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THOa11DAT, Nov. 15, 1900.
W.Acheson& Son
Butberiek's December fashion sheets free ; The Delineator now in and for rale.
Is reason for
These Remarkable Values
FRIDAY aafiSATURDAY, NOV. 23 and 24.
1200 yards Heavy Fine Flannel
otter, 27 to 30 inches wide,
patterns and colon are of the
very beet, in pinks and blues,
a regular 7c value. Two days
your choice at per yard
50 pairs Heavy, Soft sed Fleecy
White or Silver Orey 114
Blankets. Had we to buy
them the prioe would be
11.50. Special sale prioe per
pair $1.00
15 doz. pain Men's Heavy Bieck
Worsted Hose, sizer, 10, 10i
and 11, warranted all pure
worsted yarn. Regular 30v and
35c goods, sale price 17c, or 3
pain for S0c
123 pain of ladies' Corset+ in
nearly every make, "B and C,"
tour," "1) and A.•' Not every
size in every make, but every
size in some make. Regular
11 00 and 11.25, selling at.. .69c
10 pieces 36 to 38 inch Tweed
Urea goods, neat patterns and
plain cloths. Former prices
were 25c and 30c a yard : now 5 piecee27 inched wide English
all at . i tic Tapestry Carpets, good weight,
well covered and this season's
patterns and colors, suitable for
any room. Regularly sold 50c
• yard, at 39c
ful brown check or plaid
Heavily fringed and suitable
for handsome cape*. Regular
value is $3.50, only for there
two days we offer at 51,95
54.inch curl Shu the Clothin
Cardinals, Scarlets, Greens.
Burt maker and most suitable
for children's cloaks, regular
value at 11.40 a yd, special, $1 .00
Fur Coats, Fur Caper and Fur
Boas, at pricer that will sell
them se noon as seen.
24 only ladies' Black Mountain
Bear Caper, full long length
and a sweep of 80 to 100 in.
Coney collar and h. avily quilt -
tel and lined with farmer's
satin, inside pockets fur trim
med, • splendid garment and
quality guaranteed. Regular-
ly sold elsewhere at from 19.00
to $9.50 Your opportunity
for two days, each at.. $6.85
bulled' Fur Rfulfa, good length
and with 8 sable tails, special
for two days.... ...... $3.00
25 extra heavy, all pure wool
)tug■ or Shawls, perfex:tly re
terrible iu patten, of a benuti
Wt' particularly commend early shopping. Eight o'clock
Friday morning will find all goods displayed and as
advertised, an . us all ready for serving -thole -tempting
'f`"Xie,N :"tee• fiTdi6'��'i"t't lg.4`ra��1r,;:
W. Acheson & Son
Pltltul Wreck of a Former
Weil known IUllnots Youth
themes lamas mesa tare.►-- W I11 i*es 1...
lateb,w Weasel'. led . Mho •her in
teem agony .1 NIe.U.e rels.el.a.
EAST YT LOUIS, ill , Nov 4 _'•01vm
me . olgerette I Please rive me • 015...1 ter'
rave lieurge less. 1. the po:,o. fatting,
Yestardey he beamee lessee from theeeoee
sive smoking of cigarettes, ono his mind
now mono ao.ewmed to a wild desire to be
uoo.t•n(ly emokieg.
When vlg.rrtten are passed into his cell
by the geed he omen his appeal and ,e
ssmoted lora while, but errata the .pp.ite
o omee'goo he brute out with fre.h •p
pet b.
Crane wad formerly a jookey and was well
koewn to tnrfinen who congregated a1 the
old Malleo., I11., race track, where be cut
rano • figure as a good .,el ler of :he bat
He is now only 23 years old, but has been
smokier otg.rettes for eleven years. He
r..Ied them se • sib end became .cob as
adept at making a oigarett• with his sagas
that the teat missed amazement among wit.
e ssaee.
OOOLL Hon sails file HABIT
At time. he wouliamok • the menufaotured
S rttcio, but preferred to mak, his own. Tree
habit gro v upon him from day to day, 1111
• ppet le ne0...I atiog men and more un' 11
roueotly he bee 000eum,•d a• many as 150
olgarottes in a day He seemed to prefer
e m' king to wins or sleeping and i/ wee the
emcee strati wbloh con..queot:y resulted
that affeo:ed hs mind.
