HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 44- THURSDAY, Nov. 8, 1900 THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH . ONTARIO Vttnttmeiffmrnttt They're After le A new folio of comic songs, price, - 65c 100 Irish Songs • 65t: 110 Scotch Songs - The Superb Song )?'olio, 65o The Crest Song Folio, 65c 65c The above are among the newest and best song folios published. They are only • few of our new selections. We invite your inspection. Emerson's Bicycle and Music How, West street, Goderich. Iht ctignal, Is MINIM= }MIRY THURSDAY MORNING 4 N 1isS1I1IOIR T eODSRIOH. THUREDLY. NOV. S. IMO. THE STAR SAYS BLACK IS WHITE We did not expect The St.tr to see any-. thing wrong in the circulation of a paper headed with • forged title and deliberately calculated to mislead the unwary elector. That v nothing to The Star ; it m prepared to endorse anything, no matter how low or shabby, that promisee any advantage to its party But ether people Lek at the thing differently. For instance, HULA. CALVIN, the Conservative oaeili,late for Fronten.e, a respectable man, refused to allow the cir- culation of the torg.d Globes its his COri- stitueucy ; and more than one Conservative paper seeing the ("burner's of the trick wbioh The Star defends, tried to make out that the °rite tad themselves tssued the sheet with the view of casting discredit upon the Conservative*. One lie leads to another, it Is said, and one piece of dishonesty leads, to a worse. Down in Lincoln county, not content with the circulation of the forged campaign sheet. the 1 ory party mutagens, or some- one on their behalf, went • step further and forged the name of WILLIAM (:1esoN, the Liberal candidate, and attached it to Copia of these imitation Globes when sending them through the mails. The St Cathar- ine Journal states it 10 a fact that copies of these bogus Globes were mailed at the St. Catharines pnstothoe to voters in the riding, market " With the oomplimente of William Gibson, M. P." Ifecent Conservetivee Joust be shamed of the Metier of their party leaden in the campaign which lasw lust closed. A P081 •ELECTION PROTEST. In the election campaign which has just closed no man has been pursued with greater malevolence by the Trite= press than has the Hon. J. I TART. The fact that he is a French-Canadian. and is not afraid to say so, just se the Sootch•Can• adieu or the Irish -(antis,, delights to 'peek of his nationality, was seizes upon in an endeavor to inflame the pennons of narrow minded English speaking people who sit in eternal dread of the apparition of French domilation " By many Mr. TART■ was supposed to be opposed (A the sending of Canadians to the s.saiatnoe of the Motherland in the Transvaal, but the testi mouy of one of his ooll..gu06 in the Govern- ment should be sufficient to dispel this mis- apprehension. Speaking in the Senate on Feb. 9, 1900, Hon. R. W. Scorn, said : I betray no secreta of council, and 1 say there was net • man in the council who did not approve of everything that was done, and after the first woatngwnt was sent i had a conversation with Mr. Mutes, and of hie own mere motion, he said : " Why should we not. +end another contingent?' aid we offered our second contingent before the first contingent hal left Halifax That offer first came from Mr. TARTS He said : "Why should we not send a s.00nl contingent? The war is beginning to look serious." in the early part of October it did not look serious. The proposal for the sending of a second Canadian contingent came from Mr TARTK, the man who is charged by his opponents with being oppolted to the eendinv of any contingent. Have we not hail enough and mon than enough of this malignant temper slop of a distinguished fellow Canadian SNAP SHOTS Why should County t" rk Latta 1,e either election clerk or , ,ring aline T Ras sala4 .s axon/ .4 .a ilk very gond, and he im pond by Arit and Tory taxpAyvers alike. Positions of this kind. The star contends, should go to those who are not eerventa, or ander the pay, of the general public To say the least. Mr. lane should have refused to accept the petition because there are many men available who could perform the dation just se well, men who are not already well-paid 1)11611, officials.