The Signal, 1900-11-1, Page 1Dominion Nominations, October 31st ; Elections, November 7th. R. Holmes tor West Huron. THREE A 8. ADV'ra ARE ACTIVE AGENTS WHEN PLACED IN THE SIGNAL ionat. THD OFFIOIAL NEWBPAPF§R OF H'DROIST OOUNT'Y'_ FIFTY-THIRD YEAR .'2802 GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : NOVEMBER 1, 1900. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ...1900 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. POLL- YOUR VOTE FOR LAURIE R, HOLMES AND PROSPERITY l THE WEEKLY MABs• T REPDR1 Donation. Oot. 11, Ilio, F•II Wheat ...................0 *4 to 84 dour. family. per owl ,,, ..,.. .. 110 to 9 10 .:our. patent, per cwt ... ... 450 W 2 50 Remote Ho. ... • .. .... 111 00 toll1 00 ii, roe l Y t°u ... 15 0000 to11 00 a,;reeo cgs, Per cwt ...... .. ...... 1 IM, to 100 Hye. per busk .... ••••. .. , .. . Buckwheat, per bush cots,. bush Pees, buslt. ... Herb,, par bulb ........ ......... Hay. Dew, 1 ton. Wtstoss. new. 1116aab.. .. .. .. Cheese. Per Ib . trams, trent aepeoked, • dos. Wood ................ Hides, ......... ••. Lamb.Okins Lire Hun I teemed Hoax Ham. Der Ib Lard, per 10. loused Beet, tore gamier Deemed Hut. hind (•.111.', KappoOrt .• terdln.ry 4010050 40 to 0 50 i7 to 031 M to 055 35t0el 60 to 000 a0to0IS 17 to 0 18 10 to 011 13 to 0 16 W to 400 5110600 1 to 010 0014M 0s to 6 75 10 to 0 17 1Nto 0 15 12110 13 el to 000 00 to 000 75 to 4 50 00 to S 30 bttulatlOn$ Vacant. \1TANLKD -BY NOV. 1ST, A iU0OI) eV amen! servant to 10 1,0 Toronto. lief menus regu'reid. Apply to Mlt t. HLAT )S Toe h.r. Wanted. ` ALI(T*AOHER WONTED /OR MM, .LU No t, �I.D.Ashfield, holding reoond clue oortielane. Applications statins exper Ienoe and salary wlilll be received o D to Dec 1. 1v00.byJOifN 1' OKI1YIN or KKNNKTII M, 1.I&N, Klsts1. At 4m TEACHER ACHER WANT KD. --M ALK 011. FK • MALI, wooed or third claw (*Hifi-ale. for S. S. No. 17, townsbip at Aghaeld, for 1001. Apy'plicationn�s reoel,ed to November 16th. Ap • NS\ . Sec.-Treaa setae .gasass PQ,, ((Mt. Hf fit T.nd.p \Wanted. uT10E-TKNDERM WILL RE RF: l� o.Ived by the onderelgeed until the 17th day of November. 1030, tor the btbnc, of the book dabs doe the orate n' J I1. Polder. at s mimeo the dollar 1n oaeb. A etstem„ot or said amounts can M seen at W. H. Itoberteos. o1"e. Ooderloh. KU W ARO N ILION. Aa. sleeve, Paris. LIt For H.nt, I70UAE ` l LelJHS LARGE, comfortable Mena 1O Judge Doelds rennin'''. new MNDted he Mr. Kgen er. Heated by Howard houses : hot and oold water lath :.leo °lout. Saac lout lawn and •antro. A stable on the premiers. Apply to It W. McKEN7.IK, Hardwaremerohont. 0111 For Bala FOR SALE,- THAT DBKIRAIit[� horse and lot In the village of Dungan non. the property of the Imo Il�,hard Tre leaves. The hones M hick venn•ewd end c m sista n' main put. 10x10 kitchen, I8.Tt Hard sad tort water to oonne,uoe. Frame w0Wrl.he' attached. Hood frame stable. oto., on tee PropertyTim tots oomprl.e ane heir thereof land ; utiful lawn. with (Inc shade toes surroundiast Pos.eselon n■n ha had at Loy time. Apply to this .'ice, or to OKs. STOTIIRIM. osthe piaoe, or to W LIN It. Uodericb. al tf FOR SALE-FHF.GALE FARM, ONE of the beet 100 sore fume In 110derloh township, Harris county. let 17 and part 18. 0th 000dmlon, iti mllrw from lioderieh, 7 miles from Clinton The form rontelns 605.1 build logs and good fearer, is well watered and well under drained. There Is • hese bearing or chard aigard•s or small fruits Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to WM. GOUI.D. on premises, or Asderlch to U. 91 tt L'OR 8A LE: -1.01'8 96.96. 117. 118. 119 I' and 144 1n Hotehleou'e survey. and meth ball of 870 running number', aU In (iodgilee, for p.rtloulai. •9917 to PHILIP HOLT. Barrister, to., Oodarlch. Nareb 14th. IW0•. 00-tf Musts. M IsS ETHEL ACHESON will open claire for the study of pianoforte and t heOry after Sept. 1st, Moes Acheson taught In Gomel. ladles Col - ,ege the pit year. where she Md sevetie.ca n P:epSr:off ,0045Ots for the Toronto Coe. aerlalory of Nene examinations. Foriwmsapplj at rp.ldance, .orner Com Alis and Brook streets, _-- 9111 W i GLENN CAMPBELL. , lr6•met 0401 musical director of North mt. Methnrlut ohuroh, and tcu•her of pianoforte, pipe organ and theory, will be planed to rs trice paptl•. Letruollon given either at atone or at preppli's home. as desired. etudlo al Emotion's Music Store. West st. 7111 11 ENRI ,JORDAN.. JNloleo+./director Koos 1',eshytr,Ian church, ., le corning classes In Voest, Orono. (hint n Cornet, Poplin prepared fur Toronto Colley,. of Music exomtn0) an.. APpli err term" et "The Frontlina4" South street. Ooderlob, r 5111110 In OddiNl ewe' bending. In.ul•Iiatll.. eta - -- r_ CNAR. R NHAW, GENERAL. INSUR• • ANOK and reel estate went, hes e0 no Rood farm and town property for sale oelrad e and wants men. Oaae, pee doer wt of P.O., Ooderieb. W 1tOBKRT9i0N. stat and nIUteaes A6.ot, hooka and .400nst0 made 0p. Iinllding" rented and tent, collected. fire Insurance la Rritlnh a-.4 Canadian Iompp*anlea teem In 1'rnndfoot & Heys office North .trent, Underfelt. 44 t MOGIOILL 1) R8 TURNBULI. R TURNBULL, 1'6 No1.n., tl0rg0ee1. et0. OTeri. !families street. Night calls.enrered (rem .Tee Telephone 101. J.L TURNBUI.I. 7, D, TUKNHUhL. URS,MRANNON & GAMMA', I'HY NI(IIANMand Surgeon*. 