HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
Ladies' TailorcMade Coats
We place our entire stock of this season's hand-
Fillies them le Mess the beitadary sod
wait • maaalsotery bora lo 111 wit plata,
therefore, that if the refusal of the 00liaef
T11111141 Geverouteat comet tbe protactice of
Um home rased's from the oompotitios of
Staadard Oil Go. them epororiag ...tot of
Canada, the panting cot theii *woe Inquest
to those menpiales who Wage OWN OISLIPIA• of
0iiimda was • privilege *sibling them to
compete more osooseafully to the Camel1a.
market with 11. Standard thi Co thee had
la the meantime become • pulgy Cariadirio
Co • It may bis asked this. if the Govern
mmit had ao regard fog the limestones of libes
Standard Oil Co. and tiny ars almoet the
soli manatioturors of °oat oil. *thy did they
n ot take off all the ditty I The rearion ts
tittle. The Standard Oil Go , wbile owe
• Mesas Swatiash rettelledieel
Teepees rrepoods.
iWismatineter Oesetio. Loudon, lair_ 00..1.)
W. wise wain all war mores that Su
Wilke] Lair leg msy hold Ms own sad come
beak with rie looresomil D..j irat y. Apart
free, the foot that hie trumpeters" tor Om
wither waste, (mandested both iti tbe
war and la the orelerential ward) oust1.
meads oar gratitude, It seems te o. moat
desireble that • staunch linperteliet, who
yet kuows how to (matelots *be Yrsoob.
Uomediao, ohould resuele at the helm at
the pi meet jest,: utw bore to little use la
disguising tbe foot that there hays bean
&airy teener' la Cased. these last few
month. •eri tee. eee --• •
la sine deadline. 484=1
mankind Is sub tild7re
Kldsay w
mew of Bright's
They have saver WWI In
Wile Moils oass. Therese
oe only racoodygtbat• SOW
It ears.
*dam of
upplement to "
a. 44.44.11
tgiitL 1.
Ote• ira-v.tr-,teap
startles) hoid boss rea ea some ram sod! °sold make the same plles. awl Brow were lestyperfeotly founded in saying :-'Thero mining indastry in British Oolumbts bad
law oourt, ostablash your wise s000rding to °erect ; tbat immigration bad trebled or
the ordinary rules of evidence, sod puolth quadrupled ; that it had been so arranged
ths men who have committed thi. wrongthat Coliseum mourns' wore made avail.
doing.' They did Pot attempt to do that, able tor trust to yestmeot le receland, with
bitIt may be asked why they did nOt 00010the afoot of addle. wend per mot. to the
netor• the courts. I expout the resiaou to value of every Canadiaa bond. It was net
0161 had thee gage to NA haw °sunta
s Omit by aooldeut that the xation of the peopl•
own promedings would certainly have boric bad Mien largely rod000d.
investigated, and *0 1. very doubtful indeed The speaker thee rebored to Go Increase .
how they would have corns out col the ot oxDsodi.ure. Tb. Conservatives Mid - t
eleartaet ,;.e ta Yibte""Y would tried ion•goodficaoolalebowing in 18'...(.
and in doing so bed destroyed the value of *
the mewe)
s serve). end of Our public works
service in tbee yser. That was not true
.0000011; It involved heavy .441(10001 ex
tondure sut s quentli. Sir Riohard showed
that the hareems in expenditure was made
01* largely of amounts expended for new
services, such as th• admfoistration of tho
litiou, the extension of the Iateroelonial
Rahway, etc., which Reg' returns greater
then tbe expooditure, and thus clei not edd
• oent to the teem of the pewee', but on the
000trary tends!! to retia...e then, $.00 000
additional h oi beep moot for merioul. ore, on
toe colg 'enrage syetern, eto. Another in.
cream of f230.000 was fur theaoImmigriktion
talent and the rult of moralised
• tweed ory. This wee ai sell tiling Led (2o- quoted showtothe eassamme development
g is • laoourt provided, end yoa have been developed ; flute the donut:nation ef the
Sir Richard Cartwright's VlsIt
A easterly awl b..haestly• •Iiresis by the
histarr el 111seete ead lelasiteree-
speeches ay the Liberal "emit
date earl °triers.
