HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 5ae*r•*..rer.
TauiwAY, Oct. 25, 1900.
W. Acheson & Son
friday and Saturday
,ruse. srw•we,u. s,xt+ru
Two days' special selling. Read the listissue Of THE SIGNAL Or Star.
Iandsome Jackets muttkkA,
dt'Ik $
in last week's
We are showing the very Iateat ideas in L•die.' Jacketa in New York
styles, and silk lined. The best value and largest choice we have ever
Ladies' Far Jackets and Capes
Short, stylish fur coat. in splendid styles, very jaunty and
reasonable in prioe. Sable cape., boas and muffs.
Coon costa in men's and women's.
Inapectioa invited.
Largest fur stock in the county.
4 ;; •i 1O3I.MUSik'SW0,-,;t rf . -441
W. Acheson & Son
Matta et tete Regale: Meeting Meld lea
eras, Right.
The regular meeting of the town fathers
seek place loot Friday evening. The Mayor
was to the ober, and ooaaolllore Castilian,
Martis, Massey and Harbor were present
A report from Jas. Reid, Rlvlog a stele•
meal e1 the ooheotor's roll for 1899 and also
• detailed stetomeet of taxes placed sealost
lead. lazes u000lleeted mad taxes remitted
by the oou.oll, was referred to the demo*
oeyomittews. The report showed taxes paid
be tre•eurer. $28229 92 ; Plaid •gluiest
load, 5249.51 ; remitted by ooaaoli, $31.99 ;
twee uuoolleot•d. 066.83.
A circular Mom Henry Marry & Co.,
Barrie, le reference to a *sow plow mete by
them, was referred to the panto works oat -
A letter from Mr (Jarrow wee rear, es.
*losing a letter from the manager of the
Mutual Life )oauranee Co. of Canada, la
tlmatlag their aooept•ooe of the K)psiag•
toe Vaunters Go. debeotures at per.
Moved by Messrs. dumber and Martin ilia
lir. ()arrow be instructed to draft the bond
and oleos the matter up Carried.
It was carried that the Maj('kr *odoree0
letter to A. Msgaw in oonewtioa with hie
•pplioatioe for exemption from taxa on the
lloderlob Harbor Mills. The letter ex.
pl•laed that • *hangs m the Municipal Act
proklblted the exnooll from granting •x-
e mptlee bet that the council would in Coe
forfeit, with M• law prepare • bylaw for
submission to the ratepayer" at the next
meat/Opal *toenoail grunion exseptloe
from taxes ler an year, and Oehler fres
water for bre ptotectloo sad detains(
Lettere tram Wm. Aob1oe Ned (Cas. A.
Nairn, asking for sonatas of the loan -
descent elaosrio light to their residene.s,
were refereed to the water and light oem-
A letter from Wm. Proadloot, re the
town's gram to the antertolomsul of the
Foresters at the raciest meeting of the High
Court here, showed the payment of 1145 41,
1•svisig • mamas of 114 59 oat of the 1150
grant, ler whisk • oagoe was ..dosed.
The eogannalen1sa was Warm' M M,
A porde.. siesta by A. If. Cornell
Arthur (laetelee, asked for a graneltWle
e ldewsik itis the southeast side of H•mlltee
street from Kelso. street to the Square.
Teey had preciously signed • petition
easiest the sidewalk ander • mistake and
new wished le retrain the same Referred
to the public works .mnitbee.
The following amounts were referred to
the dome» oe emlita* : Electrical Con -
sr -ration Go., London repairs to trans-
former, 1117 10 ; The Canadian Usage! Else•
trio Co_ Toronto, transformer. fuses, .0
N od other . ppl(es• 112().3 ; The Gaited Elsa
trio Co , Ltd., Toronto, freight oo dynamo,
The water sed light oommittet reported
that they had authorized the oarohas• of
500 te 600 teas o1 Maestilon oat at 112.83
per sen delivered at the dock. the order
was placed with Wen. lee. Mr. Kelly's
request for 2000 tt el cable wire
Ned 3000 feet of No. 6 VI. P. wire
was granted and the offer of MoKeeete a
Howell to supply tee 'able wire •1 20 per
tat was •eeepted. Mr. Kelly had boa 1s•
. waned 1. order 3000 tt. d Ne- 6 wire, W.
