HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-15, Page 1e THREEe A AOV•re Awg ACTIVE AGENTS WHIN PLAC1O IN THE SIGNAL - TE OFFICIAL NEWBPA.P 2I OF xuRON OOVNT"It _ raft LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR FIFTY-THIRD YEAR, 2804 GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA: NOVEMBER 15, 1900 D. M°GILL IC U DD Y , EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAN/OL f Rk P 0 Ososneie,Nov. 11. W011. yell Wriest 0 61 to 6l lona fatuity. per 0wt ....... 1 10 le 2 10 rl, rj• cal. it, per owt 260 to 1 50 60 toll 00 ll""' a ton. 16 00 to16 00 Shorts t o............... _.... 1 K`lyee per bush eat W too 100 HwkeLret, per tun N m osier 1 Doak ... ., Peas, bud, 601 N curler. car bosh 36 to Bay. new, 1 tea. Potatoes. new. 1 busk.. Rutter. _.•.•••.••• Memo. oar 1►..., Log troth aap..ke'l. 1 ass...,, Woad _.-_.... Hfds. Lamb -elk los • .- Live How .. .-. I ireaeed Bop . • Han. per lb.. Lard. per 1k Dreamed Hee? easter eater premed Reef Mad (s1Ul. gel (kd .try 10 to ID to 17 to 10 to 15 to 10 to YI to 60 to 6D to 00 to 10 to I Lo If to 00 to W 10 75 to 103 to 50 IR 55 S) 00 le 1``1 00 75 17 Ib 13 00 00 sk m Lost 1 HE HARBOR MILL• 4 Bylaw to be Submitted M the Itarepay- ere Rewarding 1t. All 'he msoiben of the oounoll were preterit at the mooing o0 Fndey sight. The Treasurer'. ■stamen6 for the month et October, ea billows, was sent to the boer.o. Ommitte• Treasurer's statement tor October 1900 Balanoe Item Sept. $468 Oo Keoerpt•- Ter« hal from 11499 • 365 54 " 19008635 76 Noo-reeldeut bonds ... 2 50 Water tat« 169 00 Kleotrlo ' 349 80 Refund from For« ors4 59 8die p,yabie 4500 00 Public works.... 4 26 Maitland oem.tary13 50 $13944 94 $14412 99 L O.YC -A SMALL. LIGHT KED COW, port Jer'Mel. with • Magnetos ear. Mier ed W- ed •week ago Wdimd y. A reward will be gives for bar r•eerrrTArty J. 1. BRYI)OLS. L OST -014 BIINDAY, 11TH ret soweew8ers ea the Se nor•. a gold hAmite of as umbrella. Imolai Pone at Ilia m der ... greatly oDadt by t IDASIL OINI Vassant. wANTKD.-A ()ENIRRAL RERTaTer 'rob nferenoea Wates Ilia Math. Apply to Mlt'i to g. U4NCIY. /ell rea.h.i'. Wanted. MALR TKA0HBR WANTED IOR 8.8 No t. W.D. As86.04, holding emoted alar eartlgnate. Appllaslloa..atlm exper- ience and ,alar( will be r.o.lved on is Dm. 1 IWO by JOHN 1'.ORIYP1N or KRNN1171 Mc R4N, LLta1L calm Tender. Wanted. NKUTIC-TKNDKRY WILL RE RE .4vd by the osderNRw1 nett' the1718 day of November. 1600. for the bonnet of the book debts dee the •0.n• Of J. H. Pedder. at • rote on th0 dollar em tombt statement of said ao.:e0011 can he disease W. R Robsrteoo's ofhoo. OOdoMob• SD* ARD W ILION, As ease*. Pert, fix For Heat. 1101.181 TO LRT -THAT LARGE, asnfeAsble neem Josl met of Judge Ogles ges55 sow •oaplsd Dr Mr. Rees er. IfeasN ky Howard turmoil , hp sad bold water ReY ; also Mo. c. a acne ire I name and moles. 11 IMaMM ori the mount to &Poi to R W. MoKINZIR. Hardware *ernhant. blit For Bale. HORSE AND EUOOY TOR 811.E cheap Apply to JA/. 111W11101.9111.. Dammam. ti FOR SA LK.- THAT UESiBABLE c of Doom, t a the lis house .ad tot rota p - nor, t8e proper 7.of the Imo {tabard Tn warm. 71. hoose le brisk rosewood ,ad o ears o mato pert. 10i20 triches. tai Hard .rd sett water In ooeneoUooroams woodshed attached. Ooo4 frame Pablo. to . on the property.Tits nu comprlse o*. -halt acre of nod ; b•a.tifal lawn, with bee shade tress sorroeadl Possession we be had n an/7 rime. AO r Sothis osoe, or to Geo. NrOfitElt •es Naps, or to W. LANK (+*.rich. of tel FOR (ALX. -THE OALK FARM, ONE. of the best 160-aer.'arms is (loderloh township. Heron *aunty. Lot 17 and part l) Oa nonowat s• 66 miler from (roderlrh.7 miles from 1'Itnns. The farm metates good MOM togs and good tense., le well watered and well under drained. There V • 1•rwr Marino or- o0ard ant garden of small halts Terme to colt ptrohnrsr. Apply to WM. OOU LI I, on Promises. or Goderioh Y. 0. 61 tJ L"UR8ALR.-LOTS 95. 96, 117. 118, 119 1 and IY to Hatoblmo'■ survey. and month halt of 616 running VVnpumbers, 111 is Roderick. rev p0ralenlul apply11ILIP 0IULT. Borderer. to.. Hoderiab. Mang 11th. 1100. Mau Musi°. W.OLENN CAMPHKI.L. Organist and mttoloal almoner of North 'et - Methodist cboroh. sod norther of pianoforte. , organ and theory, w111 he please4 to re coir. pupil.. 1 loo given either at meet* or u poppl1l's home. so desired. Studio at smsreoo'. Mune Store. West.&. lief HKNRI JORDAN. utrderl diener Leos Preeblteri00 Church Is opealsggl5150 h al Orion. Prase sed (Cornet.Tep1Y Nfor Toronto College of Moine masiiiitT=s7 Apply for Orme at Tbe. Oroates.o. Mouth street, Ooderfoh, r studio la O/dtell ,wi b'tUding. Imitate. eta. CHAS. K. SHAW, GBNSRAI.IhBUR- ANGINA real estate year, kat sots Mod term otl town p7000717 for sole or'red s and watts nota. Odic. one door east or P.O.. Goderih. WrR. ROBKRTSON. Accountant and I0.uranoe Agent. Hooks and amounts made U. Buildings rested and note-1INtM. Ptre Is•tai.ee In hellish she e.nadias 17mM1 Predyes/ t Rape'sneaslcatlNgetk -11 Medleal• Expenditures Nalute. Printing and advt. we dept 6 73 C. (2 .rid 0 espouse12 75 Publlo wain 186 25 Bills povaote .. 5000 00 Bank !atone.' 69 86 Wooer works tapt11 28 " " watnt171 40 Elwtrlo light mailer110 68 " caps 208 96 Public whoole 656 83 8peoial grants 50 70 tate institute2800 00 MtesWneous ... 1 13 Or•a,llthlu walks. . 