HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 9argain Day
'.ommencing to -day (Thursday), and for oue week
values that you will appreciate In new and season-
able goods. Don't miss it.
A Special Lot in
difierent colon rang-
ing from $4 00 to
Clearing at $2 50.
A large range of
bent values in new-
est Mile Jaoketa.
Prices away down.
Special Lot Fancy W rapperettes,
Prints and (linghams,
Clearing at Inc.
Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe
Flannelettes, regular 8o quality.
You know bow these goods have
Clearing at bo a yard.
Laid 11W AMI $ose, regular
QEaring at 20c.
Now is the time to get a jaunty,
ready to -weer lint to save your
good trimmed hat ; goods worth
$1.00 to $1.25.
Clearing at 75c.
Special Lot nicely trimmed Hate for
Ladies and Girls, really worth
double the money.
Clearing at f$I 00 and $1.25.
Home Special Bargains in Men's
Suits and Overclats. Come and
look over our large stock.
Special Line Men's Fancy Striped
Underwear, goods worth 40 cents
each. Clearing at 25e each,
See our extra value Wool Socks, 2
pain for 25c.
Special Line Men's and Boys' Peak
Caps, clearing at laic.
Smith Bro's & Co.
DUNGANNON. about four weeks eojoyisE hermit visiting
N6rlca- The boat ae•ees in llt1aBW�aaos
for Tag Statist Mal the. who will motile'. or-
ders or ea .atter, to advertising and job -
for Is authorised
wort, end Is autho'r5d to lies receipts for
bmouIY paid for the same
t -T now. wtil resume e his tripe to Dungan
ata in April. -IM sad 3rd 1rldaysack month.
TctwD•T, Oot 30, 1900
ham%- . . - Soethampton street,
wbiob to the mala street to our progressive
tiller', is beteg o• vend with • out of
crewel by John KOpatrlok, publlo works
owlraotor, and Iaspeoter A. Sprout
DI:3Ane.-I)VW Jardtae'e mother pared
awsy ea Teasley alibi at an adwsoosd ago
The laurel will stake platy from the reel
dues ea the OM* 0000emiox of Asbfi.ld,
K.D..se Fridmiell 11 l• the morning to
MDgrrlr.I. -TM .wafotpal fathers o1
WO Womanish, will meet lo the township
1rUM Meoday, the fifth of November. All
eetteelaed may mutant Mtenteslves a000rd
Ashfield municipal sound! will meet
se Saturday, the teeth of November.
W EATN IR -The loog spell of
dry and! beautiful weather was broken by
teary showers el rain darts*/ send•y "labs
154 Meade', wbleh will be beasfieW to the
tuning oommuully, as alas maay other,
who me and have been moues .1 water.
HER TO TR■ MAXoa.-(ase day last week
Robert Derain. oss. 6, W. W•wanoeb, was
made the mildest of • voluble present, It
beteg an bete to the mason, a fins bouncing
toy. We o.eeratslate the baby parents
ea lbs arrival of she breaborn, hoping ht
will be loot .pared to Mem.
Thos. Rlobudeon, u., end Wm. west o0
the 'suasion to Muskoka Met Friday.
W w. Bogle and two obtldreu, Violet nd
Willie. aro •mono the ,au•releslate to
(1u amount of the quarterly meet lag at
Nile scat Sunday, eervtos will tie at 7
o'utouk hers.
Five years more of good
wages for the workingman.
her paresis, Mr. •ed Mrs. Foley, bosoship
ot Colborne. her sister, Mrs. .1. O'Connor',
Ilunr•0000, and other relatives to the
slc'•Ity, retorted homewards ors Tuesday
lost ...On Monday Mrs. ID Keo, ofltlylh,
gibe bee been very 111, sod Is now nioely coo -
seeming, end who tor some time nos been
Malting her ester, Mn. Wm Nevis., (:ode
dolt, arrived ben to recruit her health sod
visit relatives. We bop. that she will In
the near future be restored to her wonted
state of beallb, so that ebe may be able to
resume her household dales .. Robert
McCaig, wbo bee been for some time re
siding it Thsssslon, arrived bore, where he
formerly lived, on Moolay.
