HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 7THE SIGNAL • GODERICII ONTARIO. • W. Acheson & Son • RARE BARGAINS IN Ladies' TailorMade Coats We place our entire stock of this season's hand- some Coats and Furs at special sale prices. For a stock of nearly 300 new garments, we now quote prices which, as compared with elsewhere asking, constitute a series of unapproachable offerings. Silk -lined and Italian lined, beat style (:oats, ranging iu price now from $3.50 to $9.50. Value ranges from $.1.00 to as high sr $14.00. Meo'a and Women's Fur Coats, ()sundae, Coped, Etc. Saskatchewan Robes. 54 inches wide Eider Down Flannels iu all leading colors, at special 75 oeats. Handsome French Flannels at 40c and 50c. W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY. Almoysle : L. R Duff le on the editorial ref of The Stretford Be&ooe. (Hey : Litt week Ju Calder, 12 h coo., left for Idsbo where be will take • hood at sheep rseeb'ng. Wm.Aold ; .la Noble underwent an ex. toenail, dant/seam. operation for a eerloa •ttsok of •ppendiol'n Morrie : The irtwee, of Anierson'm sebool bars re -outraged the services o) 111 Jamtewo for the oomluv year. %Masham : A I. H+mtltoe boo gone to Toronto to ooneult • spec ans.. 1 th regard to his eyesight. and also that of his little boy. Wirehom ; Wbiteohsrob betel hos ohsng e4 hoods ; the poroh•ser a .Ino Mel) ,n•I,i, formerly el Wtsgbem, but lately of L. to wsL_ tire, t Peet Dela has rid hie rum to Hear? Armstrong and will nine•• from it shortly to his new funs In 10e roc'n.i y of F••rdwlob. Break : A Mr 1'smphell, of London. has 1. Med the •taro 10 the (i d11.1 (loot 00(1 a opening up • large stoat of g 1 merohoodlee. Zarlob : The esteraslem•nt given by the Arrester, Is the tows hall, woe veU •1• tended sad enjoyed by all aerate Thu greener ameaeted to $28. Grey : 1hse. Renovates sew two story hrlok setter• is solo, op at • rapid rsr• I1 will he smother ornament to • hoe al- ready sated for HA floe resld•sose. tyrey : Voksrd•y evening, Ootober 20th, Mary Jane Riordan, (•.loves wife of Jame, Parr. panned away from earth aged rutty• ars years, ay* moath• sod eighteen days. Sealerth : W• regret to have to report ib. dower, .1 Kye'y t. daorhter of J.00h l.rael, of 9e&fnrth, which sol nowrregee took pleas oa Thursday moro(og of lost weak Nnrn• : H•ryry Vkeltoe, who 1 vie MU hos uncle, Wm. J sckscu, 9 h Inc.Ifell psi 1 • wager, Is wh(eh uesnvls were heir, h•o'e 1 .84 boles bee right arm nes, rt. Clinton t. illy the O/nurse., Mi•seta, Pre of - ••.set 450. we erre that Jets. R. Rea y.w•n of t he less J $ iltec*y; st ',comas restrict to Mies M. B. ilurley,nl tbM pl. re If Jmrsvill• 1), Wsdeesday. the 17N, at 9 o'olook 1a the morning. Will Potter, well known here, wee married t. Yat Rwth• tV',th,tlnih&m, daeshtr et A. WiAt- 0 other, !i•+ol.y Tmireemulth • (leorce NAJt tote pOruhee- ed the 50 *ore form of Mrs. (.dmf b•4 tine* to occupy the residence, as Mr Moore is • baobelor. Hallett :Fount' Kettle hu rented big 100 acre farm, being lot 7, on the 10.h 000- oees/oo, to Samuel Love, of Morris, at an sane I rental of $285 This is an o zoelleot rum and Mr Kettle has got • good 1 ms 11. Mr. Kettle w111 still retain tb. 200 acre farm oo whioh he Ives, Egmoodvtlle . William McOecch bus sold hie ane farm no the .wend oo0oom •', • reals out of Egmoodv tile, to James P. tie, of Clinton, formerly of MoKtllop '!he urlos paid was $5,700. 