HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-12-6, Page 1THREE "A.e e e
. a. 1900
O0DeMICM. Deo 6, 160)
Mall Woes{• 0 61 to 61
t lour. lamely. glat0801......,, . • 9 10 10 9 10
b -lour, paleat. carawl......,, .. 9 50 to 950
tRtrrs.ao,, i) Ioa,,..m.em....•.. • t9 00 tole 00
shorts toe
genealogy, per sort
Rye, per bush
H ook wheat, per book
Oats. 0 bosh .... . ,. •,
Nees. 0 bosh
Harley, per butt
Hay. new, • too
Potatoes. new. 9 bosh..........
Butter, • -'
Bgm fresh aawaoY'll. ! dec....-
16 00 (16 00
• „ r
Ott to 1 00
W to 050
96 (017
6/ M 056
3610 033
60 to 800
10 too 16
17 to 0 18
10 to 0 11
15 to 0 16
W (100
50 to600
50 to 0
Hides.... •
Dressed HMO
H r 11 .... .... .. ...........
Lord, per
Dressed lie.? fore gtmrler
Dressed Beef. load "
Cattle, Rxport -+
o Crilla/AT• ......v,.r„•v...-
00to 550
95 to 6 50
10 to 0 17
item 0 15
11 'o 13
00 to 000
00 to 000
76 to 0 50
0e to300
Strayed Aialmala
lo! it fourth oonoeselm. AwhMld (soar
Pen Alberti, on or .b tat Tbe 9'th of Augget.
two sheep. The owner L requested to prove
property posy ezpenese enA ante them •way,
JAH. I IW6e1 0N. 6 It
111ItuaUona vomitus.
with r•fuseooa Wages el a out. No
washing. Address MHO. DR. WILLIAMS.
TI AleZaader et.. Rochester. N.Y. 7 21
Tomboys Wadtsd.
ITgAOH Li W AN rgD FOR 8 8. HO 9.
Colborm. Dolle t to oommea. Jon. sad.
Mel Applications, stating salary anti (mina
a '{yfo ae.,, n e ei ved a . a Deo. 17. 1910, by A. •.
►ILWA]fB Doak" P.O. 1
FOP chill.
HUUDKa11 FOR BALK - MON'HLY to nat.to. N. tin! Omannat.MAp.tly
✓ housemaid Mt is the village of Donqg••uu
W - ata, the property of the late Hiobord Tre-
leaven. The hoose is urlot v,•nrn-xl .od o •e
taste o main pen. 20010: lactose. '8111
;1 Hard and soft water In enanecUon. Proms
-- woodshed atteehe4. (►o .l from. stable. . tn..
; on the property Tbe lou comprise o.e-b If
q - acre of load ; beautiful Iowa, with doe shade
trees surrounding. Povsssslon .e be bed
e lan Ila[.. ♦POl5 baleDigo., er w OW),
IITOTNf<Rtf,50Bus phos. oe to W. LANI,
" OeeerIeb. _ 01 tf
ot the br.t 10) .ore foams la Ooderlob
township. Huron oounty. Lot flood part l8,
sth ool. 6 m. O
ufrom oderlcb,7.1G'e
from Clinton The farm amain, govt build
'mooed good foam.. Is well watered and well
under4retned. Then Is • lanes bearing or.
el °hard mil garden of small fruits Terms to
suit pur:name. Apply to W Y. GOULD, oa
promises. or (iodation O. 0. 91 tf
LV O R H A L K. -.PATS %. %. 117, 118. 119
.8 and t/6 la Hstehisoo'. "men, and
south tett of 811 running numbers. all to
ooden..h. Por p•rtloulae apple to
Barrister, to.. (bode-1ch.
March IIt8. 1900. 60.tf
oleos farm know• . a. '•C...d•y
Farm," being Z. halt lot 18. °wheaten 1, Hast
Wew•sosb, *10 sores, Macros cleared and 'n
A good state of ealtivlim, 1 acre b ish.
There Is on the plane • good two storey frame
dwell.g home 1813) with wlag 16E90, and a
good stege tesllar, • frame barn 31.36 filth
stone m.61. ander. 5 sores of cool orchard 2
goat Dever Who, spring well.. The sod Is a
good ole) Meat. •boat, 70 nor. In groes, 8 acres
of fall wheat, and some all ploughing. The
Mom ars good. It s on • leading gravel road
o.vealent to •,hurob.s, school, eta.. i mile
hem the village of Auburn, 5 muss from
B lyth. If miles from the towns of OoAerloh
and Cllntm. Tbs is • very desirable pls..-
n o poor or waste land.
5'1 Mor tall particular apply to P.111.IP H LLT.
1 solicitor for Oho 1atete ot the late Mrs. Gaeta
- day.
ANON and real .bis agent, hal SOMA
good farm and tows propertyfor sale ortle
and wants more. 0111o0. tae rw
oor east of P.0.,
Goder doh.
Aocounant and Insuran.. Agent.
Hook. and &cooante made up.
Halldlsgs rented and note colleete4.
Fire Insuranos la British and (7aasdbl
Mew la Proud foot k Hays' ofg.(. 1
street. ood.rteh. 9.t(30
141 .1.
BURAN s and Iteal Rotate sweet.
Piro, Life, Aooldent and PlateOlo, Insurance
etTectei on mutual or i ish pan at lowest
rotes possible.
Hest Kogliah and Canadian oomttinles rep
Umm next dna to (harrow & Darrow, Per
Aston. Hamilton Mtreel.
Omee. M .60 L
Night cello SU•wsLsd tram i/ss.
Telephone 101.
8IGIANssa4 0srgessr. elks to Paoli
d Cnmmeroe building. west Ode of &mare.
Night nails at residences
Dr. Shan, on, Dr. Callow,
old remMeses, lvap'er et, KIRIn.t. w,
Phone 44. 'Freon 60.
anyone shooting or n:l,,;r wise trespass -
log vppmca any
t toff m property will be gr-
Rid.▪ eeed
w.od Part- 47 R. U, ATTR II L,
Public Mottos.
1 for taxes will tate glees la the Overt
Hoa.e la the Town of Ooderleh on Tuesday,
Dee. lath, 1900, at s o'ulmk p m.
County [Mast TrsasOrsr.
