HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 60-1mltart lepartef- of filo r lupe''' (who was, only by a woman's craft,' PSIS I'NHAOUNKVKD WORDS. ISSUE NO 43• 1900• "This prollnduarY stroke will lrIeaal . woo hanging) will lit n butte- Bl"d„/ tt lilted In Marriage'' Better Tlae - -'--- - - over In a rowple of hture now,” he in word all uror ell. red - i •• the Huey Bonds of Matrimony." �O� I ' ewun, fit is mha p an 1nollerlru dr In every hums lu wh►ch. untie' A TSE AIISER sHEIRESSgym' lu Nor rhnrp wlwk tour'. Wr a ogir it ewuk e. your wenlLh We read with opefust that oer- !esu reply from the lawyer, nlhl the nal yomtr slew' ��'• you luny' Lib- talo young "ad hopeful prrauar are elnrk 1•uutinwd. with n 81411 woro t&uAd a foo,was. But." tvntinuel to by "uuitud to the h,ly bruJf of biT/lide/'/ evident assuuiPtlun of amuraglon: hawtatw?e. w1W Wee ern/ty aarump. "The fact is. the marl find nut a Lion of frivhili ••e, w hill wit to dl wutrlwuuy," aaA this nut altogether leg to Stand on updwi film. "l ew wtiWlg 4. Ibtwl It novel unuUuncewellt rugKcsta the Food. In health, you want "There it n Lena. b, rayl w film Wiv [~•r.ur;, of ells hutkgry waterm, rue. ' 1 Ben's know.' put in I,awrmies it atgillve you twt thle fatal putdiuityDisatious influence of tin marriage ceremony could be Ua wl,v wvLY flverlohvi-' lie 1 up,n rho use of language. Trains Wit lir he read rteealling an old I,uig ere ruin fr!r until et Last. quits and. Haugh"t. with gkw my rtltfuess. "1 herlGtte,L Lnt+thtg LhaL the ceNeclwlua {start at 1'3 u'okwk, nail thou ewtuN- nothing but food; and your Q hour• 1) Ing 1t mile Lir w, along the I thilly, he sGggmwd lu fila wild gallop, would out. even now, tails fuer move of the ap.44•11 might be antlaapILU-1 are simply kidney disorders. Theklelrteye I needy IS raid to b� w'tsrle� rt that babywants nothin but food.' Bl�l c:rt way. "where I cin get a hurwe. 1 stud trembling for a woment, with for Krflute•dl, and If Wiim tart mune for 1Jaa. tout Io wtxitet fu wale.' 'if filter the bltwd of all that shouldn't be hour, but, at u rule, though It may (h, the high road 1 may have- Law hie eye# wild anti strained, while ttae dead not answer "-- not.' Ire exclaAmod saragetY, "I ri1+11 there. The blood passes through the kid- be yy when the carr /tart, It is But, when not quite well, yout walk ten ndisd byfure I cob getoual water broke under lib renlwdt head. "'rut aoower!" exelnlasod Weller- I" Wh. haw 1414)+ its nouns+. It not r reap• every three minutes 'If the kidney• ••high, so,,n" when the ciergYlnup 1 will mauaage Wtir if it, to within I thea, with x cry that, wear nloxrll hu- tell Ysimp, It is W Ikv►d bait 'a Ito reiwwG,d ctuPhAU +illy, as it do their work no impurity or cause of makes lits dll,Lratlluu to and ubuut want to get back to where. can't follower. o Ruta in Ila sugulsh, tun throw lilt heed Ida walk. '•IWw can it help answer• W ob:IRS 1t crt,kv. disorder can remain in the circulation ¢ '`� J it was within this man's &lower, back. ani Roydoen know Wutit he alone Ing t What cuu presegg% IW answer ••p, It by ,your wish. Mr. Ilan howl." the walling huuylo, eg th bar yet, food h enough. and net hour aft or th-e laurmlo6 Wain ( tittil is 'that rtsh of rWn waUva, Il nowt And We sum he will give If blood than that time. Therefore if your explained what makes the nano WlJ g Nt ►nqulrlstl IlawyJ rt. w'ILh m w 1 •t glance blood it out of order our kidneys have Phlgh," but the fans b ao eeptYl a• •�•� Idhl pwWtwl un ler way florthwarl rep 1 that his only chance of safety was us to keep silence will ret 1114 going tA,wunfe the Udgtety' figure of lir. failed in their work. They are in need of an Incident of the a mA�l oa. Just Wr, he most delicate food, TR( Royde•n rode from elk old farm, I to clink to film delad colopillo 1. again more ptuuplennurly than over. Hlt•kertu:i ,111111). " Lllat your c1Pr14 in stimulation, strengthening or doctorin where h t Ind protaptly buugbt a hurse At first Lite effurt w k„cps his spat After that:° I'll engage that rho pree,wut ret WJa lntervlevv t' g• while auw and then rums p,eupin ars that is known to man is One medicine will do all there, the fitwcat mnrrnow 1t Ir a ltd of them tl{O , which Ike master had notPr huyef tpRraw.41 all ltd ,vePrKtre, but grltl- firm shall bnxxrmo the richest sod the I futae sae64t'4 uad ad1l"A Jnr. and most imitated Woad ul"cias Warr expected W sell w profitably. Th:+ a tituut.was wally that tension relaxed, While Rion sharpest W the eouuL,Y.” Haught.at L11"Lglout." dtru•lr ui b that they 'hall lir uuitel In war- SCOT 1 S EMIJ JION of COd young And strung ant fresh from its he hell tine hand upon the hMnwt of "If he •Ince not offer us this bribe.' the w+brJv partner W the future riuge," or in tine "holy b-mcid of tu - ,ltAlik+, Holl Boyden ha nluuute,l 1114 coat, 4nianling that lately won raid Lawrence, wiWi no Appoarauce W -A wtth n nether r.b,rtdo,• attempt- trimuny" Lir ride be "Julded Ip weed- Liver Oil. I ;;1 with a plenaant rrmiske of Itt power paper in its grip. 1lreamllp, with n or being carried Away by Mr. Blimp's at voyy molf pgeseastmu. '+cud I wish lurk." And weddlnKa are out shine and will W Barry him fleetly nbneg oonsvlw:waiow of Utter helplewcaw,l euthusiastic auticlpatioaa "tile Prue- to set, Idata thavwlgh it." Dodd's In their stilted phraseology. Take I When usual food is a bur - Um thtligaroua ♦bare. which wan alumwt a reUti Atter lit" thee -cud Something el." with It, too -You Shull have that plmsure• then, funerals. J_ r The master of tha Rams, Its well re+fluor, feverish exertion, he floated -cannot b, eared, we YOU know." Witte my hunrty ootleent. 