-(loderlch Star. -For downright silliness this beet« oven The Star's own record. If a man who dons not hold a pOblic offioe had been Mermen, The Star would likely se not have oomplained that a " Or1t heeler " had been given the position of election clerk. The selection for this position of Mr LA K2, who has had non• sfderable experience in the conduct of elec- tions, was an eminently proper ono, and The Star only makes itself ridiouloun when it Indulges in such puerile oritteism,. BUFFALO TO DULUTH.' A TINS on a Lake Freighter. N•ai.o ,:real Tr.eaelr Ids Trade- lhe arta �u.I Lasts' la �5rertaerr - A eaeirlp/ ew er o. . er lbs 1 e rrelael a..le. Thls and hollow eg let.ere will give ewe al. renders none id•e of the way Is wbioh wady lioderloh young m.0 speed tits summer, of what they de and see and of the plana they visit The roue taker. 1e 1'et pursued Os, the Union Transit line •'esmer.. Three nut o1 aux of than beets are sow maudd by fernier Ooderlob teeid,ots. nun' ot..s ere composed to • great extent of C.sdleaa.ad many of the mea are from tows, snob boat teriyaki at least two or /bra perenn• Irom I :odsrloh or vlolsite. Tal I'ITY or 1(10AL". Buffalo, with • population o1 about 275,• 000, is prettily situs(e1 oe the elstera shores of lake Ease •ad the Nlagar• river, stud 1a • easy la nkwh I weak, may be spent with enjoyment and profit. Next ear Its attractions will be doubly enheooed the Pan Amite:an 1,:apaitlou, whioh opens lire in May. Beteg only for eh* eouut,iss of hotth and South Amenia, this expnsltloo menet excite se moob iotersst u did that bold les Cblo•go several years ego, whet, exhibitors were drawn from •II coon tea The streets of the city are nearly all menet,paved, furnishing many hoe trips for whealing •ud driving pinnies, while Delaware Perk, with its beautiful arterial lake, golf lists, b•ILehall grounds, " zoo " and element walks, is an Ideal spot for • holiday acting or a family plow,. With the exception of three or lour tine ethos betiding', Buffalo's business motion a not Ter" pretentious. The new postolfice now nearing completion and the olty hall, how• ever, ars notaarpased tv the otvlo bulld- lop e1 New York, while the hotels are • credit to ouy up -to -Ants place. Tits pablio library is well stocked with • ohulas selec- tion of books, and oosMlae many rare and v•Iuabl. Prints and m•nosorip,.. to the museum are many latereetloe war rsllos-in. eluding the tigurshe•d of a Spanish bort de- stroyed o-stroyed Dear Santiago -and oumsroos mounted birds .ad animals, with en oxidise, variety of shells, egg., mineral specimen+, eta. Hat half.. dozen o,t'm In the United States proved• baths free to the 90,113 and those. m Buffelu are g ply ooncedd to be th. hest on the ,•,otloent. Fetch visitor has • room furnished with hot and oold @ pray jets to himself for twenty minutes or half an hour. the ohm's water supply is dreier' from the Niagara river, and the pumping ,atrou should not be passed with out an Ir tion, for 11 oontsles a battery of some of the lergeet pump, In the world. Foot furter, on the bank of the Niagara, Is • pretty spot. Ihourh there 1• very little militant to sea eYapt the barrack., ti few compeers drilling end one or tau fi.ld Sana. The pmindpal summer resorts are Elmwood and Chrysi•1 H.aoh on lake Erle, and h•e,t.r•dlstaea twauty mala. Cao et em mint toteresllog prlvete attractions I. De. Lyon's museum of anatomy, which le well worthy of a visit. A ORIAT TRANMHIPrIN(. PORT. M • railroad metre and terminus Buffalo *empires favorably with soy city iu the (Jolted State., the moony of r• /roads. More (ban twenty -dye Imes 000n.ot the oity with the North, the SOIth, the fele and the Welt, and thousands of sero, are devoted to yard., war•boasee sed repair works. Soma et 'he tenon train. In the world run from here. unsurpassed fur sees and comfort Manaf.aturinr c.00erns are located all over the