HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 7) 4�3. 1900.
Alth, you want
cod: and your
►thing but food.'
quite well, you
back to where.
delicate food,
in to man, is
JBION of Cod
11 food is a bur -
you enough to
stomach i baby
builder is food 1
sorer is
I a, lapel fm trot rmp1L
I ru nr
W N� ehemlets.
or sli .
.W: au ar.rsOs►
Ila(, "ittertalf.
astoboard from Nor
end pnp,•rtkoard frnm•
r bulhling muteriaLm
,Ie usefulness. Ta.•
,v compressing G•
Lypre tat heavy pap.•r
the product Wax A
atm, which will not
nl which Ir adapted
ilio fur panels and
pur ses.
Maas Gargan is
alp Lrandt-.
ants ther," old the
• new Committee of
hat they comm up -
x a sheet N a Pole
note' ter a flag of
fired on 'em"
+itted Um defpndan0.
wia. a black flag.•'
Ilrr's \form Powders
I keep the children .
- -
n Cat.arr'a Doty
Ile Itotmul oo-cla a#Lrn ' _
dlstlnrt -mrrdms of
GNmd of which ran
ire identfled with
.m,s•lst drly. Threw
d,[, the groYlwuu,:.
he terrier land this
a fact that Hors woubled
nd om Prairie pasture. are
MD Heave Powder
pralrts Need - whick has
rail's In rurhn kl.wres•'
r valuable ren.e�l&I t
frertosl remedy for Hearer
w an.r Cattle.
;t at all Deo��11Na, ee mal
a,wtet Part [i jar+, Oat
to Purchase.
:P shoot 1a hap d. h(rtl
to I:nn, hest ba rouoL
. tlea'ARIL
t�'indwr Hotel.
Moaireal. pus
heat lard• unimproved. H�
a., nt�orth $13 An sere. w'a
errtat bat'ia1a. H. D. Burd.
.. Middlesex ('a.,OWL• (df.
pmAneill a: salArls two
hLrn"• "tone Baton
r abundant; one d the beet
r for either grain r,rQ+rko(:
.Looe .stat..: pprima tl.lrar, w
A. A. CampbeIf. Londa)
In the Nla�rta peninsula, V
rom Hast on. on two reit
of which L In fralL, .ossa? ----
told of fruit-r.,omt'y pr"et." -_
will bo wld In I,AA N. roil(
Is a barsalu. Addrw -
•.O. Box Y1. Wimmot rant
no havonr old oelleri lona w
111 find it to their adrants;
1'. O. Was art HamllLm.Oat
)cwt Nana ftwtow. •
s voawar aper /ret ��
la to al Arch ewes, Plitt
+rUw Lad trw p tifal kaUt
note, IM Notro Dome street
soothers# amen dwuld r
hfldren Tnothing. It ssethr
Life a ours wty4 cell. ---
edsTor Dlarrksa Twwtr .
--- -
in the World.
narcla. Jacobs ,h Gil•.
r.erwdea, rnatmw/.
beounto warxst. Itrtk)rt• "n
market rt.tkwta, r lamas sf
to the prompt despatea of all
- -- - days the Imperial party V r11 I w h I" SAI I S B U I IY
days W tock. Wre run to Lhls 1)'xt. n:-!'eerWcnt Kruger Ira {,awopr, oc rrwiacand nt vl the Dally Mall ►vffervnl great hnralrhf{e. -• The 'a11Y
'FUo eurlmot data at which the traulw- rubel friss here &Lt auun yesterday• BUITAIN RND hmrl with whk•h they were fouloVlh•d
51�ATNCONRS hors tan arriv0 here will Wierstore Adus itch to the Dull ]daft from rfayr�
p y Utrpltr tall denlnlr, I taunt that wits the rv)wwrrl millet tat the Cuuutry. cTA
ter the a, on hag of Muu,kay, Oct. •'9th. Liabun too)@ that President Kruger large Orders fur coal treeks to Iws &Laid tat flight tlt•y had W ,deep) kn w&Ly WI �� S I RY a
It Is qullw pmlwibe rhe will fqt be war acoouu stnfed nal board the Iiut.01 tired ht Tratui capitally have Iwen R side Inter to O f nxigll brk k liauge 11
r here before the first of November. N'ershlp Uelderltand at Lorenzo Mar- pina•ed Ia the Vaulted l3tates, t►t GERMRNY funllaltd fur Wie ucaa,mmtxlatiun of
ATTACK CON�01 All Ota N«me Nuo(Ir quer by three exalted llortuguese of- prices aur delivery horn which are travellers. - I
Ottawa, Oa t. nolle lee Otl x. Exe• ffctads. Before walling tie assured the 20 per uesat. b low Eagllslt prier*, 'the Royal Party.
_ cuLlve (:I, Oct. ee tum Lhu rsoe pExe- Governor, on film hunur, that he would while the Aruerla:alb hfavo a wttract• ,4moGg tburao Willi Grcumptulnd
_- of the returning i'oforttile trtr tkcof g" direct ter }Holland, catling only ut ort to deliver lit halt the time re- this court were Prince Tuan. Kwaug
old ,hut the nremtern of Lhfa wnt4i• Marseilles. (Tulrwl by the Englbh• 1'I and N'uug Wetreh+ua, +%Fill It tr "lit
gout wtu,se bumem ore lit Ilio (loan- --- "The TraaatvAtl military asallways that lite Empnw, fe"'11g "yfilpathy Inventor of Steam and Air
have laced an order Lor tank nae Form an Alliance to Deal witll Waai tau atxaultt of his age,
gut Unsupported They Were tt,w CartAtou, Itusmell. Wright and Returned Vroflt the brunt. g
glues to the value Of L21JOA1W with urged black W return W Itis nmittence Brakes Dead.
"Us'Wit will tale trfttted exactly the Cape Town. (kit. "1. -Dr. rRlr Wil• Euglirh firms, although the prices tat thee cnpitml, but tlw add man tagged
Yam) as those from the City of Ot• Ilam Thourpicin. chlef surgeon of lire ern 20 per coat. over Awericaugts► With China. with team to tee ,allowed W share In
Unable to Capture -t- _ . taws. fkouth African forcer, and the Ir-
--- Lob Hospital Corpm. have arrived tations. lh)txdt arf Lhu arum
l'ulunlnlr h Nteerr e. here tram the taut. "Tile great drawb:tck to FASIlrtl h:xl-rtlie numillatlon.
Y R work W delay lit delivery."