Sir RICIArd CettWIriSht, Minister of
;rade hod Cornmores, resolved • magnifi•
.51 01011000 in liodorich on Thursday
erun,r, and his •isit oaranot but to produe-
mg of rood results to the mimeo ot good
woreatt•es and Liberals should set their
I... agelost le Mir Wilfrid Laurier wait
the bridge over which they wore to walk to
get away from ehla seri of thing, end All
rood Men 1...boral or Goneervative, Protes
tine lusw t imam of oomplaint go before the triermen and tirdelhe treaties had mho se-
•I our foreigo trade dude/ as Poet four
years. Sir Charlie Tuppm bed prophes.ed
disaster under Literal rale , if the lebereis
were to he held s000untable for disaster
they should receive credit for the eonderlui
twos or Catbulic, should bold up hie hands ortoperity of the °estatey under their pulley.
ir bis noble mush°. 1. 54410*.. to • p Ale, Mr. Holmes voted that at the umnination
et ioloodw the appeel Ile rises .ad creed pre- mote i rig he would be ready to refer 'to any
judos was the loinolpal Oda* upon which matter ehat ragweed explanation, and he
the Goaservatives felted to place themselves °occluded by asking the electors to go to
ta pow.o. Mr (farrow proceeded to gook ' the pulls on the 70. of November and record
el Sir ft chard Certwright, 005 01 the ablest their votes in lavor of the boorob
el tee old guard. whose lability, Lateerity WatIon of Sir W 'Brit! Lewis:. Mr. liolmas
So le hard arrived on the early evroing
trio sad aas esoorted by the Merino Bend
od • committee of letierele to the boom of
toneroo, where lir bed lonob
lo tbe meantime the Opera Home Wag
deed •erith • spleultd ka*.bersas, maul
mom amble to moor* seats. 'lie kelt was
very pettily decorated. with fists and bunt•
arn sod • ottoiDer Of MASON "Welcome,"
"Limier, Holmes and Viotory," "A Full
Leuuse red," "L surlier, d'aity moo l'asit
sad long oomenued movies had endeared resumed nis seat amid hearty applause.
him to them. Thvy would More from bim
ea able and exhensrive statement of fasts.
At this point, amid • tumult uf applauere
ler Re:herd Certwright appeared upon th•
stage, woomponted by 50. er. ('.01.00. an
D. litcdtithimidy. and Mr. lierriter use Sike-la Wheel of the leearale of the 1 •
mediate', Mouttbs bis @per h to • Moot. teens of tIoderion, w• dealtl to tender you • 1 ••tiut %t."'" w•• *If•**
The chairman then introduoed Mr tieerty we loonreen your owe pelmet as one of !tf°° of 1846 •rh" '1
Holmes. who reamed • grarM redeption as i toe most eminent of Canadian statericueo and , moment to the wh..1... Crowson
be woes to address the meeteog. Th. 1 elm sa the Met lietitesant of our honored i Li.°Lnywn Lb° retn• of P°
obairmao, owl lir. Holmes, bed ID Ma 1 teethe.. the Preuo•r of C•nada, Sir Winced ; heard these eentlemen leclart
L fa • i the crimes the mtnd ef man
Ithat ot stuffing a liallat•box w
I boom to sueuect that t ego
proteseed too mime, .ad I caused loveste
lotion to he merle into the election of 1;396. activity in that le.partment was Mimeo
4 I have here • remarkable- aeries 00. 10*.. renewing figure. of Immigration from
GI.' Str Itichard- thee quoted in detail , the 13 Merl Stares into Canaffilo 18‘..17 712 ;
statement of tho num or 'of rejected ; 1898, 2410; 1899, 9,000 ; 1900. 11,000
ots in twenty -lour 000stitnenvies la 00- I tikoweeteeg Aotem,
to Moo 0 ,ba and 00.0
I Mei *0055 11
increased. Sir
The preamtation of ao eddreas to Sir
Richard ortwright followed. Mr. Saun-
ders read this eddied's, winoh was as follows
The lion. air Richard Certwright. K M
Idiot ter of Trade aad Commerce
Tuisemr, or. 1, 1.090.
New ides Fattens MI K Inv, vh-do
ore the Best. alibh
bare no hesitation in inviting the olonest investigation as (413011h4
We have the greatest oonfiderwe in or Men's and Boys' C
and prioe.
Men's Suits -A special line of Black Serge, very heavy and vi
made, and good lininge, worth $10.00, for $7.50. We have Int
lines at equal value.
Ulaterti-Por Man and Boy. Our extra special is • heavy all wf
Oxford Ulster, overlapped and double sewn seams, six inch Ad
collar with tab,, heavy Tweed lining and Mohair sleeve lining,
well tailored. as good as you ever saw at $10.00 ; our spacial psi
Overcoats --Our Special at $8 00 is • fine Beaver fiy front, doll
faced frontal, farmers' satin lining, Mohair sleeve lining, made rIlj
up -to -data. Look around and She the best ooat you can find at $10!
and we will beat It at $8.00.
REEPERS-Men's Reefers at $3.00 to $4.75.
Boys' Reefers at $2.40 to $4 00.
PANTS -Men's Pants at 75c W $3.00.
Boys' Pants, special, at 50o to 750.
