HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-29, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERIOH ONTARIO.
T5.vfltrneT, Nov. 29, 1900.
W.Acheson& Son
We are supplying the very choicest makes in Handsome Dress Mater-
ials and Suiting* at prices that are as low as any in Canada.
PEBBLE CHEVIOTS, 56 inches wide, extra heavy and all pure
wool. Special per yard
SCOTCH HOMESPUNS, 58 niches wide, heavy and very tine
finish, in shades of greys end browns. Special per yard. • 75c
Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats....
Without doubt the largest and unset choice in the county. Men's
Fur Coats in Walloby Coon, Calf or Astrachan, in paces ranging from
15.00 to 135.00.
Iadies' Astrachan Lamb Coats in every size and in lengths from 27
to 36 inches long, in prices from $20.00 to $30.00, quality guaranteed.
Collars, Boas, Huffs and Muffs, in Sable, Thibet, Lamb and Seal. In-
spection invited. •;w
W.Acheson& Son
Elft the Demotaratle Leader.
*bit gime salver Theory .mole Ike Canoe el
Ibe Meese or the Democrat, -Iso
s•rea.Ien. .f Bry.e Omen . Speck
Mase b, Etna.
(8psalat oorre.po.dann of Tam eto0ale)
Tbe ~tale boo been rung down cos Wil.
Ilam Jeselags Bryan. I'b• people bars
shown la gook • deofsl,• and aomistakaN*
menser their dWil• end fear of the Dsma-
or.110 os.dl.e end the poi tied Ides lag
widen be stood that 11 is hardly going too
for to say the be hes sad• hie exit hem
to ares• of national politicos If the De-
moorso7 *sold return to Nelly end rue
again to the beoor.d and historical place u
moo held, 10 most stamp est the last tr•oe
of tiryanl.m end reoon•trubt itself upon •
firm foundation of principles •, d national
The stege of ices, nlv•r, wb,oh esu
everyw►ec dragged unto Ih• competes by
the R•publtmos to ea,bsrrasm t bele opp.a
tents end form stun them as moiling re.
**genies el • fallacy that the Democrats
were boned, in oosd1tonoy, to adhere to,
wen sad/robed y M• greatest looter la the
detest of Brno Tbs., too, the •yotied
l.t•sues el the leowoo,stle party to le.or
the Halt to tis. Podlpgse.--t• the Daiwa'.
duhoo.r-anrod • sestemeat o1 patriotism
the, is the West pertloslterly, west to
complete hi. downfall.
Tb• trust", whish wars bald up as of
"poisoned' Imperesoe, and mo•tl.d, good
and bed alike, to a way the .bowed se
depth of tbougbt or grasp of the probl•n.-
7•1 with . eertam el se. In sodden :o
"rouse the a sets by the prediction of ,hs
aster to neon -lend 0terly le attr•ot eves
these whom It woe •uppoeed had hat felt
rbe .'reogtb of the groat money oomb nee.
Te I.telli,est Teen famed the trusts for
less thea fey feared tis. e....i.w In mm•
mer. that Bryan'a deslloo would bare
T0. wrier rootletly h.1 the pleaser. of
',sing Mr. Bryn .t • publto meeting moor
to oleo* of . day Inas had beep reoord•
breakl.. 1n the atter of ground armed
and spse.bm made. Tb. Impression made
ey to great leader may be lalreetlog. He
0•d bare hurried tbrogb the lower put of
New Von 8tal .o hes speed iron eine'
early mora.,, speaking from the platform
of the ear sed 1a hells and public plasm t.e
eotbu.l.sUo multitudes gathered in nearly
thirty meetings
H. mashed New York early in the roes: -
lag, sod slue to 0u Kara tide admirers to
Hoisting Fob Park ; then war driven
lriampb•stly 0hrmg0 to weleemhs crowds
is Kee Broadway, the Jewish t0orooghtars,
to Db. Bridge. end to ttre.klys. Aa the
deem m.wds woes lett bobbed the hones
were pat to the 'atop sod Me prooeaeloo of
carriages rattled •ver the Bridge and up
toward the Academy of Maslo, otter• the
pointed .penes of the day's 01,0.11 wen to
made. Everywhee this ra.p.d pan nu
kept op The h were pulled up,
seriatim, and steaming, between two hoes
of blosoean we hod male •o avocet
through the .saee of humanity, mod the
orator pinkly entered the theatre.