11 le ono of the boat farms to the township sad hos oo it . good brick house and oatbulld'age to oorrespond, Morrie Toll week the owe hundred ears horn known se the Taylor farm, Sa Duo. 5, wr . gold to Samuel Burke, of tints e els. There a oonslderabie timber oo the plain and It will make • good daisy or grez- log farm. kir. Taylor te the postmaster at London South, Middlesex oo0oty. Mr. Burke has I boys wbo w111 soon be able 1.0 do a good share of the work. l'lloton : John Tedford has disposed of h e blwksmitbing Witness and prem em on Kattesbury sl. to Albert Seeley end Aloert Turner. Mr. Tedford has been ••t l'l'ntoo for nearly forty yea*, during moat of whioh tome be ha been to business for hlm- *elf. He purposes moving to Manitoba 1. Ibe spring, where his neo hos taken up land. He bre berm oo estimable citizen to •very respect, and will osrry away the, very best 015040 el a11. pellis, Moen fie tram the b.asdsry sed ergot • manulaotery hero. U LM set plats, obereforr, that U the reload of lb. O000er- wetly* Ue•eromeot incur the preteetluo of Hie home rs5aerles from the oompetltluu of the ataodard Mlle. time styrenes tut of Cooed*, the gtan'lsg e1 that sante inquest to those oonpasles who were Still outside of Oou.da wr • privilege enabling them W °outpost sate suooeeslully la the O.s•dlas mater with the Standard 01* CO that hod is the neutlms beano. • partly Cuadra Co.? It may be •eked thee. 11 the tierce meat had so regard for the Interests of the Standard Oil Co. and they aro almost the Sole manufacturers of oosl oil, why did they sot take off all the duty 1 The rectos 1s this rhe Standard Oil Co , wblle oon- troltieg the manufactured output. have set bought the Canadian wells. 11 the tariff w... completely removed, the Company would *Imply close toe Uaeadlan reaper, and return to the msaofaLlra o1 the ell 10 the Americas or home rearrries, sad the Oaaadian well owow. would be ruined Westfield : Oso of W•etflsl l's most re •psotod Yount lad', , hu passed away to the per•oo of Iles Rachael Redmond. Dices* ed wit token moth last •prtog with •p .t took of the meales, which developed tote uooenmpllon She hod teen grsio•lly rink toy, but • 1•w worts evn sit1. Ieuty took • change for the worse arid the.! I'hnraJ.y afternoon, October 18 h The !ti 1..1..1 took pl.c. this Soturd.y mounirg following, pro- a•.dl.g from roe house to the Rumen ( .11gchery►g131t. A--ge mains, whoreesr- rl ;mss held, &ftrshleb she •s.. '•herr.•1 Jt the K, C. burying erciao•t Ti. teeth More the .yenp&thy .1 (ho et t re c .n nen Ey In their sod bresvemsst Farmers, a vote for McLean against the pr for ential tariff, under which the sale of Canadian bacon, hams, butter and other products of the farm has increased mar- vellously in the British mar- ket. Vote for Holmes and a Mr. Holmes has done good work at Ottawa in attending to the interests of his con- stituents. Reward hint by giving him your vote next Wednesday. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. LA MIN' HON• JOl'RNAI..-"Th. Loveliest Woman to All Amerloe," "The Future of the N bite House," "Chs Mon Who Wrote Narcotism," "Wsltiog Ir the Mali' -5 p+ge drswlnr by A. B. Frost -sod "How Aunt Sally Brought Down the House,` & abort story, are some of the cruellest Mutants of the November Lidice' Home Journal. la the same ts.u. C1+Sued How- ard 000lruse "The Story of a Young Mite Charles Major bis " Blue River Hoar Stories," Ellz+beth Stuart Phelps her serial. "The Suoowors of Mary the First," and "Josiah Allen's Wife" funnily narrates the Inoldeota of her fourth visit, Edward Bek forcibly contends that the Amerlor no show ezwnble Lute in turoteh'og their houses, end "Al Amerioan Mother" cor.vlots the Americans of havlog had manners. Plans are glyen for "A Quaint Old les/nosed House for $6600,'' ane •[Actor visits of °Poe