HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-6, Page 3I ith or ties ratili,•n. gas treaty by tit. Aurtrla, Id, France. tt�livuio, 'ort rl, ertnnn,v, t41 Restmu11sn, pain, Seeded anti e NetherlaRls. Julxuu list Nicaraguan (.ahem, is Riven that ue- eruwent rhoovs a Ills- , measures to pep. rway. Turkirb ron- rsed with the urser- awalt tits fulfil- Omine Of the Sullu,n ten for the Injurlea •' Irlcan enters Ito Ar- rhere In the Turkish ldatloo is made tllnt ton un cwmwerelad +knitted at the Istat to the operation „f MProclty, be rmtiflel. dlrpooltlun of the eldest reoomwendr A ternal revenue w.ar iu of x,000.000 .bur Is urged on ,liea- te Aaterloaa shipping ,tip. Calls attention t, ole last annual wcrrugo urnd t'en »=Winch rats Lawton Or capltnl .r- Ite. eecommwlJed W confer ary ut the Interior puWlo lands In lour[. Ot Pacific enlge Ix. ,1 344ttva and Ilatv.111. to Manila. Ls urgo.l I of tic) army by n"n 1,Usts ,(Hs, tis, Caul neem. end new army •r1 out, and the meter. collate future, .f fron, 'Hein i n, th„ l'hilipplmw Long of the 8eert•t;lry • new aeswelN and f�, are approved, ,out int of 1% nati n•11 %till of the grain of ' rerom r,11.1rti to., I for suit"bla rew•,tr,l, It. N1110Il afrp•dt t„ it,.. .tention to the -ill,•„ and Iwpurtaut f,vk IRhtful a{,ptieauu•I „t law for tine bra+efit And o► the prin.•ipl•4 aro commended to ale) says. "In ..'e, Y. we must gq"d _ Its in_-� tvasaf - W sorra,. res goad . approln1:1- _ -- g � N was Fir. 1 Oke Companies - n Decamped. _OF_ LOOT , TOO a0.-ift the .yaeriff'm 0 L1.11diso awd %%.•mt- A corp,ratiou ton, 00 againwt Jue•ph erten, k,rurerly an sllst minister. )t ap. temtianny that H, ,- alleged confider ,tat '_p Nee c•anur to EIWIuoA rmeoted a nuuilm•r of tompnnlem The.) P contract r•,rir.ra. Ir Jaunee, Linton and np„rtasare tai meet nN lu•rton. It it nddp.l. I In these compa plea c",rPoratk,o far L."..i - i ninved, Ile Anti ]'nn" iericu with the lora. e papers In tilt• tear.• i linrthera,n In %A,- ' was forund living Ito ,1 M to Date . is . 2074. - - FROM BOLIVIA. ,! - A0.-CNp•rlal) - Th" •iotic Fund mot' :9,671. Thr Yntion it London, Fnglno'I. to $1.4511. hits b,,,•n goo part proceeds tf a Cate chantsat at--- - hon fun, En laa,l, un Amoltnt9. ,Ctoragnntn, iIottrbl,- Also contribute a LS4, 16A 9d. t sending thim ",;b that nmortRNt I L,• w residing in the• -' trlbuteol to Ute fhtrul. ' o cans anti one C n a, ii tis In that imrt. Mr. 1 We love the Cann• t tx,n them ns ttlo brrp--,.` aiplrn- In our own I ave dente what bur ,hdw our P/teem ,tali ___'. reverence Vir tlwmc. w bleol Anti rllte,l for our (Aileen. On the Olds.' I - - E flY CUNNIM6 -der for a Vessel i roubl,'s, CIE SAM AGAIN. _ Nov. 3o. -Th) rel , Port• and the L'ulted ore sold to be excel t the United 8taUve N •ky G, Snnyrnn R.rte 'A nature of thPrso re. It tors Indus+ the sty to corrrArn itwrlf \ I Stattw' clatmn fern were already (u Ur I'hornam Nurtm, wit•, 11" cwtabilah n VnItnf P at finrprx)t, he M to tnke fxrwwtrni sof • mt. pe iologRUIM will can r dostaatls for an _ , iwvxnpt solution rot " t likely.w 'hp Crtam{sl, of Pilin 1 itMnr will he. mruill 3 than 500,000 Turk 4 - Inople mrrvwpoxnfrnt R' "thAt th^ cootrect • M1114 In tit, Cnitell tw '•rllod am moan moth? •part, for It M dif the mrian h) y t. to 1 .���yy,���,. 'may y p� `, .Yttp/).! .. w9[M .i'A ,..t f. `.V t. ,� , , 1,++a'."':.I�.ZJW r,.i. M -w_ r.....,'_�.,.�...�.wa,C,sinia *ggjuCwiLtt,&-cpii5' . ' iF �t.LWA$6.4 ll -&4* ,.' ... je Lhvf , nitros -A,IR'Y'm�'tr'fmvYrewmMMF�es.-F " - - ..--.-.,,-..--_-- ..- _ N , l , ,.w-.rrwf,,,-.:.a.. -' r u ,.,. - toy, rr V4 -"+T ..: - .-. _._ .--rNNoq.v„• *,A;Aer **.,IYogmm -:a.m.:.....-„ arrc+.. - -_ ��yy p+Ii0;17 .. `N ...,.••.. _._ _... .... .- _ w _.._ ._ . Y x ,r ew' 'k ltiwneMp",« lemon .C_ ..,._, rase _.. ,..- ' yn� .,,,,,urn.. " , .- 1, 1••��i - I � , . ^rr,arrrn�rmmal,r •�„�,�rrta� a �t'�??/•?..a'i:. t'�i".F•ri'if:?.r•''r -""" �..-_____.. _-.vim, el tluaWd uu tie rlr. Au uldrru iia took ��,�.vWNti A&A&I% N'N W'H'�'W'� � " th6 (lour, taking away air ns tion r The Signal a q r ... FATHER MATHEW We conkin u[ tau lla sui wadsy • goer bruygsta le Ir d ►ileal veutllrtou ^, I wrkonuug atkltwm good lulruluued r1 .L ,r fir tie etablo, anA mater 1t possible , "'St•`.11l'a'�r' qr) r,"�rww ua%hur MnWtnhe who r n brintl BREEDING SHORTHORNS a w malntubn tlw nein{torature cltAw lu u ruausmao t; 4y t goad W u xubdued valor ►n reply. At - • +w•' tlw 55 degree murk. Tito¢ with lull" gVERY THURSDAY MORNING sl t a note for,rsI r ion Int Caastlm viduat maugerw, wutar buckets uud # oct+lyt s[ D. Y•U Il.L11CODDi. J iti �, + rr •w kawim# .`:kap' .31t+lrtp,'^ I (tinier. u ecb our wade b Mx a tali 4artead of rlYl+l rtunohlua. fT l i �} 4mw ton itxtevns ,e,e,n,r . v AND HIS WORK + Y y b �f� aw •a, .rv..vwirZe L.aL', - • gir WurUtull tendering the hurplttall '�44 2!.�'iY sa4 # STABLING COWS rllagl• uud clean gralnr fur a ration,' L'a)• , Noun tat the city• He war 11ut up at the t �? ills<i site • can r,nyunto t 11 why (lib tow rhouW terra et swbeorltrtJoa, gwia 4::rx' ." _ _ -.�._ have. or nitwit, A l5 wlnute par day Owe month, in advaa•/.................•...•..� Irving lrkn/m1, aid a n)portor gin Wu+ .. ............. New ]'ori IlurnlJ waw p•r,."t .,1 U. (•tut bk tie lutnt, or any other yard, 1kr«mw•nbr y M A SkefeF 9f ails Career of Oa• of the Worla'a Nobbnlaa, sec hlun lu film ruuulr. Tley were lu ��N'� H�tfy�thT�NerAN��NN�� ter' her butlth and comfort? -Farm- Ou•year. .. I N rtrikluR ewtlWamt to Father [dtttliew'm lit tie Drovers' Journal appasarr uu kl,"Kht that n cow cuuld Only Ic Ing W rld. •' ki.l ��.+'.Cdr'!✓.�r+1"e!� �,�n�+�'a+r?