HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 8d "Thur, ata 1 said," cotatinuell Rem Jet at/ If !w Iain heard tae luterrup thin, "1iabrl"1 M)dtlrltoes lttutioetre le legtuly wtty4�Italked with lits liovern went. Ar'1or hs !rheas-ifhe has :the meet tualnt...IA ,cleat u• ions they chase. lest you under staid that the paper. ure at their Sall, too. 1 hate grim you 4111 prIr tieuhlrs I clowre to give. Now tom plete jour lung cherished plum if you think It well, Mr. Haughton." ' 1 ant not euedy I:wdw4lk:t1." re. marked Lawrence. suppretri41g ltd • 1....a don by au intense effort as he ub.rred toward the O.xtt. '.aid I w`11 ttiatlre Ude knavery " htutdral4 eyes. with something of their ad wiled:al glarax. Were (hood upon the uutYrnlort tele. /.guru of the 11 ,tie clerk, toed he did mot loom to even hear )dr. Ilnughttet's tlrr,lt• When Its guars had tart. he ries newly from lila loautug patens. a sml.e uroad.tg ht. lips. as he pictured the very toueleal rodtL4 1:l wh ell Mr 1J..eught.wl wol'd late h,l4m pieced it talar:t had chatted t. Ie, a grain of truth la lits naeert`uo that the Pie !tee *(soli fo low IOW. 141 the uuwntiru^. without utter'ng• nye wort to 'tell other. the hefted Dwyer and he elork returned to ligan• Ivry , after whoh Mr. S •nip was ttsp.ttrh;d to the Hewer U(f ewe anal Mr. Huug.ttu:t meat through ha books for the twemtietII time. rein Ing un ove•ry page the one word -- ;;t.riving agates. lilt growing wwtrl. nate, yet an olmporally ae if he had begin alone ill the ,a fteratoun. Rovdeu swot out to meet the carriage wheel .u. heard the s tend of wheele. With . n al'. Of grarting h.• helped the two tatUtia to alight. and the young.'r une atloid at Its tilde until they were allele. . " Oh. Roy,' she will/pared then. "j. uu aro mit. getting -batttse ' _areoeak'r noel we •k -•r '4 -eery day. and I 04141 see how dropdfuay you slier. It is all bemuse you fought r, hard against this Mtwara Just at first, whey yon felt you had so much t., do; and th a was no rich for my aeke as Ile stopped her with a touch of his fir.gers upon her ilps and a pleuraut ---aatl'.A of dhrent. but- no words, and she ee.•tt singly up the stAIra and Dee! dila sorrow. as she always .did, t., tate u:d lndv who awaited her. 'Ile is err 1L.4' the riglber-Tatfig- mu:it:oily. the look of pleaeun wh:cis • h•nl brightened her pate face n few nti,tutew ego. and which wend bright rn it again when her thoughts eh u:d g., h•tek to her om.eugrosaing mem• lay, of those papers now ly• frig ' in a, place of safety. which she Dilly vaguely knew tie a depot• ttlKr-tri ld prwn:mit d. - ere th'uglrtfnI for every One, iso TtIll of helpful, fieri -roes projects': and-. yet there 1s title strange solitariness whielt i0 seems as.if no one could ever l,i0roe." • "Welt, Alice -watt and see, my der." 5 For this doubting thought, though a tad one. was u familiar wee with the eider lady, ani isle which she ootid Duly bear t, lanai. In sliemee. What 11/ all the one thing which he lacked In aka noble, useful life" Could ao tree aver make hit tot kyr bright rut he ever strove t., make Lee lot of _e4MnsT --- 'Itut while 1 wait." sobbed' Aline, 'Ire is 111. and it rank coma too late." CKAPT* Xt' EXXII. __ -itiiiii a a 14 1{:411 iatared sin^e $tr Philip eomerenn had brought Ilunor the tWinge that eat den Keith had `fse.eca un the day after her brill and was con- fined there by i11 -health. :tis Philip en I Lady Vmerela were LOW abroad, nn 1 Honor end heard nothing more The time wile drawing near fur the tasting of the tu:uuriue iu Keualligtua en l the adjournment of Its young mis- ttwte to Alt oti. as,r. But who 'Could t..evwe+. what Iny h.•twern that tray ant Mods Jely afternoon, where tinnier ('raven. n', sh:• sat reading to !dart••, wads astonished by receiving the cant (Si Mr Bickerton sllmp, on which was pentad a request to Men her on the most Important primate Isu+imews 7 Phe area le -1 to this request wltbnnt Ino-Itatlen, for thoroughly as she dis- like.! Isom, she Wald nut forget that he belonged indirectly to her old hone oma her old life. When she ent•yr.l the library, where Mr Ptfine aweltetl her, she found ham eery- much ctulngat from the sleek and f:lwning little ay Chant Ise land al ways drown Memel tai her. He+toted humble and fenlntrel to the centre of the room, Ids clothes worn and dusty, the one word " fslltlre" stamp ed h'g• lbly upon his person and manner. Honor eat down and waited for him t.. speak. It wee not. long before he rill so, thestgh he was long l't lhaish:ug went he had U. say. Without .any im troductiort, tho.tgb with !irlwme air• cl:rraurath4I, he informed Idles (raven that he lied felt It his painful duty to eon* and Iny before her a law partial -ern respelling the affairs of Mr. Htneghtn, as she Weis unt rton• ately ons among many whom he hued defrauder! : mud Itis (Mr. Kamp.' :rautlenre would not allow hen to rest until he had rrtrlren to makeup, In mime nenemre, for fault. In -which he (as Mr. Haughton'a clerk)--- had beer Indirectly -though mate*-Dino eentiy-eon'erarel. It would app ear that Mr. Nlmp'e rvs..rlesetx- _rather eagerly sought rad, for without a prime 110 diverged from every point otrtninable from 'thi• entre anti rang a hundred 4.h -engem at the trawls lab+ late employer bed prat:Wild, Wit tudy upon her Mid up .41 the piddle, but (la is still greater .11141 more lie-trues/tie,. degree' upon 'IN ex clerk lams. If --guilekese and - Honor lientesti in sliesetee le writ. hardly worth while to lote.rrupt am- en 1 he went glibly on, making laniard( plain y utearstual. Vaasa 1 ties vie* n- ull.: excitement he niatie we ur uue or two 0%urueeion. which were Pa tireek to Honor. .v.tiove ail feet«, tide one was &urged ant resented newt Mr. ilaughted had Made a promise to hie le.vad clerk Hat at this present date lie would take 11101 tu7o partnerehip, anti now lie hacked (itit of the agreement : and tido mortified ex -clerk, having illatev- ered that the practice of Ifaughtun. solk.itor, maul not edited, had deter- mined to take a imolai revenge...or the twofold duplivity. itr liaughton wee now Whig iron] lilt, creditor's, all 1 Mr. Slimp happened to know hie present concealment and was Willing to betray it to ilia (a -gi- ven -for te consideratio 1. It Waa then nal not till thea, that Homer allowed him to sae, a little of tati worn lilh Itickertra Flame was far too ulfweeD bent Open his own aim to lot this interrupt hie flow of pleasant coati- '' Eeen If you decline to remtmer itt4. 1114. for tide useful information. altar entree." he wad inmirmatingly, worse than that to Hate me, and itlY tern has come now. Ile has time %%orate than ',hid to I Irethl of people. If It :Wei been only ne• he had injured hutnirele more, and mo tny duty is te- '' I do ot wall to. leer 1111v of Oat': sail Honor. Itelifferently as it veernai7-e-telias no etfect upon rue at But etill she sat quie.tly to lieten, the agonising effort it eat 11 ur te hear rind -above tell -to discredit what be Amid abeaut her old guardian '' Even If t did not betray Ms fad- iitg-plate," 'resumed MO, Hauglitaii•. ihaeoereel, and he'd be heated out He beet used te making !easel( sane !it a momenta notice end taking chi Went charaetere on tlifferettt,semer gruel. s, t114 lenge are. There'll 11v lainat) after him, too -maul a* itioalholuitir when 111.y know wiutt lee* doe,. Nu thereet no denibt Mout him being wet, taken, but I thought it right to warts you first, Mies Craven ; be - Puma If you wish yeur old guardieu le t of f 11 R. ill be easy work for you. atiei -01.---the mune time- tf - yea think juetice ought to be dealt to him. Yoli have on'y to say the word and make it worth iny, while. I always war willing to do anything fur you--• Ile pulled . himself op in hot and suttees haste. for one lance front Honor had been more an etifficiont to retnimd .him un wit t dangerous ground he trod. i "No, there's, au doubt tit he will taion no taken. Mite Cray , by one or other of the victims of his (ramie. heat swimmer," tie resoneme.uiletee pla- cidly, "a-nd tliare are meetly. could not enumerate, if 1 tried, th do Mite Windt he bas preetked- ea". families whale Deaver OVIgn you (.. uld remember, Mina , Craven. sere tufted iu Tula by 1111U. though th do -not know it yet. Ile Ms it broiled money he had to invest an taken people in by wham mortgaged. ley has agetia and again suppressed - certain dead. and effected the sale of property previously mustgaged. More than one loor dupe hail let him lave every pound ihe possieweed to invemt or place on mortgage, and n othing but forgeries. One poor widow thi tits N110 luta bought through him the louse ache 11 Veit in, while II resin,' liekinga to a wealthy builder in Kinbury-for Mr. Houghton heir pressed one aet of Ikeda and supplied litiother. Ile has overdrawn his batik ' Willeh IA due. No, there can lie no help fur Jilin, although hi. c e :It Pt hin bury and the mighborbuol is Nu good that •the crash may not, occur Itert the matter In my own Weida My beet move Is to Inform you, Mies Craven, that- he le• 4.1 -liter- mive-lat tie .1tictievite. In Thane*. street, and i yam nate. any wail yourself to be the am te bring him to Justiee-' theme rose, her cheeks and eye( white with anger. '' You forget to 'whom you are w etting," she said, her tome as quiet as mount, though her manlier Waal an tuelek able. .. Me. Blimp mule an effort to relish) the ground Pt had halt lay tato one too daring et..p. Cunningly, I ink ago he hAd tilirovered both the ,iiie pas ference with whhii it had been treated Ilnagined that Honor might rejoice over an opportunity of repay ing het ohl guardian for the. permectition sae bad muttered nt his hand,. But thiti feeling could only last one minute. am! he knew that it had leen lityar lone to hie eauee. 