HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-15, Page 8P Loie1 No Dress Goods & Silts Our stock is right up-to-date with the newest shades in Homespuns, Tweeds, Cheviot and 'Heavy Serpa, with new Trimmings, Buttons and Lining to meta, and our prices are right low. ' NEW HEAVY COIF SILKS in all shades, wiu'th $1.06, for 75c. Lair . selection of Cheeks, New Brocades and Plaid Silks. No trouble to ahowgoods. JACKETS WILT lNI&Y ' ' ,Jpe A Special Lot in different colon rang- ing from $4.00 to Clearing at $2 50. Targe range of hc.t valuov iu new- est style Jackets. Pricer away down. Special Lot Fancy Wrapperettes, Prints and Ginghams, Clearing at be. FLANNKLETTES Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe Flannelettes, regular 8c quality. You know now these goods have advanced. Clearing at be a t mrd. Now is the time to get a jaua.ty, readyto•wear Hat to alive your food trimmed bat ; goods worth $1.00 to 11.25. Clearing at 75c. Special Lot nicety trammed Hate for Ladies and Girls, real Iy worth double the money. Clearing at 11.00 and $1.25. CLOTHING Some Special Bargains in Mews Suits and Overcoats. Conte and look over our large stoat. - • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. CARLOW. Moamar. Nett. 12 h. the r.port of a (, tM lawman', 1. e r t the .O1 r\1 p • V council moet:u.r 1.. tact week's Nlosst., .. .000u•it of 161 50 is gin. o of mod to A. Young. 't be amount should be 16 60. Newt H van'. o'd tum, lot 1, oou. 7, has hue sold to tar Be.uett, of Sheppard. ton. Mr.. H.,toc", ae very nlautet�le.tiet to state, is in very poor health. Mr Ih.eby, who had his lee brutes some '.fere er lour weeks ago, will Le able to be around in • few daye. UNDERWEAR Special Line Men's Fancy Striped Underwear, goods worth 40 cents each. Clearing at 25c wch, HOSE Ladies' Fine Wool Hose, regular 25c. Clearing at 20c. Sea ear antra waw Weal Soaks, 2 pain for 26c. , ;err Special Line Men's and Boys' Peak Caps, clearing at 15o, COME AND SEE WHAT CASH DAR DO FOR YOU. Smith Bro's & Co. DUNCIANNOPI Norton.- The local agese7 0 Dung.nooe for Tun Bomar. sal the oleo, of 11. U. W J.P., 000ve)•oder. to.. who wiltlr�'eewwlv�. dine for subsorlptlons. •detonatrtg and yob work, and s authorised to give receipts for amouns pard for the same G•A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LVICK• now. will resume his trips to Dadgtake S oo to April. -bot .0d 3rd Vrlday..on moo TUtauAY. Nov. 13, 1900. Dame Rumor bin It that several .epir•0a ter °minty and township oEla.e are oo ti. MOTs. LOOT Penns. -Dropped between Duo gannets and Port Albert . red peek.' -book. Finder w111 please (save It at J. U Weed'. e fDee. There was small amount of money ft it OEw.cI Noysp.-OWIN 1. quarterly Der - elms •.d Dave Feast be ow held but Seb beth .t Crewe appointment there was no morning Denies in the Methodist church here. The annual dlo.er of the Ashfield and Wawwoen Arrleultural Soot.ty will be held at D. MoCormlok's hotel, Dnog•eroo, o0 Thursday, December 601. 1t promisee to be a yery soioyebs affair. Final APPIA&ANCB or TH1 B1sititr'1. - Oo Wednesday of last week we were visit ed by a light fall of snow as the first omen o1 the .ppro•oh of winter. and elnoe then the wether ha. been unsettled. A good emu farmer. have not yet secured their turnip orops. DIIAPTOI! TID.-Owing 10 your humble scribe's abloom from home lot week there were no tid•bla from Doogaonoo. He bee relearned sad Is enjoying fairly good health, though many of Ms freed' were under the impression that the omission was roused by hie 111 health. DtvistoN COURT -Division Court wee ludo hen eo the 10th Inst.. His Honor Judge Doyle pudding. Th. dooket was light, there Ming only two cases tee .d• ]]nutmeat. Lawyer Hugh Mnrrieoo, of L.oksew, represented the legal fraternity. The next sitting of the (Mart will be Feb. 16th, 1901. MUNIo1PAL.