We want to show you our Clothing. It's your duty in self protest
see it. New Jackets. New Furs.
have been enbjeoted on lane mcoesion.
i Mattered very mete IA the Liberal Gov -
1. they summeded retain-
line Were. Huron or not. They had ma•
Ihr you anomie* a tiovernaient la
letting to rise ite rePutetiou tor We sake,
with. mejority of IDLY, of niatutainiug •
petty,' "Learier le too British for me -
'eerie," "th.eherion hos • Growing Time "
tis ths platform were, ties,iee the 1- bora
madidsok, A seceders. who *Med as
sagiggaa, Hun I T. Garr° a, l'biltp Heir,
Q uwws, ssis,i0 Sloane sad 11..
Mom. telbor
opening the meettng,,
rid tt tor the politico ot the
any lediee erer• tamest,
ta the ilea'
of grievous
env," pirty
et. tk hen I
g that, 0! all
the worst,
*peeing remarks Ettore.' to the promence o 1
the ledies. A lady foetid tied told broil We de nat target the Bervioes which Y
etwit it be would only give them votes h.i reodered to the best intereete 0 our (Mint,
would be elected ever y time. li• bad put derma the Liberal party's days of adversity,
that in hie platform sod hereettee wattle the, self,sactifiano iota in which you
vote to giv• the *adios th• fret chine. He fought the battle of the people au Patna- 1
.01.4 ia the mote what Mr „extol* roust and on tbe pnirlto platform, mad the
bed tied in depreanation of port* OM, but, IN
long ati were parties there woual
poetises pity, ian4 it wouid ter a censid
obi. tone fore we could reech the ideal
e lat• of tlatugs. There were wime ladepeorl.
re • des, some papal s hit b wore • -
tato.) ; awl Moors were oeme
'tido\ were set rellabl5T-lier Wald se*
miscify thorns ',Messes to thts elms.
Tomo ow* t • emblem o Ittlienbeir of
tome who would be
of tester petty. He
%Mitch purpoeted to
• horrid espy teamed
to be fair " I t
sow) r Conservatives, so
es me ',et that th•y toek an toterest inie.e a me
poem adore gammoteed pursr bold *obis baud • pa
room who read the paper" woal4 see that bo .00" rt, 0
- bed *sally uo c000pleiste by ths woo oho " wen
w seta evilest tee t.overousent. •od woe produoel to tho o of The Moutreal
go• I -megrim
was sorry that they had f5500 15(1 to • poise fi.m. 00h th. 1000.400 01 tfl
of sisathe and vermouth lie spoke of the Ceeloorvati.0 party in order to deceive the
doable timed oaropeign of Sir Charles eeeer;J., whes did th„, ;lime of a party in your teak tit destroyiug the gorrVmari or
T.,rper, se shelve in his .1 devout •pimal• to I eh.' e. reeened so low . d.pih se to retest a Melt was tit• inatrialaent of severing your
W. A. MoK I 11/C
Every Day a Bargain 1)
masterly way in w blob you entice. el Om L,
uriwise and harmful legislation and edininze•
t a of the leuvernments which ,, op. ' tarie tn the electims id 1891 an 1896.
' 91. there were 541, and la 1896 3 658 Richard I loathed tbe Murtha. of expenditure
' oted ti • socident er its the .on the errand ot the impre yeti position of
the °outer y over the LOOD a 1 t I On, (4 189O,
ween there wits a deficit of over "tG,000 000
Ourimaign trade bad largely looreasee; oar
populattom homi increased by loll 100,000
11.. slso'1895, and to Con•syllinee tbe
per Myna expenditure vim now notch Iris
tbs. it sae when the Government
took- ram. The preferential tariff bed
greatly reduced the burden of tax -
atlas ..a had obtained for us a very sub
Iltential advantage for Catiad.an pr.olucts In
the Old Couotry market*. I lost *angle reit
had done more to place Canada in Pe high
and proud pandits In the British Empire
then had boon done by al the Up -loyalty of
those who put up a tariff apsiost British
goods. Last year weimportod from °rest
BrItein dutiable goods to tho amount of
time get he csle X $31,000 WO. Chides the Cieriserva it vs tariff
Su Crisiiliiii romotly ac.,osied 8 1 A arid .,e_i„. teeeey,_,H. r tom the .10.7 on Slues goods would bave been
Loirter of vet eliviev brought ohout ls• Vt'oild •nd ThoMontreei-Segig etbi dm 110 000 000 ; ander the.Liheral preforeatial
volitive, to *he last lour *eras. Sir it ohard Mhooing tbe 7.Cuiriervative. loadert 'mid -tent! the duty Wee only $6,000.000. Rat
C.:lenient wooid show them that in mmiu e.iiieg foe . rue.,uetruc. „ , of t the pteference affeatria elle one laiporte tn-
freetring, in iserlcul,ur•, in ne sod In arty, c owe woe the oritivions of loom all those Linos to shush thormaay.the United
ell other reepecr• Coned' bed made mere servativee, not of Lrberals. H ad there o resi States and Fran041 'OoNipited weilt Gee tt.
