HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-8, Page 1a.
ADV'T8 Aar
Tall Whoa'
our. Mini*• tier ow►. ..,
i -•our. patent. per owt •.»••
Bran. / Loa..... • ..
Shorts. V ton .... .
.. •••
14.Two108'. per cwt
Rye, per bush ptrh.......•
liuokw heel. Dar
opo ,Ynu..hb ... .
Realm. per bush ..
Hoy. new. a sou•
Potatoes. sow, 1/ bosh- ......»
N,p Mr • . • • •• •
l'ea'se u,•r lit ...•
(re40 eepasee I, V 4 r'.
hem'. debut .... 1 113 tit 195
X11 rn 8oAs "' 600te575
11.rna. 0 10 to 0 17
/Gm, pec lb.. •.•..... •...... ... 0 I3(�015
herd, per
019 tette 17
Dr w.ed Beef, tors pouter.... 0 00 to 0 W
Inee.al Reef. bled •• 1)W to 0 W
Kxport_ f 76 to / 50
ltsesarr/y 100 to 350
Nov. g, 1901.
0 et so e2
1110 to 210
. 160 to 1 to Robert Holmes Again Elected
•. Il M toll 00 , to Parilament
IS W rola pis
100 to 100
n40 to020;
040 to 0 50 1
0 A to 0 iH Bebeel Welt. an Nits !leeched 111s MIN
. 64 to 0 55 Defeat The Literal K...ter b 84111
. , .1900
1 60 to 8 (0 i Oerk-ef•the-w■Ik rue tercet
,. 910 to 016 I Fleet t. u.er at lira.
0 1T to 0 le
010 to011
015 to016
s tO to 41A
6 51 to 6
070 too o
tlltuatlons Vacant. •
vete referencia Wedeo N • taoatb.
Apps/ to URI L. i• uANCLY. 3 It
nubile Notion
tares Warr}, barrister, 01(eto., has been
. ppouted financial sent for the undersigned
ie tits elution, end per one Interested Lew)
govern tbem,slvee by the following clause of
tne..lootion set
Seo lit. All persons who have any bille,
charge" or °Mime upon en) or dictate for or
in rola inn to any election. Out send v. tech
bills. charges or claim., .Wtbla ono month
. Iter the day of the deol.ratlo + of the election
to such agent u .forerld : o'h Irwlse such
porton. .h.11 be barred of the right to recover
e ach dotes or say part Leer 1101,11193.
T.aeharl Waatsdl.
AL1? 1%ACHIM WANTKI) 61►RB.a 1-
. 1 No 3 W.D. Aghasld, holding s.gos4
crus oert(fc*te Applioetlose .toting exper-
ience sod eel001 will be connived up to ose.1.
Este, by JOHN T OK17r1N or KIN�NKTH
11, I.1IN, Klotall.
MALI. secondm third class ewrtler•te•
tsr n.8. No. 17. teeniest') of Askuid, for 0901.
'40114•40loo* received to Novrmher 160). AP
pry. stating ..lar[. to JAM145 lleWHIN-
e 1 . Sec. Trees . 15,1410.00 P.O.. Oat. 2 I
Tondo's Wasted. -
o 001ved 01 the nndereig••A until the 1710
.!., of Yovember. 1.I 1, for tha 0.l•aoof the
hook dente alae the ...tete n' J 11. Pedder. at e
me o% the dotter In cash ( statement of
said u• oa0tscaa be twee at W. R Itobertwn
other. (iodation. KDW ARID 3311.10V. As
110000. Paris.
For Mont.
11 elialfortebte WOW lest emit kedipa
NSW'S reside. se, .0* e-a.Nd b: MG SOW
.r. Heated by Howard formes' esesodeisid
water barb :els . closet. d )09100, saw. mad
garden. a stable 0. obs •••�'•" wy ee
It t, MCKINZIL Hardwire •ler
For Ride.
1' hose* lied lot In the 0011age el Ilonnr
loon. the peoper171of the I•t.. 11,nh.rr1 Tot
lease,. The bonito Is brick r.no.'eI sod u ,a
Wets o main part. 115130 kitchen. lett?
Hard and soft water in connection. Mme
woodshed attached. Good frame *table. , t'.
on the proper? Tum lots notuprlse one 0.lf
acne of land . beautiful lawn. with doe .hale
trees euree11dleg Poses.une oats ba h 31
et any time. Apply to fhb o'er.. or to x38').
8TOTHKite, onahe pare, or to W. LANK.
0Oderlcb. *J (1
of the beet 100 sore farms In Goderich
township. linnet enemy. Lot 17 and per Is.
Rh 0000eesloo, 6) miles from Gndnrlrb.7 miles
from Clinton The farm .0,1.1ne gest build
Mused good foams, Is well watered...d well
under drained. Tb,te Is a latae bearing or
cbard esu l garden of smell fruits Terms to
suit purobeaer, Apply to WM. UOULD, on
Promisee. or 0ederlob P• , (. 91 tf
L10K SALE. -LOTS 95. 96. 117. 118. 11!1
r end 145 In Hutohlsoo'e surrey, and
south hell of 876 running numbers, all In
ttoderlob. For 9.1010010.. OPpDD1� to
Borderer, to., (iode0110' 0.
March 1140.1600.tt
W Il open Melees (co the study of pianoforte
••'loory •her A 'eclat,
511es /inheres taught In Ontario Ladles' Col.
;ewe the past year, where she bed experience
In treporing students for toe Tomato Com
e•r'story of Matic exam nations.
trot lerm.applr at resldeens, oorser Cam
)ni. and Brook streets. M44 -
(.ganiet and mnsleal dlreetar K Nath -et.
