HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 108 TuuRl l Al, No 1, Liu°, THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. Bargain Day Commencing to -day (Thursday), and for one week values that you will appreciate in new and season- able goods. it )om't miss it. JACKETS A Special Lot in different colors rang- ing from $4.00 to $5.00. Clearing at $2 50. large range of best values in new. net style Jackets. Price& away down. Special Lot Fancy Wrapperettes, Prints and Gingham", Clearing at be. FLANNELETTES Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe Flannelettes, regular Sc quality. You know now these goods have advanced. Clearing at 5c a yard. HORN MILLINERY Now is the time to get a jaw.ty, ready-to-wear Hat to Nave your good 1rinuued hat ; goods worth $1.00 to $1.°5. Clearing at 75c. Special Lot nicely trimmed Hats for Ladies and Oirls, really worth double the money. Clearing at $1.00 and $1.25. CLOTHING Some Special 'Bargains in Men'. Suit. and Overccatit. Come and look over our large stock. UNDERWEAR Special Line Men's Fancy Striped Underwear, goods worth 40 cents each. Clearing at 25c each, See our 'extra valne Wool Socks, 2 pairs for 25c. Ulna jinn Wool Rosa regular - : Hpac+al Line Men's and Boys' Peak 01eseis2 at ?0o. Caps, clearing at 15o. COME AND DO FOB OU. CABS CAN Smith Bros & Co. AROUND TOWN. 8atvaeerrL Arrzau.-The results of the appeals from the denemoo of the . ■.misers .t the midsummer examinations hey., been received. Of the eight from the G. C. 1 who appealed tour were saooesslal :-Vests Watson, pert 1, senior leavens ; Nie K11- patrlck and Wm. Mair. part II, junior leaving ; MSrles% Roherteoo. part 1, junior leaving. PnoviFCIAL W. C. T. U CoevnertoN.- The Ontario W. C. T. U. oenveetion was bald last week at Smith's Falls The fol- lowing ofears were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs S 0. E MoKee, Berle, presi- dent; Mrs. M.y R Tbornley, London, vice. president ; Mrs. Gordon Wright, Landon, oorr..ponding • y ; Mrs Acheson, Ooderioh, recording secretary ; Mrs Brit- ton, Genancque, treasurer. Mrs. Aoheson wee present at the meeting. The woven - Mon nut year m• to be held at Stratford. (;enggp•H PRIZR PkAR$ AT PAal•, W. V•o•tter has received the following noIito.1ioo, whioh speaks for itself '•P.ri•, 1.1 September. 1900 Dear Sir, - 1 have math pleasure, by order of the Case; than oomml.siea, to advise you that the In. eers.tiouel jury at the Pols Universal Rx• bibltlon bas awarded the Dominion of Can ad. for • oolleouve exhibit of horticulture, of +blob your .ahthit of pears formed an tmpor1Ct part, • grand prize diploma. and you will be entitled to reoelee a copy of the • Sward." •• VITAL MITATIMTI." -The statistics for the births, marriages and deaths In Ontario during the first half of the prseent year shew • very oon•iderabl• acoreas. 1n the number of births and m.rn.gss and a grail tying demotes In the number of deaths. The total inorease in the number of births for the half year. as compared with the n umber of births for the first half of last year, 1s 496. i'be increase 1n the number of marrt&g.i is 669, whioh Increase is •itril•ut- ed to the prevailing prosperity. The do• urea's 1. the Dumber of deaths for the half Year le 856, whioh 1e especially gratifying in view of 10. inarsses in population. COUNTY tJooacn. CAnnitATss'-It le an. n ouuoed that Matthew I.00kh.rt, reel• of Rest Wawanesh, and John Webetsr, ex- oousdllnr