The Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 2The Signal ✓ ry suras+. frim THI'Ititlrat YUltlt►Ne ■r It. esseotaSCVR *. 'Pjii'aHSU.iY, NGV. 1, .1U(IJ. Hl1Wr.1,1.r'OIB I'111. :Fr:Itr:Nt'r.I t3Ir Mackenzie Bowell's personal or- gan, the Bellevlllu inteItttcncer, has a short memory, or etre It hoped to profit by the short memory of the public. Why should 1l douounce the preferential tariff r Shortly heforo the adjournment of the House In 1M97 Slr Mackenzie uuequivueally ex• premed hie approval of It. The queue tion was raised in a spcch by Hoe. David Mills. and the opinion of dlr ytackenzie Rowell was offered by way of protest nhalurt being (that• acterized too an opponent of the pre- ference. Mr. Mills said: Now. the (iovernmeat has prtgpm ed In the .eMedule, ikbedule 1►, attaeh- totl W this tariff, certain rtetlprx:al trade arrangement. that apply epo- ei:tlly in the (irrst instance to the trade betwwm Carlota and oke mo- ther awntry. 1 Intoned to the de - Witte In the other chamber. and 1 rnpptne the views forwarded there fairly reprewwtt the views of wy lent• orable friend, shin that while they ore ready to a ererte reciprocal trade retaliates to the mother uopn• try. it is tor art uneondltiottal ar- rangement. but antes the mother evmutry were to concede rotaetkirg epeelally to this country. ultimo they •not 'only gave us reawniable nml gaaer>ter treatment, --but +tetra they hit a,mebdxty else. discriminate r,gnuwt some other 0000try. we would not be satisfied. lion. Sir Muekeazie Rowell -Toe do not apply that to me? tion. Mr. Ullp-1 utnleretnn, my honorable friend warps the Govern: ----mreb-of-•4 r,pt Britain terli., ln. ate agalnat (tiers, in order to tn• title thole goternnient to recel.t special c'oneiderntitns at the Baud,. of the Canadian people. lion. Sir Matkunzie Bowel) -1 will frankly say that 1 would! like to d.. that, but I WOULD GIVE THEM I'RIFKRF.NTI tL TRADE EVEN` ft THEY GAYS US - NOTHING THING AT ALL 1 staie3-that in my remarks on the addrear in relay to the speech from the throne, but I would take the other. U I could get it. Hon. Mr. Mille -I nut very glad to hoar my honorable friend say that. but he has come mach to our view then any member of the other House.' lion. Sir Mackenzie Bowel! -1 not re.pozutble for what they m think.lion. Mr. Mille -I ant simply getting n declaration from him to wee how near he eontee to our view, anti In that declaration he will tine we Mop not stolen anv plank from the plat- form of too Oonserve4 w part.:. mold old be more clear, me- TAHTE AT ST. TNOMAS.ICANADA'S SALES TO GREAT BRITAIN. His Speech on the Defence of the Empire. COMPLIMENTS THE MILITIA. St. Thomas. Oct. 27. -The telt uf. Wit. J. Ia'sel Tarte, Minister al I'ut. itt Werke. war tame th:. ocemikm of a splendideu dtottrtratket here to day. In tit,• attenuant the two. geutieuutn turn teal eh. firm taxi for Ute cuustruction ut th • new city armorial. in the prow Moe of :(5G r m ldier* and thuuaude .. of cietzeuof We city. of Loudon and r the neighboring °mate. This etenlug a lu,lltkmuse al le Meeting a wr held nu tit, new Opera Houle,, which war ut tended by a crowd se large ate the loading could contain. Atter tie meet, ittg Mr. Tarte left for Toronto, gulag U1. thence reet to Montreal. lir. Tarte arrived on the C'. Y. A. tru(u from Tomato at noon, having COMP up from Cornwall la We private car. He owes ,met at the rrt tatkby mtt 1'resldent A. McCrlaln. avtthe Fart Elgin Reform .t•rx•latiwt Dr. J. 11. l•ntut 11'lisrai, Lluerui ldate la £sat Eight ; Mame h;htt Farley, Q. t•., .lohu Cement's'. Dr. Truman Duncan, D. McIntyre and many other (litmus.Ile at owtce drotr to the w rreidee of Dr. Wilton for luttthon. e The Drill abed Cere.soay.afternoonIu the afternoon there war a splen- did turnout of .,idlere amt citizens te witness the turning by Mr. Tarte of the Met seal of the new aruu rIe. oa a large open :twee in Ute south ern .hie of the city. The etrrete were crowtitd, and Uttu wrath folk,we4t to pru•.