1 bad the rood tortoise to moan • steel
with tin early «mere. and was well repaid
for • two hours' wet. A bead kept the
audience good•wtured welb Indy mael.,
and seas good •p.k.r• s.rartaseed the
people Sohl t6e star of the eyeing sound
A Senator Irom op to Stew epok• mt.reet•
tally of the questions before the public, and
0o another °omeroa would have oommand,d
bettor •t1etles. Bat go great was the de
sire a see Bryan the' to &adieu. gave him
motet •ueition. Two or three times, whoa
• oommNle we. footled le the rear of the
stege, • sell of "Bryan 1" broke forth and
out off she &maker 1n the middle of • word.
Ht azp.ot.d this, 10 quleey resumed mob
Uma ween the roar 0.d .eelAed Finally
a grader oommotion than before was ms0,
and the vee aidfe.os brisk• leto a terrifies
yell of "Bryan r'-.sd it was really kis
A fa, seises' polies o.ptde led the way
to the trent of the stags, followed by the
N.brasken„., 0y, embed, 4.....S le blase
aid a little she worse to •pos.ranos for
travelling. The audios. win almn.t Inside
Rant with esoilmea0. The• wee some
thing almost terrible la the ?rounders of ap
plisse, the wavier of th, u.nod. of little
Begs and the bursting of bombs out Is the
The idol of Denneoe.oy, weary from • hard
day's work, sank, with seemly • bow, leo
his sh.lr. H. looked up moo •t the tin of
fto.. and wnsig hands, them dropped book
main Into ids amt, nearly played out He
rubbed 0l" oyes ; the roar lime.e4. He
wearily stroked his bait ; .0411 •bay yelled.
'Ulm . few minute. he .mll.d to show his
ary'eel.Uee, for the /reeking had somewhat
aroused him. '1'he eb.lrm.n walked for
ward, and to pantomime introduced him nod
honked tato the ober. The groat man did
net Dome forward at m., but kept bb amt
and need hu etreo.tb. Finally he n.•1k•d
forward. A. he reamed the loot lights mod
bald sp his b.od for order, • oresoeot el
brilliant lights spelling "My C.un:ry,'Tts
of Tn..," wen Illuminated. The •Idioms
took .p the wog, mod a great o•Uose flu,
floated slowly d.w, to within • few loot of
ebe 0111tor'e bead, Tne o.remmy was Iprinsal••. H. weed 01s bend wearily
Slowly the applause died out An settee
lest passed • bunch of arymot60mims ever
the ruing of • bas to Mn. Brymo, who eat
with beoomleg sweetness and modesty
wntobio` her husband. 'l'bey Moored
again. Breen grew impatient, sod me
tinned 591,0 Dor go •10•S.. They etopp.d,
sod be began. H. roto• woe husky, for the
awful strain of .peen -making had old on
He mid that not *sew the kln4oess and
e0tbn.lmm of the people Hold make bins
forest that bs was tlred. The audience,
thoroughly sympatbetlo, r..uooded with s
Meer He semmeoo.d well. He mad be
b•lieval that dl moo, .0•te•., their opto
loos vee, really wend well sod tried to
work for the twtermeot of eocley in their
own d,Berent way,. Their •.n.no• of
opinion em a difference ot uuder,t,ml a,q
W• rated be booed. minded and more
tolerant. He munlsrd ; he se. m h.gh
Idsa1 of elites and Gu,mo.btp, and with
ear0estoses mod in • mnfldtng tom worked
on the .ympathlee of his he.rers and qo.b
won over as audleeoe 10•t 001 not a.l
friendly, despite tis. enthusiasm
Mr Bryan is m0901.10 -o• doubt of It
He speaks smoothly, o.ne.tly and to the
point. and suns opinions as he offers • e
wily soderstood. Yet :Ms spleod,A :orro•
disown woe hie last oard, and 01 had been
pl.y.d. H. took up the moues of tri• oam
p•igo, warmed to his talk, end the di/toned
mod colored tone win dropp.d. He quick
ly'smelted into • tired• against the trued,
and 01. .up.rflmal treatment of the Drab
lent, hie perversion of Daae in the hooting
of his tante, &stead as ince the ramal tfrtaa
-the vol-mtober ami poi, Oman -*ha
would w1l1u1y molt.• the Igoor.ot to gen
their support.