��"er? '±�/2 .r��,Jp,���a runt( lu the capucMu convent, at Wt•pe►t4tg auaA,ut of a mnettng of kept warm In the ■(cele by makWg wlveruwra •rt.t«r Y ytvLr s reed rn ids throe h that'CaLhuuc (o k t r, ckrsu Wat ole with lite other TO HOLD 100 MEETIN6S4 r Bat fur lite odslratkrt ever ( p p y g "Thee nrnur," wrote lite report. faraerr uud rttx-kwon field recently „owe lu eomwwt wort brei Wer over loyal road other ca+nal ailvort'•eekewt..Wa joy Rha Catholre Abstinawtoe Uukxa of city anal lilt %irtust were the tilelna et. "are oil furnished with the now• fa Ulelrlgan, and which was addrwr per,ok. t,or dr.t t ,••rtio ,. ton l r c.nu poor )la of aver twi y anti over the vitiated Air, Aad that for each sub»m,uea tioaersi-,n. Muatur•d ay , the anniversary of the Meth of Rev. Y gue. Tile treat 'w It t"ort turd richest furufture unit hl e�-by Mr. Rubt. !idler, of tltutt• mhtglett with -what to thea( recur- a,�uupPwaren a ale. W ass called, ruin became let only the nkat uxxiern rt le and farhial. al to be It Ible to eradicate- Hu.ktuees cards of dx One• good under. M Po }'ath.r Th:obkld Dtatbew, tie pr,rsNlt Y %ills, Ont•' gin tie ulx,vn rubWct, 'nae rs n pl„ Activit This Winter in Farm- yAdvrtbement• of l,oet, round, strayed trutrulnr, but [ashluunble, Wircxtgeel Tlnn tables, chalet good rufar Of t hu the foul odors ntxl mu wed ulsaucint• gwefatJoit would veldum hear mea• by %lir poor aril freluwuted by tits flonint Alemmive f•orwwoud, the car• fulowulg u a partial report of what y tion of Lite great wurkur It► tie cause rich. Ili persona( appearance war of etm, un od ■male uI ti noble ; auot Bared ort I Rur iu ,,4 Vao rt altuwAen. wanted iso ILrrlf rufflcleut W tlxclte Inlereat. [n { pumlry, vtllcetN nod every• Jnr• Jllllec told, nrul w'ludl will Ito there ruppnlWunw It has been rlAln• er$ 111$tltuteo Bwlues• Chance• Wa.•b 1, cot eea•elsQ 1 of tem{o ra Oce,. w•boe" tYntne f111ea1 the thio chat iu kee i Thn be'drluad read with interest b C':undiau breed• til Wutt u healthful rtnble waiW Ix+ +« � Imre nen o,isa. and Vaous, the firm( bfex)111 riot frt+mhr►eNm of curly g { �' y Haus +ouSaieand Ygorkne •o wale. act world fu tit" first It'tit Of thine dventary. W »list) of nwewual and ham a mug- ts'r- luyaQrrlble it umid a warm. ext rd a user. fl for Ant a lit. 5(b p.r •r� Theobtild MAthew w&A born kitTI#w:+r 'uA%'lwal, graceful in ht-, flgurP out ufficeut lace cau o "Tito Bates and Llouth rtraius rep M'"ueni munch. I.ar ra.tvis. it pre rtion. town, aa)nre thus wiles wmL ut ( ash••1, [••trrI.Age, with a eouwtetutnce of ria Y ., A Chea e. RulArisfiut otPx r The cvmm�rui aotiucll ruleriniucd raNe•ut, probably. twgi of the owemt R COLD STORAGE AND POULTRY. wuy�a.lt�,.�u•'..'th.r,e�.etwrw.�.l.a .. (tam ty u1 Tipperary, Ir+elatW. un Oct. y P Orlon e%ou swore him ut u bunxluet, at which heulltia rand txwt-luwwn families of the hlUtrt- At the turitern' meetings for the promote the pe'•upixry bemtdt of any ledly thitn orf fr:ntare ; w'luning of rlecrlk, Mr. to. C, C'reelnan, Kulxriuteu•f•nt nal or wwnpany, t , b• amrdorw! an adverUal lUth 17iN1. It W cold there are l,Ulk) were drunk fn glasses of euro ('rut• bons. It was axsiderxtl u few past year or tore, the talk hat mem and c,•arr•d auoonllnflr. oll"hed of nddroom. turxlpst And um - .of his TUO. t iQ Chir country, wlNt ; pollwled fps an water. Ptwre W ar max h mluotlr• )•ton+ tigv, tlwL u,tytxin bete d1uR taken u , 11ungr, an11 Lhn warm eta u► 4'nruerr' LstiwteN, hnr just tvmr Local e„tl. er In nonparty tYD• cure vma psi yr$'G a an"It •r•h'i) all told ad RS,000 yxwibful priest mus nue of file, better ennitation, her cont -tier lettxl arras etneato for the holdin worts, no aortae Iew titre ma. caIl ulata, to creutr, thtl etre( favor• 1%y,' tin lrutp+rrvlia+e le46oler raid. "►u �htxtliuns, rutd tet handling p g R ord, i nodose lu wrthanry r•adlna top• ttN ig roots. One of th-i requisites of m#4UI"- Vest atod t ere water aw in wine, tall 1 beg tugivo tlsme• fuwillom, war tot a first-class fr"etkrm for the cow advocated, mat- of over TUU sueetingr during Wne ecoid- oentr per wort, No nonce for Ir • that sib y;.;, ►hip IN that the pen uwu criteria) mind) ` you, In u full bumper of this pure breeder of Klorttor s. Paligt"+e war Ing her mmufunable Int a clean, drY Notioer forchurok«and ether teHti•w g00% rgn a plelge U, totally abstain from, Priest Remtovem to Cork. liquid, the betilth and prumperity ut largely the wloie thing ht brocdiug. "tall, plenty Ot ftxxl with succulence, uMf arrnlWrg of lkcCmber, January uud benevol•ntistitutions.half rue. - inu,xlratlltg liquors. So thure Are to- Atter menu• years in Kilkenny lie tlw nnnyur uud citizens of New TRdm, wlulr vuluuble fit many re- fresh air aril water, awl Wwre war February. alt Wie tre,eltu,em who day BS,000 wish plodgew fit rxirtutwe was in one of tills priestly acts misltn- Yost." lie made hie hone while In s eek,K, w'as carried t,u far, w that Only Llr lim-emAty for a Run bath, have beau appointed w uuure,s tlue Subscribers wh•fall to recaty THs wlar.n In tbco IyniteA SLatteo. They may Ito ders►oomt b% Ilia hl"hop And placed In that city with Arhbishop Itugiieta, "I'My valuable herds were either lit- Itnd a halt txxw,s swim In It %omni taroxs ltrtiUnw rueutingls Arte prit• r•o'inM nsuiofeb•wfaet ufo: wrlj as dateaass taken as ctmwtltuting n mc•mrwi"l Lol tengorary muspeusion. nor result of He ret about immediately him work Jwnal or rulued by paying tau mltivh "pleasant, waren day Oily," h tical (nen, whu heave sttdlxl clumely po,.fbl. Fattam' M UH\w, wlntdh. If 118 nknid thin U nPl•naAntlt•Nls WAR not IonK alt- til gettlud; plxlgem, allot before he attcutksn W pedigree and tux► little when thought over, was conly'•Hutneo• U14'�rub,•,•tr tis' are aitvertlsed to Wh••n achanxe at address la desired. Ivory attentlxr W ludiiiduul merit awl pathle" out -door life after till worn j Y the old and then•w addrwshould begive yaw e)pxatm•, hr w1wW pn+ter to the ter him n•niovinit to l'ofk and entry- de{wrtud fur lkrtan the number of ,lisx•urr. • statue ut him which atanAs lit the Intl the Capuchin convent of th.tt title pledger war 1l1U,000. tie common laws of breeding. c•ouyxtred with the other 2:1 h,urr - public rluare at H•kxerL, !!'urn. Wit city, His biographer says that „;n- At Boston. too, he had u grand re "Manu breederom would have ,loth- anti 30 ishan Uw of tete 24 hawarr. What Beables the regular to{)ics there are Publla►w'e N•uee. were hw t. retort t., b rRtrLh hr drool IC would be hArd to find a mute reptks,, auul hie wtrrk tAwre w+w Ing to do with as animal that war wwfim thrift unit hoWtb In n row And three special vubjects that will re- J. t'. Le Tota.». of Gritlerlch, bee been ep• Yt miserable holy than was In reality tAlwtll auauwatul. (Th,+ writer of tills 1 bow beat told, was antewered, "Tien ;rive atu•ntuul thin w intra and the bred Local Trwcailin( Agent for tka Town- wowed Ito wade r t. tit tit l y rot of the rurert Ibne bree+dlnR trove p„ that hW plowing nw,nlm•rr cuwirtra- the Capuchin convent tit the (-fly of article »saw ILim there Al[d InNird him tie beginnintg and on (fawn through when a row waw Aching full rations, •ohowinlg flWtructi.uN ha%'tl beer) in- ship, of Ooderteb, (viborne, Asbgold Rod ti%ely IN) few. (brk. it consisted of two amnll fix,mr speak.) On him return W New York Ito whole ours[•. TIkiN wax nxltle Rhine( full lbw of ndlk, hair slet•k vucxl to tLu dclrgutos by the kiuper• WiswRuoost A I I,m•,i pn•tmrnrereovar tie• dl.telotanaW Fifty One year.