Treasurer's Office,
f , Dee, :6th. 1960,
made by the Onslph Junction Railway
Canyons to the Porll•mnut of Canada at 1t"
ant ammo for an Act sgteeding the time
for th, roa.ero then of Its railway from
Owlph M • point on I..6. Huron at or near
thct tows of Goderloh, or to melt other point
astsdescribed In tali Act 8051 Victoria Chap-
ter M, ontitt.A An AM respecting the
Guelph Jnnotion !aligns, Com s ; and for
▪ porous" porpA. H. MACDONALD, 8e.-
rWry (6.Iph Jnaetlee Railway Ute 7 /t
Pobllo bailee ice hereby given that • met
d thee r
►wetn•e e1 b at DI Inn No 1
(neat, e,otn-
ggppesesAi1 of the mnaletpallttes of A*hgehcl Col
botaianA Und.rtnh Town. will be hold In the
Aftlewliral Ha'1, Dnnpnena. ns Moelay,
DDlleeeorsm hire Lth. 1001, at tA, henr of ono o'nloek
aur 11a Vireos'Vireos'
of nnmlauting owlet
to /the mil const/ Anlsica In
miaow of tat comity of Harm. f. lh•
l le
goam l pole anAwill/M8.and
monad on trio da/
Of Js^eery. 1501. In shah 50111wg gob -division
at tat tlm.end pier. need by bylaw of rte
msalelp.lt lis to Ih• selA ('nnntY Division
boy. at Ya Nklmg iso. 100 uI I'Nninleatiap(of Odeon
oar for
Q 4 Denson Div stns
Me. IL
DIEou.elnjq the Tory Leader-
ib. ritium Placa at, Larry', Raver -Ma
Three Jew.-Welgblag rerk--llIM rb-
lag an Orange Ledge la 'egoism.
Dartmouth, N. S., Nov 30, 1900.
Say, Mr. Editor, who do you think I ran
across In the• city -that's Halifax -the
other day, but big Dulltan C. Erawr, M.
P. I Bever hoard of any acquaintance hav-
ing to tell Fraser that they hal passed him
without noticing him. Big Duncan is
built lar twill with a heart for three, as
doubtlw some of your West Huron folks
kUOw, u he told me he wag up your lake
shore way on a stumping trip, and that he
got the glad hand at every turn.
' Uniacke," says he, 'Ben Russell woe
telling me you were hotue for a while.
W hat a wandering Jow you have become."
"hay, Duncan," says I. shaking a list
that would fell an or, atml that gave mine
such an honest grip that it brought tear, to
my eyes, "how did you do at Lorry's River
the time ?"
Swimmingly," says Fraser. . "Gregory
got '1.0 at that polling pleas, and I gut a
neat 165."
"That beats Lorlbalsh in Ito palmiest
dove," says I, "and I must to 1 your friends
HI Huron that you have the bats majority
pulling place in the country. And who is
going to lead the Tory party in the Como
mute?" I who
• That's a leading question," says Fraser
with an unmoved face
' Hang them Highland Canadians, any-
way ; you can never be auto whether they
can't nee it, or whether they are pulliug
your leg."
Then he says, "And who is going to to
leader. do you think Y'
^Reamed if I know," tart 1. "And I'm
• sumer if the Tories them.elves know.
Say, Dornan, they are all just • little
eusptclow that the Other fallow is Vyinglo
get the bulge on them They remind me
of • story that. came to me just wheu you
galled me a Wandering Jew.
"A Jew. who had three sons, died, and
the old chop he was so fond of money, that
after dividing nes • quarter of • million
between the ley.. he put as • proviso in
the will that each of them woo to put •
thousand do tan in his tvffire. to be buried
with him, so that he might not be laid aw•
without.oma shekels. Well, they tui
the old gentleman ax»nling to specifica-
tions, but some days after the funeral one
of the young Israelites, (Isaac it wan), he
went to Levi, his brother, and he aaya,
'Did you put that thousand dollars
into papa's coffin!' Levi he say.. 'Yee.'
•Was it coin, or bills!' alike Tawe 'It was
in twenty dollar gold pieces,' says Levi.
And then he says, 'How about yourself,
Ikey !' Isaac he replies, 'I put nine in
hank notes.' Then the two brothels they
hunted up Jacob, and they says, 'Did you
put o thousand dollar. into papa's coffin!'
Jacob he hal more of the Jew talk about
him. and he says. 'Why; assuredly 1 did.
for dearly did I love my father.' And he
oak out his hatkercher and wept 'Was
11 coin or bank note. 1' asked the other two
brothers, as they also wiped away their
respective tears 'Well.' says .1500, a sob
or Lwo still punctuating his words, '1 put
in my cheque for dreg dousund dollar•,
and took out the reeL'
"And that's what the three or four
possible leaders, who have been orphaned
politically by the Tupper debase, are -try-
ing to du to ate another. As to . bo soil•
woos the Jacob act you lout goose ler
"1 must give that to the boys in the
.moking•room of the Commons." says
•'Duncau," says' 1, "1 kcow yon are a
man of propriety, but if what I have been
told in true, some of the stories they reel
off in that there smoking -room will bear
"Well,' says he. "you've hecn out wwht,
and at Ottawa, and down here in Nova
Scotia. Who is going to head the Tory
"It would take a bolder prophet than me
to foretell Wt," Days -i. "I had oda of my
boys learn the printing bueine,s. and he
used to any of *thing that waan'L quite up
to the mark that it wasn't 'type high.'
That's what', the matter with the condi
clams for the Conserv-&five lealerehip.
('Iorainly they ain't none of them has show
ori ripenss for the plate up to date.
"When I come to sire them up they',
make me, think of a ntoty I heard of an
Irishman who hal three young pion. and ho
brought them into the house to weigh then[
in the old hanging neaten they hal in them
times The first of the young porkers, be
fore the Irishman could get he record on
the scales, jumper) out of the hal•ttee and
went through a pane of glum, and other
two boniffs they followed suit, gquuting fit
to kill. The irinhm•n he looked at the
,calor, at the window pane, and at the
three pig" pelting •1"11g the road, ,till
squealing like eon. Then he say, •Ah me
fine little darlints, 1 haven't your weight,
but I've Kot your dimensions : You're each
•v you seven -by -nine, exactly.'
"Fritter," says I, imppr•ee.ivlyy, "there are
no men of'roe fweight lell on 010 other side.