Tie speaker likened thie flog of the ..tion,
wen euld by the magnates of Hmtt.ero.,
to the "blank jock." He compared the
umy is the PbIllppmar with the outt0rm'.
mod freebooter. of Captain Kidd. The
andirons heed at this uppermost of the
Preside. t and the troop., but the speak•-
mo0tnu•d in Lite same harsh and eBead,or
airmen. The thiel who month. Io alit
doorway to lay you low, the thief in the
n ight, were not more guilty of elm* than
the large oerporattooe-and oo on Tbte
deouuol•tlon of onrporatioos was blind mod
uereaso0ml, 4o th• mild of e,y intelligent
Donor, yet 00001 g enough to arouse the
Ipor•nt mge050 what be described as oao•
coups growths ening at the vitals of the
Republic. They were .11 bad ; they must
be smsshrd-rb,e w,. the 1uet•nce of his
argument Yet he met 0now that the
trust 1. the logical 00 0s . , f the matron
•tee system 1n busloads. Hu bearers mon
not told that economy iu labor and the
systionatisice of methods were lo•vltabl• if
• great business oanorro were to stand in
the fierce competition of the pro .= day.
Poor Hamoa, the target of every Mme
or•tio apellbisder, he flayed, to the dell kd
Of ohs "resines;" seer a ser at the hapless
Teddy Roosevelt, but • short tome ago the
n ation's idol and er.molary olt!sao, o.ughb
the f000y of the gallery gods, who rewarded
atm with •pDlsu.e. A hoodlum shouted,
"Rommeb shot • doge 1n the hook 1" At
tow Mr Bryan, Is • hastily assumed sir of
dignity and magnanimity, reproved the to
"erupt.' for his loos of respect ler Ih•
Governor's otlin ' A gallery play, Indeed
An M ennalon that oow•rd,oe was shown
by to Presides% 1a the Alaska' boundary
000tro•erey ; a oharte that the at•nd-
101 army wee raised to overawe the working
olassie ; the shallow sotlmestelity display.
•d tut he depleted to melodramatlo fashion
;he son le••Ine the fireside and loved oose
of borne biome" the chance to earn bread
woe cruelly matched away by the trust.,
show • man who b•e not yet got away from
the email party bloke of the book townships
and on* who failed to gee that he was startl-
ing In the fall light of the public aye, ming
for the greatest gift In tN puma- 0h.
To my mond, he hu 'bowed throughout
the entire °animigr an atter uofltoess of
character and dignity for toe patentee of
.Net ...l.esaw .1 the A.,mte•a- whew
Hie rise to the leadership forme one of the
strangest episodes In the political history of
the Demom•tio party. !Never agile will
they risk an *notion with snob • leader.
'1 he free silver theory hes paved into h1.
tory. .e4 with It Its hrifllan4 and syer-•m•
Wiens obamploo, whom It made and en
mate. The prleolplea whloh were offered
from the boomer o1 the party will be 1n
scribal anew by • ng tad Dememaoy.
C. H.
Rnrough of Rtoeklyn,
New York.
Se.lorth : Maser William Sortie, Men of
C. !bol.. of this town, l" laid ■o with
typhoid f.em to Cameo, Manitoba.
At this eearton of the year we
make a special mark -flown on Low
Shoes. We want to show the peo-
ple what cool and oomfortahle
Shoes they can buy here for less
money than they would have to
pay elsewhere. Brand new stock.
and every Shoe perfectly made.
SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys
and Ding have arriveel. Call and
examine our stock and prices.
whether you buy or not.
The •m•mtog of millions t.mobee • power
cul iempwwoe leemm. Net one of the self
mode mUIM..ires is • de /king soon )oho
D. Rovkelells, Geyer permits strum drlut
to pass his Ilp.. A mere sip of wine for the
sake of oo0rtsey is the enteral el the In
clubroom of W,Illam Waldorf Amor. J•y
Gould tasted wt.. not Oyer two or Ibrw
1101•. In Wallis, and 10a not bemuse of •
dmtre for 10. Tb• Venderbllta are ego•Ily
•t»M,,ou.. Russell Sage ouoo In s while
take. • spoonful of Bourbon whiskey I. •
glees of water u • nolo. le is said thee
Be one of the 'section millionaires sem oro-
f•olty. lid Amsrloao millionaires an •
model lot in 10.lr perwo•I habit" at leen
DUD OF 081100..
