The Signal, 1900-11-15, Page 2the Signal. r rr.•ynau hoots 11I14:+1/Ar )IORNWe1 WI R soo-ILIJCUDI►T. l'111'It�litt. Nov 1.'. ItOYI. slit ( 41. ltl.I. 1'1 I I'hat'K 111ih.111F.\ I-. in d-•Idlog not to meek re-t•Iection to Parliament in nuolli'r couwtltu- ency-. atter him clef.- cut \A'evluerttfi) holt 1.1 C.ltc Itretou. Kir l'hnrlee Tule per her acted wisely. He is about righty yenrw ted..tnd the trek of Watl- ing an Opp /hire satlefmrt,rily Is not w,t eamo one. lie her done hie full shore f Ldltleal work4 in and out of office, and Ile eau etep asitk, for younger own without Working himself Wilde to the nreueati"n that lie is shirking. '1'10.• t'otirert.tile party hue never rel- ine' nrottd Air ('lu.d.w Tupper 1. It rallied /trowel Sir John Mlnetenold, earn when Sir Marten took the {.alas 'to recall In let ail his neo nehleve- mpn:.. nnd.lt Is now to, late to alter the feeling ,f him political associates toward( olio. 1• sops:'halide of r grit et hie retlrelneet. more or less sincere, will nag he lacking, but In losing the ea'rthn of Sir Charles :a their leader many Conaervativw will not eel that tlw4r lows 1s irretrievable. hntever fault. Sir Charles Tu may have been guilty of during It public' life. whatever miet,kem he mazy have. inane, We count glee Mm credit fx'one sett:18.4ut be expressed he hie yet iring message, where he dem ut, •;11e1 legiolatiw., righteous hewn and fair' play to all creeds and nntlounl- 141 r. .to 1 stop out of publir life,' • ' riots Sir Ali/Arles, "l :uu proud w be al.H•• to say that 1 never timed nor roulatenanoed the ening of tally fest uo.; policy In etch avid :111 !lie 1'n.- tionw. 1 µiris any• mot to any that 1 hat.- ever reflected upon nal nation - silly or [lone other Liar nelp to ce- ment the t.o nd of unto: between all the ramie, n. Caladium; with n con - Mad heritage and a rowan' future. Goal forbid that there 81iuu11 be arty iht..g but peace and goslwGI threugh- alt the Dominion." W.- Iteral not now inquire If th • ('nun dial Pacific. ltaitway .tet, introduced tw Si.r 1 harl.w Tupp-r iu lean, with its H144u4roly puvrr4 and land grout, was ''wiw' kgtaIatk4l" : we need lot aAk :f tb • gerrymanders of 1(•t1and Jilin: Were- "ra-gkteow' Inw.'; 1141 - ►a+.1 air tylealc w (b • ••(at:, pla):• u al, er. !Alf anal hatloo11.ltkde'• in the. 1'. 1' n$,iemant, th.•,Item'dLrl 14111 or 11e • try art "Down witit'rurte.' Tile-p.itit t ▪ wh:el: ('o fiery:Uv,s .m,tht to .Armee Is that Sir ('haul'* Tupper dlsnv.xws, fu his last !edifice -I utterance, any sympathy athy with the policy ad setting Pro.iner ag+thelt Province,. ,..ntttr. ag•alnst race, or co-ed ngnhlol creed. lie prays for pence and good -will 1h.lmahout tit • Dominion just niter n, brittle in which some of his Oft•irit nit:poxtert- b'tt., leen thn•8test:net t, TIIi' 1'. *. ELECTIONS. Tit. Unite•1 litale4 elea•tl,rete 're- in lay chime a l'rerldeut and n t•kw-1'reelatmat, and the result of the toling meow to be !diet we heel n1tk•ilwtted, • tlot(Iry for It he 11e- pablk•nu. There etre It number of •[tate' ut whk•h Ur result Is yet in .keibt, but even 1( they nil go t. the 1>ewuurrte their initiative will not 1.' In.'ror•'l. Tla•re .M4ellw to be no .kwbl test the great we:tkuew4 tof the Ik•nl(r crane cele• is tt Ie• fteutet in 01:4• pulley ill Mr. Bryan with regard to Alter. It was am suunlfently un- scientific that It entombed a err)' large body of the nowt 8Wslblc men of 11:e country, and "took the heart tett 01" the better clad of Demo- cratic worker& Thotsmant1s wtut voted ter the Democratic candi- date* did We only because they felt sure Limit tido part of Ilryate'e pine gra move, wWelt It perelua II'.' f, reed Into the platform, could Deter be carried tato law, Probably Bryan gained more than 1.e I.ot by lair nntl-Inepwrinlbm. Tluit 4. n gtrstkta h.volving very large lemma to the future, and hja ailsp. elm thereon eonl•I Is• IMC a with co nsietency to the t•utte,l States e(4rrtltutktu. tie t.enchlug of the Fatle•ro, and t! a 11.e'.xies of liberty which Wive been current during the lite of the great Reptrbik•. It memo that the t'nnn'tlnn-born vole In illlnole and mach. of the Uri - born rote In revernl other Stater roll4Ny to MleKiule) : and rt a matter for sprprloe. mnuthing+ of Bourke Is ilk. their threats In. and their 'pro - W( n Oman le T1..