(nates became violent at hle home here yes
terd•y and It r,elalred the oombint'd .Rants
of tiro moo to hold him In bed, although bs
le small of stature sod apparently not very
strong In the struggle Crane enooeeded In
bedy'cretobine his o•ptoes before they
meld place him Ina wagon. At the n;asst
of hie wife he was gent to jail for saG-ksep.
1)r. r, J. Under. who was celled in by the
family when Crane beim* vinlent, pro
pounced him mesas from the ezoesdve Bee
of al tee.
roulTH VIOffU le WASAan, yen.
WAHASH,I.r„j y,-Wilh.et.Foan-
Tttne,an employee d O, steelspaper will,
aged 25, died Friday eight anter two week.
of ezerootatIng mese, the penalty of the
as. of olgaret.tee. N lies a mere
lad Foa.taine began *making oig•rettee,and
for the lest eve more the habit had se
strong a he,Id open him that the wuoiov of
tha tamely MTelefm end ohs ph.dfege 10
MN parents were Ding.
0., leveret omeeinns he resolved to ab
I'Rin from smoking. having a foil rediettloo
of tt. *Annie rltelity, hnt ht will poser
hs,l LS,'oms en Impaired that these in'ensl.
et ehetinetoe were bat a few d.y.. At his
work he ovoid met gratify hit puitim tot the
'•catches, hat nuer.inj, noon and nfeht he
smoked Inosmsstly, .emetlm!S o..aming
teem tweedy to thirty cigarettes daily,
Three wekks .go he wee locoed tbro1gh
hi wanlog .henvt h w ymt leu poeitieo,aa4
Telecoms waist hereafter rep d„ His Derr
0.e .ysum •aa ehaunrad+1b►i ha wt:ered
.s h • w&.k•,1, h.• odd sot *Imp. as doors
for f ,o,t w .. Ica, J $.tsrday, 0.. V he
suet ,.. b ,I
Nn Hoe. ro atooTasT.
1 be phy-,cien..umrnohed aad he had a'I
the symptoms of typhobl'l.e.r, but Ir•okly
stated that his oondu.ioo wee due to einotine
poisoning and there was oo hope.
Oo M .nd.y he was seized w,th violent et•
tacks of oouehtng. due to the dvc.y of the
membranes In the throat, and 10
paroxysm. be raptured email blood veeeeld
sod doonerged I.rge yummier St, blood.
Ail title time big agony was esteems \ Mor.
phone and other dregs adm:nt,tered bt the
physboo bud no effect, and the praotltloAsr
advised a, ataet !crate/ him to take medl-
otne unproductive of reeul:. During tbti
t„na h. retraced onneniowos., end It we.'
o. ly • loo hoary before death the he sank
foto tasenaoaity.
Tor. ,. the fosrth death Is two tears in
Wabash e.,aPelttteiymWgr
It a little pledge will keep em
SM. and sound,
And wdl.bow some sinking m•'rtal
Solid ground ;
1f It ties me fast to Ili.-Ilnes
Strong and true,
Why, 1'11 take the pled,. and keep It-
Wuuldu't you
o,:a KOptiS *ND fill palma.
Who can contemplate the woods, the
beauty, t1,. vest malty, the beuevuleooe,
the indescribable fitews of this orramsatlo.,
and not reel that this vioa of Intemperance,
which .one dir.ci,y to devttoy it, is an
atoll- boom milieu of uur uaures; tending
not merely to ornate A motion betwe.n the
n lo,ly adjusted princiul.e, but to assure the
triumph el that which is low, base, sensual
and eatthly near the he.yeuly and pore ; to
oonvtrt this su ouriously or,.n,z:d Hums
Iota • disordered, ores). morales, And to
drag down the soul to the slavery of grovel•
Ito; ludo-E1w.rd Itvaret'.
How m.(oh len useful 1e the geography
that houbde a [rats than that wh oh footage,
on the ohart of tile, the maelstrom of mod-
eration, .od Nieg.ra of druukeonws,
while it musks oat the sure, safe "water
way' of total abstinence -Frances E.
W tilard.
How shall we Drooped to ores. the Sara
day saloon? Never mind about the Sunday
salol ; go fe with tremendous energy W
. hut up the saloon on Monday and Setur
day, mod the liquor men would give you
Sunday without a contest -l' N. Howard.
