HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 9A ONE MAN KILLED eith kite Utll b rp(ioisme. Soul,• lit them tire all but scary)itg ' R#eueh Meeeplion of Kruger. ONE WOUNDED, MarN111er, Nov, 1. -'flap Kruger He - Peal t t'omilat,pul liar Issued ciate twill W the {rrpuheLlwe W participate that the Trntlavital agency there hats packet steamer. Primases clementine, rrcrltwt kufda.1rt0011 that former while mlar:ag Livor tiler on Satur. 11rmithout KrlaRer is seriously ill ,w dnJ. exrhange,1 worts with Ostend, llie;►rtch-warrlr:lt iwlderlaud, ,Al"atar\mlr bl tae deutoustratiuus that ore be - which he In j,nrueying to Eur,gr'. 1 Ing arrunged for W. Kruger's re - or•ptlda, but to abstain from "hostile 1'bir reports probably mother ler• I auto or words tow*rvs any country friendly to Franca." Canadian Mounted Rifles in an ----- ------ ---- ;SMITN—DORHIEN Engagement at Belfast. at I t Kr u a lutes W King Lewp,ld, to Dam the Minister of Railways, and the _ mull packet department at 11rus. ' ('auto" kebets Retire, ana1N- liong Kong. Nut. 5,-Itetort.t from Tim Pilat",o ('Iementine was ,to � � twenty knots in darkrews,unI — ---- DEFEATSIS BOEH59 f% the r b lull ht Lbelr bunks. only 1 b r It s co r )w I L .t 1 f •red r that l'hu u V KRUGE_�-� SEASICK NOW. the r•ebelllua will mhwWy dile out. Tho i I - -- Made a Brilliant March and cantun Rebels Retire and Cast Rlvcr Is Now Open—Meafing of Staff Offi. . safik•leut supply W arms. cera to Smooth Away friction Amung the Allies --A Uteat Triumph Surprised the Enemy, at wireless Telegraphy —Nearly so (Utes of Sea Crosmed by hies>ages I;!, til, Mad ery In the Khrk Lung riots. I I' scurfs h•itP been postal] thnugh- From a Sw:ft!y MOVlag Vessel. -- — I,.n.kx, Nov. 5. -Lard Rubarts tele. k-,Ipla•t from Johannesburg. under I dating of the avnivr staff Officer of the forced of each power takblg lonrt In MRS. KRUCER IS DYING. date of Nov. 4th. that lu u{eeretlutw im the ISPlfast dlatrlQt ua Nuy. "fait, who ('hlnAse w►mpaigo b prua.)d- itis Uo Ishan-Hai•Kuun, oil th-) Gull of 1daa11iug, lu wrist to rmu.)tlt the Tn wa� 13co-SWll{r FrIellea. l'uptuiu Chalmenb u{ tL:+ ('atiadhn k )tOuutaNl Hlflem. was Illcd• net Mnjur ;stead,trs, ill the same comueud, Was (rt •teal hutWOen the allied d•wumltnd- k•ree regarding the plauna to be ,oulect- ,xi for dreupoli.uu by their renllective Huuore, to Natal Brigade-tinuer udl wotaJ. rorr�, Nd•li-h Ill. Kruger \\'111 Nul iet Kruger Hus -zl do )ler. Wireless). TepLo on, Nov. 5. -The Bruwela ,nor. collie, and rima Leri, wh •n, addition W wotdi of wolcom,t and cuhrJy, th; reepunJeut of the Strauclard ways New Turk. Nov, 5, Mie Belgian that the Trntlavital agency there hats packet steamer. Primases clementine, rrcrltwt kufda.1rt0011 that former while mlar:ag Livor tiler on Satur. 11rmithout KrlaRer is seriously ill ,w dnJ. exrhange,1 worts with Ostend, llie;►rtch-warrlr:lt iwlderlaud, ,Al"atar\mlr nearly fifty miles of sea.saym which he In j,nrueying to Eur,gr'. it pltct•lal W the Hferald from Luuddiea. 1'bir reports probably mother ler• I Mnr•oud's lurtrumrnt tivitod off mer• r t that \ 01till tits recent r gear a 1r sages W and from, Bel fuul with con- g Kruger was suffering from seasick. at I t Kr u a lutes W King Lewp,ld, to Dam the Minister of Railways, and the _ mull packet department at 11rus. ' ('auto" kebets Retire, ana1N- liong Kong. Nut. 5,-Itetort.t from Tim Pilat",o ('Iementine was ,to � � twenty knots in darkrews,unI 't'AntoNl may the F:itrt(Fi:)er rctN•Irlaatc lU�o1 up the riv and• Inrete ars tie- ware {pN, adefully .:rep. now t Jhning !r•>,u I'uk-lsuw to Igo f% the r b lull ht Lbelr bunks. only 1 b r It s co r )w I L .t 1 f •red r that l'hu u V ns•tkon between Lilo ship end spare ahi hone the r•ebelllua will mhwWy dile out. Tho i wax a wire leap at thio t tile p r It coos Il demonstration.Mrvialyi the prele-4 refo:nw•n admit Uviat the rising was premature and that they had not s #,171 Ili Mnrotutl m)'NtCm .of till-1CYm as . safik•leut supply W arms. official telegraphy. The preliminary will fly the officials will bu \l Fre1N•11 dlem:ad the exec'at'on I nets air' flee formal npprercnl e,f it I)( I;!, til, Mad ery In the Khrk Lung riots. I I' scurfs h•itP been postal] thnugh- thedl Ins the Insulation. The nun f instrument s La Parvo, wit thy. town- urging the people to at eco . the Frnnm-Ik'1- alum frontier, thirty tnlltw from phi. ,laughter the foreigners if the de. tend • rundsw thrall he pressed. When tba.--Belglnn authorities, here Tn wa� 13co-SWll{r FrIellea. formally approved the mysteht, it will be extended W nil other Bpi 1'.kin, Nor. 4.-A r,mm�ireso)n con- gian pockets. - -ee Itret'aa, Nov. ti, -mayor of Toronto: lteddereburg and Ventrrruurg W aur ,. w*on in f hat th•>. Chbuso are outsld o Offer my warmest icongrntuiatiun# tt, roader. '111ey tau* tile! arum land sup pt sus• mortared I.Adybrand, P1 -e1'• but lilernted. Lhaie who sur, ;erksortPr. Ah err taut, or, to save ndn with glory and dune such honor to ronelerrd, not Ivleirtug to plate them _ _ and captured the'Leuddrtnt andNDEE to foe,T. '1'110 fist 4f anadtossem 1►ts IIA1 A nn wr had to stab er!venty-four prisoners with the t ay(sket. They had shut one cw•em n debt which can never be rut- Iddt-sttly rPpI1-1 "to lite reliltlt'es of Loral owkiuel In HereaYing Lite activlt) ,f. our leatrolm, wh^rtupni the whole fiold n,r let carrying them off Ili d If till' conln.1Nxdat1V. Tia not rc- tilt Is that ll)tlut, Do Wet Itnd m` attaljOti wam cn(fodl salt to puraue - him, and seventy-four were captured. 