Montreal, Oct. 19. -Tile tsar pttb Diamonds h&Lre beeti discovered In -_ "The humiliating exit of tide rz-
TROOPER KILLED BY LIONS. Usher the following special cable Lhu Mtuy tdirlrict, bi ch this vl fail rpt ter u{rw tem proG l mu descr clan '
trove London_ Ycrtmctnabarg, wbiuh it 42 ttdt.s 1eN't.lewns Kubertr. PRINCIPLES SET FORTN. meter be imng►Heal loan tia.urlbthl, JAPANS NEW CABINET
"Lupton, Oot. 19. -Thio R'ar O[floe from Uriquutuwn. A regullar pro.• A recent number of The 'limen hod Mud i, hlw (ivideutly lairpplred a desire - --
and lhn Adwlralty aro being severe- peeking issues has started Ut the tlip fullowiflg despatch- - (o ,enp{ennde, nr is indlcatrd in the
R at he Ad (air menden the return- dh+lriet. } leter:•tarltzburg, Oct. V. Iurt secret orders seat to Lt Hamigg Chung
1i Nob•rtr line Informed tine Governor fur the recapture of 'Cten•Tsln and
d lilgktslrg AIM Kllle Tvvo 8uldlera ing colonial Invalids house air steer- gsrk tau Uu13 Agrlu. lhflt hip visit to thlr city, where ho l)ttrer 1'uwen W111 beArkedtuAgred Ills Described war Curloua Eaperl-
rge passengers. Iletin, ns well as by the tote of re-
_►Lesr Uras Wstand--The lean- Irord Carrington has charge tat a Ioodol. Oct. :'1. -The following sur to have arrived tail Tui•sday to ',bent -No h:arruachnreut tat; cent edicts. meat --Its f'orastilutluis hunt fur
Verde \at«I toxo fund fur wounded rultlers, and ('aunthtu offloeew, wIw have bran ill next• Ir Postponed for a w•eea. +Ther q'rrrllury, llut Vree fort De- "Ila the light tai this uarratvs Lhe Jall•ilreakers--Otte or the ('oa-
Reaei Ca►e gel Ilia# fe torture 1tt+11PItG1. slava tllanhnrgest sea the cut la,raLion %till protceut the low - refereucu W this nccx,unt gh'rn by aha
-.--aAl!!!" - It has been Arras U►
Volunteers Disbanded - burrs eoloulald will go but►w as second Nu- l Itit, Mud are now, on duty again . nmualer-in-Chlef with un address. maaded. ---- Stn=Wrcl-Pao, n( tae *ei«xWd ilia alrtr Reauyturrd Mud 1•ulloa Atter
Spar IDurmtuntrla, lout pawreugen at the fund', ,x- Lieut. J. D. Moodie• C FAluudren, --- - London, Oct. "O. -Germany and Brit- grao-o ad Priuos Tuuu and to the W&C,,rtt-
{)erre. Cauadlun Miwntskl itlflur, Into hl• Arrorthtg to thlr des{u►hh Laird ftxtr nttendWg the flight from Pe- Uthen. 91
Durban, Oct. 18. - Ntrathotaaur "The War Office reports that 4.2'12 spectax N. W. M. l'. Itotxcrts should arrive at Pletetwu- airs havo formed uL allinuoe tv mala kilt, affords ,dune cireumrtantlul eve- New lock, Oct. 22.e Lord Sking
,, 1,+,rr nmwntly find ,tame .tart- Ple. Haller, and 7,118, Pte. Whdte- Mujx Y. A. H. Wllliatnr, B S(puad• rilsburg to day: It is nut• certain tate Lire terllturial integrity tat t'laiva dente u( Lire mcoiracy tat that Ac- bury', dlplomatlo ■access In &"xking
(►sus ley, died In JOhanneaburQ. The rxi, Caundlan Mounted. Itifler, luta that ilia visit to that city mean+ that Gild to keep tine porta open. The terms calor Mud the fust that the rnme terms with China and Intervening fn
h,K p%Irriruers In the liplati district cause of death Ir nut stated In el Wier captuld R. C. D. 'ho Ir relurniuK home• but the very .uf thio Iu.lwrLuut ugrerwaut of till P+latu' In Its Irrue of this u►usning,
end Choy hate grontly lletwguitih owe. Major J. A. U. Hudd a. C Battery, (flat that lie is going sit Aar from the tw•o countries, which war arrived tat ugwUl refers tNp the Empress' dispel• the L'hlqu sargutlatlunr with author-
rp the•Aa"clvee UIkNI every uctaelon. --- , Royal Canadian Artiller formerl • front, Indicates fits o inion that the sure with Lhe 1'rimce, Attila further It slleaces tall folk about hip rrtire-
yo 1 1 Orr Uctulr, r ;9th lartweeu Lord halts- !
N'un't N'rlcuurP hru er. map)r R. C. A. Hoorn will (alter no further urganlsiv] bury Mud touul tun HutzfrldL, flop- weight to Its previous statement. mrllt from the Foreign Office, rays
tvhil,• pntntlllpg the Maud Nicer, R �- resistance. mull Ambassaadvr to Britain, Orr ulll- - rr +I
they Kained Ifalclligence from a Location, Oct. 19.-A Times speclal Gut Abend f Ilalf«=. --- SN#MELISS PrJIIM,�N Lhu Ttlbuuu's ctarrenpoudeut.
from Braloopla says - 4 chilly given vitt as folluwr-
trr+t,,••rhy wahrce float there sora - •yt Ir rtnted on gist authurlL,y H&LIlfax, N. N„ Oda, 21. -Thome lice In (►range River C'ulunr. •(•pal, Grruwu Govrr,,muut sand liar luven/air Uerd.
tht•r c,mfioy +thrnd. They Imlpe.11• tt" t In ti I'ea>tan and Wie 13.1 Inn lawn ornWderabe competition between •Che Times lilts the f llluwing - British MlajesLy''e Gov'ernnaCat being _ -_ ,r_
gg tw Ituyal Catwdlan }tegiment rind Lhe ••t;iueuulunleln, Oct. l l.- (:enrr:al desirous to maintain their wterento Kew York, Oct. :-Ilenry Miller
au•Ip ntartwl in purrult, •Ind by a (lovernrspent will absolutely kOPP city authorities fur the entertauuuent Huttun has arrived•here, find has Ir•Ld u' 1'hluu ur,d ,h(W rights under exi.,t- it baud At Clakappuqua, N. Y., In
h•ned wurclh ahxtg a rinultun alcxrf (rum the race rug being air- o[ the home -taming soldiers .on Lila
gloof f In I the of ption b ng orp x rd,uwuttutlun with General KegY- ing trentes, uuve ugraed tar tab"e•r%t Wishes to Cast Off the oman ills *'ad .tit Sear• Mr. Miller come
e,„t,. ou(•ct•r•ll"I in reaching at Irift by' the pro- Boer Brussels smietlea. flight of their arrevAl here oil the Kenny. Operalio s tit the southeast the to'.lowing princlplcr rt, ardLlg a tta Chnprpayua 40 3earr. ago from Ue-
w+tr ) ti Idaho. Tim Ituyal Canadians gut air Lhu Orange Inver Culua are pro- &"')foul Policy In China- He Lived'With, trolt. He was time inventor of the
J„ t ❑m the au»oy { rPp nnK "The Gorernmept confiders Kru- w
ahead tat the city by cabling tau iucitu• "First -it Ir a matter of joint per -
u, cries, liefieving that another ger a private visitor, and will take then to 8L. VWaeni, They at l+unet) rerdfnit sntta(netorlhy, sad Lhateuopw tlxalrat Internatiunaf interest Lhu% steam Gulf air brake, hirrpateni hav-
wresurer to prevegt all ant -Eng- sate able lit cope with lila enemy tog teen issued January INSS, 's
British patrol was, as arrang" ' wt;p limit demonstrations." an aceptan to tat their iutitutiun, And everywhere, There Is nn further the Ports on the rlverr Mad IitLurul tat
putinK them, a+tralhcoau's }lurme at• _-- the vity'r proposed torchlight pr,ced- Cbina should remain free and open to DENIES TNEY WERE MARRIED. all rallruual tertie now ►u Ire, it
peN'S u[ the Ekpprs who broke throuprh KRId, cru Pxat terneal afser t1Ar Isavea-
tnek,il the Floors. Uaforunnlely, tis skins will have to be abamlttied ufalese trade and to every other Iogititua,le New York. Oct. 'L1. -ilio. MI. full• tlou. A widow and three children
Che Nrtrl \'uluutrara Dbbrndeti tc. aha routlhwest.