Surely, surely, Amerioa will unite to
blot out the foul earr.,o of the liquor
terabit in the islands of the sea. -,lobe O.
Pawn, U. D.
Tits D•Nnla or 011.r.
D•nsernusa. the devil 1s, dangerous ha
worldly .mu.monts are, the mo t danger -
ens enemy we often hare to encounter walks
1. our own shoes. That cunn.ug, amts',
.mooch longu.d heart -died, self, is the toe
that notch the moot constant watoh, and
*objects se to the worn defeats. "The
flesh ;acerb against the spirit, and the
At this season of the year\we
take a special .nark -down on LoW
Shoes. We want to show the peo-
ple what c o 0 1 and comfortable
Shoes they can buy here for leas
money than they world have to
pay elsewhere. Htand new stock, ' hy ab h well known writers as Hobert Barr, Jaek London,
i (ilirlNl Jha eBsrrrve arrived. the (ItIIH red 1
pl T recess. 1 Sane V. dee Fritter.
W m. Dodge 1. W iii Hamlin flurries. Dar
y 1 . e..... 1 land, 0, A. neoln ti m. a1 eoige, Nil PAynr, hrgc
std ever �ihne rfectl made. MI
War en, .J. Linrtiln Steffens George K. Turner, IleN,rge
and „ ,« Martha Met(,nlloolr William*, F. R Tracy, Alvah M. Kerr, Dern -ode Recon,
examine our stock and prices, Frank Spearman
whether you buy or not..
spilt agelast the Nab, ••d them arc cent
►ray the one to the tither." Petal had •
tremendous battle aloes these tura, •,e.t
Ina down hie carnal nature by trod 1. t..
sou the old bolo was able et lett to oboist,
"1 have tougbt • good tteht, I,etsoefortb
there Is la:d up tor nie a omen o'tithteou.
sees." -Ur. Ceylon.
Conan blithe • DAV.
Three been a day fur one y a• would
bring Into your home at pr..eut current
OtW.. 1. Utt.Ma.
Nov 28, 1898
1 burl Flour 1 4 26
60 lbs. Sugar 200
20 " Corn Staub 1 60
10 " kimusronl....,.... 1 00
10 " Coffee 3 00
10 " K•ie:ns 80
10 " Rio. 50
20 " Crackers 160
10 " Prune* ` „' 80
312.1bTurkeys 3 60
25 Beef.teeke ., 2 50
10 ut.. Beaus 30
412lb, Hem. 600
1 bus. Sweet Potatoes. . 90
3 " Ir.h " 140
6qs Cranberries 60
10 benches Celery 36
4 d. L. Oranges 100
100 bar. Soap 400
Shoes for Childress 10 00
tines fur Mother 8 66
$ 54 75
3 beers a day equals 1096 drinks al 6., $54 75
Hrusd.': Mrs. (Dr.) KAlbeelsob end
Now Gratl& are visiting at Ur. Holme.', at
Urey Miss Amite Belden has secured a
situation as olerk In Canon & McKee'.
store, Listowel.
Blyth: A daughter of Rev. Welter Rope
by, ut Kinoadlne, is ill with typnotd in rho
hospital at London.
Ethel : l'rinolpel Dobson bee been rem•
Resod for mother year In oonoeotion with
Ethel pabllo school.
Hlytb : George guitar, of East Wawa•
nosh, has taken over the milk business re-
o,otly oouduoted hy T. H. Amhbary.
Windb•m ; Miss May Riddell, until re-
cently milliner in Mr.. 11. Green's, hes par-
enthood the stook of Mrs. Omen 1. borne.
Stanley : Adam S:ew&rt had the misfor-
tune to Lee a pocket book about two week•
ego,.00nternior over $100 end some receipts.
tiny: John Careoaddeo, of Henfryo, has
moll hi. 35 &ores of land to Samuel N right,
o +ns: of the briokyerd, for the sum of
Hru elels : W m. Ko.cbtol, of W ingbam,
was to town on the 7th, baying oom• to poll
ho rote. Thi old gentleman t• feeling grate
Waltoo John Sherrie, brother to Mrs.