Mees Artistic House to New York City" right worthily 000epv two pages, se don "Through 1'totbresqu• America," which peters' the soeoto Denebee of Cali - forma. Thereat. oamero05 articles on the f•.htone, and woman's work. By rbc Pabllthlog Company, Pbiladslpbl&. Doe dollar a year : too manta & wpy. THIS Novaultco w'RINNae'N -The greet Trope -Siberian Railway, described by Hoary Normo 1. his aortae on "Rogsla of Today." loads the November amber r Sortboer's Magazine. Title r&ilwly 54 Zai oommeroul sod political key to the Fu Kut and Mr. Norman travelled He suttee *opt ti so for its oomplel.d, a leek• Baikal and beyond. He deo:Mime the wooderful i&duetrsl po.(blltlt s of the country through which he pawed and Rives ea en- tirely new idea of Siberia. Instead of a desert It promises to he the leading wheet- prodaolog 0000017 of t0• world, and the railway opens up Immense Moral posel- blhtlm. Jesse Lynch N dilator, who has written • number of artlolos oo the plo0ur• &ogee mamma of New York. 1n this number dseorlbee the "(Noes -streets of New York." Hairy Jamin oontrlbutee "Tbe Tone of .Time' the story of a woman who 'rte. to Drente a respite'able past. Mr. B.rL(e'e great o0r(.I, "Tommy and Orizal,' is ma- in I his numbar with • eitast(uO which will .urprlee the moat scat• readers of 6otton, and will orate • greet deal of dta• ouseioo. Sum' of the bosu ire .1 th. World's Fair which 'i just closing in Parts are lolly ,Haetrstsd by the oemer• ..1 3)wtght 1.. E mender', with bar motto e wonderful series of photograph.. He br.elly describes the room p o'unit from u he p .. o t of reveal a. pho'tgrepher. MAY LAURIER HOLD HIS OWN. • areas asjLIeh rartedheat Ooe4rmes Tatter's reeve gds. (W wuutseter Gazette, Lambdas, Sat.. Out. YJ "tv• wish with all our loses la 0.1 $if Wills id Leaner may hold his own and route book with an luureseed me) ratty. Apart Hem the foot that hN Drterfilo. so to toe ether country (maasIss d both to the war and (5 the uretetentIal Moria) num• meads oar gratitude, It woos to a roma desirable that • et luipor(alut, who yyes knows how to 000uthase ie. Frsoob• U•eed0.., should remain •, the 0eln at the present peso: ur• 'I hero ,e little um lo d(sgwisle 10e fact 10.1 there have Ossa &airy I.dlep la (.,&da these lost flow mouth., and they ore nut 110ely to be se coaxed by the triumph of Mir ('earl,. 'Pup per and a British demohetr.ttou against Yr. 'Parte. Moreover, Sir Cheviot' es- Irem•ly bu.toellke lmo.rullam le by no mesas w our tate, and might hove eltl mets oone qu.00m very serious to the *m, Dire. For whale deuuu0u.u4 the 'ono added' tariff by wbloh the mother oouotry gets a slight advantage, he domande what be tolls 'reoiprmay. This of tours. le Cha •sell v.rod Idea welch Mr. Chamberlain hos dallied with Int pat days. rhe mother «entry, bolog • free -trading community, sad therefore unable to give greater advert tag.. t0•o she already 00olore, le to Impose dladvaotages upeo loi.twe Nitons and ez- .mpt toe ooloaks. W. minuet enter deep- ly unto this question at the present mom's*, but we oto only may amain that w• o•u un- osly no 'trots of polloy more damselog to British trod* or more attach •vou5 te lm- p•ri.l policy. 1' won't deprive us of the one oh,.f advantage wb(ott we hare to Noe of the world, and which di,.rtve so much oolmosaty that would elh.ro se oe dancer ow. 1: would rodeos to obeurdety all oar professed •ffwtlon for the policy of the opus loot." What would Robt. McLean do at Ottawa ? _ Tho interests of Goderich t' will be best serval by the re turn of'Roht. Holmes. accession. tfor $2.200. (hl. Is she i nod, continuance of high prices. baths hem leered ten 505.5 70.15 amid now I. • 1y* 11e net o1 shop. BINDER TWINE AND COAL OIL S.