of West Wawaoo•b, ars 1n the field as oendhletes for the (ooney ooanoll ler she dlvkt•lo oemprleing WIngham, Slylk, East sod Wean Waw.uosh. Donald Patterson wad Mex. Stuart, the presses re- preeentatives of she division, will likely be to telt. field .gain. B 8. Cook, of Ford• wlob. u nmeanees that he will not be a oaa- dId.te for the Howlok-Turnherry. Wroxeter division. In the division eomprletng ntepbsn. U•horns and Erste, the Preston . u.ber•, Dr. Rollie. and 1). Molars*, bawlsg. it 1. understood. decided to retire, 11 Ie reporbstl that W. 11. Hassett, H. Speck. mem, A Q. Bobber, of Kiefer ; John Del. bridge of Uehorne, and Rloh.rd Riots. of !Stephen, will be aaodldatee for the repro- e seratloo of the dividon. RALLY NIner. R 1. or 'l. -Kursk&( Connell No. 103, R T. of 1'., oelebr.td Rally night last Monday evening with a hot . meow. The nasal business of the order4 was transacted ,n the former part of the evening, after whioh the member. adjourn -I e d to the supper room where • .umptu .l. repast had been prepared. t' Seo all bed , done ample justice to the good things pro- vided, the following p was provided: Addresses by Meagre %%matter, Neftel, Dulmage and Holmee, the elogoeut oretloh.r of the speakers being a pleasant surprise to ..helr hooter' ; a solo by Miss Wyatt., which was well reusived ; an lo•erestlog reading, well real, by Miss Wiesdaa ; a very clever organ Instrumental by Mrs. J. J. Maiseb, whioh was heartily applauded. Alter sing- ing " The Soldiers of the Qoeeo,' In honor of the retorted soldiers from South Afrlo., the Nattoo.l Anthem closed toe o1 the moat pleasant Rattle/Inge enjoyed by lite Koval Templar" for some time. A Yrueartor roe FANrga9.-A Wlsoon- sin farmer has adopted a plan of adrertipog In his home paper which, he declare., has saved hint mush valuable time and brought handsome returns for the money invested. H. says: -"When I ani tea.' •.v sell my staff, I insert a little advertisement In the loo.l imperil telling what 1 halo to sell, and, If five stook, how many head of each, and when they will be ready to ship, and the re- sult has town that the buyers are right &L'er see either personally or by mall, and Qatar .A>i T rainwyrgot the highest merkekr--ilei west to bay i oow, a steer, a horse. .r a dozen of each, 1 Insert • I 'I* adv.rtleaats.t that sesta maybe 50 oents, end it stead al travelling over the country txquirlag of my neighbors who hag this or that for sale, the home newspaper dose it for me ea -lees si- lent., and those Who have whet I wast manage to let me know la song way." Here 1. a suggeotlon that mightpte6t.hly be util- ized by thrifty farmers everywhere. Kimmins EOM TIII 801.01110 --The On- tario Government has determined to give e very volunteer who joined the South African contingents in this Province 160 •Dreg of land. This land shall be free of all e etthemens doter" and Provlool•I and multi. olpal taxation, exoept tor school purposes, Inc • period of ten year.. 1f ench land i., however, traosterreel to any other perms, within said period of ten year", then the ex- emptlou from settlement duds' and l'rovin• oial and municipal taxation shall cease. The heirs or administrator, el any person scrolled who died while on aerobia shall have the same right of selection of lands as the person so enrolled would ht ye been en- titled to If Ilving A11 claims shall he filed within two year. from 1"t of January. 