4394 90 L'ler.tor Interest 232 90 $14022 99 189 66 19 89 8.I.pee 10 bank $367 71 On band 22 29 $390 00 The s0ditor. gave • report of their ex- am nation 01 the books of Mattload mow tory and submitted • list of lots marked as cold and Ont found paid for or only la part paid for. Tbey r.00mmesd• ed that lis future the wino permit se burial until the tr.50Ynr'• receipt for the digging of the is shown him, and to o.0. of • wooly eolwtod lot until the trw- urer's o•rtiScate of payment is shown. Tiny recommended Mao that • mostbly re- port of I.termn"1. 100 • monthly report of lo's selected be made to the soused, sod 1, rate for Boob report+ were submitted. Toe report Warrelorred to 1.he.psolsl nom Mom. An epphe41Ien from Rev Mark Turn bell for the •itenslon of the granolitbio walk to the school house of St. George's •bareh was referred to tb• pablio works mmmlit••. Copt. Geo Williams of the ech000 r W. H Rounds notified the tomcod tb.t the mewl woe lying Inn at tits tew0's ei pease at lb* rate of 150 • day 001,1 unload •d. Councillor Cantelon and the clerk erplan ed the difficulties 4. roma( the boat on loaded Mr Gaetano •aid the metmlttee had do.. all they •ould, sod he did not see why the taro .b.ld be Mable for demur- rage r a Councillor Holmes grad with Mr. m Cantelon In stating that the town 1bosW net 8. liable. The oaptaio, 16 was eisted, tams tato pmt Saturday bight sad he claim ed that the v«s•I should bay. bean unload .d Is three days, and asked domurr.ge Ire* Wednesday sleet The matter was left with the water and light oo10mittee A petition I••. •n electric light on Light• h •u.. street, about halt way bottoms; W at. orlon sod Wellington streets, stgoei by eeyra'e a Noisome, was sent to the water and 1.,ht oummitt.ee. The public library board was granted an appropriation of $100 for current expenses. Aa .ppliootioo from Jas. S. Tait bur re - miasma of dog 141. 10 he had no dog wow, w.. retorted to the oo*rt of resistor, as was al., me from Mrs 0. Moe for rem'.alon of two mane Mom w81oh she sou unable to pay The followng a000uoM tone referred to the 6n.em eemmletee: Canadian listen! Eleotrio On., Torooto, wire sad ether sup- ping, 1120.82. 173 72, $2 60, $2.46, 119 ; Montreal Eleotrlo Co . one year's supply of d ale for etghlw•bohman'e cloak, $5.40 ; Natlooal Carbon Co., Cleveland, 0., $12 ; Jas Baxter, boot hire for twenty five dep., 120 ; Goldte h McCallo: h ('o., Ilalb. $6.50 ; J. F.. Bryderes, repairing, 13 ; Menton Dredging Oo., dredging around retake pip*, 5 boon at $8. $40 ;'fee RIONAL, priming .rd adverti•(sy 17.60 ; Th. Ser, do.. $13 • 24 ; MoKeezie & Howell, hardware, 171.03 An applleatlen from tits Bre brigade for two o its and one pair of boots was ant to the firs mmmltlee with power is ant. Ht. Worship stated that two mats had bete 'voles, and thought 'Dere should be seine w ay of recovering them. The public work. committee reommeod• ed that • moorage oeoseoll'ro be made lot Hor••e Newlon os 000110ion that ►m .soars the town for halt the cost. The oommittee had denld•d se move she pump 00 Hamilton . trot to the oor4h, say four feet,.l0.a.4 of goinr down Nairn. street ; In the mean• time the well le being overed and the street eree•Ios put down. Mr. Martin had boos granted tee privrlwe of patting down • gram olithio platform .t the pump. The report wee adopted. -TAe bus0o• ommittm reported that the Kensington furniture factory b mds had Deco mid .t par. The o104.1ttes recommended that Wm. Campbell be given toe work of oensel.datiag the 1ylaws •t $15. work to lie does before the drat meetlog of the mama' 1. December. The payment of • somber of • eoeeale wag resemeres,led. Mewl. Knox and Martis moved he amendment that Mr. ()arrow oneelld•te and remiss the bylaws. The sometimes% case 4ofee/ed and ebs report adopted. Meme Humber sed Mornay moved, and 11 was tarried, beat the p.lstton of Mre. M.oGIl)1vray reapsoMag the redudss of the terse on her home be ell.rred to the 000rt of revlet0o to report. On mottos of Messrs. Holmes and Outs• ton, It sou deolde4 that tb• soonest of Horde (:resell for More supplied tits Sewn for building the chimney he paid. Bylaw No. 18 of 1900 was read • INN time. This le • bylaw le •xenrpo **Ogilvie mil property from tai.tau, eroeot for Bohol porpoise, for iso year., 05 oo.dltioe Ma' before the let *1 SepNmMr, 1901, lee mIll be remodelled and equipped with the newest maohin•r so as to enable ao least 1,000 borrelo ,4 floor to he manofaotured le s.ok (w.nty fent hoses anti that the output of the mill during the mold period of ten year. after IA. first of such wean M not lees Was 900.000 barrels ot flour yearly. 1f aft or the Int year and during the ten years the mill .hall, •xmpt for n*oesser7 repairs, stand Idle for • 00.tloneue period of three ...tteo, the remission of taxes fav took year shall nam,. The vote oe ale bylaw le to 8. Ness on J.esary 7th, 1901, the .1.t• el the maul &pal .I.. i.... TIN water and light oeoml►ter was oath prised eit 8. • soiling pries for the brook left mew trent the war.erwM'ke Nhlme*y job (saeethar Martin enrol that the pa••1 Hog of Ramdos street he co4.pleted, omen Allow Oanteles pet la • plea for West street sad Mr Morasy teaaahO '8. Farber kill abeuia M stelato Mr. flambe stated Ohba w pensare .l week lapse the 958110 weeks espy essm had prevented she thing $390 00 DRY.TURNRULL & TURNBULI., (Mb P►ratelam*, amreeese. e. H**Uton sl N1gb' o•lln uswerd from n&Om Telepboo. 106. J. 1. TURNBULL. 7. n TURNBUI.1. [ARM. SHANNON & °ALLOW. 1'HY IJ SICtANeand ategEer. (woe In (lank of 00mmwtere• Wild( trek dde of Bgoare. Night mule at resldeass Dr. Beaaoes, Dr. (1.Ifo., old reslbs.a, Napier et. INN st.w, 60. 'Phe. A. 