1 only de -Kidney " Generally we are told that the I den It feeds you enough t0 L as lit&. oli rather, uMA lir. keith un the aurfna+„ of the tide; ,recalling •'Of c•o11rse. I know," Resented r:reol lit. ItatighLon W 'lll'bwtalid "motemn burial merrloe" of the Eyl+- 'INnut U, attempt WI., rLlr. The weather brokenly, tw one sometimes recalls A Bickerton with a chuckle. "but there that It is twit by my wuti that copal church was used. This Is ad- restore your stomach; baby wits trewu•her um, th •y ant 1, unit the dream• how one than yrara ago, tarry hnppl+us to be very little rublitruaee you are nindo eugltiz+utt of tau w•ayr a relief. Friends might have dbwna+ tecfw,sS the IAy lsu h gn'nt Ing nn Infant In hl+ arms, ,had lneeeh in glint 'but.' lust gePm unusually uuJ p'l'ate affairs of hlr own family.pills selected the humorous aeevhW of the same. °a or han it sttemul. But, Roythst nhak dmwneA within this My ; Ian911WIF rather uncharacteristically tiruid to. 1'ou have, as I am fully aware, been some other church or have Ilad ser- Tt, `_� Ito''" bq the ux•tt by th - baud In het qulet, w•,ufiering over Live exant split amt tiny. air; an unlortunate mud W for a lung time engaged both to rico for baptism Lit lntunU, and, Ills body-builder is food ] 11119 o4w,lidLI way, tubi 14am he hull no ttmorblAly trylna to Imaging the m•r.rw hate happened W fall into JueL flow, film and with him in him search, thud -- when it Is made clear that they timid lint] folr, only U get to Tit- there came Into his mintt-wti❑ when we wagt all our sharpest wits I am quite willing that you should -- a solemn and a burial •orrloe at A the body -restorer ($ y great anxiety W ardtic ARIA vaguely-tho story of a eel r W'ewtteigh Tuwerm that nt;Cht, ant About Lie. Mr. Ke1Wi is no allot, mild be present at its concluriun. Atter Not Available. funeral you realise that they have awch colifidrwo lit his w W burse- wre •k upon tldr•coamt, and Inoktng out oic,t witli truth Atut Justice to our that, .I shall thank Jou to leave tide When, at o'clock one morning. Mrs• done the proper thing by the one I c �' the) I kaon the way well," h • w41o•d it, meta ito triwi to R1h,s the allot ride. we gaunt look Sharp w Intiml. bouse at ,)nee, uiml to bear in mind Newman was convinced that rile SCOWS �YN7 e® It hilt lr! rusnut, earnwit wile -• "Lill ) it where the ship hail foundered, and date, 11IM-, that It you attempt a second in- who has r -passed awayh trip wl4Ilf.d that h^ vould float far out to J P hears w burglar ►fi the hurler, she That throe recoils the story thew I tow b a gruud .tuns evening'" w,�, an,1 fall Just there. The two maw walketd on to m11ee1u•e grew' d shall haus you dismissed- cautiously awakened per huebennd. till Lit the tato And mach -esteemed � Of Cod irver Oil. Two men stool watching him from now•, awl to Judge by the expr4oulon by the shuuulders." "Very well," said lir. Newman, w•Itth ht■•r eine minute tie was plerving taw j pause then, and Lawrence, in a Judge 1Hartf, of the supreme court ifyoehble nmtrtdU, •rel lx err. 'napes. tile farm gate. ole walerdGso 1 u guest of ores, the teeth and ,lstlre which A a drowsy IaUcu«• born Lit frequent 6 horw, whet he saw, u,lr, there oua, had ranged themselves al fib ride sudden access Lit Impatience, reltor- similar alarms, ^1'11 get my revolver end of Hartford. some lawyer la itsa�ree•hl•tulewen.,, nee •u 1,wc mistc tlarknems with fits spew :uta dal 6COTT A Bp W N Liu obu1K sU,at 14ukt, urd they hat culating h"w long it might Ile poosible were not animating or encouraging need file old throat, again inrluuut- from the drawer and gu down and sptvlkinR of nn expected witness ,laid "r or { GzMmlater 1„yt, err,dl at nuc• that h^ wast fiP'tIr for film to live,'anti ht the next he totopantonw. Ing the one chan{te, from film (two Investigate.” Ile had parsed away. "Died, sir." raid I Sse.aaaflA*;&IILatio. emlt �u tent his heal against the beating '• Here we aro," cried lir. rgim at ••gut, William;, sole, hld wife, with ilio ud e. "In this court Ir Ale, I ,------- - _ t Kwlth. iii nus Just w•h et they Irl- p generosity .and oompasriva, w4lclf J K people lu• Vol fanciel the alulre of Weat Tovmr,l, Spray, with n faint w ilo cpm him last, In sn alry Gltie of rtimulntion• remained for his victim. a sudden gatp►ng remembrance. "your out pars away." 9'mllnrlp, meetings lit*- amt dlppitlg bow Und Into the • This Is our gate. Now. Mr Hct h- lUkvilion tout + tis- oaar:oue reluw P Paper nulldl#R IYaterla t. Br But rebid :Lir skit•' ulna ig platen tru'L leM, dear. I-1 fled It rep ore "holden" And will' are "prove".. water, Lel l it upon hl» burning I row vin, don't you go and look down In which followed, speaking do t ufet, pe,�p I An nf-pltaltnJ pasteboard from Nor- Brit Nor - Big WneN turned aw•nY after l><' g 1 with ribbons for an urnnm.