HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-15, Page 4To F 7 , 104011,at' 04:4414.' , : 1eti....,telliteeereseks,srossgose,teslitt:.m.A1, ".,000,4416 .ai,01,04:1;4, 4-,•,,e!, • THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONTARIO THUSDAT, No. 15, 1900 Wtotnttffoimmtrttt Theyre After Me A new folio of comic songs, price, - 65o 100 Iri,h Songs 65c 110 Scota Swigs - 65u The Superb Song Folio, 65c The Crest Song Folio, 6c seem, air The above are among the newest and best song folioe published. They are only • few of our new selections We invite your inpection. Emerson's Bicycle anti Music House, street, Ouderich. ghe la rostrum= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ny . herillaatellant ._— GODIRICH.THUR8DItY. NOV. Le MO. AFTER THE BATTLE. NOW that the smoke of battle has politics! The memberof the Government have come through the fight with flying colors Every member hail secured a large majority, and the Premier tope the listwith eviir 2,500 to his credit Of the Opposition leaders we need only say that the political Angel of Death ham beim *broad in the land so far as they are concerned, and their bravest and hest fighters have bit the dust Among the slam are Sit CHARLLS TOrraR, Hon. G. in preferential trading between Cll• oda and Great Britain tiil ig,ts forth the ewer view ea hes 1.101i1givissi by other British journals awl by leading statestuesi of Great Britan nmely, that Britn' conned afford to tax her people'e bread for the rake of gi v Mg rainula • preferenee. 'Only in OLle Way, in fact," seyieCouunerixal Intelligence, does it appeer to be 'seeable tor Csitiaditut lore's to noon's prefeient t ixiattneut tu the British market, and that, we are eon- einm'obtainu now, viz., in a preferenos on the part of the commuter for the go de of a gallsuit, and lojal colony." ... SNAP SHOTS. - Ir was a famous victory. -Noes beer the. Tories howl &piet IARTI PotirTZR, Hon HColl JoHN MacuoNAL14. i on. Dr. Mossrenen the election hf Mr. 'lethal' s, Sir A. I' Calm ,, Ileorcia BIIRORBoir, HOP 19. J F QUIN, Hatenv A Powell., hideaway, and Ntomotes FLe00 Davie. Of well-known Libends who have gone ander are dmasse Mollowts. Joliet Mc IIII/LLAM, W. If !newt, Jou N FitAsZit. LADZILKIN. AwH1E CaliirRILL and VAL- 11171NII Raz besides othersi whose, names do not occur to us at • the present writing. They were caught in the swirl in Ontario and went down. At present, the loyal Opposition is like • headleris rcoter-it appears to live. and- we may be sure there will no eharg.e move but there isnt much life in it. ThI ot tampering with the ballot boxe. He stostgnationof Sir Oneidas Teresk from Obs leadership, has twit all the small fry melting for the pUmwR the result -Doe. 1111wraous attributes his defeat Mat swam Plena:ay MacLatan.of that ilk, to the tact that the Queen was so engrdirsed sands very good chance Id playing in the reception sd the South Africen hereto IILTRINA to Sir CHAILLIA' ELIJAH. And thst 1441r Majesty hadn'tione to fake her when "Butter Baum" le the head of the pen in heed and indite s leek, to the Tory party elicknees will reign in its midst warriors of the Indian reserve that the election ol MONTAGCS me the one thing A PAR( NTS" HONES TY - NOT AP- -,,anteg „,,,,uorid joy t;., hor kindly PARNT• old 'heart. wE don't, as a rule, pay attention to communioations in the °chimes of our we teemexi local contemporary, but one that appeared in that journal hint week over the signature "A Parent,'which took 11 D °SAT to taek because he is so ardent Lib. o ral, deserves & word. It is quite true that Mr. Gasser ix a Liberal, and he has as much right to express his opinion and do \ the best he known how for his party, and in what way he thooeee, as has any other Lib eral or Tory in town. Every 'school offioer ti teen from Inspector To to the newest arrival at the Central School hae