Five years more id. flit'
gri wing time for Cana.l•l. •
Tuleat i.
Rev lir. Hstdsreos will remit We ee
Sunday. -
Horses Horton end Daniel If aired .telt•
ed nor townsman, Wm. Cook, at fort Al
berg this week.
A wstob end obatn were reoently stolen
from the restdeooe of I eolel Carney when
ho was away from Isom.
The heavy rate of Monday Is hearttly
welcome and till plowing will be started
with great vigor In order to finish before
the snow sowas.
HI'v,iN'i Exvzomox,-Two of our prom -
isnot sportsmen, B. J. Or•wford and D.
Stogie, left here os Monday via Godertob
es • hosting expedition to OiIIaad.r for
about two weeks. Ws hops they will have
s Mg time and return home, with a good re
port of bovine dose well In the Mantle,
grounds, sed le the best of Melte.
('RCeCH Ietr,TDt.-Rey. Mr. Hall, of
Barrie, bad Rey. Mr. Goldberg, of Dungan
ass, exobascd pulpits en last Sebbatb ... .
K.v. Wm. Stews, iodise Mresieoary at Cho-
ose.., en the wast oases of HrlM.h Columbia,
esoapled the pulpit in the Me►bodial oburob
aero at menbg sed evenfwg services on
libretti Wet, Oh thea being the meow o1
tMrl.eary work amen/ the Indians, also
WU mode o1 11v1ag, habits and super,
MIIYas, and lbs manner le wbloh Ibsv are
te Mtdl*/foesly appreaobed for ei•IllasUon
sed proper salter. Moth dlsoourees were
listened to "Flea wraps attesies. The rev.
seed gentleman I. well ynabfied for mission-
ary work .mons the Indian, as from Ione
experience he to thoroughly soqualoesd with
TugsDAT, Dot. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. (;lacier soloed • very
pleasant rlslt to Crewe this week
Mr Sates has reslrsd the foremanship of
namLok'e farm, and guise to Uoderleb to
Ilve. In the meantime the farm is being
managed by U. Uurb.bt and 1V, K White-
ly till Jubu Wblttly, of Petrol'. who has,
we understood, been appointed by Mr.
Hamlett le liU the duties of the Poet. oouiee
Io mown" them. -
" Union, peace, friendship
and fraternity." -Sir Wilfrid
Laurier to his countrymen.
OUT Hate. MIIeSTIRUI. - 1bs •'s. re.
Ilabti" Guy ilrulbere Mtuettele ma•Ir i heti
anneal viol, to Iowa on Msuday •04 lj,,o►a •
porturm•oos in the Opera Hou.. Althouel,
it wie • wet Dight. the •ttsod.uos was
.uBioleolly lugs to show that, uotwltb-
steadies Ito rentarliably Isup tea, Use 00m
pony hat not loss 11. great popular sty, and
the show OD Moodily irritator was se good
as those of former veers. 'res 00011 street
parade end the playing of the oompsy's
fins band wen Demo and beard end eoluyed
I bo f the t ps ple
(ir•ewaYC scene 1a the Mw Whoa Mr.
Tarte rerr•.Lted Mika Charges.1Fruni
t Frum Toronto Ulote
It war my privilege to los to Ottawa dur-
log the exciting these that marked the
early nineties themmemorable,
when pp! end Parliamentwere exercised reeudbib
*/ e revelatic0s b be
mods of oorrupblensuee In the public
Excitement ran hlgb, and, as we natural-
ly'spooted, the "Glories of the House were
anodes upon the day that Mr. 'Cute was
to brio down his obarges against the Minis aw
ter of Public Works, Sir Hector Laevin,
end the member for Ooebeo West, Mr.
