HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-29, Page 4TNVUDAY, Noy. 29, 1900 THE SIGNAL : GIODERICH ONTARIO zmnwryffmtryffrtmtrz We Have Knifed the prioes of several hundred copies of music and songs. Is taking stock we and *event hundred copies of music on our shelves we wish W clear out and have decided W cut the prioe from 40c, b0c, 60e and 7& to 10 Cents per Oopv 86 Gents per 23 Copiers If you buy music, see us while there is s good choice. We are district representa- tive of the Nonlheimer Piano & Music Co., of Toronto, sod are doing the piano bu.iuese of this section. We can supply your piano heeds in ,anything from a Steinway Grand to the cheapest ,eoond-hand instrument. It is to your own interest to consult us before purchasing Easy terms if desired. Emerson's Bioyole and Music House, West street, Goderioh. hilt Signal, ruDAY SVSRY THURSDAY MORNING Bs C, Mounds EME RODERICK. THURSDAY. NOV. W 1100. ed. People will make mistakes, however, and in eons cases bassos rete marked with • en).a iu the compartment containing the name of the cutisuteency end the printer sat the ballot, this having been done in moat oases probably by voters who had boon told hat the lame of the earutldate of their choice came tint on the ballot. It is sug- gested that an improvement could to made by having the tame of the con i itueney and Unit of the printer aloug the side manned of at the top of the bedsit 'Phis would make it as nearly perfect as it eat he got. THE RACE AND CRUD CRY. FURTHER stridence of the use of the race sod creed cry by the Conservatives in the recent 'election campaign to coming to head. In Glengarry, where Scotsmen are numerous, Gol. MOLtNNAN was seeking reelection as the Conservative candidate, and just before polling day s circular was issued to the Englub-spe•kiug people, par- ticularly the Scotch, in which Rua W ILFmD Latrine' and his Quebec supporters were termed "fanatic foreigners -aliens W ns in race and religion," and the Liberal candi- date. J. T. St3SIa.L, was termed ''a Dutch Yankee." The circular was as follows : "Alexandria. Nov. 6, 1900. "Dear Friend, -Our Grit friends are now .becoming desperate and using every means possible to carry the county, despite the popularity of our gallant Colonel We trust you will use your bast endeavor to hold the grand old county from the hands of the Tate brigade. who are seeking to get it into their grasp. Witten we oonsider what the result would be every Protestant Briton should stand true to his colon and help throw off the yoke being thrust upon us. \��,',,A,re we whose forefathers died for the F" ^' cause to be ruled by fanatic foreigners -aliens to us in race and religion! "Aro the Scotch in Glengarry to send to Parliament a Dutch Yankee from New York State* whose forefathers helped W drive ours from their comfortable homes one hundred years ego! Are Laurier and Tarte, backed by their French clique from Lower Canada, to have full sway in the country ! No. we must drive them back sod keep them in their proper place. This French domination must cease. "If they will have a majority in their own Province, Are the loyal people of Glengarry to be trait,.re to their old traditions and assist in forcing the yoke on the net of Oaoad• ! Surely no I Vote tor Col. R R. McLennan,thetrueaid tried friend of Scotch men, who will stand up for the freedom of our race and rehigton." Sootemen may be "clannish." but they do not take much stock in bigotry and super- stition, and are as ready to oontend for the rights of people of any ram or creed as they • are to fight for their own liberties, anal the Colonel, in whose behalf this appeal to pre judice was issued, was snowed under by a majority of about six hundred votes. The Tories are beginning W see that the racial campaign, while it may have been temporar- ily suooerful in • number of constituencies, will in the long run damage rather than Earths the Interests of their party, and therm. trying hard to disown it, -Tits Conservative urgaus are fund of quoting The Huntingdon' Mesmer Here is an eztreot from that paper which they will uut give to their readers : Laurier being a French Canadian and the idol of three fourths of his compat- note, his supporters had no need to invoke the cry of race or creel to win