HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-10-25, Page 2The Signal st sometime •V111RY TRVINIDAY YORIIg10 mY U. Kee'udJCVDDT. J T'Hl'YtiaMMY, 0(T. 25, I:xr). TALK AUOtT IIHOKI'.N 1•l(tl- MISLrli. Look at 1878, when they intro- duced their National Punic), when the House met it war attacked by men of greet abiety like Alexander Maekenste. Edward flake, leehard Cartwright anal others. They ua talked of it as b.tterly tie they euuld find word., in the k garb language to make an attack. Th.)' weld .t was unworkable ; they said :t would ruin the country, they Baal it wudd net produce the revenue that we ex- pected from it. They found every pus slb:e fault w.th the peley, but nut our man ventured to sty, because Ile could nut, that 1a Lattrodu.ing that po.tcy the ('umser%at roes had not carried out the promsse they had made the people. -Hugh John Mac- donald at Montreal, :tar report. Hugh John has probab:y forgotten the asemrauces that his !ate father gave to a eupportPr, that there waw to be "ire Iirerense, OILY a re- ad)urtmeILt" of the tariff. I)'oea he mean to ask the peep:e to believe that teat promise wee carrs•d out? Further, Is Hugh John net aware of the fact that the erit:cistn of Ole Tory pulley by Mackenzie. Blake and 1. r1wright Ane been fu'ly Just .J:al by the went• of the Inst twenty- two Beare? And has net Mr. Foster toad ter in a moment of catudur that 00 per cent. of a!1 the repitnl .n- veeted in N. P. concern was 11b- to:utely lust ? 1)o Canadians want more of that tort of ting? Hugh Joha says: I may 'eh you that the p,ley of th • (onnervattva party doss not hangs. I can tell you new, speaking Ai n humble lncmher oe the party. that what wo fought for in 1878 iu th • tempo of the Natkxua' Policy Is whnt we are retitle* for to -day. • • •' You can eulge of tit' futun• 1 y thy past. and if we return - to power you 11111.7 he sure yeti well know what the Gnarrvatlee party is AO ing to opo. Tb • ('owrtc eakve p>'I7 of *b.. rust wee one of restrtctioi and speneis' privilege; the tasatimn of the many to enrich the favored new. Its admin trattve rented reeks with r)treptbn and It hats left u.e a tilt atonement of debt and dLlnffcctlon that !t . will take generations to get rid of. Can [alit Ls just beginning to ere th? re 'cults of a ekenge of p,l!cy. icer for e'gll teal? does Increased $35,500.000 a year under Llheral rule. against $3, r(d.00J ruder Tory rule: her export hate Increased $17,500.000 a year re against $2.500.000 under th, former regime. and for the first time wince cottfaderatlxn we hive mei our way and hive a Ieilanoe to go toward wipe leg out the debt. ('anneia Is not pee,ple.l by foole rtady to follow Hugh John's Vito' ih' wk7) nos" into the swamp) and quagmeres from echirb-tt-wmr-jast been extrleated. 81K ('HAKLK6 THi KAL81: rKUPHKT. Ninny ul um are much amused at Bis ('hurler' pretence of believing that he Ir gutter to be put back into the me eltku of power which he su much Mimes!. We have heard him pr.phrry iwhore. \toe recall that he proldier's' that 610,(,00,000 bushels of w heat would Ise exgaorted annually Prow the North- weet -11 it tnertatn dent of We went thrwgh. It went . but wily a very small fraction of fur wheat echinate was repand. We recall that he prophesied a gte•at lutlux ut la,putatnyst .is the re silt of Ws policy. and that Canada rest Iized--an eila1u . Later on we have his preplevelee a►aut the result of the last gen- eral election. In liluuiltuu he said: -The lioverauieut of wbh:h_1-have the honor to be the leader will fled itself s istuiued in the uew Parlia- ment that le t, ni et a month dente. in the month of July. with a larger maJurlty than wo had in the aid i'ar- Ihwettt, which, as you know, was u little over 50." To n reporter of the Toronto World he said "I export n large [majority •> i the evening of the "3rd. "1 am suer o1 a majority lu every produce of the Dominion." At Pyduce, N. N., tie became very imera'asive and oracular, saying: •"/•ain neitlie•r a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but I make til.