•tw.ltnt ul retlrxttr to the ensue Or ttu iww-mlllttryy--beedquarterr. Lieut. -Col. Holmes., D. 0.1%. led the pn,t.arum; Lieut. -Col. Stacey war Brigadier. with the lollewing rtaf1- Lieut. Col. Hemming, Brigade Major: Lieut. Cul. A. M. Smits ; Surgeon -Ma. pr Belton. P. M. 0.: Surgeon -Major t a per ; Lieut. Mt't'rimtuon, Adjutant: ..sept- Cntacke, $tnft Oraerty. The- :uilowlitg corps tootle pare in the pro.- ,u.don-`tt, Tltouiae Co h.glate insti• tote Caddett. t:aptatn Bsdgeley in vomiann.l. 42 strong; No. 1 Conalany, let:. R. I.. Ioncuryy Captain Clark. 7,0 strong: 7th Battalion,: London. Major Crosiyn. 150 earwig; 25th Kl- ein Battalion. Ma;or McLaughlin, 100 *trona. Mr. Tarte to the Muldlera: m phatie and In consonance with the es -tree of the Liberals than this de. r;wt•ation of the Opposition leader in the *mate That Ida paper should aid the Tapperitees in their dastardly MOM In mak ng war on the prefer. .wee shows hew little the_partt-1, raided by prinet:tar. and bow duepste eta tills feeltheir case. .tl-lin_ •On arrival alt the grouiub the esoop� formed in a hollow square. with the hoards of the 7th autl the 25th Bat• ttilons In the centre. In a few min- utest Mr. Tarte •arrlvet and was re- .wtvett by the tnxtpt standing at at• tenikwt Col. Holmes, iqa wort) or two. letraluced the dietingiliihel visitor of the day, anti on behalf p( the military present made him yrihotne to. the elty. Mr. Turf' In reply said --"I thank you "or Newlin t so many of your stns to light for the British Empire on the other aide of the ocean. This coun- try s fond of peace. We are developing. lu ibo arta of peace. but ,all Govern• meets meet resogntae that their duty W to equip and prepare the country for an} etnergency. We all wL.h to Gexl that we will never have any .ton fiict with any of our neighbor.. But this Canadinn nation 1. growing big ger and bigger. and without any distinction of creed or of nationality we all feel that we would he ready to defend the Brltixh flag, which is thereat -mon flee over us all. against any comers. (%pptause,l .' Commanding Olftoar and gen.. Hemet. em. permit me to „congratulate T T anise.o0 hien a soldier. myself In my younger days. My [rim 1,. an officer in on. of the' battalions of the city of Montreal. 1 take a great deal of interest in our militia. I act just a _back from the' continent. and 1 m prod to say that the ('annul n militia can favorably be compered with any militia, of the world. tape please.) Brave and Tres Neu. "Our Canadian "Didion( have not _disgraced uo iu South Africa. They Imre fought bravely. English -Cane - (liana Irish -Canadians, French -Cana- dians -flume, hear) -they shed their blood together. they have fallen tot welter. er. May their blood cement a permanent union between the differ- ent racer that live cn this fres soil How Trade With the Mother land Grows Under Liberal Rule. Average Annual Exports to Britain 1879-96 $ 50,092,179. Average " 6 tt 66 1897-1900 $97,486,043. Increase Under Liberals ',Exports to Britain Last Year $47,393,864. - $108,626,000. LA[1RIER THE FAVORITE IN BRITAIN. UM, op/prop! ;i- rw�.iet Ttp .r sn-rY-= 1 nm a1 - alterably tothis pre.'• .•nee." i ow ore our fine npprnr f s Vry - Rhr'Mack.'nzte Rowell cold in the Scones. --I would Rite them ithe British) preferential trntle etre if they gave ue notaing at all." MIK (•II thtLI't TH,IU IMALSIt PROP HET. - .