orogreiredurieg the pawl four yams tticiit__Lia :buy °bear" 7 Hug say a th. rote,. . Borah, sod - those ineetrtse had been
say other rog,ma. Toe L betels &no had ' Amur beim ra.,44-o4-tr. 1, ims thii ,,,i,7 . Miele L beral Association ; A . obliged to sedum their prima "also to keep
boos oocuerid of broolivoi their Pledgee: Sir mulls, lot*, stock awl barrel, Which the .Ro diVea. eeereterv. • ' - • - - -- , - -11-4.14 wao- Tho oulv couti,"0" made b• the wade. Is ocoiersatiee With him, Mr.
h w that thee' electors ware asked to endorse. Their op -
tom eluded Mr. S000dors' pretty little
‘‘" us the reuguie of the iggren tua . the CooservitIves was dike, tee T; berate' bed
stolen their policy. That lirell Dot true, h
-ut 0 .t. ff, said : PI; is Toe we moimse to send
Disglev, the father of alie Aineidoan Ingh
Jo.. .p9..r.d wee, . heehiehi it was the gravamen of their charges, T_bi-.Y to Cslietrs minas, roods as before ; it is
• had merle nothing °f tb°1"bare" 01 mill' I trots yea have not reduced ths Velum@ et •
(luta& hot sir, you twee
-AT TUN --
ankrupt toc
:1) your health.
d Medicines
the beet
that are
;weed. And shoe you aud your colleague.
'were called, 10 .000140001 with tn. wishes •r•
aloha people expreseed at the polls ou the 1"1.°
2.3rel et lone, leeb, 10the pleas of power in ; •••_em•
leemigion, we tool that to i.a dos ttgeos
o o 001
street dowse tf credit for the inaugurs-
only 2
nos oi the brighter ere who b hits d•wo
e pee Coiled*, h :nog the hearts of her jimo""°"°
people with new hopes anti fresh ...forst ions Idle elety five conitituenotee of Qdebeo 00.
as tiny opting for werd to tek• • larKer Oro* law•I'llt• number 01 teien•ed "Ileui 0" ;
io the roused" el tn. Einpire its the twenty-four tionstituencias 'of 0.a
of the world. term the average vnia 152 Was no to on
W. gee.% you .1., Inc defs7tod that the supporters of *h. Tupper
senUttIve of this brava to the ol i riding a {party considered cis ele:tors el 0 ,tario
cento• Huron', end w• swish you I. ,4 weed were five males as torpid am those of Q
' They were t the mon to oast tbe
tirst atone about tampering w
lots. The plumage of • gerryomoder wt
such as tbst of 1882 really • greater
wroog than biellyeestuffieg. Toe moral
deli' teuey Was greater,beNmse ono mule
Puniehment °out° be applied, in the other
the 6411, court wits public opinion, and ths
roe okibrif WWI very nineh brokmi by-othe
teas that the gerrymander sot wee attend.
a to prevent and did prevent the expres-
sion ot °patina at the polls.
'turning to the policies of the two penis.,
te asked what the Conservative
of tr.. L beret party ! Toe exonee
e alit a new' b allot had been in.
but in Qaeheo, where tbe am.
was rimed there were in 1896
elected tn tint-
sgalost 2.000 in 1891. Is
las people ol Oaten° istid Qrebec. .01 eald I suoh teeth" • When they wore asked to direct yolitool connection wtth this muue
gtutri,r cu.:ries tied gsui.,1 tio. Intel ligsso• present lieeernment. and re , ctiolde
too low he store the Coaeinvettyos to pow , they As ''Old Ltberels,- cherishing the`time-
erinered prompters of our perry, and as
•• how L bowels,' with ovar trent faith
thee" prinerpfes, for trutb sad right
_jammer. clever grow old, we 0e4 to assure )011
a/ our 'term support during the froalt .ternin
of oleos which tv• are ooncident the people
f Canada will iriv• you °nth*. 7 h of N
iffiened. A. SA r swots, chairmen
steik is al -
Male pure, p0-
el the Ontario •
1 hem in that meatier ,„eie „,h.e hei, ob. reeord
oniptness and
ie.' Hall -
Every person satisfied wtth the big they are getting.
why not, for everything is being sold at less than mauufacturer's prices,
all know that the prieee of goods in nearly every line is advancing -
prices will prevail, but in the fia‘13 of all this, with us the pricea are
constantly reduced. We have got to clear the stock out and that 1
')ur prices will do it. See to it that you have your share of the bt
while Bargain Days last, at
on the market
heolete edition
They are being
it • low prim
°"102tirMigeg t)t
feet hniteWOOI
At° papers.