+ stile -- 111'W •here and now, and 1 want to be Judge. for all future time by it. anti rover !levee again, unless it turn. out to true. The great l.ils•raI- tertmere live party will be e•turn:d i r•Iuml'11a toy with a greater nut jer- ity than I.F:iii' Y00 KOit(I E. Canada is lel 1(11 hnridn sl!dmittel t, be in a prosperous cendtther, But le the Liberal Government to be ered Ited with thta?" Anyone who lin., gleen attention to the treater knees that there 1s general prmpnnty throughout the world nt the present time, and that such prosperity has existed for the past three or four years.-Kingettn News. y have now.» F:rerybod, knows that in the fuer of the Par net's prophecies, And in ruutumpt of 'love of Tupper, the good people o Canada arose in their aught nue bur I from peewee tlitee w. h° had rn lung incl so badly tal,gor- ern•d the Pominlo . $Ir ('I01rles *tante tllscr hitsd am u p eve' " out of his, own mouth he ,tams condemned And ,k there,' unworthy t belief. Yet ht' now has 1111' hardili to get up and assert : "1 stand here to -day : tell you and to stake my ehnrnrter an :a public man upon the verlficatloof It, dept at the first moment wh n the edee- ors are able to g"„illthe poll tlw tictor} of 187*) witill ILP epeated." How dear to the old Baro t'd Ito irt in Humbug! What a low gest mite hr has of the ('anndlnn papulae ! FACTOR" hes BUSY. The Globe hae been enquiring to the prosperity of the organ and pi no burinerr In Ws city, and It rema on the difficulty makers have had supplying orders, Pomp houses ]shin short so that they could not make the display they Inked at the Exposi- tion, and their staffs were working late Into the night. Ona firm on Fri- day received an order fur 600 organs to be Rent to England. 11 glee.' this statement of the butane's In 1895 nud 1900: SIR CHARLES CONFESSES That He Grossly Slandered Hon. Clifford Sifton. Referring W a goaa. h made by nue at Breeden on *hi _0th of November last, during which yeti elnhu I mute certain .inceaglug r.•feretlt•ei to you (Mr. A. F:. Philp' in referenne W the lugartatkst (rr ellegIsl Iwpartatltet of liquor 11144 th'' Yukon territory. 1 Ing to say thit ouch speech war lu- teutk.d 4, be directed by nut entirely W u diamerk,n tit public queetlonr, and my intention war nut to reflect In any w;iy upoli you personelle% If any of theca; peewee, took a dlfferent neatens from what I said. I now beg 4i say th'tt wtbsstrqueut iiivestlga• ilio has shown my that the telegram rent in your name to Mr. 81ftut on th' 12th of June. 18:16. aektng that the letter in euestk)n shield be amended rat as 4, include tht impartation of liquor Into th • Yukon, and whirl' telegram war referred to by Mr. 81f - Wu OIL tit, fluor of the House of ('ummoo* as having been received by 4101 tram you, was not seat or author- ized uthorized by you and that you did not directly or Indirectly to any way through permit or any other wren'. oake or attempt to take liquor lute the Yukon territory tinnier the nu thority of the letter given by Mr. Shaun, to which 1 referred in any remarks. and that you were n, party dlne•tly or Indirectly to the attempt made to dispose of the letter. 1 fur- ther beg to state that 1 hgne matte flet) myself that there Is no ground for believing that yuureelf or Mr. elf ton were eonceraed together In taken • or atteniptlltg -to - take n• fluor hai the Yuko territory. I ala. eerely regret If anything which I said has been conetrued into a re• duction on your character. THIS IS MY BUSY DAY! WHAT THE LIBERALS HAVE DONE. lama ,1 - 1k.II Organ A Piano ('0., - factorhw at Guelph ..... 260 400 11.'intzman & no. ...... ... 180 19(1 Maxon & InIch..... ...- 69 18.1 .erhard 11.entzmas.A *Co. 100 1:1 i \. & lordhelmet . 10. 125 Whaley, Hayne a. 4 1, A. Barthelmes M .• 50 Otto Rigel Co. ... 15- 00 Total ... ». »............. 71! 11.201 Increase In fleeppearl ... . 