Thos. MoOreeTy•
How Intently 1 listened when Mr. Tarte
bog= to speak. and how disappointed 1
wee when 1 found le was using Frenoh
However, he soon swltohed o8 into Eng
Bah, and in • mst oanimated manner told
hew dI.Wteful his Mek was to blmsell
"Only," he bald, "• very strong mese of
public duty compelled him to take his
present mares sod expose the wrongdoers,'
mod looking •orothe floor of the House to
the moot oocupled by the then Premier, the
1•te air John Msodooeld, be related how be
had eo often gone to Sir John and boeought
Pim 1 put an end to praottos. is the Public
%asks Department that wore mak' ng
honest men blush, but his entreaties and
warnIogs were to no purpose All he said
was disregarded.
To Mr. Tarte the House gave breatblese
•ttentlon. His charges were most .peot80,
sod caused many of hie listeners to wines.
As he ooccluded the msmben Indlo•ted rose
and indignantly denlod the oharem, bub
what followed we all remember. An im-
pttal trial proved bow well-founded Mr.
Torte's allegations were.
A'l through this ordeal Mr. Tarte showed
many greed qubllties, but the one 1 admir-
ed most was bis great courage. He set his
lax as Loomed Mut ; those whom t s Locod be
fearlessly 000froeted. What he bad to say
he would say to their biome We felt 1t
was • true man, acting manfully, wbo was
engaging our atteotloo. Ids incurred by
.1 - esposurs the deadly comity of the
HTwI'n Wk,yD•'-Ohlosgo, Illinois, was
the stens of • miry pretty wedding on Out
lOth, when Wise S. Foley, of lessers,
Oat., and Wm. Iswrsaoe, tormerly of Lon-
don, Ont., now proprietor of the Eureka
Bakery, Chicago, were united in marriage.
The oeremooy was performed by the Rev.
Father Moore, oI Our Lulu of Sorrows
°boroh. Ths bride looked charming .n'1
was dressed In • superb Dream applique
gown with pearl trimming and hat to
nabob, and wits .bly vetted by Miss Altos
Smyth. who was dressed In an elegant cos-
tume of Dream .111 The groom was sup-
ported by Frank MoMehoo, of Chicago.
Immediately following the osremony • re.
creation was given to their honor by the
students of the Northwestern UslyuMty
Datil College, at wboe
lob the happy ople
received many useful and *twiny prawns.
t.oedo papers please espy.
Five years more of peace
and prosperity.
Rltn nr'Inu,- Oo Monday, the Wood lot.,
Abraham Culbert, of the bib r -os., K 11.
Ashf.ld, was, as Damhase Rumor hIt, the
reolplenl of en Invaluable gift, • floe
bouncing boy, prese•ted le him by Ws be
loved partner Is IQs. Mr. C. M I0 clones
quote sxul/log(y wearing nomerees smiles.
We do sot wonder that be feels so extremely
joyful, as we bows hese laformd that It Is
about elitism yearn Mees kin. 0. ted
walk .ow happy liege w • sugbter.
Mother and son are ,,peeled to h. getting
00 well. We ',steed to them oenceratel.-
Moo. end, as they Dow bats • danrhter and
a .en, ss trust that they will he long spared
to oomforl and sheer their parents.
I't.ie5AttT VISIT.-i)srlag !set week your
bumble scribe, J. 0. Ward. .1 1'., .pens a
pleasant Gad eujeyabls Um. ;''ting former
sad esteemed aequalet•so. sod Weeds In
the beautiful and p.'..-Ivo'mi
reat r °nt y
town. Promiseet arses( theme by whom I
was entertid levery kwpitably were Wm
Presdteot, barrister, sad kls amiable part-
ner, Mrs. 1'rondfo. , and whilst there 1or
spiel en enjoyable ties le ooen
wllb Mr. Proen
adfoot's verable father. I
was math pkuto
se4 be n btu* looking sod
'Wse vig Cassa 1 also spent some tines
with John Ballo and W daagbMr, Mice
Minerva, them whom 1 renslvd crest kind•
r.•ore sad hospitality .ed 111.4 pleased bo sen
Me venerable gentleman .ej0yleg fairly
geed health.