•nt under nn,l le who urn ebur' terms uml liras. But through all Ills fLigerb the mouth or our me will suffer nod wear scorn: }our fnth•r'r sword to-ititI"-Yuath'r seem to think that additionai way anti a wood and paperboard from {.,rt w'atcLittip ILwyden out tai night. "it I, fcA J n • J IleyPr O11C' ML'1 XI+t1 lit thr►r 1.1'lotl IlpOn O:ir r p p0.i "YOU intend, you may. W make, Il wet J weden are new bullding materialf- tact n Aapigerdu fart he tries' toulRht.': practice lire nowher;r. Ce pd u pub- l'om reins. __- Rht :4 �itr ' no'e'l to the state- v Roydea knew this we,l. 1% was no tboso papers. pP had borne on fur in ore. I Shall look you up, anti when lie your conviction that you have life- --- menta Lllry have to mnke. The toot 1 or great probable usefulness. Tb• nfety-esu far': �tma are at a ' low. you must Jawt eoverei Gabriel M ddelton. the mar- Tex merehante are tinder the our tUu sire Igehrrontte that he ,lSarted Lia that 7 1s that the ,l mplret InuS nage U the firm& is made by, compressing to- rldv. But the huts.+ that , oke had Just Cetore'"Ilt dawn of tp^ Jeune leave the Iltti- affair in my hands." derer of the Squire of Abbotemoor? preclrion that Ceylon and India Green etearext hill th^ strongest. -pert-' ill 1 morning n group of flttierm^.i slowly Rether several layers Lit heavy pap,r t11e bought was frewU and thee :old th; The Ina,leynt familiarity of the Get ms save Jia from the uiipleas- ►line will displace all Japans UI Pare• ford. ('nun, Courant. an.l asphaltum, the product being n f;(o.1-We two lioare ctht:ent yet. Wt, PRIAW!• r11unQ the g'dPnt,'deWy park ,unBdentlnl clerk wens by co mrars ant ridicule which you would incur ads before long. The "Salatla" Ten _ _ I prow,th,,sodld platy, which will out WIN, ting straight and firm in his riddle. to' the locket door Lit Weotl-Wi Tow ,llruwtefnl to the stern and tri- by so doing. I have read the docu- ti,mpany are introtlucing thew ilk The Boundary Line crack or rut, an which 1Y adapted Dorn Itis flugrtm W ht u1Lxt Lha rein. Ltoy. ,rm, Tluey warn' niPa to whom this ,litritteil nature of Illy master, moot which prove• that young Gab- their sealed load packets. They are J I for Wallis and eelllu I'ur panels &nil Wer I i g il,opt+tl 1`Itiag til►; narrow sncl Liu- ''sou t perk hsrl Itt.+et testi nes -hull vet romp conertonwnnra of tIR man'w art 1fyAdetton waa'tnna eat of the tete rnp#L tlrtirioots-(ireeo '`Y'+rs saK Sween romrort and dlsroinfort 1■ ottwn your' will lay ground: they were mPn who'IinA •ver over him k t all reproof from erlme for which, vee years ago. fur many other Pur seg. wvwl Infill, w'hlfo LIN: pdawwnrkge-r he �h, #P 1 er10 offerMtt the public. alight. on n a lou rhram us o or s nerve" I -_--_ met II. tel After 114fen :uIJ ri.ler 'Mrnwl to lore the maser' who Uil(l Tawrrnee Haughton's lips. tin hr he was tried and condemned." - - Or aroy oua muQenr iron obm•nro nervou■ --amu w,ntler•tngty, tre ntetl them its brothrpo an,1 no( tvalle.t up the park lu Oftener, ler "The -the -devil!" .pante t Lnw- A Dual Life i■ Boston. reel `k'hy wdrr 1 rr kion rap ain I'ul Kinard' Ialolm,lrt Gtie'si"Oarpt V On still tall while the sun slowly' werfm ; add 4o In cheek was dry when Gimp acting ail guide, anti elhwwtng a renre Haughton. In uneurbed pas- ? bur Iv erne a r- rs of that arkilta a ret pato Pub fie, \. 1'I they tad I,olaehl,lrly uMsr`th+ wit "D61 ,You hear about e:eeokro t . for i ntc It r y� pr seta tart tom - kir, rwelndl the svgs^'. On and un till it os'y sn pi, foga knowlxlgw of Wie glrte anon. "What Jo you mean "' torts t�ntn. It yore■-praorptf It I■aure r h anti Royd,n tRe:1LbPA n d hot re• fK tow They claim Ile is IMotlut n IAwWn Ilte•.'' leadapt w take and never tat to caro all allatsg Camp f.aradt!'. im,w r 1•rtvwy Leasing Lim amoflg W nth an air of bustling pliso- " I have Seen and rend," re- g "Ntcra1l ca115o h ! W'hat p"rohr Ihnve �ynM of polo, ltoei't wall an ►our, but .stat to fad. f,.r Lite {rt6b had reached the tem. Still with --h-6 fingeq tightly .•nry be ndvanred W the great arch- peated Royden caltuo, "the �„ ,,The complglmfle thoultu itte fir the ,down, ret hurt. H,. p tlaaed o:fe mom'•nt cltwei upon the papers b3 iiad borne •d door of the Towers Awl pullet the ttxy . civ dneg step pain arta triol bath renis rel wn far. ---_ ' heavy Iron bell which hung bewtrie, it, ,Benj min of ,t.lwe real r.- ,vf bbolo• chairman fisc new niwmltleo of Ito, "He oua/ overlrear•1 talking la 111/ LLaa the euro pain ours that &tip come h wap' Hud gate n ,o. k xroend lam -first Benjamin Te,rrit mitts'. #wf Abbots. a,�.,.,---. _- __ _ l •afst?'- "rax_ Y Ulu Iaditg Set: then up the dart, f:enttp n:xi tPgMtfully thtr,lf- mon while Mr. ifn11ghtimn followwl, not by moor�•onflrmM by Affidavit, that y�s/. n Dr. Wild Cooalax ilack• your stud with a sheet on a pule ■tn t.retipiGner r llffw ; Olt -4l her -atilt. 'Ibl bpci Lhe sleeping householl, and any mean so thoroughly at line nue yet, rkwunLent it true uptmt hath_' Y� w!th pantie that ware dPlkat� th^n lir. Krlth." ,iPmt►ntorl Rlckertoo • " l mntieia! !ems Rev, D►. Rlh1. who oua been for the R9iE. they was w1s' ter a ting of H tiPy.nd the Gfeibtg tuna t streako " Where i@ 14N forgery." c i(A Law•- roxa twatifl t�� last seven or eight years holding a erase, an' you fired Liu 'em." m 11'Iioel that oment's . we near ov,.r, If they Mut neer' htwal Sa irefore, they Impressively. anti the hour wan upe0 Kure his fnox t[Wirulred wlth"wruth. ehureh M Lar Angdss, l'allforula, will I "We did." admitted Wie defendant- cap Ierunblg forwarwt in his mad•14e, he In IJ hits In one lit Ills own bout itifud .dt wile upon the visitors ; tout the "Wr{1ere b this purluretl avo undrel And - return 'to Turoutc this week, On ac- I "We tbmWM IL wen a blank flagf YT pteeord him kale, against hie horga'm norma. 