But they have got the all firede.t crop of
7 x 9 chaps that ever aggregated under one
minor's+ '
Now, Duncan Fraser in • hig man,
physically, and mentally. and he say.,
• Pesch you are ton hood 011 our Conserva-
tive friends. They have a few fstrly strong
men left, don't you really think!"
"Well, 1 guess you're right, )uncap,"
Kays f "But you can count the on one
hand There's R L. Borden, of this city ;
well, he in 0 pretty able fellow. Then
there Is that Tory Dewet, Billy Marken,
of Toronto, he is • strategist of the first
class, tett he pull* down so much ns he
builds up. Then there is that bright heir•
sol child of destiny, NMI Clarkin, •o they
rail him in Ontario. he hu teal ability, but
he memo to be tired down with he environ-
ment. for nature never intended hint for •
bigot or a fanner up of rate and creed
feeling Follows that know him like a hook
may that ho is ton hig hearted and gnnemne
for he plorwt u editor of on Orange paper
New,hsrring theme thews, who hove yore left
in the House 1"
"Theme a military friend out in itritish
Colombia," suggeetmd 1Mncan
'Well," ass that there r•
yw 1,'f gar
tirttlar individual doe. henry he hu s Prior
claim to the plea ; hut the fact that he ran
fill a meat uniform and that he hex a robin -
time twrytone ion's a priori evidenwn that
the. gallant colonel is fit to bass tis. job.
Guess ogain, Donnan, my he)).'
"How 'shoot, Clarke Wallowa" mita
Praetor, awl h, gave a Mt of a rhuokto an be
waited for replyy.
"Clarke Wallace U all right in he ploen,"
says 1 "but hie plane Is not at the head aof
a enlM;d Gonmdian party. He mored his
hn•ta with his motes 00111A tin. Alm, aryl
be never used his teeth In the tr.Dmot6D,
except to show them at the Catholic anti
the French He's • hustler when the boys
assemble on the 12th, and ata bth of No
vember supper he is uouk-o'-the•walk, that's
certain But he tau never lead in than
Federal Parliament."
"Sax, Fraser," says 1 "I've fust offs
more littlearo to spin here that is to the
Point A fellow told me when 1 passel
through Toronto about election time that
he went oto one of Wallaue's committee
rooms at Toronto Junction I thank it wa•,
and that all the fellows were suing one
another 'Brother,' and te'liiug of good
points made by the Worthy bloaters and
other fellows at the but lodge meeting.
My friend said that hu felt queer, for he
was not a lodge man himself.
It made him think of a story he was told
of On Irishman who took his rawly arrived
brother into the woods to shoot They
saw • big. baggy, papery -looking thing
hanging on a tree. and the new arrival he
climbed up to investigate.
•There s something in it, and I'll soon
find out who it be," he says. And then he
poked his finger into it rad he found out
mighty soon, too. And as them yellow
jackets eh•.ed him down quicker than Zoe.
thous. he yelled to his brother, "Run for
your life. Pat ; I've disturbed an Orange
ledge In session "
"Now. that'. the yarn as I heard it,"
say. I ; "draw your own moral."
"Uoiacke." soya Fraser, " W herr will
you quit telling tater!"
"N hen people do not care to hear them "
says I. "And Pease give mea tender
hand shake this ttmu," And the dear bio
fellow did. U. R A. P11cn.
U. U. 1. COYYg,CCYRNT -The Collerlate
Ieetltate commencement will be held in the
•. .embly room of the eobuol tomorrow
(briday) evening, when the annual distriba-
Noo of models and oertifio•toe woo at the
midsummer examinations will take place.
DATaN or NgiT At,izi SITTINOY.-Tbe
n ext jury sittings of the High Court ot Jae -
ties will be held to Goderloh on Tumidity
February 26th, before Mr, Justice Rose ;
and the coo jury sittings on Tuesday, May
14th, before Ur. Justice McMahen.
(MT IT AT LANT. - Toronto Star :
Thomas MoGtllloaddy, of the Peovlaolal
Department of Agrioulture cis moroiar
re.ived the '66 medal whioh has bun oom
,ng to him .la. the Lime when he waved its
'ogler to the 14th •Regiment at Kingston
in the f•11 of '66. At that time he was
only twelve year' of age.
A LIvELY INDIGENT. -Clinton New Era:
Tbe latest addition te the House of Refuge
inmates ie • man from Goderich who should
have baro sent to an insane asylum, as be is
• very bed ow, and should not be wiser.
he ban liberty. Hs lumped from an upstalr
window the other olgbl. • Merano. of about
twenty feet, eso•plag Jujuy, .od ran a mile
retorts he was overtaken and brought bock.
Tna 9.1111111 1s Nur DEAD YET. I
Stewart Clark has not yet Elves up his
pro)eot of banding the Poi Dover Goderloh
railway. At • recent meetlog of the .flus.
atoned of Ayr Mr. Clark wan promo( and
stated that the railway from Port Dover to
Rerlln would soon b. .n a000mph.bod foot ;
and the 000.Cruotloo of the road to God..
nob was Dae of the features of his proposi-
tion to the oouam!.
Jake TSB Kora. -There has. b.o Dom•
plaints laxly thus... of the are lamp. on
the struts do not light ap every Dight,
and the matter was mentioned at
the last town oouoml mesNog. The
meohaolem n1 the aro lamp is snob that
this s 11.b4e to happen :o any light, but .
slight jar will generally ant the Hpht going
Ksgioeer Kroll' advises that whoa enyo..
sotto. • lamp that hu failed to light he
should jerk the rope that la •ttwhed to the
pole and the will wart it,
MonaLrrml W iio 10.45. SenOOut -Quito
• number of the otos now to att.ad•oos at
t8• Yodel Sohool here hays secured schools
for sort year. Fraser McDonald is to teach
at W bltaohnroh ; Walter Hackett at Limes;
Donald Halliday at Auburn ; Browo Out-
ran at Wows Heed, Brace county ; Herman
Wirht.nan at Fordym; MtsRoilcstl at
Cranbrook ; Mise Patterson at F'lowsrdals,
Brum oounty ; Miss T t Westfield ;
Mise Pterin at Mooresville, Middlesex .an
ty ; Mw Wellwood at Dungannon ; Mee
Loan, 01 Zurioh,
Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Automation
will bold their 1 exhibition on Tu.
day, Wednesday and ` Thursday, January
29.8, 30.8 and 310 next The prise list
will be pr&otioally the same as it was for the
last exhibition. From now until the time
of the exhibition, weekly matinee of the
local director" and others I.t.rested hi the
work of the aseoolat(oo will be hold In the
grand jury room at the court house, on
1 haredsy evenoge, to forward the premr-
• ltons for the county show.