tote. furui•hiog on,p' ,y meat to thousands. In maor instances •lectriolty geoera..d •1 N.a Fell+ 1• the moon. powr. Hat it u u a great tram shipping part that Boll .,n c'mse moot prom - :neatly to rho front, her Incoming and nut- golaa 1o0e•g5 pl•omc her fourth on the list of Amerio.0 putts 1. u bare to.. the E meets' the West ; bore the manufactured good& 0t the Rut and of Serene are e7• (Manfred for the products of Mee W.N. In. oomlog host, l.rlog iron of 1 Md PparTrow northern Miohlgan sod M -..seats, wheat and grain from the prairw, neer from the greet mills of Supur.ur, Minneep lie ILIA St. Peal, and salmon and shtagles from the P•olflo Como'. Uolrolog boot* take nal from the collieries of New Fmk sad Penn.yl- yenta, steel rails, plates end pipes, m•ohln- •ry, oottoa,w ooiloo and .1.1.8.ed gouda, esmtai, e1e,, Irem ►bu mane fame ni metres of the Eue sod tram Europe, 1)., an aver•ge about fifteen or twenty beets ar- rive rrive mob day during the se.rnn, e., h earrv• lug from 2,000 Me 000 time of urge. RCITALO HAHatR The bather le to • grate extent artificial, the peters! part oor. silog ,.f Buff -.lo creek, which run. Into lake Kris jwabevewkere the NI RR Ivor makes its ex's Round the mouth of this oreek and *moss the b phi In w birth the lake terminates hes Leas built • breakwater (Loreto. lour moles long. Rpffale oroek ha. been dre4vnd fo a depth of Iwenty two or mon feet for over a mile of rte length, whl , parallel to it hes been constructed toe It,.ckwell ta.el, loaolog for two mlloe along the lake shore and be- yond the oily Into the oomtry. THE •a14 I•ANAI. From ituffalo to Albany rune tis Erle Cense, nearly three hundred mile+ long end allowing p.ae•ge to bee's drawing els ft et of water. 'The fire huodr•d loot of hltiog required e. raver the bate from'r.,0 to lake level a sn000,pluh,ti 1.4 moor.. of locks simi:ar M thew at the Soo end •t Milked. Hones amd malty furnish the motive power In the majority of 0..••s, a month being required for rise round trip to tidewater and return. A few, however, are stem prnbo!IeA, and a eight poeeeer Le Huffalo u • lake port is a canal eteamt r pushing one barge and towing Another. The barges ars about one hot, Fred teet hag and cavy five or iv x oerloade. Forward Ie •law for toe animal.l �.Ileo the cable aft s i owner's home to year routed, and n ot hang Jet: lyfor Ws. Teen'?yoire ago two or thew thousands of them boats found employment the year round, whereas now not more than four or flys hundred are to be found all alone the hie d,t,•h. Limit- ed M size by the short looks, sharp tuns and shallow water, t 1• y cannot saoeees(olly compete with the r•elroadh, and unless sem, thing 1. speedily done the low left will .eon disappear A visit to either of the Iwo drydooke 1s fall of Interest. At rlrht angles to Buffalo oreek an Immense erwvtlon, about 460 ft. long, 50 ft wide and 30 ft, .1, .-r, hes bees made 1n the hank, and the striae lined with I lmhr Aerre. the oer-r oved is a gars, or pontoon, which is 550111 to permits vewe.'. entrant's. This gate is then ,lose! and ahs water pnmpel nut by means el powerful pump.. A. rho water subsides the keel ✓ est. on a row o1 blooks, while shore. stretohlnr from the hull to the 'imberwork keep the hese in an eprlgh* position. The ✓ r. nnmpleted, the water is rradnally admitted, floating the beat,_ Oa the stooks may be sew a steamer le *nurse of construe. Nee. From her kcal up everything 1s of Iron, with the •roeptloa of tis• w.oi seem. wry for cables and mut.. In Me wont. shop may ha sews wee binding huge rails for N. framers and netting, drllllng and shaping pplow a000rding to patterns before (lean. Tb. marries' ars run shot hes els ludas ea bks desk 1.'Moogaitie t* many baete• y11t111►illrll 1rf1x111► ts droppe w d feta the hold' it hoisted up awl bluer 'muter. to dumped ,al. was almwt M fast se one vItc o.wut The are l• brownish red in calor, en 1 troth t .ad lore and hat me iMgc 1 16et ah. le. \t ,r► proceeds very Tepidly, and In tw,.oty four hours the steamer will be waltlog outside the breakwater ter her