• cant ('(a•krxn and -1.r gobble tet Ca Bo.•rleu+, when e, ranted with tee ,.tntcwurIelite and M1ignifk•d ec4t- Iw•t of the Pre.i.k'ut ht‘ tinny try- ing 1nteather+. reel l not ut 1)111 tL'• support of .11 houeet v( rs of Britten retraction Who, wish t ( 14• tau great bratteher of the Aug eta, t n -Ca It ie peopled growing up nn tern of brotherhood and pence. There mann to be:necesslty* for the Llr.werntic party devoting some time lo ridding itself of its Internal 'oh - *tartest to suereen. If it 1. ever tannin to win favor it must (10 toms reform- ing at home. suppress encore of It. too ol.trudent elements, and holt forwnrd more oitbe men ..l broad and .tnteN- Imtnllke mould, who are now snhj•lI"al to the rvlprea"sion of the loll -Powerful alai titne. Mr. McKinley, little n.•eds be wild: been tried, nml the fart that Ire a 8e4wl(1 term shovels tont popular confidence. indeed, see 1aoieemi of (,orlrr, whelp others h 1%, •nnn'4odvsl th •'r ,etenuivatl no to keep up :h' cry of "Down with th • French" for t.b^ sake of 'Ito elfeet in the loot Ontnrl o election. We ennlwlt t'tps't ' the (wlrth.g nd,Nultl:4t of th dr o:.t - --Metier to helve touch influent,. 441.44 • purl. f•dltlrnl flrcbrnnde ns Barker -and Cromealen In H:lmilt4l, 1s1, with- Celeinert'nttvie wirier heads ton' level and wham: pntr'otlent 1. real the 1e: hgneiatloa of the seen mid erred cry by R r ('barba Tul'p'' away het i'.o,u+e we'gb1. The cheviot. of 1t new lender for (h- . Conservative party will Involve mew diff11•ulty. One ',Apr Donatote4 11. L. ikxdwn, td Halifax : anuth •r N. ('I irk.' Walleye, If West York : whir n thin. • Mat.. : h tt )Jr. fin e:got E. Vomiter (who hos a t pres'nt no p'dlUrnl ntklreesi so'II find a Carie dilring th' next seseta1 and will pot 1n a claim fav+ th • ('oneerostic leader,b•p. Hugh.4(lu. )Inr.krruild b out of 141.arid 44. F. Marines hos toot i,een 'heard from. 1t doe( not anon to line occurred for nay rd them that, the. ttat4w ahomld te. h'relltory. end that • fiir iilFMrt Tuj'J►'r Wee not al'fented in th• last election. eeerw. (d th• Ha.4aig pi fern of the United B'ntcs teDo•nte h for l.u,'gltry. Th's M 1)ret u. • the burglar alwiye randy to commit neir'18r if north: In the ,H4mivilon of th • lancer fierce. I i bonne of t11 • States 1 lar glary ti yet a capital ut(emw. lot the jgw 4+pin,olta Mad biter, 1n Canada Ua\ Jmlg a gels•rnlly(noes corporal Jpilly 'of crime.' of lr^rlmmnl• tIolett e, mod it Iv.mt improbable that hoste- 1 h'ng mnre4• "Punt hment' thMI 11 few months 1 a well.nppAntall totem it'll he provide for th • rnn lir and [Where wilt) aff118 lety. looking int It from till. dtstance one rant. wit heat ereelltlug him with tran- s.411•18114 nhtlits. pity him the ,fe.wrve d tribute .f raying th'It he has been 1 he eonu.t^ner• f.111. party'. P • had lofaee a'P-FY def cult problem In the l'dban mntter,•mad t L. to III. credit glint It eon be mist hot he did hlm utmost to prevent hie party from plunging irate an uan.reeNatry war, anal even when his hand .an forced, the Repth!Ir ngninet the miring of ('nhn-n mntter whirh gave m y of ole own darty greet[ offence. In he matter of the South African War blamed hlm.t-If noir to net with deck.- ..Ion, eck..Ion, ronruwy and wisdom. fa the decode III Chin, mo far no_the public have been Informed, his course lure given the T-nttetl States ;Aloe of that graver dhplmmntle dignity whirit It lute often licked. Ionil hso won nvpertt+ from n11. -the 'omen.. another four yearn of such uniform aeon, of the "shirt rleetia" and "butrher'e bio: k" stye nT diplomacy will bo good for utlr neighbors and the world. Of il,.,aetelteWe regret loony, Mich urinplimentnry h+ngu:age ranted Ire ueiel. He 1e n roan of groat wealth. rustier. nett i(t -- 'out r.•inionemeer' he_ stall.+ it - and •rterl..w.•ring melf- - assert iv,•nesm. Well -steered 11=1 Mill .1.. h good, tont left to himself be wenM be 1a reactionary nal n fire- brand. 111. idea of-0t1te.manship is lite '•rgnnit!littuli 'of- A deetruoilt.v mint Itrime'. the "ehip-''n-the-.li.mld- er" slyer of "mnnllnems," He ens' eager a jeW yenre ng.. to piano. th,• nation Into n wnr with Britain, and there in no doubt that 111e Nemeth laud Philippine warn were P,rgel'.'due to 111. "streatioalty." 