Methodist church, and te.Ober Of pi0.olorte,
pipe organ and theory. well be plowed to rI
"eve popll.. ImtrueIloa given either a,
al nd,o or tet Pupil's home. se desired. Studio
at Emerson's Mute Store. West st,--- 71-tf
0k#TLgMss.-You have again elected me
MI your repr.e.ntetive to the Huuae of Guist
moo., sod 1 take title means of eapreuing
my sppre etlo0 &befoul.
to one end ell who modeled In the osm•
page end milled the Douse of good gov.r0•
meet. whether by their vote ur pereoaal
eft .011, 1 return my very el mere thanks
During Id* campaign just ul..eed It was
nu' ins ible for mn to see you ell personally,
bu' 1 nevertheless met with the gre.ea.t
oous'deratton amt oourtasy et guar bands,
bud no word. of mine oan repay or do
juet•os therefor. 11 1 neo remprno0to In any
way 1 shall be only too glad to do so at bey
As our rep 1.ltive V will afford me
the be 'sleet of plee.ure to advance your in-
tererte In ell poesib!e manner. and you need
hove no hesitation In expecting of, me the
504115 50. 0000 tOot y'.0 would require fr..m
anyone else amil.rly goateed. 1 will re
geed lees • pleasure If you will 000.ult me
or eras 0,1(00.14 me petsonelly on scything
that relates to my public duties.
1 will endeavor to show you that the o00-
bdeooe you reposed In me hag not been mis
placed, and that you have no need to regret
the choice made lo my •ll.00I4ou.
`ROBBRT you*, R51L9.
- 1.oURIro, HOLR9 QNp Vit.Tuar.
-THRR■ strikes,- Mr. MCLEAN, - *nd
you're out..
West H uroo hes thi mled tree to i''b r•
ahem and R.brrt Ifolme is again .1eu+ed to
support the G••vernment of Sir H Cllr d
L,urier. -The mai •rit y, 3S, le not so large
. s It n'1110t be, but Gm is not Sn.prising 10
clew et the derpsrtt�C Metros empleyld 40-
b halt of the 1)ppesltt'k,seeede-.►11. .(d Tia
slondcre tend oelum.lea'000alated .o solids
mealy themeless. et. esselltttency O1 tee
1 1 KNRt-3HRDAN.
1 Mnetel director Knot presbytoribe oa.roh
b owning daises Is Vocal, O e, Fibrin •'d
'Corner. Pupil. Prepared for Terontei WOW.
of Music enamindlo'O. Apply for term, at
" The Frontnese, " Month street, Goderi0h,
r studio In (440011, a oitlidlag.
insurance. ,ire•
ANe711 end reel seta(• • rout, ha Mire
Rood farm and tows pro c,.) .o: nl.oflied•
e nd w•-ts more. 011ue. tee d mor est of P.O..
Aee.nlet.,e and Insnrenee Agent.
Hooke and .connote made no.
HundIngs rented and rents collected.
fire lwnranee In Hrltl.h and Canadian
(Mlou- fa Proodfoot R Heys' omo `NNorth
' 4* Ged*r1 0. _
- Those gr•nolithie walks don't extend
all the way to Ottawa.
-S114141101 Bir J088 !. The whole Toe -
min party has gone to last.
- W000co if Mr. H. H. COUR didn t
wake tine morning with a had t.0te in Ins
- WHAT about those prophecies of the
Hon. JOHN RAN.ru0» as W the Provinces
duwu by the aoundidg mea
- Tits SI•r last week evinced some env-
lety about out health. We are - feeling
pretty well today, thank you How do you
feel yourself,
- According to advertisement, the Urite
held their grand excursion up Salt Creek on
election day, had a good time and returned
in line spirits,
Slr Wilfrid Laurier Still Holds
Dominion Power.
The I.lb.rmia 441•111 11,0 Seats In Quebec,
Three lis Dew urun.wlra, Tkr,, 10
Nova Scotia. and One la Prince Edward
Island. While They lease Twenty 1l
l0'tarlo and Se.e1' 011 the Neat The
Majority W111 Swing iter ween 44 owl
48 According to the (ample: 011 of 1110
lodepeudOuta and the Klecti00' 001
Tet 11.14.
Tor. nto, Ntfi. N. - 4.6 a.m.-,::The
elee't„ral battle in the Ih)utiuion ul
(anuria hue been fout'bt end derider)
'So f -•r, at jwewnt writing. the par-
ties reeniuin 00 Lenitive atr. ngth lis
the Ilouse "as they' wen'." but thw'e
-."Vhmoarl' exclaimed The Star teat
week -.u.4 that ie abut the only thing in
it. editorial columns that we would care to
repeat without malitiestio .
-Ma MI LEAN will be able to devote his
whole attention to building up the town,
Without the division of itstMMt which 11 -
asst at ()haws would tinted.
Liberal aide the. eempaign ecu eendacted 6
g ran, hones larhlo0, end the result is one
in whleh ell I,.berala can take petits Tee -
results throughout lbs Uomin.on else are
rrettlytor to the eupporiers of tit A•Immis-
trauon, end the people of Canada My *000
forward to another term of good govern•
moot and of progress In ration building
under the wise leadership el 1 tn. gee.)
The Liberal. reoetved the returns et their
eommlttee rooms and •t the 1'omperanee
Hall The ball wee fined early b Ike eve
mg, and as the result. of the polling were
read out .od the Liberal majority grow the
enthod.em was Intrn•e aid woe moal(ested
by trem10dens abetting as victory alter
r.olory was ennOalred. Among the fir*
returns received were throe from Sl John,
N.11., Weetmnrelsr', N. R , end Leedom,
Oo.,, end these were all of rho encouraging
variety. The &annum:mm.1t of Mr. Taro's
splendid triumph in rtes St. Mary's division
of Montreal was received with wild oheers,
which were repeated whoa the news Dame
that the Hoo Clifford Soften had taken trio
scalp of Hugh Jobs M sool' n.ld 1. Brendor.
The announcement of Ott Coatis* Topper's
delest In laps Breton brought forth another
roomer, hat when it was he inamced th.t Mr.
