The Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 8go
-- _-_-.-I ie _______ dear old guardian- th141. Poli mal• V (u be n IUIIg g�iwdrT_ - sKS URU TNTC W111CD IN WAR. ISSUE NO 45. 190 _
can go e siti with a eater which w•,• IBRIGHrS
W not It and with
a Gna And fief/1rW tau txNilt) plower, rlto itlatury's Immtance• of Victurlw la
' lie mad unmoved while also laid the tour gale• Which Tubaecu I'layrd r I'rrt. pity
THE MISERS HE1RESS paper Ilia hand, but rgu knew thtit "l•ill's f4" raid ler cu ously s her The fllmt warrior who resulted tone
Chir was the cb11t all agony, out lit_ gavv h Quit rattier will You
its And
DISEASE the reel it t& Il, wM, u.+ed w and
t hir
YOU Cercus. garo her uattrrage, "will you gal orad
"If " rho said. with A great K g suemY too" hl• ruge a s k uud tiro,
i.xs I,uwrriwe? He la ulu: abroad s
effort to speak cheerful) at laud Ir cxooua to bill lir 9`"d -bye, 1
sittingu fdew a, ►too u soothing { sind
Ire Y out UI Lhe 6a mtl wer,k,µtit .\t the hwu
tart, •'It frawyer llaughtun rIw11 c���+ In W you prwrntl)'. \nd 1• the deadliest and most war a bowl, uud oke Iwlluw nivel
11' •,ek... I liner al:. Itlrthor qutdtl,M, hIp• It well at tremae•, lir you w)', b• chooses to wind up hill Affalrr ltup{Nrar I order ten? Lawrence will painful malady to which haudk+ rowed aW a Otem.
It wtFlt they wyM1rAtd he whim. cause Irl will trot be well .. sore time, uud gal abroad, what wonder n,.rt It 11,4 stay anti tulle with lilt, halt still mAnkindissubject. Dodd'• It was tlto wldirrr and m hors of
lw•rd, witlf nil enilleetnws witLilw.ok I,awreuue." cause!' 8at•ft things° ural nhn miss, all Ito muY afford to Idko away nrr min Kidney Pills will eon any queen F.Iliuuettt who were the !lrst
'TIIIM -1 hero Its, those ,eft tor," stet anumon uccurwnuu now," lotion over 4 cup of Wu." case of Bright'• Disease. Et Iimilawn to musuke. Uralw'r wellBeaut
1 shall rWr6 ratty to oorrow, umttcrctl Bugg dly, " I eau -1 odea sell ml PrLictiel• "Ir Luwernoue really going abroad"" They have asvr failed re {,ufpenl --tile dlvflw hereof tall It in lids
[t '1'lw quewLiuu cuutr fruw k'Ilttlula•'r unrsingleca•s. The u• ,�a mrd riot tlwy did thlr W mltlly
H•dor, lout 1 Lieut cull 'row L►tolxrt• "cliwp tell Iwve brut" toy :rffufrr then," r id i.uwrcncr, with a raddruY
term all hay lsrthn for trusting ke b nit over 6hkbury• brftrr Lhfr Uwe lu•wtk fit his wlmery. " If 1 wait ill !l{r frrlgldeni only with'$urpt•lmee. Hun- eM only remedy that suer ate the rutferingr of hunger.
d4norr lied nu u.xd W u ting lu ex• nfolit over
morrow." Kaglau l to undo this evtl, th,m that or Miw this with u taxdlesg of torp has cured it, and Ciey mre Still,
and hir iron+lti r rusuk. d,
curt• for avolding !ter engugeusouw ' Its) is feu do noHdng until 4h1r tins lrsu•tice, will be,wortdt what it wall tluuukfultww. Tile %into war coupe the only nknedr that can. lLikd un tit' culuping grounds of Wil- I The most beautiful thing Ill
ta% night. Vf'to, looking Into Ler t-worruw," Honor rand. "thru Ito Lenore, ua.l 1 shall tot be utterly feu' which rhe ttsetol W lung, and i There are imitations Of Item 111'x, arm) lit Ireland large num-
whin fnnx•, c+uld (till W r.•e %fie priho will cukew to lFfww toy dncidulsou" Ift'inUeir." 11hoebam'r ihoexpoloable ildILLuaUuu walk Dodd's Kidney Pills --Till, (Mari of Piper Iwve boon dug up. the world 18 the baby, all
al*' outruled"! rRtla Who pleaded . W) •'Chs-- Your doclmkma ala -" (lues. " Tluat will to pleawaut," bIM all. Over. I box and name -tut insole- At S4uirmrucken, fn the F'ruucu•Gvr-
auxhaurly food 1'han)b,+ to tpu Wwt idler Llwurl Lawrence hurriedly. "Har Its rwerd.l, whit a rmllr. You will tome "why in h%T" Ifhpulrenl Mfw Oweia, eons ton dangerous.The drier wpm, the pleuurwlck Huiwaw gel- dimples and joy. The most
Owrts awre•uted, though with great bt+en offernw. yank the Lark of —" to morrow, Lawrenw, au.l tell we it standing placidly for tier maid fo alt I original and onl7 rp�ename duped Into a '$Olid mars Of French
ultwilllugmsu LL riot, and dove "tit't'er mind w•lat he olfored,•' lout till in mato told w, -Il. Nowe l court {,".." range tier turtle after the Inevitable cure for Eright'n10teoa•e as troops through n P.ertec•t hull of huh- pitiful thing is that same baby,
away fu Iver radi+uuu•, S,•Avlltg Bonar lu „tie• gird quietly. -Him ufterm, ,nod w•oll " But," Ire said, with a change inow crushing of tip delve. "Why tlosw he 1Q Iola, cigar, Ins mouth, 71mt1 utter time
strtudl ig lit tilt. hull window in tier as tits ounces, are tan despicable to him bloort-lived excitement -You rout ! V, go wttld"Y T" DO D D S Herman geta'rnlr led their woo to oder- I thin and in pain. And the
twUlght trolling n brigat gtu,t)-bye,. ilocupc lir for n wumssat. lit hu Vol• cwt tan fair, lluutrr, it you kultw wIkIL !P'Yws forget that we csannot Pxloect talo denth, ,wily booking. 'rhe IA(k
Il.tif Lilt lour after Phoebe halt, ar filth harts+ lie lilts tkxla what both you Ind been, toy last effort at degroda- naoav Us bit aware of hilt pl tow ulrtld „( totoacou, Intiiloi, fwm whdclt floe I IllOthCr docs not ktl0\\' that a
rivtrf uL ]tor dtrtnatiaa Wse large nazi 1 may mount tiny thank Ilion fur tion -you who always thought ro theyare made public. If lie had been KIDNEY t� much troops greatly muttered, woo,
creed arrear mtootl ugulsf hnfuru the doing. \\'lou Ito cuutee, W me W mor• flintily of Uabrlal Myddei4uu find ill"utllIg and preparing for thin for declared to leo small degree to be r"- little'fat makes all the differ.
tkax at Kea•Ingtult, till t.ivae wilt n,vv, Luwru:xx 1 Ilopw that LhruuYh all huliatul hlw Innocent.' mwsths the should rwL Iwve known It." PILLS "Pourlble for lltr discontent that urure
ing w tut the yoall,g mistt•ora. yon yourself will rue him. It will be " I t know," she raid quietly, when •IX(A 1 suppose tint:' rejoined I'hoebe, among them. The women of Germany enCe.