409 Or 08 per heat. se - The Fa Fakirs. Ligh I'm imp a►. y for Baronets, Book Agents, Gold Brick Pelttictane, or any other. kind of Trumps.. the Growing Time. illtACtC- Hark back n bit, old fellow, led you will recall that when good times entice in the eighties every Tory piper in the land mooed to recognize that i'rovloenoe, good times abroad, the eklll, Industry and frugality of the peopp - -ar ad, other CEtiei-tiiatn th8' N. P. had anything to do with bring ing about such a ',tate of things, to (ianaida. And all the years your party was 1n power your press and polIUlinns taught that to return the Liberals to power was to bring about dlaaeter. The Liberals de aped your blanphemone elnima and ride tilled your threat's of disaster. They. do rot now clisim that they are to be credited with making the ravine to fall and the set to whine, and filling the barns of the farmers. They do not any they deserve credit for the work of the manufacturer, the me- ehnnfe, the laborer. lett they de say, and they have n right to may, that they have by their policy help et' to produce the prosperity, to re move nhtttelra from trade; to facili- tate commerce, old wanufaeturmg and benefit labor. They do say -and the wtssee see it -that when you viclOua pnrttenna trletl to bulldoze and ter- rorize their followers and employee", by the threat that the Liberals would rule the country if they were Serrated with power, they were guilty L ofe Teich text the enormity of n falseh e y t t 11rtrfflr present ts,niTftkonm tette lYl1N2Q'Id to the citizens. The Tortes in gaol time, robbed Provldeneee of till t•redit foretlie boun- ties of untrue, and the people of Can- ada of all credit for Intelligence and Industry. Toney„ not the Liberal') charged bad times to Cartwright, rind good time* to Tilley, Mct.elemp. Tupper, and Foster. There In re doubt that the undoing of seine Tory legielntlon has given an Ice petty to trate. and the choking oft of a lost of parasite* on the 00031 - try. and placing the bt,lneaa of the (inverrtmeeit on a business basis, ban had moth to do by way of Improving eog4itlone. But when the Kulgatan etews Pete out to try to 01,11 t Cheieb- elnls of the crime of which the Tories were guilty from :18tl0 1 1893 it at tempt, n work M which It will lint incur the ridicule of all observing. people. "moans and Bounds 10 Prosperity -. Ibn*lllona an %emit'Swelloed by (:. 1'. li. I'reetld*nt." Thos* are headline* front the Toronto Mall end I mpire, Octt 12th, Iron, four year. after the Tortes maid ape Liberal party would renege the country lit, gloom and etearns lion 4111410-4$111.11.88411,11114Y. 4Tr7Vlltrid' Appeal" /i-ih Youue 3I,n. It is certainly a proud moment to tee eo many of my fellow -countrymen In title hall at this moment. It was A bright moment to me, elven, naming ep in the-procaarket. 1 1111(1 the !seem W be etgeorted by young men who 11/1 lee reeved their teueeu in SonuU, Mica. and whet *211(0 haul u chill( .41 measure rwor(1s with the Doerr. (Wirern.) 1( is to these young Men veru elem. a mei lu nuc gallery a'ud w ',titer:. ..k.. them, tt 1s to teem that 1 wish te. nppenl 111 Lit cotstt'dt, while wa Lure u1 the throe' w u general elec• dun, areal. itathuuglu they ay not perhaps all hate she right* vote, et them remember tide. the h we nuty he separated by rare 'ani Ian :nage. by our antecedence, by t thin, let me assure them that, vrbe• .u,•r in eltw .e , in Ontario or In Mani• „uuu, there are chants w the huwlule ,,art *lush rats be tutted by the nun' key, the key of pare awl tufty patrto.L.m. (Applause olid clatters re , s•ey I.11 n galas and ugai11 ) ,Vol now. 01. the eve of Chir cuutert, let ear telt 1'011. toy fellow.osuitryueen ot- Ont Carlo, 1t Is with great conilenee that l leave my cause In your hands. (Loud appluuae.; Is I she minim Ur •"•' nal of liberty. for which oar ,neer- tore hale fought and won. (IteneWed ,applause.) Touting to the motto over the plat. norm. Mir Wilfrid rend out the worth', 't?nirm, pence, frienifshrp and triter. 'thy.' (forted aplease and cheering pp ." -ileow artaala-at Montreal. lfIr Wilfrid emitlnued, 'nnotiget my f'lleweimintrymrn of my own rare--(applanme)-1 use thea[ again among my fellow• esuntryncn of Ontario. (('otttlnned *pi hiest•.) The words are not mite. They are the worth of Lafontaine, addre.so'1 4, the Hefornr're oCtentarie, or 17pper Can It'ITa tri I14Tt . Mane fire 41irnrlene. the ramie is still the *ran*-(nppinnaa -ani the battle hna to be onee more won. I rely upon you, my fellow- enuntrymen. to win 1t again nilne more on the 7th of November."