Holmes had a majority of 45, the cheering
we .Imply deafening soil tt was rovers'
minute* before the )syope (%Pilo -mea,
women and children --could oe000 Riving
rent to their (rode. and Pottle down to
hear anvthmg sloe
Who, the return of oh. (e.,verom-o•. wee
fairly .•sured H I. Strang, 0 A , was called
upon and gave . brief address and wit lot
lowed by Hen, .1. T. (0urow While Mr.
Darrow was speaking a mound .• of • stone
heavily striking against the null behind
bim was heard ; this wit followed by •
*rub et the window, but the missile 111
O 0l enter the hall. The next .ttenipt, ao-
fo-'orielofy, w11more moues( el, and ..tone
weighing nearly a pound came tbronoh the
wl.dow pine, through the blind and tomes
rho 0.11, striking little Su'hrrlsnd Logan
on the heed and then glanu.00 nfl and com
Phreinta.., Sergeonl. 500.
Of o'.. Hamilton street.
Night e&1e answered from Mem
Telephone 109.
1/ Bt0)ANSanti Sweg.oas. 048ee In Renk
of Commune bundler. west 0145 at Square.
Night ,.elle of resolve,.
Dv. 8h•. 10• De. bllow,
old ri mdsoe., Oap'er .1. 114In 5p w.
Thep" M. 'Phone 00.
commix or otherwise trespass.
lee nun say pert of m) property will n4 ear
rime end pro..neted. R. ll. ATT1df1,1..
Ridgewood rt.
NNsVroaeee Walker, ,,aa4d•gehter of
Mr. and Mn .0,.1., Iteberteee, Pintas -s1•,
wit married en Wedeeedey evening. (b1•
JIAth, et bee rseldoeco, 749 Sixth strut, D.•
15518, ta Autrey 8. Neater, of WAS ally
TO. WWI In well amen 1. enemy RedeNeb
the Into on.tsot with Mn. Rd:--itvnro'e
(.es. The troy, who wee .tenne4 at first,
, estals.d • serer* one In the heed, bot It le
hope that oft sedum rash* will follow.
Efforts were immediately o,mmeooed to
find Me person or persons who had been
g uilty of the eowerd'y and video" attack,
gad, .4fhenreis .w .we hue yet been arrested.
the attempt• to crane tit, culprit have not
y.t been g ven np Thu morning • numler
of .ton a were teams •n a pile. evidently
gathered for the moors.. r bung used in
this rookies. •..aur'. When the ex.lit0-
meet mowed by title leoldens had enbelded.
ktr.l;errow proceeded with hie 'perch. Ad
dr.osea were coven alio by U. Mo
Iiillloaddv and Meloclm 110°1)01100. The
letter ye005 men has done gnod work no
the platform during the canpaign, end the
audience wit •''Iona M hear and cheer
About eleven o'oloek the g.thertng dor-
parsed and the people went home to sleep
le thank Minus and pole*
The detail. of the result in Went fierce
ere published 10 page 8.
Mies Florets.* Turner has been engaged se
t.seb.r of the public) oboe' a• 1) nnyhrook.
-••TRiilotterich orgenfeetary wield go
on and prosper under U.neervetive rule,"
nays The Star. "Here,. greater prosperity
Awaits it "-yes, tinder Liberal rule
--Tag Oder last week printed a long lint
of goods which it said had Moreau.' in
prim since the Grits got in And the elec•
tor was invited W vote for protection -and
make the prioes higher still. But the aver-
age elector doer not terry ab: ut such long
ere es The Star'n editorial writer displays.
.would he Donee very prominent facer,
111(ssu1r; in the ninth O'arliaoient of
l onndu ahuuld it wort 141201e bye -
elections could be held.
tel course, the brat newt. here w'af
th,it of our own city, the returns be-
in0 in early and their nature made
the local ('o,r,or,ntiv.e jubilant while
the local--i.lberota ' were correspond-
ingly depr,seed. Next exude the sons
of lir W.' F. ML,cl'an'U victory' in
f:nat -
York ful'lulsd -Taj Hamilton.
which gained t.vo seats from the
Lit erntN Pyr 00.• Conservatives.
'11ts 4e''e4tr.,Ph, thoroughly impar-
tial nn its diotrMutbtt of nett., soon
brought word that . Dr. Montague, a
icamlw•r of the last 1'oneeTentice Veli-
(*), hied been (1tjtgtt'tl_,1e Ifaldlniand
and \bock, ural teat Mr... H. ll(bgo"
hod li'e'n turned down in l.ineoln and
Niagara. `sir A 1'. Caron'n defeat in.
Meaklnonge by -Mr. Lem. by 6010
majority. .portly paled into cout-
paratiwe insfgnilirnoco by the an-
nouncement that 'swap(-.ib,e----
fallen were Sir Phar*.•/ Tui.irer.
ete:rnln leader of the Opposition', and
Iron. I:e.' 'N. Foot es, the- Finance
111inistcr of the l'unoervative AdnHnhe-
tretion of 1St. 1-116. -
4ytle• r-llutala','_-.dett'ulf .-w Pre Utu,±e_
of-ile, -N. F. Davin, Ileginp:- i.)r, Ls -
derkin, South Grey, Mr. W. Stubbs in
4nedaen. Mr F1 0 Mnrtln in Win-
nipeg:. o fell before Mr. Ih0tee
(I alcor, to ti.• tune of 1.1310 of a
Mr. llenri 'Inures.... Liberal
who uprooted the .ending of the con-
tingents' to Stith Africa, was elected
in i ,tens, line.. by over 2414) cwt'
iority. lion .1. 1! Tarte. Minister of
Public Works. was -elected in Bt.
Mary's-.l0tubeton.. Idontreal. _by over
1 Ot\) majority•
111 AMU, of the (Pantie appee's made W the
French ( tterliane to cote agai,et Sir WIL-
10 1.d ommn
dethe /ending of
the contingent. to South Afries, Quebec
has stood nobly 1,.y the great Premier Our
French:speaking fellow -citizen. are " too
British" for Sir Unseat,. Tc0150.
the lest Douse there ,veer 2 Cummer
nl .1 4 I it ern). '
Rabb ■m11h 05 Darn.