'Ant] when n girlish fl;urs man who ushered them In wondPrrAi hl. lying Aom ::Lint"" count of poor Waith he has given up flasks and cWhool along Oat %reach crept In And Stood beat him, npneAt -% goad ileal what nnlunint;lnowo ret •••TTP dotum at," returned Rovdeti, his charge, and will spend the winter I A time cc Mulattos Worm Powders and tvtaw nod beep.• t1we ewe. Ins; muiely ant towartullty for ti!l*ic tu. t1leeWr's wtwlld conte in this curt too weary or Lou UI to be roused t0 ou his term at L'runtP, Ont, In the c,oenwkmnally wUl ktsep the chlldren ta,u Oars or tw•lrP the qutig hors• lilt thew wh'wpmrwf Itl'hnshet find brtdi-rL manner. without prefacing the nam' Atl•er tww,ain,or amumteruent, *'With - aptMag he will lenve for Euglnnd, an•I I lwalthy. 1 ace ;Wier that salllu•R past the duty as the prsssi:yf t=xnpleta history of tit rase.. -vette -L`- Sttft1V ='M --1t,'- make a tour of the Old country. Ar-' � - - - c` . t�ertl to lou Imaca•, a,k.t cwlem. tw twit' dx ex tow wish W Dee him •i he s,ippel anti world have fulieu Int t1odle want down• they hail found him and he entondrd this wonder W lir. rating et Iiteratiru-drawn lip by A Dear Qirm,-i have great faith In coaling to Pe,sto,n Ad%luwi, Dr. W'IIA' British Dogs to Caroar"s Dayt sen fur Wue strut restraining Win,[ up there upon his fiend horse,-hengm!w4' Pierce. b whom he paused on the tAm.nls solicitor, Isar been 1aerd Irl 111NARD'S LINIMENT, its last year The time of the Ronrall-'eulwLLn lour 4C y { D her IntPlp come Into the Ixosseerotun of imd (n the rPllt : but still he mottle IIf. ani I motionleur• ns hes must have float message. tine hands of fir+ Government, togrtIl• I cured a horse of Ring brigne, with a handsome fortune. _ of Britain. five distinct w irclels 'A wap brhvo.y under Win frowning et for thr+r hours at least. So the valet appeared alone at the re with a ynttLlon to ter Sump : a- five bottles. A" r lis. Roaumbd nuJ motionlwart : Tit" ,door of the room in which the law- retary.'" Roydes paused here, though it blistered the horse Inst In a fry' their action eft the el(rmateb, with were th'e'y, be i of which ran "On, goo'] frUow•, oat:" were- the worde the men chtta he yer and fila clerk walled. only because ht, breath wits short nwnth there was to ring-bodir add Liver and Bowels. Miller'a Worm; with of Ile be idrnLifletl with cauan they HAW -t roar and horror epos,+ of the prement day. There Now with cwssres, now with 1+% ills enxatwr wan not, well. be Bald, and 'hurried : but In that p.Ltt@e IrLw• so lamtvkesm. Powders; eprrenct all rump troubles ar t�rtn'rp the txrnw Io,K, the greylwuuo-. I' mtrotes, dId reoyd,'n urge film, whit'•. In the {MIt+-filer, thou' gnsPd upon. But anti would rather not be dtaturbed option Hanghtm telt the grundgive I1tAI1EL KURCHiS014. Lnek oI Appelitr, Billotsne•Is, i)row-.- owl Llys tide twee nn -1 nes,. 'That tiny Was 11 df. knew what they left unaxi I: and unless hip resenoe was wiry part4cu• way, under hi• one Spot Lit rarety. title bull dog, the tcvr:er urea the p }'qgg }•,slim, N. g.. dnese, >talbw t'utoVlrxlwp. etc.; nhx t0 reached at Ini t of whose danger' At when ell- hent above the prostrntr 'arty toslml. "Before this time," continued Buy- W take. slowhoun d. -- of time flowing of Lha title he ivad WId form, seeking In ,vain far motor faint Lawmnr+ Ilaughton. meeing that den, glnncblg from tie lawyer to -- -- cut Lndy Somenwm and Horor no they ,fail of tire, n cry of teim#l- dlwpalr the man had Luken this course u&oo him clerk, to Borne Friesrotary has Tea Verona Alcohol hs Russia - ern til her -)artel ll rn wtoold at Waat w•iholdw ,looking down P P•• himself, anrwatvxt with angry stern- anitouaw•audt w-Itla Lhe Judge --1 telt _ Tea 1,l now conaldered thew brat NOTICE .tow n{w,n the slant. Ah, it was'ade.r.ear' White anti still th, brave face lay :• ntwm tint him mamter'm prdx•neA iv;i. that to two neAvemry, Krause Jodg' beverage with which to figlut alto- TO HORSE OWNERS. lilt Ixnnr: It almost felt like hncinz nerveless and powprhts was th. eery jarttularly odeetrtaL and that rtrPnt had Men tcxtruellT recorded renchwd home tit have rrachet this .strong. tall form: Pet still the hcte it, his own time wam- waivable he agninat, (kwbriel Mytodelton otI rvi 1111'e -re Not nlopll/errs. bol, end is proving ,tech In H t co it it Ileawtf .known fact that Harass Mot blas ., was first 1 rrtr l into that coon- with ,red t tr pl weed n. i'tal'ic psatae, are +oil]-kt,twit Swit, on which the win- •tiff fbip-rs of th right iMnA M 'Mould he la,t Ur lueve lit" ronwa t ,ienive and tlw decision of n itlry: ion have Mnwole+A quer' nn'revs '' ■eras caraddU•heaven _ h R g for lhlA)pFtNM here," remarked the try In 16:58. n -lay et:P annual can- P 4,+.m .,r tele Towers fofile ,jlil)1 it cram �hMr -fhnrr---iprlp osteo^ t t' Lr dNirrrPri with prexnl+Ucters. -- ­­ hich Judgment is tiow,ot M)grCP,--- xutttptlnu 19 100.000.9110 Do�ttatlS. '[71st PRAIRIE WIiRD Heats Powder ,.