tow, whlub hes an- other 5,000 rose uo bard. A large quautl tyy of ibe oro realved here la shopped to Hemlines, where the ever-toureaeiiig deemed should soon werrae& the eetabliehmeat of a line et bate from lake Superior threat to Detentes uhlef smelting olty Aluug Ruffolo creek and Blao►well anal are Dearly fifty grain elevators, ranging on capsule), from 500.000 to 3,000,000 bushel., some of which will unload 30,000 bushels Irom a heal In an hour. The gre.t set part o1 the gr.tu shipped !rum the VI, seism States and the Canadian Northwest puma throe Buffalo. Duro g the last two seasons, L. armor, the naw Canadian route, via l'arry Souxid to Mont real, hu handl, d an ever tooreas!ng v011103. of grain and through freight from CnIoago and Duluth, and four of the largest package freighters en the lakes are now engaged to this Irdeto connection with the Great Northern R. R • hue of 10,000 tun steam ere will mill •1 tluebea next .,aeon, and their (engem are expected to Dome hy way of tee new route. Work le now under w.y on half • ducats or more beats et the tt'el land Canal type, and next meson will prof. ably see a line of regular nem -nets direot Irons Chlo.go and Duluth to Europe. W,th- In the next two or throe weeks hve lak• steamers will lad steel rail. at Cooneau, and carry them down the St, lawre moan to Europe Still, 1t must be ma, y years before buffalo Iones any great pro por11o0 of her through teethe. Some day• to • busy seuoo more than 1,000,0110 bush - •Is of grata arrive, the R• per da for the .e .aon befog ores 600,00.0 Al.y though steam .hovels are employed at all the elevators, more Ulan three thousand &coopers make good wages all sea•eu long. They have a comparatively easy time, con meooing work when half the oargo has been elevated, and then only scooping the grain from the corners and side. Into the path of the big 'novels. The boats employed to ehoi trade aro not, ea e rule, as large •e the ore oarrle•s,though the low rates this fall on tlrs mineral b.,. (orad many of the larger slue tato the grab trade, A LOOK TUKVeGH OCR BOAT. Halt of the bats arriving bring rooksg. freight, with, perhaps, grain in rte hold. They all belong to some railroad or steam bat Ilse, and have regular ports of call. 1'l.• New York Central, Northern and Leokew R. R. hoes have fineste•mr., uesurpessed for speed, carrvlog apaoity anti modern umlaut's' for the rapid hand- ling of oargo. Although muoh larger, • general idea al these boats may be had from a desortpeioo tf the boat on which tis• trip to Duluth is to r 0 mode. .She h•• 1r... 'arrived, cad &Iter storing the begg&vo away an ioapectioe n1 whet 1• to be 'home' I0r tLe nest two weeks 1e In order About 2,50 Met long, wide and deep w proporto,, ahs carries 2500 tone on a lb foot dnugI.t She b•e two decks, the main coveriog the hold, and the upper ou whioh are the ore bine of the crew, For orate is a sieges mut, irbil• the smokestack and a small stick aft ler signalling purposes l elaor the effect The oiptalo's quarter. are comfortably and coolly rendered with °urlsloe, rags, twee ob&irs, etc). Two members or the Drew ohne Doe room is mat 10110 or 10x81, room - lug together •000rdiug to their 4•'t'rent °tlling•, .o that while one man 14 on wash hie met• has the room to bon•slf for his six hours eel off -watch. Although the hood some furnishings of an ooean liner ars mime log, these rooms are far more obeettul t'h:n sed ob to be prererred to any first or nee .a Gahm on none of the tint *loss Iran. Duo steamers They are mush dargnt;llrve windows instead .1 portholes, wbd?M doors upon to the pare, keno air instead of toward the Interior o1 tis• ship. W (' h the 010.9000 of the firemen end deok handy, the or.w eat at the ass table, the nesse room aessih) adjoining the !theirs e nd pastry. ' vccomaw AND 10.0* elv5Wl. DOTtaL Th.pr•w of sweaty -ow Is divided bete three reer.1e departments with the captain In control of the whole C•ptela.-two mates, two whaelmen, two lookouts, one w•tuinnan and rear de;kheud.; chief in aizwr's-Aesialanl sogleer, two firemen ; Steward's -second cook and porter. 