--ftlr Wilfrid Leerier at Maseey Hall. 11/04 18 (1001f) 1(1401'(111 Ae an PI1110eas of the growing time under the Liberals, 1t may be pointed tint thet the Inrrense In ('nnedn'm for- eign trade ha* been greater In the Wet four year, than In all the pre - %Inns perlod sines ('onfederatbc. Tbs figure* are given Offlelelly tints: 186`1 to 1898, Inerenee ... $107,997,82`+ 1896 to 19o0, int ihaae .. 142,600,495 Thus we find that In fotir veers of the 1.anrler tovernment'e policy our foreign tnule ham Inrrenesed f84,60'!,- 6C.7 more than 1t Increeeed In the pre- elnun 29 year*. The Mie of Inrnwee per annum from 186H to 189" aver- aged 5:(,7211)68. from 1896 to 1oo10 1 he rate we. $317,680,123 a yenr. Who wants to gnat 1114)1 n Sedum to experiment with Tupper ? EDI TO NO S. Toront, Y.*utg (on rvatltee hada Lacey cat -and -dog Si at their Wet meeting. But things re all right now. The boasex have .: ---Mit"-next meeting put oft t111 at t5 eel.v tion* so as to avoid a It and 1Itedelie 1. In its report of the big Tory encore titration In East York the Ma unit l.mplre ham the following: Mr. W. F. Mlaelean then addrrrele 1 the meeting on the questlper of t tiny. Only that and aottling nese. BOW the Alnil and Empire loves the Ynr- leant The Toronto World allegro that ('anullaps are charged 22r it gallon whol.nale for real nil. Tint will be mews to the people who buy it at re- tail for Mas. Further It .'fly.' the l;utte.tl Staten eunsauna*r tete' bis Oil at lOc a gallon retail. Turning up to- day's' market report in the NPR. York Journal of Commerce we find that In New York refined oil Is +gold in ilie- barrel lots at 11 to 18 cents a gal- lon. The Monetary Times, Toronto, Bodes pricer 1n that city, witoieeale, at '•Cant.11flan, 5 to 10 brie,' 13 1-2c per Imperial gallon; Can. water white Tb't bonsert-ativos have rwtn lnnt1cd Mr. Block and Yr. Kemp to run in Centre and E fust Toronto. Th err were a gond ninny soreh xt4e eft the Con- vention', 1 ut Hir Charles Tupper nuan- aged to !welly the mnlwut•nta and :mule an uppearrintc re final unnntm 'ty• Both the nominees are strong men, and Toronto Le a Tory town. Oro. B. Ilam estimates thus the Veva Manitoba finay export 1.1,000.000 busbeI. of wheat. That Is better that sows people -had hoped for. Still, 1t is te- . wet --sheet- of -Tupper'. _-pro. phecy . 040;000,0(1() that Manit>bn ng years HIM -44 people toxo his bait. Oh, ye.; they took it ! But he can't fool them again. The following te a part of the inelendld rered of the fear years of l.lterul ndtnlnletraUou 1111011 which the Laurier (to(Prutlent appeals to thxe electors of Canada - It settled thie Manitoba echoed quarte,, which was the reelect.of er, (melt racial and religious nsitrovereY. end which rttrkatrly threateuuxl the peace end welfum of the I) nulntett. It ak ptiel it tariff which materially rehired lit rat• of taxation, promoted tinned,. and foreign trade, did no injtutlee to any clues. and ham ban a means of restoring prosperity to th a px..ple. It grantee' th, iuports from lireatBritain a tuts/tantlal preference In the Canadian nuirket over the imports from all other countries. The ase- ure was dowelled In Great Britain as th, most remarkable step yet WOO toward, th" unification of the Knaus. It secures' the ckviuml ation of the Belgian and German treatise •wbk•h stead W the way of trade uegottatl u with. Jireat Britain. It sent contingents' of Canadian volunteers W b'lp the Motherland in the Transvaal. The aggregate foreign trade of the country has increased In the four years to the end of June. 1000--si11ce the Liberals canto into power - by 14_ m►Iliucut, which increase is seventy -mix mllllunr In excess of the titt111 inert -awe during the period of,eighteen years whet) the Conserva- tltem were la power. The reduction hi customs taxation 'Wee the new Liberal Tariff wits atk>ptell has been not Tear than six (0) millions of tk>liarr. 'It) put It in other words. 1f the Conservative Tariff had been in operatlpn not less then cit t81 unlikely of dollari more customui taxation would hate been Imposed upon the people. 