000oe In thank of Cemmerne tntilding, west side of ftenere. Night milk at residences ii'. Shannon, Deflation, ad re wirers, rt spier st. 1391. et. w, Phone W, 'Phone *9. Waa'nlaE. NOM' 18 HEREBY GiVEN THAT 191 0 Wn y Parent hof m, Property or w11se 1wMYr ra••9t1 and peesiete'. R. (1. ATTHlI.L. Hldgewood Part. 47 tf Publlo Not1N NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOV 1• Rrllhane Mnaitleg. Button ('nmpnond o. Tnrnnto kit Muratori N. D. R.oagvb.... Kara H'realns --W. Aohwnn A Mon Arend" Locals --C W. Aalrewe Hair G•od, Ph1. Dorwwe1A. Reties R4 ren Amtenee,Porie Towhee Wasted -9411. Ns. 17, A.hdeld, Asemenmwt•--VMeeria Opo. Host . Would Tw W New U ?-. 1. Wll.so Pg, THk NOMINATION MEETING. • lee Tine Bobs are moths la tee 14.5.1ae- Tery Trickery. • Yesterday wi nomination day, and RP. Lett Holmes. of Cllutee, and Robert Mo - Lean, of Goderioh, were again pleoed in 0omivatioo for the riding tel West Heron. Aft r tb. time for bominatio i had ex- pired -a lone time after-tho large vether• tog to the court house war addressed by the candidates and others The delay which kept people .ratting for an hour be• f ,r•• t e .p,okinr commence,' wt. Ihr re- sat of the refusal of the Couserv.tives t•, consent to a hair mariner of oouducting the meeting They refused bo adopt the well known rule of debate by ,whloh the man who sDPek• Bret, or .omeone on his We, has the right of reply. The Liberals were willing to Int the Cooarvatives have the drat and the lit speech, or to take this position themselves ; but the Conservatives ✓ ealized that they had a weak candidate and a weak taunt sod iodated that the Liberal oandid►te should speak first and that • Conservative speaker should have the lit say. They finally agreed to give Sir. Homes tau mtoates 1n whloh to reply if coy personal charges were mode against him. to their speech', they were careful to disclaim any Intention of attacking Mr. Holmes. They talked at great 1.0,th about "the steles seat, ' but as they admitted th.t nothing oould be said against 'lir. Holmes In the matter It would be mention ly unfair for the Conservatives to oak that any elector should oat his ballot •gala.' Mr. Holmes on a0°annt el any len- ient against the ballot traud.,Il ballot frauds t tore were T'hls,twwever, will not prevent the Opposition from canvassing 'bookie lines With the plea that the "bilfot-bol staffers" should he puubhed by toe detest of Mr. Holmes In faet,their whole conduct in the matter shown that their object is not to far- ther the sods of justice, but simply to make party capital. They nava not dared to bring any °herd° in the courts against • Bogle data ty 'Morning °Simror any other oiliest In coo• neotlon with that 'Notion, and It was clear ly shown yesterday that although the jai( mal oommu,ioo h.d been ready for months 10 reo.ve charges the Conservatives bad sever yet formulated any Nor will they do so; if Mr. McLean is defeated next week. as detested we believe he will be, nothing more w111 be heard of the chargee ; not a e co will be taken 10 exact punishment Inc the Infamies which tbey allege to have yak• en pl.os. The usefulness of the affair .. a means of 911.109 a politico' advantage w1U he gone. It a nntioeahle that e, tar the only at side man bnagbt tato the riding is the sero• cewur of the nutor:ora Robert H,rmloehas the shot and smart Alex. W. Wright. W• sopped's the Cowen/alive' will donated earnestly why this "heeler" was brought her., what his Inteetiota ere, al be Is hero for any good purpose, and s, ou. However, we are willing to admit teat the reason for hie peer•*•• warn quite to yi.w ; his 'month� tongue, his site, e.0y way of turuiog lanae met out were seeded to make outstay sort of case afat0•t the Luton Government 1• was dye mt0utee to 3 o'ulook when Mr. Aohesoe, who bed boon ohms. to preside, took the chair and announced rho agru- meet that bad been cors to. Mr. Holmes wan reoeuved with loud ape please as be arose to speak, Ha reminded hie hoofers that two years helots be had stood before them as a eao,lldate for the Bret tune, a oovloe, as It were ; ht now oc- cupied a different position. During the hot awe years the charge bad repeatedly been made that be was holding a stolen seat ; he repudiate) that °borge.n1 would endeavor to show that he ocoupied the seat to gnoi faith. Ha was sleeted on the 210 of Fee. ruary and the House met on March 1616. it was alleged trmediately alter the elutes Mist Irregularities had taken plaoe In one. notion w.th that Weaves. end hie oppon• este set about trattoria Melt evidence, out It wea not until the 5th of July that the meteor wog brought up In the House. For esrtein reasons known to bimetal( his option rut did not follow the regular procedure of intoning the matter before the courts It whe quite within the right of the House to refuel to bear the matter, bat the House valved that right and determined to have an levee' Igation. In intro luoing his mntinn for l ,vest1gat10n In the House, Mr Morden, the l'ostler/all .e member who took • prom - 40.01 part In the Investigating, was put. looter to state that there was no ol•Im that Mr Hnlmes wee not entitled to the seat; their object ma simply in Investieste the of on of certain (Anent In onnoeotion with rbc election. immediately alter Mr. Her- der'', to.den', •pooh Mr. Holmes bed a oonyara- 14011 with that gentleman in wbioh he (Mr. Borden stated that the