-The oounod of Weet We wmosbmet In pursuance of adjournment o n Monday, 5th of Noy. Among other matters lran.asted freers were (Moyne Tun lid to the amount of 1400. Ree•. R Medd, sed noanotllora MoQadlao, O'Connor cod C. T.ylar were preempt Next erosion will be held In the usual pros on 'he 15.11 of Deoember, that being the statutory day for the conned' of .11 municipalities in the Pro01000 to meet. All having plume against the municipality .re requested to present thorn ler payment, .Iso .11 taxes ere eepeeted to be oolleoted on or beton that date. as required by the mo•iolpal statutes. HITHER AND 'I H !Tagil. -Alexander W•Ik. or, of Mooeomlo, N.W.T., eldest Dun of James W.I,er, arrived hero Met week on an extended •Isle to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, and other relatives ■nd friends here and at other point. Ws pre some he will enjoy hie mitt renewing former %couew..00ee....John Hiles..&., merchant, of Kincardine, and formerly of this. village, accompanied by his wife, le oo • •lilt to relative* and trlend. hers and other poral.. ..John Hiles, jr., arrived home on Mon day, 5th, Our harm. a short ystt to his parent* at Klooardlne He gamed to eo ,jov himself io good style....00 Moody, tte 6th, J E. Tom, sspeator of public schools, officially yietted Do,g• ...0 otrblto e chdvl.... W'm McNealy, accompanied by his info and family, recently •i. ted Mrs McNally's parents, Mr. and Mr., J .,nee Sett, l'ort Albert, ',Unite 011R__.h.TwatiandaN. --'Tbs remains of Mtn Mrs. Janet JarJiue, re hut of the late Jnan• Jardine, of K'nlu.s township. coda of Bruce, were Interns! io Ktolose cemetery Ott Friday. the 2nd day of November, being ssoorted on the real - dente of her sou, David Jardine, coo. 4. E. II, township ot Aebteld, to the cemetery by • large 00000une of sorrowing' fri nd. cod eympatblsiog neighbors ee ao ev dense of their esteem tor her. 'I here were also lu •tetod•oc. • onmber o1 her former frlsode Ind neighbors from }Cullom and Luoanow. The demisted lived to be ol• good age, e ighty -els years and one month Rev, R. F•irbalrn. B. A , conducted the solemn obsesses In an Impressive manner The d• ceased lady Mu rodded with her eon .too. h er husband deported the life about ...err tow yams plot. both herself and husband were nativists of the perish of Durfeedat. in Dumfrlrehire, Scotland, and were held in hlgh esteem. They emigrated to C.rr.do In 1856 and looeted .n rho township of Kioles, when, by industry and cheerful endurance ot the hardships sad privations moldeot, to pioneers, they moored to themselves • good end comfortable home, and saw Ito dieted themselves to many of the settler, and residence by their reneroelty, integrity and uprightness of oharwter The domes - dad as. a good, genuine and seldom. Chris Ilan. The bereaved have the consolation that see pe•oefully paved into her Boal and 'Menai rest. KINTAIL. TUESDAY, Nov. 13. A KINTAIL BOY M Anglin. - I'h. marriage of James Whiny, sou of Martin W hbtty, of Rioted, to Mess Agnes Blake, ot St. Loot. money, Mlohime, took plea. In Duluth o0 G.:teher 23rd. Mr Wbitty had been Wk for • willows ooarss In book ateeping at Grano Rapids, Mtoh , cool had resolved his diploma at the rod of nine mouths. Miss Blake, who was a pupil of the same college, is young and wood ieoktng, and their meeting was followed with the natural result. Mr. Blake, father of the bride, was present at the wedding. Mr. and Mn, W'nitty spent • portion