TbeY ais
I equivalent ot-
s hey email
of over fl
It chard arterriebt about WON
lites imitation%
bad snore thee fulfilled the promisee they pothole mid the lererrele were • par y istead of one
hid envie. lir. Skondere read from bill brokeo promisee. A chortle of this nature dough
etary in 4.50001. 1d90*, ot the dome' bust canto with very bad taste from • men who lbouquet, wbiati exobenged wit
foesauce sesthst the ()overtime . --
oats onedition• then prevailiost. ooM Algot around tbe counery meting that h• ktion•rtt Cartwright for • kiss. Ti., Min- our e p Dletloaszrtilsh.
indor but I hug received • proMie• of reoiprocrity from ester wall roMoverl Otto great spoleuee.. h. hart made one attempt lo connection with enormously redwood the profits of Our
"eue,„0,„e hi. .4e,".. 00. of I the Di ummond County iiiwity. This I (Appimm .
charge fres made at the ectieme eed of the The Literal' heci ohj qued to the nits 01
d lit wog h tine mortared
by copyright
- tiotionary leats
itirrirmerpirint on
to purohme the
thr011ith the Modome et Mc. 1•41,•• Lh•Ltbe United States an4 afterwar ,
00 Pony thee bed oot. 0
Gammas commisatimer Ausualia, they lognot,onos of James ti Memo, wee mom egleasaut eveute, be said. In 0000e01I00 wit
110t Into ooratn001001100 0110 005101°"'s veiled 10 est tos words Toe wa• what S.r tos trip ,hroueh Weetern Ontario eras to
d in the* ('Itarloo Tupper bed dorm. Mr. Holrose meet with his old 'newts, and in no placie
' • had he the ploesure of mere tog more staunch
session, when it was impossible to ea wh.c p
it properly, but upon the very fires• de. a t wirier the Coo•ervativo Govornment with ., o ,
thee and had opens titi the next beasion Sir Wilfrid Laurier laid online, gooe Iseult. lo the foal year* under the •,*"--- Dictionary
meet:1..1th Reeland After S.1 Wilfrid ....meet to the verious departments. Be. odd Iristuds than in the town of thrierich • he feels of the House a niot ton to invest,.
i r Mr 1 Liberal Goternment. 1896 1900, the debt ,.. ofie. picee.,.,..
Limier • eistt eo Eoelend they bad Impel -toe tote ;be 0(10,111 took hold of affairs there sod the county of Huron. Hs sook• ot his gat• the cherge •nd ,ra a incressed by ouly $7,030 e00, not. hes.
ettuatry ' Furthermore, the) had got tato .pee. a ih. geed „.,,,, of 1h. .1 ,eir.
tot Ow good* sod were no* ebtpping from er„,re sunset deli Ate to the , l'Aitethoe tie. former oonneCtion watt) the old riding of h° °A)"11":° ''.46 heI_h•d D° °h•fil°' 00 withstanding the fact that obilgations
inv°°•r °I the (fi'Vern' i amounting to 117,00(1.000 had bees left bee r Everybody.
the Old Gematry W bather It. was due to ....el. /00s .111.1, tips &Wets mart.essoly 1,800. coveirdly measure than the gerrymander . *torts, the tl. S.
ie U. S. Supreme
amity to mei hundred or o•na • montb to pnrienoet , tit the last year before libe 1,it• Coates Heron and said • more anima and i reek" ae• tit, soy
I m .nt. Never shoe had they ItecePted 114 hind by the late leovernment. la three
of Providence or not, the tunes 003. Tee Gesteereattves said thri remises 1 whioli . lord out that tidiest wee never ce•lenge to formulate .•hstose lefethst iiny ! „tits. int.189o. I be Comervativis inertial' a of ..0, nal 0.
ii, onkt not mini. g mia, pieced on the statute bo, k. But th• Con in, other of ths tinvernmeull. So Iteihard e4 toe debt from 1124.1.000,0'20 to 1258.000.- ..7 %IMES liED by
eervativee had fallen into tbe hole which 1 ntrasted th. conduct. of tli• 0,,p-aition
with that of NIr. torte, Sir .1ames F. loar 030 loot year the L,lberal norernment re, •":1-- orlatendents ot
dueed the debt by 11.000.000 Sir H chard 2 ost sathorldes.
d not -the estimates which Mr.