1901. The Dominion Government has decided to allow each Canadian volunteer to retain pee- ar.elea of the rifle whioh he carried In South Afrlea. These rifles will make interesting mementos of the war and will 1,e handed down from generation to generation of loyal Canalises. WHAT l)o Oci Hi'rraam Mt, MA, Now that the slsetlons are over, the citizens o1 (loderloh will be able to settle down to business sod Mule. way. and mean" of furthering the interests of the town. Ten weeks ago we pohll.hed a letter from "'When' (who, by the way, le one of oar prsgrwlve boningse men), .';voesting the establishment o1 . regular market day as a mune of developiog the trade of the town with the surrnundtog 001:1111f y. The ease war put by " Citizen " with such eleareem end force that weer. tempted ..to reproduce his tetter, (seeing that In the pressure of 'halloo topics upon the mind" of the citizens It may have been overlooked or only hurriedly read hy WHIM; hot we hope that NOVEMBER tlalf. Price Sale 1 Watch our show window for linea we are clearing at half price. Fancy China, Jardinieres, Fancy Flower Pots, Salad Bowls, Egg Seta, Cream Pitchers, Oatmeal Sets, Etc., Etc., These goods are being sacrificed to make room for our enormous Christman Stock, now arriving. If you appreciate BARGAINS, attend this sale. We have also received two crates of Dinner Sets, which were shipped to this country by mistake, and have marked them to clear at about one-half the usual retail price. 96 to 111;) pieces in each set. Do nor fail to see them. PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store Court House Square, (loderlah. OgyTelepltone No. is 100 lis No goods charged at BALE. PRIORS Returns for West liuron,v 1896 and 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOV. 8. Pe. Serf (Ober H . f•l'rce Selo -l'odge's lass► 1st s 1 m.wTa1N ' EIatrre,m or 1900 Siert a 0..toos4-W. A hi, Kum ii ▪ Niojoritioli. In,y're Aiwa Al- 1: 0 4 M. Hy,... a Arcade Leeole-C. tit'. Adelson.1 R ° ▪ til: McL Aaaouaoeinesl--0. K. Cog. Wingbam. 1 gr} (:.,deric•h li,•g inCoat,.--Jas R "emus 4 36 West Heron ltl.o ion -Robs Holm. it, . 1 3 1t. If...soy-P. 'r. H.IIe 8 34 A Cavalier of France-Vroteeia Open House Hos Servant Wanted -Mrs. L. E. D.ao.y Aonoagwmeota--MoKesgte a Howell ASHr'IkLIJ. or 1899. 1'ulliug Sub 1hvfaiott. 1- DungannonLi 2--Fiulay'e . 3-oknew 4-1'urt Albert - bedge 6- sh 7-A Majority ler Holmes. 11. o^��ogt%g4How+m. X 71 443 886 57 93 60 63 32 66 70 41 81 23 T7 30 8 6 4 Majorities. H Mob. 28 47 lb 81 81 106 69 59 47 29 30 432 411 TOW N OR 1--Kirkbroke. 52 2 = V illwitte 54 3-Towu Hal 72 4-Runcimut'a. 65 b-Waltoa's 48 6-Brophoy's 67 7 -Hays' 54 Majority fur Holmes, 42. 412 29 4s 45 42.5 402 Majority for Holmue, 23. I100EKIOH. 77 .. 25 a5 !1 40 32 47 18 49 1 59 8 33 21 370 89 58 47 52 75 5 80 78 55 23 71 43 28 el 6b 77 b9 8 49 31 18 433 4 Majority for Hulme«, 2b: EAST WAW'ANONH. 1-McGowan's 2 --School Iiouee No. 13 3 -School Hulse No. 9 72 4--Whitoohluch • 65 80 84 Majority fur Ho;moa, 120. 42 38 76 50 26 70 14 77 tun 9 38 34 68 41 17 31 34 ,., 61 30 31 301 181 272 189 Majority fur Holmes 8.3. WEST WAWANOSII. • 1 -Dungannon ...• b7 2 -Auburn b4 3 -Town Hall 36 4 -St Helen's 83 5 -Patron Hall 64 Majority for Holmes, 18. 70 65 64 50 33 33 31 13 57 11 41 28 36 78 52 66 72 59 37 29 294 282 264 262 Majority for Holmes, 2. COLBORNE. 52 53 1-Benmiller 106 2-Saltfonl 37 3 -Darlow 77 4-Leeburu 68 _iority for Holmes, 69. 