of their honeymoon as gots eit the Arlington hotel In Duluth. NOVEMBER tlalf Price Sale Watch our show window for lines we are clearing at half price. Fancy China, Jardinieres, Fancy Flower Pots, Salad Bowls, Egg Sots, Cream Pitchers, Oatmeal Sets, Etc., Etc., These goods are being sacrificed to make room for our enormous Christmas Stock, now arriving. If you appreciate BARGAINS, attend this sale. Wo have also received two crates of Dinner Sots, which were shipped to this country by mistake, and have marked them to clear at about one-half the usual 'retail price. . 96 to 119 pieces in each set. Do not fail to see them. Ti PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store Our Meta No. Is 100 B. Court House Square, tioderllch. No good. charged at RALE PRICES BILE. Movu•Y, Nov. 12.h M,.. L.r,u. Ut.u, of Dont.nsoo, .p.41 Sunday with Mee. W.dlem Tbou,peoo. The Mlatouaty Auxiliary In'eod bold• lug • special meeting ou Wednesday at the boos ,f Mre. H. Morrie. Mre. J 1)uetow and ai,e. Will Morro*, o1 Goderioh, took • slip to Bernie last week, when they netted Mr. Morrow's unol•. 00 wuouot of to. stormy weather the services oo Sund.y wore not w largely at tended as usual The .eryico in the ensu• dug was taken by rho potter. his eabj.oll beteg "A Six -footed Cbnstian," PORT ALBERT . TUssu.y, Nov. 13 Mr. .od Mn. Nevins, of Duogan000. spent Sunday here. Mrs. Bell and children, of Luog•nooa, ere vsirtt.g at the Royal, John Sehasfftt cod son Milton, of Mllver• too. are visiting to the village. W. H. Reed, of Gerrie, wee iooklog up wine of his friend. on voting d v, Tee bay pressen were busy here last week pressing hay tor Mr. Cursell. Kob.rt Swedish •tteoded the f 1 of his mother 10 Teamster last week. Joe. Took Worry, of Kellogg, visited his daughter, kir. John Arme'roor, last week. Thee. Richardson and ion William re - tweed fent their trip to Mutkok• In tin e to vote Ueo. Thurlow, of Godertob, celled we some .1 his old friends while 1n the village on W'edneed.y last. Wee May Smith. of Goderioh, and Mum Ellen Draper, of DuoaaaaGo, spent Sunday et their homes hen. Oo• .fay last week a deer was seen la the n ark. It Deme from the North along the hseoh and returned to the same direction. Mrs. Quaid returned from Mllvertoo on '.turday after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mn Nob•.Her, of that town. Win. Ifawklae came home vssterd•y •f• ter an abeenca of five ween .pent in the Tiolotty of Chatham, when he bad gone to visit rel.tives, He took a fever and was unable to return until yesterday. BENMILLER• Tumour, Nov. 13. Au evout each as never fol. to armee lo• tenet occurred no Wednesday, Nov 7th., at the hcme of Mr. and Mrs. William Good, when their daughter, Allis, was tooted in marriage to John R. Loos .1hroughoul the house were profuse eeo decora- tions, wt -Telly arraeged for the mouton, and • Commetlul ooh. The bridal party entered the parlor at 4 o'olook, to the aralos 01 the wedding march, played by Miss Midge Fulay, of Ashfield, 1n the pres- eooe id etahty Invited guess. The bride wee tastefully dressed to purple velvet trimmed with brocaded ■.Ik and white gimp and bookie.. Her travelling dress was • tetlorm•de snit of hunter's green lady's uloth, trimmed with pink satin and braid and buil 0011 to match. The customary bridesmaid and groomsman were dupeosad with. -Lit. le Pearl, sister of the bride, made a uhvrmtog mud lit honor, dreamed in • sump° of Aroma and blue embower* trimmed wL.b white braid and Icor and parrying • l,ask•t of towers. Tee martens knot was tleoarriy Iigd by i. Mr. Shaw, homed. i.tely atter the oeeemooy oongr•tulatione profuse wars showered upon