Britl.0, I'duu,hle .ends a new num, Itnlph
sell b, o0'. I. hoot.'D
u . the b:aa■e .
labor nd,.sstr.
l uu. I.L
......... 54 34
ouster .... .... S 59
New Nrunawick 5 9
Novo l'cotia fj 15
Prince Edward Islaud 1 4
British Columbia .. 2 1
Northtvotst Territories . 1. S
11/unitoMt •. ..• .... ... ... 4 1
Majority for the liberals. exclus-
Jve of and not including lade-
pendenta, elected as such .... ,...46
Independent. 2.
No, elect ion 2
Moet• -Tan NrmMra
We hear that a well-known Conservative
of Clinton, a fervent follower of 1crrsR,
who always achieve" a great victory .scorel
weeks before the eleftors cast their ballots,
Irckel up his pre election view. by putting
up.210 each on ROMA/ MCLEA.I' 4P1w4
Huron, HennJuHN in Brandon, F 1n
St John, and Harms in London.re.
(enema to tbo election returns and a simple
ralevbtion will show just to what extent
this ardent Tupperite'e pocketbook was en-
riched when the returns came in. Joni
was salted.
St. James O Desmarais (4).. •. •• SOU 001012VATIVi GAIEM.
6t. Le , • • R. Blekvrdlke (LJ• • • Wei O.Nrlo
Bt. Mary's Hou. J. I. 'Tarte (L.1..8179 Brockville.
Nlculetrocs Cardwell.
Poutlee �Prontenac.
Grey, youth.
Hastings, 4.
I.unbtbn, $W.
Leeds end k:ronvllle.
Lincolu and Niagara.
MOlidle0ex, North.
Ontario, N.
O ttawa,
Prince Edward
Stormont and CorttWAtlr
Toronto, Centre.
Victoria. 9
Waterloo. 8.
Wellington, CenWg
New Brunswick
King", N.B.
Neva scoffs N4
Colchester, , f1.
Prime. ledwsed Islaas&
• Lae% Prince P.16.11,
Macdonald. Mang
Selkirk. ll[aa.
North-W.SI T1.M�• . .
Aesinibuia. S.
on* sennemA2•4134111
• Ilaldiuiand and Mont`
I .codon.
Northumberland_ W.
Renfrew. B.
Victoria, N:
- Wellington, B.
Montreal -St. Ana's.
Three Rover".
'lew' Brwrwtelt.
Alouceeter, N. Ds
Kent, N. B.
Resti1ggoucdie, N.
York, N. 11.
Neva [Wolin.
Annapolis, N. Si.
Cape Breton.
Richmond. N; 8. '
U e Ma11 1('4 ..... • •
•Thow,o• Murry (L„).. 271
Portueuf A M. De1We (4) em)
Quebec Centre..A. Maluuln (1..)......100
Quebec East... .Mir W. Lander .,....26(x1
Quebec C000ty.1000. ('. r'ltsp•tItCl. • .15(10
Rleheltep .4. A, Bruoeau.. . •
Richmond a Nedra. W. '10640 (4)..13148
ltlmouskl .3. A. Roes tL•). • • • • • 100
Ruuvllle ..L. I'. Brodeur (L.).. • • 11x1
'lit. HyadOthe...Muu.M.E. ttergler (4) 50)
8t. John's and Iber-
v111e 1', Demers (Ute.).,•
Bulford (' 11 Parmelee (L.). 6((0
Sherbrooke ,Hou. 3. McIntosh
Weisner. Dr. Bourbonnais 000
Otaustesd 11 Lovell (Ub.) 95S
Tewleeouat• C A (lawn -eau u.). 460
Srrreb,nne .B. Pre0oots's* (4). 096
Three Rlverw and
Mt. MnuNc* J Bureau (Lib,). • 441
ren, Muunla1D5.....4. A. C. Itbler (L.) 141
V•udreall Ll, R. Harwood IL) S'.0
N'rlgbt .N. ('0awpaine 110) 10
Yamaske 0,0.8. Mlgneurt (L.) 102
Twenty member•
1 buetlturusy. Member. Maj.
Auuapull0 F. B. Wed, (1..)• • • • Ixal
Autigurdeb 'Meteorite (1..) 17
Cape Breton(11.,:AIea Johnston (4)280
4'.p.' Breton (2)... Dr. Kendall IL•)293
Colchester ...M. I. 0oerl•7 (C.1.. 291
Cuutl.erland H. J.\ Liman IL.).... 420
D1gby Coop lt.)
Uuyaboro ..D- C. I•`raser (L.).- •
Halifax (1) ••R. L. Borden (C•).,• 4Ji
Halifax (2) ..T. E. Kenny IC.)• • • • •7j
Llaet"r- _ .B. Reuel (i,.) •0
luvrrurae Dr. McLane AP)..
Ming'. r tF. W. Borden )•• 200
L.neaburg Kaulbaeh ICI .. •.. •
Noonrt) R M. McIlrt
oald L.)
l'lctuu 11). • • Mar C. H. Tupper .1 1'MethuenIttcbmopd Joe. 'Methuen ILI
smote.** end _
Queen's W. 8. feleldlns (L).
1ar,outh T 0k. Flint (tea) •..,.'165
Vletorla W. Ross (L.) 20F
NEW Hsv40W1ct.
Veneto. YassMn. '
e0ey. . MU.
Albert IIP _'37 iw1s K.J. • • • 151
F Rialto (Con.) ..... 815
(i. W. Osnong•(C.)...:.nil
A Turgeon (L).. • •• 630
0 '3. l.h•0e IL.).i.. •{ 61k1
O W. Fnwler (C•) • • 100
rttumter(and.. . Robli's= (C.)..•-• 400
Restleouebe .3. Reid (lel
fir. 3..hn City flon.A.O, Blair ([.►.11111
-tit. Jan City a 1b.Co1.J.J. Tucker (1.)..071
Ruubnry A Que.n•.R. D. Wilmot (C.). •, 7an
WestmorelandEMmeon (L.) 060
Victoria C.stiven 11..) .• .••. lard
!MemYor!Mem(L) .......100
Elvis Mem bort.