P. Tae report was adopted.
It was mored by C. A. Humber sad
sNes.ded by O, Oaaleies that the pretbe
free H. N. Lewis end other" re the re-
newal of the perp on Hamilton street
area she oroeelaa 1e a point ea Newest*
street be referred to the board of works to
Investigate and report as to the probable
oaf sed the advantages to be seined, with
power to err. Carried.
Bylaw No. 16 of 1900, be amend bylaw
No. 8 of 1876. was pawed afar being read
three times, Mr. Humber dissenting. The
Mavor ales protested against the paving of
the bylaw, to which may ratepayers were op-
wltbout the preo*poe of a fall ooaeofl.
'tis bylaw allows the 'ratios of slanvhter
bosses within the town limits, provided
that the beard et b.el►h and tows 000soll
appee,' of the locales, that the building
w. M oo.sooted with bile water and sewer
systems sod that li be created bo the s.U.•
faction of the Board of Health and ander
she superstate* of the mediosl health ofeer.
Bylaw No. 17. making aerial changes Is
the pebile health bylaw, was peased-
▪ 1t was carried that bylaws be prepared
pyertse the porebaes of the plea of land
'r...;WHIffillt It. Moine.. for • street pnrposw and
roesU- Omens for the oddities to the WI'
ts,y ealtery grounds.
The 'barman of the oenletery eommttsse
was empowered to parabase • new pump
Ter Kb, Ssmetery.
The saga le•peoter was lostrnld08 10
have IRO look op repaired, and the t►sm.dl
11.A.r.ed •
Napped roto 1,1.. O..l..
"Wham a ohlld I burned my foot fright-
fully," writes W. H. Mode, of Jo.eevllle,
Va., "whloh caused horrible leg .or.. for
30 irseetbat Haokl•h's Arnica tide wholly
mired me after everything else failed." le•
fallible for barns, welds, outs, sores, broken
and p11ee. Sold by James Wilson, drug-
gist. 95o.
To the editor of Tia BioiAi_
Slr,-The past Tow years our citizen"
hove:given munh ttoagbt and •tteotion to
the improvement of our town and the ad•
vaooemeet of its business Interest", with
gratifying results, bot in tits opinion of
many of our business men 1t , now WOO CO
000alder means by which our oouotry trade
may be Increased and placed capon a more
satisfactory bale, There are probably many
moves by which this may be wlated, but
by Done more than the establlehmeot of •
good market. The toot thin th l has been
attempted wltbont snooes0 in the past
should not deter us from the attempt, tor
other town with so more adv.otagee then
we possess have made 1t • ve.1 sumac "slut
and profitable thing, both to the farmers
themselves and to their towns Further,
Iloderloh In the past bas had the name of
being • slow tows, void of up-to-date enter-
prise, which of t' elf was sof6olegt to kill
the project, will, today no town 1n weeterh
Otunoboo • better name for progr..lve
nes, and the oo00try trade, properly tri•
hat•ry to Godertoh, whloh for year" b•ok
has bees going to other towns, may sorely
regained 11 this th tefIs token bold of
o th geed judgment and well directed
A 'oat" argument used by some is the
foot thee we are a lake shore town
and therefor, "one sided " TbI, argument
h of little lora, for thereby we have the
tithing community, the vreel supply trade
end oertslnly better sblpplog faollttte, than
otherwise. Bat the strool t proof of all
Is, tow is similarly situated succeed
well. For example, take the tows o1 Pert
Hoes on lake Ontario. This tows is little,
If any, larger theeGod.rlob,lt Is cot as pro-
gressive, sod the amoaot of country tribu-
tary a lees, 11 anytbleg, than ours (b -
barer Is only eight miles dlecant on the
east, N.ww,tle ten miles west and 111lbrook
oats it off oo the north. yet a very good
market 1• supported there. Another ex-
omple 1e Fargo., • small lobbed town, about
belt the e'ree of ours, whloh makes a ntte(ae.
tory seooeee of market days, I an. Informed.
Alam at the present time we have a larger
member of regular wave earners to anoint io
Mk1.Esumer,ls a suer, than ever before.