__ PM i e•o mflee across the boy, olid the tld•, Anfety bonne through AIL' Pierer retired wiWhu6 furWker apitwd-I hope ytu follow me- and Ga= British vialtor-Yn_ _tem--el"ntor man - -,-' --- - -- 410 ler a- depwTlwle+nt genets. " For In. of BL. PetrrSDnrg •loop (r rwckuaeol k�� of flee Prairie W'•ed " wklck nae _---. •iw Wan rlatnz nn1 n mi0b, gil h-ur north- I ._. ellftiTrit .C,XVrt-_._.------ wor(U. anti Lawrence Hhtlghtbn bri•M 11Nd,o•dttn'w innikkor s, _1114. _ at from throe 4ti tour- Pounds per been f....nd •o effect,,' In ,art, kt,+r,+ti weM fmm the ePu find slowly mhrwd a Iowkedt rnriunml around the W+antl- Ibhwl filially and terlenirallv.•• stance, w1�Y don't you call thin n +ret Thee weeks haul rune -I mines Ru J c•spitn. Ten And ewagnr cost Bassin eeerbt.,ofwf:hotherralnableteo dal s. Ing bower ant rider in Its chillin t y. ful room. "T)mrrt• a arra," slm,oted L,awrptwr. 'lift' Instead of an elf-vatoor t" add will prose •n eff-teal remedy for n. 1 . 1"14 g' Iurt Keith roan from that los An(• [ I }early g:Ki.ltr]D.H00. tbirlt@, beer darkening embracow. "Yes," tae thought, with it feeling hiv arr@frn entirely o%erma xterl "That'd make a felbv t, 'shoplift. 29d l btsM in ckage a all Drag tel •tmth�llke swtwn nn.l neytlrcLlnK hie � nR 1 y ^R wine are eeoffsutwerd to t1So value cif But for tin Instant, Just befur^ It of me!f-gratulation almost #4111:) to him, "are foul Aad lying forgerile:" row."' re Ifr1 the elevator man.- ZS c• i• p« p•ct.g• at an oddagag+1ens a Te dal mlorr nervi of rest, Mturnod Gr lamdon pp >]140,000,OOD o/IJ• w rev ri, r. ser, Ch• wise ►ort [igen, Ont ret roicbed them. FoyApn etrnlned file tliat in which lir. Blimp was ret that 'On t11e contrary," pot rl Hoyden. I'hlladelphla Ptd,l. - ----- only two day• atter he hail ben till tw3, to war ! norther t^ -.Ler 4 tin ior,I tis laAatlt„Ig= pee he raw af- his ref 7ooea#okmt►aippre..by- is - - lot ro imem m are pale. peevish. 'way, amt-nh ! vas, the watrr•i Inc hmnfglt homes unaen/ribn,l. But the „ -g(jl- -.j �r wY knee. y ------ -__.__ mn tanNtn what find taken 'him W Unv, surd b, pap well." cleat ,nlffering, tWwP {1npPr@. which CI' P -amt r'eRtico,lS at night the require _ rwtldng there, falling hark a little Wheu ret Inwt Mr. Keith entered the Prove the innoorsice of Gabriel Myd- a .lure or two eft Miil*r's Worm I -ow Wanted too Purchase -`�� were till culnpletat now, ami hr ha• ueitan, have b -en endnrse,l by tiro The Reasor *by. den+• 1 q an l glistening for a moment, then room, Use self-gratnlatloo oven of )Ir. -- dal :•ones' home W wait. FLir threw week darkly ITftIaR t1lPrli,rlvat �In their BickerWn Blimp was turned for n min-. H•.trao Secretary and 'low Ile at the �• Kpv are you esu feted ,rf 8polte• ' ho h'nd tonight with his terrihie ant D „ 7 Klectrie Motors for SUMP . COACH HOHgtW. about M ILasaa kf/tt. lip .11 jWo;er nn 1 swaying broad anti der: .ire fn:mo Anuthar channel. This wren. Ft flip Of/11x, at your call. Mr. Haugh- gwltr• T" Itwked ill. acquaintance. _ iM Mesh tering and wetrinosd, whorl one day scram the ^w'- -t-; wh)rk !ail before the sh,w, aftertiooa Lraln awl). • wlrr had beryls-whipryrpoi him on enc• ton, or at the cull of any one, who des •• BPraifsf-,"-ahmweetl Mr. Bvxuhln New enrRtrwl Irnstrvarte,nts operated Weight from Lem tot sill'. Ilt1M t this solltwry horseman { p never -up -h -forgotten erd•a4io t, am. drown to wltne/@ the irSae of th1+ loreh eftrtrie danttrra art coming into A,lr tout to exceed a yeawa - ----- hay through Westlrlgh delwm+lte at that R lou Barnes,Iintnai"be is the great. the poor T Ra ply at once. . hoyden'* hrLrad fell gently nn th" who had often goaded him to the very ^ontestted mAtter." les" {mit, tits loan who dpdte a,.ke to este. The nest wonderful Is an PIP •Iprpy' little "tat'"" to"" Pammeriff"ra, AI.g7C.lfr('AHR ,- .lwtee'e flxnening nock, aqd for n mer verges of mndnwss by his haughty, un- A Pause again, while Mr. Haughton prnwnnL rend phlkmwpih •r, and reeved Lrfc maty, which eutw though Ixmlp an'1 91'indwr Antal, whrr`hxtd-a yore-mgrr,rrs.l Flail bust-. metat fila spew fell, ton, resting from awmellnble warn And rnWier awharPcf and his rbrrk etniggted wttli many the wAt'TQ 1b h1g1Nr PttwrLinflw. ISP LhewN- wltl-IighWalrlg •pm,ld- This ....__...:. Montreal. .. r �uew•t!kp air than th.• g•rnersllty Lit that gate which toad pwJrneol th- gats- but always evident crwlM'rept,, waw ell FRrle1 and urm.rmfurtabni emotions. •blows you tkmi't law ftAAo icy use of Rive n f- h aw nlrpnho Runt an pxLwm - ---- --- _. {ws,plw who h tient ret Wint rural ,lim,t cA er1aR Harkless. to 1 thLd been dol. Ile came slowly rend hmtrrng avhlrh was PrP -eminent a very {'rare any royaltbw fur the use of sive t1/P 1n Inryre MIwlnlyhlW, aril h:gm I.toOacesNvNwMat land aormpored, (telt They gave th^Ir ticket++ to tlo wall all tover el nr a, %I !ht,-. r.tg bar 1115 err acres, w ell [Liu Their le no pnusugo before nes. }t w Pnrlly Into the! room. And lomntng nANirnl wimh flat they were ret that it►d playa." -t -------- SL,1at whore elf villin a wPverf- opPrstma It[ 1w port nr all sn t. g'ree't Irrgnlp, H. U. Bard. tarp and t without n granas he std o _ _ ill. sk the ahtin handsaw oRiilt- noun of owner, llonmoutt, III. 1'14 our one flail rlu iroe�lWe tang inland. agnldat she chimney -pias --not from tgxnlPnt tx•couJ the pt -k gates of him. and they wnik:41 from the stn ttll,l hour Irlann cdssLU (Lir you and habit, lint In nal APP` art tn^ au{,- W"eutivigh Trwwer@. Milgard',l Llalotea -Galas Distemper. ll, slower arting hantlSaw wlwlld have - -_ lh mo --poor fellow tion together without n glance IV port-hc turnacf W thein s face which "I will look Into Lila," cried the Inyv frequently proven fatal W 1p • patient. FARM FOR SAL?. GrrblK him en. now by che,ving yowl ,tits few yards or J11wty Ina betrayed lutetwe akal muffering. yer presently. "I ;,111 . ww l"AAre Y f .