,Sine did not %eke IWr seat, as kind of you to mpare use uuotiker fu• he Pauwtl. w►th a gtin.QO ort a rlgh "1'm nwdy' Dodd's Kidae Pills are UAw that their husbands, moor yyu]
1'lo,rDe lad . dote, surrounded Wrvfew with him. and homilies that ••,!limp told you that, W. nild be?' Was won't hie long. Hunur Y' fin reale a box at all hrotherr were well supplied with the i Dimples and joy have gone,
h. ti Entry p1a of gtowilf-v fabric, he will underrtmil better from you Lawroueo Haughtou erWd. "And did Hwaur suited at the requtvrt. It druggists. weed.
but she came from the poki+n In a how unne+ce.amr) hill Interference h., tell you how 1, filial others. had war sal unlike Use old tin w, wheun to When Uro Light Brigade war urtoen•d l and left hollows and fear, the
qu et momiing dnr.t. ,ind taking tier will be." ;well u b.lfgd tool all alum• and gait a few mnmeuto Of her guardian's to attack st Balaklava, a regimental
sett wuiray.upa the w•td• silkc•nx- "Thr little dastardly thiell" milt' C:a,s'
brieh M•idelton war htnoaentY' str1+ attention h'hoptNe would have u'1'• He
was PlIKArf In dreaming a fat, that was Comfort and
ianw. sir gave Ute cork r. "The .\fah- tend \I r. dlnughtwl tttltwtl0o Ilia "Yam, he, Luhi fur that ; utsd ho Wl' nxrretrt herself In ratty hyrwla+m ----------- lacrosse Ia Deaths. It u'• He w sr rnwltrtg llit the time,
ter o, Th.irdea Street." JL --;t till ,Lilt tett. "It !m he whO ham Moet the ate" -the struggle it const, k'.y w toy stratagem. Five s';iltctl only a few 111pe, ilk mouth And clever In heutil, hr
world hale givens It to llucklu hum nue 4, tempt nw and to lower we it~ v►urlr as shot bull said the minut•'s, timing Iter entrance Just alt COIOC and CU[Ye- but 1
K p The report of the Provincial Board . hAr ell wlUl tbt. odor{M and returned
Rnhu e. , to this Paas." others was most pAi;ul th lit Yuu thr footmari carrkrl ht the trays ; Anil of Hearth fur tin month of Septets• till sn"O toy.
;:ho hn1 leo rr,ln in h"r mini) to- "A poor Ueapt41r;` told Honor, In ware wstakeu stunt Pun thutsght Lnwrlte dill stay. and Howtx'e lane bar rMnvr et total tet '1.300 deaths, At f3ebertup,ol an Irlmbmnn Incna and love -1S gone.
. uhuh: for tiny thought of wla►t her quiet worn. Unit Unbelief Mytolelton bad tome Iona, t+lir aut*eowlul, fur the to"rLlug fir compared with 1,987 un the tiourly raleatd Isla head above tine The little one gets no fat
gr.a••o ilia,] powdered v-r+ant- m:ght ".%y. lxav enough; but it is Instants- home atm Ruydou Keith." was nu eupy, natural partflg, and Matin month of hart year, al in- trench -S. A Rurrlau bullet came ufl,]
mariu'u•e. Lawretur wax not .urllected sib:e to the burinew fur years with No laArwer ; Aad She made tic: worts .Mr. Hunglrbou'r leading was Hutt he ,ramp of 523. The rate per thou- r mnatlirl Use fowl of his pipe, heaving fr= hff food. There is some -
yet. ,wall Abe antut nee !dm beforb It u wily, datble•uatured sneak and a question, ralslWf her eyes luagiugly ,slid lett the htrurr of true friends who gaud Is 13.1 roil 10.3 respectively. the stem lit life mouth. Itartily dnaP
w•as tar Irate. That was all alto al. lout find &Ilia guidance grow easy, olir- ,total genially anti pleasantly cuter• Diseases which pre partly respuavi- ping under cover, Pat pxprowed binfow-;r•1 horsetf to think. . vehether one stands up against itas "N sin that tate, 1-aw•rence :'" 6'lisked film; net that lie had depurt•td bile for the Increase are diphtheria, desire W come into contact with -thething wrongs-tett either her food
1:•L thta� luwanCrig t)resltl, Lh iirrt lir not; evinicia!ly." he itdle,t, 'I rupl-to on, but 11cave•n out.-, leu blt'tsr Iwmillutl.ak with ,r+.tdr of whooping cough and typhufd.ineach Ibafe that shot that gull Maul mpulldrl
n,l:cue rnr,4lOdhlg, 101jeb- the lin with L (lush lit hoissvty, "1( nue r k vs,' ►W auswelrxl pattlrbly. It stns hdwli+ed upwM ills head. This %V11,i of which there tray an 4ter•ease, ase tally pmoipte.' OC food mill. She has had no
fanittkt ngalist si Mrd, bald bre x111 owner dbp,nsiUum V to grind. and ha a rtudl+i trahef of wine food Honor'* intention, un,l rlto Iwo am Deaths from tulwrcukwtlr numbered It tons the ('rtiltonn war that
K Ifafecr rate. and-elecylpte." 17,2. alt coulpand with 190 far the I rel ht sntokhaR Into (aalklun In flan fat for weeks; IS 11VIn on what
In-Y.a firm rip Aat1 she frau two, n. HOW lean l rout !t out to uruul, brightlyw�rtedt IW fuHlllaieut. g Fax g
Lite carrinaa window With a pitiful •lt mart have been that," Inter• "I"Iden "' "Hanior, flow can It be*.," cried Pho;be Nme month last year... hand. Before th•it tmily the working
)etr.tmg for a.auo sight. or touelPt;_.1r.%aghnt
"Honor, w1Un a glance of put. . "But la had been our cousin t.ah- when the ,two glrld wire left to,gathear . _____ _, cla"" rmukml. But the terrors and she had stored in that plump
which ah.wld rBspol this IM-11tkg. f+,ranxiety, '•fix you were-. never rlel, wou you not imtmed:ateiy have again. "To think thyt I have parted Deafness Cannot be Cured prlaatkomis'of that terrible campatKil
mint knew It to Ix, the presage ofrn,xrguized dm :"• from "wrenee loaf yet um not taught the offieen tbnt fir n ,roto little body of hers; and that is
or recklerr In your ex.