141111 he could re- gain his ground. he fancied, end it wan no unctuoto natisfactIon to him to lengthen him eonfidance against II1N erstwhile neater. There wan. too. the 'novelty of truth in mu ninny of theme cheering disclosures of fraud THE YOUNG GROW OLD BEFORE TIME. When youth ahown infirtnity, *ben old age creep; in before ihe titan, Wheel tht• days Hint should be the are burdened with Rehm, pain and weakness. we know that the nee iota system Is wearing out and that there la Imminent danger of ner- vous proatration. paralysis, locomo tor ataxia or insanity. Hove we admire the old In yeare ...erowneal with silvered hair, yet erect in id/Here. faculties retained With %Wet neeeneary tel the declin- ing years -cheerful, bright, grand Old age 11.)W la mmtnble Youth - event, parting of the way. (corium', told by revilement ',tartlet ID Tio' lastly during sleep. morning languor, tired, fagged, worm -out : trembling limbo. worrlen! brain, mind aimless wed deepened. Whatever the indirect ranee. oneditIon le leek of Nerve Fore/. - and duplicity. But lie hurried now oier the information. es If he fear - .4.1 itua Ming 'still inure rstsuutrily out adore He might well luter. Honor lead heard the one thing she wiebed to hear. stud now no hoed war paid tv any farther word. " That inn ill Theme etreet le 14 capital pints to get abroad from un- der foggy circumstances'," Mr. Stoup renewed with spirit, "and we l'.1111 manage if los really tenth um to un- dertalke It.' "I will think of what you tell tue," raid Honor Wulte mildly, though alio wan actually trembling in her fear of thaw inall in Ida treachery. ''l will see you again." The fear, me prowity biettled with, took the (grin in Mr. age, and he Kneed, in arvile uchni• ration on the gle-I'm beautiful. miry figure. now thet *lie weaned to un- derataud Wu' itt loot. "Itt the meantime. pray, fix your OWL prioe--the word war uttered in the very refinement of worth mid Honor's eyes *wept over the narrow form of the little traitor before ber -"for mecreey, and 1 will purchase it from you -if your terms eat me.'' "To jayti, MINN Craven, a thousand et ; therefore you would not, I hope, "To effect my purpose." aaid lieu - or quietly. wiriie elle raided her clear eyes, rutty to his crafty face, "one thousand pounds would be too little. Make your own terms. anti I will wee you here at tidy hour to -morrow." faction settled In ilr. SLItutes face He could afford now to be confiden- tial eeen on an ululated extraueous "11 pour s Mr. Ilaughton's last move had not so eigtially failed hint. Mae Craven.'" lie began, in a tone fur whielt she could have annihilated iiim where Ise stood. "the uld and well- eitublielied mime and tomatoes would heiye been saved and his prevent -tie •lcultiat never matte pubie; but thet last move did fail. anti he him - e el( bad no power of getting out of Ida present serape. Ile felt so very eterteisa a the identity of Mr. Keith. who Murdered Squire llyddelton. of even with wily tiae vary Wight anti presumptive evhisnoe which lie. woo able to ammo airing. ala10111 two pore of searoh and inquiry lie. went in person to iaorm Mr Keith chat the whole -proof was iti MS own hands lad that he would at Onee give him over to the law as the ountietnned deltea. milers he chose to buy ide im- munity -you understand. Mims Cra- Ve11 7 That move. as I :saki, Moat signally failed; - for --a humiliating :act which we firwt learned in Ha proving It. I value up to teen 011 lloratt 'Of floe." ntit Honor d nu idea that the twit. words line .,,, parsed Ili •r . I at), tend af • ter their utterance her silence wax "Ant inure than that," resumed Bickerton Sliage, with tut uir of jaunty encourrtgenient, "1 .10 1 te alai never .11,1 believe in the identity of Ilabrlel illyaltielton with Mr. Keith, of West- Sigh- who, by the way, mem dying earthily. Of eourale I have helped -for my one planets.