HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-15, Page 6- - - - _ �t�- - "--�-•�
- ws%O%Pwwv- , r%rarrrtsv - I kku ane warmly enc. mado tike air Olt ! how full my Iwari b when I I DUALS DRATH TO BCORKS. ISSUE NO 4(;. li�OQ.
rhatuthe plait
will such put almasr spank /of him, ate) what eau I Deur Dodd's
� that ilk! plan war rurriust out xlrunwt do, L: P41111"'? What can l ever tit) 1 are t•uwertul machine Usa Irlrgg Three - - -
TI1E MISER'S HEIRESS 7 ae aA,ru u4, pruloy hi Mc. Horneriart ilia telt what the very ell-ALit Chipraly he me the only Thousand eboLgaJMlnutg.
irlaf, rcLurucJ, by Lir ague lxirttrul•tr I tvlfw may tlu a4, writ --Jutta pray my medicine that
with, t, 1►'rtriklgh Tuwerr. uud lksl to bhrss him t" a will curve Dia- Our NeWcastUlu% Tyue hine gull o- CONSMPRON
� though (inl•r:el faut'i O hu welat its Milior'r lewd Was bowed ,u on her brigs. like out tnforur u4, Ueui a w venni gull of
guide. t, hive, alt) real r,nru war tin• handle, and It wear But until 1'lsotell d n ey Bright's [A■- a nD%N t Ilunu Wr her been invented Wil
rt.t„r'r tardswdesire: to Iry with Itoy• Irapa■xl gently at tit., door to It Lets eas* this dig- by James Judge, a Weil kn,wu eugl-
r%P.nsbskrsrssuAP►e ,Kidney
0:414, was i"
,!east uuw, ler that she rulresd her Gun+ ago' ; raxr of i\tlwe'+utlo, who tour dnaeril,e41
"My (lard, Keith:" he faltai'ed, Ili i nptain Trent strolled out uioue of I •fury trnsrlhrl Only halfway by tallest Alin saw that tostrkm of ttrarn curableuntil it-
crlluba+ or hitting hill pained asluu t•r dinner. and whoa hu clown iu he rail, nn•i Vatut fludinic n•a fast ala glut wished she haul fart told :any mild D«ld's Kidney P{Ils The gun V a patent ceutrlfugal is destruction of lung' by a
owhnr•lat, "ha%e you been Pn 111?" as
j (t-moted himself to the old Indy ford wuull take Item On start no trot at tnitr tuulgM. Pills
cured it. [SoCtur■
"I leave not Illicit ill," wood Ito •diel I lv,t nu den, W what rest lin euuli all weal l stat, at, R'ertlei Ir that On the rwxt they but ono came the themselves confess took (ivies d Welge guu , it b Iurt
getlrt.y, a4, he trot llauvpy k ytwt• i obtain. Y ulRht, they IwwLal ; nrol lassoing four aualuuely' a=treed:«I 'IuLWrw, ate Trow that without Dodd'41 �l wt� y�ht.lf6tW Ike ,tel for lite hurt
$restite ing gCrm, precisely
at:itaelicd hand. "1 lik•un. tau: nwrw . Captain Trent was rvad.r next a atmag lwraw- ih:Y Lout l ewe the cur Miss, l endeniwl and ou' from Uabrlcl, Kidney Pills they aroi ship earthworks gad garrison lour- mouldy cheese is destruction
that, 1 rue uuw. It un Illutwl Is lily iwannittd for tilt- earliest train t, tcllat.ah 4•'w.•fw of L'uydhv:h'v I lint.- reg.: U,th short and %ery and. powerless against Dia- lrwos. The motive power it electricity
, item, it b in tin fnttin•, riot the I Li,our o:-fudustrit•urly anti anifl- Iwfor•v them In th , tu+ alel•hoIY light MLam liendersou told of the betas. Rodd'■ Kidney
p 4 K truherwltta><I w u uu,tur attached W of cheese by a growing germ.
lu,at" , (atsly was he fulfilling this trust con „f that July midoUght, rluctuatAug natural of Ito) dell's Pills are the first medicine the Side of the Sun. The motor euusts
"alit (kmv, matt ller%ey, laPt:ug fida+J to hive -but early rid It wait. , atrt at that hour IiabrW's wife fever, of the skill of the four phyml- that ever cured Diabetes. it dnmk to revolvo at a very high rate If you kill the germ, you
1•%t•ry trau.o of Isis old affectation so {-fttlydou crami down Into the hail rut with 1Gluor,Cravean in the luxur- clans, ill the calnmertm of the Sister Invitations a
a-box,namend „d r}x•ed. Tho bullets. which are In•
he dr*f rivurd a'lurgo armchair, I as t!u• It,rws ,[raw up fitUr• Ilnrr. tate little dreeahtg-nww, which las InYngod an nurr•, and of the untelgn• d pill, are advertised toduw, troduved Intl the Interior of the disk Stop the consumption. You
,ut I taking a beat laintn,-If to ia.rum "Path w1.1 fi;td nu diffkrulty, i well ab the chumber b•yo:at. wa.h *orruw of the serannta ; flfiblAng with but Use medicine that dorso a% tie axle, tra%el along eurver In
Hoyden's Luting Isom, tried to n
r,i.%c,l thipk." hrasp
e avoid, with a gof lite Its girlbh tridum lying about laud the Mope that Alice herself wait lratr io
cure the Ulterior of the r!rl•utafereacs and can or can't. according to
Ina trightenud gats fawn fits compan• halt itcgore. "1 Am very glad that its saaft pi.•tk hangings) Iliad beenhavat• ter, tulle letter hoin%t rsi,!vftUY it cow- :ire there impelled 1111111 as barrel.
oou'n face -wet worst and paled, and yet I you :art- going. and your cuusin will Uy prepared for :lice. and triol t' luritiun t4tu4a1 firer begintilreg to end, It Ls claimed that thin dbk will ru when you begin.
14'" ring atilt, even In Ito wovlkntsm, bA glad. ix,." U41 her the story of tier life. k, keep up leer spirits. tate under the luflurnnro of the motor
Vint Nam tearful strongth of ratim:%in "•Iloinor, you coon ?" "1 can tell 1t to you," she hail es,ta• Hut t;nbrlel's Nits diff :ren:. lie toll) at the rate aJ 1::,0110 revulut"Sa it Take Scotts Emulsion of
tin 1 ateaditwtue,sda whloh, far ukore •'\cr; 1 uleaan (Gabriel." Malt In her fatigue and heiplesrneme. of the ck len to of the lever, the ILN'(nt minute. uud will e)rot rlwtr from the
titan al" dltferenm la tcatures uud "Have you any message for Ilion. when env" had rand the lovely, earn- muffering, wad the IntermltWnt at-Diabe
muzzle of tier gun Wiwi an loltdal %el
form, male the cuntrart between or?" inauirnal ller%ea , hoping that wt fact, of Uilr new cousin, who iw4 tocke of •lelirlum ; of the total nhseo,vv Cod Liver Oil: L1kG 1 11IdC
11rA+ft- two m'•n art striking. he should not tittal W tell tier hew her so kindlyand mauko her sit Wup• of all yea or :lost-, the dira•uurnglaC ax'lty of :: uOtS tPPt in•r rrcutxt. lite
"How are nil my old frlcride, Cal.. Mr. Keith wets looking. derrully at anw,r. "I wonder why." op:nlo!ls of the ph3'rit la a ; the d••I urn 1 is Dodci's Kidney Pills. of the chief a•haraaintAIRtA ul Lha gun at first.