•al.,rt6 : Jam C. LdJlsw. who hes boon to Currie, N••rth N'tmr"t4, 0.e home ea a erre reit to lila leanly. Bs likes Lie Ws.', seal w+11 prnhs.ly relieve Me tardy iher• un tis. •unov -f Rumors : 11 is cud the prnperiy berm s• Ilia Raver. Mousy. near the U. T�' has been gold (0 ('apt. '(tretlow for $ It .djn'o• other property beloot(og to the Captain, so will molt him well. Bruceffeld - On Thanksgiving morning R. lire oared q.letly sway W hu long home. H. bed hem (ll for some rimof typhoid friar and partially re nested but he took • relapse from whioh he did not rally Rraesels: Mosley mnrnlog,Oot.'2od,Kev. father Mel1•ha performed the marrt.fe cere- mony le theft C. Aborob. H-onrl., bete...a Joseph Ky.°, • well known ynueg gentle noon of McKdlep, sad Mt.. L zzte B.k.r, of Colebrook. Tuokeromlth : While helping with Miss pyre at Andrew Art:hibald'r, sr., 510 oow- would be w 'nor* for the article.se.(oo, Tuckeremlth, W. Chesney mine try pa► a WOGS an war of oorn which had twenty. than they are doing now wet rows of Dore on at, with thlrtyflye Then 1st um see what they 0.y about Joel erns 1s eaob row. Ohetoe : Mrs. K Holmes, of St. Cath .tree., N bare 00 • visit ; 1e is four Yearn Standard Ihl Company. They may we were glow eh* bee bees hero, although • former . Hoidens of thirty yes*' stand lg. Mr E. warned, ten, for th. former Ooveromoot Molmes, who mos hers for • while pelt, ha wore eppr000hed by the Standard (hl Co , Warned to Sr. lather's*. and they refined them this privilege. What are the I.ote 1 When the Standard 011 Co. approsohed the ('oneervatly• Ooveroment asking for this privilege they were wholly • foreign ooml .oy doing butanes' ostalde of U•ooe% They wanted to vet In to oom pets with the home refloerle1, and mark, they were gong to be the natter able to enmpst0 11 the Conservative .Oovsromest would give them the prlviler• of bringing in oil to tank care They were refused, amt loom • protectionist standpoint, properly relueed• the privdrg• bemuse it would lo - jars the home rel,,erles. Refused that 90104 'le, what did theStendard 0 1 Go. do? They o "oat the border. bou.ht up the Onodi*n r.Suerles, shut them up and entab• hehed one I.r1* sad *Meant eye a1 Sarnia and h.d complete ooutrnl of the trsffio. Now what did the 1Abor.l Uo,ernmeot du? lint be:ee •nema.'0 p•o'ect the Standard 0.1 Co they first reduced' he tar Rand then granted to the oche ; Amerlwn minipanic the very privilege that the Conserva•vee had reinsert to the Standard Oil Oompany land *blob refried was the means of oom The 6..rrwmeal 1s nee atop ...lid • for the Pelves M Three ors teles. An (sal Hume Ltberel writhe to Tar nes sl e Post Dear S ,r -Cdr D.-00105 tells the lumen that the Liberal Gov- *roment is reap 'mob's for the loan es d price of binder to ,r, ben tote they reduoed the tariff on that article u ,ill It to free, bat that Mr. Foster reduced the prtoe of sugar by tattooing t0. tarff .n4 returned millions to the pockets of the people 1t done not touch the question of priors to allege that the Government made Improvident salt, of the output of the Kingston pant .tlary to their tnendt -t01c 11 a .other matter and in on w.y effect. the preeOut phos of the twine. Mr D,ckln+on know*. and •v.. j dealer in ten a knows, that the lnoreOSed price a cawed by an " ormse In the prim of the raw material entering iota It* mann- 1 , and that had the Oov.rnment not reduced Moe tariff the farmers of this novo o11? They allege that by allowing oil to oome In la tank oars we 0.v• h. rded the