FALL, 1900. "-Et
ISS .CA,11F,R0
again big, to direct the attention of the ladies to her stock C
tni3inery fur the fall'oesson of 1900. All the leading ne,
. styles and shades are to be seen, and ladies will be abl
" to -procure the latest sad the best in all lines pertainmg I
Trimmed Hats from 51.00 up. Inspection invii
CAMERON Hamilton St
----11X1110411-Itne WOW Very Mutt bet t ILO of p
la 1893 94.9fola ItPtdoiles) "el" t *eel tee rawlAVILEItte tlisC oastrveitives
Woes 'teens veal 001 • t••••f•olo" haA twee half alive to tlia-61-4-tres•s
Moe twee eat 'reticle" full time or ei airtime. people they wour4 not bays waited as Wag
Called% la • nation stood muob higher than f .r the bleen iits of tamest:it postage. He
la 1845 W chid th• Corneetwativee be irg, t• 40M• aerent inteancee of the •• sr to
--Vilest awl uendid enough tes Lye iho 00% wtech oontreces for carrying Ole mails IMO
efement credit Inc • portent of tine °boogie wearied under the lateetioveron ,t, equal,
Is the tsil of hundred. ot replies would eviden.ly med. a deep improiron upon his
le reostrod *0 .0 edvartisornost for WIN IS• Mimeos, in two years under a b oar' Post -
Ines ; now it way very hard to get men at Motes ..e.wo the defictt wire wiped sue
all. They might •ttriteit• thug to Tro•i• and althoueb the mileage bad• 1.7•0 ereette
doh" if thet liked, but h• aturthuted it to I t
tbe spot who me in charge ot the govern -
moot of the °creates,. Appieue•
Hon. .1 T liarrow 'peke mgt. lia said
it vrse • very interesting time : the people
of th• mot herlon4 hod tom sone to the polls
to selret their rulers for soother term ; we
were doing the same, ead In a few dive the
people of the United States sloe would befit
their elootioo. these of voter*
bow many would vote on the fitot• sad o
the record, how meey would sit down sad
think out whites oandldato repreeented hts
idea of •vernment ; and how many wou'e.
be moved by personal mottoes or tty WOW
k • In Ws
y bed themselves dug. ",p,"
.oservittiv• party woo valid from defeat '"'l Mr• whe° l'heY ,
11131 005
been returned te 1401.141 in that year they . Tarte'. ease snot) s mme of corruptinn •AMI gyel: lrer7, amonntiere to OS 500 000 and
by the gerrymamter ; *be Laterals had agsnist th• Oeverninect. in Mr I Foster was prepared to Wag down fnr the
would have encountered • greet wave of it. • unearthed es had never hofore been exposed 1
, his in the face of • &etch of $4,000,000 *be
pression enl their Conservative opponents to view H• bad peeved his charges to the I yem. ha„re.
wenld hav• been returned in 1896 to reapbit •°4 bemtule °,1 thts h• b•4 •c•r "'••• For the nature the Clevereinenst proposed
the benefit MI taa return of ptosperity. 1"en Pnrenen W"n nelnmn, by' the Censer- to promote -this mew Industrie' development
Speaking of thit alleged frauds on the ballot "'lee Dm°. of C.merla thst wastaking an4 in do.
Yit wit Huron he said : ',Move that Sr Ricbard testrfied to the assiduity and ins this to estehltsh good relater:is hot wow'
atn oorreot in "eying that no man on the diligence with wbich Mr. Holmes st1-0404 employers and employed by the esteibl sh•
his duties as • member of the illuse, ment of ceurts ce ideation herWeen
• he tWO polite', in Order to •vOld the eits•
setreu• atrikes retch 'hot had octourred In
;rest lit 'tent and th. 17 States. They
. endeavor to tette thei- proper place
m the consolidation of; the whole British
Empire, and to unite tbe people of Canada
in one harmonious whole ind who had
*hewn hirrisslf more IA. to lead in that
wrest task theta Sir Wilfrid Lsorier ? S r
Wilfrid Laurier bad twice!) takes his poi.,
tie.' I.fe .n his nand* In the Promotion roi
entry. Th. first was when. In regard to the
Manehba school .i,11•11tintl, he went counter
to the natural prejudices of his fellow•
countrymen of the P.oeince of
the other tostence was in the sending of the
contingents to South Africa Sr Wilfrid
deserved credit for thinking well before
spending million* of money, but when he
yaw Krug. r • ultimatum and the danger
that threatened the Empire, he took action
immediately and In • fortnioht one thousand,
men -twice soo many as Great Britain had
asked_ their way to South
A I rime (Applause)" 'The earns O! Sir.
Wtif rid Lender wail known over i1., whole
earth, wherever the English languege wag
spoken, Sir Rohard conclude 1 his @pooch
amid great applause.
After cheers for the Q teen, for Filr Wil-
frid Leerier, for Ittohoird Cartwright
4114 for Robert Holmes had been Mese with
trete hiseettome, the splendid gathering dim
A number sojiyed a handshake with Sit le Co.
