HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 88 T9ueaDAY, Oct. 25, 1100.
Bargain Day
Commencing to -day (Thursday), and for nne week
values that you will appreciate in new and season-
able goods. Don't lulss it.
A Special Lot in
different oolors rang-
ing from $4.00 to
Clearing at $2 50.
A large range of
beat value" in new-
est style Jackets.
Prices away down.
Special Lot Fancy Wrapperettes,
Prints and Gingham',
Clearing at 5c.
Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe
Flannelettes, regular 8c quality.
You know now these goods have
Clearing at 5c a yard.
Ladies' Fine Wool Hose, regular
Clearing at 20c.
Now is the time to get a je.ut.ty,
ready-to-wear Hat to rave your
good trimmed hat ; goods worth
$1.00 to #1.25.
Clearing at 75c
:special I.ot nicely trimmed Hats for
Ladies and Girls, really worth
double the money.
Clearing at $1.00 and $1."5.
Some Spooled Bargains in Men's
Suits and Overcoata. Come and
look over our large stock.
Special Line Men's Fancy Striped
Underwear, goods worth 40 oentd
each. Clearing at 25e each.
See our extra value Wool Socks, 2
pairs for 25c.
Special Line hive's and Boys' Peak
Caps, clearing at 15e.
-Smith Bro's
& CO.
Scenes.- The local •gooey In Dungannon
for T . BIowot. is •t the oMoe of J. OW AMD.
J .P., ocave7)anosr, lea. who will matte or
den for subscription. ,dvertiatng and Joh.
work, and L authorized to give reoelpts for
amounts laid for the same
'.5f. now. will resume hL trips to Damian
an In April. -1.t and 3rd Friday each month.
TUESDAY, Dat 23, 1900.
ANNUAL Tot's.-CoileoWr J. H. Taylor,
of Wiest Wawanosh, 1e on his annual
tour and hopes to has • oordi•1
response from the ratepayers of the
munlolp•llty. He states that thus f.r
he has dons well and that if possible .11 the
saxes should be paid on or beton. the 15th
December, which le the date allowed by the
municipal statutes.
CortvALre'RNT.-We, along with the
many friends of the Rev. T. K. McNair,
Mir McNair, ht. daughter, Mr.. Isaac
Hamlin, Mn. D, Bookie, Wm. Thomp.on,
aad d.eghter, Was Tillie, T. O. Allen. our
noose, also Wm. MoM•th, all of whom
have been on the look Itet, are pleased to
know that they are oonvsle.oter. We pre
gums that our medioee have been gaite busy
to oouseyusne. of so many patlente.
Imovorios.-On 'Tuesday of last we
Rev. K. Fairbairn, B. A.. and David J
dine and .1.'0. K ard, J P., attended t
ordination and induction of the Ke
Mr. Maxwell to the pastorate of Ripley a
Kerrie Presbyterian churches. A large
toodnoe of olrgyman and others w
present to witness the solemn and Intern
Ing oeremooy. Rev. Mr. Murray, I1. 1
of Kincardine, sated as Moderator
\ Preehytery meeting. The examination, o
\dtnattoa and Ioduotlon, were ln.trnotl•
We wish the newly lnduoted pastor noon.
In his ministerial serving.
O*Miro AND 0,1,.. - Rev. yimn
Pentland, of Wanstead, Miobigan, and to
mwly a resident of AshB.Id and also of ou
vUlags 1. oo a •bit to hi. pareoto, Mr. an
Mrs. T. Pentland. least Sabbath the rev
gentleman 000duoted morolog and mem
. *moss In the Methodist churches h
and at (hews very aooepbbly. W., aloe
with his host of aatualotano., are pleas
▪ Ho him looking vigorous . (; serf
Walker, of borer*,' township clerk o
Benin. and Charge Omen, formerly o
Wingbam. sod now of Koslanrt, R. C ., Int
hers for goers on F Ailey last, after havin
• pleasant visit, with tbw former's parent.
