HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 4"et 4 THUIIMDAT, Oo1. 15, 1900 You Want a Piano? tWO way not be as well 'informed M they should to. Nothing soma to be tou low aria 1.0411 tor the Tupperit s —Tun desperauou of the Conservative organs it shown in the disgraceful appeals to prejudice which they are making. A statement that was laid out lung ago is boiug resurrected, to the effect that the Liberal franchise act given au advantage to the people of Quebec over those of Oulario. lu Ontario we have one man one vote. lu Quebec there is a different system, allowing a man to vote in every constituency in which he is aesesed, as he could under the old Domiuioi franchise act. But this gives the Quebec electors no advantage, se repreeentatiou is bssed on population, not ..0 the number of votes or voters. U every• body in West Huron had two votes, no one would be better off than the man in Bast Huron who had only one. We represent the Noel henries, the Art Piano ot Canada. If you want quality and honest value, you cannot afford to buy until you have see tray itutrament.. Our Stock of Music Emerson's Bicycle and Music House, West street, Goderich. n IDILr® EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Or a. Meatai.t<R T 610DZRI0H, THURSDAY. OOT. R 1210. A NOBLE MISSION. 1 Salm tale fee the Liberal Gornto - went, that we have endeavored to oarry on the policy .t this poultry s as to make Canada • natio—• nation within the Ninth Empire, • nation great in the oyes of the world. For my pert, I want to sac ber lands occupied, bee mine. developed, her forest. cleared, her fisheries exploited, her does growing, her population is - or sing, but above all I want to see her pimple united. 1 do not know whether my politico' aateer or my natural life shall be .hort or lag ; but, whether short or long, I oberish We hep. that 1 shall have so lived that when deposited in my grave .v.ry as•dian, be be friend or foe, b. h. Rag- Wb•sp.aktog or Frssoh•sp.aklag, Priv tsstaat or Catholic), will have to ay : "Ther. reels • man who has given the best of hie We, of his .our, of his best, to mak. se • united people.," Thew are the words of Canada's Premier. He and the Government of which be is the head have done grand work during the past tour years in banding np this Country, and Canada is now recognized as never before as a powerful factor in the affairs ot the Empire and of the world He is ask- ing for another term of power and for permission to pursue the high emprise to which he has devoted his great talent., and it remains with the peo- ple of Canada to say whether or not their trust in him shall be renewed, We have no fear of the resulh. We have faith in the people of Canada ti believe that they will give Sir Wit.- IRID LAURIER and the Liberal Gov- ernment a vote of confidence on the 7th of November, that the worthy task so well commenced may be car- ried on by the good and true Dien who have already accomplished so much. ROIERT HOLMES, of Clint m, is Sir WILIRID Leuanuts representative in West Huron. —Do not judge the Government on promisee put in its mouth by the Tories. Judge it on ite reoord. IT would be a grave mistake to entrust the affairs of the country again with tbe men who eo thoroughly mismanaged them prior to the year 1896. By voting for Wow= Houses the electors of West Huron betll do their there In preserving the national interests in safe hands. —Is Mr. Coos's diatribes against the Liberal Government were well founded (which they are not), what would be the geese of putting that Government out and letteng in the gang of oorruptioniste led by " the winos of political cracksmen," whom Mr. CoOlt denounced with equal vigor be- fore be wee disappointed or a Senatorship? —Tam latest thing in the way of Con. servative campaign literature is • paper got up in Imitation of The Globe, with The Globe heading and other characteristic features of the Toronto Liberal paper, and containing stick,. denouncleg the Govern- ment. The purpose is oh out It is one of the lowest Woks that even the Tupperites have resorted to in their desperate attempt to mislead the people. The sheet is evidently the output of The