HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 44 Trwasesv, Nov. 1, 1900 TIIR SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO rtrmtmortmmtt You Want a Piano? iOur Stock of Music We repr.'sent the Nord- heimer, the Art Piano ot Canada If you want it au:kitty and honest value, you cannot afford to buy until you have seen our instrumental. 1111101110 and small musical goody / is up to -date in every rea. pet. We solicit your 3 patronage. Emerson's litcycle and Music. House, street, Goderich. ight IPOWIAIWEW HYRRY THURSDAY MORNING aye. ISesissieenhes 00011181011, THURSDAY. NOV. 1, O. THE PIJBLIOSEXPENUITURE. Sir HIBEZIer Tarr previous to the kat eileckon, referred in a speech to the question of the annual expenditure He mid : "ln taking the reeponsibility of raying that whether my party or the other party be nue medal at the next election. I have not the alighteet doubt that the expendi- ture of this country will increase instead of diminish. And I will go turther and say that, provided witeloni presides over the system of management and erpendi• tare I hope, and devoutly hope, that the expenditure will incresee instead of diminish. This country as it grows, this country as it suoceesfully develop', cer- tainly this country aa it socumulates • larger population. will and must nage re a larger amount than forty millions a year for ita government" SNAP SHOTS. -A vote for Rom'. Hotailes is a vote for LAURIWL - Ir you are tired of prosperity, you know what to do Vote for McLane. -Wno is Mr. Manatee leader -Trletrift, HUOH JOHN or Sir MACKENZIE Briwil r.' --CAN•DA haa von fiOnor and fame from that preferential tariff, and she has won dollars and cents all well. -Mr. FIELDINo, - Lime out for roortachs from the Tup- Pe• rites The men who would circulate a forged Globe to further their antis will not be ashatned to use any falsehood to deceive the electoni. o-lifn Cattle. tbe CodeervatIve candi- date in Frootenac, refused to allow the bogus Globe to be used in hie constituency. The Conservative party managers in West Huron are of • different kind. -"So long as I have a voice left. Hon. JOHN 1111100.11111Y sod some others shall never occupy • seat in • Cabinet in this country." -8ir MaCtralirlit SOWELL at Carleton Plato last week. This is the "unity" of which the Couser vati vas boast. -SltvirRAL reembere of the Government. had eons in the Canadian contingent which went out to South Africa to fight the battles of,the Nmpire. le it likely that the Govern - moot would supply the troopit, including their own sons, with ase!me emergency - [rations ? -Ir the Tory policy meatus anything, it means, if they are returned to power, the restoration of the duties oil hinder twine and barb wire end the increase to the oil rate of the duties on oral oil and other articlee of ootumon use. These artielto would then onet more than they do now. F.lector, is that the policy which you favor -Use's Conservative rule the Inter- oolonial railway used to have annual ilefieito running up as high Mr threrequarters of it million, and the taxpayers of the country bad to make up the differenoe. Mr. BLAIR, the Liberal Miniater of Railways, luus put the raihray on a buitineee timer, and in 1899 there Wftil a surplus 01043,958 le not thie result of liberal economy worthy of your endoreation at the ballot -box 1 it,vo now Sir 1111H31•111. HICxrn.BEALH, the British Chancel or of the Exchequer, throwi cold water on Turene'm proposal to change the policy of the mother , .1 itry, by ile• olaring that "it wan im; aible Tor Creat Britain tar he other than a free trade country. anti that he eympethiren with Sir WILFRID LAURIER, the Dominion Premier, In his opinion that an Imperial rollverein WM unattainable without free trade within the empire." Sir CHARI.EN rhould go over to England and choice off a few of them chap who are spoiling his wheme CAMPAIGN BRIEVI flEtt. -Sinew is fast putting Boon Jonw's noon out of joht in Brandon. -Smolt Henn JOHN has begun to do his own thinking he hes dropped out of the view of the public. -THAT letter from the Queen to the Indians of fieldimand, in favor of Doc. MONTAGE'S, 14 overdue. -Arras the fight is over in Went "York the Hon. CLARKE WA1,1 AH11 will be dela man with the black eye -Tyrrell ntaiMe fifty four mite in Onterio. Why should he stop at fifty-foar I Why not claim every oon- stituency in the Provinoel Ttleenll Is built on the lines of the late J (1, BLA1Ng, whose telegram to The New York Tribune was,"eleini every- thing.