HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 3Of 41 11, Lie Pae In rho rot kh )41r r - the va. rU M ew NO the the oar 114. see et - lata Mi - teal Jvr• and lett ties Yr. - Pius, gat lble !At UAW --- ede . W Tlw !Phut. APO' 'AWL, 11100. d�. , r �1�e?iSf'✓��iP.d�tr�'ri.�r�e:?1'3✓�p'�.��i'>i>���.Y...�r�i��� to picture myee+u and dear Fide In a du/ 4ret. Perhaps they wlght el UAL go Imo , far as to separate. we from tv I Ftk,! So with it dill I tkterlulnid t, take, tlw Fretuuhtunu'e nth ko," and 1 held, -Well, I wall go hack with you, though I remitter Mutt wi gent Ionian wouli1 treat it lady r,1" And then 1 carried out my darling it nue my reticule. The r,wt of my leg- al Knee was fleeted through to 1'l. toritt, 4411, 1.1 optima 1t wouk1 b' all right. ✓ogeteeeree ..?- 5J ,per Then the tree 1M,tul of(. and there I war, try .Mer Jeer, at four teeltx•k .o it ow1t4, raw •-April morning, lett n lone,on a railway lin, with that aw- ful orbs. The Alae'' witrrl1 luta thrown out the clo•k wits about half u w ie back, and then was au awful hall - tulle, Jane to y(xtr poor Prestige! The wretch seized we by the 'trw. tint hurried tate esiglely. altue et drug- gwy, ate. along the line, utterlmg all the time the wort frightful improve - tole ; Language., .Jnue, which t will out sully these' p:ag(e. by repeating. 1 tlhl out un(k•retand it all (1t the time, but 1 aelaei teal www 4Jf tee e1 ire eluu+t afterwuMe to a Emrich geitlhmau• who mature 1 nae that they were of the uKt.t fearful tit r'rlption ! We itrrlval 'at lust at the .e".ne of the (hatter. He let go sty arm. -What ure.Wc golag to.lo'.1" 1 raid. Quota). ••\That ore we go:rg W (l0:' 1 like am fuer us-plwrlble Mate lee water. then:" he tumwert'. '1 will trtl you Suttk.Wy 1 (ward it start azul a what we ere going to do. 1-4,w going to wma,ke a cigar. You --are gting to Perak for my cru. k Bt :net water. you will take of( y4111r snow out rto-k.uge, 1,1)11 waddle about there till you find It !" Jane, I tliulgllt 1 should faint. 1 mould not hate Iwttgeted that there cooed exert 'such a brute is human tura. But. I wits at aha mercy. I ku:w It. I fejt it was hula'lne to mutat. Still I nal I, f4+•My, ''Uox►siaor, I referee' Miss Prism's Anarchist: AN L:XI1.IAUIRUINAIIY AUVL.NIUKL. BY Euwtlt HMYAW, my dratted, Jule. 1 out ssc: edi eg'y 111. last I feel that 1 o. throught teel which of e 1 have fearful x -luta iwrie too. lees!. Jane, i4, 1 often 'Ave saki, though Neu weu'd (ever believe we, all Lunn are brutes. 1 sufmlt your Ittasbetel woo est brutal than tart, but 1 iter it Ir all t etiWltg-itll seewing. e eemetts, Jape, your own experience belle you the truth of what 1 way', tlr,ugh you are fixe p4'ultd W admit It is fuer 'ase', 1 teak nay starts that no luta lull ever etutx'eriaal In entrap- idleg me with 110 tkoeltful wile's. 1 lout' 111) 1ttud.wt euwitettaue, 4,11.1 fur tomixVe elk. Veto. I k 111, tk'aarutker love"*net as wucl 44p I dk, haw. 1 mut rt' the lute in e dear (lase when 144. 5'$* l4, bring et bis little hot w.tter plate with call• ultu• roitrt chicken and bread saute. t As you know. 1 hove alw,lys •:en b1 Ur' habit of epniding taw winter at Montreux. 1 tit. think Monte ux of the h,t'Istr the seat r ee 110 fr•W tn1HIL-s,ilte- Uu'« there are 1..011e Id ail 111x1 e'ery- stag Is r0 aloe and pitceful with- out them. , Brag 1 um afral.1 1 shall never have LM course+ to 1(0 to 110:ttreut again. 1 ti. r.(r1 think 1 cuukl fate the lour• fey 4, Sw•ltserland after taut awe fol e'p,rletwe with the anarehirt. I aur Cure to warn r 6 lly Oartasit `hero though . awful nein! I .!tall never (argot it. Jany ne kegs awl 11(41. It was' iota this day wink that ,1 left ldoatreux' for Eaig- iius1. 1 )teal 80118e dinner at Lau - wave tont deur 1.1110 had a nice hot eut.t•t' to leer hie rtrtalgth up fur the ),tonin), 1 put lint In her 11111.• bas tea itgai t, and with that anti we 11t- 3.. IKag est my ural. 1 went 10 take nla Pao. In to train. There was 110 ads, in ala' comportment t selected. sat I Mats congratulating meet( :tett nisi 1 would bat.' it. to our - when ahead. at the Last uw- u•nt a stun got tn.�a Most 4111uluuur to -tug nein! it. was u.ot'exaetly badly ,Ir4%exd, though birth hu fate' Just Iiia lin •11 woke! 844 U they would have ixen bet ter for washlog. H. war dark. wit!. Inns t ,uielcrJklltg Neck ck bentrd a emen I lt .u.t:ttlr'. and be la thee. tint ammettihig round list up - -lad-naalk..rvitiet 1 1 d e prenw.lttien, Jan.. Utet ions llretulful was going W hapten W n►•. and 1 would 11 ate got out 11101' .august a not her comport/1,1,1A. �, U tit- train had a,: rt:aet..l Just :it \that moment. 1 shrunk lute me Outlier 1141(1 led Warr Fllu cluster at nr•. I VOA tape.