+ ago th •rw w.•re 61N1- unit n kind of closet. One of the he wreute to perAH14 in W:shingUMta tkir► of too Close low breeding. con- and Ally, eyp bright, no Amount or lutle[Klent: t+ngow•red to r•ctyv rub•ertptluas W Trs Oq0 seri piniggls In WV cxmtry, uud rmfiN rooms was the ate (tale in(Itatk►u U. visit re[tua.ntly runny cnluahie anintale exercle vo,ild awake another cow "I.nrt winter at the request of the a,Tv.a_ rl) (blit h+ir iew In ills c b1 hon .x property of Fa- sVIlI+ft tx) show the healWnv thrift of the first Provincial MIRINWr of Agriculture, Alleommunioatrone mast be .�,,llAr•se" Liter I1ono%'nn, the other ens to leer th.it city, Anil stating whmt he would w'er'e damaged by' bebig D. LoGI1.Lll'IIDDY, by hill cowurktwsa \rel who so plevigeti I,e Hoare. lie arrived at Waaltinit"i greatly weakened W breeding TTiAt there mom no rrxnp Rrn"p i n "'Banco ling" w+w dwcurred tit turni a cow tint of dtore In Janu all of oxer m eetil)gs. The wirtlum of Tra tote a1i. theavo-hg l had his prrsmnAl Messing. ou Dec. 19th, and our moon aim tha fact atrrttg%h. � T•1•t+ker•Cai)sD. Godalea.Omt In the nnm'e till tine Mamter he,wr%cl. our known n rcrulutkrt was utanl• T1w climax of tills w•as reache3 n hey t> glvn her rotatetnese than t.• chin centres Ir u•Irrttdv mawil•saug Two grout tempttrance wavey bi two �. lit rnourly cfirraf In ('okgnw udmltting few years ago when the Shorthontm Iwo her Into cold storaK,e mix hours ttre•If. A tetter clash of ingrate be• s•pwrmte perods of time have swept r, i him to a sera( ort thv floor of 'rhe were seliln u Into the thousands of n Aay In June to Rive iter vigor." lmg a+fPrwd fur stir this t.tll Wuut ever p hetore The lir istrar of Live Stx•k R'li [i'1tSDAY, DY7C, c� 1900• over th's country• lave want tow father I ( K' Houw. ]then he availed hb»salf td dollatin each. It became to be gen• spook"• fur the I'rovlru� mUttem that for the warnar.d tit otMr the 1laailinRUx,lain �i L" prlvittur the nNwdx•rr tore) tai Orally thtxtght that n unan could not Tye ••mpogik" that mus Icxoking.over ilrst tine the ba orn breeds lend In -- -- wo%P Thi latter came fir ia.r wM 64 reoelve, him. have first-class stock without lay- Ute burn and wall• w'n► the man that TiAiIDLI[JDtO OOlD=. � Y the rwiatlrero elf tiluroughbred unlnalm Ax Cho'ago and beyo nd. but tit:• furaner The same proposition wag made in hilt A rtnAll furtime for each Indivot- feared that cows caught lung twu• registered, and we are receiving en- -'-- (lid amt reach fare -r than Cincinnati. A s , tha Berate, Mr. %,alknr, u Wircotwfn unl, Tills led t, stilt closer brevet- ble In the stable, but had uo r GRAND TBUNk RAILWAY V Both keg since expended theuml•l%ew. ' , ` , fienAtr, moving b rcemolutlun "hitt ling, and did no4 end until Lite but• table lulrles orm ell Ito of tin I ee ing. ___ .,w �� rg Y tint n tow ❑► a ware, wuuurtable Igo ref"rence to tin brerAing, tout both larva th.lr rmgrawLabi In ! � .+r lie Itrv. T1iniOnaid MAthew ba ulluwed tom of the baLonn droppeod out: --]Jen rtnble with ra,titsUan, fresh ingreas feeding And finishing of thaw Millie. city. One la th a Waehingtouin n ll �p� 0i n met within tha hoar of the 6nitrod ►organ to understand then that every• tri air, and winclovvs that turned in ,.lam of anirualr. It Is llkel Mixtd on West Madlam rtrc,vt, anti th` utit'r 'erg ,gr. '- Stattw Senate durin tbp iod of hes Ulf did nut lie in a flue pedigree. y. ---ecce••- •e.`.__u.11.M a.m. (,;, R Pc'r cWt tlto ounlight ht abundauoe-a/ all sta- therefore, tlwt this subject will M .hl and RxtKs/a..................... 1.70 p m. 1r tha l'ntlr,lu Tutnl Atwtlnente i) M.. 1 wyxtrn fit \1"Ingt4m." Mr. Clue 11e chrutgo came whorl the valneof lakm utuY fin nlode-curie cut ht lung romp u for llrcuerion n tin at many Mtzed"""^ tees I''+°' /ry,rst. with haukpirtnrterls at l'udleRe )gin. •�.. _ tc.::.• mrnUl. of ' Alnlrumn. Hall Jeff the pedigree was discredited. Some } R p I R Mail and Expws...........I.........taN 0.m, }Inll..m WelsU•r ave"iw•. DA%bl, r+t' JiimmiNsi,)i, tx)th t><► ecpn wc¢L iso tar am to favor throe trubl•• from Lite rtnble, or ruck a td ver meetings L,Be winter. Our aQ�* II car+ waw ever aggravated by such d ty doe•s Rut Ile pion the line of 0, Por-ec) the ner,lutuu, fur tie Ing out the pedigree+ entirely, but qq g ),fill ltd gxprer...................... T.0 as }'atter Mrthpw''• M:rrly 1•►fr. n stable life. The dark, (lamp tool •adviring farmers to take up hog rats- x%h and tz �� /' re+atlau n, is ' ill -y drclarwtl. that tie wiser tales favored a broader he pr•sa........,..,,,,,.,,, !aa per'- %_`5€tlii Thtxmawto•Ss, the place o,t Theo a g- 't' of ere pin , lx fast die "ogress tog ns o baso ar bat rat r fo as- Mfxud....... i1bPr bald Mathew's birth, ens nOt a Father Mathew had declined to say system x>< trrcedltlR nod a gotxl peal- lnR, 791ere is •wcmndorful progress RML ttlasa who are already lark par Cf' N / that he did ant tellec49 rhavery nn gree., Today the Individual eharatC- b.ling node un stable conntruction.ex- ,tuoers t) oxine and put on tits mar. , arra town, but lite magnificent rout of It �/ evil thing. Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, anrt %erlatlw of tux+ mutual a.re Laked In• DaNTISTRY. , -. distinguished euuaty family. Then Mr. Seward, of New York, nod Mr. Lo conslderntiut. Anti the Shorthorn ix't't1l,r In the Kest. Tota /iso and tet a hcftrr article than they have tI-�• winter dairying{ Is resxoomlble In a gone heretofore. We have sol: a home �� NICHOLSON. L.D.S.. itM wv a M)biP maurloxl lu the midst I;'oot, of Jliawtssippl, spoke ltt tuvdT�f" b-beertgf -event wick dao-aJ:l;ennloa t4 of a nobler drtuemne, torr authorit tieQtee for thio. it is a qurstionuf market Low for title( ta>r pork, And a UzsT.t /CwaON. y I the resolution. There were other Individual merit. milk with (nose [armors, un.1 Lhe we cranio( SmreeSefully compete wit}, 1lonmeopPo•fwrti•WKOats/ ��?