4lie brave neon who have rendered hcroseleN and Canada famious taroy are all am mtrong an they evert It was cruel, and cannot toe describeid -Td tete fnm fat w grentiy zu'Ij-iirloF?iSrZtb;' parr uxwttw ago. \1'hcn supplies tar. Ahort tJovy.awoup down oil OOIW olh to ft rOnlly 1 tl>p •red. I hope It will art r oa Ian -a longer. otherw,ee one. Topper. lage which the Brl6imh hold and which will forget whither one was ever A Ar )'la's Com'rratiilatiodit. •tail oroer:ng between 50 And 00 hunan babi.C." BETHREM-11"mllexl themrPlvem, leaving cheque- oa T'rarwanilt of the Free "`State Oov Brument. -- ` LII S 0 In fisc 24. -- t � S N W itia W (bay- 'file Irred•oncilable bitterness of Litt. pp�u E.Itleme of Is•,Pr l.oamrs. ' ('titre Town, Nov. 1.-A reliable ee+ - tlmnteor Ile torso" of the floer4 up to April 13th haA been prepared# i.y B -.ors urning and Looting a.meref taxa men who served with bulae. the Buer amno The estimate places the hoer in Orange C�iGny, know up to that date fat 2,(48 kill• at, and 6,6=2 #mum + d. we,, the woolen who brought the This total ,Rots not luclule ikeer - -- Lessem after the British adyauce from Rhonstfad. . I [� BURNED WESSELS) FARM. Terrorist n rroristng Ormaega e Col. 163: • Bkeeef•>atala. Oct. 31.—A resident u[ 211arrirrulih atvel}+gk+traw 4eserip- tlon ,if Liu• situation in tie- aural- eaatorn nlitrlets of Orange Colony., , Ill Wife Mired at n )Ieaeonxer - I Ifnnds Of .,oers are -waving nbo ut, Hob ♦ r d t� res' Ila i Kier h k 'Feawn R m eN h ,ten at eight at anyone coming. g g ) g. • ,it „t 1.111,114.) 111 Ito Hatters Within range, afar I w burn - r I t tin and b ern R . K d n. Ing houscn anti atores belonging to I,0"liing Wid Indlwn fill# re, 1 Britisherm and neutrals. lllh•red their her, Int a.\, Tlie nainvit of many of these mar- l.an, Ivrr are known tie title all lamadion, Nov. 1. -The Warofrlvis line- line, tuft of Ir laap--j"bW t-1 catch cetv-hr 1 the followinz from t.or,t Rob: them ilarrismet( Is strongly gar- rrN, datel Jullamnerbur ,; t. 81 . _ g, O ri`oned and the little are fortified. The patr,lm, who are out every day. "(lrllbrl!I Ritawle otrupm%l Itethie are swept the culeatrJ rls:ar.. of home (k•t. 21, driving the Born from for miles. two strong positions three miles southet ba.L.V is terrorizing the residents d.( that platte. General Handle had small towns. Quite recently thr" kl lei find 17 wound eLL the latter t word to t1s people of Reitz includlrig Lon1 Gerold Richard Gets- . to mil Vie women and childr•n away, N I intruded t2 Senegal the venor, General Rundlei■ men have plaet• w h Artillery. fallen #Nagr4ml (laity with parttos of reported t -bis a he Lindley Is reporap i 111#Pm "trying in amber from 80 two -of ruins, ll Itonsca haviWt- been wnn- JU). He. w•as compelled to burn \fee. i tonly wreo d by 11.)Pr brigan lm. eel«' farm. because a meelleen r car- ' ge I �t'e to .111+.-11 feeling Am Ing th' thor- wbttd( owing b, the military At it) big it)big n'rop) W my last prx•lamntksl filen ha.ing (N•rgilttod iadianA toop-n cons fired On from tl,e veranlah by ! itoreme at iiarrimanith. Before til, war 11 rat. it'eBsele,who l+ u rimGCr of Oen- !tic' 1•atianv were allow.+( ter trade in th • F'roe StaW. -a] I;OtItA." lilh•wt Inst In uccupatk,an of F'h•k,r tetrg th• Hasa did gteat dkamt.ruAlatiI. lAord Iteaborts' r eloirteerr Deln)rd. Th', (kmi-ri melnt eW were rtppd --L--inn: Nov. 1. -ilio le irture of I Pi In a and r gn11) " en n all dlr:ee4 t Tot n Putlrrly --1�w�Itiibet it fr ,ro (itwtt AfrlcA, ani; h 1 rftan•) M trMll's aeon', n t ... min• was recently po„t{xmed from an cierhor livered clothing 'and goodie the ex. dal+. to Notemlwr 15, line now appnt. eptly wl� Of eov n�tehundred Irmnds. They cow heao'ly frum boost further dela ye.l. The mat- ine U In hie ow it hands, and the War Mev#srs. M^Bre,M and Myers, mild One O"I . Ofilm etntes float It has sw Informn- ,, Vi !Ryer woman metu•illy wesat.11thin the W i will leave. Ther- It connLPr wid served out "ILL 14t" 10 n -port tint one of its daughters w sutfering frau fever ill, tulgh •ra did not want their d 1- hated Am,.ng ton lvor Dutrh rtnd End[ Mlteric fat pri•lorin, which, If true, b doubtless W Inial l n h They nine lar. Mat Mir - u' taw t+'vn hall and treed Mr. Me - Part or the rea,dm for hiN remaining In `Huth Atrlcn, Bride, firs Mr. Ilea was detained In lest Lite co ntlnne l ru"111a acuity len>bably exc:eerlsleb yFir iorsatt far senna elm•. Many Flrkm• rtp,#"nntiwu. and Im raumin him W g tuitate to Ieate. m' Imrg hurgh•er:v who re hn,f pvtonvly stir. rete red hare,' n taken nm, B up fup rs It IN noG ttwmthy that en. Khtrh- which th,>y dug from thrdr gmretuns. ttldddlla farvtiwhlo some of tile re- Ar N '31. turning An*traii tum, &laid that lite Nails. O:'t. -An offtctnt flat, war had Malted longer, porhapl, than which ban Men publi+Med, of the of- "' of the solders had expected, ne In til' way of trotolml fern of memiALAn eek t-- seas still much wort to Ise, horses, an.l money by the rhlefe of doses before their task was rumpleW. Indbt for the Transvaal ahows that thin Tnlmber of surh offers amounted to _ _ _ A tnoiedf M the Arany.-9jty.'Lehr i%t proven 17vinL hW -' fundJnp \or. !.