Richard after the meeting.
of rediroe Oh vintage rate to the d Count; y 00or of Parltement Teamed to &WPM
locrease4 the Governmeut a
to too cents tho dommtio rata t,o tior I Mr. Holum.' name with the suspicion that " You heave a pond member, MEI 1 truat 30
same figure . and the people del pot pey he had anything to do with such frauds, if will return him to oupport the Government
wary cent more to tgli54 on woount of frauds there were. how I want you allelear- of Sir Wtlirld Leerier on the 7.0* of
1 and distinctly' to understand that the N ber "
I e good work heti teen; lone in develop. Government of Canada entertains no sort of
d e to morsel° any man, he L bort 04
tho reduction. lo the Department it s
Ind cold storage and an the mouthy n
who dares to tamper With a
el:waiters ef the Oulied States .iustanties Conservattye,
na stook, adding thoueemis of dollars fro the bellot. OLI t ee oontrary, the Liberal flov. • To. y had redeemed their promise to Nivea,
.bo peachier, act Tb. House of Corn:none
farmers' roomier'. The Department of ties orpment would consider that • Liberal oho '\
Inter:or 0.4 1.00 ably administered hy 1100 tampered with • ballot box deaerved • hid voted by • irege tr. raj 'ray to repeal the
0.11rord Sittont The Con 44444 tives Wire double punishment, not merely for the . gerrymander sot, bat they were frustrated
ii,ver tired of hoitibiatiog Tarts. lint they °rims Itself but for the abominable folly of i by the pattisen majority in the Senate. lo
.0 -0 0000not to do it when he wee within it, bemuse 1 know enough of my I, bora' " regard to the pleb to te, they had carried
n distance. Mr. '1 erter was in charge friends to knovr that if there is one thing( out to the letter whet they had pronesed to
The had reduced the taxation by.
The Minister spoke of the pledges which
the hovernment had mimetic!. They heel
ett led the Manitoba school q mot en.
more than soother that the.; are oat ts-
posed to cendone it would to just suoh an
sot as that, whether committed in favor ot
• Liberal or . Conservative Government.
(Hear, hear.) What the ',horst Govern-
ment did and, mind, I don't say that the
^causation' that these mom brought for ward
ere rove.] hut *lien martin° atleViOioila
contest no nee ha4 a sword to sir 11414141•1 of the lergetat spoodino dew.. merit 0
otroomateneee wide o
, either candidata, hut the greet questhe Oriverornect ; but in four years not, °ono
• t% hat do thoy stand for' Mr had the Conaervatives been able to point to
(:arrow said some hard things about Ma the corrupt expenditure of a single dollar.
Party Dress mid onvoosted the establieli- Waa tide not • torrent that could bo placed
ment et .0 ,odependent prem. fla claimed soloist the reoord of the Conservative (.0?'
0041 they bed as Peewits! of their weeny moment, with all the iminffids whioh char -
the greatest, noblest ant, most lovible OW satereeml le " The departilente had been
kelian who aver lived. (('08.08 ) H. dtd administered tor the benefit of the peoples!
niuoh Iar V not In the interests of any particular
O 00 I.! he was respectable ,
snore than that ; he Inis twines, the finest
11 over Canada had vet moducwol (applause>,
eed he would be put in the saints' ealender
of the I iseerystivee when he
"Iota with Hon Alsisoder Macksix 0, Ix -
"ale, la isddittoo to Mr. M sokenzts2 11- okra. 'They did not know who he twee,
honesty &ad knowledge of public *Rare, he bat of all of stems his made intiu.ries he did
had whoa air, meek/mile 41.1 sot have, the pot tind • aelitary man who had • srievano•
"typo, in mode si well as the lortiter in , worth 'peeking of. They synod that it
T5 R. mi1 ue meet, thought of upon the I IV Ss Old beet mining oamp that ever existed
"hot .44. 04 the water a• hi, was here. and in the world. He hael met one man who
on the other Ado of dm lin* as well, awl • thought that they merit', have distributed
still he was se stately a Cana4les as seer ' ehe lettere In the postoffi vs a little baster
wa• Itorn. Hui aim wail to mak• eis • united than they- di& The Conservetives when in
People. The troubler le this remote y ba4 pewee hug relied on' thug,. t...ee polio? moll
.*or person. Reterrteg to •
irr polarities in the Yukon. Mr. Halmos
statod that when be emitted etioeuver lest
year h• tork the opportunity ot conversing
mber of miners returning from the
kl••• th•S were wars two ribose, sod evert " than on saythiog ; now the Liberals
alreamemaose sears brought to our netted.,
what tbey dad was, first of all, although trait./ Seale.. They were very few core.