Montreal Star —Tog Tory papers are weeping tinily over the " disgrace and dishonor " brought upon the Milne of Liberalism by the present leaders of the party (gee their commenta on Mr. Cost'. letter). A lot they caie about the fair name of the Liberal party I They hounded ALEC. 111•01LINLIII, whom DOW they acknowledge to bay. been an honeet man. and elandered every other Liberal leader until he died or retired from politics. When the Liberal* of Canada are diesatie- Bed with their leaders they will attend to them themselves. without any aasistanoe from the hypocritical Tory prem. Ton Conservative menagerie in Est Huron have had the report given by The Advance of Dr. Macdonald's meeting pnt ha circuital. form and are dietritnaing it through the riding. The statements in this snarl have been denied time after time. We do not consider alio a fair light. Why not give the denials on the game annular and Glee the eleotore would have both aides of the dory I—Wing - IMO Tim. —Wiry, bloom your heart, Gin Tories don't moot to be fair. They arro niroulating broadcast • bees edition of The Globe an part et Yak ampidin literatnre, hoping in 111111110111•ipl• upon sows rotors wiso —.&LL the elections will not be held on November 7th. In Ave omstituenciee, Bernard, Yale -Cariboo, Algoma, Chi- coutimi and Garpe, the elections will be delayed, so that if the Government gets a clue call these oouetitueaciee eau be flooded with machine men and boodle, dle, and thus perhaps sustain • oorrupt ad- eniuisteatuui.—%S'ingham Advance. —THAT is about as near as • Tory paper can get these days to being fair. The elec- tions in these constituencies are delayed, not to suit the oonvenieuoe of the Liberals, but because owing to their great extent it is impossible for the returning officers to dis- tribute the ballot -bona, papers, etc., in the regular time. The same practice was in vogue wider the Conservative Government, but you can wager your last dollar The Advance will not let its readers know this. —Tux figures of Canada's foreign trade are eloquent tostimuuy to the beneficial re- sult. which have followed the inauguration of freer trade under the Liberal Govern- ment. From 1893 to 1896 the aggregate trade autually decreared, but, as reductions in the tariff have come Into effect the figures have gone up un leaps and bounds until they are now sixty per cent. higher than in 1896. Following is the record : YEAR. A0UHCUATI TRAD& 1894. 2400,9999.E 1896. 224,420,485 1896, 239,025,360 Total $952,084,354 1897........,.....,►•c $257,168,862 1898. 304.475,736 1899 321,661,213 1900... rv, 381,626,855 Total $1,264,931,6& —The Conservatives voted against the in. creel of the preferential tariff during the late section of Parliament. but they oould not be got to say whether they would abolish the preferenoe if returned to power or would allow it to remain on the elatut.- book. The pressure of the campaign, how- ever, is forcing them to make known their intentions. At a meeting in Toronto on 6aturday night, at which Sir Cuirass TcdrER was present, W. F. MACLEAN, the Conservative candidate for hast York, stated that the preferential tariff would be repealed "in a short time, when Air Cnaat.rs Torrna would be in power." That is straight enough. A vote for a Con- servative candidate mages a vote for the re- peal of the preforms to Great Britain. And yet ihe Ormserrstlite loyalty in sight. —WHIN ltai /initial. and New t.:ra are telling their readers what • gut.' opinion Rev. Dr. De• Art, former editor of the Christien Guardian, has 4 the I trier Government. they ehould mention the fact that the rev. gentleman'''. son in in- debted to the Liberal party for his ap- pointment as crowo attorney ot York oounty, and the doctor himself iti hot after the vacancy now existing in York county oourt clerkship. lar. Dewart's opinion is worth no more than that of the ordinary party heeler who is after the loaves and fisher. --Goderich Star. —Tinos who koow and revere Dr. Interim* as • man of high principle and un- impeachable honor will recent The Star's un• worthy aspersion. H. If. Devout"' hol rosin ot his own W reconunend him to the position which he is capably filling, and the insinuation that the Doctor's political opin• ions are influenced by venal conaiderations is belied by his lifelong record as a public. spirited. Cluistian gentleman. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. A NAMPLI TORT LIE. Moabite) Advaaoe The pleasure yacht 11611 at -et leered by Mr. Tarte at $125 per week ; bat after one week's experience Mr. fora* liked the yacht so well that he bought har and the ooet Canon $96.000. THIII UNE NWT or' TRAITORS. At Thomas Journal : he Opposition left °Roe with an extremely bad reoord. What have they done to efface it or to re. habilitate themselves ! Their leader*, whom the people oast out as °Seethe:16bl* la 1896, are still the.- leaders and are still 9t. Thomas Journal : it is exenedingly late in the day for Mir Charles Tupper to preform solicitude for the Interests ot the farmers of Canada. What did he *yet do for the farmers 'lett the years of hie h' ihfy. paid High Commlasionership In London, or whin "hp" wail in ofSee at Ottawa ? Wlanbarn Times : All the legislation the temperance people have obtained has been Moog this line, nor have they promised any. Would It not be better to stsy by the !Ob. oral party thee support a party that has premiered nothing ? Laurier enjoys • unique populaHty not Indy la Canada but In the motherland. It looks as If the Liberals ander his leadership will vain swoon the oonnary ; and, indeed, to the Doe -partisan onlooker, there seem§ 10 be no good reason for a Amore. The country la mesineneue, the menufecturne Interests went sever more so ; and it is net olalmed that • °hangs of Government just now would result In a beets or sore sonoteloal administration of publie affair. RP ROOMED NU OWN STORY, Sloops Reformer : Mr. H. FL (loth weet • step tee tar whoa be rive out le the pub. Ur the statement bbat be amid bay* had • rineabtweblp If he bed nose willing te pay 510,000 for to That ststeeseet been its own refutations. The Senitherealp In gum. Idea went to Mr. W. Kerrose O•beurg ; it is seedless se expiate AM Mr. Kerr did set give $10,000 for is, Awl, If pehlle reislo fs Se be relied upon, Mr. Kerr wri eves hes ter prepared be dir up Mrs me thoustaill paper. ars rosily ecorama ...r°1:7411u- ttimakf's views as pr•blidllee an Nei - TI{E SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONTARIO I.bly making statement Ibal Ne Deets I AI f f f f f 1 f T l f l l f 1 emphetloally dais In relative to this est) loot at • oteeUug reosetly held in W1ag• ham. Dr. Maori• tald', reoord un this yealloe le a good oar as he was a temper• eon man los/ year* before he neat Into polities. If the Coosa naive peer would give a report of what their party did for prohibition when In power It would make lates ntlsg readies but It would s.ossearlly be very brief. A UItitAT NIWNU alYknlan. London Advertiser : A young man in this oity talons us that he hos vot.4 twtoe at Provincial general *notions, , id that, though be is 26 year el age, be hat not yet ban obis te Io w the po W in a 1)omlol on ova. teat. Then are, 1t forum, many thorn id. like him. Under the CessorvtIve Fran obis not, mr ty of our leading young men to every walk of life wore deprived of the right to vote, wbife tl lands of persona who had left Crowds fur • foreign lend were permitted te rets.. •ad kill the wok of legitimate reside i. Sao\ as Injustice la as possible under the Meng law whlsb hovers the present 000tat, A 06111IENT UN YIN c11•111.111teMArIPMlcn. London (Keg.) Dally Mail, Oot, 3 : Mr soy varietke of me/006cent pear*, 1,030 wan In all, and numerous oases of famous C:aw ford and Elbert peaches has jest been landed aced sold at Maoobeenr. The 1..It tome from London, Ontario, and created ynits a stir '1 trade orioles. Mr,y of the peen aro quite what are termed gloat fruit. In oolor, flavor and julolnae they ars far superior to French pears, and met a ready ale. The fruit was 1 caked In obamb.rs regulated by mechanical refrigerators. This system, which boa revolutionized the fruit trade of the United Kingdom, was In- aui.ir•ted three year* ago by Hon. Syduy Faber, Minister of Agriculture for Canada, and moos then various Improvements beet bees made, ender