4 11 has fostered awl stimulated the expert trade, particularly of the prepuce- of the farm. Within three years after the Liberal lioverament came into power the export of the farm product* of Canada increased uy nineteen nellienm of dollars. and the increase since then ham been amasing. During the whole eighteen years that the C'oeervutiver we..: to power the helvese wee oily eighteen millions of dollars. In the hast two fiscal years the surplus of revenue over ordinary ex• p'nditnre wets nearly thirteen tuhlllune of dollnri. Its pulley has given ChUlndn a mucic higher status In the world than it Beer had 13elure. It gained for Canada the thane -sed gratitude of tier Zioi'- ernment atel of the people of Great Britain fur Iii p.,ILzy of preferential treatment to Britain. • IL has pursued a vigorous px>llee along the line of sltiv'el..pment of trans• portatlue• faeil{te* Umbel* hate beeu ckeepenee nal ext'u*leo Improv.• menta have been made in the harbors of Montreal. Quebec. Ht. John and FtalUax. It cstal Fri) s1 leanly postage with erect Britain and the larger portion of ber postiessioas. The Hon. W I1 am ulko 1I: 1?oetnnieter•t:eneral, wet the fleet to suggest the Iugwrtal aonferente which brought about Imperial penny psatuge. It elstabllehed u two-t•ent .enthetic posUtge rate; meld •rete also up plias W letters posted in C'artndh and addressee,' to the United State*. It established a portal note myetrw-u greet t•outettlen:•a to Imrlue.es news and the people generally. \ 14 extended the lntereoluaial hallway W Mtsntreal=ibe btl/lpes' cen tre of the Dominion. It granted entindal nil toweMe the conrtructlun of the Crow's Nest Vase Rallwaj-. The building of that railway was admitted by iioth pnarties- to be absolutely neceemary- for the proper development of the great min- eral resources. of British ('olumbhn. lta the agreenu nt for the remitrurti.yl of the railway the Government secured importat.t cntce•rnluns in freight retest to the farmers of the west, h isd also -protein' against a poosrtble monopoly 16 coat. l.lberty, law and order have been established In the Yukon without test by way of taxation W the l:oml upon. It abolished' the monstrous Franchise, Art. It repealed the Huper:utnu.ttiun Act -so fur 41. new appointee.. to the service are concerned -the provisions of which were shamefully taken tee Vintage of by the l`gnservntive Government to Kerte political ends. It attetnptsvttn-repeat the-worst-fenttireof the 1.4rrydtttnder A -t and _lathe 11tale ..county rietl bat-ilea-ptarttznt, I+ennte. tAk...'ffN{ed iia ef' furls, 11 provided) against the ewratlpg eystem In the p erform:wee of Get P rtilr,ent contracts, nud appointed a competent man to carry this out. 1t gnre the people nn oip,rtUnl ty of expel ening their mind.. on the prohibition question. It sugeeeded In inducing the Kentish Ouvrrement to consent to entu•t- The Markets beadiest Wheat *larketa. Following are the at Iwlortant wheat Milwaukee ............ Tole*, ... ............ Detroit. reit ....._ ... Detroit, wllite ......... Duluth, No. 1 t'orth Duluth, No. 1 (Lard.. Mlnnerpolb, Nit 1 northern Minneapolis, Ng. 1 eloslsg quotation. (entree Lesley reek !tiny... 0 8_ 1-2 077 072 0 77 1-4 078 a-4 0821-v 0 76 3-4 -- 07411-1 -- 9 77 1-2 0101-1 079 1 :f - 0 78 5-8 0757-s Toronto Verniers' Market. Oct. 22.-Reeelpte of grain oe tlw street market Ivare tualay ngglegntee 1,10J 1 u hes. Tree i were nbau'. les. Ler l uh •1 (ower on all kinds. Wheat -Feer hundred bushels of white sold steady at 681 2 t. Uts•,; 300 Wehrle to nal sold 1 2e. lower, at 68 1 _ to BUc., and 900 Lu•h.•1e of gooey 1-ee k,wer, at 671 2e. Barley -Two thousand bushels raid 1 2t•. k,wer, at 43 to 47 1-2c. Outs -Five hundred bushels mold 1.2c, lower, at 29 to 80c. Hay and Straw-1(ecelpt of h 1y were lighter, and the price was firmer, ten locus selling at $18 4, $11.511 per tin. au advance of 50e. Breese, bogs are steady, at $7.75 to *Si per cwt. Itet•elpte are fairly hwhty, and the next cut in price will weer, It ls said, uu Tuesday. Ureneed Meats -Trade Is *.the, mid there is a goal demand. Veal tali,. are weaker to -day. and are quoted nt 46 to $8 each. The prices sof other meats are ern. Butter -Th • l'ght offerings of the past few days bite caused