Wm. Neel, of Welton, was .looted M P. for
Norte Middlesex on Wedo.d ay, defeating
V. Rus.
Il.&L.rth: My. Fowler bis disposed of
the old Cameron tum. on the Huron rued,
tweet of Seefor'h, t, E (ward Jermyn, for
the sum of $4,200.
beeforth • We regret 10 learn of the earl
death uf'he hero. fourye.rold eon of Mr
and Mrs. K R Johostoo, of Chloag., and
formerly of Seefotth.
N'•Iwu : fere. H. ro, oho had tae,r
w ,,:k o :. r 1.1:s. Sago recently, 1.11 from •
*epic on Setsrdey, 3rd lest , •od ao•taloed
a fracture ul the Dollar bone.
.5 ironer. : 0.. day r•ueutiy, as 11.
J. H it .log w.e drlvlu,t 13•0 lnwa, his horse
w as er'y•d with perelyeio, and did sot te-
oover. The animal was worth 1125. •
H,yth . Fred H.ggitt and hue brv'bor•
ti. 'sw, S.ma.l W,oiman, of Londe.hore,
h.ve opened w hotohrr*bop m the the store
r• oeetla occupied t,y Joeepb 4,1014.,•.
Iirue•e d : Both will eo.m low tweet he
mer. eseful and popul.r o,ua.ue by tine re•
moral of Ute sad La. T.11, the u•o:er hot,
,:•s Impaled of hen prsO'.loe to 1/1. L ndely,
o f Whistle,.
Itm.od,,fr: William Hite end Miss M.
K. McLarty, braving 0000lad.4 to anite!bait
fortunes for life, ware re ido see
11 i•11 hy Rev. Mr. Shaw on the 'veal., of
the 17th of October.
O"d•rloh townehie7 T. J. Nil'.'I hall
sold what is koowe as the Prootor farm, on
bee 14 .h coo -consisting 01 80 &cr. s -to W.
Jervis, who lives sorer the roan, her some-
where in theselrhborhood ul $1900.
tV•afi.IJ : (' Cr oh, eon ut 11, F. Crtot',
1 t auten:moth,rrlur.wi tem 4' n ,..y, 2 id leer.
from so cateude:1 try w B lush C 1
umbo mud Uuatsua I0.• la.ub s me.11y
uup'u.ed by the un•uge oI inures..
Ws. held : aloe Kvlimo, a yaurg girl ul
filteeu year. of we, who wad 4,14l,yod *.•b
Mrs. N m, Ames', died .L their resldoue, ,
G Jder,oh .truer, vu W.dused.y inutuing ul
last en -it alter only • few t.uuts ,tio.es.
W tugbmm : A. Ntoohs reserved by gsprpss
trom his brother -lo leo iu 11uo1•u•, tau
very l.rs. pot.toes. Due weiehed tbn.
pounds and a yam ter, and the ethos two and
• hail pounds. The eaor.e1 ou the two
wee 75 tome.
B.us.els : The sew store or the 0arfi.1:1
Wook to be known se "Toe Sowell Ware
house," was opeuod oo Saturday. 3rd inst.,
by the low proprietor, Mr. Campbell, sed
hie &saistenta, Miss MuLean, of L stowed,
and Russ Beattie.
Morns : Nettie May, the L uryea/ .11
deuehter of Mr. and Mn. Job. O. N.ubul
son, of 'Toronto, died on Oateber 2514,, of
diphtberta. The tittle girl was • grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maxwell,
ut the Hlu.vale road.
Bruise : Capt A. L Koe, formerly of
Pelmeraoo,Oot ,mad a nephew to Rev. John
Ruee,B A , of Bruds.le,bes accepted a coo,
mtwlon with • British reglms.t lo 8,uth At-
rlea, and 000eequenely will sol mono with
the U•nedoan uunitngeot.
Clinton : k WigbLman old his sister
0•ttie are at proems very ill with typhoid
fever. Mn. Dews. Henry i. •t the home
of her ' •ugbter, Mrs. Caal:eoger, B.es line,
where .hfit tinter...et tem., uperetlunl fur the
removal of oe'asute os the rye
Seslurth : At belt past orae un 'l'ueedey
morning of last wet k a very iro.t, wo Wm,t
took porus in St. J•MN church, when Mu.
Nellie Puro.li, third d•ugbor of Mr..