the supervision ot Prof. J. W. Roberteoa. The conditions of transit are now s fealties that the moot delicate Canadian truly t aura be delivered In Great Britain in porton oesdinoo. mmmmmmmmrrmrrrrmmmmmmmm Razors! Razors! Razors! The biggest bargains ever offered to the people of (:oderich are now to be had at A. McD. Allan's. The very .best razors made are on sale at 75c. and $1.oe. nes 'CALL AND SEE THEM We are making room for Xmas Cutlery and Silverware and are offering Big Bargains in all lines of Silver ware and tattle cutlery. Now is the time to get the very best table cutlery and silver ware at the lowest possible prices. All lines of shelf and heavy hardware, cow - chains, rope halters, lanterns, curry combs, horse brushes, stable brooms, etc., etc., at lowest possible prices. OiO•AdO; ¢ ltd" tr saJ1t A a� ti Mkt d: I;l Goderich Bargain ' centre and; -wry iZetatzAt `Jus& Atz ry Bargain Days NOVEMBER ler di 2N0 POLITICAL POINTERS. COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS IN v„r —a.tts ,x MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. November 1st and 2nd. v*` JAMES ROBINSON'S McD. Allan John Goad. i, of Kincardine, wbo le well known le Goderioh, was •eked to run as the Conservative candidate In West Brune, but has declined on amount of the serious 111- oes of his daughter, Mrs Brune. John George, reeve of Port Ela!e, has since been selso, ad as the Conservative candidate. The Liberals hays nominated the late member, John Tolml., who will no doubt be re. elected. A oommerolel traveller whose hoots is la Montreal, and wbo knows the Province of Quebec thoroughly, was In town on Mon• day, and stated that the Liberals would have • majority of thirty or thirty-five sesta bt that Province In the coming *too- tles. He stated also that from bin obeer- vatlons daring his trip through Ontario he judged that the Ltberais would have a ma- jority also in thls Proviooe, and o1 the re. two of the Government to power for an. other term there was not the siigbt :.t doubt. He brought with Mw • oopy of the notorious pamphlet "No 6” which the Coo• sereative. are circulating la Qoebec and whtoh denounces Sir W'llflid Learjet for being too British. Many of our radon In West Huron will remember Mr. Talbot, M.P. for the oouaty of B.hahas.e, Quebec, who asist.d in tb. Liberal o•mpalgn II this riding In the bye election of 1899. His opponent In this oleo Moe i. Emile Galley, who at a meeting • few days ago at Sb. Lazare devoted all the time allotted to him M • bitter attack on the Lauds Governmeot for sending the Lan. editing to take port in what he milled an un• just war. He .o•th'ngly deconnoed Great Britain as haying entered the war from the basest motive.. Ile Eeplisb, he said, went to South Afrla simply for robbery, plunder and rapine, to rob the unoffeodtog Boers of their gold and of their 000stry, and to crush to the earth two freedom -loving republios who dared teotand op for their righty. He delivered • most eloquent eulogy on the: Beery--"tbns let, peas -loving farmers" —and o.mpnaed them to the boost farmers of the county of Belleohaese, and he closed by an Impaslou.d appeal to the eleoters for their support In the Doming struggle for the Uooservatlye party, whloh was not tinged with this Imperialism so dear to On Wilfrid Loarier and his friends. It is an eloquent comment on the loyalty ot the electors of Belleoheae that at the oonolusioo of this pro -Boer effort there was not • single oheer. The speech was received to silence. The above faote are touched for by Hon. Mr. Torgeon, the local member; Mr. Talbot and others who were preset. THE EMERGENCY RATION. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Aeary*LD. l eenol1 met on Sept. 290, members ail present. The only business before the board was the payment of the following orders :— Muniolpel World for blank supplies, f5.25 ; R. Irwin, gravel, $8.48 ; R. Fitzgerald, Plank, $67.48: John Leeman, gravel, $3 20; W. MBllg.u, gravel, $16 ; 1'. Morin, work on Beldwla'e hill, $22.90; R. Farris, revolt. $288 ; Jas. Gilmore, Inspecting, 52; W. P. Reed, repatring road, s r 3 & 4, $4 25 ; W, Feed, gravelling coo. 12. $14.04 ; Jams MoNam, gravel, ;140: Robe. Moale'', shovelling gravel, $2 ; John Molise, gravel, $5,12 ; Hugh l'hamben, gravel, $5,12 ; John Kilpatrick, lob on 000. 