connate Prll. lir ramp agony LO conte. "TC V than twelve-yfyarr minae tin.tcn-Ilerartad " I Mnflj' be- of load apv nom•, fir air. ai+uot reach the fnot•Lcr and rnolntw tel,euYrr was uu-
Iturws." d�aewtted rt
I raw Gabon 11) dde•Ik,n," Luwrwwo 11-ve it -can leu ?-r id bearing how De • of the odor. Thera la only one r•9uulle nd. After tAp war they went gone. She is st311►�8' Oi at0
('[lAl1Fi(: XXXYtII. I have no pleasure In rpw+ut). ) S war tocurodMrgr ,eodthetbb conxutu•
hrg myself -or ala any nue rimae.'• +ill:w•eral elm Ily, and uncunw-lantsly ntllfereat titligii oiled to be. I wbin ttoaalreme'aes: Iacxrm..l+oats bf ton in- IHI hmoking, land th" examl•lo of the.. It is death, be 1ICk�
A more glorlotu victory cannot Q• r betraying his -n donbw.. • }kat rod Ito would have t(ld HIP what first lit- hamedcondition of the mu.r,ur linin` of the Crimean been+ made the pipe •and ri�
hu at averwl bitterly, "You know- Eustachian Tube. Whenthhstubegdta(nfialud
gonia -1 Derr +outlier iusn lieu thlr, usrwtier. lionor,' hu udd,d hurriedly decent Idm to form till, Phul." cigar generally hniufged ln. SCOttrs Emulsion Of Cud
that. when Lite 3tajucy-brRan as nb a"r yu often bald it in o:d timer, •,tMt If he dotty va to Do t:alrrlel it wall Mteause Honor had feared ole have w rumbling sound or in+twrfect hear- lo, 1,hu thick of tho fight at Rork�r
rt, the %bat-rlt should ii on Hwor- t 1 waved my moveY Q. and -beat It to entire) cleeod deafnte,w Is
t"' �' . Inst like old Myride•Iton. That it was anal In inr x,olat. o even, It (:&brief much que•setitxus for him tlmt spa• had the result. slid unlet. the innwoima ion can he, Drift lit 1879 th- Erglkh mobtlers Liver Oil is the fat she can
our. -Tillotson. Ml tadeltun eventu,sl turtsr up, you MIX left film lung with I'luxeb•, but It taken eutand this Lisbon rea,tored to its normal s„okowt es board nod they (ought, light I
which br ught on the pams►uu of spec- rondttlon, hearing will be destroyed forever:
IloDor's carriage war being drives aIlt %lou , + nd Mee flow It has ended. ince 0 )thing tar tear. aid ilydto'Itonr would seem that MlesOwrn Ind mule lane cases out of ten %re canoed by catarrh, h;W thplr pipes with the burning sprlln take; It will Save her.
slowly up awl down before, the two to 11.)uev was Willett to y U. and to man time for several. which is nothtn but a•inflamed ivnduion lit Wrr ell wood iron* tit • hospital fired by The gewwie. Ms this pkeunoa
1 u m +L, r fined luau, and my uety
wh1An Mr. �lunp had upiutrgtl,sally ..0 earth, ewei h•Ing it ddelton,°can ".111110 Witt tat pretty h.lely at the the muvus.n �oea, the Zillum. a. take ao alar
dire std Iter, nni sh^ liars: was wpk. +'hence of c en por,wtsal safety le cut clalns it from You Een uJiber that, Lnreheb," she culttlnuod, "butrhewlll Wa wall give Hmmir,xl Iwllnn fur any Wellington s the uu1Y Weneral of a ole have wt trod u, .odea
fn, futllr Ire alriw t,< an nhmty uluuA uhf now by Lra1Wr avho hAs beta Hunur, my krtp o %her linwm� on, Lawrence onyx, rate of Dearness u•auned bk rawrrhs Want ran the fast century who objectal to Ior fret rmvne to agreeable
1 1 1 not Ito cured by Hw'1'l L'alwi\rh t•uro. Bend for taut* wall ourprl•e yom.
Loy nl,etWr and enoournger all Ifine Iterer had ,above a hull- arroyo tree Iobncat. HO strong was his preju,lico
waiter, wh:q i.nwren♦w F,IAugh:ol oda• But " sense ot` tile_ fiLn of thI, 1Yh SCOTT t DOWNg,
- - along, and wh turned MY rulfmg pµ41- —_ _ against it, though, ft wam tbrrsi
tenet lip bout Herame•'In )lint al Ila tone able just %baa ft. rest n eves a yi4fr � .RAd mhe, F. J. <`HITN.. A, cO.. Telr..o, u. g& Rh Che ml41u,
o� I t) enter tads office, Moodily and rWfl-avarice-- all hU own bow i nwreu se Hnughtrtt. He Id rot `ilotwr ? Ito you think she cal mu u- all's by ily m, 7s,•. tobaccole phut Doe s o t4jB 11runed Ute
eadw.' Y Hull's Family t Ltd• aro We D••Q Toronto.