A ('LgvlLAN) Wantu,io ,--O, Wadies•
day evening, November 7th, • quiet Mons
wedding wan oelebnud at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John 8. Covert, No. 8 'shun
wont, Cleveland, Ohio, the oe0Nectieg
parties being Teter Grant, of No. 410 Har
bor street (e brother of Mrs. Spao0e, of
(loderioh), and Mrs. M.•)). Leavitt, of
No. H 1.bam (mrt. Rev. Albert C. Jones,
rester of the oboroh of the Hely Spirit,
olhoi0M1. Mr. Grant was at one time •
resident of Clinton, and tut summer he
wan is Uoderlob on • vita to his sister.
GoogaseH Moitiorn INA Now COMPANY.
Phydniani .ad Nnrgam.'
..i•t1oo, Limited, o•pial $100,000,
been inoorpor•ted, with the following dim.
tors : --Doctors William Grnhan, William
Gaels and John Shaw, Cllntm ; James A.
Rnberuoo, Stratford ; James Hoary, Or-
sageyilks ; John M. Stewart, Chula) ;
John S. King and Wm. H. Alexander, To.
mato ; James L. Turnbull and Alexander
Taylor, Goderloh ; firmest MaoC.11am,
Loadsehoron.h ; Notion W. Woods, Bay-
field, and Samuel M. Henry, Harrletee.
The heed of ioe 1s to Toronto,
To KNrORCR TR■ RsdoLATtows,-Hera•
slier (or, to he precise, after the ISIb of
December nest) the pablio library board le -
tondo to enforce Lha mutation. In regard
M the length of time daring whioh huts
slay be retslned by msmb.rs of the library,
Any person rettloleg • work longer than
the ragel•tlm• permit shall be fined two
Dente per day 1a the .se of book., and see
owe per day In the case of mag&r nes, and
.h.11 pay one out for earth mailed bate.
Som. pude have • habit of kmepieg books
meob longer than they e►euld, tree dome,
Mg other mamba's of the library of their
ase ; the Imposition of • the will probably
bring them M time.
• Roomy" Toe V .
to am r'IYIRIA (•
sold Hewell, eon of Mrs. Howell, et Brest.
ford, and . remain of Melvin W. Howell, of
tows, has mad. • same for himself hi flee
Rear war. He worked his way ant **Month
Afriee and enrolled to the British troops
then, and kis home oeedaos hu earned for
him high honor. Lard I)e•dnoald was
sexless to destroy • fury, la f.. of • Bur
patrol, tad Hewell veleateared to mien the
river and eat Mu repo R• swam the river
trot fogad the wife, however les Web to
set Re retained weals. however, with •
small party and swam batik b ober. with •
ripe altenksd b the May N dry It egress
He also s•yetl • drowning oomr•ds ea the
outward trip. Lord Duniooald, and lour
Ueo. Balzer, both thanked Howell per.eo-
a11,, and he hos bean reoommended tor tie
Viotorta Cross. H. has already roo.lved
the Human. Soolsty's medal, and has both
given • tires lieuteattnt's osmmlgouin,
Tun Jou.v PULLY Co. -The people of
l;odrrloh doubtless remember the famous
Jolly Pulls, iypaotlala and mind ruder',
who miaow such • seus•tios, when they
visited this plan. some time •go with shell
marvellous and most I•ughabls work They
will again visit our town for one week, oom
meuozog De s%ober 10th, (n an entirely new
..entertainment, better and stronger than be-
A *.than match for the Hough oap was
01.yed at Soiorth on Saturday betwesa
teams rvpreseotlog the *Worth sod Gods.
nob Collegiate Institute.. Tb. Goderloh
boys won. the soon being 1 to 0, but Sea
forth has Kowtow' tie game oa the ground
that, owing M darkness, play was not 000-
Moued for tis full time preuribed. The
0. U. 1 bay. are now wearing the medals
whtoh they woo Is Clinton In 9epumbar by
boating th. Cllatoo teem and whioh they
reoelyed • iew days ago.
AT THE LAE1 FRONT -Tbe 'ergs Loth-
•ir, to tow of the tug Seaman, arrived Sat-
urday Dight from (Minion Valley with 220,-
000 fest of hardwood lumber for the Gone•
rich Lumber Co The Lotto& will take a
part cargo of bolt to Wiartoo The
sohr. Katandin .zrlved Sunday night from
Tbessaloa with 500,000 fest of lumber for
Damen.. The Katandin bee taken her win-
ter berth bare The err. Myles .me
la Tuesday night with 40,000 bushels of
whom for the Rlohardsoo elevator. The
Mylea will make her winter quorum here.
The barge Strath000• le expected OD
Friday with 100,000 bushels of wheat
from Duluth for the big elevator.
UNR HDNDaED YRAaa OLD, -0n Monday
Donald McLaren, of Toronto, formerly of
Melon, .lebr•t.d bis hundredth birthday,
surrounded by • large t•mtly /athoning
and other friends, including visitors from
various porta of Coad& and the United
StatAmong the ohtldren of Mr. Mo
Laren who were present were Mrs. Katha-
rine A D. Cameron, of Goderioh, Mise
Jacinto McLaren, and Mrs. Mary Rioh
mood, of Blyth. Mr. Mobutu has twenty
seven gr•ndohildr.a and five great grand•
children. He grendohildren mode blur
the recipient of so tllumtn•ted address and
• well.filled purse of gold. Mr. McLaren
Is • Dative of Sootland and • Liberal, and
is still hale and hearty.
of the Board of Trade was held oa Thursday
evening. The treasurer's report was pre -
rented, showing a bedsore of $19.97 In tie
treesurer'a hand., whioh was lsore••ed to
$22 97 by the payment of lsse daring the
muting. W'. A. McKim w. elected ,re,
sorer to place of R Radcliffe. resigned.
There won a dlsous"lon in regard to the .•
abliehmen► of • market day and also as M
proposed ,bang. In the market place, and
• oxmmlttee 000•isting of Messrs, Sounders,
Elliott, Smith. Kmereon, Mollllliouddy sad
Halls, was appointed to interview the town
ooanail. Another matter under discussion
wan the 0. T. K. statloo and Messrs.