(Toronto /tar, Sept. lath, 11100.1
Some surprielog foot. were brought out
at the inquest lest olgbt at S0. Andrew's
Markel Police 8t•tloo upon the body el
Fred Bands, the 18 yew- •Id boy, wbe was
found dead in • ranee lot between enema
dant and Mwslng avenue, en Wednesday
The principal svlds.ce was ghee by Ids
Bowles, .gad tees yearMs.
, of 62 KI
$1rsaw dee le employed et ours" girl la •
Se. George street re.ldeom. On Tuesday
she took • bottle of wine and • bottle of
whiskey from her employer's liquor mbloet,
and met Brom and KIob•rd Neville 1I
Clinton street railway oresaing at nine
i sled at sight. They rem1ined then
some time. 8he had • drink of whiskey,
Nevin. had two end Barnes had three or
flour big drtake. Barnes beoame Inerimt-
ed nod they took him to • y•mot lot, when
he lay down.
Pohmmao Rutherford said 40.1 Ise was
ettraoted a foe .pot by the girl's laugher,
and found Neville and the girl awed node
the tree Before wee lying down. When he
asked what they wen doing, the girl re
plied that they wore watchdog Borneo., who
was "fall."
The pollceman ordered them w go hems,
and Oohed Barnes up. The boy stagger-
ed along 1n the direction of his home, and
the otHoe ed to his be.0. Boom
mast have returned to the tree after the
policeman had gone away, for that l" .0ere
the body was found.
Dr. A. J. Harrington, who Ends We
post•morwm examiwti., said that then
were no marks of violence on the body,
and that death 0.4 resulted from •toeholle
poissnlnr or from exposure following the
1 0es.1.. see of .loohol,
Albert Barnes, the deoe.s.d'e brother,
e wers that tin lad had only oommeno.d to
drink • year ago, end 10•4 he wen •'tweedy,
Int: intrlous lad. Hs 000ule..11y remained
away from home oversight.
Staff Iuspsetor Archibald. who knew the
lad, ewers that he had been a very good
boy, and 11 was only lately that be bad
given his relatives any worry.
the buy returned • •erdlotof death from
sloohollo stimulants and exposure.
To substitute the good u the bast way b
e radicate the bad. _
Aloobol 1. not • gut of and, ht fllatrsis
moot powerful sent for d..0rsybg Oed'e
Image In man.
There are some sins that seem to be foes
to all the .Irtum end destruotive of .11 the
kappy rel•Uon.hlps of life ; snob • sin le
"Tar snowflake of the first gray hair has
fallomm cam. of ear foreheads within thole',
deo.de ; 1t" gl5miag drift le sifting fast op-
en the brows of ethers. W. .re the valor-
ans. Geode girlhood will march oow.rd
be oar pl•om 11 we but rive the sweat Lee
a net fell them, sad they will stand by us.
-Frances B. Willard.
etrfrbeft aeon ole seen nverywlore-Tbls
Ver. et 01.1.. Math Cored by
Dodd's kidney Pills.
The moat 'tattling example of =moo
helplessness la the par•lytlo.
The victim •xottes your oemmlsentloo,
but remote your pity.
He of the palsied bend "dilly pressing
the benumbed dd• Is a be seem everywhere
we go.
The most convincing prof that fhb
pitiable Hodltioo is the outcome of kidney
themes 1a the foot tint Dedd's Kidney P111e
ours 10.
Net generally recognized as • kidney
disease, It •unambs to kidl}ey treatment.
Did you sear knew of • oars ' Just
think a moment
If you do It must have bam the work of
Dead's Kidney Pills, for no other medioln•
e ver yet cured
Walton : 11IUs AEds lln peon has beers
re•eogMed a'taSbw I• Walton .chool for
tis• year 1901-_
W Ingham : The haw °c upled by Al.
ert Taylor, on Leopold street has been de
stroyed by fire.
W Ingham : The prim of live hog. drop -
.awl last week to 4} ore. This week tin
pilo. ►dvaned to 4* aa.
St. Joseph : Mr. Reotg0.1, of Band
"doh, 1. moving his family to 8e. Joseph.
He oleo bronght with him • fine .b.
Maginot : lieu, J W, Gofo ben re-
moved to the State of %ermo0t. Hi sold
bis redden. on Patrick street 'Oars
Doves lr y,
Brussel" : Friday of last week Wm. J..
mitt chiped 1,400 11.e turkeys from Bruit.
e els G. T. R yard. He had another ship-
ment on Monday.