Poo I lit- but still with hon hart. here ' wee her trace )latnly row, tc the e, to live At the L L ,'It s on that? to prlratkoor U( Hlo 1'rminmu- 60c. and $l.lp
"t': by talk of hips ?" a1d Hogor I
ynl Iola stpp heavily ArnaWant. Three twilight hod depprpmd W the iwt [macl•etiue whys tliinpl le ha Lcwdol lar war, that In IH35 he brur,l au Ails ta;uggl41ta,
graveiy. "Think t what you Your- Marine Sciont1Qe Ke•iarrh.
wpn .no rhloblda•rr In I,Ir attire, to 4 _-Wiloara all the rummer night aat I. now and likely to DULY 'there• I srmY order kxMdL+mmlag Its ��«ee
erhgliug in Ids ienrimg,am there had +trlf'wleh to unska wrence. Window will.arrow and i x t,antm I t wonder whether Ids leaving the Of- Mae Norwegian Guvernmelit hits Napoleon couid put menOlte, Gut lie
he n ire him P cln,rk's, but *till when "It is two lase; to said, alai put Overelear, Gut M spukp with a Chau iltve find Anything W du with Law- Inuit and ftttol out a '$LrAm +w• w•a, a great smdf-taker. 'Phut w.M- Pope Heatesey's Joke.
oto ham before his yin- rprtr'r decision? twraure 1 n!wnyr eel for the ezprema purptre of•uariu•• derful stratpgirt. Mealtime. was Pan -
No Ili
had fubowowt -him u:pwtalw, and 1% is lu,ae• me lentlno resenmh. The v I pall• tkMntel atkttcted to tot*icro. Uny_ .`lr Juhu l u{rrHt.aiarsY twgau les
_,Nits. out too late, Lawrence, nor R ) brie Ilp• lit the H.wrr of l "uuiwn.
of eT tk ytrhblap upmw tM*eiwr sof Ila - Hufwr, forgive nil-: and Van will thought ,,_,, w•uudd stay in kill 7
lorlsatr mitt nX neons ILA clxikel It.tx- it there tiny risk for your personal !d rw•ently from Mr'bmsor txn It tint Ing the.arar of _W71 fin Anmffe,l luolf Pa
remrmintr what ! -cony ll l um nut ry ail 'al
l IIiP- , hdri t yew T" am n • I ail ,runt of lUleraoh lie
.a 1,401111.1111, its Pun any. Yu will Me able service. a cruise In Hie otorth , fail• a nted a week. Arid he waw chnrit-I D� t tfP
fore he hast •hue to stay th) entrains. Marc. 'plrro it au fliaw'ho Indy Larvv o the girl ran nn, bat Honor mail. lr' 1 afterward .noduli Iia•'$ Mnj•,t) with
to leave ,England whr you cMowe tic and Arctic Oceans. D)•,_. xt. I.r�lt~at--SDe- anal of the ewmprugn--
trf nnynne, Ahc eorda prinlrib'y ,I; y, ant) with )our name king Illed. Lull rr::cd• will,. na-I OIA myoid"hent IAt ag Ur etude hrr anmwerv. wife has arrest aAtf i--- IDuc to riot great distiuvton a, the governor :,;
though the light was drenrlly dim- her th.I pwower of howltx•athing hl- ever minute now. its flight drew leu, o � � TIIe rtOrY of IidN1a*t rrk', cigar tins surcenvion of M•aeral colonies, and a v
we If I have done what is right. It kltowle dgw of pelagic tbher, sir Ilse, 1;ow, after carefully 1*+ariting It fur din a rnrnsber of %lir House lit rum-
--�thrtt jr' had n tmaanrr atrnnt:Ay nt wealth without any reetrletlOfu." her o\grH
anxiety grew gr ntrr Land
was co hard sur mo to know, because , hubitm and the causes affecting tial stn• honer of roelury, lit gars It to '�
vnlrfAn a with. Ns pld w if-co•tt sl-Sd a•'- Yew," rhe bail abw.iitly. as she greatfor ti.uags from Hervey or mrwm Up to the tiara• of hir death 1 sue
murnttne, 1ala-uud then fpr. Stafford -have ,Ifer,l Idle h'•r, hand, "I returns' �dhigilei Ilerrey might lxsa.i mlgrnthapx, that, with the mwatr wnaln,leml soldier at Kunnlgruta. Ins day there towns ruenr Ludt about :n
If site had not bppA Ndo wrnpioietl up 1n nanaged these things for me and Ifo hphl ►t, tlghHy lit hir olrtn, will
b: Grxrw lit his %fur sal, ho should ether
(eft mei Ignorant. (live ms o J'o KI RPII known. friend wtw had two objnw Livamh;e
her own maratiat purpinge. lloror would 6 your ad- the Old taction, rising yg' �. a considerable amount lit new lnG,r- After Tel{I-Kehl'$ hm1 been fswght
p 1kg with a greater-- Peculiarities. Ht• was not Item t, flan
have been literally frightened b� tha v foo now, Lawrence. t1'lll you have .,tree til than 'ever, wrote lir Ifluttmotion, which w111 Ins+ of sercice W the n d Ron Lord \I'ol.eley rtm+Ikr l alar lie's g
til+ as
cheque upon C PIER XXXIX. uw nod wcpr atuf water nml he w.0
eHA".,t they noidden Appearance had 1 pa my bank- upoli Ilia hard, stern face, Mail Industry of all dations. ti ars rigid oft alwxls borrowing 11oet•y. Tee p,u,r
npiftk him. Thr awar•th) r:lor left hl* ell here and take the money yourself lie crus"I hack with n alulent effort ('upn Tre t fj(rlinxysxl, to n'wt• - _ -- In Italy and Spain tuhacen In rw•nrK- si follow," entd HenitewY, ' hr apootycss
In -a ant b'ada Of fntlon stwcod to Kinbury to -morrow, or will )ala the pitiable confession which rushes lt'igla Ldw fir t t afu rum Londou. A prominent brings aoatrarttr. nim, ,a n necessity, nail cigars (hur-
thi:•kl un him brow. g have this crossed cheque and pray It P upew crery-iwdy except himself."
y almost cuaquarfitg Eurus to ills Y+titlar fort in -tiny when he pulle.l Mount Brydgee, wtyr-' I took ]ftlh•r'r rlGlr 'tonroctlrtts!) are served out to -
"Ifolior "' he etnmmerp,d, his volev, lit W your account lit Kinbury: lire, the gt iron bet "lite the arched tbimpxrund Iron Pilb for atoruach trou- the solaRere alt part of their ration.
hand and homily,''llo/or-ion'.'' I Crnly, tell one which, and the num is ,hour the Towers. row the motm•nt lib•• from which i rurfrrwi floor tau In th rltb+h navy thio la the ,auto•. (b lit strong quo must baro g.od
I shall mer You to -morrow" h -
Yptr, T.nwrrpvt" left for qua to add." w:lirprerct, "fur the Inst tla,r, nn I h this err torr thaw Often to biro a Ye+an, auM soon, telt Ike n new Imna:' The Ad salty Boll* lent tobacter to np{r•Ute, gaol digt�tMrn and Roti .,z
Yawl he rep ird, fie 1t the .limit "f-[ cannot.' faltered Lawrence ,uighj b vu INrru tLat-" certuhuodh up o tlu• • muakt the ----- -- tDr aallor nt ora dylllftg a puuad.- +dmilntkm. Nllhrr'm C.omprwtrtd Ir•m
lad a1eporival. film c othn Power of fair- brokenly. TWO hs broke utterly ,'"F� and It tootrwonderfully at nor br_tween Children Burled Ender Nr 1'llim bring nil these.