` inn 4161 not mitt* tae let fir.t. 11' altit very Palsy with the isin•:i( le the . h:ardketehlef, and ,.• naal t.i 1upve W II: nay l.. finding u imitate petition ff • it. Fleetly he on it dew on td\+•at Weide him. .W Ire int so I h. art IIIA deny : - '4t,' n11 iie.11. tr.•.a urn. in it few !arts. y4,., wi.l 1111k • th • acgpaiutui •e of 1:,.y: Pty ! •Thunk td - :at r world, of theta. g tlt►a' oats hail • tor me later Ian! sed r(• vole the bet - tie of ery by tor 100 IS - et rho ort- ot ole nil te 1. nf et ty or ..Pe (nen. d a herr! f . taps! 014 of its k.1... and w4,, utwut to atilt it. 1 duet ilInk If 1 had been tra4'e'Itng alone teat- I ..t, uld bare had the rtuirag' 30 rrnt,wtei1(• witha t4,. est there Was dash FM. who ct- rot, stand ensufte- 11 talwny. maker 14u' we, re so. `i4, I irate-- "1'artk,a, monsieur, Pelt this hi let a oeasestu5 wlypurt neat ” • 11-'- *0'*4.(1 .t►rtle•I, turd tl.en IM 4:11,1 • "I',. rd.! 1 ruiifum, 1 - die not oh- teroo 1".h. , 1 thoujlht 1 -wins :alenee- .lel *Ion lie pet away his cigar, end. 1 ammo you. Jap 1 thought I hmnl him mutter wluetheng /1 110111t -nein" entre• %Wi!le .(i.glJlMtd'- 1Net• .tt tn. Fr melt instiller there wax --ic hens- .L sea 1 as -aseeltr-aftl6Ls ee- nrnnatiOn tion u-u:a, tknuuT7- tart• matt' lee 14.144 out of 1144 hash" and 1 x 11111111'1 ht..-hu41e Yy 4illainotheI„uking comlankai got (4,'agaite its ti►• Iain mom mt. How red WO 1 Wats Jute. when he %Morley ertepid off to 01.ep! ' 1 till not date .l4 p myself, au 1 put on my talar:• 1410'.0x, nom k pt ny Writ awake los matt- e*. The lours passel with (Irate- 104 slowness, lintel at last tet. -110111. ante.'teen appe.ir.id In tine 1-2ti . IL sex. a 0114, foggy u*t.iiWg. At every .t,ppligg-p'Aan 1 noticed aD unusual camber 0t gendarmes. who .irp•ar,d to ' be searching everyone tonerei the train. 1hw11y, int a.r ntttti•.n....the ...IWird...poo tt (owe to, me, and 1 neket him if lanytehtg ithusi :il had happen xi. " Anarchists, mad ►m •," he replied. "The Kewg of Clirptntttl:t 1x040311 41rw•gl. >.--- to .lay, (0111 the pt In-' have had wort of let intwulal weirdest. uttcwpt on his life. t•aasqumis!y ' els 111te Is hs•ing minden) watched, and erste pa'eeen- Ser in the directions of X--- 1. tY*e•t utlntsett"-Wttil-that--Me iMe"'wtI 4,a. -4.11eTrI l_thedight .tram', Litt. "(hard!" i called. He dill tot bear NW, avid the train moved off. 1 cannot describe to you, Jane, the awful Jwlu(atlots which 1 4 44.•rieneell et that nanteint. --.Tllarrwww+ps-44M►t 44 -14. t wait l4, the ,name carriage with one of these very atetrelesta niul hr hail ien the Witt l.txie P him the very bomb with which ho war about to twee the life of the dear King ! Hie reference to royalty 'Mewed ire that only too P1111113. II do net know the deo King eetelf, but Lady Jones, the wife of one of oar ex-blayoas, attired with him when he visited Stopper tun, and iilu'a)4 calls lam the roost hhtrmlug nee .he lowers.) 1 lint naturally a timid woman. 1n1u'. nx you know, WW1 I meet 1159 my bkrld ran cold. But there etre mo- -'meets' ftr.f^(fang'r-111/1811 @TPN the meet tilted J nee, i wit for n few aeconde ap- palled by the thtmerht that la my )land+ Iny the fate of a loingdum• Then i telt that I treed act quickly. +uwtd I It wq_+i n.t 'amply It bomb, It was au kJ-- (.40(1 'WOW Whitt I wean) usachhte ! tend the Jultiug of the toile had iti genie way started the cluckwurk ! Tbur41 war slut a mu - 'neat to be lout. 1 could not tell how long the thong had been gulag, but itt any tnustienut we might be hurled into etcrtu'ty ! Attu! a hurried prayer 1 I+eiied the the machine. The miry whi- tlow upeu was the use where l had aria eitti ng. 1 tlliuk, Jane, 1 mutt tut". lttcd years ltt thuue few mom- enta while I t'rttwtrtl neer to rt., The traits wart iters eklrthug 11 manll brook which recent rarer had caused. to overflow unto the adja- cent meadow*, au that the Welter wilts now a'ruae up to taw late. 1 rais- ed my urn, to II erg the deadly 1111114( shout beh:ell me! Tho nnirehirt was awake ! Like lightning 1 threw the uut- chte from the wltuktw with all wy force, awl waw -it sink in the water wit l► a lien vy riot:telt. 'Phew 1 4. armed' to face tlia 4 11uh1. "Cursed woman !" he erted, %eather me ftereely by the shoulder, "du you know whet you hole dope ?" 1 gave tassel( up for tart, Jane, but retitled as baldly net I could - "Yes. ustcreant ! I have caved the lives of malty innocent pentane!„ w you "The w.,tutaq i,4 'WWI!" he tbuuted. 