How the alta ere have is exosllent for
Position and gape su¢icledt In etre for many
years. An ap•to-date budding could M put
o p of wood with Iron .heetio5, at • Dost of
31,000 or 31,500. The one, therefore,
would be no obstacle As ler the best
mesa of oondooting it, • great Atal could
be learned by the experience of the other
tow as. One objeet thee should be disttootly
kept In view Is that • market wall best
n erve the 'cares' 1 of the toted when le
gives the moot attr.onve adva•ts1ee to the
tanner. 1 will not attempt to suggest le detail
bow thls could b t be don., but it might
bre furthered to some extent by posting up
daily quotation' of the price of groin end
other prcduos at the greet trading points,
as Toronto and Montreal, by offertoS some
special facilities to buyers for export. the
establishment o1 • cheese beard,•to., etc.
It la impossible to et0glerat. nor Impar
taaee of this scheme to our town. In near-
ly every twenty In Ooterlo there is one
town whloh lakes the precedent of every
other as • point for farmers' trade, and that
town usually le the oouhty tows. If we
keep al this persistently we can sunned
Is impressing upon all the farmers of 1h1e
district that Oederloh 1s i.00mpsrably the
best of all for the marketing of butter. NIP
aad other produo•. This w111 not some
all at noon, bat, when ogee attained, the
permanency of our pedilos will be •cured.
Another advantage we will derive from this
is the content supply of thew articles Is
their freshet oondltion for our local 06.d..
As It i, now, groom osr•tob keep • larva
supply of the perishable produota ahead,
with the resale that 000adonally there is
dttboalty 1e. maletalnlog the 'apply. Go•
der the new system every household to
tows would have a supply sheep" mvsllable.
It we have the oo-opsrstion of the house-
wife and the neoha.lo and the merchant"
there Mould be we dlf euliy In maintaining
s market In this town, -
Now !make no effort 1. MQ MI that
amid be said on this sabjed In tine Tetter.
On the oonerarv, my net *Moot Is wand
if I noosed to arousing abbe •ttentles to
Mb very Important matter, and In atter•
Ioilng our business mea to Immediate ao-
floe. We should have at epos a Ilv. Hoard
of 'Prado forme.', of which all the bus'nas
and professional mea should be members,
and whloh would give .n.rgetio supped to
thte and other progressive prejeee. 1de
man who desires the program ni the bows
should hold aloof from this. Thea we
shoal/ have the atty. sapport o1 the Town
Covnotl through the remainder of this year,
sod more still through the corning year a
so doubt this will be forthoomdne. No
pro)eet placed before the puhlia over held
greeter promise for the town at so II/tie
New what do oar business men think of
this ? lot us hear your view,.
Your' for programa.
Rayfield : >l.- Rii R. Erwin bays retsra.
ed from Owes Moan/ I eke feel'., bs,W
typhoid foyer.._,
At this season of the year we
snake a special mark-down on Low
Shoes. We want to show the pen-
ple what cool and comfortable
Shoes they can bay here for leas
money than they would have to
pay elsewhere. Brand new stock,
and every Shoerfectly made.
SCHOOL SHOES foe the Boys
and Girls have arrived. Qall ousel
examine our stock sod prices,
whether you bay or not.
..a... "r
Stbei ; Themses Laird hes poise to De-
troit where he *spans le Hedy deetlstry.
Uoderlob towable : Dee. H•Ilaad, of
Ilse 1110, hes 600 babel/ re p.1111,00. m 1101
years atop.
Morris : Mine Laza U.L•soblla has bees
re-.e5aged as teaob7 la n. S. No. 4 '1 •o
laminae* la salary.
Chola' : Mr. Bert Pow, of the Rata..
bury House, left W1 week 10 aacept • pool
Moa on the of ee staff of the Urlgg House,
Sealable : John lwadaberougb, of ohlg
place, is prulMsg by the boom limns, as he
has acid over $600 wont of furniture during
the past month.
Brussels : Dr. J. A. MoNaushlw, of
Brussels, has bees appointed Grand Trask
physlol•n as aacoeeow 10 1)r. beide, re-
moved to Port Dover.
Exeter ; Judd Dada., who ba. been •
faithful employee la E. J. Spookman ■ store
for some time, has gene 10 Maoo.lene,
Michigan, where he takes charge of •
grocery store.
Holmesville : The trustees of the M•th-
edlai oburoh presented the orgaalat, Mir
Vlna Tebbatt, prior to her departure to
London, with a puree of rold, i000mpanled
with an adareee.