train Tre:it :" Irryta.red ltu3dea, sw:eing "Nu" he answered. without a "Hae-uuw•," said Holnor, with her tit the nurse &till the Awkwardami of Dodd'9 KidneyPlllt are fire. Uu11 a will y it whoa ay be did,
fire. If ueresrnry st mllot nuay tx ills• It :CLS as 1
much of the nlinnge to Hervey -for lots change of blue, for ha laud s:-hu,)lod bright. sweet smile, I um the near. which tie himself ward Iw'nGnlly turn- fifty cents a boa at all cluarged ni e%ery half revolution. but
11=1 I
glan•e, though wevary' and feverish, hiutmatif for title. "11er wish shall be float relation your husband ham. laud mc•itxu in lits u%vu attendance, !.ride druggists Iso practice late shut every fourth re- food; It is the
had Its old kern Ix)%%cr and wonder fullil!rd. File rha�l ase her awusin. miuwld like to be a pear friend of the sick-t►r,ls volutlm will be found sufficient. Tie!
Ing n little over it. Unbriel Afyddeltun.' , you ra." .%lice read thin Inter atonal, am ►he bullets are mpherk•al and measure east e S t food.
"UI -well," mall Hervey, tryin; to From tl:o atrriaagi, llercey looked Thent wean n wonderful contrast hail road the other, but suthknly, its __ - three-rlcweuttr of un Tach in'Alamo• Seems not t0 hC
talk @"fly. '•t have cane an a urewArn-' hac•k Sarnia U:e two mLanding In u:d- bttweeu We two girls its they sat she reached the ani of the sed roAtnh WHF.R6 rHI ('DIN (IUBSTU. ter
ger from on�of ilia." fnahlpad hosiols taliO W rite hint Off. together before Ue pleasant little Ave -made an abrupt pan:+P. ___ The following ere Ue results of the food; make, 1'IIII
Aro Mrs. nn 1 Jller Trent in LWkknra ' He looks --,+•'Ing,' malm%i 1 aptu!u tiro which Hater had urtlere�dd b4,• I -i -think 1 will na.L read the Oold 141 Largely N:mpluyed In tpe Arts tests alre.,,S) sidle with the gun- '
tart,'• she sal.l, In her tier oust fright- Flghtawn thuumuud rounds of rivet, ui hof?arr Catltl r
m! Ill ?" Treat to hirnaellf. with nn urus.ndur( cause iahe nuWuight air wear chill And graved wily • It illwy g'lev:• yo 1. 1!0:.0-." and for Oecurative 1'urpusPs. tilt• rate hili ointa0 a white, haat• , lit L% y ' h
The ryutstkxl avam r(wl wed rnry end it 4,f:woLr. Fund ah old lady rwurt lance Ilvnrtly in fear alit] partly in Ifonor gtizeI rat her to total- rourpros•, 7�e gpk[wnL of gold turned lnb000la dischnrgdd furs the gun. 'll ere •huts I 1S cofiltOrtahle.
this lirrtea�r could atilt. detort its tow t,, ora;,w it. ton: Sit" to riot vary w-iwe•, weakteavl laud been mhl%erirog duvet+- f;r{evr me "' she a hax•d rrtdly'. year n the miner of Lhe world ruu►isttal of nickel t nivel, come of bract
five. - e tluoggb, to show so olainly that she, stairs. Ned in tl►e fenturaw plume each
YRx," r4oln,ad ILenPy, with utvun- It -veva it. Evaii the mumanfn ,A+vn un "f'ov11 nppthlig Rriece im•, tn0w do Sr p a more wlthit to ate Ian i uan• -am utwtl lu Fruncr- Ived and chilled I ��Uu rots StrOn -
Nnit of twlli f ea evident, Yf ie 1 g S
(healed InliffwretteP, "indoed they are" ,:or'a cl:oad. 1 lar a bellevv Ile lair ly titan theme words whdt•la you lance ti used in I,lin picture treater, met&]. It w':u tested seven timer se /lonwiwr o
�1 but uDure situ;igly still on ?" �t,yy g g p .It -ramrr u. it ear. Take more;
•.tin 1 your other calat►latr :•, nuimle thatu feud to�•tut. lit. fat u:d• the ,pnwroe which lax)ked but road . 1wCntugt sugar. bUuling hxxokr, design- privately, uu water wits ureal. aur 14, (eke no carer '
.--''+4MM t•ttNf,.r-jlerv+•y fertitrR lnah4e+uef rsr6 elf elrh. T1tPy An frLLu Utplr ilroff This strength ltnit "Tilly Is afxr,t youracil-Ltia is w'Ly hag on, furniture uud uu pottery. The unix yet attnrin•d to the gun, although
hiv way gradually tont the m rias •, cu: ;tx)k N.ke,dwvr•a•1,. m tcldll,w. Uol% r.eedGO;tics• o; Uta uta+, ta.r pPr.a•.t i at)plr"el," expinlhed .la.f a characi•r- world's entire mtock of geld l4, abawf, tic• gull Is tuuatnu oral W4, an electric, not Luo much ; enough 1 as
"coa.t net I,v trltior, I.fancy. Slur 4,a- c•n,rige aur y h Is feel Jai- illn•vcr 1 t4,; „g,+,%i,,,t ut Irvef ilei silo sweats i1)r tetkwlly, 1,111(J tsar, but of this only 190 ex- motor. The teats were made by mraus
Jaye three tiny@ for every one she I{%eel night N'lista h,• went out in NlWaak t) .ahtlttr, &.tl Lin• gjalt' h'lp(u1.aY+r, Ito ' Will jou-ra+ad It, pleamr." dmtm In the falrm of :Jilin. of a twit driven, by a ot•aw "gine. Much as you like and 'agrees
- -thiM iiiamoa." - - - thor fialterminn find how h^ elate: eaA thea tins rir11 unwt raaflxut .,Q I ere sure yam wish It"• This stock in increasing by Solvent t'nder IhPw• condittunr the velocity
•'That is pleavant fur her." ei i::i) all thea; Itad to sty. rtaud- Qt1iba--quite sure.' therm anti a half taw n year. Four required &fill wkiirh It it nutinttalurd With you. "atlsty hunger
nam ti mild+ m le mvhd it Liu i:a 1 till
," Hut,'Ht.nor," rasougheal Cxpt. 'Cunt, Dag t.!:ora with -hip ukase ula,at him p;W tfirtaktay'. the shy ndrtru ti yli(tia took up the letter again and tAxs anti a half aro unlntect, but a an rlPctri: r: .u4, will pti,thnce was
titL succeedingin hs retort t4, Ix I 1 !r iwvr even the tk naw frettingread, and what air had nal+h d H'w
ie kx•.uu. an.t til• a;edt t'.ng (nowt 4,r toe is knit by' saute. Tlus it asmall nut, of euurse, attained but the pray- With usual fond ; whatever
quite at eaiev:oxa nut so,•n tv:ll or to ee� Item (hissag:r;.' x;Itl:-blj. ay. ill .logy than til. rule. a4, aawworod "TbAnk xana,.'.'._ very item compared watt. the IZO Looe treat -cm Inc of the gun waw fully
happj'." FItrva;c Treat it'd nae,: nrri%r fu ;ra e , r;vttilb.ei elf tltc• anther. softly, wA1W Allx walArrPtl never the jewelers and iders use u o ever car. d+•rlxmstrated. A lung r:uagca .r,uld nuL you like and a Cees P.'I[h 1'l1ll.