'My lreaeure ! my tre.teare 1 That meet be re(w4er.1 at all hnsarals!" Ani with thitt he 'mailed at the. ehoutl d'alarrow 4141 petaled the han- dle, heel in a few eetemde I telt the The modesty. Jane, which 1 hat's ever train begNlning to aloe down. enrefulty safeguarded forbad. mu. 1 lad not expected hetes to .bow r) 1 FR'en whelk I was a flatlet gel 1 .would much hurteho',d. 1)oubtle heir he Was re- nater p:uklle In th • wet. like Muer. of aoletud to make a last attempt W tate hussies 1 knees, ket some male taunt out Isis dnetardly erten. and tweet should r1f 111. flet and nukle't tatnl y- 1 would at the bidding ."You refuse!" he dcrenn ed. '' 1'4,4,{ re - fume! %(alone, you had Metter recon elder your retard, or I will taro Into the water 1w you mutest't Monster! .luta.. what noble! I do, What outlet I •tit" One Oleg I would not do. I'would not take off nay 811,444 anti stockings: would try to take hN rail by epecklur expelled. Amt nio..t lying. 11o' 110:5' demob. tepee The trait' ct4teped, end •the guard - of this wrote li. appearedat tete doter of the corn- , So, my 4'"•ar'st Jane, went 11114, tattoo of 110,000,IKX), t*s4 1,986 rut- I11LAl'1'Y I'A'ICiI iN FAVOR. onkel, -- i"rene , w11111 a, Ilau puha.tlun 0t 86,- 1'arlelsae'('ell Huw It Hurt be Cut 10 000,(XXI In 1876d 5,444(1 rub'Idrr ; Look W ell. Englund and Writer, with u POtel1latiuu N(Mr1y cup 1,11 J*t.4 bow or why of 24,010,1 IQ, hitt 1,7711, and Austria, It happened that ua,tJI putt+ter -- with it population of 21,000,03), had tiptoe little clrcli+a or un,rur.nlr of 5,1:18. black court planter whlt'h urs now Frani', els It a population ,t 117; worn by up-to-date girls Jura it the as.r7 000,01X/, In 1Ya'12 head 7,21:t eulaletee: 'curers of the m4441)1 W or ruder the 0i.e,ueab lu,tiv.woe •---- - -- • F:n Iuu,l and Welke, with it popular"fl t41utjrlrs, or close to the ear, or ltt the KLrutlo,`i " litatlrties thawing the telation of of 26,0(X1,0110, had 1.96:., .111e Aurtrla, "Miele' of the cheek or chin, 0r 04, the 4eW1 e warrisge W ruicider : with n ir,i'ulatun of SS,lX1O,0:Nl, had wiesilder--Iteve couw into favor retie. :1,51X1 agalu.. Bat trust tlwy. have uow4a Ads or(lslag haute. )tarried• Mollie. Widowed• ,,Tau.. number of seirl(er in the I'mitrll bsuk la vats e4hbul. lull' r slur Lo and MKer oK+awl Nue trN'n.nb, Pon. Voltam IW 1W ler Stoker In 18510 weir, according to the allot lu this hurt 4,t thing suer that. 1wrt f't: and l'is•'rtlo •, ai 1 :4 a.«o. a.•.r ane rne.e44 comma, 831 to encl. 10X1,1)01 "teethe. the matey who wear there black (or '2t Il el4.w)uegtir+ery,n. 41...teed by Yea Uu IL 1:0i VII Ili 18114) It war •1.49 to each 100,0'.NI t.c:tuty rlwtr err fotluwiu one of a ,•nn `as reit s'.lu. Wuweu....., tw Lr.O Its ikvu til s, the !alert P'a N,.hen fancier, auya Il Llunar mole of dill llrrot and under. �4 Ver raw%Y• The nuiulwr of smithies 111 twenty 254 fear. Yrrrla.d. Widowed. IN�a� eJ tnlr•rhxn titles In 1807 war '_•01 Yearalw'r Weekly. Adverti4nueuu of leaf.. resod, Strayed. t5sAtureu4er alar Who thfpkr that her pUual6uw Y.a.uc Nltuw.l,a+ w'antul red Weoarseu , Int IIMt iw The same titled III 1806 had 1;999 all- o(fortr in thlr dlrrctun urs Ilm- 1 u +tun (rrllr;t pNeranuwntAtot esawdn,r e •-_- ---- —� tate, nn Increase of 144, or .7:r of one 1141 Ire I by squares or theles or crescents leesesepareafeead )eon' en YJe, not to Prot. Ooldwlp Swlth'r "'1'h:r,rlus on per rent. -New York Herald. Is much mettake+n. The l'arirluun have etet:el 8 deet. 11 for first month, tee per •rb- Sulclde," which were meetly pub- .__________•________— _• taken Dare of thea also. At. the • ottani iii pith. 1 are r adroit. in prolpwurtlun. halted to the HrgihL have aroused fountain head of such funder it ha,. Any •petal roll o, Ibeoklela of which I. to the liitrrorting question 141 t0 the teen decreed that a girl catty wear Pru mol« th. pe' amus) beaten of ear I erns • effect of higher uestislal imp on tub t urn or w'myruy. Y he an,r'derrd en ad reel lr► circler in two or three riser, lozenge u,enrand ciatewat itoeurdln ly. Vide. which, heo(.- Mreith u'sesrte, ir- rirpe,l veWlter, star-shaped pmk'be14, I•n,-$1 node,. In n«nl,ared' type woo Nat per to lucr'tare 1t. Another (d Prof. heart•aalra .e at(•li es, patches slut word, 1 a notice n r. than iso. s 4 1 p Wt p- Local nu1.L•AV ha rrd,aary studio `yp. Pre Smith's theories lir that mlarrla„e let a Cory t'f a Woman's Aeacup eel like taw aye of clubs, flower-rltifatl onto Der wort. Nu n'ettei for Ir that 50o, u safeguard, against ruichir, 11 WI aur panther or 444111 patthrr 4411114441 like N„t es.rorrbnrchc+u.d ether sondem end booth of tins.. points there fa a 111.- prominent ly- ri.ttbby lithe 1'lerr,ta or Hite Iran benevuleul lu.11Wt4wu, Mit rate. i s :.ntee I t o t o a+!lana. tailed difference. u[ ,len u g 1 tl r g (1 Pref. %It Charlet l . IN averse tt would ►le impossible for 4dllberrlher. who fan to lY1 NlrO Ti.,aloaat Prof. ('hltrlO4 L. Puna, of No. 50 rho base girl -the debitonte, for in- reeelary by malt will motor a fetor by eaa WW/L. Furty•sixth 1415.4!, indorare Dr.