Mr. and Mr.. James Walh'r. Mr. (Sr..
is a prominent mine owns., la Roseland
whore he has been far upwards of five years
and succeeded well. He g sensori
Boos of • large amount of stook fur develop
Ing the mines, from some of our promtoee
bosin.es men. We wish them gond diol
donde to the •nberprlse. Mr. (;ran lei
Wingham about twenty years ago for eh
Prairie Provinoe and the Northwest. If.
a shrewd, melee fulness man His
Honor Judge Maeeoo passed through our
village en his way W the nonooil room of
West Wawanosh, to hold the ooart of re-
vislo of oter
s list. t We have cot vee
board result of Me oourt _ Rev. R. Tr.I.veo,
Tif Brantford, who was hen on business
daring last week, left for home on Fridsy
..Thomas Boras, Mr. MoN•lly'eforeman,
who Ids bore Thankaglvleg Day to visit
he family a1 Hensler, Waterloo oounty,
returned on Mooday.... Will .m Douglas
and wife, (nee Milligan), formerly of West
Wawanosb, and now of Mb'' wan, are vlsi'.-
twR r r sialives ben.
RgpraaEL. ANT, GAMT HUNT. -Thor* was
s geor sad squirrel boot beta last Thunday
ander the ansploes of the Dengan0ou rifle
and gen club. ('biles Elliott and .1s.
Cumberland were unanimously sleeted as
'epsalns. (I•psalo Elliott and hie men ammo
off •loeerlens by abone Hy. hentired relate.
The hunter. returned home in the evenlog
and reported that came was very *metros,
and that la .00esgnwoesbey hada laborious
da y'.h uo t, with the sxosptloo of red eq u I rr.la,
of whlob a lane number wen killed They
were most immoral* is femme' oroharde.
Mine host of the Queen'. hotel states that
be was very muoh fatigued swing to having
trudged about twenty miles mere or ler,
les .earth of • beer, bet be did nee mooned
la fining it, and, not biting 'ensiled en Mom
any .ma re warns, ha did nob have many
paints to lot. credit. We week! .ngge e
that es the next eooasion mins boot gone
equine! hosting h should .hoot all and
sundry Obae Demes In sight, A plewnt
Sims was spent during the avoning at the
Qnsso's, when an exn.11an/ oyster supper
WIMP prepared by Me hostess, whish 1 pre-
sume ws nlshed by the hunting petty anti
ether dlseingeishwd gusto• all of whom pro-
.o.nesd tee edibles •yeellent. Alter she
new an .reell.et entertainment of meals,
midranges, see , was held. .1. R. Meas,
ELD., ably presided. After a *peenald
epwlnr address /he ehalrman there fel,
lowed • tease an Rev Majesty, wbinh was
duly r..peoded sa ; Dna/mann ren olab,
raapeoded b by R. J. Crawford, 1). Mo
(lerw'lek and A. Mahon ; tae ladiest en
gsnded ea by .1. (I..'.Mrland, (1. RS11n44
aed JAMS Riles, jr. 1 netters, by 0. Grew,
R..lwd, 14,C., Wm. Welsh, agent of Rx
sdelw [Ala fsenwas (7e , tetraWeM, and
Gen. Walken, (Ferris, Mirk .f w tewnsalp
• e.
). ,
r -
D -
of Howlok ; meroanUle, responded to by
Al... Molotyr., B. J. Crawford, S. .1
Yount, Wm. MoArtbur, Thr. Little, I)
Bloke and Donald McNeely., jr. tt.dee
and labor, by Wm. MoArtur, A. Daher,
J. O'Connor and other" of our artisan. : the
learned pruleestona, by Jot. T. got t, pr ooi•
pal of Dunga;,non pablh' echo•1 Tho in.
viteA guest. were G Green, of Rosel►n4,
Id (7 , Goo. Walker, of Guru., Wm Wsieh,
of Stratford, and Mr. Chamnev, et flew
miller. Mr ('hamney, the wori1.renowned
comedian, entertained those present wttb
amusing and appropriate oomlo song., mob
as he well knows how to sing. The ple•etog
eotertaiumeot, in ire various porta, was
brought to • close by • cordial and unani-
mous vote of thanks to the hoot and hostess
for the exoellent provinces made by them
for the entertainment. A vo•e of thanks
was also tendered to the oh.,...tan for his
effu-ient service.. bolero parting, God
Save the Queen was heartily sung, when
nob and all retired to their reepeotive
homes, testing well pleased with the even-
ino's eotertalomcnt and with thernaelvs.
Captain Joseph, It wild be your turn next
hooting match Keep up yeas
spirits, We 000gntulate ('apt Charles
the time.