Taw ['erten, of this plmue, •u•J t:sorg.
C abet. •pas wade men sad wile.
01.41y When lin. Luca b It the .Lute .t
Muoore if she loft • revolver with Joho
Key waive W give so Robs. Hal. The boy not
*sowing It was • self-oouker took it down
Irom the shelf quite o.nlee.ly, and it went
uH, about log him through he b.0 I.
Sealorth : Two of the oldest voters ie
Seefortb marohad to tt., p.,:L ea election
day •od oast their b.11ote :o Iver of rood
queer...memt, viz : John H."n.h, aged
woe, y six yore, and Thom or Darwl,
n ,nety one years, an ss•u•ple to the yonager
Impor•tloo.w4rtby 9i eltlul,tku.
Winrbem: Word was received from To.
route en the5th, of the distil of Mn. Mule•
ewe, tree Kimeni, lormer.y a teacher .al
our public school She was • dlogh:•r
et Mrs Kincaid o1 [owe, and h.1 only
been ill a f.► works. Tb. towline
wen brougbt 10 Wta4b.m and interred oc
ULotou : The to lowied from Toe L,odon
Aat.rtuer of *scout tient writ tut -meet the
friends . f the lady merit o..sd, who it lab her
ucboan,ltd Lep, lueas :-Q.tlet an 1 deo,ded•
ly pretty uses the marriage .nMmn'sel at
th, reattace of J .bre C.11andet, York at.,
yesterday •ftern000, whom be muter iu 1.,,
Woe K.'. M. Read, wee cl•imsd as bride
by Jas. 11 Speooer. Daring the time of hie
residence ,n this ulty the vroom hat 1.'..
ooaneotsd with The 7.,ser'e AdvesaW. He
I. very p-.puter iu customs& td 441.11.1
7'.e un•S.. the y u ..seldasib•er .1 14.r.
P. H. head. fort.eriy of Cliato-l.
Tremble ofa 5erwlea rarser who w.. tee
IMvede by 41.44'. kidney rill.,
Nuawlct, Nov. 12. -For t:envy yawns
Mr. Wilbert Woodward, o tv 1 • 11:11.
hoe suf.r.J el.b beckaohc. He grow eu
bat'tbat In ries se.6ued W h.• bod two
daye e.' oft weal. Rho- hear eieffer.d for
rim link ../ IA. 'a •a 01-,b Mmse'rw, ao 1 Mr.
Woo 1 0..1 noel" *yes) .a•M1 M 11 tri • our.
i It,u.rh•
11. saiv, "1 .r ed e[oyllt•ng I ser. h -ter
1•, b. 00 ewe. L.•t 1.1, 1 heard .boot
U, td's Kida.y P.1.. and 1 bright ,h e
base of Ib•s tram 1I Seas., of Nor-
stM..ed t am beppy to say b,y s., o du_e
se styes road this .11 to.' 't • 'a, Bolo..
Fes 1Seleba, 1M• 1 got he - t,.e door r,
My wife 'eke. Dead'. KI Ivey P Its for
lanes book eel rbdsm•uem, and Bels :1.4,01
Pett- 1 bap my porre. eeff •ring ae w s
1111 will say a-. re•w.JIM 1 won ' r 1.-
InJy pay hero 17.1 u. • b.. 1.14,., lib .11 be
▪ n iu 0 t .'. K 4svy !' 11. m tb. Lena..'
r$1�00 per Year. " 10c. per Copy.
Here ere a few of the noteworthy features.
'KIM," A Great Novel of Life in India. -.
It in the la 1, longest and moat important product .0 Mr Kipi ing'r geniu., the
moat noteworthy ntributton to modern fiction The author returns to the field of him
earliest triumphs a .1 writes of that mysterious country with all hie extraordinary power
of description. It is a maelerpiecs of literature.
The Seen and Unseen.
This is the author's latest ncussion of the great problem of death and the rrenne.
lion and carries the problem bey , I the grains. tit is usrtain U. arouse as much .'ommcot.
,le her earliest work on this euhject,
A new net of throe .harming literary morsels that have made
the authorlamous That name refined sarcasm, .parkling
wit, quaint humor and eluette repsrtee are characterintic of
the new dialogues
Nett aILLr
al•L5GDar. -
b/ A...wry Nowa.