Colborne, Campbell, Mitobell and Willem.
wars appointed a commltl s to investigate
f6e gout o. of the huddler* of • new station
by the 0. '1'. R and to wait upon the .ao•
oil r.psotlag the same.
Facet A NORTH DAKOTA J, 1....C11111111.--
Wm. Symingtoo, of N.be,PemMao .nnty,
North Dakota, writes ue as follows :-"I
well to renew my •ubeorlptlon to '101 SIO•
NAL for anotber year. Koolo..d you will
5nd one dollar for the same. Tut SIGNAL
is slimy, • welcome visitor os sur abl..
I am math clewed to learn that the L.ort
or Government has been so triumphantly
sustained at tie polls. Also glad to know
that the Honorable Robt. Holmes, of Clio
ton, h.s been re-elected for W.t Huron.
Proud .leo to inform you that eau of Yoe
old Huron county boys, F. J. Frrrow, hu
boo re elected to the important omcio of
sheriff for the oounty of i'emhln•, North
Dakota. HR .me from the vicinity of
Manohestar. Sleighing is good, weatbsr
mild, Farmers are busy hauling their
wheat to market. Worth about 60 cream a
bushel at premia,. Tbe yield to North Da-
kota is far below what it was last year, on
• 0.aot of the dry summer."
THE WEATHao FOR Dit•ii,gR.-Follow•
tag s the forecast for December issued by
rho weather prophet, Rey. Irl R. Hicks. It
will be IlsteratIng to sou how Mosel, the
weather follows hs prediotlone About
Dae. 3 there will be storms of rain wltb
thunder and lightning, not nece.e•rtly eo•
oompanied by snow. Three storms out
moats about the sixth, °hanging to water
storms hollowed In • few days by a change
to warmer weather. From the 1718 to the
23rd there will be • great miss in winter
weather and the prophet warns puplsagainst
violent water storms and blirsarde This
oriels will tall between tb. 18[8 and flea
90th, .00mpaa .d by great danger along
the North Atlantic ocean and over the lake
regions. A raging blaz.rd and snow block
• des foretold for the period Alter the
25th there will be • return to warmer
weather, with ran and snow. Look for
inflaenat and kindred symptoms growing
oat of Dommbse weather conditions,
Pre. ATOM enamour WILL Bo Howe
Sous -Mrs. Chisholm, wbo bad brooms
rather anxious about her son Austin, net
haying heard from him for • eosel6erable
time, • fewOIWt d►yt ago received letter
bear 22nd. He had arrived to Lwdm the
previous day alter • long voyage of twenty
six days from Cape Tows to Soothomptos.
He was to good health, having Molted up
yery quickly altar the fever. He had got •
furlough for two weeks and when It was
over le intended to rotors home ; too that le
• day or two he may be on the omen on the
way to Canada. Mr. Chisholm is .vldently
enamored of England, as h. writes : "What
• 'rand 000ntry Kogland Is ! I think It le
the grandest country t0 the world. London
Is a great olty .... 1t Is net very cold Imre,
but 1t le very damp and foggy, g01a s eon -
trait between here and South Afrloa. I am
staying at the Soldi.n' Home, and • fine
piae it to, as flee a plans as l have ever
stayed .t. 1s just suits me, as It is right to
the heart of Leadoff.
Pt'nl.lr- 84,001, BOARD M,rrtaG,-The
reinter 000181 ameeleg of public. s1
tet e was held school
as Tuesday, Messrs. Nioh
°loon Ind Crates bolag 18e •beo.tes., The
primelpal reported an •vera*e •Ite0danm
darts* Nnvemh.r of 224 boys sad 238 girt.,
the total Dumber ot scholars on the rolls
hoist 527. A r.p.t from J. J. Tiley, M-
aputo,. of County Model Hnhools, wan re.
Delved and filed. The report showed 11
males and 13 females la attendance all the
ltoderloh Model, and $110 as the •mount fe-
mlyed in feu. Tho roper* se to sandln,
el dadthta was u follows : in seheel or-
ganisatio sari manufeemal, umlleet ; la
prinelplee of orientation, Meters by l..p.etor;
Is methods of teething, good ; le praetiml
taanhlag, good ;aphis and attention of Nass,
.xmll.l. '(M fep.t elegem with the ire
leaving remarks : TIM .►.sl M heli.,
woefully ,sad sar..stly Might. The do
dente seemed tie M meek Interested la their
weft, and gamed • very satMI•etery exam-
1laallea." A esi madeattae hem Mies
Sharman asking that her salary be looreued
to 8500 was read, and Mr. MoLien gave
Dote. that he would move •t the next meet-
ing to re 000alder Miss Sharman'. salary.
The following imamate were ordered paid i
Ueo, Porter, paper and Dray.., $6 60 ;
Sturdy t Co., supplies, $7.92; U. W.
Black, palntlog f I Aboard' In Si. Patrick's
ward school, $1.
Ohrhtmu is coming. Why Dot present
yourself with • new multi P. J. Prldham. the
,moor, ha. • wide range of cloths to choose
from and workmanship the best.
Tie town commit mute tomorrow even -
Remember Rev. K 0 Taylor's lecture.
Saturday, Sandy and Monday nut.
A. Saunders has purobesed the old post•
otfios property oo West street from S.
D.ok,00, of Sutortb, for 81800
The oouny outsold is meeting this wet
at W loghom. County olerk Laos and ooao•
otllor Holt loft oa Tu..d•y to attend the
Xmas goods. big stook, pianos, organs,
sewing machines, violins, guitars. oto , etc.
Small profits, quick returns. 0 W. THor•
.UN & Sort.
Taxpayers who hays mot yet settled with
tb• colirotor will do well to remember that
after the 14th mss. b pee out. will be ad-
ded to their taxes,
William Kdp•triok, who wrote at toe
midsummer ex•mto•uo.s hen for • junior
Ieavlug certi6.te, has received notice that
his appeal has been .nooessful and he will
reoeivs hk.rtlfi.u.