Clinton : E. Dmd.y Dan Maim to be the
oldest oocn resident voter In town, he
having resided 1s this municipality for
.bout fifty year
Mediu : M. D. Wmtbks is 4. poo-
s.Gor of • pair of kid leather boots whloh
were bronght from the Old Country some
fifty-five years ago.
St. ,I.epb From Wraith to twenty moo
.rest work on the mammoth blook. They
mem hound to roof the building if the
weather will permit.
Gerrie : W.F. Dulmag.,l• a of the Bnee-
wlo' hoose, N Ingham, has pareba.ed Ih•
Albion hotel. Geri., and will soho pesss-
Iso on December 10th.
Zurioh : Cnrtstlan Hem, an old and re -
emoted resident of this village, paned .ud•
denly sway no Tuesday, November 1310, s4
the age of slily "ix yeah.
Hewell : The baby daughter of Rev.
George and Mrs. Lewitt, of Hemel, died
on S.tord.y, 17th Inst. 1'h• little one had
not been yety robust from les birth.
Walton : John Barrows had an gentles
%l• n1 his .took and implement.. He In
toole going to Calgary, Northwest Terri.
tory, to go erlenelvely foto r.noh!nr.
Morris : i)anoao, eon of David Meek, of
Th.mslon, Algoma, Ie visiting rd.Mrss In
Monb,0rey and Rro.eels. He Is twisted he
the Rlack., MoKhnon., Mdl,ugsll..od
ethers. -
Conten : While veldt* el 0M drum-
mede in the arms heronry 10o Abhor day,
a pow he was seine flew book and itr..k
Pete Matheson • blow en the h.1A, .0 -
ting it severely.
Wlegham The heavy wind eft Wed-
n esday .f last week Mow flows flhem feet
of T. hell it Non's smoke stook. Forts.•te-
ly It fell Blear .4 the roof, or It might have
saeeed ether damage.
Teraherry Jae. M.K•y, en old and re -
orator' resndesi of T.raberr died at the
Acme of ht" .ee.1e hes, Al,. Kelly, es
Wednesday el lost west. D.00s..d w.a
in hie eighty aft0 year.
Rlytk : Rteh.rd irwle, an ol4 and high
Iy respeetod reddest of this neighborhood,
died lent Thursday warning at 2.30. He
had bee. aelen.ly III ler 00e put tern
weeks with hood trouble.
T.ekeeemllh : a . M. Deg, 01 Toaksr•
matt, W samm.s..d lh..lady .f kw i•
Oke Detroit Lsw,College end Is gelding slang
splendidly end 110ee the work well. Hie
n ephew. Alex Dole, 1. with hien.
(oneness : .1 U. Hlnohley, of Co..t•ooe
wait snout the moot enuuerful of the sport -
men who went from Ode dietrlue t. 10e
. 11d. of Muskoka to boot door. He 100-
oeeded in begging • door and • beer.
Zorloh : A very plateaus event enured
. 0 the home of Mn. K.Ler0 Kidd, B•byloo
Ilse, on Tuesday, Novemer 1340, wino
her third youngest daughter, Jeosle, woo
totted In marriage to Oeergeo K. J1kson, of
!Caster : The Bieber Advocate report"
that the fall wheat 10 that vlolalty has
growo too rank this •eseoo and, unless herd
freed elms before the snow fall". the: the
outlook for nee0 year's wheel harslet will
me be bright.
Wlogb•m : P. Fisher, jr., has returned
from Lined', Nebraska. To. ollmate
there did not agree with hlm,aod his health
wen worm then to Ootarlo, so 10.1 he was
obliged so relloqulsh 0t" situation, and re-
turn to Canada.
Brawls : John Lockle and wife have
neared to their home la Toronto, where
they w111 spend the "rimer. They may,
however, retard and make their home in
Bru.eele next spring. Jamin Oliver w111
000upy Mr. Leckie's residence In fireboats
during the winter.
Brussels : Reoeitly the banns of marri-
age were solemnized .0 Port Huron, Mioh.,
between Frank Baookls and Mir Maud,
youngest daughter of Chas. and Mrs. Ro-
land, formerly of Brusads. The happy
couple are at home to their frl.ods •4 713
Forest e0., Port Huron.