6, $66 70 ; P. Sherwood, lespecting, $5 00 ; Jos. 'Mere, repalrtee culvert, ■ r 3 d 4, $3,00 ; W. Simpson, repairing bridge, s r 3 & 4, 503 ; James Bailie, repairing road, con. 4, $1.50 ; Robt. MaKeezte, repairing oulvert, von. 4, $1 60 ; W. Pierce, repairing culvert, $1.50 ; John Kilpatrick, repairing oulvert and bridge, s r 3 & 4 and 000. 6, $2.50 ; also gravelling at Port Albert. $70.70 ; M. Far - ries, gravel, $2 48 ; Joseph Moran, repair - leg oulvert, 000. 9, $2 ; Alex. Boyd, gravel, $1.14; Jobe Little, repairing maven s r 3 & 4. $2 ; M. Dineen, repairing culvert oo D. L , $2.50 ; Chem. Wametry, dlteh, eon. 12,116 40 ; P. Morse, work on road, $23.40; R. Hustle, Iwpsotrug and rep•!v"ta bridge, s r 12 & 13, $`n ; Alex. Mot/wield, repalrtog approach to bridge, . r 12 & 13, $14 30; Alex. Stuart, toep.ting, $3; W. P. Reed, repairing culvert, 81 ; Jas. Craw• ford, repelrts; oulvert, L.R., 50o ; Thee. Murphy, repairing culvert, eon. 7, $2 ; W. Smith, extra for sewer pipe, 81.25 ; W. B. Hawkins, inspecting at Port Albert, $3. Council adjourned to meet again en :Star. day, Nov. 10th. Wu. SToraste, Clerk. CI'utee : Rey. T. J. Murdock, who for the past two years has been pastor of the Ilaptist churches of Clinton and the Bose Los, hoe tendered his redkaatlon, to take effect on or before January 1st and It has been aooepted. Limy : The sew brick r.sid.00s of Jeer. Great, 14111 von., is ready tor ocoupatlos. merited Praise.... Care Yaw Cssgb with the D. D. Co.'s Syr. of WHITE PINE • Yoe eaa set nothi•g better. Relief almost I..ten taeoua. 25o. K for $1.00 It's Time to Pat up the Stove and you want BIATEIALL BTOYE-PIPX VARNISH, 26 yenta — 5 for 1 O O "Best we ever mad," it what they all say LOOM Odor. Brightest Lustre Quickest Drying of All. It Seats 'em All. OTaxa L.sus .—Diluted makes as ezoell.nt walnut stein p;*, for Tree lases and all outside iron work, coal *ovale, etc Makes a Ase palet for buggy bodies. Speolal pricy by the pilon W. C. GOODE, Bawer, (Jxr., May 9th, 1900 To inc Hoxaan Fratracx Cu., t;emir res. t :—Th. Managing Committee of Margaret Avenue School hereby express their satisfaction with the heating of that school by your firm. Yo•rr two rumbas tiou umbu a- tiou furnace, have given us a temperature of from 65 to 80 degree, in the lowest roto weather, and have, besides, retuned our coal from 43 tots In 1899, to 27 tons for the pat winter. After trying three different furnace., without being able to heat the school, we feel that we owe you at least our thanks in saving us from any more trouble with the heating of Margaret Ave. School. Ypurs respectfully, G. M. Delta., Chairman: Margaret Ave. }School. J. H. WORBELL, -gyp }Stave and Fumes* Man, Hole Agent, Goderieh, Ont. • rennervalite Nitrites Sees oerrespondeece has jun become public) :— Not known, your full name, I have taken the liberty to address you se above. be- lles, you are es of our brave boys who fought for as In Mouth Afrioa, mid I wish to write you ooneerning • subject width, I learn, you are very well Informed le I am the secretory ef the Conservative Assets, Mon for King's county. I do not know what your polities are, but I am told you will not heettate to InTo me all the infoima- tion you posses In regard to the *emergency food' supplied by the Militia Department. Would you be so kind al to write me just what your experience has been, aod what this stuff was really like. I would be very muoh obliged to you, id .1 wouid also lik• von to give me liberty to nee your letter for the purpose of conyinoing those who are soeptioal. Of sante, if you object to pub. natty your letter will be treated ari private. Hoping you may see fit to oblige me in thlo matter, I rerasin, very trtily, (Sigurd) C. A. Taft., Kentyille, N.9. :—Dear Sir,— Yours of the 13th to heed and content. noted. Would say la regard to emergency food used In Month Anna that It was a Orn- ate.. article In every respect. bad tie pleasure of ruing several tins while *ray. and always found it the real thing. Hopis, this will satisfy you and the mind. of a. people, I remain, very truly yours, (alamy, "P S.