Zorioh : Mesa. Foster, 9. E. l oast and
W. O. Her were out shooting one day
recently and same home with thirteen
black squirrels mad one pheasant In their
bag as the result of their day's sport.
Craabrook : The tine 200-aare farm 1a
loogteg to Wm. Father, koowo as the
Brown farm, has been sold to August
Fischer, of Logan township, awls to the
greet proprietor, for the sum of 119,000.
H*ogall : William Bell had the misters
twee while assisting his an, James A. Bell,
to pall apples, to fall off • high portable
ladder and sustain serious Injuries la the
way of broken ribs and bruised arms and
):Teter : An old pioneer of this section,
la the person of Jobe Bassett, breather of T.
Biwit, er., died Wednesday et last week
at the age of 86 years. He had always en•
joyed good health, and death was due to
the Infirmities of old age.
Zurich : A few d.y. ago, Mr. H. C. Doan
left home at eight o'olook in the morning,
walked to the north boundary of Stanley,
borrowed a gun, went to the woods, and out
of sight shots killed seven black 'Animals,
and was borne In time for dinner.
Zarlob . W• are glad to learn teat Rev.
E Soheulke, pastor of the Lutheran ohuroh
here, who ha been laid aside for some Mme
with on attack of typhoid lever, 1s now fast
recovering, hut Mrs. Sohealks has been
•trlokeo down with the same disease.
(federlal) township : One day r.oatly
white Wm. Cole, sr., was walking down the
road with his own over his arm. his puree
aooyloing about thirty dollars, dropped oat
of his pooket, but with diligent search it
was found not far from his own house.
Wla,bam : Robert Mahood, postmaster
at Fordwlob, cited oo Monday evening of
last week. Deceased was • brother of Mrs.
A Galbraith, of town, and was highly
teemed by all wee knew him. Mre. Gal-
braith left by Tus.day s trate for the be-
reaved home.
Stanley : Mr. Wellington Elliott had the
mlelortone to out himself badly whist cut-
ting bands at their threshing. Dr. Palliator
dressed and stitched the woad whloh is
dolog 1* well as can be expected, bat It w111
be some time before Mr. Elliott will be
able to work.
Clinton : % hale down town a few days
ago Mrs. Wm. Morrow lost her purse whloh
contained3.50 to money and valuable papers.
It was found by Mr". J. H. Hay, of Mo.
Klllop. and returned as 5000 mils owner
sn.p was •eoertained. It is fortunate for
Mrs. Morrow that It tell into snob good
Exeter : The remalos of James ('•mpbeil,
son of Wen. Campbell, of the township of
Hay, arrived here -en - Weida] of last
week from N*lsoa, B. C., where he
died after • few wain' 111s..S of rheumatic)
fever. H, was In his tweety filth year,
and had boa • resident of the West tor
some time.
Zarioh : Mr. Conrad Wagner, who lived
at W oer's Corners, oa the town line be-
tween Hay and S1•.ley, 1e dead. He had
reached the age of sev•nty•two years and
was an old and respected readout of the
township of Hay. He leaves a widow sod
family of seven children to mourn the loss
of • faithful husband sod worthy tether.
Heimall : Tb• friends of John Motdart-o
will regret to learn of his death, whiob oc-
inrred on Thursday, Gobober 11th Mr.
McMartlo's hems was to Palsley and he was
here oa • visit to his parants, when be was
token very 111 and passed away. The de--
oeased was a married man, and leaves a
wife and children to mourn his low, and
mooh sempethy Is felt here for the bereaved
C(lnlos Mies Loop Gere, daughter of
the late Wm. and Luoy (,ore, 01 Luooaahlrs,
Mag., passed away on Saturday, Oat. 6, In
her seventy-elobtb year. The deoe.m.d
lady was for a lour while • resident bare
and lived with bet brother, Walter Gore,
hid for the past thirty-three year*. A
brother, William, came to Clinton • while
before the others, havins died here about
three years ago.
Auburn : Daley the time of the
Galveston Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Young experfenoed Intense azlety w to
the safety of Mrs. Yomeg's mother, Mrs.