'I he eumplemeat la arreoad I two waterer - the captain, wooed mate, one wheeln,sn, nos lookout, Oblef 511710 1., one fireman Ming relteved after six hours by the ssooud mate with bis following. The watchman ie 00 !any from 6 P.M. 16.10, ; t6. stew&rd and Mus all for the tiros osoese.ry to pre - pars and 'erre the meals, and two deck hand. from 6 A u. to 6 tom Esoh 1n- dlvtdrat hes her particular work. In port the aptalo always pilots the bat from dock to d.wk sod does the honors of the boat ; outside he stands watch, always taking the beat into harbors and through the riven. I he lint relate uuprriot.nd. the Inading and r..,1 ,.i!nv of cargo, arranging it so the. 1t will not be o.oessary ea move goods billed tor some Nene p, rt In order to ranch oargo r ,tended for • preodleg plow ; while nadir way he has charge of the boat during the csptain'a waton in. The second motets ..be loudest man oo board : he most see that the hull an 1 dick are ready for oarc', pro vide ooal hunkers, sea that the harohwaye tied ga'::r ye ser pr0rerly secured and at tend to a headrest and one tittle 01,or.. ; *anode he mils* sec that 1h. boar. to kept lily and °lean, and the the pointing and scrubbier, are properly done. The wheel man roe.., the befitting m.ohtnery r.1 I. r•, outride he keeps the boat on • o0e-ss or range i•d05t,d by the n•p'rsu • e ..• The lookout also &estate in hn'st tug Irbe holiest, outside I. hoes.* the .1... +side, e.. slats with the 'anthem,/ earl pow., at d ifl fogey we1tler.1. 1. up forward politer the whistle cord sve.y three or lour mh,u .a. Toe w•'.ehmao'a duty to to prevent any- eheso-benne moles vff the, boot re ore that nothing 1, left on obs doe", seep the klteheo lice bas ,:.og brisk y and mune the pumps: he mast rinse down the decks every morning In per, he engineer. and firemen overhaul the 0.11.,• and maohu,ery, end nand teenier watch outside. Two' seek hands form a ooal watch, ono pram 00,1 end h..le l"v .shoe ter met Enwrap. lrtlna the -item two work with the s.,ond mate and lookout. The steward nooks 1h. pastry &od meats, while the moon.' reek orrpares the vegetables for the pot and waits on the cabin table. The ports rervre the firemen and dockhands, sweep+ the rooms, makes beds and olsees the lamps 0RRTrnT eerTm.T 0ANnt.5n. Though she hu been In pert only thirty. sit hours, one hundred dook • walloper* hays unln.del 2,500 tons and pat aboard 1,000 tone. Instead of hoisting the freight over t1• reel, It b Deleted through g.ngway. and oyer • plank into tis• warehouse. A steady stream .f !rooks loaded with from 600 to 800 pounds form an endless stream from several gangway.. Ao ocean seaman who vlsi s the lakes menta fill to be deeply Impressed hy the rapt lity and ease with wblob freight 1. hen handled. And now thee the trip has really oom- meeo.4, the ropes Dolled away cad the waohe, ..1, It 1. Nine for • rest. R, T. Naesas Ulm w11de're by rldty, Astounding elarevery, Bebe Ikiep are "Me belt" M• Noma •Iwtrlo amuse carry the material to lie "oke best calf y plans, whIIe oempreewi air drives PM rent From C'wpesoov.rseille, Mleh., coma mrd of spelling." Abraham Aare, a red a woederlal dneenvery of • pleasant testier be. druggist. of R 11.411., U., writes : tree •01 manikins menblese. As In hrldr. building, Amnia 1. destieerl es boee.s..so liquid the/ whets abefore retiring hy "Rleetrie fifteen are the best selling hitters any one troubled weal.,h • had 0008th always I las•. bsu(11d In 20 .