� rays. Tttn part, 1,(100 acre In nz• spankers, pro and eon, bit tbow Tho typal HAtorthorn N n ruori' fax dlog of u soft, ftxxl Iwo made the Americans In their market so tong Gold rllllkg. (,rows and arldse Werk a Arai, want Iu 1863 still In high re- named were the principal ons. 'l m erato-utzed uulmal as compered with �eeO wlwctaltr. " :• a better, warmer stable Imperative .w they have cheap corn with which s6Yeari Experience �i pate. "kyr Ina k.ng laswch aseOueR, i '1'dCOBALD YATftER, r(rldutkoti finally ctarritld by a vote the extreme. It slwould h we a Et)cxl. _--__ _- r. j Its venerable O►kr dad It■ waami.e elan cut b'wd. met off with a fair Ir with a sanitatioxn far sup`rior t) the to fowl their hogs. ItAron, therefore, of 32 too 18. bu the viden tg of (fie Pct llltlt�h ( _ - - '-- crdinwry, moat toe air 1,rinclpit lark pro,tuct, T M. MARES. n. D. w., L.Ds.-0ENTAL rhewlnule, witch rlvul (true: of day of th4, ok•butP 1'raesiJeltt ['elk en- orf horns. Ptwhttir the (torn should I/• Nnr nun-l-a[est and auyrot•d method• "` &trityls at liawptun (coir(. "B'lenaure l con°" the prxsevgon of Father Jla- tertalntd F'Athisr !liaise s% s grand. tarn-dowawnrda rllEdtl M_s matter l'ow t'oma,rta, ind the kindly rea'eptlon which our s thew. T. turansit tlw room fur the i CIIAILdIArl "WfltmhIrP eldest" have ts-rn fnrwllAentalnperwtloat•t. P O fficr,lea of tit• gnparxSs, plea es ut crsaweulnl w',it j Rinner, to aldch fifty guests iuclud- of fact, th^ horn should he regnivded Cow comforts have come apace, un• naturist teeth a special , Ofare: c r. wW six W" want a tart of fru.-11ghL tuts nw n net ntntivwl ircr,led on the. Brltlmh market b sL andlquare lop otairaT. Emtra4e•tm Wien rr aunt krnor forinol lrrrmfez iu the I to Father l,ononn.ai. It 1446.1 a Lied- IAg trip kwoubr4�_ot_the country, {x y minor fmture In til me know seem stables galore wltli +ufflclent to justify iw In recommend - old style. Its arotin•1 Thumaeti wn • ind h'rn InivMtF---The aer leas rnmpwrtmon 'wi�.�►-ethrr much maay- largo windows; fluunl ou Uw TelephomeNo.30. lsrue•-an Immerse, hs, wu cri , a" I ate.d,l, And even a brJ, but hot a vee- Merced In arm ittiorts style, w s a re- more tk,+iraliL• ing the Mrmers to hreod to ihP baro¢ g. 4l I Y cTi7rnc•TvrtettrR. `I4t^ Rmtrmt. wwrrl�. eM•wx sad gots;-:--- 1 lite .of it sheet ur blanket." Tip fur- � . litretri". 14*Imil, heen-A9Ys by tellatis,l 141P, twit limon• ilutn CIK) uwhlu w.os at h port of the nftalr, but thangh tit nry k nth'Nlld toe mt 1'um In IenKth : ties, utnblem whitewa•It 1, � ventfln prolgree/lve swine breeders to Int +D.n.B. Ln.a.-D>p� ._- { K utgth dutne after a clsdceet wines of Euro e irkleil on rather short as cum rets with the aria fluor, turd water ht the barn, out • nal Snr ons. 1 tele aesalaul wit` yearly old. very +or fambion. +►nit }lather { �' R prove the bacon classes, and It was ` til Is other eztrPnlee. - hotter huckrts fur each cow, and IL Dr. Diann, of Moot 1 UnIJ and pores aim, Ir V pleasant t.o know thein the the bor.nl, menrcPly Any wb1A wits a..r Mathew• war srttlm,l In his new home. 1 noticeable feature'at our tall (airs a Ifncul trdta mesntod on bold tic aiun.ln as TheobalA Jlntbrw Ict l s) KnauJ drunk by lir nompnny, and rune by "The 1311orihorn RlNxild la well all b lu evidence, tin better there ba-ee. a lalurenuongtve■ to the r• n Thr_twA friar teraame warmly tit this year tint in sli clauses of hugs ye ---- .a home It wens crtip•nautlonl h' tafhcvl to each other, but rarely wenn tha• Itoat, out of rea{oect to rite guelelt llllnl jtnat lalck of tit a Nu-,uldre Thw Rtabler, the better tin health o[ the .anion of tis.• natrrwl aetL umce iso • advance for the as co"tnraM td Iplq of the eveuinR•�-hicago Chronicle. N pnrtlrulnrly true, cif the trgif :31wrt herds, anal finer the flow of hulk. Cow there w"re longer Isdlvtdu'ul animals Lt+an'snewblock. >rzlir two. men ever more wnafely different Iwrn IaR rkmntln at tc" 1t a unl unit Lite judges Wave the highest prem - i;:' future lt,mcw when hr w'ur a lett - - ---. g R' nR 1 tilliugs, and Issuing of "buds•' by ---- W In many miopects-'•the one," Mr. (lett. \ xi. wAl develol".0 loin int fume t> those tinimals that showed bttached tolhp Iuwlient and beast Maguire Says, "occnwi(infifly Pvltieht health boards ore "sot fimling dseare the letat Indication of carryin on- L1iY�i. rf- g P1LB SND BLOODLESS 911") e.m"' Iti ns,ales Lbn loin Rhoul'i Int mused by tbrrtl wethutlir, but oath- R laflurntinl of the regular orders In n rnbllntr diastain for the rant and o rito su (tit, x; I g •N) arch(+( n little; not BO Imlxutnnt M+ tlecreneetl. It•fs n.►t vim tint n � Ireland," nu'1 Hite re'ar.l when ho' Hari nitles Of lite, the other nlmxort non nN rmdU aiec areal m" in cows. Pro Thr mubJect of mid etornRe for farm CAMPiON. %0.-DARRIRTER, SOLL waw a trmp•ra ce Agitator anti cn' form d In the obervance of ental► - y now lw gore main g d lung troubles lucta will be RI/c"Noe t title winter F• tyt«, Noury, to Omoe over ldedlov e;;e Thlg;hm In hullo xhould b• plump :end by bels ke t into eur-Ciea rv,untering a)1 manner .f hard-ailke lish•d rnlps nnJ ruwtomrr tit rx lett," all. !AmMhlrtR after the l lata neva of g P In good ivr►rm •table• rot Aur meetings. You must be pre- Hall. Squar , Goderloh. anti even rovertitl.m. }Asher ll•rtnvnu 1 n w,•Iltkceb xo1 P than one Hutt Is turned Out every ' Pp mproved by the thousands of Anaemic girls Harryv M p'R'm th:uh. Th+• laws LA dl4eume sse Laeanta New J� do ind) All surto tN weather nod O. JOHNSTON-HAHW)'T6 W)Ll- �y� $ Uro. Mnthrw, An uncle ,d ThrorbtiJ ronnertknn. "Istltetl, Father DoDn- Shorthorn should stand well on Its .til • IAvaw ince tx'en paewed to Ontario re- ** KK, Es" �" Mathrw's father, pnecep,b•1 to the van." one) a friend to him one Any, I• jectrd to the r.ulleal chn[nges. Igo 1'�• et4,te ('osu mb-hlti , R,y Monty w r'-, ing to the Brave, Ra• It r•h'Ntl 1 ha Pe ilei nmu•il ml rhlght ting to this subject, anti these Iron• emir: o'er, Hamuton gout et. Awdnw ru owncrrhnip of Thonnartown card war '•there Ito no. tearing with you of late. 1'he xtrDlr. You Should familiarize node Imtvn ems tirmt }cath orf hour y,w err govt t:u'',,; Imus. lNuul back and well xpruut; ribs yatreelf with. stretriR tioderluhrOut - 4eN prowl m,nrp your little Oreat ,depth gif breamt nw:tnm gnvtt 'While , It Ir not hand to see hat I have Already aento you the intent - -* dnff. lie a4dopt.d )Ito nepbrw J,twe•e, ntxm,lle, inn come to you.'