« -In fastesing the sae picion upon him, hut 1 Lever Ot1W our deitly in the_ontaidie of the end I alwaye felt that If ho ha live U," coeill,'" the man whom for eleven yeses w- l'huole's light volt* down, he could never have had could, unirinuring 'teats about hien or shown reek had KM/ for her a thee and uncertedatty in the came. He Hervey had, alt one-Li-lie-delay.e1 by scruple*, ng it 1-1, a i I 1 alit Ilya undertitood lila 0110 WO- W .„._Ritelret .oti, for lite not capturing his man end le) riTer the 'solution of those idayit and wept. quite .. an 7 polities of doubt which he under- he'en-I went f he'd hrol l'aumet to feel mire in l'uft been mita p work. As for ante I doubted delta& nut how .111 take my oath It is .The wortiat\el:1 mitered Honor's care with a (bar n 1 almost am ailing ile- wetness, nail heart wail eilaili unnoved until Ise depiarted, with an ',Imre wive reiterat to of hie intention to be :11 hor giorvice Xt. daY at that tiwiTiirit the MI: noe and etillnete left • her evhi a he Fit her. Si mooed mini, an I. radically about tit faien, repeata,s to levee "Not guilty i labelers I eirsulnally her inairt grew - and ehe Met the /Dense ef these ate! words, while otily that. la forme! retwaution of hers heed- ithe must see I.awreace; she Mad her old guardian to -night, for fear I might he ton Into. Then there en nr. over the girl a feel- ing of 'emplaces and dread met tui - 11,11111 to her. Sho Bedews! 11110 10111;111 fur the Weal of l'hotbe's return, while still *he trieel, with nil her ntrength, to throw off thie new ertui miserable foreboding which had fallen epee her with meta' ye terrible weight and un- der which she coul.1 not even hope What eons It 7 What bad brought fear for Lewritne., 6:• -for WI om? 'lad it (ellen meet her When Ph'. heart! of her gnardinn's (Timer, of taltriela In-. nieence, or of that interview whieh tien of fiahriela voluble hnol had with tia.• Man on whom he laid ao foul a charge 7 She eattled with the feeling. ntriv I pray ItIm tm help um tit do ito. That," ing to dIseteet It. that if ponder mho repeated slowly ant 411ouglithilly, the action might dispel It. '' in ell." Ode old teens Wee repeated. It would be well for Hervey. Ones let lau feel that Min love 01 wee howler., lus wouki quietly submit, and live Ida 'sew life *till more earateitiy ; awe feel that he lutist take this neat loto from his heart, Wel lie vroulti meek nut:tiler lose to take its place. No fear that Hervey's+ heart would tweak in watery etiffering. And for herself ? Well, it would be beet fur Hervey. allp 1 140) could trust hill' 110W. lei 1 her r lit hetet gently inene lib. WO Woke. tip Into Ills int% with at glance so earned awl art true-sity• worry fur him anti so sorry fur herwelf-that lie felt teatime WoOld be uttered euleuinly from het istert anti malt bit mitered between them for evermore. "Hervey. 1 will tell you the truth to -night. while we are here lelone to. ether, and then I know you will never apeak to ine agaiu as you hues just dune. It will save um both pain afterward. for yue will nee how Imporalble it would be for me ever to give you a difft•reett answer from that which 1 intee just given. have no power to gate my hoe to you or to allr-olla now. Hervey, for it was given long ego- We are teou• wins and old friend& are we not 7 And when I tell you the& 1 truest yott with all. my lamert!" The great astoitisliment which filled Itie mind was written In hie Could tido be possible? Ilonor. who had never seemed to care for any one lu particular. for wham love too many strove and to win whom no trouble oould be too great, 110 wooing too penartent Honor to have given her love uway long ago! Why. long ago must be in those old tinier in Stittton, in lierveyat mite' had lutat teem entire, ly disconneuted with Honor's pre- sent lite. How could it he aud to A suiden fear for hey -which a mite eta ago woull have uppity/lit haw., elbleiend 11 minute !tenet. Wail to again appear iuipussiele-made him look ingly into her face. Ah, no. Honor coal I never have give her lovt! un - new. and despondence he maid ahead iln 1 11 11111:10.1 01 hitwelf foe the fear. ing the outtetion in him eyes. "It is an old ache. Do not maks Me al1enie Of it now, Hervey. lou wel forgive me line pale that I have caused you, because tear sorer *till." rioting tap to meet title trust of herw, you knew it wouli, it las all hope withia me; but' e'finitie 1. I'd better so." "Nei," she answered, wdli another Tenth. toucti• upon bid hatted, ars vie- lioniteel the subject, " it le better For a fete ainutee they stool In same there -in til s:1 vr,c W111:14 •Ally returne.1 from,h-o drive,. bright Intl excited. Yet thteigh the three chatte(i pleasantly and even .1 at Astute au 0110 waecoal.1 detes•t' undertone of liadlleall 'In Ilonor'm voice and could read the ilea, loot of quiet levitate/its) lierveya (ace. 