support to his side. It was different with the Gww- eervativee Knowing how the tide was setting iii this Protium, they tried to stem it by raising the cry that Laurier was betraying his countrymen, and his course;with regard to Manitoba echuols and the Afrioan uontingente was impound- ly harped upon Nut since Mercier's time have so deliberate and persevering efforts been made W arouse the national and religious prejudices of the French- Canadians. WHO ELECTED M'NEILLT tie North Bruce election Aram .M0NITLL secured a majority of one, which leads The Kincardine Review to philo- eophiee thus : Every man who voted for McNeill in North Brune gave him the one vote that elected him. They will all admit that Now, if Mr. McNeill was a Government candidate, what a time he would have getting a soft berth for the man that elected him. Mr. MONIILL, in the ease whioh The Review supposes. might object to enter- taining the claim of each and every one ot his supporters, and likely enough would be mon inclined to favor a voter who had put himself to some trouble to cant his ballot. The man has dread, been found The Kincardine Reporter gives the name of a voter who has been arrested for personation in connection with the North Bruce elec- tion. He personated his fol :ter, who is living in Huron county. 1'. miyti iia was urged by active Conserve' • politicians to do .o and to vote for Mr. There is the man to whom Mr. MoNRtu.L Owes his election. SNAP SHOTS. -Tal Toronto Mail hall dropped its edi- torial line, "Remember Roes." -Dteerite to .uaoe.dal politicians ap- pear to be the rage at present. What i. to hinder a pork -and -bean gathering being held in West Huron at an early date t -Two Brit1.h war department have been endeavoring to kill Ksosaa with ballet, for over a year, and now Paris is trying to kill fife old man with kinda dead sure thing. -Two honorable BILLY 1/d,,Eaw hat reused the Old heads of the Tory party to (meads the advnability of calling • cnoven- tion together to see where the grand old party is at. -How. 0 W. Ross was fiftynine years old on November 17 and Rir Ahs.ruto Lacquers was Afty-nine November 20. The Ontario Premier is thus three days nkder than tb. Dominion Premier. -Til ballot toed In the recant election was...ry good are., and an immense im provement opals tier oes wWab It sapwood • WHAT C rHERS ARE SAYING. OiaSLtYe SINTAKI. Dundee Benner : If young Charley Tup- per had not made such a goose of himself with his nine hour speeches about Slftoo and the Yukon he might have bed some chance for the leadership. As It Is, nobody mentions him. 11tH NAMI 1e NIVUS Slake 1'heGlobe : By the way, where Is Mr. John Lewis", the rejected et Sboredltob, and the mining partner et Sir Charles Top- per! K'hy has uobody nominated him for C:ooeeryative leader! Nearly eyarybody else bas had • Domination. 111.51 oo•t 1 or FIRS ON TOWS S1ADN. Dundee B . 11 Wogs don': bright- en ap a little in the way of sesta befog of- fered to the slaughtered Tory leaders, Sir Wilfrid Laurier might have pity on their forlorn condition and get a couple 01 Que- bec Urate to make way for them. RsrusrA.'ruIY ALL IW1N0. Stealhroy Age : Sir Charles Tupper says of the electrons that so tar as concerns the Con..rvtive Party It is all that mold be desired and u quite satiefastory. Sir Wilfrid .... ,ay the wms for the Liberal Party and thus we have bad an election In Canada, satisfying both tartlet. Are we getting to the milleentum ! 111 t'ONTCNT. their .rtes, end every dollar of 1 hu mavens was paid whoa den, a record of latregrlt► which posh.pe few English spooking num munitlee not aquas Mr. Mer.dith further motet that the Doukhobor* bay• gathered oyer 813.000 war' b of henna root In the motility el Yorktou during the past •e• - sou Put of the men go out ono work for wages, while put stay in home, hod to tbls way the people have • supply of ready money, and at the wane time their farces end eettlemeote are beteg developed. From • uuuu.ee point sat view, kir. Meredith says them people have beau of great benefit al- ready to the town. near whloh they aro sottl.d, and then la no doubt that when they have had a few yeas. start they will foim prosperous •ad thrones wtf,bmwt..'