HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 7VS IN 1etKIUUR ALs, RS. No old goods to ) c CO. 1 W.Acheson& Son RARE BARGAINS IN Ladies' TailorMade Coats We place our entire stock of this season's hand- some Coats and Furs at special sale prices. For a atock of nearly 300 new garments, we now quote prices which, as compared with elsewhere asking, constitute a 'cries of unapproachable offerings. Silk -lined and Italian Tined, beat style Coats, ranging in price now from 83.50 to 89.50. Value ranges from 85.00 to as high as 814.00. Men's and Women's For Coots, Gauntlets, Capes, Eto. Saskatchewan Robes. 54 inches wide Eider Down Flannels in all leading colors, at special 75 cents. Handsome French Flannels at 40c and 50c. W. Acheson & Son THE ROYAL CANADIANS. • Cape Town's Htearty lI'allawen- the strut tooII. 1.1 Italie .■ the Idaho ter Rome Witte the Yemeni Ai..l Wishes of Loyal tape lieleo .ta • Marten of NAY African affairs. t'A el Tows. Oot. 1, 1900. --"Homeward at last ! " le the *automation of Our ktulows uttered by some 400 or more 'sall+ot I'•u• o da*" this morntrrt, .e tt• tr.osport e toamtr "!Melo ' polo:. h.r bow north- ward i waw 1038 , 1 thew, the dotal speci- men. of Canada's eons, lead •t Tattle Hay • little abort of • y..r ago, 'eager, Yew, de light* •1 the prospect of ee.ug active ger. vice .tde by sole with the Import.' e. and now, wuh the obelus of l'.p• ►bwa'a populace ringing to their ran..,. *0 •videuoo. of 111 grateful reoogarr too • 1 leo. .II.nd .A, el :h• g.11aut astvloe rands:e 1 to Lbs. canonry, ties taw hall the orIuo.l ottc.ber are .m beekof *their homeward tome*. Yom. preceded the.. sod •west leen, etyma! la )maimed, • few hays foes lay 'tided M Cam• . da..ad, ala., over a bemired will armee re. turn. Vo. la •Vary .!iron of the regime*► has boo killed in battle. sod w. 10 .very fear hu been woaod.d or laid up with fever or cabs' alokoese. They have Aisne some of the heaviest muobieg end amebae that the campaign has wit m, :...d, and, o.•eld.rl0q that all of them Maw oome free, civil ON, oomlottable sod .Iet msoy oases luxuries' booms, it t. oast of the wooden .1 the war that tbey hay. t•k.0 0. n.tor.11yee, 010417, au oppert.sity arm•eftily w •urroader. Gr.dwlly the refuses la Cape Colony are ntarotag ; last week • •ember of rstlw•y sploy.es, yesterday postal end telegraph officials received their passes sod so soon as the o ty of .Job►an..burg Ie sotfiolentiy pro- vided with the oomniou nsoe.oarr.e of Iib to .upport lie returning ebou.a.ds there will be • Rwetal move neat northward In the meanie every release hen la on the tiptoe of expectancy, The salutation on meeting le cot the 000•enhoo.I toquIry an to Math, oto., bot. “When do you thick we'll get Leek Y' it bat • miserable se perfectos many ul these uolortuo•te poop!.. have had tot the let tear, for the exodus began to September. L hounaod• have long ago exhausted any IMO, means of support they had waved and for months have been !wise on ebarlty, housed 1n orowded awe meow. Iwrely existing while .lowly the evente of toe w.r dragged on, now 611tog them wife hope and Low with despair. Bat arr.ogement. are now being male to provide a free railway poo to all who are demote • and 1e is thought that eery prob- ably a month w111 see the finish of i art bot, 1,. •er•ble exile. riot table* are tarn .d *00 those who would @telt fa the dawn fall of an roomy have • epeeist upper, unity to .ask at the bold* Rale. for tee Boers are raehlntz from t0. I'ra•tevael to Portu- guese territory nob the sone fear tied breath' ov het seized upoo the British la Johannesburg • year ago. 1 boomed. are pouting into L•areozo Marques .very day --espeolelly the late otfiolab and those who were t0• loudest an denosmolag the U.il*d- ere-. word that will forever be lost eight of In South Africa, let us hope, Till TILL.ON a1L1. relates : \'es,we have enure than enough. The Tre•eoo Rall hes occupied the alt•atIoo el the l.yitdative Council for the greater put of the Dreseei .