WrrN,..nty, Ott. 24
Mir fella Kerry, 01 Looknow, le the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. fl .1. Crawford, and
is enjoying her stay to our village !m•
A Hants' Loo -At noon no Tuesday
the Dungannon evaporator, owned by Frank
Russell, was discoyred to be on firs, and in
spite of the putting forth oI every effort the
large building and 000ieate ware oomplete-
ly destroyed. The Aarloultursi Hall, which
Is only a short distenos away, was in great
danger, lint the moo worked lake Trojans
and managed to save the building. Resides
the evaporator bolldiog, about $1,000 worth
of stook was burned. The tnsuranoe to
$1,000 on the butIliog and $500 on the
stook. Fortunately the stock was inured
to this amount a oonole of weeks age. The
fire cause • serious Ines, not only to Mr.
Ruseell, but to the oommuuiby, the evapor-
ator having afforded • oonvsfent market
for apple -grower• sad having given employ.
meet to quite • large number of heed,.
TUEAUAy, ( )otoI.•r 2,3.
THE ORowtst: Thea. -Our village and
vicinity has been paring through • period
of prosperlty unprecedented to its history.
On every side may be seen evldeaoes that
our farmers are In hotter ciroomet•ooee than
formerly, and the number of new building"
and silos that have been erected dorleg the
past year or two abundantly teshflr to thle
fact. We shall not make any assertion as
Se whet has nosed this extraordinary "tete
of things, we merely record the facto, suoh
ao any person may see for himself, and leave
the reader to draw his own 000aluelone.
Below is • list of the new buildings, tern',
"Bog, etc, that have been rented in •00
arra o
u d lienm' le
it r during the past year or
two. amounting In the aggregate to many
thousand. of dollar. James 'looking, two,
story Nook bele; los. EAwsrde, large
implement hones : Riot. Bowden, large baro
with &Moe sables ; Frederick Kermoh.nski,
barn with 'tone stable' ; James Lona, frame
house and .sable ; Alton Gledhill, extensive
repaln to .tore and dwelling house :
William Allln, now hour; Richard A111n,
repairs to dwelling house ; ,lees Snyder.
Ingo driving shed ; Itiohard Jewell, le:;(e
and baadeeen brlek hese, metre to hen
with new windmill ; Win Strsnghan, silo ;
W. Dant, silo ; Mn. Molloy, silo . John
Halliday, silo ; W. Older ; new brink hoose
and additions to ban ; Henry Young, new
home ; Levi Snyder. silo ; R.m•ou.l Mlt-
oh.11. silo ; W. Forrester, silo ; W
Sraughan, huge pig pen and poultry
houses ; Woollen mill, regain te belles
home ; Abe Fehr. extensive repairs to
dwelllar hors; (:has. (Ike, new f000d►tion
to horn ; James Jewell, remodelled blsak-
.mlth shop ; John Fllok, eetendve repairs
to dwelling Koos ; Frsdertok Lawrie, re -
pain to homes and new weed shed ; the
three Methodist oburohes. Zhao, Bethel and
Rsumlll.r, have ben newly painted and
much Improved : Ames Fisher, extensive
repairs to bars and et shies ; John Walter,
gement flowing 4. .table. and repairs to
barn ; Mlohael Pframmr, remain to horn ;
Reemillr Nnrnsry, new sills and repairs to
baro ; AM Mugford, new born ; W. Van -
atone, new frame beau and wiadmf44
Trona", Got. 23,
Janoh Shaw, of °Merlon, visited hese on
Thankeetving 1)ay.
144.. Finals Fot erlerham, .f Brasfield,
4. visiting her ester. Mn. A. H. Clntiee
The thanksgiving service on Thursday
morning of last week had a Rood setae
dance. Rev. Mr. Hamilton eoadnoted sh.
Oar townsman, .las. IAnklat.r, *peel
Tbsek11F1•Ing I)ay In the Churn City with
his broths,, Jahn I.InkI•tr, and etes.4.d
Ill. big Reform mooting held Man the alight
TUaeu*Y, Got. 23rd.
W. H. Reid wee a unmoral, venter to ear
U*rg last Sunday.
MW Bone Richardson spent Sunday at
Mr Han'., henudller
Chiron* graham, of the 0. ('. 1 , snot
Sunday at his borne here.
Mrs. 1. B. Graham egoist a 1.w days last
week 'lentos bar inter, near Ssalortb.
Mn. Duucun MINT. left last week on •
trip to Muskoka and other palate north.
Andrew Bennett has sold his 50 slue farm
to Taos. Culbert, of Colborne, f fie mum
el $1096.