- Many of us are much amused at 8b Charlie' pretenee of belieting that he le going to be put back into the ..PS ' Ilion of power which he so much abused. We have heard him prophesy before. • We recall that he prophesied that 610,000,000 bushels of wben t would be it%1orted mutually from the North- wiet-If a .certain deal of hie went thr egh. It went ; but only n very e mail fraction of his wheat eetataate was reedited. We recall that 4e prophesied a great influx of populates' ad the re - milt of his policy. and that Canada leuliled-&fl e!t)nUJ: - . iv/tate-Om Ira Mee -itis- prophecies. about the result of the last gen- eral a si-tetkia In Hamilton he laid "The Government of which I have the honor to be the leader will fund itself sustained In the new Parlia- ment that ie to meet a month hen:•e, in the month of .duly. with a larger majority than we had In the obi Par - 'lament. which, an you know, wax it little over 5G." To n reporter of the Toruto World he said '•1 expect a large majority on the evening of the ::.3rd. "I ant sure of a majority In every prrrinrp of the t)etminkn." -- At Sydney, N. S., ho became very Impressive and oreenter. saying:-.__. "i am neither n prophet, nor the eon of n prophet, hut i make this tante- mrent here and now, an.1 I wnttt to be judged 1'or all future time by It, and Dever believed again, unless it turns but to be true. The great libeeral- ('oneervntive party will be returm•d 1 rinmphnntly with n griot.r major- ity than they have now." F.veryboty known that In the face of the ILtronet'e prophecies, and In contempt of the House of Tapper, the gaol people of Canada prove In their might and hurled from power those who hnd so long and so badly iniegov- ernevl the Dominion. Sir Charles stnndk Itlieertrlited sem a prophet; out .of hle own month ti' etnnde condemned nod '"--doet*red unworthy of beftef.---Tr4 he now has the hardihood to get ap and : ”1 stand here to -day to tell you and t0 stake mor character as a public loan npon the verification of It, that at the first moment when the eler- Inre are Able to go up to the poll lire victory of 1878 will be repeater!." How dear to the old Baronet's heart is Humbug! What a low .etlmite to her of the ('nn.dlan populace! V. WINO 01'1' M1)ftTGA(:Ri. ltegtetrnr 1' 1). McKellar line phot eromplete,l a compnrl'on het ween life mortgagee regleterel for the nine months of Inset yenr with those regiatrererl for the past nine months. The compnrtein ens very fnvornhle, end allows that the amonnt wan lees this year by $11M,645.G7.-('hnt- ham Planet. pf Brit -Wit Marta America. --1lelere turning the first rod of this Armory you will permit ren to offer to this town my congratulations for the fine contingent that you sent to South Africa.- One of your fellow- tatlsens nate quietly under its sola. Soma or my fellowcitizens have been baled elle by side with him. We all regret that, but at the same time are ate -test that-tby--hare dose hen - or to this great country of ours." Mr. Tarte' then turned a sod with n brand -new iHver-piated spathe, the brigade came to attention, the hand played the national anthem, the sol- diers gave three Cheers and a tiger for the Queen. -and the Irraceedlnee were over. Later In the afternoon Mr. Tarte was the guest of the of- ficers at as informal lunete:M. INDICATIONS Ole PROMPKRITY. Our exports of agricultural pro- ducts In the last four years com- pared with the last four years. of Rory rule tell a story that requires no embsllishtnent. Here are the fly. rare,: . flacon. 1897.1010 ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 4 , 775, 5 57 In the year 1900 we erported bee oto to the value of $11:,471,494, more than in the four Tory years. Nutter. 1803 6 ... ... .. ... ... ... ... $ 4,141,967 1897-1900 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1'2,959,:'88 In the year 1900 we exported $5,- 1::2,558, worth of butter, nearly a minion dollars' worth more than In the four Tory years. ('hese.. 18913 6........ ................ 1g97.11700... ... ... . ... 