• new DS. I.ANDSRKIN WAN Ddr1ATlt>. London Advertiser : We Mato from reliable authority in Markdale,Unq moot', that Dr, Landerklo,for w many years the worthy repre.ent•tive f. • Youth rimy la the Dominion Parliament. was defeated he cause "t the persistent *weal, In • secret uod.rh.od manes to Protestant shooters to vote ler Mr. Rioltiardamt b.wus. Dr. Lan- derkts supported Sir Wilfrid Laurier. and Sir Wilhid Laurier, being a Romeo Catho- lic, supported the ohuroh of Rome Fret, Dr. Lwderklo's uneorupoloue oppooeots gerrymandered his 000stituwcy so as to pot ham in the minority by 150 vote*. Theo they tonal that he was too popular to be affected by that, and se they raised the cry, moat craftily cumulated, that Protes- taotbm was in danger because Sir Charles Tupper had not bee° given the plan. of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and they iuooseded by those rascally expedients in estrengtne .tough of vote. from I)r. Lamd.rklo to enure his defeat. And yet thew men were entbunsetio in support of Sir Charles Tup- ter's protectoral to ooaroe Manitoba. For- tunately the time will soon oome when tb. Gerrymander Aot will be repealed, and then not even an appeal to race an.i re- ligious prejudices, however oraltfly made, will succeed 1a keeping South Grey out of the Liberal procession. It ie, neverthele.., lamentable that a party should be reduced to such expedieeto as raoe and creed war fere, In order to aid them to victory. They oanoot be too widely exposed, or tooeever. ly oondemned, or too closely watohed la ilia future. Thai Tkr.►bled aeadacbr Would gmokly leave you, 11 you oiled Dr. King'. Nee Llfe Pill, Thousand. 1 sof- toren have proved their matchless merit for sink and nervous headaobes. They make pure flood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money bees. if not cured. Sold by ,leo. Wilson. druggist, Barrie Gazette : Contentment Is the secret of life. Make the most of your op. per:unities Dead jus.ly with y• Ur 1e1• low man- Pay y..ur debts. Marry and be- g et ohtldrso. Train them as you were trained- (if you were satisfied with your own bringing ap). and the chanties are nine in ten you will be happy. Isn't it e.! , TMSY CANNOT ISCArt IC1p0NeieILITY Brantford Expositor : Almost eve y day now ens may exposit W be told by the ver• e mus Tory sheets that It was Lb. Grits who otroulated 'Facto for Irish Eleanore' and 'Tbe Eye-opener,' and who were roo,ron- e ibte tor the Manitoba school mediation. When it Domes to the raising of roe and religious issue*, just watch them hold up their hand. in holy horror, while they af- firm before the bar of public opunon they "didn't de a sing." FOR T01 ABOLITION oy Tot ,e.NATI, W Ingham Tee' 1 11 the Literals •re wise Ihey will go is Inc.Senate aboll'Ion, Instead of Societe reform,_ cul we believe abs people of the Dominion wobld 'stand by Mom -Clinton New Era Right you are Bro. Hulme,, W• are of the same opinion and do not see any flood of the Senate. W. believe It the people of Canada bad the privilege of voting on this goesNnn they would put the Senate In th. •.me place as the Renate out Mr. Mulook's R'sdistnba• tion Bill We have no use for Seeate re- form. Let us have Senate abolition. 1111 �. o1KINON Or 1IWTIKTION. Toronto Globe : The WA policy of the United States often seeds goods on queer errands. The duty un playing cards le len ovate per p•ok,and 25 per cent ad valorem, so the manufacturer. are selling abroad much cheaper than at home. Some Am• Grimm meroh•ota recently ordered lain goantltar to be mot to Liverpool, had them shipped and entered at the port and retain- ed again free of duty as American goods re• Imported. The two trips aoress the At• lootlo enabled them to undersell the mans• lecturers at home 1'he hardware dealers recently olroumvenled the nail manatsotr urers by sending their orders from Eeg• land. LIT 10 HAV■ PIACI O•eholio Register : K 5 had rather Mat Liberals and (:nnoervativwalike sbould be swept Into rho sea than that °seediest' should he divided because one 1s English, anotoer Frenob, • third Irish, sod so on. No oouorry oso be built up that way. We ars here to Iles together, M work together for the common good, Life a too short to be yaarreltieg with our fellow oitiz.ns, become they did not have the good lee tune to be norn in our omonk>. Peace end good will to all. There le room ler all