Forby, and other relative*, who were re.
siding In that atty. and i1 was some time
before their anxiety was relieved by learn•
log that all were saved, but had lot their
home and property. Since than Mrs. For.
by has 000010ded th01.11f. 1s more bearable
ander totter oondltloos, and she bas moved
to Buffalo to reside.
Taakersmllh : Mr. Wm. Dalrymple, of
the 12th oono.sslon of Hibbert, Its well•
anown thresher, has threshed for Mr. Wm.
Sinclair, of the llth oonoeaSloo of Tooker.
smith. for twenty-six years la sa0oewioo.
He wee the fine thresher Mr. Sinai/dr tied
after eomlog to the township, and no other
machine has ever beep to his born. This
"peeks well for both employer and employ-
ed. Mr. Dalrymple hal &Eo used the same
threshing engine for twenty-one years, and
11 •tdl works well. Both gentlemen seem
to be ooe.ervative to DOM' ening., elthoavh
ea that term is ordinarily need 11 will not
apply 10 them.
Exeter: At Alma, Mlohi,an, en OolaMr
2od, there passed away one whom day. were
many, Ming la her eighty-oleib year. Fay
Hawkins, allot of the late William Gage,
one et the ha of the pioneers of Huron
empty, arrived wile her husband from the
meeberland as early as 1838 For over
dicey years as husband and wile they shared
Ilea happleees and wateatmeet, men of
Tri Mme Wag vent at their oomtorfable
Woe 'tenth of Exeter, until they went N
Alma to reside, Devoted and loving
Millar.° aboard the autumn of that, lives,
whlnh were truly oast to ple•eant please.
Vera sees and are daughter' are left t•
mourn the Ideal of all that was betted hp
le their beat i of mother. interment
book place en the 5th Ian. , from private oar,
to Exeter oemetery, alt awph•we of the de.
wowedeot's, ea bearers. The Imprwlve
Eplsoepal wrvl.e was reed by Rev. Mr.
Ton Kyek, of this parts h.
♦ 111111.dtrh Attack.
4u aMaek was I.Nly made es C.F. Collier,
.llastekini. lawn, that needy preyed fatal.
II Maas thrnagb his kidney". Hie bs.k
A.1 ee lam. he said not stoop wlthoat
Nin, nor 011 In • *hair ,tempt prepped
esehleme Die nobody Imaged bin, est11
M triad Rl.trle Wars, widish .ff *ted
pR.Y • woedrfnf 'beer* IMO lin write, he
ipN like a e '3 4. et•rv*Ieae
Nedlid°o mins sad kidneampstneMw putl/*a the eatbuil& no
leer h*•1M. Only 50e se'arse WiI.ea'e
by Nom
■r. le. Itteseew Cored et Loathes* by
eedd's eldne, rule,
Tommie, Oat 29. -The vadat majority of
Terw/oalaaa knew aad 'steam Mr. R.
Marrow, the able mad popular general a,eed
for the Tomato Auer tight Co.
For this readmit the following atabmasl
made la writhe/ by kir. morrow, posseeeeS
masa' .lg.ifloaaoe.
'Two years ago 1 was attacked by lam
bag* and arta•ry trouble whtoh omitted we
laanee gaffering. 1 took several different
remedy without any haat Then 1 be-
gan teal.g Dodd'• Kidney PUL, and was
oomeletely oared by than."
Lumbago le oea'ally prevalent this fall.
All sufferer" should know that Dedd's Kid-
ney Pills are the only knew' oar* for 11.
They sver 1.11.
Notice of changes mast be left at this
(Mice not later then Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changes
toast be left not later bhan Mon-
day noon. Oasaal Advertisements
accepted an to noon Wednesday of
each week.
DR. Men
WM 1
N^^ul__nrrb__ewwt__s 1e.
CWiserCared of ionanompOon
Is Mao Meted*
No a loslaiNIIIMN OIlb /Milk
w•atmest •re..ese�
rt yea seam rall►re
.I reof ihoia le YON=
•Yea w as* am ea Yee
to e �es�t>ausas s.