-Two or three Ileo- It-nnnt-d portant native, rulers Abet fernetl- dally, their entire resources at the olotarlr v-.hosn names or regi- disiewlal o' Grriat Britain. Many (-liters ttln••nto have i"ll prominent In ouna'! offered perminal serv!con. Theme facts wnr�avogs,euat)of tliift prove ron, Insively tha wonderful toy - placed Orij, 1 elf-ntx y het P nity and dPtOtco to the Empire dis- and several captain still submit- -rnR have loren "removed" from the olayerl th mighout nln lustan. *mire, gen particular, convermatkrn In milliary circles hen centred In the nn- Detonative on Mote. n(minroment that "Her Mnjeaty hnm PlrtermAritsborg, Oct. Rt.-Uu,Nlee renxoved" I Nut.-('oloaPl \\rntwo th `ens al Pete on the n•enn)on (if the "diarne. CavrneRh, I'. S. C., from t11e flriet Antal%-rs,ery of tilt- battle of TAI - army, haul •'no further occarlon for him mervlrry�• Co4onel Caven• h took ,anw Hill. 'i'hP (bay wets observed Inenl ly As a holiday, business wam Rnmpeml- "t tit` 2nd Ratt•illon, ile•dforelphlre rd and r11'htren pienirkni on the him. i- 1t091mPnt, he the Pnrl,v part of the torte hill Yee r. if cons the first Occasion oil, A toichtng foilture was a prof-"ai,ml IvTlirh Pith,, the co!onel or )tin men ,o- chl'dreI pant the gra, OR M General hadtw'en on neuro arrvlcs. `(vm>nv sn 1 other re dlr•rm, on wh1^h he variant ormauv Jld limp IlpAn Ile 11•,11, o at lal s wreathes Anl other riven to Me)- and Brevet T.IPatt floral tribntPs ('nl Ther. Davld Ptleher, Another The ePlehrwtksl wAp purely local. a"", nn,, -go offlPer, who WAR "It Iy The genernl feel tog of the eol,mlintm IA Mmbd to the Rnttfnrile an mcrrnd in against kcepigg tip AnnivernArtrm of 1,1mAeer44 n or mo Ago. :'oion"l ihls kind, not llnR/lttrh la am� alfa inn teen prnmet"ntly ,, he broach Mtween itPf, err thee {wlhl!c during lho war, an he h- done English. ThO keynote letrnek hy' Mr. RbxiPn fat the Ntuth African T,-ngdle er>.no' PNePp(lingly Rood work. And hn.i Intel)• b•Pn In corm (*c"kq "w to Warmly Appwoved. 1114 nilof the lint (•,>rp, or VonntPtl Infnntrt•. it fA. he air. Relzoal IHnr t\ "rk for N e11eA Roars. ""I during tile, t,.. -'ng work, AIIIII 1s>hp Mothe'n was kept Antworle. Nov 1. --Dr. LPy'Jm,Euro- the TrwnmvaAI •hltlonary At the KeHher, pran reprementn1irP of R: war a lso In nom- novernmont, tins Inmuesl A pr.elamdl- Of the uvit, v-vrioditloil, Il.fa P Ihe linn, nrg g'nem- tiont.hronghtmtt )Fi>d first In whirls the f•AnA,llAna it* Pert. ploy-rm to tale into their Pmnlny Vire'. Wlehnc wwA nlmn the Of diRtrvrnmi Bron drlvnn from their another dabbing exploit, whey*. n>neetrie, hs T,Ord RoilPrtm Dire with a very small for•o0, hem adraaesa mlry relgres here Retailing the Boer r JIMMY allot from ble near• tAmtitm thus expelled or tranevat. Mreedutu of Dublln-flow Capt. Chalme s Died. Lontlon, \ov. 6, 1 a. m. -Lund ltub orts' fresh bulletin fucludea the re•. cord of it gallaut march from Bial fart by Lieu. Smith-Durriet4 aud the - 1-.. -c oomptletP su-ir) r se e,1 a liner 'ca , nip. Although this gencral's name her been sehio:u found In the 3erpotehem, South Africans etNrkfer film one of the bent ileaIn command, and eve■ cremtil him with leaving military geoltw. Lr. Jnmorotl, for example• tle- t eribow film as sI really ' great gen oral, who haw not matte a sluRlr utirtake, during the campaign, and ham done much brilliant work. Ht will be remembered as Raving coin• intended the 19th Brigade. which formerly lucludrA the Canadine regl matt. Tivio othpr geuerala wheel Ur. Jnmesan pra;rocs are (iruernit nut Hamilton fwd Hunter, whom he knew at I.adymutith. and hu also admirts General French Intensely. Dr Jaur Alma nut court pub licity. He Inas rexx)vercd front nue terrible attack of fever, contracted in time La•I)smltil hoepitala, but hes, o tler had u ret inn f of r Iulmcuts uudi ha -q cYemo to Iwendloa to consult Fpr- rit.liNts, tie Rites a thrilling nen#uint of tine siegeof lwtdyo til, and lacks -wrirdtl In which -to' express I11.1`4 n.{- mietutb)u fur the rank and file of the British army. He (loos not be- lieve that the guerilla olmertiticias will Inst king. The hospitals lmpatlry was . closed Yvil day aft••r a rattling examina- tion of M {.Jtichard Chambitl•hi!n, who - y her sarcasms and quick retorts to justify Mr. Treves' famann rldgrurn shout the two plai(uo+s In !*oath Africa, "women real -(lie+.' 'There are stverul ladi"s of fashidn in the smart set who would have enjov,-A relathi, .their aJven- venturei Iri`tkruth Afrlc:a If the com- mission ha 1 nWitered them to do s). 11-m. hrueeo D., least. _ _ j Milia,, yt?t. 5,r 317tH. -llir"Iter denplerolmsly tit. 11 nncs to N m I :.t . u Av 1 ler It. g London. Nov. 6. -The Queen )item de - nitrated need promot#•d twenty Unreal officers serving in South \frica. Rear-Adm,rat Kir Robert Hirgtings Harris inn been mad•# it Knight Com- mander of the Bath. Gunner Welch In Ill. Ottawa, Nbv: 5.-A cable reteefv- #41 frum N:r Alfred Milner Hays: •'Pape Town, Nov. 5.= November :nth; ;14:., Welch, Canadian airtillerv, daagerewsty -M, water'tef CA keg (Signed) "Milner." Welch was a gunner in "ll" Bat - torp, and was enlisted hen. His next of kin Is n:)t known. leVlll Not Got A rrrd,00s of DuM� in llublin, No%. 5.