-.. ra Ste whiab lay tatfore them. One was if 8 Ph7 __ red - � Hpota. l - -- rYSwcnr: i.oCl us. Oelleteaa: CO.. Ont; •ref: H, wvmla. And Isrv► by sharp..' swift Wt4. man of m"tio age broadly hnilt nor 4 There was much sail- faction W Air this vile trend." - --- - ro Orr � QeiA {s ON Day r la firma. claws. p1wns. .ate a Iii for ruble O. !to»den rvxlo Ur and fro within the nim, la Lhat, lad the roiWciuttsar4,m (old (:enlletonu (to .ticket collectorTait* re. feme: tramw barna. atone tuan.tatbru "If dressed, but hawing th'e air o! I (To be (�RtlaO,ld.) ZIC haul i Brom). nt.7 If. filik- a,l and ■tabling; water abnndanta one d the be -t arms of Wie bay, mearcllIn am ng hn,I not yet forret itself upon him -- YOU' Ilff-, mJ young friend, 1 Imo An w ninn4 thou money 1f It tall. to rase l'a R retie who d41 not too fully rontprrhen,& to fano• a the rotoryfor either Rr,alo c III -V ,; rho m-ks for a pus�tnl- neap of eRr•oe'iR; A Certain Remedy for Corns, Int, I@ a lnborfuos one urea full ut x614. W'. Gror�engr,Attn Y a.a.h sea. the aim h7 hent In virw or the waw It, that t11P face brWla rte,& JnML the 1dt1 mums n sold low . A estate;.CappNn {Laron ,Ir but the cliffs rear prro wth-t from enrage nnA the• wtrrn th which war NaJse write ismeA wt y. A. A. ('amptrell, hoodoo tin the trncp. a:u1 Boyden conn saw that nn} wvtilrh that elm shoull Ira {mtran.rl 5, firmly built n{wwn {Creat pnt!Ptn•a Arcot one always to be relied ansa, I• Pnteatn'• Collecfnr - Yom; but their are mo- where, IeAeM? itrtt. ti, holo+ of rms:Lntr them tvam vain. vh hllr Thr nth^r was a small ani wiry per Pisinlee. Corn Rxtractw. `mete, ane• and al- htPnip when It 1w filled with peace aro! In Lawrence flanghttwn made an el- w. Inle■w. Ne.rly fifty Irnlla'on prnvelta "W'hwecrp rvrn4 thl/ paper." rP. FRUIT FARC FOR SALE won, with ginger -colored hair ami y'pa applaf-wa and yoy. e.lie Mond of fps nese'e nearing the fort to plunge at ores Into his rr- value. ltewareot•nch. e:rtf'atnm'aatdrut• mnrkrd the tvfllns, who h'tA plrkrd ifor/e'm hurrying ToI!t, grew, literally r•umpl"NI"" and os tleelledly d"'Po• mod, but the cvuee was too thor- data- told W-vith•rnan-W'hm your wA,;mw • W t'ei7ertl tg in its horrdbl^ pxLPnt. me -mi the nor td knowing whither h^ wet•', , rep Lin oIJ aryey of eke New York muanJ.atel on what mtrtlon Iw nL. Tlghty at vnrinn^e with him pmfew- At the Photographer's. !tire igict I m'&oma. I)iurniti, drggwwl by a polar relief AI Brave and strenuous r;it d!d the ,tional habits W allow him to Ito mo ('Mlf-ccor-No, air; when ]slum the it portkg t►oree make no Rowtm & fen] " h it fair stung this bitting Innes?" "I.rrk plf-wawnt : lank Pieemwwt; ' to to w -filled, "is , n lobster." One d tet dntwt In the N r. Pwntnon ra v to film own way, ehereforo--the words • - -What's the matter. . Asted his ♦bona, to Intl« from Hai ifl'on. no two nu at ilLn backward And forward in title inquire i thl' eider man, without Rinne •ort nn -1 stern the mangler elNf real 141 L)nr ptmH+grnt+herr wlslc fife 0, s r - - w.yv iTr,acre., sof wblrl, L In''silt W.•attr s vnlu and faire swimh; heft the p'lt� iter Into his romptnion's faey -ff' barb in him nand. --- - ;___ - lAatr. he•. 1^-,0osbaakN/Of fruit- uMt'yw•rhr QI 1 olnbnrate-lie spprlmett P.o Aen Krt:h, Only a hrtek ten minuif-er' walk, Y "You 'en W forget," repkliwl Lh# Filly theses ter- w- gaarter 1 ----ilia. W'hy. he aAym 1-nar' r�oirosm- o .rant this swore, war sAlot. 1n d. do in •111{ ggrreew slower -tett, a wadi at, est. there upon hie own hearth, ttanrwl mhonhi yah Rot Into tet was- parclia.ae. Th{. ra a wrg.lu• Andres white the Wda rasa anti roar. Ijn Swift. rejulnrl Mr. 811u.p, rubl Ing his Short vkLlto. "whet pow are charging gree Iwrst or all tonics. MIINr'/ cblOpoOd that bf-, Mr. Lawrence Haugh- tngpth tr nm It In the f-njwynwnt for these photographs."-UetrnL Free ;yO a ,pilo. K reeler a mrvll.' Whore are We to JONA7BCAMPENTKIL IJ rho oua the ria-bedi In as 1 ,l4 ,weep ten. M:fMtcx of KIn1m1rN. poise sept of get it, then ?"-Philadelphia Press. I.O.I'.01)or YIs wlm--- opal IHR over the wide cfp/oeas hidden in of n priratn j,rk•e ; "rend If It took ve Pte,l,l. _ -- -- ---_- - - _. -- --- -- alp rw,rbful Inftxmatitsl In Wie ruse, Ir thie mixt. that Ni ala second, as IL awn hover lruteaa or minut"W. th, waw WaRn to Ida way W Inform him it your system newde lining up. Gfdest IiorM 1# Kngtaed. `tTo4dst Persons will std owllerentesr al seewned, hatrep and rtdSv Stead our• fatigue would he repsl.1 us with la A l nnrnnvrr man wnyn, "i 'Fla df-- V, trod stamps w111 aha ox %theirHa Ixlvanuse of terert." ;ocsnament that Gabriel ltvdJe•I Axl. take Miller's tJurupllrawrid Iron 1'l1ld. The oldest hunsp In England Stands arminetxl Miller's (bulpnlnA Imre tieorr«pond with P.O. Box 6% Hamlltoc,Oni Jx, ertminni cruti<runed eleven years Pllh. TM•y Are a grant remedy." PRIU1ANtNTLT CUARIt BT t1,tl rounded In WIN ford-thYe. tar 8t. Alban'• Abbey. It I/ ootmi- - ' Then the frightened nnlmal St• I't- " II it is not,," Moit 41 Latwrrtic, ego to the gnikow■ for the mur F.ntiland's 'I wu !