hie political ), predilection., and is not afraid or ashamed to say what ha may, or do what be ran, for the party of hia choioe. r_Parese" his_ - Three Hurons are again in hie. for Libentlisin and LAUglalt. -WI didn't do any boasting in 'Wert Huron, but we detertuined to aun, wad we eon. - Thant: are a lot of empty satiates, but there are a number of new men on horseback. - Sue" Sam Barker, of Hamilton, will to a chicken without • hen in the next . , - THE defeat of Thomas newts Devis will matte ially redoes the oast id tho print ing of Hansar112 '• -81fi Cl1&ai Teresa will know more about obi storage than ever after his defeat in Cape }Ireton. - Tex esteemed editor ot The Ottawa Citizen iuot chortling SA he dol before,- No • vember Seventh -WILLIAst FINDLAY M. -Lira" believee that the member for East York possesses all the attributea of a gret Iraddr-of a part. THR Star says (het 'lriLlteelers" made whiskey run like water on election day. We dun t knot" anything about it ; we didnt see any of it -hut perhap' our "cent for whiskey is not so keen as that of the chaps oiei 1,. The Star Office - ' Tire defeat of the Conservative party' must be taken with good grace," said The Star last week. Why, theu, did it publieh two oolumns of the moot utter rot, throw - jug mild at eterybody it could think of who - Tua Star tried to,make out last week that the Conservative Government had Ilone as well by Goderich harbor as hesthe preseut Government Fverybody in Goderich who kurows anything about the matter knows that The Star's iseritention is all wrong, - Wit.r. The Star give its readers The Globe's; opinion on the remelt contest 10 thio ruling "Mr. Holmes; is to he congratulated on his victory in VVePt Huron This time _ is unquestionably ale fres choice of the • eitietotilof the eoustilueliCY"-------- WHAT OTHERSARE BAYING. NI 000k'S Tarmac Globe : H H. Cook has 'Merged thet • dethite off..r was made to him of seat in Gas Senate on hie pay ng $10,00Q Thie was melees oonebly the most 401100 acousetion mad. .luring the whole course ef the oampa.ten. It was not aocompanied such proof am would moiety reasonable met, and uutortunately wee made in the midst of an excittog oampaign and at such • late Maur therein that there wee uo chance to verify or elft the evidence even bad at been 'Immo. Me Cook can see, hoe ever, that the matter oannot be left whets it te It it too permits • oharge to be allowed to drop. The fact is that he mutt tut milt the full pr .of of o hat he has s' sled or stand canvicted of bayieg give° currency to is 1, el • slander as Was ever otreulatel in this ooietry. Weems unduly senritive -of Isl* 80 ul'ARKIL BIT'S MIN TH1 fROVINCItil. gMa repeats m another,of his ideventh hone rw.,,,„ enhemences about u'onditinu that existed tees' and Quebec are not Vi Mg to smash reofederat ion into a frirtniteu• concourse of &tome by re ieon of the proceeding( yestgr day. Queheu hes the r eht 0 go until I moosly Ltberal, and Ontario hes the nigh, to po unanimously Tory. Whether the previews will stay apart or oome to either to veinier' le a question whieb their people oso decide .1 10, polls. The (live- able of stayieg is Confederet ten and 10 the British Empire Is already decided. His. tory *111 do Wilfrid Laurier the jetties 01 adsnittteg Oast, on the whole, he acted wisely and well in th• !teth Afrioan oriole, TRW Frenutet dler:tem venersify behaved well also. VVhen FrenchCanadan dm• Welkin ls embodied in acts Iles the Itessamial Bill, then French Canadian dom• inetion will be • °sedition which must aeltna• (be people. When French Cana- ian domInston te merely embodied In election return., French Cioseritan domina- tin le • the:my to agitate the politicians, and omelet Interfere true the"IMInsolltate businewe of building up ('Goads no* and lor• ever one and indivisible. le %Pesr yeare in hie own ke osmioned. We