ievenigatt0O had no bearing whatever mem the right of Mr. Holmee to holt the seat; the Investigation referred only to the returning officers. Sir L'.uls Davies, l0 the House, took the ground that Mr. Holmes was not called opo0 to reN90 hu soot, .and m this he was supported by so rood a Goeser vative as Mr. Powell, M P , who stated dlWendy that there was oo such ooa- tent ion whatever. Mr. Holmes,o•d • num- Mr el extraots'trom Hansard to soppnrt his atatoneente is thug reep•et. It me .len pointed out In the house that even If the b.I1ote about which oh hid been made were deduoted Mr Holmes would still lave . maj ,rlty. Mr. Horden and Mr. Powell had heath witted to him that there wag no- thinto j utify him In reslgelng Magnet During the past sesdnu a judiold oommis Ilion was appointed to mve•l,,gate the mat- ter ; the onmm'ealon h.d been ready for months to rroely seldom* ; bur not o nh.rge had yet been FM before that onm- misslon. Mr. Holmes stated that he had endeavored to the best of lite ability to hie constituent.' end advance the Intere.ta of the riding and of the whole country. 11 they thought him • proper person to go to the "import In the next Parliament of the Government el Mir Wilfrid Laurier (1004 cheers) he asked for their votes. Mr. Holme" erplsinad why he hail not been present In the House to live his vote for prohibition when the dtsooaslon Look piece en the questlen. HO wits had been taken serinaly 111 and he had gone home net this aoeoant ; with her amseet he r.tarnsd to (Leave to vote on the prohibition motion : tint the vote, In.t of of being taken nn Monday. as was exported, did not Zaki place anti! WednseAay, and In the mean- time he was again rolled hems on •conaat nl him wife's Maul metalline. The vote resulted Is • tares adverse m.inrlty, en that lib vote would ent h.y. mals say differ e erie In any ease ib onnnlnw0n, he said he w.nbA to ant • pore Glutton (appl.nse) ; he wanted the Wootton In he oondnnt•d thirty. and it was unfair to him that be mese the ('neseryatives thnneht there h•4 Mon irregularities he should to made to n it.r Inr Ib. Mr. Helms" resumed bis N at amid loud enplanes. Mr. Melrose opok. next and was well re - mired. H• enprsswed on.Adaaies is his •IssYua ee November 7th and Waisted that bo W Mee oorbd eat le let by.-.3.MIM. AAM 1M OM -N-. May *Ana N mlia She the court• 1 be thought they had the *lett to stake the choice Mr, Holmes had said the horst typo ion did not commence until the Stet of July ; the Government blue book mv• the date i Werth 28, 1899. if the Inysetlgatlon bad gore o11, Mr. lloLwO sold, Irregut•rltlee would have been exposed in other polling lilac. a and some deputy re- turning officers would have been put be hfud prl.on 'are. Hon. J. T Ostrow follows'. He thought there was something larger before them than a quarrel ea to whether Mr. McLean or Mr. Holmes owned West Huron- Wrong- doing was just as abhorrent to the Liberal as to the Conservative ; 11 mud slinging sou to he indulged In the Liberals had as much mud to slog .4 the llooservatnr, and the less the latter maid shout the matter the bet- ter. A new law had been emoted which he hoped would prevent for tb• future any work of the kind alleged to have taken place. He knew Mr. Holmes would look with disgust upon any such oondu, t. But the lesue cow wee between the I,tber•I acid l'oueer,ative parties. Four years .go they had endorsed Sir Wilfrid Laurier ; d;0 they want the other man now, four years older ✓ od four years worse! Had Sir Charles shown.oy signs of repent►.*! He had shown btuuelt a hypouritioal politician l0 not rointroduoing hie M.oltobe school hill. And now what do we see! 8lr Maokenale Howell gotov le Carleton Plate to are that Hoo. Johu Haagen did not receive • re- nomination. What • went for gods and mei ' Mr. (*arrow strongly denounces(' the conduct of Sir Charles 'Tupper in 1896 In sudeavoring to Inflame the passions of the people of Quebec against Su Wilfrid Lwner in regard to the Manitoba school question, and asked all good men to hold op Sir Wilfrid's heeds to hie mission of tome. Mr. (farrow then spoke of the chanre that bad oome over the country during the put lour years No one denied the prosperity of tbs oouniry, the growth of trade, the lo- ors.s. of revenue. On. of (4004a'. great n eeds had been a good position In the Brit iib market ; we had now secured It, and 00 000 had dohs so much to bring this stout i hid Slr Wilfrid hurler by his uooduot at he -Qusso's .1ubiles. AlI parties were agreed as to the advantage to Can.da of a preference In the British market, but Um proper plate to agitate for that was is (creat Britain, not here Mr. (farrow showed that of all our Imports of woollen Ronde 73 per sent. Dame teem Great Britain ; 88 per cent. of our Im- ports of limns and 65 per rant. o1 our Im ports of oolton mune from Greet Britain, and upou these the duty had been reduced by one third. li'ro they said the Liberals 8.4 made o0 change (/'Alton MoC.rthy sons authority for the statement that Sir John Macdonald and Sir Charts Topper would have favored freer, trade in 1878, 11 the Liberals had attempted to Moreta the duties. Yr. (Jarrow spoke of ihe great re- locate le the t'oete fioe Department ,blob had enabled the (ioyeroment to totrodaeo two rent postage . and at the sante time greatly to reduce the deficit In that depart- ment. The question of the expeedliate .lw vi dealt with, and Mr, Barrow pointed ootthat no oh.rge of corrupt expenditure had ev.r been bumph!. for a sed in the House by the Uooservativee. 