Vu answer, nit1 roytVii'm eym wor• Ltverlr..; unUl a whole day after p naturta title Could rant underataml; for gliders 1 3' g .
fixe.I upon t!w sunny great IN - you l this Jail lit of We lass"" 1 lwve nOi tmtcsh L, is:, 1. , 11 1 Nish and axle of this %lost ennead l4, n- Ise Inial And I w to tier ut•crwlty of
p g J Vf 1 GT"rt f:nn1 ; doth l t•111: bra r. 11'nnt b • h a d •+tea tivrrr were ills scats she hill read: to%rrnble, F'nuace it Zlhe largest anti- ,+arreey, and ale testing sur tkrnr Ina When y011 arc strong
- this olkcn win -low. But even He rvey the ('u.Ltra1 stenarer. mud he had Jtt io. ilahay." ck►�A�1134 411J-1alu ut. (slot '('Idm fly, h1 tall hL+ flrlirfum •lin rntlamaistaw
W gold for live urLs. ieaed. Shelf at 1113 til dry dockr-
-�aul3-vee -�L- idol► n 113 `i thliirtl� finbriil 3ifd• y+si squat te►1 Lt f:,4, hlmrlt. file h:u "ne iitimr-it000r' Can It b� my'co•t lives 35,OIH) ,uuuds a year. Gt�tt A rational targs•t thrty-thirty-ret is again have recovered VOUr
t'n•plr shadowed them., (keit": lit tin Istel to whL.•h Itov-, . J.yi a :a, g. king clurse ul kauluera `In ds% II ng'" too ser' You hn,1 tvtler Witain An u Stood mesi(shd, with 84,100 ,•f an Inch dirk war rllxttentL the � '
".land ishe' [anti(- ine,".itimtlaur•.I IL:r- nen had ttlrtc6ed him. Tit, moment ;hk,h he n t tell ler, l4,-riunlw, law it l4, very t g t I strength ---the germs are
lora ssiasal Jia: Ituf ls.ii y. as Pounds. The fatted tatnteud fol• disk of than gull ravolvin xt a marl
,ey, laid %ole- taklitg,nit enruestr.,•._, I;v nowt his e(su%in facia t„ face he Ina de:s alit growl til nue. OA! if I aoud,; vagal L, Mar: a o -f f woul•I rntA:ear nut low next, wltti S1,(Kn) pounda. `torn ,or _,300 recoluuonm err titiouJw,. From
Which the nit history of her world Ir%A k -ca h'.nt. It Wag til:'..incl' from t1w n,;lv (ell Of this. lvndutae.lr fur due eta,w that who ling gh'ert hire mtaclt n thlalgr marked "M:atle In nermauy" also penetration Of the target It am I dead; you have killed them,
- [,fru ht, "sw out Mr. faith mut V41 pl,ture :it Ahbotanl^or ; It was 1Jic dory, it lull 'A.Pla nm 1 five Pion t, tie cnlrulxuet tint nt a dimtauxP of tied ,
R Y t` -A .oaJ.a'.-auLld--bol pp muat_lie.genuine. fir liar crxftatnen
curt thin mehang•. I meet say it li .fare mush s, mu I t-lxngs, of (annot.:Lail Crt%,w" wilt have I aafferTntt when 1 1imt•u An the ton- a cU,o4(1 fide. Swlturhari4,with yards apenetrationOfa lmllarrhar-
IJNv luy•caxutn Hervey nnu'd twtnem r In whlrh la: calls dnvr or sp':ak-I to you If you have not tried It, send
, tier Own wont: -It will In- rawiret as d +,L1 Lel brtltg thin dein La taxer eyes , herb watch Industry, alnr,rbr 114,- meter will be effected „f a plat• np%Pn-
trot, Bill. wndd: "Will yon tell him ht•r p;ahyi:t with aild nhway's est% Ix r. It makes thlm hitt^r wnt10-1 lR Ifor tree sample. Its agreeable
g Y ;. w r U! (:erg,au4. nearly -tv;eI••e R Still) laurids. linty, il,t0l1 pnmdm ; Run- lIalopnthm or xn Inch thick una er the taste will surprise you.
Mot i hast- It great longing to err Lo, as heir of Ab60ti moar, atilt alit o:d • otri -yowl it %ve it`nnl uI the o:d more flitter even than, It larval Ito; .end influence of no electric motor . There P Y
any own vwiavla. (Gihrinl Mytidolton. %lyti&:txl'a nl1DAPY• tit, Alive. i feel Ilow fur 11111-M I sin, 'n, ti puumU, end tilt- wtpallwr
o:a., au vele 1, -ft lie nam, nod natllaltl this rest. Is 1. ratiw&tal, {a nn IaP(1ltng 01 lilt- barrel of LhP gtaa SCOTT Jt BOWNE,
ea U 1 leg him Whelp lilt,, if ht- car.?' InclivrhWr'ly !tea laid nut hive I1nna1 _,ru,erty t. Mr. haat:. ' tt wits mist '&tier) Les feel for InVaelf-how Imlxa:rl u4,), tbwt hl iridin avoid t, tilt- vwhte 144•xusw of Ila• cohtlnnuuot atreil of Chemists,
That wa)i fort a .,rag••, he•ith, Mi. pr ^:ill ao`..rw1e^d fUabrlrl in talar Lh:tl b1e Pt iw L, minister W a mintt d1s- cold stir which In imlaielieml lhrott{,h 16 Toronto.
wrr• unnisimlly wenn o('td " ett:r! that time ih:tt. i m'L IuSm cof nearly S:o,l)O0,11011 each year h,
Phi, rarttruhl,-1 it. is, un•. Khat nuswrr R hili Tor ;ix'. Ni'v•w ('leaven yteara bo -fore) we Named• 'lin nut roll lion' I e:tld' oat wlth,trnwn free: circulation by nnticr by the turning of the dints. Thr dire
may I lake hei?" (plot a''n tie+rvey' Treat. (sof 4,011M. aid tarn t+lalJvlr•a tow -r #&list nwar yam+ 1 licaca• it to yLAI. You will know it,drif Is also free from hratlng un ar-
Von vlell take h •r f;nhrioTA law t (;ahr'eI dill not rrrrntldrr hila at first, b,*t." tarxarders and W other cruntrions' ,.aunt of thea hal h Barin g on whirls aOo. sired $1.00; all druiljalSta,s,
rKhl*yrs iu +u1 F:ng,ldt 1mruty. if them altogether, n mimllar amount. R
nttswrr ifaj'u:n will:' ha mail. vlrroki1l,; 11ed wile +s ha d"•d lib wekvaetw ,cewm .:tis 13 barrinter, tlsrigh h• w•as n•4,. \ t^w' in"itlt;x .nrWricard Hn:lar a In ennstrurt+d. Ther Iwarinfcr are - ---- -
w►<fly after 4 cl!gllt lgnslt-. K. wi l n -t mneh M'der thein Her%ey'm; Mt' ractmLyt Jun: thea. end, la'a u.trn w, lit .it: ire InGr th- library, w;wre - - :t highly romldientod mlvhnnlcnl con+ /9+S,INN) fur a Soag.