well IONIA/ 1111113IIRT arse Principal Miel School, and when he riot only stsumpel lieff Sited aa heeler for the Tory part), in Irmo Nuron, but actually wrote polittiall afteeriele for our esteemed contemporary DM "A Parent" then think that school teacher% should not be obtrusive in polities or did The Star have anything in lte whams envering e4 -memo of illar-iCas- Ifflilf f Honest censure of wrong -doing -if there be wrongdoing -ie a good thing, but people who live in glass houses should pull down the blind& ---..,-- _ A LESSON TO THE BP'3t4 MANU FACTURE ,a. „; ty, but whieh I. when the Cen- Atom weeks ago THII SIONAL Ineeedeari the fent that MeLeare McNutt' & Howw..1„ the wellknown hardware mer, -hent, of town. had received from England 'tome twenty two dozen spade* and shovels wh eh had been ordered merry a year before. The incident is noticed in two Englteh papers, Commercial Intelligence, of London, and The London Daily Express, and in used , as a cam to illustrate the importance to . . • English manufacturers of filing orders more promptly if they whet to' do business in wade In Commercial Intelligenee it is pointed out that Britinh manufacturernow have an opoortunity. with the 33S per (sent. preferenee in timir favor, to expand their business in Canada, but to do no more atten tion mint be paid to the jimmpt filling of small order. It is a geed •oign that thes little incident ham emoted ocontinent in Britain. Canada hest given the Britieh manufacturer • ruhetential preferenoe, and if it luta not moulted in ea great an inereaeo GI imports from Britain*. wax expeeted it 1. well that the blame 'should he placed where it belongs', and 1.01. 0. Uld Country seanufanturer ithottki wake up and bestir himself as the United Statom manufectoner does when he sees an opening foe husinese. Ws notices in &mimes -lid Intelligent's, anosiser artiele of iseperieJ interest to Cana. iens. It deals with the questiou el reci AN IX Aerie. To (natant°. Montreal et itness , As a matter of fact; there never hos helm sat admititstratioo In Canada that did, UT wooLi have doted to do what Sir Wilfrid Lawler hae done for the mimeo et Imperialtem l»th in his Noel policy lied In oontribotioe to Get deteeoe of tbe Empire. Sir John Mar/clonal& «hen ae• plied re by the Imperial Iloyernment to know what Canada could do for the espedi- Hon that went to the relief of Gordo'', off•r• eel to allow reraltinv, but pointedly refused any money aid. At the s dine time New Month Wake sent a yenta ttttt at her own expense. Slr Wilfrid Lawler wee the pee man 'oho mold brteg • whole ram Into sympathy with the Einpire and this, as thie ',Iodine proves he Moe, In spite of the most malign appeal* hy the Conser•atives in their antelmperlal sentiments, evidently drino The way le whloh the lerench-Canadlan have ignored those persietent •ppeale, see eleoted tint party whinh has boon rt. present• mi to them se incurring iolueneee in • ore'en 0,UIe I. an sir mole to one English. speaking frend, who have semen nbed to similar appeals stalest them The result, of he anti Ferrol, vot• hs, hero errantly the everts of v. hat was Ite pu. pee*. It has raves the Frenoh • far !sneer weighs In the reline party than they would have bad if Ma English onnotttneenies had aot turned against thorn. • HOLLOW one. Termite Star: Wit beg to oall the 'totalities of the EalIsh-speaking people of tlaterle 1. 00. feet Mae the ridiagye ln Qeetan where tamott.mttamomp.il Ib. Bagllik testa mesrmated all sat - ported the tiostimmest with only tw •s• ,WIPIttilltpirtmtmompilmmmtrprTyrrpttmryrrtmrft“ ceptina. The ex.sapanees a,e SPrbr. et., • a et/early Ceseervative reliap, ku nt the Government wes Jefmtad even la a hyseeteetloe laid yew, •eit Cromp' ow, where Rehm Pope, the ptrty egtist/or. le d ereadalif *roop. But somewhere slag the Kagiteh people of Quote.