11 t n, y dud n. t ,.nine lorw.rd and prove their °hares' nn at tent should be pita to thea. A. W. Wright, of Toronto, spoke in sup port of Koht. McLean, cud started off by dating that no personal charge had been x100• agsinet Mr Holmes ; be would make sear, sod he was sure that Mr. Mtt,hsll would make none The ')oneervat lye orgaetser wee nettled 1.y a remark which Mr Garrow had made to him daring his speech and throughout his iidress he spoke of the honorable gentleman in . manger that did not teed to place him In favor with • considerable portion of his audience. He alleged that the Manitoba school quasi's° was retried, not by the Ooieervatives, but by 74.f10 and (ireenw.y, and that it was the Liberal' who b.4 raked the race and oreed cry. The prosperity was the *reale of the good crops ; the Government wee not to be oredited with it. True, the reveries had loor..sed, but the debt had been Inertias ed 77,000.000 Mr. Garro, &eked him how much the debt had been Increased In e.oh year of the Con eerv.Live regime, but Mr. Wright would not may. He ch,rged Sir Wilfrid Laurier with delay in ',online the oottegent t South Africa ; declared that the Government was not entitled to the credit for the denanotatloo of the Belgian and Urrtnan treaties, and that the Premier had refund a prefor000.t In the Irnti.1. •cork"t. He attacked the Gnvcrnmeit on the hinder twine question and charged the Government with • number of deals. Ht olalmed that the Liberals had not redeemed their pledges and rehaeh•d the stale and oft - exploded °huge that the Liberal Iranohl.e act f . d the gamier• 010 Inr i oompared with the Ontario elector Mr. McGillicuddy followed Mr. Wright anti stated that he was ple•eed to be before them, tmeau.e he had a good oau.e to advo- cate; they h.d the best Government they ever had ; they bad the hest time" they ever had. and they had the beet Premier they ever had. In regard to the oh•rgne In oouneotion with the bye -election he ask- ed why Mr, Mol.•.n did mega before the courts. it was hoses* be km. there would be a counter protest, that tbe o00 - du • of Mr. Molwan himself would be In- vestigated, and that lin would he dbg0.11- find fir seven long years- Moreover, it saved Mr. McLean rnr hie party some o00• sider.blo ermine, whloh the people of the ooun'ry had to pay He showed that Mr. Molw.n 4441 cot know what he was talking about in stating that the Privileges and Eleotions committee sat nn the 2Atli M Meech ; that was the date on which the • lauding comm treed for the Year were *track, and lbo committee did not mit until the 9'.h of July. Mr. MoOtlltenddy ex- pleined how the extra bollole wore printed and the two kind" of paper need and read a letter from I8n registrar of the jodlei.4 seen - Moine to dhow that no ahergen had yet been laid indere the Royal onsmlselon by Mr. McLean. He produced phoengraphs of the instructions to deputy returning officers for the manipulation of ballots less ed by the Conser,•tivo .ad taken by Free horn Into Manitobn for use there and of the eetehrrte 1 tolegetem Irnm Rob. Rlrming. ham monde, Nat Revd, the Conservative candidate in Maednn.ld o0nstttueney, that Freeborn wi "a 8r.t-elw man in North Brum' in the Manitoba 51e0t10, owl the Liberate had sent the T.ry workers to the penitentiary. in West Hnroei what had eke Tule" 4w.e t They had net dared in go to the emote. They had sekda for a parliamentary eemmhtee, and promised that If it were granted they wnnld pet a timber .l deputy returning °Riven in jell The onmmIetne was granted, ninety else witnesses wore .rominea ne oath, weeks and weeks of Parliament had been *thalst• M Is IM lnvesNgatloo, 812,000 of pihlle messy had been spout, bad yet sot the ellebteet',Mese* had been eddsesd that meld w•rr.et the .rt*. d a skirls de0mky- e'epr. (Ulisra ) 1t* MN tray maiden to alma la reply to any per n eed Merges. Nearly the whole of hie speech erns devoted to the alleged 1r•ud• in the Lys.eleution, and to this 000nectloo he °barged Donald (:ummtoe with wrong dome lo oonoeotlon with the oo0duot of the Lisburn poll and toel.uated that he had acted wilfully m violation of rho law. The tneetl0(1 closed with cheers for the Queen .ud the ohairman. AROUND TOWN. DEATH Or A FORwulo R-VIDUNT, - t1'Iltl•n, Sloth., an old and highly rrspee'ed restdeut of Klooerdln s Sunday e, died quits suddenly 9u v ,cent while *Ming at the supper table Heart dioses le supposed 10 have been the oouse of death, Mr. Slight soos bora to Kingston some seventy-one years ago, and after living in Uot'erfch went to Kloc•rd,ne twenty-five yearn ego, and had resided (bete smee. He leaves a widow and a family of I/005 grown up. AT THK LAKE FROST -The event et the harbor this week was the arr.v I on Tu day of the sur. Pontl.