61S,AR2,091 Ruch figurer as thea account for the good tlruei we enjoy. The (vmn- try'e growth Ie not forced. and the nntural Industries are having it rhnnce. As it nnnaegnence rant in- dentrinl Meagre are kept busy untpply. Ing the demand crated. The Canadian elector le not eager to go beet to Tapp/whim. The total foreign trade of Canada in 1893 was $::47,6:113,8E9. in 10196 when the Torten were hurled from Power In filagree* 1t heti fallen 10 *2139.025.860. In the fourth year of 1tb era! rile It has Increeesed to y3N1,1125,MS5. How do the °canna nnewer ouch statements of feet T Thley r•ry "Down with Tarts.'" They (ordeals by inch hlnekgnardly tactics that they have no case. 1 -Mho Bull-Go right on, Sir Wilfrid, and pay no heed to the envlois slanderers. Ymt've done well; 1'4 proud of you, and If I'm not greatly mistaken (and the Old Man knows a thing ortwo about o:nch matters), ('annda•ir proud of you too, awl will "'how It on November 7. '' We wish with all oar hearts th it swaged by,tbe triumph of Sir Charles she already confers, is to impose .1 N'}i! ► 1,Ruraer aytt.. t hkrxrws# Te4lt_ . _ netrnt1On iadrantagei aptmf- 3 hpg and come back with may increased ma- I agaietllyt Mr. Tarte. I exempt the eolouies," jority, Moreover, Sir Charles' extremely � "We cannot enter deeply Into this 'apart fropn the fact that Isle tusinetwilke Imperialism ix by ono; question at the present moment, bet means to oar taste, and might hate we can only say again that we ran ultimate, -ortsequenres very ser i. to , (00'ehe two stroke of pulley more dam- aging to Withal trade or more riviw- '.For• while denouetcing the • ane- chievous to Imperial pulley. It iv mild sided' tariff by whh:h tau' Mother; deprlfe is of the one chief altantnge Country gets it slight adtuntige, he 1 which we have in face of the world, demands what Ire calls ' recipra ity.'and which, disarms so much aaimos- Thls M rousse in the ' aollvereite Idea lit; that would otherwise be tenger- .w Q =b�BBieoTlbmr,- 4ua .�W h Tu past days. all oar J% professedWOQid tealfecuoatlonto alforurllty the "The'Mother (ronntry hehtg n Des= :pARt'7 of the ape( dooir,"-Weatrtia- trading community, and therefore en- :Her Gazette, London, Eng., Oct. 9. able t, give gre•iter adtantage than 1900." friendline., to the mother country (ninuifeeied both In the wnr anti in the preferential tariff) commando! our gratitude, 1t wenn to us most 1e-'irnble that a staunch Ireppeerinllst, who yet knows how to ooncJllnte the t'renet anndtnn -P80106 re,n ton the helm a the present Junctura "There is tittle Villein vtttrgndelng Hite fact tllnt there have been angry feel. iagw in Canada these. Inst few months, and they are not likely- to be as - tile Prophecies Always False, Sir Charles said the German and K �` r P T U PPt OFF. Brlglun treaties" could not be rise L -i s -I R gated. But they were. Mte Charles said Britain could not be glren n .(reference. But even at that time the tnttomy officer,. Were auneppting it less rate of duty on Farmers British Mosel, than tort gdsxM front anywhere Mee. Sir Charism said the Laurier (kov- enunevat wo1111 mut lest sit mouths. But it .111. Mir (hnrt.n •entd the old protective policy woad bring nilttosi to the Northwest. But it ,tlliln't. Tupp.tr undertook to tell me what Sir Charlet said he loin 110 part thmld be (k,ue, and -very singularly In the scheme, to politically Assam- -what he then told me ought t, he 131r._Mackenzie llDstsll, ilut Jw--.tnwe het* beers (inns by me two years before, war in progress, and haul proved Mir Charlie thought he Mould be it complete and universally recognised an Imperlallit ki Ontario, and an .strews. • • • There Is one part of anti In Queta'c WIttiuut being tho prtgramm;' which Sir Charles caught. But he c uldn't. advocate* whk'h I have not adopted, Sir Charlet/ sold the mestere rate and do not intend to adopt. For the emit' not be reduced withoet greet• talc of our pnahtrn, he propes•n to Iv Increrawine the .h•fltlt. 