• Tfie blog- unR {lower, end; text"" gently• ante nn extreme rase world fir of ,ubllsheol InfarmntlSn oil LhP rubjcrt DROUDFOOT a HAYS BA iI-8TER! w'br stttsrepu•ntl marru•�I \aur rn titer aaym tint the ueAl An,l 1 --- -- -- rollmtnn,, notatin ynbllc yavrton In tae y t ,ao.l• A Young Lady. -at Cobonrg. Ont., vl and prlduraancee, neglrrt In the bore- oT.cowltr nit tract 3»m will plena" study the W48 - Whyte, by whom 1149 1111.1 wumenns atom of Uu• voting pricier P%en then R'rr Merftime C'awrr,g'tc. O1lloe: eta et., nettL .0 it i. chlidte•n, unit lin fnurth nom v1 +s enRRw,rnl to the mind thio Ir9utlfol Whovr Came Was PronounceA Tlt.) banker At {•recent ,ore,n nut what abound rot ire fm fi stable.,It cipin Involgxl And the metbod and d.,,4,,rxr,nRlca Private Fund• to lead a% 1! ; hrvtitate in-crosing� different r,1rn L'lw iN ret so clear to define the limit met of construction of such n plant loweistraresofinterest. "•9e v,':. -.i. T1Nvtrnld Mittliew, the faun ter to and ancrwl form or apps Iinttnn. In Hopelrev, Tells How %he Ittaalmed under reruminnbde cir•unwtancee. TO n of Ute other extreme of the schox)I vs would ie W. fROCDFOOT. R. C, H8Y8• ; Z—" tie temwrauce nx,vment iu Ireland. flvt-nnd-twPnty years after he wee prfirticaMo for the nv- __ _ r a { y Health and IStrength--A Lesson to :rent extent danigfer of too #,Item, of radical departure In stabling "r'age Canadian( farmer. When we &A- /'� ARROW k GARROW, BARRISTERS• =reworoc- when the b waw etre ltd hie ttnAwn In wa-r.ry yunrter of the -globe ,rt•ecllnlg W etxrreptc-nt,ly laWly ohvi. euws. Of course, a stable can be apmhlr In Guelph at the tine oN the G A'torsers. Sollclton• ace„ aodraieh. J. ltlt`2 father lu t a large lana, with a torn- as the apostle of temperance. Jlol herrn. ated." made tar t9aNe, too dark, and tie E;perimental Union and the Provin- r, G&rrow, (j.C., ( baric. Garrote, LLB. lrxxhous dwellin Mule. a run it, call• ]Theft }'nlher Mathew had feet r j g I Annrniln Ir slu ►Pym %1Sed by floc- Th'• Jatrnni tint mantra nrtzcw the tike ; but Rlvwnl s light,. clean, mull• call \]'later Fnir, f% i■ expected that p8HAP HOLT, 4 C., BARRIS71M 4! ,k� rut halheloolneso, In till- Lntmellute lhrei- year. in Cork an epidemic of Mining ed 1114 addr•wm nit follows- vrntllntal NtabIP, and gcxxl /raulta• an expert will be there tis nddreen i "letter. Notary Public etc. olSn kaat e l<. vicinit of 'rhomamtown house, lienO typhum broke out ami he Rave alit his tu.m lO Indicate lx,certh ui the hired . Mr. Milhr mferm,1 t, th Ir Own tion• it to t uite a difficult topic, And we h iso also aideCourtnouse Square. ilon.y to loan a% y I problem Foxe an ties c>t (re(n)t thither moved lits tautly. Thr bar► time and Pxp)sW himself to caring Thin prevalence of flair trouble Int wnctico nod-exprrnenegi In brvvclinq to find just whore to draw the line to ha e n cold •tyrage plant there low rates of interest, grapher cif Father >Inthew'. Jinni for tiro nick and supplying the tie- moat Alarming, espcchally among ,nit sc'lectiuK olives. He (lox•" at)t In- tit Pxerclre; or wherein munlight W •tt t rime sur toractical dernon• iCKINSON S HOLMF9 BARRM �. Frwneiw Maguire. alrcrrtnimeJ "input cessiti"a of the affllcttxl famillem. i.r tars uoltetton, Aotartes Public, eta. rA"�'--Bfs rth„wt ypnre' the o{sstrr. to ul' HP too ynUtig Blois, nrml a large {rrcentnge int cx1 enrtnin tnmllles fmm which U) better for ten minutes dfr"ct, than atrAt D urn k -nn active interval In edu- iomen,uu lraw• bl(xNl. Th+y selet•t the bull that sur Ixorm pouring thnnigh A gaol Anottue ltrdmStry that Is drserv- 1Nom•r tICKI Osfo•, wertrtEY wf lha--altugetllt3l!__14Q_- E. L. DiCYITfSOv. DUDLEY HOLYEB [° toryf pl•awure to other", to fit tile catlJh and drew arournl1iim iso -oyer- .ouesw beat fitted. for th'lr pur"o. A liberal nl)rcad of glass; or in what Inig of attention'tluan IL re- ma•am of etion(prriuR hnln,ine" up n Alorn in establishing school• on a casen of consumption'w1dch annually ,atr90 percentage_ of 'th•Ir WIN have way water fir better and ' melee cet�•'w�'wh� the Hon. Min4ster �tHAS. SEAOER - BARRISTER. SOL S sane human creature wet Ilia must diffrrent plan from that on which ravage the comotry have their ort- ornP fawn 3-otch famil", though healthful drunk twice a tiny out of of Agriculture In anxious to pro- C lcltor,. notary Rod conveyancer Om,» mnrkeJ charnrtrrieth•.' ]\hru n very the other sChrxils of U1r place were Rln In lila tTcrufilP. Tine firm( itwltcu- rot em any family scorn. I nn comer tank wherein evevy raw ttiotP, IN tint of prx►ItrY ani"InR and on HamUlon enter( nn ire +tie Eolhorna tittle rrlow h,• mnalrest"1 a very cinducled. IM established nell olm Ix "Jnr. Miller referred t) ole point plunRew tier no,te. than tO drink fnttpning sur 'Fite home and fore) n Hot.l, Go,lorlrh. Pcent. fund• to lead o� :vg. ties ut nnsismla Ir s pair, sallow In irtlrnlar with Home hesitation. wlwucvisr tltitwty from an In,ifvcl- nuirketw. I am arranging.forfiRrrge morrsttteti wt t Ixercooa Inures[. Farm te,xw r fweunR fix _all._Ily u,g_ -_seem which ladnatrtal war combined with P now cuehe,d. tuna • • s He never joined en ray e'rnr, T►7[ INg'and I-fttrmttrim rim � wax,X. c¢mple7[km' Iwo b follow- rA,ving no he did au that while gen- Wit b-imin fn the manger. in wrm'.. of special puultf'yy meetingo In con- __ -. ._.rrue,tq{xnl cor-willitsKly•intuctP lofalu srx•intlonn nt.once rJnc•ttlorwl'nnd "t1 by knew of , appetites, frequent orad}' lield by some of the breeders way wP nrr led to think that the Itoctiuu with our regular aill supple• G. WARD.C'ONTEYANCLR,Be.,AND #g on n1 nn living ►hit C'our"tng nail ch9r1tnble. tine of the RellOttm so w► of tine country to be true, it would y fall stabling haw ntu•" to ,w Es: IRR Lite number .is comn,wlurertorta►ing •tall re,:afring P' Y nR. hemMches, rn,Uspaaltloti to. eltertlon, earl mentnry me"tls ♦ g �, wl when tai, teblimhed wnn for the rrducatlon of be -diffirofn tv prove it cone sice{gr iw-sMaveffn Uw wlm)!r, aat4wr, tit !armers who w attend these rec•en,arn.w of Iv�II, anlldavi., •r allrna• b"rilw. wlxx)tlu Wait terreul nwelilnq Af Ilmbm, clolrnt Mnrt pAi- ind this wan that the very Meat show R dlmlriet need mulct of nocoselty ti-no.drpmaUoreor,ol•nudYLeatt•mR la or • .