° tram Chicago with 113,000 bushels of wbrat for the big ale eater. This is the !.nest vessel that has ever metered Godenoh harbor. After dls onareing her big o.rgo, the 1'ontto left Wednesday night for Cleveland. The sohr. Katandin arrived Monday from Thee •.l -o with 262.000 feet of limber for N. Dement and Moore & hid011iouddy. The Katandin left Wednesday morclog with the balance of her cargo for Ktnoardl.., la tow of the K..ly,. _ • Intern or May 1,11114N --The 0et*a of the death of Mrs. Wen°, wife of John Wyon, lit Saturday, cams with more or lees of a shock, as elm had been confined to bed for only .loo'. • week. 1n f.ot., oo Wednesday preceding her deoeeso etre nes able to be out of doors for • walk. The funeral, wbloh took plane on Minds), .fter,00n to Maitland esme'ary, was prlvs'n, and the services were conducted by Rey. M. Torn - hull. The pall bearers were Ili,n J. T. (arrow, Preto) Holt, Q.0 , C Ssagdr, John Galt, F J ,rd.n and E, N L•wl. :Uncut. sympeihy to fort for Mr. Wyon' sod the other member" 01 the gamily to their af- A Rrcertrrsn Ke,IDANT 11oxg,-After b long .o4 d•strresir,g Ill. as Milano Robert loo posed away at bis home on Kw' ••rret o0 Wedo..al•y of list week, in his fitly eighth year. The funeral took place es Friday afternoon to Colborne cemetery, lb' smelters being so, ducted by Rev. Jotter A ilsoo an.l the A. 0. U. W. of whtoh or- der doomed • we a member. The pall bort a on re et* mhnra of the or,ler K 1V.teoo, Jae Kuohoean, W. .Hobert - ism, Hem y Morns, Ja•. 74:ewar1 and (7. W. Tn.05ees. pie •lee••rted fevmerly lived al Beemlller, tied "eat in 1884 ,o the (arlboo d,etrlol of British Columbia, lila family emealsg to Godet.oh ta raids. In the Kettle lion•/ Prnvinco he saes for tblrteet vents mas.I.r et th. aittlaw - ranch, to eluding an hotel, general store and express ofFoe. Ho made two yurru en (it>derloh, and, his be.lth felling. be r. 1'fiealy from the (teat io November, 1898 He Ie.vse a et tow end family of two eons (W. Herbert, e,• 0 tawa, sod Albert R., of K'ngsvllls) and Ihr•. daughter' (tlr., 81d. n,V %atootesoo, of New 1Veatmm.ter, B. I' and Miaow Olive end Queenie, tit home) all n1 whom have the 110oe10 sympathy of their friends In their bereavement AoQrtTH vv. (4 T. R. Cr, --In this cue, toted •t Iloderioh et the recent Antos, judgment efts heo*e4 out ry Mr Justice. Firemen at G.go.de Hall last week Thi oci iso sea 1 i- uo,;ht In r•o0vrt► /know., lel Injuries.oetaleed by pl.intiff from doming In cont.»? with a wire, he properly Of the defendants M• Clinton Electric Light Co., fsetened to • Isco. poet, whsle deliver- ing bor. •t a plata between the railway station .at the oattle•yarrl •t Cantos, Judgment for plaintiff for $500, damage. as "eased by the Pity, agsin.t the defendants the G. T. R Co. and the Gre.t. N. 88'.'Fels graph CO , with aceta Aotlon dlsmosed i against defendants Linton Eleoirio Light ea. Raving regard te the order of 14th Jona, 1899, 10d Child v. fR.esoirl 11 Ob, 11„ at p. 86 t1e deleod.nta I8. 4. 1'. lf, Oo. moot prey the oasts r f the E0eetrlo Light Co., and plaintiff should not be oalled apo. to pay these poets, Carrow, Q C., and (tau ro*((ioder.oh) for plaintiff Ybe.pl.y, (. C., ant E. O. Graham (F1:ampte.) for defend - •we Clinton Electric L'eht Co. W. N 011t, Q C.. for aefendante G. T. R. Co. ("melon, Q.C., for defendant" Great N. N. T. Co. W'grime, AT SRAruRTH. -. St. ,lames' ohuroh, Se•lorth, .t 6 o'olsok on Tuesday morning 01 lost week was the ec•0e of a very pretty wedding, Jame. T. Surke being united in marring• to Miss Jennie M.ol)on .Id, only d.ughter of the leo Chi. Mao - Donald. The groom Is one of 8trntferd's molt popular young men, and the told• cos of Seatorth's (Wrest d.nghter• The care. mono was performed by Rev, Father Me - ('.be, of Se.forlh, In the presence of a large number of invite 1 gloats and friends of both parties. Th. groom o no supported by hie brother, John Burke, ,1 (Joderlch, while Mira Minnie 11aol)onsld f Walton, pelletal of the bride, porf.itmed ,lie douse of bridesmaid. The bride was giveu away by her uncle, Louis M.ol)oo.ld, of Willem. She wore a c.mel'e half travelling •cit wteb pictures hat to match The hrldeemnld was prettily attired In • home.pn, drees and corked • bouquet of fnwers. Mara Ky.n, of Seatorth, presided e: the organ and, mooned by the choir, snag "event pealm• during the mw. After the item mnny the wedding party adjourned to the boos., of P. hilt, where • semptaou" weed ding breakfast hail been prepared, an4 the hippy couple took the 8 o'olook (rain for Tnrnnto end other point" eaat. Amino those present were Mrs. Rorke, John Burks and dm O'Connell, of Goderloh, Mr, and Mrs. Louis M.ol)oedd,.nd the Misers Mac- Donald, of Walton, and from Stratford Or and Mrs. 10•,11., MIN Mary Dsyliu, Dr. R-,hl.e, and ,1. .1 Coughlin, Mr. Bork• is the representative of the Inter- n•ttnn•I Aa.onl.t*nn of 0eoemotlre Firemen at -Otte w.,.ad has None 1t woke opened been oenne0ted with the Stratford Clothier On. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. W. A. MnKlm'a Akers of aAvertle•ment eras not received In time for this week's is. 500. Look for hie annalist...neat meet week The Keys' ferniera are holdmg . trued rally at their hall en Monday evening next, at which they will give a sapper to all Ihe menthe,* and former member, Nn nharge le emitted and all Interested are most nor 41011y re looted to be present. Hon. .1 1' Patterson, the late I.I,ntseaat Governor of Hntleh(Jelemblb and formerly mem her for West Huron, eras offered the OM- esryative neenluteen for Algoma, het d.