(o)m1 Tj echl4. on al in chap anti the walls of eta . _ In ed wildly on him own career. galloly IF Ill, on morosely, "oar wnl( Ixho: (Ssr of ilia ural., Mr. MptodelGw. of Ab- Not a little curiositylima bf-en felt ower storyare of great thickness. RL -host Bab 1a the World' FITS RLLai• ervo Nervi Posturer • to totar000r. had !ween trarkel. thrtu h im a nervousness A atter /rte Aad► IHR bneYward nnA forward r left IrranncrL fin Mar long. 1f that hwpryn•am t.r g as to the intone of the royal vnet!t It b 1,1(10 yeses old, add Is still fit, y L wl.11 e.glrt, wtth alt atm or motive; roc. l8+ what yon In"n." all ILtsgutsen rend Ritsa plantefirrs, hp l lolorfa and Albert, when Ire enore4 for haLltatb a. The little Grnlxl llurhesr OIRI► of ar. e«pA to >,1 Arch atrw4 e'h, U Lag to and iter to tit" very mariner, Btrkertu h WIMP Pmllll affalty. i'er htmaolf nix& him It f"IgL- PfA1 clerk. and Romads, may lou+ sold to he the rich- yotdolphin, P. foe uwurud Cres p trial be" - .- g__htL petRic ap hes trd,i to tvfcapx hap, th'a naso W two, cannel lerpI as Ii ,vnm dawn to eumbal,Y (A thf •pwilee at ear of the en me name lW cununi•d,ee•.r1 Plot baby hl oho world. 'nip weak who Mo rbl.Qm* Harte, tTMi otAoDsr•etaaN it Hlaard'/ Llolfn,lai Came plpltberla Montreal Qwa - p -�•.+a�.r We�LTiigli Tmceis early next year Tim old tsseel data : ---- nous tetra >{7,p10000 ware settled on AI from 18.55,'and, cotnPred with std - her. and it tw eight limit this @sin was _ "Ike+' Have vow trip po:b+e hotel' All thin •pato have been sold for n, 1n1 utre11 Ruylo,le looking 1g xrounA film y f PI 8114 Henry 1IT011 n8g'P benefit `P`I a serply �A r1�so .dot,_ French„�. pway. beyd loth; hoot M•�rmthe A��w tel.cuv4►� BL"URES alwtel rival, now ntior'y'Fl mrnc, rI leti"a in y w- 1 • 50 W 100 galgewhr. -wee -__. • a am aguindt 4,7110, and nr 41x) borer+ ado no one knows what may happen lmo or Iter. At any roLP, they will were b,ught for 'tees inn In from --- 111 Itev'f- bi+•f.wvf- Ww ,lhnil cb:wrae W lower, as against 11,1100. to members of ape relKnletg hoose, dreoentaabotUa. s, eavP,' s+Lill the lawyer, adding ret. But the vo.rat's neago!ng enpnehtie 1 __ ' - OF ETCHING PILES A lxiu#•,w at u Wks Idea had Jumt are by a innor aider a and it It \ B vt%'e` him "ant ht we a- reb{P t1• toe be kept In ferret' for pure n- id NAY EVE R nate pal from thee pubi- d•egrad i- home waters, for which purpom^ It 9 s ten.' will be at the diarkmal of the mem, m ,._ .. . i hr--•vwppntp t -,ti•• � -boutw-r4.4h--rw"ftI 4wroHr- a i m ” err ASTHMA .. .111 Positive, mire baldly and unmlatnkaldN. track. the Queen. r o By the Use of Dr. ( 41.,C's Ointment. the Only , :n'g G.:t tin lml)reetttvr retterattn of ---- tJr, threat Ela awing" aa'.0 eel. Mla.rd's Lfonmeas Ltir.m Uphols, etrtl CATARRH DID YOU EVER Thorough and Guarcateed Cure for Ever -- y • stip nein J t'w ter o cmro.u. and Alr g Not F.gwsl. •tllanp Ills mild At ertwP or W171L • A Form of Piles• smrw) felt that he might mtn ill npd. le A young officer, having quarrels Caused by Germs. This IS the De- RWconnizz Tits I"Aflat res "It resat• A _-_ ____ __ __-- newt oa}wy the wrr'rlr. 11,• had with a c,.rn mpr•haot In a club n . clslon of Selaece. Now More Toren OWrr•Ra ()VFW= YOU Now, AND Zt-- jq+ T,l one single refsvl► '-'tr-grwwt mwwy rr•wwwrtiww bat au Lear for the eucce/�s/ of the!' plan, jlpgdgAu=, 'cite h1Q his swxatcLt �ul� Eutly Cured Tlwo Toothache. Tres Irrwtrvxrsrr rW Ihmt 11 for was not Ofthriel Mycidplton stand- the following day, b \- ,palwwr who is at n{1 skeptical rPKnrd- Oaver found nnwthing like Dr. Chllae'm Ing there In the utter uitencp of ti "Oentlemrn," maid thr tutu ,r The r•arvello,nl advancement in the science GRANULATED AND YgLLOW ? n Ing the vaine o: Dr. Chnsa,.,m O,Iltmeut Jecton conWpgnrnt on rlf-text ? And chaut, - I nm qultf- willing tl sf medicine d irinw the pe■t few year, baa on . IAt n torr for Any kin•l of piles, the "After the thlyd appllentb;l I "I nam h#• nut Incapable of raising his fight n Burl with the lieutenant, till l moved shwas malnAlm from the Hat of tho" following SLAM•nff-nts by well-known I Laine l rpllpf, And was POn'Pletel) f-yws, either In aurprlson or contradic- i oto not thfuk .air r!Skd stn, . riNng',' got y ort ie#R and placed them In tis. e.b NOTE IT ; WE DID THIS. a COred by ming ons bat.' 'tory of dlwea.e• moot euy to .ro res. Tb«,e mal ' huminewS igen .Or Wrintern Ontario' than ! ilii is n bachelor, nod f hthp thrr l aAlr Ar• not reawhtml by r»nMunttwnal t.rwnt, _ .. _. __ _. __.-.- - _ ._... _ ri ,lhchll" _b wntfiMpnt W c.mrino•p ,him Mr. A. Hayes, Btlgden, Ont., says: a Helve pal nothing to nay 11In- children. When fin line its man\ ,•ha, mens- Physicians row aAlrm that nnfr by that how 11ntrwllpr fwnii nil YfN...I!