= -amidst consider- able edzeltertio t the J.ord Maqur at a mrttng of the :corporation to- ly• ruled out of order n re#uttiCon to coo- ter the freedom of the city col• for niter rr"Ident Kruger, of the 8outi African Republic. . . To Mert Krnger. I'arl", ant. 5. -The Municlp:ll Coun- rll ham adrapte+1 a rt•solutlon exprlis- Ing wprm s) iuplltby "lid ,, alrati in for cite Borrm In tht•Ir her, ,defence tai -their tadspandeace analaruloing ' that t1w. 1'r+s4dent and other offt,•err of the Council Lhtlll welcumu Mr. Kru- ger at/ the sLaton upon hlr arrived in Parini #tied Invite him to nn official rera-ptio:l fat the Hotel de"11110. The .Nationalist group In the Chnm- her of Deputies today nppointal A delegation W meet Mr. Kruger lit the station. Kraicer's 111nesm .Nerloun. Parisi Nov. 5. -Despatches from bort Field to the Marseilles evening ptapern assert that the Dutch cruiser (jelderband has been obliged to re- duce, milevotl vonRldterahly in conse- q,xen('e of the lHuesv of Mr. Kruger. Tho (`Ieldvarland Is not expected to rewh-filinriestilles before --November 15th.--- _. .-.-_- HOW ('#lilt. (;11#ulou•rea Jlrt 1104rnlh. London, Not. 5. -!Tile War Office has recelied the following despatch from Iworl Roberts, dated a Johnnesburg, l?1kvr...tlttt— ­.-.._�.-,_,...... , ... ._-_-.�.._ "On Nov. 1, Pittelth Dorrien wurprised a Ikor ]anger At Witkop, but was prov-nte,t from foll.rwing up his Rac- "in by the Inclement weather. While Ile was retiring hn was atttick- Pit by the iloer,a, who wore rhpulmed with heavy kesim. Capt. ChnhmtrR land one )Jinn Of the (:(Ita1Utltin Mounted# hlflen were kill. -II, and Mnjor Mulind- erm wan wdminlnKl."' Ilan .11but11, Nov. til. -Tile hutch cruloer Geldd'rlanll, with ex l'rrN•lOnt Kruger on ixonrd, fella arKived here. she halt;brain dlrertAd to mtantt In- (tre, t!onn from The Rngne fat fort Rn [d, with r•g.,rd W Mr. Kruger'm lartling In f.urope. The (:c]drrinnrt will stop three d Iym. Mr. Kruger In In excellent health. hr. tieymnna dt•ri:tml Ur. Krnger wan going to I''aripil pnrrly on a holid•ly. Them morning .Ir. !:ringer conn ionnel mltting on deck, with him legs wrnlhmy) In sh-el>mkin. "tiny I hey right without remlml Io ,." he exrf+ttmed• Pnergetle•illy fillin;t hlv 1'Ipn, referring to the Tloern. "That in What we not Ateym'm Talk. London, Nov. 6.-T,ord Rnlwrtm tins rmhlM to the War Offlce that forewr I'renleMM Pupa, In n mfwPch to { P- beiret'n Mtrghrrm on Oct. "2nd, a td `fr. Kruger had gone to Fanople In order to "get Intervention," and thit If IIP fatled "the TranavwAl world he nnrtlored off to the hlgtvent Mdd,•r." Iwwd Raeeliery'm new hook, "Nn{rd- WM.' WAS published In London yes• torday. -- --- ---- -- -- I IF TOUNTO'S WELCOME To the Canadian ,Soldiers From South Africa. HAD A GREAT TIME. Immense :NeetInX to (he Aratery- Formally Welcoetallo lbeClly- C'apl. Harker's 5perela-- Ilan. J. M. /ilbloun's Words of Welcunte-- Arsyle'a Cougratulutluus. Toronto, Nov. 6. -Toronto's welcome to the rc'turuing soldiers from tiouth Africa )'enterdly wum most enthus- iartlr. T11w city was gaily decorated,' ttno strmtm were. erowdeJ, and the "toys" were fetxt and cheered W Ili -1r hetirts' content. Along the route of poro"slon the sweats were simply' indescribable, and Lieut. Murlahall and ilia Hamilton men were to the thick of it. Before this procesdiuu left. North Toronto pati -at eethu-tuts gathered o the .trworltw waiting t r• rr I h g at ! _dew for the -formal welcom2,. the gOtt lirle:r were filled with Indies, ktclki turd scarlet predwmivant lu t1wir dreasts, and the guy co:ors that bad been reed slung the ruute brightened up the CU a- unl flour W the luentense buliding. shortly aft(br a duck a, carriage en- tare't, containing, lil.,uu -Mowat, Cuut- Deand,w l.u.w pad company. At lust the t;utoe's Otvn baud smug WOO the .iruwrlen, heading the coal- Ongint. file rOeu• of welcome from without reached the wt.ltlig crowd in ill) building, and they swelled its vo.- �tmAs tile boils marc•leetl to tho flc.ue resered for them iu front tit the tcmporury stand oa the south r1.10 they were cagaeiy acrutinise,l by the. crowd, and, ouc.) site acquuiniancu war sighted' nothing (ould keep toe welcoming Illend Out Of. thq proces- sion. Tile boy's were tory quiet, but .•%Pry fare wee ill up with gladeesr at a1Nt'welcoIno they had s'Ceited. t•r. 1 , tt ,' 1•nt ,•,. Hct. hr. Yo,tm cWhil for the t -111g - Ing OYTTIiS t:uxuiogy, aunt the responme was hearlfel-L. Theo, amldrt abouUng and cheering oil the uut:iklrts of the crowd, where no one event knew he was spenkiug, I:r. Potts offered: un earne:,t prayer of thunkmgiting for Ow hafe rrture of the toWiers. The Nathinal Anthem was then rung with enthusiasm. Aid. Lealin then called upou' (:+opt. Barki•r, wit -P advanced to the frynt ,f the platform aluldvt tremendous (!beering. He then formnlly w•elcom- rd the soldiers to the city, and read the following: Her Ma•kt•ty, the quean, hav heard with pieasure of the euro return of tho Can, cuntin- genl, and desires t•) thank them cost curdilehy gar the: rervicew which they m hate rcu•l.•r 1 Her )[ajr l). (h Iw fait 6h4$cra.) _ Capr.lTarker's rh.ulk-. ' -0e the conclus,un of Mr. !thaw's ail d er Ua et. It. k was culled• ore by r r p car er the Chairman. As the commander and oftdchtl herad of the men, he was gri,etwl w,tin a perfect roar of wel- conl•: un.I "What's. tile.. matter with l:arkcr f !!y' -t a!! fight," frum gr,00pv Of ten, twenty lir fifty lurm- her.