'Phone Warningly. NOTICE 18 HKRKBY OIVKI THAT it: joswool .11.00144EwmePrg SMrrwyWskt as it:jIndite a jypr•••ert nt•g. _. O. AI•474f Indites e Perk IT.tt MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. of duo attention to till the places where work wee required. To. Mayor dretw the attention of oouwd to • number of matters, moon them the advisability of having alley rummy from On alloys behind the sora through lh• Mocks within t8• fire limits, so that «were, water pipits, etc , oould be put dowel with- out teen°/ up the rosette. This would 0ec*«110• the potation, of the land requir- ed. 1'h• publie work. ommil'ee woo in sIruoted to report opou the matter, and the oououtl IIdj.areed • AROUND TOWN. To. FAor4IOss -la the world of fashion red as now On proper shade. Blue will be strictly taboret for this season. Tn• (1. ores has good forth also that Tupper bottoms ars Dot th. 007100' thing ; •ouly Laurier buttons are now worn. The letter are very handsome, and many pretty girls are weer• log them. A 706sTAvt's 01 W}yj;sat-We hays bad *if weather Nepast week. Fortun- ately she elements held ofi until **oleo (ion compalgo was finished, but mom that w. kw• h.4 rola sod mow, (root* and blow and at the tome of writing things war a deeidrdly wintry upset There Is man 000.olatloo however to the thought that lodiaa summer is yet to *omit. AT Tin Cut' NTT JAI -There were two arrivals at the jail y...rday, Samuel J. Stator, of Grand Rood, Insane, and John Campbell, of Unsl,b, committed by folio. M.gutrate;iwer fur .Lx months for Tag rainy John Patterson, sentenced to seven years in pemteoU.r7 for shop.breaking, loft yesterday fur Kingston to oheye of Deputy Sheriff W. H. °aodry. TROPHIES or TH■('1400■- Bogie and hie too William, of Sheppordtoo, and Herold. eon of Dr. Taylor, of town, who bmi hem up .t Ase Like, Muskoka, ono. Oe6ober 26th. rewound yesterday, bnogiog with them two boo deer. w•Igbiog 236 Ib and 206 ib , dressed. They report 607472 had a good time. At Axe Lok• they visit •d Str Booli a mother -In-law. Mn. James Rome, • former resident of Oolboroe woo - ship. SPORTING MOTeg. -Th. ex.outive eom- •nittois of the Ontario Hooke), Aesoiatloo me' at Torooto last Friday. The revision et tin rules was oosidered sod • few Mirages were togs«ted, wbto8 will 00100 Ml..re the animal mretl0g to be held the are: S,'urdy io 1)eo•mber One of these uhantow, If adopted, will m.k• the me of goal nets compulsory sod another wall allow • player to ono the puck with ble hand The Ontario Corl•ng Association has sneer• ed group No. 4 for th• dietrb/ cup 00m petition ea follow.:-Pl*tterille, Waterloo, 1)eerh.m. Uoderich and Parkhill. Umpire, J.e, Simile. Ploy mainly at Stratford HyY,NEAL -The pat -Neap of North . I rcet Methodist church was the mem las Thursday among of the wedding if Mlse Mary Ytewert and William Aldose, of Ridgewood Park farm. The ceremony wit prrlormed by Rev. Japer W Ilion In the preseo0e of a few (mends of the bade sod groom. M« . HAM. T6m osoo was the bnde•mard and Archie Stewut, of l.00don, b other of the bride, discharged the dude; of er000.mau. The knot havlog been duly tied, the wedding party eAjourned Se the home of Ueo. Thomson, night somas, whore .o .ioeilett caput was aerv.d, *00 •her all bad spat • pleasant e7eu:.g the sooty wedded couple dr.'ve to the r how. at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Aldose have 'h+ wish« of main friends ter a happy and trnepero01 fo'ur. n0ntnr112 TO1N•R17. Nov 6th. 0000011 met today. Masters of last mina Mr rend and passed. Moved by .1.0 John etas, 55esa4rd by C. W. W tllum• , t +( the *lark Notify Joseph Whitely to roger.. h10 fess off the Dahlia highway. ('reseed .d - ;brood fir tblrtt ate 4mao for Ilio Rn.td 02 e044 to meet Tea marwbsrs rel te. Ward of Health mode • r•p.rt of lhm:r eepar•u dlnel•ss, whish showed the low ash 1p to be is • healthy enmdttion at present ('. usoll Mem ves5aod thole 505.1 reusing" of wroth. Moved byJ.11. Ylddbto., .....Aad by J. G Weeds, that the following .00.00ar be 1'.Id : Alex. 11i1•et0, for .11wwr.1 orator Not el Its Y15 al tonna thrn.eh his erenerty, $3,380: Je, Oesnntly. township share el bet blies , •Iyer), $12 : W. W.n. 7(.•510( Minh en" jet see., la 1 A MiL•erd, r•r• Mid hrulg5 Sed draw rag Isa.bar, f1l0. Ad jemes sloe te Nares the fret Mester te [5055. WI. Rum essnar. Clerk. bowels, rad medical .Id was at NM sato. mooed. All woo dose that oould be docket. bot the dueaee refused to yield to treat- ment, and o0 Southey wonting. the 27'-h, le mond away, about fire 0'01008. The ro malas wore laid to rest the following Moo. dry &tortuous, in the cemetery at Cootie. ton, • few yud• from bur home. The°berth war mowded at the luorrel urrloe. Thir• test of hie brother moisten wen present. and by people by tboir tears *hewed t8.4 bad lost a faithful pester and frleod. H• mese to labor In thisdntrlot to Juno loot, sod In Ceutretoo Ohara, bad won his way 'o lb* hearts of the people in • moot won - direful way. His eutlerio.• wore kern, bat he bore them with true Christian fortitude. His cad was pesos" MAY 8. Holes Soos.