- Qualnttug sr of the fact at :u early •date as starve -to find Ulm to cwt nun Pur oa�+iblL Smil11'. lha%rl..s and antYI thus there -Her Feet and Limbs At mild Swell own patches, even If It woniel not be �4'hnnaehanrt d eddrew 1d dadred.botb will 04srlhnur, to b41 an intrenae of Mrlghttullynud!:htnee meCurb14,4 oxlreturly diffluult for her to get lheulJmdtbened address should boil/ea. ruecidwa tied In.:uhtly unlll x141' the accurate r,WtU4urrmente fur the — Ilgrd p,+oydet leuru to cutjlwt lace- to Ile Iter ►lousrhold Wu k. orthodox &diaper. To prevent her (rum Publ4aer'e nee. selves it little better to the *Atte experiencing any uuuecerrery woes J.N.Is court 1. of a/Mlerh•n, be. onto sly !Erten th' Euterprl+c, Brle water. , , rl lrM,.ted m+IIeCes turn her polnpd Loral Tmv.11lns Agent for the Town- clionsrriu of Ilse. H41 attribute/ the In: ' ron4 h p co crease to the growing relrlbihtier N. 8.1 taken things into his awn luuela, rhyw of Ga.leriub, IDorne, A.bsell and Wawanwh. of w:tkiud, nod eu11tewhat W tar 1i is uppelllng to think of til' 11001 Front the highest authbrhvy he has 4,4.44 postmasters tats dl.lrletaresiso lucre:Ding lark of religi.,us feeling. ...ser ry(wt:vh throughout tit.. t 'Car) Irarnrd rho rx ice IIa'1WIIrt.,uei1t,.. IIP em{.,wsrwl W recety. w1)IecADU"D. W Tus together with the te,u,lioxltier of haw ma is neer O[ t►tew in lar Ixitches 84414,4, i wit, day af63r, alae) Ile. tt lift tel tet All uowmunkist nes mart be IT'LL•.ed modern 11fr, which wear on thenerret-rwhich he manufacturer of fine entlit D. ye4111.1.D'UDLY, ---_ et Wartyrt nu_i ItAf1teller itit too. • finish court Warier. , Tea _84*11r,. Yrof. Dana also Iax,k*a1 4,u marri- agelu nay 14, ilieut.. almost hope W..a — - TAepltaoeClLfrl,. 6•isrtet.�la5. els n .afrgunr,► aglilust suicld'•' ,i,air. 'Ito warll'\ruftert•re the 'Cary u nod Pall that etatirtiul prove the. proportion' of suicide.: to be leas else. ,!that► Wile will aunt am a leasee, towing married than niitong Wince. of hop:'. flaw. Wile Rime a':0ut two, venom. Thur he attributed Co the 111.0114 (matt tY' town of Bridgewater, \. S nod iM ne.l,K teat and erla%wel ie growth 1•1 'the English late TltAv 1:1.1.IN0 t:UID . • The Signal (1 PIJUIJYR rt gVILBY Ttlidt4UAY (4(4HN1140 IAV 0. Ye01I.UCUDDY. Throe of eelteerlpeleaa 1 is JS r4 I W Ono ) ear. IOPI HAD DEPARTED. From Great ; offer ung ("01 Years flier Lire Wits one of Ulaer) NO HtN KNOWS IJEM ALI.. t 11 t...• 'than r irinhot /M, t:u;llt'h - Word* 1 .444* by any Writer. •THfl•I:P14tY, Nov . 1, 1001). mit unit reee14atslbllity felt by n 1 _,, that. It ...,..,t.l married pinion toward ..� ....-: ,.. o , w sew .•.:.. ,� - :.. .-••.•_� . wife, and al+., to th1' 11111reehatUral of th • tuc:al drug tome* nut tong ago be jtria•tlially impossible Yu the newt =AND TRt 4g RAILWAY. ` and regular mode of living of !lie Mrs. Wile n"144.1 n oululr•r tri 110x1'. teurl41 turn t, b41 ai'luaiutr'1 with ---- 11utrrla%I 04,0(114•. of Ur, Williams' Yank ('1111) in tit • eh rte every mrd. I11t1'11.grn. poem", (444441 1141(141. 1)•r. 1:, 1'. Spitzka, of No. 641 F:art retie, and remarked 10 th' (1rupr'etur, thus, en aged in the learned proles• 1l(Igee1 11 a.m. S"trot) third Pt1441. urkeil whir, If 'If rtes tyre sea% n intend to wumnn stone, 411 at make else 4,t mora than )1 •aa+nd Lapro+r .•.. •.•_'1.A p m. , tuisrrlage MU/ u eategtua•rd ugnieet it tit those fills." Alen war aske,l why from 0.t to 8,1X)0 w,rah ail tied. t11nd t.*o I''n 1 Yuu sed Ytpr.ia tubo p.m, suicide, nn bank tat suicide is ewe h.' spoke ea strongly Mout the pile although titers etre pr.tlerly belong. D►r+aT. ,.Idere•el complete Without :a chapter out! hl reply told of tb' misery lr,u1 Ing to Iur.ln gunge over _00f 1X10. The Nell anA Ftprrr Llb a.m eat eaulntblai tepees,' 130th Or. Dana which they had ro* ued her. The drug: famous write; or authority to -day' )Iwt1 end ti tixow i !n pea.. anti Ur. Smith reparatoi the martial gist sugltttat.l that. she wM,uld nutlet whether he uses wool, W eNpres. fere 3iiged i.lbpea. front tee divorce! In the•Ir estimates. known her cure for the benefit of tit ,.(Nuprin of meutntog or as tea'hntaal but Dr. Spitzka included the ,lisore--.houeaude of similar sufferers. Slro, tool,. of th ught`\ In his own depart- . e4) Ise bele a remelt of marriage. Wile replied that, while nacre• t, putt meat, must have t 11114 eontmnn'1 a 1)r, 1+�t compltete--an-iwtere 1141*4. yet bks_ would gladly tell of her vocabulary of f ' B0.O0N1 to -40.000 .