoce ebea years heglnniiig wttb t e yen 1101 but upon Clea fellowing troodl- tlops. namely :- erst" Heater will fill the r bill As for a Mange, we eat) guarantee the Pearl. Every stove we sell is sold under the absolute guarantee that if stove is not satisfactory, the pur- chase price will be refunded. A 1►.nber of good sec- ond hand stoves for sale very cheap, as we want the room for new stoves;. You are always welcome_' -to call and inspect our big atoek--e€ -Stoves', Furnaces, �. L.- The said mill upon the said lands shall be color before the let d• of Septetyr, 1901. remodelled and converted mInto a modern ml equipppce 1 with the newest and moat •eproved maohir,yy and appliance. so as to epablo at least eel relit of flour to be manufactured in the salddd mill in ea3h 24 hours. such changes and imr,rotemen'e to coat sot leu then (L30L000.t i. 2.- During Ole said period of ten years otter tie RIOT OT euon'$esre.-the out oat of the said mill shall not b, leu than 700.000 barrel. of flour yearly. during any'year of the said term of ten rears after the first year the said m1.1 shall, except for neoeepary repairs, stand idle for • continuous perio.t of tune months, the said ramreslon of tazos`(or each year hereby granted shall cease, and the taxes upon the / midlands shall he payable(or snob year aa It this bylaw had not been AND IT 1s hereby furthest false,' ..nd en- acted that the ire:es of t he Mit .• eotlUed to vote upon this "slaw shall a taken on the 7th d. of Januar (n tht •^vr .1 7 n ' from nine dal.�ck In the forenoon no ..i : e O'clock in the afternoon. .t the several usual potting plane in the said town, as follows . -- Pa1he&.tlodlviaion number one at. W. Mo- Clymoot's wagon shop. with Jaa Hreokrnrldge as returning officer: Polling subdivision number two at Thoma 'V i lcan a feed store, with Chas. Bates as deo my returning oMoor. - Polling subdivision number three at toasts hall, with Nd. Van livery all deputy return) officer. 1'olling nubile inion number four at .1. 11 Hune,man's shop, with Joh* F, Hates asdep- ut ret urn ins oMr. Poe Polling subdlvieton nrmber else •t John l'Mtltpa store, with 11.61,1 Marwice ea deputy rc turning o18r»r; l'o11.ng subtle talon Quantal as at Seim Itrophe,Lel,op, with Geo. Sheppard as disp- el) returning °Meer; I'ulling mubdirie)o,, number feven at Mre Jae. Ilys' house, with John Bain as deputy returning offttar. AND It i, hiarby further eneoted that the municipal clerk of the aid oorporatton shall attend •t the clerk'. °Mte In the town hall on the 9M day of January, Ell. at the hour of eleven of the clerk in the forenoon, for the ap- polntmsnt of persons to attend the various polling places and at the final summing up of the rotes by the mid clerk on behalf of the Persons interested in and promoting oroppow. Ing the passing of the said bylaw reepeot veli AND n .e hereby further enacted that the .& d clerk .hell attend at the said clerk's o0w Ip the town hall in the said town on the Nth day of January, l 1, ■t eleven of the clock in the foreno.n, for the purpose of summing up �v the number of roto gluon for and against this fir eras{ Snap by law. ITovbn zonally paned the23rd day of Novem- ber, leak WM. MiTCHKLL, JAS, WILSON, Town Clerk. Mayor. Tinware, Etc. J. H. Worsen, The Cheap Stove Man, \ OODERICH. ALBERPI NICE I.03L9R 1N 1 Farm Implements and Machinery. Deering H.oders, N,.were, Rake* and Twine. Also JW. W. Marro od, Ploughs Pulver,. etc. alkenil a goWagon, upeolelq, 'Everything made of the very beet material. Repairs of all •lode kept on hand. Would be plowed to have you ea11 and 1r' epeot good, before purehaeleg elsewhere. 1 IA)tIl CASH l"'I(''EP, Will open 'p 1n the old Angus McRle men stand about alri.►rr xr4 JAMES ROBINgN'S I440w IAYE YOU / COLD ? We Tuve just opened a large onler of that excellent remedy, "Laxatly Brom) Cialnln• Tablets." They have a great reputation fur cures and ars OUARANTEgI) T() CURE. Assisted by a bottle of that "Wbtt. PIIt. and Tar" Cough Cure, a radical cure well be sure. Why not try one or bout a them ! BOUT PEQFUI i IM rflta.au�", ano.t few 491 ea .411 1 ES , . <..-W 'if • e 1 in ✓HIST A WORD''''''''':4;;I''''.