13n1 It wan. reital,L'sh Government 'repots to Eng. _ tar tJtarlsst deehe sod Ir- 4MON-ttme lam, : to tnkn it out of till ordinary he would sweep the raintry. But ' hanneli of trade anal employ Govern - he didn't. mount agencies' for the imrp.u.e of Sir Charles' tells hie followers now handling our prtshu•e there. I know he will win. But he won't. Wilfrid well. and th-e producers knew well, will win,-B,nekvl0e- Recorder. that through the ordinary kgitinutte channels of trade ir Imwluee li l -Ifit 1011 WA Do Not Care to Have Him Handle Their . Produce. " When the system of cold storage was being dlsrueee d In the Donee of Commons over a year ago Sir Charles The watchword of the great leader of the Uoterptlpnt at chis Monster meeting in Mangey Gall the other night -"Union, peaee, friendship and fraternity"-mnst ' be the watch- word of the ronntry, the passport to seeress, and the safest augury for Carad(aa.. prospaHt7_-Catholi9-_K.-. A T(1RY ('HAMPI(►V'S "Frew trade with F:ughtt l or .1 re- daction In the ditties+ on gossip' bought Rom Britain to 111 ow 12 per rent. world rust only entree uxly chrnp•n the (bet of Itting in this a a: entry. tont the Rrttiwh consumer would take uw.r. of :sir butter. cheese, p.nttry, nne•nts. frnit and rattle than be .ties low to pay for these geode. Yothing that enn he conceived would give this stnn. try a g ter faom."--Ornng. Sent!- Th-imaw, of .Tarvle Street Rn tlet rel. Mr. !, F. CMrk's pet'soelil an, i' Dao. 5. 1496, see Church, Toronto. A alTATKyMANl,,MN Pl111011 G "I have always etrolitd Introducing politics Int. the pulpit, argil 1 will nut cis so now , sett t cannot help Inetn ns. Ing as .m a of th • regains for thnnks giving the fan% tbmet we have a Premier wet, haw proven h4aself no statesman likte In tht adminlitrntlon of the high tenet'°at of haw offlee; who Is no .tris love !n hie rharneter; who In no just and :eae•tllat,ry In his patine utter anent , w'h r la so broadly and ,nsrlf lh:y pnt.riotlr, that, tltcngh n I'ntlo• Ik. lu 1114 relIgtout feat, he rommtn11a th eonftek.nee and loyalty of Pretext route nos no other man In political life et the preemie time c°wtldl"-R.ev. i.r reeehing the Rngltrh market to better advantage and realizing Iwettnr prices than they could prssilyigst if it was manipulated by ib appoint/mos of Sir ('htertws Tnppr•r. Judging by whet we know of Sir, ('harlot Tin/poem manage - went of pet.il(' affair" ot pre.►J&ns'-. -w Anna, we know that the harmers of Canada do not. want th •Ir products handled hy smelt mom • • • The aye tem on whirls tht Liberal Government hag' read Iona leen that of giving information and Irnetruction to the people, and trying to amply the re qulslte Doolittle for trauslortatkt In cold storage having it to thele-;,. rer'li 1t oat N tb.9r own way. i teeters t, say that the is n mere statestunnllke and eoce,sefuI Tolley that( for the Government to nndrrtaks to do ties wink which the people Mei- much better qualifiers to do for Sheer allyl'= -11m. Sydney Fisher WHAT THE LIBERALS 11AVE DONE. me following is a part of the 'splendid record of the four years of Littoral adpalnlrtratknt upon which the Laurier Ckrrernment pppents ,, ;b.• .lectors. of Canada - It settled the Manitoba school question, walek wan the subject ti a, ,ouch rat itt and reindeers controversy, and width eerlwrly threat sett the xwaao sari eifaie of the Dwulniti. It ntkipwtxt a tariff which m ettrlally reduced the rate of taxation won/toted don/tette and foreign trade, d(d tea Itthrttke to any clam, foul bas awn a starts of restoring prusperlty W the people. It granted the Imports from Great Britain a sutatantial preference In he Canadian market uter the importe fetal aU other .wuntrkvl. The erasure war derrribed ht Orem llrita(n s. the nkat remarkable step vet oadu towards th.o unilkatket