Cenetltueup. Member., Ma
"HAW T"J.-H0W6ea(L,),
' Priam ®l. --f: --
Prince, W ..... , .. B. D. Metopes (1..).: • . .
Queen's. 1: U. McKla.10 (L.)... 81)
Queen's. 1.' ..Mir L. H. Devise IL.) T00
nevem ]Members.
('onntltuency. Member. Mei
Brandon Hen. C. bitten (L).. 150
Conetltteesey. Memher. MU.
AdAtngtesrt......•�. W. Rol (Coe. • .. • IA
A'soa Nu NoetMn .. .
ROI h%.'11 , D. A. nnrt•m (Loh,•. 100
Brost, S P R. Heed (1,40.1... 206
Bro.'ksille........3• Culbert (Ca..I.... ..
Brute. I' R Cargill (I"on.1.... 20
Brnr,•. \. • 7. R. 4amsti ph414.1. 92
John Tolnee (L.1 'lar
R, Johnst•'s 1C.1 .... 15'
F Kidd IC.) 1000
Brnee. W
('a dwell
Cornwall end Mtor- •
R. A. Pringle IC.)... 040
A. Reeder IC.) 26'i
it A. Ward (C.1U9
R North 40.10.1 48
A. It I.bram (C,102
.J. Robluv..n Ido,)..., 41
R. F. 6uthear nad(i..)501'
M K. Cowan (T.I054
.H. Poletn (C t a40
. 1 V. Itchen (T.ih 1WW1
J. D. Roel (Co0.).
.T. M. Moretti. (f•(m.)250
E. H 11.0.70". Horsey J. •
M. Riche Mem (C.4.: Ipl
Tl,•[tam. F.
[0.00 '... W
Elwin, R.
Elgin. W...
I5ss0x, N
s•x.- 0
(l lenge rry
Grenville. S
they. r
Ore!. N
Raldimsld and
Monet A T Thamp•ren EL). 100
Halton ,11. Hender.nn ICI ISO
ll:,wlltug ..,•j!• Berkey(
.'on) '1191
HOmnhn'. F Weal- On
C. Preto. Weal-
W. It. Northrop (Cont 112
A W,('5rsnllee (C.). 5011
0. Corby (Can.) 000
P. Mse4oe
Redoubt (L.)100
0. M.Pwen (10,) 100
R Heine* (1..) 27
O Stephens (7,!h) 160
R 04 Rr)'t.m' 11,.1101
O. foimnrono (C.1.:.. 100
fambto., W.....:1'. 8. Johnson (LAO..000
Lanark. N ••11. Rowtmond (C.) , ... 7
font**. A J• Raw* W.1 079
Levitt and Gren-
ville 3 n. ►.ay.•n l(bo.1, . .. •
Leeds, E..........tl.n, Tesler W.) 449
Writ -1.
r.• . •' i.. A. Lancaster (C.). 107
C 8, Hemen (L.0.... 64670
3 (Pleurae (C.) T
,inn. eherritt /(7J. , • • 421
M. Mei:mom (L.)... 1100
Ontario. s nit -
The returnon- 5R ('onaerv.tivee
elected an this banner I'rovinc:• of
I,nterio. with 34 straight Liberals.
and :1 Independents (two with Liber-
al Waning') returned. Just before
the ele"tion Iintario had -40 ('uneer-
vatises and :,2 Liberals. oro that the
('onnercut4'r• have en apparent gain
Oh 12 „.
ebprovince. t In Otis provin. There
true nu election in Algoma, ,'.here (1.
rsstier -and-A-E.
Hydtent, .i beret are running; nor in
Nlpissing, where J. B. Klock to the
sutive standard-bearer und'C.
A. Mc('ool le the Liberal rnndidate
Now that tbe elections aro over tett may ex
well spare (.me to think of your winter snit.
You can't do better than get it made et r.
J. PHA ham's, the peoples clothier.
Euro linen haodkerchlele with a slight
flaw, 2 for 25o at Pet DHAM 0,
ALiew..nJohn Knee Mahout agent after
living lend up for a few days with illative
Mise K, Gundry was unlined to her home
on amount of Blume Anon" the pest week.
Mrs. 1100ton, two children and nurse
left last week to join Mr. Heaton in
The reinter meeting of the town emitted
wee postponed from lest Friday evening to
tomorrow 5,00)05.
McKenzie & Howell have ,he outset
working and molt thotnneh washing
machine on the market.
Her n,.ny friends will bo plow' to hear
that Moe. Mary McCarthy, Elgin street, is
renovating tram a severe attack of grip.
Tris onld weather ought to drive you in-
to l'R,?HAM'9 for your *toter enderwear
He Is ■hnw,ng apleo41 * values from a large
,Vomeo, don't be bothered making MAW
to, l0o hnye when you eco get them at
PRI rt nit's for 659 and 75e made from code
of good tweed.
Jeremiah Indeed, of Ashfield, loot • horse
ono day reoentlyiunder r•th0r ember oh
oemet•neee. Ho was drii ng In Maltlnrd
end .heed of hint was a reg with • 101(1 of
edgings. driven by a young eon of William
Morrie Morrie' horse stepped in the road
se endA.nly that Mr. Dalton'. horse ran
against the *deists and received *rah In
jot*. that after taking a few parse It 141
The old hotel betiding .t the earner of
the Heron road anti the 14111 rood hem been
moved hook eon* dletenne en the Mill read
•e4 will hereafter **reties a Mehl. for .1. I,.