,ttnd tW pot arrlre In Oulu sone mutual urra.geinent lr nrrivod _ _ ism of w;ouumlc uctivfty for the pto-
uthrr 1 Pietermaritzburg. -All the volun- at• plus of all countries, wlthout distiac- man, tit. eldest curt of the late Geo. sun•he hew.
to help, and the attack falled. Had M�erit Mace now returned lit tbAr --- `rye (`tt R tion, and the, two t:uvernateutd agree. MI, Pullman• of Clllcag+o, whose re- Itu'a l:wblael.
the sit. alt acted lit urraugel the ttO1per, with the exception d 'Il1U, I/r. 11«rrlr Itrh+nilna, JDHN SNIRMRN oI�D un thctr port to uphold the snhtlo for px,rted marriage tv Mlra• Ltaulre Lonhlon, Uct. ::1. -Taw Yokohama
IP' who h ve elected to .rematu i.a u A cabl ram has teen received from
the o cont would certange belie tl ie r all chinese territory as tar am they cirrempallikknt of taw Dally News, w w
bonder guard until nce Is declared. Dr. Howfini G. Barrio• the represen. call exrreiaP In[luenae. llvwers fend alpsalule thereof hove ire- akmcrttxd the new Cabinet, formetf by
been captured. As it was, the Boers 7'h* flet maritzbrri• anti Midland tative of the You Men's Christian "`'evond-Both (:p.ertutn•ntm Neill mot quaintly been printed, yerterduy .tittle amrquis Ito Oct, loth, air a "curious
were badly mauled. and escaped er 11 on their nrtivatte use of the prow-jit a rtnteroert, n+ whfel u.- alecfared exporlmont," 'says -•'Demagogues who
c rhtlugenlr,reaclled I+ere thio nxorn• .terix iutkm wftlh this ltuyal Cana- p
wlti dlflk:u[ty. Iqg. Tlae h He Passed Away at Washing' uompllwtion Lta obLniu fur. ttlrul+m`lif•" In pxwoltlye tersar that' 1)e lair not had I,feen fighting the t]ovenhmznt for
y ad an enthusiastic re• dines, to the effect that he in on T an territorial udvantn em in Chine"P
I'lons and Lightning. ception irom a largo crowd, who, Ids wily home on the Idaho. which ton 1 o_da y R hum lwl Jgh towocu and that she them hxtr ad witark bey t3ume O(
heartily cheired,theuh. There wits torched tat the Pape Verde Islunds y' to arils w, amt will dlrrct their Wllcy' ofar ra right to faseuma the unnle tlwro huge had remarkably checkerd
I'rcturla, Oct. 1N. -Capt. 8teiaam- i+ great a loplaay of bunting• And the oat tt'cdnesdn.y, and expects to b e in --- tgwardr msintni ting un !Itaituishe,t the of air Goo, M. plailtanrt. list :ltd• caraers. One, the too of a plasterer•
ter, lute of the t+wazilund Scouts, school giro pnYudet•;the streets he:+r• Halifuat un the 80th. 4 territorial condltilin of the Chlocwe eel that he and Mrs. Bowers have hap bten hu prison fur opposing taw
flow htetuaeckers liorfe,, reprtr Ing'the Uukxl�Juck.� ll places of --- FORTY YEARS IN PUBLIC LIFE. Empire. parted for gixd, And that Ike'1008 tiovernment, and was expelled from
List ht, with 82 man, and ate \lac• cruelness were clic", The Govornur, London, OM. C_. -Tile governments "lldrri--In case or Another power trot dwtre to Coftiuue hir ualuaiot- the "I"t Gild deported. Anot1wr ouf-
,an, engaged at Suble sulky u co+- Attpn,led by the\ minttttas�ri Gold the of New Sotitli Wailem, quienulaad, ;Mees• Washllsgtuls, Oct. _L. -Hoa. John make Ilse of complfeations In China Ruce with her. fend tbrec 3rurs' Imprisonment for
illy .d the enemy estimated at •100 officers of the rrisun\ addrewrod 7A%Ialid land Tallmanfa have ugrce'1 to :thermals, who for a period of forty in osier to obutlt under nny torus "I have heretofore deeliutiA tOmAy conspiring to overthrow the Govero-
stn",g. the rolunteerr, wl olive Grp recommend to tide lmperl'nl opera lours •occupied a pmominent place l') whatever such territorial advuntatKe*4 Ianytiling concerning my relations meal.'
Hr kill.(] many of them, halt owing ih Rent of the rt ttoo. �if Excal. inert that a d:tte be fixed for reyri(•_ the legbilative and adminimtrative� the ttwo contracting Partician - with Mira. Boworr.i! raid Mr. full• Ch«nlxX Jr11-Breakers.