of the Km pini' It uecured the denunciation of the Belgian and German treater wbL h •taxi In the way of trade negotiations, with Great Brltaln. It bent cexttl:tgeute ut Canadian volunteers to help the Motherland lu h•• Traru.taal. T1te aggregate foreign trade of flan country lout Increased In the four cater to the end of June, 1900 --cines the Liberals. carne into power ,y 14.2 infllkatr, which hacrt see le seventy•eix mllllutr itt excess of the total int-rease daring the period of elghteeu years when the C'.0nrerta titter were In power. Tim reduction In costume taxatital etUrm the new Liberal Tariff veto eloptel hum been not leer than rix lel millions of tlullare. Tu put It ie Aber words. if the Conservative Tariff had been lu operation not lees than sit l.61 wlilhatr of dollar* usre tuctoms tnxatket would bate been -Jtt{eated mato taw peupte. It has furterel and stimulated the export trade, particularly of the produuu of the farm. Within three years atter the Liberal (ioveniment tame into power the •alorts of the farm ptioaucts 01 Catutda increased by nineteen mitheeg of dollars. and the increase slate then late been amal.ttg. During the w•Ix11e eighteen years that the .Cusiservutivee were lu power Ute increase eras only eighteen Wilkins of doltarr. In the loot two Demi years lite surplus of reteow over modeler) et iw•nditure war nearly thirteen millions of dollars. Its whey huts given Canada -it much higher status In the world than t toter had before. It gahs.l for Cauadks the theukto nrsl gratitude of Her Majesty's Ica. •surest and of the people of Great Rritnlu fur 11a policy of preferential :Tenement to Britain. It has pursued a tjguruuy pulley along the line rl devekrpweatuf traor.\ w,rtatuu facilitate. ('stair bate 1., n deepened au.l extradite huprote- n•itIl hate been made in the barbuma of Montreal. 4uebe•, 5$.. John and ht !!tux. IL eetahekhxd'pezuty' 1 with tr lirtt Britain and the (urger d J punks,-- her poseesslo,a. The Hon. William Mulot'k. Pnatmaater-tieneral, was the first to.uggest be Imperinl tonferenee which brought about Imperial penny postage. It eetabllehed a two -cent (imamatepoeetagp rate; said rate atw, top Hier to letters ported in Canada aed atklrosstetl to the United Santee It a:tablbties, a postai note system -a great touvenience to busne•w - non and the p.ople generally. - It extended the lntareolualal Railway to'Moatreal-the bueinew cc" :moof the Doutlukrt. .-...— It granted financial aid towards flue con.truetlon of the Crow's !Oat Fast. Railway. The building cot that railway was admitted by both parties -o be absolutely necessary for the proper development of the great nun- •ral resourar of British ('ulumbiw It. the agreement for the anrtruet at ,f the ralfway the Gotentment-secured important concessitnte In fre•ggut aster to tits farmer.. of the west, anti oleo prof itied against a possible monopocoal. I px.rty'lyIn, Ina and order hate been eeatabllshed in the Yukon without rout by way of taxation to the Ilona aloe. It abolishes. the ntonwtruue Ilranchime Aon It repealed the SuIeraunueiIQn Act --ro far ma ttipW appointees to Ulf' terrine ape eoneerne4-the provbbw of whish were abataata(ly tab.. e,j `ai> pe_igTU..-Toe Tons eliii li-s Coe erataeat % a.rve:politt lit � - - IC alb pied to -repeal the woret feature of the Gerrymander Ae4 sail oubstltete equuty boundaries, blit the partltat Metals. thwarted Its ef- It provided against the sweating system In the performaneee of Gov• ernsent footrests,and appointed a eo.pas trap to tarry this out It save the people an opportunl ty of eipr tsing their minds, on the prohibition question. Ft succeeded in induelug the-llritish tiuvernment to consent to seam- ing (egldallua for the purpose of allowing trust moneys In creat Beliefs to be Investedla_.C,auadlan Government securities. The advantage et --- this conueeeloa la wldeuing the wnrket for Canadian bonds is of a very tnbetaetlal character. The importance of tide was Tong recognised by ►-Ut. t'naservaef e- Government, but all their efforts to obtain it weri is— iuccei.ful. Through the efforts of the Hon. Mr. •Fisher, Minister of Agrlceftert, the vexatious q tine regulatloas that existed! between Canada and the United States were abolished,.