proem Lt *Offen a little, and 20 to _2r. Ie now askel for pound relit Thee es a wrap. Prate detuelnd, anti geed 1 utter hurts ready mak.. Egg,.Henvy receipts and n dill market. Prices decline' a cents per dozen. and new Wei could be Ixu;ht to -stay for 18 to 20c. lbultry-Prime are well maintain- ed, and the active demand for gold agto'k le continued. Tote rinpply war rather large and .trade wan fair. Tlw titterer elassen of poultry were glow reline, but were very plentiful ('hick inns are quoted a little higher at et to 65c per pair ; ducke at 40 to 70•. gesso at 8 to Ne ler pound, end tun keys at 11 to 13e per paid. Potatoes-Prkros are stationary, at 30 t, 40, per bag. There la little 1.1 qulry me yet, and cerement is slow. Hollers are anxiously waiting for continued cold weather, which will stimulate the demand. Applre-('h tee (unittle. are gelling at 41 to 41.511 per barrel, but there ls no greet aetivlty. The ca11 fur .'heap gra•lce has ten/tete ing legislation for the pure *P of itikowtng trent tnnudye in fireat Britain to he Inv-enti•1 In Canadian eovernrhent securities. The advantage of this •'..,,.'humin in widening the market for Canadian Mande 1s of it ter,( substantial character. The importance ut fhb was long recognised by the Conservative tiovernaMet, but all thein• effort. toobtala It were un- auccetfetu(, ..22._22 Through lion efforts of the Hon. Mr. nu , Iltstater of Airfoil!' it the verat-oIs querentte- repll,tluar that ell ed between Catndn and the United States were al.,liahrtt. 1t bar eetablirhed n pwrfet't .'yet P111 of cold ntor for cheese, nutter, egg•. meat*, traits. ete., at the place of preduellon In transit to the warkete of consumption. Ilomis of ii Tam Nike dila reserved for the au'tual settler and not for the speculators. 1t lute secured for Manitoba and the North-West Terrlt le' 10j1.1104_ settl*rr. - It lung eat,bllehed a system of .eold sl0rpge fur sea tlCherawn where by they get fresh balt all the year round it teas able to reduce our public debt by aearly a *Moe &tilers taut 15e; 4merlcaa water wine, 101-2e." s five of our Imperial gallons equal v.of the 1 S. wine 41101114, thy. dif- fe rine, freight added, 1s very little. Wit the World try a little harder:' 8 r ( ries Tuppw, speaking in Enet Toren en 8atarlay, repeated Hitt usual rl role about Sir Wilfrid Laurier's " ranee and !»cap netty," and toasted hit h" h td taaglit N'r Wilfrid a few 'tgs about, th a ,deme of government,. n Monday, Rev. Dr. Thames. preach'n' n th rnk,gitIna sermon in Jarvis Street B rptist Church. Iatd : >i have always av ole '41 latriluo l (g polltire into Lha pulpit, - I i will not dorm now, hely 1 cannot ht ) -nein mine as eine of thi rename for t : nktsgtvttti Il'' fact that wa have a I'reler who his proven himself so•mtntsmlike In • admtntvttattnrrat ttl r 01 hie offi4, who le so stainless t barecter ; who le so Just and Cont. tory In hie mein:- utterances: Who so broadly and unselflhhly patrkiti that, although a Catholic: In Its rens- low faith, he commends the oonftk'nex and loyalty of Protestants as nooth•'r .ata a1 -t rs, 11 rm.. ait t thno cow d." If Sir Charles were really deelroas of seeing Great Britain go bark to protection he shooed have weight is rare ice Abe flrelewh, not ill.' e ete nrtt,tlr: Parllntnent. Why didn't he get Mr. C'hninberlain to billet hitu :' Was 1t because hr knew mach 41 proposal would be malted by any [trills' Stet mere ? Thi tote ?metgn trethr vR in 1803 was $2.47,8:18,829. In when the Torlrm were buries,' f power In diagram it had Gallen $:!39,025,480. in the fourth year of Lileeral rule It has inrrenwrd to $3M1,625,855. Ilow do the organs answer such atatwmeuts M fort? They cry "flown With Tarte !" They weren't' by such hinrkgnnrlly tactile tint they have no ease. A Montreal commercial report ,ayn: "Wholesale trade continues to be re- markably SOod.F'nrtOriel and Wile of a!I knits an running full time, Fuld poi) mentos Peers whero nrr well met. Th° woollen trine, which had been rather quiet on nrrnnnt of the mild weather, hue picked up wonderfully In the Inst few day*, nnd there le geed itemised fon henry wear " Can the 'Pocket find 1n this report any ren*on why I hero *hold hen elan nge of teiv- ernment ? Th" stork differs fret"' oho eon, merchanIs nnd minitrite Sunee heti to tall In t$98. tfa 96 Toronto Live trtock learfsmt-- Export cattle, cholon, per cwt. $ 10 $1 • Export cattle, light, per owe.. n, le 4 M Butcher.' cattle ptek.d 35 to A Butcher.' cattle. choice.. 