and many more. Hands should be joined In friendship or elven up to honest foil. The oen1e.1 le over. The violent can afford to be calm. And the •angatehed should take their defeat In a spirit of reeignatlns and hope of better luck next time. Left them, however, and let others, atop- it- *.Il In their minds and rrmember whoa the day comes round agate • No nos cry, no creed cry, man secure a vlotory for • party to s land of free men. Ren INTR.TIow OP METHS. Toronto Globe : The proceedings at the Police Court yesMrdee •t ,moon, resulting In the 000atation of a number of well • known gentlemen, Including 1 prominent barristers. for failure 10 register the birth of their children, Droves that mooh of the dlsourlon as to the dsofins of the birth rate In On• barb le based upon • misapprehension of the forts. If the Toronto oases are an In der of the laxness of registration thrnegh- out O•tarlo there moat be thousands of births every year In the I'r"Moos that aro Dot registered. The crusade of the Regis- trar -General Mould be oontlnued with vigor until everyone le the I'rovinoe learns the pr000dare ne0smry for registration, and anderefande hew 'otiosely the world re lards a birth rate so low as Ontario le now or.dlt.d with. it would roam that alto nether toe many parents depute to ethers the duty of re[l.tering the birth of their ohlldren A nay or two ago 1)r. Bryce heard of • ease In whloh five children in one family bad not been registered, the father ,opposing that the attending phy Wotan would see to the regl.traHon. From the tants oomlo. to light 11 le evident that Ontario has feel aired an undeserved repata. Mon In the matter of 1ls birth rats. TRI IN>U ItIO.)R0. Leaden Advertiser , 'I boor Herd Russian Quakers, the !took Ashore, ere moat •ppr.elated where they are hest banes. The Winnipeg Free 1'rees Informs se Mat Mr Theme Meredith, general mer• ohant, n1 )(nekton, N. W. T., who has hoes In that nifty for • few days, informs 1t that "a geed share of the present prosperity of thee tow. 1e deo M the targe sett lem.aa of Doukhobor* In the edl•.ent nenalry. A nod osevinnld• proof of the thrift and hon- esty of then purple 1e given 1■ the follow - lag foot. Inst year Mr. Meredith e.44 sovaet thousand dollars' worth of needs est Mo. 1e INakbobSrS. fee eblsh his Molt rmn►nrn►mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BIG CLEARING SALE! BOOKS ANC) PERIODICALS. LauUN' Hors Jocet&L-The Christmas Lades' Home Journal offers a superaban• dance of literary and artistic features In most attractive form Amoog its nearly awesoors contributors are Mrs. Lew Wal Isoe, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Charles Major, ItIlltam Perrioe, Clifford Howard and Elisabeth Lincoln Gould, while A. B. Frost, W. I., Taylor, Reginald 11. Birch, Henry Hutt, (.eorge Gibbs and as many o' her Illustrators supply De motorist festurw. Apar. from the articles having balldat timeliness of Interests the notable features of the t'hrteim•I Journal toolude "The lonkeeter's 1)sughter Who Dissolved • President's Cabinet," Whet Msy Happen In the Next Hundred Years," "Jerusalem as We Ye. 1t Today," "Two Woman's lidte of Twenty-five Millions,' "The `Little Men' Pis'," • dnmatizstIoo of Louisa M Aloott's delightful story ; "K here Childress See Saint Nick," "Ilse Fourteenth Mea." "Two Christmas Days .t Rock Farm," and "The Saooemors of Mary the First," "The Story of • Young Man," and "The Blue River Beer Storiee, which are 000tieued. Edward Bok has • houghtfnl article on Christmas celebration, and there are various ankles on women'. wear. Christmas pre•eota and edibles, while various other eraotite% helpful themes •re ably promoted. By the Curtis Pnbl)shing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar • you ; ten oeas a oopy. We are informed that A. O. Gilbert, the manager of the great poultry department of 11,e Government Agricultural Ferm at Ot taws, has hem engaged for the Doming year to coohinue his d.partmmq "Practical Poultry," 10 that hend.ome magazine, The Canadian Poultry Review. Other depart mens. to the paper are, "Turkeys, Duck. and Ife.se," "Bantam.," "Poultry All manta," "Incubators and Brooders, ' and "With Cnole Sam." The editor says it will be bigger end bettor than ever, and as 1t is n ow in its 22nd year, we believe him This journal Is well Illu.lrsted, full of practical knowledg• wilisten by experts, and •1 the yearly sobioriptton of 50o., to rldioalenely Asap. Lew as it u however, readers of this paper we, get ft at • special rata of three years for 81.00. A ample will to sent nee by addressteg Canadian Poultry Review. 