'le Ilan rl.l'h'n to Mateo r.41 tivw-"anhtter" were, and by the help,uf McKinley's (4ip:tinr- il t. Fortnnntely the fieeJ'rea- deur) is largely nn ornamental oi- lier., nn:l Mr. McKinley I. out' likely Di let the eowlny Wiee-I'resblen1 die- tnta 1). pine. Rr'nn gam. hawk to privet- life'h hrnke11 nn41 dineppdntr4 titin. to rat- minnte,m t he fully of fordng,t gren1 (4111'41 to nrrept n. 114• elder plank In i1e p'ntforin hie one darling idea - free eater. Ile le an able non, not homed mon. and 11e deserv.m Well of hh. 1'nrty. and country ; but hie peo- ple could not nffnrd to have him and Mr-,++l(•veme a elweteil lot 41. w - p.•tl.e of the financial uneett4•ment rind atlaO wtor widely its _attrer lmtley would inevltnhty bring np-m the anintry. LAURIER'S GREAT VICTORY. TOPPER'S TERRIBLE DEFEAT. The Nest of Traitors Buried Under a Landslide. TUPPER, FOSTER, MACDONALD, MONTAGUE And Others When From Public Lite-(lovernment Sweep• the East--lonse(vatives Almost Wiped Out In Quebec (Merritt lie,ult is t . Ltavc t:,e (Fovernment With an Undiminished T1ijorlty in the Vicinity of en Many Chang:s in Ontario ver. Mcrlullen and ,ver. A. Campb:ll Among the 1)eleated Liberals. aid Ur Montague a d :'la) r Iieat'i' Am,ng 1!.e Cons:rvativer Who Lose Their Seats--- lot onto Sol ally Coneervat:ve and Last and %Vett York With 'I hem •Lib_ral, l.o.e a "est In tla:l(.K gal\Oae In Ottaw l (l "at Major'. It, x 1x 5k W i!frid la.arler, ,'Ir. fact:, Sir kichard Cartwright and Mr. KIali\ "AND THERE 'WAS A DAY OF RECKONING." SIR CHARLES TOPPER, BNRT. Bids Farewell to Public Lift' in Canada. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Montreal, Nov, U,--SIr Charier rule per annaln(tee him retirement from politics. Wl.•11 he arrived here to -fay i.. found infers from at number of the noway -elected l'oueervutaes W resign In him favor, but Sir Charier was llrm In the 4w'laretku that under au Ole- ramstanceN, ever If offered it teat by acclamation. ttuukl ho moment to ram ether politlral Ilfe. "1 um deeply mov- ed," said Sir Charier, a* 1N' rll0Wed the budget of telegrams, "by there e.xprecelo . of gaud -will, but MY tleld- ilott 1r final. For four, yealte I have worked In searun :and out of reason for the gookl of the party, to the beet of my lability. 1 have shortened my life by the privations incident to campaign work. My' friends loud cul - 14 agues In the H(ure are good enough to our ver) kind thing+ about tete and that work. They etre tae ('ourhlerate, but, 1 thank them cordial) for the ee- lr.ostnitn of g.K,d-will. "In the quiet of toy brute -life 1 will n -,t 1r& an indifferent-.ep4'twtor of panda. evenle. 1 will take the great- .. 1 pletieure 1n seeing the ltanser4'e- llte party. now united to a tn•tn, In It. ',tette in the 11048.4, laud before the country winging tier battle by younger item, full of vigor. hope anal endurance, and leaving behind them u good canoe, flee tue'urdug for the pople of Canada of wire iegielatiun, righteous httt'd gnat hair pla>' to n11 rreeite 01141 uallonnlltl.d. .A. 1 step out of public Ili' 1 am proud to he klttatiuo Wage defeated kir beeitig;._11,, e bI. ko slay tI it 1 net er_vtse41 nate p• aelpa=•arisa+rtsSg• clunteeanced the waing of any hut lir was the adviser of Sir Julus,tl•.,• and pluck were without atoll is th* fur tune of war---Itael tlulltkr- awl there tore Main among thNlee olio op paired hint lulltlwtl ) w Ir& nail .1 , tic 11ith his A%arIu(e.t (rieudr ut w.s., 1 rug him a elierrful and happy addax., in the cnj0yuttwt of the amenitler of private L'Ie. 1%'uudp•g, Nov, U. -Sir ('hurley p. Is expected here on Suud.•, Lake up resentment with lily rids AltOt T 5111 C. '1l'1.1'F:It. Notes of the Career of the toile los) I.ra.le . Sir Clutrler Tupper was boru at .Aub beret. 1. 84, July Loll 1. lou our the eldest mutt of the hate Inv,. - *,- l'hnNe,+ '['upper. -- lit+ was Ilwt aleeetet at Hurt,,,, Acndetuy. 