fblleir n(tt'ras eti w.M1,t hi* t bMea�o_ C Isla
eyrr rialto to i- - "1'es, yos a sn,' she answered• with war tonne minutes he•fore tM regained the* ciitiif List norr1` .e rtt bait ' Indian tilt inrerin ---
her race in nlonlwt tprrfbk lterwetw_ i her pretty missile. "You will the s,eim%ery over hlpw•IL sprrmtre h•f'. . witn obi . rN I'n)to K. puGllslkml In LRT DY.IL RATIBY bRNP1111sNT IIrrA-N'orkrd Women.
needs "litre-alcni't?" 1 1 out let oda silly pride come Calcutta. caYlt that flu: kst)mnpping
"Yds" she raid e) ►a 'I haw between o and our Ofd ward. R'e \lit nu,,aier surd tool l be utter nc nrrlaetoo wuddPaly with d nor a", _ _ Ill tM ngrlrulLural plxtluns ofBs•Fd' y w ttx)k I[onor nkrwn andof children to burl• wider the f,wn-
a !°4. put hpr into the hae had been filled with A."e" stations of railway bridges, whr, i lute Ladles o! Gam glom ,Ins• work prprfurmrr) by wumrn
nm nlLo- , I cctarbr,ogsanwy I v,nros A3ao no neon of u Inwyer'r help, tike aarriagr, nut Pion to Answer to Lind Ittter. ofteq paned trouGle Lu ladle, ha+ inrluMw going to th,• fields Lo help
on purpoow to ear+ yvrtY' -flarrt we T" hor khnl giontl•byp ; stpd whon she'had Yenr. Keith wear At laobsi>, the 'Ile world ttrrwe saw hunch nn rxhlb-
lie drrr^ toward hlm"one• of tlrr.tan7 j \o nerd." he whispered, In the an• \ speed food Chlaa, told a bridge Ir now %lie• horse pull tilt plough• •,r nldkng
Iri,eo.0 out u( right h •tons mtlll mtut►:1. grateld butGy trld Idm, orad In Ins Iticrn of pstrkrtfc tentinwut nod tl:e• n1t• rklgx In hnultnW rarNa, In U..
Ilithtwnl cna"dlrw welch stnml u.em tAe gulail of Oran mixed feelin s; 'but rarely built fu that country without mlraee thp3 work ax hard rant rPrMvY g ilia there alm)n the pavtwtrnt whnr to n g• high nom un the rigiiL f Afrlcap Rar Calle forth.tllrlr, ant WkinR n larx of aux-Ii hir ' l capdoL Luke It. Ohl Hua,r. ole the dura arance of several ehll- ttre coat wages rna Lha tapeg )' nine had left him, loot 1n a deep re L40 h -a hum in which •be m)lit pPe Ganaxdtan, Aurtrallnn4 and tinefrom film pocket *track tine after an- ata not know tie half of my decep llrptful dream. fIgUrf nn Old Inde, eewln:c Heide t dreC from the neighborhood. splendid youth of Natal fongla ,b1f•
otl.wr, all wpnAHy rhnmwily. tilxi." -- }p arhlte frf that cheery toot eqd win,low, hwkpo! nttilort lite n tk,tt'r. by rile with the Brltlmh 4ew Plant- - --
' No. fifrMh," said lionor, stAying him 1 think I 'Ito," mile answered missile, H000r's heart was very heavy "Air. Kelth," she rrpi•dl dub kaLmly'I err of Ceylon anti InaMa.
hanj with gentleness. "flatfoot ',vat th,s htfully. "I -'think thAt, Mr- at she drove home, -and through all 'tin Hlte cans.• fun
rwnt to tycd•1ve Ilpr- ! us
' Atralia drinkm It-, tens rep tley-
thlnt 4ant., M light titiottgh, Law- . S'inl�i would rather tell Ire stare thlm doubt would fon•e itself : \\out she, vey,m how nn 1 inquiry : Ira - ypm, I ; � loo sled India, while Canada already A VALUABLE RECIPE
ren a?' _`. __-_--. ' , :.true lar.':__.. (nifilihM well the trtmet which tier have Woo doubt, pe will rot >00, but its Dee Birt. I war for seven yearn a e+rigim lhetr black tett. llrinkerd of
He droPp'i 1 the nt•lit math nql "I' must tell y!w, and req YOU (all,' KrPILt weAtth hall brought her? Only Id far from well You will exctur the wlftere from Brvxielwul trouble! utnf ,)spy tea should try Heb green ForCouohs, Colds and lung Diseased
gpushel the cnwllee/l-k from him : tltMn ho itewbted. hpr own heart tvruld brutwrr flan queoi IlDprty I take fir An old wusnnn. ('np• �a p hoarse at Umea that I tear. Up to ante ten nr•rehiytt., (the T,tkr n batt ;ods, ;v tau i'Iwroeenl Tea -tle
M• ynovowl mlowly nntll he stood with . •'\'cry well, Lawrence• .but loot till tion which it make. t, tut alio knew, that into Trent"-Rfarxing At ham card- could sea y �e&k above a whL- Salatht (lonol arly, forr 1lwtanek6 now a d„••., or xdy 8
Id- back agulmet the wiuCow. till '$yam tO-morrow; when you come to -mor• nod each hesitation eawl•I have mtnyrd "If I oak )rat not to let m:e summon per. I relief from anything till self 'th•tn PlIt'rPlr na mt•rit. iii -s QERMAN BRUT BALeSAIvI
*till riveted Orion Iforor, who facrrl row, you shall tell 1me all. Then guardian lir. Keith If -If It In unnet•emar I trled our INARD'S HONEY BAL• dlpof-tile-road town" are only ait-
7 Jus• hr•r In thin vlmd6 to her :I,] Y or
the fading' light, tr•aat;ful In her gray- tine will have been dome to those It tort* galllt. rarlc in dile• nfU•rikuLe �' 1AI o gave. relief and six Ing for rtrpplled. while "rut -rank- he- Four or fivetlmee a day. It never fit to slre
Ity nni Parntrrtndau. 1 -ho have basic wronged lir pre of the maxt day that he calor to Ken. Carel read tin real anxiety in the bottw ds complete cure. I fence -tarn" are waiting t.o see w hninmiste redid.