'Toronto, Oat. • hot the "borteat and heat way Is to send 11 04 for three year. Great Leek et an Seller. "For two years all efforts to cure .or .m• in the palms of my hands felled," write. editor H. N. Lester, of Syraoas., Kan., "then f was wholly oared by Baoklen's Aruba Salve.' It's the world's beet for eruptions, sores and all skin (Demme.. Only 25o at Jas, K't4on'.. Said the bride, "Here's my .rat bath of biscuit. - Jest welt! From the oven I'll wblswit." How the poor woman ori When her hubby replied, -Tent it born ! 1 don't think I .boeld'rte- salt !" Notts&. We must make room for Xmas cutlery and silverware, and in order to do ro we are selling out ail liner of table and pooket cut- lery, rilverwaer, carving seta, game carvers, sugar shells, butter knives, etc , etc., at the closest possible margin of profit. BARB WIRE We have a few hundred pounds of barb wire left, which we will sell right. SAWS AND AXES The very hest grades of croewout saws and axes just arrived from the manufacturer. CRIT and sate them. Our prices are the lowest possible. Headquarters for guns, ammunition, cow chains, rope ties, rope halters, snow shovels, lanterns, bucksaws, cross -cut saws, hand saws, axes, axe handles, furnace scoops, etc , etc. Get your glass from us. We keep the best Belgium glass. A. McD. Allan The cheapest and hest hardware store in Huron County. ww�u�uuuu�u�u�u�uw�uu�+u�u�uiuu�uuuwu�w 'rooted shell oeeoe, a•4 -she totes upon the said lands shall be pay a for suoh year as 1f this bylaw had not been passed. AND IT to hereby further deola-ed and en- aoted that the votes of the rstepayete entitled to vote upon this ovlaw stall be taken on the nth day of January. I. the year 1- )1, from nine o'olaok in the tomatoes until eve o'clock to the afternoon, at the several usual po'Ilog platers In theroitown. as follows :- Pollingsurelivtdonnumber ooe at W. Ho - Cly mont's o- Clymont's wagon shop. with Jas Breckenridge as returning oeloer; Polling sutd:vision number two at Timms t•Idean's feed store. with i'h,a. Hate. as del, utll returning omo.e. Polllo[.ubiivl.Ion number three at town hall. with Ed. Pan Every as deputy returning omo.r. Polling .otdlvl.Mn number four at J. B Runoiman's shell, with John F. Bete. as dep- ot retornioogg omoer. 1.1110 sabdlvlaio. number eve at John Phdllps store, with David Marwiceas deputy returning officer; Polling subdivision numbor six at John Brophoy'sshop, with Geo. Sboppar'd as dep- uty returning officer Polling subdivbloa numoer seven at Mrs. Jas. Hays' house, with John Bain as deputy returning offlosr. AND n Di hesrby further eaotel that the municipal clerk of the mad oorporsUon shall attend at the clerk's otflce 1n the town hell on the 3rd dayof January. 19)1, at the hoe • of eleven of te clock in the forenoon. for the .p polntm.nt of persons to attend the colons polling ptabe and at the gnat .amming up of the rotes by the mid clerk on behalf of the pones interested in and promoting or oppo.. Ing the messing ot the mid bylaw re.pebUvely AND IT is hereby further mooted that the ease clerk shall attend at the said clerk's office to the town hall In the said town on the salt day of January, 11A1. at eleven of the clock In the toreno c, for the perpo.e of summing up the number of votes given for and %Minot this b) law. Provisionally passed the 23rd day cf Novem- ber, ltw)u. WM. MITCHELL. JAS. WILION, Town Clerk. Mayor, D Y LA W NO. 18 ON 1900, OF THE I) TOWN or OODH CH. I J)yl.w to exempt front mmunfrfnol fa -ration certain loads fa the Tows of Myrick known as the 0011ri0 and Hutchi- son Mil. W ittiRes. theta 1. npon ttteToflo*ti line.: n amely. town Int. nnmben 1094. 1042 and 1013 In the sell town, a mill orented about twenty eve teenage. at large expense. for the gar pose of grinding wheat and converting the same into floe-. together with an elevator and • mall manufactory,all used and outplayed as MIS 6tettire..