� fejt ev,mpankmM Indulged, Ie dtlens"Id w•itln Rlria a the ti nip,utn ,of in any granted first tial the wnn has n 1 p ly R ploln And Pltatbn firth frequently fainting tits. herds ore swot pralucing the RIlow ani- be limited aDd I rP veal Lhat you ronc•rnanB gone wrtust Butt •r preoe•Art {• dll hnr tenet. Hr trace w 1tnPmrr 1 with know IPd P and rime In goxxt, wholewuuw eruble with what g lits High ,curt et Justice. rite c'enrt of Appeal :r.N��gy horror anti compassion tis+ agony u, other work. The school soon had 7914'Re symptoms may Dot all be pre- maps. A good show animal Is more or vire known nos cow comfort• a tea• Acquaint yourself with what ham for ua,t.rio, er la any ('aunty or ntvialse rP•'li:l w {xNor IwutPol hurA 1,1 her brenthlera 51Mn ptiptlm. sent, bot the more there are tit• laam n freak, otherwise It would 1)e lure. beisn oboe and IR belnR tittle In this Court Allt•an.relleerearet..uraedp.wmptr u» ;r •truggka with the listen tk)ga. aura Tem teener Itcfwrm [m Starlrrl. reinter the ur easy Ior Arum t pam'mibin to nrrwd RuuA aiuilunls with- Kali Btablln eAuntry to prcmroRP thlm Indu"trp. exot',atat. Itwidruw ud P. U. adorer-D/w i?d4, CJF term tluat moment he field Lee sport p g g P out Limit, All things equal, n breeoler R• ate tx sltrY mat- Bannon, Cat 9SSerf cial dn/truction pn ;143?4 kt abinarrmcle. The night of n "I'Ht• After Father Jlathrw had leen treatment. which ,(Itoult be persist- mating two extremes In liable to pro- Cows left out at night wham the tArm will also be iurnishe,I at the ---- Lovell wing or hloAl�ttinea hry•natuf •m1P ten years In Cork, the temper- od In Until all traa'll of the trouble duce a flrnt-clam show Animal, anti on chilling rally are frequent. (rorty winter fair, and you will there ob_ I.OANr AND INSURANCL a bird brought ,k)wh by him hmthpr• awe reform was started• It' war not have vsal•heni. Among the thou- the other hand the offspring may be Alghtr. ate costuxu, itnil *In"" twin practical hinter nrti Informa"m — — ;�ata (dice! nue heaE4�ttbe bbl with •started toy title; fit originated with more or less worthies» It it nut an pierce. are put quite w► much that should be useful to you ti our ONET TO LEND -A LARG1 AMOUNT Is slto have been brought near uncommon thing for the Ixat breeder .in Ione sof Vimase and aRUrttents gen• winter 'a---- --_y of Private Funds for InT•fftment at low. a ascan of paM. for hes -limpul«+ wit - #T+it whir him - - merttmge. - ta/ sueccrr Anot befrlettA. scot t. per• weer Itev. �N�iAfes 13unecumlue, a l � iftrm n[ll• its p mew tort [wiwrMvr •wwbwt►[a- Atfit -fe1u- es% ranee ad a:pea on ow, mt.ryys. every show ahlinnl he breeds. �wtattr. - Oartow, s sew srcute or destroy. lie was Ills usoth- 1'rotprtwat clergyman. Axel Richard trouble, and ultimately restored to - --- -.-.-- - W arrow _- vgi+k! wt's darlintg rad pet. She wnn A pious Ik,w•den, a Unitarian layman. Fattier health through the sea of Dr. Boyd, r. drawing his remarks l a chase enty, Is NMep, roil_ dOSt b HUW ItATIr NTULE 11 aQS: 3lr. Miller Rpoko very highly of Lha plenty, and s cow aati a (snide more ,,,Flea.., C'Attoile, and •',lie •key, while her Mathew WAR new Inh_isforty-seventh an entlmable young lady wlwwe Scotch Shorthorn and Scotch method comrfortable tm a warm, dry etablo Clever Rodents ]i ho Knew fines to n [t+lx'LIFFE-O9N'FTtAI, iNSUR. numevous family aurnpuralat ler apA- year. tie pall much and vArlPd exile- v Secure Their Plunder. • ince, tIf wl ►;.tat• ad M ney beast hurce Ir tit Cobnug. Mlw Boytl gi es mf btPPrllnR and renrinR Rtort. Ttu•y Iiurfrag oellA, Palsy Oeteber ox Nov- nr _°+Vkv '' �T'• (cows dinnor'tnbM, the xl hasty oak• rianes -uL every phame Of lit" and Alwnt. Uni7 Ant -ole eowmru�c, ire eeo,. ad q;,R ,, [,x - Ilse wperleace Ag iullowS allow ihP ralvPm to Tun with Lhe coit7 umber algrtts, thati oho can ire tercel Money to lend on eir-Aebt Iwnm, at the iowert f-,„r.r.,A1, 1219 maid with natural pride at ler grade of society. " In the man- "it In nearly ten yeah oistie rojf tit n'Fammrt pnvnrinbly, and the tq+enit b, to believe she Is Int s fence earner, A lady olio llveR on 13"gcoh Hlli nt••f Intt.r•t toolna.In r^y any t• suit tae rI`,` " littlo army of handsr'He, hionitly ehns of tiro rich, In the garrets mm (fret rommrnccol, and nithuugli he IsllrveR, that titers IR a ("Rater rnI Romltwl, or feast pinteA, ns the Inas f1 al TA lltthe bm'k_nt her horrower. ()Mee: Srm)owu door from =411 b,ya, exclalmed-'In it not unfortu of the {Herr, among those rn- I was doctoring rem or lens 1 re- tendency t) develop the enrTem In came may bis. Some cute has said that house which runs dawn quite a stoop West street.Ood•rich. »aas n1 nett l I have nine wnn, anti nut one ol,lwed with the wealth of tile. eeived little or no benefit, As the lung power, general atrOngth and a "rain -wet cow was like uttln s lillirWe to the street below. -- r' ! N" "r of them t) ben art " " Fur A twlcf p tel work( emit three !n whirs a week'■ aoctorR Aril wet Msem to uuderetand vlRcor, wet cloth recur( a pitcher In July Thl4 courtyard, nnyn tit" Burton ACCf7oNElClttgto. t o time titers wens a silence, but It w'na sickness hrcnlRlNt with It the hor- my trouble. Two years Ago my a to cool the water Within M" Thin Tramicrlpt, In pnverl with rough and TFOMAS GVVDRT, AUCTIONEER AND ,ra,a,vx+aM-�rr; irmm hrv,kern by "Tha.lxtld, who roofs of arttial want he had witnesq- beallh becnma Mo bn.f that Another The >lLwDlln of Cown. loll-rtnblcl cow, with, her food of heavy stereo. ThP Indy ind mIRned Insurance Agent• Gtderlo.. nn . A til -- wtnrtecl from film chair anti crle,l with e(i the working of s vlckovin And, An- doctor was called is, and he Stated onew start beftue Iwr, la llieAlsr in many r x troro her � a void e (till of emotion --"Mother, don't happily, a tore pervading habit. Ile that mY cfige was ra mon•% revere That vetisrnn rite date.rman� John RR Pnntry,nnl mine- hondoo /red Iwnca•kt o FNa ins. t a., vel cis ile+ wrnay; 1 w'lll tis• n ries(.' HIR ianRawenthrahfi Inesm of the hrl ht- OCNtid,hntwn.rSlaoShrafrobne/wmen- tlu path-way-_-OC__-g4tid_.11e111.111 "1 thlam nynlral'etrcnmmtwttcr4t whfvit &orrPkdO[theebtnatt. NalMuuod•dwlyn ' i i - I PP R type of Atmrmla, and Unfit whlke ho (seem Iwrt-ilriing to.the cow and her than the other, for no olive rrnrlArpit;--1t--trar •n1tR" tn--wnvnr.rt- - --,---- 1"' , a another fuldP,l him to her arms, ex• ems boring wrecked by the weaknems of con,W help me the trouble. lord pro- ka•p, Onturlo dalrymer who have ha" yrs proven thlit, the physical sur• human thievery. Therp worn many JOHN KNOX OZNERAL A`L-TInNCr:R pres►Lng tier delight ural gratitudeip a father anti ruin and dishonor groomed to much• a Ntaage that be listened with so much pleasure t) his Tering of void and pxpoeme is part ratm nlout the place, and tho rate U anrt La"d t►alumtor•t)udeM 4Oac• lav •-.