- - Tusr manifesto ot J CUAKL TON'S was not beef and greens to the Tories after all. No Tory newspaper !Hui published the manifesto in full. -H SPRY A. Pow sttwon't be able to get his cousin to coerce the Dorchea- ter peniteutiary officials to vote for him in this election. Hie finish is in sight. -_ - - Tun Montreal Forger is still doing business at the old stand, but it won't be able to turn out anything more rascally than ita bogus edition of The Globe. - Sous weeks ago The Star pub- lished an article purporting to be from The Weekly Sun, dealing with olsurieriern and Pricee." The 8 un heA pronounced the article a forgery, saying that it never appeared in its columns, but The Star has not had the common honesty to acknowledge the fact to its readers. The Benmiller apology will be of a piece with The Star's previous record. The "nest of traitors "want to get back to power. ,Elec- tors of West Huron, are you going to help them? WHAT OTHERS ARE SAVING THATIATTLII agireimom. Toronto *Hobe . Mr. roster says the *arid was redeoed by ooly 14 100 of one per mat The Mail says thet the reduotion canted an ;musses of $62,000,000 in im- p.rt. tt'ontlerful .bat • little reduction will do ! " evae ie TORONTO." Strethroy Age: A To.y paper to Toronto feel. sure over the Laurier meeting. end says a&.. • cia hard for Ste Wilfrid "bo se- e, v the loviug embraoe of some Toronto go iticame who would have sued tor libel If they had Men described at Libeials • tow short years ago." People, even in Toronto, liv• and ISM a. TAKE HEN ON THEIR talittiTa It iv. G. M. Milligan, 'Format% says : "All mon anotild be dealt u,th on their Merit., not upon Sitar profession.. It le ▪ pity that thla need. to be said at Chi& thne of nay. No enlightened Protestant will mix up religion • id polio.. Keeerd• Ion Sir Wilfrid Laurter, be is an honor to ()suede, and I hope and pray Canard ant may appreolate him, not when it is too late," HUGH JOHN Dolts Nurr corNT, dnrento Slier : Mr. Fingb John hdaction- all is clearly joshing the people of the Went on the implement quertiou Mr. E. F. Clarke, M. P., In his •peeoh lae. night, said that he did not believe with Hugh John, but adhered 00 proteoilon. " he said, "is the op Mon nt ft' 0.1er, v. that opinion of nine- teethe of tlie oancitda• of the Conservative t rty." Tbo Mall re ports Mr. Choke as folio*. : "Mr. Clarke declared ea phattoelly that he was not iu favor of making arincutitra: implementi free, sod lo this respect he sae certainly •ivicine the view of the Conservative tarty se • whnle." THE veHoot. tt INTIM HAMM gti - Tato-, to Mohr. : Le Jongual, the p•por established in MOD•111111 by `VP Charles Tup• per, is oonduoting • red-hot campaign against 14.1: Wilfrid Leerier tor not restor- ing separate Nihon. in Mernitote. 11 le making his quest 00 tho chief isrue. Day after diry it publishes in large bleat type. right Ser.,es 1. • (rent perm, ntacke on 4 r Wilfrid L inner for t he .ti,.d betray al of hie oompatriote In hfanitoba In Wedges - day's paper It saki M. Lustier makes his bos.a itt Oatario. He has hot had the oouraye to maks rho right, of h.. comnat ✓ iot. i lidenitob•v rospeJtecl." At the h. ail of th• (Atone! page, ineplaved almost as oonerecit,oilly. is • °hares ih•i Ir ViIr':I deprival the French Csaadlane of 0 e fourth revseentitive In the est'net. an vantage which woe gamed node- the (Jon• sermtiver Hither Sir Cheviot opal om. plaias tho restoration of mean... j. Idanitoba or he is allowing his organ to de. Delve the C.tioadien people. What is likely Is that if he obtained • majority he would be asked to go on with remedial legislation, and erten her Inc oonsiontal or ramrod, his party would be split as it was in 11396, and gnu.. meat would 114001110 im possible. This is another Indication of the vielenee, weak- n ess sod liteeshility width would sIgn•liz• a retsina of Llbe Tepees reeler). Five years more of progress for Canada. POLITICAL