Aitken'. dairy Mr. Altkle hes pet op
two ailed .5 the end of the bedding. He
will west a brit*veneerresidue* near the
earner of the property. The old hetet was
d.e et the IuAm.rks of the Herne roe,. brit
the *huegr'. *Mob Mr. Aitken I. making
will result le • 4..ldee Imprevanane in the
.Aes1ases sf W pr.p•rb•
Basial+. R
Ranting., N
HasUng. W
Huron, S
Huron. ew
Han, W
Lemh000. K
1. 'Ann
011.1,;' -••c. R
Nub' w..r. W W. R. Calvert (L,)... 150
Mn.►,.ke end Perry
Sound O M.'Carmlrk (C.) .. 266
No elution.
Norfolk. 14
J Chortles. (1.1'. -(sell.)
Cnl. Tisdale
orthumberl'd.W.J. B. M.•(•011 (L.) 150
rirtbumberl'd,E.. E. Criebrane ICI
Biarlo, N M;-8...4 ,l':3 ....... 1100
uteri°. 8 .William Ross (L.)... 9a
I. J. Gould (0,.) ... • 800
Releonrt (I..( .......100
Ontario. W....
Oxford. Nor
Oxford. 8..
lit' Sir Wilfrid I eurier's Prot 11n •
only PLConservativea have been elect-
. (I. hitt "!1 f,iberata will sit in the
ne .t Homes. Immediately prior to
the sileetilu..h there owtTe in the Douse
14 Oonscrt'ativeo and 51 "Altered..
from thio Irrot'(nce. a gain of It to
the Liberal.'1c r the ninth Parla-
New Itr,Iawlek.
1",ve Iobeervatl'-, to 1) 0.iOs..4.
will 0t• the "tanning tit the pros -ince
in the nett (louse. In the1'laot there
were M ('onee'rvatIves to fl f/berets
Neva Spotlit.
Fifteen Liberals Will ail opposite to
j.,.,(,;,pjlj►p•rvat ilea from 1h0N l'rouincetdn
the new Parliament. Widen 40. Mit
division was taken there was a ma-
jority of four for the i.Ibesi*; now
It Will be 10.
Treace Edward Lionel.
This little Province ,.lend, ole Cun-
a'rcntiso and -I Liberals to the nest
i',rl4.noeet..---ia- tks-laa4.Ilo4eS- therm
were 2 Conservatives and 3 liberal.
Mrs. I.:Award Shannon retained lot week
to 04.0..,.., Tenn., after spending ......l
months in teen Miss Shannon remains
int a short time.
The I;oh.get. Iastl(uos Unit.* beard
held 1t. regular mtetlog on Thursday, bot
tren•.eted no 005(0•.1 exempt the peseta' of
en encoont from F. M. Denham for
°hemle•Is. j
The oohing 0.S Se reed home from (M
north no Monday s.d the fishermen report
having had • good *mons The Mlnnoe of
our merino news le nnforrnn•tely crowded
ant this week.
.lames B,hkenrtdes has been taking an
enlnrna.i holtdmy the put w..k et the re-
sult of a tall while engaged In his work.
Althengh he fell inite a dlet400e. lortaete
ly nn ( ones were broken
We aro pl.smul to learn that Bert Moll -
woes, of N. R Melee Arae stere, wee hen
tree 00 b1 Ulfntem le on the way to tea•
revery. The News Reword says "a• has
had • herd Mme of Ik, bat 0. maw peat Mlo
eillisel petit and ti Ise sinesinas.O Maa".
Porta. N
Perth. 8
Peterhnrn. 1r. ,
Peter' urn. W.
Proent r
..Thorn -c. itirkett ((' (. 845
Ja.. Motherland (7..) .2000
Mir 1t. CartwrlgbtlI.1. 679
R Blain (r.) 46
A F. Melar,n (C.1251)
D. K. fhb (T..) 8
.:..J. tang (Lot .... 600
...,.James Hendry (C.)864
1 proud: (i.) 282
0. 0. Aleorn (C.)'73
T Markle IL.) 107
A A:, Wright-ff.) 800
W. r. Edward* (Li. 500
i. McCarthy (T.)`:406
fl. 1.04no1 (('.1 600
W. R. Brock IC.) . 215
A E. Kemp. r(' I 12.10
R. F. Clarke (C., 2240
E. R. Oster (C.) ...: 1973
6 Hughes IC.) ••21
A Vrootttan (C.) 200
1. r 0 'm (C•) •(acct)
['More Edward
Renfrew, N
Renfrew. 8
Rnasel I
ilmene, N
!emcee. R
Toronto. C
Toronto, I.7
Toronto, 1'
Toronto. W
Victoria. V
Victoria. 1
Waterloo N
in this Province one -liberal, lion
C1Hiord `Ufton le elected 'There are
besides 4 Conservatives'. and 11 1.
Rlchurdsul1.11n1L-_ 14Q.) and Put te,•
(Iatbor). 1n the last Perlin mrnl there
wore ft Liberals and 2 Conner, tit (vest
North • heat Terri tutu.
These Fiend form toemiters -- three
Liberals and one (•onaervative, but
ono of the Liberal* is Mr. Frank
"Irv,• . Altserta. who 1n also retnf as
Independent This. la the wane no in
the last I'nrlj,ment.
Darts Pe D.fe0.4.
is the Northwest T'orritorl.... Nlrh011.
InT'avin has met defeat et the hand. of
ixt•r 9cntt, who yens 010 was the ogiro
boy le The Regina Leader. when Ne bole.
Flood wrote the *Mortal.. The spooking
connlrnlnre of tit, velnahle Dnrtn will he
Ward. Roc Lr. Iinarl... a 7.00.ral, ha.
alae hewn offered rip es s enviers.. ICS de
(or we. bake s enn•ervetive. So, the
1j'•,oreltnries *111 shit* two new foro* In the
Hem* rake end R0,41- and the flow,•
roar* two loonel...04 IMv1.. Th, party
41fevonee' eco 00e11.