- ehseed Mr, Patterson enne(us9d his le beetles be r•34 , tress peddle life. 1'•ilitsal u.1nn bsv. gess* 0.erwked load sir alma ra raw saw month Oar ',torten will bad boles Iooel muter -•0 loge 7 The report of the Cart wrlgh• °,seting will 0e found In • supple 'tient areompenyI01 10*. Issue. lam•s Atswart. proprietor of Stewart" tweet -eat, Satorth, dropped dead Loin heart failure Saturday forenoon, whir string to a (hair In his pleoe of bunnies. He was fifty two years of age and au old re- • ideot, and for some years was manager of the old Commercial bot.1 He vets vilely hoot*. and liked by the trot, lbne 1.0', J P Bro. n, the Hamilton mt. dealer, has made sales of B.11 or Thome. organs W the following persona : O Cuokerboe Londe born' ; (1 Jobnsteo, Ktotell ; M. s- Rarklry. Crewe ; M Wilson, W 11 )le rte ioi Jae. held, flu •ver, con ;John Kane, K•ngsbri4ge. To Jam,. Y ,cog, of Colborne, he• has mild a floe B 11 pope, with oral.ee1r,1 attach me;T' .e •'yle „1 WI worn is an imp)rtant factor to to -mince • younger and re6oe,l floe rod • ee'I eloped heal r,: any lady ,r geotlnmar. Prof Duren ,seal, who will be at H .1,1 B.dfor 1, Uoderlab. 1V •dosed.; Nov 14, can de:non,irste this to •myon• Wallow nn him at bto allow rooms He h.s ladies' and genet' wigs, toupees, hangs, wavy and plain fronts, switches to every lawn soil .ha'.• th.t b t will vie4ly a4 - just o., ,.1 y I.iy'. heed Ir.e of oh.rwe to prove Ihe. Um't to I to see him. The Morning Telegram, Winnipeg, Oot. 22d, toys: " O.s of the broth plays that have e'er heti the boards at the Grand Theatre ,. Alphonse Daudet'. 'Sspbo ' as leterl.r.ted 1 V the Austr•Ils-. Comedy Com - may. The pl y ,toff is '.rue to ser urs and port; aye an •d., ,. urs soppnr J 10 h.ve 00- corred In tb• l.fr of the author with one of the dem'-m»ude • f gay Perla. A great many people totem -led the petlorm.nos lit avenlug who were looking for something that they failed to .se, and coul 1 not •p• prwiate the tree p•r*1 ,.1 of Duman nature. the delicate pstho. as wrltteo by the author ur 0 e soon -h form and carol le manner in thioli IL was p•. •eatsd. T' . .6,. I. Olean, 10 say the least, .^ 1 is ,.f a higher oleo e ven tet -n , Cam tlle. The oompney u very strong, and amongst 10,.e • king the leading porta m'ght be mentioned Alex Ooobraee, who took the pert of Jean Gausst11, the Iodine man, and Mass George Elliott, the leading lady. who appa.red In the title role. Mr. (',chran•nttoht be m'-• taken for a Lsn4oner, and, in face, might ever? one of lbs company. His rtortraval ,f the pse*ten%'o dem sail h s wonderful smooth declaration made him a• once . (..- °rite with every one who waft °apatite of judging sn aofor on hi. qu-1 Seat inns, anti not on the merits of lbs man swims, Literary work he is expounding 31isUsorg• Elliott groelully, anal with • manner that bore 00 141, fao. 04 it her perfect con or. hens:oo.9� the woman whew pert she lok, gav *adieoao a parrot rendl•ton of life lid pawns. eta, Idol of reli., who hove w• • :.0 brut even of the' . 'h 1." Th marrire nn at Porter'. and w. errant' an overffawl.a boom. COMING ANO GDlNG Mies Annie (':mOrel pent Sunday in towr. Mrs Melo ',intent it ft on Moody for the Pacific Coast to •p and the winter with her sop, 5 dot y A. Kgenr, L fan i Rrt'enoe oifoer, her been sen: to Palmerston to relieve Of8 'er Waller, who le nn ;he alok list. S.reh Troop.. 01 lluHett, was removed from the, j .il Isarweek to 1.,edea a•yl.m, in ehatg, rel Mrs: Jahn.toe, Provinotal bail ff. • lieedon-iilloe.lChrnntolet-3. R. Holmes, of H-!menllle, .. Oo' , w. In Moreton 1•„ a abort time ea iKonl..v calling on Me Old frlesds,,f. T. Acheson rad tubers. Milken Obis) Dai:y Petrlot : Dr. (.h.ries U. William*, of Cleveland, lobe bee teen the guest of W. U Aletender and gamily, left Mosley for Baltimore, Md., where he will take a epeeist coarse tt•Johne Hopklos. 1)r. 'l'hnms, 0 Hag.n, rho (7.u.dien litter.teur, 1i*• e u nod from a tan menthe' tour to Europe, where he visited F:ng'no I, Ireland, fd lgtuu,, Gsrmeuy, Atli tri., It.:y, 44417tri . 1 nal Frono", ani was present at. the Pase'o-. Play in Oboe axomerras Guelph 9lereary • Among the Waiters 1, the, city tits wa k wee Mrs. Young, of Cel home township, neer Goderioh, who 861 not seen 1:11'1(l. for Piety years. She is now. eigety.five yearof age, hi had teen children, to 01,0 10 log, and Is wonderfully sprightly for her rare. c •e'eiting her Mother, Mr. W'rolner, ,. t t,wn• ship. Wm, Andersen and family comm., c their Wore lintro. ay to Johannesturg, Mouth Attlee. Thursday last, after a visit of ester.► months with friend' In East Wa wanoelt, Tt• joarrry .111 oonnoy about six weeks. Althoneh the country le not yet por8ed, Mr. Aoder.nn oonsld,rs it 0eoee5ary toroth= te Zook after his business tateses1s, CHURCH NOTES - their decision uaaslmou•ly in favor of the .firmative. Daring the eve0lug a 0c10 w&e rendered by Miss Ida Harland and an In struoteotal duet by Woes Clara Sharman and Mildred Campbell, Time was a large attendance. ARCADE LOCALS - 15 'kelps warted embroidery silks for Sc. 50 .guar•(quilt pawh work) for 8e at Ihe Aro.de.