-=}-kim- and blemingtt, anti t ohm that brought upon yhanR men whbhtad en- conuhl ►u)IR oat Iltte haps (rt n cure. fnmllwr talks on th(, care of the Ar pared of riatts"'w plan At either were. numpa led, There war, how• tbrivar itis rwdwMbw•b to i poeitimaeo a1. lrlo n"t Theoliabi Mathew was - e „1111M ra .vtth pnmy4ei-.Nope- At tits thur f www tom Pats as chalk. .ir)Fr♦ else- of tl ever bmf o -1 a rn an dooflcated and belon n to Rmf the nitNlt brilliant prospects ()f on un�L r tale tu��eon oVi9O 9tIt.-9254- �l s the intllAlnY up n mans of escape ttyr oha�e�wltn thoroush sou-facelon goo oer- ix R my eyPloim mer" woollen end wdxild InR from kin pen under the captbs oI coLatltutlonnl v gvi- r-Fmpr-am "t!.I. entrusted to him. Orden left a% tlso clituch." ancrerm. ]] ith even grentep sorrow living down over my ryes like /nckii towlr'h heads this Article- w the rough Rtonen of the eonrtynrol, Bu:ben's Betel, or sent by mail t,e him addrr�c�.s.v His aunt, Lady flizrt!xeth bf Thomas- Int Mrd ecce the light of gonlus ex- orf water. My feet anti limbs would It is tw nue to dispute tine fact that },x"e' The lady wens ready to tellevP the KNO]C Countj Auction erttenl•d to. wit town, engaged to e,hnentp film tit tiniv ilmhed In hopelemn gloom, And swell, awl were always cold. I war there t a rapidly -changing sentiment TMs w" tare, thwt warmth find ratsicapnblw of steallnit her pliI bet -.Ivy wttd--yim_ w flan rrrkimm�ly t to violent heeuLtchem, nevr•rr• ComfOrt Are copdowi a to milk iv- - - t vitals yn nn" pen rtlre nntmR lite IrttPr halt n 1 rhe tit- Irow could they let them over the IIlAs7t11a1i LICI 7tii for him n grxxl RchexR 1n Kilkenny. away. o town w n pnlp a on u 1tPRTt"affef 1f' . " While Iq yin Rebtui at Kilkenny morn lite mtara tot heaven fall, tin Nto e giver I would be mr dlssY Prn ng, tont w L we R a) r a '�-�� Q� fwR part of Amerlra respecting the breakin • 012EI1I2_Q1<t'L hn ylehind t) an uncontrollable de• collar■ of i.ebnnon Inld low." What tint I ruiiti Scw.rcel rP ala un u p- gt%em fuer full flow of milk, with thrlf- R titranti Ake had heard rheas Y R I stabling of their rows And toettrr aU" to see Ilia parents And i Only could Ile do? thin good father amkrd right position. My npp•tlw fitile,l like aaaltataon therewith. and the rhnuR" ty hook, can tm covtmtetl upon As not Ing Sn on abort the n►Rs 1y - and mkoY In their Ileluvcrl Rtxirty Lhe himmplr. What cinch he do for the Alm[xrt entirely, arms I grew too wenk u by far for Lhw hetter. Fur gent• being Injureed by her stable life There InR teen oe titrate beets, with "p;qw _ fegotival of Easter. Without ac- hntslrpdm nit shout him who were that I 'wan a mere wreck. \]'blip in nee thing" to be coruldereR In this Ieid In their paws, and belnR drown untold, titter was An opinion --nut 1'orlea Wcre�'7'hen. --er--•-• gewtntbyt wnyuwe with Ills Intention, ai.ldlr.ted to this rtrinotM habit ? iIs this ctxtditlun t rend in n news- Rotten from the row -that tI+P win- rant("r. AST. these e%aww In the mtablo fiy the tell. tie set tort out foot rn a Journey of wAn1A wart wlt4. the three other pwprr of tar, cost" of w ytnurug Rfrl ter t•wxittM ware In reality intended milk-glverm with calf dropping Kir e11d not know wh►ther the"e 01wervv how haws brings tier re• N't ,.• • forty milPo, and"-thlm areemm In meg who had otfirtpd the temper- htofltlWl - In , ' TIA "--11t a" -'i lAr b46i. &lin resulvod verlt;ew A few. ea a - there sus whaate cn+r wnN much Ilk" minP, t0 Rprvr nw n {x thud for hnrvlrohnR to watch. ,p ,,: ervt11n1"-'tit tin Pnrt of n minRlwday ante movement. bin he d(rldrd, hilt LhrotiRh the uR,• of Ur. K'llliatmR' Pint the mem to make them constitution- aro they dry A: prnetlo- no elrrti(xt In uern'R Cownty, V. B» p' """ he Arrived At Ilia lnther'n horse." "not till after IonR nal nnzloms , 1 Ills, and I Aee (of Dr. ' to Wy them t ts- morn vt ally tSS evith trh'aa dor in earl She found that the rat" diol sural and Kin Lfloprdl, tn,- Rorona and ton r:hiblb y R. tented RAIrd, Minters )iaynooth CollrRe. thought ; lint nnee having( decided, Those whet knew me did nut think whore vtt:ifity In the hot months; And miw'Intt? lYrim Is a question. use the ems. 'and thattheydid hold them ('(xlwervvlUire, by 01 voil but the he netrol promptly, nx a man whose nny medicine crnlld du urn any giant tons od tlonmindw of rowR p Mir In milk- ivf totting the pnwm while lying on their re•timn)na Officer declared Baird, the ami== Halving game through the usual (rind waw thrrotgrhly made u Llk" led n Y R nK od br tittle rrxnrwt of studiPm nrcrNmnry nN n pre. P' or that i won►MI ever Ret better, their lives, and the barn ptNe1 were ,'u"rgy of surplum Gxxl into milk, an hnrtks, burl they wero not drown h}•. C'ontrrvAth'e lnlrwrlty candidate, ('aesar, tin bmi rraumed the Rubicon." lot I determined at all events to feRtx)np,l with their titles, tO ave Indirect prndwt of starve force.. la ti- tali boyo the other rats. . They e1PPte-1, hecunme the til"rel candidate, j . , - regraniee for Al.tyauwth, lie wA" sent Aad vara' Anon he was the aeknow- 11. , t► that eollrge and mntrlealate" In leotged lender in the movement find Rive the pills a fair trial. I have (?) the Supposition. Lhe oder dairy, with kw) much droit mnnARisd to Toren thismselves'nlonR the rholee of the mnjoritt, r'bnd merle the hnrrxnrdty cleneR of Sept. 10. IM)7. a«e" theta for nearly a year, with M;xtrpmra "port their ttymtemm, tits rurplin food anw•n. th" mterep Incline by .twintlnR [opoMlt by en figent and not In Ire lip ixemt known man not only the• remelt U1nt i feel like a new ,er- must find nor" demand thnn that thourselves hwlr'wa rnnnd anti umh_ dwelt twonall }{is d1R root fltnfwh hiR aclolnetic car In Irelnnti, bnt In bicotlAnd and 1 Thr mpnWrtwnt u ctktnginf, and nx)w y P Pr• yn Baird . an sat err tit J!n rwxrWl. FiP vk,lntrd a rule son. 79r swelling In my eyelkle and haFs1 metes by ismbryo Ilfr, nal sou h tree InR with theelr hind frit. Of (rearm In the Httsr for noir Rrrwlom, nod the 7 England and, in fact, In all the jnol W(,om n mw up over night df C�wwer♦ath mn i of tIe mile P b RirinR n party In ilmTxt isle Jisnppisared ; my ap,retltr In w told, mmforthvw stable, and t10 fN•r1 a rennin Atromnt mnncn• title cpntorled mP/aaR of preaRr on }rlty In the l`om• rs a'a g - Y world. hes room to n few special friends it Int not tM prrarnt puvpomP to int Moo mad my rem Is rrgnining tie felvtlnR her oat of d warn, It hIs Ron( Int gen'"rent, earl Rtloul" have it was favore,l conalder.