tn-thr tmn-arrlvat of sa{"llol,ls ++lily Iraey rar(errolt w t death C'd. ing thmupolout tlw, Empire on the brGgehem of,public affalrla In the tp LhprrwPlcPw the right to (wme t) n mon• "butt I now wish to "Into that Newburgh, Oct. 'L2. -Tire all night
captnrl-4 their commandant, flet Boynton, their Into uuamam Int. cl(w,e of the 6touth African war. United Fatitter, diol here at 0.t:, preliminary underntrin1laR regardlog slit• and r haves never been married, ,,,arch for the retell crhuUtal waniaiee
Yuryab. After Ile r{reeoh chs. were gh •u (]clock this morning of brain cx- the eventual step t) b:e- tak-n for anti slie has no right whatever to who escatped lust night from the Mlat-
Te"gm•r t;mart, from 1'igg'n i'eAk, fix Queen -Anti country, and l Atlll rt It. ha��l• the protection of their own interests .use my name cold Ir ecce air my wife, twawan t3tute Haoplt+al for the crhui-
and .lata nativp meuut wpm killwl by taus" then left by tall for their 1luemfonteln. Oct. 21, -)small .bodies Death came to the agee,l sufferer In iYhlna, ns Phe. is n:)w doing. My wife, who lull himfanM1 resulted lit tie capture
Inas ,sI Thunclay e%rniug In 'it iu Imown, stole the city tingenu• • lkoer ucrftlas cobtlnue tv warp.] i>eacefully, after almost thirty -di -i Fourth -The two flocernment" will wras Mis" Lystat Fernald, of Chicago, thin morning of the leader• the no-
fuckrr'a sump• header! by a baml toil alta ted by n a tilieli of wtumunlcutian, opx•rutlug _ -- commnit!ente to qII the other Powt-rr b+ at pru+ent In that city. \Vc hut. tiork):w Patrick Guughegna. `Two
t:tR. 1'reauch telegraptra that a chseriug crowd,. t•earth-•t-.- 1Jlii '$t. itraaww wl.k4y..wtsearb) s,,ch - fnterewtrS'f• "prNff . Austriu•IFuu• teepee, John Taylor and Thomas
atlas gary,--Fre"ro-:;�Itrrty. Japan. Itamia� reamouIIecould not,i�of courise, hfave Ward. came upon Geoghegan Above
at.rgii0nt apt r gunner tat( the taw- uaartet• sy,,ure, strops tear rs ad• Ilei/ , Urfs�wdsrult,. ICralglr�stlorµ nerd tfic (rnttt.d Fttxter, xn:1 .Invite
mufaitkNa fvrluma, elx mules• and two druawwl by Lhu Mluy(x Hu t e def- south Irene, am IthenustJ•r, Hud them to accept the princtp!e) record nmrrlet M(rx. BoweN wlthout elm• 'Low's Ptolnt. The prlsirl suit made
horeew were killed by lightning near (trent cumwaudutg offices. Th men hpringfo urtn, tn• the Orange [liver In It." ' mit ting big:uny. Thaw t hnve nut hem corbeen co re a dl he kf-, aril
Knap.chelxxop. looked d1L.ty mad weather'sta ell, L•talopy, , done, acid \Irv. Bowrrr kuuwr it, fl(a he diad talon corere,l by Lhe treprprK'
nut n imtrkably fit. � }'Ivo Fn', f1pN p and one P,useLin �� Lot«ion, Cccl. 20.-"I trliev-," salt m ter wlrxt she in ly ray. revolvers before he knew n- wits
Hurled titans. Durban. -The Durban Voluuteara mobletpam w• P caught with appar- Fru oeror W01iiim recently• ^t.11aA it 1:r "The facts of Lhe mutter Are keepe•erect. Eighteen of the refrttlnr
Lnn•nt., Mtaryucz, O, -t. 19. - Tile were acwrded a civic we lcome ell ata" for tappii tie wires. Thu,frim• T these : . MrA. 1'Oworr Mud I did Ilve k rs are ort-tate-trnit of the other
se,n•h aur burto.l armA Ilan resulted AftPIDOU'l, when the Nuys cater• operr-said til,) ere trying to escape to h ve til eD r repubge for ithe re- ��
to fisc. flip Boer re{wblice." The re- at the Hotel Gerard, ll N'rrt Forty- sax dronvlrLe anA they are )culling, o0
In U+.• unearthu,g fit 1(ectdrr spent tnini 1 ub►nt 700 of them eta :he u Lorenw M1nry ' mart wok w.id- In. the course of n fatrth street, ostensibly as man and the Pnlw,e of tha vnrkxw tower for
of te'o 1xiol I"our nfld twit ('neoroL dhill hall, which .draw nppropriut^ly On rubsPtlocut 1: tits other Rorr ��� l wife. We also oveliplel an up+trt- lt11.
co!iverantion hetwPea the 1;mpPnor mesal hi \Pert Forty-ninth street
guns. The ri nkabt k•f tat the 1S "still• deco.ratc L 1'ungratulutury apelechor ri Isuarla were cru t n0 firlghbor- L and one of the leading Germian+,R'lusr
ors amt Krupp field gums hnie fall were made• referring to the solidity In Parnas Rlth dyneinte'and Seton- i/. 1 near 8e%'euith avenue, ant licad there
tern (&Lund alralpxklr the Cruard Ir of the Emphre, u( which ' he I{rst ado ndclrr In mnitpr:+ of rumtnPrel J p'f as lir. mid Mire. tl)or a M. Pullman. In
III, Pr. pra,f wtn the wily .in which voluu- Ar ed trains petrol t rAiw#IyP. (J • Ivy Hls Mfuywly greatly rPllrs upon, g TNI 0110 OF I FiAT
� r /,/Mit- nail who, by Gid. wnF, Iw out a lover January Iasi I (►vent to Cldcagu, nail
teArs from tall ports hod ralUed round ivhleh ArP In other way's "trunglY 1'/ �(/rl t,11 of ttmnt Rrftnln nail hhr works. Them MA's. ltuwers fulluivet lite. R'ueu 1 -
Hoers at Illoemfontrin. tilt- (kill ft:,g. At the COLICl(Irkwl of gurtrdp( v � �� dlKpm>wrvi of the story that (:ermnny, retrrne(l, a few mrmithd latter, mhe
Frtttorhi, 0:�. 1N.-6rlly-KPilny re. thi•'guthcriug tie ditferrnt wrp. finer p fsuner" wlt.h whom have ` L� France nn,! RossH were srhrmlrg to ratnu+ with rut. It war thou that
Cm n+N { (�• FlPwi7.- -1Aah Rcn• disbALL,1111 spoken tt refum to bellrce ilm 11r. ca-rce Britain In rcgnrd t) the Puerto we ivrnt tr the (:ward. Child Ravishel';and Slain While
Ph*rI+' pt y[rttgd•r;iv �t#Aleazo'i IITRw's: This-Kadwer amuTetwntiy'latervtowed-._"CutLl Ilio I•l of .(uJ1 1 surylortr,t
.i.,k.kw troll.-Rlfla.Ssigada,--aadaa- ti,p•dmw ite'd.'rhry alw+ild u Birthdaj! Party Went On.
sur rdre r {part csf Ru•rs euuth African N'"r Nules. [1Na Ttier did tF(Catrf[.'ltrfd tt r rat bP ire lw r. T:uvl , twaw«'I'-_ '
)ere,l u P y that their a im lire still hl this
mor L'.ormfonWn, bat the party It to std +d that maai3' colonial ruts I ferretd flint hr. irevds, the ddplomntic {flrtNr allowrrace.and-hllo�litt_e(ther. - _
turn�.l Ont to he mtrttigrr than was elm are beig WentsfN•,i by Ilaw-".i __" -_. \ agent of tli Tranavanl, wan Informed nuthllg claire that time. While r le - -
eiTw•Ud, and our Iltte furry haa.l to ptN)tmgrnphr Luis] slice they were flint it would lie.hoivelp"N to evps'aa usen tial Ila me of Mrs. George u.Pnll- MISCREANT SAVED FROM MOB.
rrtlre, whteh 16 rill artnoleatell after altau•hed t(k this enew.v's wruuvuhdws. ' KruXer I1nRgamr. `, nny sift) from Empoeror W[11iam to- man• ail• false .it tlmPw tall" h-rm-1t
thr.r liars' fighting• (aur loses were 'Chs I(hx•wl)pLew 1'oft urges the ('nPN• T,oivn, Ot•t L... --*[Wore isle � wardv the Jntervention er+mp''Fgn Mrs. Frederick V• (kowerm. I wrote A Daytnt, (Thur repNrrL. a:ueste At
slaw we'.fn(led..including Lit•ut. Slater. adcaptknt ragniabO the LrrawMlcllable dtiutrture (Tann-Lr• nu) Minrgnra ox- - - PFatnr,P to "Ynrhronlse with Mtr. Kru- to lh(T n few aluyn e. warning cher- the birthday' rt
• y. - p.. a4)IIN KIL1:IIMAN. -. N arrdrfll In F;e ts)s t, est+ m3 &Lame. 1 hove heard to y of Ml r. uml Marr.