- _ "I brief. been tia+ubdnd with Idleul and RotrwA Atr, Haughton, ImprctiPrM nrrw drprt nes 1 hAvp, T R1m11 too at 11t1 meson of air carrying mtrrntwe khaeg own _ A The only better Lir nxxe eeiv ncinglblew(Bng elle for twenty ypnrs: trie,l for his crowning rlrcpls. dis rel., aUtuantw can these dlaww•wa be revtRif GRANULATED t00Y, PURE. � `--- evideme Jon ran {wtoalhiy gpt Im Ln tw! Merythinz T heard of and gay. trent- ',Nothing," replied Roydon, @till edradt em:I 1• s'a'te what c'ATARRHU 4 t I :\ man In the nPlghtwxhtwrl fins a 17.ON6 Ao►a: It f.garmietdw and S#wta whwrecwr ked h n Ieerrarout l Lrinl a ibis .dare � r Int from best phyalr•inns, bat twtb- aIr Soea, n.ad it 1. a tr+wgrast. Si.•.wnt and M _---__-_.__ y without looking up. pretty daughter, Thou lhsaLvw.nI fectual&"- rwmeIt for Hay• Feder, Brenrbara, ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERY t voilkwls rare. Ry 11dn; Ur. ('hnwP'0 ►tLg did tltp any R,rrl. W ret W ,res "You understand my present plana intmwllate]y truri.40, obtn]nw1 he! Aothra and Catarrh. Thonsanda In Cannot^ r, Otntnwyit registarly yon are certaln . York for me,ldcirww, hat LhPp dirt Ing, -at once to mnke public your rrlme parents' crwiment and marrlp I i have twatieei that It is wondwrful to wlhwet. In W IN. rnrw't of tht4 rtrea,lfu!ly annoy on g,axi. i wnm ndviwvl G, try Ur nail AuPIlrlty In w gon'e'r from hrr. Tn nue Irxlrw• hP w, . Pres tl11Otefthisarnpynfbnndrwlaetta■tlmonial. S Ing sffllrtowa, and will low JuwL Its en "lam -'s Onto ne ret. 1 got n toy rtA whish there ran the nn wpp•A1." srn1P 1 with n hay nal anis: wlnr•ntl w111 M Went to yon for the raking. t thoWiAOtlr an tlonnnndm of others In A.wd It, nail atter have• Twee trwhlr't "I understand." A f1witilitrr. at. last. W him grra• CAT�RRHOZONE prnLYing this odntment, the only iw mince, and that Id threo years nips it "And." continued I.nwrrnrP, 1110 yet•, n third 19111.1 was torn. If taFll ntN1 ntsWllnG <Are f<x P:IPa has leen n grPrrt hon Gr Inn." vole). rn{af-A more and more Pngpr pie last no flans in eallln. tai the ' if," 10 the *I Idit'". wrdTh ft rare 1 Mr. t'. tfnr"Ach ,r. of Berlin, ASR, ly, "to have you taken into cnmlrsty corn merchant. b • ('ommpn Sessf- Trf-wtsf-nt, frilly, and if n Wnfferor, xw thewP men stnMw: ,Ver three Toara 1 waw n At once." "Well." noht hes, in tt- trhunphnAt r ge.I,dewlm tet - -- -- --- - t profit lir thpdr rx{x Arno f- vletlm of Itt'hlnX an�l bleeding piles germ #be is Ills our air w111 way hnve tour,,, p k ik "I shall rent, nttptgpt to torn you tour, •soup ran f1,Cht rn,:. f lint♦.�"'a•igo rahaMra."g,m In thouaawalhmnch ra,ate hpgest Handlers of Apples in the Worlds whish they have re Iiwd for thI Iwelw-mail trb41 nrfy rvrrythlnT, nl!vf-r from your plan. i told yen Dort Ile. ,three chllrlrrh." 1 tl,wna rirooqurnng#Mlon and thwrwfw.. 111 r fit Lit pout sash fr^rmwM. Yo,n nr,l not "htnlndn-1 nerve than alight temporary fore, If you rrrndda^t, that I was r• OSrw.,ilcillo•golckly. 11 "Ali!" rnWtlr,l his nntwgrxtldt, x Now, It will nal7 nes you Inn w■nlr t0 try Walter for flftf-en yenrm, or rvrn for relief 1 dnlRRlmt res onnnemMA 1)14. willing Nun Should ParOUP It to tiff- Mir irville llleminitH• ihls fwrforlww,;Cntwrrhmenr. We will mend toanysAAra.min m (`hnam•'.4 O ntnwmit, pond 1640 than ons• Ou,ada sad Unlred states a fir tryst .t.e: Slmens, Shuttleworth A Co., !Nmnns. Jacobs & Co.. narela, Jaeobs ok Co•. thtve ynwrm, ns the•WP min 1h,er tone,I -nil If yon thought It pru-!rntonyour ^lint i have fiwp- Al"MrkSl TIL y ry,ofton.ndloonttorars. Tharryr L6var 1 Ragland, of w,,lwotlanA, rwnef•w,en tdw1. in A we** or tw#, ,vera rale be Whx• I box completely cure A tap. The Itch own sort." ' plant to r roughly and perwanently r•nrwd by res- Ing stn PA at fin". the hipe'6nR arm,). B/ta. hard r edf.rmlithalsr ol Will. +ka't tawsntatwl p""' • .•gP g PP "Than in Iletin more than an hmkr'a hard rnhhf-r Inhal r will tract yan�1.M. W'e Pr,wwd. eN ries are I+mmpfey rwInrihd by .vwblw Pull and a.+eanl• Marl •r Itspmt• •rt ing Dr ('Ihwwf-'s Ointownt. 1 gnit, Awl I ha eP never Since llfePfi Limp non will two In cootoAp," cried i Nrw. lsina td Ilnt hrlf-, Of (ipPlPh, is will eeWrA IM Ixiat paid, nppn rm al pf of prlra, m 1+unwl t.r1 wrvkl gipnnwn of arplw• w111 hes hlrnbhaA with market owl stew rllis,l• al i Mr. l;porgo 'lhotnprrwl, Fl iPmd:nR LrtrUbdr.1 with p11M." I,a wrf-nctp. nanblp to hhl@ IH@ gxth- dr'wd, ren ran gat In from any Aaatn In m.Alnlow .twwmwn and dl�M InfMTAuoo, by applying In ' mPrvhnnt of Rh•Itlwim, Ont. atatpS: 1)14 ('haaf-'S Ontmnit IS wall 't MT ♦darn' t www trof el with ItrhlnR plNw cpntw a hex. or by ma14 Ps pA111• Bring P1n01ou of disAppnintm •nt• "rend ford 1pvrer-tone, formerly sir 1'1rh- I J. M. gR1C1111 I.wORTR, 'Kern PARR'• rARat, RRAttT7onipt efra ,, t F,Atnminsrrw. by thlt tlgw to-mnrroor so:ir (dent- nrd W'ebrtrr, hn4 hmn ipptdntrf Lorif N. C. POLSON at, CO., w. s. tttttrCRl lmm Meo111■evw•e sen#r..t. wNlauswdbtb•pr.mptd«p.tekefafl 0 for fiat'" years, and wt time, hpy on r"Plpt of pr1Pw, by dry with the eonllPmnf-d murtisr•r ' Chlof Just ire of England Manahrturfas ch•w,laia, Kinedsas. pat.• Gan ooaadenmenu ssAe u alta above astped drawn. e were an bud 1 could scarcely walk. i aalMr ! Col. 1 i . .• 1 5 ' �;'�: -..__' ._ _, _ __ _. . .