•e.." Yue know •f ehe great ehlp belldieg countries. Hr y emery* a rood night's rest. "11 will seen why 1 Meet elisouse bogie le disorders of m•nAlesry and m•theda are already to mA- eery the meek toe," writes Mrs. 5 Hirst - valise •temaeh, Bur,k1Awy].. hewets, bimol and of thew of any other ,•else, while herrn, "for three r.ner.tions 0l nor family woes. Morrie Raters testy a the her Tree sad nal supplies ere enllmltal. D have ere Dr. Stereo Now. Dlenevery for eMmaeh, revelator Ilrr, Warms and /RAIN Asn 11415 115 „aRRr•RN. (bnwmptlee and Rayer fene4 Ito equal for besets, periees the bleed, •trssgteeae Ns And new le see the 1•k• bate anti Mete cough@ aol oelda" it's as nonv.ld life sew, beam .ares n elN/sim •/ eke •a 550(55. NerlwNp fer • time Ur easier- saver when sed for dwperRM lung dbeaw. Ie Nude .s W settee system. P.1a gym ess peahens freight Mate, a visit will he (lsaaeteed teethe 50e Rad X100 N .,amw 1Ik sed vire bw say week, elnfe fan- p• Id to 16s beg ,w,emr reel 1a fren+ Lake Wilmo's dreg eters. Teri bottles fres. bas IW et women. Print 50 amt a Soprfr with 6.000 tees of Ira OM. Sold by Js.. Wilms, dngSak 9l. W twdye ee toartw \.(ekes, and Tea bpsai. to Jas. 14,. 1909. it Il. Razors! Razors! Razors! The biggest bargains -ever offered to the people of Goderich are now to be had at A. MeD. Allan's. The very best razors made are on sale at 75c. and $1.00. • CALL AND SEE Th1EM11 We are making room for Xmas Cutlery and Silverware and are offering Big Bargains in all lines of Silverware and table cutlery. Now is the time to get the very hest table cutlery and silverware at the lowest possible prices. All lines of shelf and heavy hardware, cow - chains, rope halters, lanterns, curry combs, horse brushes, stable brooms, etc., etc., at lowest possible prices. r'r'^ A. McD. Allan wwu�uuuruwwwu4 wu�uuuwwwu�wwww (hey : Charlie Meljaarne, 10th. 0011 , ere rived home recently from • sevum wee►a trip to Dakota and Manito;... He say. Donald and Jae. MoLaoch lin, of L+ogdop, formerly o1 Grey township, have over 14,00.1 bushele of whest tis goer. It was yelling at 65 mots per bush', le four township. •round Langdon the h est bur„ J out very well this year. 'there,a • great rush over the threshing °wleg to broken weather. Mr. M.Quarrle saw four tereshem machines mooing Doe Sunday is the oreze. to get the ani k done. There •re many oom¢•edable poste •boo: the to we sod its Roue hearted people, but Mw, thinks Ontario Is g •n'y good e0o1ph for him. Crest Lark of an 1411 sr. "For two years .11 aorta to sure •eamea in the palms of my hands tilled," write. editor H. N. Lesser, of Syracuse, Ken., "then I was wholly ousel by Button's Arnica Salva," It's the world's best for 01000000, sone and et skin diessfo,--(TiTjyi 25a.tJ.,. \yitsot:.. 1 ROP.IIEY & SON - TH1 1.SADINII - ut�etra\ D'w -ewe* °AO. �muu\neer,, •rdar. rare/Billy •treaded te al ell dear., eleet .0 day. stere en weal agreed Sr-Idrsrr. tter- hee tetrew1. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Sheri Bread and Cron Rolls, Mince Pies and Lady Rulers, Kir.,68, a Macaroons, 111iara::7,s, Brandy Snaps, Etc. Wrox•tar: The ab..tloe season leo ar. 01ved end` •MOO" the athero who are tr, Ing their luck up north 11 our ven.rsble lover of the oho., John Gorton, who left le our• pany wise Johu (1.11, en MuoJ.y ot tut week. 'Though Mr, Golton we!. uootiu.d to the house the greeter per: d the summer with a deabled foot and u woariog up fat 9e years or.g•, the spirit of • N: mood .'4! aur vine to him, sod h. cannot resist the eemptatloo of sboutderlov hl. rige and ahem 101 the de.r in the wilds of Muskoka each 5M500. Merited Prase.... 0. _ - �� Beau1., Urn., May 9th, 1900 To The HOWARD FrajtAC• 100., (ieweLtrax :-The Managing Committee of Margaret Avenue School hereby express their satisfaction with the heating of that school by your firm. Your two tembina- liou fulnacNee have given ue a temperature of from 65 to 80 degree. in the lowest zero weather, end have, beeidee, reduced our coal from 43 tone in 1899, to 27 (Aute for the past winter. • After tryingthree different furimee, without being able -to -beat the school, we feel that we owe you at least oar more thanks in saving us from any trouble wills the heating of Margaret Ave. School. Yours respectfully, G. M. I)•Bes, lhw airan Margaret. Ave. Btheol• J. H. WORSELL, The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man, Sole Ager.', , Goderich, Out. are so goal r the hest merle on any city in Canada. Can talon lends the tr de in WEDDING CAKES. to fancy deeming and nrnement ingaod Ahmed king. Give him an order and your sat i,fa•tioii will be amoral. D CANTELON, WEST -8T. A Great Snap,. Y ow Geyer Soap, at be, • pound, of which we sell • barrel • week. 