Is r valeta
tn wait gest
wen be ma yea
q 201
i. s Is ssei�,�w� eAereeer aideb wrtr
ml 1000 to orceeaer, pc stemma
Yes prove et whet hss Ue�eei �iuthin lwyyla Ao Unable
�t* 00.1 * -5.* -5.* waste onYma_Ymaaem a Ile
ff atil welt
Whenwestigb '> Mon peg• eu
nses Ibis
^r!rg s� 6eY M
Me end e.tt•Me coned, for •*•.r. ales•.er,
gr'raa Sora. and all foams of lid It owns
wtt•set • tuerlaa b•ewas• It doo..•« not bans,
rk- a 1. WWI 0."n Known*, Sot' Fa. 10, 'IL
Dam n.....wn rad plcof Sohr.a
I hm.r. Wtk .ax•, crL feat. pyreending Our
1 her. ..d • C.,b .e aver Toni Woman. with year
x..ur mew, g
1, r. u ..
m r�•r syr.
N rite..
ride I ��tr
maid -M w
0YM( aWe•I15 evert. (\n rad xraeall•W .Ilw. V .r
".y`"I rL tae off Crlltllt
Prlm el. az am et. Lee an1ment for family ane 1t
au no equal Amtl ar dregetwin
tor .saa'•
500.1n ear.. also A Troth en the Ttaregw
tae hook tree, or atone.
Wattle ON. D t Y 42.e<0? aha
Orders earelelly attended fee as • all
here, alba or day.
stere .n West arrow. li•►Neaee. Mee -
bee area.
m itatioo s
of Podd's Kldsq puree an
legion. The ben le kmtltated,
the outside coating sad .bap. or the
pills are Imitated /tad the name--Dodd's
Kidney Pills 1. Imitated. Im8atteas are
dangerous. Tb. original 1. .all.. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputatloa Inn's
tors have aur or they wouldn't Imitate.
So they trade ea the reputation of Dudd'•
Kidney Pili.. Do not be deceived. There
I. only on. DODIYS. Dodd', 1• If.
original Dodd'. Is the maw se be carte
ful about -
D -0 -D -EPS
Fleaseleese Nti11.e
eww 1dM P►e BeN11nfe. draw g.w...lkls
ek. drowesu. ,t5*.
We have the greatest contidenoe In our Men. and Boys' Clothing, sad
have no hesitation in inviting the olosese investigation as to quality, style
and price.
Men's Suit/ --A special line of Black Sere, very heavy and well
mads, and good lining., worth $10.00, for $7.50. We have lower
lines at'equal value.
Meters -For Man and Boy. Our extra special L a heavy all wool
Oxford Ulster, overlapped and double sewn seams, six Inch storm
collar with tah,i heavy Tweed lining nd Mohair sleeve lining, being
well tailored. as good as you ever safat $10.00 ; our special price,
Overcoat. -Our Special at 1.28 00 is a fine Beaver fly trout, double
faced fronts, farmers' satin lining, Mohair sleeve lining, made right
up-to-date. Look around and see the best coat you can find at `10.00
and we will beat it at $8.00.
REEFERS -Men's Reefers at $3.00 to $4.75,
tI=• Boys' Reefers at $2.40 to $4.00.
-- PANTS -Men. Pants at 75o to 93.00.
Boys' Pants, special, at 50o to 76o.
We want to .how yon our Clothing. It's your duty in Beit protection to
see it. New Jacket.. New Fara
W. A. M0KIM.i
; to
Every Day a argain Da
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the beet
there is at the game prices that are
charged !or inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is el
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satiefectory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness' and
There bans been plated upon t market
asap aap reprints of an 01101 edition
of " Webster'/ Diottonary. • They being
Dewed unser various names at a low price
apses, reufa rl tt• in a lt.t. 9001.
Y • premium [orwthaorlptlone to papas.
AanOano.meuta of thew comparatively
s Worthless
are b
ts d to the bstantequivalent d
1. ¢6er•prfoed book, while they are all
Reprint Dictionaries,
photo+, pe ooptee of a book of over n
ream &go, which was (told for about 55.0p and
which was much superior to these imitations,
being a work or some merit trotted of one
Long Since Obsolete.
11.0.4 bly.o� one 1st o y merltortous
one or that name. It bean our imprint on
the title -page and is protected hay ooplrleht
from obese imitation. Aa a dlenonary lasts
a lifetime will It not be better to purchase the
Webster's International Dictionary
of ENGLISH, BloQspby, Geography, Flotation
Bine 10x12504.% inches.
Title Book 1s the Best for Everybody,
Court, .11 1M Sete Supreme Courts, the U. S.