A series of articles by or bleed on inform•tiort hy . oma of the
leadin8 a:tenti.te of the world. rueb,ar prnlmsJglra
end t31r John Mumy.
, e.w,ev.,, v, e,,..,,.,. INV,"
The JIUh¢ ii
4Teh151. a
by Robert Barr.
�.,..,e,u,,,,,„elu.nm,m ”111k
by Gnat Writers.
A aeries of humorous t,lee of the marvellous adventurer;
of Jame, V. of Scotland, won ho timed to keep hsubje, t.
gumming. \,
Some remarkable tales of incidents of life-, in ,Abe 611 4 WALL II REST
entre nt the reentry' teed on (Mete. NTORIES.
by wesewlLrlerre.
i •Tetite .F
by W. s. halbert. j
Article, about the loon, the beater, the doer and other
animalq ty one who has been anion them, and tinder-
ntandR them.
A series of articles about life on a Tenne.eee farm, tie.cribing
animals, plants, insects and methode of culli,ation
CNA .11Mtlith
by Marsha 'McCulloch.*
Stirring mrticle.m shout men of the time hy Hon. Andrew
1). White, Clara Morrie, N Hiram Allen Whits, Ray 8tafmsrd
Baker and others.
Mine Ida M. Tsrhell, author of "The Life of Lincoln," will
wnto entertainingly and instructively of important events in
American history.
1 reenter
I Ephesus.
,.,... �. �"•.. a a.,,..,
le Urio Acid In the blood
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. If the kidneys acted
as they should they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney Dis-
ease. Dodd's Kidney P111.
have made a great part of
their reputation curing
Rheumatism. So get at
the rasa se of those fearful
sbooting pains and stiff,
aching joints. Then 1a
but one sun way-
HeemcK1 NI' Two 71.1 Whit.
New the Best
.Shorts for the pre.•
u• the of cog,, 7fi
The kind of Overcoats elision may save
you a doctor's bill, and the price is easy.
Soarer Oreroo•t, velvet colla, tly front,
tamers' satin lining, mohair stews lounge,
well tailored, our mooted price, 68.00. dome
•lures want 412 00 for 11, but the very best
y•'u 0,n rind at 410.00 will nut beat ours
et 48 00.
Beeves Overcast'', well made, well lined,
Freeze Overcome, all sire., fly front, self
collar, good lining and well made, special
at 48.00.
igniters Men's Ulster., storm collar,
tweed Iinieg. wind, rain and oold resister..
at $4.50 and 46 75. Pea Jackets at 42 95
sod $4 75. Boy'. Overoost., big value ;
Hots Rowers, see them.
JACKKTM-Ladles' Jackets, all prime.
and e11 new, 001 an antiquated j heket ie
the store to show you, and the priors are
money .
FURS -Otis Arse shipmsel all gone, and
another 10 hand. We have sold more fun
tele tall than we did all lest .sumo. 0.55.
-style. quality and pitoe.
BLANKItTS--Our apeulal, • eaperwblte
wool bisokel, blue aid pink borders, testi
orators, 60.80 lo. The price $2.50. All
prices to grey aad white wool blanket*. and
in ao(ton.
HOMESPUN -Another shipment of our
celebrated homespun drone goods at 41 00
and $1.25 to band. Ursa goods special* at
25s and 50a Heavy meltoos at 20o. Spe-
cial mires •t 50o, /5a and 41.00.
Now Idea Pet.crns, ul N.w York, era
not only the cheapest, but the best pattern*
W. A. M0KIM.
every Day a Bargain Da
with your health.
Don't use Drugs .1141 Medicines
of quediouable quality. Get the beet
there is at the mime prices that are
charged for i.: rior goals.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, end each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory. •
Our Prescription Department
h rem a repuation for promptness and
'seen racy.
Medical Hall.
The Lout Day. of the Ogebitsesey. Udnhandin 'd the
Armies, sed other impertsia fully described for the
fist time.
Mime Clara Mamie, Ameriea'n greatest ae•tre.ni will elite ul
her carrot and the great people of her protection
011111141? s)egg
Fully Illustrated by the Best Artists.
One Dollar a Year. M,1 Ten Cents a Co
The old .4H•da needy for s....• m.,•....
gamma Carla and all torus or I......., 1t euro.