-li Is reportwd that Morgan Joos., who left with the first Coos. clan 00ttlswe.1 for 8,ntb Atrial, ata been tovaltded to England, anal mel be expected bona root. He oral wounded ID 101400 and afterwards toots IM intern fever. Aussie Cbnholm atm le believed to be to Kuoland, although ao word to that e6eut has Moen ✓ eceived. Our soldier b..y. should b wdl recelv,A when they do Dome home, PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTS= -At the moot- ing of the publio,oheol , (atom on Tues4y there W.:e pr•+aL1 Mr. Oollmise, In the o,.Ir, sod Meson. Blake, Nicholson. B.U, Acheson and Cratgie. The prioapai'e re- port for October 5070 the condor on the rolls as 261 boy. and 264 atria, the &Terme n uendaum befits 88 per cent. of the total A report from Isepeotor Torn drew att.0• (ion to several motion Gist should bo at- tended to to the ward whoole. The 00a ting•nt committee was given power to sot in the matter. A. J. Goldthorpe r6.,.d to furnish *be wood the public schools r.galr- ed •t 13.50 • oord. 1).. motion of M Rail and Blake, hie offer was *ocepted for 75 oord. A letter from Mies Browu, of Lambeth, toquirlog if there were any v 0+ooles on tl.e teaohing veto of the public schools, was read cad filed. The teachers in the junior dep.rtmest of the word ...hoots asked for an tooreaae of salary. Ou notion 01 Mears Crrigle and B.11 their ..lades were tioro.red to $275 per annum, and the rest of rho taah.rs were re-engaged •t the same solarise as for 1900 An account tram The Star, 84 for teaoheri report woo pee..4, tad the nediht oil - loomed. - --- (lo;p Pknatsvla-Tbe x5.0.1 meeting ot the Goderioh Rogtns and Rio1.1e Co., Limited, was held on Thund.y 106. Hoo J. T. (farrow, E. W. Rourinot, of W'iartoo, Jae W'loos, .las. (,9u k, Ju. A. McIntosh, Ueo. Acheson .od K, Dowoing were Armed directors. The dir•olor, •(terwards v*1, .od appointed offlo•rs as follows : Presi- dent,.la.. Clark ; vim president, Jos Wil - iron ; or.o05er .rid M.0.urer, Fred W. Doty ; emostary. MIs. MooPh,noc Tb• company oommenees Ito new year with very eocou••gng prospects. Maurer Doty by $30,000 or $40,000 worth of engine work to be omplot.d by opriog, *0d J... Steep has retu-ced from his trip ,o the West with ample orders for his patron seed doll at- tanhment wbioh is manufaotored by the company, am"0ottnr to from 110.000 to 915 ,000. The nom ro r will wproceed with the m.oulsoinre of th,ir patent pomp, soden) mak• up one tn, u..ed blcyolee for Lf xt Nation, work on which bas already commutated. Thi new moulding shop •6wh ha. just been onmplet.d, le betted with s raw, sod thormefly ot.to.dst• pant ; the shop Is of lis g• etmoMrtns and is clamed to b• ens of '. I, •-. t is the Prcvieoe. G. takes time to get emerythior too working order, but Plum lore, Mei f wlay will be humming and 101e expected 44.t lot ty or Ott, wen will heempayi4, tide member to be iooreeaed later 05. (loop WORD% /OR A Now R.N10.07 or GUDestcH - The Cltotoo New. Record .woks thea of • gentleman who is removing t.. Dudcrtue from the towsship : K Iwo d A•hee*e, • ltf•-Iasg realdent of °o/erich 10weship, has • retard as iffto bolder la the Methodist oharoh *0 Holmeeville aI which he may well be proud. He hu Woo pew @toward for twenty -see mare, trona, t,r the mine loop period, steward fur that to o years, representative for rigbt you• an! ,.00rd,.[ a award for half that flan (10 Mnn4.v he reigned, •s he is 4.01100 to the 0000ty town, there to take op ht. ,0eldeno. Hie dep.rinr• b regretted by the oburob, as he has 0..o a 1..y*1 and zeal ons worker e• telt as ogle of the bee% of n eighbors ho resident of Ooderieh town auto Ie mores popei.r than Edward Acheson DooTH Hauos7 rr A Now Hos. -A p.oulluly std .nd • toner unexpected street • s the death of Mr. Waller 8:I11h, •bioh courted 0n Thared.y last after an illness of teeny four hors. The doeeaeed bad been maned "rely CZ week@, anti the young ho.b.nd whom home bee bees thus broken op has the sympathy .ria: R... J. W. Rohlcsoo,who oonlooted the funeral ser y os on Sunday, referred feelingly to the hoot that UYm von( woman had dome before e 'n se • bride • IOW short weeks before. Many of the large Dumber present at the fuo.rat ward deeply affmted. The proo0. w oo Wm toe of the !argot ever vote In Geier ch, showing the meat sympathy ,hat u felt ler Mr. Alllib, for the here.ved i lather, Robb. Elliott, whose eldest dough ter the deoe.md was, and for the other rel• tivm. Th• cause of death was pentonitie. DEAKoT1C 81)17710119.1)011) -telae Mil /red Hothead, w8. 4 ".see M *tart ons •rain le "Tbe Power 8•blad tb• Throne," in whiob she U1W pp1iyA 1 " si oonteot with rettiag out the prettiest lithognpb Doper eibloh has been men Is tinge oirol« for some time, last week sprang a new ad- vertising ..hems, which sae nut only novel, but to (hem who were "In 0e It" very bone - Baia' Sbe has rent each dramatis editor l5 th. n00n(ry .0.oldent neuron, • polity for 1100, good for • yesr, and now they am ',cid down town io the trolley oars realist - 'ng that .om.00e w111 b. $100 the better off 11 they 8. killed. The paper which teles Helloed is using In mnneotlon with her Aria pert hs* already boon oven In 'lilt olty end creamy admired 11 Is very homy and Reify "niched in eeloes, too that It rlv.l. any- thing that has bees pot out this or an other mum. -Pittsburg [wader, Sandy, ()0b. 28th. 1900. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIE'. %Vn. F.ac .o and family bt7. moved 'oto town 18•'31 from Colborne, awl are aooupy• log • house on St. Dow Id's'vreee. The rouvh weatbor hes sopped the work of •Id,o•48 coa.tiuOLion, Quite • piece of the freshly laid walks on West ,tree' has bosu desuuy,d 1 , :,• Iro•t Another lases lot of outlay just upp.0.4 up •r th. hardware headquettore, lJcKoN- ti. & }IOWILL'e, Ino:u.fins soma handsome nese °a77155 sets and lady's companions. R. 7V. M°Koti,e has r.muved from Brook "freer to 1.,s bows at the minor of N .rib and St V.110404 streets, oh .4 hu b:.ei oomldorebly improved clarion the put few months. Coot Ooderlob, No. 32, C. O b , .111 hold 18sir newt regular mee'log o0 Tu«day oast, the 20th Sore 111 (15tl.n, v• on hand. A full atemd100e Is requested T. BURROWS, r•0. sew. Ws received from Im+mc Aelaeld last v■4 ord.y (Not'. 