POINTERS. The three Engli•h•spesking oountrlea of the North Amerioan continent OI hold their elections on Libros oorerecutive days nor!) week. The Pregiricnttal 'teethe In the Cloned St•tee take. el •oo on Tnegetay, tte Itominion stilettoes on Wednesday, id the general elections " Nowfoundle od Thurwlay. A private letter reonved in town last week from Regina, N. W. T says "there Is no doubt whatever Shall lityln will be turned clown oo the 7th of Nnvember The ladepenitleat madidno Ikea opposed him Is the last eleatien ham thrown his support and the majority of hie party 01 with Soott, the Liberal candidata." The Saiferth Nirvana, viem la Rama Huron, where the (felts are hived, it look• al, at on• time. as If Mr. MoMillan, the Domai.s of the Liberal C invention, was going to htve ea•y walk over l'heCon• eeryadvee held • *outdo of meetings, and sovers1 gent Iodic were named as ,protithle a •nrIldates. hut ell den'', A ,nterler on • eontest which ornmisol colt sin defeat, and their emit ',emotes remitted in- ..mesa liener t- ken. Taking'advantage ef Ole °noun. st inee, Mr. (teerge ticEwar, ef Herman, manly oenneillor anti ex -Warden of Huron, hut entered the field, and is Row • mindd date. kb r Itioftwan is a lAreral, and is n ow and has been for eimsral tears pren- dont of the Littoral elation) 41 a !tenth Heron, as oonstituted for Pre:vine:al par poem, and tie assures ua that b. Pike. the field sa a supporter et the tinvernment, sod will continuo In the NIA only in the of the rouser vetivers not brineing one • modidate it will thus be a family (Mkt Respentiae its o wits, we may have more to my welt week, when metiers dameinp. Hat, whatever may he t1,41 result of the eleetien, the Libor.% Gov.. ament 5 gore of • nipperter from Math Rorer*. 111•411111d111411 From Ceopereville, Mieh • mamas word of • wonderful demovery of a pietism* tasting ',gold the. whim amid before retiring It any me troubled with a bid &nigh always eneures • rood eight's rest "It will oven mare the nough too," writes Yin. Ft Minn berme, ''for these generations of nor family have used I» Kleg's Nu Dimmer, for Goneemptlee mad mem forted He squeal for tiough5 aed molds." an intrivitled life- saver wham rad Ist &spear loam diorama. itrufwallarid l'statee 604 sad $100 at JIMMIE Wales's itrog mese Trial WON fres. POLITICS IN PARABLES. Borns Hot [Shot by an Old Timer all •Inems laistbsair ale al •1 att MIA Wine Wreakers Julia's ...stand •Erlewl- Aural Imelemests Warty., Ikea h Ways. Among the arrival. !" tone last week ciaarb old gentleman with • erey chin - whisker suggestiv• 01 ohs traditional Cade Nam, but be was end to be • retired Case *dim apple butter, and had fur his name the rather auggestly• mum of A Poach. lie olmened to have meat hell his life sailing, having ered almost the knowe globe, and fur the last fifteen yee-e Ma bent buying fruit Mr. Peeoh, not• withetandlog tits 1' sake., our, wag bore i bred ID Out Annapolls Talley, NOVA Zia where the '• finest apples to the world, tarring Huron, grow," to me his own words ; 111. all Nova Sootians be wadi • talker and • storyteller, and ooasiderable of • politician. To hem biro toll of the old e vys when Joe Howe used to wipe tee floor ei.th Charley Tupper, wee food for the an' ooniederstion tonalities.' who 'knew the hietory of thy Kast. Coming down to the polities of the day, the old filename was equally Interesting Aimee some of the points made on ouncet affairs were the following: " Say. you ought' to me • Tory ch•p feeL Ing all around me to see if I grew a Grit wart or • Tory beauty spot He had one of them big hall•and-half buttons-thst there sort of two beaded gtrl bunnies- Topper and Hugh John. H. pushed It right under my nom, ao to speak, and I didn't nett°. ita bit. A fellow like um, that 'mowed Tupper when he was • poor doolor getting into pole- tioa to advertise h'inettlf, sod saw how nob he trot on the number of patient.. he had after that -why, I couldn't fall down eel worehtp that there two headed Mega. "lhee he rye to me. 