the newly-wed oouple, atter whloh all •••embled In the speolous dining room, when the bridal party and guests testified by their practical ap- preciation of the many good things provided that they had not y•t risen entirely above the goo' things of earth. Among the large number of Invited rumor were friend. from l'hreley, Westfield, Helgr•ve, Avnteld and Goderioh. The many beautiful and mistily promote bestowed unto the bride .re tokens of the esteem In which the and the groom are held. Mr. aol Mr.. Long will nom. mento the duties of home -making cs Mr. Loot's farm here. LEtBURN. MONDAY, MN. 12 The ot6o1•Is at the rcesmt election here were Donald Cumming, D. R. 0., M. J. Tobin, poll clerk, M. MacDonald and A. H. Illuttoo, 'mutineers for the Reformer,,'Jas. MaoMmne end W. E. MoCuosell, for the Cooaeevative•, Daniel Carney, constable. Vote. given were 91 I Holmes 53, MIL, in 36, spoiled ballot. 2. The l . E. imolai on Friday mentos last bad not • loge turnout owing to the bad weather. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Society during the mooing and • prngr.m was also gree, In it our local talent was assisted by ►tits Flossie Fotheriogh•m, of Hruoefield, with • resit •• tion which wet nicely rendc,ed. Rev. Mr. Hamilton was present and gave a .herr ado dries. The evening was enjoyed by all. A Targe deer for the past two weeks has been miming round this section as well ea shoat the lake shore near Goderioh on the Colborne side. Monday of last week It wag seen by Joseph Cook but was not •hot at. Toward. the 31000 01 the week it again sp. peered with a Sanford hunter in pursuit of It. Two other t.11 Josephs had • bog hunt after It on Saturday afternoon, the taller of the Jessrhl tMs,aeveral shots at it wiib a Remington ride, but he did not hit the eM1fag. mark DUNLOP. "remota, Nov. 13th, Mn. Winter. and dwehter Rlseebe re- turned to ('bluer° on Wedoeedey rel but week. John Coto odor anti our former townsmen, R. and Wither/ Oke, now of t;oderieh, left Monday of then week by rail to Martini, kbenoe by stage to Woe Head toward. Moir deetinotlos to be In the employ of the O.derlch Lumber Company. When plowing on Saturday morning , n Oho Hamllnk farm David Corbett notloed quite • oommetlon among the cattle herd, wbtoh Deme Into the barnyard on e•fnll run. The cease was • large re.odeer ,n their midst. The teem became rather unmanage- able but /lave held fast to them and, telling for hie fellow workman, W. F„ Whitely, got them tooled nil, white the deer viewed the poen. for • few !Wont.' and then bolted off towards the Point Farm David tele- phoned to Stltford for ars well known sportsman, who during the day got • shot at the deer, but net a fatal one. Bright and early m Thursday morning taut as eke day was breaking, /we well. known reelden,s, one from the Hayfield road near the (ironl•r 1'owo, and one from Leathern, were driving toward. the Hill M tell the Yorkehtnm•o of the remits of the day before, when suddenly their steed belt- ed and upset their o•rt by breaking • breeohing strap. and over both went ea Mother F.arth, etusned badly W. H. Jew. ell, teeing their mishap, hurrlal to the res. sae. He telephoned to mine heat of the Meehan/it ler help, the letter getting Frank Allen and Joseph Healy to come with hem. All three being fleet of tont they Bees .r• ✓ ived, and Joseph •ppllad cold water. The ' offerers sone revived, while Freak get the horse naught and mother no fee them to rename their journey, as their reg wee total ly .stashed by the .eolde.5 No banes were broker. Official Declaration for West Huron. 