91 le le Butcher: mule. good Su to 1 40 medium 75 b 3 Butcher, .vw,moe, OW OWL30 le 3 811 Mulls, export, heavy. /erMtSO to 1 IS Ituh& gxport.14hL WIC OWL00 to 3 eo eedere.ahort-keoP....... ••••• un 10 1 y V ender,, heavytel to S GS F''oddrri,' llgbL. • 1x1 to 3 23 Meeker*. 100 to 730 lee So to 3 m or -rotors and betters,1 75 to 1 IS Feesties hulls , 30 to 3 to Light elect ilei per cwt; 1 SO to 1 SS Milch teem,, melee. . ism to seer Akeep. a ew1i,?PS ewe 3 t1 to 3 01 do. ba i.` __ 1 30 to 3 • `tin:.•p. bu 0 1 t4 3 • Ironic. ...i-1 7S 7S b 1"! do per re _. -..310 ie 1II-- Ielves, per 1 U to . N• year• ice tl11tJID0110 KNIPIKK TRAGIC INTIelteeTB. ' It would be Idle to say that the pre- ference hae not had n stimulating ef- fect on our tendo with Britain. When the duty In cut down 25 per rent. an increase of imports 1n sure to follow. The Increase of the preference to 33 1-3 "per cont. will have the same tendency. -Toronto Hun. Imports from Great Briteie: - - 1900 ... ... ». ... ... ... ...444,844,761 .-- a _.... . 32.979,742 lion-10014no11 WAR **MANTA)." London, too. feels the growing time. fleet ls a statement showing the way Air Charles' prophecy that ---wteeM nibs the reen- try's Industries ha. been falsified In Loodoi1 : Na of Emlplon -'i. 1695. 1900. 1k101ary Mtg. 001 .. -- .430 1100 E. I,exwbard Egg. 0y. _..... -" 131 ---1410 Wortman & Ward ... 50 80 0. S. Perrin . Ji 0 "5& 1wtnik,0 ILrt (lo. ..l ......... 20 London Beet t Woxlcs ". i0 P leven. Mfg. Co. ... ,.• ,.. 1.6 llennret Furnlshingb. (•. Ootambla Handle Co....... 00 45 tH) 170 74 80 -- Totals Totals ... ... ... l.ri incremme, it. oompared *118 1668. 470, or 4411 per oust. "i do not know that 1 'Wield find fault with the ('onmervntivei. I want 1 hoot to come tont In their true colors; e nd they no longer. pone n' tin rosettes ie b,ynity when they *low tint their loyalty Is not In the hen rt, bit that. It springs from the stom- ach." -Air 1Vilfrtd Leerier. Inorexap :» .» ... ,........ 411,685,022 Export@ 'of Manufactured goals to (/Teat Britain: 1 » .» e. »............. 8,799,266 0; 1 ............ $1,734,1)32 Manses tN tetladlan bacon and hams In lura • tido: Year. Founds. 184,949,129 412,749,175 1896 ... ». ». ' :.018,618 4,870,349 Increase . 8 880,016 8,8701,826 Snits of ('anndla forest products In Great Rritnln : 10(1') .. _. ... ... ... ...415,055,411 1801 ... ...... «._-na «. .. 12,186,808 ,606 Skis of a egltmrat •prod. • and soffeels nod' thele ygbdlibie-ta -: t Britain : 1000 ... ... ... ,» 1896 ... ,» a ». ». 42,074,887 Thereon: .» ».. ........... 1820,488,084 That ,ort of Laing will do chore ill hind the Empire together than thou- •an.1s of Teepees and Hugh .!ohne And million, of race and religions pnmph- let.. The preference prefers. ' Ontario moat help to smash Tarte " Mull end Empire. The organ added, tint 41141 not pnhlieh, "Mean,* he ex pwwwi nn1 hrr.tght Tony buillere to prisma." Tint's the secret of the he trail of Tarte. iMtMIMM PKIIYM('TI,Y AA'rlvlrlP:D. We is Montreal are perfertlr ent.$f led, We- lamer - -. were w, booty In our Iles (lar firm lout been bit busing= for over forty years. and I can any that we newt .experienced a tariff that worked en well and so smoothly M dote 18' present, and t dean eat tit this to the ggimeral feeling In Montreal. I only bole: that the next five oe ten or more year.+ may give us It 04r0- Unita/we of the era of prop •r tty w. bare enjoyed during the last two year*. (Mr. S. Coulson. Mottnai, rut - the sataat mewttagv of the t:an- nd'nn Rouen trtrt titers' .%ro,.'h- t11141.j MMsf1M NYMIPAWFP5PWP'RMNMr.YMUr' ue Rr'h Tory P 1Mes, But, apart front that. hew would 11 he pesibke for the (conservatives, if rectal, t, keep th-Ir promisee? How nodi it be prelble, for In.tance, to 1.e twee k.ynl to the Motherland than th.e Liberals are, and nt the same time to lees Bride!) ? myth these p ro- m!mee have been made. How would It be tsr*lhle to itrengtlieit the hands of the, ,manufacturers by putting noire backbone in the tars t, and at the. same till* remove sit the' duty on agricultural implements? Both thew promisee have been mate.