•estoo mad deep!'• the to the terrible h.rd.hips of,M, rsmystra. meet strew** optosome of 10. Hood mm- TlIoaocOH IIILOIgb. •a■ TII■ rANAUlAM1. bete nu omeodme0l has lxeo .Eeol.A, and w.W • legal R^err: uni.nt m.jsr•ty of-.htr- They 1• ek mach oh..r•d 10 .pp.aranos M, H ao:rly-tour n hoe psr.c.i Ibrougb .11 min Arse* Breeze! and is • rale bearded, re SAWN Mr. S.u.r the f toil bloomy- h." l on;a•h." u 04110.6""" "bat nlattdy-far th..T'-u/ Ws.he, w.. it hu u ua PAr.lMimant•.y rftuff. eD, •i dr". 10 I0II S ► el jleoy, I.l y � I np ma ......dm..i- w01ob tors .ed tattered ..i bears as eloquent when bodrd dew. "i .4tmme1 of .11 11.. testimony t• the bardeblps 1111 mon have i verbt•g• inmost that oslwitl.siandug the uoderge.e-not *Vs thief moot select ad miters *aid by • stretch of im.pnatlw ..It them smart to *pp.*r.noe ; bit they are • .pleadi•i lot A r.mp Ihrourh a terribly Imo -rot proclamation of annexation the •'Frre State" and "Trausvael Republic)" should be Duos more allowed to ezperimesl Ii00 with tndepeodenue, He was supported by uu.ron country, o. vellus • fo,n.or• m L r, o0 Treasa: lar„wbo 1.11 rat' ane, under • Lnt run by Mr. \I etnman,the lsie posed ".v ..0-i frrgo'•n'ly dre•ehed ty rare• or °billed by irate at o1.ht, • Lluket and a wat•rpronl sheet toele only melee, Ion, this hat made them what they .re. thorough as the ,mm.oulate ch•mpto: of Boatdt pohtieAI value e.,.1 Buu•h patrtntlem, but Ma utterances were intended only In make bin sea: eo.ors with hie Boer oon*ttt.tote, w lAtrre, *0'11"°' if stele*ale .oA m B onn lend while Ritmo off plenty of Ilp loyalty am - doom to beer all the terribl. b.tdnhlpe «I ►* would not only Dr*lelm • gweral am - war, TO., begs cher work with L:.n1 nasty to favor of nd.ie.00lenial robe. he: would Roberta' arrival •t Modeler Rover from Keg airs book .1 10 iod•lea Rt. to Republic land nod they have eine, tbeo,toob ny bob, lei oath of the O River. foot ty f.wt, Weight their way to the 'Irani ora. al`HR[IVtRS wlrnoN. veal spiel anA even beyonfor 1.110,lTheo followed the 11 Promi r M•. roosts -eel from Privet. 11. M 0llum, • Schreiner, with an am*d,rot1 to Mr. Huhu b..y, • few date *50 was written at Steer's motion, 11 wee ohsraolen•tlo o1 the tote *ml in hospice w • h ha etr*ddle• Ihrefeeoe •t:..4. .ver •low the war *gon, His amoadrn•ut embodied a peat aitloo which wait 0o► as etral rbtlorwarJ tem) r t the mottos moved by Mr. Mauer. By.6, it c• Plt Tvrw N'. ►A azwlu.. was that the memb.t t of the Assembly •boob! forward • petition to Her Maj -sty Now that their work le completed what a solicitor on behalf of the ' two Republics' II"g of re lei it must be to God them..Ives a ••mwur• of IedeponArnca ond 0.1•.0.1 riot of the emote of the nerve nwperstur asatanw oonalstont wotb 10. .amriry 01 pom•pnm std in !their way to the "old future tisane in S,ah Afrl.+* " I' was ,o - folks at home " •ed the oomlorte of meths. attire •001 more. A groat crowd assembled yesterday at the railway station to welcome 104 men bmab from the Root and wish them tied speed. The train wee doe at 10 o'olook but with the oharaoterlsilo tardinass of t'.le trains tt Aid not •rriv• until 12:30. Th, timed. a the mwolme stood tbelr ground determined tomes the "gallant Cana dun." --the title by whioh they are always *poke. of In Oar Town Ilnfortan•t•Iy to tho.