The members of the Shame/Abel church
Darpon giving their auuu•l het *upper neat
Tuesday eveol.g, Dot, . 30'.b A good pre
gram is being prepared and • good time
la anti Anted.
Tumw.r, Oot 23.
M O'Meara and Chas. \oung, of the
Goldwater township, ware traslent visitors
on Sunday last
Well Nano,. Nitro, of (ialerlob, with her
three 0150es, enjoyed • pleasant visit W
l.orneeide, '1 bursday of last week.
Mr and Mn. Humber, with their
children enjoyed • plewnt vlsit here oa
Th•rrk.gtving Day, the gnome of Mr and
Mn. K. Fulterd,
MIs. Ella Clark, of Loyal, near here,
spoof last week 1n Goderlob, the guest of
her brother, 1)r W. F. Clark, who, we are
glad to state, is now nicely oo his way to
reoovery after hie recent severe siege of
Bona. -Monday of this week, near the
clow of the neon hour, the ploture of this
famous general of the 'Transvaal was was
hung up in our seat of Iwrning by 1ta genial
preceptress, Maas Coutts, and then there j f
was loud, hearty obeeriog of the scholar* as
they beheld the noble defender of the British
empire adorning the walls of their school
room. It is rumored that the plotorr of one
of Canada's great leaden is to be given 0 R
the school by one of the 01(4000. of Lisburn
in the near future. b
' ono "Trp Till Death' with muoh sweat'
• sad eapreesluo, and Mn A•dereo.',
vocal auto alp was loudly applauded. 1114.
tu0 1'ys loll, of Carlow, sang "Bowie Jack"
mid his p..wtrlul sad wet' teethed toaor
vo.ue was a 0urpruan
v to my of the
aodteooe, u Mr '1 yadall has not a. y.t ap.
p.. red very frequently on a (oderlah plat-
form. Mrs. (K v) J. Wlsosb blah read -
lug woo • treat to all and was meet ea.
thuelastloally eocured leo Allan gave a
firebolna exhibition of club swinging and
ea. heartlly re •s1:r J. Otter uuu,b.re on
the program were reuttatlons and pugs by
Titres Lewitt, Olive Smith, beatrlo Prld-
hem , nurses* 8 -thew', John (leis •oil
F: lea Straiten. The auwmp•ntmteta Jur•
cant the evening were most aousptsbty play -
.I ty MIN Elle. 1'ye and Mr, Jordan. The
ftlpts of the evening's eutertionrnent
wore $18.50, tl.s only admission fee being •
. Iter 0011.0tlen al the deer.
t%. A. MoKlm was • Toronto viewer last
art k.
Mies Bertha Ruth was home from Exeter
for the bonder:.
Heaton, of Pert rat,,, v,st ed hie family
k -re 14l. week.
P. A. Moa
klo,.ou, of I.ucknow, was in
too this Renk.
Mrs. Chilton lett un Monday:on • visit to
New York Oily.
Mise Maggie Baxter. of Chirsgo, is visit
ing her aeon here.
Miss Lena Walton h•. r-tunied from her
'lett to Nuodatock
Walter Boohao•n, of Toronto, vie ted his
home 4.re last week
8. Sloane has returned from a visit to
1'iltury, Kota oounty,
Ed. Pennon, of Detroit, was home for •
ow days the past week.
Mn. Howell, of Oooudaga, visited her
son, M. W., daring the week.
TU.(p&y, Oot 16th,
K. Dug, er , is on She Wok list.
Gee. Mol)ouald spent Sunday •t Moles
worth. 1
Theo. Hall, of Wingham, preached In the
Methodist choroh last Sunday evening. h
Mr, and Mrs. Fred McCracken and child-
ren, of Brussels, spent Sunday at John
il50. Carrs, of London, spent Thanks -
tying with relative' to town.
Mn, M. L. Cameron la 'Bolan kir old
ome at Perth, Lanark county. •
Maitland Humber, of Stratford. Tinted
is home hen durlog the week.
Miss Tlohbourne was home from eredltoo
or the Thane/nein.. holiday',
Mrs. F• Carter, of Cliotoo, 'pent the
banktglvla.g holiday's In town
Mr.. 1'. 0. Cooper, of Clinton, 1e lima
.r daughter, Mrs. W. 1 oung.
Mir Orme Jobaston was home
Berlin for the holidays last week.
Miss I. E. Sharman visited friends at
o0dslock during the holidays.