1 ory party, and the Tory press stall follow
hard at his beets, and in the most atrocious
manner hie name Is execrated and an.them-
1. this hounding of Mr. Tarts fair
or brave, 1e 10 lo keeping with the tradl•
twos of the Anglo•Saxon' Every
mast honest
Briton looks for fair pisy,
both 'dee, and will not be moved by th.
wrath and Innuendo et W ColigerTe1Te
by • •rge sum r o • ownso .
inanely S•aeos EXTIMnrti. Aa Ult•w•
despatch rays : Fishermen from all parte el
Ontario have teen bitterly oomplalulsg of
theft foliose this season to make any son
siderable watch. '1 be exerecce mildness 01
the fall bee osue.d the beh to remain to the
deeper water, so that they ovoid not be
Lagoa along lbs lasbor*. as usual. Numer•
sus pstltloos have two presented urgloy
the extensien of the senses In order to pre
vent what prowess to be gnat distress In
some lowittlss se a result of this failure.
The deportment has, tberelore, deolded to
make • general sateosioo In Ontario up to
November 10th for taking whitefish and
salmon trout, and • further extension of
fire days from t'utut Edward through the
Rivers Mb. Clair and Detroit, •od all along
the Canadian shore of *,eke Kt 1e to Fort
1 fAerot'T(D ItyTitt''r lievialMarTATtVI -
G, F. Kmertoe while In London lost week
wee offered end steepled a position with
the Nordhslmsr I'iaou and Music Uo., of
Toronto, In oonneotlen with the W astern Om•
tato branch of the osn.paey'5 boeloese,
wbtoh has its beadquar'ere at London.
Mr. Emerson will be the company's repro
esotative tbroegboub bbl. distrleb, oompele
lag the county of Huron •ud oontivuoas
territory. His sooep5oos of eh*. position
will not sffeot the battens of the Emeritus
Bicycle end Musio House, whish will still
bounder the management of Mr. Emerwo,
who twat he 41,1e to spend • portion 01 his
time here Mr Emerson has been the Iooal
agent of Ibe Nordh.lmer 1'ompsoy for some
years, and lite (sot thee they have given
him • wider field and • position of greater
tampon/Ability is • Orator, lodio.ttoo of
their •ppreolatloo of hie poet .eevloee.
Tits 1'htsovrit o' ZLNDA - A ple•slog
presentation of "The Presser of %nod•'
was givso at the Opera /inure last Friday
eysolog by a cowpony ardor the manage-
ment of Messrs. F.,nast and 1 .ed Shipman,
wire! produotiene of 94•keep-,erl•n ploys
lest season were se well removed. The
audience wis not so Targe as might saes
been expected, but thore who bad the
pleasure i I seetog lbs poi Ii rmsooe wen en•
thusieetic In thair praises of 11s m..• its, ee-
pectally [boo, femi ter with Antbooy Hope's
lasolnattug rom..00e All the leading roles
errs well-ue'01..l, each put b•.g &Mimi
In • most creditable me•,ner. Elmer Ruff -
bum, •Ir"mdy a tave,ri's with • 0 olerioh
audience, nroyed himself • idolise utK
meter i f ate dditoult double role. Moe
Allo. 1'ejlnr meds • °harming prinoess.
She presents • pdseter stags appea sess,
and U possessed of • sweet .sloe. well Das•
taints" her pert as leaden lady. 111..