--- 1t her established u perfe('t ',Mess of sell rtoraje for ey_iar, Metter. =alflT+6 4aFais;'T}ette, etc.. at the pT�r n` ttoa Td w traIMI t to tae markets of consumption. Dominion•tande have been reserved for the actual vet tler'aad'mot fur • the .pecaatori. Il liar secured fur Manitoba and the North -meet Territories 100,1108 .tet Here. it bar rata' fished a system of coop) storage for sea fishermen nher..- by they get frewh bait all the year roved. - "14 war able to redaoe oar pubile debt by nearly a aellllon dollars last if Kip HOW TRADE GROWS UNDER LIBERAL TARIFF. FOl'It VICARS Or' TORY RULE: 189:1 -11 -Aggregate Trade... ,,1 - F, 11081,0044854 -- -- M1/1'It A -6}jRliAtt TL16( 1/407 -1000 --Aggregate Trade1111,11.14.981,0111/ IM9(1 --Total of our Foe•Ign Trade . e230,025,36t' 1I80 -Total of our Foreign Trade 381,625i,MM' Aa Infamous Cantpelgd, The Hamilton Spectator, which suf- fer from tohrnnlc. "Quebeestmanin," Any,. : ".pare (jhtplwee Is to many In the !Withal Empire." When Quebec et pwortrvl the ('.m.ervntit 0' party, with nn alm,wt solid nmjovlty, when sir John Mnratuald's magnetic pow- er held his party together, our (tn- ternlwrrrtry had toothily; but the high - ret ndmiratkn for the sister pro- time. \ow no innail nge e.•' -me too etrng to turn to ncvveint in mlarep- reeenting the atnteemen of that proi Uwe end in trying to stir up race nntlpethlea. it e&nvs the deaper- nte straits in which the Opposition finals itself witlsttt n near -oiling bend ouch as hrotight it victory In hyrllone days.-F.rtttkn .Advertiser. !addle tramway' are L17,000 het - ter In elk months With electricity in pia.. of horses. CAN'T GET RID OF THEM. Tupper, Haggart, Caron, Wallace, • Montague Still Hang On. -(Montreal Star, July 11. 1307.1 Thera are some gentlemen prom bent In the Conservative party who Oaf do the party and the country a great service-hy retlring into pri- vate Rte. Never did a peliUcal party to much Unnerve. neither 1111 a political party so much nerd, n twitting a. the (ineervauve party di' served and needed one at the time of the Leat Federal eleetbn. ThP yowl eervattves were distrustful of roll other, disloyal to their lender', and among them were men who were quite right to distrust each other. Be- fore lug there roust be a great re -construction of the (oneervative j rtf. and the exigencies of tie sitneti°n may no well her rr'ognhsd at cafe• :is to msget ofolthed0 oldthem. leaden can never be loaders again. and now to the Uwe U the ron.ervnuve party Is to commend the comport and moflden,e def the country It mount Itntp lender. worthy of reepect and confidence. The (bre.ervative party need be In no hurry for office. the ovoid shades of •'0 Itnaltion are having ,in exeellent tonic effect; but some day, and p'rtttpe when least exprrt.i, the ronntry w -I II need the old party'. servlet+, and need them badly. ant It la Important that by that time the party shnnld i* pnri(tc1 and rP organise11. The re•roMtmn-t!on will Involve not only the getting rid of swap of the old Madera, het the wlect(on of new ores, and It most he borne in mind that there are no ('onaertntive )'mvimolai Premiere available. M that there h not danger of Sir Wilfrid's hltrdler being repeated hy Air ('harlea There are, iewever, plenty M men of ehnraeter, prinelple and abdllty evallatM, and the limner their leadership M re(ognlsed the hatter for the party *ltd for tits country. , t.:•.31 . I ?I; _