*tang wing that the how .euro, if it would benefit anyone else. wore!'', the letter be to the maximum bands 0f liter•iry women..polpet:tily, arm{.b'.gxv.i the foliowtltg statement, acquired by any an now living. 'Moe 11 higher rate, not 'slay of sun• with !'writ:eke' for Ito publtatfoµ There le a large number of ►vurda e111e, but (.f general mMrtalltya than ” My life for some years W1a' one of Waldh until recently 11/1 ye seeped the othrr,men. Dr. Spllzka's table was weakuou., Puha and ntls(•ry, until 1 attention of IPttctgrrt)l)rera. in the Wakwt teen t)Ir'e nalfuow. Ween n- o!.tn!n.e rt lief throu41lh the 4,.r of Ur. tett of the "F:n,uvrlopedtit Brttnn- cludr,l _80 "literary (merle+," ,as tee William-- Pink fills From .sou' crus... 111111" there nre 10,(X)1) w-grds which physician ter/neJt 4heru, thio huodre,t I kuuw not wheat exactly, 1 became have never been formally rntereil•nnd and eighty-one G( •thilae ivuuten �o afflicted -with uterine• troa1'ti tient- ,lefiried in nny dietiomary. in'the`Cen• sur- vived their hit%banes, rine forty-one I wan °Urged W 1111(1.:50 100 olwra• tare ilirtionary there_ are 70.000 were Burt Red. which ICI' oro a user. tkara. A hart Duly of th'•tn.u:4' Wat� worile found in no other. ani 1t has rarity relit, of 4 l0 1, while in the removed, and a tt'rrfide wenknwre rind Mtn said that there tg sot to-dttr any e. TURNBUi.L Da11.f3., L.D.R.-Db N• genera poeulatl(et the mortality of 'enterable. nervous, coi'ilttton . ensued. ruin Thing who 144 trufl9rlently Irni'nrd Je awl L'r�sea. L.trlr ...nutted wt•e husbands to wt411h IS but ; .to 1. never et.• physician toll 4,u' 1 mitten to write one icti nae (1nge of 7,(K 0 Dr. Dlic of M. entree.) t_L (Feld and led t 14 Dr. S1i'tz) a (i.und, MJw.'or, tent tti'4er get'.kar of. I !situ other ,k, • 01)514 of thea dictionary. Tu give am artlacial tooth en rued on gold or poreel usi slu telt .re t1ir•literary women ts.:re+ aur- tors, but all with the sale r4wult- idea of the tremrnllotu growth o ba'o+, Sie.thlattenunnrhea to the n.er reel to literary nuns, th. preepsrtion of no, lr'terueut of lay ruu.litto1.. Tit:' the loterunge. the wort. and plirnrnr �atlo��wn of t° natural meth. Ue1te� .' ni,rtulity 11 111014( the men aur oven peons faun!!) attackwt my I,ai.k afit'Uflltet`,thT irttnr ti ttnv(' InrrnuJ(pd In' T"'- ------__ reel yiv kptn iuul fort lecam "0 y,ttrp fr,m 7,Oa9 ti nearly 60.0110. %4QTI('K %VIC, THE UNDERSIGNED iN denil.t. of (Federica, agree to clave our pard liniment Ulcer CdiL, etc. n•+I•crtice oMtee at* o'r11x:k on welnalerlwye •- -- .--_.--..-- do•inrt)le month. of July, August and 8800p- trtulter. Not Equal. v tt. NA'UOLSON, • ' Sirocd. J M. TURNBULL. rel, hot%ing quarrel.nl 1 L. N. MAAk):. ilrn•hiuht i4, n Club et. DENTISTRY. NINI.NICHOLSON. L 1).14.. . (8NT"b 8( 44010.4 Boom. opposite abs I'o.t ORI.. Gold ruling, Crown and Brtdrs Work,* neeelaltr. SI Years £xporleace. M. MAHY1t, D.D.e. LD.fs.--DENTAL n lie flameout -Latest and &Pt•rored vaelh,ds tor all denial °moven:et I're.,,ralIan of We Datum! teeth a apecial y7. UMru: l'or. .'•t -at. and Pique* tee stair.!. Kutranee au Watt Tetephoue-No. 90. 114401 14111.11 he 111^ getterr.I IN.putatkst, It fr!16-htfully teal! n. and 1 iuua,1 ,k tieing only 1.8 to 1. whit • In the gem wife,• te. tree'. slnkhig• deathly ural .iK,pulvtl(rl it l+ 2 to 1. feeling that nt times came over ,my Five of tit' hetsl.and' of these 280 whole, body. I 'weenie unnblr to do literary women were euivblen. Thin it roes hsuehol.l work, nod hwL all hq►• a very large' p iNS'etlou, 1 "t ""in I)r. of recovery. Before this stage In top li44tzka's. tla.ury of uea.lful- litres) • )fang 4,t t •.t•w 1 Ln oxtevilatu•h (thl, .ilhui4 I hail Leen ads hied ON try 1./r.ith ti tet•, it e Il1 0' ► ` w'illhtnei I'tnk I'illi, batt like thuusnude . literary 'women. itue•(M,u, aunt jtteeF+f-theeta.'tettetsoconalattta4-nut. cYths'Tivei u Lhuu itiV tt W)j' e(mM' _folluwltlg-- .i,ir I..-an.r t.. w,ktpgy.,rnarried user*, r- kn 11( Tit F4 t1* t,,_ w�i,ii '----' - 041*1.tleweu," I nt th • fifth, •.a Th' tu-tniy. con, "1 n , ---dneI w.. mitunl .untie l,evrnw• his wife had At Petit in de411 1*4 tine 1 mode up any fight a duel with t Maid to tr Ih 111, tut realty without I do not think arhtT• Jam his 'sw+taltlr 04,. i.ZOAl, the awry . mem - - ever, while the other four wor3 non literary men. . . out/rise, I ottaltwil moms. benefit from 01, time 1..x. 1 then bough, ..it box40, ehildren. When ha has Sitit•ide Increasing Among IlehreWs. be itt. tile LATII:m talde *), Dr. garde -11a, whit* en- rert,nats, anil tun 'Filmy to 'sty W11/4 t""P°"°'•'. tiering lee thowy 'that tuitrriage is no 'mime! tip lir them front a weak. akk. 