14o graduated an 1l. D. at Fatiubargii W 1443. lie our udtultte.l 118 at menllm•r 0l th, 110yul College of Hurgeuat., Edinburgh NI lli•l/l. Lk' nest practised me ielne hl 111/. tuttlte e*4ultr). to No*,t Spotlit, hl 193n, he male. his first 1ppearetust 1n pulite. uu., de•feete 1 Mr. Jo»ttpit Howe, lender "; ale 1'rotiurlal Liberal party. LI 1956 Iw• bimetal) ('rotInefal rota r) . lu 1964 Ie wait elected ,to ul ler. Ile• bore 41'1w,rt ut the nixe ulpl,sh• went of (ialtederatlua. lie ettrnde.l C'hariottet"rwnl eon, Quebec conferences. lie went to England when the rue. than true eettle41. row theme rervlcoon he was create,. n ttcua,nandler of the Path. 111 1870 to wan male n member .4 11m 1'rls) Council. In • 1973 ho was made MUustrr of Customs. • When In 1873 the Macdonald tithe., one realty 111 each and 411 the Pro- %In(•ev. 1 dl•fy tiny man to sty that, 1 have ever reflected UI) MI 1111) alt• llultulity 4.r .k,ue Other than help to ('H44IIt the lewd ul uulenl he- t wwy1 II 1I the niece, as Ietindlansi :%Atli n (.mullion heritage nt41 it voice I:.el future. t:al forbid that (hire I44dd Ile 'anything but peace and g,rrl-wilt thnugfinnl the thing -tibias. Ther.• he n great future for the Con- .ervulhc party, and Idm future bag not lot Irl' tint% 111 heir yeara'llouk• sh :n bright A by.huner said, at these wtietl ' That Is ter) generous . ( yoe. Charles. se you are quitting public Me, to give to the titer nice at tree .:age too fun or hope." H'Itett he reached the Conservative o Ilia 111 tin. I8Lan4art4CItun•bers there vas u lurgo uumber of promineut Cel Artattves waiting to taproot- their IN .4 ICAO EIX. The Tory Party Wllliowl a Third PREMIER B4). WON. Newfoundland P'irrlloa leer*It In fN.cowmfltare of Conti -net r Held. St. John's. Nfld., Not. U.- sloe• titan returns so far Indicate th : ,4t• ler mute (>f ('otltrnetor ,trial's 1 ,11- 4len1 fonw". Premier Bold has men elected, and Ilial only one. The latter Imrely held Brittle dlrtriet, the majority dropping ping frons .500 10 '0. 4(414.44 len nee polling the Marg• w( vote ever known In the colony's Meta -rya 1st. John'* en;tern division Mau..+ R.1d'e three nominena with Far&. than n thiel. The llnmIitese tote in St. John's w'eiet.rn .11'101,111 Aloe, Morris, 1'r&*ul'w first lieutenant, and bis two colleaguen n majority of over a thosantel, F.rrylna Iel:+'ts two ik4ldlten by n vole of three to one. Harlon Main Marta two hood Iles by a almilnr proportion. i lay De \'.re revered the verdict ,f the Mal election. and glove Romi two limn. All nnmht.s0N sunp(rt.,1 of being .•m• ployed or n4ntm11w1 by Reid are at the bottalle of the poll., Other alias trlet. are 11ke144 to report through • the night. w hk•h nrr rspMt*1 to In - Crewe. 4)ond'. whowtn). Reid Mae entree mew northern Oleo -tete, het e.n hardly get noir than 12 out rid Lt6 smote in the toflelnl,ire. The poll of IIn►Inr Gress .Mew,.) ,l mldnhght lint three ,n -re Ronal Ila. were eleet''L making 16 nga•ln+t one 11e1411 e. eye nit* TO f.Fart, The t)pp>.Itlon hae been left In dire .trait.. The propheeles of Sir ('hnrle. Tipper, Rnrt., together n-Ith himw•1f nal n number of hta lending Reinert ere, came to unutterable grief, and the Opposition le not only not of p,w-• er, Mit ee.t,ltnte of even n third-rrat.' lender, for Hou. N. 1'. \Ynlhlre torn. not rerrtgnlusl M one of the lest, while f�iier was npperrntly In tearable. Of (h(Irwe it will be different now. for wh l the roll a railed at the opening of th nett l'ar/letn.nt the old ehirf- h(.� torespond. ht 1i I >t M there faze 11 TWA neither *111 Mfr. F'o,ter. nor Heigh Jelin 4fn'vlonalal, nor Mr. W',•I'Inn. nor anybody greater In alv then young (ter ('harlew nnil the dlnerrdlted Mr Iinggnrt, who wee azo bitterly n11n- thrnmtlsrd by Sit Mtaekenrie 1k/wr'1 F:ten Dr. Meititngae lion been left in the ditch (roe flowere), nn11 there nrr IN.t eneeigh They Frew -la ('nn.dtnnn t, mike either n kirk 41r n ennrne. Thk. le a 11x)o•1 thing for lir ('nneer- vAtIve party. for now re•nrtatelrntb•.n i. *h*1*ot.ly Imperative. .4 name n reference Inst week to the method employed by 'on.ttuencleo and pAr thew to get rid of r.pres.ntalh.s and Ien,k•r. who had outstayed their wet come More .trthing Intoesn of the aur of the knife at the poll. have n.'0J leen aff.rdw1. The killing( off pn4lleenlly of men whn refn.e to nnit memo n health peneeettre. Mot Be none. (Inn waw never mare nerem.nry than on the 7t, nut.. anal the opptrtunity of We.tn..dey eon not waited -Tr, (•tent• aMtan10y NIf II. • mmary. Linn. (>nt tire'. ... ... ... :17 44uebe•e ... ... .... 57 Nova Scotia .,. .. 