Frank Morris, of Buffalo, was among the
htnksoiving Day vis tors in torn
Mrs. Rutherford, of Iiluev.le, Intends of W
feting her house for sale, and w111 remove
with her family to Hamilton. T
Dr. C. A. Toole and family removed
from this village to Broneb on Wednesday fa
morning. Lr. 'Toole has been a resldeot of
Hlsevsle tor five year., In which time he
has won the esteem of all who tome him. 1O
Mrs. 'Teale w111 be very muoh missed. We
can wore the people of Brunie that they .f
are reoelviog m•tbelr midst • skilful dootor
and a good citizen. w
Roe. W. J. 'Yet delivered • very tm•
pre.ive and interesting demurs. to the to
members of the C 0. F. last Sunday morn.
ing. The Presbyterian chetah was lolled to
the door., the Foresters o0o0pyiog the
centre pews. Mr. West's text was taken
from the last yens of the let oh.psar of T
James, "To visit the widow' and the falba he
riess io their sill tattoo and W keep himself
onepotted tram the world." of
Allah. Sperling, of Toronto, visited
o nly here during the past we,k.
Min Emma Milllen, of lloderioh, .0 •
g Mir Mamie ('tuff, Bayfield hos.
Min Jean Ultimo his returned to t
ter a visite to her sister st Wnzeter.
Mrs. .1. Hamlin 'pont Thaukeglvtog 1
ith it r Hetet, Mrs. Stobie, IDSeator'h.
Mir Sara Harris left last week ,.n a volt
Woodetuuk, Toronto and other point.
Mare Constance LgTouzol, of Henwll,
Peet the 1'uaokeglviog holidays at dome.
Mies '.lite Johnston, of Rants, .pent the
hanksglying holtdaye with her relatives
Mrs. Jame. Hole has returned from
sestina visit to her 'ori Charles to .
bit -
The Young People's Christian 'Endeavor •
Society of Knox oburoh will have • social st'o
evening at the church this (Thursday) night,
Strident' of the C:olleglateand Model School se
and other Woofers In town will b. wad.
Urogram' have bre Issued for tis Gods. of
rich Methodist district Sabbath school and ho
Epwuth La•ges convention, to W held is
Katteabury street Methodist oburoh, (2910- sup
too, on Thursday. November 1st. There pas
will tie three **dooe---moroing, oom-
manotog at 9:30 o'olook ; after0000, at
2 o'clock, and evening, at 7:30 o'clock. r_
John Brown hu gone to Stratford to take
position in J. A. Duggan'' drygoode
Mir MoCengh•o, of the Dashwood public
hoof, visited her home here during the
Ilmirevispeil, of 86. Mary's, was the Kniest
P, T. Hells during the Thanksgiving
Mra, Buthoo... sad .cn .De Id were
Wog friend. is Ttvrteo a few 4.y. ilN
t week.
Mir Corrie Watson, of Toroote, was the
est of Mr.. Colin ('.mpbsll during Hie
t week.
At the meeting of the Epworth League of
North et. Methodist oburoh oo Tuesday to
evening, Mies I.(ule Aoheeon, acceding to to
the request of many of the members, gave
en amount of her trip W Europe the past
summer. The Impression. of the trip were w"•
reoounted In a rraphic manner, and the 1
audience travelled mentally W London and
Paris, throurb Switzerland, Germany and eey
Belgium and back again to Linden. At the her
close of her address MissAoheeoo was
warmly applauded. gu
Next Tuesday evening, at the meetlog of den
the Epworth league of North street
Methodist churn, then will he. debate on for
the question m the exolu.ion of the Chinese
from Canada. The claim of the Chineto
the right of sotranoe to This oouotry will b. 1
ohamplooed by W. H. Robertson and H. L. •,."'•S.Ikeld, and the advoostes of the etolasioo "IF
pollee w111 be represented by E H to G
McKenzie sod B. H. guest, Three well. M
known gentlemen have consented to sot as fro
judge, '1'b• publlo are Invited to attend Den
and bear the discussion. vet
Mn. 14 J. Ramball, Bast street, retuned
townlwodo.. a
thitwg,iker a four weeks vie t
H. I. Stung, R A., was in Toronto last
k attending a meeting of the senate of
root. University:
blre Pattereun, of St. Mart's, spent
eral days In town the past week visiting
stater, Mrs It '1' Halls.