Le grntefal floor title rrn+wng� from th^ Ila* N'ae only dne to th, rfex•r%r %as Ito-ca:ei 4Yd.taay. W, wen-, t , Am. Ha rvey w-nitmd to. Imar the tidings trivanoea and nre minnilar tea thlxM
n-•!4, .tom .4,r all_.hir lyenusei _!4,L h:oa nvPr which had grown utn'n titan t!ur:ng .r-' a nil :: Uel u•i ih I trot• t•c_-a.a• Iruw R'«Ntl••igh, hi • slnrled veil«n'Note. .Uva, t11r fntln,Ilw singer, hila
Geed In T'arsna'r lurblers. which eaa I art rn•rnel a hantlwstar fee. In tier
mlx,ken thvlly orf film vor doubled hill him twelv(t yearv'1 arimhrtwwds Imn full 1.1, fat.bs' end 1. Il • WHS •t mil'• ,-Amt. - In. ---nor --wits nlifila M',01M.IP.t........., vrvetivw vel the rwtp of L_,(al(s fwV1t- / ,1w+rre of an .lam+tr,il':ut t)ur Ifo I,ttlw
I !lvklP 1114 ttslmlra. What of la;hw g, g I R This., lotions A minute, and Lpvatl'R motor,' Mtile. .alta %oluntmro-I to Ring 41orme
R.Iilt. Nn will 1^e very .gllad of it aw,•rtleed nlmaawl 0111ttC. 1'erlro a. e`•a• rk :, un in t.luxi, and xu• t •the hilae word tar -<rt h n Imes +II'o•.rd roaure �. ne r.,•ry lm,r of ant- re,r,utng
rrdlecially If you delver IL raft 1 much = t�ld•rhd for 1,1.esrin•. 0:1 that mi -are lee had at- n iaar Fant night. ,Hut which revolvls at tin• ruts- of 30,011f) n
y� d Iry t'midty batt (wit her now I. native Bromo ul0lne Twt■u rang+ r,1,P rfRlet wt Rendlg.r vnt,rra,
yen haste Luan to uh�.' / s Uvit Rhe folt h"r hiv ythad Briar hwr oyage- wily. AW not tan:: Gor,blm to glnr4,thw Ng trey dist tas0e w egw in gM low/• minl►.te. TO tP4,t'thP gun thoroughly I ts,t,snn.• nutty before U1Plr goinx into
"Riot boa• would th•tt Kw laardlae. •'hu nut teal me tri -night." ,,lit in her. it will he nPMsanry t ottflt a motor,
" \i•oulA yea i if it were n:.ce ngubli 'anti in anrety. but ter- honor. with n I I retreaat." '1110 h,u Jwt been Inform
go to him gentle cncaas, nit Nor "HearvPy," tette weld. ' I-tfo rtotdtx,k Observations. which tis a flvrltoceP loWPr rwtr al that by tis• will n. n wealth .laps•
INW1140?" faipr it wax In rtntr.wt t, r:gberlwl', taw Lite Learn utter la Alklc'se ra at In.:-su: I am well -1 ohly want to tor, palliated direct onto the *haft,- a y
Yaa1-cerU:Inly. T wool I fnTR' airetrnr r(leicer!eP• g y Brsp tsar be highly ptgtahed; gold treillan veils MA twPn twit tYS,p00 "Sit
LiervPy had at 4,F "ger. 1 would ,dither Loll, Ids .ars grw ilk Lin row llrrcey. 1'a x bis will onlyIs refined. i'oalJlsn � . retragnttlon of Iver
Moraoria wish to tilt- letter."' 1(+ N/e'ta'd ;ilta.n' (hl that voyage my tattier •fledt ulte t" 1 you of Gabrbl'n lett.vr; I bol -- geardultra nt tarart
.• :card. J,er worth, Ute surviving- wiUi I Learning Insures respect, buL ix- an well iu or her magnlffMnt wn.00w
..Then. If you will stay with ms- ,uddettly• and I Wsts lest entirely trod; her to you. 1 nm ing un n UNR 4UUD TURN DF.Ni:It\ F.!%
tonight 1 wl!I lye. you an addr'w a L•L••11 he h tel be^n eh'ireted, and (;Ab y y R" noraoee at times has won & mwn irnantw as n roger." Tib k;&4,y is
g r`et laud A:ssnrM. %v'!h a rpt' o1P wean to the world. fair I halt no ivarlM,r. and [grant to it,,..-, if Toon great & ANOTH1tR.
In l.tver eonl %v11rro t,-mornow you R W loprobatkon. at Lilo rate of [:.DOD n aegis.
yews r 'otlon-I had even a.o frim:d, will tome with mil. 1'1);1 tett aha
1 lv' S h was nomott Uwrhleg. Litt Iv An antiquated bachelor sewing on Laatlsoms of (ann.lw-NetPn:
will find- (;labrit-1 \lynak•Iton-where S1 hat a frietld fat wuti u{eon that enrol. jrtrltwy %viUl ale once tR•forc-
N,;tier R• i1 pwren to Wuatik dinner • button saute make a wpinater (:Met Britain tater narefly' all the I To MsdaP More ('arm Ilow big wife la wnitivig to recelcr %uyagG And afterward I never could for m4, then. trot w{Ni my-tr,ntiln
him." nfur his i io brol Ro ek•tl. w-m!u r t.. .1 ant. Ills care and frirndehf o ll:•r%v will yen camp with avi.now wPPp. ext r,rted producae .,f Cana,kt. F:mgli,iih i T•, Meas,-1PA`ww is a Pitt oam.ladnie..I ora
... Ill&-w•i'r" tae:egrnm wan bnmgldt n.to Chs- Ins Wants 1M two%"time- when w•c• hnd landed. t, lviwtal lu ToWern? l'nn yfonc x111, Thd• man who van remain manly -avotrh and !Arlt bops faror11Me -the V tr.,•t,w. lal"a•,s,■fpandpaatl--e B -.,re
It w'n" acliuvooet) to Albs-. ISIIL hr: R under the coddling cru sevl•ral skaters tress of Ceylon awl India. f•nb"I"IsP n"d ,mu'atln, l"4, I•utn.,"A
- _ Ill -s wFe," relganteal I(_!ydnq illi"t Pref[earn 6rrvntbhrrl 4,o eadLT w lip air-usta1-it was totally Llnraulth ll{* leelp fit aver• --stow p'ear•. tier%"? or w4, R I Ititantenal'ornF:111"cl1w, A�druari.t.
--- _I�.. 1?*or mons- tires• ratio harm 1».•n - e%ert;d ill nu anti a doting mother must tis of hero- C;Inn,L► cnrowdmem I i,11410.0011 ponnAR , ___-__.___.