—You may use my name sad kaki BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. One for Nevemter will °estate • vivid an must ot the dime et the Foreign Lerratleirr In Pekin, written as a diary hy Katharine Mullikin Lowry, ou• of the beeleged. It will relate in fall many of the smilotter.ig events that we snood/ know, and will make clear moor Incidents upon whiob we hays hltheriwi had little light. it will las illos• tratard with phis of Pekin el the Legation quarters, and of the British Legation. Re. eilAeothar timely %Mots, the notion in 111. number be widely representative, both la eubjects treated and the 10 -otitis in witted& th• scenes ars laid. dAte In the Far West and on the gait/WO oeshetard, crowded Otis. le sentry Antedate, In ter• buleet seeing gams, arid in rallread noires will he portrayed ; inoldente of ward poli - footles. of daring and serge, end of °ours - genus self -merle. will be related by olover it Imre Teem Fare Werth I, Hem•times • Pretties, hat Deese if ye. meth paLohos and I lotottee ea the skin,— all alias of liver trembler. Rat Dr. Kinn'. New 18fir giro elear Peer melts, rub aemelezien. osly 26 oasts at James Wassa's dello stare. Great .15 BEDFORD BLOCK. Chemist. J ust Arrive rvtr. mete-. .flit A Fresh Car of t h e Celebrated Thorold Cement is oar Ginger Soap, at 5o. • pound. of which we sell barrel • week. This isn't our only enap, ea we carry everything that can be found in an sa- to-date grocery Sera aod our prices are right. The farmers koow that tiny oan always get from us • soap tor their produce. We drew the line at no. Meows* or pontos, warden muff or °haloes table Chun. We deal In all of them. Rol ford block. Owls -doh The Best Cement for barn walls and floors rt:vPatses"+:rtrsrtmtrgtt - (ice^4th ry„ ,�nF:;asffi zr Sold only by nu 111 IC N. D. ROUGVIE. gj,7::',F; THE CASH HARDWARE.STORE. • The Old Firm, The Old Business, Why It Weq. A shoe that has won the highest award at the Paris World's Fair ought to be good enough for a lady to wear. Beauty, comfort, style, ap- pearance and durability are the points that won the gold medal. Its price and Yalu' make it the choice of thousands of ladies who know how to dress taste. fully and comfortably. Skov and $4.00 per pair. Limited, Toroette. CANTELON'S' Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Pies and Lady Pilger:, lines, lacaroons, !foramen, Brandy Snaps, ft. To THE PUBLIC : We have removed to the store lately occupied by Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked with a com- plete line of Groceries, and where we shall be able better than ever to attend to the wants of our cusiomers. A call upon us in our new stand will please us. Yours respectfully, STURDY di 00, THE GROOER8. are as good as the beet made in any city in Canada. Cantelon lends the trade in WEDDING OAKES f• Wye Idea an order and your sat. Mho*, will be amoired. OANTELON, WE8T-8T. Teri Wear Men and boys (young men) work- in g outdoors, • knocking about, need good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind you want—stout, thldt 901ell (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be strong to stand the strain. • sThese boots are not expensive, though they do wear Mut iron JOHN MORRIS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Planing Mill and Factory, Cam - A oesiplese stook of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Flooring and Siding, . Sash and Doors on hand and made to order on short notice. Storni Wincing & Dom a Special!! FAtimatee furnished. Terms moderato. JOHN MORRIS, HELLO ! THE OLD ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THS BOST Scranton Hard Coal WI TER WARIEST 'boy 70k frel Ite. tor • ton AU Coal ea the Market Scales. 'Anne EE. Tie_Sigul th Jas. 1st, 1901, for 21 cents._ Remember our Goods are all New...Anita itont.-the factories. No Bankrupt Stock. KIDD'S BOOK STORE. FANCY GOODS, FANCY CHINA, FANCY NOTE, PRETTY PICTURES, SCHOOL BOOKS, POUCHES, PIPES, WALL PAPER.. BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. F,verything bright, Irani? and new. No old goods to offer at any price. KIDD 00.