1 -Orange Hall 36 100 64 33 108 76 2-=13. Wlt an'e 32 67 .. 35 34 65 31 3-W. Stirling's 50 82 . 32 42 87 ., _ 46 4 -Wm. Wyse'« 25 69 ` 44 28 61 33 5-H. Klford's ,..,.. 54 70 16 51 72 21 6-Holmesville 36 32 4 31 37 6 219 430 Majority for McLean, 187. llsjonty for Mclean, 211. 49 87 30 41 23 96 59 37 18 38 46 10 78 74 4 53 36 17 287 218 265 215 Majority for Holmes, 50. GODER1CH TOWNSHIP. 23 25 9 31 23 8 1 8 425R•w,r'-A SIIid,r. C Pndham 8 C-ope hes I. 1 • e , r.' ', 'u. vl 'y go t PI.•., • I''.r n,.• •..re.i ••t•ulgio' lull of hay ; \l ur y'a 11..1 to measles, but the doctor '.'ough, A. .w'. o,. done c done a: h p• ht(s- $25 REWARD. The above rowan( will IN' given ter it.tortatiot that will lead to the ur rest and conviction of the l erg '0 who thrt.w the stun« into the '1 tuperauce Hall during the Liberal Meeting on Wedne-day evi ting. A. SAUNDER8, Oh•iratu Uederleh Literal Asmoolatlon. 233 420 CLINTON 1 -Down's Store 32 2 -Town Hall 41 3 -John Stewart's 52 4 -Henry Smith's 61 b-McMurchyy s 40 6-F. 'tomhall's 37 7-1 t. I hr keelsoi s 22 8-Stephenson's 40 alb Majority for Holmes, 73. 35 24 34 37 28 24 28 32 242 3 17 59 58 1 18 14 100 fib 44 12 13 65 55 10 R 63 56 8 287 224 Majority for Holmes, 63. RECAPITULATI(IN. Hoirm. M( 1.g,N, Ashtield 432 421 (;oelurich town. 112 370 E. Wawanosb 301 181 W. Wwamoah .. .... 294 282 Colborne 287 218 Oodorich township 23.3 420 Clinton 315 242 2274 2134. 2165 1130 Total majority for Holmes, 140. Total majority for Holme&, 35. HOLMrs 425 433 272 264 265 219 287 **LEAN. 402 408 189 262 21E 430 224 the I. not altogether the saes, sod that the attention of our business mem ssey now be divest to a platter which, N seem ID teat of hr,t•r•te importance. "UtUse" ex - presets disclaimed any effort on his part to state to tie letter all that oould be •feted upon the subleat ; he desired merely to arouse pabllo attention and urge other hos; nese men to state their views upon the matter. The oolomas of THs 111,.1IAI. ars open for a full discussion of the questlno whether itis or is not worth while for,i lode rich re establish a market day or of any other propos whioh promisees to advance the tutorial's of our tone. THE I'.ovINi'IAI. WINTER FAIR - We bare reoelved • oopy of the premium list of the oattle, sheep, @wine and drooled poultry departmeo(a of the Ontario )'rnvlaolal win- ter lair, to be held at Guelph, December 11th to 14th next. Following 1s • sum mary : thief t style -Shorthorn,, 1596 ; Hereford. and Polled Augur', $250 ; Gal- loway" and Devon., $250 ; grades and onus- es, $290 ; beet drowsed carcass, $50. F.aob of the pare•br.4 shares includes $100 offer- ed for dressed oaroaesea. Sheep. -Cots- wolds, Llnoolo., L.losatsy., Oxfords, Shrop• shires. Southdown, $165 'soh ; Itorrt Horn. and Merino., and Hampshire. and Buffolks, $110 sech. Specie) prizes for Shropshire@ Letcestsrs and Oxfords, $100, 125 and 150 respectively. tirades. 1162. Fatah of the above celestes includes 144 for dressed o.rower Swine. - Berkshires, Yorkshire., Cheater Whites, Poland China". lSi..x, Tamworth., Daroo Jersey", $129 each ; grade., $88. Export !moon hogs. same breeds as above, $270. Dressed car• maims, $410. Dalry -Shorthorns, 1310 ; Ayrshtres, 4140; Holstein", .Jerseys, (leers• .eye, grades, 190 '.oh. Specials : Hot .teles, $25 ; Guern..y., $50. Other special* and sweepstake* in the various depart meets above amount In value re over $800 Drees - ed Poultry -Fowls, tarter., geese and duck., $300. Comp.tition for dressing poultry Inc the British market, prima, $10. Poultry and Pet Htoot.