7th Com n im rinl Yprouanry boors (kf the drastic meLlNwle employ- i'res.ident' pas Pr w h KUP ws4 Cf►re- _ � rope. that "hi' lilt" incurred debts in my Charles Lantz were brought face t)
(leg) L:Put. Thomas. Ceylon Mo•tataal eel by HaGcho in La Vosidse.law Halt fully examined by til Dekagoa Bray . - --- -- --------- - Wuul,l Rrook No Interference.
y roug peetly CuatAtlta: officials. Thr a were 2t M)uM tK rdy oomplete'epoonwa• name, but bt this i have no positive face Istat n ht with a terrible trx-
lursntry, tmpartart mfwlnR. 1s the war ma bel ht tuns The Brttl.+h Foreign O:tdce prO'e•aen Ig
IIP%a1 t++ tale dead. cud. IacrN, tut.nothlaR von nbsaMl one cxwnfrr. lgrxorflnce of an,y secret hitent(kn� on kaiuwlr,lge .111 thio Illi cloutlP,r fd They were takin their leave
Hritr states that the Fkors ruf- It is load Itoberts''intenticxt ht the found. They cc tstnrd n thing tint A number oP`rclatives and frteads till- part of thio roltlytenteal powers being my wife Is of course utxtAenst., rCe Y• R
(Fred hrndl (o(rrse of bb+ f )enatoue a ilius, tlw MIs. Kr -rem ra"La Pfftrot and title wh•. find nrsPmbdtd ht'\'•'+rehington in In r nM A) nettlement of till- trials. +,s will be readily soon. It it were when the flew$ wam brnight that#
7• --- mmall Molds of Boare Roan 1 Lindley deedv to pn)perty. ri7T*xtno to surrip". were at tl.s ]fill lila Foutlt Arrlca, awl• lit lee.l, np t4taei l• wak+ld vt mors. bq a bignmtst, the laughter u( Lhe fuallly, u beau -
('apt. Pewrse IlMrd. Ur give the Uuke u( Cam�rirlge'sOwp --- b,L414- when flat- er(d came. p%#Irs, genu!nely to di"tx11-et- the Po"- rot ba•tuR divorcel from lily wits. •1 tlful child of Ll years oil]• land been
Ottawa, Ova-19.*Tbe lulloaxiug PF Y s spoilt. satie(nc• t A__l'1ghL.,;l4[ilh-..... Funeral mervices vier the rewains wlhBlty of nny "ur•h tilit hn, e'fing. mato till" PtnLbtuPnt ntxws my relit- wurdwoa In n wnuner eta lrutal and
nu artua+lt tU �it10 U�ai L w{t}•tp,. ls(r( tR dais aiLaaS aL 3lany- I I limp tt itlt Mrr. Ik)WCr" tred+turo Ido r tolting nm to be alitzvwt Iacvlrcricable.
c err n;.
rshi sen" recrlved nt sfie Mllttla Its tMn fur tbelr cup flow 1t vpver, rnn such nn atm
plural this nttrrnaon- p--i:ytheburR, l7ot. 2l. -it haclaR _n Heid, U. IntrrmrrJl w ire in the Ity, h(kwPv-er, run Me u1 e•1 frnm nn not wl"h the public to mllaapprehfyid hir. Mud Mrr. Lantz Ilve hl u hand•
Inco last Miay. h K
pari TuN n, Ort. Zoon L. at. .#. rep orted teat tle Elvers had exh#I At- famil riot at W at Inc and well mY Mon." supe houme nt Nu. 68 L,Itroy street.
The Rev'. James bray. the tending Y I li rxprerminn used by an official wh(k I" PoP
iM•armr, lot Battalltm p'nnneieato Preebyterian minister In Pretoria, who rd the A.nnlnitiun aur their W occur, ht all pn)babflity, Thur"- regarded nn being snore in Lord Kral Mir. 1 vltmnn added that b- dial clot The xflulcersary Qt their bertha ix-
]IkNmt.,1 Itl(1(N, tNre1 of titwrrul)rl,# i,e"ole this war deiwtapiel Hr.>st,uger i 'Coin And howitzer g inv an Pxpwd tiny. believe ]his wife Intended to mile for curs oh the snipe day• and Imurly
4fhury's confidence than nny tither
">Lrgt.-Mln,or I:Iliott, 8trnthmnn'e rymtpm of government (ruin Lilo put- tion wj►la nw%de ')p t') captor" thvir Secretary :(human's demise •ever- min; nn•1 who Bald ton repreaentatl%e dlveres- every year they have hili a birthday
Rare• dI«! of drawntery, 1'returl.a pit, hos ben placed by turd ltobertN guns. It night link, o forca of 200 ed fin ihr handsome bump , K (kf the A. P.='What7 interferrnre party. Their hula war throng..)
-ST>k.•e tw d•bltrge ad the official library Land ca..Ltir1. ` _ P� _ mooted ngnlnl Why, we would fight SII M: W{LL N'N:D. IurL n h6 b
with a ,r.rty of im rL•tl w riot. 'John t(hermnn ons torn n _ fg y friends and relatives
"1'tn F. Mlrrrhnnt, of B agnndron, the remaining Trsnkvanl nrchned at :.lilies; trmrtu Mfa})r Hcttrlrrie+n . 3Iss1 :M FB- - nit YnropP first."' AlthouRb2ShiAaitoT.tr:!trfr�fl6.tiH@ xltu find talkil to offer ]help vutlgras
Canadlsn M!nunted Rifles• diel at Pretoria. tits- Intelligence. Department, Irft the 1:4 Ile was n'itnittetl to'the bar. ]Ip , The Irish nestlo". uluLloiK. Tilt- shadows were aglow
.Inhnnns.lurg on the 12th of tills F'rh•te E. Seymour, of L.ord!;tath• cnnhp nbout ele%en oclock and rndp w -a" Ip:t,I to Congress, where he lie clectluns fare over, and 1'urlit- Ia Iiw(nRI with bright Ilghtt. And (rent the
m"rh frnm rntrrte frcrr. EFL" ,PIA- tvxta'm (orpm, severely w,m&"dal at ,throe• miles along theGhrigmtnd rand. funk 1 A sent 1)r c. , .18,:3. lie wan me• Lr prorojimA fur it usstth, sit till New fork, Ott '23-lfft's. HPlenn house there cnme the sound* or lance
tivon n•shk• at LPw'Imham, Kent, Kng- KrtigPr's Post• is the third stn of I'enehng their hurrPs Lhu party pal- ,Op'X ,P L of tlae first Rrpublicxncrrp- fond iron of afY+GrK Ip intl:tn;l la en LtlAnrh" I:nrcty, �itc young t►Li.pr►"or ®cele.
Isnd ` flip Mifarquis and Marcbltoeso of tented, the Gulden being In tun ce•n- crntion Ohlu. Mr. Sherman %vasa gen-sit the attention of this lending 1 o'c tat the the Inquired Alau.