Mir Maggie and Normsn Macdonald, 01
Mph, were holiday visitors at the re.i-
oe of Shit A MOD. Alen.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runciman, of Steal
d, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
B. Runoimsa during the pas.. week.
ohn Bailie and Mir Bailie on Saturday
tided the funeral of Mise Redmond •t
th. The deceased made • lengthy visit
odench last year.
re. and Jennie('anteloo have returned
m their trip to firlti.h Columbia, a000m-
led by Mrs. Swanson, who bad been
flag her son there. -'- -
Between shirty and forty Epworth
Leaguers of (loderioh drove to Clinton
Monday night, and were eotereatned then
by the League of Ratteubury..t.ohuroh, A
party from She Salorth Epworth League
. l.o were preset. After the regular meet-
ing of the Clinton League, in which the
Vinton from iluforth and (;oderloh look •
great part, th. visiting Leaguers were treat-
ed t. refreshments and a very pleasant time
was spent in social loteroourse. The Ilode-
rtoh young people appreciate very highly
the kinlly hospitality of their Clinton
1e wasec
r ommended by the mission
board of the Presbyterian church, •1 Its
✓ eoept meetlo', •t Toronto, that the week
beginning 28th (feather ahould be set apart
se • week of prayer Lhroughoot all the
ohurob to the United States and Canada,
. o4 • oommittes was appointed to prepare
a olroular letter to i. Issued In time to ire
reed from the pulpae upon tha'. day. It
was also asked that special 000trtbntlnns be
',sade during that week er enh.erinently, In
order to re establlah missions that h...
been destroyed. Th. Preehyterl w oberch
In ('ands needs nob special eootributloo.,
Inasmuch w the treasurer, i)r. Warden,
reported that the fond. are In • worse state
by $14,000 than at this ditto last year.
The hot sapper given Thanksgiving oven
log tinder the •nsploes of the L.dloa Aid of
Vloherie s1 Methodist ohnreh was a grand
nooses. The napper was served In the
hasement of the ohnroh from six to sight
o oink. The tablet, over each of whtoh two
or more ladles presided, were beautifully •r
ramrod and heavily laden with tempting
viands. After the "upper a good program
was rendered in the body o1 the ohnreh.
The program Innitided addressee by Rev.
Janne Wilson and Rev. J. A. Andereon
tole. by Miens T. Brown and 11. Rslby and
Mr. Blither ; • duet by the Meson, 8.1.hm,
and • gement* by the Misses Knox .ed
Meson. TMpneen and Campbell ; nollatlona
by Maass geoid Wilton and H•ttle Rnloher
and Mn. Winton. The receipts were In the
aetghherbood et/90.
The lectors room of Knox oherth was
needed to the doors Irl Friday evenlag,
when the M•rlllllivray Minim hand nye
ewe of their popwlar entertainments. The
program .nsieted of dlaleg .. and modes
romp by some swyenty floe of the members
of the Rand, all of which ware well given
and showed *videnee of oarafel training,
and nictitation., vont and Instrumental
moles and readings. Rey, .1 A Anderwm
as ebsinn►s, and after opeoln with
prayer, celled on Norman Allan andrt.
Tye, who began Me prngrain erllh a very
well -played pNee do.t. One of the most
wley.ble fesenrs et Oho evening 0s •
salines by res R1skNene sreheetta,
*MA was beerllgy *.Mead. Mie Rows
Mn. Rohr, Henderson visit fiton.-W1g•
hem for several days the past tri. Eir
sister, Mrs Orem), who hoe been 411, V Mw
oloo'y oo I h. w.y to r.co•ery
-A vote for ROLYInI is a vote for
LAUR1.Y, and every elector who
doesn't want TUcrgR and Tun periaw
should vote for Houses.
Tux SiosaJ, leJe..sry 1N 1901 ter 20o
I"arhion is not everything,
but there is no excuse for nuy
*01111111 wearing outof da0A.,
clumsy footwear, when the
Famous American
Shoe For Women
s to be had at the same
price. The most up-
to-date and the
Finest Fitting Shoe bade
One Prloe Always
One Of Many Styles
A General
Kfbo Kid.
Low Heel.
WET *t►.so...EREM 11116 arvts MOL
Friday, Oct. 26
An event long to be remembered !
Stever+. Shipman', grand Trains -tion ..f
This will he the Biggest Event ever wit-
nessed in Godorich.
Costumes that are (:rand.
The Matt Elaborate Scenery and Rlactri.
sal Effects.