• who h.d spent Iho moraine on the plat form, the trete on Its arrival proceeded simnel at en* M the docks b embark the man en board the " Idaho." lend 1.o upper *Illy was gives to do more than brewer's ohm, the peseta, remn.nt. At the docks, however, tb. Mayor and the r•oeptlno com- mittee were Int rodooed to Colonel Pelletier, waw oomrinerd.d the contingent. The Mayor gars an addrn.e of welonme on Deo half of the Mittens o1 Ceps Town, nod nom oladrd by theikto, the fords most he.rttly for all they h.d done, arid he •.eared them that their sorriest dortag the put period of • trial would never be forrotree by the ptewt w esee•ediwr eneeral•.r of loyal eolonl•a. He wished Mem God •pitierl and a sets voyage, and that they would find no their return their 1,1*d6 whom they bad lefe b•hlod well and waitin_ rrth open arms to remlve them- it Is expected that before many week• t0• remodelar three oentln• ever, was Interserlog and well reoelvrid. Rests will b••• Bobbed shell work and to ,On• item put on during the lotiervel 00014 term will follow weir mmr•dee ie arms. M.,•1.11 F.brikeo, some miles north of Pre- toria. Some of thew hr.,• Canadians hese taken pert to forty eeg•gem*u sod I have •1 the did y•t be iso• to .s* .here b u u1 Y n ot •gait thems.lt•n with honor. e*tlable 10.1 has amendment would meet the mine fate as Sneer's mo11M, ler they ware both uopatrlot4e aed s.pr.o •meal, but owls, to the oompwities of the House 11 well Myth revolted io a defeat of the (lovers meat, sod that no doubt would moan saa- psusfnn of responsible gooirnmeo► until snob time •s ttoe B'nd 0.1 some to •,e. British authority in South Afrioa with • more frieedly eye. However, alter • stormy tine in whioh nonelA.nhle imperils ment•ty learinie was dime from one ode to the other .n the House, the flimsy majority of four carried the hill through, and now the repele throughout the colony will hold aloof from the sheath* for • period of Bye years and will 1n some oases pay L • pretty heavy fine for the privilege of halting to swell the B r•r oommendos. ft goo wit -boat saying that both Saoerb.ud Merriman's electors are rebels •Imoet to • man, and .Iter doe triol will low their fr.n- oht... NOT UP To ,'010114.T Some oousider•ll. Interest has been taken 1n a melee of lime -light lectures delivered here by Lteaten•et-[.►teat Rlegar, of the I.n.dtwn heroes, on " Canada," ander tit• •ueptnw of the "Leval Woman'. Gnlld ' Uolortunatdy Col. Biggar had not a rood metre of slides that oeald be called fairly re preeoatatly. of Canada; his looters, how• ?ITI.•Nn.t0 Nn 1OR1. Since Kruger'• Eight Into Portuguese territory the war give. every promise of an •.r1y termini,,.. 1)e Wet =nine lo be the only settee Hoer general now le the field. For some days Me h.. been Inst eight of and It le een6d*fly believed he has realised the hopeleseneee of his strum/One *Meet the he very well dleponeen with. It was an- 0oonoed that • number of Canadian soldiers would sing the ()anodise national song, "The Maple L'.1 Fo Foor brave fellow. made their way through the •udionoe to do their duty mhos their Colonel commanded, hat emery**, exospl the gallant (blenel, mold ems they were more •t home •meng the kepis' 6ghtleg overpowering odds and is only looking for Brien than on a platform Musing • quer LOW SHOES AT LOW PRICES..... At this season of the year we make a special mark-down on Low Shoes. We want to show the peo- ple what cool and comfortable Shoe. they can boy here for Tess money than they would have to pay elsewhere. Brand new stock, and every Shoe perfectly made. SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys and (lids have arrived. Ca11 and examine our at o c k and prices, whether you buy or not. ST. BEA. PRICE. THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. MWM. They mat via syapa fly aad seam meows anti! the aa...d rams was Sobbed. whoa wm*one tram /b. *.dloaw expressed Use ••u.rel riptide.. la the words, "That slit do,' when wltboot the Colonel's word of oumw•sd they marched oil. 'there *en • charm about their =motile. oft whish ono wuout adequately 4....tbm. 