Eugenio DuBois oeptlw'e 1 her •ado tine on
bee drat apprsranoo H., fine pre.er.ce snit
clever wt• sg won for her deseretd ap-
plause Tb• other mtmbers of Ile oom-
pony were all effective in the r several parte.
The coetomee were exaed'eply rlcb and
beautiful, while the stage sett'ypand.d
fscte were hsads.me.od herm0oloue. The
oompaoy, having d.01,/ 0 nm• -e 'a town
oyer Sunday, gave . benefit for she mensge-
meet of the Opera Hones on 9.terday
Five years more of progress
for Canada.
Creel Lark .1 an Seller.
politiolans. 'grin two years •11 'Baru
be ours eeraes
Ie there • Literal worthy of lbs •aalSI$* the paints of my bemie tailed," write.
who w111 allow himsslt b be stampeded ky
soot taotiw' In the same way tbsy per-
secuted Hooksett. and Cartwright. "We
will love tam all the more for the enemies
he bas mads."
The " nest of traitors " want
to get back to power. Elec-
tors of West Huron, are you
going to help them ?
editor H. N. L -.err, of Symms., KGs.,
"thea 1 was wholly oared by Beeklen's
Arnim Salve." It's the world's beet for
enmities, sore, sod all skin disease.. Italy
2bo at Jas. N'ilso.'s
To the Editor of THE Stumm.,
1401 SIR, -I take objection to Mr Mit-
obell's report of the meeting held by Mr.
Holmes at Reomtller on the 221d ist., ee
reported In The Star newep•per. In that
report I •m dosimeted am the "Imported
chairman" for the pension, • statement ib•t
1. wholly untrue, for my preemie at the
Dittos of meeting was purely an accident,
and my old friends to and armed the vll
legs honored me with their 000tldenos. I
hays mote right to say, stnos Mt. Mitchell
Indulges 1a oommsrolal berme, that he was
"exported' from Ooderloh by Mr. McLean
to represent his Interoete, than he bas to
bay that Mr. Holmes "Imported" me to 611
the plies of chairman. flv•tbe aye, 1 have
not head that the apology promised by
Mr. Mttobell to Mr. Holmes sod to those
present at ►he meeting In reterence to the
Brookville posbofBoe bee been received. 11
he oannet apologise he should be more care-
ful In making suoh rub statements' before a
public audience and at lest should ao•
knowledge that sometimes he Mike "through
his bat" white he gets Into the heat of d1"
pate when on a publlo platform.
Yours rite..
JAMLo 0. LI Tourt1.
Goderich, Ore. Nib, 1900.
srr,i�ix DiaTH. -Joseph Rutledge, •
most highly respected resident of the Huron
road, died on Saodsy, October 21st., after
as Ulnen of only two hours. ifs was In
the habit of attending the afternoon serene
1e Ales Mstbodlsteheroh, of whish he ems
• onnsletsnt and faithful member, and was
on lite way there when he meta friend, and
oonpleinsd of an acute pain in the region of
Ms heart. He was •Deleted hank to his
home and • medio•1 mho Galled Is, who pro
souoosd his oue hopeless, and tie shortly
atberw•rds passed away at the age of
moveety•mlx years and fivs months. H.
rause to this ooantry about the year 1912,
mottling on bile lot whloh has ever 'nos teen
big home. He was a man of "terl.oe ohar-
eater and • good neighbor. His wife, sae
sea and lone daughters survive, and have
the sympathy of the entire community
Two of the daughters are married, beteg
Mn Walter Iearoyd, Gale, and Mrs. (lee.
Sturdy. A large onmber attended the
toosr.l on Wednesday, showing the esteem
in whtoh deos.sd was held.