Remember Only Ono Night !
Plat) open to Aube, hien Thurwlay mornilig
Four Books
"Tho Meek Terror," a romance of Russia, by John K. Ley., author of "Thr Lied.
saye," "The Lawyer'e Secret," "Under a Mask," Etu.
"The Rebel," being a memoir of Anthony, fourth Earl of Cherwell, Inoludiog an
amount of the !tieing .1 Taunton in 11184, uuwpiled and set forth by his onion, Sir
Hilary Mew, Bart. Editeal, with some nota*, by H. B. Marriott Wankel, author of
"The Priuouss Xeuia," '•Tan Adventurers," Rte.
"Caged," • roman°. of s lunatic asylum, by Hoodoo Hill, author of "The (teem
Night," "Bosom Fire," Etc.
"A Prince of Hwindlers,'a by Guy Iiootlby, author o1 "The Red Rata' Daughter,"
"Dr Nikola," Ste , Rte.
Published iu paper, 76c. Cloth, 11.26. Scut postpaid to any address in Cowls.
"Thi$ 1tedemptlon of David Oarsion." by (Awrlee Frederic
The Boston Transcript says : No stronger piece of fiction its oome Trow the America0
prose this year that "The Redemption o, David Carson," by Chu Fredetie (tum, For
high purpose, distinct nim, earnestness and human interest, we cannot recall u1
work which is Ira equal. Rev. J. C. Withrow says : "The Redemption of Dao r.
*in" is the beet roligiou. novel I ever read.
Publisher's price, paper, 764•. Our priev, 66e. Cloth, 11.26.
Book and Wall Paper Store
Court House Square, Goderlch.
Our Telephone No. is 100 B.
fetes' old stand, West side Square.
1' uu are benefitted by ,pur-
chasing your Groceries from
STEWART, a.S you are getting
No. 1 goods at Iwleraie prices.
Cash paid for A 1 Butter. -
Undertareri aid Walmer8
LOraduatu of Mas•tehunettA:Col
loge ofoEmbolwing.
BEST (())(())0lle AT Mu DE
.q[.R. MICK, Gellman 111
COUNTY(;:o "
; OF
Treasurer's Sale of Lands
for Tapes. .
COIN TV OF HURON. TO WIT By virtue of warrant u.drthe band titbit Wards
and seal of the oorporation of the county or Huron. -mod the flet day of Anent. 1900, nom.
mending me to levy upon the Lands hereinafter desorl bed, for the arrears of tate' respective
17 due thereon, together with ousts. notloe is benbr gins that utiles" such taxes and cot.
are wooer paid. t shall In compliance with the ('oeeolldsted Ase.esment Aot. ob.ptw 1M.
R B. 0 14.7. proceed to ash by public ¬ion the mid lands or so mach thereof as may be
ne'. sary to rt inhume the more• at the (pun flour, in the Towner 0 ) ter i h. on
Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1900.
at 2 o'clo,-k in the afternoon.
L5N('al,Tlug. LOT (`ow... A4'.s PATENTED OR r• 55 cony,' roTAL
maim l'Nl'ATaa'rED.
.. y 81 __ Patent 1 $3 N 131 88
of . ..» IEat uand 14 Patented N2 38 1 50 4 0
North half ... W 13 60 Patented 4 id 2 50 0
--- - -- !0 )l Patented 4 63 2 50 7
es )i Painted 1 12 150 o :':
Albert M. N K Unpainted M 250 t •,
sleet of ....... a 6 1 Patented 4 M 2 50 T.
West half of East half 4 8 16 Patented 387 270 6 T
West half of Rest half 5 3 15 4'atented 2 82 3 30 6 :02
fart of r S. E, R'd'y !4 Patented 3 21 2 50 5 81
R Andrews survey .T Bayfield Road K Patented 72 3 50 3 23
McDonam stirrer.. 11 4 Patented 2 79
McConnell tune, R hall 9 B1',k A yf l'steeted 1611
(6 17 L/6 46I11
M0Oanghey .neon 11 Block F 1( Patented 6 50 1 50 1,00
7 Main-st. N X Patented 4 04 3 50 653
('minty Treaaurer'.Oen WM. 90LMES,
Mr.. .1. H. .1 noes (new few Tnn0W). of 1'k'' ' and floderioh, Augnut NL 1300. R81 464 County Treasurer.