'Ain't they • teem!' I says ••••Ort of 101110040C 1 kir, 'Who' 'Why,' he atm 'Hugh John and Tupper.' •Willois is borne gays I. He scene:hod his head, and mid, 'Warned if I know ; but they're • great ram.' " 'blister,' 1 mys, 'I've got you dead to right• on that there button. We you're old Tery party all over. It's • two-faoed effete Half your orowd 1. nth of Tup- per, so you otter Hugh John's head oo the same platte-. A lot of youtoo, are feel Mr • sort of pity on Hugh John for h• weak way of handltng things, •nd so on 1:0•4 Tupper's ram to tirazon the matter out. les a two fan.d button, a two -laced policy in Quebec and Ontario, and • two•faoed po!ley on the west and the east. Sr.' "liatbons don't win eleotioos. I thought se 1 rw that fellow get out after that shot ol • ohap 1 heard of that had an Imitation potato hug on & psn. The folks need to try and brush It off Mil lappet, and the little ohap would holler with the fun of le, and just roll over himself. (toe day a friend oame aloe, and the rotator bait Wn• n ot notioed by him at all, and at last the owasr said, 'What do you think of that tor a pot .to bug! 'rue other ohap he ems, 'Say, It is the biggest bag on the smallest potato I ever saw.' And I tell you • fellow who would mei/ one of hem double hefted ed Tupper buttons put now must he • pretty small potato. ''Say, did you see how Hugh John has shrunk into his father's hat? There was a lot of my plume,. on that bird wheo he oame down here a month or two ego, hut where is it all now. It pa:. me In mind of • story 1 hoard onoe about an Irishman who cams to Cessna and visited • farmer freed llo startod oirt to shoot in the woods one day, rind Inc raw • woodpeokm eolith a head es red es Hugh Joint's tie. The high (hap ha gave the two barrels slap bang to gsthsr, and the woodpecker he dropped right down stra.ght, as the manner of them birds le, tad meshed off thior 7h the tinder brush. Pat dido't know that, and he got un his lenses and hunted for the bird. Re heard something jumeleg &loos end 61,-.0- b.o 11 It was a toad. There asaro'e no toed. 1 !retail& and Pat held the oh-ot up by one of the lege, &ad it kicking to bearthe hand with 1 Inc other. •lieeo•ra,' he says, 'you were • mighty party bird till I shot •II the fine feathers off you.' And that's nut the ease with fli di John lie was • mighty puny bird till he tried to sing, and the tirit editors have shot all the fine feathers off him. " • two-faced button, eent`..•n, and • two-facsed le•Loy Mime no,. 11 It 1. • threetmed affair on the agricultural Imple• ment busineu. Three was Fortino Slim (Merge,. he Profeeeor, ete.. and .o ea. lie'. • New Branswiolger, aod I know him u there Ho went to Tor. nto • veer .mo, aud •t • mentor th•re he laid hi, hand moot people have tholr hearts, ant ho says that, while the agrienitival Implement in• denary was la Canada there wr used of the great Conservative party to be In (invitee)e to protect it. A -id those Toronto fellows mv• him ei great hurrah. A mtii h ago Hugh John let AT a bomb in Manitoba t,..01 hee given the Ontario Tories ea awl ol .1,1. op. mys that her. an my nerd nee for protection of agricultural implemente, nit that tho duty nhould he lowered 1, al tii allow the N'ankeee to get in their impie Mints cheap to the Mariltobe farmers Then along comes Silly MoLean, of T: 4 roronto World, and he enock• the sand not of his two leaders. He wants rroteotion I skin off agrioultural implements only te pooh an extent that there would retire up • lot of new C•nadian Implement tenon°. to compete with the big ones we have now. lilamed If anyone oan e-iderstsnd what them fellows really mean; and I moor them 1.0 just know thionselvee, les a urea, t01 wile It maker me 01-ok of • leery a chap told me at Halifax. He .ald a man mimed John was going home one erel'eg, 10 !saw a pair of pant* hanging ety.i.ie store, marked 111 99, He had jast been In- vited in • 'lance, •nd ho emerged the I moth • teer hoover. and Moir them se 'Inc ye-te* When he tried them on at home 11^ found they were about three inchel too long eo asked his wife at tea to pl.ase out off three Inches aod hem them. The l'tt'e was mad home...he dide't eat an Ine.'e, and said some peppery 'Mem to John se el e the man, and evil she wouldo't MItes t hem pent. in go p•1;vs41Ir-ii Dir10 she stay 01 hems doh t.'n law WWI preon• whet ia h IMO W1,h, 00 them ! and .he sl•ppod • 1, saying In her self, 'there'e wore* enne-in leo than John, and I will fix the, dear bevy up f ar qv, no - °anon.' So elm out off three ‘n hos r ff the pants and hemmed them on the quiet. Joh i's enter was In the home, end shit heard the fuss, and she went after a while .n.1 0.. k op the paro•, and sh• mild to her. . 