'A man in the neighiewle hail tt motto tit', of rola te raight aluot e timed dewptunient, 111014114/1 VOIlltithila 1.4 ./ 111)* pretty daughter. The I uteltalit ter tet• former two iiiii•tors to enforir preoent state of Iroltit nod Menem -sec immediately omitted. elite! eil her , th dr tleciry that to deter*. it due au Every year iii,w iii, the spring. nue fall lit re 11115 coo . ____ extremely Large proport!un uf. attaides. L taken. lot.5 or LW., alid find th In Mt 'Pr* ''' • ow lie wile pre - threw the marble. from the window with all .itty form% and naW It for of tit:. 280 literary women set'enty. excellent thing at the change of the vented with a four itatt been divorcee 1/1111`, 1 1 1 teen iseaseti. Otbo Itetu.fits I might men- a it/emitter. At latit, to his great , Meinielialieerfe.-EMTw whit 1 the trate? "igen' My -WOW- GK. Teltel three, tbut„. . Ile- Let nit -Verde 13 railing 1/11 thft As to tie. Inc:cave lit auti•hiee, Dr. lAinit Pins t.» an 11 I.WIL1C W1 1111.41." tent nwreltant. .r !" crest the tuna rehiot, "a not waddle. I hate alwaye been told, 8 etek, wee b , we., pertirularly I/r. Willinitite Pink Pills truriettie all "'Well," said ewe in et triumphant I have DA is the. nettter 1 I am a Jaiw, that my walk et atately, and I 111'411'01i it, among th • Ileiwewo lial.tole igh•r itt•dirlitet its a 1•11Pe for the trot' tone, "we can fight now. ebuittbee. i get 11 11 0 Tiler tried that evt ti at that tryine net- Wit 4 11 111111111. 111111 •ard of lit title owe elet thet affect vontuinkind. 'llito 'three chililren." - eeenty five pare atpt, while now It in aulekly torret.t, euppriestemie amid alt. „". e „ Ali!" retorted hie atitagintist, a no tonal goti t. , a common oct•itrrmits.. '11114 Dr. iddIttka form4 of wialtiette. Thi -o 'emelt tie. '"' ""i"^ Illtimineting las featureit. -It I 11111Y liee the 0%111'4114 11- freoz- Or. Hpitzka paid It • found It quite 1 11 ,t4. •atore th3 glow of health to pallid K.Iil try all 11111ierff 111 Medi 1 118(1) betweiti my tow. I took dear oloty, unsafe too talc.. ()Mehl record* Or th• eine, Minard's Liniment Cures ilistemper. or read, postpaid Ilt no cents it 1.1.Jo in ii*_ latiokoLoa illy grin. ,1 Oiti 1"! 'la"' 34) knv° the thullufg IA 11"2 newadeye kept with ei. eurtch more dressing th. Dr. Willitinin Medicine Co.. pot% er 1lf that brute*. aceitritey than formorly, wlech Would Breekville, Ont.. bootee, In the elaseitleation they never lf yotw ayetem nem% toning Int, irk. not know. le• may trtve beett-Dve- , gui,-.1.14. (.0.11ww in wave.,1; uf„ mili4. _take. Miller's' Compound Iron Pilla uthatitoe. I know it. emitted Metre. _And ...etee,me we„ moire ket-hetictitrutte.4----- - - • 0.714 ern/Ikea /1 1111 1•111/1181 111e. - tJ ('AMMON.. 40. -RAR SOLI. lleutenttnt, but 1'.41 elbow. Foamy, *a Mc* oxer Medial glut three "40111. (1i•(!• 4't„tyro, (tulerlc . par was t great t Sweet Iva • meat atterno rt near!, to hen as the LIU.: wioho ilia Witt IIIM. rn perl v. And now Wm hit Ago to make tmemelly la* uwalklilaula. This ,veil a -telegram,. :IA - (Jet wan finiehed it at once tit X-, tesshew it to the who ra vitt- 0.1 off with it lite.. to find prick it pro- mo old Eng- le -1i mad -women" 11 amino you, elute, thooe • were it* very wit thq. "hem titrown it net IA 1.101_ winder into a what he roily n dock* simply a ma- chine to blew top the Kate! 1 1d throw it tint of the wentlitw. Thal Itenerm rite!" "ft/Waives you did. neoletne," 1061 the guard, "but 'All it IA possible that whet moneieur 'moo ie true. Was what you threw out tied up FHA red handiterehief 4.4 that ? I tell yule the 1D11 11 18 hardly repriewhig mile, "that .you hew -nettle ry efigitt-treetelmo-4---etese the tiOnans.r.rto opened that very par- cel, one I ran 'tenure )114 wait sInt 101 a ektek.nmi a very beautiful clock, uo. I know It. 14 110, beenue.. the done - .4 lying in it ixol of water! Tw..nty arm/mind franca ty Mg in a pee of 1.11111 pay me for It! lent will Milt the tran, will ye.' not, till I stek It ?" And It, 'trot out oti the rellway line. "it is impowibie. It would Itt• mortetly agnitert orders. Ilut if mined .111. Will go lark mid low* fur It., 111 will fled another train in 11 few lump. by which h Van arrive at X-- in time tA. meet " Very well!" sold the man. "I will • go- beret ! -thrtri wilt- mat look .1or the. thrtt ! She 'hall cont. with me, and Ale ortod. " laird. go out to 1:tiginnol at 1'11140. 1 n In very perry for the tele - take, lett you must admit it was n nature, tem, na I I th wtht I wait thing will litit 'goo t mkt.' my 1111 t.y. 11111, 1 th-t-.psteeetigerie whit- Wel getheree mend um. ' She 01'114 it wax tgOing h.‘e duty to throw my I enittifil sleek 'root ! And o will not got Anil then he onmmeneeit to march up chief, Loril ttolseley, received gr.