° have declared ler the Goveremont. The sleuificance of Nue ts easily seen. The minority in (Joie boo is mesitive of its position, and ori or• IM111011 has bete quiok to take alarm. But where :e there evideeoe of alarm in yester• ttiy's /stems from the Festere toeuehips -front the etchings of Brunie, Chareuguay, HuntIngdoo, Megautio, fdssleoiuul, Stau ilea I, Richmond •n4 %Voile, Shefford ? In these ridings are o .11eoted net Eaglish• spooking eopulation Yet they all send supporters to 111.1ivernment. Lesk,' be, IWO ,lol rre WWI tr...U1 the oily of Montreal sot there is the same .uos of alarm St twrsoos. St. AuMe .uu1 St Antoine •r• the three Euelishimeekiog division.. Here, It soy where, The Montreal Star might have expeutod its inueodtarism strummed But St Aun'e defeat* Mr. Quinn, the old Coneervative member, and • strong cendidie 0, se 1 elects Ald. Galley ; St Lawrenoe elect. Mr fliokerdIke, Liberal, and defeats Aid. Ekers, • very popular and strane candidate, and deleat• him by over • thousand. Autonte divistoo tte otronghold of the Evilish Conservatism of the city ; it used to be • safe ..at for • Con• seryative ; to It Mr. Hugh John Graham i.nself reside' ; but yesterday the siting Conservative member barely secaped the general t1eughter. What door all Ws ween for us lu Ootatio ? Newly it moons one of two thing', either that the Eeglith opeskorg people of our slater Province are dee' 1., •very appeal of patriotism and ▪ segunient, or it Meese that they know t be hollowness of the cry raised to ex, cite their lowring, and know, too, the groat dauger aud destructive oomequeamie 41 pending the torch of reeled Inoendiarism sawing through the oountry. A RAILWAY COMMISSION. Jas Pringle, ttttt ford, t ries Action So rimed Ksioriloe. Another letter from Jamee Prinle, se, ot Stratford, the votel known grain deal, -r, deallog with matters affecting the milling intereets et the Province of Ootaro, waa. published recently by The Seaforth Expoit tor. Mr. Pringle mentions several aspect@ of the Laurette, but the burden of ea letter is Obi witting 01 10. appointment of a railway cocain soon to deal with railway 'moot raters and to les that the railway compaules tact socording tu the terms of their charter.. 0. thts subj at Mr. Pram', says "When . ho Ogilvie firm was running their Ser.forth and Goderioh mills, the titm wee • Ilowed the privilege ot over.oading owe two and three tons, whleh were aimed to their dettination free, betides the firm en jyed o cut of two and • hall to ten C0114 Om 100 pounds tu Moutreal aud the Pro vio.. wider other millers ; snob beinp the oam, no wonder th• firm beoame esalthy. A. ow. so Manitoba mime into *totter0, the firm at once built • large nilll iu W tent - pg, and built • great many grain °Woe ors all over the Previte*, which have proved • altos of wealth. The firm oleo bought • [ergs flour mill is Montreal at a me: rt syr, $200.000. so as to monopolize the flour trade of ths cty. This mill has been kept idle eve.' moos lt wee bught. Shiest utilSng has become so unprofitable in Ontario, the Uodertub mill, which cost 9130.000, has been wending Idle for the leet tiv• years, aid i• now offered for sale for $25000. The &afoot mill, which must have °tot $50,- 000 or 960,000, ham lately been sold tor $15,000, eith $2,000 or $3,000 worth el loose property thrown In. It does look re race that such & wealtby firm should be *sentient& their property w a time when the cruntry le so prosperous, when buedlog material Is 50% hgher than it *0 three vests no. Toe (muse of the d•pritesion In iss Ontario is uot hard to find. Although this firm are sleughtsrieg their Outario prcperty, it is reported they ere gofers to build one of the leogeet nulls In the Dominion et Fort Will ant. 11., act et the matter to, the Lord ouly knows ,hat rates end what priyileg. s the Ogilvie milling Company and the Lake If the