11,111.1. Colorehts,
Tho feeler Prov(nre h." elected
Cnn.rrvativsw. 1 Liberal and 1 Tn.ie
pendent, with elections to come off
to larrard &5d Tale and Cariboo. In
Waterloo, 8 .1.. . .. ' 1 See
Weiland W. M. (jerur,).
Wellington. C, .. ,3. McGowan (C.) 1116
Wellington. N - O. Toltoe 00.) 40
Wellington. *4....,.11. Guthrie (I..) S1
Wentworth and N.
Brest - W 1'at'•r.oe (t.) 1110
Weulwerth, 8E. L. Mmlth (C.) .... 292
York, S W. F. Maelesn (C.1.. 136
York. N 1 Carry IC.. 400
Tort, W N. C. W.Ilat•e (C.1.. 000
441.5..Yt.J _.I1rj11.119' "' -
(l loucester
r'tmatltnear,. Member. Ma).
Argenteuil Dr. owlet!. (1.)• • • • >tfl
Begot .3. .3. F•. Morello (L)
Ree are ,.3. Oodlout 11..) 1900
H0enhernei• (d M. l.oye IT.)
1lelleebnese \4.0. h7. Talbot (1.) ... 4611
flre)hier. _.. _...J.E.Arcbembaalt (L) 250
Bonarenture ..C.•••.•,107Weed' All •.• • -..167
Brom. .Hon. M. A. Fisher (L)...
Chambly A Vercb's.VIeter (leonine. IL) 500
C'henq.le(n .3. A. Rousseau'(8.)• • 1731
('h.rlevolt .(' Nee Angers (L). ISY
Chateauguay I. Brown (L),... 460
Chleout(ml-Reg'y,Jos.p Goried (C)
Compton 14.04..1 4C)_. .... 00(0
Dorebeater J. R. Me (C)
Ddummond and Ae-
t habitat* L LAvergs* (..0. )(seal
(ions.... , ,..,......r.... .. 040 ebettnO,
Ilonbol•g. 7 A. C. Merlon. (lot,
Hontingloe .W. 8. MaeIren (L,)•
]ar4n.s Cartier -0, D. Monk (C.)..... N
Joliette . CBernet rt..)..,-, WK.moeraek. H (1. Carroll 1110
Isabelle ,.E, Monism (L.1. , • ...
t■pV1s1N. and 1,�..__...... _
pletelue ..D. Hemet (L.) . 110
mLeaner (7..)...
14081 T Fortin (L.) .
loyal B Owner. (L.) .,, 460
1,•1mlt... r, ** M. neeh qieg (T.).. 60
1,0)binl.ro ,.,al Fortier (L.)
Malsnnn.ma R Prefnn)iieo
MaeltMoog... -...J. H. 14g0ea (LJ
Ours* Turret (1..) . .
Ylsebpnnl ......D, R. Moll. (L.)500
Monteeim .. r n. nope (L.)150
1fc.tlnsgny P 0. Martine. (L) 315
Montm'.r.ney . - . T. C. ('.grate (C.)19
Montreal 0t.
Arse'. Aid. Gallery ((L.). • • 501
et. esteem w O. 844110 1044. as M
TUehardeon (frit ..., 200
N Boyd (C'.1
Dr. Rorke (C.)
.1* Hitler.. N'.1 106
J H. Haslam (C.)..•. •
Winnipeg Puttee (Labor) 114
Foor members.
('on.tltueney. Memher.
Alberta F Oliver (L.)
Aealnlloln. E lake iron.) ..,• ..•
A.alnlhula W. Brett (L.)
Kaska tehew•o,.,, Davis (Iib.) y
RIg Members.
Clnstltu.ncy. • - M*M•!.- - '.-
BurrarS ......... .. •. ....No election
New We.twluster• . Morrison (LJb.)100
Vancouver Ralph Smith (l.)'.... Sul
1'ictorla 11) ..T. Earle (C.) 162
V.,•turlo 12 ,.E. 0. Prior
Yate end CAHhoa _1f8 t ei-nitron.
1191. 1696. 1900.
Cub. I.Ib, ('o0. 1,10. ('on. Wb. Io
Toronto .. '1 8 1 4 - •
Hamilton ... 2 2 2 - •
Landon . , 1 1 . 1
Kingston ... 1 . . 1 1
Ottawa ... 9 2 1 1
Montreal ... 3 2 3 1 4 ,
t John .. 1 1 1
ilnl{fn0 .. 2 . 1 1 2
Winnipeg .. 1 1 1
Victoria. B.C. 2 2 2 •
Total .... 18 i 10 14 12 11 1
An sualyele of the member. In 1900 given:
Cbotervattves-Masers, Belittle. pelt (PM -
tom, Bell 1Addingtool. Itennett, Dar50rnn.
Blanchard, Borden (Ha3Hx), Broder, rat-
ite, Caron, Caret -ellen, Ca.gre(n, Chattels,
Cleoc7, Clarke, Coctuene, Corby. Craig, Da-
vin, Dues, Earle, Fer501oe, Foster, Gen-
ourt. GU1155. Gilmour, Gnlllet, 0.811art.
Gal., 0100411510. Hodgins. Mishima-
grant. Ksnlbech, H10dry, Klock, IDoepres.-
LaRlvlere. U.cdooald 1KIng's P.3.!.). Pre-
Into.b, MaoIAren, klacleau,•IdeAlleter, Me -
Cleary. 61c1'ormlek, McDottgall, McIner-
ney, McLennan (0)engerrl), McNeill, Mar-
cotte, Mn,nu, Milli (etnnapolM), Monk,
Montague, More; Morin, Oiler, Pope, l'on-
pore, Powell, Peres, Quinn, Reid. Roh•art-
son, ltolitnwu (Northumberland. N.B.).
Roche, Rodro
dlek, Rosamoed, 3easm,
8oule, Taylor. Tledale, lily Charles low.
per, Bir Hibbert Topper, 'Tyrwhe t Wel
lace, P Ilea -77.