'Oh, flows !" , she cried. repenting varlet'. Items of news she had hear from ties friends; eith whom she la been driving. "Mr. Keith ie dr fully 'at- Vieutlehytt, and of idni for having turned hern of Dodd's Kidney Pills are legion. The box le imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills ere imitated and Om sianiss-Dodd'e Kidney Pills is i ,,,, t•ted. IOW/1601n Ma dangerous. The original le safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills have • reputation. linies tors have D0110 or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD'S. Dodd's la the original Dodd's is the name to be care- ful about- D-O-D-D2S KIDNEY PILLS Are Co nsansu Ineous Mar rlages Injuri- ous to the Race. Lawrence Irwell concludes that eon weenie union* are, lit the great rarity of chomp. Widoidritble, 110t Aiwa they originete diseases tie novo, tiut because 'they Litensilly elating few families etre exempt. They ohould Clot even be thought of la any fatally at which Idiocy, insanity, epilepsy, cou- rgette' 'deaf -mutant, hurt -lite, Clef Abdo. th. phthleical nth/kende ilia - threes 11.11Ve occurred, for all of thew %warm or tendency toward disease say be honied down from one genera- tion to aterther. As it is not improte malady which attacks oily those per audits' in which canter has appeared, au matter how far beak, eltoulti avoid ealeanguineoue imione. Frequent mar - flagon of perilous wItome envirvetments have been very similar la injurious to the rare, Anti extreme exclueivetteue in ielpiea Medical Journal. July HMO. Deafness Cannot be Cured by heal applleatIone.ao they cannot Macb the ilaeased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deem... and that ix by oonditu- t Iona! remedies (Renew 1. caused by an in flamed tmeditIon of the mummy lining of the you have • rumbling eound,or Imperfect bear - Mg, and when it is entirely glowed deatnews is the result. and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube reoored Os nornial hettring will be destroyed forever; • 111101 0111 of tan fun caused by catarrh. which I. nothing but an inflamed condition of We O give Oue Hundred Dollar. for •ny MAC of litudnea. b armed by catarrh, that CAM out be cured by Ha l'o Catacrh Cure. Send for Amulet* free. So by laugghta. 13e. a Family Pill. are the bee. How it Occurs. Watte-I can't undereetend why se many of (lira( prizefighters eventually drift Into acting. l'otts-YOU Can't 7 Now, If a prize- fighter wen. to tell you he thought he could apt. and asked your opinion, wheel „Would you him ?-Indianap- -De Not Forest It. le -I. &fee leo Ker. -Mee rennet be sem pammed by any combinntion for tho relief of MM. The motion 7. a good ono. Nerviline d louvered remedies I t 791 It Magic pain cure. relic. in fact all lain, internal, external and 1101,111. are subdued in • few minutes. Go at once to any drug otore and got* trial bottle. It will only net you 10 mode. and you Can at small mat teat the great pain cure. Polaoa. Nerylline. Large bottle. onlyt3c. 11 suddenly Intelligible rot- e. ite by chance, been while t114190. words , and somehow -though tterwarti coati make it himmelf how it lead read lit that moment the one secret which lienor bed lett told, teal It made Wee very si- lent until a' question (ruin Molitor roused him. \ I soak you tkivisornothing for toe," "Anythiter-a hit -tared thiugs!" be alutwered eagerly, while still the 1041%1110W Wail lit lad tone. I want.' ithe eiti.1 et lag her clear. gr.ive eyes to his and ovitileg very sen-Leselj. 'to re 111) 0 tattnii h- ie' brief 1fy (It ton. (•aptain rent amid only the name in his surprise. • "les. Hersey. Ile is innocent nti And need ter - A tic:med. felt ne gilt be guilty." "But. Ilimor. You do not kilo* whore Jae ill.' "N4).' Rite answered. with dee* thought. "but still want tide mas. nage barne for Me. Will you under- take, it, lierefey? I can trust you ivl ere. to any ow oiely tell lite -here auti whom." tvi (Hayed htt-frOtellit of quick eur• noutkir.' she said. quietly, houUl send tide tnentrige hy wish you to delver it ill you wait for your art. gal I asking OM the *Oral'. end for 'why I him eon mach ri wotilti trek* you. Iloilo? r say to Mr. Keith t toeing to me my covialit-tiabriel My that le all. duet I !taro a great iota -my own ton, ami that aerve waits Ma not been repaired. It wotet repeat itself, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food