Wood. pemy enjoy. It is only a short time since the latter compacy sent free passes and 910 to the men who have °barge of their e levators (0 50 to the show in Winnipeg. These tyro firms bays ire* over fifty ole• vetoer. eaoh. As higtory often repeat. itself, I hav• no doubt these two arms iu shippleg from their elevators to their mills get from 100 to 300 builnle carried free in eech car. As profits depend en the arnount of bestows done, It Is perfectly plain tbat two firms do DI such an Immense trade Ly aett ng un• law lel advantages, con easily monopl. z tier trade of the Dominion •t the expense of the IlitMel.t Of the .countay. These arms are not to Ammo for 'skint all tbe favors they can obtain. The entire blame reit, with the people and the I lovern• moot toe, permit' tt to be does " • "The Government deserves the thanks of the country for having the grit to compel the Grand Trunk Railway to cancel the rate' given to the Standard Oil Cempany to en- able Mr. Rookteller to monopolize the oli tt ad.. of the cuntry. Saco° they have put their liande to the plow they must not look Imok. Tbt• are other monopolise jest as dangerous Mr. Rook f ell. r does net get inot.opolisto ler nofling and Premier Koss m.kes a mtstake to giving Brother Ilsys a Iodinate el ch•recitr fer m ,neer• no nt of the road. We are told that blind le thicker 'Min water. lu ihi• calm. It meows to he reser. 4. Toe policy al 'lir. Hay. is tio rot 'him Provinee out of aire benefits fo- heron! to it on sou not of its geographis' positio, by carrying Ameit.sn grain neatly double tho distance for Irea 1 Man he carries our own. IL ie a perfeot outrage that it roti• 1 early as mo' h to ship a ear one hun• dred miles over roods (het the people huilt with their own money air it does to ship from Chiosgo to Portland, • distance of 1,200 miles, and sv oreethan all, they/were:012SY supplied *110howe tire] get gentiles reoelpts for the amount, uhereas we have to wait for weeks for oar. and have to take a bogus mew for the 'mount shipped." THE BRIllSeitVIEW, TO. ..f Mr Wilfrid Laurier Risolord Upon with Sp a 1. Lesaleo, Nee, eslowciehe eir 40* pipers hers tea- y esprit@ Warm approval of the ...ideation of BB Liurier, the Premier of the licarisilee of Canada, and the return of the E.; betel Governmenttf, power, 1 he Pall Hall Gazette irele.11 g I tette of tho comment an amyl** :- Sir Wilfrid Laner' ni• bodiMent of the spirit required in Canada. looke if Ise bight have as lent • • •Il of power a,Slm John Maolon•lci. Not en), Is this Pre h•Ceeedilin (but sethesiestle British !mp.r1t415t statesman) one of Gus moat inspiring a04 most useful personalities. In khe Empire, but . election &vamps. se tern ram. feeling to his diserivantatre have deserved the severe defiant." aprearre Allot Wildfire. When things are "the hese" ihey boom* "the best selling " Ahrehem &i'., • lee& In• dreggiet of Belleville, 0., writes "Elinor r.o Bitters are the best teethe, item I hay. handled le 20 years " Foe why foleat diseased' beten in dientelers sterner+, liver, kidneys. Imwels, bleed ant nerves Eleotric Bitters tones op tlet stomanh, reolet. a lver, kidneys an l bowels, purifies the bleed, streeethen% ihe nerves, hones cure. multitudes of maladies It ballets up the entlr• system. Puha n•ir life and vigor into any weak, sickly run• down man or woman Trli• 1.0011108, Held hy Jai Wlln, drersatt. v.. Hers Is the latest Poli. Cant tette i-.. Two boys who had hes n fooling with a gal- vanic' hater/rev Were before th• magistrate (Aomori erlth eleeteloity, The ••idenoe shelled that their nonelnat bad `isms "elieek• n.