•tit Women... 100 I '2110 26.) rind tomping 1114 foot, awl using of n1•27;,(10e. only for IAA niumensful oo Thim t..howg that tfleorc.s haft a Mitch langango,lxile. Which 1111(Io me bill`ho 01 fdim AelladTbr ncuiPlign of Inure Pulchlai effect.on men than 1/11 thengli the gutted th lineweligere. trrift.T4',While filar the 1.4typtlatt 1111:1- women. I rrity:t to • ny, did not 'gem to mint! It. pa ign of 1/%92 and thr, Nile ex peon; Front Ifitin 18T6 anIcIde increased *If medley. will be mitt et! he me," 1Rot err...lied /1 1111'r11 Pe ' .4.1 In nil 0041111I fit,1 for whirl' recor114 PaIrl n Frenrh gentiemne, "tilte will go I leer -mint ev rioapyr • ly, vrere kept. and the rittllfel for ether - leek with the Main, rind trite him any Sir Herbert K 'Dingier emerged frtm fluent yettrA el.ow little Itnprovr.tnent. „ont.t.Ana.f. yowl the flhATIde. ilindurnann with the France, P 11 11 11 1101111111ti1111 1/1 304,•• P mridnme nrrested itt the title of 1 ord I tehener of K hartentin 000,00(1, Ito 186,4 hail 5,117 Phi( 101.11 • loon. Ulltias: vet. Homilies; alt4 Bt. A streeta.Uedell oh. Ont. . IN IIROODFOOT k HATE, BARRISTERS A powders. notarts• public, newtons in Ow Maritime court, see Ofitoe: North at- _hest door "110MAL hMoe. Private Funds to lend at HgVtoweet rates of interest- flARROW Ic ()ARROW. BARRISTERS. lel Attorneys, Solicitors, ace Ooderkii. J. Y. Gamow. Q.C.. Clung*. (Jarrow, LL.B. Solicitor, Beery Odic, etc. Oftioe Last e Courthouse- Notre. Mon"), to 10011 at lo* rates of interset. Money to Man. °Mee, N eat .trcet. arcuraurtd.grephY you WIll thief that An afternoon caller wears a toile" .1nti at het I found the clock. I 81111. him were am 'M.4110111. US taliblY. With It *At Win dipping -401Vrytor-r.trti Theirs] Pao meting In the leiski•t- Take salt a week net 'Pepyie 1/lary.' over the eel* and turned up in front. deer. eh Id, h.- had never wakened l'of f•xftwl40. • tltroagh It all -and I rainel the let to - - •The ty slue Is of cream colored _01 - No low than witty 'nitride' are teman talk, 'and' le the IllhjeCt of ePenk 10 h.." "1141 r 1"rt' 1111""tt mentketed In 'ratites, and In 'Hu- elaborate applique* of narrow Avid the*. in4s4.:1141,1 ...,1 tt,Igi II"' r.,-,-„r".,""ed 'tarelee Llicie S011 W ill tied soty braid. applied ill a tx/Iltylitlollill.itat- ie., that mitt. '001.1 water. .1nil swot* in, d:_ Fido fell with Ille. The lid of lik * toward a divine Power." lilt • lerlitet tieing open, he dropped iti,17.limtihv44, ef_rofirm1; .f onorwpnorifilpfif prollitsi htieli.i. Tit:nt ee yk usit„ nil am *hr. ley water Lunched he Relation of 31nrrInge to Sitielde. dear holy It • uttered a Mort -rending Dr. John T.., N. R&M, head of the tern upwa ni ron ate aw r 1)U VII. I eteibi b•mr It. nit tit- deep versed Itureau of Ilan/opal Sta,teities, route In wide fluffy tip,. '01-61. MY 1P441. .nM" 1 e4rUKICIe41 ulr' Mit fluk)18e - eitlier - -411 - ' l'ruf"tw Miller's ettntrw„trbi trim l'ille, cn'y 1 raw their Fide ewimming ter tit • lend, Seethe tho.ries. AS to the iiwrease, _ and I rteggered after idiu. Again lc he eliowe a Lodge itt a, hien the Aria. 2.• cente for rK) domes. tett. my feet on thr round tatijef•t, 11 1111 1.11.1101 01' New York city are emtimott• ,ItirlIll 1 fell. NA I emerged front the ce nom 1801 te 1/4.41. lit this perky' Maligning a 'Rooster. wat.er for n ermine time, ..1 reedit ttear the sniiridee went from one In every . that wretch laughing. 7,1,36 of Lite poimiatiou in 1804. to "Thnt rooster of yourn,'• complain- trii.lect Must he the clock. I eitooped In 18.10 -not 11 very great different... 11 dozen limo, best night. 1 dime nod picket.1 It utp. I wad. ol wt.' It It to -but In Oar time Limy hail fluctuated think people living in a erow ded MINDING `TRADK It would be Idle to say that the pre- ference has not had a stimulating ef- fect on our trade with Britain. When the duty le cut doWn".20_ger cent. an increarie of 'Inaporta Is sure to follow. The increase of iltO preference to 331-3 per rent. will have the sante lendency.-Toronto Sun. Imports from Great Britain: 1000 _$44,644,765 Exports of manufactured goods to Great Britain: , 0196 3,709,24 Hotel, tioderiolt. Private Mods to lend ou at. per cunt. interest. Farmers' notes cashed. G. WARD.CONYILTANI Itit. ice.. Milt recognizance, of boll, alnd•/ 1 '• •r ant ewe - Dons, dere...Mons or solemn declarsilen• in or etinterning any settee. *Mt sr proweedflor to th• High Court of Justice. the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or fa any Ceunty or Disunion Court All to atossoUotos eareroily oul prompt* eteeeted. Residents and P, 0. outdrew -Drib Inerettee 51,734,032 Palen of f irendlatt bactet end kerne In Great Britala 1806 53,618,513 4,370,319 I Woe wet, Jane, exreedingly wet, th., „itti,„1, i„ Imon. weee tee. rate et! the mak cin the other side of 'the lout 1 tried there W144 tiO , n ha tement Wah 1 143 etery 3,017 of. population. bark yard fmtee, eitually nngry. "it of my miter/II dignity its I It 11111441 ids Stetisties • aft to the relittion of Waxi the llothy•"-rhic.igo Tribe:ie. parcel to th. minister. WIY111 licre, monsieur. 