•thly by ths%fact "wwm voted that h" was right in s d "Alar which lett It .rearm ngv). I ran for mAay Marsala, chief of whu•h IN that Ute rats wore dpw•e in a taking the event Ates in claiming than Aecompnny him on hill nppnking to the other rxtrpnit, of keeping r•owR , R iMaAl wPaskxtril Ifwlwmslt ei,;," preteen( the coiner . snot ton fit once Iew And (k) work nbomt the hcx,mr, that of thov con11 calf now twin stop Rlo On w I"vrI t nR .-7bron At a pet neurite rtvtwure. ExprrWng Pxpnl• rooter In ciMnt RrttAln nn(1 wltnrnR nest thio rat chs a In m ron,ll- In n worm atnblr, frPdinu anti wa- fest fnmhkmed. Tli" other tree, brtR have hnrdl accent Ilei it cBat Star' 7 Uv' "• mi�a. he quittexl thlr tolteRw tit his hU ndirini"tratlrm of the temper- y tering tJprm in their ntnllm and turn S P Awn will. nils west I& 1508. lie Iwow neer pbelRra to mllllonm of (Hopi". tics( la alk' solely t., the time of lir. Ing (Nit only wow And then, If tit „11, In I+crrmhxr anti .fnnunry, has the they were, crartalalyc erl It; felt hlrrrrcolf Attracted to the C'npg When him trpmenAoctw work waw iiII11AnM' [Int hills. It Int not too lit- are remoaxl Riven for thio pre -•tire whole "unimerof pastern rambling t) anti they never brat one raft. i,1RwC'roRmrr'" Angell" Wings. .14 chin order and drtisrminhl to j.in It. ,konP aver there, ha come to the ifs- tM to that they hnvw RArm my waA that If kept In n warm atahlp Rice' tlxe nordrd inrinrnrrm, and in k •w sa lie pra4wded to Dublin anrt Placed him• Ilea Fatatpm, find here he dirt fin life aril I atnaylly urge Rlrtm wlt„ nature wrn111 rmly grew for the cow thin theta ne•rdn tis i4, a dimtinctiotl _." * -*a �� _ -K \t a RKnno ls, r c ewly. In Pratt ere afmllArly nttiletM to ve them In the mtnblo Iffe of the two ri+asgrae g p Qrnnty, hnnmwR, recisntly, the spirit rR ..}j;e calif ntu(1er the apfrttual rvtre of ]'rr,v rqunlly im,cor►wnt onto. n thin roaWng of hair, and to tarn ► ' w ftev. Celwm4Jne [Yretirwn, of that city. a thoro ngh trial. the row (mt Into nevprp or stormy i of cown. VAmt gn"ntltNw orf Rh^liar eR>tm Are of Flijalh C'romser tows called for. Fil- y Arriviss In New York In 18141. _-. __ Pa rteal from Russia In hprmrti•-.nll h Crammer had died there In an earl td;v Arx1 an Fwgtisr KnWMny, 1811, owe wmthr•r, Rnvr them hp far tAYo mals. t'entlnwtlnn. y 7 ' was ordAlnerl a prle♦rt. Hln first ler- (Rn Mon ew •Rely 1H4e, bis nr- ble'rremt Vpw• den an rxiwxnre. nrel t.ho rpnrtfon arnlMtinwnndll l R14fron t 1.h run to day, bat ton" rememprrwol fns hi/ I A ticprl In Npw 3'ork nn•1 lir cit nu• it in not urn mush tis+ able, n to �1� '' axon else drllvrrp.l In Lhw nriRh Y slew }'dt%tis-Ymn wrILP Ritrh short ntxxt the s worm wldclt followed n Ln p. fest tin 1rrlJv fron► 1.000 to mpnmr atAturr, 6 fret !•i lather. A P Y warmthi tx) much --In n wtnblP, nm to i Pi(10 tytRy. Th'` egRm lzt Me cant v dre I I the dnrtnPw■ meld ho was "' I rlwatrl orf itllfenrir, In hlR nnWvti tlx)rlWra Rnvr him n ien•nt a ininne kora when yell ern awn 1 item'( pmcnl a wprfetrin rktrlmrnt to milk ventihltitil and conmtnnt rharftp of fully leel.rtnl or a Md we will of " v,+•,' In thr nramP of Amrrirn. Thr trwrol- y' ,; ; masnty sof Tip{teary. IRIS firm( miR• goer, why yeti oonldA't ivrltw raw alta rrl%InR �%orklw rontaitvoed r.r n flttren a6 I F:n of \tis ..ti II, hemp it na nn- r;'i' '1 sloe wan In Kilkenny. Mpel (t fro t n rionot nlrb by Rr"-- elfin wlthInt rnpa-rhti nnJ f" "Int all tit` Arms ilA the r4n. nn old-timer. "]'ism," tame lite wnn ism' mina rn I e w s e w r r t n n tit war a .e I rwwa w (rix 1{ 1 Mn wnn w K m ml I tw 7 r n tit.•• tslg h In Lem to r nhRr M n 1r 79kP Ru - 11 1;'r' "The eommnnity waw amnll AnR twt•brM fmm rnriotu P mireanol. W. Fltta--Hcrpratly, my wnn ((ilio there were ot.hrra w11oI ~ f� tit Thr .1^nnnPap language {a tw►Id to err. ".\rp yeti an wn el, h1 wP ,t(.'" reel atvrlrtlew rPrnlv("1 him from Ills Pnrt.h dtirt hrinRlnq air Int) LIlr moa- ront•ln 8(1,0(1(1 worAs. it IR n g R %,, pace and their rMnrrh ergo n„t well Ohl this Anhhurton, nM ronrinetM 'fe"►, i ahln't n ll"Pose you wont” have oriel -kpisp them in all Lhe limp. hes fmm 40x1 fort nw•Av And Rint.rib"t• i Its ►m- "]'rR," ThP gnestlonisr pwnseA, isvl- S it fittrMwd prix tis) him beromintt "t P• nny time to road them. An the dw w I I xnMihle, for one min to lonrn the ron- downlly having Pxhngmted him fund of t tii+flr,t;•{ itrwnhwrt to It. Rat Morn after Ilia mr him to Cantle 0ardon, wMrn hiR nr Y hlyerdty• InR It In Llan mtnhlw, mad the Rnlvan• I lir(• Inngnngc, nal n. well-edurntOil queatbno, and then sudden) M^• "'+„i' *! rival a arty strlklltg rhnn•i1 waw ef- rtvnl wnn Awaited by ton Imm,wsw �w w� ageA ;ext hnA to in araAthwr rMttwr thisrr wrm math hurl chimney stReAL with cowl mar• ,Inlmnsww I/ fwmUlar with only abouts 'what tie lingslret4l, y $cow. no tams of the yonng friar sir of people. IstrUlr of mtsldo dl♦Salty of opleltln. B7 mesy It was monntlag the baro, oonilmg clogs 10 10,000 woedS. tip, Lip T you lltisasnr! two tip to r ' w -r' alt'+• ;'ti' ,. );.::ira r ' v'4 . H r, 'qt r' °s,',,,% �. y. .t' ltt'�r a'+•,' t' Y ...v . ,.,,« a f9r iv F. ct,. 7 b 6” e! ,!9' yr - ,r , ,, ??�IfIa9 .. _ a . s:• ,' yea tV °' s r .. - - ,irl�AP'n�s z' _ -, , . ,:_.-. :e, . _!'l;:- �'F^_ _ "'°.: ..:1.:2 r1N P, R 4.Ct ; v. t .Ai•.yS x .Ir;, -sir '�1',l,%' f+ , r q ..._ MC%.alR• 14?uv.�r�' ,tae n r•a+;a;- j�j a`J rl r` Csi .• a .,