1. l 1 r 'os,r f N' Huron ..tents wade b u M Vd'iulu true actin rein esu nth for est Y 81ti doclaratiou of the moult of the pouting hr this riding on November 7th. by an unfortuu ate error the deputy roturnin ottlour at ..lib bit o uu No. 4. Ashfield, in making up hie etatemotrl for the returning truer transposal the figures cast in his division The vote there as anatmutsxl at the clues of the pull war 56 fur McLean and 32 for Holler The statement enclosed in the bit 1' z made it 66 for Holmes and 32 for Mclean The re- turning officer decided Diet heliould licit do otherwise than make his declaration in so contemn with the st4tuwruts before him, and aoeoruiigly declared Mr. Holme& e'ectel by 93 majority. 'The eorreet majority is 26 and the error lit trwnposit un added 68 W this figure. lu the Loral election in 1894 a rlml'ar mistake was made by nue of the dep- uty reiurulog officer* in Clinton, who credited Mr. Con•ol'y with a majority of 19 which belonged to Mr harrow This deducted 38 from Mr burrow's total majority, all he had W epp ly fora reuouut to hate the error rectified The differenw of 10 from the figures ppublsbed last week, which gave Mr. Ho'rttes a majority of 85, ie in sub -division No 4, East Wawanorh, w,hrro 40 voter were earl for Mr Mclean instead of 30. 7 he figures as given ih the official declaration aro gtveu below, along with the figurer for the bye election of 1899. 'there weer 26 spoiled ballots and 10 rejected !allots at the elec- tion last week. • tivi- EtzerioN ASHFIKLU, , r 10 - or 1899. •=•+L;r', E1.alrrwN or 1900. Polling Sub-lhvirioo. .at g1r Itlajoritiee. Ill If pq u H M x Ii. MeL 1--Dungauttou. 53 81 28 48 86 38 2-Finlay's._ 69 106 47 57 93 36 3-Luckuow 54 69 15 50 63 3 4 -Port Albert t 38 59 21 66 32 34 5-Kiugebridgs.,.,. 76 47 29 .. 70 41 29 77 29 48 81 2.3 58 75 30 45 77 30 47 432 421 459 368 Majority for Mem. 11.Majority for Holme., 91. TOWN OF i:ODERICH. A a Majorities. 7-Amberley 1-Kirkbrids's 52 77 2- Videan's 54 65 3 -Town Hall 72 40 4-Ruuciman's. 66 47 5-Walton's 48 49 6 -Brophey's 67 59 7 -Hay: 54 33 25 62 75 32 11 7788 5555 18 71 43 28 1 51 56 8 77 69 8 21 49 31 18 412 370 433 408 Majority for Moline'', 42. Majority for Holmes, 25. EAST WAWANOSH. 1 -McGowan'. .. ... . ...... .. 80 42 38 2 -School House No. 13 84 70 14 3 -School House No. 9 ' 72 38 34 4 -Whitechurch 65 31 34 Majority for Holmes, 120. 1 -Dungannon .... ntrt 2 -Auburn 3 -Town Hall 4 -St Helen's 5-Patrun Hall M.ierity for Holmes, 12. re 1 -Benzine, .. - 2 -Samford 3 -Carlow 76 50 2S 77 68 9 58 41 17 61 40 21 301 181 . 272 199 Majority for Holmes, 73. W A W ANOSH. 67 70 .. 13 57 65 64 65 .. 11 41 72'. 64 28 36 59 50 33 .. 78 37 of 33 31 ,:, 52 994 COLBORNE. 52 .fes_ 96 69 37 49 .. 72 38 46 b0 14 53 36 17 287 - 218 \ 265 215 ' Majority'or Holmes, 60. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. 37 77 4 - Leeburn 68 Majority for Holmes, 69. 29 23 264 262 Majority for Holmes, 2. 1 -Orange Hall 36 2-11. W tlaon's- • 32 3-W. Stirling's .... 60 4-W nu. Wyso's ' • • . 25 5-H Elford'. 6/ 6-Holmeeville Majority for.McLesn 187. 233 100 67 82 69 70 32 420 CLINTON. 1 -Loan's Stare .:. 3s 2 -Town Hall 41 3 -John Stewart' 52 4 -Henry Smith's 51 S-McMurch 'u - 40 6-F. Rumball's 37 7-11. Dickenson's 22 40 8 -Stephenson e.... Majority for Holmes, 73. • 35 24 17 34 18 37 14 28 12 24 13 28 32 8 316 942 287 224 _- . _ _ Majority for Holmes, 63. RaOafITULATION. 9 31 2.3 64 33 108 75 36 34 _..414 .. _-. 31 44 28 32 42 87 ... 45 4, 16 51 72 r 21 31 37 6 219 430 Majonty for McLean, 211. -43 66 Hou.ws.. AshSsld 432 Goxderich town . 412 E. W awaoosh 301 W. Wawarrah 294 Colborne .... ... ... .... 287 (loxderich township...-,.. 