14 yoer (doe Tit, wretch never even than hut stmt. h •il It from my itand. eallnlY. marriage to suicide hal to Im• chlt•fly !' drawn from foreign countriett. as re - me. mortis in thi• United States do not al° Include tititt itr,m tot it whole. In Italy Tan4P hvat n• 'muff tho the 'tett/ties prole that the pro- etritson we hid tent left.' ' portion 14 mat riool, single an,1 3""'', 1 Pick" "P rn7 thrli"lt owed phielliPM is, nceording to Mar - and I 'trot into Ono,. I du not gen- , ern Ily ghe way to emotion, led I telt Hellen tahlsei, atm followe: that the mituatkes deterutOrs] it. 'Theo ntsule my way to a farmhouse, where wen 1:0 :135 100 I caught nu afternoon trete. Red • MarrioNi. Single, Whie41 hnee teen 91 Itret ern? Mace. end Wooten ..:i.. -1.00 -213 no.. I writev I nm nil th • time aneedeg lt. will `be Peen that goatee tangle •Ittlently. Jane, t ant fere than martled nisei 1111f1115 I thnli. 'titter miserall • liriet• 'Hurried than mingle women. l'rient. both fieXes lee, proportion of wid. Ow e,1 le huge. The 1;5,1 Man reeorde are the only Saxony. Rewertin for ittettsh tempter.. Marti, ti. WiilowelL,Litoreed. The present BrItlph commander i 1- then ...... !IX) 258 1 Miller'e Grip Powttere mere. lift -yelp* In Veneer. The year Ik499 paw rt very greet es - hemline In the 11110 Or 1/11'!i HOP In France, t ho. number of mariline, on double that of 11/40el. Following le given for the sake of ronlparieon the "Mintier of Moyeelliew for. whit+ tor -he, been paid Milne 1894-0494 203,026. 869, 1ROS 4e3,414. 1/499 /43tett56. It is difficult to account for the imp:sorbet which ill PO COMM/11 1hat the Ineycle Is hieing ground% The bicycle lex In 'France pre/bleed, tiering Ddrn, the sum of Ilif,OR4,1IGA. ,t dome of Miller* Worm I'owdern The little girl wnx Meitner' to nn 111W11. the door bell About rot soon an It pounded. nnil notnetimee She gate emitters to whoever might be there thet were verbatim. One day tete man who *alerts the peek/wee of lentelry wax ftt the deer stine nuke I if the 11111881 "peen has got It on." Mires I1Ipit- 1 and -a lihnh-fiehated grain 01 S125.- FAtiliaRd, a poptilation of 21,000,01.0, MInardti Liniment pareel In the hnnolkerchet next Nativist." To my horror heerd ticking Artiolood My heart mink. nem OM , had 1,,,11011, and Austria, with a palm- thee's. Increatte 81 330616 8,371.4,1426 Palea of Canndinta forest products In 1896 12,186,406 Increase ;",811,4,110n Jenks of Agricultural produce and waned," and their products in i; relit Tnerense 580,488,0:11 That Port of tiling wITI do more to 111541 the empire together than them - grinds of Tupper.' and Hugh Johns end million', of race ond religious pamph- lets. The preference prefere. AN Weetletlfortc. ler tittle WT111. Th. total netulp•r of hitinestenti en Oka reeretleil storing Posit 7011" '11 th1 NIWthWelf8 are as follows - 55)15PrIsmtaitoxpolcueondOenfoicavaasiestmmenotret lore - Apply to Garrow & ()arrow, MONET TO Lgt.DiA_IJI_RQJII AMOUNT 11, Itit4rie'Hiltriallrie.M(13•KaUntitte;InilliTilints; .k sent. Only ilr,t claw; coom.. me, relreilenien. Money to lend on straight 161111/.. Iowan, borrower. 0111..., Seoond doer from Square (Fula. iair. London and Le neaddre Flee in.. . the, Oars Dis riet Minna! 111..1 o. Sales attended to In any part of the county. 110-17 and lend Valuator, °cohort h. Olot. Hay. hie had considerable experience 11 the atm charge with thorough WI...faction all now. Milestone entruxted to him. Orders left wa Buxton's Hotel, or sent loy nail, to Ma outdrew.% Goderich P. 0., carefully attended to. 301411 KNOX, County Auctioneer. 197 tr MARRIAGE 1.1C1 sks. TY • esteem, Ood wick. Ont. Italy Vhaifee Tupper n1 tempte 1.0 lie hum the Goverement by decrying Its efforts DE !NIA 21.. helping head to - butter export trade. Ile mneers :It whnt they have done end preterit the Anetrftlirin thwernmente. What From lairi to MUD our export We -- butter Inerearwril frown 86,000 cwt. to 252,000 ewt., or about 700 tree Victrecittei decreased from 212,000 , New Routh Wales,' decrement fetes Note *iv decline ender the Tory rule. New Zealind'e inerensed from 511, - Ono ewt. to 111,000 cwt. The t'antallan Govertiment and peo- ple hate reason to he proud of the4r ehenving and to look forward hope. allit of butter. Finn arms' runatits Us.' cal-