+ of city regimouts, and citizens voiced personal llkint' for the apert Captain, who:ie hair, by the way, tins b,come quite grey during the cain poiggn_ He said as yuan lir he coe�d nlukt• lila' 61nceard: "Alt]. --Lemli•, w1di, rat and citizens of Toronto, i du non wish to attempt anything like a ,pcsob-•['call hardly speak• now. L what ft) thank you all from the bot- tom Of my heart for the Dengnificent and muet loyal and euthn&larlic re- ceptk)u that you how ( l"Ilt lilt- mild my cuutpany til -day. IL surpasses in enthiralm om any pnsalbiu Ideas ti�at we Over I!ad, it cosywtre with those we bad already gone through, grand and all as they were, it was simply a cyclone res against a sephyr. 1 amyl ma) that our homecoming, Ilan fully ootltpenaated myoeir and two men for the hardships we hav,> gone through during thm pant thirteen mynbit.►. 1 never what a better Foe o� men than the Delete who came from thlo dld.trict. (Cheers.) I never had ten minutes' trouble wlthi them the whole time from the start W the finish of the eampnign, next I think I can sefely say to -day that they are my friends. (Choses from life men of the contingent.) 1 wish to thank you all. I am sorry that all could riot come bark who went away, but, an Lord Roberta maid, when thanking til+ on the Morning of Majubre days tine tiny After Cronje's murrender, "1 rs•lpret exceedingly the Idxw of so Many Guladians, but we cannot have war without. loomot I wish to once ngaln thank you till ; and al **)to rapeaI that I had from my men OAIClt Txreerillfgly gnat► IRMMrt ttlat any task was made comparatively easy throughout the campaign. Three trem••rrlrnus cheers were then given for Captain Harker tend the o'ompgn y. till; moo (ieverrnsneraVa \\e14.00w. li*uT. M. (ltiaun, Atturuey- General of Oittar:o, wilt), with Hou. E. J. Davis, Commissioner of frown Lands. represented Lite Ontario Gov. ernmerft and Iw•gwlabure,, extended] thin welcome W the mmt "Olf:ceroe, non-eonlmbalOned offlcrrm I etail mon o: the YtatiLli African contln- gent, hel+ma of 11anr3atMarg, In the ah- rtionve of the Premier of Ontarko, who greatly ,-grew Wit Inability t,) Is, here to(kay, 1 Offer you, In the moue of the Goyern,m,m, and Leglmlatur' of this Province, a warm wOlet)hm to your humor. I w•nm prdatent In the Ar story on the rnvvtslen Of the departure of the first contingent, and the stir ring and patrlotlr addrteden then d.- U%Prel are still freoeth and Mil t in icor memory. "Yoder vorltmnrNl4ag officer then mm- sur•,l nn we need have no, fear that yon wAeld nYt (to poor thity. You havt, Isohly dmn yrear duty. Yonr fellow Cants ttnnm hate from time to time heard• with mntlmfnetion and pride, tetatAmOIy r'ominR from than hisibout nothorlMem of year draotlon to duty, vonr enibirm to of the !rtrriphipa M (,Ampnlgntng omit your bravery On the ff1e1,1 of hli tlr. The worts of pra'Re nineteen by Lord Robi•rw and other general officers of high rank rempPet- Ingthe r•esamplenoltl, part tnkrn by vital At Pa4h rg anti tnr%W.hr gallantry dlmpin yPt1 by real on the t oc'eARlon tbrlllevl emir he+orte with patrintln pride And emotion art t:estifie,l to the world that I'nn,olinnee ran figilt sleet• by aldP with the veteran enrpa of the Mother Crnlntry and deo their full share towards maintaining arta uphold Ing the glorious tradttlons of the British army. " Bulli„ will ) Icit this armua•y a year ttgo will net•-er return. Th -Ir Ufe•blucdl him been sbal h1 the servlca of their Qu -vin aud lb, Etultire, fault th•+1r grn%on we the veldts of South Africa #41111 tie for Jill tin l testimony of Vansda's dt•vot!wt to the mother dxNla- try hl t ) Ix"of critical dtungvar. "Tb.vugh )ou unit your ateswlt cum ruduv out only It is our loyalty W till- (.;u hel;u en been paovdxl, but ill o future dlas tiny of Canada us Are Imporbn."t Lrauch ltd til) Empire -wit are no lung• r u men• colony-bta been untrluivoit lu•emewiicaL "People of lltm provtincx• oil nil h+ndbli U%dker you, on your home-cumdng. eve{ tl:,mt wor,ls of wei'lumi and prtlre. that the I'rem'er berfe prin4eilt ILL•• word,, w:N11d hive twit words of Rvu1 uluo and stlrrbltr (•kRln:Ae•e', tut els .at told m,•misr top th) 44Uct-11's Own, lie tit:- early itsearly history of lilt regiment. its It i•eWraft irf Ia6U, anti stAl an atetive m!Ilti•t Officer, who IrLm been uurn- mandhtg officer of swim e of you from th• "lath" Un1 boil avec Itted vel It nearly a!1 ort you on fLAA day camel ens# b•sr at•1Waie, you klatW how redllly and slneertly I jdn Le the general oxprers:on of glad netts mild satlsfuc tkml wi your return. 1 :• . 1 61 ek tl tl > MORE CANADIANS COMING HOMEB �Remaininix Battalion R. C. R. Has Left for Home. ROBERTS ALSO COI NC HOME Itltcbeuer Will Adopt N New Plan itrorgueelxlug )bunted Troops IFoer Women Irrecwacilable-A Peasineletic Wall. 1 Uando . Nov. 4.-Tllo striking re• t l.Jegraut from tb) Queenromal•yullug that Ito tit burlal ht n ,)Idler's grave arrlvodl ju#t ht Limit• to tlt+q) th,. ar- rastlggcmriltal that had INru mad) for Welding tb t body to Eaglan,L L Out. orl Robaw erts edtuuuY ulb,•r officers e•ut wrOftthsThe ite prhlEe wr a a Un IverWtl ruvorite 111 tbot army, And ep de# regret to exprtlassI over his dllath. Pretoria is out lie 1ptod ssultary cou- dltko, and it Is feared tbst It a large arm) «v-npts tbo city during the sem• , laterIMNIthae there will be many via- tiaci of enterlo fever. ViePing stcrcenmerlen. lienna, Nov. _.