-Priam list of over $15110. Same olwifioation as last year. Meetings will be bell 'soh day and evening during the show and will be addressed by v,riou. speakers. NORTtI STRtItT HAItt'RYT Hour. -Their enoo.l harvest home entertainment wee E lven by the latter, 01 Nor? h et ,1. h"•fi.t ahuroh on 'I'hur.d•y evening last, and .s u nal It was a great enemas In spite .f tether unfavoral4 weather, the at•e,"l,nee wee les., and all peasant wetI.an.ie.m.•it .uwr' is mod Supper was ,urve.l i. toe base:... at, where the table* pre,.Ltud a most inviting appe•ra.c• in'11 hoer I rn"' lecer...ona and their more •u Le,a•. t dernment of edibles. When the arae Ogg nt the mner man heti been •banderols satisfied, the se000d part of the program was gives In the body of the odiatch, wh.M the peeler, Rev. J. Wilson, acted as nhalr man. Alter devotions, the opening number, an org.e Silo, was given by W. 11 ('amp - bell, the 'theles• ergan.t n1 the ohnreh. A reolt•ttoe, " The Children'. (ted Time," by little Hattie Belober fnllow.d, and as usual . he rook her •Odt.nme by .tram ; .h. was recalled ns1 rsoite.l as encore " Whom Our Solder Boys Come Home." A there,, " Sono of the \'Iklsg•,' was seer with good L use'. by the choir of the (Mora which is aphold.ng Its r.patat.nn a. On excellent ..noel organlebtkn. Other ohmu•.. eo-n ley the choir daring the evening wer.. "Fling evM• the Gates- and "Softly Fall the Bbedes of Evening." The ohornses were osndsoted by Mr. Camph-11, and Min MII drat Campbell played the great organ at oompantmsou. inspiriting &Adresse. were tow" by Rev. .1. W. Rnhln.nn, 1.1100.01. nf lotori•-rt M.ehnd(et nhnroh, and 8,.v. .1. A. Anderson. of Knot ohornh. Ih. (lorry, of Mitoh.Il, who possesses a ple..Inr Meet voles, .•ng "Fear Thee Net, 0 Iswel," mod ea an manor. " Mous." Rh •e ommo,,,lei was Mt 1. Hridgm.a, 'v• v.elst nf the M,tohell Methodist them+. An newest .nln was rendered hy MIs ABM. of Bssmtller, • promising yr.eg mnsiolaie. Miss Aneebr.ek, who i. always • favorite, gave the mein "'Le Not Tree," with .tool. lest assn. sad Mtn Re... maag sweetly the eels, "Perbap,." biles Mona Weather. all recited "The Gambler's Wife,' and was hoertily applauded fur her offer. A lovely oompo.ttloo, "Moho ant the Ferry.' recited to an admirable :mummer by Mist raebete Wilson, delighted the audience, and Mies Wilson was comp -lied to veer ege000d a, lee - mon, which •Iso was re. ..I w..h warm ap plague. A very pleasing program ended with the da/lug of the national anthem. W. are 0.01 to Mora that the Manama! re taros from the "harvest home" ars very 'ratify mg In the ladies of the churob. COMING AND GOING Mlas 11.,'mee, of Clinton, was the guest of Miss Nellie Harris this week. Mees Fiei her has retorted to New York after openbug several months to town. Mies Juhneto., of Kritg.ton, N vt.tuog N the residents of Mrs (.uadry, Brtsaania road. Mise Eveflo Morias J. Freest, who had bees vieiliag at Leteknow, bas returned hmna, (Ib.) Gordon, of L•tcknow, has re- turned home alter a nit with her parents, Mr 'and Mrs. W. A. Harrison M J. Goldu,oru. and MIN 0. bithorp. reit las wrek to Vint the former', brother, .1 11 Mc reit, at Muskegon, Mloh, Mrs. W . Green has gone to Detroit 1e reside, sad rs Redford, annompeotel by 'her I.ttle graagd•ughter, loft last week for tha•ol:y to aerlrt Ides. Ghee in vetting settl.4. W. R.Yldler, o�Torouto, was up this way last week, viall •p• his son Richard at St. H,1,,.. The yoohg man met with an accident el. els r.