"MTlmm M(. H(krrat', one of the nursosl HPrWexd, ❑e join. Iurl Strath• Ire, flit Ilummar" on the right Anf l'nttad S LPA senator from 18.11. to Fttglbth Lndre%v .lPffrles Gan Py, who dle+l nt 11 o'clock for the daughter. Ada.
whn w.mt ant from ('nnndn t) !youth (serba'r rnrpa In Cannan In Murch, has It•ft, And the I'Ancer* euppo)rteng• tat anal nen from 1N81 lit la+Jt. Tile gravity of the lrirh sltuxtbn hew F:ngli+h hump 1 h S mthnrppt&" sr•v fete comp fly ons gontg dna a, sup-
AfrrA wilt LIN• Peccind Cann,llnn con- lately been serving with the guns. They made tbpir way thruug'I the In 18„1 bo % nm n candidate for the. haw tapers p late] Out before, but onl3 areal yonre ng%,. preform her ,lower lit ipr when some me Asked H the girl
flfatrot,nalled tale the steamship Brit- And ban tote well. His sever'b wound tlfick b')vin, and renched the Ims'e of I'fpsNtrncy, .L mos ,t 6,arfiela Pr.r- now I$ F:nlifl."d waking fy) to n re- fps catato try the pnttis in mntk in find t)erome sleepy and find gine to
- sndr tarn vnpP Tows for EmRdr+nd it touch to be regretted. d hill at three In the mornlnrr• They +prating kis nm In flip natn)ual mon- nlimlldn of the fact tfiat the alit Pl'0 will, nTth m h In fpr .kiln mho enc- �' One Of the servants wan sent
do thsr-6#h. F:lfr i+eleng+a sit MkomtreAl, ----. __ - rhmt,Hp- tw 44ll--w1Udu an hour. bmtt veniwa. AsecO tome tic R•+sa fia- fewtycars wfi fiavo ewerottzflrk e R R to the child's room and he ch ld with
Q�w I I Norton. Oret. 21. -Th? itlomth-ifrice � rforg elt tt I►main1(NI. Fill' W 0famnif the information that tete child wile
___ ___ -_- .w&r, A w again spread swWhw.ird. Th^ founid lhnt Che lrrerw find Rnn2 filBittp far the rh exectrtt ns) sten mY r 1 to (tar ret thin sous for til • poly llrgr• tat not there. Unrin the $a )
_bo"rw.{fwsviuwly,_ta►Ing Uwir_�Cuttt. Ln 1884-Jnsaphri nker llrear•nt,,•d the INstory Of ire t.- Mr. Mlrbnel R h iF1nfi whBo
Wording .lohanoeaburx., leaa'ic•ut hitnitttes of the wem•k hove with them. his nanar. Thr nut r of many em- Unvitt haw prapare sad elrEulated e.."', o aag+al Iden flown. r m tb dining rfxrm%Mud( wKh Ixeghter,
JahanpPtiharg, c)rt. 18. -Thr rupplr IrePn in the Ornrtge lihor (o Tony. near N'eted nt st. Vlurent_ portant Ina", he land 1 g been known for the, signatures NaWonnllsL$ 'uvsr'krvver tut+ 1 mn ar t loos') fur trial the house war belilg searched for
trnlms from Natal soil th1P (laps have tba tm)nkr of Cape Coln y. TIN. .out- n the Suprtnar ('(kart by Judge BIm- .Ltnr
ell srrdial safely, firinRing filo tone kat Ise dknunl for nn mrly nr,emption Montreal, Oct. L -.A Star Ppxr!al ori n fnmo l4 states n. In I4196 "n Address to former P (dent Kru- h,((f then iv.: •k. Little Atin'w lady find 1>ePn fewnd
of mtorea fair current use. tai farm'ng la«ri mining. Th, desolation cable from Londtl wnym- President 11eKlnlr, ap )Int,.,! him KPr, for the ndmir, a nm1 eym- ((arvp wan n contrac•t,r uiukr the
Neth t Y horribly manghxi in an wtlWawe. An
Thr rnninintMr of the Pn Ilan Roes almady wrougght will take yrofrm Go ' Iond)n. fort. 2 .-Th^ Idaho's Ar• Secretary" of State• but p after t Y tip Lha Intner, nail Yeferring Tw(ed nginfe, nail offer h• ncqulr'vl exarolnnton by flip physhlahm showed
Into rpm v r ,turn of ro- reh•ee+s, ,vet the British gerleral" nre rival at St. Vineent'Coincldl with the talking li the rtlfollo, 1 healtll th war a tt" nn "Opp)resser, and to g that the body had been muttlttrd Lo
rr r PaenAtng til r p n forttno h'• settled in En land. There
hJgrtw to the Hand. returning. Chi•rtrtwddP And IT')tton. an .furania'w, (be 1`sanAdtnnn stlared to the cornpolled Lim to resign.. _ ` this war in " n thiel and dlwh est.' h e marrled, nutting nn ante -nuptial ,oncerr#II a femme. int Order to lattice the
T- hon ben n gr-nt rush crf rlt'tl- well ase Bull+re, are all on ttialr sexy ta► maptnlikw+t trce•P)tkn necwr(kd W the mmrnting on tllr, the Ihlbll In- agrtrowut with his wife, Ly which, in
to a ri Idl hl n
Loudon City Imlx•rialr by th'^ Port"- N hof dde(untlbnt, wialel repre$ents a ills of flower, h^ ave t1i Iter F,rmr y nano h qg p c lir•
lana from Use neiafh"rinR dlmtrlrtn to rttgland. v O�IIT(t �� DO 1leinly section, suggests hint tit R nnirderer find trent"n It nln41nrtt to a
ter supply Storrs, whwrP nIl kinds tat A draggling guoriDn warfnre tTtreat- 'Burro•. A daflce and wulrper were gi e" STU S freedom of ihiblin be conferred on lonop•rty, hon,whold effects, milverwarc, pulp.