111..,. New Brun.wick Y. E. Island ... liaal4ulut R_. T.......... Hrttleh Columbia 111- ... 1- 1' t l,w,' -arr-stitt--tor -be pulled. r 4g„aw . and \lplweing. When the Hamm' is Gens. Ind. oompb'te the Comer 414111 maj,rlty .. In Iprobably alp atm IDL 31 On tr will from t, 7 -- eleven. In Qnple14• the ttut•rrn4nnut i I rw'eyt-pyer)'t,hi.lg before it. 'foe tide 4 -- of tietory was evidently Trre.hati,dr. 1 -- Tltr I.11wrnlo. who had 01 Heate I 5 _ _1 ._f>;tnebee at devolution, hate ion• t 1 ' this uun,b^r by six, and only neta'n I 9 ._- Coma. vatires etre returned for ,last Hou».', an I Meletrs. Eerie :Cud Prti,r. th • fares,. r wenn ers. are re turne) for t11' di.trl-t of 4k't,rla. F:1.1(1 TION NOI'Ell. Parr4 reports anmruneed Mir. 1), .4, 4.or'ion. the Liberal cand:dat.. elect (KI by :throat I50 eetlirlty, but litter ri'tnrns ehange,t It ln,.o a defeat, ant. tie• .ogre Prot Mee. Polling the probetb:hty In that 114. •Inure. 1'11 78 4 in yet fir take pian ('Hines with again wit for Bothwell Liberal majority over all ;,; In the enem7 t, 'Inelve. In New Brune- The ;mottle of North Wentworth Liberal majority over fb•ser• wick tie' Liberate to 111so gained a not- and Brant etre n.king what liippw'uw. to Stops? The oflh•te! fignresi of the votive." :;H returning cal Iw giten out. yerter Elections to br, held in 'Barran, and t tiny final telephones t. the ,.4111x• Vale. ('nrlbon, ilritlwh Columbia ; N!p-' (m (:'oat At. (learn., by Dr. .liter an. when lasing and Algotda, Ontario ; :Ind 1 I t that Ham. 44'.11iauu 1'atera.mt norur••' (taape, Quebec. a majority of 1,9104 river hie opponent, Total In flown, 213. 1 lir. It. A. Jones,' lanrrlvteri• M' Tarim The general malt of the 1)ontiuluu k 14., wet Doom he r, finiaalt of . �(Mo elections 1n to l0avc 41e Louder (k,1- N, v► erne, 1lMt.r, finial, Mfr. Mlaxrl• WW1, l.lberal, ]lt: n wit a --lomwti_J+e,therJnl+.l: 4114.44a•ity 'n North O.trot.l le n ,w- 1, 171, with p&h..--wheels-)maze -not ..I,.,. ir.1 -11awwt will pmtvWlly lawme' the awn - Jur ity to over 1,600, MI as Among Lib -snit tote wits emit at them In 18941 Corrected returns from Provenchpl give the Nent to Mr, 1.m Riviera.. Com servnttve, by 'U) awl) rity. -1 .1144r11 "W'Wtttl"in. Mne,kmnht n11I Mnrgnette are loth loMrrvntve. Further territorial returns Irtrre•me the F.11eral mm}r1Ues. The °frielnl ret,rne In the North Perth eleetl(v, pinc. Mir. lineforen'. mnjrtrity ,w,'r Mfr, tarlet2 lot 2149. The most Mttly-enntn,teal el.:•tlon 1n the nmol. of \nowt 1.'tmbton hits been fought anal w14n by the Reform eten'lnnl.h.arer, Mr. T. ai, Jollnetnn who has been re -els -ted no n mnpprirt- er o' the i.nerler Government by n majority of _112 over M. opponent, Mr. 11'. L. It rmm - - The M;11 do fireg4c Yet. '11e' Mal 'ante: "Nett election Mr. 111,e victory, when Mr. Fo'.ter went Mown before Mr. Flair in the city of St. John. niter one of the law:( mem- oral oem- oralI.• dltlell ronteota in the hl. - 104') of the Domini 'n. Another Import - silo event Ir, till, I'rovimw Willi the . •fent of Mfr. I ,,well Il \Westmore- hnm1, 1•t 444. Emso:•rs441. formerly Premier of New ItratllNWl(' , whore- slgtNd 4,flle. to context the Nent. The election itrunswlek 1.. that whereas the --eve) Iver -1044 -eight- ae-tta 1.lwxals nix In the lint Bourne, the Liberals now hold ten and the ('onser- vative four. In Novae 9entin the 1.1b- ernle dol splrndi Ily, and now hold 16 (Nit .If 20 ,Nate, In Cape Rret'n Sir "diaries Tupper, whore mnjorlty lot 1111► leekRetweai It le running mite, Mr. MrDaagrll. etre beaten handsomely by Mlesnre. Ken- dall and .Tnhi.ton. lawn' memher", who random/I their meta to try e oi- (lusiona nit*, the Conservative lender. in Trine.• F:dwerd 1m a , which was represented In the last • by three t t,e m 1'�tl M 1 Lllernl and two on r l.11ernle talk( two gnln., Kling`. and (lueela'x P4154. and loss' F:n.•t „ that Sir Lonle I)avFroe romps hark from the little inland with four I 'aerate not o1 Iv n t •• we t th met . rive. i h .till won^ unrertnh.t.v, 1,11 the ,lIdt'e did victory of Mr. Slftnn .ver thigh John Mee8ku*Hl ►w Brendon will 4.0 received by 1,11lrrale n11 over 1.141,8,141, wh, hate rr'-rnte,t th • itlegrveefnl terko not th' 4itnlater of the J'rt•rktr, with unfeigned e,ttt.fn. tl wi 'Phe ('or e:'-tlltiter* hate enrrk.