Hrrnga AND TRrTRIi.-Mr. and Mrs.
kotetyre, er., e1 ANaeid, left for home en
Saturday arnleg of Met week, after boo-
kie • pleasant visit wick their eon, Abuse
dee.... Mee. las. Rego, Deagaeanw, mid
Yw Jennie lord's.. Asblsld, left here on
Toady el • shiftily seer te 'datives and
aegoelataaoas 1w Hetes tewatklp •d .the.
palate. W. wish seism • pleewst visa sed
safe return....'1110 MNber., m,nther e1
Aahlsld aealelp.l °semen, aeeempasled by
him wife, his Iwe daegktar., Ray and Rda,
red Miss Rey, daughter if W. Authors, the
smtissed township clerk of Asbleld, 1515 ea
Tomas, se a visit to relatives at North
Hat. We wish them a geed mss. dating
Gm visit sad safe esters... Mn. Cherek
loft lest week be jela be. hashed at Mediu
Skis lath Berry, W t►. Aepmy
*Mee . Wier sheet • week 4 visit to re-
latives bees, deslag whisk thee we wars
CMswd se see ter enjsy her Obit. kW we
lite fu4 , Ise IMMO* •Mia Aa
(Varies, N Leeds•, Ort., who bee bees fen
TusanaT, 001. 30
Id re ,1 smog Geoid is .Melting in Milverton.
Rev. Mr. Hall, of Have, preached le
Christ ohornh an Sunday smiting IoW.
(lharlis and John Toots, of Pie* River,
.1'td relatives here o0 Setarday and
Mrs. Wedel returned to her home in
Chtoe*/o yeetsrday. alter spending • month
with her d.aebter, Mrs. A Smola.
Mr. Mole, of Fritter, organizer for the
O. F., was hers last week looking aptoms
mew members and tM0eeotleg other hotness
Mr. Ostrow and Mr. Md1111lenddy, of
Goderieb, "peke In the ietsr.ts of Mr.
Relines, In the school hent. hen on Saint
day ovules.
Five years more of good
All water rates are now duo and
roust be paid by the 10th of Nov.
or the supply turned off. By outer,
Water and Light Committee,
('ot to -tor
Five years more of trade
LITIRARY Nae" -Dort at this time o1
the year the reader" of magazines are o0n
nderleg whet serindlomis shall lee ordered
for 1901, and most manatees are publish•
tag tbe'r next year's program. At the
head of every list, patriotic ()then• should
Place The Canadian Magazine. le is the
only high stars puhlloation in the country
to *blob nor literary men and publtolete
may contribute. It lr distinctly national
In the 1.000 that Ib ciroel•tes in every part
of Casette and deet with anon brier s In
tercet every °lllz.n, no matter whether he
(Ivor by the ()elf of 9t fewneeo e or among
the mountains of Rrltleh ('olumbl•. The
Canadian M.gartoe hs • considerable cit
o letlnn in Great Britain and the (Jolted
States and also In the following rooslelee
India, Japan, Philippine., M stn't's.
New Zulesd, Zweite., British North
Romeo, .1 aaln0, Rarb*ii ss,Brlaise (Jahns,
Brasil, Chill, Merino, Hawaii, Russia, nor-
ermaty, and Hungary. A magazine which it
roomed with Mich favor abroad ohosld he
well supported at home act that ib may he
enabled lo de its work well. The Novem-
ber nember, just to hand, oeetaias same
valuable srtlnlss, bo(nding "A Visit to a
Rnand-op," dlsetr•sei by John intim. and
"The Story of Plight (t.eersl Kleotlnos," by
Arthur H. 0, Dnignkono.
spell■ L1he twlldgrw.
When Usage are "the ben" they boons
"the bast mollies." Abreh•m Hare, • lead-
ing dregglst., of Belleville, O„ writes :
"baeetrte Bitters us the hest mina' bitter.
1 have handfed In 20 years." Yon knew
why' Most diseases begin be dlserdsas of
stemaeh, liver, kldnsys bowel., bleed and
serves RIeoM1n Bitters Mee. up the
seemaeh, regulates lever, blither sad
bowels, purifies the bleed. ebe..gtksse the
servse, hawse mores melUtndSs of seaside..