'I'brro 1. too • more popular soldier la Smith Atria.. thou the melons Canadian, but, ales, It the mem ars toru.d W forsake t0. beaten petit. oI rectitude end he *beaten paths cif 5lury for the rarlsh toutltgbts, their departure from title oolooy will be male the ocoeslou of • wilder demonstration than woe "homer ed yesterday. At any rats, the Canadlso ••decal soar, 1 fear, will miser be popaler to Cape Tows. D. E. liliCoNNSLI. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Is TNI. 014 Beeler Time' Mr. Malek boeste that be "reduoed the rate oo poelag1 to every man who had a letter to writ* by coo -third." Bow many letters dose the mesas man write In the course of • year W• boiler• be buys ten plume of tob•000 to one pnsta5• "tame, and she pram of his totwwo0 1s r.t.ed. WN. 1,A1 ATA TINS. F'loleh every day end be done with it. You have dune what you said. Some blunders and •l»urdltles uo doubt urept In , forget them as soon se you oro. '1 umorrow le • mew day ; hyla 1t well and serenely, and with Imo hldb • spirit to be oumeer•d with your old •tooeense Title day is •11 that ta good and Lir. 11 M too dear, with Its holes and Invitations, to mate • moment o0 the yeaterd.ye. -Katph Waldo Emerson. ,.w OIOARITTU IMOatlm 5.10011 HIGH s 'HOOul, James E. Armstrong, kaglewood H!ei Sobnol end presldeot of board of trustees of University of Idioms "Then are few cigarette smokers In the high taboo!. Smokers usually fail to 5o through the grammar "oboe/. Few eves graduate wbo smoke belo-e they enter the hlah whool. A. • rule the smoker Is doll and unable to 0000eotrate his etiolation op oo hie work. It le Att6oult to arouse 01m to any degree of enthusiasm. So long se men Indulge In smoking it will be hard M persuade the boys that they should shun It, and so loaf as troy. oontliue to learn the biblt there w111 be mea to perpetuate It." HOW BRITISH OF rICIRR0 VIEW IT. Tbe great British victory of Omdurman was gained by an army of total .t.wioer. from Iutox,o.ttog dnoks, atter pheoonisnal mor,hes through the desert under a burning sue, and la a climate timid for Its power to kill or prematurely age the wn•oollm.ted. Many of tee men sod some of the officers were net te*tut•ler• from oboiw, and sons of them made wry faces when t0. British Wu Deparrmeot decided, at theezprew do e tre of the oomm.0der ie *let at home, Field Merolla' L.rd Wuleely, sod Uewer.l Kito0eosr L the Bell, thee not a single drop , t alcoholic etim0l*t should be •f- lowed to camp *emptier Dwpltel use. For some tlm• previous to this experi- mental evtdeooe bed Wes vatberod upon tilts military tempereooe question. 'three r.g•ments were esteemed from soh of saves al bilged's for tests at different times, partly during manoeuvers. In one •very man was forbidden to drlak a drop whole the Mast lasted ; 1. the second, malt liquor could b. parohaaed ; 10 the third, a e.d)or's ✓ atio. of whiskey was given to • oh moo. The experiment was repeated in several in - canoes .bens footed marohes or other herd work was required. The wbi.kny drinkers h ewed more dash at first, but generally to .boat Tear days showed signs of L.ctude end abnormal' fatigue. Trow given malt liquor di.pl.yed lees Aaoh et first, bot their wdur..:,oe looted wmewhet long. r. The •0..' .roan. howl r, are said to hats to r•en•, 1 daily to 'Writing, .0.1 •.y rig powers. The Fr.och viotoris► [•' the \\ wter0 Sudan and in Madage/nu were also ,stood by .o army of total •batei.w. tion. Gal- Iicnt, their oommutd.r, substituted We, coffee, lemonade nod color tempersnoe drake for i0toxresot•, anti he *tit, a that the etafenoy of the tie was iecreaeed forty per oast., their morel. and h. -i h be lug greatly imp. vjJ O.r owe teatime 5snenhe are ...o op ton doable lad ttadert•k•r, will scouvy 1t. Mr. Leoate dea.rvse praise for his toles prise. Bru.Mle : M1.• Id. I.. Linton, .b. t.adbt 1.. B, ovoids public trawl for .. .b'rt 11,05 3 years yes, wee .added to • lir. Kooks, el Portland, Io the •tato o1 Mato., ou Tue.d.y, cot 23. 