10.h) • hunch of amend growth r«pharty *pude, WILL qu.t• a number 01 rip. Mere no thous. And 1 e, ,note people think that Canada is in ,6e A,u-to wrote Now E e : C Iris Ilu'cneg•, •e Lomslo of the Meuse of R'dupo, died on TnurodaV. Nov, 8 .t the age of 90 yeas, the Daum 01 h:e d.muo be.u8 paralysis. He was from Dedericb, sod has bine an timate of .h• House .ince Its loasp'loo. 1'h. remains were taken to Goderioh by his friend, for lis termor. t. AT THE LAKE FRONT. Wm. Multoa is working on two tugs winch he will humid here We winter. He mouton to build come other. beeWee therm Tb. air Rwed.l• came In Tuesday morn. tng from Fort \4,44,0.1 with 80,000 Monet* of 'them- for the Oodertch Klev•ter Co. She had • rough time on the 1.ke. The tug Jon•• ht. been pur,hasml by the Crawford Tuw.... Co., of W.artou, who, It le voted, x111 move .1 her i0'o a ,•easier. She will be laid up here this winter oe moa, The err, Pecobeoot 1. eip•ot•d Mn this week from Chivapo with a bigger ouoo than Me yet been b -ought here -140.000 bushels of ora. '181• will be for the Goderioh Elevator U.: The iuloading of t.ke Nero of ooal (root the Bohr. W. H Rounds, about which tb'v• wit a good deal of delay, was finished on moad*y. The Rounds was Kill in port yes terdsy, stormbound. TM echr J l: Kolfa(te, from J. hne;on's Harbor to U00,60111 with . load of lumber, o•m• In about 2 o'clock ye.ter l.y morning with her •n'. and 7.55108 badly frozen Capt. M.odmai l foo. n 1. g-.i:.g at to ('0at. mon when hl. Leer is th.w,d out. The ,.ch000ers deokIned seine through all r 5h' 'l'6• break .at, r remnetraoeioo 0,, '7001 has boon piautciily uou.pletsd by Mesar. Mo. re & 11,1; l.cu..ly, and noon ..t the moo vete Paid o" L.t week. 1'be w-.Ik .loug the top of the work has been • (.vont,• prnm.0*1'• for the to.wpeople nom It wet pmt dews, mod On get ...l oplelon is ant the oen'r.oten h+re made • good, substentork job. VIT71 Y.ARO Srocg.-Io the obit - wary cot tree of Tuesday'. Globe we obeer.e4 ,.u• :rebirth reoorded the (lath LI a I•.'y whore husband In former years was well kDlWn in tate 0013014. \V'• refer to Mrs Strachan, widow of the Lu Captain Jan. -0 SlcU,ll S r_chro, cod dar.ghter of the 1.,7 Sir J..ho R.vrrley Rol noon. Barr., some time Chid Justice 01 Cate. O., ad., Capt dtrachto contested unouccresfully the 000047 of Huros with the late Dr. Uw•lop, ..d 1n he flet Union Parliament, which met to 1841 .t Kingston, Dr. Dunlop re• pratedcid toe now [ergs and we.I: by county of Huron, 1)r. Dunlop d1.1 more than re- present the lotere.ts of hie coasntuenn, as he entertained his fellow members with a 0. it aid .tura 11,113 h.•e never teen .quelled In 00y Canadno Parliament. The racy and eo00ntrul ut.eraoter of bat speeobes 64404 the house •t 'noo whoa h0 was expected to .peek, and 11 cane no wonder, es he was one of and intimately acqu.inted with the .e - beet Gigolo eeleb'ated in "Tho R-ormtlons of Christopher North," • mole th.t wee as eiolusiv, as end Orem in IC trope. R•eo n thew days, upwards o1.Ixty y0•rs ego. election trials were sot Cokooen in thin ooaoly, as Coot. Strachan 6104 • petition in the High Ooure of Perhamsnt action 14. return of fine i doter, sod Pull.meot •p mooted as its ommuNooen the 1.'e Chief .1uet:0. Hagerty and rte Hoo. Fergasen Rlalr, who took the evidence of the witnu.• es at Oodenob cad Bleier. The I.-• Sticker }trough, Q. ('., was Or. Dunlops counsel, and during his nay to (loder.oh partook of the hap! slity of his client l0 "Dorbeald " The "Tiger" Navvy, placed hie "apostles" on the dining -room table. The follnwlrg 1'ems were cru ..ltd oat of Ti n, it. last wick by the . t. -o' ion °ewe: - ate• r 51\ les ..srn••4800,1e) night from 1'u. t \\' 'toms with 40 000 bo.he:s of wheat for It•c:..,.l.• 0'• ebv.toe. Alter dtmh*rg ms he. cargo .8. look ori • queslity of hay, sack, oto , .0,1 left Tuetd*y night for Fort tVdh•m Th• mho. W H Round. ar rived hum h•dndo on dsturd•y with 650 tone of cowl for the watrrwere• The Helton tug. Wm. H Selbold,;C.pr14 Om, Sea Queer, Cap,. Norman M'Doo.ld, Se. Gull, Copt 1>•o McKay, and Uloo.o, Capt Alex Craton, arrived from On North on Moody. They bed • very urisfaotory "wain Th. lug Savor was io for sev era .1.y. wrecking boom logs. Fifty three wen p eked up to the harbor and token to Send Brash. The o en" patruitd the bract, on Sunday and found ehnut twenty o' hers, bat they did not folio hate do: g. THS ARABIAN A1HOR.. White F'.1. Pont. Mich., Nov, 10 -The C.ns.un .tcamrr Ar.hlu was Ammo ..hors on St bite Fob Point In the g.'• to d.y She struck the bairn .bout eight mile. see,of here. and toeing without tarts, wmt high and di y The ores/ *ere retinae, .i1h the aid of on• of She If. @.orae o ewe, and are now all (1161. The simmer dues not •ppeor 10 h.ve Men badly dam- aged. as the place where the struck ie ..ody. Two toll Le sent from Sault S'.. Men-- to ramie her when the wind goes dov0. Th+ sea tonight is very heavy. Th• roamer t. "erne 1 by J R F•irgrieve, of H+miltoo. Sho meteors 770 groes Was. .n4 was built in 1892. Her dimensions are: 171i Iwo keel and 31 feet tem. She is .e1 ued •I about $50 000. (Tho Arabian was to Goderich harbor • law nook. mo ono took on • o1rro of sit bore.) 8.11teld. Mir Nellie Morrie, J K. Best and I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - NOV. Se Y H McKenzie. A Marey vote ol'basks was passed to the retinae otfioers. aid the K•I0.v Forums -Leo & 9b• hard lots president, Frisk Turuer, esorally re Shop hard warm oommeidallw for the spleadl4 Big Cleaetag role --A. MoD. Allan work be had done during his noun 01 MoOlurs's Maisslo. for 1901 -The 8. b. othoe. 