Government Pelottiiyy Olga and of nearly ail the
Schoolbook". WASMLT COMMENDED by
Cellae Presidents, Suss Sueleisteedente of
Schools and emu, ether sedate authorities.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,
R•esadr .bridged from ate International sed aid
es 1t the best for the family and student
Sire Telex 6 inches.
1p,Ynen pewee either book sent for the airing
It C. MERRiAM CO., Springfield, Mesa
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves That Either Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleasure or a. Use-
less Burden.
To many women lite is one round of nick -
nem, weakness and i11 health. To attempt
even the slightaat houachold detien fatigues
them. Many of the eymptoms soonmpany
ing this state of decline are : a feeling of
tiredness on waking, faintness, diroineeta,
ainking feeling, palpitation of the heart,
•hortneae of breath, lea of appetite, mid
hanrle and fast, headache, dark ctrolwa under
the eyes', pain in the lack and aide and all
the other ummpanimentw of s run-down
and weakened ow(tstltUtion.
All these symptoms anti oonchtione are
simply the reanit of s poor quality and
defective nirculatirm of the blond, with •
wasting away of the nerve Toren.
By fending the .yvtem with
You strike at the root of the diorama and
lay a mobil fnarwlation on which b, bnikl.
binon the weight innrnaan*, the minion
eheekm and flattened has 511 rent, the gyne
gat bright and the. thrill of ren.wsrd4uaetth
and strength vihrateri through the system,
60 cents per 1»t at all druggists'. or
Toronto, Ont.
VA" uA 1 L
• Tli tES®NS P,1(eINE
IPS IMOD 000.0.
CAu. ARD um Teas.
TOY AR. flamers'.
Tie Henderson Bicycle Co.
Scam Boiler Rairing.
The (loderioh steam boiler works
having barn removed from Oodemch,
1 have merle arrangemente to carry
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
facturing of umokeetacka, et/ -
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly athend.d
Maehini.t, (toderioh,
Works (a Victoria BtrsN
ankrupt Stock
Every person satisfied with the big bargains they are getting. And
why not, for everything is being soli at less than manufacturer's prices, Yon
all know thet the prices of goods in nearly every line is advancing -higher
prices will prevail, but in the face of all this, with us the prices are being
constantly reduoed. We have got to clear the stock out and that shortly.
Jar prices will do it Sec to it that you have your share of the bargains
while Bargain Days last, at
FALL, 1900
main begs to direct the a'iten ion.of tbe_ladies to her stock of
millinery for the fall season of 1900. All the leading new
yles and shades aro to be seen, and ladies will be able
procure the latest and the best in all lines pertaining to
Trim ted Hats from $1.00 up. Inspection Invited.
Hamilton Street.
e aad Ceffieu1
kept ooae*aably at hand.
Also the best brands of �\
Builders w111 do well le see me before plea.
lag their orders.
lFF1OE, Wrest. Near the Square.
Fall Suits & Ovorcois
Thr mac erased 1n • /all made at
our store alwaysllooks trim,'as It is the
unbitten of everyman of taste to look.
A large noire of cloths 10 oheots
If you are oonlwmplating getting -a
light overeat for fall wear, give us a
Manna to serve you. Prices right .
West Street
The above is cot into stove wood
jon4th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day esu
Orders received bytelephone or
left at rrdrlenoe, 128 mbrie street,
will receive prompt attention.
`'Phone 98.
(toderieh, November 21.1, 1899. 63-3m
A now carriage the that maks' Halal
on all roods a pt be%
for it dor away with the vibtatien that
ehakeeand break' the oa'IapA .
AO •hoped spsoe r.
betw.rob s»
bar the and the .tool AMMOMO e Pink
yenta the creepiest and alkyl
whloh Inbar tinwaresuas
gy'M to. g
the exhibit at the Mg tetra
Sand ala owe for )rat Tire C•eale fe ,
giving prlose of all slue.
mi. ming wissipso 1,py r,
Highest Diploma at Toronto
Industrial Exhibition, 1900,
awarded for
Boiler CoMpod
Lubricating Oils and
Engineers Supplies.
row Partloalsr, er, fag
The Wm. Sutton Compound Co.. Ltd
II% Qsees St. East, Ta+11ab, Old. m:
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. MI MacLEOD, Oo h, On'
^v- r