233 Clinton 315 Total majority for Holmes, 140. s MvLase: Hoban. Mc Lauf. 421 459 368 370 433 408 181 272 199 282 264 262 218 260 211 420 219 430 242 287 224 2274 2134 214x) 2106 Total majority for 1/ amen, 93. Clinton : `there pawed away it the home of her eon-io•law, Jam.. Appleby, Heron street, no Tuesday of last week, Seem Townsend, relict of the late Chaim' Calton, at the advaooed and respected Me of 75 Mare and 7 months. She wee of English desoeot, her bir'hplaoa Ming .t Sew5Mo, Cambridgeshire. Her Ica bosbwd prods. ceased her lest November -just • ysar .gr. Purity of our Drugs That* the' point we are trying to m- inces on the public mind. When • clew. pure, well kept drug stock it spoken •. we want that to refer to our drug state.- We're tore.We're doing all we can to merit that title We the main point of our bueineea, together with perfect accuracy and mod• erste charges. Ask your doctor all about our new way Of testing drugs before us- ing them. He on tell you. Now AMflt reams. - We have made our stock of perfumes embrace the best orlon of the beet menu- lecturen For instance the Vio'et ex• tweet wade by a eeriain firm surprise., in our judgment. that of any other make. The Rote odor made by the same firm is not quite en gond. We as. the Violet but oro the Rasa from another source. Our stock of Christmas perfumes. in paringut met in 12032 -win to here In a week or ten days, and the variety. qual- ity and moderate t note will astonish you. We have now room to show our goods, a• d this year we will show Sri assort- ment of style. and proses that will bre within the reach of all. ihop in and see the gond. and prime without reference to purchasing. All we want im for you to ase the goods and our prioes will do the rest. JArlES WILSON, Presenptinn Drug Store Terms Cash ; No Credit. to he held by the Young Peop'e'. Guild in ST. GEORGE' 8. SOHOOL, FRIDAI, NOVEMBER 16th. -A Good Program will be given,' -Refreshments Served. -' -Candy Tabis,. ADULTS 15C. ' CHIL,DREN 10C. For l:.e wet, muddy weather by getting a pair of oar Waterproof taboos. We do not wish to beset, but ask you to call sad sole dir Fall stock before buying. We Can Save You Money on everything you need in Footwear. See our nice Wool Felt Bole Slipper& just the thing for the long evenings. The regular 26c line, only 15c per pair. Special line of Boy's School Shorn at 85o and 11.00, Our Nand -Made Shoes for melt at 12 00 per pair are splendid values, We guarantee the wear, A General We will be glad to have you call and favorite. examine our Famous American Shoes, l the QUEEN QUALITY. These Shoes fit like gloves -smooth and without pressure. They are comfortable from the moment of eta THAT THIS Is IIRANo1D ON INERT 11101. Klbo Medium Heavy Low Hod. trying on. Repairing Neatly Done. P. T. BALLS .11007 aisaseeevm. M TMr IT•LL erns, Exclusive Agent for the QUEEN QUALITY. LEE & SHEPHARD are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is The only Warm Air Generator on the Narks and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than any furnace on the market. We have the largest assortment of coal and wood'stoves this side of Toronto. Also have a number of second-hand stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for , new ones. LEE & StfEPIYARD. ')t Trosurer's Sala of ,Lauds for Taxos. COUNTY 09 HURON. TO WIT : By vireos*: warrant. soder the bard or the Wards. read .sal or the corporation of the County of Rema, _aced the slat day of August. 11106. oom- mendtcg me to levy upon the lands hereinafter desert bed. for the arrears of taxes rem mu et is des thereon, together with sorra• sotloe Whereby Oven that pole., sunk taxas and 00E4 aseid. 