Liberals -Angers. Mdtembaalt, Rein,
BaaInet, Bettb, Rel000rt, Bell ('rineej, Ber-
nier, Bertrat>L Betkune, Biair, Borden
(Krog'•), Bostock, liourasea. Bourbonuala,
Britton, Brodeur, Brown. Brnnea0, per -
nett, Cateert, Qampbelt, Carrell, Cart
wrlgbt, Casey, Clµwp.gne, Ch.HtOo, 034.
11e, Copp, Coetlgen, Cowan, Davie*. 1531,05,
Heckert*, Deniers, Leewarels, Du ,011, DOA•
vilte, Douglas, Dupre, L7mwnt, Gould, *a-
wards, 61110, Erb, 6thler, Feethel.(On.
Fielding. Fisher, FltapaMok, ?tint, For
tin, Fortier, Freer (Ou71borol• Fraser
(Lambton), Frost. Gauthier, (Mot ref*,
Grothlen, Olbeoo, Uodbo. t, Quite, Gra-
roham, Riley, Harwood, Boyo HSImIs,
Hurley, Hutchlec., Johnston Ifambeoe),
Mr Henri Joly. Lando:kin, rang, LeOrf*k,
Lavergne, Leder, 1.4g14., 0.4404001, 1.0018,
Llvingetoo, Logao, Molu•c, M.udoneld
Gluon). Macdonetl (011k1rkI, Mek'e, Mc-
Pherson, MOClare, MOOregor, Mo04rt
Mel)uga0, Mcfugb, Melones, McLellan, 0-
Millan, McMullen, Madore, Ms)ouln, Mar -
Ml, Martlnuesu. Maxwell, Melg., Mlgnault,
Monet, Morrteou, Mulock, 011v.r, P.rm•-
lee, Peterson, Penny, Plttet, Prefontalbe.
[`rout:, Puttee, state, Rlchardsou. Rowing,
Boas, Russell, Rutherford, Sov.rd, Sexiler,
Semple, Clifton, 6aeteinger, 8omerit ,,
8t.0,tm, Stubbs, Sutherland. Talbot, 7arta,
040)4010. Tucker, Tercet, Comstock, Wood -
- Toronto Gees C..servatlre.
Toronto, Nov. 8. -The ('ons,rva-
tie.o carried every neat in this cite.
tithe making a gain of Centre To-
ronto. -Tho returns are:
E. 1•'. Clarke, Conservative .. ; 1171
E. 10. Osler, Conservative49R
Wm. Burns, Where!.... .w. 4.717
1. 71 Allan. Liberal i. .,. 4,542
Itugit giei4fi146'fS -THISor 1,6157
(larke's majority over Burns 2,A414
I)Sle'r'e majoArityTTAoverRONTO, Aidan.... 1,778
A. E. Kemp. Conservative .... 4,070
Geo. Anderson, 1.1beral . 0,980
Me}'urren. independent
I:eull's me grits5 . .. 1,'310
it It Brock, Col'.ervetIva .... 2,627
.lohn Het t, Liberal ..,• •.,• .... 9,419
Dr Ilargrare, tabor ,.,• 179
Hrock'o majority .... . . 215
Ambltl0u. City Kleete4 Ceos.rvthea.
Hamilton, Nov. 8 -Hamilton yes-
terday returned to the Conservative
(old. from which *0..trayed 0n 1808.
Barker and hears were elected over
Wood and Teetu1. and the tronOerva-
tlweo 'not night held n highly hilnri-
011a 400.'.
= Toa Vat. by Wardle.
'Pao tote by Rawardrker T
'. wa. n1 tallow••
W.M. Bn.e.. eetaol. W,,u
1 ♦60 412 41114
2 - (pp 578 MW
g 804 006 46 1
4 847 444 719 7nn
5 pp2 710 Nel
g 1MAx 00304 Bar 0121)
T 10x1 1001 149 71s
Tnrat4 5416 !014TO WO 4701
This `.r. psrk*r 1114 {t0r0, rflp.rtively
▪ tnajof)J n 0440 sod 7A) Ove, Teethe go,
At the Conservative heedgnnrter.
there wee jubilation of the w'ermnst
sort and the truene..tul candidates
were ilvis a tremendous ovaries.
On oke day of the election the different.
90) 1e¢e5 etre that rpleg.atedt
OD.. Lbe.
see 14
o'.. Month
New Brunawlek
DrIt sitColumbia
1'. I, I.
. •,N
TT 100
Rab goer the Government • majority of
The (ilob.'e /Summary.
'lorooto, Nov 14 -The Globe sum-
marizes the returns thUw
Lib'. Cop. In
Ontario .,.. .. 81 Al
Quebec .. ... .»...,. 67 T ...1
NOVa Scotia .....,., ,.•, 16 4 toe
New Bronswlek .„..». 10 4 a4a
1'. E. I.lgad •,,. , 4 yy .e1
Manitoba ,.,. ,•.•........ A -j
RrltIU (-1olulilblb 2 - 2
Totals ,... . . .•..111 73 4
Ubera1 majority over all 84
Liberal majority over Conferees
tires , ..,.' 88
t•:IertIo11U to be held In Burford wad
Vale, ('arlboo, Brlttsb Colu300111; NIP.
teeing nrid AlgObha. ()Mario. and
Gaspe. Quebec.
Total In Router, 21,3
A RIg.11ea.t 0.4.0•
Gibraltar, Nov. 7.-40 order In Leuncll
emicrertng the Oov*rese to e1p,l arty
pe n trop'. (hheslylr h. ledges
eh e, hes been pr(rnnlgatrd. 40)4 a fhd
Ober reeldenla 0o( outplayed In 1(0 ••
Nt7'. .Wrote* are requested to reit *t se
Ogees potter gees a malt on • ere-
Mareblowesa 0016 Dlrre.
I 1 nn.tnn Nov. 7 The Mara4.lne.ea of e.e
*rr a boa ►serooluttQed o thlet► or tfyel
5,0* w•g b.a/4 la � dge0 ■m11y.