It builds rip the entire system. Pete sew
1110 and vigor late amy weak. sickly rea
dews essa sr WOOa& robs b0 swots.
Held M Jen. WlkfBE. drsgglet•
et Reigraire Met week.
Tome Gerdes, el St, Aegustlee, greet
Benda, at her home here
Etna Renews speas a few days with her
Balla Ones eat her sesan. Mae Rem
el Nils, awe Andes Is Tlersisa
I'P0 00 IY
Farm Implements and Machinery,
leering Binder.. Mowers, Rakes and Twine.
Also J. W. Mann goods
I'Uoghs. Ihilpers, etc.
Waikervil s Wagons • s,veoWty,
Everything made of the very hoot material
Repairs of all kinds kept on hand.
Would be pleased to have you call and Ie
npsot goods before pnrohaeing Msewhere.
Will open np to the old Angus MoKlnno
etand shoot eetsb^r 3.111.
Fashion is not everything,
lett t:tere is no er.CU.e for any
woman we•riug out of -date,
clumsy footwear, when the
Famous American
Shoe For Women
is to be had •t the sante
price. The most up
to date and the
Finest Fitting Shoe Made
One Pelee Alwav•
One of Many Styles
Mho Kid.
Low lied.
tgAT, Nov. 1, 1900.
A General
I SACT ae.wosuenon GI TMie 5TTts WOOL
iseeeDsorw.!n„w.o,wel"w.n..,....s ..,.,.
Four Books
' The Black Terror," a romance of Russia, by John K.:Lays, author of "1 lie Linde
nays,,' "The L.wyor's Secret," "Undor a Mask,,' E•c.
"'rhe Rebel," being • memoir of Anthony, fourth Karl of Cherwell, including an
aoeount of the Rising at Taunton in 1684, uuwpiled alld set forth by his 000510, Sir
Hilary Maw, Hart. Edited, with sol, note+, by H. B. Marriott Walston, author of
'"The Princess Xenia," ''The Adventurers," Etc.
"Caged," • romauce of a lunatic asyluiu, by Ideation Hill, author ot "The Queen
Night," 'Beacon Fire," Etc.
"A Prise of Swindlers," by Guy Boothby, author art •'^'ho Rol Rata' laughter,"
"Dr Nikols," Etc., Etc.
Published in paper, 75c. Cloth, $1.25. Sent pootpaid W any address in Canada.
write Redemption of David Oarson," by Charles Frederic Goss.
The Boston Tra*aonpt +aye : No et sr pees of detests bas uuue from the American
pleas this year than "'rte Redemption of David Carron,,' by Chas Frehmic Goss. For
high purpose, distinct aim, oarueotnuss end human interest, w0 esoiu et moll any moat
work which is Its equal. Rev. J. C. Withrow says t "Tie Redemption of David Car.
sou" is the best religious novel I ever read.
Publisher's price, paper, 75c. Our price, 6bc. Cloth, 21.25.
What would Robt. McLear►
do at Ottawa ?
Book and Wall Paper Store
Court House Square, Goderiob.
Our Telephone No. Is 100 B.
Yates' old stand, West side Square.
You are benefitted by 'pur-
chasing your Groceries from
STEWART, as you are getting
No. 1 goods at moderate prices.
Cash paid for A 1 Butter.
Undertakers and Eihalmera
„Graduate of Massachusette:Col-
_ logo of.Kmbalming.
BATE 9lt1C 3, AND
Treasurer's Sala of Lads tor Taxes.