01,, • I anew, John ot a. 0noc1 • hostler/ as ", hag been • brother, end I client off th- three Inches for hlm and hem the ;onto,' and she ritel so, fly and hy Mary, tie wife, arov• .0 dohs, 'S•y, dear, I'm • *elfish thin/. 1 dld,.'e 'ant you to go tomange I meldn't go. lint, you ,tear nIl hey. you go and h av• • rood lime, and I will he Mope. (lo and dress now, and I will ont off the three letterer off them pante aad you up to a sitety ' Aol he nub thorn off, nest and e lm John deemed ,n the otneken time cm remrd, anti thin rumhert on the pants, and beetled for the party And ohm% he got tber• •nd peel el off his overcoat, blamed If he didn't loos for all the world lik• the Tory agrIonitern Implement poltoy, as eat aed trimmed by Fester, further mit aad ameeded hy Heigh dram and finally orib, prams 4, and &mewled hy 0. edit., of The Tormate World, who Is about L. bid good' hee es his ell omenteentry of East York. mar. were many other potato rads, and a Drabs, sl equally geed abriss told by the IttrrttntrtIttritttltrttitrttfttrrt/trttrtrttr/t/r/tt Razors! Razors! Razors! The biggest bargains ever offered to the people of Goderich are now to be had at A. McD, Allan's. The very best razors made are on sale at 75c. and CALL AND SEE THEM We are making room for Xmas Cutlery and Silverware and are offering Big Bargains in all lines of Silverware and table cutlery. Now is the time to get the very best table cutlery and silverware at the lowest possible prices. All lines of shelf and heavy hardware, cow - chains, rope halters, lanterns, curry combs, horse brushes, stable brooms, etc., etc., at lowest possible prices. A. McD. Allan imolai old maa from the Athlone, and, as we got Imam and toot • look at his oard. IWO eayli • MODUll parephrese ol the spelling on the pasteboard, 'byte' U. K. A, PEEcii. 1 HE NEWS BROUGHT TO HOUK -- rev Mahler' Fake Iltabesaeats Abeiet Ur. Peter Kies. Mr Peti•r Ity•o bag •ddleseed th, 10'. lowin.: open letter to The News '•Sie -The statement which you make in your Issue of this evenIng,that it is whisper • ed on the won that I may run ea an Ind• pendent oandidate against Mr. ht ulock in North 1 ork, le absolutely false In every re• meet, and oan only have been 'monad by you for the purpose of creating a feeding in the P7oviooe that, the relations between Mr Hillock and mviall are Mae reveme .1 oordial Permit me to say to the mon em Oath, manner that I never entertained any ides of contesting North York aga est 111r. hi ulirek, nor as a no -party candidci iy constituency. I don't think my L'heral fnends ceed any mourance from too that while 1 soierta'-i views nn Certs' • not alw•ye in a000rd with th• ()overtimest policy, my beet wishes are fur thasuocees of the Federal Government. ''In one reepeut you lime tendered me • memo by the publication of the stateineet which has 0411•441 Mil to writs Ws, slum it affords me • geasomble opportunity to put so end to street witleper'egs about me, 5. on. OnpablO of playing the role your party evidently desires um to maims. My true friends, lore mys.11, will be able to judge the motive which gove. l• you In publish'', such unwarre "tad statement. In oonolu• non, let me say that I would riot defeat hit. Mulook it 1 ootild, and I am not so nue as to iMagine that 1 meld, even d hawked up by the full strength of the Tory party, whloh I hsve ale ..ye opposed. 