.ithent • bl.m,ab Decatur It d.0s not beater.
Navin PwaPM, der„ RI. 10, 'w.
Dr. a J. atonal Co.
Dear 0Y•: -will yea plow Odd w • n 0y torbaa•ee
10.... man Yat 1. aak0 1. 11lake Onward Y nadir ta,t
Ilona w d• Cara w Isar 'tare siandiag .tits yaw
.nad•IP. lMar. N .01 and ase. 0.01.1.
yams Re0' by
A. T tan ,:ier met 0.
[a.Yltl •t•'•• (tin era [.•dank V -,
war. Vwyml) 0.
A i''IPllt'l 0 AtTrt[It,
Prim SI. nl• Ow nu hsye.i. 1st T a ng ,tto.t'forr `.echos,
•P..I. (am .Un A Treat fro.. the 0.na,"
the book free, or..idr.e
kui .fir ftepahlng.
The Goderich steam bodes works
having been removed from 'tUodencb,
i have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing end also the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, eto.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
motel :" e. Oodericb.
Works on Victoria
Itsthe Conoltlon of Your
Nerves That Either Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women 11fe im tine round of Rtrk
n,,c,, weakness and i11 health. To attempt
even the .light et honeehuld dobe. fatigue.
them. Many of the.ymptoni* artenmpany
ing thin state of decline are : a feeling of
tiredness nn waking, faintness, .hhzinear
sinking feeling. palpitation of the heart,
ehnrtnee. of breath, toes of appetite, ('odd
hands and feet, headache, dark einaea under
the eyes, nein in the hack and nide and all
the other ac(•ompanimente of s run down
and weakened constitutions.
All thew, symptome and oawdbtM . are
simply the remelt of s peer gteaaky- and
defects circulation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve forma.
By feeding the, system with
You strike at tto root of the dimearte and
lay a solid foundation on which to build.
Soon the weight increaser., this sunken
cheeks and fie toned Inlets 611 out, Out eye.
get bright mrd the thrill of renewed health
and •l.rength vibrate% through the •yotem,
50 mete per her at all dreg,,nt.', or
Toronto, Ont.
�•T THE -
ankrupt `' Stock
lrrtab.i.Ietear taweasaa_
Every person satisfied with the big bargsinr they are getting. ,Knd
why not, for everything in being sold at less than msuufscturer's prices. Yon
a•1 know that the prices of goods in nearly every line is advancing -higher
Friers will prevail, but in the face of h11 this, with us the prices are being
constantly reduced. We have got to clear the stock out and that shortly.
`Jur prices will do it See to it that. you have your share of the bargains
while Bargain Days last, at
`wµ Ita
FALL, 1900.
again begs to direct the attention of the ladies to her stock of
rnillint: y fur the fall season of 1900. All the leading new
at}ies and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able
to procure the latest and the best in all lines pertaining to
Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection invited.
Hamilton Street.
Lime and CeMelll
kept 000uantly on herd.
Also this beet brands of
Braider' will do well to ase me before place
log their orders.
TUE COAL 451.1.58.
OFFICE. West -et. Near the Square.
Fall Sails &Overcoat
1 h., man deemed in • suit made at
err .'ore &Iw.r look. trim, ale in the
em . •ion_of eyety man of taste to lock.
A large range of cloths to ch,o.e
If yon bre 000templatieg getting a
ovetoset tor fall wear, give us a
ammo, to serve you Prices right.
West Street
The a. ova is cut into stove wood
len;th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day se
Onlers received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
;'Phone 98,
A new oarrlage tire that makes riding
on all roads a pleunn-eoonomloal, too,
for it does away with t) • vtbratten thee
shakes and breaks the oars -rages.
AV eloped space between the rub-
ber ttre and the steel flange pre-
vents the creeping and cutting
which other tlresaesu4isot to. gee
the exhloit at the bog fain.
Send at once for 1'r.. Tire Catalogue,
riving prime of all sluts
You Only Get...
Br1111311E Moiiiffius
by the use of
For sale by all the leading Hard-
ware and Harness shops, or the menu-
The Wm. Sutton Comoond Co.. L'Yd
flnrleri,-h, November 2lst, 189a, ' Ild-am 184 gun St. East, Tomato, Oat.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M; MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.