'This isn't our only reap, as we rotary everything that ma be found in an UD- te'dste grocery sten., and our prlcas are right. The formers know that they can alwaysof from u • snip for th.ir produoe. We draw the line at no legitimate trade - •verythlug goes : GI tinware or por,.tr,ee, gar.r,n staff or chnloert table China. 55'e (feel In all of them. T. G. TIPLINCi & CO., Holford htn)k. (exdrrich. Xing of them all. The " Ring uality " shoe has been awarded the ao d Medal ---the highest award at the Paris Exposition, where hundreds of makes from the best shoe factories of the world were also shown. The lady who wears a "King Quality^' wears the best ladles' shoe in the world. Beauty of finish, handsome design, perfect fit -appearance, and comfort, with the price right. Made by The J. D. King Ce., Limited, Toronto. &ted Wear Shoes. Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, Deed good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind sou want -stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be strong. te. stand the strain. ' - s'l'Itc-t• hoots are Writ expensive, tis .ugh they do wear Remember our Goods are all factories. No Bankrupt Stock. New, direct from t.hp W11. SHHARMAN, Jr. Goderich Bargain Centre Saturday, Nov. 10 EXTRA BARGAINS IN rlen's Shirts and Drawers - AND - Ladies' Underwear. JAMES ROBINSON'S Care Your Gebel with the D. D. Co.'s Syr. of WHITE PINE and TAR. You as gee onth,ug better. Relief •.,noel inetaolaneeu• 26o. 5 for $100 It's Time to Pat up the Stove and you want BEATBMALL STOVli;-PIPN VARNISH, 26 cents - 5 for 1 0) "Beat we ever used," u what they all any Least Odor. Bright at Lustre Quickest Drying of All. It Beata 'em All. (truss t Nut-1)11o'd snakes an exoellaut walont stain 1.:0e for Iron fendss and all outside iron work, ooal touttic e• Makes • fine 'mint for buggy belies. Special price the pellets. W. C. GOODE BEDFORD BLOCK. Chemist. Big Bargains IN ALL LINES OP Table Cutlery. 20 per cent. off until 15th of November. ROUGVIE. THE CASH ARDWARE STORE. The Old Firm, • e Old Business, But a Ne Stand. To THE !'UUBl.1(' . We have removed to the stare lately Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be than ever to attend to the wants of our custome A call upon us in our new stand will please Yours respectfully, occupied by with a com- able better rs. us. ST URDY THE QROOERB, JOHN MORRIS CON I RACIOH and BUILDER Planing M'11 AAA F.o-try, Cam- bria Rated, elderieb, A oompists stook of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . 'Lath, Shingles, Etc Si>sh and Doors on hand and made to order on short notice. Stora Windows & Boon a Specially Ratline's. furnlvh•d. Terms moderate. JOHN MORRIS. GODERIQH. HELLO ! \ THE OLD \ RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL--- ALWAY8 ON HAND THE FIRST Scrillllou Hard Co21 15 TRK MARKET A11 ('oaf weighed on the Market Steles, where you get MOO Ile. for a toe. trrM. LEE. Orders loll •t =.} : A SZONIAAD'S Sews prom,, ./ •*t.sdsd b. The Signal to Jan. 1st, 1911, for 21 cents. KIDD'S BOOK STORE. FANCY GOODS, FANCY CHINA, FANCY NOTE,• PRETTY PICTURES, SCHOOL BOOKS, POUCHES, PIPES, WALL PAPER, BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. Everything bright, fresh and new. No old goods to offer at any price. KIDD d1 00. Oam1 BuiilemS-Lw.r, T.Aar. liese jape Matisse. & mL. eels' 5,. N 00.161' Mateo ?k. set 4, a$ 10 Bodes s'u'ss,, Tbs cat w ! ao wet iiaber del sal Yea 1 elystb W Mei Wr. .IU ri en I ;Tatman lire. RI '(01-111 frTies I r, ow see for awe M ..ossa 1 A. T. s .i*.A NmTL itis trot ea, bu aur, • .sect ..wap »woman 1.1, Tee f -.pep rthe Ned , -+eel Fifth ase - e:rd ,stale .t1 +Ilard nuke u, A: R. I:,rl run, „ F. Mao Mint isiwh as el m&. *Ay a from Baer was ap w. h e lay ec a, eye. up aka lost log la 1,1e to cad 1,0 deed Ilse. with 1 Met. 1 He rest 14n relate Sin with 1 tib e Via nowt Mrs. 9r. teen 'ad 1 1'h1 tiethi TwoE le epi Adan we, her. tett Fired; +.11. eta • hN tows. Mee -miry At see iom