4 COMING AND GOING H. 1. Strang, B. A., attended • mee610g of the moan of Torooto U0lvetdty last weote.1 A. Sounder., of the Goderloh Organ (Jo., made • business trip lo Mo0tra1 doing the week. Eli Symonds bas returned horns from Shakespeare, when he had beim wope:log for some time. Mrs John Stratton and two boys, of }dsgereyi'le, are visiting at Mrs. litralboo's old beano 8.re. David U. B.oltaa.0, of Montreal, who had berm tW/tog at 0b• homestead, re - touted home In time to swell the Montreal vote, Mn. T. 0. Cooper, who by been visiting her daughter, Mn Wm. Youop, the put three weeks, retureed to her home, Chatter, ori Friday. John Fink •red wife, of Belleville. have been'pendiav • week or two rutting the former • brother, Walter Hick, and family, on the Huron road, sod his nephew, SE. Hick, of town, MrsGeorge Haley hilt on Moody for Toronto to jolt her husband, after spending 1 weeks with Mr parrots, Mr. and Mrs Caldwell. - Mr Haley In engaged In a large tracery s0Mbllsbmeol la the Queen (h47 Frank Pretty, • former Goderioh boy who bat lees meeting his fortune In the Kim - dike. v as In town for • few days sod resew• ed uquaintanoeehlp with many old tripods He brought came rt tin Yukon "duel" with him. He left bare for Johnston'. Hinter to do some shooting, but we understand will be to Goderioh main before be returns west. YON -JURY ASSIZES. Chose elrer Boyd ■.ids a Very Wrier 50(415{. The 11154 Court of Ju•tl05 for the °minty of Huon for 'h, hento5 of °aurae without • jury was held at the marc house on Moo• day afternoon. H1. Lordship Chancellor B,y t presided. The sitting bated only an hour, Geo I °peolov at 1:46 o'olok and closing before 3 No wit Demise were willed, and the eight actions on the mooed were deemed of In short order, as Iollows Mitchell vs. Elliott -Aotloo on • Mattel mortgage. J. T Uurow, Q. C , for p46 , Dudley Holmen for deft. Judgment for &moor.(' doe ander ob.ttel mortgage as olaimed and mete on proper scale on to mat- ters of amount mentioned to statemen. o1 defence Refereoos to Master. Parsons vs. Babb.- A.11oo to roomer the &mouut due under a mortgage Wm. Proudfoot for p1Q. ; L K. D•0oy for deft. hutment for balance claimed and omits. Stay of pronee4lors for two weeks. Scott -Action to * Urioeo0y vv. So et edge s onovey*ooe as fraudulent. Meows. Prevd- i05t and Daocay for plfl ; J. T. Darrow, Q C., for deft. Trial adjourned uotll nest Court 00 annuli t of he illness of • material witness. Cost. retrieved Cameron vs. MoDnoald -Aotloo for • 1•g•0y and an ammo' of • testator's estate. Philip Holt, Q O for p.6. • Messrs Mo- L•.o & McLean for dela file Lordship direot.d that judgment 5e 'tutored for plant t if with • reference to 18e Load Master at Goderioh, Wdl'ams vs. Babb--Aotlen on moonset. a,0'a'ned in • mort4.1e, Y6111 Holt, Q. (7„ for p10 ; L R Demos, for dot). Judru..i by oon•wt refer rlog all questions ,n I«oe o HI• Honor Joon. Muton seder sec 29 tap.62, R S. Or 1897. Co.lnnre vs Slewur `Am1oo for lol- lop Mtome the parties to oao.etloo with •hipmeote of hey to England. Wm. Proud• foot for ol6 ; J. T. ()arrow, Q. (7, for deft. Judgment for pleio0L6 for $530 without 0051., by consent of parties. Wilson vs. Wilson -Aotloo to set.ld, • 00ogyanas as fraudulent, R S Hoy. for olff ; M. 0. Johnston tor deft Convey tom attacked in pleadings sat aside with Oo. u. Holmes vs. Klug.- Action for sale of mons J. T °arrow, Q (2., for ;Off ; Moms, l.obh & Bated for deft. By 00n.rot of peril« 1rie1 postponed until the neat sitticge of t8. High Court of J °otloe for this oou0ey. bebg • doses or stere berera4NN Whish the Doctor always kwpt, sod gave "ad 11b." to whet he called the "unoo Raid," and did col Iroobi. himself about the .vooeuioo o1 there 1 gnils to pesterity. D,ATH Or Rev. Mt MoRAN -The fe1- Inwlhg deepotch from Contraltos. Priem RA ward maty, appeared in Th. Globe of th, 2n4 In.t : "The femoral of the 1•t. Rev .Ioh. X Mor..o, Mahe -het minister, took nlaes here no Monday 11.v. Dr. Young, of Pert Hope, took charge of the servlom, oresehIot • very Impresslve sermon and paying tribute to the eerneetoese and salmt iy ohus.Ior of the d•eeaeed mla4tar. Rays. Tomblin and Snowdon sled gave 'bort .441,..... H. was tarried to his grave by ell of hi. brethren in the minis- try, inhttry, and lad to rest In I8. 11,atr•ton eemeary, • large 000005100 of irlonde of the joint eon/moonless of the 04.0.41 Mese present." Tb. dsoes.o4 geataman was • native of M..lorlb, and • .nn of Das. 1,i Moran, of Goderioh. He was forty-six yews of sds. 'toy. W. Yetis,. of Port Hop•..0411.. to Moods at Rsaf«th, elves the following additional particulars : "Mr. Mora. was in his Neal health on Res1y, Got 21se, and attended to bl. °traroh duties In hens, sprite than e•asl. (70 the Mew day following hs went to Tint serene .Mk parlshlea.r5. •0me few all.. teem hie home, and en r•65rning felt very poorly, se mush ee that he 11.44 Is he arrade1 frees No earn. ata be the hours. Re Ina ..t..10. fres wire apposed 1e he N •ltstles e/ the _ J,UCTJQN SALES. All ponies getting their sale b111s prated ■r this o111oe w111 have • tree wttoe mooned In this Iles no to the time of sales. TvroDAY, Nov. 20,h.