• S'0ghs and double Berlin wool ab 5o •n ounce for the first week In November. Ladles' (:eebmere gloves rod children'. Ringwood gloves •L 15o pair at the Arcade. One table 01 re.dyto•wear sailors and I other shape* ; also ohlldreo'r elder down hoods and eape. Ckolo. Friday and Satur• dry for 293 *soh. Wire not unmindful of those who will build their own hats this fell. Com* and sea the 8 bolo p1 *lags, birds, plumes, as preys, Rhine stones, jets, ribbons &o., at lal1 pries .t the Aro.ds, U. W. ANuoaws, Bigger and better than ever. That's how we with to entptmalxe our millinery depart - men'. Tb* stook never showed to better .dvanl.ge than now. Pilo of sew goods hove been added, and among them you'll hod a pleasing •bundaooe of the l oarces& and noes refined novelties for the month of November, .Il the latest and most fashion- able oonoelts you'll find showing here as b mat ter of course, totes, New fork styles In hats and bonnets. New heedwear for ehlldreo. New millinery materials and uovelue* of every desortpblou st .peolally low prices for November at the Aroode. Rv, Wm. k)u(j.,°agh,of Mtr.'ford, will presoh at both seniors i0 North *r, Meth• odltt church on Sunday nett. The Woman's Auxiliary of 9t. (corgi ■ ohuroh Intend forwarding • bale of clothier to Prinos Albert, Soketohewa,, next week, for the Indian whnol, Oa All Main's' D.y ('odo*1 there will be n celebration of poly oommuelo0 at 8 In the moraine and a service nn the evening at ;i:,a0 at St. George's church. The social held by the C. h,. Society of Knot oheerh lar' Thnrsdey evening was a gratifying ■noose/. The chair eras taken shortly alter elah1 o'olwk by the pester, Key Jas. A Anderson, aria w program of tool and fest,um-at• .1 mune, 1n which the following 1.Item and gen, tomer' took par, WWI tbs. Oat Ile ,l ogle Woes Ileatrloe °arrow, Claire R.ynolds, Haul, Senile, Mabel Treth.way, Pearl Trethswsy, Etta Mantis, Irene Await., Tree Mol`oll, BeatHee Md)e11, Olive Smith sod Meagre. Thomson an Jordan. 81i.. Nelle Jamieson gets • recitation and the Birinyi. stone ernhestre a eeleo(Inn ebleb wee heartily epplandod. After the program the manor), ti elven over M *oriel nen ewes, these present from time In time 8a4 - Ing their way to the room. .here refresh- ments were served by the ladles. Shorn) after ten o'N..ek the meeting hook• np, all declaring that a very plummet evening bed 0....pena. Th. Kp.nrtt, i.e.e.. of North street Methodist ohnroh had an letereeting meat Ing on Tn.sd.y evader, the spaniel festers being a debate en the snb t, "Resolved, that we ire not Instilled fs eenlnling the Chinos from our eoentry." The .111rma live was promoted by W. H. Robertson and H 1.. 9.18.14, and the negative by R. R. Ower mid R H. McResde Tk• jsdg•e were Jades Mamas, R. 1. Mw... 11 A., cad &s._ arra. • id_ A re.. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING A *405 91.5.7401.9 OPINION. C•,loago British-Amerlo•n : The psople 01 Caned• will think twloe before dismiss- ing the honest, able and brllh.ot Laurier for •Tupper that li • representative of a bygone era. Ws would regard It as little •bort of a mismity should the Liberals lose the., sapteu,.oy .t this juncture of Cana dlan history Mr. Lourler's fidelity to the Kay re In the face of the jalouey of his own raid associates should entitle him to the support of ill loyal Canadians. MUTUAL TO1.I11.ATION, Rev. Prof. Clark, of Trinity University : "I admire the personality of .Sir Wilfrid L'u,ler very muoh. As to his beteg • Ro- man Catholic, how could that be used .guest him! Sir Johu lhomp•on was • Boman ('atbolio on the opposite side of politics, and he became Premier. Sir Wil Irld Lwrler 1a entitled to the same co0- elderatioo. These creed oriee are not to be commended, for how owe we live with mole otbet udlon we exerotse mutual toler•tlonr A %TATrNAN er N(Vrgw,RTRY ABILITY. London, Ee. y k' ^s.ol.l Nmwr,'tRR.�, t • u_ •erv.tivs party la Canada is inmost i leaderless, though not so divided, .. Is the Liberal party In England ; tis one party bi not reoevere4 from the lose of Its Inspiring leader, Sir John blwdooald, as the other hi not reoolered from the loss of Mr. Gladstone. Theo, Sir Wilfrid Lourler has show0 hlmmll a statesman of note. worthy ability, at well i greet personal oharm ; he surprised Goode ; and the re• fleeted glory whloh the Dominion enjoyed from Sir Wilfrid's sao0en tie London at the Dl.mou4 Jubilee can hardly yol baye been forgotter. POLITICAL POINTERS. Senator Futlord, of Hrookvllle, has Ing struoted his.01101tor to take proceedings at ono. •gal051 Hon. Clarke Walla°. for atstlog at • public meeting at Toronto .tunotton that he hid purohesed his Monster - ship and that be was ming 0ts Senatorship ler advertising purpo.i In oono,otlon with his business. Speaking oo behalf of the Independent candidate in North Simone, Lt. Col. O'Brien, •i-M.l'., said that an examination would not disclose one tittle of evidence to justify the language of the Opposition to thele Ohorges of oorruptlou agsiatt tie liov• e rnmont That Is pretty good testimony from .o old Conservative like the Color .'.