Auburn : The many trleode of Dr. Rem
will be carry to Isaro that he has disposed
of his prao1oo and lease in • few weeks,
along with Dr, Tale, Blylb, to take • merge
of study to London, England, His mom's -
or ben is 1)r, Frank D. Turnbull, who has
been •asnolald with his brolber, Dr. J. L
Turnbull In Uoderloh,
Clinton • George Twltobell was working
at one of tie olroul•r saws, when • piece of
wood flew off and hit him to the eye, In
finding a wesand wblob w111 lay him •B for
several weeks. Daring the word Moroi of
Tuesday lost week one 'ed.."' the reef on
the mentos shop wee lifted from Re plan,
requiring oonside•ble work to set le back
Into poodle..
Hayfield : Jeho MoLood, • eistanl mane
ger of Huot"1Ul. hospital, Muskoka, has
sent home to hie family here one ot the
largest dem over known to the ptopl• of
this village ; it Ie sold to weigh over three
hundred pounds, and mending to the
braoobed .oiler. 1t" age wee 6.. ysare.
1'6• heed will be taken to Mrs. Seale, Clio -
too to as moaned.
Egwoedelll• : Meter (Aeries Welland,
little son of Mr. Henry Welland, met with
what might have resulted in • serious.00l•
dent. W bile gem home from school he slip-
ped whom about the middle of the bridge and
fell nadir the r.11ing, iota the weer. Ow -
toe to some enysterlouo way of falling, he
.Soaped uninjured, •ed Gem none the worse,
*thee time haying an unpleasant both.
Morris : The home of William Bowman,
3rd has, presented • lively some en Ned•
needay evening last week when • goodly
Hmpany .f guest" assembled to wisest.
the m.rrt•g. of Joo, G. Turnbull, • win-
k.... Tome gentleman of Grey, eldest
eon of Reeve Turnbull, and Mir Sarah J.,
daughter of Jae. Kernsgb., and oon.io to
the beet, we 0•a resided with the bole.
Brussels : Robert Rom, eon of William
Rees, Braswell, is now •aglme.r on the
"Restitution," • steemahip running tam
Rotterdam, Holland, to Odessa, to Rosen
On • recent trip while sailing at Ale'
andris, Egypt, Mr. Ross went to sea Pom.
pay's Piller end other Inatome sight" in the
land of emoted sloey. Mr. Roes Ie seeing
• good share of the wide world and will be
well preened to discount, on many sub.
Peon uo0 often aeon by people of 1h• Wee
tern hemisphere.
Wlogham The .n0o0no•meot of the
death ot W. U. 3•u•rt o1m• as• surprise to
Many of our oft rias on Thursday moral.g
of last week, Mr. Stuart had been about
town as mmol all day Tuesday and appear
• d eo be in his pawl good health. He wee
taken ill on Wednesday morn•.! and never
left 01s bed and died o0 W.dueeday even•
lag. Dimmed bad been • resident of Wing -
log.hem for many years and was a man of many
good qualltlm. H• taught school 1n his
early d.ys.nd later was engaged 1n the
timer buena., but for the last few years
kept books for • Dumber of our business
01.0. He wee • man of good edaoation and
wee honorable 1n •11 hu dealings. Deane
ed was In hie sixtieth year and lee•.. •
wife and lour sons and two daughters to
moor° iia death. Tb• Sone ars : Wi1111m
of Dungannon ; Charles, of Toroot•,
Arthur, of Elora, and George, ot Wood
S tock. Otte d•ught•r, Mrs Fox, resides In
Brussels ; eh. other, Hattie, le ■t111 •t
Farmers' Mader Twine Co. of •raslf•rd
Node 15 Per Oast .Wt Tsar
Brantford, Nov 20. -At lh• annual mae-
mt of the Farmers' Rimier Twine Coatpaoy
• dividend of 90 per oeot. was declared.
Lent peer theoonosro paid 100 per Hot ;
the year before 60 per oeo1. ; and for five
years before that 10 per ant. The officers
In their *pooches, olalmed that these ex
tr•ordln.ry dividends were due to paruh•ee
of raw material •0 the right time and wbe
■ p•onlatlnn Mr. Jeep's Stratford, th.
g I manager, esu voted • h•ndmm•
That the oompsey hu been magelfi.ntly
operated, freed almost absolutely from bad
debts, ben handled and disposed of for ex
port large •rrt011114. of other makes of twine,
■ peoalated largely and profitably In raw
materiel end so piled op • reserve, while
the mill ken boon most economtoally nod
preotloally worked, goes wlOhoo4 saying.