furnlehee in condensed pill form the nerve marl - meet which repairs nerve waste There reats the secret of the won- derful curer mode by this great nerve-bullding medicine Mr. A. T P. Lalame. railway agent at Clereinceville, Que., writes " For twelve yearly I have been run :keen with nervous debility I euffered much And romoultod dootore tend need medicine, 111 vain ctome 'auntie' ngo heard of Dr. rhaews Nerve Fool, teed two holes, and my health Improved so rapi.ily that I ordered twelve more. "I ran gay fra.nkly that this treat- ment haw tapial In the tnelieel world. While tieing Dr. Chese's Nerve Food I Neal feel my 'system beteg built up until nowt I am strong mid healthy. I rennet recommend It too highly be- weak. riervois people." DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Is preNarfel nonderwarel pill form end mi overtly box la frond the por trait t ore of Dr A. W hese leant ,m having the geseint Me a bat, at all dealers or &Amite am. Dates & Tomato. vres-11 reedit not be.•• elle mooned, strangling emit thought no it forc- ed its way to her lipe. "that there mitould be a fatal eliding to the 111 nese Of one who has been ivrt)ngly Judged. It eannot lie! ! If Phoebe would but come and 'meek ine of Tlit. enetnnil no large end oeent and glin so solitary that when library. iniennouneed, elle greeted 111 111 with nn unfeigned gladnere which filled his heart with .att_ex- manterber "are you really glad to OM Me-nre you really 7" ing low. in tlue gravity of her own thoughte. "Phoebe le away." The lest few words, eoul 1 not uirimp lilm, for her greethig hod Kit on hint wye ell he 'weal . and one more - more ergettly than ever, hnt for tit, last Urea now ---)he peure'll out thv ;di ittory of whet he let11.-1 les iincon quotable end uncliangenlie never gieser..I what pain it, gar, her, Mal did nut _blew him 10, One thought ; lemma. she Omar "Wit no deeply nil it wan ameba • fer him te feel he felt thin. diftly and kitelly mho answered him ree whe heel enew,•rel him often, Ind sle. saw haw much mere en rieigt fore, and she saw that only one thing which alis %mkt say mod linseed "Mime Oldteri seems to keep enol, no matter what the thermometer "Oh, yes. You law, she's only about 48 In the shade." • Dair. lock, June 11, 189T -tear derre-,-iftNititfrti o) remedy for NEURALGIA, It relievers at mute. A. S. lirDONALD. h trooper of the Dublin Irtnit 0011- tingent of the Imperial Yeoinhnry, who was takes prisoner with many others at Lindley, writen a letter from Nooltgelacht, which wee recent. ;vertten: "Wall, here I nm in beautiful barbed wire 'rage' with some 1,500 other tinfortunaten. On? clothing la pletureaune in the ex- treme. A man with a fieat 111 )11111 mints in ets rare es a Julianne eix• pence, anal when met with is treated With the greatest deferenee. Our holiee In a little arty about two feet high. made of mud and roofed with a regge(1 bleated. Literature hex Ite votaries. There is a fine (emulating library. stomata& of two maples of the illnif-l'enny Comic, a year 'old; three tinge. (rem an equally antiquat- e! number . of eketeh. tend three foe Pith People. pertly printed In F,tglIell and partly In Dutch. The feet thee these well•themtwel pamph- let,' hear the oppeoronee of having been read and re -rend. makes me think Brother Neer known a gond thltfg whon lie mos 11, mei there are a lot of am who would feel an the I better If we land tome of the Ohs in- stead of the pill literature laber. ever, we keep the ' library' In Hernia - tem. and lite Meek Tapley. endeavor to take res mach enjnyment out of miss 'Wady goetl; he gond find some ng. -Theresa Prtsate Theatrea in Slam. Each Siamese mandarin hate bin ovrn theatre. The act releases are Illia *laves. No men appe-ar on the stage. Rich mewl:tries hove art man"' mg WU aetreases anti more. • Minartra Liniment Ceres Colds. *to Mr. R. Denike In the Liberarpotn- lave In F.arit Northumberland. HATS FOR YOUTHFUL BELLItil • Augusta Models Time are lateaded for Little Ole's. In the great excitement of picking tot her own beautiful chapeau wo mankaiel fairly neglects' the few lot tel hate designed fur the ratan sir!. Three rather biroad-bvimnati hate etre In felt be many lestaunta trimmed with velvet, or And ever es Insuly of velvet,. In usarly every atm there'll it nig bow la frost. and mutely there's &n- uttier, a annaller one. at the back. An for oolong, there -'w hardly any lignit, though the fit,omitoe are 4,1 the Set lirowis, blue, red and white tire Upon teary aide. lesiedat, tou, le nitwit ha to likings,. Onm lu white, and