1 itin Politically just where 1 have been all my active life, l'ray insert this 1 id oblige Yours, Perm ItYAN • Oa. Z2, 1900 " Five years more of expansion. Vote for Laurier and pros - Merited. Praise.... Brew., (Per., May 9th.1100 To THE Hawean PUIINACE Co.,. (AUTUMNS :-The Managing Omahas, of Margaret Avenue Scheid herebrwrpnter their satisfaction with the heating of that school by your firm. Your two ownbirm- Om furnaces have given us a temperature of from 66 to 80 degree, itt the loweet sere weather, and have, besides, reduond our met from 43 tuna in 1889, 00 27 thire for the peat muter. After trying three different furnaces, without being able to heat the school, we fool that we owe you at least our thanke in leaving us from any more trouble with the heating if MargarM Ave. School. Tours respeetf troy, G. M. Dglirs, Chairman Margaret Ave Sehool J H WOBJ5ELL, tradeThe Cheap Starve and Femme Mee, - Rule Agent, (oderich. Ont. Mt** Stifle. When you wear • "King Qual- ity" shoe you get all the style, the fit and finieh found in the beet American shoes. The "King Quality" factory is the only one in Canada that makes Ladies Shoes better than the American article, which comes Into Canada with • as% duty taken out of its quality. The "King Quality" brand is worn by the berl d d Canadian ladien ; it is • true note of shoo fashion, of everertnent in dress. 27 21y122, 4 widths, all Siam. Branded "King Quality." Gold medal awarded at the Paris Expoirition, two. illiode Iry Me J. D. Klieg Or. kimonos, Toronto, is our longer Snap, at to. s pound, cf a:1 ich WC 4411 barrel • •eek. This im't oar only map, as we cerrm •yeiytt ins 1/1•0 Os br iou-el la an rat, te•,"••• ei y "MO 0•1 mice. are 1..011. 1(1 tarmer• that !ha y oan always est from • wasp for their prodime. W. draw the line at no leiotimate trade -- •vf•y. husk/ goes Glimmer. or potetoe., garden stuff or ohnioeet table China. We noel in all of them. T.- G. TIPLING & CO., 00,1 k I Jr el. C T Pastry, Mr Patties,Tarts, Short Bread and CNA Elolls, Mince Pies and Lady Finiers, Macaroons, Mumps, - Brandy Soap:, Etc. • are as good aa the beet mane in any cit.y in Gaharla. (,1antelon lettle the trate in WEDf)ING CAKES in fency demiconing ann ornament ing 4I111 DIL10I4i rmg. (Ave him an order And your Kat War tion will he ameurrad. D CANTELON, WEST -ST. Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors. • knocking about, good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind you want—stout, thick sobs (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be strong to stand the strain. • *These boots are not expensive, though they die wear like irnn- ltemember our Goods are all New, factories. No Bankrupt Stock. direct from t W11. SHARMAN Jr. derich Bargain Bargain Day NOVEMBER 187 di COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. November 1st and 2n JAMES ROBINSON Coe Year Ceeti with the D. D. Co.'s Syr. of WHITE PINE and TAR. 1. u oaa get oohing bettor. Relief nmost tostantaneoua. 25o. 5 for ER.00 It's Time to Put up the Store and you want BATUMI 8TOVR-PIPX VAR 25 oonta 5 fOr I 0 ) "lien we ever used," in what they n. Least Odor. Brightest Lustre Q Drying of All. It floats em A ()rasa 1, -- Diluted makes an mmellout w•Inut for Iron fences and all outside Pm work, .sal Mahon • fine menu for buggy bodies. Ipaiuib the /OMNI. W. C. GOODE BEDFORD BLOCK. Che Big Bargai IN ALL, LINES OF Table Cutlery. - . 20 per cantoff until tith of- loloyetriber. N. D. ROUGVI THE CASH HARDWARE STORE. The Old Firm, The Old Busin But a New Stand. To nth PUBLIC : We have_ removed to the store lately occur t'attle Bros., dusmiths, which we hate stocked with a plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be able than ever to attend to the wants of' our customers. A call upon us in our new stand will please us. , Yours respectfully, STURDY ct 0 THE GROCERS. JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Planing Mill and Faotory, Cam• brie Road. Goderich, A oompleee nook of Dressed and Undressed Lu m be r , Flooring and .Siding, . Lath, Shingle.% Etc., Sash and Doors on hand and made to -order on short notice. Stors Windows & Doors a Specially EstlirrsMa fornI41, I Tern.. mo ,erate. JOHN MORRIS, GODERICH. HELLO! THE 0 RELIAB AN_ KINDS OF COA ALWAYS ON H ScralltoilifarTd IN THE AfAltlegl All Coal wet/kid on the Market who's you EM ROE Ihs. Mr • ton L Orders left at lk 911311P Siete p-omptly •ttorvirel 10 ••••••••=11111. - The Signal to Jan. 1st, Mit for 26 cell KIDD'S BOOK STORE. FANCY GOODS, FANCY CHINA, FANCY NOTE, PRETTY PICTUR SCHOOL BOOKS, POUCHES, PIPES, WALL PAPER, BOOKS, PERIODICA MAGAZINES, PAPERS. Everything bright, fresh and new. No old goods offer at any price. KIDD di C auttons—Loener. Tepper. Boo bba, Maims. Flaws A sir 1 a