-YIsg ,e,4•i3 We woukl like you to call and see the liteneaTill beautiful lilies of Chrlatmu package. we V are opening now. The very latest style t vlai consists of • nice bottle of fine perfume in t (> a (N, leather case, satin -hued anda°14,,,,,;ii n verfILty. The ages are 1.0 Used ed for NarkN dal .' iw handkerchief, glow. se jewel asses, ate, r e • Beautiful lin.. in of:! arias flea Belt t t' values we ever had. I i 1 1 W. C. GOODE, -! Chemist; 404 BEDFORD BLOCK. « ,i Cross -Cut Saws +d b«va�I rattierivet WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF THE CELE- ' b t ERAT "f1APLE LEAF" SCI& ALSO .____- A FE* •'VULCAN" CROSS -CUT SAWS FOR $3A0 EACH. re . w . .... aOO*,r?•4s .i iiiVAItl f 1. Ftffrl t'tSt"7i' ^"'b ' 4. eft1 - 1 za<1 sera r , ^s r�z x�ry ^w,x. traria. ii t v yN e L*Je t'ri� "Also a Full Stock of e . c r,s W ,% i-, d i.":'4$R11i;war ^"}+ A xes, A.xe Handles, 'Saw Sets, Files ,...„0---kom tj and Bucksaws. . �vR .lea.. 5t: s1it t, \ _ , t a -ii' +«t +"t5'kti0 y .w.•' u;'l y tri' I\- r;Riry' \?'14r tr rIraf.•»e+ A. W. WISE, • 11•n.i'ton S rest, ROPHEY & SON - THE 1,•AUINn - v." rD•3rtctor,f Cana '% t (\linen*. •Hers ear.yyt4 h«are. Gleba or Norval, Went Nen. masa ,se air N OTI('K,- The foregoing les true copy of s proposed bylaw which has been taken into rwneidera- tlon, and which will led oocnr^ll in the event of the aseept of the ofec simnel! from tthhefirs p °Mattbldlcati'n thereof in Ttti reto • er one i: NA1. newspaper on the :Jib and Ti,, Star news - r the 3oth of nd st tthe hour, day and glories thern1 November, exert a for taking the vote, of lea electors the polio will Le 6.10. !NM. MITC'IIICLL, -.1st • 'l'own Clerk, Town of Ooderloh. pally paired ler tb T. le oor (doper Soap, at $., a pound, o1 which we Bell • barrel • week. This isn't our only soap. u we carry everything 16.1 can he frond In ■o ro- to -date grooery store, and our prime arm right. The farmers know that they oan always get from us • snap tor their produoe. We drew the line at o0 legitimate trade - everything goes : 01 tinware or potatoes, garden •tuff or oheieot table China. We deal in all of them. G. TIPLING et CO., Redford block, O.ad.rbh. ROUG V vu ' 3(711 1 v .'t i (, X11 R THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. The Old Firm, The Old Business, _ -But n. TO TB t -Penta \ We have removed ta.the store lately occupied by. ,,,./.0,!4h '" , Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which w have stocked with a com- '1w ' ? plete line of Groceries, and who we shall r"`' be able better ti than ever to attend to the wants of tar customers. S A call upon us in our new stand will please us. Yours respectfully, = STURDY & T r3.ataarts7acr' Os, .-Ke•.maa .. a 11 jj THE GROOERB. JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Planing Mill and F•otory, Gem - brie Road, Goderloh, A complete stook of Dressed and Undressed Lumber,--:- Sox and, ubbersb • • • No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. • Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snap. • proof rubbers -that's a combination that can't be beat lafor out -door winter work. r : ,We haw them In all styles and �JL t. I PriceddowEo rockboltomrtoo.• This is how we sell them s--\ FROM $1.25 UP. Flooring and Siding, Lath, Shingles, Etc., THE OLD RELIABLE. Sash and Doors on hand and made to order on short notice. Storm Windows & Doors a Specialty E.' n1.1011 furni.hr, I r, sen. sin treats.. JOHN MORRIS, ALWAYS ON HAND WIN Mr ScrlllI011 Hard Coal ,,-. IN THE MABRIIfT All Coal weighed on tie Mutat Pralee, where yon get MOO IDs, for a ton. V'1. LEE. GODB:RiOa.----Ord.r. I.!1 at LZ ! SUPHAAD'8 Stec* prea.p.. J afttsed.d to IGHRISTM S A WI'1. SHARMAN, Jr. 1 1 We have some lovely goods for the Christmas trail. -and being our fire Christman, we intend deviling liberally with the public. :)or stock comprises some of the loveliest designs in French and Japan- ese China, Sterling Silver, Ebony Gond., Silver Tee Rets, Cram and S• ugar Sete, Christmas Cards, Games, Toys, Mechanical Engines, Auto- mobiles, Fire Engines, Dolls, Doll's Furniture, etc. Pretty pictures, All0, 100 different inhjecta, at 2fjo, framed. We have only • limited supply of "Curates." Place your order early if yon wish to secure one of the most fashionable things of the age. Sowethietg for evorybody at moderate priors. KI DD di 00. it