11 Ingham : J. K. Mwarw b.• auto his Dna team of block drtvl.r here.. Jame, McEwen, of Stretford, rot one mod John G*,Nes, of K.aard-oe, lectured the other Clinton : A former reetde*t of Cltutoo, Mary Ortgg, wife of Robe Webb, died les Si*d.. on Buod•y, Oat 28th, at the are u1 76 years. She was • sister of Wm. Grigg of town. Cranbrook : We regret to report the de - mien of M&t4s .econd'dsurbter of Ferdin- and end Jobmose R•dd.1., of this village, who peered •way ou Tosadey of last work. of peritonitis. aged 24 y re. Chemo: W. Fisher eel a'1., ofawnvcr, Col., are the Resat. of F. R. ti dr.oe 14,. 01ab.r le sootily* el C11otea, hem( • wen of the late A. 8. Fleher, and, with ala wife, has been visiting the t'ari. Kzpoeitloo. Sealorth : The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Deem, of Toronto, and formes ly of :(wfortb, will sympathize with them In the lou of their only daughter, who died 0o Tuesday, Oot. 30, at the rare of 12 ►eve. Tutelar'', : Oct. 1701, at nom men., • may pleasant event took place a% the bone* of John ()*midi, Pilot Mound, Man., it being the marriage of hl• d.uvht*r, Mies Rohm K , to John A Ro(.wr, of 'Oriel glue. Bru..els : Another )ouuo Brussels L.oh elm hu joined the arra✓. majority. The happy groom 1e Robert Au Irr•os, -.0J (tie bride Mise Mary Steinhoff, of Amultrre. they will tete up resldeuoe oo 10.1 z.botb at., Brussels. Brussel* : Dr. 0, L. Ball, form rly of Brussel., hes t•urohu:d • residence, No, 20 Co11.,. •user, Toronto, end has moved hie family w 11 from Ar.i.ur totem.. 111 J,ot•1 ofuc . 11 now Lt at hi. r••td•nos toe e. 1 of m the Forum Building, oo Yoog. street. Clinton : A. Usut.loa, ul iodise Heed, is down on • vomit to h • old ft node, and es- p.o1a to remain here for the wooer Hu bis boon a resident of that 000ntry for about 18 years, following los .rail• id stone ra won, sod say that work nes leen fait ly pi*oUlul during i be post season Rlytb : J. C. Linder,. M D., who has preotioed ruoo.ulally for the p ■s two )sena wast!.',, 0..1„ will toasts at Blyth, l.•vtng (ought ou: Dr. Tait. who goer te Nurope shortly fora put graduate course, 11's are pleased to 1.arn time he will b. a resident o1 the grand old county or Horoo, the home of both himself and Mrs, Lindsay. EIGHTEEN MONTHS' PAIN ae.ew .rtwally nett rermas.atly by Weld'. Mer, rltl. Ceult.l \\'.triv111., N. H., Nov 5 - Teo. 4.11 .nd damp day. of Ne,emh*r are terribly bard o0 1130 kWuey. Not enri person in • hasdred escapee. Backache, patoe 10 the liuus, lumbago, and .limier kidney troubles .re as plentiful es Wilms Ise,... Dodd's Ktdo.y Pile are the ooly euro and *nein ours for kidney oomplatnw. They Dever fail to cure, Is proof tt this, read what Mr. F. W. Harris, of tide plan* ears : "After having suffered for eighties month• with kidney Meow. being unable to work Woe,. of 1A* Oro-, and haver grnwo worse white tali ••r other ms.liole.., I used three boxes , Dald'e Kilroy PSI., which ell-ot*d • M-tn pl..a .ad poo '.,•'teat :err.•' THV1SDAT, Nov, 8, 1900. ORAL* . O. Weds. d.y of last week ten hums el the bride, Vaeea elreet, wan Me r one 01 a happy wreak, the ooc•Nuo b 1,g the win.siege of kilos Berths A.. densities N 8 Loehr Soots, to 11.. Jabs P. Tinily. of Audoyr, Naso Dodd's are the only medidae that Kidne 1 ..�Da- beee. Like Bngbt'e DI► Bae• tisk die- 0.•aae was Is curable wail D"-d's Kldaey Ms cured 1t Ditch* themselves confess that without Dudd'e Kidney Pills they any powerless agabul Dia- betes. Dodd'. Kidney 8, Pills ems the find me Heins Usti firer cured Diabetes. !mita' i- boa, name and pill, are advertlaed to do so, 61 the msdlci•* that isle eters labetes I• Dodd's Kidney POI., Dodd's Kidney Pills are My oente a boa at all druggists. Pilis DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the best there is at the *rime prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has • reputation for promptnea and accuracy. F. JORDAN Medical Hall. KENDALL' Consumptives New Mt Leave Their Own Homes to be Cured. The Slocum System posed to the r.rimentel I'gGer "0...t er " « itimtO..t 11 offered p5. A! - Toe A iluta.t (lemma' o1 yes gray, Henry •olnt.ly Pros. 0 `Cmrbl. , to ahem •11 the other .'