\1'hy did yin come?" hr In IY '$ext (+nor." 44119"l, pmt ho w asp of the wr lZht all plpamnat fuer tit nrtel tueh floes hit wwdd D tidy mmentl It to any' the oat will Jatm{x u ane wl touts at all hLFWlata a roue
at hut.'i'Im tlwre no! humiliation en. i R I one lruffe from throat or lung Ladles of Canada, We Yoe al M. F. car, ChemleA Part coat.
liotor," ha cried, Movl In mud- w:ame which bowed hum dAntD when lie alt th _K•_4 (lett-In'p4mdble t h ACL - Pray Y
fir y In ttnmYco tie!(?rntttttt'world; -� Ihaute from the position he had bugKcd tier to let him tell tier of his, now-btit Ile could not gurrm I:oty rare- LrouGlp• ' =t}% $rltlotpl• planter. ibTirdTwZ:
Wily flit You Dome." sal c:oawly maintained. "flow can I dehisquericieto and debts, ratio maw a ly find vivitors Iski brought any o sue F. VANBUBiCIR1Y. ---- TkithseMeoIT/f—
"I have ants;' rip answered quiet. . Iwar thin—to rob You even nore marked change In him. which icmin,led Plrnianrel YI Rilly(I , 4 Fredericton_ ------ ------ Many for the Soldier Kodak t. Ie� so srs.
ly, ' Monk my aid guardian to let oe than I have ifone ? I cannot. 1 will her of orae or two far-bnr•k days In "Indeed." hp staid; In what I'll hrt ; .orae.d tr'w wP o uwi 1 will At Uip re lar mppting of the Senh0 him• nr,aw.' Ris tawNrnen,.r..* s K y. gal te-night. fir 1 hpr Md M,ay, when .Inns• anal I'hcel* calla) "him pits way." "i waold not i AV of the CalvereAty cep Trxewltu Il i..rrrwY�
Ile wild lighting hard, n* else could 1,:wnym meant W do. if thpy cap lint] boon away and he land trinh to took to ore Mr. Keith At till If i fro ; _ anew ,Sn•1dp.1 to allow all stodcnts lit 'i"'r' 1 n•
a., whir the feelings which mnstureet �i:..n.w.rlwr.r.W.*.T.
torr me -If, led one by my own clerk• make big favorite happy without telt• that i were brinighw him worry lir
him . til+• ccsuc•lourne41i of hos plans !Short Cut to the Hospital. tae university u.a mervlee with the (j M
ho-mK baffled, his love font, life ambi- uttywill ibt simRe Ju tce,g aw. bark to oa ter, till; (of ylove. r by pay sign or flttered.wunl anxiety.
the moveunsure Peak that it. During Lonlon•m juhiteepover the cams pian r,nting,•ntA in South '\r' FRUIT FARM FOR SALE,
tis, wrec•ki-A; +std In her lrity slita awhile tills -lin, I oanuut do ),On,eh She Interni teal hins continual) ]fine 11"nodprAutt trolled. relief of italekl h htlmoroua llce. rkta their year's examination. The
strovo. to forget everything save her p y partly in po ruatter was moved by the Chanraolhor,
y u wrong.• ,•hors hw alilarR"d, with a morbid mets- WW snit party In neknowle,lq ratan was notified In the thick Ad tis
for of
m for re and Iter rrpst meta• crowd b carried
na the nly. Chancelror,
"Tie wrong hes been done to txtnn, On the fnilnro ta( Ro many; of went. of the tom of Hort. s 7 a harwreowl ptPdestrine to tNt In,r of the Mr t in the �t1ayararan Pentnsuta. a'.
oN of him care and unrdlanmlul g ray ir7 rarriwl mtanin*r__ wInon&, In miles from Hamll•ma, In two fwd
R P• otherm, Lawrence." 41aW Honor sad- ills apoernhiUmar, whkth, Lei ahp IsLd' mana41f him the reamer way toC 1n�i1tL0 - __ way. 17n acres, t6 of which 1, lit fruit. mo.tll
inLookingeke 111 dat , a ■Ire owed t, hot 1; "what 1 auk Is that yon will rightly gkicx+sett, had hrr,•n malletcatsl) "f will take your cnial.•' Rhe said, Hut•pltal. "Cali for 'three hears fur I's) Care a Cold I■ Ose Oa hew 1_,Oeetmisketn of fruit. r.,esC's, peacnae
in those old dn)'s, null rpreaking W him y
re It fie fns as you are able." pxARRerntwi by Air. Slim and they and left him nlerna In tiro long room. Kroger; " respontlyd the gen I guitar¢ dant this eewson. Will be sold In Id. to sun
almost an if It,! were Iter guardian P' Take Is xat ve Hromo Quinine Twbleta At l+
\s I nm table!" educed Lawrence Rpaent n not nnpfPnsant tum,• tcttt+- Oaty a few ID'nntea pmtaeerl before Iso of that peace, "and YIw•R Errors r�uad us s,ro.•y itit fat's to Dore vurc toner+ This 4 • hargafn. wddro.
mull, sir• td ! him -without reverting bitterly. "No, It M you who would ther before the tune for the clerk's Royden .entered. and at that me. 1n no tlme " \ R', Orwv*'setamaten V on snob bon JONATHAN ('ARP6NTLR
U, nn�,,, Serb's 11, hir Affair" wlilt. meat C'a - \ --- - U Ro. Box 6a Win... Out.