Dart, Elgin county, Is vetting a1 her '
parents' residence, West o,reet. She 1.
eroompanled by her two children.
Kinoanl'ne Report*, • Mor an
Loreto*, (lh{n, ie vetting John Riegle
south .:d.. lin will visit his brothers s.,
'tete,. In A.hf0ld before he retools.
Mn. Rq,ke, late of Stratford, has oom
seri w
A I Ile
with her .nn, Joh
nitrite, of the (l, T R They have tat.
Mn. Rhyne'' house on Nowt/ate street.
Bert Mollvotu, of S g, Hlok's dreg store
has bees attacked with fever, and ha. gone
W ale grandmothor's home In Clinton. We
1,Yt b. *111 make a speedy recovery.
Morden (Man ) (7hroolcle :-MDs Keae.,
of Clinton, Ont., arrived In Marden on Mns•
ay, and
ere for
the toter.. willShe la •psister of (Chris. hhmti..
Jet•es R'itke, et Rtntferd, was married
Tumidity morning •t Neatortb to Miss Jennie
Macdonald, of that tows. The groom''
brother, John Rorke, of town, ea best
man. .1. i) (Donnell, acting roeoty
regletrr, also attended the wedding.
Itl'TLED(I R. In Oorlwrieh toweritg.hiip, on (Ion.
day. Ort. list. Joseph Rntle4ge, aged 76
lean and 5 months.
ROBRRTRON In (ir,Arich, on to mine.day,
t rotober 21th. tt'Illlam Rol -torten. aged 67
/ears and 0 months.
The funeral will take place from his late
Peeidencw. Item etrent. on Fridah Os , 11164., at
290 p. m. t0 Colborne oemetw7,-. -
RDW ARD. In Ooderleh Towel*la, CM Toe.
day. October Mrd, 1f 10 William A. lid
ware, nod ea years and 4 month*.
'rho funeral w111 take pine from his late
rn.idenrte, lot la, con, 6, Oodarinh township,
00 Thuret.y. Ont. 25th, at 2 p,m.. to M•Ittand
Opera Ilouse, _
• MONDAY, ::. -
nth, - : :: -r - --
. ... ...
e • ........,_
• `ti`
..,...: ,, ..▪ Guy__Brothers MEI T1RELS. IT PA j () Pncifat fnstree hs in
tint sib nets. For over Bftelen years we have i,oen w
touch with young people and their need(, and the bonne" world and its requiromonte.
Entire New 8bow' Every facility at ronmand for aiding young people both hofore and after ggradnahnn. We
AIL People are doing superior work ; result". prove fiend prove iend for our Catalogue and College Journal.
New First Part, with Special J. W. W ST ERVELT. Prinofpal.
Scenery. .
All water flan are now due and
must be pald by the 10th of Nov.
or the supply turned off. Hy order,
Water and Light Oommltt e,
Nothing This Season You Have
Ever Seen Before.
I2 -A 1, SINGERS -I2
Watch for the (Irani Street Penile at noon
on day of chow.
Sento on Rabat Porter's Rook Store Pries,
6Oo, 44e and 25c.
Farm Implements aid Nachiiiery,
Doering Binders, Mowers. Rakes and Twin.
Also J. W. Mann nod.
Wlltlneon Plough," of ail styles
Watson. of Ayr. Penton
'everything made n1 th very )w.t material.
Pepsin M all kinds kept no hand.
Wonld bele e.A to h.,. yen nail •nA Ir,
neon roods befor. pnreh•etee Naswh*r.
and all others who nee Hardware are invited to gee the
goods and prices MCKENZIE & HOWELL offer.
This is a splendid time to do fenci We have rt a
pretty fair assortment of sizes of our now famed AMRRICA/I
Finn FRwCING. Hundreds of rods put up this year in
-this locality, and invariably It M said to be the beet farm
fence on the market.
We have a fine line of Rouse and Barn Furnishings,
such as LATCAt8R, Hiwo■g, LOCKS, GLOM, PAfIrTR, VAR1v1,RR5.
A Targe importation of the best Ewot.taE SPADES and
HROVRIR hu jest. arrived. These, are marked down very
Onr new ELOntionli H.wfwrl MAI'RIM" 75 all that is
claimed it.' it., being the heat value out. We sell them
down at bottom pilaw. It has pointe of excellence not to
be found on ether machines.
WiaAll.hent open op In th old Anon' Maklnsw
McKenzje& Howell
L. W. WISs,