At Galt oo Sunday Lorne Campbell Rob-
erteo0, brother of James Robertson, of the
Uoderlob organ factory, 46.4 in bls twenty•
third year. His brother attended the fun-
eral, which took Owe on Tueedy,
At • muting held In the Dursley House on
Moody even I , of Tut weak, the Wing -
ham hockey Loam was organized for the
'sutra. The folios ,og oth.rs were oboe
en : Patron, Dr. M•odonald ; p•trooese,
Mrs. Dr. Maodonald ; hop, pros.. R Clegg;
hon. rioe prim., Dr. A, J. Irwin ; prssi
dent, 11. 0. Bell ; vine-pres., R. Douglass ;
manager, Use. Hanna ; captain, U. Skeates;
sec.•treu„ H. Cn•mbers. It was doolded
to endeavor to berm • league .mortising
Wingham, Citation. Seaforth and Godsrlcb.
The membership fee wan fixed at 50 oar. ;
plsyen fes at 81 00.
Rev, W. O. H. *ablator. of Watford,
was In tows es Monday.
Peter Fox, of London. mod. • brief visit
to town last week we busies..
Mise Mary Bnmf.mbe leu rstursed home
after a two months' .is11 with friends In
Mau Susan Striation returned home MoD
day night atter • two months' vide to
Mrs. (Dr.) Cowan, of Galt, is vislring her
mother, Mrs. Osvio Strutter" who is in
poor health
Mrs. Psi Thom notarised home on Monday
afar • week's say with her dmagter Mrs.
Orre w", at Clinton.
',Ise Adams left on Saturday for tier
h mo a1 Guelph atter • lengthy volt hen
sod at It hlteoburoh.
N vton Mo'1'avieh,of The Toronto Globe,
was to town on Tuesday in ooaneolion with
some literary work to whioh he ie seg•ged.
J. P. Jaffray, editor of The U•Is Report-
er, called upon 1 n. SIGNAL on Saturday.
Mr Jeffry was toklo, • short rupee
from the duties of the editorial chair, and
wan visiting his (endo, Mrs. C. A, Niro.
C.11 and see rh• Jammu., china an 1
other ('brlstmee goods at C. A. HrY-
ago & 4ov'N before buying.
Fon SALE. -Bell plane. almost Dew, $150.
Big "nap, apply Took. Worm with pian.,
best made in the Dominion. Small profit.
and quiok returns, our motto. O. W.
TnoisON & SON.
Oysters. Get them at the Viotorl• Res
mutant, West street. Tbsy reoeivs them
regularly --always fresh. los Dream, Don.
feottonery, Gotta and oigers. (' Bt.Ary
1T0111, proprlrior. Telephone 70.
Wonted. -Ons ton of ohoios roll butter,
203, weekly Also dried apples and fowl.
Oar stock of dress goods, taro, and ready
made clothing etc., le large and not .tarpons -
ed. We have • few odd mantles to clear,
$10 ones for $5 and $5 ones for $2 50. (1,
E. KING, W'lnrh•m.
The bankrupt stook of groceries, tansy
goods, jewelry, cloths, tweeds, etc , just
arrived at the Hamilton street bargain
store. Having bought ata low rate on the
dollar, will be .bis to gtye our oustomers
good goods cheaper than ever before. Sale
oommenea today, Ti -r- . v. Doo, 611.
The stock must be tut • ••hat ooea.
Come while the bargains .., _ , J. W.
1Ka Iw'K.
Ws are informed that A. 0. Gilbert, the
manager of the great poultry department. of
the l;overoment Apriooltur.l Farm at Ot-
tawa, hu been engaged for the oomloq year
to woollens he department, "Praatl.l
Poultry,' In that handsome m•gsziue, The
Canadian f'oultry Review. Other dopart-
meats to the paper ars. "Turkey", Ineka
and Geore," "Bantams," "Poultry Ail-
ment.," "Incubators and Brooder', and
"WIth Gaols Sam' 'the editor saliiTrirTli
be bigger and better than ever, and as It is
now to Ian 22n1 year, we believe him Thts
journal le well Illustrated, fall of prootloal
knowledge littlest by experts, and at the
yearly subscription of 500., Is redlculooely
cheap. Low se 1t Is, however, readers of
this paper can gat It at a special ran of
Wee years for $1 00. A sample 'All he
sent fru by addressing Canadian i'oultry
Review, Toronto, One. ; but the shortut
and best way to to send $1.00 for throe
Reoeptlon to Morgan Jones
4Nerteb tecelves Elm 001(8 Entba.la.m
and •eag•maem 41ven RIm a Nearly
Welcome and a$Yaadeeme
The first ot Huron's soldier representa-
tives to return to hs home from the war to
South Africa has reoebved • fitting weloome,
demonstrating the hearty loyalty of our
people u well as their pride to the ",oldlers
of the Queen" who have gone forth trop,
amongst us to rank their lives In the .ase
of the Empire.
Un Friday •furnoon Mayor Wilaon re
mimed from Morgan Jones, In reply to in
quirts', • teh.gr•m stating that he would
•rove to Uedetrioh es t8e 7:40 r. Y. Crab.
The message quickly spread throughout the
town, and, although the natio. was so
short, by 7:30 the U. T. R. station plat
form woo orowded with people, and long
before the train arrived the gathering had
oyerilowed the platform and was thickly
spread over the huge open spam adjoining
the station. The band wan at the station
and played several airs during the wait for
the train, whioh was about hall an hour
A few minute" after 8 o'olook the train
pulled in amid loud cheers end the playing
of the national air by the bond. Mayor
Wilson and others found their expeoted
guest in the oar and ssoorted him, though
not without a groat deal of dltlioulty,
through the mom of people to the oarriags
1n waiting for him. A procession sou then
formed, looludlnq the Marine Band, • large
force of c•dete and • detachment of volun-
teers. The guest of the evening, with
Mayor Wilson, oounoillor Dudley Holmes,
Lt. Col. V•ro., Major Jos, Book and Major
Wm. Young, 000upied one carriage, and
another oonaloed oounoillors C. A Humber,
W. T. Money, J. C. Martin. Jobo hoox
and D. Cantelon.
On the way down town the strains of
music from the baud were mingled with •
tumult of demonstrations from the orowd,
iooluding even the noise of the plebeian tin -
pan in the hand. of the ever.prssent and
rreprea able small boy. When the town
hall wan ...wiled the oounoll °bomber wa•
qulokly tilled, and It was some time before
soy semblanoe of order could be ••oared.
Sergt. Jones was mounted on the Mayor's
desk and was muted with tbandrous ap-
plause. Sandlop beside him, Moyor WIl-
eon read the followler .ddrem :
Private Morgan 1. Jew.