eoistrary to precedent and established, tis- ernmems lori.od that in so short a time bad
many millions. They hid rev toed th• tariff,
which was now subetantoally a revenue
tariff, in place of the protootive, io
many ways prohib Mee, t stiff of the Con-
servatives. The exodus hart been stopped
and for the first time in the history of C.o•
oda the tide had turned and tons of thous-
ands were returning to Canada from the
age , and to dolt wo strained all I Arlie-
meatary etiquette, we granted them) manta
enquiry, and granted them (rower to bring
every man before the oommittee on
privileges and eleotIons. We allowed
them for nearly one nuo4red days to go on
egemlaing every man 14•41 mold thinly!
tablish a ease against Mr. Holmes,
given effect to so mant proposals whio
they had made In oppesitioo. Conferee
Mem geld the prevailing proeperity wee the
result of ambient end good luck. It was
not by aonideot that the Interroolonial Roll
way had heen extowied and invtgorated, so
thee tra 15a0413 and receipts had doub'ed.
It was not by sooident that' the Talton had
menet aed sod
for UN we**
WNW Aiwa
kept oonstantly on hand
Also the beet braadi of
sol -lo
Emile Ti
A new Carriage tir• that mall
on all roads a plamonne-monou
for It does away with OA. vibei
shakee and breaks the orirriages.
AV shaped spoon between thr
bar tire and the steel Ammo
venta the oreessing &ad im
which other Ureters .at14
exhibit .0th•
Said at ono* for tree Tire
yttrium prime of all Gime.
&Milan will do well is Oh we before plac-
ing their soden.
OFFHAL W•stet. Naar Wm 1%
a. sSus WI/SW/ego
10 whloh they totally failed to In, and sir. aft been rendered • snores of protit
ter thee, we took the matter Into our own , penol• of the Dominion. It was not by
hands and plead on tbe statute booe an 1 accident that Canad• had berm Riven peony
act relating to the ballot, in which, ea far postage. 11 was not by accident *0* .1 Ur
as human foreateht and Ingenuity ciao do 10, Fisher Mid an000•dsd lei 'reality aiding and
we have made frauis with the ballot Int- levolopino the agricultural rasooroos of tip-
poseible. We did all this, although we) conintry. 40 was not by am:Admit that th.
Fall Suits &Overcoats
The man dressed In a stilt made at
onr ware always 10(4r -trim, as It le the
ambition of every man of taste to k.
A large more of olotbs to choose
If yom aro contemplating getting a
light twelves% for fall wear, otos es a
EIS •Imeos tie servo yen trims right -
West Street
l'ou Only Get...
Brilliant tom
by the use of
B Ton'
What would itobt. McLean -
ile at Ottawa' -
o• ••• eo• V• woo Ve.11-
plo •tyttst--trocri and comfortable
Shoes they can bny here fey leeal
money than they would have to I
pay ebiewheire. Brand new stock,'
and every Shoe perfectly made.
SCHOOL SHOES for the Boys
and Olds have arrived. Call and
oxamine our stock and prieea,
whether yon buy or not.
that no people owe se fres, sad had es4
maoh teams to be happy and ormtentod, as
w• Is Liro fr.l.stils of oars My tra-
ducers ear that I in sohl ibis monstoy
to Frame, anti *het if I did not deliver the
goods it wait aot inv fault. Jest as If I sad
the Frrr oh Cantata's" so• lest ha • tease
of hearty sad all moss of self interset as to
ortiib to monster ear allegiance frown Itritala
to ?ream1 W hots .e the feel la my ram
who remold tot • nomemat slob t• bo noted
by Frame., wad soder tho systions watali
prevail is /meow? Ws ors Frenoli 0••••
Air es, hut ors ere subtosts 1yes, aad
local oad devoted gabfests el lose beloved
Idalesty ()sees Vishene
airarellitse reillU I la I
You strike at the toot of the riiimeen rind
lay Waite' foundation on whioh t. build.
Moon the weight inereasere, the minken
cheek" and to toned buste till out., the flea
gist height and the thrill of renewed health
itorl etntingth •ihratas through the aritem,
60 matte per box at all druggist'. or
The Ooderieh steam boiler works
having been removed from Oodeneli,
I have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
facturing of smoke/164"Am, Ate.
The stove is cut into stove wood
ienath and will he delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders recoived by telephone or
left at rtsidence, 128 lOunbria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Goolorioh, November 21st, 1899., 53-3m
For sale by all the les(
ware and Harness shops, o
Tie Wm. Sotto Com
186 tills Si TINI
other ly attended actotwiry promptnded
RmPsiring """ilerm, engin" and
Toronto, Ont.
Maohintat, Ooderieh.
Works on Victoria ?Ante
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and II
Manufactured by J. At MacLEOD, Goclarich,