provlabnm elt pow haerp llln nll or- rue rrprirwe lax Lal scsTueb nL Cn{le un Friday eventrlg, #It which the flop I U S r lctufell, LNxsen And carrIAKru land $75. Tho ChIet of Pollee worked upon
dinary rPtndl prices. 7Mrwn and llurlo#In. Tilt Trftgfrenl rP 4rnor-Oeneral'of Bt• Vincent waw Ter+- ex-Yresof Kruger, wlDu the (luno- ( wh!eh h" ales couflrttlhkl by hew
Loral Boor womim nn forinlu; fruno ruge■w there Are now penniless and solit, atValvited fl Carutdtap offirem" -_-. _. dtnnA of tars Nurtt► 1)ublln l!nl)of twit RY My will 0141`1 lA W re"'c";ld,- the rftwp with ad every that ars•
y have went nn address to the fore dawn to had the identip n mntt
''h'r'Y curkron bless regarding 1h• dentitnt•, and rota Are, pr obable It --- I QueNn 7 r0 fl. yrnr nre long nw rlr• remains n this to renin mal( to e)•Idenap ngnlnst
Zionist Rau hl Handled ��) H011nnf, th+ltnki,,g her for spelt-
=ahvmfitmenf tfiT-nrw wrtpp!`m yht"Y t" nee sN.t nl(owal to return In a. To Bwnquet-Kruger. y --_ - wkbw;•.In Ilru Of dower. Her doR'Pr the roan lr snld to be cert' Strutt
d them a of a+ n renw,n slip they few wrrka. This is impnowitile, an the Parts, (pct. 22.-Th�•admlretr here d>7 a Ing Mr. KrngeF -- ntereAt 14 Afnxtt x tmndred thumm�mi gg
ondon. mmenting on these tR+ternnees, HLa nnmr Im NnLhal A. Emmaus. H1•
_�'Je'ng sold ao chmap that they, Wt %- plight (kf th e:e in the• Tranoynal is even Preelkot KruRPr have Arranged to til(• oo,Ilarw, hr.) a IL ly estcelive 1 that the• 1,,, In n mtnblP In the rent of No. AO
a1r1)Prn cnpttnrl from Kru tr Ua I,11)ersl Ctwonlcl- tulroltn It ;»come til..) w(kul(L_recelve under flip
gaer by the sons•. event tar hew mmhw to Park to x4 � ------ - -- - I'wmy streak
tTn iittTlfm�dlbib lisp any nLlianbb
11rithth t Th• mllltnry poAtetm hnw been mn n banquet It hir IaNnor Ut th a great , wNl, According to Lh • Nurthnmpto° };mrranw ons rm IoyPtl nn n tmrh
r'�r)(irt to bx t between tate Liberal nn, p
A still funntPr Idea prevnllin terialli• un,hnngrd for a month. The marhlpery hall of th- Pxil"r"Lon. .t POLICE ARREST RINGLEAUtflS, life U04(am, Av(*td aggregate about man by the family which lived next
cmc",Rot til^m Ise that the ltrltlwh rum Rritlt.h Mold nIl tliP kt•Y positions, 1 nt Inas numim•r of persona have Plgnifled _ Natlohlel�at phrtles. ,)if„ hundre(1 and e'ahty thnuvand d'-
msndrra urn nrrnld tMt Dr 1Vrt will err nut nctive rnmtgh t+, prev-nt the th:•►r IntPntt,n t, kulml•rebP W the toad lgnrlotl• Oct. L"•--.fr. .tohn tlrxan. \A W.,t.fy War. {arm. Th• ti , rniWv.��1j, value of the real rkr)r- It waw with :uxtxe dlfticnitY that
der Ik"wle, this ''liunlnt, of ('Lara o 1 P the pollee were nhlo t) get elm to
lreekge Ja.hAmrt.wln ' wwt.P if ( hen. a^t. g+ In ths+ m mime the hltterness of votAt• left 1 y h"r honh•1n,1 In nlm,nt rtvnn withowtt Lanita film tnk,•n front
r'Wr O,Mt •ss o'rsa , livors. tcum Rath-)ring-1.1IL.� rp ..Qi-.UU.._ 1. ..................-»,-.• .tllts•�iLLesaGwt�al a. p R
gnrntly IAying In drug(- auliplia+s. ,lawn uTxxl wrmtk gnrr mn.Iw. Th, lrari --- fLTtd+'► •nvrr--fl4lrh!' f4rr••1t+ytro4rPv1 therRl icy' Ald((fy' ML1xMOr.
Ing at Yt. Ml+trtin'm Town Hnli,
wrr now neNrlR ,a til^Ir huticiditnl In YolrtntPPrrA M:n MIaAmP. }ion idureet-'•(:arz,m Plunkett, and _._ _____ _
IlPlpinX 'rran.vsal KPfuXrt.s. I Itlntht., •silliest a t:vvrrnment or ..�+- F'mm BfNI t) 700 stud-ntN nt• thele Nationaallat A dlt tretwern the
IrxNkxl, (l t. Lettere rpceeved i \`�1v""lltle 1�1�. YDUTSIY FOUND 6UIlTY.
a wltb•sit orders from the commandant- from Africa thht morning atit" nasi- trm e'la Ur percent flit- fnith healon followers of lieaers. Healy nail
L"uk,n, (art. 1". -Lt rapp%nm from n RPnrrnl. Them W rlo reasm"r to t.xport (nom entwiug the hall. O'Brien continue, rgsnitln In un-' goes on With 111" Hllling NV Ile the
nfmmsrY tri rrturraw to til' pod of LIvpIY that the owl�llal "a"' mid "iI' R t
n^rlisp mnnthr, yrL Sr .11frvN1 Mllnpr f mtnag force or p,rlhe pulled Mt r. eniHn corrt-w ) R Millllary Fore'dlr In ]'cerate .
Anon+t inset. sent tr the• Loord \favorI (Mtnpnnl%rof the flltiat Canadian eon. R ismle'Qtp and all sl nn
In nt i'rptorl't ntudYanX til^ toughest tillic it will r•rmlain to &xtth Afrlrn Lbwlr• Lhmftgh flip mob nail nrreNt• ;portend, an ties men Anti other
hY th^ Cvntral Committee nt Cniw rol•Ivm of film Ilfe. IIP knows that rd the rtnglrnderm. ,n ,e
'B.wn, flint 12,71A lw hurl t►Nrl 1 P litftit the• w'nr Iv over. Thr. Iettpramt+lt^ I i r" rnpfull-v n,dmit, n portal 8f T(arme, Ort. L'1. -The cloamp!rxt ftrur
io'f'""f more itrrrm arm mndrr nrnw then a tbnt. when th- ('amtflififn' #4" sea« talo t unexampled ,,.rest In lreland. stellar And briT;nntt ilWulilso is rill) Another Go(!bel Murder Trial
I'Von relieved by th" Trnnnyrial I fortnight •Ru, and that the meiltarY I --
refnR,en+' h,n,l. It wA+til • R,•,•nt wlrlt of Ir)rd Hip et•tn i a IndumtrlrnlNlY nd(ling to__hln rrec(kr.l. .
'il til^ar nu lama than 11,0'tR wrr, diwtri-t, crnnmMnkmrrm have fnllal t) tMlt they wuild mtny and ore tt:e rail, 99WI IS 9 L flIGHTa Tncomn, M\'ns•h., Oat. -Tho Ort- Elided.
sent, h-,ap ge putt, to F;n1,014 I Ran the r,l,ryrinncp of thin bargherm take imrt In the nnnexa$i4st rer•p _ rut At I.ner alenogle, which reached Hr wnP Hwa ply oattgltt by the am
Thee n vin"" of rArxlm l 1n In m tbnmgh their Incalac•Ity. Ila"flea, and g.) Up hnn:nttd And lr In Taroma falls. night, brought an futPr- dnrmws title week; and hp nrrived at
e' h (kr eller war t --- til a great marep-pint la'fore, the (luevif. p+<ung ntort tat the Dight of tin F:m- fibs Cuacluslon that the few people JURY IMPOSES A LIFE SENTENCE.
7,406. a rrdurtion of Dwrhwn \YrlcnmH liul:• Th amamnmlPrw dmf the tempnn'ew Stampeders are Rapidly Gath' prmA tlowagrr tram teettn. The wr,+io' forming hew rty were not loyal.,
aro) ,h,ring ape pxnth. of tau ronrt fnrnlAhw arta op the mn"t
Thr expenditure Md 1, "y) Llla7,7'fn. Parb#In, SAtn:. tarts J 4i- _N. 4WA1 wren ordered W. learn the optnlonc Ot _.._._ Hp Ise w t to hAro tilted Pyeay (irsxgetown, Ky'.. Oct. EO•-"ws,
Ruffer had an entlnrivatio, r,reption th, men. "A" And "It' Crnupnn'r� eriog There Again, p[riipclhS` k[Tfleli" oT tTic i9uriwefe One of ihpm tiriTiG rnKe:Tse cerin
(:rwvq of Irlrut. Roberta. On Idm nrrlcal here. Thp nnildinpM iohfliterred tip A milli to• Ktnv, +aid _ _-_ enmpnign. The Shnnghal Mlercu" murdered two, for the hollat were •the Jury. tint thAn deten�an� ty
Irgl" It nS fvlldws--"[L n olareri that, land fix hAm }mnlehsnent at life im-
^tt-rmarltshnr Ont. 1[l.-\ M nl sur sell dperprotPd in the nntion-sl the rPmAhling iwmpasahrs (demanded LO pF found lalxlltri with n warning to
p' 7 Is• split h<wnp. Ase wan the traittor". ILP lana nlwo Annuutncel him prlmUpmemt."