-A another of ':ol- untevro who served with Lite Boase Inndexl let Trieste to -day. They -.beer- cit for President Kruger and the Trwcu ntvaal, ed rang the Boer Na• tioaal ilynin. Tho offloPa received L26 aud the privates C6 from the Transvaal tiovoeament. f110 01 TER QUEUES, Floggcd Until Blood Flowed In 41 u oan, t I it) m. may come, fmk•w)' I - for►' eYuftikalt it will IIs vital of the Buer war In tinned o. s iwlr(xlizp with ex-l'reeideat Kru- ) from Their Bolles, collie, and rima Leri, wh •n, addition W wotdi of wolcom,t and cuhrJy, th; ger's arrival lit Europe. 7'ua fact When ex-f?erddent Kreiger mit peofettt of Ontario. thn)ttgh thAr r( -p- auv,•rtimtwtt that the lioers hate u) lungor an lm. FORCED TO DIG THEIR GRAVES. rivivntnt!tns-In ib' unit Iwrtaut flieNl INrsitiwe to he attack LcCUIluture, will offer you iii%H •coo of awre Itorecogaition (.if ill -al hits left them free W uxlUlgs H. Lwedku, Nov. 2.-A destavtch W the strvieott you h:tve rendered to, yew• "O"Log warfare which they are pro- ,Irluhulg with su:h extruorduary one. Uo''ly Newa from [k•riln quotes from country and the Empint. Nothing can line Ifr.tlsh Ito longer have an) private letters frown GordiRn soldiore t bo tote ge,of for you." Mr. \- Clnrko Wnllavo ultra, apoke. ,xs.mt. tw'inite objwtive for any heavy op it Chbta confirming tilt report of the Alit. Leslie rea•lte 1 the fo:lowlug 'rattu:rt, u:al are far frum acquiring with We Bo•tr at ,everity of tis•: Oermare methods there. tele raum due the afternoon- g Ir41 "T;remptwi, wtuel atmbloneril Gghtwg. 'filo Burghers art. One writer fella of alxterm prsrNners lot.:,, -Your kind favor 'xtattoced now, made6Drr of tow couutry id th, dieing tLA togetho•r by their aluouem blotting me W be present at the re lY'ptiwl field welcome IralnC Lu the milt- Worteru Tranrvant around Vrybutg and driven to Pekin b t The y rOOpN.� y Ilio-rs returning from mouth Africa They alio hold all the Luys W tilt were ftoggol until the blood flowed only reached Deo on Saturday. I nes Atli have, rate herd Fre•• =alt t3u►te ' eight from t •ir hcxibos. Afterwards - ron b llrh sorry that my present engagements ptvatoelily attack«1 the nein railway Pretoria Pretoria W Cape 'I'o)vn, al'otl were compelled W dig graves for them .vlvcn, after which they were shut. will not permit lite to attend ant do my share to the honor of our brave ,rem tlw Oraugo River. They have held! all, Anuth^r ouldier says -"What i0 buys. __ -_--_ 'I :our truuta Were this week ,arid lett# ,o'ng On Wire during the war tv Impow "Wilfrid L,tui ter." taken muppCe; They Wave ileo eon ,64.• for m e till, dewr1W. for such Inur- "Itrtletk, via North "Tiny, Cape INtlle.I til.! rnf:tll British g,trruN)am at lerh,g and slaughtering it awful. The Itret'aa, Nov. ti, -mayor of Toronto: lteddereburg and Ventrrruurg W aur ,. w*on in f hat th•>. Chbuso are outsld o Offer my warmest icongrntuiatiun# tt, roader. '111ey tau* tile! arum land sup 4f interlatiotk%1 law go none, s taken the bravo mea collo halo cvn�i•redCau- P1 -e1'• but lilernted. Lhaie who sur, ;erksortPr. Ah err taut, or, to save ndn with glory and dune such honor to ronelerrd, not Ivleirtug to plate them artrbt es, stabbed. Sunday afternoon g themselves In the Tra ti t:ttl, ('tinatin to foe,T. '1'110 fist 4f anadtossem 1►ts IIA1 A nn wr had to stab er!venty-four prisoners with the t ay(sket. They had shut one cw•em n debt which can never be rut- Iddt-sttly rPpI1-1 "to lite reliltlt'es of Loral owkiuel In HereaYing Lite activlt) ,f. our leatrolm, wh^rtupni the whole those w•ho have fallen ht battle d If till' conln.1Nxdat1V. Tia not rc- tilt Is that ll)tlut, Do Wet Itnd m` attaljOti wam cn(fodl salt to puraue - him, and seventy-four were captured. 4lie brave neon who have rendered hcroseleN and Canada famious taroy are all am mtrong an they evert It was cruel, and cannot toe describeid throughout the civ,lis- 1 word, 11 "Charles parr uxwttw ago. \1'hcn supplies tar. Ahort tJovy.awoup down oil OOIW olh to ft rOnlly 1 tl>p •red. I hope It will art r oa Ian -a longer. otherw,ee one. Topper. lage which the Brl6imh hold and which will forget whither one was ever A Ar )'la's Com'rratiilatiodit. they know fes well filled, mildi fell Wlt hunan babi.C." Ottawa, Sov, .n, -The following cattle wets-rr,rived by the Minister tet-Mtf- themrPlvem, leaving cheque- oa T'rarwanilt of the Free "`State Oov Brument. -- ` LII S 0 tl -- t � S N W itia W (bay- 'file Irred•oncilable bitterness of Litt. pp�u l! f t 11 '•Londotl, Nov. 5. -Pray convey U1 Ikxtr women to extraordhary. II oflicern and men M the oxentill t we,, the woolen who brought the i t> i.ne r- hemrt) •ungratula bat. ai f c turn. hl... [foyer right Ins Jnrubrdnl sack Y 1 w1wre they oterpsowered the (clgneeill "I,dwlsq and Lorne." ts)ILv, garrIom. .. ------- - _ _____ When ex-f?erddent Kreiger mit SIS PALO 21 CLAlMSe from Ucingoa Illy IL was ere private de(•:nreJ that he wits.n. mere private harrmlese refugee, embarrasettig only - W the country which he tislteA. It 1,- lmlosrlble to maintain that belief now. Acciden►. Insurance Comtlanv Ip' v. due fat Marseilleson \ovember f 10. and unless the I'oeractivity Is me- Settles�OmE' Cases.terlilly suppressed wkthln the week, which Is not to be expected, It Is ser --- lonely pommlblo that rime rawer cony seek to adtlse Friglemid ILo arrange VICTIMS OF DISEAUIEFt ttlement-_.That--that adckx tell bc_ I rej-etedl. is rortain. but tile offering of Montreal Report. --The Ocean AC- It will continuo the fk>er beaef that dent h Guarantee Company ),as until tlNirstruggle for independence 1s#lot 21 claims to the -next of kin or legal hopolesm yet. lx. hoira of Cannititnn soldiers killed In Mennwhilo the Uttlander are romlr)¢ n reactance to the British au- Lauth Afros, xsr_fo -. .