oontrol of the Drat oil trade over to the Marls : John YeOsli, of Holyrood, has perohmod, W m Marshall'• 100 ser. farm, lot lb, nen. 9 He Beta pow.eealon newt April. The prlos geld was $"t.0(40. Mr. std MrsMarshall will cestinoe oa the farm. Mn. McCall le their deaghter. C.lutes : Mr. esti Mrs. Newry, el bast. W&wsaosb, have been spending • few days with their ens is law, A Chet:eager. MTS. Henry Is troubled with • c.taroot on ber eye, and osme here M consult one of the .,dloal men abou• having It removed Wlagb&m Mlme Id. Pelton, formerly of Wlnohem, now res*HOV In (Ll,lornto, ham 1RBered for 1e•ertl mnetM Irmo • o. car tae tamer. A anretoal operation was per formed reo.ntly, end ser lloot t•,00 u to Mime 1 e1'On was A. t•.0 sr peered. Grey : lir Kn.ohlsl, of Wfenlpee, has porebs.ed the 100 -sore farm of f n* uf•rFur rasa. 14•0 o n The 0l too w med by Robert Moors. the dente Oen' her r jaw, sed Yr. sad Mrs. F•.rrest w111 non LOW SHOES AT LINEMAN DUNN et 5.040•. !•deer■ reed's air Rey r1115 for letterman •a, llt•vt*e, Oot. 29-'(Ueollemeo-I bay* bees troubled with rheum.tt.m for a year poet, and have used sorer.* ao called o0 hone to them did me a particle 11 clod, however, until I titer .J on • box of Deld'5 Kidney Pills. S'nos thrn my sufferings have Poen brief ee my *tory 1. Three b toes al Dodd'. Kldo(y 1',.1. cared me oom- pletely, and you are welcome to make my statement public'. William Darn, Tele- phone Lothar t " Here a luformaioo, more precious thou • gold m•n5 to men who follow the same oc- °uW'the soMr Dunn, .n1 who ma, krea sufferers fri m rheumatism 1)odd's Kidney Pills • II ears them as they enrol Mr. Dunn. - BRIGHV8 ISEASE TO ADVSHTIBItRH. NoUoe of changes must 0c left at tuts Of6o1 not later than Saturday noon The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon Casual Advertisements scoepted no to noon Wndnwd*y of each week HOW THE FARMERS WERE HELPZD Mew =.• measly 's triton ico 5.. 5ser W. gory Sun. Tie areal.: too of tl'• •.ogrese ga.r.n•Ine regal..Moe between Cu ale •.4 the Un••.A State. le 1tr.•etly .Iue *o 10., alioe Of lir. F .;.1, a ho w.• ...let .1 by \!r 1) vice H,4 F 0rr not Mak •n '11- mittr up with the Sertet.ry of Av.'cult mit et N..1t .u.•'nu '11.10 1. •y••re •S.•un '0 0”ole 1. (hat the ninety tap' gear ."•roe would have been ,ontol0M sod 001 experts of °.tile to the Univ1 Staten pr.ottoally prohltsted. Jame 1896. man ending 30 For the tour y R during the whole of whioh pone 1 the g tine SWAT wit io forms, w. °port• ed to the United States 3,185 heed of settle, valued .t 142.889 The gaaraotloe regal.• time were abolished Frbruary 1, 1897. yet although only five mo0'he of the Noel year remoter(' the exports by June 30 had rush- ed up to 35.998 head, valued at $499 421. For the tour 70.15 ending Jona 30, 1900, our expos of oattle to the Uoltrd St rtes were 301,650 head, valued at $4.387.5[)9. These 0iorre do not begin to show the profits which the farmers of Canada 0... Mr.ve l from the •bolttlon of the quaran- tine, for they received not only the direct profits from the export trade, but the •alae of every head of °ttle left In the country wit onoslderably ioorem0d by *Oe open •g un of the new market. LOW PRICES..... • At thio season of the year we make a special ,nark -down on Low Shoes We want to show the peo- ple what c 0 and comfortable w* la that r?u+d• rt non Y, Wa- rw./ley Sht,ei they ren hny here for lana dames my that 1 Wed to eel* 1050 05.51.7 rw./ey than they would have to to France, sod that EI i dad nn' deliver toe ry elsewhere. Brand new ?tock, seeds le wee and we fault. •. II 1 10. the Frrr.oh 0.nerhane sae se Int to a saw MR. TARTE AND HIS TRADUCERS. retorts of els •perebe• In twee gall .f ■Iarepres.