•uereds have to report, hes .. i : "A main of net - le...... in the army i. tr•owd Loth, meson of the ecoh•ege, the saloon feature of whlob is cot productive of mood, and should t.• d .,e •sow with without lurib.:r ,zp.rl- patients to go long dmtantes in the hope aunt." • thatka Surgeon General Ste.u0.rg, .iso, „t c nae of air ee said, do them , A *area, is .t the heed of the .0.,1. u10.1.00.u10.1.00.lot of solemn nonsense is being saidd, aad l written, about change of climate, aad its 5171(ee ie the "m7. .04 100 uumhi to influence on the patient. "Stick to 1.w know what M. is wrtaog •b.a:, sate "There is no need whatever for IOMxi*►- for drloke at these canteens, and It .111 M the arm • rood tit og for y i( ti,- .J an aholmab..l." Gee. Mile semi u far as he was per - emitted by the than eiUting army ream!.• tins, and in the ricers' order, N- . 6, July 2, 1896, he said . "The Mabry o1 mhos .,m,, has demonstrated that to • bet coo eta •t•onenoe from the as. of into* u•. • • , n .ka 1. .essuti*l te 000lloaU h• dth and efficiency.' And be urged Ike commndl'g °Seers and men to f ro tb full phy-O .1 and r.telieoto• 1 tort , to the'- op faculties r id sit+amen is any p.-tieulat. POSITIVELY FREE. M.jn.':ttr.neral ,halter wrote Iron Ye O. Tw w roar ekt rrtesees hti•• • r�emass. tAyo : "1 hens .Iso•►• b w ewus•ly °D• et Tvaam•nt 11m.ee1r writ• w Ts■ T ♦. su.e.. peed to the , .nteen System, or the 'tile of OasrWAL co ,1c1a• Limited,(Tits WoIts 114 K. West Terwa1es1• lot azinatiegdrinks of any kind, 1regard le to•xivlagDes'emn004eapfnrv.mems* sdbes•Las ti. rtes m0o 40..) demorahz: a to the men, beide. Impair tr am„1 yet. 11rlonely theiretfiole oy." solos wrwtar Bar ma. ohms aimmoa mw M•jnr General Wheeler : "1 •m utterly aateyfewr oppoee 1 to soldier• be' is sold Into:Matleg4 b A 'o•. m Otinatts. may 14asM% OaS •far l• liquors, wed I believe that enstaborets/Mat / effort tie Tweets tmtalases gess esapoes should ba mad• to remove the temptation • 1 soh dissipation from them." Brigadier Geral Gay V. Henry, Port. aloe : "I am opposed to the sale of lames of any kind to *11Ked urea. With these high effioara agree Gose. Boyotob, Rochester. Howard. W.looz, Stanley, Carlin, and mor• than a hundred oolonels, melon, captains, eargeona and ob•plalos.-Rev. Jobs Limitus, be Ukr1tian Work. A Consideration not to be overlooked k, the treatment of consumptives . flit expense in quest of health. Some of .m medical men are now adetain their altitudes says owe. "Go the mountains", says another. Hew o a poor perplexed sufferer with b sort InnCs, is decide among Mese different authorities f The fact es, people die of consumption in all climates. They recover from it too, in all climates, if they are treated properly. The only positive cure for the disease is to kill the [arms that produce it. This is accom- plished under the Slocum system .f treatment The disease must have aotb Ile to feed on. That is the principle fr•Mrlying the Slocum system. You can {ry i< at your home. COUNTY CURRENCY. Brussels : Leslie Kerr le 111 with gastric fever .ad will be a prisoner to the hoose for some weeks y.I. Brash : Idles Rem1e Moore had the mfr lortone to fall .nd twist one of her ankles and le temporarily lsld nide. W towhee's .1. ;H. Gordne, •gaol of ►Y• Grand Trunk at Wlogh•m, has bees prnmot.d to the annoy sot Wonn•eeek. Blyth rho Hon. Col. 1) H MoM,llan, the new beut.a•ot-governor of Mult•ha, 1. act t ole of