Itoy1 C.oadlaa Rewlmeet of Iotantry,
Doak Sia, -At you are returning to your
tome to this oounty after doing valiant "or-
rice in South Afrioa for the Dane0 of our
country and empire, the oltlzens of the
oo00ty town welcome you sod desire to
convoy to you an expression ot their •p-
proolatioo of the gallantry, the fortitude,
the endursaoe whioh the Canadian volun-
teers, of whom you are one, displayed upon
the some of the war now drawing to • van•
torioue end.
The oft.'ii. • of Goderloh desire further
to assure y, u ;hal they followed with proud
totert.% ; ave reoorde of the achlevementsof the
Con&dtan soldiers. •ud eepeolally those from
the ooaoty of Huron, during all the period
of the war, and it Is to them most
gratifying to knew that the witnesses
of the war heartily 0000ede to the Cana•
chore the 1 possession of soldierly qualities
whioh rank them among the beat troops of
the world.
They congratulate yea, els, upon year
port In the glorious work whioh our boys
have done, and are ormolu' that you have
been permitted • safe return to your home
and friends atter the period of stress ond
peril through which you have peed.
Oodericb, Ont., Nov. 30, 1900,
At the request of Sergi. Jones, LL•Co1.
V•rooe mode reply on hs behalf, thanking
the people of Goderloh for their hearty and
"pontoneoos reoeptloo, wbioh, he added,
was nothing mor, than Sergt. Jon. de-
served, as he believed 16.5 nothing had
dote more for Canada than the ',roles of
the contingents In South Afrioa. Hs con-
cluded bl.eaklmr lee Mire.022.re for Sergi.
Joneq, wbMY wan ghee with hearty good-
Sergt. Jones then addressed the soden.
briefly. He was very glad to or me book to
w ee them DDDR mon. He bad received
Mayor Wilson's telegram in Halifax eking
when he would be here and telling him that
they would be eit the station to meet him,
but he did not expect anything like this.
Hs was proud of his reception. He wan not
• platform speaker, and be "apposed they
were filled with war news ; so he would not
attempt to rive • history of their doings in
South Africa. The march to J'.rdeberg,
with its hardships ; the swim! of the Cana-
dion. •t the "Dene of ,h• bate et 5 o'oiock
to the morning atter • marob of twenty•
"even miles, and the atter event. of that
Mogul day. In whioh the Canadians took so
brave • part, were briefly told by the Ser-
geant. Eighty-three of them were wouad.d
in that first day's fight. He was very lucky
--and .t the vociferoa" demand of the crowd
he smilingly held up hie bandaged IIt1.1,
finger. In oonolnston he thanked rho Mayor
for the reosption, whioh, he sand, w•• its
In Parts.
'18r.. more oheen for the -hero were fol-
lowed by • few remark" from Major Yount,
who expressed his pleasure at the reception
which nod been given Sergt. Jones. Surat.
.Tones was one of the drat men he had .,
((.1.4.10., aklog oommaad el No..9 eon.
pony ; he hod boon with him ever since sod
he was • model soldier. H" wan always
able to Ao hie duty and always did 1t. Of
three men from t80 Huron regiment who
had gone to South Afrirm two were from hie
oompaoy and bad boon satiated by him. He
chocked thea people who had turned oat to
honor the returning soldier.
At the oall of Sergt. ,loo., three cheer.
were 'riven for the Quoin and also three for
Mayor Wilson- Sergi Josue himself and
Lt. (lel. Various also were chn,red, and
"God Rave the Queer from the bond Mooed
the prooudines,
RxgoIslte 01w millinery.
40 new hate for the Christmas (rade,
fashioned by oor clever mlllleer, will be
pl•.d nn sale Friday and Saturday. Tbsy
are the latest oreat(ons and convey to yea
the very newest conception of midwinter
tuitions, showing the beet of the season's
.orae la latest millinery effects.
Owleq to the lateness of the seven we
have resolved to mark all ready to wear
millinery at • very mem figure In your
favor. (kms and look over the stook o0
Frady and Sturdy.
(tar two epeeists in gloves for Xmas ere
• $1.28 kid glove for 95 ousts, and one
worth $1 for 65 cents Steed from Sp to 71
black anti ordered.
Oar millinery staff Is already Mluted lo
the mooing s.s.., MI. 1. K Doff,. takes
mmw and right eftor the wholesale millinery
openings In Fnhr.ry.
Ont ot a thnnsaad presents that might he
e.gaeetly. for • holiday gift • lovely ,rim
sled hat Is one of the met ae epable.
Th. Areeda, 0. W. ANoRIw..
8shsrlbe IN Tat Balsas.
Notloe of Applio•tloa to Parliament -A
H M•ol)ooald 1
Nominations for Gasaty OnoaoU-Wm,
Farm tor Sale -Philip Holt 1
Soots and Rubb.n-Wm. Sharman, jr4
Silverware,Ou(lery,eto -A. MaD.Allan• 4
Twentieth Cautery U.ds-W, A.
Aroade Locals -0, W. Andrews 1
Cook Wanted -Mrs, Dr. Williams, Ro-
chester 1
Annoua.m..t-C, A. Humber k Son., 1
AdjourosdSoho of Lands for Taxes -Wm,
Holmes 1
Xmu Prssenw-MoKeozle & Howell. , - 8
Goderloh Bat gat n Centr.-4as. Robinson. 4
Chrletmu Preseou-U, F. Emenoa, , . , 4
Teacher Wanted -A A. Williams, Um•
lop 1
Announcement -0, W. Thomeou & Boa1
Jolly fulls-Vlotorla Opera House 8
Aaoouooem.Dt -J. W. Broderick 1
01110.0.. '1'8e prooeselon paraded the mats
streets, which were deoorated with mottoes
reu•hiog the bottles in whioh the ('aoadtana
bad taken part, 'Lad then promeded to tae
Avrioultur.l Hail, where • grand oo00r0
w•o hold and • presentation made to the
hero. The hall was prettily and appro-
priately demo -weed with war pioture., flags
booting, evergreen and • oumb.r o1 mottoes
suitable tor the 000aalon. Oa the walls
were arranged guns of outcome agee,Irom 18.
modern weepoo to one of the time of Queen
Tie ohalr wan ournpled by Dr. C..., who
prnosslded over the 9500.5dloga In • very
capable ntaoner. The hall woe filled with
an eotbuetuuo gathering. Tbe ohlsf event
of the evening was the presensatioa to
Suet. Jones of • gold wetoh and chain and
• purse of •bout $100, •000mpaoled by t8•
following address. Tho presentation was
made by Tempe Clark, and the address
was read by T. E. Durnia,
To Mergt M. L. Jooea,-
Vou leave the proud honor tonight of
being the first Haroa boy to rewrite • re-
ception from her wizens as • soldier of 68.