-Aionon sale .f farm stock and implements, property of Tho. K Harrison, lot 21, on. 3, O.de- rioh township. Riffle gond goners] pur- port* hones, mite, news, mons 0.0.10 and l.rm nsobioa y, .11 newly new. THn. GCS DRY, anotl 'weer. SATURDAY, Nov. 17 --Auction sale of horn., tattle, barna., buggies and clutters, at Gundry'• *pollen mut, (le tench, on Saturday, Nov 17 8, at tete o'clock sharp. when thus will be scud without r.serve 4 steers, rising 2 year" std, 2 steers, /taint 3 yenta old, 2 heifers, rleing 2 years old, 2 •prior oslve., 1 heavy -draught *prong colt, sired by Milton Hdl. 1 farrow cow (w111 milk .11 winter) 2 rood young, now•. 1 sew toy boggy (Todhnpe make). 6 new cater• (Brookville make). 2 sear of Mogi* heroes., 1 set of double harne«, halt amen elanbet., hall d. ton 8.lter•, 1 Igiiy's coddle, 1 rent's •0/444., and *4h.r anions, Terme All same of 110 and ander, ooh ; ov.r that • ms50t four menthe' oreAll on tarnishing approved joist Dotes No reserve ea ►eye thing. A11 mush be sold. Teem*5 Oospav, e nntloaeet. CHURCH I _ ICS. A tomperanos rally of the Sabha .. '•nnl• of Koos ohuroh and the two Melfi', . 0 Murano of town will he hold at Knox church on Sunday, November 251.0 This g•rhrrta5 I. beteg promoted by the W. U. T. U. _ The members of Victoria se. Haworth League held their •l.otinn of officers o0 Tuesday evening, November 6th. The of doors elected are u follows : President, Mr.. Robinson ; let Moe premien', Mies M H.11tsr ; 2o,1 0100 pr«b4.ot, Mr. Shoo - nen : seeretey, Will 1011fet, ; oorreslond ng secretary, Wes M Johnston ; rre..orer, Mase Mary W.Iters, organist, Mia Shan see. Rev. F. H. Larkin, of Se•forlh, vl dtrd Koos church Int S.bbath le Ili• interests of Sabbath school work. H. peneohe4 at both morning and evening set Moe sod alio took pert l0 the A.bh,48 school session In the sfternooe. The rev.r.nd pm, lem.n was heard here for the first rim. an omit ed • very tavorsble impression, hie sermon" being moth enjoyed. R... ,gas A. An ler son case 10 S+eforth the tram* 4.y nn a similar errand to the Presbyterian church there. MoClure Publishing Co b Remukable Yokota-- W. Auhaeoo & Sotb Auouoo Soles-Tbw. Jaodry 1 Arvid* Looal•-U. W, Andrews 1 Uod.rlob Bulletin Uontre-Jets. Robison"4 t'atrlotlo Fair -St. Ueorgi. Yoaag 1'501.11', Guild 8 Horse and Boggy for Sale -Jas. Stomp boas', DOng.0000 1 haw 1)r.0. Goods and Silks -Swish Bees A Oo.... 8 Oow L,et-l. K, Brydses 1 A mate-M.Kenzle & Howell,.. 1 I.At-SIGNAL O0ee 1 Parity of Our Drags -J. Wilsoa.... 8 I T WAS PERFECTLY STRAIGHT. T H E Star charges Tam $031140. with the issuing of a "lying statement" ad- dressed to temperance men and con- taining the copy of • circular (which The Star characterizes as "a fraud and • forgery") Issued by the, Hotel Keepers' Union in an attempt to se- cure the defeat of RoBlwr Houma. The evidence which The Star brings forward to support its violent Wag - nage is simply this : 'Time is we ore told by local hotel men, any `Hotel Keepers' Union' in Ontario, and if any claw of people would know the local hotel men would." The circular in question is a print- ed document and came to us indirect- ly from au hotel -keeper, and anyone who wishes to see it may do so by calling at this office. We do not know, nor do we care, whether or not there is an "Ilotel Keepers' Union" in Ontario ; possibly some of The Star's friends -the men, for instance, who is- sued the forged Globe -got up the circular and signed a fictitious name to it. Nor did we go to all the hotel - keepers in town to see if they had re- ceived such a circular, any more than The Star did to make its enquiries. The fact remains that the circular was sent out, and was sent out tor the eta. ress_pumslee of defeetinlf a moa wife" BORN. RAOHRLAR Neer Shopparsltoro ee the 11th net. the wife of Jeeepk HYnheiu.of • em. MARRIED. ALD0178-wTRWART. - On Thursday. No veah0r Mho at the Method0t Mreos•5P, N or. b a . byT Rev. Jaime W Ilam. M. A. William *1Aoee to Rimy SNwert, 4.sgh- ler of Jolts N(ew•rr, •h etrf (lnlbnrne. AL 110-20020101607.- At Bss*Illerne There - Nov Nte art by Roo. C.SShale rase. ng ler Wlu- Ism * ' 61 Oplburn► ELECTION ECHOES. Mitchell Recorder : D. M•01111 .4 y of Gnderich,.poke at two meetings it 805(8 Part but week, and did some °ap,t.l work. Ian is • popular, keen and humorous plat form .p•.ker, ants has the f•ouity of mak Ing his shots tell with • keenness that 1. not soon forgotten. Mr. MoOtlllouddy left hers M.tarday morning. During the late tamp.ivn M. D. Cameros cats tailed sway from this riding by the On'art. Liberal exeoutive for platform work '0 of he' o0Dstttasnolss,Whsn he did good ear - vice for the Liberal noose. On this 10000nt be wa. not obi* to aka so sotto* a poet is the o0mpal5n In West Huron, where be wnold hays preferred to hs had set 5•rty ex(gwncies milled him elsewhere. Clinton New Er. : Ooderloh has a oo,-p. of workers of whom any oodldate noigh' be proud.. _Them were shoat fifty persons soh• supported the Liberal candidata le Clin- ton Ie the bye election who.. names were not on tha lists elite year, owleg to death or remevai ..THs Cinnamon SIoiAr.did excel- lent wo,k for Liberalism, and Ito rat*.med sod ver.etil. editor was also as effective o0 the platform u he le with his pen ....Col borne and Rtst \V.wanoeh both did well, though their majorities were redacted. There were remote for this: In the wase of ' her latter there being • marked change o0 the voters' lisk is recognised by the il2Lar inter'ad$ if a strong advocate of total prohibition. Here is a copy of the circular, art iron, the original in this ofoe : "PRIVATE 4ND CON71DINTIAL. Toaonro. 