—whatrave me from disgrace and publlelty, ptain Trent exprerienced the ;
els, w sM+d W do for him. foil will come u to Now Rte /eye a ggnrtrr. Miller's 'tom —
nnt) f cARhet take morn from You, tins Ira. LnwretLc^, grpatewt *hock he had felt thrnngh 1'IwylnR Cords by the Million. TAMPA. F'rr.nns hwr+nep ofd ronertlon.o
nm fiefhat•nrldnth`I fnlut, Wi14 Ose spoke, Of Honor. I will leave England to. when he In groe, won't you 7" Hunur till hl* life, through he little gro, itl prrrmrtl Iran Pills' a old .tamp. will find It a their advantar
night." *-rid when she row! u) k+rtve the how long the effect of this mu l'IPn --___ ----- _ __ Thr nnmher sof playing enrokl need 1.00rrespend with 11. 0. Boxa Hamlltor.ont
her affection, whl.h load exlwteol lit Thasoft hat WAR lntrorhtoed tit In til• worl,t Ins worw•Udng wrandpr- _ - - --- -
Not to -night," mile said, with Won- room tit lir. Rlimpis lour. "i shall shock was to hover about him pnd
ills mind pav rt too tdr hour, died n put the cheque walk for 3041. Phoebe to shoppilig. J have Its spare In els i Amh. T arm 1t1:i0 by Louim Has-, sal. playing
y alone p,wsewwe14 t wh4ch PtRMAN1rNTkY CW wI RY DU
suddr+rl and n hopel:tet det►tla. In her tis klndueiat an she q poo 1sq til+ Kruw mutts. The army cabywign hat noel f oda'$ la in card fArtrrriaat, which FITS fits or Oesat srve ••toyer. yi
Into him hand. 'I shall not persuade shall be quite alone." Ing serlunRnew of land own tboug1w P y g fits or n•rvmato•ss ether not day
Pun• warm pity and Int nh•m eJ" of She sit and w•n(tad foe Islas, with amt feeti the Rough Rider hat had their erl. last year pronated 5;:90,(]00 packs. one. good to Illi strong Phl
tilomw opal timtw when hie home brit) )'ole aWAlnat going, Lawrence, bernttse frgt. in In a Tyrolean hat that awaR -- de hta, I'a for Lim and
You may think 1t beat, but you will out, offering W jape rltovr hook of g b I !I am bottle
IotaPn hPrN, she 1r1RhPd lir rem. fie him (TO ito errRtlnmPtb. ht here D an American travel. Por side by J. A.tliMane, i7/t Nt•ta•s itua.atreeN
not go under fear of pursult, leay. work LMtl, tier hands. h^r thoughLd I ar. 7 ental t Warm n hikers enlrp all Afl' Montreal, Quo
k•rm poverty and to clear ids pam41 ' nt Ca --
from dishonor. But .there could h11R thaws wronWs kinredrpesed and taws 'b:'1'Iy PrIg1b11*r1 bl hrr old Mlpmed'a Liniment (Attu (Iarpytt Ip ell. rrt+nts of children like Inngtc. _-
od iearing tine tprrtble cunanlousnane of Wilanlutn's lxwslb:e future 11114 tart, Cows. -- M Winalow's auothln 8yrep should a,
----_a4sei_ba.B-ltDgttaittdOft_S!I'Y_�yom_�mtvnrfC lnjnrnd-ttanion whr.-i+teurolpz-awxionu�var�i.--3;ut ``
tan+ fTIPmIAhIp of throe old tlm,r „ land not hsrg to wait, and lobe turn ttaesferAhtidrwe T••tbl+if H
you. A ilxq abA IIIR %1'I[e. f itrrgatn 1MTr money Ulan Lltpaa of tMaMnd, softens the ma, raves wind eclL
"You kno,W it ll, 'tMm, Honor ." i e loot With a *mile wlesn he entered. are NateremeAy �itr Dlt rrker. Tweetl
��ii Itut it is done" MR. flICNARO M CAIIUM the Nothorlanrs. reeamaaIstoR.
Mmt,d, Ido Ip 4MIt and del. ace "Nei. It in done," she answered sad- ..VP aIle Ln int wba , nm glad.' Ar -Antes when 1 font up of the e
rranlwe Slump woant :cod you at ofuo "1"ees, he had stn wl14h pnd no nerd mtwrN In the firmament 1 errant help -- ----
with ht* own srtaory 9" ly, tint we can make etmen,]m. to t,) eta),' 14nb1 its. HnoWhtrt, atm thinking how small, how Insignificant,
"F(• ealne to u1e Udod nfternroal,• I court IIM1Ye whet IR ,hip to them, and f,;rwnrd with a eur1kris nml nn. I am, affrr till. A Well Known Citizen of Stirling,
hare, a Shod - GrndonN! V en's tint, Opt., Cured of Chronic (:rtarrfi y
Vital . r__f_..,i 1J6: ,,,, iJ;t.
frtaal iwo or rep 1 tilt Praint oxpsrl- ITI r• P pis P YOTI ex ww ,•'n I anti Irritable Throat by 4WM"==%
THE NOME TREATMENT memo; hr trill 14; Not
and mn hook de the Rtarx In the tlrnm-
ti first
In anal i o own
i int . Honor,
mend ?--('hhcat. rime. -Herald. I , CATARRHOZONE DID YOU EVER
first n taw him own mtiir to If lie
yt llrr'N, Worm Powder. are n won
,ftn triode roe Fept7r him fair )ooh If hp
Pow Indee,l nre the family eireles from whenrm there has not Dean taken
some membrr am the result of neglected c,aigh■ and colds The prudent
mother IR rolnstantly on guard lot her llttio ones fall prey to croup, bron-
chitls or cold,. She knows that If col gin am prcamptly rurpA tha re In rartnin
protection ngs,lni.t consumption, pnell monis, anti other lung troubles.
Rests ref troth erm have learned to trnat Implicitly to DRF CRARF.'tS
SYRi'I' OF' i.i.NSRF:D AND Tl'RI'F:,XTINF7 to promptly lanoamn the tight
client roughl•, to allH,v the Inflammation, to clear the air passages and
thoroughly turn the rWd. Their LmdirM!nee In thin grand pranrrlptorn of DR,
CHARS ling rieaer been Nhnken, t+Arwnoff ft long never inflow] to prove bpnw-
itrini. it IR of anrh alnisu it merit as to have attninal h) far tete largest
sale of any Rlullar preparation. t
Kr. \V. A. W ha. S; Seaton trees. Toronto, I Mr. Wm. Dwvldsoe, At- Arwlrowa, Qeae.,
Mate.: "My little rrwndrhllc had an Kerwl .la►tat: "Da C.t A1e'•tiymur or Limwexo AN'
with a nasty. hocking rnbth for ataonf pifM Tr nrcNTsgw na. rarpA Into of hronehlU. 1
w•Anak. who" w• Droan w oTi R it N. have. without nmwa, tried many remmips
�(yttr.xt:•a aTRI•r nod i11Na*kn .tris Tl'Rr kNTaNx.
♦hood the first dean ahe,•anad It. honer wn4 for the Pott alit rears. hoer ,ivinfwr when I hod
}�►►Mpwg yr for me,llrio:- t iuw 1 •, e, me amnnA I n Nyro wUark and wan enable to ware I Fi'e-
E..'apll*late that port of one lhetllr r urrt l A+vroillabottlTrarneo Int.
nd Amhwywctooatate aman
h�ntand et".be 1. now well wuA w+ bright w. •+ i the thlnl Mot In n,AAe m. a npfw nun,'
%tiller's favorite rrmpiv for Croup, Tyvwchllls, Asthma, Coughs and
Coda, 25 rents n bottle. fnmil) sirs•, containing nlmant threw trines as orAds,
00 cents. At all do,klere, or 1•:dmansn m, Date* A Co,, Tofoato.
were Poirot. lint Ire In not poxtr. Ile
ilea rLrnrullc gimrdvl Wit awn inter
,+ALA nlwayw. rand altlocaugh he oda lilt
flat and mortlflml, It. It. after nll.hlA
awn doing. and ho tins not left film-
wir In any awkvvnnl c•lrcon►rtacu+cw
-tnut him for that."