For oleo Teem pest the oomp.oy's setae'
profit on beer twine output has not .zesed-
ed half m coot • pound on oos0 of produo-
This company are jut now making
another groat move. that 10 Is intended will
maeorblly add to Goer present strength.
This are arsenals. ilea-dietNMN. of .00*
$30,000 of the original sapital stook of the
.mpsiy In small holdings =par, =meter-
ed, to fermate only. Relating stookheld.r•
at present only holding one share wt11 be
prlvYred to increase their holding to three
Rereads Ma W11400.,
When thing. are "the beet" they Naomi
"dee beet selling." Abraham Harr, a lead
log druggist, of Belleville, 0., write.
"Electrle Rutgers ere the best selling hitters
1 have handled 1n 20 years." Von know
why ? Moet climate' begin in Abortions of
• te,aanh. Iver, kidney, bowels, blind end
severs Electric Ritter* tones op the
.•meek, regular.s liver, kidneys anti
blows'', purities the blood, strengthens the
gsM►m, hemie ogres multitudes of maladies
It build" .o Os satin system. Pea now
life ..d vigor into •ey weak, Molly run
dews wan or woman. Trite 50.nt..
Held by Jos. Wilson, dreagist.
051.1 ge•atl.0 Teeeben Yrs.
A resent bine•beek chew• that there were
at work In Scotland 9910 oartlflsd eeohe.,
of when 4186 were males ..d 6724 female.,
se well ea 2193 wise were Paschen, aa ~Cr
Sed teethee though they bad set passed
•11 to •temlna4Inne e.oses•ry fee the es-
teems of their pareh,nen% Of them
"maim," as "My Lords el the Kdeoatles
Department" always nail them. 2310 wen
pn.olp.l Feaster" who had .n •,0r.ge
salary of (170 11. RA , .ed of than 1667
WWII weeded rei0h hose.. root free is
•dd,Nes, while the 1RR1 mal. mole -anti
►.d an eremite Glary of £142 6. 101.
01 the "females" 1327 were prinelpals sod
►.d an average salary of £78 341, 1d., .red
468 .1 tare bad fres beam as well. Of
the 4667 female •rbtents taw aversive
salary was £69 8•. Id.
No fewer than 368 male primelpal' had
1ees that f100 • year. and Daly 378 had
more then £260 Nine had •ver £500.
Slrty-eight principal mtetreeeee had Wee
them £50 • year, aid .sly 101rey throe
eared more then £160 Of course, there
aloe ogres f•11s to the 0e•o►.r's let pee-
q.Wtoe vetoes ere worthy a few pond• •
year Io addition, end yet, with holidays
and •11, the teats•'s lot le Get always a
happy one.
Aawsdtq N•ce•erl.
From Ceopareville, M.I.icremes ward of
• woodertul dtomvery of It 71.0e•o4 taetro,
Liquid tint whim used before retiring by
anyone troubled with a bad sough always
insure, • good night'. rest. "14 w111 soon
ours tae oougb too," writes Mrs. 8 Rime.
burger, "for throe generation. of nor faintly
have used Dr. Krog'. New Diesovery for
Comumptlou and found its Glad for
oougbs and colds." It's an uonva•d life.
savor when teed for dwwrate lung dlmo.e.
Guaranteed Leith. 500 and 7100 a0 Jamas
Wilson's drug store. Trial bottles free.
le . cau.il is nibs kp lh
Tha cause V ria Akyt�,
in t0. blood. lids
neyn did then' work 40s,.
would be no tort. Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive rued inefy
cure for Lumbago la
with your health.
Don't ase Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. (let the beet
there j. ret the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
.1! car !)rug Store the stock is al-
w,ys fre.11, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
'Meted r -f ail. remedy rm l ..1.,
without rbe end 4Mml.n bonaaw IS dforme of oes 00
North Pt.t.geeet, Oat., rola10, •w.
H Aga 3.1.1Wlr.,.
r try Gen _w In re please m.. 97 M0..1.
A 14.... mere 1. t 01 .01000 f 1. 1...,s le mu.ar thee
1 h••• fame a Curb .I rear years'Audio, with
..11' .tray.. . by Marti 1.y sees 4 Shea .•Irrg
T, yo.r 1•. M, 1.ra Ae tnafla , ,.