\t(rt h�. 1 ►ntti r. M. Arnold, Captain -Ines... Tfe�_. kik- r� fps awa- any; Loth Winnipeg -Rifles, ienairde- {* to return to Johannesburg, has ma r 27th. Fcb. hert g.an , who l'dtlwnd- m or A Itn i m. fame lcxn f R no oor C. H. Barr Montreal.t J,M'. rr nmuming him of n scheme to plan Panrdeberg, Feb. ]Site. the Trarisvaalwith British families to W. S. Brady, 1) Company, 43rd Ot- the exclusion of Its previous foreign tawA and CRrleton Riflea, Poarde- populat(on. Ria dlmllke for Lila Pw.leh berg, Feb. 27th. 11 and Aulvtrinn Jews is extreme anti tin - O. T. Bona, I) Company, 43rd Ot- eonopillpd. Fortunately for him, they taloa and Carleton Rifles, I'aarde- never fight, lent the wen(tblPr men of berg, Feb. «70. th•fr rate are encocrngtng them open - H. Cotton, U Company 43rd Ot- Ip In Intrlgning ngnlnat MIlnrr's nn- toiwa and Carleton Rifles, Hout Nek, thorny'. The minl•1(r magnntrm are nn - April 20th. . Patty over the atntpment that the coPt'I J. H. Findlay, C Conaway, Simeon of the war In to be paid by neemewment, icbrerlr;--FABrd9t*rg, - Iib. IUth. ggt the imperial exchequer paying only F. C. Floyd. B Company, 7th Fu#t- the est of defendlug the colrxllnl .term. Zand River, May 10th, (antlers. I , C. E. T• Jackson, U Company, 37th. Tit-. inbAbItAntm Of small Wwns It' Holdima_ nd Rifler, Paardeberg, Feb the cerange niver Colony and the Van] lath. laver Colonv wldrh are Occupied by W. F. Jackson, England, Pilarde- PAItlxh garrisons, have leen treacher- berg, Feb. ]8tb, ousle, admitting the Boers and con-. J. M. Johnson, G Company, 62nd ewollng them be their llousem. Thlm St. Jotln h'asfllen, Paunelxtrg, Feb. '7th practlrnv mdapeara to toe sprer ttng, Cal G. H'. Johnstone; H Company, 63rd Hallfnx Rifles, Paan)eberg, Feb. 15th. R. Lewla, Northrwent Mounled Po- llee, Paardleberg, Feb. 27th. F. J. Living, 1) Company, Ottawa ;anti Carleton ltlfies, Paardeberg. Feb. 27111. 11. McCreary, 41 Company, 74th Battalion, Pan' rdelm rg, Feb. IStL. W. A. Rigigs, (] Company, Charlotte- town Engineal Paardleberg, Feb. 27 t la .1. U. Nlovert. F Correpany, 93rd Cumberland Infantry, I'taardeberg, Feb. 27th. J. B. Foolt, O Cu rtlxenv, Royal Can- adian Regiment, Paurdeberg, Feb. _7th. It. Taylor, G- Coatiany, Charlotte- town Engineers, Paardeberg, Feb. loth. C. T. Tliomwa, D Copnlanny, (]over- nor-General'a Foot Guerdls, Paarde- ierg. Feb. L7th. . F. Wasdell, E Comgwtny, ant Vle- toria Rifles, Paardels'rg, Fah 27th. W. White, B Company. 21st Essex Ftesilfera, Paardeberg, _Feb- lit.. _ "Tile Insurance," meld one of the offtMats, coverw only Chaps where the person is killed In action, or tiles within a certain time after recely- Ing the wound. It is accldentt Incur- i anon pare rind mlmple. NOthang morn PM fo r Iptemlad when.sips.,, Vwas %a^ /'l►Itt'.•;?r 1'40O 1/111 -141 "()VIP. Friends of Iarrive Ito khat Atin hen Puzzled Flow to tiel Hb cai lln Out. New York. Nov. 3. --Dennie Shau- nwhan ,lied yesterday At hl■ home, 17 City (fall plasm. ],nett night film friend,! lIPbl A wake and lrlod to fig- ure ant It ow t,) get the coffin cant for the h)neral to -morrow. No one nould NnlvA the difflcnitei, for Mr. Nhnnnnhna weighed :ILA patuudm. The xhnnnnhans Ilve In the rear of 17, and when the undertaker same yPNtrvifty with the roffin hes rnald not g.,t it lhr)ugh thrt hall. it land tie he tai •o throug:i n rlgAr mtore next door And holsted over the tenc•k retire. Tlow to get It out Ln the ques- tion that lvnszea thorn. kir. 'thnnTIATIAn wast To yearn coil, And for thirty yearn h•ld hpnn the fi len 1-rrf eorr-r-newlrlrry to 1'ark rr)w. tie had a little otnnd at the Brooklyn Bridge entrance, and mild big molne- mea,_ enketi In the nPwmiPm. pin line Retain many of the h tym grow art) lend grow wpaltty. Many of thrmwere t11PrP bte-t night to pay it trihott- to their old iniad. ('•,mile to 1 Jinn It:•, T.niidlm, Nov. 1,-Alilr ( harlem Vk1l,o•I RnIIR (Or America on Nniardn) for the perpomr, of rentangling some of the kinks in the Grand Trent Rnllwday e0uplisatt0a. October ::5th fourteen Tlrltlmh sOl- ielors were kllle,l at Jncobslal through this kind of treachery. KltirJoener's Ilion of Work. Pretoria, Oct. 31, via Bloemfontein, Nov. 4. -Gen. French has arrived at the Springs, n few miles from Jo- hannemburg, after n difficnit march from Barberton: Ile .bAif'tost I..'M lranmpxort oxen since his advnner from Ifnc•Bndodlorp. It In believed that the plan of moving largo h#- dlem of troops about the country will now he abandoned, and that the complete subjngnton Of the country will be Attempted by means of gnr- rlmon■ in the district towns, which will ire well stocked VMII IWOVIMons• anti laude the bnsls for :' mtentedl hops, who will word the territory round the baers. The remaining bnttallion of lite Royal Canadian Regiment left for home to -day. (ten. Roberts, herore starting On him return to England, thanked his lately- Kithr4-YoT-the;r. efricient mervt1-•9,-1, nsod.p#reaeated to each of the men as nutogrnph photograph Of himself.' The pfiucipnl menet of -Gen. Rob- crtn' old staff will leave to -night for Englnnd. - Col. I amilton hassheen a lint military ot-rr a y o P . cones, upon whim the military command has devolved. Thr new hearlquar- lert mtntf In being rapidly installed. The mounted forces are being re- riluipfeeil. The New Zealand oontln- gent IPft for Rustenburg to -day. The grantept satisfaction fa expressed by (hot Britlnh here becaujon of the re• festal of the Quern of Netherlrltlds to givo nn oflicinf reception to rx-1'rp•' evident Kruger upon his arrival In that octlntry. And nlno bticauma of the Actkm of the Brussels authort- tim In refusing to permit Any tie- molm slrAtlewr sr°i n Mr. Krug" renchtr Belgium. Don. Brabant halt gone tO Cape Col- ony ton rerrnit men for film colonial dl prion. lie has barn antlorized to faisr two Additional regl#nelltz. Tho forme under e.nlman, of Lien. Cbnrlen Knox, which includrr De TAPIP's need Le l'alinhe' . maontel nwn, ham ha•n doing mueeemnfnl work. They pprrevPntrl Gat he Wet from return •Ing after his defeat at trtartNrh1R- etad, rend hondetl him (off At the drifts. ito Wet went wnrlly tip the rvarth bnhk of the river, rtnd dnah•rl nerma Iten(+hnrK drift, where he was nttnekd.l. lit-" lhP ikmtr•m it ,if many en,innitlas, :non I,oa twn guile. U ilat trry distlagulahred itself by ftne prnc- t lee. 1'e4#w,cr t-'r•.la the 4i,oton. 1'rrtew!a, (Irt. 31. -Thi fnnpral Of 1'rdnro Chrlmtian Vlcfor, grnn htol of this Qaymme, who died here of Pvitarkt fevdare will tate plAoe Wuborrow. A a A ,��,a'G®jii,� bl c Di)trust Him But Salic - 1.11(y z) With Him, London, Nov. 3. -"Clad in the robes of dazzling failure" la the way one Liberal newspaper deacribed the Mar- quis of LAnsdowne's entry Into the foreign office. This undoubtedly ex- ert:ens the opinion of a prepouder- anco of the British public. Irresyect• ive of party lines. Even among -lltosee-- --t4 advimabitlty of Iword Lansdownc's ap- •)ulntme_ nt there Is a tendency to al- locate him the position of a mere ;nominal head of the foreign office, `'blindly following out every wish of vete Premier. This, the Associated ."fess-Ia-ram Is quite opposed to I,ortl r' -r*alhahnrsawntdra. ht)factthe miler wan so cconrine'dat-thw r that heg v a e Lord Lansdowne the option of continuing In his former of- fice or taking the new tellint, Lord '4alisbnry Arms delighted that Lord Lnnmdownr• wne willing to accept the foreigu office portfolio. He believ-)n he will make a strong foreign sec- retary, land had long contemplated rw)rd Lansdowne as Itis successor, cltoald the doctors refuse to Allow Ilion to continue the several duty!& he undertook during the last parlia- ment.' One of Lord 'Salisbury's closest trlendh said to a reproseot ttive of the Associated Press: "Lord Laos - downe. by his training and social car- eer, Ie snore fitted and available to moot •liplomats and decide large Is- sues. Ils,f he fin lad it was because he Ir tori much of a gentleman." MIVll. NKW CARDINALS WIll he Appointed tit the Nett Con. slelOry of Rontr. Wawltington, Nov. 2-41t is Umder- Atorsl that at thin next consistory to be heli In Rome, probabi tits n/onth, Mgr. Della Volpe, Mnggior Dome, of the Vatican, At Rome; Mgr. Tripepl, the Assistant Ascre. tar)' of .plate of LFse Church st Itc>me; Mgr. Genii, Assessor of the Holy Office fat !tome; tacit Mgr. Dellol o, an archblabop In Ni>erthern Italy, will be mode cardinals. This Infor- mutton Lvuw been received In Wash- ington from an nurtw>ritativie source. Mgr. Della Volpe, wilt is 53 .)ears Old, la that youngeert of the four, rand leas held the present office for many tears. Than Incumbent (if this post. It im minted, neurally In rained to a car-- IIInalatP. Ile also hams hekt the offlea ref Manmtro Dlt•nmara, wllrlar, func- tions, are practically thine Of first • clanmberliein' to the Pipe. ` Mgr. Trlpppl hum had a successful arYmlTdl+lrntlon am AsaaUTS t 1W.re tary of .hate. He, s p►rtk'ularly cetshrilt nes a Latintat. Mgr. Generl hold on" of the highest offices In the Church, and his prin- clpal work In than past ham been to connertlon with. than Mmeipllnary Mgr. oollolito Is not no well known an the otherm. Crta.hr I to Ileath. IA)ndon. Nor. 1.-A ahurt tlmr loP- lorr noon to -(lay Wem{ey WNkinmrn, of I83 ,lohn street, met with nn aeri- dent that proved fatal In a few min- utpm. The young man was working Alone, ahovelling bricks In it partially dimmantlod honse, ween a strong guilt of wind blow down three partltlona, oun of which fell on R1lkhl+on. crumhing him terribly. The Injured man was Alive when taken from the rulns, but died In the ambnlnnea, an route to Victoria Hospltal. 111 ilkin- Pon was 22 years of age. film home , AL Mount RrydgPs, whence tip rnme tO London a short limn ago. The Coroner considered an Inquest nnnP- cesears. . , _.1►erlaenn Street. e'er Accident. Montreal. Nov. t. --.t number of pro plc we- rather mwkAWy Injured In A mtret car aerlLent that ncc»rrmt on (Iny rrtreet thin aftPrn(wna. An an eler- trite rnr www WAng tap Guy strerL hill, a very mUrp Incline, the trolley prole rants off And th' ran' Meke1 ,town the hill wt n t,Prrifl: rats, jimming 'fair• nPreral oth-r earn on their wny nil A pante rnmM amrxigat the gens wrteam- coo th- earn. who ls•eatran fr'gbtened. A numler of them jlmprd Off. And mevrval were m) baldly Injured that they h„1 to in taken to the hos plia1. 4 a -6 -A r