reeled/1 has the Tam crown formed of alternate ieliet folds in them two oolors. The 'trim is double, there tang tete elf nhirreet whits tafft.ta under the ate of weirred reeesia velvet. A minis groan Valeta bow loo in fruit. A ednillar Nit. as elctpo and make. la of erimeon velvet, there being a big metal bow in front and stringy of trim - On the 1A11.11.10 Ilona tt rombre little hat of black velvet, with a bias, wired bow at the front Plainer bate ere alau 111 great var. Sty. A entinty toe le in castor felt. Tit,. legate -Wed toffette bow with eight loop'. (it, la 1.11 pink and crottrui plared in trod. while a knot, ccueoltaIng of two loupe and an end, le at, th,, back. .1 gay red felt has a ellirred velvet Tam crown. a plaid taffeta bow Heti two quills being *et in front. weft LWOW!' felt a a pretty Hear with terown velvet straw rade:ether all round: Di foot therea a tote -lied brown and cream bow mud three little pule Itather odd for a child, but very be - (Calling in Home inateneee, lia a fine pearl gray French felt hat (they are all simply round hese evith a yellow neettere of tar f eta -UV re are t wo thickneeeee, making one *hie gray anti tie• other white -are at the front, while a bow of striped gray .end whtte talfeta ribbon gives the back a 11 Shed look. "Mayo you tried 'SALADA' Ceylou and India Green Tea r' asked the dealer of a consumer of Japan. "No, I never experiment." said the esuetomer. -- "Good rule, -preyed by ite excep- "How Nor' said the customer. "A new Tea, grown on the richest Tea producing soil in the world - Ceylon and India -prepared by mod- ern cleanly machineri methods, just es "SALADA" 'Beek Tea Is,-witiateit the aid of nerve disturbing adulter- ants, -may prove revelation to the Hate, nnd a positive benefit, rather Onto au injury, to the system. New do you grasp the situation r "Then, take -a trial packet. Result : Jaen Ten forever discarded. "sALADA" Ceylon and I 11,111. Tea adopted. The above conversation le suggest- ive to yop reader if you drink JapAn CPC Where Spiders are Useful At a recent meeting of ^rim cul - turista In France the question as debated whether spialeris should aufferel to spin their web. on fru t walls. The general opinion teemed I be that tlie webe were more were! ed that they prevent the incursions Of earwigs and Mintier Insects tead__-_ &ono interfere with the operation/ 01 notions flies elms.. larvae ravage. leaves and fruity,. Are You Well? Unusual question I If your digestion needs a rest -whatever else may be true -you can get it from SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. NVhatever else it may be - it is a vacation for stomach and partly for bowels. It feeds you a little without any work at all by the stomach. That little may be enough td set your whole body going again ; for it helps you more than it feeds you. If you Roe isolated it send for fretwork., its ▪ eeehle taste .111 awarprI4e you ti0o. and $1.00 all druggists. entree Dressing at Carlsbad. The International character of the visitorm at earlobe 1 never alters, Rotheeleiltis, Russians, French, Amin lards, Egyptians, Pashas, end, of coarse, Viennese, English, and Ameri- cans; the convermation at the springs Is a very babel of tongues Women anise eery smartly at Carle - ba I, Viennese and Americana mbar. hug the seartorlal honors. White is worn a great deal In the early nsorning at the wear. and later im wall, but tllb beet dressed women keep mote aflame to the tailor-made Just as Good Perhasal Don't you run the deli though, but alway. buy Om well -tested and Line -pup COM cum Putnam's Painless Coca Retractor. Sure. eats and :tandem. Abet nce makes the Mart grow A WONDERFUL CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE The most wonderful effects produced by KIDD'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS In curing Sick Readmits, Iltilousnees. Ccated Liver and Kidney Trouble, lute pteore them al ea heed ce ai medicine. 