(JAUNTY Or FIU RON, 'ro Ely virtue of warrant. wider the hand of the Wiirden
•nd eel of the corporation of the County of Huron. -Awed the ?1st day of Almost, II1CO. 00171 -
mocha me to levy upon the Lauds hereinafter desoribei. for the. arrears of 1111[01 retro asAi••
ly due together with ousts. ammo is hereby given that minket such talker and oasts
are wooer paid. 1 shall In compilitaes with the Consolidated A.S1 004GleGI Lot. chapter GI,
0 18,7. Proosod to reit by public, 'motion the mod lands or so muoh thereof as toe/ be
necessary to Olsonertre the same. al the court House. in the Town of Goderloh. oo
Would Yon Risk Your -
Lii‘; fur a Quarter?
There :u -e two place. to clip the price
off rreecription work, the quality of the
drugs and the care in miring. Our pnce
for filling prescription is aa low as any
reput&ble drug store in town, and our
new method of testing drug. and dia.
panting all prescriptions makes mistakes
ln buying drugs or any of Our Own
Home Remedies, we want you to rely on
our reeommendation as to their merita.
We have leen buying and Fueling drugs
for lifetime, and believe we know all
about them, anyway we are willing to
gite perfect eatisfaction with whatever
you buy ot us or your money back, and
that ix the greatest protection we can
give you It'. the old story of confidence
in your druvgist After \all thin vonfi•
deem' floes not amount to anything unless
it is with good foundation. Now, we are
after the drug store trade of this rum-
munity, and in order to get it we've got
to do a little talking Of comae talk ia
cheap, and you know 11-trut we have •
reputation at stake and are perfectly res-
ponsible for any vuorantee we enter into.
You iotn take our tolvertioemento ao truth
awl VIP also want you to consider them A
o personal invitation to viatt,ua.
Ask your doctor MI nhoot our new
method of tenting .1 double-
checking preneriptions, Ho 1...
Telephone 45 Terms Cash No Credit
Part of
Part of
He will beat Hotel Bedford, Goderich,
Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900
North pelf
of all long hair in ever/
length and 'Made. .
His ART STYLES are known and worn by all !aegis" evorv
Be sure to visit hia Show Rooms et the Hotel 'trot nee hio now
He will, free a *Niro*, demonstrate by fitting you whet he the moot.
suitah'e and hemming to you.
GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD ehoold invettigatn and aro h
56,000 beads.
Part of
11 ▪ Patented P 66
9 11 Patented 50
1.1 earl ); Pateated 2 60
11117 66
15 13 60 Patented 4 16 2 50 6 78
s Patented
11 I Patented
1. AlttrOWO survey 3 Rafteld Read /4 Patented 71 1 50 3 II
West half of fast hell 4
West half of Feet half 5
Part Of
3 87 2 60
McDonald survey .
MoCoaneU survey.
SIMOsegite, germ
County Treasurer'. 0Moe.
Goderich. August 21.1900.
21 56 2 79
16 17 65
6 50 2 60
nted 116
18 88
County Tremont..
ITWILL PAY T,,,,togea,titezliot,h,:). FoLrestpCitytifiziinerimaisruarnintionShtir phanidn
tour+ with young people and their needs, and the hominess world and its requirements.
Every facility at eoilimand for aiding yonim people ti-ith before and after graduation. We
v.re doing superior work ; result,' provo it. Send 1 ,r nur Catalogue amd College Journal,
J. IN. \WESTERVELT, Principal.
and all others who USA Hardware are invited to see the
goods and prices McKENZIE & HOWELL offer.
This is splendid time to do fen( ing. We have yet a
pretty lair assortment of sizes of oUr now famed AMERICAN
FIRLD FINetIrti. Hundreds of rods pub up this yew
this locality, and invariably it is said to be the beat farm
fence on the market.
We have a fine lino of Howie and Barn Furnishing.,
such as Lavensui, H !Rank LOOKS, GLANS, PAIPTR, V SWIMMER,
A large importation of the beet Exuma SPADINI avid
ftflOVR144 has just arrived. Thew are marked down vet"
Our new ELDRIDOR MIMING MACRIES in all that ie
claimed r it., being the hest value out. We sell them
down at bottom prices. It has points of exerillence no, to
be found on other machines