‘ Al- the Liberal meeting lit 'Thursday nvencog, Mr. Saunders In the course o1 hie address made the statement that the code - rich Organ Co. was now shipping from ninety to one hundred organs a month to the 01.1 Country. We are Informed that supporters of the Opposition *rou.d town hove boon oslling this statement in que'tloo OA an exaggeration, The lot 1r that the tigers.' .re within the mark. The Com loony's shipping hook shows that ninety. seven organs were shipped to the Old Country during the month of October, The orders from the Old Country for ehlpmest this month (November) amount to 115 116. .d4ress Job4 ('harltnn to Me e leolors of Northrel Norfolk ha. born distort ed by the Conservative pros with the object of making It appear that Mr. ('hart ton Is withholding hie support from the (lovarnraeot. Mr. Charlton fits' Tautly stales In the wood paragraph et kt. .d• 4r... 4 vhlch wet notice The Ood.rloh Star omitted lest week) that 0. Ma been placed in nomination by the Liberal n00yentlon of North Nortolk end hes o0%pled t4►t nom- ination He does not pledge hIm..,Il to a slavish .npport of any patty, tint he ono• elders himself .n endepsodeat liberal, pledged to support the time-honored prinol0les of the Liberal party. Mr, (;hart ton simply semolina Ihe right of every Liberal to think for himself. That he dose not a.. •yrs to.ye with the Government In every point In our ettlons' affairs is 1100 to be constrned Into A statement that he doe* not think the t eminent derervfng of stip- port, which le hat the Tories would Iles t0 maks e. f 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS. W 9710: dried spp!e', fowl and hatter. W will pay 20o. for .holm roll hotter 1111 6th N*,. Our stook le large and well al - sorted (1. E. KINo, Wingbom. Oyster.. Get them .t the Victoria Res- taurant, Wset street. They receive them regularly always fresh, 10e °ream, no,. feetlonery, frulte and cigars, 0. Hi.Ave • aTnNa, proprietor. Telephone 70. mai TbresMsg ■e..wb. W Deli g•tnkly leave Toe, It ono need Or, King's New Life fills. Thousands of suf- ferers have prayed their matchless mull for sink and nerve* headaehen They make pert blood sad (MIA rep veer health. Gely Wi omits. Mealy hams if not mored. Held buy JOIN. WIN,, 4109,1.5. BORN. NORTON. to Drialop. ear the Nth of Onto her, the wife of Hillary Harms• of s 4.it6hter, 01110. WYNN --L..grb*e• et* -- ¶est flIff011 E1ocoil! MazGB tet the, O,tereet of the Liberal Candidate, ROBT. HOLMES, will be held ea follows :- DuNOANNON (Ashfield), Thursday, November 1st. SCHOOL Hones No. 7, (Ashfield), Friday, November 2nd. ST. HELvNs ( Weer Wawsnosh), Satur- day, November 3rd KINTAIL (Ashfield), Monday, Novem- ber 5th. )cher meetings may be announced. Each moetlogg t., tvdumenat at 8 p.m. Ladies are .N,rdially Invited. The Conservative Candi- date is melted to attend. Polling Wednesday, Nov, 7th. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. 'A TORY ROORBACK THE Tories are industri- ously circulating a cam- paign roorback that Mr. Holmes' nomination paper was not in the hands of the returning officer at the time specified by statute. The report has not the slightest founda- tion. The nomination pa- per was placed in the hands of the returning of- ficer in proper time, and itk-the presence of Dudley Holmes. Thisours gent- leman, being wit anIn- quisitive turn of mind, asked for leave to examine the document, which was not granted, as he could produce no authority for his demand. That is all there is to the story. If Robt. McLean thinks he is elected by acclama- tion why does he not stop holding meetings and can- vassing ? WHAT WAS MAJOR BECK iJOING7 Major Joe Bm oc went to Ottawa with the first contingent of witnee'ee on the West Huron case. He at., with them, he drank with them, he slept with them. He was the intermediary between them sod the Conservative r-om, No 6, in the House of Common• He was roneulting actuary to Ifolrnv A. Pnwzi.r., the prosecuting atter• nay in the Pnvileges and - Elections Com- mittee. He sat with Norden and Powell and loaded them up during the examination, and he viae in c'nee connection with the men to he examinee' when not so engaged. He Earl gone clown as a delegate to a fraternal ."minty, but the conferbnoe did not last more than three days, but Major Jog had other fhb W fry and stayed in Ottawa for oome weeks. When his funds gave nut the hat was p.s.wd1 around eo that he could continue to oversee the weak members of the dela g.tion. if Major Jog. BOCK was not coach- tng weak witnosneo and keeping them in the t rare', what was he doing t -DAN MaGo.u. UDDT at West Huron nomination. SNAP SHOTS. - 110995.7 jMdL 1.1 et1B stands on Tur• rr.R'* 1896 platform with Vieth feet. - ROBERT MCLIAN made a lamentable ex- hibition of himeelf at the nomination and got horribly mixed rep on the dates in 000- nection with the sitting of the Privilege. and Elections Committee. Rosser may toe • ouca,.sful butcher, but he in ,omewhat S hy on parliamentary rules, and what 1n more ho will never Iden, - - snyone ever hear JANDA ilhl97HIitt. den'eanfe•'the machine" when ikon Bin. w1n'HAM, Dr. MONTAOrg and the vang overran the conetituencien in 18921 Did anyone ever see a Toe written by Mrrciitt.L denouncing the FR1geoRN fraud. In Mae. donald, Man 7 bid anyone ever know Mr. Ido reitgy.t. to act fairly with his political op. pnNmta or (.note to slander them! No ; he hes hart tomtit crow heftier, end may have to do it again. -A deal h.* hewp said by MCLS&\'e friends about the leebnrn vote. Well, the Leeborn vote hart never been very strong for TUrp6,. in January, 1896, when W*t*MlLI.,a ran M T,PPsn'n condi. date, he got telly 29 vote*: in June, 1896, when M(•i.ean ran as TOPrgR'* c.ndielat.. he got Mut 28 vote* ; and in 1899, when 1144 L0A9 run an the Turns. candidate, in the 101,111e polling wnh-divines b. got 30 votes. And yet his friends keep en equeeltng. -- " Union, peace, friendship 26.1114 flse..-.:ae.'t a__ awes