* 1316 CLEARING SALE! wust tuake room for Xmas cutlery anti silverware, and iu order to do iso we are aelling out ail lines of table and pocket cut lery, silvervraer, carving mots, game carvers', sugar shells, butter knives, etc., -etc., at the closest possible margin of piofit. BARB WIRE We have a few hundred pouials of Gal h wire left, which we will sell right. SAWS AND AXES The very hest smite of cross -cut saws and axes pat arrived from the manufacturer. Call and see thew. Our prime are the lowest possible. Headquarters for guns, aiutuutiition, cow chains, rope ties, rope lalturn, anti*, shovel., lauterna, bucksaws, cross -cut Sawa, hand taws, axes, axe handles, furnace scoops, etc, etc. Get your glass from us. We keep the beet Belgium ghoul, A. 'IUD. Allan The cheapest and best hardware store in Huron County. Stella : 1 has death et oa• of the oldest and most esteemed reellents of Stan, In the person ef hdre. Rebstt Webb, sr . cre stirred oo Sunday moruteg, 280 ult., altos an ilinees el two mooths See was • oo0. sot, nt member of the Methodist church and derma( her entire life taaa shown that spirit whoh chsraoteriews evety true Chrotsn. See leave' behiud to mourn bur loos her so teemed husband and fetidly el sight--stx soos-Joseph. John and Samuel, reslilion in Hibbert, Rdiert In bled:oboe', William 11, T0104ACO and Kltuard. in Lueknew-and Owe daughters- -Hie. S. 'ler, mar Doblir, and Mrs. Jeffrey In Buffalo. Thad Thritabing Meadarhe IN oi,I4 qniokly leave ,cm, 11 yon 114•47T1'. K og's New(erfe Paw Thote.au la sui f rers have proved thief m• alerts MIMI for sick en4 nervour he ciaohro. They make pure tlood and build up your health. Ottly 25 cents. Money barn if not cured. $old by Jas. Wilson. dreggist J BROPHY & SON - Tilt I BADINII - YttiWCYLI VIvettetwe* (MN& VAVINOttka‘tes. sederu ear...ratty attended to a/ boors, Right or day. More ras Weal %tress Ite.idenrii, o- ber street. CANTELON'S PastryOyster PIlies,Tarts, Short Bread and Crem Rolls,Mince Pies and Lady Fingers, Ki:, Macaroos, Ilarare, Brandy Snaps, Etc. ore &A good wit the test nods in any city in Canada. , Cantelon levis the trade in WEDDING CAKES 111 fancy fleniViiing and 01108111410 int( and almond Id' From Coo1811.4.41111apersville, itiatth...,erY• (minesnerd et • woodertal clasoover'y of a pleasant Waifs, liquid that irliela used before notifies by twitter. troubled with a bid cough Slays ensure, • good nght'srost."ltwIlamee auF:bug1m.,wiii.mnsniei turC:Zrtbr, ,i0.oi..:itmd; hsesdlh. e e • New Dlotoritry for Conturep loa end liaise Last its equal fur coughs and oold.,' hp an minveled sever o Fen aged for .1seiserate 'ung diseases Guaraeteed Goatee -50a. ead $10) 4 James W a Is Lius di ug store. • Trial bottles Ina. Merited. Praise.,... z Aindsh, ther., May 9t0. 1900 To TH*HOrAllts FitlINACK Co., CiRsiTyttilaN :-The Menaging Committee of Margaret Avenue School hereby expire. their satistalation with the berating of that echoed by yotir firm. Your two combina- tion furnacee have given us a temperature of front 65 to 80 degrees in the lowest tero weather, and have besides, redem' our coal Irma 43 tons In 1899, to 27 tees for the paet-wittlex—Aftig trying_ _thremt different funtsees, without being able to heat the seltool, we feel that we owe toe stirest our thanks in staving um from ankenore trouble with the heatieg of Margaret 4se. tiehoul. )(mare respectful y G. M. hi - -Chairmen Margevet J. H. WORSELL, The Cheap Stove and Furles* Man, - bole Agent, Goderich, Ot. A Great Snap.... (eye hint an onter and your ,at !afar tion will be arourol. o CANTELON. WEST -ST. le ear Glover Snap, at 5o. • pound, of which we Pell a barrel • week. This isn't our only snap. as we party everything thal fou, I in tin tilDi tO.date groom), eters, azol oor prices are right. The termer* kn,' that they oan always get from us a lump tor their produee. W.. dr•w the ! Le a. no legitimate trade - everythiug goes Glassware or potatoee eardsto stuff or cholowit table China. We dead in all of Mem. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford blok, 0 7derioh. IUT ING qUALID1 _fill Shapes aqd Syls. King Quality" shoes are made in enough shapes to fit all kinds of ladies' feet, and have an elegant appearance. Greater variety, better selection, more style more comfort, better wear than any other Canadian ladies' shoe. Gold medalist at Paris Exposition. Ses that they are branded- "IONG QUALITY." "'"'--2=--• Made by The J. 0 King Co., Limited, Torento. em8111 • t itsett0111111 41,' &frd Wear - Shoes; Goderich Bargain Centre BARGAIN DAYS, NOV. 29 & 30 *tit 1 A BARGAIN u EVERYTHING i ° TABLE LINEN 40c Tahiti Linen for 250 50c Table Linen for............37 75c Table Linen tor LINEN TOWELING 24 in' Linen Toweling, 12.1e, for ..8c 20 in. Linen Toweling 12c, for..8o 18 in. Linen Towellog, 10e, tor. .... 7c 18 in. Cotton Tow( ling, 5e, for.... 3c Bargains in Lace Curtains. Bargains in Tapestry Curtains. HANDKERCHIEFS Cotton, Lanai stud hilk Handkerchiefs at • reduction. FLANNELETTES 1 yard wide, 12ic, for Scicca KID GLOVES I Perriu's Gloves at a reduction LADIES' UNDERWEAR 20c Vesta fou 25e Vest. for 50o Vesta for MEN'S UNDERWEAR Bargains in Men's Shirts and Drawers Bargains In Boys' Shirta and Drawers Extra value in Boys' Hose. .asciitaittelett ~loran r it ON NOVEMBER 29 d 30. 15c 22c 4c Bargains ou Liociu Towels Far Capes, Caperinea Fur Usuntleta, Bargaios on Table Napkins. Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Coats Ladies' Jacketa, all at reduoed price.; at • bargain. '114 .-, 1,;'ff/Plt DON'T FORGET THE DATES, NOV. 29 & 30. iniat--.1 JAMES ROBINSON'S Care her Gogh with the D. D. Co.'s Syr. of WHITE PINe and TAR. Yon oao rot nothing better Itelirf emest fle•ca•ossous. 25o 6 for 0.00 It's Time to Put up the Stove Anil you emit BATI4MALL STOV-PI? VARNISH 95 !IP.44 25 oents - 5 for I 03 "Best we ever ued," is what they all say. Loam. Odor. Brightest Lustre Quicikest Drying of All. It Beata 'em All. g Onze 1.,ri.—D.inted snakes lan excellent walent stole Fine 'ler iron fences end all onftlde Iron work, Goal souttles, etc. Mateo a line Valet for buggy bathes. Spode! priori by the 'ellen. - - X W. C. GOODE, Chemist. BacwooD" ig Bargains iiii",, i to'. Pi'.3 Iffi'' ' tiltillo‘Fif - ... ,' IN ALL LINES OF 1%. • ' .,. ' , Table Cutlery. Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, 111I knocking about, need good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind you want—stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be strong to stand the strain. • These boots are not expensive, though they do wear like iron Remember our Goods are all New, direct from the factories. NO Bankrupt Stock. Wit SHARMAN, Jr. .t. 20 per cent. otfuntil 15th of November. —ri" N. D. ROUGVI - - prjj,i7 '441414 THE CASH HARDWARE STORE JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR arid BUILDER Petting Mill and Fsotery, Gam- ble& Railid,-frigiltoi, A oomplete .took of Dressed and Undressed .Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Lath, Shingles, Etc., al, and Doors on hand and made to order on short notice Storm Windows & Doors a Specially s00 fp..- d 'firms ineoir•le. JOHN MORRIS, GODERICH. _177' HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. 4141E::tiF. ALL KINDS OF -°"--Ittligc, MI fe COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TR11 Ritt4T cram Hard Coal IN THE htAaltrr All Coal weighed o the Market Rotate. where you get =in II 4. a ton ,41 WM. LEE. -o9,999 ()Tchtre kit at LIZ is ISILIPSA.ILD'S Store premptiy attended to foicteereel , - colittT KIDD'S BOOK STORE • FANCY 00405, FANCY CHINA, FANCY NOTE, PRETTY PICTURES, ,,,.9 A,..., SCHOOL BOOKS, POUCHES, PIPES, WALL PAPER, BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. , 'To Everything bright, fresh and new. No old goods to ,41; offer at any price. i 14, ' ' KIDD & CO ,.' • ..,l,ti, 1 w,,attktioki l, a s t`" Osunpalgn Buttons- Wirier, Topper, Hese Jobe, milLiee. Helms& ''!*;0141144,trATI .yiito$11iog€15/41kAtit.f.: '• 4