-1 Mnr.kuntd, formerly h el 1 l.v Dr. Rutherford, the eneemefnl member being Mr. Nat. !loyal. *h) in t4'9te woo rlretnl, int threw up the ,.rat rather then fir. I h • exposure of an etentivn trial. Mr. kk h'rrdnwi wtne tet-Livernr, .cot tor. I'ntte, the tailor candid, te, In W1'1• ttlprr•t. Iu ala' Terrltwlw things nr • ata, th'y w.rr, Mr. Dentin M l'naton In Want AsslniloAn, and Mr. Dat Ins, 4'Iternl l'ntnn, In the Fast. The Ter- intertwine, er shrine, th,refore, given revilement,' tk,n. yaf tired Liberate I►n.l one ('o1Ns'r vetly". 'trill h ('memo In haw had io surprises. in ten, dlvledas,s of thief pro viten., hutment and Yni.' and Carlton., elections' will twat he 11.1.1 until n Int.+ ant^ in th' ronetiteenci44 ron'e*tll h : 1.' brr,i I , marl lt'w W'.wtanlnt• r it 11.1 Wnimoetrr, whirh tit •y• held in De, lunging In the r ig f eight, 4.).r- th • trluulph .lit the 4i.nerument IA lar greater then appears In ChM ; , 1.' /etate ie,,t. \torr wru. tb'ra nn re •. tees la Canada in which the (i•.Yern. meta keek•rn err.' tel nnnu!mou.ly .u'•• roomful mud the Opposition leader; N, .ul'..•kra-L*-•o•. rwb• holed aLr Lhsru. Tupper. t! • aged lender, hins+•1f welt, ,town In Nova S•ntin, anal Ido ch4•f lieutenant, Mr. Foster. who, with KV ('Norio, hood borne the burden of the etingmlgn. met. with It terrltlle defeat In St..luh I. Ther.' 44 d011,.t even 1744.1 11' return .f sur 1111.1.'rt Tupper. ll ',Nettie only erten •('(eutervativaw are returned, find Sr A•k,tpb • ('iron and Mr. 141 11(..r011 are 1",.h an44n( the de- feated. Nor 111d tb• ender:+ fere any 1.•ttot in tit• wet. Mr. Hugh J.hn Ma.,k;.nld, alit, r&,(4 no Intro "1 win Mille out that he left hi' I'remier:111i. one wquarady lento, by 11r. !Often' in Itrnmel"a. anal Ur. Montague ens aim. rented In 1111dirunnd. 11r. Haggnrt and Mr. Twlal.• w,•rl•, in fort, minuet (11• aids men11M're .1 Ill • . 1 Wiet.ereathe I10%erninent of 18441 to +.rnn• 'weft' la tha mew 1.1101111 nit. Chi the ether hand, .•eery men,l.er of the (Investment 111144 ningnlfirent- ly a*Nta need, 411,0. wMr had berm molt spe'lnity .Inglrid mit for attack and ml(lreprewentatkm, Meows. Rlnir, 8lltern and Tarte, sowing the meet brtlllotrt trluthplet. In Ontnrin the Iktvernrtle•nt anatain- aI mane netore Monett, nod we have to regret ton defeat of many alert - lent men. At the prwaent writing On. tark, NP,•Ine to have retnrned i1 avers -attires, 87 Liberals anal ti Indef. pendent". Mr. Robinson, Went. 1"htin, end Mr, McCarthy. North Slmeoe. Mr. N0('arthy RM opprosa•.t by n .trnluht Con..rtntire emendate., en I thin w11) .kwahttewe et.rongt.lrrn len .1-ep.m,iteet to give n general support. to the 'lot torment. Two rent* In lith. Pro. N` httorh.swl ,, 1.1144---424.11t11113/1 in! But 19 •ympathy and the lope that lie woul hallgt' his Medieval. T1s 011 these Sir hark* bawled his nckmlwiedgmeute n 1 811141-" tient with 'nil sero anent r., this relief from punto', life ill a 'o,n, the fronted! 1 have enjoyed. for • rare, Remember my age. The party .4.4.441,1 not listen to the sten of my re .Lgamee : 4 could but ►441st upon doing u a,gaiumt n united protest, And now !he goo.' pe 1' (f Cape Breton l'rwity cote given one the opportunity. I made 'ogrent effort 10. taj/d Pape Breton. for ' felt my duty to nay party was to be n the flight, to' help my supporter" .11t1wr Men to nmcentrnte my efforts .pet (ate seat. 1 wan In the (touaty 4113 tour days. i have nothing but shot lw pteanant t, any of the electors .f ('ape Breton, lull lot this, atoment. 44 1 knave the arena, my heart goes amt t, all Canada in 11,,' Mope tltnt T:.re -Arid- prosperity 1111(7-ntxrtttttl." lits t herbs' 4' - -- Sir ('harks" Tupper, whine personal kTetir-1fi rap. !Ireton Wli'l p snap Im-geear-t.'-suspries.-uL Lim eg Pnter.4lt will he ngakt panting on t. Iln,1 'another mnatiturney, The Omen MI'. S. 41(1*l Josue gave him will intake hen feel North Brant I. an 1111. 11/114. Wave t. ntny ire." 'Rr Ii. .ire. Mr. l'at'rwln's total majority io env bully not. much .aster, than 4,;f4).