■untlea5. Speok'ngat Windsor Hall, Montreal, • few night. ago. Mr. Tarts sold -"They sty that i am disloyal, but they do sot prove It. 1 defy them to prove It, for 1 am opt disloyal, never was, and Dever will be, My oppooente have nobl••hed a pamphlet. fall of lies, purporting to be reports of various disloyal speeches teal• by me while 1.3 Franc. They are most onblashing foie. hear.. The trochee poblia man who would go to • Horatio ooantry, who would atter dteloy•l words, wattle! be • traitor. T.t.1 mon is not myself. nth traitors te her Majesty Queen V tetorla. and to the British as, whioh Aosta over us mad grants a• ail our hbert les, are therm who try to set the Yartoo. races in this ooa0ary &galeas ono oho, her. I .m •ddres••ng a mixed mention, sod the Kogliah .leotore con judos by the w*y my words are reoelyed by the Fr000h• tsoaduom in this meeting how for 1 express their view,. 1 am • French Canadian -I would be nothing else My father was • Frenoh Coosdtan, my mother • France, wo•m• . That wit an 0wtlent of birth, sod I could not 1.elp it. And 1 was torn Dodd the Colon Jaok--yes, and 1 Ilya as - der I0, sed rajoy ood .ppremst• the liber - Nee It reprere0te 1 am a loyal subject o1 her Majesty the (,j..0.I demo ire no epwlel credit for that. Why should we not be loyal ? Are we not happy ? i have just returned from Parte. whew I hod the flavor 'unity of study .g at elate tongs tome forty two d,ffersot nations mod thole Irma of go,5.1ment And i found that se form of towernm• 0I teas so s•usdanto, y ea oars ; that no pimple sere 50 fine, and had *e meoh reason to be happy • old nn.0.sted, as KENDALL'S A r. 111 SPAVIN CURE -.r ✓ the deadliest td �srt * Azad etalad t0 DoA.O� etankind 1e sub e Kidney Pills w et6r'e ash saes of Might's Dtsese� They bays never baled hi one Bangle our T►4 saw Ilio only remedy that seer 0aa cured It, and limy see theory remedy) that ear There aro irnitatloss d1 Dodd'• Kidney box .od cams -bet ' tions aro denseness. The pad or • alights Y DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 7 nen el3dn•7 P1L1 0$ I aRy eters a at a0 dr01gdNs I! F :z The old ,.Hoist• reaady roe hent lee, m•Ihrwe., .011000* . lemih l1 forme do.. noee. 10 41 Net* Plantar eat, 004,144. (0. 'ta Or. a J. aseihri (h Den sheham e tin bosom m Maw • mora a.1 l: •11100 halo r . Oa ..r.h.+eaAda a 1 a0.. sand • Caere or Pan. years' ..ala., -w50 your 14.40010 elder y weje `leg w We tis yam 11e .. a�a C.a. Mae 1 *... 1 .A: ..b..( kwWre llya.r C... sad k.0/.11'. y 41406. y""''1 .r 1LPII es uAI1711IE11. Prim el. 0* r K u mass N • Iletens for family a ►.. Mt vat. est .o•�. ... roar trsr ¢.5 1.31'• aro ea tea S...... the took teen, or ardent IW. 5. J. KENDALL CO.. MUM PALLS VT. DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines Of questionable quality. (let the best there is at the came prices that are charged for inferior goods. �t our Drug Sten the stook .is al- ways fresh, and each article la -OA, po- tent and satisfactory. ._ `f 4 K k 4 `f 4 K Our Prescription Department has a reputation for promptness and accuracy. g 4 St ,4't. tir .Rt oar ,_., 4:Z.rya, - and every Shoe perfectly mode. SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys and Girls have arrived. Gall and examine our s t o c k and prim, whether you buy or not. ST. 11E0. PRICE. J]ROPHEY & SON - TH■ LSAtINO - Cwmtrv►C DWeratort.AAA '%moatulwtxs. Orden rarehlly &ttrsded As M ata 0e.n. ■stat we day. Store .. West street. 