76 Pills in a boa Meseta at ell Druggists. or nailed by M. F. ICHY Port Elgin. Out This signature Is on every 1.01 of the genuine the remedy UM cures e. aped ha ado day Sapphires of M•ny. Flues. It tried to be suppose(' Hut a per - feet sapptAre nest be of a dark, rites blue tint. Note the „dleouvery of ;a new rapplere mine In the Rocky timuntaina, where stones were found varying In their shaden °eine from a light steel blue to the deep blur tint anti sweet Iran re lovely tone- thart to a ruby red Ms changed all that., These new sapph1res have be - COMP the rage. They touched the whole color male of blue, red and pur- A Vaneotever mien may& "I can re - cowmen/ Miller'st Compotmei Iron PUS. They are :1 great relned7." Complimestary le English Women. The gallant old Emperor of Aux. trite remarked once to the Duke of Cambridge: " Whenever, I see tut English woman. I think 'What a pity it is a man cannot have more than one wife.' " "Awl what, thew do you think of Englieh men ?" meld highly, of all English -men,' said the Emperor, very gravely, "simply be- came they are related to EnglImh By their action on the Stomach'. Liver. anti BOW01.11, Miller's Worm Powders correct ell much troubles an Lack of Appetite Biliousness, Drewry- \ Ines& Sallow Complexion, etc.; nice `to tske. NUITI8 PERMANENTLY CURED. For Fifteen 1 enre 31r..Ino. (i. Pear- son, Well Known In SielvernSquare. IN, S., Suffered from Bronchitis and Bore Throet irritation. The Doctors railed to /teem, so Finally Ile wise Obliged to 1,11ve Up Ma Vine Position. CATARRHOZONE CUR 1 " For fifteen years," s rite. Mr. Peertion, "I have been weoembant ell fferer from brnalohlt 1. and 1,evlere throat Irrliwt Ion finally Tres obliged to resign owing to my bronchiel trouble. " For mon. it-, after al rig no my position I doctored with itevend phyelelemp. and tried all the adverUsel reMlwilen. but tem not bene - "My treuhte kePt getting worse end It wit. feared 1 should godnto decline If something mut not ttpeedity done Prot Meet tally Woks ad rimed to usedbitarrh• osone The filmed late afrella. I am glad te my, were most gretifying "In feet day. my throat trouble was No re so to give me luerfe MILSON 11 COML. and before the content. of I he hoof,. o..re osone as a genuine prepanttinn. Every word mild for It I. tree. Asi si mire for bronehttie and throat tremble. Iodates from the imarvelloue eferet in my esse,11 do not think li can be CATARRHOZONE la a gnarantmot roe.. for complet• moat, rentieling of beautifully 'Wished hard rubber Inheler and mufflyient Int gleien1 mted ewes* 0, cure, and one thou/a and teethnontele, for lar in stamps from K. C Pekoe A Coe Ikespoten. Outs I quit Het leaderehIP 557 the Spaniels roneervati Vele. UNTERS' EXCURSIONS Northltay.liffeloal et Argyle to Cobo- ton, 1nel nal v• a and •Il points on Mae - vie Muskoka Navigation ('o.. and on Itunts•Illo wort Lake of Illey• Nat. Matti WKl N 11311t• FRIDAY, OCT.26, TO SATUR DAY, NOY. 1, Mt AT SINCLE FIRST-CLASS FARE lif.xeept on itushowe peeving Through Toronto., (Mod 4, return leaving deatteaUon not later than Saturday. Dec. 13th. IMO or until [bad., of navigation ftf eareete to yetsta reached by and Lake of Bays Say. Route. korai Nay. Company trill run a special steam boat. leaving Muskoka Wharf at 7 lain. Matto, day. October Mb. for •1.1. roirersom M tea Off • LAkse N4 VIOATION co.- Steamer "(My of Toronto leave Pealltaeg end Midteed. kinturder. October Via. foe 'Moue River and Parry Mound District. after arrival of evening trains from the Mouth. Stopover only allowed at pant. tieyern and For reedier potboilers •pply CHAS. E Mt iltO A N, C.P and T. A.. II Jones dreetaorth. and Stuart sutil king Street Stations. Diatr1ct Passenger •gent. Teresa. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. Gee of ths finest in the Niagara Peninsula. al Winona. le miles from Hamilton, on two rail- ways 170 acres, 43 of which le in frnit, mmtlY In sight this semen. Will be siold In lota to suit JONATHAN C•RPENTER. P.11. Hos 4011. Winona. OW - UTA MPH. Parsons having old collection. Or ax1.1 /tamp. will find It to their advantage to correspond with P.O. Hos 011, Hamiltor.Ont. PERMANENTLY CURED HY lilt EMS* Great Nerve Restorer N. tit. or nervonanume after first day'. ass fiend to um Arch street, Phile ditlith la Pa., for treatise and fres $1 trial bottle Yot ale by .1. A. gars. 17110 Notre Dam• street FITS Mrs, Winalow's Soothing/ eyrie shoved a vibe theed for Children Teething Ztizet.lj: the ,•111111, acetone the gums cores and 1, the beet remedy for Diarrheas. Twenty ars oasts • bottle. DID YOU EVER 111000ents The Coxvor reit R1'0411 (F11 Oradine, V414J Nem, AMU GRANUIATILD ND YELLOW ' GRANULATED 100% PURE ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERY The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World. Simons. Shuttleworth & Simons, Jacob. & Co.. (lards. Jacobs & Coo Liverpool. roglen4. aliluego.. Peel land. Landow, Fweleed. 14.11.1 trI weekly Ex nottiv. of erndis will be fernitthed with !market report., mill to 4, J. W. RHI "SOW PARK- renal, leglAuTroltiO, ot4T. W. M. FRENC It 1113 Vile atmoni, greetreal, w111 attend et the prompt netwarh of ell consignments made to the above mussed isms 611 119