- Olole, Infent'n Italy F,ohunrll, Rental ford, Not. II. - Recently the death nrrnrrn) no the receive of on Infant child belonging to an Didion lammed W I'll .m•. after the renlnlne were Interred rimers' lot a smorneln*e n4tnre r49nm0neo4 to elrenlnt., and n. 1 he r4ttenn/. the. bode hen been se - hid rind en Ingmar' h' now In prra- gems. It Io anneal tont hrntnl trent- nent ono the envie" of the dewile.. tont 141. On the return of Kir John Ma1.1:40 •tIJ he Menone Minister of Peek - Works. --He won the Itret 1140iste4- 01 .Rail ways 8111 Cattalo. Ile wvld appointed ('a mentin -!lige ('ummlmmkitl•r in 1894. He r.2utert4l.,the Government In 19147 as Mlnbter of F'Itmts^r. Iu 1888 he resumed the olrL'.• 'd High (ommlmmkuer to 411Klanal. 111 1898 he aueerw'k'd Sir Mnck.wzle Rowell as Premier. war oteated n (1_C 1 10. In Dont He wan made n Baronet of Ods Uri tw/ ktng,k4n in 1898. H. in an honorary D. C. L. of tea Ila ('o!Iege, Nova Reotta. II. W nn honorary LL. D. of Piet, br1.lg Vntverslty. 11e L n honorary LL. D. .d the F.lnhnrgll )inlver.dty pf Protlewl 11.• is Interested In n number of (I rut tie in 1 e(rporn Lion.. 11r wax wedded In Dela. s,l ho lie '-.heisted his golden welt at Ottawa cel Oct. 8, 1896. . H.. h.1 an angling*. I - INE EIHEIN AETERMAiN. Several Candidates Lost Tht.•il Deposits of $200 Each. Muwtrpal, Nov. 11. -It ►s reel •r 4toud that Mr. L. P. Bnoleur, the \ member for Rouvtlle, will be the tient Speaker of the blouse of ('a„n - llN,na. Mor. Brodeur war !bootyVenter In the 'net Parliament, :radlurlug the Illness of the halts a J.se-s Edgar took 1,1e place ns Speaker 1041•40111,AwM, Natt: 11 -lIr-__ate. _ r • in4(anls total 111:4�',nty III'4,ith ‘11.1 Remelt Is 7411, or rltt.4,u ,u ren 1Lau u, 11+416. nip mn}irltl.r are: ('•art ko', _M1: lobo, 2441; Ne4tmin.t'•r Sit; South London. 4; Delaware. Ottawa. Nov. 11.-11on. Mr. T..rt.' note accepted the invito(1•ln of the Young Liberal. of Brandon, to :1 banquet In honor of 11r. Slfton'm %iv tory. 'Mor- event Ir to tote place en the 1.1th lament.--.- - Tara, Nov. 10. -At the summing 111' .f the vete+ here to -day by the v- omiting officer fur North Bruce, Mr 1. McNeill, Conservative, was dr elnred elected by three votes. It 11 .Indnrrtood to be the intention of Mr 1. 11. Campbell, the Reforne Baud, late, to ask fur a recount. Kerrie, Nov. IO. --Mir. Leigh'„n Vc('nrthy'r majority In North tin, toe le 676 Instead of 401), ns fir.[ reported. 111tasta.-111 aODDa lea IIIc _tt litat►L kutlu�11L tu. 1 0 aw'rltt Awer:lan d made the aria i .I 'tn0nuncemeut of the returns in the •Ir,•tlnn In (Ottawa of Wednesday laso. and hM 11 tale majority of Mr. S. t Itelrnurl over ,Aid_ Champagne r'dura'd to A gentleman who hos }art returned. front Almuute states tint there will be a rerrunt in North R.:Nlark, Rosin mond. the Coneervntire candi- date, Inn Deily a inaan Irl* )tIty over - Or. T. It Caldwell, the Liberal star data -hearer. It won.pt'etioINly rep'rt- '11h1LS-)1r, J.00ionu,nd had inset re - lection., and who nnoo.anne 1.b rw lrcm•'nt from 'mbar life, it the eldest on of the !ate itet. or. ('harlot Ttlp err. of ,l)leufurd. N, S., and w.te horn :1 Amlt'ret, N. 14., un Jul) .al, 1821. H wise ealnr.ued at ilortla ,Acualeui) and graduate.: M. P. at F:dlnlmrgh Ir LH 13, hi lag lulinitteal a mcob er of I lir :coal 1'o') g" of Surgeon. 1'(linburath -a the sante your. Fur u number of veer.- he practiced hi. profession In hia nat1•e county, fond wpe4.dlly se- •un.d it splendid practice. In.the No.n 44•.. 144 genera) electlonn of 1835 he made baa, tiro Appearance In piddle lit.. defeating . lir. Joseph Howe. haler of the Liberal party of the l'ro- ' rine'. in 18746 he became I'rotlnel eerrtatur), ontl-In 1861 i'remier. 1(1r 'Marto Marc' n roa.4,ruiie pave In the rrn,m{rli.hm til of t'(infcdH'ratiun. at the Fawgrlottetowa whit flue' 'ser conference. anal Afterward* going to England, where t at tied. For 111s services In this regard ha wete created n ('. B. In 1870 he was. mod•• member of the Privy Council. 1,111 111 197:1 was Inn.k• Meitner ei (Antoine. Bien, the Mfardonnlal td m'hlatration 4,.,11 defeat*! 