Queen returning from • foreign Geld el
le M with stilt tloador-- piwo red-MiP
Mote you returnlaa as yea are from • 8.1d,
when British arms were triumphant
Tyranny and oppression must give plc. to
liberty, freedom and equality, for whom-
ever the 'rand old Gag files, It mane tree
hands, fres much and free inn ltat,oem, It
meant the riob.t moa obey, the weak
mast be protected. It means one law for
all, irrespective of birth or nationality.
Upon arriving home you will fled to
prouder than ever of belay Canadians. We
ane proud of oar gallant heroes fighting
side by.stde with England's bravest. WR
are proud of their gloriosa anhlevemente
shedding lustre oo than fair Dominion.
At l'eardeberg, the d'latdy* battle of the
war, they covered tbemeelv.s and .notry
with laurels. After • (oral marob without
food ter rest, they were given the most don-
g.rous, the most responsible and the moat
honorable pueitlo°. The way they db1-
tioraiebed themselves on that uaemerabt
Sunday will be a source of pride to our
people for geoer•tlnns o come. The deet
graves beside the Hodder river -speak more
eloquently than words what ear boys have
•000mplubed for the glorious flag. Tb.
terrible suffering and hardships endured on
the eau•eoorohed Ahloan plias have sos
been endured in vain. We Mlieve von did
your duty gallantly and nobly. And now
on your rotors' to duties ae a 061.10 a we
feel that your heroic milltaty Servloes will
not All • atlmelos to lead on exemplary,
useful, busy life, and wa trn•t you will
mut with that success your patriotism 00't11.1es you to.
5 eu .•111 p1e•ee e0.pt from the 0211....
of Dungannon and vlolnity, the watch and `\
pane, ea a attest merit of appreciation, as • \
memento for oohle servl0se rendered t. 1
your Quoin and .entry.
T. E. Ouse,
T. R. Duren,
B. J. Grawferd,
• Ruwl1,
lo reply the reolplent of'Ithe testimonial
made a trpeeob winch d.hghted hie hearer%,
Before he sat down he had given • very In.
toreador acoo0nt of the performances of the
Royal Canadians on the soil of South Africa,
Speech*" were time also by the chair.
D ISH, by Le Col. Veno., Major Young,
Rev. Mr. Goiff6 Rosy. Mr. Falrbelro,
Major Ileok, ('apt. D. (haat and Major
Dudley Holmes. Id, 13. Cameron, of God. -
rich, was to have delivered an adds..., hat
was unavoidably •besot, sod hie prepared
address was read by Jame MIo8e11, A
number of patriotic song. were rendered by
• ohorua ; recitations were given by Mss
Davidson, Mise Pentland and Muter Ed.
Bower., and Alex. MoKay, of Klotall, did
good servioe with the bagpipes. A male
quartette -Thos. MoLean, Bert Treleaven,
Temple Clark and A. 13 Pentland -.len
moor, and • number of girls, under the dl.
rection of Mitt Whyard, gate • very pretty
8•g 4,111A.
Tbe a burn band also assisted daring thea
6.11., oheers for the Queen and Morgan
Jon., soknowledgmenu Irons the (.iter for
the kindness of the re.ptlon that bad been
•000rded to him, and the singing of the
nor' -mid anthem, the gathering eft the hall.
Tho proortlttnn wan re-formed outside and
M°rgal, u he le known hbis rleyg waw
vvwymv peal TSTiIi'iT.Ter • home, when
he said "Good night."
01' g1'Ttot AT nrwnANNo],
Morgan ,lone" had another royal welcome
at Dungannon on Monday, It was from
Dungannon that he eft to enlist in the first
contingent when the call .me for volen•
teem and the pimple of the northern village
sd book Hair
former citizen g
en w
open arms.
On Monday afternoon he was mat •t I lar.
low by • nam8er of Dungannon's Murano
and • detoohmeot, of No. 9 oompe'y, and
with the Auhere brow band was uoort.ed
to 1)nogannna. Here be made • much,
sad was than carried ea the ehenlders of
were stalwart nutmeats to 18. home of he
dater, Mr. T. 0. Aliso.
In the eywl.g a precession was formed,
headed by Major Yung, and tneleding the
Ambers bated and the volnntmfe nnler tha
eemmaied of 1A. (lel. Varela. 'Ihe rectum
ed soldier wee placed in an epos ~nage
wkd.h wee drawn by • large .ember et
Mr. Jones took part with the Canteens
in twenty Nemo d.ffeirent 00d&gement' and
the oapture of ren towns. He was In the
march past in Pretoria, and .me book t0
Springs, dr mdse from Johannesburg, and
toot fever there. He was in hospital tot
a month and • half 1a South Africa and was
then Invalided to England. He woe V
England jut eightun days, four of which
were spent In Netlry hospital. Ao inter-
esting oircum.t.- •, of his stay in Ko,laad
toss a visit to Q...rn Viotorl•, along with
a number of Cap•dton soldier* They were
•11 prceented to Her M.jety, who express-
ed her odmir&ttoa for the Canadian., Mr.
Jones looks exceedingly well. Although he
hod some narrow mew* la South Africa,
he esoopet with only slight wound., He
deeorlbes the 00004,7 whioh the troops
traversed as very rowel.
W. W111 11004 THa 711(NA1, to any address
In Canal• or tis Melted Stat.. from sew
anti! January la, 1902, for $1, told in ad.
vanee. Fu, the remainder ot this year eo1T
we will sand It for 10 sante,
BLAIR. la Brussels, on Nov, 31118, to Mr.
and Mrs, 0. P. Fiatr, • em,
MrIXINAI.II-CA MICRON. At the residence
of the hide'" tatter. Cela street, fade
rloh, fro W,4,.e451 Nov. 90th, by
Jam, A. Ander.
s, h.A.. lemmas nDos-
ald. oto fthetewnsaip M Wear Wawa m
dor 1/, "&m seek. mf Al
Maggio. on•
MnHRI(N, -1, Caderleh eowseblp,
day. Nov. 1111th. Mew Mtlirfee,