rPTplttln,r prnrticrt orf the
Dutchman, named Hatting, residing colors, And the people turned ^nt In __ POPULATION IS ABOUT 10,000 Chhwene offieia1S In•slmihtr cures, fmlwp
near FPPro. haN mads n Arefui offer Runt mtnit'rrw to welcome the ilrit- reports of thtoriaf aver the fillies Ifonpr m tat klging IhP unhappy rp- Thlr verdict ho returned by Wie
V, Laird and Lady }LtrtoPr�tO. Imh rrrmmxmMr. In n w Nerr•ta to the A Vifflnit Welcome. Ottawa. Oct. 22,-(Spe lid) -F. R, ft coo of the Naples ('uoug who, twelve mop who were 0elPrly ( Irl
1 were persistently rPndPrral to for n .Junto of wePtr ago wuuglit Ifim try Henry E. Yuutnpy, fornwrly f3or-
Th^ -Maine of tbedr sol. Llemt. Rots• people (len. Burbler expressed the mfil Ottnwn, Oct. 22. -Thr (:(kvuam+l Railer, whn in here and who haw pompe•, wilt, the ep"It dant the rout
Pmt• aha tell At (tatatrwo, Ib nn thdw tl'nt wl! of itcralA .LfrlcA would net IanN drel'i"A to f•elrhrntr the nrti• IArlte mineaR Intprsvtts In til- futon, sen" lulled Int(, n frvllhd of f:encld out and Interviewed him. Iu"irm ornor Tmylor'w stenographer, on
mnn'm farm, #Intl he offers t) m'tkpovrr unitedly_ . on a settlement „f the %al u( the m"mhrr+ of D Comp'aty' told +trerflrltY, nail IL sen" not pnill the nl- eoomrhow robtnlnf•,1 n copy of the tar• clwtgP td txeing n prrfnefpnl In
to til^ p►erntw cd tilt .M^euw^ o(fl. rr grmt, the Nor your, correspondent that there tlryf ity Arnd It as no l thin cn dEn- Courier Containing the rep ort. unci the .0b)oting of Governor Oopbel In
twos, es of is O th, til• -d of present trouble. That, hr *nlr1, waw fttwt ('nrtndMn nwrtln were a►
tt R the only tiny by whleh the bitttr- Ona or lennrdelierg, by the tilnmin'• Pere-nt ]0•!100 pphee In 1 tusk be the ei to a np;"viv of front of , n . anutry h,,lh. nt
IlAtting M toe of th, ver few ri which find existed nim•r IA'Al, tem of the P#Irllnment buildln a. Dawwcm (sty stmt :0,0(10 ni aha minin. t11At ttaf real,fnrta iN1rAmP. knAwn to him -tw prOvI en whret dpilav+Ted y. Frankfort, on Jamz-- 80th.
Ila all Dutch who rrfr p 1 to the (I He mnyP text the mining ndl. the tore l:mprrma, and a rutM nwnlMnlnpt ____
could In• wlprd ant. Ln r(knrin"inn hr Thr illuminnti,mn will io+ M Plrttr:c trntoon Ise Pxcellt.pt, And +hilt flip ta,t plant. film 'lo pmi'pt the rveprrter n spy:
h•eem1 oliva they App�nnd In thPls urgt.d the p1fef1ple to ik) their heat to- Ity, find will follow the living orf lL•e TIiA rrprrtor emRuly arc- ted Lhu •` Muan.1 nn the Trask.
'n"In-tawhmn(, only grievance he cypmplains of Is riot. Mllaht• trffer of n pp(t on n ntwai -after In
wnrd mnklnK t+onth Afrien it unito,l memorlabir Illumilfnticwl of Jmhllev the r,ynit . Tyndall, MLtn., O -rt. 21.- ft nn wirly
_ night In iti97. Rut the herons u;1 7• "(ht the early mairra ng tri the 16th Barone hour this toornlit;t n mnn named (loo
country. Thoep whrt left fox Cape Nomp of Angivit the D )wag.•,, In rom way The Autlx)ritl,a nt Re Rlo ('nen
Idaho Arrivem at f are Verde. 1 K
I(sltfar _ In the wfterman Ornrrol Rullrr ern• their Inn thri nR will ser n g►nn•l have retnrnpd and hundrwds arrived with the ll -ramex, left thi paf•tce br14, nre nl ik'ng gmitt efforts to trac 1pas was fund ,o t1N• ,sever l
N. R., O•t. ln: •TIM trAms• barked on n stenmer for Cnpr T"wn. t.r dlrpiny than that of threw ypara of Pris-son riverni.fy from the month rlrofh�I in �o ,mem (hln.mr Cottrl hvt,s. bort Mayors (kp Rrnrk lrrr with our arm fuel w-vt.Ml
hart idnhn with til- Cftpxdlxn ale- ntro. It will Me, in fart, the mrr)t pp IMr rnpll)N Mlaaor 7 rlihr hrokon Itim heivi w�nw nlmo mli ht
All the Nhlir In the harbor wire Rny to tN rrn,T9 to mtxrt ml,,Ing gwlrn• mMlta Volive1Png In nn or'lnnry ('h' vfllaltrvl nnrp•mte"d or hmvre or tem" R
RR1na•nt rm hoord, xrrlvP1 at CAprw rintr)rxte land the cmatgmt dlnpinY I1' frnt•ture,t. TI.R• 1w ranee there or
t'orde R IS drrcr►niwtl In film honor. tL.na in the wprinR. ens• rart.wnd nrrvmlir^nird :;v nfl In ullty tvrmnnnr.ratLvl avffh the hM
lslAnrls to AA,r, nrmrd'n to A I Pvw ntad- In 1'AnndA. - rr n lint, hr wits d).ng Im n mymtory it
nlft►Ilflerrlt retlnttr. Rnrh wft•1 the Rnni hivprh••tn dlrmims•],uNi their
4111Tetch to the, Commerrhtf Cfahlre --- i, sill lto that, alp waw atru••t by n
Mtlee y Krsller .•n • [hitch \{'wrahlp. Mr. T, PsRnttplo wnm nmmlpated fiv harry rpt thrlr tk•p'wrt.urr flr`lt no Iwerw tukrn h r.tU•Prs from f\n olrr,
lit this cit Mr'e1rMl at 4 I (bat Trnoils for Transeptal. P y T trnln HP war tnkrrl to tl'innlpN•g alrn-
"'rlmt. F%Ippfng top" ma tltas It Larsns, MArgtpa, Ocl, Zl. - TI1P til- ('onPervstivrn orf 8t. Jxmea' Di- mrw,ty or rAlunhkvt In Any gn(kttity And the faltirh mtlitAr,y f(kreAv of ILP Prxl F1Mpltal. where mmnll ►tnpaas are
will tate aha trs,"ort at least Us Duteb warship. (:elderiAnd, on whish Loddon. Ort. Y2. -The L1aps Towo vlwton of Montreal. w^re taken With U6va. and for wevrrnl province are now Afield. entertained for his ractwory.
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