{ b+e'.1 :& fleet t::alori d gwnty dm It it Itlaul e'wYs) whit. ,1 ncsy bre-t fo ;ate." Ir stuff. 4,+f arvl.rrrit arta rkw•t red Jn n aie"Pn ,
rt'ty rag here with an 014,1 friend of i.bttin"d n livelihood- for my fathPr'm "hon,r, dear, 1.nat early." i't Td flal•o she t31[la Km"otM.
til I hums l d It fray h•4,. I as list c. wvtat If cleanlinena renlly n oachaaw al- Irian. Cre•Pn loan hof ire nntur al reed
,ttenl� dive: Indy avb,cltn you vwrw J+t(n heat-l+(erI•l+.tlacm toll 141 1tt�ari xlnk .!'MtH9r third with him anI_.l 11 as vela __ --- Ppr , n r sgr4"troritreal fn+mg(:w� } 1 lis,tilt.IKretaxly-rmLM(MPh'b•.1th,
- ------tubs:-hot yesterday #&Ie went to 'w•tt1 fear. Tire eek •rnm was from 11xest peuol!eam. (he da I cement t' I.%I'TEJI \1,. hnPar,tfiwRthwtnrelrtrrrrtf 410 1•e'� � IzP4 ' l esyw h skin I.lverlomrl to ml%•alt the %Panel ,its aper, lie:!'Mrool. xt 1\'tart h Traw• tier It Am if it m!glat have halon tar d he In H"avrn• lon avail Intim: Tla•v are now fon main Il Y apwl•IwlSwta to the twigk
which her hunbnnd availed from Amer nit swap weer tie We a = ttrrm nlrlsesueest lav (lee llr,anwe i:1. Phoebe wam mtill t•I;hu;l'api. A carfwt knigbt harts rnAltly fellow will, toll live grVCerP. lleedh glrrve, which In etude ,d n "try
R wrr: the gentleman whor.c wife+ laud, at Trent a r : g'lr.ney 1•PFmit11 women to nae Statwnmwn PPP ubRtneiew to 1're: material en%Pral %rith cnvme hnlrs.
no an Ill of marc W lin Ilwln curl I - ?*,IFPN n-TMAF---wittan--tits.- Sin tin. arm -and nn•k-to f•irt.
now, load ht- Iw sink t4, a,nrr." At Nr. hs-lt•h'+ rn new Isend thk '•l4,. Fr•Ith'r rerluert tnkwtl raw to ant^ntll the mum. lar hat t{Itsrl law him for w door -mat. Yru ladies can low ask►s all lob. till pntirP hu•1} - n r-- uW-wTivir oyvrT-
..How did he know?" fa14•rat to sb, , volar mttaru hen•.. For mal 11 'ver c1)mp+tniuu. n Luer ru:ut win. +,ger Iver twill -dais w low.=------- 11
('nptain Trent. our I.lplient. health uud fair Nr ':0t hn%Uhg found tie tra"Ier at bile ."Take care of Gabrlel'e wife." its,, „trletton. 1 night will r•n,Ipr the akin anlnoth.
"1 tPMgrnpttwl to him th-very M rkleltAm after, hill vo n It wool,. oin r.•had name on W tine t,asr`.and, whispwrnt, her mimes (uickwodn 4,w Bring patrinike menHment on yfmr ( Tilt. Rln%P "nn ht- pnrrhnmed fnr a'.
y 7• R' h 1 1 R breatfauat table. 1'(!uc will rwanonnhle umannt, .)r mild.•. for that
h.rur h►w inu.axntx. waw prorelt 1 Ir• highly nnwhee t4, n,rm+, lank Mr =;,peri admitted ntnorhg ur'All. That the carrbiga rrlas is anti .b wh.,Ju,a gttxrr
11,grsl to go and greet him wh"nhe )iytolelli,nt to Int um knew where ,-oil ,.Pry eveming air. Keith ale waso :in near whie't ::g"y ht,larl and themmt- I believe Ugi-ARL13 LINIME14Twill Ret thratow phare team If 3a,u only In- matterr
landed. but 1 anxld not." satiy, mial I will Waite. me. KeI,!Irv,n: honored guemt there+ fast,] rarturued ice hordw;a were Invied'up beioru tie cure every came d iiph.theria. Met. lalm nal paste p'•rftarnPm this tNrdy .
_ The Nalndx Ten l'om,any' have and ker .11 Inexrrll,•nt runditlna. .
Hervey sat In silence, tis Uicwghta w,Ntt-1 m+ to knave trite, tint. it i- rt,et F'rrx, and 1►e MnplwnPtl tet tar flour. -- - MRIs IwEUB6N HAKEIL 1: 11!
growing tangled. :1;Rravattml tvl,luold fever, Dr. Frank 'a•iUa ue w•heu this yoving man er "1 wish I had aecertahrcl about Riverdale. platy l them in C+trnlrP,•m Id mlorem.-_.-__-._ .
"Thin le all no strange," he Paid, lite fearm, Mot hr' hnra tLi+yernI)h,el for te:•eat. I maw him w'at•hing the --r the trains; freaed Hervey, ns he I believe MINARD:v LINIMENT will Wtny other lea -ling flrrn+ tare ahlp• Th • ferret to( etar,r•w+ 'a runstaary
when at last one of throw thoughts further ndvicar:- R'e ria n ttnrtiv )cuvu keenly, and 1 felt that N'I fo'loweel the girls Into the hall, "L producer growth. of hair. nrPnta corning. Ovvly laggarol nwalt 4, ptarlxa,ie.-Dmrast4l
fo anti worts' "Clow Gabrlwl Myddel- 4ey -w!tns ib ins from trntu-_tit lom ntr' ate Raw Of the n yr -co, ,r there are monism -aewm beya t 6 Ug& L -MA -Y. A'1DEjM,Xr the Jumping of tl'.e car.
tog renally be lauding In Englandto. teleal by, what abotwlerat•d since. 0; he liked or re&wniz(.I. The 1,1111L I don't know wouut we 4,l ,1 Ftaolwy, P. E. r. O'h.olst. �
day?" Prauese i mlu!11 not 1!i,%e. Iwdl wrltoo, oiliseehant would not engage A clerk do•" I bellerw MINART)'R IANIMENT 1e -
" Ideally "' Ixat (on riot be alarm"! if you do uo; i lis (-Anse with wteartlntontala And, "I have ant a :gcoo:M on boyaP the blurt househol l r^rtr,)y on earth, Telephone■ Ster111sPd by I•;lectrlclty. CAN Rf1EUTARTIS1111 DG CURED?