-Wootlstrk Expos. Ind. w The Man Who Yarns Reek. The whole of Mr. Mantionald'a plat publlr life is a vette of ploughs' left atandtng In the iurrtws Ile enema now blind the puttee to thn1 fifteens d the pest, by deeding them with the net it keel, splendors of his pir- turn of the wonderful things hp Kayo he would like to rki with ngr^il- teral Implement* ti the future. -- Manitoba Free Prue. Anil 11e No,. 1:'t Hoae.rhotre, Hoa.., tat, :der Hgr,.11ght, per cwt How. corn tad Mow. '--� 000 W , M.. "ytiL t � tt►:.v�sni Cheese 14 Lontket, Oct. :11.- int ket six factories off Sept niter^Z7 630 white. ` No Males , 11 Belleville. Oct. ' 0.-.tt t of the ('hews Board held be there were offered 1,6U wit! .111) Colored cheese, chiefly (k make. No bids and no baler. Cowansvillit, Que., out. 20.-.\t t weekly meeting of the Eastent Town ehip 11(ir)mewt'r Board of Trade here to city etxty factories offered n.11:, tx,xts of cheese and 2 creameries of- fered 76 bones of tatter. H. H. IIIb Mint several 51. boxer of butter at _01 ; balance unsold. H. H. Hibbard bet tiled 859 butes of cheese at 10:1-1x-. W. I'. Hibbard 90 at 10 3-4c, J. liaison 418 at 10 8.1[•, and .85 at 10 13 16 •. Total taxer of eisseen sold. 1,452. un - • 1.663 Ogdensburg, N. T., Oct. la -Attie' meeting of the Board of Trade this enemas) shout 700 cheese were of- fered. and 500 were sold at 10;e4r. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. J0. -(AI the Cheese ikard to -day 100 hotel of sm 111 white rheas were sold at 11r. .1f ter the closing the gales oil the street were 900 boxes of large white Oliver at 105.8c, and 511 boxes lit 10 I -Cc. i'outlt Finch, Oct. 20. -'Ree rescuer meeting .4 the Horth Finch (Arne Board west held last evening, the Imy'ers present being 14 . l'run- nor. W. Logan, Welah. Birdmen) end efeeregor. The number of cheese Iioarlevl wan 8.19. of w11Jch 554 were whit and 303 colored. The price of- fered to the board was 10 3 -lc for both, but no sales were made. Head etru.t's oa Trade. ling today and r Wholesale trade at Montreal allows few thanis from a week .ago: The fee gooprai- The feature of the week hes been further smart advan'as In rattan geode by the big mills. ant in the rase of another mill the wlthdrnw.tl temporarily of priers'. Groceries and. provlrlons are In gootl demand nnd generelly firm. Dairy products iter Ilan at the high level of privet 4et has been melntalne l for some temp. 'Menem at Winnipeg has boon quiet. This, Is the season when an Increased demand fluently tikes, ptaee for heat} winter sonde, but owing to the rt'p dm mng° eonntry traders nrr buying rnntlotuly. The grain movement (.M enure light owing to the delay In threshing. The t'nortgage eorepatrlrm report n great many load, Joint thmngh. in TLondom there has been a fair hueinww .lane this week. Trnde at the country (wares la not especielle active owing t0 the fine weather (hut has prevails, for fall farm work. Rne'nesn at the large mast cities has been aloes. "Mere In very little trading being don, for the northern pnlnte, owing to the .earelty of vessel roma. Vetere ere generally firm. Trade nt entelend, Neleen and other mdning eont.rP• Is reported to he more heels. °wins doubtless to large mining operation. het lee harmed on. Collsctdoen nM rather slew. dptrtnmt At flnmitten theretoa good fg.•nernl /tap(* inm dote the fn11 anorti winter from retailers Vnin0• are firm for all staple goxvin (eller Dons are very falr for title outman At Toronto this week there hes linen a fair movement considering the mli,1 weather. T1* whnleerle 1'"'e° sire looking forward to the eerie nt rv,Is wsathar to move hravv ilnM H9igtt •loin will reeeh* are more flreln exporters report the fer,tn'r' olellrerle'm o/ rain Ilght Vnlaes for Inyltatlona t. glaak In (--paean. Hldlalt .fmpl. groRM err Frey firm wi•.h Herghstvtlness la gets.--Branlfnrd farther athaeees In ,Miert i9V ' the Erp .I tor. week.