Z.mte.f gw411'. ar..lo 1' nine 0 my
:.r.i► very °' •
Pries Ill. w. ler 11. A. • Itnlm•nt for r.,.,. ...,, It
has no pool. Ars oar drvgmldr1f for ge...,
o address,••Tra.Uw.. 10 e«« ••
2. Q• Ms 4t 'S• r4. :.,::„',•i..: i..; y„ 41.4
The shove is cut inbo stove wood
Ien,Ith and 1,111 be delivered to aoy
part of the town the same doy.aa
Order. received bytelephone or
left at residence, 128 ambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
;Phone 98.
(toderleh, November 21st, 1899. 63-3m
Ste.Bi1er Ropairing.
The ooderich steam boiler works
having been removed from Oodenoh,
i have made arrangementa to carry
on boiler repairing and al.o the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, etc.
Repairing of bnileri, enginea and
other machinery promptly attended
Machinist, (horiewich.
World on Victoria Street
We have the new straight back,
Erect Form Corset. It is the proper
model for the new straight front
costume. It throws the shoulders
back into a military attitude and
removes all pressure from the chest
and abdomen,
We have been telling you about new, stylish and up-to-date Overcoats,
Ul.ters, Reefers, etc., at short prices. We have • good assortment of them
yet. We have am well some nogFjust up-to-date In Boys' and Men's, but they
are at about
....HALF PR/OE....
Bargains every day in Jackets, Fars and Dry (foods.
W. A. M0KIM.
Pedder Bankrupt Stock
December 29,1900
We have yet a heavy stock on hand ; every department
is well assorted, but as our time is short and everything must
go, we are making this winding -up sale in order to, the more
rapid clearing out of the stock.
This is your greatest opportunity for getting your pick
of an A 1 stock at Bankrupt prices. We must go and so
mui;t'the stock. Help us and we will help you by selling
you goods at from 25 to 50 per cent. cheaper than you can
'get them elsewhere.
FALL, 1900.
again begs to direct the attention of the ladies to her stock of
millinery for the fall season of 1900. All the leading new
stylet and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able
to i,rocure the latest and the best in all lines pertaining to
tnil Ii nery.
Trimmed fiats from $1.00 up. Inspection invited.
MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street.
It's the Conaltlon of Your
Nerves That Either Makes
Your Late s Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
1'o many women life is ono round of sick-
ness, wos4e.m .n4 ill health. To attempt
even the slightest household duties fatigue.
them. Many of the symptoms accompany-
ing this state of decline are : • fooling of
tiredness ou waking, faintness, dissinses,
sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath, loss of appetite, cold
halide and foot, headache, dark cirolee under
the even, pain in the back and side and all
the other accompaniments of s rundown
and weakened constitution.
All these symptoms and conditions are
simply the result of • poor quality and
defective circulation of the blood, with a
Getting away of the nerve forces.
By feeding the system with
You strike at the toot of the tli.oase eel
lay s solid foundation on which to build.
Soon ohs 'ttaighfi.aasas•sser• 114► tithttkatr
cheeks anti flattened ante fill our, Ih. oyes
get bright and the thrill of renewed health
and strength vibrates through the system,
60 cents per box at all druggist,', or
Toronto, Ont.
Fall Sails & Overcots
The mat dressed 1n • snit made at
our store always looks trim, as 1% I.;the
amhitlon of eyeey man of Gel to look.
A largo rears of .loth. 0. (theme
if you ars eeotemplating gating •
Light o•ero.t for fall wear, give os •
oh•en. t• serve you. Prime 'IOC
Weal Meese
A new gulags Ore that makes
on all roods • pleasure-.Hoomlo.Jr
for It doss sway with the vibrall.n Ih•a
shakes and breaks the o•rrtages.
AY -shaped *moo between the rub-
ber ttre anti the stool flange pre
vents the grooving and cutting
whinh other tlrmsre'abp�1ect to. 8ss
the ezhlott at the big feta.
Send at ones for bro. Ti,. OaWogss,
riving prlose of all size..
RT. I0 RN W1W$Tp10 YO10Ta1AL
You Only Get...
Bi'illiaIIl Ion
_...- _ by also ace of
For sale by all the bawling Hard-
ware and Rarnews shop., or the manu-
The Wm. Sutton Compoaad Co., L'I'd
ISA Q.ea St. Pial, Throb, Od.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, .God.rich, Ont.