•sua.d)n a blokes leg, but he le evil mo •dent uiuciJ , \V. F: C. lel, ea Satirdar fa joie his brother. A. 1'...t 1%iuotwgt. tlu the way he wll, v . tricot!, of Cblra,lo anti Mtn - nem IN I.e. .S', E'r fr ends ware loth to hay. tion -depart, tut.11 joss io,iabteghim aha 11.t.t .un•, ee 1n 1 Welt. \. VICTORIA OP$RI- ROOM WEDNESDAY, NOY. 14 The Messrs. Shipman pruaout the powerful romantic drama, A CA VALIER OF FRA NCE A production that will be a revel•tiot to theatre goer., Stag's.' with et cry all • vantage of i It, picturesque wnuery itIvi odetumee. One of the Grandest Plays of this Generation. A room heir melodrama of daring bprutoni and intensely exciting incidental. Cir. Joseph de Grasse, ani Remo do Frutsa , the Cavalier of Prada-. Miss Clara M. Langley, as Gabrielle du Bois 18 -People In the Cast -18 Plan at Porter's Book Store Thursday morning. Prices -Subscribers, Opera Chairs, 50c. Admission, 25c and 35c. SECURE -TU 'E HWAIHrARLY. SPECIAL NOTICETO WATER TAKERS All water rates are now due anis must be paid by the loth of Nov. or the supply turned off. By &ler, Water and Light Committee, W. L. NORTON, - (..lfoutor. ALBERT W. wise. &WALSH IN Farm Implements and Machinery. Deering Blndere. Mowers. Hakes and Twins., Also J. W. Mann ponds Plmgh.. lodgers. ate. Walkeryll a Wagons • specialty, Kterythine made of the very beet materiel. Repairs of all kinds kept on hand. Would be Orme,' to have )on call and In- spect good. before pr' oheeing elsewhere. CIA/SK i;AhH PHI('R«. Will open up In the old Angus Mckinnon Mand about Weigh.' Ste. Li W. WISE, Ilemilton Sweet. OF. OOAENWEND dF TOR.ONTO IIIE FAMOUS HAIR GOODS ARTIST, /6 COMING l He will beat Hotel Bedfor , oderich, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB 14 Willi every kind mil .lyl,, „1 f.ADiRN' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TO 111'E1414, BANGS, WAVY AND PLAI% FHONTti. SWITCHES 'of all king hair in 'vary length and shade, Rh ART STYLES ere known -inti Worn by- t0 ejnsq every• where. Rw sore to stele his Show Room. at the Hotel and see pis new design" He will, free of rherg., demonstrate hy fitting you what is the moat enitah'e and lamming to you. Their nee arida HEALTH, (X)MFORT and YOUNGER APPEAR ANCR. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE RALDahonld inveatigate and nee ha FFATHF..R WEIGHT TOUPEES AND WiOA worn on over 65,000 Kende. ?heal$ 11110111111/11 Day lel DIS Welladty, Me. 14. BE READY... leo+ .Ile wet, muddy weather by getting a pair of our Weterpr Shore. We do not wish to boast, but ask you to cell and see our 1 stock before buying. We Can Save You Money on everything you nood it Footwear. Be. our nioe Wool Felt Slippers, just the thing for the long eveuiugs. The regular 25c I only 15e per pair. Special line of lloy's School Shoes at 85c and $1 Our (land -Made Shoes for men et $_ uu per pair are eplunrlid values, We guarantee the w A General Favorite. Sea THAT THIS Ila a 15 BRANDED ON EVERY stiOE. ' Klbo Kid. Medium Heavy Sole. Low reel. xaacr s.onoDVcTIaa s, TRIO !IT'LL wan. Wo will he glad to have you call examine our Famous American Slit the QUEEN QUALITY. 