" The:t we rimy dhrmlss e4aery
thought rand n*rwry of h. m." saki
Flo•t,r. with a Nigh of re let. " And
ROW- 1, n wtel1•a, .u41 me module Rf your
own plans.'
They Nat VW-th: r for n qu'et
hoar, faWng or! the*, pktnm and
h,yaps it wn++ nn to Air vvhloh rvrn
rlotx,r T wnt*•n.l for cenra, willip
for him It wan to to of life -Soria mem
nry, shining Vito it In 11;14
wkw,niy last artd cvavr lnnditig h:R
Uta hts to than (setter ti legis of
which she Npota.
ills eyes motif llps had I,sot their
h•inlrrest wtten at lost h^ r•••e tumity
sc,ssl b+. Ilotlor 11.111 Italr,t ph•Mhe
Owen'a return, rand with her blind
neon the d.or. xtrn at•tv,ed Ilion
"low will like t, an•v gonad by to
Fthowtq. i,atvt•enre T"
'•Na,' he crl.rl. linrriedly, "no; Mt
yonf+M he mV Mat WhAt IN i'loonbr'N
conipa rad with - .
"StA% 03* nuinutP6 i.nwlr'rnce,' aha
Intwrrnptrvl. grievers to ern thlm nn
mantnr, rotnrn u+ his r.kt mnniar. ••1
will too Phrrdw•. rate] yet i will have
Uta Imat IlAnd ithate. Pho•lm was
,NMP ,.or wart Nr i wmo We hove
rally Nil tNInAl clnlm npwan von and
44•rMl mcdlelne for ailments of c1c1
drrn. __ __ __
4 A Remarkable Case. KxeltlnR Gre al
A •'dew.�
Interest In Stirling nod Il lelnity,
Night 1Yntehulult-Did you rel-og
and Which, If PnRslhle, Add. to
alto tit* bnrghtr, pwtt•aaor?
. t the Popularity of Catnrrhozone no
The Profavwor-Yo; bat yogi "light
blentlfy him by thin: lie had an px
(' Throat'rrouhle.
trrwrdinary resemblance to tllb per
trnitA of Ameuhotels III. oaf the pith
I Catarrh I. one of the enoK d hngrpeahM wo,1
ta•nth dynamtp.-F'hgppdrt $l'lt lPr,
; At the name time one of the hnrdeat In rnrc
Naeaaaa. This has Moen Mr. McCallum'. r:
___ __ __ _
Minard'w Liniment tures DIph•
1'v mtmo i a:--
any y.anwnA "he writes "l have -offer
I ad from ratwrrh continually hawked and
- _ - - I
neugheA so that my tbra'was alwwya In nn
I Isflsmei.lrritatb * condition.
111pealk 1i -or - --- --
Could' ` tree
1 , '•Doct.,r: mndlrine did Plot help m• In tin
Isong and nil other r-mwdhia ln.rd wan Quite
father, ons Any, gave yolk a
usele a. In one cave, It wan time wa.brl In
pretty broad that he dl,.la't
.na Kine a lmwder up the Oman; In annt.hrr.
wantyon coming here tiny more, diff
- noting w grana. ninl.ment., and no on. Not bite,
the leant hit
\u J0. F. width," briefly rpm anal
eel the Trittnno
of Ihrm wan of�Irrt
"1 heard t'ATAftRH07,TiNk; hvourwhly
•pnken of and trim w nnmple. and 1, really
In few
yonng mn11.--{'hbago
'-- - - -L--- ' - --
Innen tied nip more a nor* them yearn,
of trnatament with tartest and other to o db nl
If than child In rentlemm at nrght, ham
voatt-d tr rngnr, Dull Ik,w romplPx1o11, n
rd MI II•v'm Worm P, 'f*
I .•ItpMlrfng *sell ns Immense hAnefit from
the wmpM rlso. I rM the rmmlate nu t. If laryrn
(kem• Iwderm wlin t
hard rubber lnhwlar, air-, and" he a foto week
Ins requirrl ; plei mant, harnih•RA.
of Ito I~ romplploily cured tee of arwrrh and
throat tremble
Its 1'veullarlly.I
re.rtn,mond CATARRH07,OVIt A, th.
manna aifl■famnry rwtarrh re cantly can the mar
it#-mt4- ii
'That W the snndrt cop inn thtrr
tet.. R.very word said •!mint It i, true. SI``n«I,
areh Ill% nit HART) M,•t•ALi,UM.'
pts' Air pllntint nitro,{
. ,
RetaAen of lhl• paper ern fully antlaf them
FriMNT-All, that rxpfnlnm ht. i
ren of the merit. of t'ATAItRH'i7X h„
rung to Mr. Mrt7llnm, or nn roper+t we
Mover Mks A Annmet like tint In this
111 fr" In wnv addm-o- ono rims, -end
m,oniois and w regular twenty five e,•nt
rlal outfit, IMean^ meet~ 1np for Ioo.twg.,
A ste. N. C. POL90N o CU.. Kiurton.
illlher'a (trip lolwrolia l ran.
Yells 4600"M Or'r%W YOU NOW, ATD
TNa 1111PROV►afR*T 1!4 ILITII
NOTE_ IT; - D: D TH is.
. - I
GR,INULATED'�00% 11314iR[.
The Largest Handlers of Apples lA the World.
Eltwen41, Shuttleworth A Co.. .Srtnons. Jacobs a Co., Oarcfa, Jacobs R Cn•,
IA ... V-1, Rnaland. ahollo-w. te•etland. Leal.". Rng1..d.
Proe—d. of.wlen." Prom ly=byi,OtpAh ah1a, Full .-I Aernrn/
IarnpA trl weekly kxporter. t,f apples will rrrn1.MM mill, In l,o,1 rrpnrt,. •,wfllnaoo u
simmers and other Information, by spplring to
W. M. rot F,lre'p, IAA Minims stroet. Mewitea4 wlll;etterd M the prompt aleswell of ■"
ewMcament• made le she above rased firs*