" Anil married ?" dear very coni. E%Pry mhutt,' of my :') t000rllmr•ntoat/una un;vwr he voijid back," wild floaur, 4uiety, "Apd be MATTH4AId FOLLY. An stralnratum hiss Moen dnvevnted for, Yea Mat t telt nwhhho It trying
" .%rid married, ("Rpt. Trent. Ever day In tat little to glue• him." Llce aeclat•H,y for.,two hundred puunda. b to Wegraph o:l for ptrat-horses. Cil City. -Ont. mterilizinq '.h" mouthplincr , of Woo EBYaJ U►l�e7Y U��
with that braieL upon big unstop, he "(,h, (Iaaboriel "' rrlsl hl+ wife, c•hlasln I saw trite qu!aet. ats:uty kxA aeelleu- Ooa1-by, dimr little Frau." . , ptrnil% ripprtratuv by electricity. IL
fuatul one who would link her lite to ler hint" Iso sibut laid nrm when :lg !u 'Jtr- KeeltJry ear -it vera w Yet for Soli her quleturrr Hervey coxa+btu of a h'udUo musuPthhtg IMP w The Now (7aeeniotal rompound, wpnAatKa lb
- - - - '- - - - - - ---.--.----_. - -..-- - gaM•Urw In aurf of NMu eatlwn. Ne4,raIRY,
aegram TPPTIi-tom iter Tiri t+T W file t. watch
anxi0m lite•' %.-i her hand trerishfc dr► lits - arm ----------- - tlrsiwieeei'va.. having a hollow at
- with �1Tii'tt 1� Teats-t,tt6 thnL� & - 1tra17• h't SSR /rdatlea. Pain In the hark *rad ision. l.tatakaalm,
hnnith frailest and he ertrevttsf her to ' what Niall we door Oh,.loxor, low. f -Uio yaxrlg aeon 1%h;,. though ,evi. when le ltd her oat t, alto carriakc ions- e•nri. In which i+ plavel arome ticwaThreat Dfphih.ri*, Socialist 1+1tios Toon
nave It for lair snkP--woukt never have I1*W:" a:ttiy an English grntivwhau. pleaded afad tenwgh the whole journey. _� flbrcx,a mnterinl, with n peau of cser- a0he. Brulme■, Kidner and aowdder, tmmamm
frnrtal from him." - " Thproa in tilt ane thing for tau• t, a:/ ur•rvntly fur Utis mltuatkua. Ul:at though' aflzi sat mil atdi! find patient- � Lrinlea hurled in It, whl-h ran rarira (told by all drngarl■fa at m renis. or ream
Ari Utd Tlwsw Itpllrph.
Ind she hon Ivrrt here?" .!n;' sail Gabriel. with dtitenr:a morrow wntA•hel Mr Keith U."tend-then ly. the MtILVs11ast and 1110 nnate(y a current elf plw•trcaty from stay lxxt• Y. l4,. gBT, fh,aot.l Part Ltats, Ora
Yen, vUftlnic mp torr Nems- time. iso: lar fstnv nn.l v1)irr; "Mut, dear sift- Ire "lt-IY h^ label leve would i'(►y tine withd,d her cycN %yore pain.ul w aw,•. The dol Ips epdtaylt la engraved ,anent mur,r, of ripply, prrsmm�hly `�4w+ iao,a •..�n+qm f
v%'4,, err, %Pr,r r,ld friAavtm, nod- 'tllirR wiser:v c.uh i IVAyo -Yalta?" +••Brit% Ikni•n. tend Mr. HuAjo, Ute Atilt bwycu'A &his them waw anotbl•r 00 • Drip^ in a graveyard In til• t•lrpMune Intt"ry Molest. Tn this --- -----
e aeeNo:d 4,n Y Y g R'fMlaw, MP. Npre ISPs tl:e- hraly Pr.eve1 of rhnnin p I FRUIT FAfl�i FOR
Ilcnarrw)rt rind ■hp are %Pry' old "ifuvs--:u you monll-• naman,hunt. txm:(j reality It to raider which Lierle little uwraed le g th hwntth loci
Irle.elx, tsar. I Rhuni'l ita%^ gvane• W)th I "To.it I knunt, ger Ln hill; lwtt I nm is elertt when he dlvol+wwl Ilam. Fr%,m ot, 9he cunR•lfourmess of what 111, ,It of Rielhwrd Th rnstAs. An Engliahman IIs• ,arnrnt petarw through therlbrraas SALE.
her, an f writL If 1 h:Nl tarn Inatter. I Nnrti a mtra,ger .now in my rant%.• h11% S4 0ahrt-I and I---" have been {( also laud tkui)W,l then. by birth. A R' of 7ff. BY 00`01311► neatrl-II And wterilltrwany hnellll that
4 go do .' •1:1,1.1 that I pnnnoC thorniest for t,cbre , silo* a twrrper. w fr'.A n warrant I'm 7w Ihone.
hr 4,.d Mbit tlPrlAerson woy111 - you "f' n tanda" raid Horor smartly air rite doubled Slow. those wtm.s O..e of the finis in ohm \I 0 Panlnotnle. a+
mt+w 1, but Phaa woul,l not cour•ut t1) t -%a-,• of that -nm 110 as a- ou mwrt heti sof" peutal. LlbR an old lepUr rlr hlOn, marked, __ -- .��---__ Winona, In mil" from flan •on, am two rad
t 7 Y which 'fhtaxlor'e Trent had rrpresrn.•
knave imp. '&I Al or lPly+klrlton w,.wt . Karin wewt,ieiglr'- -- _ _ tnd _" - w se4x1-:Dolor_' rosumeat rel-ast UWdern's.-- Wablaedl-- .ttr'-rrt; smmberted .thiel shoot d. He will .be Wismar, 'a Llatrsart-Cable Colds, warm 170aero,a ss of wbsea sat In ft•sft, e"R.dr
with Mr. Romer -you have not fur Them Hcrve crime to t4,• rr•mor-w- 1ltrsi,. wi!.ing awnv they ter tim hurri^d- raMeA again atxl Hills cri bs hIa CrPa- �.a hPm Itel■SSw.me+.nf►n,Sr,r son'ypearnsg
,Leu what a y rtlnp had iww%er doubted, even thew. tor. Flea r11ta1, Awpt. 28 1824, w d n aiffh' thlm ,seeeon. w -Ill M mold in lou to n
gr fttxn,l follow your "I 11 Urn. Mydaelt.no will I••t taw 4,s y'; uud we bvcri lfaa%ti oUoer dearly "t--1 meal] h#&'ve tvate4 mrtwt(," gh Thasrw fn r:hP MfaRPr. arm: �a Thlst■mbetrpin. Adder
rect,r wag, (•alit. Trent?" cart her W London," b • eni l earnest tint were, very Isapfvy, vlcxagh alar thee: ht, ' if I could 1:n%e belie al law T'r' America, my nvnpt . entry, my A "Imply way est removing n titlowe
ices (lav$$ known many tvr.-owe and brtml :ivies to yeti f+ this TAte ewrti
T:never 1 Mar not, although he , W i oil aero I Could Ooh flea braek ,;or too have upon f r!Nd mild fret ,d, thio nal l th.- ecrp thou. But hr of your nlaPrtlea" � from n chlld'R hand Iw t.. prep a P.0. Bosnia Wlrwa oat
tan■ y to spry t little
of longer,
of Honor lally ." ' wrtnuwlwtlgmPnt \\ uN,k ,ue ora snrpriro. rifw hug uri;y mnall key over IL 'Len lit" key In . ___ _ -__-..- - __ ----
eel. tut tlnC t:tcr 4,L have. all TAMPS. Parwrana having eaA aaoll,spele■e tis
T1tPy tnikaml n little longer, bqi Of later mfe■ulg.•." M J,wt GN•1 me, lap 1 -'tot lar If the w'O-d+ removed lien thr.ra will nbaW ilea - oM Atamfm will fi"d It r their adrantaae
Alluded A In t4, thoseohf da n "Tilt ,Ston think sw)7' ill mired (tab 0•n legh 1 for its by •hat rue %%ere -a 6th,•bofo.l." lmearaya Llalgspt QJre1 Dlph• fK y
�I y ry kind Mud, n 1 coir loo' •-'vv often thsrla. Lund sticking Out enough to ill. to oon"spewd with 11. O. Box m, llamlllor..O■r.