111 that year he became the principal ',Tennis sr and neloleer of Kir John Maedunakl. On the return to power of Sir John, Sir Charlet, became A11nieter of Public. Work", ant rreitcd-the-Uepartnwnt lot Itnllwa3:4 and Canute, iecoml' Its first Mfinleter. His National Pol- ley woe adopted daring -tide perlol. Retiring from the MI -Matey in 111.94. he wen from that year to 1887 Can - 'Winn High Commlee!oner In Eaglaed: He again entero.1 the flovernmont al the en! of 1487 ata MInl.ter of F'Innnee. mem., Inc that pl.Hl.n up t, 1489when he re.ume•1'Ahe office .of High Conr,mi.wl4ler to England. in .laul'Inrr, 1896, lie entered the. Howell Adminl.trntIon as Secretary of State and lender of the Howie of Commons, and fester -moat hr-1tter-- wards, nn the retirement of Sir littckentte Powell tte_nm. i'rtm.- Minister. On the defeat .at h) Ad minf.tratlon on June r 11/1)P Will elected reader 'of the OppotitaM1 Wr (Yarm was created a O. C. M. it. In 18841. n Baronet of the Unite.l Kingdon in 11484. He la atm nn h•:n- orary U. C. h, of Acadia College, N. urarr .1.La.(J...uL. C'niver.ity anal of Edinburgh inlver ally of ricotlnn I. He I. it (Km.et or of the Belted] Empire Financial Cor- poriation and of ether corpnrnttone He hen served nm Comml'.loner for Cenndn at a number of International Exhibitions, anal ao Commissioner In eerernl Internatlonnl n,mmlrslons He married. In October, 1546, Fran- ces Amelia Morse, and their golden wedding wen celebrated at Ottawa Oct. In, 1896. Theme are the dry facto and antes etnnallrhg out In fiir Cherie" Tupper's tamer. Is to halm persanmllty and the port 1t hoe played In the nffnlrx of the "mnitry. It ie perhnpot premature to open nt the prevent moment. On env point. however, Cann.11nns elf all par- tkw nee edited with regard to fir "hnr14',, Tupper, rind that Is his ex• trmor(I1n.,rt vi{rnr, merest/ end pleek There are few then In thelr 80th year who would not hate .hrntnk from the trenlen'louw trek of lending rt 1,01111 lnl pnrty to the I*.tls and tektite ,1i*i' o of an 'traumas eampt*lgn There re Ino men who lot Hir ('hrtrlen' titre 19,•,1'1 hire even .erloi.ly thought •f It, telwrinbly in n (vmnttry Int,lc Ing tremcsl(kue jonrn.yn from point to point, menning repented night j.ntr nes. In trnln., and dloonmfnrt and In Mnrrnlenee In Innnmereble ways. 91r Chsrle..Mlwed genuine plank wh.'n he - undertook the task, mod In enerylne It through he allowed n rltnlity nn 1 every t' whleh his nolltteal opn.irient. •elected by n 1 tree con (lrfiy.-ifZ1'+r event of n recount the Liberals /are :onfldent that lbrir m lit will he sleeted. Drantfor,1, Nor. 10. --The rrlf►r1'+1 aro- lawny of Hon. W'1'Ilnm Paterson k' 1,098 nr.r Ian opponent. S. 41fi. 1 font*, bnrrlst, r, Toronto. .freer los:. hl. 4 4lrrlt, The official majority of O. MI. leas over .1, (1, 44, Bergeron In Rennh'1r• n(/1v la -1'1 -1, --'-Phar ul 444ek6rd11'. iter I'ker. In Rt. 1 nwrenee dltlsinn "1 %fmttr't'n11.. 96 . The Pro>pie'a i'nrt) randldntr. Ice Toronto, '40(010. Tfnrgr'vr :an' . t• -mem, fret their .k•pneits. In West York Mr. Nnllacen nil„ 1.1 met jorl l y nom 874. ' Winnlpeg, Nov. 12. -AI -hires tit •nrlrn'nit show that Mieerrnry, 1. 'a ',en', , le five nh• ::11 In SOIkirk; ,• t'1 •,nr'rr 'n8Wtflelrtr lett+ rrrt, wtrret 'a -e. - 's,4 lx' got In 1111 tv night. 'A 1.1. I.IK 1: I.At'R11•:Ir, British 1'►eo. Pleased With L'nrlei'. _V_ Ictory. iw►ndwl, Nov, 8.-T1le morn ug Ira per8, lrrc.pseth'e of party, exlire"4l unbounded .ationteUnn at Sir Wilfrid Laurier's, victory. The 1/0117 Nr4rr h atlllsrr It. t1 reit n le.eun to t Britten nnt.l•war LIb rnl4 maul leu! it in a r.'marknbin (net„ whirh Lilt maim, near home wranll d e welt 1" wonder, that no more etoptent .tatemeat4 of the justice of tile Witt 1. mum have been made that by 'o'r • Wilfrid Lander. Ali the pmpera diorites the d e: ne't1"11" of throe notnh1, ranee In widen the ..clog of the pd0.1,411 p"trlulnm been nrrrwta,l, and the 11.4'1•; New" remnrkm-Done It portend a new sorter In Dem,s•.raUe pedalo'? i 001 y :pole nwaclaolon U this t whit%' has happened le not because ford 'cat's hairy, Mr. McKinley Anal Sir Wilfrid T,nnrler have dise•.weral n new trio 'd governing without mhtnkee, hut I. woven In All three eounlries there 4.4. 14'.•0 n .tlrring of nationll life to not anal grant bnnes, and beatele the ('' position portico have leen f^noel a 111 of hetero n•lth nntl(••1a1 feeling The Da11y rhombi. bettor., a ';Ir W111r14 Lanier ower lain set n. well as M. frlMde and kilt -won to tor• fart tont nn mn het. will Mmt.rely hide May Moths with .rl..n tet fill Lha pin.'r ofi1110 Int' Item for many Teary. ' "IPA bee energy Air .1044n A. Illtedatakl,,