-erntneett mien, WSTII-Tfaire stood Idle for.ome years put, emote an sic (visional use of the elevator, to the great det- riment of the mid town ; AND wlul*UA. It has been mtlefactonly made to appose to the municipal 4onnoll of the said Icon that If the said lands ere ex- empted from manlolpal taxation (other than . wheal azesl for • period of tan year' It 1. proposed by the °ween to greatly remodel, en lar[o, modernire and Improve the said mill at an estimated expenditure of 1100,0.%10), and to thereby nuke It °spablo of minim/ ont • larg- er output than hsretofoee and to thereby put It neon a paying battle, so that It shall A. of eontinuoue and permanent benefit to the weld awn; ANnwHttRRa, the municipal eonnell afore - mid has dui considered the application to es• empt the maid lands from the said Ates for the meld period of ten 'sera a -,d have deter mined that the same should 1>e {granted sub leen to vote of the ntepayere as required by the Statute In that behalf and ea hereinafter provided ; Now Ttteente Rr he It araltM and it Is hereby euaoted hp the Bald the munletpd council of the town of Go'serioh that the weld land., namely. town Iota numb.. • 10151. 1 and 10.1 In the said awn of Goelerloh. .hall and they are hereby &missed to he exempt from all municipal taxation what.00ver, ei• rept taxation for *moot peewees, for the period of ten snnneeelve years beginning with th. year 1901, bat apse the following condi- tions, nareely 1. The said mill neon the mild lands shall ha on or before the 1st day of wept.mher, 1901, remodelled and ooaverted into a modern mIll e0ulooppeei with the ..west and most approved manhfeer and appllanoe., eo se to omni, at least 10 a barrel. of flour to be manufactured In the said mill In esih 21 hours. inch shams' and improvemeaIe to emit Ent ler then WOO In. * Dining the said period of an years afar the fleet of inch years. theism sot of the r1d d BI shall not be ler than 5.000 barrel. of oer yearly. 1t If during any year of the said term of tea years after the firm year the said m1.1 Mall, .10.pt for necessary spares, stand ML ter • oontlaaone period of three moot he. the said rtasBdoa of rases Me each year hereby NOTICE. - 1 The forttotng la • true Dopy ot • pt'osaead bylaw which has been taken into eon= tion. and which will be finally pared by the oounoll in the event of the sweat of the elec- tor. being obtained thereto after one month from the first publication thereon in To. Stu N •a. newspaper on the 29-h and The Star new. paper on the 30th day. of November. let. and at the hour. day and places thereto fixed for takingthe votes of [bodement the polls will be hold. WM. MITCHKI 1., Town ('lark, 1t _-- Tows of Ooderich. BECKER et MYE :3, Undertakers and Lmialmers Graduate of M&Reachusette-Col. lege of Embalming. WRITE HEARSE OPEN I),tY AND NIGHT. HEST 0001)8 AT MODE RATE PRICER, AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. s&ear.e LOCA. Ww5$14 U. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Mloce Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses,,_ Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Snaps, Btc. ere se gond as the beet male in any city in Canada. Centelon Leede the trade in WEDDING CAKES In fancy deeming and ornament ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assurers. D CA NTELON, WEST -8T. stoves If you are looking for the hest Coal Heating Stoves, you will find the "Art Am- herst" Heater will fill the bill. As for a Range, we can guarantee the Pearl. Every sove we sell is sold under the absolute guarantee that if stove is not satisfactory, the pur- chase price will be refunded. A sal::nber of good sec- ond hand stoves for sale very cheap, as we want the room for new stoves. You are always welcome to call and inspect our big stack of Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware, Etc. J. H. Worsen, Cheap Stove Man, OODERICH. ERJ. N!SEI Rai IePrOmeoia 7ichioery. floating H.oders. Hosea, Halmis ed Telma. Also J W. Mann good. \\ _ Plough., Pulver", eta Walk.cvll • Wagons a speolalq, Everything made of the very beet material. ltspalr. of .1l lied* kept on hand. Would be pleased to have you call and 1s- epoot goods before purchaeln[ elsewhere. Goderich Bargain Centre BARGAIN DAYS, NOV. 29 & 30. A BARGAIN n EVERYTHING TABLE LINEN 40o Table Linen for 25o 60o Table Linen for... ..... 