In Btatton, stud prlwentlr dimhPr wits .rkel tongrrly. - You know line twit t uta Honor's wink the clans.e war - ______ low It to tit• caught tooklof and drawn - __-- - -
:mm,uncw 1. hoyden took him pine: at last you really think nit, S'• ureeeF t0 jn b, him. Olt. nanw i wish md+pgr91 a. tlhc pack gates oU tlientlelgh The Subject Aroaseal Iler. art by tweeewrs. Wb -n the thorn 4,P- FITS Pz"ANUNTLY CURCD BY DS
alrtp, loot ldenp noticed that tar I nm sure, %ery ware," hilt i a%ran'ri inti cart hiPir. gttene'm (trent Nerve Barterer.Na
J rs'pllied Her 10"ea, no I wit,: and It, r,"% d•4,:e..d- " Up to .Tim Tllodgett'n, ell? Thrty fiRtvw to coarse tint a broad poalUoa fits or nerrovmnma after Bret da ,
tne;atd nothing on Mat plate, and ser, I.romptlr. " tier,• In Mr. R1)m •r \It Una.,' she nt On Presently. r•1. ,% ht.lo crowd Lad collic.ei at the my Jlm'w wife 1•,n't mu'•h of n trilkpr. slalomed ba• part fort for an Malar or so tome. send to oaf Arch treat, Ph�
though he talked n I;ttiP, Ile•r%Py sack him, for lin ktuiv►e Honor, too." .ldi.aR ter wfnJt h ala hu It !r 11µ ,mX,: of tin lodge; women who had f;l,fa Issn't7 Shn ks-pt map up nnUl to ekaw it, rue IL Iw vpry .In ugp Fit 4elphis. Pa. fix teat line and tea lir trial bode
null see that his atmnf>Kh was town It IL waw rrattlh wnttl•I, and Mr my hevltth frikal, uM t:w lxlrl's 4,.n from their cottug.•+ to hear the ywevolebyJ.A.Harte%1TeoNotroDae•idis
exhausted and that Mar Ilt•radtermutn n liamter (wive hn,i Invent:• i has.laetr 1st wort a -1l b."caktn he"run thwy after 12 o'rka•k and tre%rr gxvp mw ltPr It t0 rwmals on Ute flwsh goy Afwtreal.4ns
{meet ttdingso; Lahermon whir butt k rbtnen to g:•L In it word algewnrw." loogt h elf time. . _. _._. - _.._._
grew painfully nnxloum. I L'tri'tnxvl mrltrt of that day, thlakin} 13M hbn that tb RTB t:fe I must Nalseil stralgh: up from the Vach W „ Wbat will. Nh,• talking alrmit?" - '- ( Mrs Wlnialow's assaulting Syrup ,should 4
Rltt &n unusual tbonghtfnint-ad7l hie oampany unner•+ksi) neconod ill a neat Isovue t, Erigt+ul . atilt he hear of the manwr lot fore thny t•n- "Atmwt tis chnnerr she Md to MivrP living fish err wild In Berlin � waya6itivedfor (•hlldnon Teething. Ituiaekw
.,tis:.. .Iwai-ttNctt•--Iuwlr-Hero--; mien.. -unit (pARt�. before ,h^ Van Jfaf:-('I0ve- (lion in wily rattler mnrteb in ww the Phovd, site"• the soma, nabs wlododM
__ ,__ _- --- „tie all oho story or old Jnr. 1%otnrn who had walked front the mlllr world.` I and 1, the lent rer11ed1 for Dlarrh+r TwwV
- rdAPlAopb saurlt-r AnA oft w trllal land Plain Dealer. reBasis a►utlot.
1%ithe"It thet ,it nl h)rr-e nnpplirl by the ner,u-im myntem, ties heart•
luoga, stomach. lhf-r. It.dneym nn•I I,ntr•Im are lxnvrrlem•1 i) loerforn their
fulsctlaxr, road I— n ,• it, im tint teak, atAr%p•1 nml e%hnmLe•1 nerven re-
wnit in move. OemnseemPntw law rnnm
inaigpntiaaa, ner%1miN ,dympepsin atilt
ht-adnolie, tlrp.i, Innicni•l avid dpwpon 1 -
rut feeltngm. iovm of 1•nprrrr and am
h!tku ; fear of vrrlttare and Inrapa
Hty for hnmines+m, ner,nu+ne*m, wpak
da•a,, deh Uty ail g.•n •ral break down
O.' ate Mrly.
Tie bonlan Iwoir In w bunds of
nerves and the wWP system b 10-
Ptlflal with nerve Pnpray anti vital.
ity when their nprven are revitalized
hr fir. Char'n Nerve Food. Through
train great restorative prescription,
Dr. %. W. Chnwp Ile" made It ptnedhle
t,n enrp the dn„et Mertens cane of
aa.. ion+ dtar•amr. Thin great ford cure
tA,:cm aO•I invigorate" the system As
Sao prospnrhti(rn wax ever kprwn to do.
ow perm ho% M Ute genn'ne will la,• fe"all'i n ln,rtralt and floe mimile
wignatnrp of lot. A. W. Choose. th-, best Rtuarant.eo as to quatity whish
war prPpnrnt'Ott can pwrwlhly hate This (-v4, err the heal M given for your
gn.,5ane•r insist ,on hating the genulef, haul tin not. under any eireem
+'aneP,Rxeellt auhatltntesof any deavriptIOU. 60 cents as all dPahers, or
LsLNaism Betas ! Ca. T'orooto.
ev�ery worth, to -fore Ile won my I Ulu
t1P-,tit3 ArOu3.1 due high rand On iror-
pure to hater what aslght list learned
o marry him, and nor, of cwt , i
from Lite- physleinni tis they truce
knew why we(0:11_not go, fur -r
ttuvnngb theca -western gates back to
n nor i had any T'rRl!a11 frlea;dn; 1 t
tit-' station; a homel, d,naig, al,k•Ir
nRntn air one trap froet:d cam•: to til
drew Isvk wh1 n the hgoudnK Ixrt-
ra-vil , An 1 lin bru•igiti me t0 hive ewer
horses+ nt>friu VAit" Ltin stat. ;In f -1st
:muutiful .lwmc:-'Cleat.,,
taro, nn 1 I bora M•rn f;:•tllnR In•tt•r
n.'wr oblrml:sl An laqufaitiva word or
•al stronger 'Ivor rtira. Now that
gill .e. Honor's land Pyilan r.w:ed o.,
nbriel haw rouge, 1 ka )w that; 1 R'nnll
then fair a salivate, then s -he me,%e l oh
,,min ht- grtfW wtr,)nR 'Wali.' i fasmd
%%Ittl hnrrlol start, for aloe abscond not
• op flay- In Vint forrign land rim oil
trout . A-41' i, lmar the wor,te whl^h
rripn 1 of m mother's who, tlrroagh
thaw nil t tiny.
lima) of her property invent..,! in mines.