55e1450re. Mae - nee •(1004. New Idea Parents aro the Beet. TMURWDAY, Nov. 1, 1900. -- i McKIM'S CLOTH/NG We have the greatest oonfldenoe in our Men's and Boys Clothit have no hesitation in inviting the closest investigation as to gnalit: and price. Men'. Suite --A special line of Black Serge, very heavy and e made, and good linings, worth $10.00, for $7.50. We have lot lines at equal value. Ureters -For Man and Boy. Our extra special is s heavy all et Oxford Ulster, overlapped and double sawn seams, six inch .M Dollar with tab. heavy Tweed lining and Mohair sleeve lining, be well tailored. as good as you ever saw at $10.00 ; our special p'4 $6.75. Overcoats -Our Special at $8 00 is • fine Beaver fiy front, doe faced fronts, farmers' satin lining, Mohair sleeve lining, made rI up-to-date. Look around and see the (test coat you can find 00110 and we will beat it at $$.00. REEFER& -Men's Reefers at $3.00 to $4,75. Boys' Heelers at $2.40. to $4.00. PANTS -Men's Pants at 75c W $3.00. Boys' Pante, special, at 50e to 75c. We want to show you our Clothing. It's your duty in self protea see it. New Jacket.. New Furs. W. A. M0KIM. Day a Bargain Di ••• AT TUR - GREAT Bankrupt Stoi SALE OF THE J. H. PEDDER & COMPANY STOCK. - Every person satisfied with the big bargains they are getting why not, for everything is being sold at leas than manufacturer's pricer. all know that the prices of goods in nearly every line is advancing - prices will prevail, but in the faun of all this, with us the prices are constantly reduced. We have got to clear the stock out and that s Our prices will do it. See to it that you have your share of the le bile Bargain Days last, at F. JORDANL� Medical Hall. D0N'T BE BVPED There have been placed upon the market 'cnryoygo "Websters Dictionary." Theare te bei offend under various names ata low price _r IT'S YOUR NERVES dMlra. fano eta. and to tow instances r a An�nouncements ofor f thaw a mp script Ione to pat It's Lhe Contlltlon of Your Nerves That Either Makes Your i..Ife a Round of Pleasure or a Use- leas Burden. To many wp.sn life is ua5 round of sick. nese, weakness anti ill health. To attempt even the.light.gt household duties fatigues them. *any of the symptoms ar:rompany- ing this state of d.rline are : a feeling of tirldneee on waking, faintness, dirrinese, reams feeling. palpitation of the heart, shorthorn of breath, Inca of appetite, mod Muffle and foot, head.che, dark cir,lee under the eye*, pain in the hack and side and all tho other a.Nnmpanimente of a run down .rel weakened ormetitution. All theme 'symptoms and con4,tions aro simply Ilse result of • poor quality and defective circulation of the blond, with a waiting away of the nerve forces. Ry feeling the system with DR. WARD'S of hector and all eons. e1 self lastest ea M wish to wearer 00, 0lleglanse from Hri0la st Frsgos 1 W her• is the feel is my nee who woeld for • meioses wish t• be wiled by Fraser, •.4 ender the errata weir pprrmall le Tremor ? 'V• aro Frraek•Caas• die se, but ere are Rrit',h tobjee's ; y.5, awl loyal sad daveted sabi..te e1 her belev.d M•iwy Q.as V1.wN." Worthless reprints are very mule•dtnngg They are ad- vertised to W the sut.tan[W equivalent of s I vher-prloSd boot, 1 uiv ll Reprint Dictionaries, p6Mut>'e ooples of a book of over fifty year. ago, which wee sold for about 15.00 and enrich 17116 ranee superior to these I mltations. being a work of some merit instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The webe•er's U..Md sd Dletlery pub- lished ublished by our house le the only meritorious one of that name. It bean our Imprtnt on the title -pate and le protected by copyright litieb•lletmwill It not be better to pu rebates a the LATEST AND BEST, Webster's International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography. Fiction. ate. Size lOzs)4K 1 z * Inches. This Book Is the Best for Everybody. STANDARD AUTHORITY of the U. S. Supreme Coar4 all the Some Supreme Courts, the 11. S. G..eramsm Pestles ()Inca and of nearly ell the DED h Ce Schoolbooks. College WARMLY CO MMEN r Colleens Presldesis, Sow Su perlatendenn of Schools and many other smla0.t authorities. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Rarely abridged from the Iatwastoml and sed to It tele beet fel the fatally and @rudest Saxe 7x10z1b4 Inches. Apsein en pdoea either tank *Hit for the arkln6 G. It C. MERRIAM CO.. Rprlgfield. Mesa M°CILLIVRAY, GRANT & C0: COLBORNE'S OLD STAND. BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You at.rike at rte toot of the disarm and lay • solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight inrrea.ee, the .anken cheeks and A. twncd Outten fill out., the eyes get. )might and the thrall of renewed health and .trength vihratee through thy* eyatem, WE HAV FOR SALE \ CHEAP- 1 SHINGLE HILL 1 IS HORSE POWER THRESHING ENGINE IN n.nn °Rnrlt. 3 HORSE POWERS CALL own Sal THEM. THRY Alta B•SnAINS. Tie Headersoa Bicycle Co. (Llnil*M sokon n FITCR_ FALL, 1900. IS CA again &.r; to direct the attention of the ladies to her stock o Inj.linery for the fall season of 1900. A110 the leading net atyle:l and shad are t0 be seen, and ladies will be abl to.procure Abe latest and the. bestt__in_ail _.lines .peertaining t millinery. Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection invit MISS CAMERON, Le anil Ceeut ST. MARY'S LIME kept oon.t•ntly on hood. Also the beet brands 01 Seam Boiler Rpairing1 HYDRAULIC and PORTLAND CEMENT Randers will do well to see me brae ple.- r leg their orders. F. BARLOY( IIOLIES The Uoderich steam boiler works having been removed from Goderich, i have made •rrangemen0 to carry on boiler repairing and alto the mann lecturing of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended 50 omits per hot at all druggists', or to. mi D. K. STRACHAN, DR. WARD CO., Machinist, (loderich. Toronto, Ont. works on vietorla Noreen TUR COAL REAaaa. OTFIO6, Waren Near the Square. Fall Suits & Overcoats The man ire•sed to • suit made at our *tore always looks trim, ss 11 1* the ambition of every man of tate to la k. A largo rano* of sloths to throe from. 11 you are osotemplatIng getting • befit nverees4 ter fail wear, give us a cheroot re 11441 VII yea I'rlom rlihe. Hamilton Sti DUNLOP Carriage Tit A new °artiste tits Mak - 5 too all roads • please egNs l for It does sway with the vlbrty shakes and breaks the osrrlagel, AV shaped seer bstwa•s Maa N Mir tire an4 the stool lasses-• _ lana the metering sad which other s 0r0yeetrt the exhlbtt at the big [etre Seed •t none for )'nee 'Tire Oat ,lying prior of all Simi.. H. DUNLOP Wrt Street MILL WOOD FOR SALE. THE The above ie cut into stove wood len;th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Onley* received by telephone or left at rtaidence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 9R. PETER McEWAN. rimierieh, November 21st, 1899. 6d -3m DUNLOP TIRE COIPA TORONTO. sat Irl. JOHN w.NNIPt0 MOM You Only Get... BrllhiallL Mollflll by the ase of TRIPLE EXTRAC SUTTON'S Polishing Compou For aide by all the leading ware and Harness shops, or the ifacturera, Tie WI. SittI Cipui p, I% Que. St. V, Tvn 1 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOYiT A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPV BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, God rich, OM.