Mn 0. H Henowet, d /Myth. Blyth ' Mn Chamberlain 0.1t remedy for Torneto, where she will reside sed when her son and daughter hold good politlona Grey : Albert (1.kley, tooth of Hrossele, has leased 018100 -were farm, It le mid, to Blake Rms., of the 14th woe , and wall take s rat for • time. Rlyth • Mn. W.W. Sloes and toil have left for N•t0Mtve, Miea'..IDN, for the winter, whine Mr. Slain 1e engaged in ►M timber bookies'. Gedwtoh toweehlp : S.mael R Yerrle, • former well known and highly reapeoled resident of this township, diad at Iodun Ford, M*niteht, on this 3010 sl•. Mortis : S•mut Mclean, Ow la fa. •1 Jobe Me(krken, n1 the ell..val• read, and well km*, In Wlneham, hoe recently bees • paofasod n.1hff of 1).aaphle, M•eltnba, Myth : Mre F H. A•hhury, of Ler*, left. ler M.Ir nest Mart. In Oakville ell Tharmlay, .here Mr. A•1Mry and .em, Hark •r• eagared 111 the milker! boelness. Rrewls : The es. Leekb Meek I. sem • eedy fee esespuN.. Jaw Walker, feral - IT'S YOUR NERVES SPAY1N- CU RE. ---de 8 New 14ea est. e c K �' S YD ret , 76c. prutt: .r• the Beal of one, 7&. AN OVERCOAT OR A DOCTOR? 11,e kind of Overoo•te we sell may save y..d • doctor's bill, sod the price leery Heave, Ovorooat, velvet oolher, Dy (root, farmers' with lining, mohair sleeve homes, well tailored, our epaulet priori, $8.00. Doane •turas wept $12 00 for 11, but the very bast you nen lied at 810.00 will not beat ours at to 00. Beaver Overouals, well made, well lined, at 11.5 00 Fries Overoo/u, dt Maw, fly front, self collar, good holes and well made, "pole' .t $500. Uistars-Mao's Ulster', storm dollar, tweed lining. wind, rale nod cold resisters, •t (14.50 and 86 75. Pea locksts at 82.95 and $4.75, Boy'. Ovarooats, big value ; Boy's Kwlers, me them. JA('KEIS Ladles' Jsokete, ell pricer, and all new, nee as antiquated it** in the eters to show you. and the prices ate money sat ere. Ft'RB-Our 6nt,htpment all gone. aad another M hood, We have sold more fan this fall thou we did all lrl wawa. 0*... --acyls, quality and price. BLANK0.T8-Our spools!, • •operwblls wool blanket, blas and pink borders, fart oolon, 60180 la. The prloa x2.60. All prion In grey and whits wool blankets. and to oottoo. HOMI8PUN-Another eblpm.ot of our oslebr*ted homespun dram goods at $1 00 and 111.25 to broad. Drees goods specials at 25o and boo. Heavy meltoo■ at 20o. Spa. mai serves *t b0u, 15o and 81.00. Now Lisa Pat ern., of Now York, an not only the cheapest, but the bent ps►Mrae made. W. A. MKIM. REID'S OLD STAND Every Day a Bargahi Day -AT TSB - GREAT Bankrupt Stock SALE OF 78E J. tl. PEDDER & COMPANY STOCK. Every person satisfied with the big bargains they are getting. And why not, for everything is being sold at lees than manufacturer's prices, You all know that the prices of goods in nearly every line is advancing -higher prices will prevail, but in the face of all this, with us the prices are being constantly reduced. We have got to clear the stock out and that shortly. Our pnoes will do it See to it that you have your /there of the bargains while Bargain Days last, at M°CILLIYRAY, CRANI.&COS, It's the Condition of Your Nerves That Either Makes Your t.lfe a Round of Pleasure or a Use- 1484 Burden. To many women life is ono round of rock - nom, weakne n and 01 health. To attempt even the elighteet howeehold duties fatigue* them. Many of the .ymptoms aorompeny• ing t0.s state of decline are: a feeling of tirelnene on waking, faintnes., dizziness, *inking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loft of appetite, cold nitwit .04 feet, hemlaohe, dark eirelea under the eye., pain in the back an,I aide and all the other accompaniments of • run down and weakened constitution. All these symptoms and condition* are simply the result of a poor quality and defective circulation of the bloat, with a wanting away of the nerve forces. Rv fending the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the diastase and lay a.olli.l foundation on which to build. Moon the weight incr*anna, the *nnken cheeks and Si tend! (mete fi1l nut, the eye* rt height end the thrill of renewed health .owl •trwngth vibrates through the ey.tem. A0 Pante par hoe at all dense -tete', or DR. WARD CO., Toronto, Ont. Tae old .