1 .h.11 In oompllsooe web the l'oopote oroonefa lldad Aeeeeennet Lot. Miaow 111, R. B. 0. 1 , proceed to sell by public motion the said lands or so nook thereof .. may be seamier: discharge the same, al the Court House. to the Tore or Mod ,rob. 00 1 tesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900. K $ VitssS M the afceraoon. D,e:a1P ION. LOT eeltX lief* MM..;. -- LOX. O\ •Oats P1T00T10 011 MAIM cons TOTAL auger. L'N PAT\wy&D. TOWNSHIP 0V OODERICH. 6 fo Patented Clad 1 Patented Wad I( Paginated TOWNSHIP OF OREY. 60 Palmated TILL_ OF HIiNIRYN IN URLY. O teat• It P•�edd VILLAOL or TORDWICH 121 HO WICK. AIbsn-st, N y,; U.pateoted TOWNSHIP or HULLETT. 6 1 Patented TOWNSHIP OF 4TANI EY. Pamir e..ee. 1• ADA -ems LIKVOT / 91 1 m Patented Patented TOWNSHIP Off USHORNE, 9 RI. 8'dy y( Patented Vlld �Gi 09 RAYIIELI0. Bayfield Road 3( Patented TS !•r t VILLAGE 0i SLYTH. 1117 14 30 214 160 114 lute 8 76 13 III' _ �M Mollonald survey.. 33 MbCosnell survey. E half 9 al0ek A YIO('aughey survey 11 "hook i BECKER & MYERS, 1 Undertakers and Embalmers .(lr.duate of M•wiachusetta Col ;lege of Emis•Iming. weirs HIARRR OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. BEST 0001/13 AT MODE RATE PRiCER ANO OOURTIOUB ATTENTION. s5Iaoaa LOCK. GOOK w. ALBERT 111.1, DISE, Ran Implements and Machinery. Deering IVndere. Mowers, Rake. and Twine. Also J. W. Mann goofs Ploushe, Pulpier*, • to. Walkervll e Wagons • speoslty, Everything made of the very hest meterW. Repairs of ail keds kept on hand. Would bepleased to have net all lid la. meet woods before purehaelog elsewhere. CLOSE CARR PRIcE0. WBI open op In the old Angus McIClnaos stand about ertrnr ,N. A. W. WISE, H•mnto. Street. s The Old Firm, The Old Business, But a New Stand. To THE PuRLic : Wo have removed to the store lately occupied by Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked with a com- plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be able better than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. A call upon us in our new stand will please us.," Yours respectfully, STURDY c$ 00 or THE OROOLRS. :'Age i3 ' .r'1:7tgl Patented Patented )( Patented VILLAGE 0i WROXETER. M•:n-t•. N I( Patented 011111111: Treasurer•s o1Roe. asderloh. August 11. 1100. 1136 279 un 116 a M 110 i0e 124 991 1V7.1 11:11 1;00 633 WM. HOLMES, 1791 lit County Treasurer. PAY you tin attend the Forest City Besitrsw sad Shorthand Lopes., London. Ont.. Practical inatruotton to prac- tial subjects. For over fifteen years we have been in ouch with young people and their needs, and the butinees world and its requirement(. Every facility at immm.tNd for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are adoing superior work ; reignite prove it. Send for our Cat.sJ ue and College Journal, J. W. WEBTERVELT, Prinelpal. Fa-rme rs rsk and all others who use Hardware are invited to see the geode and prio,lt McKENZIE & HOWELL offer. ,. This is it splendid time to do fencing. We have yet a pretty Lair assortment of sizes of our not famed AIRRtcae FISLD Pawnee. Hundreds of rods pu' up this year in this locality, and invariably it is said to be the beet farm fence on the market. We have a fine line of House and Bern Furnishings, such as LATeHRrt, HiiORR, Lours, 01.A/i, PAINTS, VAR/118elN, TAR PAPIR, Cow CHAIRS and STALL FtxTURIS. A large importation of the best ERntiiw SPADaR and HROVRII has just arrived. These are marked low. Our new ELDRitw$ Sew/N0 MAO61xa is all that is claimed hr itbeing the best value out. We sell them down at bottom prior. It has points of exoellenoe not W be found on other machine& down vary McKenzie&Howell THR PLACE TO BUY ALL HARLfWARE ()HEAP.