1900. D.ARSIR,-The date of the Dominion oleo. t ons haring been announced we will, in a few days, be called npoi to cant our ballots for one of the candidates preeentinj( biome 1 for election, and we have thought It advis- able to communicate with all thee* interest. ed in the liquor burnoose throughout Ontar- io in regard to the stand we should take in this contest. We look at it entirely from a business point of view, leaving patties out ofumtion altogether. WS SHOULD 7071 ONLY TOR 7H■ C4NDI- DA71 WHO lo MOOT FAVORAEL5 70 Us In some constituencies we are anpporting the Liberal candidate and in others the Cornier votive candidate, our only object being to have elected to Parliament it majority who will have justice done um whore anything re. 5arhng liquor legialetton or prohibition comes before Parliament. The present member In your riding, who 1s seeking re-election, h.a both spoken and voted repeatedly in Parliament in favor of tont prohibition and has also outside of Parliament expressed himself to the same effect We therefore feel that we o&nnot expect fair play from Mm at any time when our int.ererM aro at stake', arid would therefore counsel you to your own internat. to •uppor% the Conservative condidate and do what you con to secure his election Your, truly. Tits Her*L Kssrsaa' UNION." A splendid re.por.e was made to the re. q&•.•. of the paint of Vlot0ri• street Meth- odist ohm oh for an o6erinr suffi • tot in rales the ler'ehtedeoas on the church •otl permeate property. The offering op Son - 1.y amounted to the handsome ram of $404.25, and it is erp.ot•4 that .0,4,1 150 more will M resolved. whish will more 4hen make rep the desired •moon:. $430 was the snit asked f.r. Th. pester and n0egret*tio t1 Vitoria et oharoe .re to be congratulated u000 the 00000.. rel their efforts to keep their ohatoh •0 s solid Oo•neinl haste. The Rpwnrth Lnagee of North Kreet Methodist oharoh lent amok fleeted °Moore f.., &bother '.nem as fellow, . -President, Miss I. Roe Aeheeen ; rlss-pt0.ident, M IN. Howell ; rso.srdieg eeerstary,P. N. Tarnow mneep.Mdme «ore0..y, Mies 15.0.1 Shear moo ; t.rweur.r, .1. P. Brows t ekorl*ter, M.o. Harland 1 pianist. Mies hurt Fun.; n noose,. of nnmmiltoes m.estonuy, Mrs N altars; looknnt, Idiot Clara Sharma.: pryer eneettro, H B Guest ; Itroiuy, AI(r•A Wised: seam, MIs. Kra Rub•1l oddities' Ieemben etagaestiys, Mies Wry ANNOUNCEMENTS. MOK.NZIg & H0wu.l, ere making meoy MOOS of mitts these oold days. They have • lege variety from whiob °'elect, at the very lowest prion. Oysters. Geo them at the Victoria ROS. tannish, West street. They receive ohem regularly -always tenth, lee Nemo, eee- fw•Iooery, train and oases. C. BLAcg• wm)rl, proprietor. Tolephooe 70. Wanted, dried apples, tow! and cholas roll 1Atter (2001. We don't handle old tab butter mad, into rolls. Our dress woods, tars, ready-made olothing and o.ereeete are not surpassed. G. IS K(N0_Wissham. ARCADE LOCALS A window full of wings, tips trod birds a$ 100 each this seek sir the Avoids, Roy.' mitts, 15e pair : mea'. mitts, 15o pair ; into's heavy underwear, 36o earth. 1 h greatest hat event of the treason .111 h,pr.o this week at the Aroa4e. There will bo three tables of them, (holm fog 16e. 36o and 69o. tan Moran come Into k8. (Aiwa the day Blank tips that wore 30o and 35o, tor 1be after the •lentron and prefaced s very Ie- each. Other Mama of mllhpery, rtbbeee, toresting reoinl by oautlroreg the tints oolveta, rte., a1 ►6e Mme wholesale mdse. who h.pperad o be present at the Mme not tiers, at the Arcade. to take all the oredtt i .r the return of Rob err Holmes. He sold he was s rook - bMbod, dyer -lo the wool, double -riveted, blde•bao.d Tory (thee* •r. net the exams words,hnt they will do), hub he had voted for Holmes. "Rand east open the waters w111 return after warty day■," s&14 Dan. Some twelve years ago, when he was strand- od In Chinon, homeless and handless, the praline member -sleet for West Horan had be(rlood.d him. He had not forgotten It, and when election day tame M !meld not vote veins' his benefactor. Thor* woe ee4..- thing In that retrial that threw eredh on both pones' eoneereed. Great Leel' of as Mite,. "For two years all e6eet• te Ore semen In the salmi of my heads tailed," vert'., editor R. N. Lester, of Symms*, Kan., "them 1 was wholly sera by R•ekl..'s Arnie& Salve." it'. the world's best for 5SDtleae, sores sad all gala di0886110. Only 26o at .lis. Wtless's. meatiest t• rill the exact truth about thine all. You only weed to w Is elver se kepi Tb• sloth sash) Mglles M 480 Here. you only erred te bay la •Ides se *N8 r Aaelleas lay W •ken' Assonants IOU he roar Meade. held .0(10.04.4045 Tkmreday sad friday, The Aev.mber Wada For ad.ertialag and qulok o•lltaw par* None, ladle*' and misses' black and Noland 00ehenere gloves Nome Ringwood's anpmg this lot), abates for 15o pair. Cold weeth.r at last and sleoOem• .vet too That sears business, and It you west dry goods we have th.m and will sell the= to yen gslekly, bermes* we mark teem me 18.t there'. no questioa about the pries* hang right. Hy working overflies .11 enders pvealeed le m1111e.ry were delivered nee Saturday night. Thi. Is as It should be. The mil- linery business .t the Arcade is renal, like oleokwork Ono rearms for %h4. l that .yorytklq Nast out of tho orator department carries with It ser 45•rantIS el pmfe*6 eaelslantllU. }tots el '►Ingo I. the Nen just new we selling without numb help teem ter papers. Special let. 0.vkl In • epeeist way (Arm *soh .Mer la quiet emeseslm, sad weave a w.