'Phase Shows tit like gloves-snla and without pressure. They comfortable from the moment trying nn. Repairing Neatly Dont P. T. HALL Rzoluei,e Ann for the QUINN *UAL/ CEO. STEWART GROCER Yatoe' old stand, West side Square You are benefitted by'pur- chasing your Groceries from STEWART, as you are getting No. 1 goods at operate prices. Cosh paid for A 1 Butter. '-'OUNTY BECKER & MYERS, Unlertaters and Embalmers , ,lirwlucw of Masea:huastta Cul- _lege d Zubaludeg. " WHIT[ HEARSE. OPEN DAY AND 1111118T, BEST 000DS AT MOD[ HATE P ��I!pp OOUHTI60 U TTsttTION. OF HURON. Treasurer's Sale of Laiis for Tans. OO NTY OF HURON. TO WIT : B7 vlmtue of warrant. under the hand of the Ward sat seal of the corporation of the County of Heron. -mood the list day of August, 11109 eo mandllsg me to tevy upon the lands hereinafter deeorlbed. for the arrears of taxes res2sci ly dun thereon. Utlether with ousts, notice ts herabr of ren that notes. such taxer and c .. w aooaer paid,I shall In eomplianoe wltk the lbasolidated Aeses.went Amt. charter 2. R.8. 0. 1nrt, Praillied W seal by public anteset the said lands or so mach theme( as mal o eoemary LO dumbmrie the same, al the Court House. in the ro ea of UJ lerioh, we Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900. . t : o'oloxt .o the afternoon. IIr•,u•anTtil'. E'.rt of 11 paw.0a A('.lfs raTa•T.D on TAZ1M COTe rr/T ST T. t'STATaaTatD, TOWN811IP OF YOD[RICH. 6 Maitland M.ttland so x Pateeted Parceled Patented N1 T g2 sa 2 1S 270 TOWNSlUP 0/ GREY. North ball as 11 60 Patented 4 16 2 50 6 VILLAGE OF HINFRYN 1N OBEY. 61 14 Patented a 14 Patented VILLAOE OF FORDWICH IN HO WICK. Peel et eat half of East halt 1 Mt halt at East half 5 Part of t. Andrews survey Alberta*. N fs Unpatented TOWNSHIP OF H(;LLrTr. 6 1 retested TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. tl >d Peterson/ 1 m Patented TOWNSHIP OF L611ORNL 9 S. R R'd'r '•i Patented VILLAUR 07 HAYIIKLD. 3 Reynold Road 1t Psteoted VIIJ.AOI OF HLYTH. Mollonald mune) 32 eCoonetl survey R 1.611 9 B1059 \ '4 oCan,they survey 11 Block Y '( V ILLAtIK OF 7 Main -.t. N h, Dewitt Treuarer'e °Moe. Ooderloh. August 11. 1900. 1'aten'.4 I'stsntrl Patented W-RON[TRH. Patented 2792 1/t t 53 / 12 160 1 30 M 13S_ 161 130 3 r 250 881 150 331 130 fit 150 1I M 179 1E1 17 1 65 660 150 IT WILL PAY you to attend the Forest City Business and Shoreham College, London, Ont. Practical instruction in pia•• (foal subjects For over fifteen years we have been teeth with young.paaphiaod their_needs, and the bier world aid its resprirameut' Every fer:llity at egmemo i for aiding young people both before and after graduation. i5 • aro doing superior work 1 results prone It. Send for our Catalogue and College Jourl �. W. WESTZRVELT. Principal. Farmers= and all others who use Ilardwpre are Inviter, to see the goods and prices McKENZIE & HOWELL offer. This is a splendid time to do fenci: o. We have yet a pretty fair ».no.tmnnt of sixes of oar n famed AMERICAN FIR1,1) FRrrctNo. lluudreds of rods put up this year in this I.wAlity, anal invariably it is Raid to be the test. farm frnre nn the n arket. We have a tine line of Howe and Barn Furnishing•, such as LATCHRM, 11tgoae, ioclte, 0LAM, PAINT'S, VARNISHES, TAH rutile, Oow CHAIRS anti STALL FIx70R38. A large importation of ante heat Ewattant RFAn1I anis Snot RDA( has just arrived. These are marked down very low. Our new RLDRTM)9 Sgwtwu MACBteE i11 all that is claimed ter it, being the best value out. We sell them down at bottom prides. it has pointa of exeellenoe not to be found on other machines. McKenzie Rowell rut PLAON TO our ALL HA&, WARS ONNAP.