' UertL3..'-rhe vans".glaatlag...up at
want ftrtaq n JrCrgKgTthi(1trF1 b IC't Pi'o;
Lite rnsstrlla ••d tu.vers nn the a 'nred
nn•t-supe unthliV rigly-I Wit f;Ah-
the htottmo, • h w sllrnt It In:"�
ripl, In Mr. Kpith'n preorglc•p, of how
• (111, that's thing,'' unwerted Her -
I tratanI 1'nyddq nmpmb'red thlP
ccy Promptly. Of cuurrae thrn'w n,
ns tip rrmcmh•ra all dopportii tips
for klnInews -and wlar;a the rine'atlott
bitn I p1ny111R ane that Port of thing
31"ima Ahnitt as 'v going to Vilglrnd, and
yly door Honor, Mt world yah
lin vP 1"
he mail) hp tans rwtnrning amt gnv„
'•It Wnw Air difforeW when i %%:u:
itis that offer or a home, he J1P;t9al
harp b'aforca"
flint who. nh+ndd rnm^ tear . no 1--, n'o
know the rent. (lar horn• ill. IY,wt-
"Of c mme, larcrunte to hotline N-nN
full of gliogtss.'•
Inlgh-\)Taal flen.11enau's rtnd SAW -
••?kit oven til,• .;ergs nn: g 1t- :"
himIreo n peaux•fiil And a bully 4,..p:
• Tea, Strang • to say." ra fur A Her
No w•Of•d or glnn••e Joan titer told
that It wisam n•,t Hors, alunlly With
vpy, mokin;t fel effort to rprn It ill)
his, tint for thc■we two yearn he, hAn
w great ttrnl +,f rnwp an.l ut•:rn.perti,
AthPf t deet In lose tint or hyla•,
tidal, loll : nor earnestly aN3' lLIU) patiently,
tlbn•it tit,. h•a li ill n mwalt:rr r)Ii!r+llnllnly
low rlerur (I.,hrlel'w nam •, 1.1nt any lata
( nt)jf-t AN if they nn -d r•rnw►rir. U,
Mll'I nllgllt eAsrsM Iaild lite tlgoln In
Plat ,lath'" nOnhtf;y. Rabrk•1 land mull
innkt• thinam uera.d4imat_.1hant t
film the whelp ortory wh •n he, ewe gra-
corp: it It a mistake toenlf.i%n'P dO.MY
lTo 110 UBBtaIrvA.)
rcrrvwlr offered mw 'thin homy In 1•jlr
Innl, four w•P theuglt it might awake
- _ _ --
him retrn't tare rfP r. Ynt how (wild
Th � lambe •, m4, I1,wj.I•ttrt In if,. trill
tan ever think that of him" It n,Iv
L e,t w ul:rel all F;nKl7111.1. Mi- nuurrla'
mn-k• him dot^rnihw ft,r hp I.e%#W
ill ollk , `n lN•it ). f;tl' w.l , tilf,11 M,
ro"tivie d Owhr!pl'N y: rah"a of I'M story,
lin New Yew§-..'rh• dist • ,v th- Ford n'
roam -•410 Lytton t"it :h(, rrnlsaur,brer,
L"O'l Op1 to r, lar nod own,s hilt ra dozenif
It wpm do man'" tvaw.•r to 111) as,
rnatha, nitres( til in Fang ill- Ino.,tl
1'rwl kanor that It-, lin= mn,nvr 1sml nn
lar, othear matt re.if•l. rise h•IL r,,r flim
t•arr,l. lip R'<Itirvk wh•r• Ln iv 11 10
i'r-emir n ,alo'nt her hRg:Pvmesnl. TIt -
fity atilt hti twl•, Margirrt Tr-rrlt.
Cos h•a A•vo<(w nit at 1): Iver tint" to
would have bnraod thns tvonfeawslon.
Ill- furth^rwnee of temperance week.
"rrhozonP Cures 11romehitle of
ThreeYwars' Standing After (rear
i1sweters Balled.
" I feel It mduty." writes Juan. Bo d. of
T,sonwrdrllle B., " to let run know �hara
been enred of branch It i,l of t hrne year A' stwndf ng
' With the least. ,ihmnae In temperature or
e:pnnnre Io inclnnaot. w-ewthor I ,not. atL%rkwd
with bronchial dimrtomfo,t, atheezina in the
cheat, hearmaner, more throat, :&tial I", of
voloaandatlfnaegnf the herd.
'I aaonmtalted fear d„rtarn and wamtreated by
tketw ell• wlthmat Any benefit.
•' ('ATARRm1)tIN' w waw Strongly revern-
mended to me by -,*,I persons, whom It had
brrrrote•d and 1 we- Indnrod to try a aanPple.
It atrkly nlleve.d my dlfBcidt brrivabi ta,
got lois, the rousplete rotator, IArge hard rnhher
lith es. rte., and I Irepn aytemntlrnlly the
CAT ARRnntnRet-
a Ir@atea
In a few days the hn-ktneae And halrsenpae
WpprAred And my rWee h erwnre oirenger.
rnnnlnar of the nnAn and t ha mt nff nAem 1, the
1. flarMwh,aerm, dilaoult br~hinr.. were All
awny wlth M•forc I had b"n noting
v, IaR/1n7.neR very less.
Abuts z wePkm('ATARR1wwA,Ra tr'satssmt
wast sa1!llrlent In do "'am for tae than four
dontm+failyd to dil In thew eg"Y time. Iso
,ureal we and I don t battler! there 1s, anelker
.,wh a romedy an the Parth. It, action I.
•iAWY. pleawA■t and permanent
CATARRnntnsx Iso a naw ■nientlflo lrealm"nt
that Is, Iamntoed to cnm Nrnn,hitla Aathma.
"isfarrh, a'old+• Pic., or mnnoy nhmded. It,
pnnlwino niRktnr In)"rtovm and mwn Vast trains!by
the Infant. am well a. by the Adult
R1r w"km' trratmArit 11 on; at dnlwalmt lar by
mail. Twent. R, -e rx'nf triwi mita and ant-
(tI nwanit m
toot�nnln is Prove, In pent. frN. (7.
r Td.w fit Oe.. Kh•fi41taa. Data
to your Grocer.
In the sugar matter if you speak plainly and
ask for St. Lawrence Sugars
You save S per cent. in value.
Our Oolden Yellows as good as most Granulated
novo offered.
The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World.
ShROM, Shattleworth R CAL. SIwo11a, .Iscoba .tt Co., Oarcle. Jacehw R Co.,
r.lrrrpnol, Ragland. Qlaaeew, Reetlwrd. 11-nd,.w, rw6111,041.
PerveeeAe of maim a" promptly remitted by mhlw rail and Aernmte Market no ."
lam"ad tel weekly Ctpnrl Pr. of apples will M fuealabad with marketL
r"p+". lata:+ .1
,sIwenlgr■ and othwr,nfmmatlma. M applying M
J. U. Rwt'T'rt.a IXORTN, "NOW rARR" rARtr, RRA1fTroalon, (oorT.
W. M. "KNrft 109 Mptalll .arena, ia"IstramiL will etlwad to aka prempl APn,mr.h am,
eosdaanmt4 mads a tar above meed frsma