•saes remedy for ants•, aM• *s..� Goes% Garbs sad ar forme or laa_w 11 e.,ej ./toes/ . ►latah because 1t does not ulster. 11 0, .M, fen, 1.1. le, '11. Ave. J. .afa.11(1.. Dar lan>-Wel yw ))Ir rr1t . nerdy Iver.+ Ib...a ere Moab ewL+.A IW. Omen Y eWhgtW 11•weree•es.4 new ruing r•rdl0g .M year R..ra'e leasby airy It ee,y ,r r. 11.. r•ly1.r (•w. *. M.G I .10- row er•rw Y., 1 1. y 0*hr •:...dill'6 rV Coos ren x.•vll'i Bra Gdir b my r.y int II}a.,LYwl ttt•e 0Al7TInt1- P,•tr. 11. 1. too 11. 0.. (1n/ment rnr ramify welt Ira ea 0 nu..t.(1.L *eYT`A your for 1.•1.11'..,'., also w tan f.•...• Us. . boot tree, or eddone DIL It J.'ERDALI. GO., rbO5$Ute PALLS ey. ,.'Z, ,::7.,:7. :4.:-7.. WE tIA V I ... FOR SALE CHEAP 1 MINGLE MILL 1 b I1011SE POWEQ TII1Si N HitifiE iK170011 05.0111. 3 BOISE POWERS 0*i.I. *VA 910 '1'H51. THEY ARS BARt.AtV.• The Henderson Bicycle Co. I Limited!. (301DIERrC13_ Steam 1iIr li1affrng. The Gnderich .team boiler works having been rtwltnvnd from (lodenoh, T have made arrangements to curry on boiler repairing and also the menu- factnring of smokestack*, ate. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended COLBORNE'S OLD STAND. FALL, .1900. SS----CAIERON again begs to direct the s`tten-non O Mei- adii* loTer stock-a- Inilline for the fall season of 1900. All the leading now sty les and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be able to procure the latest and the best in all lines pertaining to millinery. Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. inspection invited. MISS CAMERO , • Hamilton Street Le and Cem BT. MARY'S LIME kept constantly no hand. Also 14 o best brands of HYDRAULIC and PORTLAND CEMENT Builders will do well 10 see me before plac- ing ►heir orders. F. BARLO* HOLIES TIM 00AS psalm0, LIS VIGIL W•14••!. Nor 11. Sga•n Fall.S & Oveicoats The man dewed In a snit made at ran. store always looks trim, as It se the anti. tion of every man of taste to look. A lugs range of cloths to choose f rom 1f you are oontempl*Ming getting a built overcook for fall wear, wive us • oh....' to Serve you Prior Hebb. H. DUNLOP W ,.1 Street MI LL WOOD FOR SALE. The al ove is cut into stove wood ten=th and will be delivered to say part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at rrsidenoe, 128 Cambria street., will receive prompt attention. Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. ()ndorich, November 21st, 1899. 53.3m DUNLOP SOLID \ RUBBER rriage A Dow *arrow, firs that makes riding oo all rads • pleseuro--.00nomin.l, too, for It doe" away with tie vibration that shako* and brooks the o•rriaese. AVshaped'peas between the rob- ber tin and the Mee/ flange pre- vents the creeping nd cutting whichathertiresare•A sot to. Seo the ezhlutt at the big fa re Mend at come for lyres Ti* O.t.t.aell• riling primo* of all d� THE DUNLOP TIDE MPanY, TORONTO. LIMITED ver. J0114 w1NNIPrO You Only net... Brllllaiit Mollirnllgs by the nee of TRIPLE EXTRAC'* SUTTON'S Polishing Compound For sale by all the leading Hard- ware and Hamem shop., or the mama factarers, The *i, Sutton Copepod Co., Llra 18i %eel St. East, Tllr.st*y eat. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S I SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. to. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE D. K. STRACHANy BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Machinist, (Ioderich• works OR vita shrews Manufactured by J. Mr MacLEOD, Ood.Figh, Ofnt. •.,o .may