7}o 750 Able Linen tor bOo LINEN TOWELING 24 in. Linen Toweling, 124o, tor. .,fin 20 in. Linen Toweling, I2 , fOr....8o 18 in. Linen Toweling, 10o, tor ....7o 18 in. Cotton Toweling, 5c, for ....3c Bargains in Lac.Clurtaine. Bargains in Tapestry Curtains. HANDKERCHIEFS Cotton, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs at a reduction. FLANNELETTES 1 yard wide, 121o, KID GLOVES Perrin's Gloves at a reduction LADIES' UNDERWEAR 20o Vests for 25o Vests for 60o Vests for 15c 22c 4'5c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Bargains in Men's Shirt. and Drawers Bargains in Boys' Shirts and Drawer, Extra value in Boys' Hoge. ON NOVEMB Bargains on Linen Towels. Bargains on Table Napkins. Ladies' Jeanie, all !k missed pride ER 29 di 30. ' Per Capes, Caperin's, Far Gauntlets, IMen's Fur Coag Ladies' Fur ('oats 1 at • bargain. DON'T FOROET THE DATES, NOV. 29* 30. JAMES ROBINSON'S HAVE YOU A COLD? We have just opened a large order of that excellent remedy, "L zatt a $a'omo-Qulntno Tablets " Th y __jamagnat reputation for cares and are anaLNTEED TO CUBE. Allested ti • bottle a that "White Pine and Tar" Cough (,titre, a radical cure will be sure. Why Dot try one or both of them ? W. C. GOODE, BEDFORD ABOUT PERFUIES J WORD 'Ws we11171& MIMI sad iso the blsatifnl Enid seekite.illre opening now. - very ledist--styts 000aiste of • Dice bottle of fins perfume in • morocco leather ease, satin -lined and very tasty. The cases are to be used tor handkerchief, glove, or jewel ,cases, etc. Beautiful lines In other styles too. Best velem we ever had. BLOCK. Chemist. cIAWIP: CASH I"'It•C1. Will open op to the old Angus McKinnon stand shoat Trot, ,r era. A. W. WISE, Hamilton &reel. J. & SON - TH1 LIADINn - Fur erw\`Dkrtte‘ort. Lan& -Virlkoa\Ul tr fh . Mews .w. iltbeM.dap. ..In. r Storaee 5. West Ntlss. IteaN,nee, A Great Saap- . le our Ginger Snap. at 50. • pound. of which we sell a barrel • week. This isn't our only seep. as we oarry .verytblag that can be found In an uo• to -date grocery sore, and our prior ere right. The fermiers kerne that they oan alweye get from us a map ler ►heir prodaoe. We draw the line at no Iegltimete trade - everythlug goes UI.sewere or potatoes, pardon styli or aheuert table China. We deal in all of them. T. 0. TIPLING & CO-, Bedford block. (1,derloh. lard Wear Shoe.). Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoor.. knocking about, need good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind you want -stout, thick sok. (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, ut together with the knowledge that they must he sLrr 1 ' t.' ht.l.,d the strain. A ; ' i „1. . : i c not expensive, thc'ttgh ('.tr :- (sty ey(•a. Remember our Goods are all New, direct from the factories. No Bankrupt Stock. Wri. SHARMAN, Jr. WE HAVE A FULL UNE OF THE CELE- BRATED ttrIAPLE LEAP' SAWS. ALSdT A FEW "VULCAN" CROS5-CLTC SAWS FOR 53.00 EACH. Also a Ftd1 Stock of Axes, Axe Handles, Saw Sem Flies and Bucksaws. N. D.-OUGVIE3. THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Manisa M111 and F•atoq _ brie Reed, (loderleb. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. A o.mplete stook .1 Dressed n fond, need Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Lath, Shingles, Etc., Sash and Doors on hand and made to order on short notice. Storm Wiadons & Doors a Specially Venerates famished. Terme moderate. JOHN MORRIS, OODERIOH. ALL KINDS OF L ALWAYS ON HAND TEl 110}ieT ScraIltol Bard Coal IN TBti )LLR&I T AU °881 on the Market *tee res get fE00lbs. for • boa.P Peale* WM. LEE. °rain 101 .t ix; a t1871FH•ASD'8 Seen paspt,y Wended t.. CHRISTMAS We have some lovely goods for the Christmas trade--an-d being nor first Christmas, we intend dealing liberally with the public. lar stock comprises some of the loveliest designs in French and Japan PM China, Sterling Milver, Rhony Goods, Rilver Tea Beta, Cfe•m and Huger Rets, Christmas Cards, Games, Toys, Mechanical iegintts, N2°' mobiles, Fire Rngines, Dolls, Doll's Furniture, eto. Pretty pictures. 8110, 100 different subjects, at 25c, framed. We have only • limitri supply of "Curates " Plane yoer order Mr'y sat yon wish to seeere one of the most fashionable things of the NV" Something for everybody at moderate prices, KI DD cit CO.